The Skeletal The Skeletal System System Medical Medical Terminology Terminology

The Skeletal System Medical Terminology. Key System Terminology Bone -------------------------- oste/o Bone marrow ---------------myel/o »Note myel/o

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The Skeletal SystemThe Skeletal System

Medical TerminologyMedical Terminology

Key System Terminology

• Bone -------------------------- oste/o

• Bone marrow ---------------myel/o» Note myel/o also means spine

• Joints ----------------------- arthr/o

• Cartilage ------------------- chondr/o

• Bursa ----------------------- burs/o

– Diaphysis• Medullary cavity

– Yellow marrow– Epiphysis

• Red marrow– Compact bone

• Lamellar bone– Spongy bone

• Trabecular bone– Periosteum– Endosteum– Articular cartilage– Epiphyseal plate– Ligament – connects

bone to bone

• Tendon

Bone AnatomyBone Anatomy

• Axial skeleton– 80 bones– Skull– Spine– Thoracic cage

• Appendicular skeleton– 126 bones– Shoulder girdle + arm– Hip girdle + leg

206 bones

• Cranium– Frontal– Parietal– Occipital– Temporal– Sphenoid– Ethmoid

• Face– Zygomatic– Maxillary – Mandible– Palatine– Lacrimal– Vomer– Hyoid Bone

• Ribs (rib = costal) [12 pairs]• True (7)• False (3)• Floating (2)

• Sternum– Manubrium– Body– Xiphoid

• Shoulder– Clavicle– Scapula

• Acromion Process

• Arm– Humerus– Radius– Ulna ( & olecranon process)

• Wrist & Hand– Carpals – Metacarpals– Phalanges

• Spine– Vertebrae

• Cervical (7)• Thoracic (12)• Lumbar (5)• Sacrum (5)• Coccyx (4)

– Intervertebral Discs• Pelvic Girdle (hip/ Coxa)

– Ilium– Ischium– Pubis– Sacrum– Acetabulum

• Legs– Femur

– Patella

– Tibia

– Fibula

• Ankle & Foot– Tarsals

• Talus

• Calcaneus

• Lateral & Medial Malleolus

– Metatarsals

– Phalanges

Skeletal System Structures in Medical Terminology • Oste/o = bone

• Chondr/o = cartilage

• Arthr/o = joints

• Myel/o = bone marrow » Note: also can mean spine

• Burs/o = bursa

• Cost/o = rib

Joints (Articulations)

• Functional classification based upon movement: – immovable = synarthrosis

– slightly movable = amphiarthrosis

– freely movable = diarthrosis

• Most are diarthrosis

– Also called synovial joints

• Joints

• Synovial Membrane

• Synovial Fluid

• Bursa

• Articulations

• Ligaments(compare to


• Bursa

– A sac made up of:• Synovial membrane

• Synovial fluid

Medical Specialists of the Skeletal SystemMedical Specialists of the Skeletal System

• Orthopedist– Those with a medical school degree

– Those with a osteopathic school degree

• Chiropracter– All diseases center around spinal mal-alignment

• Podiatrist

• Orthotics

• Ankylosis (ankyl/o = stiff; bent)• Arthralgia• Arthrosclerosis• Bursitis• Chondroma• Chondromalacia (-malacia= abnormal softening)• Hallux valgus (bunion; big toe bent towards other toes)• Luxation• Synovitis• Arthritis• Osteoarthritis• Rheumatoid arthritis• Ankylosing Spondylitis (spondyl = vertebrae)

– This is a type of rheumatoid arthritis

• Talipes (club foot)

Pathology of the Skeletal SystemPathology of the Skeletal System

Pathology of the Skeletal SystemPathology of the Skeletal System


• Herniated disc

• Lumbago

• Spina bifida

• Kyphosis

• Lordosis

• Scoliosis

Scoliosis Kyphosis Lordosis


• Exostosis (callus)

• Osteomalacia

• Osteitis deformans

• Periostitis

• Osteochondroma

• Osteoporosis


• Closed (simple)

• Open (compound)

• Colles’

Pathology of the Skeletal SystemPathology of the Skeletal System