Table of Contents Introduction............................................................................. Solar Healing Meditation........................................................ Part I -- Techniques & Science of the SOLution 1. Why Absorb Sunlight? ....................................................... 2. Basic Techniques and Tools................................................ Part II - Suns of God Who Gave us the SOLution 1. The Mysteries of the Sun.................................................. 2. Serapis Bey ...................................................................... 3. Kuthumi............................................................................ 4. Lanello.............................................................................. 5. Zarathustra........................................................................ 6. Lord Ling.......................................................................... 7. El Morya........................................................................... 8. Jesus................................................................................. 9. Hilarion ........................................................................... 10. Omraam .......................................................................... Part III -- How to Become a Sun of God 1. Amrita, the Elixir of Immortality ....................................... 2. The Deathless Solar Body .................................................. 3. The Alchemy of Transfiguration........................................ 4. Into the Heart of the Sun.................................................... Appendix A – Spiritual Sungazing Techniques................... Appendix B – Songs, Prayers, Affirmations and Mantras to the Sun........................................................................................ Appendix C – Testimonials.................................................. 1

The Solution

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Table of Contents

Introduction.............................................................................Solar Healing Meditation........................................................

Part I -- Techniques & Science of the SOLution1. Why Absorb Sunlight? .......................................................2. Basic Techniques and Tools................................................

Part II - Suns of God Who Gave us the SOLution1. The Mysteries of the Sun..................................................2. Serapis Bey ......................................................................3. Kuthumi............................................................................4. Lanello..............................................................................5. Zarathustra........................................................................6. Lord Ling..........................................................................7. El Morya...........................................................................8. Jesus.................................................................................9. Hilarion ...........................................................................10. Omraam ..........................................................................

Part III -- How to Become a Sun of God1. Amrita, the Elixir of Immortality.......................................2. The Deathless Solar Body..................................................3. The Alchemy of Transfiguration........................................4. Into the Heart of the Sun....................................................

Appendix A – Spiritual Sungazing Techniques...................

Appendix B – Songs, Prayers, Affirmations and Mantras to the Sun........................................................................................

Appendix C – Testimonials..................................................


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The sun is rising. A new day has begun and all the world rejoices. Birds sing and dance in the air. Roosters herald the dawn. We awake and greet the sun with a smile. In all of God’s marvelous creation there is no creature more beautiful, powerful and intelligent than the sun. The sun provides us with light, energy and warmth. It makes plants grow. It regulates the hormonal cycles of animals and humans. It stimulates the production of vitamin D in our skin, which is essential for health, and the secretion of serotonin and melatonin in the brain, which are essential for well being. But more than this, the ancient people in every culture and religion knew that sunlight was the key to immortality and enlightenment. The ancient Incas, Egyptians, Hindus, Zoroastrians, Essenes, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and Native Americans would gaze at the sun during certain times of the day, recite special prayers and mantras, and perform mudras or hand gestures. Most traditional archeologists and anthropologists dismiss this as the sun worship of primitive societies. They ignore the fact that the monotheistic solar religions of Zarathustra and Akhenaton liberated people for a short while from bondage to the superstitions of pantheistic religions and created peaceful utopian societies. They also ignore the fact that the great teacher of sun gazing, Viracocha, otherwise known as El Dorado or Quetzalcoatl, raised the primitive tribes of the Central and South American jungles into civilized societies that had knowledge of medicine, metallurgy, farming, animal husbandry, writing, engineering, mathematics and astronomy with cities containing hundreds of stone buildings, water and sewer systems and paved roads. Scientists and historians fail to realize that the physical sun was only the outer symbol of the object of worship, which was the spiritual Sun behind the sun which enlightens mankind and transforms them into suns.

One maverick archeologist, Gene Savoy, who discovered


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several of these lost cities of South America, read the records of this ancient solar science and rediscovered its principles and techniques. However, just as the sun gazing Essenes did, Savoy kept this information secret and passed it on by word of mouth only to select initiates of his school.

Fortunately, in 1992, Sun yogi Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) began to teach simple, safe and enjoyable techniques of Sun yoga such as sun gazing and sun-charged water. He had spent years researching and experimenting before he felt confident enough to offer this knowledge to the world. Since that time, he has taught hundreds of thousands of people attending over 1300 lectures in twenty countries across the globe. I attended one of them in May of 2005. If it weren’t for him, The SOLution would not have been written. I consider him a guide and confidant, but not a guru. As he tells people in his lecture, “Sun gazing is a cost-free, guru-free practice that will free mankind from mental and physical disease and spiritual ignorance.”

Could it be that simple? Just gaze at the sun and your worries will melt away, your body will be healed and you’ll become enlightened? It sounded too easy to be true. But as I continued to faithfully sun gaze every day and do the three other practices of sun yoga, I found myself becoming more carefree and loving, my “incurable” leukemia slowly died, and I have begun a walk with God that is peaceful and at the same time.

I spent most of my life, from the age of 14 to 55, in various spiritual groups, searching for God or enlightenment. All the while, the goal of my seeking was right above me. Instead of basking in the warmth of the sun and feeling the warm earth beneath my feet, I spent many hours inside buildings, trying to connect with the infinite. I would listen to messages from masters and cosmic beings, who had succeeded in connecting. One day, I was listening to the cosmic being Victory, who said,


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that sunlight acted like a lotion that washed away negativity from our body and mind and replaced it with a sense of Victory. Inspired by this message, I began to gaze at the sun and sunbathe. But doubts crept into my mind that sun gazing might be harmful. So I stopped. A year later, I heard about HRM’s safe sun gazing method. I started anew; this time, following HRM’s method of adding 10 seconds a day and only sun gazing during safe hours.

I found sun gazing while searching desperately for a cure for my Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). At the time, I was spending two hours a day researching and trying various herbs, supplements and healing foods. At one point, I was taking a daily salvo of 43 different vitamins, herbs and minerals. To say that I was obsessed with my disease would be putting it mildly.

The first change I noticed after a couple of weeks of sun gazing was that I wasn’t concerned as much about finding a cure. I would go for days without thinking about CLL. Over the course of the next 10 months, my blood tests showed a gradual improvement in white blood cell count amd other markers. My hemotologist told me that, while I wasn’t quite in remission, my condition had stabilized, and she changed the frequency of blood tests from three months to six months and eventually to once a year. Now I rarely think about CLL. At my last blood test in December of 2007, my white blood cell count and other markers were close to normal. Praise God!

Sun gazing also increased the fire in my spirit, giving me more ambition to fulfill my life purpose as a writer. I've had several articles published, and I have written this book. Just as with the sun gazing early Christian writers of the gospels, I would receive inspiration while sun gazing. Thus, part of this book, especially the songs, mantras and prayers to the sun were inspired from the sun.


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I have experienced other benefits from sun gazing, such as more energy, less need for sleep, loss of food cravings, the ability to be satisfied with small servings, improved eyesight, and better relationships. But what I find most life changing and satisfying are the spiritual benefits.

I haven’t developed spiritual powers or siddhis. I spent many years trying to do that with other techniques. But what I have acquired is a profound conviction that the source of all goodness in the universe, whether you call it God, “the Good,” the Great Central Sun, or whatever, will inspire me, guide and protect me, heal and comfort me, provide for my every need, and work miracles in my life for the greatest good of all concerned. I don’t get upset by set backs and problems; I now und erstand and live the great maxim “Let go and Let God.” Before, I had always tried to solve a problem by researching it to death. I had always thought that the word “understanding” meant that when you stand under a problem and see all its underlying parts, you can arrive at a solution. But now my understanding of understanding is this: When you stand under the sun and receive its healing and enlightening rays, you will automatically arrive at the SOLution, for the sun is over all.

For once in my life, I can truly say that I am happy. I love to serve others through my passion as a writer, and through my role as a facilitator for the Circle of Love and Light, which studies the teachings of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.I wish everyone who reads this book the same happiness. All you need is contained in the chapter on techniques and tools. The chapters on scientific research and testimonials will encourage you and the following chapter on the solar healing meditation will help remove any fear or hatred of the sun that might keep you from starting or persevering. The sections on the history and theology of solar religions and advanced techniques are not necessary. Those who are comfortable with traditional views of history, religion and spirituality may be


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shocked by some of the revelations in these chapters, but you need not accept these revelations in order to practice sun yoga. The only truth you need to accept is that the sun is beneficial and will not harm you if you take the proper precautions. If you do not follow the precautions outlined in this book, but engage in dangerous practices, the authors are not liable for any damage to your mind, eyes and skin. So with those caveats, I welcome you on this journey to the sun.


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The brain is a supercomputer, a brainuter. Sunlight is it’s power supply. -- HRM

MEDICAL RESEARCHERS NOW say that moderate sun exposure during safe hours is essential for optimum health and well being. This chapter will explain in detail how sun absorption improves our mental and physical health and well being. The following chapter will give the basic tools and techniques.

Let the Sun Shine!

Living in Phoenix, Arizona where the sun shines brightly about 320 days out of the year on average, it's easy to get paranoid about sunlight. I've seen people walking around on a cloudless day with umbrellas. I guess the correct term is “parasols.” My dictionary gives this definition of parasol: “A light, usually small umbrella carried, esp. by women as protection from the sun. From parare, to shield + sole, sun.”


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Lady in Bonnet and Parasol by Jean A.D. IngresNext to this entry is a picture of a Victorian woman covered from neck to toe with a heavy dress, sporting a wide-brim hat and holding a parasol over her head. Modern men and women have gotten over the Victorian qualms about revealing their skin to public view, but not the fear of exposing it to sunlight. Sunbathers and swimmers slather plenty of sunscreen on their bodies and put on sunglasses. This is because the media, with the fervor of Victorian preachers denouncing indecency, constantly drum dire warnings about the dangers of sunlight from so-called "experts."

But what's not getting much media attention and what your doctor and other "experts" won't tell you is that lack of sunlight causes more health problems than too much sunlight. In fact, sunlight can heal diseases and correct degenerative conditions. Prior to 1943, sunlight was used to treat tuberculosis, rickets and other diseases. When penicillin was developed to treat pneumonia and infections on the battle field, medical researcher forgot all about the healing properties of sunlight. Today, as more resistant strains of bacteria are ruiring stronger antibiotics, perhaps it’s time we turn back to sunlight. Recently, I read a news article about the staph super bug called MRSA. It said that more than 90,000 Americans get potentially deadly infections each year from this drug-resistant super bug. And what’s really shocking is that more people die each year from this bacteria than from the AIDS virus. I did a little research on MRSA and found an interesting article about a German hospital that was able to totally eliminate MRSA in their rooms. All they did was replace regular fluorescent bulbs with full-spectrum bulbs, not every bulb but one out of four. If this small amount of full-spectrum lighting can get rid of a super bug, imagine what sunlight could do.

Moderate sunlight exposure also prevents viral infections. A hotel in England had a major flu outbreak. Everyone in the


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hotel got sick, except those who worked in the restaurant. Epidemiologists were stumped until one of them noted that the restaurant had a huge fish tank with germicidal full-spectrum fluorescent lights. Sunlight has also been shown to strengthen immunity; improve mood; enhance mental awareness, concentration, intelligence, and productivity; stimulate our metabolism; improve sleep; and boost our energy levels. Sunlight has been shown in clinical studies to prevent cancer. It actually lowers your risk of colon, prostate, breast, ovarian and even skin cancer.

Not many researchers want to study sunlight because you can’t sell it. In spite of this reluctance, considerable research on sunlight has been done. Dr. Michael E. Holick, professor of Medicine, Physiology and Biophysics at Boston University Medical Center and co-author of The UV Advantage has put together an impressive body of research. Over 170 peer-reviewed studies cited in his book indicate that sun-derived vitamin D is one of the most powerful nutrients that the body uses to protect itself from Type 1 diabetes, osteoporosis, rickets, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke and some of the most deadly internal cancers. He offers convincing evidence that moderate exposure, without sunscreen, to either natural or artificial UV light, several times a week will satisfy the body's requirement for vitamin D without damaging the skin. I would add that natural UV light from the sun is better because it contains elements that science can't yet detect and measure.

The main cause of sun phobia is the connection between sun exposure and skin cancer. Most people think that sunlight causes skin cancer and the best way to avoid getting it is to stay out of the sun or wear sunscreen. However, skin cancer is seen more often in people who do not receive regular, moderate sun exposure than in those who spend time in the sun. Cancer rates are higher in northern latitudes where people get less sunlight.


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It also occurs on parts of the body that receive no sun exposure. There is also evidence that sunscreen contributes to skin cancer as well as other diseases by preventing vitamin D production. It also traps toxins in the skin that would normally be eliminated through sweat. These toxins combine with the chemicals in the sunscreen to form a carcinogenic soup. Lastly, it gives people a false sense of security, encouraging them to sunbathe for too long and outside the safe hours. Thus they get sunburns, and the combination of lack of vitamin D and toxic chemicals results in skin cancer. Our ancestors had less incidence of skin cancer yet they spent more time working outside. This is because their bodies were tanned and protected from the sun. If you don’t get sunburned, the benefits of sun exposure far outweigh the possible dangers. The increase in vitamin D will reduce your risk of developing fatal illnesses or debilitating conditions.

Imbibe Sunshine for a Natural High

What is it about the setting sun? We’ve all seen it countless times in movies, novels, and perhaps our own lives. Two lovers drink in a gorgeous sunset, then turn to gaze into each other’s eyes – the perfect moment for a first kiss or proposal.


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They’re both emotionally high and in the mood for love. As John Denver used to sing, “Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy… Sunshine almost always makes me high.” Artists and romanticists would say that this is due to the uplifting aesthetic experience of a golden orb slowly sinking below the horizon and painting the clouds various shades of peach and pink against the azure canvas of the sky. Granted anything beautiful, whether it’s a perfect body, work of art, or picturesque scenery, can be pleasing to the eye and elevate our mood. However, in the case of sunlight, there’s a biochemical response as well.

Scientists now know that when sunlight enters the eye, millions of light- and color-sensitive cells called photoreceptors convert the light into electrical impulses. These impulses travel along the optic nerve to the brain where they trigger the hypothalamus to send chemical messengers called neurotransmitters to regulate the autonomic functions of the body. The hypothalamus is part of the endocrine system whose secretions govern most bodily functions: blood pressure, body temperature, breathing, digestion, sexual function, moods, the immune system, the aging process, and the circadian rhythm. It also regulates the higher functions of our finer bodies. In Autobiography of a Yogi Yogananda talks about a “secret gate” that enabled certain yogis and saints to live on light. This secret gate is the hypothalamus.

Scientists have discovered that bright light causes the hypothalamus to signal the pineal gland to produce seratonin, a key mood neurotransmitter. Seratonin helps maintain a positive mood and is converted to melatonin, which is essential for good sleep. Too little seratonin causes depression and lack of energy. Some people in northern latitudes suffer from the “winter blues” and the more serious Seasonal Affective


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Disorder (SAD) during winter because they don’t get enough sunlight. Both are characterized by feelings of sadness and depression, irritability, fatigue, excessive eating, oversleeping, social withdrawal and loss of interest in sex. One treatment for SAD is to use a bright light box for several minutes each day. If you live in Seattle, where the sun shines only 25% of the time in January, you don’t have much choice. Light therapy or phototherapy with full spectrum light has been shown in dozens of studies to be comparable to the effectiveness of antidepressant drug therapy for mood disorders, but without the side effects. However, the benefits are temporary and it causes macular degeneration. Sun gazing is the best form of phototherapy because sunlight contains so much more than light from a bulb, it‘s benefits are permanent and it doesn‘t cause macular degeneration.

Besides the seratonin high produced by sun gazing, sunbathers get an additional high from other hormones produced by the skin. Dr. Holick notes that “Sun exposure provides a natural high by stimulating the release of ‘feel good’ substances in your body, such as seratonin, dopamine, and beta endorphins. Sunshine also suppresses hormones like melatonin, which makes you feel sluggish and ‘down.’ That's why people feel so good after spending time in the sun.” Another doctor, Zane R. Kime reported in his book Sunlight, that “Sunlight elevates female hormones, and will elevate male hormones even more rapidly.” That's why couples tend to kiss after watching a sunset.

Kime and Holick are two rare physicians who don’t try to scare the living daylights out of their patients; they actually prescribe sunlight. The anti-sun attitude by the medical establishment is unfortunate because sunlight, in moderation, has healing effects far beyond anti-depression and sexuality. Holick’s and Kime’s books summarize the research that’s been done on the benefits of sunbathing in treating physical and mental disease, including


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cancer. However, more research needs to be done and it should be expanded to include sun gazing. In the meantime, lovers will continue gazing into the sunset and sunbathers will keep basking in the rays of the sun. They don’t need scientists to confirm what they already know - sunshine makes them feel happy and healthy.

Sun Gazing and Eyesight

So we see that the fear of getting skin cancer from sunbathing is groundless. Now let’s examine the fear of going blind from sun gazing. When I first began sun gazing, I found that if I told people that I spent several minutes each day gazing at the sun, they would look at me as though I were insane and say “My God, you’re going to go blind!” A friend of mine, Rich Blumenthal, who’s been sun gazing for five years and has perfect eyesight, likes to tell a story to illustrate this kind of knee-jerk or eye-twitch reaction. When he was in the eighth grade, a friend mentioned that he read about the dolphin fish, and Rich informed him that a dolphin was a mammal, not a fish. His friend bet him a dollar that a dolphin was a fish. So they looked up dolphin in the encyclopedia and, sure enough, after the entry for the aquatic mammal, it said “Also known as dolphin is the true fish Coryphaena hippurus.” Rich realized that he foolishly gambled his limited knowledge against the unlikely possibility that what his friend read was wrong. He learned an important lesson that opinion based on ignorance will always be trumped by knowledge based on experience. And that’s what he tells ignorant people who warn him about going blind from sun gazing.

People use faulty logic when they fear sunlight. It’s like saying that Hurricane Katrina killed 1300 people so we should avoid water. In small amounts water is good. Likewise, sunlight in small amounts at the right time is good. If you stare at a solar eclipse, of course your going to go blind. But if you’re


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responsible and slowly increase your time during safe hours, you will not only not go blind, but your eyesight will actually improve.

I know sun gazers who had their eyes examined after a few months of sun gazing and the puzzled optometrist told them that they needed a weaker prescription. Such was the case with me. My eyesight improved from 20/400 to 20/200 in two years. Also, a scar I had on my right retina from looking at the sun through a telescope when I was a child completely healed. A while ago, I was assisted in composing a one-hour workshop on sun yoga by two sun gazers. When we got to the part about eyesight, I mentioned that my eye doctor prescribed a weaker prescription. Then both of them said “So did mine.” Most doctors would dismiss this as three isolated cases of improved eyesight from sungazing. But three unconventional doctors would say that it's perfectly natural.

Dr. Herbert Shelton wrote in The Hygienic System, Vol. III that "gazing directly into the sun actually improves sight and aids in overcoming disease.'' After discarding his eyeglasses, Dr. John Ott exposed his eyes to sunlight and his vision was much improved. He recommended similar therapy to his friends and their vision also improved. Ott wrote that nothing should block out the full spectrum of sunlight, no glasses of any kind, especially sunglasses. However, HRM states that contact lenses and pinhole glasses are okay. Dr. Jacob Liberman, who has doctorates in both optometry and vision science, wrote that "Sunglasses block healing ultra-violet light and thus contribute to the increased incidence of blindness and eye disease in this country."

Dr. Liberman says that people evolved to thrive under the sun. Therefore, we potentially harm ourselves when we hide from the sun. In Light, Medicine of the Future, Dr. Liberman, explains how to utilize the therapeutic benefits of light. He says


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that "light is the basic component from which all life originates, develops, heals, and evolves." Everything that humans do is affected in some way by light. Light has been used for healing since ancient times. He says people need to be outside in natural light, without sunglasses or sun block, for a minimum of one hour a day.

Nude Sunbathing

This leads us to a more detailed examination of sunbathing, which is a means of absorbing solar energy through the skin. People know this intuitively. For example, someone headed toward the beach or poolside wearing a bathing suit will say, "I'm going to soak up some rays." But how much more of the sun's rays and their benefits would that person soak up if he or she weren't wearing a bathing suit? We don't wear a bathing suit to take a water bath. Why should we wear one to take a sun or air bath?

Sunbathing in the nude to improve health had its origins in ancient Greece. Hippocrates prescribed it for his sun cure. Herodotus was called the father of Heliotherapy as the result of his frequent reference to the healing properties of the sun and his use of this in his medical practice. He prescribed "aerination" or the exposure of the nude body to sunlight, specifically on beach sand. That's why HRM recommends beach sand as the best medium for barefoot walking.

Hygienists and naturalists in the 19th century and early part of the 20th century tried to revive aerination. Dr. Herbert Shelton wrote that "A full sun bath in the nude is ideal… Man… is by nature a nude animal… Sunlight is distinctly beneficial to the hair…” I can vouch for that. I've rarely worn a hat in the 60 years I've lived under the sun, and my hair is as thick and brown as it was 40 years ago. "


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Arnold Rickli, whose Sun and Air Institute in Switzerland attracted patients from all over the world in the late eighteen hundreds,… collectively referred to the combination of sun and air bathing as the atmospheric cure. However, most authorities give more importance to the rays of the sun than to the air. True, fresh air increases metabolism and permits complete respiration of the skin. However, this is minor when compared to the biochemical changes that occur when the body is exposed to sunshine.

Sunbathers on a beach

Dr. Benedict Lust first came to America from Germany in 1892, contracted tuberculosis, then returned to Germany to undergo a nature cure treatment from the famous Father Sebastian Kneipp. He regained his health and found his true purpose in life, returning to America in 1896 to become Kneipp’s representative.

Rightfully called "The Father Of Naturopathy," Lust introduced Americans to all of the great naturist techniques that were in vogue in Europe; hydrotherapy, herbal remedies, air and sun


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baths, and raw food diets. He founded a school of massage and the Naturopathic Society in New York City in 1899. By1921, he published Nature’s Path Magazine and hosted a radio show devoted to natural healing. Dr. Lust’s school was the starting point for hundreds of America’s natural health practitioners, while his magazine introduced the West not only to German Nature Cure, but also ancient East Indian concepts like Ayurveda and Yoga. Yogananda was one of several Indians who wrote articles for Nature’s Path in the 1920’s, gaining wide exposure to a large American audience.

During the early 20th Century, heliotherapy was used to help alleviate a host of problems, ranging from chronic skin conditions, osteoporosis, high cholesterol levels, heart disease, depression and even some cancers. TB patients in sanitariums would sunbathe in the nude. However, after World War II, all these known benefits of sunbathing were ignored when the use of antibiotics became widespread and researchers began to link skin cancer with over-exposure to the sun. The damage caused by staying too long in intense sunlight does increase the risk of skin cancer, but safe sunbathing actually helps prevent cancers.

Dr. Bernarr McFadden, the most outspoken advocate of nude sunbathing, claims that safe sunbathing doesn't cause skin cancer or wrinkles but actually helps heal these conditions. He says that the main cause of skin cancer and wrinkles is poor eating and other lifestyle habits. He writes, "I have sunbathed nude almost every day, for many, many years, for several hours, and I have never developed skin cancer nor wrinkles… Sunbathing heals cancer by building up the immune system and increasing the oxygen in the tissues... Chronic sunburn combines with free radicals to cause skin cancer… The sources of free radicals are mainly dietary fat, especially polyunsaturated fats, but also fats and oils applied to the skin in suntan lotion and other cosmetics. Suppression of the immune system by drugs may be involved in skin cancer…”


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Sunscreen contributes to skin cancer because it contains free radicals, keeps toxins stewing under the skin and prevents vitamin D absorption. But is it safe to sunbathe without sunscreen? Dr. McFadden writes that "If the sunshine is going to be harmful to us, our bodies will feel uncomfortable in the sunshine. This will force us to withdraw our bodies from the sunshine before the sunshine can injure us." Just look at animals. As Dr. Shelton observed, "Wild animal life spends the cool portions of the day in the sun and seeks the shade and rest when it is hottest." Dr. Edwin Flatto advised people to "Absorb the sun's rays during the early morning or just before sunset, when the sun's rays are slanting, and when your shadow is longer than you are."

Dr. McFadden claims that nude sunbathing heals dozens of other diseases and disorders from abscesses to whooping cough. In addition, it strengthens and builds muscles, and accelerates healing of open wounds and broken bones. Is sunbathing in the nude necessary? Can’t we get as much benefit by sunbathing in shorts or bathing suits? Dr. McFadden insists that cancers of the breast, prostate, reproductive organs and colon are caused by not exposing these vital organs to the sun and air.

Sylvester Graham, wrote in Lectures on The Science of Human Life, "If man were always to go entirely naked, the external skin would be preserved in a more healthy and vigorous state, and perform its functions more perfectly, and thereby the whole human system in all its properties, powers and interests, would be benefited."

If we "were always to go entirely naked," as Graham suggests, we would be forced to spend time in a jail cell with not much sun and fresh air. So how do we nude sunbathe and avoid getting arrested for indecent exposure? Country dwellers can find plenty of times and places to do it, but city residents have


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to be more resourceful. If you live in an apartment high-rise, ask the manager if you can get access to the roof. If your condo has a patio, cover the railing to make it more private. If you live in a development and your backyard has no fence, ask your neighbors to share the cost of erecting one since it will add to their privacy as well. Sunbathing through an open window offers privacy and it can be done even in winter, as can sun gazing. Those who live in cities may think that tanning salons are a way to do nude sunbathing in privacy. However, this is not recommended because the UV-A lights used in tanning beds have two to three times more UV-A radiation than sunlight. UV-A radiation penetrates deep into the skin and not only causes melanoma and other forms of skin cancer, but also adversely affects the immune system.

A Cure for Obesity

Obesity in the United States has reached epidemic proportions. It is fast becoming the number one preventable cause of death, replacing smoking. Between 1962 and 2000, the number of obese Americans grew from 13% to an alarming 31% of the population. About 60 million Americans age 20 or older are considered obese. Millions more children and teens are obese. These people are at risk for developing diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, and psychological problems. Their health care costs amount to about $100 billion a year. According to the U.S. Surgeon General report, obesity is responsible for over 300,000 deaths every year. This situation is worse in other developed countries.

The causes of obesity are multifarious. But barring uncontrollable genetic or glandular problems, the root cause of obesity can be narrowed down to a combination of food addiction and lack of exercise. In other words, eating too many calories for our energy needs. According to existing surveys, only 20 percent of the population are frequent exercisers. The


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same percentage of children regularly participate in after-school sports or extra-curricular physical activity. Since 1990, among adults there has been a per capita decline of 15 percent in frequent exercise activity. Among teens aged 12-17, the decline is 41 percent.As noted above, sunlight has profound affects on the body's endocrine glands. A 1939 study showed that sunlight stimulates the thyroid gland, increasing metabolism, which means more energy to burn up fats, sugars and toxins. Other than this study and another one involving animals, there have been no recent studies on the effects of sunlight on weight loss. Anecdotal evidence suggests that sun gazing reduces appetite and food cravings because it supplies energy directly to the brain.

The appetite suppression of sun gazing combined with burned calories from barefoot walking for 45 minutes per day eliminates the three major causes of obesity: a sluggish metabolism, overeating and lack of exercise. Walking slowly on sand not only burns more calories per mile than fast walking on pavement, it may also save wear and tear on the joints of those who are obese. Sand absorbs more shock than an asphalt road, making walking easier on the joints. Strolling slower also reduces the loads on the knee joints by 25%. This can be an important factor for obese people who want to take up an exercise program but are concerned about the risk of injury.

Researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder confirmed that people burn more calories per mile walking a very leisurely 2 miles per hour than walking a moderate to brisk 3 to 4 miles per hour. The reason is that at low speeds, you lose momentum. This makes your muscles work a little harder with each step. In addition, you burn up to twice as many calories by walking on sand than on solid ground. On sand, when the foot strikes, it slips a bit, and that increases the effort to propel the body forward. A 150-pound person can burn 275 calories per hour walking on sand. Barefoot walking on


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sand has one drawback, it doesn't give the aerobic training effect produced by walking fast enough to raise the heart rate. Researchers recommend adding other vigorous low-impact activities like swimming, cycling, step routines and elliptical training workouts.


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Sun gaze, sunbathe, drink sun-charged water, walk barefoot on bare earth. This is all you have to do to achieve perfect mental and physical health and spiritual awakening. -- HRM

How To Sun Gaze

HRM’S PROTOCOL IS to gaze at the sun once a day when the UV index is close to zero, that is, either within the first hour after sunrise or in the last hour before sunset. Some sun gazing teachers say that sunrise is better. Omraam claimed that prana is most intense 20 minutes before and 20 minutes after sunrise. I find that sunset also is a time that is charged with energy and is conducive to meditation. This has to do with the sun's rays impinging on the earth’s magnetic field at sunrise and sunset, charging the magnetic field and affecting the magnetite in your pineal gland. Most animals have tiny crystals of magnetite in their pineal gland. That’s how migrating birds are able to navigate back and forth from north to south along the magnetic field. Morning sunlight has more ultraviolet, whereas the sunset rays have more infrared. Both are beneficial, so splitting your sun gazing time between sunrise and sunset is perhaps most balancing. But if you’re just starting out and live in a cold climate, it would be better to do all your sun gazing at sunset when the ground is warm. Splitting your sun gazing time is advisable when you start getting close to 45 minutes of sun gazing. To do it all in one session might require that you go past the safe window. Some of the advanced techniques in Part III should be done only at sunrise.

Stand or sit erect with bare feet on sand, dirt, mud, pavement or concrete in that descending order of desirability, but not on


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grass. I asked HRM why not and he said because grass drains your energy. HRM also advises against standing on damp ground while sun gazing. Omraam said that cold feet adversely affects your solar plexus, which is the body's energy reservoir. So, whatever medium you stand on, it's best if it's warmed by the sun.

It’s important to drink a glass of sun-charged water before and after sun gazing because sun gazing can be very cleansing and the water helps remove toxins. Also, water is yin and it helps balance the yang energy from the sun. That’s one reason why we always sun gaze barefoot on bare ground. Another reason is to get grounded. Think of the sun as the positive pole and the earth as the negative pole. The body is the rechargeable battery, and if we want it to be charged, we need water in our cells and good connections with nothing between our feet and the earth and between our eyes and the sun. If you wear glasses, remove them, but it’s okay to leave contacts in. Gaze at the sun in a relaxed manner; don’t strain. It’s important to blink the eyes to keep them moist. If your eyes tear, don’t wipe them dry. Begin with ten seconds. Increase by ten seconds a day. If you find that too difficult at first, then gaze only five seconds and increase by five. Then when you're more comfortable, increase by ten. If cloudy, sun gaze but don’t increase the time. When cold, do it indoors through a window that doesn't have UV protection on it. Otherwise, do it through an open window or door. If you live in a valley between east and west mountains and don’t see the sun in the safe hours, you may gaze at it’s reflection on polished obsidian stone or freshwater; never salt water.

Between ten seconds and 15 minutes, which can take from three months if your sun gaze every day to several months, sun gaze in silence with arms hanging loosely by your sides. During this time, your may find that you become less tense, spend less time worrying, are happier, more self-confident and compassionate. During this time it’s important to be passive


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and receptive, and allow the sun to heal your mind. Don’t engage in prayer, mantra, visualization or contemplation; just be. If you have near-sightedness or far-sightedness, you should stop increasing time when you reach five minutes and stay at five minutes for a month or so till you notice some improvement. Then continue increasing time. Palming after sun gazing, wearing pinhole glasses and gazing at grass or other green objects will also improve eyesight. People who have recently had eye surgery should wait three months before beginning sun gazing. Also, people with macular degeneration or sensitivity to sunlight should first get comfortable just looking in the direction of the sun at sunrise or sunset with their eyes shut for five minutes each day, and continue this for two months. Then, when and if they are comfortable looking with eyes opened, they can start sun gazing normally. Macular degeneration can benefit from a wholesome diet. So, during the two months, they should eat plenty of green vegetables. The supplements selenium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin A, E, and C (500 to 1000 mg) Lutein, and other antioxidants are very important to the macula. Suncharged water is the best antioxidant, so they should drink plenty of that (three to four quarts per day) and use it as eye drops three times a day. Also they should try the Amslergrid, Bates and other non-invasive methods of eye therapy.

Between 15 and 30 minutes, your body will begin to be purified of disease and addictions because all the different color pranas are going to their respective organs to address any deficiencies. To facilitate this process, sun gaze with arms outstretched to the sun, palms facing the sun. As you breathe deeply in, visualize healing rays of light from the sun entering your left palm and traveling to areas of your body that require healing or strengthening. If you don't have any problems, visualize the light going to your heart. Mentally affirm that the light is healing or strengthening you on a cellular level. Then, as you breathe out, visualize the light returning to the sun


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through your right hand. Express love and gratitude for your healing. Establish a continuous flow of energy. If arms get tired, lower them with elbows at sides and hands still facing out. If this position gets tiring, you can lower your arms to hip level with palms facing the sun. This Y position was thought by the ancient Greeks to channel the sun’s ethereal radiance, which originated in the Great Central Sun. Plutarch wrote that our etheric body absorbs this radiance. Use of this posture was called “fire blooming” because the radiance or essence thus channeled burned away impurities.

After 30 minutes, you may begin to feel free from desires, such as food and material things. Fasting or dieting become easy and you don’t get hungry because the sun satisfies your energy needs. Your cells have become purified to the point where they are beginning to acts as photovoltaic cells. At this time you can begin some of the advanced techniques that will be discussed in Part 3.

But if at any time, your peace of mind is disturbed, go back to sun gazing in silence with arms at your sides till your peace is reestablished. If at any time your health or strength is adversely affected, go back to visualizing light and affirming healing and strength in your body.

After sun gazing, rub your hands together to get them warm, then press your palms to your eyes and gaze at the afterimage of the sun until it fades away. This should take only a few minutes. If you continue to see a spot that last for hours or days, make sure you are sun gazing within the safe hours. If you are, then your eyes are probably too sensitive and you will need to stop daily sun gazing till the spot goes away. Then sun gaze with eyes open for half your time, after which sun gaze with closed eyes for the remainder of your time. When you feel comfortable, resume normal sun gazing with eyes open the entire time.


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After or before sun gazing or at some point during the day, walk barefoot for 15-45 minutes. Barefoot walking on sun-warmed sand is another means of absorbing solar energy. It also massages the pressure points on the soles of the feet and helps balance the yang energy from the sun with the yin energy from the earth. The time you spend barefoot walking is also a good time to sunbathe.

After about 35 minutes, you should begin to notice a decrease in appetite. If you don’t overeat out of habit, but only eat as much as you desire, you may attain a state of inedia (non-eating) and gain all your energy needs directly from the sun, air, water and earth. However, inedia is not the goal of sun gazing. The goal is total health of mind, body, and spirit. If you feel that you’re ready to try inedia, first try what I call the “minedia diet.” Minedia means minimum eating. It consists of three small meals a day, consisting of one cup of food, preferably raw. The secret of this diet is to chew each mouthful 100 times and to breathe deeply between mouthfuls. The chewing extracts the prana from the food and the deep breathing provides prana from the air. Also, drink sun-charged water and soak seeds and nuts in it to get the maximum prana from water.

Children under the age of puberty stop increasing time at five minutes and remain at five minutes until the onset of puberty. This is because their nervous systems aren’t developed enough to receive much energy from the sun. Pregnant women should also stop increasing at five minutes and continue increasing after they have given birth. Very young children, who can’t be taught to sun gaze, can still get benefits if their mothers sun gaze. They can be held in the arms while sun gazing or touched after sun gazing and the benefits will be transferred.

When you reach 44 minutes of sun gazing, reduce sun gazing time 1 minute per day to 15 minutes and/or walk barefoot 45


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minutes/day on bare earth and stay there for a year. After that you are fully charged and need only expose yourself to the sun for a few minutes a day to maintain your charge. However, if you enjoy barefoot walking, you may continue with it for as long as you like. If that’s not possible or convenient, then continue with 15 minutes of sun gazing every day. If you take a vacation from sun gazing, even if it’s for years, you don’t have to start from scratch at 10 seconds; just pick up where you left off.

If you follow the method provided above, you will have excellent results in general health and well being. If shortcuts are taken, such as increasing time too fast, not walking barefoot, not standing on bare earth, then the benefits are reduced. For most people, sun gazing according to the above instructions is safe. Mental attitude is very important. If you are fearful that the sun will harm your eyes, then you should not gaze directly at the sun at first. Instead, gaze at the radiance of the sky before sunrise or after sunset. Eventually, your fear will go away and you will be able to sun gaze. Also, if you have a quiet faith that the sun will help you and express gratitude to the sun, results will be quicker. But don’t be impatient, don’t aspire or push, or results will be delayed. Be as a little child and just enjoy the beauty of the sun without expectations or demands, but only with love and gratitude. When you receive energy and wisdom from the sun, use them only in loving service to life.

Sun Gazing Tools

Sun gazing is low-tech. It doesn't require much training, and you don't need much uipment to do it. All you need are the bare essentials: bare feet on bare ground and looking at the sun with your bare eyes. However, certain devices can help with timing your sun gazing session and measuring ultraviolet radiation. If you don’t have a digital watch or cell phone that you can set as


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a timer, you can purchase appropriately-named Sunbeam digital timers at WalMart for only $5.99. Safe sun gazing should always be done when the UV index is below two. UV measuring devices can be purchased from $3 to $60, depending on how accurate a reading you want. The cheapest and least accurate is a UV card. They're available for $3.00 from the Measurement And Technology Company. To order online, go to www.measurementandtechnology.com/uv.htm. These cards incorporate a UV sensitive strip that changes to a shade of purple when exposed to sunlight. An adjacent color-matching chart provides the approximate UV Index number. If you use a UV card, make sure you don't leave it out in the sun as this will shorten its useful life. The best UV device would be the Speedo Women's UV Sensor Polyurethane watch with a countdown timer and a built-in UV meter that measures to one decimal place and an alarm that beeps when the UV index exceeds two for safe sun gazing and five for safe sunbathing. You can find it for sale for about $61. UV monitors can be purchased from $20 to $60 from Weather Connection at 1-800-414-8655. I have one that gives the time, temperature, and UV index to one decimal place.

How to Sunbathe

Safe sunbathing is done when the UV index is from 2 to 5. Use a UV card, watch or monitor, or just go by feeling. Your skin should feel warm, not hot. Wear minimal clothing; no clothes is best. Change position often to get an even tan. Dr. Herbert Shelton wrote “ Begin the sun bath by exposing the entire body six to ten minutes a day and gradually increase the length of time of exposure until half an hour to an hour or more are consumed... Expose the front of the body three to five minutes and then, expose the back three to five minutes…” The maximum time to Sunbathe depends on time of day, season, and skin color. The closer to noon, the nearer to summer solstice, and the fairer your skin, the less time you should


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spend sunbathing. Never wear sunscreen or polaroid sunglasses. Instead of sunglasses, either close your eyes or wear pinhole glasses. You have to just warm yourself, but don’t bake yourself. Then sunbathing will have tremendous health value.

Sun-charged Water

Put whatever amount of water you drink and cook with in a glass jar with a glass cover. You can get two-gallon glass apothecary jars at WalMart. Use only purified water but not distilled water. Leave it out in the sun for four hours in the summer or six to eight hours in the winter. I like to write positive words like “love,” “gratitude,” “peace” and “joy” on my container so the water takes on these positive vibrations as was demonstrated by Masuro Emoto. It's best if you drink it hot, or if you want, you can cool it by pouring it into clay or earthen vessels. Never refrigerate because the compressor would discharge it. Also, don’t keep your cooling vessel near anything electrical. You can also use the water for ear drops, eye drops, skin wash, and enemas. Use it up within 24 hours as it loses its charge after this time. If accidentally left in the moonlight, leave it out till the following afternoon to be recharged. Never drink moonshine water as it contained extreme yin energies. Tea leaves can be added to the water to make sun tea if desired. What do you do if there's no sun for days? The next best thing to sun-charged water is water that has been boiled on a stove. Never drink water that has been heated in a microwave; it has been shown in experiments to kill vegetation. Water heated by fire, however, is very healing because fire has some of the same properties as the sun.

Atonic Tea

As the weather becomes cooler in the fall, people are more susceptible to viruses. That's why flu shots are usually given around October and November. A better preventive measure


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you can take, one that doesn't involve injecting toxic chemicals into your bloodstream, is a fall tonic tea. I searched for a sun tea recipe that used tonic herbs, found one and modified it so that it contained only inexpensive, easily found herbs. After some experimentation, I came up with this formula, which I have dubbed "Atonic tea," in honor of the Egyptian sun god, Aton: 4 small tea bags or teaspoons of Green Tea, 1 small tea bag or teaspoon each of Rose Hips, Peppermint, and Pau d'Arco, 4 thin slices of Ginger Root, 1/4 cup honey, half a fresh lemon, half a fresh lime, and one quart of purified water Brew tea and ginger in the sun for 6-8 hours in a glass jar with a glass lid. If using bulk tea, don't use metal brewing pods; just spoon the tea into the jar. Afterwards, strain the tea and dissolve honey in it while it's still hot. Set aside in an earthenware bowl to cool. In a large pitcher combine the tea, lemon and lime. Enjoy!

Sun Chi Drink

I was given this recipe for sun chi drink by a sun gazer in Atlanta who received it from an ayurvedic doctor. Place two cardamon seeds, four almonds and a teaspoon of fennel seeds in a small bowl. Cover with sun-charged water to soak for 6 hours. Rinse and strain. Put a cup and a half of sun-charged water in a blender. Peel the cardamon seeds and place in blender with fennel seeds and almonds. Add two dates, taking care to remove the pits, a teaspoon of sesame oil and a teaspoon of honey. Turn on blender till liquefied. Makes one serving. Use in place of a meal. I once was on a minedia diet for several weeks and found this drink very energizing.

Sun-charged Food and Ointments

Fresh fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables that have been recently harvested are fully charged with sunlight and earth energy.


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However, unless you live on a farm or have a garden and fruit and nut trees in your yard as I do, you'll have to settle for the next best thing, fresh organic produce. Or you can re-hydrate dried vegetables and fruit in sunlight. You can also sprout seeds and soak nuts in sunlight. You can make healing ointments by adding healing herbs to olive oil and soaking them in the sun for two weeks, making sure that you take the bottle inside at dusk and strain the ointment when it’s done. These ointments will be more powerful than any you can find in stores. I once made very effective eardrops by adding mullien flowers and garlic to olive oil and leaving in the sun for two weeks.

Barefoot Walking on Sun-warmed sand

HRM says that “It is the power of the earth that assists us in sun gazing.” We can connect with the power of the earth through barefoot walking. Start with 5 minutes and add 5 min/day till you reach 45 minutes. Walk at a relaxed pace; don’t hurry. The sand should be warm, not cold or hot. It’s best if the sun shines on the sand while you’re walking on it. Beach sand is best but if no sand is available, use dirt. I found a maze of dirt bike trails near my home when I lived at the edge of the desert, and spent many enjoyable hours walking barefoot in the loose dirt. If you don’t have sand or dirt trails near your home, create one. When I move to a more residential neighborhood I poured two truckloads of sand in my backyard and created a labyrinth path in the sand. Walking a labyrinth is a type of moving meditation. And walking by itself is the best exercise. Dr Andrew Weil has a best-selling book out about walking. He needs to write one about sun gazing.


Barefoot walking for 45 minutes six days a week is the yin part of sun yoga. It's essential for grounding the yang energy from the sun. It should be done slowly in a relaxed, meditative state,


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much like Tai Chi and Chi-Gung. I once watched as a Chi-Gung master demonstrated a Chi-Gung walk in a graceful, fluid motion.

Chi-Gung walking is done in slow motion with every small step being carefully balanced - just like walking on thin ice. Your foot first touches the ground for a split second before committing any weight to it. If you’ve ever observed a cat prowling, you may have noticed that it crouches down and takes small, light steps with flat paws.

Through abdominal breathing, you sink your center of gravity into your hara center, two inches below the navel and visualize roots of energy sprouting from the soles of your feet into the earth. This develops a sense of secure balance, and gives a deep sense of being rooted. Your body weight should be shifted from one foot to the other in steps that are smooth and even, not clumsy or stiff and with no pause between the steps. This assures not only stability of the body but agility during changing of steps. Also, it reduces the possibility of muscle cramps and general tiredness in the legs. When you walk, look forward and downward, not staring but focused and aware. Hold both arms out away from your sides for greater balance.

Before you start walking, gently shake your arms and let them hang loosely by your sides for a few minutes. Stand with your heels together and the toes turned slightly outward. Bend your knees slightly and allow your body weight to be evenly distributed through both feet. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and naturally into the lower abdomen as you feel yourself become rooted to the Earth. Feel her beneath your feet. Feel her yinness: her cool, moist, dark energy. Visualize a channel opening from your feet all the way to the core.

The following directions are taken from A Complete Guide to Chi-Gung by Daniel Reid. “In chi-gung walking, the knees are


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kept bent throughout each step, not straightened out on forward extension as in ordinary walking, and the soles of the feet are kept parallel and very close to the ground at all times, not lifted at different angles. This means that each forward step is taken by lifting the entire rear foot off the ground at once (not the heel first), bringing the foot forward while keeping the sole parallel and close to the ground, then setting the whole foot evenly and flatly down on the ground in front (not the heel down first, then the toes). The body thus moves forward slowly and smoothly, in a straight line, without the head bobbing up and down and the torso swaying from side to side on each step as in ordinary walking. The spine is held erect and aligned with the neck, the head is kept straight, the arms hang down relaxed by the sides, and the pelvis is tilted slightly forward to keep the buttocks tucked in and the lower spine straight. This style of chi-gung draws terrestrial energy from the earth into the system… It.… improves balance and coordination in the body, and cultivates concentration, clarity and focused attention in the mind.”

To get the correct posture, pace and foot placement, it helps to imagine that you're a deep-sea diver walking along the bottom of the ocean. Your lifeline and the buoyancy of the water keep your spine straight. The water's viscosity puts you in slow motion. And your feet fall flatly with each small step.

Chi Gung Walking


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Barefoot walking is difficult during the winter in many parts of the country. Sun yogis who don't want to get frostbite on their toes can still do it and get benefits by wearing wool-lined moccasins, cotton Kung-Fu slippers or dance shoes. The leather and natural fibers in these kinds of footwear will keep the feet warm and not block the upward spiral of earth energy and the downward spiral of sun energy. They will also allow for good ventilation and evaporation of perspiration.


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The Princes and Hierophant of the Mysteries of the Sun in Atlantis were fully determined that the misuse by mankind of the Divine Wisdom and its terrible powers would never again be allowed for fear that man might destroy himself. They therefore decreed that only those of the highest moral and spiritual development would be permitted to learn the Mysteries of God. -- Spiritual Nobility, Richard Duc de Palatine

ALVIN BOYD KUHN was the first person to receive a degree in Theosophy from a major university, Columbia. He was a prolific writer and I highly recommend that everyone read his works. His major work, The Lost Light was praised by the chairman of the Philosophy Department of Ohio University as the greatest theological work in the English language. In The Lost Light, Kuhn wrote “As the human eye recoils before the overpowering splendor of the solar disk in the sky, so the human mind strives in vain to realize the marvel of sublime grandeur in the ancient religious myth of the sun-gods. This was no curious faith of a diminutive Parsee sect; it was the universal form and dress of religion.”

The myths of the sun gods were just allegories containing a great mystery that in and behind the sun is the spiritual sun or Great Central Sun wherein dwells the Solar Presence. John Van Horne, in The Great Central Suns Pictured, wrote “Ancient tradition tells us that behind our physical sun there is a spiritual sun, which is the intelligence that brings forth and maintains the solar system… When the light of the Great Central Sun pours strongly into the earth, humanity enters a period of renaissance, casting aside old, limiting and destructive habits and regimes, and generating new ideas, aspirations and culture aligned with divine love, wisdom and transforming power.”


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Heavenly Throng in the Form of a Rose by Gustave Dore

According to the great Hermetic principal “that which is above is like that which is below. Thus, if a macrocosmic central sun exists in the heavens, a microcosmic central sun exists within us. In Who is this King of Splendor?, Kuhn wrote that “The primary truth of human culture which is presented by all sage religions of antiquity is the fact that there resides deeply embedded in the core of man’s constitution a nucleus of what, for want of a better designation, must be called a divine spark or sun… Every man, proclaimed the ancients and the Medieval ‘Fire Philosophers,’ has a little SUN within his own breast. This sun is the Christ in man, a nucleus of fiery divine spirit energy.” This sun in our hearts, this divine spark, has been called by esotericists “the threefold flame” because it contains, as does the Great Central Sun, three qualities: love, wisdom and power.


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For years I practiced the science of the spoken word to connect with the Solar Presence in the Central Sun and to expand the threefold flame in my heart. Now I am sun gazing to do the same. From the very first moments of sun gazing I have felt a tangible connection to God. This led me to research the spiritual aspects of sun gazing, and, over the past three years, I have discovered some amazing facts.

Sun gazing is as old as mankind. According to the creation myth of the sun gazing Yezidis of Iraq, after the creation of Earth, God sent the seven archangels to the Garden of Eden with the specific mission of creating and educating Adam and Eve. Archangel Michael created them and endowed them with a soul by blowing the breath of life into them. His first lesson ensued when he turned them towards the rising sun while informing them that they and their descendants were to daily worship the flaming orb as symbolic of the supreme God. To enhance their worship, he gave them special prayers they were to recite while meditating on God. Sun gazing was part of the esoteric mystery teachings of many religions and secret societies: Atonism, Mithraism, Gnosticism, Zoroastrianism, Kaballah, Surya Yoga, the Roscicrucians, Freemasonry, Cathars, Bogomils and others. The special prayers or mantras are another part of these teachings, which I call “the mysteries of the sun.” They have been given to every culture by great adepts as means of enlightening the minds of the people and freeing them from the darkness of ignorance and superstition. In this section I will examine the life and teachings of eleven adepts from the most distant, Ra, to the most recent, Omraam. I could have included more, but I think that the teachings of these eleven will provide a complete enough understanding of the SOLution they presented to mankind. These masters taught that we should look to the sun and take it within, that it expands the mind, and that you begin, through the rays of the sun, to tap into the very mind of God. What these teachers all


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have in common is that they have become liberated from the cycle of birth and death and have ascended to the etheric realm. They are either ascended masters, otherwise known as saints, or cosmic beings, otherwise known as gods. A saint or ascended master is a soul who has graduated from the elementary school of Earth, has put on the garment of immortality and has moved on to higher realms. A god is a soul who has received a doctorate from the universe in a particular virtue or quality or has an important position in hierarchy, such as rulership of a planet or star. Today, as the Sun of Aquarius dawns upon our collective awareness, all of the ascended masters, archangels and cosmic beings are coming forth with new teachings in a concerted effort to establish a golden-age solar civilization. These teachings are freely available to everyone through various activities of the Great White Brotherhood in the form of messages called dictations. The ascended master El Morya said that dictations are “expanding matrices designed to expand, through your own meditation, the circumference of self-awareness.” The ascended master Omraam, when he was in embodiment, instructed his disciples to contemplate luminous thoughts while gazing at the Sun. There can be no more luminous thoughts than the words of ascended masters and cosmic beings released in dictations.

The story of the mysteries of the sun begins on Atlantis. In 1882, Ignatius Donnelly published Atlantis: The Antedeluvial World. In it, he argued convincingly that Atlantis had established colonies in Peru, Egypt and elsewhere and that the ancient mythologies and mysteries of these countries represented the original religion of the Atlanteans, which was a form of sun worship. He wrote “The religion of the Atlanteans, as Plato tells us, was pure and simple; they made no regular sacrifices but fruits and flowers; they worshipped the sun. In Peru a single deity was worshipped, and the sun, his most glorious work, was honored as his representative. Quetzalcoatl, the founder of the Aztecs, condemned all sacrifice but that of


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fruits and flowers. [We can see how far the Aztec religion degenerated over the centuries to the low point of human sacrifice by the time of the Conquistadors.] The first religion of Egypt also was pure and simple; its sacrifices were fruits and flowers; temples were erected to the sun, Ra, throughout Egypt. In Peru the great festival of the sun was called Ra-mi.”


The radiant being that ensouls the sun is known by many names in every culture: Ra, Helios, Mithra, Inti, Shamash and so on. This cosmic being was a part of the pantheon of gods of every ancient religion. Today, Helios and his consort Vesta are part of the hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood as the representatives of the Solar Presence for our solar system. In the solar healing meditation Helios and Vesta are referred to as our Father and Mother, and we really are their sons and daughters. The physical sun is their body and the planets and all life on the planets are their offspring. The matter in our bodies originally came from the sun and the sun nourishes our bodies with it’s energy, light and warmth. In Saint Patrick's Confession, he tells a story about being saved from Satan by Helios. He wrote: “That same night, when I was asleep, Satan assailed me violently, a thing I shall remember as long as I shall be in this body. And he fell upon me like a huge rock, and I could not stir a limb. But whence came it into my mind, ignorant as I am, to call upon Helias? And meanwhile I saw the sun rise in the sky, and while I was shouting `Helias! Helias' with all my might, suddenly the splendour of that sun fell on me and immediately freed me of all misery.”

St. Patrick’s experience may be the reason why Irish monks sun gazed. If you’re ever in Vatican City, pay a visit to the cave chapel of St. Columbanus. There you will find a mosaic of Irish monks gazing at the sun with raised hands as in the ancient


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Egyptian manner of paying homage to the sun. Note also that a third monk is holding a rod. Many masters of the solar mysteries (Moses, Jesus, Omraam, etc.) are shown holding a rod, signifying their connection with the source of power, wisdom and love.

Catholic monks worshipping the sun like Egyptians? Was this some medieval artist’s idea of a jest? Or is there some connection between ancient Egyptian sun worship and Christianity that most people don’t know about. If we carefully examine the historical record and the words of ascended masters of the Theosophical Society and later activities of the Great White Brotherhood, we can see this connection as a stream of knowledge that has been passed down for thousands of years. This stream can be accessed through archeology, history, scripture and progressive revelation of recent dictations and darshans.


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The Deathless Solar Body of light is begun in the heart of your God Presence and is spun out of the light of the sun of that Presence as man below consciously invokes the energies of God... Born of the energies of the sun and of the energies of the Sun behind the sun, the Deathless Solar Body becomes a magnet that will transmute shadow in the human octave and transform the consciousness of the ascendant one. -- Serapis Bey, Dossier on the Ascension.

SERAPIS BEY WAS one of the priests of Atlantis who traveled to Egypt to establish a sun temple there. A legend tells that Serapis was one of the very first kings of the Egyptians to whom they owed the foundations of their philosophy and science. From the end of Atlantis to about 400 B.C. when he made his ascension, Serapis embodied in Egypt as various pharaohs or architects who were instrumental in constructing some of the greatest architectural wonders on earth, including the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Sun Temple of On, and the Colossi on Memnon. El Morya, who will be discussed later, was the master mason who carried out Serapis’ architectural designs.

Serapis embodied as Pharaoh Amenhotep III, grandson of Thutmose III. He was the father of Akhenaton, and was the pharaoh whose dreams were interpreted by Joseph.

His greatest achievement was the temple of Luxor, which embodied in its sacred geometry and design the esoteric laws that had been passed down from Atlantis. It is a code book in stone of advanced geometry, biology, art and philosophy. But more than that, it is the physical focus of Serapis’s etheric retreat of the Ascension Temple.


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According to Helena Blavatsky in Isis Unveiled, “Soora-pas (Serapis) means ‘the sun chief,’ for the Sun in Sanscrit is Surya.” The French called him Serapis Solei (of the sun). Thus, Serapis is identified with the sun, particularly with the sun’s white ray of purity and the ascension flame. He is sometimes depicted with a coronet of seven rainbow rays, representing the seven divine intelligences manifesting through the white solar light. He is recognized by Theosophists, the I AM activity, the Summit Lighthouse, the Hearts Center and other activities of the Great White Brotherhood as the ascended master who assists souls who are ready to make their ascension. That is, those who have repaid enough bad karma and have balanced their momentums of love, wisdom and power (the threefold flame) in order to accelerate their vibration to the frequency of God.

Serapis Bey

In his teachings on the ascension, the sun plays a major role. In the book Dossier on the Ascension, he mentions a Deathless Solar Body “born of the energies of the sun and of the energies of the Sun behind the sun.” He also states that a caduceus


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action of negative polarity forces and positive forces is necessary for the “wedding garment to descend” and “envelop the lifestream of the individual in those tangible and vital essence currents of the ascension.”

Corinne Helen wrote, “The Sun controls the vital body; the Moon, the desire body. The purified extract or essence of these two vehicles provides material for weaving the golden wedding garment, the soul body, which is essential to the functioning of Initiate consciousness…” Sun gazing supplies you with the purified essence or yang energy of the vital body. However, moon gazing is not recommended as the moon is too yin and may lead to insanity (hence the term “lunatic”). Instead the negative, feminine energies can be gleaned from the earth by walking barefoot on bare ground.

Alvin Boyd Kuhn wrote, concerning the sun’s role in the process of the ascension: “With this force of fire [from the sun] we must uplift the lower man and transmute his nature into the spiritual glow of love and intelligence… Around it we must aggregate the refined material, which we shall build into… that body of the resurrection, the great garment of solar light, in which we shall rise out of the tomb of the physical corpus and ascend with the angels… It is our garment of immortality, the seamless robe of glory… As flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven, we must fashion for our tenancy there this body of solar glory, in whose self-generated light we may live eternally, having overcome the realms of darkness, or spiritualized the body.”

The virtue most associated with Serapis Bey is discipline because balancing karma, the threefold flame and yin and yang all require discipline. The path of the ascension has been compared to a trek up the highest mountain. It’s not for the lazy or faint-hearted. When we reach the peak, we must be ready to jump off and fly to the sun.


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When you become a sun then you serve all, you see. And when you understand all truths, the knowingness that comes through the eternality of the Spirit, being centered in and of God, then the rays that you convey do teach, do raise all, just as the rays of the solar sphere of Helios and Vesta do actually teach and convey their wisdom 24/7, 365 and a 1/4 days in your solar year, always… -- Kuthumi through the messenger David C. Lewis

BETWEEN PRE-DYNASTIC EGYPT and the eighteenth dynasty, the “pure and simple” solar religion of Egypt became very corrupt and complicated. Instead of one sun god, there were several sun gods and a whole host of minor gods. The priesthood was rich and powerful and the people depended on them for magic amulets, interceding for them to the gods and giving them a proper elaborate send off into the afterlife. Fruits and flowers were no longer fitting sacrifices; animals took their place.

Enter the Pharaoh Thutmose III, an embodiment of the ascended master Kuthumi. A younger son of Amenhotep I, he owed his rule to the intervention of priests, who, in a religious ritual invoking the will of Amen, appointed him pharaoh, even though he was not in line for the succession. Thutmose III and his stepmother Hatshepsut realized that the priests were becoming too powerful and sought to curb their power by unifying the priests into one priesthood of Amen under the high priest Hapuseneh, who was also Hatshepsut’s vizier. Up till then there were several orders of priests. However, they were wise enough to keep a separate priesthood of Aton at Heliopolis where the mysteries of the sun were taught.

Under his rule, Thutmose III permitted his subject to indulge in


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all their fanciful beliefs and superstition such as magical amulets that the priesthood of Amen promoted. He believed that a step-by-step change in the existing belief system could be more easily and permanently accomplished by establishing a secret mystery school, the students of which would put into practice higher standards. He wanted to gradually infuse into the culture and religion of Egypt from the top down those truths and rituals that would raise the people to a higher understanding and morality.

Thutmose III

Thus, in 1489 B.C. he founded a secret mystery school, the Order of the Rose Cross, which the Rosicrucians claim descent from. Laurence Gardiner, the foremost authority on secret societies, supports this claim by dating the use of the rosy-cross symbol to the time of Thutmose III. Members of this mystery school were called the Therapeutea – meaning “physicians of the soul.” The sun gazing Essene sect of Alexandria later adopted this name and the rosy-cross symbol. William Henry, in The Healing Sun Code, linked the rosy-cross and the Rosicrucian secrets with the “rising of the Healing Sun, the source of life and wisdom.” Thutmose III’s son and grandson continued with the mystery school and the cult of Aton, but it


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wasn’t until his great grandson, Akhenaton took the throne that things came to a head.

Kuthumi re-embodied as Pythagoras, who established another mystery school of the Great White Brotherhood at Crotona, Italy. William Henry claimed that his teachings were drawn from “Egyptian and Babylonian Mystery Schools, as well as the Eleusian Mysteries and the Mysteries of Isis at Thebes.” He also learned from the Brahmin’s in India.

According to Dr. Raymond Bernard, the daily program of the school at Crotona began with a ritual of observing the rising of the sun. They would all wear white robes and sing a hymn to Apollo, the sun god. Singing sacred songs and using music for healing were important parts of the teachings at Crotona, as they were in every mystery school. After sun gazing and singing, the students would attend various classes.

Pythagoreans' Hymn to the Rising Sun by Fedor A. Bronnikov

Pythagoras taught his students to reawaken to the gnosis or spiritual knowledge within them by interpreting the “living book of Nature.“ In esotericism, Nature is often understood as


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book of symbols and hidden realities to be ‘read’ by the intuitive mind. Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, who always taught using analogies from Nature, modeled his spiritual communities after Crotona.

Pythagoras taught that fire was the most important of all the elements; that the center was the most important part of every body from a cell to the universe; and that in the center of the universe existed a flaming sun of celestial radiance. This central sun he called the Grand Monad. The sun in the center of man he called the Lesser Monad. He influenced the thinking of many great philosophers, such as Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, and Francis Bacon. In the 1860’s the German philosopher Eduard Baltzer published a four-volume treatise on the “natural lifestyle.” It emphasized vegetarianism, hydrotherapy, sunbathing and sun gazing. He and a group of vegetarians founded the Free Religious Community. This community was Baltzer’s vision of a utopian society and the birth of a new and advanced human species. He later published a book that identified the mystery school of Pythagoras as the forerunner of this movement.

Baltzer influenced the German painter Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach (1851-1913) who also formed several communities for the study of religion, art and science. Three of his pupils, Fidus, Herman Hesse and Gusto Graser were to make a tremendous impact with their art and reform messages on not just German counter-culture of the early 20th century, but that of America in the 1960’s. Many of the profound ideas Hesse presented in his Nobel Prize-winning book The Glass Bead Game came from Baltzer and, indirectly, from Pythagoras. In this book he wrote “As an idea we find it [the glass bead game] already performed in earlier ages, e.g. at Pythagoras’ [mystery school]. The same eternal idea was the basis of every movement of the mind towards the ideal goal of a Universitas Litterarum, of every Platonic Academy, of any congregation of


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a spiritual elite.”

Kuthumi later re-embodied as Saint Francis of Assisi. He had a great love for and attunement with God’s creatures and creations, particularly the sun. He wrote “Praise to you, O Lord our God, for all your creatures, especially our dear Brother Sun, Who is the day through whom you give us light. Fair is he, in splendor radiant. Of you, Most High, he bears the likeness.”

In his final embodiment in the early nineteenth century, Kuthumi, also known as Koot Hoomi Lal Singh, was a Punjabi whose family settled in Kashmir.

He attended Oxford University in 1850 and, at some point in the 1870s met Dr. Gustav Fechner, the founder of modern psychophysics at the University of Liepitz. Dr. Fechner experimented with gazing at the sun through colored filters and liquids. He did this during unsafe periods and, as a result, became blind. However, after much prayer and meditation in a dark room, he recovered his sight and more. He began seeing auras and angels, whom he called “beings from the sun.” He even wrote a book on the anatomy of angels.

Kuthumi spent many years in seclusion at his lamasery in Shigatse, Tibet. With El Morya, Serapis Bey, Djwal Kul and Saint Germain, he founded the Theosophical Society. He ascended at the end of the nineteenth century and is now, along with Jesus and Omraam, a World Teacher. A World Teacher is a position in hierarchy that is responsible for the spiritual education of mankind. It’s significant that all three World Teachers were teachers of the solar mysteries in past embodiments.


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Every eye beholds him without hindrance while he fills the land with his rays and makes everyone to live. With seeing whom my eyes are satisfied daily when he rises in this temple and fills it with his own self by means of his rays, beauteous with love, and embraces me with them in life and power forever and ever. -- Akhenaton

IN 1369 B.C., AMENHOTEP IV, an embodiment of the ascended master Lanello, took over the reigns of Egypt from his ailing father Amenhotep III. During his upbringing he was educated at the Temple of the Sun at On or Heliopolis where the priests instilled in him a devotion to Aton. When he became pharaoh, he was given the secret mysteries of the sun handed down from his great grandfather. He learned that Aton was the one true, self-created, unmanifest God and that all the other gods, including Amen, were man-made. Early in his reign, he changed his name to Akhenaton, meaning “he who is beneficial to Aton.” He considered himself a son of Aton.


Akhenaton initiated a change in the religious climate from a fear-based polytheism with its death cult, magic amulets,


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numerous idols, animal sacrifice, and secretive rituals of a powerful priesthood to a more devotional religion, which was free of graven images, obsession with the afterlife, and magic; which emphasized reverence for sunlight and cleanliness, and simple burial; and which allowed ordinary citizens to freely worship in open-air temples with offerings of fruits, flowers and incense, as was done in the original solar religion of Egypt. Aton's temples had no idols or graven images other than the one Akhenaton devised -- a sun disk from which proceeded rays, the ends of which terminate in hands. Some of these hands held the ankh, the symbol of life, to the nostrils of his sun gazing worshipers.

This symbolism shows that Akhenaton understood the relationship between sunlight, prana and breath. He knew that sunlight is the source of all life upon earth. This was not worship of the physical sun but worship of one God, a supreme deity, whose spirit was in Heaven and whose physical manifestation was the sun - the symbol of life. It changed the worship of the sun as a god to the worship of God symbolized


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by the sun. Paintings and carvings of Aton were always accompanied with a sort of hieroglyphic footnote (shown above), stating that it was just a representation of the all-encompassing Creator.

Thus, Akhenaton established the first monotheistic religion by elevating Aton over Amen and other gods. His mother, Tia, did much to mediate and stem the tide of controversy caused by his bold opposition to the powerful priesthood of Amen. However, after she died, he disbanded the priesthood and defaced their false gods. He told the people that these gods were not necessary because the one true God was within them. As Jaquetta Hawkes wrote in Man and the Sun, Akhenaton's vision was “very similar to that of Valencio and the Pueblo Indians of a Great Spirit behind the sun disk, but more subtle, refined, exalted. It was a vision, too, of all of us who believe there to be some higher existence beyond our present human comprehension… Akhenaton, born with a native genius that one might well recognize as a spark of divinity, lifted the religion of the sun to the greatest height it was ever to attain. Indeed, in my eyes the religious vision which found living expression at Akhetaton was as true and fine as any ever realized in the mind of man.”

Akhenaton loved to officiate at ceremonies as the high priest of Aton. There was only one other priest, his trusted disciple, Mery-aton. They would offer food and drink to Aton at three times of the day that were called “the gates of heaven.” These were dawn, midday and sunset. At these times, the rays of the sun have a more spiritual influence, so that food offered up for blessing became spiritual food to not only nourish the body but the soul as well. During the consecration, Akhenaton and his congregation would sing his Hymn to Aton, the father of joy and love, accompanied by the sounds of harps and other instruments, and the people vied with each other in bringing gifts of fruit, flowers, and garden produce to lay upon the many


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altars. The worship of Aton was based on the concept of Ma'at, which means "truth" or "justice". It is synonymous with the wisdom of Solomon, Zarathustra’s religiousness of "good thoughts, good words, good deeds,” the Dharma of Hindus and Buddhists, and the righteousness of the prophets. Ma'at is the Word, the bread of heaven, which feeds man’s spirit. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead it says “Grant that I may come to you, for I have committed no faults, I have not sinned, I have not done evil, I have not lied. Therefore, let nothing evil happen to me. I live on Ma'at, and I feed on Ma'at.”

The following quote from a decree made by Akhenaton upon the founding of Anketaton, indicates that morning sun gazing was a part of Atonism. “Every eye beholds him without hindrance while he fills the land with his rays and makes everyone to live. With seeing whom my eyes are satisfied daily when he rises in this temple and fills it with his own self by means of his rays, beauteous with love, and embraces me with them in life and power forever and ever.” Akhenaton and his followers also sun gazed to receive divine direction. Gary D. Goodwin of the Millennium Group wrote that Akhenaton “worshipped the sun and he believed that he could receive revelation from the sun if he stared into it.”

Besides sun gazing, sunbathing was also done as evidenced by the semi-nudity shown in many of the paintings of Akhenaton and his family. Also he designed and had constructed the Maru-Aton, or ‘viewing temple’ outside of Akhetaton, which contained gardens, pools and sunshades, or solar altars. The sunshades were roofless tanning booths made of alabaster, sandstones, and granites inlaid with colored stones and colored glass beads. According to Egyptologist Cyril Aldred, they were used for “the daily rejuvenation of the body by means of the sun's rays.” A person would lie on the stone altar in the sunshade and receive the rejuvenating rays of the sun, either directly, or indirectly, I assume, through the crystalline matrix


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of the stones composing it.

Although the vast majority of Egyptians did not give much credence to Atonism, and Akhenaton's court followed the rituals of the outer religion out of a sense of duty or to gain favor with the pharaoh, there existed an inner circle of about 300 initiates who learned from Akhenaton the mysteries of the sun. According to Egyptologist, Robert Feather, one of these initiates was Joseph, son of Jacob, also known as Nakhte, Akhenaton‘s vizier who interpreted Amenhotep III‘s dreams and avoided seven years of famine. Egyptologists agree that Amenhotep III was noted for his agricultural success during his reign and that Nakhte was a foreigner. The Bible records that Joseph married Asenath the daughter of Potiphera, a priest of Aton in Heliopolis, and archeologists discovered a private chapel to Aton in the ruins of Nakhte’s home in Akhetaton. Feather presents other convincing evidence in his book The Mystery of the Copper Scroll of Qumran: the Essene Record of the Treasure of Akhenaton. After the death of Akhenaton, some of his initiates went to Heliopolis and others went to Elephantine Island, where they established a sun temple to Aton. They could not remain in Akhetaton because it's temples and every trace of Aton and Akhenaton were almost completely destroyed by fanatics of the established religion. This has been the fate of all mystery teachings involving the sun in the past. Most historians and authorities on religion think that Akhenaton’s monotheism was a brief aberration in a long tradition of Egyptian polytheism and that it died with him. But, buried in the pages of historical and scriptural texts are hints that his ideas survived in the Jewish faith, particularly in the Essene and Therapeut Brotherhoods, which were associated with early Christianity. William Henry wrote in Mary Magdalene, the Illuminator, that “a generation of scholars of the Essenes of Qumran… believe that the Essenes discovered the ‘torch of illumination’ that the followers of Akhenaton hid after his reign.” They didn’t just discover the torch; they also passed it on to Jesus and the early Christians.


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When you gaze upon the sun in your solar meditation, see this fire streaming forth from Helios and Vesta becoming who you are as you become the fire of Helios and Vesta yourself… For, beloved ones, to have a solar civilization, many more among mankind must rise to be able to withstand the heat that is coming to earth. -- Zarathustra through the messenger David C. Lewis, April 9, 2006.

In the opening scene of "2001: A Space Odyssey," the sun rises to the soul-stirring chords of "Thus Spoke Zarathustra." This was fitting, since Zarathustra taught his followers to face the sun during their daily rituals, and worship the great spirit Ahura Mazda who lived in the sun.

Detail from Zarathustra by Nicholas Roerich.Not much is known about the original teachings of Zarathustra because they were passed down mostly by word of mouth, and


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what little that was recorded was mostly destroyed by priests of opposing religions and invading Arabs and Greeks.

George Gurdjieff, who traveled extensively throughout Central Asia in search of lost teachings, wrote about a great teacher, whom he called Ashiata Shiemash, in his esoteric novel "All and Everything." Some think Ashiata Shiemash was just a fictional character, but those close to Gurdjieff knew that it was Zarathustra. In Gurdjieff's story, Ashiata Shiemash taught people how to awaken their conscience or inner self. So did Zarathustra, who called it Daena. And their coexisting at the same time (around 1200 BC) and place (near Babylon) makes it obvious that they were one and the same.

The Columbian founder of modern Gnosticism, Sama-el Ah-un We-or, referred to Ashiata Shiemash as "the great master of compassion who embodied to teach the peoples of Asia, especially those in Babylonia, the ultimate cause of suffering, that is, the ego. His teachings influenced many peoples of the East, and his apostles reached the Far East, possibly to Vietnam and Japan." Gurdjieff's biographer, James Moore, called Ashiata Shiemash "an unjustly forgotten historical figure... He it was, insists Gurdjieff, who saw most deeply, felt most keenly, faced most squarely the decay of love into egoism, hope into procrastination, faith into credulity. He it was who divined the redemptory potentiality of conscience, that precious emanation of the sorrow of God – still unsullied, still unatrophied, because it was embedded deep in man’s subconscious. He it was who translated his insights into a spiritual action which, for one blessed decade, eradicated nationalism and castes and war itself, throughout the length and breadth of Asia."

What was this "spiritual action" that achieved such world-transforming effects? It must have been a powerful technique to awaken conscience. Gurdjieff reveals, in one passage, the parts of this technique. He wrote:


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"The factors for the being-impulse conscience arise in the presences of the three-brained beings from the localization of the particles of the 'emanations-of-the-sorrow' of our omni-loving and long-suffering-endless-creator. That is why the source of the manifestation of genuine conscience in three-centered beings is sometimes called the representative of the creator."

Let's examine the key words and phrases in this statement to determine what this technique entailed.

The first key word is conscience. It means "to know (right from wrong) with. In the Mormon's "Doctrine and Covenants" conscience is defined as “our natural capacity to distinguish between right and wrong, due to the light of the Christ that is given to every person." The Hebrew phrase "Matzpun Naki" means "clean conscience." Matzpun actually means something hidden or a treasure. So conscience is the hidden part of our inner self that resides in our subconscious." If you ask people if their conscience is fully awakened, they will say "Of course!" But according to Gurdjieff's student, Piotr Ouspensky, "conscience is a special positive emotion. In our present state we have a very small trace of this emotion, sufficient to have a general feeling that something may be right and something else may be wrong... When real [genuine] conscience appears, you will see that it is not like anything you call conscience now… Conscience, when it awakes, will not allow one to do anything selfish or contrary to other people's interests, or harmful to anybody." Another meaning of the Daena of Zoroastrianism is "law." The Bible gives God's covenant in Jeremiah 31: "I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts… Thus saith the Lord, which giveth the sun for a light by day and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night." This light helps us to read what God has written in our hearts. Zarathustra's message emphasized an inner


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religiousness of "good thoughts, good words, good deeds."

The phrases Three-brained beings or three-centered beings, refer to human beings. We have a brain in our head (intellect), a brain in our heart (emotions) and a brain in our solar plexus (instinct or “gut feelings”). Gurdjieff claimed that the emotional brain resided in the solar plexus and the instinctual brain was in the spinal cord. While this may be true of degenerates whose only emotions are lust, anger and fear, for most people, the heart is the center of higher emotions. Most of the time, our three brains are in conflict with each other. When our conscience is awakened, they will work in unison.

Localization of the particles means a condensation as with water vapor into a droplet, or crystallization as with atoms of silica into a quartz crystal. In this case, however, the particles are not of matter but of light, specifically spiritual light from God.

One of the definitions for Emanation, according to Webster's Third New International Dictionary is "the radiation of a divine quality."

Sorrow is a misinterpretation. The word should be compassion, which means, "sorrow for the sufferings of another, with the urge to help." A Buddhist definition of conscience is "insight or self knowledge which leads to compassion." The compassion of the creator awakens the slumbering conscience with the first rays of spiritual light. Conscience, when fully awake, then gives rise to our own compassion.

Another term Gurdjieff used for creator is "Sun Absolute." This is also called the "Great Central Sun." In esoteric teachings, our sun is considered the last in a series of step-down transformers of the emanations of God from the Great Central Sun. Christopher Holmes wrote in Slugs, a treatise on


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the teachings of Gurdjieff, that we "feed on material food and water, the air and atmospheres, the influences of the planets and moon, radiations of the Sun, and even the emanations of the Sun Absolute." The latter is food for the soul by which it develops a strong conscience and compassion.

The source of the manifestation of genuine conscience or representative of the creator is a divine part of your self. It has many names: inner self, true self, higher self or Christ self. He or she can be visualized as a being of light above you who acts as a mediator between you and God In John 1:9, the Christ self is described as “the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” Hindus call the Christ self the upaguru or teacher without form. Most people know him or her as their guardian angel. In the pantheon of Zoroastrian heavenly beings, Daena is the angel who is the embodiment of religion as a link between God and man.

Rudolf Steiner wrote concerning Zarathustra: "He had knowledge of everything that took place on the Earth because he was able to experience the Spiritual Being of the Sun, that is, the One later called the Christ." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov wrote in "Toward a Solar Civilization," that "the light that flows from the sun… is the Spirit of Christ… and if you link with him and love him, your whole being will throb and vibrate in harmony with the Cosmic Light that shines, in condensed form, through the sun." He also wrote "That part of ourselves, that entity which lives in the sun is our Higher Self…, a part of God."

Putting this all together, we have a technique that focuses and crystallizes the radiation of God's compassion from the Great Central Sun through his representative, our Christ Self in our sun in order that we may identify with him and thereby live conscientiously or righteously in accord with God's will.


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In "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ," Levi Dowling wrote, "But men must see their Gods with human eyes, and Zarathustra said, The greatest of the Spirits standing near the throne is Ahura Mazda, who manifests in the brightness of the sun. And all the people saw Ahura Mazda in the sun, and they fell down and worshipped him in temples of the sun." Thus, the technique that Zarathustra used to quickly awaken the conscience of millions of Asians and bring about an era of freedom, peace and prosperity, was sun gazing. But it was sun gazing with intent. In the daily Kusti ritual, Zoroastrians face the sun, repent their sins and ask for compassion using specific prayers coordinated with hand movements. You can compose an invocation, using your own words and sentiments that would be more effective than any ritual because it would not be some meaningless verbal and mudric formula that you perform as rote but a sincere expression of the yearning of your heart. The following is an invocation that I composed and use while sun gazing.

O Mighty Presence of God, I AM, in the Sun behind the sun, I invoke the Christ Light and the sacred fire into my body, mind and heart to free me from all darkness and wrong desire, guide me on the path of righteousness, and fill me with the fire of compassion that I may become thy glorious Self in manifestation on Earth and radiate love-wisdom to all.


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These tablets I did break out of rage toward a people who would enter into the golden-calf civilization and materialism while I would commune upon the mountain with God. Therefore, for the stubbornness of that people, God did then inscribe but Ten Commandments to be kept. And the path of the Mystery School that had been inscribed [on the first set of tablets] was no longer [written] in form. -- Lord Ling through the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

Lord Ling is the ascended master who was embodied as Ananda, a disciple of Gautama Buddha and as Moses.

In the History of Egypt Manetho wrote “Moses, a son of the tribe of Levi, educated in Egypt and initiated at Heliopolis, became a High Priest of the Brotherhood... He was elected by the Hebrews as their chief and he adapted to the ideas of his people the science and philosophy which he had obtained in the Egyptian mysteries… when he established a branch of the Egyptian Brotherhood in his country, from which descended the Essenes. The dogma of an ‘only God,’ which he taught, was the Egyptian Brotherhood interpretation and teaching of the Pharaoh who established the first monotheistic religion known to man. [Akhenaton]. The traditions he established in this manner were known completely to only a few of them, and were preserved in the mysteries of the secret societies, the Therapeutea of Egypt and the Essenes.”

After returning from Heliopolis, Moses became an annoyance to the priests of Amen and the court of Ramses II because of his Atonistic ideas. The historian Josephus records that Moses was sent on a military expedition to Cush (Ethiopia) in an effort by Pharaoh’s courtiers to get rid of the “dissident.” There he not only found a wife but another outpost of Atonism on


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Elephantine Island. Robert Feather thinks that it was in the wilderness of Cush that Moses saw the burning bush and received his mission. Flavia Anderson, in The Ancient Secret: Fire From the Sun, claimed that the burning bush was actually a small golden tree with a crystal that reflected the sun so brightly that it appeared to be on fire.

A similar talisman, called a punchao, was used by the Incas to put worshippers in a trance so that they could communicate with beings of light. Anderson also relates this golden tree to the Urim and Thummin (perfect light) of the Jews, which was a crystal set in a golden stand, and by which the high priest communicated with God. Anderson thinks that Moses encountered this golden tree during an initiation in the sun temple of Heliopolis. But I think he saw it in the sun temple of Elephantine Island right before he returned to Egypt. It’s possible that some of the Atonite priests who were descendants of Joseph and his family joined Moses in his mission. The Bible records that there were two rival factions of priests during the Exodus. One faction had Egyptian names such as Korah, Dathan, Abiram and On.

In The Secret Initiation of Jesus at Qumran, Robert Feather shows how the descendants of these Egyptian priests, originally appointed at the time of Akhenaton, could have maintained their cohesion down to the beginning of the Qumran Essenes (610 B.C.) When they entered Canaan, they settled around Shiloh and so became known as Shilonite priests. They became prominent around the time of Ezekial (589 B.C.), Onias IV (160 B.C.), and Jesus (4 B.C.) These were also times when the Essenes were active. The Qumran Essenes, based on the Shilonite priests, came to have a much purer Judaism that rejected animal sacrifice, idols, amulets and burial with worldly goods which crept into the Judaism of the rest of Israel. During the Exodus, these priests were pro-Moses and against the priests of Aaron. It is likely that the priests of Aaron, who


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backslid into idolatry of the golden calf (the Egyptian goddess Hathor) while Moses was on the mountain, may have been responsible for reintroducing another Egyptian practice of holocaust sacrifice, prohibited by Atonism.

On Mount Sinai, God gave Moses the first set of tablets to present to the Hebrews. The Italian renaissance artist Beccafumi painted a fresco, which showed Moses receiving the tablets from the sun, depicted as an opening in the sky. This painting by Daniele da Volterra also shows Moses receiving the tablets from a source of light on the top of Mount Sinai.

Detail from Moses on Mount Sinai by Daniele da Volterra

No one knows exactly what occurred on the top of Mount Sinai. I doubt that God carved the ten commandments with lightning bolts as depicted in Cecil B. DeMill's Ten Commandments. More likely, Moses chiseled onto the tablets the mysteries of the sun that he learned in the mystery schools at Heliopolis and Elephantine Island. However, when he came down from the mountain and saw the children of Israel engaging in idolatry and immorality, he realized that they weren't ready to receive the mysteries and would likely misuse the energy from the sun. So he went back up the mountain and chiseled a list of do's and dont's. Fortunately, the mysteries were handed down by word of mouth from Moses to the Shilonite priests and to the Essenes.


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This rivalry between the priests of Aaron, who based their form of Judaism on the idolatry of the priests of Amen, and the Shilonite priests, who based their form of Judaism on Atonism, continued throughout the centuries till the Jewish Civil War. The Shilonite priests were prominent during the reign of David, who may have studied the records of Akhenaton preserved by the Shilonite priests because his Psalm 104 is nearly identical to Akhenaton’s Hymn to Aton. However, during the reign of Solomon, the Shilonite priests, who rejected his temple just as Akhenaton rejected the temples of Amen in favor of the open-air temples to Aton, were superseded by the Levitical priesthood. Ralph Ellis, in Eden in Egypt, wrote “…despite the outer appearance of Judaism at this time [of Jesus] as being a fully monotheistic religion, the inner workings of the priesthood were still remarkably Egyptian and the various factions were still at odds with each other… This would have been a highly unstable situation that was just begging for a revolution, and it came in AD 65 at the outbreak of the Jewish Civil War.” Ellis goes on to say that during the Babylonian exile, the hierarchy from Jerusalem maintained their Egyptian belief system while those remaining in Judaea practiced monotheism. Feather in The Secret Initiation of Jesus at Qumran, notes that the high priest Onias IV, who went into exile in Egypt in 150 BC, had constructed a replica of Solomon’s temple in Leontopolis near Heliopolis. Above the altar in this temple, he had displayed prominently a golden lamp representing Aton. Feather speculates that Onias IV was the “Teacher of Righteousness” that the Essenes prophesied would lead the people back to the true religion.


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A solar civilization is composed of solar beings by definition. When more among mankind understand the nature of themselves as solar beings, sun beings, then the civilization may be built sun being by sun being… You are the lively stones of the solar civilization when you understand the principles of the foundation and the building. The more you practice your solar practice in all ways that you understand it through not only sun gazing, meditation and prayer work but in the practical work that will be that filling in process, the faster it will occur. It is all determined by each person here as to their rate of acceleration, their availability to the masters moment by moment, their attunement, but most importantly their love. -- El Morya through the messenger David C. Lewis, December 29, 2006.

The ascended master El Morya co-founded the Theosophical Society with Serapis Bey and Kuthumi. Thus, it’s not surprising that he had embodiments as a teacher of the solar mysteries in and near Egypt. As Abraham, he learned the mysteries of the sun and the worship of the one true God from Thutmose III’s father Amenhotep I and passed them down to his progeny. Hundreds of years later, according to the messenger Nicholas Roerich, he embodied as another Hebrew patriarch, Solomon.

The name “Solomon” has an inner meaning. Sol is the heart or sun center of our solar system. Mon is short for Monad, which is the divine spark in our hearts, the sun center of our being. The O represents the circuit that is established between the two when we sun gaze, and through which we gain wisdom. Solomon can also mean “solar-man.” Whether Solomon sun gazed isn’t known for sure, but from his words it would seem so. In the Odes of Solomon: he wrote: “As the sun is the joy to them that seek for its daybreak, so is my joy in the Lord:


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because he is my sun and his rays have lifted me up; And his light hath dispelled all darkness from my face, in him I have acquired eyes and have seen his holy day.”

King Solomon by Simeon Solomon

The meaning of “acquired eyes” is the key to Solomon’s legendary wisdom. Plato also wrote about `sun-eyes,' granted by the gods. Gustav Fechner was blinded by the sun, but through prayer and meditation (a key) his eyesight returned after a while. He reported that the retinas healed, and became stronger. And that when his eyesight returned, he possessed ‘expanded eyesight.’ He said he could see angels and the auras around people and plants. Fechner's experience may also explain the conversion of the St. Paul from a persecutor into the spiritual apostle. Plato taught his students that expansion of one's self was the result of sunlight, that some men could learn from studying plants and animals, others by looking at the stars, and superior men by looking at the sun, which he said was only possible for men ‘granted sun-eyes’ by the gods.

The design of Solomon’s temple is another indication that he or the high priest may have sun gazed. The temple was constructed such that on two days of the year, the vernal and autumnal uinoxes, the sun shone directly through the eastern


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gate, and through all the eastern gates of the temple arranged in line, directly into the very heart of the temple proper. The eastern gate is also called the “sun gate.”

Also noteworthy is the fact that in order to enter the Holy Place, the priest had to pass through a double door situated between the two pillars, Boaz and Jachin. When the doors were open and while he was standing at the center of the Holy Place, facing east, he may have been able to see the sun rising any day of the year within the gap. Thus the two pillars marked the directions of Winter and Summer solstice at sunrise. This implies that Solomon may have had the temple constructed as a place of initiation to allow gazing at the sunrise from the Holy place at any time of the year.

Solomon was famous for his profound wisdom. Wisdom is an invisible part of sunlight, just as the Holy of Holies was a hidden part of the temple. Appropriately, the Book of Wisdom was recited only in the Holy of Holies. This book praises wisdom as “an aura of the might of God and a pure effusion of the glory of the Almighty… she is the refulgence of eternal light… she is fairer than the sun and surpasses every constellation of the stars. Compared to light, she takes precedence; for that, indeed, night supplants, but wickedness prevails not over Wisdom.” Thus the light of Wisdom is a spiritual light beyond physical sunlight

Sun gazing pioneer, Gene Savoy, calls the wisdom aspect of sunlight the “information or intelligence factor” (IF). He writes in Project X: the Search for the Secrets of Immortality, “This energy [from the sun and beyond] has inherent IF potential. It is cosmic information coming into our mind and consciousness directly from the source – the cosmos where it all began… The first cause in the creation of the world was the ‘word,’ or the logos, which emerged from the mouth of God. The philosophers have always taught that this ‘word’ is the true


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nutrient of the spiritual part of man.”

In Greek, “the word” or “logos” was identified as the “creative light,” John's name for the Christ. Socrates taught in his academy that personal regeneration was only possible through understanding the Word of God, the Light, and that it was attained only through inner illumination absorbed from the sun. Proclus proclaimed that “the light of the sun is the pure energy of intellect.” The ancients seers of India such as Patanjali also taught this truth. According to the philosophy of the yogis, consciousness, illumination and intelligence are synonymous. The more luminous or brilliant one is, the greater is one's intelligence. Within our solar system the sun is undoubtedly the most luminous being, which makes the intelligence and energy represented by the sun exemplary. Omrram Mikhael Aivanhov said that the sun was the highest being in the solar system and that we should model ourselves after it. The method Omraam and the yogis used to put on the consciousness of the Sun is very simple. It's based on the principal that whatever you put your attention on you become. If you constantly think about the sun then you becomes a sun and acquire all of the sun's intelligence. Omraam said there is more intelligence in one ray of sunlight than in the greatest genius on Earth.

In the gospel of John, Jesus the Christ tells the Pharisees, “it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.... This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever.” (John 6:32-33). Jesus is making the assertion here that the true bread from heaven is the Wisdom or Word of God, which comes down from heaven, from the Sun behind the sun, to give spiritual life to human beings. Manna, or what modern alchemists call Ormus or white


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powdered gold, is a poor and expensive substitute for sunlight. Thus, sun gazing is a means to nourish our souls with the bread of heaven and gain the wisdom of Solomon.

El Morya also embodied as another great king, Akbar the Great, who was one of the wisest rulers of India. As with Solomon, his greatness was not just in his power, wealth and influence, which were considerable, but in his mind and heart, which were open to all cultures, religions, castes, and political groups. He loved to gather great thinkers from all creeds: Hindus, Moslems, Jews, Zoroastrians, and even Jesuits from the Vatican and debate the truth of religious beliefs. Of these, the Zoroastrian priests, who would come to reveal the mysteries of fire and of the sun, had the greatest effect on Akbar. As a result, he established perpetual fires in the palace and began worshiping the sun in prayer four times a day. He also encouraged his painters, just as Akhenaton did, to incorporate techniques of realism and perspective and to portray the body in sensuous detail. In one painting, The Prince Worshiping the Sun, two figures pay homage to the sun and wear garments that have suns on them. They also are barefoot, a requirement for weaving the deathless solar garment.

After summoning a general council in 1583, Akbar composed and promulgated his Divine Faith (Din-I-Ilani). This was a rational and ethical mysticism without priests and books. Akbar


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established it, believing people would adopt it as a unifying set of religious laws for all. The goal of Din-I-Ilahi was union of the soul with God. However, it was a difficult faith to follow. Like the initiation of Sufis to their masters, disciples had to place their head on the Emperor's feet and swear they would sacrifice their life, property, religion, and honor to serve their master. Disciples had to follow Akbar's rule of universal toleration for all religions. Din-I-Ilani encouraged the intermingling of Islamic, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Jain, and even Christian faiths. Few members of his court were willing to pass through this initiation. Akbar's new faith only gained about two dozen prominent converts. His fellow Moslems severely criticized him because they thought he was espousing sun worship. They couldn’t understand that the light of the sun was the manifestation of God, Allah, the Christ, and every other name of the source of all good in the universe. Sri Ram Sharma claims that Akbar did not worship the sun as a god, but thought it was the most powerful manifestation of God. Like Zarathustra and Akhenaton before him, he had a vision of the sun as a symbol that would unite all people under a true monotheism that didn’t erect a human or animal idol as a focus of worship. To Akbar, the masters Jesus, Zarathustra, Mohammad and all the great prophets were examples. They all “lifted up their eyes to heaven,” meaning they sun gazed and directed their love and gratitude to the Sun behind the sun.

El Morya also embodied as King Arthur, St. Thomas Becket, St. Thomas More, and, in his final embodiment, as the Rajput Prince, El Morya Khan, one of the founders of Theosophy.


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None may come before the face of God, whom the angel of sunlight lets not pass. Truly, all must be born again of the sun and of truth, for your body basks in the sunlight of the Earthly Mother, and your spirit basks in the sunlight of the truth of the Heavenly Father… -- Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace

Archeologists discovered in one of the catacombs of Rome a drawing of Jesus holding a rod when raising Lazarus from the dead, which illustrates that the early Christians understood the source of Jesus’ power to work miracles. The rod is a symbol of a solar-charged spinal column, which the sun gods Ra or Aton are also shown wielding in Egyptian paintings and wall carvings. Every master of the mysteries of the sun discussed in Part Two have been shown holding a rod, and Jesus is no exception.

In The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi Dowling, Jesus was accepted as an initiate in the sacred brotherhood at the Temple of the Sun in Heliopolis. Here he learned the mysteries of the sun while passing the seven levels of initiation


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leading to the level of the Christ.

Gene Savoy and other authorities on the early Christians agree that Jesus was a member of the Nazarene Essene community and that many of his teachings are similar to the Essene teachings. The Essenes and Therapeuts considered themselves to be the children of light. The apostles used the terms “children of light” and “sons of the light” when referring to their followers, the Christians, indicating that they were Essenes and Therapeuts. Clement of Alexandria wrote “But we are children of Light, having been illuminated by the dayspring of the spirit of the Lord from on high [the sun].”

The Therapeuts believed that pure souls returned to the sun and that sunlight is the heavenly, incorruptible food of the soul, the bread from heaven (that is, the Word or Logos). Philo of Alexandria wrote that “twice every day they are accustomed to pray, about dawn and about evening: praying at sunrise for a fair day for themselves,… which means that their minds be filled with heavenly light. But at sunset they pray that the soul be completely relieved of the disorderly throng of the senses and of sensible things, and left free to track out into the realm of spirit and explore truth.” Philo also wrote that on feast days they would sing hymns all night, and at daybreak would “stand with their faces and their whole body towards the East, and when they see that the sun is risen, they stretch their hands up to heaven and pray for a happy day and knowledge of the truth and the power of keen-sighted thinking.” Eusebius claimed that the Therapeuts were proto-Christians. Pliny the Younger reported in a letter to the emperor Trajan in 112 CE that these “Christians appear to be harmless people who meet at daybreak and sing hymns to the honor of the Christ.”

Josephus wrote, concerning the Qumran Essenes’ sun gazing practice, that “at the rising of the sun, stretching their hands heavenward, they invoke it to shine in greater magnitude to


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cleanse the world of all sin.” According to Gene Savoy in his book The Essaei Document: Secret Teachings of an Eternal Race, Jesus received the Essenes’ secret teachings, which he calls the paradosis, meaning a divinization process by which one became immortal. Savoy hints at sun gazing being a key factor in this secret teaching. He writes “That the Essenes faced the sun at these times [sunrise and sunset] suggests that the sun was used as an intermediary by which men of the Earth were linked by ‘cords of light’ with heaven… and were nurtured on a divine food upon which the angels fed…”

Savoy’s “cords of light” linking everyone can be thought of as an energy grid. The sun is one part of this energy grid; the Earth is the other. Savoy continues: “The followers of Mithra gathered on the summits or stood in the waters, lifting their hands in prayer before the rising sun...” Savoy also mentioned in Project X that sun worshippers in Peru would stand on the summits of mountains or sun temples. This made me think of the vortices and ley lines of the earth grid, which are focal points of electromagnetic energy usually found on high points on the earth's surface and stream beds. Richard Leviton and Robert Coons in Ley Lines and the Meaning of Adam wrote that the electromagnetic system of our bodies, the entire biosphere and the earth grid are part of a much larger solar system grid and it's all connected. And the energy that powers this grid is the Light of God. They wrote, “The landscape temple made of stones and crystal… linked Heaven and Earth through Man. The terrestrial temple also functioned as a Grid Door by which human consciousness… could actually exit this plane and enter ‘the realm of the Gods.’ Through this Grid Door, the Gods could also channel their spiritual vibrations and messages.” This may be why Jesus would periodically retreat to mountain tops to pray and meditate during his ministry.

Jesus so identified with the Word (that is, the spirit of the Universal Christ in the sun) that he became the Christ, the


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Word made flesh. Anyone can do this. Jesus wasn’t the only Christ. There were others before him and after him, as you have seen in this section. Cicero, when he traveled in Greece, found inscriptions on monuments to the Christ Hercules and other Christs. Christ said, “The things that I do shall ye do also, and greater things, for I go unto my Father.”

Because Jesus was one with the Christ, the spirit of the sun, some of the things he said about himself referred to the sun and sunlight. The fundamental error of Christianity is taking the words of the master Jesus as referring to his human self that dwelt in his body (what he referred to in third person as “the son of man”) and not his Christ Self that dwelt in the sun (“the son of God”). Because Jesus was one with the Christ, when he said in first person “I am” as in “I am the light of the world,” and “I am the living bread which came down from heaven,” it was not Jesus speaking of himself, but it was the Christ in the sun speaking through him.

This image is a detail of a mosaic found in a Third Century tomb under St. Peters Basilica. It shows Christ as a sun god riding a chariot. This shows that the early Christians had the


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correct understanding that the Christ was in the sun, not in the man Jesus. In other words, the higher Self of Jesus, the Christ, resided in the sun.

Peter realized this when he said in Matthew 16:16 “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” The Christ said to Peter “Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jo’-na: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.” Peter knew that the spirit of Jesus was not of a prophet but of Christ and he knew it not from any human source but from the inspiration he received from God while sungazing or looking up to heaven. Six days later, Peter, James and John witnessed Jesus’ transfiguration into the Christ or the Christ descending into Jesus. In Matthew 17:2 they saw that “his face did shine like the sun, and his raiment was as white as the light.”

Transfiguration of Jesus by Feodor Ivanovich Iordan

The Christ chose Peter to become the head of Christianity because he had the correct understanding that the Christ dwells in the sun and in each heart and not just in Jesus. Unfortunately, for various reasons, Peter did not maintain the correct understanding. Peter and the early Christians, at first worshiped the spirit of Christ in the Sun, but after a while, they


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lapsed into a personality cult of Jesus worship, which has continued to this day.

Fortunately, Jesus passed on the Essene secret teachings on the mysteries of the sun to other disciples, including Mary Magdalene. Fragments of Jesus’ secret teachings can be found in the Dead Sea scrolls, in the apocryphal text known as the Pistis Sophia, and in the Essene Gospel of Peace, which was hidden in the Vatican library for centuries before it was discovered by Edmond Bordeux Szekely in 1928. In the Pistis Sophia, an ancient gospel suppressed for over a thousand years and ignored by the orthodox churches even after its publication in the last century, Jesus, after his resurrection, elaborates on the solar mysteries and how necessary they are for entering the kingdom of heaven:

Ye are to seek after the mysteries of the Light [sunlight], which purify the body of matter and make it into refined light exceedingly purified. Amen I say unto you... I have torn myself asunder and brought unto them all the mysteries of the Light, that I may purify them... else would no soul of the total race of men have been saved, and they would not be able to inherit the Kingdom of the Light... For this cause, therefore, herald to the whole race of men saying: Cease not to seek day and night, until ye find the purifying mysteries which will purify you... so that ye will go on high and inherit the light of my Kingdom.

How this purification occurs is hinted at in this further passage: “Now, therefore, he who shall receive the mysteries of the baptisms, then the mystery of them becometh a great, exceedingly violent, wise fire and it burneth up the sins and entereth into the soul secretly and consumeth all the sins which the counterfeiting spirit hath made fast on to it.”


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It’s noteworthy that Pistis Sophia makes no mention of Jesus' vicarious death on the cross as having any part in the forgiveness of sins. Sins are forgiven or purged through the “baptism of fire” and the chanting of prayers and hymns. John the Baptist said “I indeed baptize you with water, but he that cometh after me will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire!”

In the Essene Gospel of Peace, Jesus gives a teaching on sunlight and it’s purifying role in the baptism of fire. He tells the sick after instructing them on fasting, “And if afterward there remain within you aught of your past sins and uncleanness, seek the angel of sunlight… For I tell you truly, holy is the angel of sunlight who cleans out all uncleanesses and makes all evil-smelling things of a sweet odor. None may come before the face of God, whom the angel of sunlight lets not pass. Truly, all must be born again of the sun and of truth, for your body basks in the sunlight of the Earthly Mother, and your spirit basks in the sunlight of the truth of the Heavenly Father…” This “sunlight of the truth” is the Ma'at of Akhenaton, the wisdom of Solomon, the daena of Zarathustra, the Dharma of Buddha, and the righteousness of the prophets. It is the Word, the bread of heaven, which feeds man’s soul.

Jesus says elsewhere in the Essene Gospel, “Follow, therefore, first, only the laws of your Earthly Mother, of which I have told you. And when her angels shall have cleansed and renewed your bodies and strengthened your eyes, you will be able to bear the light of our Heavenly Father. When you can gaze on the brightness of the noonday sun with unflinching eyes, you can then look upon the blinding light of your Heavenly Father… The sun is as the flame of a candle beside the sun of truth of the Heavenly Father”

Gazing at the noonday sun is not recommended for beginning


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sun gazers. Serious sun yogis, who have purified their bodies and minds for years and have gradually acclimated their eyes to increasing brightness, can do it without harm. The danger for the uninitiated is not so much eye damage as it is mental imbalance. The mind can only handle so much light. This is why we increase sun gazing time slowly, ten seconds or less per day and only go up to 44 minutes before climbing back down to 15 minutes.

The receiving of this fire through sun gazing with arms upraised in a Y formation or bent at the elbows and palms facing the sun was called by the Greeks “fire blooming” because the fire or essence of the sun thus channeled burned away impurities.

The Fire Blooming Position

I have seen pictures of sun worshipers from all over the world: Hindus, American Indians, ancient Egyptians, Medieval monks, Russians, Incans, and even prehistoric petroglyphs all with upraised arms. William Henry, in Mary Magdalene: The Illuminator, wrote that when Jesus taught his disciples the Lord’s Prayer, he also taught them this prayer position, which he learned from the Egyptians, who called it the Ka position. Moses also learned it from the Egyptians and used it to invoke


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the Light of God during the Israelites’ battle with the Amalekites. It is significant that the battle was won at sunset, one of the three times when the spiritual light in sunlight is most powerful.

Another part the mysteries revealed by the Pistis Sophia is a certain power of the spoken word. The soul, in order to be cut free from the counterfeit spirit, must utter “the mystery of the undoing of the seals and of all the bonds.” This is the science of the spoken word, the uttering of sacred mantras, prayers and songs that undo or transmute a person's seals and bonds, his or her karmic records and ties.

This spiritual science was not revealed to all the faithful. According to Pistis Sophia, the mysteries were to be given to those initiates who made themselves worthy through years of testing. However, today we live in the dawn of the Aquarian age of spiritual freedom and anyone can learn the techniques of sun gazing taught by Omraam Mikhail Aivanhov and sun yogi Hira Ratan Manek and techniques of chanting. And Saint Germain has freely given the tremendous dispensation of the violet flame, which is “the mystery of the undoing of the seals and of all the bonds.” It is significant that during the 1930s Omraam began giving public lectures about the sun and Guy Ballard also began teaching people about the violet flame.


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Sun worship was the heart’s core of all religion and philosophy everywhere before the Dark Ages obscured the vision of truth. And world religion will not fulfill its original function of dispelling from the soul of mankind the dark earth-born vapors that envelop it until the mind once again is irradiated with the light of that transcendent knowledge. Christianity forsook its high station on the mount illuminated by solar radiance when it submerged the Christly sun-glory under the limitations of a fleshly personage and dismissed solar religion as ‘pagan.’ In converting the typical man into a man of history, it forswore its early privilege of basking in the rays of the great solar doctrine. Light, fire, the sun, spiritual glory - all went out in eclipse under the clouds of mental fog that arose when the direct radiance of the solar myth had been blanketed. Christianity passed forthwith out of the light into the dreadful shadows of the Dark Ages. And that dismal period will not end until the bright glow of the solar wisdom is released once more to enlighten benighted modernity. Alvin Boyd Kuhn, the Lost Light

During the Dark ages, the mysteries of the sun survived and were passed down through the Gnostics, Knights Templar, Cathars, Paulicians and the Bogomils among others. Many of these saints were brutally murdered by the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches in an attempt to suppress their teachings, which threatened the Churches’ authority.

Edward Gibbon noted in The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: “The Gnostics were distinguished as the most polite, the most learned and the most wealthy of the Christian name.” George Mead, who translated the Pistis Sophia, and other scholars also testified to the high character of the Gnostics. These were the same Gnostics that the Orthodox Church


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branded as immoral and Satanic heretics.

One of the most inspired Gnostics, although some would argue against this, was Saul of Tarsus, an embodiment of the ascended master Hilarion. Saul experienced a sudden conversion and gnosis as a result of what I call extreme sun gazing on the way to Damascus. According to Gene Savoy, an authority on the Essenes, Damascus was a code word for one of the desert Essene communities, which formed the nuclei of the early Christian churches. It’s likely that in the process of interrogating the Christians that he captured, he uncovered the fact that the Essenes sun gazed. Out of curiosity or perhaps a sincere desire for purification, he gazed at the noonday sun as it shown through a break in the clouds and was blinded.

The Conversion of St. Paul by Jean Laudin

The spirit of Christ in the sun communicated with him saying, “It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.” In other words, it’s hard for someone to go against the dictates of his or her conscience. This is what Zarathustra taught – that a person gains genuine conscience from sun gazing, such that it is impossible to do wrong. Or, as sun yogi Hira Ratan Manek likes to say “a devil becomes divine.”


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In Second Corinthians, Paul describes his conversion as an experience of being caught up either in the body or out of the body into paradise to the third heaven (the causal plane), where he heard “unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.” Thus, he implied that he received secret mysteries. After his conversion, Paul spent three years in the desert with the Essenes, studying the mysteries and receiving initiations, before returning to Jerusalem to preach the gospel.

St. Paul has been accused of perverting the origin Essene Christianity, that recognized the Christ in the Sun and which taught that we could be saved through Jesus’ secret teachings, into the historical Christianity, which condemned sun worship and taught that we could be saved only by Jesus’ death on the cross. If you read Paul’s epistles, this would seem to be the case. However, the truth of the matter is that after Paul’s death, at some point during the second century, the leaders of the Catholic Church rewrote most of the epistles to conform to their doctrine of atonement as opposed to Paul’s Essene doctrine of At-One-Ment. The distinguished Dutch scholar, W. C. Van Manen, to whom had been assigned the writing of an article on Paul in Hastings’ Dictionary, after much careful research and consultation with other scholars, repudiated the genuineness of the epistles traditionally ascribed to Paul. In other words, their authorship was forged. Van Manen stated emphatically that the Paulinism of the lost Acts of Paul and of the canonical Epistles of Paul, is not the “theology” of the historical Paul. George Mead wrote that this conclusion was of tremendous importance, since it was not the opinion of an isolated scholar, but the outcome of the studies of a school.

Clement of Alexandria recorded that Paul, before going to Rome, said that he would bring to the brethren the Gnosis, or tradition of the hidden mysteries, as the fulfillment of the blessings of Christ, who, Clement says, reveals the secret


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knowledge and trains the Gnostic by mysteries, that is, revelations made in the state of trance. Such a state can be attained through deep meditation, chanting and sun gazing.

Unfortunately, Paul was arrested in Rome and a few years later executed. His true teachings on the mysteries of the sun were lost for several centuries until they were resurrected in Armenia and Syria during the late seventh century by the Paulicians. They were so named because their teachings were the Gnostic mysteries handed down from Saint Paul.

Hilarion’s last embodiment was as Saint Hilarion, a reclusive monk on the island of Crete. He was a great healer and thus was able to balance the karma he made as Saul when he inflicted pain and death on the Christians.

The Paulicians were persecuted and diminished in the ninth century, but in the tenth century, a new Gnostic movement, the Bogomils, arose in Bulgaria, which had many of the same beliefs and practices as the Paulicians, including sun worship. They believed that salvation was to be found only in Jesus’ secret teachings. They taught that each person should assume responsibility for his or her spiritual destiny in community with others and realize the birth of Christ in their hearts.

At the beginning of the 12th century, Byzantium started to persecute the Bogomils. Many were killed, but some fled to Italy, southern France and elsewhere. By the middle of the 12th century, Gnostic schools like the Knights Templars and Cathars had sprung up and spread throughout Western Europe. These were the Western European counterparts of the Bogomils.

The Cathars “pure ones” and the Knights Templars were concentrated in the Languedoc and Midi regions of Southern France. The Cathars claimed to possess the Book of Love, the


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original initiatory version of the Book of John (the only gospel the Cathars read) which likely contained the solar mysteries. It taught that a spark or tiny sun of the Christ Light dwelt in man's heart and it revealed how to nurture it like a seed of divinity so that it blossomed into the rose of the original rose-cross mystery school. This teaching, which reputedly could transform a human into a divine being, once belonged to Thutmose III, Akhenaton, Moses, Solomon, Jesus, and John the Beloved. It was reputed to be able to dissolve all hatred, anger and jealousy from the hearts of men.

The Cathars observed only two sacraments, baptism and communion. They believed that through baptism a pure soul entered the kingdom of God. The process of doing this was called ascending. The initiate would prepare for baptism through a renunciation of the flesh and attachment to the things of this world. This was called repentance by John the Baptist, Jesus and Paul. In Greek it is metanoia, which means “to turn around.” In other words, to turn your back on the world.

The Cathars believed that the key to divine transformation was the correct understanding of the symbolism of the Eucharist, that is, the bread and wine and the Holy Grail. The light of the sun is the bread; its warmth is the wine. The Holy Grail is the brain’s third ventricle or cavity containing the pineal and pituitary glands. This secret of communion, known to the Cathars as the consolamentum (with the sun in the mind), was kept hidden from the uninitiated.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov said this about communion. “Bread and wine are solar symbols. It is not a question of the physical reality of bread and wine, but of the two properties of the sun: light and heat, which combine together to create life. But the heat is love, the light, wisdom. And so we can see that [the Christ through] Jesus meant that if we ate his flesh: wisdom, and drank his blood: love, we would have eternal life.


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“For two thousand years, now, Christians have been eating wagon-loads of hosts and drinking barrels of wine without ever attaining everlasting life and even, sadly enough, without being in any way the better for it. The only way to attain eternal life is to eat the light and drink the warmth of Christ, the Spirit of the sun.”

Communion is a two way street. We receive God’s light or wisdom and God’s warmth or love. But we also return something to God through our eyes, which are the windows of our souls. We send to God our thoughts, prayers and affirmations, which are then amplified by the power of the sun and broadcast to the world where they can effect change. That’s why we should only have positive thoughts when we sun gaze. And we should always end with an outpouring of gratitude.

The early Christians, as did the Essenes and the worshipers of the one true God of Light in Akhetaton, would hold their communion services outside. And when they consecrated the bread and wine, they would lift it up to the sun so that the sun’s rays would bless it and transubstantiate it into the body and blood of Christ. Thus the ancient Egyptian sun worshippers as well as the early Christian sun worshipper such as the Manicheans, who were actually Christ worshippers, would charge the bread and wine with the spiritual Light or Christ Light that infused physical sunlight at dawn. That’s why they would hold their services outside at dawn. However, when the authorities began to persecute the early Christians, they were forced indoors or underground in catacombs and never resumed their outside services. Today, all that remains of this tradition is the Easter sunrise service held by some churches. Others look down on this practice because they consider it sun worship.

Thus, most churches hold their communion services indoors. But fragments of the solar tradition remain. For example, the


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Catholic Church has a monstrance which is a vessel that houses the consecrated host. According to the 1913 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia-“The most appropriate form (for the monstrance) is that of the sun emitting its rays to all sides.” The Cathars believed that the solar elements of the Eucharist transubstantiated into the body and blood of Christ within themselves. Transubstantiation comes from the Latin trans, “across,” and substantia, “substance.” This substance turned men into gods, as declared by David in Psalm 82:6 “I have said ye are gods.”

This substance, the transmuted elements, caught by the Holy Grail (the third ventricle), is what the Hindus call Amrita, the elixir of immortality and the Greeks called Ambrosia, the nectar of the gods.

William Henry, in Mary Magdalene, the Illuminator, wrote “All the occult mysteries speak of a key that is required to unlock mystical secrets of enlightenment. Specifically, the lost secret of the Templars… is about building a better human through the release of secretions from the astounding manufacturing plant of spiritual oils, the human brain. This oil or essence was the key secret of Mary Magdalene and the Essenes recovered by the Templars from between the temples. The skull [specifically the third ventricle] is… the Cup of Life, the Grail, that catches these secretions from the brain… The Grail mysteries teach us that the object of the Grail Quest is to raise the white fire from the base of the spine (the illuminating serpent of kundalini ) up the spinal column ( the Rod of Power) to the brain. Upon reaching the pineal gland at the center of the brain, kundalini's fire fuses the pineal's brain sand and makes or manufactures the Philosopher's Stone (an activated third eye). This Stone emits or secretes the elixir of life, the Sacred Soma, the tonic of immortality, for these terms all refer to the cosmic esse or brain substance.” It was also called Christos by the Essenes.


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During sun gazing or deep meditation, amrita is produced, fills the grail and drips down the back of the throat. David must have experienced this when he wrote in Psalm 23:5 “thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.” Amrita has an intensely sweet taste described as nectar, honey, gold dust, euphoric, ecstatic, intoxicating and gives one the feeling of being imbued with holiness.

This bliss is not just a natural high. According to William Henry, bliss is a state of extreme happiness and freedom from attachment, conditioning, and fear that is created by Christos. It is the key that will unlock the gates of Heaven. Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov said that only those who are happy and carefree like children can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. One sun gazer described amrita as “...blissful energy. Kind of like when I was a happy child.” This bliss can also be triggered by chanting. Like their forerunners, the Bogomils, the Cathars engaged in chanting. This along with sun gazing was the key to activating the pineal gland. We will see how the use of mantras and chanting can awaken the pineal in Part 3 because it sits above the mouth suspended in the third ventricle, a chamber filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Its location above the mouth in a fluid chamber makes the pineal gland quite uniquely positioned to respond to sonic vibrations. Manly P. Hall, in The Opening of the Third Eye stated that the pineal gland “vibrating at a very high rate of speed, is the actual cause of true spiritual illumination.”

The teachings of the Cathars posed quite a threat to the Catholic Church. Unlike the Cathars, the Church of Rome clearly did not produce a substance that gave people an experience of divine bliss. And if it did, it would keep it from the people.


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Condemned by the Council of Tours in 1163 as heretics, a propaganda war was launched by the Church against the Cathar’s competing theology. Propaganda was not enough to dissuade the Cathars. The Church then sought to neutralize the threat posed by them by dispatching emissaries to debate and convert them. When its best envoys failed to convert the Cathars, the Church called in the French mercenary Simon de Montford to exterminate them and guarantee its own survival.

From 1209-1249 the first European genocide was conducted against the Cathars by Pope Innocent III. Promising spiritual rewards in exchange for the blood of the Cathars, he sent 30,000 enforcers into the Midi and nearby Languedoc to eradicate every man, woman and child who was a Cathar or supported the Cathars. The Cathars were hunted, tortured, burned at the stake and savagely murdered by the Church’s hired killers. It used psychological warfare to turn neighbor against neighbor, and even brother against brother in a bloodthirsty campaign that continued with the Inquisition. Estimates place the total number of Cathars and sympathizers murdered between 300,000 and one million people.

Throughout all the carnage report after report substantiated an amazing testimony. The Cathars rarely displayed fear, terror or pain even after the most hideous atrocities were inflicted upon them. It was said their example caused many a crusader to undergo profound spiritual transformations. Later, at the siege of Montsegur --the Cathars last stand -- crusaders actually converted to Catharism and fought alongside them.

Although the light of the Cathars was snuffed out in the 13th century, at the beginning of the 20th century, the teachings of the Bogomils were revived by the master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) and his chief disciple, Omraam Mikhail Aivanhov.


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Prayer, meditation and ecstasy are forms of nourishment; through them we partake of the heavenly Ambrosia, the food of immortality… the Elixir of Everlasting Life. Yes, you can say that it exists in the physical plane, for it is distributed by the sun throughout the length and breadth of nature. And this is why we attend the sunrise every morning in the Spring and Summer to receive some particles of that quintessence of life, that Ambrosia that pours out from the sun into the whole universe, and nourishes all creatures, from rocks, plants and animals to men. -- Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov in The Slendour of Tiphererth

On January 31, 1900, Mikhael Aivanhov was born prematurely into a poor family in Serbtzi, a small village of Macedonia. His mother had the village priest baptize him within a day because she feared he would not live long. The priest had a reputation for being a tea-totaller, except for communion wine. But when he baptized Mikhael, the light that descended was so powerful that he felt like celebrating, and during the party afterwards, he got a little drunk. He told people that he saw a vision of Mikhael's future and prophesied that he would do a great work for God. Now, if this were the only prophecy about Mikhael, we could dismiss it as the ramblings of an inebriated priest. But three other men, who were famous mystics, made prophecies about him. One was Nostradamus who wrote:

To a humble family will a fair child be bornFrom a Balkan country will this Eagle fly,To dwell in the land of the Rooster,His name, the same as mine, the world will long recall,His voice the peoples of the earth will hear,And following upheaval and disaster,A new age will begin.


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France has the rooster as its emblem, and that is where Mikhael traveled to from Bulgaria, a Balkan country. The eagle represents the lofty sun - a fitting symbol for Mikhael, who boldly soared in the dimension of Spirit, close to the source of all light. The eagle is also the higher symbol for the sign of Scorpio, which was Mikhael's ascendant.

Another prophet was Rudolf Steiner who said, “I bring you a complicated language for the intellect, but after me will come Michael, who will bring a simple language of images.” If you read any of Aivanhov's books you’ll find that they’re full of imagery and easy to understand.

And lastly, around the beginning of the 20th century, someone asked the Theosophist Charles Leadbeater who would bring the energy of Archangel Michael to the Earth. Leadbeater replied “His name will be Michael and he will arrive in France after the first third of the century is past.” Mikhael came to France in 1937.

Mikhael's mother, Dolia Aivanhov, wasn't aware of these prophecies, but she knew intuitively that her son was special. That's why she consecrated him to God's service from the moment of conception, and just as Mary did for Jesus, held the immaculate concept for him while he was in her womb. His mother never yelled at him or forced him to do anything. Instead, she patiently explained his options and what consequences they would bring and left it up to him to decide which course to take. Mikhael had a profound love and respect for his mother and for all women and saw in them hope for a better world through prenatal education. He said “A mother can accomplish great miracles because she holds the key to the forces of life.” His mother died in 1973 at the age of 97. His father was also an important influence during his formative years, but he died of pneumonia when Mikhael was only seven.


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Other people who helped shape his character were his grandmother and a wise old man, also named Mikhael, who would tell stories. Mikhael said of him “He would tell me fantastic tales of battles between the forces of good and evil, the powers of light and darkness, white magicians and sorcerers... and good always triumphed over evil in the end. Ever since, I have felt that by means of these tales this old man and my grandmother gave me an impetus towards the good and the light, and gave my heart a yearning to see the triumph of light over darkness.” Mikhael realized that the moral lessons he imbibed through these stories were more character forming than anything he later learned from books. “Childhood,” he noted, “determines the whole of one's life.”

During his adolescence, Mikhael devoted himself to spiritual practices involving meditation, yoga, breathing exercises and light. One day when he was 15 he was doing the surya yoga practice of sungazing when he was suddenly plunged into a mystical experience of God as a most beautiful being of light. Later, he commented: “It was so beautiful that I was beside myself. To see such a being, with all those colors, all that light! He was almost invisible in the extraordinary luminosity that surrounded him. I found myself flooded with light. I was in a state of bliss, of ecstasy so immense, so powerful, that I no longer knew where I was. It was a delirious joy; it was heaven; it was the universe! Ever since then I have felt that if God were not all beauty I could not believe in him. It is beauty that remains in my mind as the one essential: neither power, nor knowledge, nor wealth, nor glory. Only beauty!”

This was a turning point in his life, for he realized that in order to regain that experience he would have to give up his self experimentation and learn from an enlightened master. This transcendent sun gazing experience was the beginning of a new life; his quest for perfection was now channeled in a more


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definite direction. When the student is ready, the teacher appears, and he soon found a spiritual Master, Peter Deunov. One of the first things Mikhael asked Deunov was how best to connect with God during meditation. Deunov told him “Work with light, for light is the expression of divine splendor. You must concentrate on light, immerse yourself in light and rejoice in light. It is by means of light that we can communicate with God.”

Deunov was a remarkable man. He came to America in 1888 and received a doctorate in Theology from Boston University in 1893. During that time, he came in contact with the Rosicrucians and discovered that the 10th century Bogomil movement in Bulgaria was a form of esoteric Christianity from which the modern-day Rosicrucians emerged. He returned to Bulgaria and was offered a ministry, but rejected it in favor of spending four years in seclusion doing spiritual work. On March 7, 1897, The Holy Spirit descended on Deunov. After this Deunov became known as the Master Beinsa Douno, which means The One Who Brings in the Good through the Word. Mikhael also experienced a similar initiation when he traveled to India in 1960 and became known as the master Omraam. In 1918, Deunov established the School of the Universal White Brotherhood. The White referred to the white spiritual light that imbued the auras of its members. Some of the spiritual exercises of this school were prayer, music, deep breathing, greeting the sunrise, and paneurithmy (dance).

For twenty years Mikhael studied under Deunov. At the same time he studied at the University of Sophia, concentrating on psychology, philosophy and the natural sciences. During the 1930s, he held a professorship at a university and subsequently became a college principal. In 1937, Deunov seeing the rise of fascist and communist regimes, decided to export his teachings to Western Europe. Out of 40,000 disciples, he chose Mikhael to take his teachings to France. So on July 22, 1937, during the


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Universal Exposition, Mikhael arrived in Paris with only a handful of French disciples to help him.

For ten years he worked hard to spread Deunov's teachings and in 1947, he created the French chapter of the Universal White Brotherhood. After Deunov died in 1944, Bulgaria was taken over by the Soviet Union, Deunov's estate in Sophia became part of the Soviet embassy and the Universal White Brotherhood of Bulgaria was infiltrated by Communists who turned it into a political group. They sent 47 members to Paris to do the same with Mikhael's group, but he firmly resisted. In order to get Mikhael out of the way, the communists used a hypnotist by the name of Cherenzi Lind to discredit him. Lind hypnotized several young ladies into believing Mikhael had raped them. Based on their false testimony, he was arrested, held in prison for several months and convicted on July 3, 1948 after a hasty trial. An appeal was filed but he was sentenced to four years in prison. He was released after two years because of his impeccable behavior. His fellow inmates appreciated the spiritual help they received from his example and the advice he had given them, and called him their “angel.” In 1962 his case was reopened and his name cleared.

In the summer of 1953, the first convention of the Brotherhood was held at the Bonfin near Frejus. It was attended by all those who, in spite of the difficulties of the past five years, remained true to Brother Michael. The Bonfin is still the international headquarters of the Universal White Brotherhood. People from all over the world attend conferences there in the summers

A tradition which Brother Mikhael began and which people continue at the Bonfin and other centers today is the sunrise meditation. This is a very powerful meditation that is well worth getting up early for. Mikhael told his students, “Learn to bathe in this river, in this immense flood of morning, for this is your true bath, a bath of light, the only one which can truly


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wash and purify you.” Mikhael said that prana or the life force is most concentrated 20 minutes before and 20 minutes after sunrise. Also, I have learned from other sources the predawn hour is most conducive to meditation because of the interaction between the photons of light from the sun, the Earth's magnetic field and our personal aura or electromagnetic field. The place where everyone gathered to meditate was a large rock outcropping overlooking the Mediterranean. Mikhael said that it was one of the places that the great adept, Apollonius visited in his travels. Researching the life of Apollonius, I discovered that Southern France was indeed one of the places he went to, and that wherever he went he hid special talismans in the earth. These talismans created a positive forcefield to attract spiritual people and good events. I suspect one of these talismans is at the rock. However, Mikhael said that working directly with the sun through prayer and contemplation was much more powerful than any talismanic magic.

In 1956, Mikhael gave a lecture in the city of Nice (NEECE), not far from the Bonfin. After the lecture, an Indian man approached him and told him that his master Babaji had heard about him and would like to meet him. To be granted an audience with Babaji is a great honor reserved only for those who are pure of heart and selfless. Mikhael wasn't able to leave for India until February 11, 1959,

While in India, he visited numerous ashrams, sacred sites and met spiritual leaders. He was welcomed by several famous Hindu and Buddhist sages as an accomplished master from Europe. One master said he was the re-embodiment of Vyasa, who simplified the Vedas just as Mikhael simplified esoteric Christianity. Another adept hailed him as a "solar rishi. And the master who gave Richard Alpert the name Baba Ram Dass gave Mikhael his spiritual name, Omraam. Finally he met the immortal bodhisattva, Babaji, who in 1992 gave his blessings to another teacher of sun gazing, sun yogi Hira Ratan Manek. A


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bodhisattva is a being of high attainment who has such great compassion for suffering humanity that he has taken a vow to not ascend back to God until everyone is enlightened. So Babaji's been around for a long time.

When someone meets Babaji he is transformed, and Omraam was no exception. Actually his transformation was more dramatic because of the many other masters he met who gave him their blessings and the many days he spent meditating in sacred places. On his return from India, his whole being radiating a new aura of authority, much like Moses did when he came down from the mountain.

As one of the disciples who met him upon his return commented, “He looked like what we imagine the world’s great Initiates looked like… The child I held in my arms said, ‘It’s Moses.’ It was Moses.” In a lecture in Paris soon afterwards he spoke about his new name: “The name Omraam combines the two processes of solve and coagula. ‘Om’ dissolves all things, rendering them subtle and fine. It is the sound that disintegrates all that is negative. It corresponds to the solve of initiatic science, which returns things to their source by transforming them into light. The vibrations of ‘Raam’ have the power to condense and coagulate divine realities and make them tangible. This is coagula.” Thus, Omraam, through his new name, was given the power to dissolve evil in the world and to coalesce the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. We can continue to do this by reciting his name as a mantra.

As we evolve into light beings the more we sun gaze and meditate, the less food we need to eat. HRM says that the sun, air, earth and water can supply all our energy needs and so did Omraam. He wrote, “The brain, too, needs to eat! And its food is light.” He spoke of "eating" and "drinking" light, the


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primordial food of the universe. As he put it: “We go to the sunrise in order to nourish ourselves with light . . . Man needs to feed on light in order to nourish his brain . . . Light awakens those faculties that enable man to penetrate the spiritual world. Zoroaster asked the god Ahura Mazda how the first man was nourished, and Ahura Mazda replied, ‘He ate fire and drank the light.’” The other elements can provide complete nourishment for the body through prana. Omraam wrote, “Prana is a living force. It is the vitality that comes from the sun and that we breathe in with the air and absorb through all our cells. Prana is comparable to a great river flowing from the sun to us, in which, through breathing and meditation, we are able to find all the elements we need.”

But there is something even greater than prana that come from the sun, something which nourishes and builds our deathless solar body, what Omraam called “the body of glory.” Concerning this, he wrote “Prayer, meditation and ecstasy are forms of nourishment; through them we partake of the heavenly Ambrosia, the food of immortality… the Elixir of Everlasting Life. Yes, you can say that it exists in the physical plane, for it is distributed by the sun throughout the length and breadth of nature. And this is why we attend the sunrise every morning in the Spring and Summer to receive some particles of that quintessence of life, that Ambrosia that pours out from the sun into the whole universe, and nourishes all creatures, from rocks, plants and animals to men.” What is this heavenly ambrosia composed of? It is the “quint-essence (fifth element) of life,” ether. It causes the secretion of certain hormones in the pineal, pituitary and other glands that form a psychoactive substance called amrita. In the next section, we will look at this amazing substance in more detail.

Omraam's message is basically the same as that of all the masters and cosmic beings who taught the mysteries of the sun – and that is: become a sun of God.


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The rays of the sun are streaming information. The solar sun is a step-down transformer of energy-information from a higher sun, called the Central Sun… The pineal gland reacts by secreting neuropeptides, glandular chemicals, that are natural consciousness enhancing agents. These naturally produced psychoactive chemicals inform the Children of Light and Love with Divine Consciousness and Life on a cellular level. -- The Trasorim (Angels of the Sun)

The sun, as Omraam pointed out, is a living, intelligent being who constantly pours out his light, warmth, and life to all the planets of the solar system, which is his sphere of influence. We too can radiate light (intelligence), warmth (love) and life to all those in our sphere of influence with words of wisdom or compassion, a smile, or a healing touch. In so doing, we can, in effect, become a sun and brighten and vivify the lives of others. The masters of the solar mysteries did this to such an extent that they actually glowed; they became beings of light. In other words, their physical bodies were transfigured into bodies of light. In Matthew 17, the account of Jesus' transfiguration, his face was described as shining like the sun. Jesus said in John 8:12 “I am the light of the world.” He also said in Matthew 5:14 “Ye are the light of the world.” Thus, just as he was transfigured into a sun, so can we. Christ can transfigure us as the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” declares “with a glory in his bosom.” The bosom is also known as the solar plexus. This is a clue to the physiology of transfiguration. There are other clues


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in this song such as “Mine eyes have seen the glory” and “be jubilant my feet.” Julia Ward Howe wrote her song from a dream. Sometimes the higher self communicates profound truths during the dream state. While her song is generally considered a hymn and patriotic ballad, it's also a veiled reference to initiatic science. It indicates that the initiation of transfiguration involved the solar plexus, the third eye chakra and the chakras in the feet. The solar plexus, as Omraam pointed out, is our reservoir of life-forces and it can be replenished using various techniques such as the ones in Appendix A. He also said there is a connection between the solar plexus and the brain and feet. If you think of the solar plexus as a battery, then the brain, specificlly the pineal gland, is the positive electrode and the two feet together form the negative electrode. This is why we sungaze with bare eyes and bare feet to ensure good connections to the source of positive, yang energy, the sun, and the source of negative, yin energy, the Earth. Besides the yin/yang dynamics of the eyes and feet, there is also the interplay of yin and yang within the brain as it responds to light and darkness.

In Chapter 1 of Part I, we examined how sun gazing and sunbathing cause the secretion of “feel good” hormones serotonin, beta-endorphins, and dopamine. This chapter will examine how the endocrine glands secrete other hormones during sun gazing and it's opposite – darkness retreats, which create not just a high, but greater energy, experiences of samadhi or higher consciousness, and an immortal light body. There’s more to endocrine gland secretions induced by sunlight and darkness than what meets the eye, or, I should say, third eye. The effect of sunlight and darkness on the pineal is something that needs to be researched more. It’s already one of the most researched glands. We know that bright light stimulates the production of seratonin and darkness stimulates the production of melatonin in the pineal, but there are other neurochemicals produced by the pineal that have more


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profound effects than just the mood, sleep, reproductive and body temperature effects of serotonin and melatonin. Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania, including Dr. George C. Brenard, a leading authority on the pineal gland, observed sun yogi HRM for 130 days in 2002. They found that his pineal exhibited growth and reactivation. The average size of the pineal is 6x6 mm, but in HRM’s case it was 8x11 mm, more than twice as large.

Sun Yogi Hira Ratna Manek

Scientists refer to the pineal gland as the “atrophied third eye.” Indeed, it, along with the pituitary, is the third eye chakra or energy center, but they’re just dormant, not atrophied. According to Max Heindel's Rosicrucian writings, in the distant past, man was in touch with the inner worlds through an activated pineal and pituitary gland. Considered the most powerful and highest source of ethereal energy available to humans, the third eye has always been important in initiating psychic powers such as clairvoyance and seeing auras.

To activate the 'third eye' and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal and the pituitary must vibrate in unison, which is achieved through meditation or sun gazing. When a correct relationship is established between the personality, operating through the pituitary, and the soul, operating through the pineal,


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a magnetic field is created. The pineal can generate its own magnetic field because it contains magnetite. This field can interact with the earth's magnetic field. The solar wind at dawn, charging the earth’s magnetic field, stimulates the pineal gland. This is why the period between 4 am and 6 am is the best time to meditate and why sunrise is the best time to sun gaze. At these times, the pineal stimulates the pituitary to secrete Human Growth Hormone. That's why sun gazers experience rapid nail and hair growth, restoration of hair color, and general rejuvenation. Some middle-aged female students of Gene Savoy even experienced resumption of menses. Cleopatra used to place a magnet on her forehead to stimulate the pituitary to restore her youth and good looks. She didn't know she already had a magnet inside her head. Also at dawn, the negatively charged pineal and the positively charged pituitary combine their essences to create a "light in the head" while meditating.

This “light of a thousand suns” has been seen by mystics, initiates, prophets and shamans throughout the ages. They refer to it as the experience of God or of a universal intelligence. Many people have induced this experience through the use of hallucinogenic substances, such as soma, mushrooms, Mescalin, and LSD. However, these experiences tend to be short-lived and require increased doses to repeat the experience. Certain yogic techniques can also force the third eye to open prematurely before the mind is ready, and this can lead to psychosis. Mystics of all religions and cultures agree that natural methods, such as intense meditation in darkness retreats, visualization, deep-breathing, chanting and sun gazing combined with purification are the best ways to gradually awaken the third eye so that the person is not shocked by experiences of higher consciousness and these experiences are not colored by negative images in the mind.

The pineal governs energy level. Thus, the more it is stimulated, the higher a person’s energy level. Monks at a


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monastery in France were told by a new abbot to stop chanting. They found that they no longer were able to get up before dawn to work in the fields after only a few hours of sleep. When chanting was restored, so was their energy. You can find chanting and singing practices in many cultures that activate the third eye. The reason why is because the pineal sits above the mouth suspended in the third ventricle, a chamber filled with cerebrospinal fluid. This makes the pineal gland quite uniquely positioned to respond to sonic vibrations. Manly P. Hall, in The Opening of the Third Eye stated that the pineal gland “vibrating at a very high rate of speed, is the actual cause of true spiritual illumination.”

Other adepts have said as much. Take, for example, this quote from “The Dialogues of Kabir,” “In the center between the two eyes is the seat of eternal music, the music of the spheres. One who practices this sound principle gains entry into this kingdom." And a more recent teaching from Sri Chinmoy states that “There are quite a few mantras that also help in opening the third eye. The Gayatri Mantra, for example, helps in opening the third eye, for it invokes the infinite knowledge, wisdom and light.” Sun yogis usually recite the Gayatri mantra while sun gazing. The last line of this mantra can be translated as “May it [the sun] activate the brain.” See the Appendix A for a full explanation of the Gayatri mantra. Jonathan Goldman in Tantra of Sound wrote that "Sound can act like a psychoactive substance, altering and enhancing consciousness." Perhaps this is because certain sounds can stimulate the production of psychoactive substances in the brain. But the two major stimulators are light and darkness. Dr. Rick Strassman, who conducted research at the University of New Mexico from 1990 to 1995 on the effects of the psychoactive drug Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), suggested that the pineal gland is involved in DMT production, because the precursors and enzymes necessary for its formation are quite


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high in the pineal. He says DMT may be released from the pineal during dreams, near-death, death, birth, and during meditation and mystical experiences. Near death experiences are identical to DMT trips. HRM says that at the moment of death, the pineal gland collapses, releasing all it’s contents. Scientists have found that during meditation in total darkness, the pineal secretes DMT after a few days. I propose that chanting and visualization accelerate this process and that sungazing afterwards induces the secretion of other peptides in the pineal, pituitary and other glands that have psychoactive effects. The mixture of these secretions has been called various names: nectar of the gods, the living water, and amrita. It is said that to experience amrita is to be bestowed with immortality, that is, to be freed from the cycle of birth and death...hence liberated. The term amrita is Sanskrit for "elixir of immortality," it literally means "deathlessness." The following is the account of an initial amrita experience by a sun gazer, Lillie, who posted her experience on a sun gazing forum: “I have had an awesome experience 10 or 12 times that I have not yet read about. This will happen most often in the morning. I will get this taste in my mouth that will last anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours. It is the most wonderful taste I have ever experienced! I can assure you that there is NOTHING to describe what may be similar, or at least nothing I have ever tasted. It is just so divine I find myself getting lost in it, and wanting it to never go away. I don’t know if there’s any connection, but I now have less anxiety, and much better eating habits. Also, I can strongly feel others’ emotions before they even look at me and I have begun to see colored auras on people and animals.” After reading about amrita and continuing sun gazing for three more months, this was Lillie’s update: “The amrita has not become more often, but it lasts longer (the longest being almost three hours now). My emotions during amrita are extreme joy


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and happiness. The taste is still so amazing it takes my breath away. The only way I can describe even a hint of the taste is like a milk-sugar-nutty, and that’s still not even close! If I’m not at work or in the public and can find a quiet place, the taste seems much stronger.

“I have energy surges that seem pretty powerful. Not nervous energy, but like a blissful energy. Kind of like when I was a happy child. I believe it stems from sungazing and meditation. I meditate twice a day. While sun gazing, I do a light meditation that consists of expressing gratitude for everything. At night, I meditate on colored balls of light before going to sleep. I do deep breathing before sun gazing and walk barefoot for 15 minutes afterwards. When I eat just a little fruit or nothing in a day is when I usually notice the blissful energy. I truly am more loving and grateful since I started sun gazing. I now get by on five hours of sleep instead of eight. I used to be a light smoker. My cravings went away at only 7 minutes of sun gazing [after about two months]. I mean they completely went away. It’s like I never smoked, and I’m amazed that I ever did that. Being able to see auras is still pretty mild. I usually can see it on an angry person, and it’s kind of like pulsating shades of reds and oranges from the head and chest area. I can see other colors on occasion when I am paying close attention. I also can see mostly blue and white on my dogs. As far as feeling and knowing other emotions, this has become very powerful, almost to the point of frightening me on occasions. Sometimes I think I can almost physically feel the emotions of others.”

I have not been blissed out to the extent that Lillie has, nor have I experienced any indescribable taste in my mouth. However, I have experienced sensations of bliss during and after sun gazing, also I feel more love and gratitude, and I am more sensitive to the feelings of others. I suppose that amrita is being produced during sun gazing, but not to the extent that it overflows down the back of my throat. It is nonetheless, being


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transported through the gland ducts to the blood and lymph and throughout my body. I can feel it tickling and warming my heart at times.

How can one induce an amrita experience? Note that Lillie reported that it happened most often in the morning after sleeping in darkness. This is an important key. During sleep and darkness retreats, during which initiates are in total darkness for days, the pineal gland secretes melatonin. After a certain point, it begins to secrete pinoline, and, eventually, DMT. Chanting and visualization accelerate this process. Note also that Lillie meditated on colored balls of light before going to sleep at night.

The solar priests in sun temples thousands of years ago knew how to induce the amrita experience through a combination of sungazing and darkness retreats. Archeologists who have examined sun temples in various parts of the world: Egypt, Mexico, Peru, India, and so on, discovered that they all had underground chambers or caves beneath them. They assumed correctly that these were used for initiations. The initiate would first purify himself or herself by sungazing, fasting on water, deep breathing and mud baths: the four elemental purifications described in the Essene Gospel of Peace. Then, when the priest felt the initiate was ready, he would lead the initiate into the underground chamber where he or she would meditate and chant in total darkness for several days. During that time, the initiate would see the inner light and go through an emotional purging and enlightening process induced by DMT. The final step was reemergence at dawn, during which the rays of the rising sun would flood the brain with serotonin and other psychoactive substances such as oxytocin and tryptamine that would combine with DMT to produce Amrita and samadhi. According to various esoteric teachings on the sun, the rays of the sun at certain times of the day, such as sunrise, are


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streaming information. Our physical sun is a step-down transformer of cosmic energy and information from a higher, spiritual sun called the Great Central Sun or the Eye of Buddha. This energy enters the eye, which is the only exposed nerve in the human body. Sunlight travels along the optic nerve to the pineal gland. The pineal gland is also referred to as the "Eye of Buddha" in ancient literature. The pineal gland reacts by secreting neuropeptides, glandular chemicals, that are natural consciousness enhancing agents that enlighten us on a cellular level. This enlightenment isn't just in the head; it is primarily in the solar plexus, which Omraam calls “the brain in reverse.” It is the part of us that knows something through a gut feeling. Omraam also said that “the solar plexus is in contact with the entire cosmos and serves as the medium through which man communicates with the universe.” I would add that it does so in conjunction with the pineal. This is in line with Rene Descartes hypothesis that the pineal gland was a valve for communication between God and man. William Henry added his support to this hypothesis when he noted that “the human pineal is covered by unusual faceted, geometric crystalline structures… that effectively make it an antenna sensitive to electromagnetic stimulation.” I propose that it also is receptive to etheric emanations from the Godhead through the sun, what William Henry refers to as manna or dew.

This communication with the Godhead is a two-way street because light goes forth from our eyes, as well as into them, to transmit thoughts and feelings. This is how two people gazing at each other from across a room can fall in love. This is also how an enlightened master can transmit teachings by means of a darshan or gaze of the master. So when you look directly at the sun, send intent, visualizations, thoughts, feelings, and sensations of divine virtues and situations to bless all, and send any ruest, through eyes into the rays of the sun. In this way, blessings travel along rays of light to the sun and the sun broadcasts this to all. This is the ancient way of world


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transformation taught by the mystery schools. I suspect that because of this extraordinary power to change consciousness and reality by communicating with the sun through the eyes, self-seeking officials, who want to keep the status quo and maintain control over people discourage them from looking directly at the sun by spreading the lie that you can go blind by gazing at the sun. However, this mindset is slowly being changed as more and more people begin sungazing and their eyesight actually improves.


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The body is not only a ladder that leads to the realm of immortality, but also an excellent instrument for expressing the glory of immortality in life and society. It is capable of being thoroughly penetrated by the light of the spirit. It is capable of being transformed into what has been called the "Diamond Body.” -- Haridass Chaudhari

Most people, when they hear the word “immortality” as in “elixir of immortality,” think it means immortality of the soul. They relegate physical immortality to fantasy and science fiction, to stories such as “Zardoz” and “The Highlander” in which physical immortality is presented more as a curse than a blessing. And, if the flesh and blood body is not raised in vibration into a body of light through the alchemy of transformation, it would be a curse. Who in their right mind would want to drag around a bag of flesh and bones for eternity? Who would want to be restricted forever by the laws of physics and the limitations of the brain? Who would want to retain their human ego? Having an immortal ego would be hell on earth.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov said this about immortality: “Anyone who aspires to immortal life, which is true spiritual life and not an endless prolongation of physical life, must turn to the sun. Only the sun is able to teach them what elements give immortality and what work needs to be done with them. There are three of these elements: light, heat and life. The sun constantly distributes these through space as the expression of divine light, heat and life. The day you come to understand this


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truth and you prepare yourself to watch the sun rise as if it were the event that surpasses all others, you will drink the sun, you will nourish yourself with the sun and you will become immortal, because you will know how to renew yourself.”

Rosemary Clark in The Sacred Tradition in Ancient Egypt, writes that “the transubstantiation of the body into a divine vehicle [Akh or luminous body] is not only the fundamental basis of all the esoteric imagery in Egypt’s religious mysteries, it has been a spiritual goal articulated in all the world’s religious doctrines… In these doctrines, existence in the divine body occurs after discarding the material vehicle, but in the Egyptian texts, death is presented as an opportunity for transformation, not a preruisite.”

True immortality means transferring your consciousness, when the body is spent fulfilling your life's mission and after you've become free of the ego, into a deathless solar body and either staying on Earth as an immortal bodhisattva like Babaji or ascending back to the Great Central Sun.

In Project X: The Search for the Secrets of Immortality, Gene Savoy describes an experience he had while sun gazing of seeing a golden figure descend from the sun. The face looked familiar and he realized it was his own. At the point of death from a 107-degree fever, he felt himself merge with the golden body and seeing his physical body on the ground. But the merging did not last and his consciousness returned to his body along with an "understanding that the two forms, though of two sets of dimensions, were yet one, only occupying distinct places in time and space. For mounting seconds everything blurred; then with a great gasp I felt the breath return to my body." He was completely healed.

Savoy later speculates that the light body “is immortal, and once a state of cosmic consciousness is achieved, one becomes


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aware of this divine, unearthly origin. Knowledge of this immortal, ultra-dimensional consciousness body turns man's attention away from the limitations of third-dimensional life to a higher life. The light-body, unlike the physical organism and energy fields, is not at a fixed or focused point in the universe… Like the sun, a focal point of energy coming from beyond the material universe, the light-body is the gateway to other worlds of force… It is the same light-body of Jesus, the golden body of Buddha, and the sun body of Viracocha.”

Gene Savoy

This light-body has been called various names by different masters. Serapis called it “the deathless solar body,” Omraam called it “the body of glory,” Akhenaton called it the MerKaBa.

The path of physical transcendence or bio-spiritual enlightenment through light-body activation was embraced as a reality in most of the ancient world. The death and resurrection of Christ and Osiris are two famous examples from the Near East. During the Middle Ages, the Cathars claimed to possess the secret gospel of Jesus called the Gospel of Love, believed to contain keys for creating the light-body.

After the existence of this text became known, the Roman


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church began to torture the Cathars in one of its infamous Inquisitions, killing millions of innocent people--at which point the Gospel of Love mysteriously disappeared. It seems that the Gospel of Love was, among other things, a manual for creating the merkabah. The merkabah, according to investigative mythologist William Henry, is the "light body vehicle of resurrection and ascension that is the foundation of Hebrew mysticism. These texts make it clear that the Mer-Ka-Ba is a vehicle of light that emerges from within the human body."

Henry points to the Resurrection, following which the doubting fingers of Thomas appear to enter Christ's transfigured, luminescent flesh, as one famous description of the completely activated light-body. In an article entitled "Finding the Holy Grail," psychologists Barry and Janae Weinhold make a similar claim, pointing out on the basis of decades of in-depth historical research that the "individual human body is the Holy Grail.” More specifically, it is the intercranial cavity that contains the pineal and pituitary glands and cerebro-spinal fluid. Like a tuning fork, the body can be tuned to different fruencies," including that of Source, through DNA activation.

Savoy, in reflecting on birth and death, wrote, "Why did birth have to take place in physical form? Why not as a light or solar being? That should be the goal of man on our planet: to ascend to the sun and the stars…"

What can we learn from ancient solar mystery teachings to help us "ascend to the sun and the stars?" Take for example, this quote from an ancient text describing a Mithraic sun gazing ritual.

"Draw breath from the rays… three times as strongly as you can and you will feel yourself raised up and walking towards the height, and you will seem to be in the middle of the aerial region. The path of the visible gods will appear through the


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disc of the sun, who is God my father. Likewise the so-called tube, the origin of the ministering wind. For you will see hanging down from the disc of the sun something that looks like a tube."

The "ministering wind" is the prana, which streams from the sun into the soul and fills it with the Holy Spirit. The tube is the Hunab Ku (the Mayan portal/tube) that goes from our Sun through seven spheres or heavens all the way to the Godhead in the Great Central Sun.

Acharya S. in "Suns of God," wrote, "In Mithraism existed a ceremony involving a celestial ladder, by which the person's soul was said to pass through the seven steps representing the planetary spheres [chakras] to reach the ‘sun door’ through which all souls must pass in order to gain salvation and immortality.”

Edgar Cayce, in one of his readings, described how after you clean out your churches (i.e. chakras, endocrine glands), you "hold the stars in your hands". Therefore, one must clear the chakras first in order to be able to travel the Hunab Ku. The Hunab Ku is described as a "finger of fire" from the sun in "The Complete Ascension Manual" by Joshua David Stone. He writes, "this invocation by the disciple has now drawn an evocative response from the spiritual triad and the monad, or spirit. The lower projection and the higher projection meet and the antakarana is built. You will get a response from God, and He will meet you with His finger of fire, and/or thread of light substance." At times while sun gazing, especially if you do the silent sunrise meditation, you may see a flash of light from the sun hitting your heart. Usually this is accompanied by a feeling of bliss. This is the finger of fire or thread of light substance. Eventually, over time, these threads are woven into the seamless garment of the Deathless Solar Body.


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At a certain point in your transformation when you have cleaned out your chakras and become free of the ego, you have the ability to either stay on Earth as an immortal bodhisattva like Babaji or ascend through the tube to the seventh heaven and back to the Great Central Sun.

Most choose to ascend, and may even do so bodily as did Jesus and other ascended masters. It could be that they would be more effective as an ascended master than as an immortal unascended master. However, some spiritual thinkers feel that in some cases the desire to escape the prison of the flesh is a hindrance to mankind's spiritual evolution because great adepts who could teach mankind how to escape the matrix and become free from attachments, are no longer with us on the earth plane where they could directly influence events. This quote from "Being, Evolution, and Immortality” by Haridass Chaudhari explains this concept with remarkable depth and clarity of thinking.

"There are some mystics and spiritual seekers who strengthen and purify their bodies just enough to be able to experience the thrilling touch of the Divine. They use the body as a ladder [as in the Mithraic initiation described above], by climbing which the pure spiritual level - the domain of immortality - is to be reached. On attaining that level, the body is felt as a burden, as a prison house, as a string of chains that holds one in bondage. Dissociation from this last burden of the body is considered a sine qua non for total liberation. Continued association with the body is believed to be the result of the residual trace of ignorance (avidya lesa). When the residual trace of ignorance is gone, the spirit is set free from the shackles of the body. The above view is based upon a subtle misconception about the purpose of life and the significance of the body. The body is not only a ladder that leads to the realm of immortality, but also an excellent instrument for expressing the glory of immortality in life and society. It is capable of being thoroughly penetrated by


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the light of the spirit. It is capable of being transformed into what has been called the "Diamond Body" [i.e., Deathless Solar Body]. As a result of such transformation, the body does not appear any more to be a burden upon the liberated self. It shines as the Spirit made Flesh. It functions as a very effective instrument for creative action and realization of higher values in the world. It is purged of all inner tension and conflict. It is liberated from the anxiety of repressed wishes. It is also liberated from the dangerous grip of the death impulse born of self-repression. Mystics who look upon the body as a burden suffer from the anxiety of self-repression and the allurement of the death wish. Material immortality means decisive victory over both of these demons. It conquers the latent death instinct in man, and fortifies the Will to live as long as necessary, as a channel of expression of the Divine. It also liquidates all forms of self-suppression and self-torture and self-mutilation. As a result, the total being of an individual becomes strong and steady, whole and healthy. There is a free flow of psychic energy. It is increasingly channelled into ways of meaningful self-expression. Under the guidance of the indwelling light of the Eternal, it produces increasing manifestation of the Spirit IN Matter."

In October of 2007, I met an unusual man with an unusual name -- Crystaqueous. He was very gentle and soft-spoken and looked like a yogi one would find in the Himalayas. In the course of our conversation I found out that he had traveled in the Himalayas and visited with Babaji twice. Babaji also materialized in his home in Michigan twice. He told me that in 2002, he became self-realized, knew himself as one with God and had stopped aging. In other words, he was an immortal in the flesh.

I emailed him recently and asked him “If you realize that you already are the perfection of God, would you transcend your karma and the duality of imperfect physical body versus perfect


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spiritual body. Would the ascension of the body be moot if your consciousness is ascended?”

This is his reply: “Yes! When one pierces the illusion veil and the false-self of the Dream drops (or totally vanishes) in the act, one awakes AS the ONE Infinite God or Divine Self of All Mankind. When initiates do this they realize THAT which They have Always Known and never forgot-- Namely, that they have never been different from or other than THAT ONE Glorious Infinite Mind and Intelligence and Love-Power which is called- GOD. Of course there in no such thing as karma or reincarnation going on in the Realm of the Beginningless and Endless God- LIFE Which ALWAYS IS! Karma and reincarnation are simply induced aspects of the Great Cosmic Play. And although each Play Actor is projected as a beginning and ending suffering soul, none of these Play actors are actually The Real Divine Personality. They are simply like animated figures projected onto a Unique Cosmic Movie Screen. And so it has been designed into the Great Universal God-Play that as each unreal animated figure awakes from the illusion of the Play (or Dream role) ALL THAT REMAINS IS THE REAL BEGINNINGLESS AND ENDLESS DIVINE PERSONALITY THROUGH WHICH THE ONE INFINITE MIND HAS UNCEASINGLY EXPRESSED IN JOYOUS HAPPY BLISS! NOT A TRACE OF A DREAM WORLD REMAINS FOR THAT ENTITY WHO AWAKENS FROM THE DREAM ROLE NEVER TO SLEEP AGAIN.”

Crystaqueous told me that those yogis who think they are liberated from the cycle of birth and death, despise the body and deliberately drop the body are bound to reincarnate, because they are still caught in the duality of imperfect physical body versus perfect spiritual body. They haven’t yet attained the ultimate realization that they already are the perfection of God.


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Once you have attained this ultimate realization, you have a choice to make. You can ascend back to the Great Central Sun as an ascended master or you can remain on earth as an immortal unascended master. If you haven’t balanced all of your karma, you can ascend, but will have to remain around earth before you can progress in the spiritual world. And you will find that you cannot easily balance the rest of your karma and have to depend on those in embodiment to help you, but people aren’t very reliable. Only mortals and immortals in physical embodiment, under the guidance of ascended masters, can do the great work of building the New Jerusalem or heaven on earth. So make a vow of service. Tell God that you want to be of the greatest service at all times, and in all places. If you do so, you will be given enough work and the life force to accomplish it to last for an eternity. Keep in mind, however, that if you do decide to remain on Earth, there is always the possibility that you will fall under the illusion of duality and begin anew the cycles of birth and death.


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Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. -- John 12:24

All teachers of Sun Yoga talk about how sunlight or certain elements of sunlight can transform the physical body into a body of light. This light-body has been called by different names by different master and spiritual traditions. Serapis called it “the deathless solar body.” Sri Aurobindo called it the “divine body.” Omraam called it “the body of glory.” Akhenaton called it the Mer-Ka-Ba. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, it is called the “resurrection body,” “celestial body,” or “spiritual body.” In Sufism, it is called the “most sacred body” or the “”supra-celestial body.” In Taoism, it is called the “diamond body.” Tibetan Buddhists refer to it simply as “the light body,” as did Gene Savoy. In Tantrism and various yoga systems it is called the “vajra body” or “adamantine body.” In ancient Egypt, it was known as the “luminous being.”

The Mer-Ka-Ba or Light Body


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The process of acquiring a light-body is the alchemy of human transformation. The word "alchemy" is derived from Al Khemet, meaning "the land of the black earth" or Egypt. This is the source of the esoteric teachings behind alchemy, specifically that of the early Rosicrucian mystery school of Thutmose III, the sun temple of Heliopolis and, later, the Therapeut and hermetic schools of Alexandria.

The alchemical formula for the transmutation of lead into gold is actually an esoteric teaching on how to transform the dense, physical body, subject to disease and death into an immortal light body or solar body. This formula requires an ingredient called the philosophers stone, which modern alchemists think is white powdered gold, and they believe that by consuming white powdered gold or Ormus they can transform the body. But a much less expensive way is to consume golden sunlight.

Rosemary Clark wrote, in The Sacred Tradition in Ancient Egypt, “The divinization of the body is a theme in Egypt’s esoteric tradition. The goal is the transformation of one’s physical functions into eternal, supracorporeal powers… These powers were not reserved only for the divine beings. The solar power of Ra was transmitted daily to the living, as proclaimed in one of the morning sun salutations of Egyptian priests. ‘I join with you each day, so that the members of my body may be made new again by your light.’” According to Clark and other students of alchemy, the ingredients of the alchemical formula for human transformation are the four elements of matter: fire, air, water and earth, and the transcendental element, ether. These elements make up our being: fire is our spirit, air is our mind, water our emotions, earth our body and sense of stability, and ether is our connection to the divine.

The initial step in this alchemy is to balance the four physical


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elements within our psyche. If we have too much or too little of an element, we won't have the balanced elemental foundation necessary for transformation. To use the analogy of a seed, before it can be transformed into a seedling and a plant, before it's potential for growth can be released, the four elements must be present in the correct proportions. Too much water or too little air or sunlight will cause it to rot. Not enough earth or water or too much air and sunlight will cause it to wither away. The following are qualities of the four elements and the negative characteristics of people who are either over-expressive or deficient in the various elements:

Fire represents the life force glowing within us. It is self-expression, creativity, courage and enthusiasm. Fire provides self-confidence to tackle problems head on. Without fire, there’s no radiance, conviction or expression. Too much fire can turn assertiveness into aggression, and courage into recklessness. Those who lack fire can be pessimistic, apathetic, depressed, self-centered and look to others for inspiration and motivation. Earth represents the practical, realistic and material side of our nature. It seeks to structure a stable and secure environment in which we can function. Feel the Earth under our feet, the soil that sustains all forms of life. Look at the mountains, a symbol of stability and solidity of the earth. A person with sufficient earth element is patient and reliable, practical and nurturing. The over expression of this element can be seen in a stubborn. rigid personality. Earth-deficient people can be impractical, disorganized, unproductive, compulsive, fearful and ungrounded. They tend to pay too much attention to detail and miss the big picture. They may seek security by adhering to a highly structured system of thought or rigid routine, even if they hate it.

Air is associated with the mind. It is through the influence of


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this element that we learn to think and communicate. Through air we gain and share knowledge. It enables us to appreciate the differences in people without which there would be a lack of human interaction. An over expression of air's influence can be seen in an overactive mind that blocks inner peace and harmony. Or it could manifest as living in a dream world with unrealistic goals and flights of fancy. Air should be balanced with earth to maintain practicality. Air-lacking people can be very simple, subjective and easily misunderstood. Thus they feel disconnected and isolated from others. More importantly, they feel disconnected from their higher Self or Christ Mind.

Water influences the conscience and the subconscious forces that act on our lives. It enables us to feel compassion for others' pain and suffering and want to heal and nurture them. Over expressed, there is tendency to be overly emotional, deeply sensitive and subjective. Those with a deficiency in water can be cold and aloof. Or they may try to balance this element vicariously through thrills or relationships with intense or highly emotional people. Since they have a hard time expressing feelings, they may do it by being overly concerned or possessive.

We begin the alchemy of transformation by introducing, into our daily routine, activities or techniques that will develop and purify the four physical elements, and activities that will introduce the fifth element, ether. The four elements manifest in us as our four lower bodies. Besides the earthly physical body, we have the watery emotional body, which is influenced by the moon just as the Earth’s watery body is, the airy mental body and the fiery etheric body. The etheric body contains the seven chakras, which in the language of alchemy are the seven metals, which must be refined. In other words, the chakras must be cleared of density.

There are many chakra clearing techniques, but the one I


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recommend not only clears and balances your chakras, it attunes you with God's vibration. It is the mantra OM NAMA SHIVAYA. Thomas Ashley Farrand, the foremost Western authority on Sanskrit mantras, states that this mantra "uses the universal elements that govern each chakra: earth, water, fire, air and ether.... This mantra is from the tradition of the path of Perfection of the Divine Vehicle, which refers to the human body..." The syllables of this mantra balance and purifies six of the chakras. The syllable "OM" is the seed sound for the sixth chakra, where masculine and feminine energies meet at the center of the brow. NA fans the fire of the solar plexus, MA shakes the earth of the base of the spine, SHI vibrates the ether of the throat chakra, VA ripples the water of the sexual center, and YA stirs the air of the heart chakra. The sound for the crown chakra is what Kay Gardner, in “Sounding the Inner Landscape,” calls the “All Sound,” which “contains the entire sound spectrum. Thus it is a most healing and centering sound, whether heard by the ear or uttered by the spirit as a mantra.” You can hear it in the silence between repetitions. The meaning of this mantra is “Hail to Shiva, the God Force which purifies my body and mind and awakens me to my inner Self” This mantra aligns us with Our Divine Presence within.

Another way to clear the chakras of the etheric body is to sit close enough to a fire so your chakras or wheels of energy can turn through the flames. This allows your energy body or aura to be directly purged by fire, which is more of an etheric element. Be careful you don’t burn your physical body in the process. To increase fire and become more motivated and less depressed, we should sun gaze and sunbathe. Some people associate sunbathing with indolence or lack of fire, but this is due to sunbathing for too long and at the wrong time.

Mental body purification is breathing consciously, breathing energy or prana as well as air. To become more connected and communicate with others through the air element, we need to


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practice connected breathing. In this technique, the inhale and exhale are connected, without any pauses or holdings. They need to be effortless and unforced, so that you are not pushing beyond normal limits and are not provoking the state of hyperventilation. You pull on the inhale and let go with a sigh. The inhale is to be as full and deep and high in the chest and as gentle as possible, with continuing consciousness of taking it in. And the exhale is simply the short burst of released breath as the intercostal muscles that raised the rib cage are relaxed and the diaphragm is allowed to snap back up, pushing the breath out. Connected breathing oxygenates the brain so that our thinking, communication, and vision, the functions of our three upper chakras are clear. In The Essene Gospel of Peace, Jesus exhorts the people to “Seek the fresh air of the forest and of the fields, and there in the midst of them shall you find the angel of air. Put off your shoes and your clothing and suffer the angel of air to embrace all your body. Then breath long and deeply, that the angel of air may be brought within you. I tell you truly that the angel of air shall cast out of your body all uncleannesses which defile it within and without.”

You can also do the pranayama described in the chapter on Spiritual Sungazing Techniques. Sun yogis do it before sun gazing and reciting the Gayatri mantra. Try it as a mental warm-up before meditation to help calm the mind and put you in the mood. You can also do it as part of your centering before beginning chigung walking. Also try it at times throughout the day to help control stress and anxiety. If you start to feel stressed out, 10 or so rounds will help calm you down. It also helps soothe anxiety caused by flying and other fearful or stressful situations

To bring more positive emotional expression into our lives, it's important to drink plenty of sun-charged water and to bathe or swim daily. Emotional body purification is bathing consciously so you can learn actually to feel and appreciate what the water


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is doing for you. Drinking, bath and pool water should be chlorine-free. This may require carbon filters and chlorine-free purification systems for the house or pool water, but it's well worth the added cost. Swimming in the ocean is best. If you don’t live near the ocean add I cup of Epsom salt to your bath water. A half teaspoon of sea salt should also be taken for every gallon of water you drink to help maintain the electrolyte balance in you body fluids.

At least once a week fast on sun-charged water, and, at the end of the fast clean out your intestines with an enema, using sun-charged water. Jesus, in The Essene Gospel of Peace, says that this cleansing is the angel of water baptizing us within.

Physical body purification means developing a conscious relationship to your body, and to the environment and planet. It has to do with food mastery, movement and exercise, and experiencing nature directly. To become more grounded in the earth element, we can literally plug into the earth with our bare feet. This is necessary not only for the alchemical balancing of the four elements but also for the balancing of the yang energy that we receive from the sun with the yin earth energies. For those in cold climates who can’t go barefoot part of the year, there are earthing mattress pads that you can sleep on or stand on, which are almost as good as being on bare earth. Right now only sleepingearthed.com and DrBillyHealth.com sell them. They no longer sell the small foot pads. However, A couple of people have patents out on them and Dr. Billy used to make inexpensive shoe pads and is in the process of redesigning them using the latest technology.

For those who live near or visit a beach, a technique that really grounds you and that is also very healing is to have someone bury you up to your neck in sand for an hour. Clay is also very healing, especially if taken internally. If you fast, it's advisable to take bentonite clay with your water to help absorb and


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eliminate toxins. In The Essene Gospel of Peace, Jesus tells a man, who was tormented with joint pain so much that he couldn’t walk, to crawl to the edge of a steam where there was a clay deposit and “sink your feet in the mire, that the embrace of the angel of earth may draw out from your bones all uncleanness and disease.” You can take a foot bath or a full mud bath with bentonite clay. Ether, the spiritual stuff of prayer, is the catalyst that raises the four elements of matter to a higher vibration. In the spring of 1971, while planting seeds for a garden, I came across "The Power of Prayer on Plants" by Franklin Loehr. The book detailed a series of experiments which demonstrated that prayers have a beneficial effect on the germination and growth of plants and that curses have a detrimental effect. I decided to perform some experiments of my own. After laying my hands on and blessing a flat of tomato seeds and watering them with blessed water, they started germinating in less than two days and nearly 100% of the seeds germinated. I planted two rows of corn. The row I blessed grew into tall healthy stalks with many ears. The row I cursed became stunted and didn't produce much. These experiments showed me that if all the elements are present in the correct proportion, a seed will germinate and grow, but with prayer it will grow faster and larger. Thus, for maximum results, prayer should be done along with the exercises for balancing the four elements.

When you light a purifying fire, pray that the fire of holy purpose kindle your spirit. Kevin W. McCarthy, in his book, The On Purpose Person wrote "Nothing adds more meaning and focus to life than discovering your purpose and living it out day by day. When you know your purpose, you can transform your life.” When you do connected breathing or pranayama, pray that the sacred breath of wisdom free your mind from all confusion, daydreaming, overactivity and isolation. When you bathe, pray that the holy water of love heal your heart of


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emotional trauma and depression so that you can feel compassion. When you walk barefoot or take a mud bath, pray that the hallowed earth of creativity ground you in practicality and purify you of all that is less than the perfect matrix for your physical body.

These prayers will have more power to transform the elements or your being if you first undergo the initiation of surrender. In Freemasonry, this is called the initiation of the Third Degree. In this initiation you die to yourself. Jesus said in John 12:24, "Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." The seed of our outer self contains the potential to become God. Before the seed of self can be transformed into the God-Self, we must die to our prestige, ego, desires, plans, will, opinions, reputations, affections, thoughts, words, and our own lives. That is why the Masonic tracing board for the initiation of the Third Degree shows a coffin with a skull and bones on it. It also shows an acacia tree, symbol of immortality, growing at the head of the grave, suggesting that the seed of immortality can be encouraged to grow and we can regain our original Divine connection that was lost with the expulsion from Eden.

The elaborate rituals of Freemasonry aren’t necessary, however. This initiation can be prepared for and passed by meditating and acting on one simple, profound statement, five short words that are long in meaning: "LET GO AND LET GOD."

LET GO of any and all aspirations, including spiritual aspirations, and LET GOD inspire you. During the writing of this book, whenever I experienced writer’s block, I took a step back, realizing that I was trying too hard and surrendered my aspiration to write a best seller. I said, “Okay God, this is your book; inspire me.”

LET GO of your self-reliance, pride and the conviction that "it's


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all up to me," and LET GOD take care of your problems. No matter how good we can do something, God can do it better if we let him take control. We can only go so far with our own strength, insight and self-control, but with God all things are possible.

LET GO of your dependence on others and LET GOD be your sole support. If we depend on others, we’ll always be disappointed. Spouses can be unfaithful or careless with money, parents can be hypocritical, children can be disobedient, gurus can yield to temptations, bosses can be unfair and politicians can be corrupt. People, by nature, until they are transformed, are imperfect. God, by nature, is perfect and the Light of God never fails.

LET GO of your fear and doubt and LET GOD guide your decisions and protect you. Fear is the root of all negative emotions. We hate that which we fear. Worry leads to anxiety and depression. Doubts cause jealousy and greed. Decisions based on fear always lead to suffering for ourselves and others. Decisions based on faith in God always lead to success.

LET GO of your grudges and LET GOD heal your heart. Hatred in all its forms: mild dislike, hardness of heart, resentment, bitterness, and irritation poisons the heart. Before you can apply the antidote, you must first let go of your grudge. Think of a grudge as a parasite in your heart that feeds off your emotional energy, and in return, leaves toxic emotional waste. The longer you keep it in your heart and feed it, the stronger it will become. You may feel justified in feeling hatred for someone who has wronged you. But who is really hurt by your hatred? You are; you’re cut off from God, because God is love. When you realize this, you will be motivated to let go of your grudges. If you still feel hurt even after you let go of them, ask God to heal your heart and replace the pain with joy.


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LET GO of your attachment to material possession and LET GOD be the focus of your desire. When you cling to money, health, status, home, or relationships, you will have them torn from your grasp, if not during life, then surely at the moment of death. Unfortunately, for most people, it's only at this fatal moment when they come to the realization that all these things really don't matter in the end. What matters, ironically, given the choice of words here, is spirit or God. When you realize this and die to yourself, you will find that the material things you need are provided for. "Seek ye the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you." Luke 12:31.

LET GO of your impatient demands, pessimism and self-centeredness and LET GOD work in his mysterious ways according to his perfect will and timeline. Don't be discouraged when your prayers aren't answered right away and exactly how you want it. Whenever you pray for something, end the prayer with the acceptance: "I thank thee and accept it done for the greatest good of all concerned according to your will and timeline." The Spindrift organization in Salem, Oregon spent several years experimenting with prayer in the 80's and 90's. They confirmed that directed prayer works, but non-directed prayer, in which you let it be done according to God's will or the all-knowing wisdom of the universe, always results in "what's best for the organism." This is good because, in most cases, you don't know exactly what to pray for.

Don't feel that you have to let go all at once, give up everything and become an ascetic. Herbert Silberer, in Hidden Symbolism of Alchemy and the Occultic Arts, wrote that "Patient effort is required. Precipitancy is as great an evil as inactivity. It is, to use the language of the alchemists, just as bad to scorch the tender blossoms by a forced and hasty fire as to let go out the fire which should be continuously kept alight." The initiation of surrender isn't a one-time event; it's an attitude. You can cultivate this attitude like a gardener who plants the seed (LET


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GO AND LET GOD) in the earth of the subconscious, waters it with the tears of devotion and contrition, aerates it with deep meditations on the above meanings and others you may think of, and lets it grow in the light of God. Make it a daily initiation. Each morning upon arising, before sun gazing, walking or drinking your morning glass of sun-charged water, say the following prayer: "Dear God, I let go of all aspiration and let you inspire me. I let go of all self-reliance and dependency on others and let you take care of me. I let go of all fears and doubts and let you guide and protect me. I let go of all grudges and let you heal and comfort me. I let go of all attachments to people, places and things and let you give me all that I need. I let go of all impatience, pessimism and self-centeredness and let you work your miracles in my life, according to your perfect plan and timeline, for the greatest good of all concerned."

The alchemy of human transformation is what the saints and sages have taught through their words and example. It is not a formula or set of rules that can be codified in a book or course. Though books and courses can point the way and give techniques that help, the actual transformation is brought about by a process of individualized divine revelation, as each person, through basking in the enlightening rays of the sun; through contacting the source of creative intelligence in the depths of meditation; through contemplation of the past and present words of ascended masters; through chanting and singing sacred mantras and songs; and through surrender to the divine will and continual remembrance of the presence of God, awakens to the higher reality of his or her God self.


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Surya-Vidya [solar science] - thus was the Teaching of the Heart sometimes called. In this definition was indicated the fieriness, the sunlike quality, the centrality of the heart. -- Nicholas Roerich, Heart (1932)

In each living thing, from a tiny cell to a galaxy, there burns a divine spark or sun in its heart or center. It is a singularity and a portal to the kingdom of heaven. There’s one in us in the center of our heart chakra. Some say that it’s in the center of our solar plexus, but it’s in there somewhere. William Henry claims that this divine spark is a “‘solar drop,’ perceived by some as a drop of molten gold…, the ‘indestructible drop’ in Tibetan yoga…”

This divine spark or “drop of golden sun” in our hearts is the key to our individual and collective survival during the cataclysms, plagues and wars that always precede the birth of a new age. As we experience the birth pains of the Age of Aquarius, the solar system is heating up, causing unprecedented changes. The poles are melting not just on Earth, but on Mars as well. On Venus there has been a 2500% increase in auroral brightness, and substantive global atmospheric changes in less than 30 years. The increased brightness is caused by the formation of clouds (vaporization) that are reflecting the sunlight. Besides the disappearance of polar icecaps on Mars there have been huge storms. Jupiter has experienced over 200% increase in the brightness of surrounding plasma clouds and more so at the poles. Saturn has undergone a major decrease in eqequatorial jet stream velocities in only about 20 years, accompanied by surprising surge of X-rays from the equator. There have been really big changes on Uranus in brightness and increased global cloud


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activity. On Neptune we have seen a 40% increase in atmospheric brightness. Even as Pluto recedes farther from the Sun, it has experienced a 300% increase in atmospheric pressure. None of these statistics are from “fringe” scientists; they are all very, very real, and this is only the proverbial “tip of the iceberg.

So things are heating up and even if every person on this planet stopped driving gasoline-powered vehicles, it would not reduce the temperature one iota. Global warming is not just a result of CO2 emissions; it is mainly a result of the increase in solar radiation. How hot is it going to get? Gene Savoy predicts that the new sun will be 10 times the intensity of the sun before it began to change. If we’re going to get through this solar purging, we need to go through the heart of the sun by going into our heart and connecting with the divine spark, the solar drop within.

In an article entitled “Here Comes the Sun,” Michael Brown wrote, “During the forthcoming period of our human experience the sun is going to behave in a manner that is both unpredictable and unprecedented. We are going to see an increase in sunspot activity and consequential ejection of solar flares. These flares will impact our planet with such intensity that it will be impossible to ignore.” He goes on to say that some of the effects will be physical as in power blackout, loss of communication systems, and adverse weather, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. But, more importantly, it will have mental and emotional effects as well. It will be hard to “think straight” and long- and short-term memory will be impaired. We will experience waves of fear, anger and grief. Public figures will explode in sudden emotional outbursts. People will try to control their emotions with drugs. Conflict will escalate between individuals, groups and countries. As the sun’s physical effects increase, people will try to escape by going underground, but this will not save them from the mental and


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emotional purging. As I write this in mid-February of 2008, the news headlines report yet another mass shooting on a college campus, the seventh mass shooting in twelve days. This is a sign that people's emotions are reaching the boiling point.

The only way to get through this solar cleansing, states Brown, is to realize that a solar flare is a great outpouring of the light (wisdom), love (warmth) and life (energy) from the sun, and that we should not try to block it physically or emotionally through fear. He says “When we go into fear we close ourselves off from this transmission and are therefore unable to digest what is being communicated.” He says we should adjust our awareness and “enter the flow” instead of “enter fear (interfere)” with this process. As the solar flares bring up suppressed memories and associated fear, anger and grief from our unconscious, we can choose to either try to suppress this, which results in emotional outbursts and conflicts with others, strokes, heart attacks and dis-ease, or we can be proactive and go within through prayer and meditation to connect with the divine spark and compassionately integrate these emotional dysfunctions. To do this, we need to be totally honest with ourselves. As Brown emphasizes “there is only one conscious response: To metaphorically turn and face the sun, listen, and absorb. In other words, to metaphorically turn inward and face the authentic condition of our heart, to listen to it, and to absorb the fear, anger, and grief we have hidden from ourselves within this place. Like the sun, our heart speaks to us through our discomfort. It says, ‘Resist the surfacing discomfort within you, and you will burn up in the heat of the consequential friction created by such reactive behavior. Rather, face the discomfort and ask: ‘What are you telling me, teach me to listen?’ When we open ourselves to this experience, when we work responsibly with our emotional discomforts with the intent to integrate all surfacing unconsciousness, we also discover that, like the impulses coming from within our heart center, these solar transmissions are imbedded with profound insight and


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information. They activate us; the rays emitted from our sun as solar flares ‘enlighten’ us just as the release of suppressed emotional states do.” Those who pass through this solar cleansing will be the forerunners of a Golden Age civilization. Brown states that “The Golden Age is always initiated by solar flares (gold in color) energetically cleansing the generational dysfunctions within us that breed perceptual error.”

Brown closes his article with these words of advice: “It is crucial we develop a conscious relationship with the sun before the media starts playing on and feeding off our current unconscious relationship with it. We are all intimately connected to each other, to this earth, to the sun, and to the vibrational causal point from which all the currents of life arise.” The way to develop a conscious relationship with the sun is through sun gazing, just as the way to develop a conscious relationship with our true Self is through meditation.

Sun gazing and meditation – those are two of the three keys for not only surviving but thriving in the years to come. Some people may not want to sun gaze. That’s fine; they don’t have to because they can also connect with the heart of the sun through meditation or gazing at a consecrated candle flame. Through sun gazing and meditation we can, as Sol-o-man or Solar Man did, get wisdom and understanding firsthand and know it in our hearts. Since I’ve been sun gazing, I have come to the realization of profound truths. They’re not just intellectual concepts, but universal principles of living that are contained in the light of creation. Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, one of the greatest teachers of sun gazing and right living, was also a prophet. He wrote “A time will come -- indeed it is near -- when… the invisible world will send fire to purify the earth, and only then will the wheat within us be set apart from the weeds [Brown’s suppressed unconscious memories]. Even now the earth is entering the fire, and those whose inner fields are full of weeds will suffer greatly, for the fire that is coming will


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reach into their innermost being. But those whose fields bear a rich crop of wheat will rejoice. They will be like lamps, and their flames will burn brighter and brighter, for the fire from heaven which consumes the weeds will illuminate the sons and daughters of God.” How did he know this? He received it directly from the sun.

The third key for thriving in the years to come is the power of the spoken word: mantras, chants, invocations, and songs. Appendix B contains several of these, including a song I was inspired to compose: Come, O Sun of Righteousness. This song gives you a feeling of joy and hope for the future and it prepares you for the coming solar cleansing.

Before I give the interpretation of this song I want to give a very different translation of Malachi 4:2 -- “But for you, sunrise! The Sun of Righteousness will dawn on those who look up to my glory, healing radiating from its beams. You will be bursting with energy, like colts frisky and frolicking.”

Righteousness is all that is right, pure, wise and holy. It is contained in the sun, the kingdom of heaven, and God will freely bestow these graces of righteousness on Mankind below if only they look up to him with love and gratitude and this song, which is actually a powerful prayer, on their lips.

So first, you reconnect with the heart of the sun, wherein dwells righteousness, through the sun in your heart. This is the sun center of your body. When you center in your heart, you are one with the great antakarana of light and can transmit light through your hands as in the salute. Thus, you sing Come, O Sun of Righteousness, in our hearts of hands, we pray!

This song should be sung at the break of dawn as you wait to do your sun gazing. Thus, sing Rise, O sun of Righteousness.


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Bring in the dawn of the New Day. The dawn of the New Day is the new heaven and new earth prophesied by Daniel and John the Beloved. It is a golden-age solar civilization.

You may have experienced or heard about others experiencing the healing power of the beams of sunlight expressed in the next stanza: Come, O Sun of Righteousness. Come with healing in your beams. But far more deadly than physical illness is the spiritual malaise, the ignorance that besets mankind. Thus, the ending: Shine, O Sun of Righteousness. Awaken Mankind from its dreams.

It will take an intense action of the sacred fire to awaken most on earth, for they shun the sun. Instead of lifting up their eyes with love and gratitude, they cast their eyes to the ground out of fear and hatred of the sun. This cleansing action of necessity will cause cataclysm, but as the Apostle Peter explains in Second Peter 3:13 “Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” Those who cannot withstand the refining action of the sacred fire and perish will be reincarnated into a golden age. So do not mourn their fate. Thus, you sing with joyful anticipation Come, O Sun of Righteousness. Send your fire unto the earth. Burn, O Sun of Righteousness. Refine our souls and give rebirth.

This fire that will descend from the sun will raise the vibration of earth to the lowest etheric plane or heaven. Examine the word raise. The first two letters refer to the power of sunlight, the power of Ra. Then take note that the i or eye, the organ of vision, is the window of the soul and the third eye is the seat of the soul. This is followed by se (see). The full meaning of the word, then, becomes, "In the sunlight of God the eye sees." The verb “rays” is a homonym for "raise," and denotes the extension of the power of the sun from its center out into the field of darkness.” So the sun rays its light, warmth and power


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to enlighten and raise mankind to heaven.

Those who are ready for the ascension, may ascend to the higher levels of the etheric plane or heaven wherein dwell the ascended host, if they so choose. Or, if they are charged with the fire of love and compassion for those of lesser attainment, they may decide to remain on earth as immortal bodhisattvas and help rebuild civilization into a heaven on earth. Thus you sing Come, O Sun of Righteousness. Raise us all to heaven above. Blaze, O Sun of Righteousness. Charge us with your fervor of love.

The four stanzas should be sung with deep reverence, for Malachi wrote “Unto you who revere my name, shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings.” But the refrain should be sung with intense joy and exuberance expressed by clapping and dancing “like colts frisky and frolicking.” And when you sing it while sun gazing you will feel the light of the sun filling your mind and the might and power of the sun filling your body. And we’ll be filled with your light, shining like the sun. We’ll be filled with your might when the night is done.

So what we have to do is sun gaze or go within and tune into divine intelligence and we can create miracles in our lives with no effort or struggle. One person in a city that’s in chaos can uplift everyone if he or she is one with divine intelligence. That’s because the singularity in the heart is connected to all of humanity. All that we need to create a golden-age solar civilization of peace and prosperity will come to us through the singularity of the sun and our hearts. High spiritual beings are now unfolding new potential and we are seeing a renaissance in every area: education, medicine, energy, economy, and so on. Omraam predicted that the science of the future would be entirely based on sunlight. The golden age is ongoing, only it’s


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in the etheric dimension. It will not descend into the physical. We must rise up to it by going into our hearts and into the heart of the sun.

The Solar Logoi said on October 26, 2005 “You are activators of cosmic love for us and when all begin to know a greater action of the sun within, then earth may enter the Age of the Sun which you have termed ‘The Golden Age’.” And on June 4, 2006 they came again to say “Many worship the sun in a physical way through basking in the rays of that light. And yet few fully understand what is required of them to bask in the spiritual fires, which are behind the physical rays from Helios and Vesta. This we now give unto you as the representatives of the earth and of those of this civilization who must come up higher through the very ingesting of these rays. For, you see, if a golden age is to manifest upon earth, it must first manifest within you, each one. Therefore, if you have said to yourself, ‘When will a golden age come?’ Then I say unto you, ‘When will that age come fully within you, beloved ones? What are you waiting for to have the Sun Presence of God fully manifest within you?’”

Thus, through the daily practice of sungazing, meditation and the science of the spoken word, we can purify ourselves, nourish our souls with the bread of angels and expand the sun in our hearts, transforming ourselves into sun beings or suns of God. This was the goal of every master who established mystery schools, which laid the foundation for a golden-age solar civilization. And this is the goal of the Hearts Center.


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If the light rises in the Sky of the heart . . . and, in the utterly pure inner man attains the brightness of the sun or of many suns . . . then his heart is nothing but light, his subtle body is light, his material covering is light, his hearing, his sight, his hand, his exterior, his interior, are nothing but light. —Najm Razi, 1256

Most of these spiritual sun gazing techniques aren’t for beginners and would be detrimental if they attempted them. But if you’ve been sun gazing for some time and are past 30 minutes a day, then you can incorporate them into your practice now. However, the first fire blooming technique can be done after the 15-minute milestone. Not all sun gazers who are past 30 minutes would be interested in these techniques. HRM says that all that is required for perfect mental and physical health and spiritual enlightenment is the basic technique. So if you are satisfied with your progress, don’t feel you have to try advanced techniques. But if you’re a seeker and like to experiment, then try them. For some of these techniques, it may help to first record a tape of the instructions and play it while sun gazing until you have it memorized.

You may have heard or read about advanced techniques that require sun gazing for an hour or more, staring at the sun without blinking, gazing at the mid-day sun through crystals, or moon gazing. Please don’t attempt these dangerous techniques as they can damage your eyes and cause mental disturbances.

The advanced sun gazing techniques in this chapter are spiritual techniques, not psychic techniques. Psychic refers to the psyche or soul. Now there’s nothing wrong with psychic or


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soul development. Omraam often used this term. But it always must go hand in hand with spiritual development. In other words, the soul must be wed to the spirit, to our individual spirit and to the Great Spirit, God. The spirit is what gives life to the soul. A soul that is divorced from the spirit gets it’s life from other souls who are connected to spirit. These incomplete souls are called psychic entities. People who dabble in the psychic arts, séances, juigi boards, and the like, become hosts for these parasitic entities. So beware of those who want to teach you about the soul, the astral world and techniques such as astral travel and other psychic powers. They may call it spirituality, but if they don’t talk about surrendering the ego, it will just open you up to psychic entities. They may even tell you that they can free you of possessing entities, but this like the internet scam when you get an email saying someone is trying to use your credit card and or bank account number and if you reply immediately with your account information they will safeguard it.


Between 15 and 30 minutes, sun gaze with arms outstretched to the sun, palms facing the sun. As you breathe deeply in, visualize healing rays of light coming from the sun and entering your left palm and traveling to areas of your body that require healing or strengthening. If you have no problems, visualize the light going to your heart. Mentally affirm that the light is healing or strengthening you on a cellular level. Then, as you breathe out, visualize the light returning to the sun through your right hand. Express love and gratitude for your healing. Establish a continuous flow of energy. You can combine this exercise with the second fire-breathing exercise below. If arms get tired, lower them with elbows at sides and hands still facing out. If this position gets tiring, you can even lower your hands to hip level with palms facing the sun. This Y position was thought by the ancient Greeks to channel the sun’s


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ethereal radiance, which originated in the Great Central Sun. Plutarch wrote that our etheric body absorbs this radiance. Use of this posture was called “fire blooming” because the radiance or essence thus channeled burned away impurities.

After 30 minutes, begin with the energy circuit, but instead of visualizing light going to problem areas in your body, visualize it creating a miniature sun in your heart and see the light from your heart radiating out to problem areas in the world. Mentally affirm that the light is bringing healing, sustenance, peace or whatever is needed in those situations. Also as you look directly at the sun, send intent, visualizations, thoughts, and feelings of love, hope, gratitude, and faith to bless all, and send any specific ruests to the sun. In this way, blessings travel along rays of light to the sun and the sun amplifies them and broadcasts them to all humanity. If at any time your health or strength is adversely affected, go back to visualizing light and affirming healing and strength in your body.


After sun gazing, rub your palms together to warm them, press them against your eyes and gaze at the afterimage of the sun until it fades away. Paramahansa Yogananda taught the following Kriya Yoga palming technique, which can be done at any stage of sun gazing: “Close your eyes and turn your back to the sun. Put your right hand over the eyes and left hand over the right. You will see the image of the sun, which is still retained on the retina of the eye. Concentrate upon that image and visualize all the healing rays of the sun coming into your eyes through the sun, which you see with closed eyes. That is actually what happens. Keep the hands over the eyes. When the image of the sun begins to fade, move the eyeballs up, to the right, down, to the left, and so on, repeating this rotation with a little tension, and visualizing energy from the sun flowing into the eyes strengthening them. Then take the hands away and


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squeeze the eyes shut, holding them shut to the count of twelve, then relax. Repeat twice more, tensing to the count of twelve and relaxing, making a total of three times.”

It’s interesting that Yogananda instructs his students to turn their backs to the sun. The reason for this came to me when I read in chapter 39 of “Autobiography of a Yogi” where he says “The invisible power flows into the human body through the gate of the medulla oblongata... The medulla is the principal entrance for the body's supply of universal life force (AUM), and is directly connected with man's power of will, concentrated in the seventh or Christ Consciousness center (Kutastha) in the third eye between the eyebrows. Cosmic energy is then stored up in the brain as a reservoir of infinite potentialities, poetically mentioned in the Vedas as the "thousand-petaled lotus of light." HRM says that palming helps heal the eyes and activates the pineal and I realized that when you turn your back on the sun, the sun warms the Medulla Oblongata at the back of the skull and gets the blood flowing in it.


An advanced technique that anyone can practice while sun gazing is drinking the sun. When the first rays of the sun appear, open your mouth wide and let the sun’s rays charge your saliva. Visualize the yang energy, like a golden nectar from the sun, entering your mouth and mixing with your saliva. Alternately, purse your lips and sip the golden rays to draw them into your mouth. Imagine that you are drinking the sun. Then swallow it. This yang energy moves down into the stomach, which is near the power center called the hara (just below the navel). Picture it then flowing into all the cells and organs of your body, strengthening, vivifying, and purifying them. Be sure to balance this exercise with 45 minutes of barefoot walking.


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A friend of mine told me about a Rosicrucian lady who would perform fire-breathing exercises while sun gazing whenever she felt ill, and was soon cured. She lived to be very old. The following exercise is a sun gazing breathing exercise from Qigong master Gerald Hall, who learned it from a Tibetan master.

When you sun gaze, imagine on the inhale sunlight hitting your third eye at the speed of light and flowing to the stomach. Pause. Then on the exhale, imagine energy shooting out of your stomach at the speed of light down your legs, out the bottoms of your feet and back to the sun.

On the next inhale, imagine the sunlight hitting your feet at the speed of light, flowing up your legs to your stomach. Pause. On the exhale, imagine energy from your stomach at the speed of light shooting out through your third eye to the sun.

Do this for 10 to 20 times or till you feel your body charged. Your hands should be at your sides with palms facing down to help ground the energy. Breathe through your nose only. Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth behind your teeth. This stimulates the Thymus gland and balances the cerebral hemispheres and the body’s energy system. Breathe strongly enough to hear the flow. Both inhale and exhale should be smooth and the same length of time, to a count of five or whatever is comfortable. As you inhale and exhale, your stomach should expand and contract, not your chest

Another fire-breathing exercise is the following, which will supercharge you if you feel weak and listless. Combine it with the first fire blooming exercise.


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After standing breathing for a while with your hands at your sides, sun gazing, breathe in strongly through the nose. On the exhale make it a deep sound and as loud as the inhale.

Raise both hands up in front of you close to the chest and palms facing the sun. As you exhale extend your hands out toward the sun and breathe energy out to the sun. Pause. On the inhale, breathe in energy into your palms as you return your hands back to your chest with the palms still facing the sun. Do this 10 to 20 times.


While sun gazing, put your right hand over your solar plexus and your left hand extending out to the sun. Your solar plexus is located between the navel and the tip of the breastbone. Visualize the life force flowing from the sun through your left hand and directly into your solar plexus. Curve your thumb and fingers of your right hand as if you were holding a 6-inch diameter ball of energy. It’s important that your spine is straight. Your solar plexus is your energy reservoir, and you can refill it with this exercise. It’s best done by advanced sun gazers while sun gazing, but can anyone can do it at other times without having to gaze at the sun. You can do it while driving for several hours and not feel fatigued. An alternative to holding an imaginary ball of energy is to hold a real flower. The best kind is a sunflower, of course. But any flower will do. Another solar plexus charging technique that anyone can do at any time is to stand with your back straight against a tree trunk; the bigger the better. Put your left hand behind your back between the trunk and your back with palm facing the trunk. Put your right hand over your solar plexus. Be sure to thank the tree for the energy you get, just as you thank the sun.


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After sun gazing, raise your right hand and salute the sun. Visualize a laser beam of intense golden-pink light emanating from the center of your palm. Send thoughts of love and gratitude to the sun. Then salute the trees, rocks, animals and any people around you. The Essenes, in a similar practice, would throw kisses to the sun after sun gazing, and rural Mexicans today throw kisses to the sun on Sunday before they enter a church. The teaching behind this gesture is that the fingers of the hand are antennae that transmit energy. Scientists have confirmed this by measuring energy emitted by the fingers and photographing it. When combined with feelings of love and goodwill, this salute can transmit a lot of positive energy to vivify and uplift others.


Omraam taught a meditation that is performed 20 minutes before sunrise. I learned it as part of a course taught by Sister Natacha Kolesar, a disciple of Omraam. It is a contemplative meditation so your eyes don’t need to be close. It would be good if you had a sanctuary like a den or office where you can close the door and put a “do not disturb” sign on it. I once used a closet where I had an altar and spiritual focuses like pictures of masters. When Omraam had his mystery school in France at the Bonfin, he would lead his disciples up a steep path to a large rock. There he would give everyone the thought for the day, which they contemplated while waiting for the sun to rise and while sun gazing. After sun gazing, he would then expound on the thought for the day. Prosveta sells several daily meditation books with a quote from Omraam for each day of the year. Or you can download a book of sunrise meditation quotes for free at www.liveyourquest.com/ecrits/sun.pdf.

What you would do is read the thought for the day. Then put


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your book aside and gaze at the picture of Omraam on the back cover or another picture if you have one, and spend at least 5 to 10 minutes but not more than 20 minutes in contemplation. Your thoughts should remain on the thought for the day. You can reread the thought for the day during the meditation if you forget a point. Glance inwardly for a moment and if you notice any ego voices trying to disturb your silence with thoughts like “This is stupid,” “This is a waste of time,” “I’m hungry” or “I want to go back to bed,” silence them with one mantra - OmRaam. Then go back to the picture and the thought for the day.

The object of this meditation is to establish contact with Omraam through his image and his words. His image is a means of contacting his spirit, just as the sun is an image of God, which helps us to contact His Great Spirit. In his book Know Thyself, Omraam wrote “…when a disciple looks at a photograph of his master, he cannot help but sense that that form, that physical body, speaks to him… and reveals the things of the spirit.” Sister Natacha Kolesar told me that once Omraam came to give a lecture and he just stood there in silence, emanating wisdom for half an hour. And the audience just sat and looked at him in silence. Some people, like sister Natacha, received a profound teaching.

So when you gaze at Omraam’s picture, ask him to inspire you and reveal the deeper meaning of his words. Omraam’s words form a matrix of basic concepts that entrain the Word or light of wisdom from the sun. The thought for the day is like a seed. Our meditation is like watering it to stimulate it to sprout, and the sun gazing afterwards is like the warmth and light of the sun which causes it to grow and blossom. The fruit of each person’s meditation will be different even though the seed is the same because the ground or consciousness of each person is different. After sun gazing, write down in your journal any thoughts that came to you during your meditation.


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Everyone, even beginners, can continue doing this meditation every day with Omraam. Or you can use any master. You can take a verse from the New Testament and gaze at a picture of Jesus. Or you can take an inspiring quote from a dictation by the master you feel closest to and gaze at his image. It’s important that you use an actual photograph of a master like Omraam’s or a painting done by either Charles Sindelar, Thomas Miller or Michael-George Marius, all long-time students of the ascended masters. There are some images that aren’t of the genuine ascended masters but are false hierarchy imposters. These are lost souls, astral entities who masquerade as ascended masters in order to mislead people. If you gaze at their images you will tune into them.

When I did my meditations with Omraam, I kept a journal of the inspired thoughts that I received from Omraam. I’m still amazed when I reread them at the profound wisdom they contain. And I still find passages in books written by Omraam that are almost identical to what I wrote. At first I had doubts. I thought that what I was writing was just something from my ego. For example, after one meditation, I wrote “You were a priest of Aton at the temple of the sun in Akhetaten. Three times a day you performed the following ritual during a 20-minute window called “the gate of heaven,” during which the spiritual Light suffused the physical sunlight. These three times were at sunrise, at high noon and at sunset. The high noon was determined by a special sun dial. You would gaze at the sun during these three times. At sunrise and sunset the congregation would also gaze at the sun, but only the priests of Aton were allowed to gaze at the sun at noon time. You would recite certain prayers, asking for blessings and expressing gratitude. Then you would hold aloft a container of water to be charged with the heavenly light, then a platter of food. Only fruits and vegetables and nuts, seeds and grains were offered. In the Spring, you would hold aloft seed that would be planted. In this


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way the people’s spirits were nourished along with their bodies. This was the first Holy Communion, for the spirit of Christ in the sun would enter the food and water at these times through the nexus of the priest’s heart and they would be transformed into the bread and wine of heaven, the body and blood of Christ.”

After I wrote this, I thought “This has got to be my ego.” But the next day I was researching the solar religion of Viracocha and came across a reference on a web page to a ritual performed by Egyptian priests at dawn, which was called “the gate of heaven.” When I read that, my mouth dropped a couple of feet. I no longer had any doubts and I felt blessed to have received such insights from Omraam about a past embodiment. I discovered later that besides Akhenaton and Nephertiti, there was only one other priest of Aton whose name was Mery-aton. I recently received an email from a fellow classmate who did the sunrise meditation and also received inspiration from Omraam. This is what she wrote about it: “I can tell you it was very real and very vivid, unlike any other meditation I've ever had with any of the masters. It is a great honor to have Omraam communicate personally with you.” I hope you will also be so blessed. I think the key is to be in a state of silent receptivity, without expectation and express love and gratitude to the master and the sun.


At times, due to clouds or schedule conflicts, you will not be able to sun gaze. At such times, I find it helpful to candle gaze. In India, this practice is called trataka or concentrated gazing. Find a quiet place, free of disturbances - people - phones - pets - fans - air conditioners that might disturb the flame. Remove glasses and contacts. You may use soft background music and incense. Make the room dark, the only light being the flame of a candle used. As you light the candle, consecrate the flame


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with this invocation: “In the name of the Light of God that never fails, I call upon the Solar Presence, the source of all life, love and light, beloved Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun, to imbue this flame with the Sacred Fire that it may heal our bodies, enlighten our minds and purge our souls.

The candle to be gazed upon should be placed on a table (or box) such that the candle flame is at eye level when sitting so you can hold your head steady and gaze straight ahead. Sit comfortably with the head and spine erect. The body should be positioned so that the you are about an arm’s length from the candle. Begin by closing the eyes and allowing the whole body to relax, especially the eyes. Be aware of the steadiness of the body and keep the body absolutely still throughout the practice.

When you feel calm and still, open the eyes and gaze steadily at the tip of the candle wick. Breath deeply and evenly through the nose. Be aware that the candle flame may flicker slightly but the tip of the wick will remain steady. Try not to blink or move the eyeballs in any way but do not strain or force them to stay open. The awareness should be so completely focused on the candle wick, that body awareness is lost. If your gaze or your mind wanders then gently bring it back to the practice. Be aware of your thoughts without trying to change them.

After a minute or two, or when the eyes become tired or begin to water, close them gently and gaze at the after-image of the flame in the space in front to the closed eyes. If the image moves up or down, or from side to side, observe it and try to stabilize it. When the image can no longer be retained, gently open the eyes and once again gaze at the flame once more and repeat the procedure. You may continue in this way 3 or 4 times. After the final round of gazing, practice palming before opening the eyes.

Trataka may be performed at any time but the best time is at


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sunrise and sunset when the stomach is empty. Beginners should gaze for 1 or 2 minutes only. For general practice purposes 10 minutes is sufficient. Insomnia suffers are recommended to practice for 10 to 15 minutes before sleeping at night. Trataka should be practiced after pranayama and before meditation. If at any time, you get a headache, simply reduce the time you spend gazing.


Before, during and after sun gazing you can recite mantras and fiats that connect you with divine intelligence such as Om! OmRaam! I AM the Sun! I AM the One! or the Gayatri mantra. You need to listen to a recording of the Gayatri mantra, like the one in Appendix A, to pick up the correct pronunciation and meter. It’s better to sing it slowly with feeling instead of chanting it rapidly. It’s also important to contemplate the meaning while singing it. If you can do this, it will be very powerful. I found that after alternating chanting the Sanskrit words and the English words, I was able to say the Sanskrit words with meaning.

The first line is Om Bhur, Bhuvaha, Swar. Om means Hail, bhur means earth, bhuvaha is sky, and swar is sun. Some versions of the Gayatri have swaha instead of swar, but swaha is a meaningless energy expression usually given at the end of a mantra. It’s like saying “yeah!” Swar means the sun or heaven. So the meaning of the first line is “Hail to the One beyond the earth, the sky, the sun. The second line starts with Om or Hail again and Tat Savitur Varenyam, which means “That Spiritual Sun whom I adore.” This is the Great Central Sun behind the physical sun. The next line is backwards. It starts out with Bhargo (splendor). The next word is Devasya (divine). And the last word is Dhimahi (meditate). Turning it around you have “I meditate upon your divine splendor.” The last line is Diyo


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Yonaha Prachodayat, which has many translation. HRM says it means “May it activate the brain.” After studying the different meanings of the Sanskrit words and meditating on them, I arrived at another meaning, which is “So that I may see your blessed Self, even the Higher Self that I AM.”

According to Thomas Ashley Farrand, the foremost authority on Sanskrit mantras in the West, the Gayatri mantra is “the essence of all mantras. All spiritual powers and potencies are contained hidden within it. The Gayatri mantra is a meditation on spiritual light. By reciting it, we can obtain spiritual energy and the highest spiritual light, [especially if we do it while sun gazing.] The purpose of the Gayatri mantra is to enlighten the intellect of the chanter. Therefore, it will add luster to the aura and promote the accumulation of spiritual light at the cellular level. The Gayatri Mantra is like nourishing food to support our spiritual enlightenment. Chanting the Gayatri Mantra stimulates and facilitates insightfulness and awakens us to Divine Truth. This makes it also a powerful healing mantra and, through protracted use, will build a cumulative quality of protection in the form of spiritual armor around your aura… Chanting the Gayatri Mantra influences the physical body, clears the emotional body, and leads one to the inner heart. It is also said to rescue the chanter from all adverse situations that may lead to sickness and death. Reciting the mantra creates a certain rhythm in our breathing, which balances the electromagnetic rhythm and energy currents in the body with prana. ”

According to Ashley-Farrand, the best time to recite the Gayatri mantra is at the Sandhya or meeting of day and night (that is dawn and dusk) because great spiritual energy or prana is streaming across the earth at these two times. One should perform alternate nostril pranayama for a few minutes before reciting this mantra. Hold your right hand up and curl your index and middle fingers toward your palm. Place your thumb


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next to your right nostril and your ring finger and pinky by your left. Close the left nostril by pressing gently against it with your ring finger and pinky, and inhale through the right nostril. The breath should be slow, steady and full. Now close the right nostril by pressing gently against it with your thumb, and open your left nostril by relaxing your ring finger and pinky and exhale fully with a slow and steady breath. Inhale through the left nostril, close it, and then exhale through the right nostril. That's one complete round. Begin with 5-10 rounds and add more as you feel ready. Remember to keep your breathing slow, easy and full.

Omraam taught a more advanced version of this pranayama. In this version, after breathing in through the right nostril to the count of 4, hold your breath to the count of 16. Close your right nostril with the thumb of your right hand and breathe out through the left nostril to the count of 8. Keeping the thumb of your right hand, breathe in through your left nostril to the count of 4. Hold your breath to the count of 16. With the middle finger of your right hand closing the left nostril, breathe out through the right nostril to the count of 8. Repeat these steps six times. You can increase the counts gradually till you build up to 8, 32 and 16.

For thousands of years, pious Hindus have recited this Vedic mantra in praise of Savitur, the quickening aspect of the life-giving Sun. The Gayatri Mantra invokes the power and radiance of the Sun to energize all earthly life, to destroy our sins and to reveal the Supreme Self to us. Just like the Sun annihilates darkness, the Gayatri Mantra destroys ignorance. Thus it is the ideal mantra to recite while visualizing yourself as a sun, radiating light to the world.


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The following pages contain prayers, affirmations, mantras, and songs that invoke in our minds and hearts the light, love and power of the sun. They are ideally done while sun gazing, but can be done at anytime of the day or night to renew our contact with the sun. Give them with feeling, understanding, clear visualization, and full breath. They are alchemical formulas that can transform you into a sun.




DHIYO YONAHA PRACHODAYAT (pause) (3, 9, 12, or 108x)



O Mighty Presence of God, I AM, in the Sun behind the sun, I welcome thy light into my body, mind and heart to free me from all darkness and wrong desire, guide me on the path of righteousness, and fill me with the fire of compassion. Shine thy light of wisdom that breaks the bonds of darkness and superstition! Pour forth thy warmth of love that heals my heart! And charge me with the great clearness of thy white fire radiance of life that I may become thy glorious Self in manifestation on earth!


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“O all-mighty, all-loving, all-knowing God, thou ineffable Spirit of the Sun behind the sun, I adore and welcome thy Light which floods all the earth and blesses its creatures. Bless this food and drink now, which I have placed before thee. Enter into it and suffuse it with your Light of life. Make it holy, for thou art holy, and, by consuming it, we will become holy like thee. I thank thee, O God, for hearing my prayer. I thank thee for your light and warmth and energy. I thank thee for the bounty of which we are about to partake.”


“Mighty I AM Presence! I face thy Eternal Sunrise and noon-day Blaze and receive - NOW - Thy Mighty

Presence, Radiance and Activity in all my activities, visibly and tangibly manifest FOREVER!”

SUNRISE AFFIRMATIONSby Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

As the sun rises over the world, so may the sun of truth, freedom, immortality, and eternity rise in my spirit.

As the sun rises above the world, so may the sun of love and immensity rise in my soul.

As the sun rises above the world, so may the sun of intelligence, light, and wisdom rise in my intellect.


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As the sun rises above the world, so may the sun of gentleness, kindness, joy, happiness, and purity rise in my heart.

As this luminous, radiant sun rises over the world, so may the sun of strength, power, force, dynamic energy, and activity rise in my will.

And as this luminous, radiant, living sun rises over the world, so may the sun of health, vitality, and vigor rise in my body.

Amen. So be it, for the kingdom of God and his righteousness.

Amen. So be it, for the glory of God.

ODE TO THE SUNBy H.H. Sri Swami Rama

Oh brilliant orb within the sky,My soul and breath to thee do fly.Thou art the refuge of my speech,

Attainable, within my reach.Thou art the slayer of my foes,The vanquisher of all my woes,Thy light illumines all my sin,

A fortress do I find within.All illness and disease do fly,

When upon thee I rely.All weakness and fatigue are gone,

When I discern the brilliant sun.You nourish me and give me rest,Thy beauty and thy grace attest.

In thy presence I do feelAll my wounds and sorrow heal.

Thou art the source from which I come


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And return when I succumb.My fears and worries fly away

When I am brought beneath thy sway.Eternally thy name is Om,

Where the Vedas find their home.A thousand rays from thee proceed

To satisfy my every need.Thou dost my life and breath sustain,

Nourishment from thee I gain.Thou art the refuge of the wise,Fearlessly, thy love does guise.

Salutations do I bringTo that from which my life does spring.

Salutations do I giveTo that which makes my soul to live.

Salutations do I leaveTo that which stops my soul to breathe,

And salutations to that flame,Where death no longer can one claim.

May auspiciousness attendThe one who knows thee as thy friend.

Eternally, thy light does shine,Thy nature is to all divine.


O glorious Lord the Sun! We greet Thee at Thy rising; we salute Thee at mid-day; we reverence Thee in setting. We bow before Thy Majesty; we thank Thee for Thy splendour; we worship Thy beauty. Light to light we offer up our souls to Thee, that, one with Thee, we may shine with all the glory of Thy noonday hour. Pour down Thy strength; fill us to overflowing with Thy wondrous power; illumine our souls with Thy glorious light. We dedicate our bodies and our souls to Thee; we crave the consecration of Thine inward fire that, by


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its transforming energy, we may heal the sufferings of the world.


OmRaam OmRaam OmRaam, OmRamm OmRaam OmRaam, OmRaam OmRaam OmRaam, OmRamm OmRaam OmRaam.OmRaam OmRaam, OmRaam OmRamm.OmRaam OmRaam OmRaam, OmRamm OmRaam OmRaam. (3x)

Come, O Sun of Righteousness

Come, O Sun of Righteousness,In our hearts and hands, we pray.Rise, O Sun of Righteousness,Bring the dawn of the New Day.

Come, O Sun of Righteousness,Come with healing in your beams.Shine, O Sun of Righteousness,Waken mankind from its dreams.

Chorus:And we’ll be filled with your light,Shining like the sun.We’ll be filled with your mightWhen the night is done.

Come, O Sun of Righteousness,Send your fire unto the earth.Burn, O Sun of Righteousness,Purge our souls and give rebirth.


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Come, O Sun of Righteousness,Raise us all to heav’n above.Blaze, O Sun of Righteousness,Charge us with the fire of love.

Chorus after last verse:And we’ll be filled with your love,Shining like the sun.We’ll be filled with your loveWhen the night it done.


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Sun gazing has helped me tremendously. Before I started sun gazing in May of 2005, I was overweight, had high blood pressure, and suffered from Type 2 diabetes. Also, I had astigmatism and had to wear glasses to see both near and far away. One of the first things I noticed about sun gazing was that my appetite decreased. So I didn’t eat as much. I could eat a salad and be satisfied. As a result I lost about a hundred pounds. Also, I was able to stop my blood pressure medication and my insulin. Recently, I’ve begun to eat more carbohydrates, which raises blood sugar. As a result, I’ve had to start taking insulin again, but not as much as before. I’ve also gained back 20 pounds. My eyesight has improved. After my last eye exam at the Motor Vehicle Department, they said I no longer needed glasses to drive.


Sun gazing has been an interesting ride. I have not found inedia, and I do not have perfect health, but I have gotten more from sun gazing than I could have ever dreamed. I sense that those who may be looking for great physical changes like inedia and perfect health may be disappointed, at least in the short term. I suspect those looking for spiritual development will be handsomely rewarded. I have had many new mental, spiritual, and physical manifestations in the last five months. Sun gazing has been a life changing process. Compared to many other spiritual practices, for me at least, sun gazing has caused a rapid spiritual evolution.


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At under 10 minutes of sun gazing I found that my hunger had diminished by at least 1/3. I was doing extensive bare foot beach walking at the time and sunbathing. I have found since then that my hunger has pretty much completely disappeared, but that I still need food. My food intake seems to vary between 1/2 and 2/3 of my previous intake. My weight has changed little throughout the process. I am still at what I consider my ideal weight. I exercise and train much more vigorously than before I started sun gazing. I do a 3 to 5 day fast every month. During this fast I don’t get hungry.

My sleep varies between 1 and 8 hours per day. On rare occasions I don't sleep at all and don’t get tired, but, again, this is highly variable.

I have completely lost all fear, even the fear of death. The only negative emotions that I can remember feeling in the recent past are anger, frustration, and egotism. The positive emotions that seem to dominate now are peace, love, and compassion. I am generally at peace with the universe, and feel love radiating from my being most of the time.

My attachment to everything has greatly diminished. This development is difficult to explain, but it is sort of like anything that happens is OK no matter what, with no feeling attached to any event. I am mostly indifferent to everything. I find that now I live in the moment much more than ever before. I don't think much about what happened yesterday, or what will happen tomorrow. There really isn't any point in getting concerned about these things anyway. What will come will come.

In deep meditation or during and right after sun gazing, I feel that I am the universe. I think it goes beyond feeling like being one with the universe, but that we are actually one and the same. Sometimes in meditation I feel like my body has


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exploded in a rapid expansion and every part of me is commingling with the entire vastness of the whole universe. The experience and feeling is extremely calming and peaceful. The sun gazing process is a beautiful process that will bear many wonderful fruits. At least it has for me.


Sun gazing has made a huge difference in my life. It’s the most wonderful gift I have received for my spiritual, mental, physical and emotional health. I have noticed that I don't crave sweets or food any more. I feel more emotionally balanced and don't have to eat for comfort. My eyesight is improving. I have worn glasses for 55 years and have always had pain when I didn't have my glasses on. My eyes don't hurt any more when I remove my glasses and things aren't as blurry.

I was in a car accident on July 2, 2005. I continued to sun gaze during my convalescence, and my chiropractor and acupuncturist both commented on how fast I was healing. Since I started sun gazing, I have had people come into my life who have helped me heal in every way. My self-esteem has increased tremendously, and I found a new job, which is everything I asked for. My sister and I made amends after being estranged from each other for eight years. She approached me (I never thought she would be the one to take the first step). Finally, I have come to the point where I am able to allow other people to be who they are and still maintain my peace, joy and serenity. I finally feel that I have matured and am the person I've always wanted to be.


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I, like my father, suffered from mental depression for many years. I remember being depressed as early as seven and having suicidal thoughts as a teenager. I struggled all of my life with this mental illness. After spending twenty-five years moving around the country, searching for a way to be happy, I was drawn to the sandy beaches of Southern California. It was only there, for the first time in my life, that the fog of depression began to lift as I walked barefoot on the sand for miles every day, and watched the sunset each evening as much as possible. Slowly, I began to rebuild my life.

Then, two and a half years later, I met a man who would forever change my life by teaching me the ancient practice of sun gazing. Through this simple, effortless practice, I have become mentally, physically, and spiritually balanced and whole.

I completed my 44 minutes of sun gazing on Kauai in January of 2006. I still eat food, all raw and vegan (mostly fruit, nuts, seeds), and I drink sun charged water daily. I feel drawn to live a very simple life.

The more my brain awakens, and the more my true self emerges, the less I “need,” in this world. I find that the less I need, the less I “have” to do or “be” anything, except exactly what I am being at any given moment. Sometimes it pleasantly hits me how free I am. I have never been married, nor have any children. For most of my life I considered this to be a liability. Now I feel differently.

I’m becoming more and more free, and thus many needs are falling away from me, like leaves dropping off of a tree. My lifestyle is not a discipline or a depriving, it is my joy and my freedom, to live this way, and I am deeply grateful, every day


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for the opportunity to live this life in this way.

I am moving away from making things happen, and more and more into allowing things to happen in my life. I am observing that I am naturally drawn to be close with nature, and that it feels good to be close with nature. I still have an incredible story of human evolution within me, as we all do, and still feel the desire to write another book. I also see myself painting a story of our future world. I am still walking barefoot on the beach and sun gazing for 22 minutes, when I feel like it. I am realizing that whatever we each believe, we are right, and, through our beliefs, we create our world. There is no such thing as enlightenment, or fully awakened, or anything else, because no matter how awakened or enlightened we may become, there is always more, as growth and our potential is unlimited. So we may as well relax and have fun. We are what we are, there is no place to go, no end to what we may create, and an eternity in which to do the creating. Also life has no meaning or purpose, other than that which we give it. I have become all that I was seeking in the world and so my family, my home, my every thing, is always with me, wherever I may go. The best advice I was ever given was to always follow my heart, and it is the best advice I have to give to another. Follow your heart and let life take care of you, and it will. My only job as I see it is to live in the moment, and to enjoy life. We are each of us free to live our lives as we choose. There is no one way or right way to accomplish this, nor are there any requirements. Freedom is free.


What an incredible discovery! The sun was my higher self - was God! The answer had been literally staring me in the face all my life! What a fool, what a happy zany fool I was! Thinking back to that first time at the Christian community, I now remembered how the sun had been pouring through the


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window at the moment I heard those same loving words. The sun had been there all along, always next to me every day, only disappearing to shine with ual love on the other side of the planet. I felt as if I had reached back beyond the tainted patriarchal religions to man's earliest awareness, to the source of life itself. Now that I had 'awakened,' the obvious clues were everywhere -- in nature, in the animal world, even in those religious paintings that showed a ray of light descending from on high. Only man's vanity had insisted that God was invisible and out of reach in some sort of non-material, ethereal dimension.

I realized that our dualistic view of the universe was a misconception. Matter, mind and spirit were just different vibrations -- different notes on the same scale. And if the sun was a conscious being, then everything else must be conscious as well! I had read similar truths in the writings of the mystics, but it was totally different to experience this reality -- to talk with the trees and flowers, even the stars who were only our same Divine Essence manifesting elsewhere as Creator Beings of other solar systems. All was one, and that unity did not mean that only our material plane existed. Spirit and matter intermingled in ascending and descending cosmic melodies.

When I returned to the Bay Area, I was unable to live indoors, away from the true source and fountainhead of my joy. I needed to be in nature as much as possible to continue my yoga of adoration and my acclimatization to the solar presence. I moved to a vacant ranch in Sonoma County that belonged to a friend. My dog Katy moved with me and, later that summer, my partner Joan and some friends and fellow travelers joined us. All that year I was caught up in a love affair with the divine father and mother, the former manifesting in the multi-colored rose windows the sun made in the redwood treetops, and the Holy Mother speaking to me through dancing nature in the meadows and orchards. Others experienced her nearness, and a


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few even saw her standing under a tree one day. Some years later, we learned to our great amazement that even before my friend had bought the ranch, it had been dedicated to the Virgin Mary by the Lay Order of St. Dominic.

I began to read through all the world's religions, looking for where humans had 'lost themselves,' and for references to the divinity of the sun, for places where my new reality resonated with what others had experienced. I found a few hints in the so-called world religions where the sun was used as a metaphor for the Divine, but I had to turn to the Native Americans to find true fellow-believers.

Also I found some parallels in the writings of the Hindu philosopher-yogi Sri Aurobindo Ghose. He shared with Berdyaev a vision of a spiritual evolution that was leading man to a divinized light body that ultimately would replace our corruptible ones. The 'forerunners of this divine multitude,' as he named them in his epic poem 'Savitri,' were the rishis and holy beings who lived thousand-year-long lives in the Himalayas within bodies that no longer needed food, air or water. According to Aurobindo, through the meeting of eastern spiritual traditions and western technical discoveries, a synthesis of yoga and science would make the experience of this Himalayan advance guard available to everyone.

At the ranch, I lay in the semi-shade of my favorite redwood grove for long hours, staring up into the golden beams, entering various states of altered consciousness, searching for a method to 'disappear' myself, to get out of the way so that the solar light of Consciousness-Light-Love could merge with the inner 'mother' light that also fueled me, the life force. Once that merger occurred, I would no longer be flesh but instead would become the light-filled energies that bound my atoms together. I discovered an innate talent for stillness and meditation. Later I expanded my schedule to include daily Hatha Yoga and


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pranayama, yogic breathing that kept me from getting chilled during my long hours in the grove.

It would be too tedious to describe for the reader all the various moments, but I know with certainty that I tasted for a few brief instants the nectar of immortality. Upon one or two occasions I came back to my body to find it suspended between breaths, yet totally comfortable. I interpreted this as a positive sign that I was approaching my goal, that I was within reach of the 'switch' that one day would click on and merge the inner and outer lights. From there I would be able to unite with solar consciousness, one of whose side-effects might even be a lifetime as long as the sun's.

I had read a description of the Kali Yuga as the age when mankind's spirit had become so dense, so imbedded in matter, that men could not gaze at the sun any more. And yet the Plains Indians danced all day with their gaze fixed on the sun in that most sacred of all rituals, the Sun Dance. What was their secret?

I treasured any reference I could find to ancient sun practices or current lore. I read that Romans took an oath on the sun by looking at it and saying, 'May Apollo strike me blind if I lie!' Coincidentally, a little child once had told me that the sun would not blind you if you hadn't told a lie. Elsewhere I ran across an item that nuns in Europe used to punish children for lying by making them stare at the sun! What a strange perversion, to make a punishment out of recharging one's solar battery! What was the lying business, and how had it started? And why would nature evolve an organ of sight incapable of looking at the most important thing in the sky? Somehow it seemed implausible.


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March 1 - Began eating only fruits, nuts and seeds. After three more weeks I could only eat fruits. My body kept demanding smaller amounts of lighter food. Stopped taking supplements and began understanding that my nutritional requirements were moving ‘out of the box’ of my previous training. If I ate anything other than juicy fruit, like banana or coconut, I would feel congested and nauseous. I had no choice but to surrender to the process. I began going into higher states of joy and bliss.

March 29 - Began practicing sungazing and combined it with daily early morning dew walking, face and hair washing with dew, and sun baths during the lower UV hours. Within three days I began having profound experiences from this practice. By the fifth day I had lost all appetite and went from a fruitarian to liquidarian diet. All I could ingest without pain or congestion was fruit and chlorophyll juice, which I began taking three to four times daily, along with hot water when thirsty.

April 16 - Am very hungry. Resumed a diet of juicy fruits, gradually introducing nut-seed cream according to my hunger. I began craving more chlorophyll and found that the only substances that would satisfy this were chlorella and barley grass taken in liquid form. I began having a late morning and late afternoon fruit juice with a dessertspoon mixture of these in it. I have abundant energy and feel well nourished. My sleep requirements have decreased from six or seven hours to three to four hours per night. I am able to work 11 hour days with a 10 minute deep relaxation and short sungazing after lunch, without fatigue.

May 14-25 - Transitioned onto a diet that includes raw salads, sheep yoghurt, soft goat cheese and small amounts of cooked vegetables. What follows are the main changes I have


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experienced after eight weeks of sungazing and 16 days of this on liquids:

During and just after sungazing I began experiencing that I was receiving a solar transmission or deeksha. [Deeksha is the transfer of the sacred golden energy of Divine Grace, commonly known as the Holy Spirit] My sungazing became a sacred sunrise ritual performed outside.

Each day I could feel my consciousness being elevated. There was a dramatic decrease in thoughts generally, especially negative thoughts and emotions. However, when I experience emotions they are very intense and usually short-lived.

There was a tangible sense of joy throughout the whole being that catalysed more enjoyment of all other activities. This was a stronger enhancement of what was already happening through the deeksha process.

An increase in passion for my work and a dramatic increase in creativity, intellectual insights and intuition. I call this ‘intellect’.

Noticeable activity in the frontal lobes of the brain; it felt like a light had been switched on there.

Deeper meditations and relaxations in my Chi Gung practice, a marked increase in energy flow through the nadis (vessels and meridians) and inner perception and visions of their workings.

Improvement in quality of sleep.

Insight into the workings of the brain, both physically and energetically. I began seeing the seven main chakras were in the subtle brain and had reflexes in the subtle spine. This provided further insights into the process of enlightenment developed by


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Sri Bhagavan and documented by Neuroscientist Christian Opitz.


As I began increasing the time doing sungazing, the benefits were substantially more dramatic the less food I had in me. When I have fasted on water for one or two days I can practice sun gazing for long periods without discomfort.

Because I have Syndrome Marfan the blood pressure of my eyes should be very high, as it was in the past (18). Now it is only 12.

I have been practicing sungazing for two months. I used to take 25 mg of viagaria. Now I do not need it.

After reaching 15 minutes per day of sungazing I had a detailed test with an Ophthalmologist. I used to have an occlusion in one of the veins in my left eye. Now it is perfect. Now this Doctor wants to do it!

After a few weeks of sungazing I can drive at night for long periods without eyestrain from the glare of oncoming vehicles. I can also drive into the sunrise or sunset without flinching like I used to. I have completely discarded my sunglasses.

I have now reached 15 minutes of sungazing. I have had the following improvements in my life.

I am much more relaxed and calm. My speech has slowed down. I have more patience, especially with my family

members. I need less sleep. I used to drink a lot of alcohol, especially on weekends.


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Now a hardly drink at all! I have a renewed interest in spiritual development.

I have been on an emotional roller coaster during the last month. I have been practicing sungazing for only five days and I feel so centered already.

I have practiced sungazing for 10 months. I am less interested in food. Also, worldly topics I used to be interested in don’t hold my attention any more…I’m not generally disinterested or depressed, the exact opposite. I’m happier and more engaged (in life) than I can ever remember.

I have been doing sungazing for four months. I have had an acute pain in my right leg for the last four years. As soon as I reached 22 minutes per day I experienced a miracle of healing from God – four years of pain has completely gone.

I've been practicing sungazing for many years now. The whites of my eyes have become bright white with an electric blue sheen to them, which is awesome (the eyes are the windows of the soul).

I sleep less and better. Most weekends I would sleep one whole day to catch up from the week. Those days are gone. I haven’t needed a nap since I began sungazing.

I have fair hair and red skin. I used to get sunburnt with only 45 minutes exposure to the sun. Now, after doing sungazing for nine months, I can work in the sun for 6 hours before I start to burn. This is amazing for me.

I am 58 years old and have gone for three months without food…now I know this is possible. I did sungazing for three hours daily while in Arabia and lost 60 lbs in one year. I am now the weight I was when 21 years old and have abundant


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When I began sungazing I was taking natural progesterone because I was experiencing strong PMS with emotional highs and lows. Now I no longer need it. My hormones are becoming more balanced and I feel more stable and grounded.

I have light skin and have had skin cancer twice. sungazing has made my skin much less sensitive; I don’t tan or burn easily. Now I can be in the sun all day without sun block and get a tan without burning.

I have been doing sungazing for one year now and have experienced many benefits. Here are some of them:

I’ve lost 45 lbs (I was overweight). My eyes and teeth are whiter. I sleep less and better. I eat less and am free of food cravings. I am no longer allergic to my cat (or anything else). Age spots on my skin have reduced. I have greater mental clarity. I look 15 years younger (I’m 40). I have had my eyes and blood tested: my eyes and blood

are strong and healthy. I am more aware and intuitive.

I had serious photophobia; I couldn’t be in the sun without black sunglasses. I couldn’t stand brightness in any way. After 20 days of sungazing this condition is completely cured. I also have had two operations on my spine due to scoliosis and have been in daily pain. After 30 days of sungazing I am pain free while standing. After 45 days of sungazing, I don’t need as much food and I have lost 5 kg without trying. After 60 days of sungazing, I need less sleep; I used to sleep 10 hours per night. I now feel great on 7 to 8 hours. I have also been depressed and was on prozac, which I no longer need. Now I wake up with a


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smile, my mood is much improved and I feel renewed.

I have had migraines for three years and been on medication for two months. This has crippled my creativity. After doing sungazing for a short time the migraines and pain have completely gone.

After one month of sungazing I threw my glasses away. I now have plenty of energy.

I've been depressed for four years. A year ago I was diagnosed with severe depression. After reaching 20 minutes per day of sungazing my depression is gone! I now live in a happy mood and my senses are heightened. I feel like I am living a new life.