The Significance of the Day of Your Birth

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  • 7/29/2019 The Significance of the Day of Your Birth



  • 7/29/2019 The Significance of the Day of Your Birth


    The Significance Of The Day Of Your Birth

    Destiny In Your [email protected] Page 2

    A Gift For You

    The Significance OfThe Day Of Your Birth

  • 7/29/2019 The Significance of the Day of Your Birth


    The Significance Of The Day Of Your Birth

    Destiny In Your [email protected] Page 3


    Introduction ...............................................................................................................................5

    Born 1st

    of the Month ...............................................................................................................6

    Born 2nd

    of the Month ..............................................................................................................7

    Born 3rd

    of the Month ...............................................................................................................8

    Born 4th

    of the Month ...............................................................................................................9

    Born 5th

    of the Month ............................................................................................................ 10

    Born 6th

    of the Month ............................................................................................................ 11

    Born 7th

    of the Month ............................................................................................................ 12

    Born 8th

    of the Month ............................................................................................................ 13

    Born 9th

    of the Month ............................................................................................................ 14

    Born 10


    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 15

    Born 11th

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 16

    Born 12th

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 17

    Born 13th

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 18

    Born 14th

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 19

    Born 15th

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 20

    Born 16th

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 21

    Born 17th

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 22

    Born 18th

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 23

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    Destiny In Your [email protected] Page 4

    Born 19th

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 24

    Born 20th

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 25

    Born 21st

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 26

    Born 22nd

    of the Month ......................................................................................................... 27

    Born 23rd

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 28

    Born 24th

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 29

    Born 25th

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 30

    Born 26th of the Month .......................................................................................................... 31

    Born 27th

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 32

    Born 28th

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 33

    Born 29th

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 34

    Born 30th

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 35

    Born 31st

    of the Month .......................................................................................................... 36

    Footnote: ................................................................................................................................ 37

  • 7/29/2019 The Significance of the Day of Your Birth


    The Significance Of The Day Of Your Birth

    Destiny In Your [email protected] Page 5


    Dear Destiny Seeker,

    Greetings and Good Day! Just by knowing your day of birth, I cantell you aspects of your personality, characteristics, and negativequalities. This amazing and interesting report will reveal all 31days of the month and the personalities, characteristics andnegative qualities that go with them.

    Have fun with this report! Read into the secrets of your familyand friends and know more about the lives of your favoritecelebrities just by looking at their day of birth! These surprisingrevelations will delight you and give you hours of insight into thelives of people around you. Using this valuable report, you can alsochoose to give readings to your friends and love ones who want toknow more about themselves.

    You can also direct your friends and love ones to my for their free report onThe Significance Of The Day Of Your Birth.

    All The Best To You,

  • 7/29/2019 The Significance of the Day of Your Birth


    The Significance Of The Day Of Your Birth

    Destiny In Your [email protected] Page 6

    Born 1st of the Month

    PersonalityY ou alway s want to lead. Y ou do not lik e unsolicite d adv ises and do not

    like to be restrained in whatever you do. You do not like to be interfered

    and you always work alone. You have a very firm mind. You are very

    ambitious and you are very determined in whatever tasks you undertake.

    Y ou hav e a str ong will pow er to do so. Pe ople need to be tactful in

    handling you. When you were a kid, you will throw tantrums to get what

    y ou want. Y ou ar e stubborn. Y ou ar e also cr eative and inv entiv e.

    CharacteristicsY ou ar e hig hly ambitious and you will use your ful l ener gy and mental

    resources to achieve your ambition, and this leaves very little time for

    love and relationships matters. Emotions are not of great importance to

    y ou as compar ed to achieving y our ambitions. If anyone wants to be with

    y ou, they must be prepar ed to lis te n and follow. In order to hav e a

    success ful re lationship, the other party must to able to submit and give

    y ou their full understanding . Y ou do not make a good spouse. Unles s y oucan find someone who can accept and go along with your character and

    personality, the marriage will be fine.

    Negative QualitiesY ou do not have much cons iderat ion for other s. Y ou make use of and step

    on others in order to achieve your ambition. You speak your mind in a

    blunt and cruel manner. You make quite a lot of enemies and you attract

    badmouthing. You only have yourself to blame.

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    The Significance Of The Day Of Your Birth

    Destiny In Your [email protected] Page 7

    Born 2nd of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e fe minine in natur e, romantic, g entle and ar tistic. Y ou ar e

    intelligent and creative and you are very imaginative. Your satisfaction in

    life comes from your mental ability rather than physical. By that, you often

    dream and think. You do not like hard work and you need the extra push

    to get going.

    CharacteristicsY ou ar e not so physical but rather , y ou alway s use your mental ability .

    People who wish to be with you must be able to be in sync with you

    mentally. You are not comfortable and do not get along well with people

    who ar e strong er than y ou and weak in mental thinking . Y ou go well with

    fr iends and partners who can communicate intellectually with you.

    Intelligent people are your type. The bad side of you is that although you

    are intelligent to a certain extent, you cannot transform your ideas into

    action. You always need others to instill confidence in you as you are not

    so capable of doing much for yourself. Because of your lack of confidence,y ou ar e sensitiv e and easily get of fe nded. Y ou alway s misunderstand and

    misinterpret wrongly. Those around you must try not to hurt your feelings

    by speaking stupidly and try not to create any misunderstandings. You are

    always caught in a situation of uncertainty and indecisiveness rules. This

    makes you moody and temperamental.

    Negative Qualities

    Y ou ar e intellig ent and imag inativ e but you lack practicality . Y ou ar eunable to convert your thoughts and plans into actions. You have to be

    handled with extreme caution and tact. You always look at the negative

    side of life and this will only depress you and you may breakdown and

    suffer. Y ou are a dreamer.

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    The Significance Of The Day Of Your Birth

    Destiny In Your [email protected] Page 8

    Born 3rd of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e ag gres sive and ambitious. Y ou alw ay s want to be the top rather

    than second place. You love power and you exercise authority and control

    over others. You implement your ideas or your plans with energy and

    str ength. Y ou never like and can never toler ate those w ho dilly- dally w ith

    work. Y ou ar e disciplined, y ou follow rules and reg ulations, and you

    expect those around you to follow suit and be obedient. You are a good

    leader. You do not give up easily unless you have exhausted all your

    resources. You have tremendous stamina. 3 is a powerful and forceful


    CharacteristicsY ou hav e little time for love and romance, as y ou ar e the ag gres sive and

    ambitious sort. In love, you like to be the hunter rather than the hunted

    one. You love the chase. More often than not, you lose interest once you

    have your hunted one. Yo u like y our partner to complement and

    supplement y ou rather than to be on equal ter ms w ith you. Your par tnermust be able to submit to you. You like to lead and you like your freedom.

    Y our partner must take second place. Y ou can rise to great heights as you

    possess all the qualities of a leader.

    Negative QualitiesY ou ar e a born dictator and you mak e your ow n rules which ar e

    undesirable. You are hot- tempered and you never like to be oblig ated to

    others. You are not quarrelsome but you like to bulldoze your way through

    things and by doing so, you create enemies for yourself. If you can controly our neg ative qualities, y ou can become an outstanding per so nality and

    achiev e success.

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    Destiny In Your [email protected] Page 9

    Born 4th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e ver y smar t and normally will end up in acade mic careers. Y ou ar e

    pessimistic rather than optimistic. You learn very fast. You have a keen

    and sharp observation and you are very quick in your thoughts. You are

    efficient and systematic. You are slow to anger and never like quarrels.

    Sadly , you cannot accumulate w ealth as y ou are a spendthrift. T o y ou,

    money spent can be earned back again.

    CharacteristicsY ou do not g et emo tionally inv olv ed easily . But once you do, y ou want it

    to last a lifetime. You are faithful to your partner. Once you give your love,

    y ou g iv e it all the way . Y ou ar e pes simis tic and y ou lac k confidence . T his

    makes you a jealous person. You may be intelligent but you do not have

    much faith in yourself. You need someone to constantly give you their

    assurances otherwise the insecurity feeling will grow in you. You will do

    very well if given the confidence boost and assurances constantly. In short,

    y ou need someone to lean on all the time. If not, y ou will fal l. Y our par tnerhas to be constantly by your side and in return, your partner can be

    assured of your loyalty.

    Negative QualitiesY ou rar ely achieve succes ses in lif e becaus e of y our pes simis m. Y ou te nd

    to look at the negative side of life and many opportunities will slip away.

    Y ou do not have the str eng th to face challe ng ing situations. Y ou hav e

    problems saving. When you encounter monetary problems, you have

    y ourself to blame. Y ou can never to completely happy in this wor ld.T hough you are loy al and faithful, your pessimism kills y ou. Y ou chase

    friends away, and you feel lost and betrayed, not knowing that it is your

    own doings. You are intelligent and capable and as such should throw all

    y our neg ative qualities aw ay . Y ou will then succee d well in lif e.

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    The Significance Of The Day Of Your Birth

    Destiny In Your [email protected] Page 10

    Born 5th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou love to hav e money and y ou will ac quire them in any way . Y ou ar e

    shrewd and have good business acumen, and this makes you successful in

    business. You are able to amass large sums of money in a short period of

    time. Your love for money and your dire eagerness in acquiring it can

    sometimes lead you to do things the illegal way. You will always think of

    way s and means to escape detection. Y ou ar e a quick thinker especially in

    money matters. You are prompt in making decisions and taking action. You

    do no waste time. You are a smooth talker and you make a lot of friends.

    Y ou ar e fully awak e when ta lking about mone y . Other than mone y matter s,

    y ou ar e not much g ood in any thing else.

    CharacteristicsY our gree d for mone y is ver y str ong . Y our par tner need not be at tractive

    as long as your partner has wealth. You are not aroused by physical

    beauty but by wealth. You will never be attracted to anyone who is not

    rich. Y ou are easy to ge t along with but your money- face chase manypeople away.

    Negative QualitiesY ou love to g amble be it on the table, the shar es marke t, at the

    racetrack or any form of gambling. If you lose money or your business

    fails, you will be devastated. Your life is as though destroyed. You do not

    learn from mistakes. You repeat them. You are highly materialistic. Your

    entire life is about money. You will go to any lengths to acquire wealth, be

    it the honest or the dishonest way. In your pursuit for money, you willspare no one who comes in your way.

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    The Significance Of The Day Of Your Birth

    Destiny In Your [email protected] Page 11

    Born 6th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou hav e a personal mag netism around y ou that people cannot resist.

    Physically you may not have the perfect figure, but your appearance is

    nevertheless str iking . Y ou are charming and you express yourself w ell.

    Y our manner ism at tracts a lot of oppos ite sex . Y ou ar e romantic and

    idealistic. You are loyal and you listen to the one you love. You surround

    y ourself with beautiful thing s. Number 6 women ar e house- proud and will

    take great pleasure in decorating their homes and have great pleasure in


    CharacteristicsWherev er y ou go, y ou ar e tr emendously attr active to the oppos ite sex and

    y our char isma can be fe lt. Y ou love music. Y ou ar e sincer e in y our

    affection and will not betray any trust given to you. You are practical and

    y ou wor k very hard at whatev er wor k g iven to you. T his is one of the bes t

    numbers to be born under. You are loving and want to be loved in return.

    Y ou draw people to you v er y easily . Y ou hav e no dif ficulty incommunicating with people.

    Negative QualitiesY ou ar e hot te mper ed and your par tner needs to be able to contr ol your

    temper. If you are provoked badly, you can carry your dislike to the

    extreme. If you are betrayed by anyone you trust, you become vindictive.

    Y ou ar e an ex tr emist. While y ou make ex celle nt fr iends, y ou also make

    enemies. While you are loyal and sincere in your affection, you can also

    be the exact opposite. You do not give chance and forgive easily thosewho betray y ou. T his is wher e you fal l. Y ou must lear n to control your

    negative emotions. You are uncontrollable if your anger is aroused and

    y ou must lear n to ov ercome this weakness .

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    The Significance Of The Day Of Your Birth

    Destiny In Your [email protected] Page 12

    Born 7th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e independe nt in nature, individual in character , and or ig inal in

    thoughts. You are not the materialistic kind, but you do have a

    considerable degree of wealth and material comfort. You have a way of

    approach to things and this puts you in a class of your own. You have

    ideas and you are g ood in ex pres sing y our thoughts on paper. You make

    an excellent writer. You like to do things on your own and you do not like

    to take over your family business. You will prefer to let others run the

    business. You always want changes in your life. You like to devout your

    time and money to charity and social work. Your intuition is strong and

    y ou ar e quick to under stand and study the mood of others. T hus you g et

    along with people we ll as y ou unders tand and go along w ith the mood.

    T his is one of the best numbers to be born under. Y ou can be r ich and



    Y ou ar e res tle ss and ar e prone to making changes in y our relationships.Y ou seldom remain loyal to one per son for v er y long during y our young er

    days. Do not be surprised that you will marry more than once. You always

    seek security and you are concerned about your future. Sometimes you

    like to change partner once in a while without affecting your permanent

    relationship. You need to lean on your partner and constantly seek

    security. Your sex life is strong.

    Negative QualitiesY ou lik e many chang es in y our lif e and this can be damag ing . If you kee pjumping fr om one thing to another , y ou will only har m y ourself. No one

    knows what will happen next with a Number 7.

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    Born 8th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou hav e a split personality , and these tw o per sonalities of y our s ar e both

    opposite of each other. Because of this, you are often undeservedly

    misunderstood and being talked badly of. You are a very lonely person.

    Y ou ar e alw ay s tr eated badly by others. Y ou ar e mater ialis tic and y et

    spiritually inclined. Either you achieve success in life or fail. There is no

    in- between. You are usually a v ictim of perse cution in society. Y ou will in

    turn re volt by becoming involved in anti- social activities. You are an

    extremist and will stop at nothing to seek revenge. If you cannot find

    anyone to punish, you will end up punishing yourself. Suicide might come

    into the picture.

    CharacteristicsY ou may appear cold hearted but y ou ar e actually war m hearted. Y ou ar e

    difficult to understand. You are capable of great sacrifices and you give all

    y ou hav e to those you love. Y ou g iv e more than you take. It is dif f icult for

    others to get along with a Number 8. You like to be independent and youwant fr ee dom. Numbe r 8 go throug h lif e searching for a mate and seldom

    find any. The only compatible person with a Number 8 is another Number

    8. You are also deeply spiritual and intelligent.

    Negative QualitiesT his is an unfortunate number to be born under. Y ou are s incere but you

    are often misunderstood and this leads to se lf- destruction. You can be

    good and at the same time, bad. You are difficult to predict. If one finds

    y ou loving and kind, one can be sure of finding you equally hatef ul andcruel. You should guard yourself against going to the extremes.

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    The Significance Of The Day Of Your Birth

    Destiny In Your [email protected] Page 14

    Born 9th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e cour ag eous and you ar e a fig hter. Y ou do not g iv e up easily and

    will f ig ht to the ver y end. Whe n a task is g iv en to you, you will see it

    through to the very end. That is why you usually achieve your objectives.

    Y ou ar e hig hly ambitious and you alway s lik e to be in control. Y ou never

    like to be in second place. You do not care about what and how others feel

    but people respect you for your ability to achieve. You are usually

    successful because you work hard and you have the perseverance.

    CharacteristicsY ou ar e lea der s in any g iv en field. Y ou are hig hly sex ed but y ou ar e not

    able to express your desire. As such, you become frustrated. In sex, you

    need to be led. Your partner may think that you are cold and do not desire

    sex. Your partner is wrong. You will never express your sexual desire.

    Y ou do not fa ll in lov e or make fr iends easily . But once you do, you mak e

    sure it is life long. You may have a divorce awaiting you. You learn well

    from the mistakes of yourself and others and you do not repeat yourmistakes. You have a sharp mind and others who want to be with you must

    have an equally sharp mind. You are straightforward in speech and say it

    as it is without adding anything extra to your words.

    Negative QualitiesY ou ar e domineer ing . Y ou mak e a lot of enemies. If y ou ar e succes sful,

    y ou te nd to look dow n on other s who ar e less successful. Y ou ar e har d

    inside. You can become violent when aroused and speak without thinking

    and hurt others. Your life will be smooth sailing after mid forties.

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    The Significance Of The Day Of Your Birth

    Destiny In Your [email protected] Page 15

    Born 10th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e a leader but not a ver y domineer ing one. Y ou ar e ambitious and

    have clear thinking. You do not waste any time in carrying out your plans.

    Y ou ar e intellig ent, imaginativ e and cr eative. Y ou ar e not af raid of

    temporary setbacks and are confident in whatever you do. You have the

    guts. You like your followers to accept your actions without any questions.

    Y ou do not like to be under command but y ou adjust according ly to people.

    CharacteristicsY ou ar e sincer e and loy al by nature and ex pect the same from others. Y ou

    do not like any interference in whatever you do, and you too do not like to

    interfere with what others do. Number 10 is a positive and a successful


    Negative Qualities

    Y ou ar e shor t- te mper ed and y ou ar e ins ensitiv e towar ds yoursubordinates. When your subordinates are not able to follow through their

    work or are inefficient, y ou will lose control of y our tongue and this of te n

    leaves the subordinates in tears. By doing so, you make a lot of enemies,

    but y ou do not care. T his make s y ou a bully. Y ou tend to be isolated and

    alone most of the time. You cannot tolerate and like to look down on those

    who ar e incapable of doing thing s,. Y ou must lear n to toler ate other s. Y ou

    are ambitious and you keep working to the end and sometimes drive

    y ourself too far.

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    The Significance Of The Day Of Your Birth

    Destiny In Your [email protected] Page 16

    Born 11th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e hig hly ambitious and can never take second place . Y ou never

    change your mind once you make a decision to do something. You are

    daring. Y ou plan ex cellently and you implement your ideas immediately in

    order for you to see excellent results. But once you hesitate, you lose

    interest. You are quarrelsome and like to nag continuously. You do not like

    to trash out your problem and only talk behind the problem. You are a

    difficult person as you have an unpredictable personality. Sometimes you

    are outspoken and there are times you just do not talk at all. People

    around you will never know w hat y ou will do nex t.

    CharacteristicsIf you do not get a right partner, you will break down later in life. You are

    timid and possess no confidence yet if others tell you that you need

    support, you take it as an insult. You want to be independent, but you cant.

    Y ou ar e res tle ss and unhappy . T hos e who want to come clos e to you must

    be able to lend their moral support which you badly need. You do not liketo be weaker than others but you are.

    Negative QualitiesY ou ar e alway s caught in- between your ambition and your ability . Y ou

    have all the intelligence to see you through success, but your lack of drive

    and dependence does not permit you to. You like to command but you are

    too timid. You have a lot of contradictions and controversies in you. You

    must develop confidence.

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    The Significance Of The Day Of Your Birth

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    Born 12thof the Month

    PersonalityY ou do not g iv e in to force but throug h per suasion, y ou will lis te n.

    Bulldozing tactics will not work on you. One can get anything from you

    with love and tact . Y ou mak e a good subordinate . Y ou will alway s consult

    y our par tner or colle ag ues bef ore acting, as y ou alway s need a little

    reassurance. You have shrewd intelligence and you are a disciplinarian,

    systematic and methodical. You make a good commander and you do not

    like to push people around. You prefer to get authority by consensus. This

    is one of the best numbers to be born under. Number 12 people are

    positive and they do not bully.

    CharacteristicsY ou ar e easy to g et along with. T houg h you hav e your ow n pos itive view,

    y ou also lend your ear to other s v iews. Y ou do not like to depend or lean

    on others. You are sincere in your affection and like to be equal with your

    partner. You make a gentle lover. You are generally popular and make a

    good companion. You try not to hurt others but if the need arises, you willspeak y our mind. In short, y ou know w here y ou stand. A fter mid- forties ,

    y our life should be better .

    Negative QualitiesY our hyper sensitivity some times g et carried to the ex tent that you find it

    hard to forgive and forget. An insult remains in your mind and you will go

    on brooding about it and make yourself unhappy. You do not like to go to

    the person and trash it out. You keep it in your heart. In short, you tend to

    bear grudges. If people advise you, you get irritated. There may be timesthat you have no confidence and this is where you let the dreamer in you

    dominate. One needs tact to deal with Number 12 people.

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    Born 13th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e practical per son and a good planner . Y ou hav e the intelligenc e and

    creativity in you but your views are very definite. You are proud in nature

    and you do not like to be obligated to anyone. You always try to pay off

    y our debts quickly . Y ou hav e tw o conflic ting traits . On one hand, y ou want

    to be successful and climb the ladder of success, but on the other hand,

    y our pes simis m and uncer tainty makes you hold back and not take

    chances, no matter how safe it may be. You are a fast learner and you

    complete your work easily with minimum effort, but success hardly comes

    by. You always want more and you are not contented with what you have.

    CharacteristicsY ou ar e confident and outgoing, but only on the surface . Y ou actually

    need a lot of assurance. You are a very sincere person. It is not easy for

    y ou to fa ll in lov e. But once you do, y ou will love deeply . Y ou ar e highly

    sexed. Your desire rises quickly and is almost uncontrollable. You need a

    large variety of people rolled into one to make you happy. You are aleader by instinct. Your high mental caliber, efficiency and loyalty make

    y ou an outstanding person.

    Negative QualitiesY our pes simis m is ex tr eme. Y ou ar e also a ver y jealous per son. Y ou ar e

    never contented with what you have.

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    Born 14th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e over whelming ly succes sful if you channel all y our ener gy in

    making money. You are also a spendthrift. You are ambitious, money-

    minded, determined and generally successful.


    Y ou par tner and friends hav e to be r ich. If they ar e not, you will nev er gonear them. You are greedy and you are not warm, so it is never easy for

    others to be fond of you. You are s mooth- tongued. People who are

    money- minded will g o along w ell with Number 14 people. Y ou will be

    happiest with those who understand your compulsive love for money. You

    have friends, but not true friends. But you are not bothered even if you

    know that your friends are around you because of money!

    Negative Qualities

    Y ou ar e an oppor tunist. Y ou look at the situation and you can swing fr omone side to the other if the other favors you. You make use of people and

    discard them when they are no longer of any use to you. You are also

    very suspicious of people as you are very insecure. You make a lot of

    enemies. You are difficult to live with, more so because of your

    pessimistic attitude.

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    Destiny In Your [email protected] Page 20

    Born 15th of the Month

    PersonalityWhen you mak e a decis ion, you stand firm to it, be it g ood or bad. In work,

    when y ou start so mething , you will not leav e it undone . Number 15 people

    seldom inherit a business. If you do, you prefer to let others handle it. You

    prefer to start something on your own.

    CharacteristicsY ou will look for so meone who will res pond to your romantic nature, mor eso if your partner has money or assets. You get excited very easily and

    y ou ar e quick- temper ed, but you cool dow n very quickly too. Y ou ar e

    highly sexed but you need the mental stimulation. You get along well with

    people. You make a fairly good marriage partner. Financially you will

    always be comfortable. You will be successful in life.

    Negative Qualities

    Y ou ar e easily inf luence d. If y ou fa ll into bad company , y ou becomevictims of unscrupulous people. Because of your love of money, you many

    engage in gambling or s mugg ling.

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    Born 16th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e sentimental. Y ou make a good ar tis t and wr iter . Y ou ar e an

    explorer too. You like adventures. You are interesting and you attract the

    opposite sex. Number 16 women attract many admirers. You have deep


    CharacteristicsWhen you ar e at tac hed to someone , it is a dee p at tachment. Y ou do nothave the heart to flirt from one to another but you also cannot bear too

    much of the same person for very long. You must have a change of scene

    but even then, it will not affect your deep attachment to your partner. It is

    jus t that y ou like to div er t your attention to something differ ent once in a

    while. Y our fee ling s rema in constant; al l you want is some ex citement

    here and there. If by chance, you upset your partner, you will quickly

    apologize. You are loyal in your friendships and this wins you many

    friends. Y ou are often the live w ire in a party . You are a free thinker a nd

    nothing much can shock you. You do not like others to bother you aboutwhat you do.

    Negative QualitiesY ou usually do not stick to one job or a per son for long . Y ou ar e lik e a

    butterfly. You move from one job to another, one place to another.

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    Born 17th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e ambitious with dr ive and with v ery def inite ideas . Y ou love to

    travel and jobs requiring traveling suit you most. Administrative work is

    not for you. You have strong likelihood of being misunderstood.

    CharacteristicsY ou ar e chang eable in nature, and you lik e to hav e differ ent surr ounding sand people from time to time. You are likely to marry more than once and

    normally your second marriage would be better than your first. You will be

    happy with those who let you be what you are and not interfere with

    whatev er y ou ar e doing . Y ou go anywhere but you alway s come back to

    y our bas e. Y our par tner should under stand this nature other wise the

    relationship will be heading for a showdown. You live by this saying If

    y ou love me, let me go. If I come back to y ou, I am y our s. If I dont, I WA S

    y ours.

    Negative QualitiesY ou ar e seldom succes sful in your career. It is better for you to hav e your

    own business w here it allows you to move f reely .

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    Born 18th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e ambitious, force ful and energet ic. Y our per sonality is something

    of a mystery. There will be times where you paint a picture that money is

    of no importance to you. But on the other hand, you are materialistic. You

    may be spiritual, but you will also look for personal and material gain. You

    are artistic, creative and sensitive. Y ou are also a fighter. Y ou are

    domineering and are happy only when you can dominate.

    CharacteristicsY ou ar e hig hly sex ed but you ar e unable to ex pre ss your desire. Ofte n,

    y ou fee l frustrated. Y ou must hav e the upper hand in matter s of the hear t;

    otherwise your relationship cannot grow. You partner must be gentle and

    submissive. In friendships, you are loyal but you are not easy to get along

    with, for you are domineer ing . Y ou ar e lik ely to force y our will on others.

    Y ou hav e no time for those who do not hav e ambitions.

    Negative QualitiesY ou ar e domineer ing and bossy . Y ou should tr y to be gentle with people

    around you, if not you will lose friends. You cannot tolerate those who are

    not agreeable with you.

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    Born 19th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e a dictator . In wor k, you can never be under anyone . Even in y our

    private life, you dictate and your friends must follow. To you, you are

    Number 1. If you are Number 2, no one dares to be Number 1! You are

    never satisfied. You must have more and more, and you will do anything to

    get what you want.

    CharacteristicsY ou must dominate. Y ou do not take into considerat ion of other s f ee ling s.

    T o y ou, people around you are mere ly tools to be manipulated. You are

    selfish and will discard people when these people are no longer useful to

    y ou. Sex ually , y ou can never hav e enoug h. Y ou will be in harmony with

    those of the same kind.

    Negative QualitiesBecause of your characteristics, you will fall. Your plus points willeventually become your minus points. You bulldoze your way against all

    oppositions, you are rough with your friends and eventually you will find

    that you have no friends left. You will push your luck in search of greater

    success, and this will rebound and destroy you. It is useless to suggest

    anything to you, as you are not open to suggestions. You are greedy and

    y ou will grab what is not y ours. Y ou will do whatev er it is to hold on to

    what you want. Y ou will reach heig hts of succe ss and then start coming

    down to be very ex tent of being humiliated.

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    Born 20th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e a sensitiv e, g entle and a romantic per son. Y ou ar e hig hly

    intelligent, creative, and with a lively imagination. Physically, you are of

    slight build and you are not strong. You are a dreamer and live in a make-

    believe world. You cannot face the harsh reality of life. When you are

    faced with difficulties, you retreat into your safe little dream world. Your

    dreams have no reality. You are gentle and forgiving in nature, and you

    lack the force and the drive to carry you on in life. You do not like hard


    CharacteristicsY ou co mmunicate intel lectually with people ar ound you. In y our mar riage,

    y ou see k a per son of a similar menta l calibe r. If y ou mar ry a per son who

    is physically stronger but mentally weaker, the marriage is extremely

    unhappy, and you become frustra ted and depress ed. Your power is in y our

    brain power and you must have companions whom you can communicate

    with menta lly . Without this, the relat ions hip cannot grow . Y ou ar e seldomable to put your schemes and plans into action and as such, you will little

    success in life. You must have a partner who can instill confidence in you

    and a pillar for you to lean on. You need someone to keep pushing from

    behind as you are incapable of doing much on your own. You are restless

    and are always caught in an indecisive situation.

    Negative QualitiesY ou ar e a dreamer . Y ou lack the ability to conver t your thoug hts into

    action. You have fantastic dreams which are not realistic. You do not havefaith in yourself. You are sensitive and pessimistic and work yourself into

    a state of depression if you are not encouraged all the time. You are

    alway s looking at the negative side of life.

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    Born 21st

    of the Month

    PersonalityY ou hav e the pow er to think, imagine and plan. Y ou are able to implement

    y our ideas . Number 21 people are generally successful in lif e.

    CharacteristicsY ou ar e str ong but not forceful. Y ou can get along fairly well with people.

    Y ou alway s tr y not the hurt other s and you ar e consider ate. Y ou lik e to

    have things your way but yet you need pillars of strength that you can

    lean on.

    Negative QualitiesY ou ar e a contradicting per son. Y ou ar e a dictator yet you ar e a pes simis t.

    Both are opposite traits and this makes your life miserable. You are short-

    tempered. You dream and many a times lose many good opportunities. Youdo not like to take advice and will force your opinion on others.

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    Born 22nd

    of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e not ca pable of standing alone. Y ou ar e intellig ent with a hig h

    mental caliber, but you have difficulty translating your thoughts into action.

    Y ou ar e a spendthrift. T o y ou, money comes and goes. Y ou will hav e

    problems saving money and will always get into financial trouble. Your

    spending capacity is far more than your earning capacity.

    CharacteristicsY ou ar e slow in g etting inv olved emotionally . Y ou do not love easily but

    once you do, you are loyal till the end. You seldom stray from your

    partner. Your extreme pessimism makes you feel insecure and you get

    jealous easily . Y ou ar e alway s suspicious of people ar ound you and you

    lose many friends. It is not difficult to live with you. You need people who

    are always there for you to lean on. Your partner has to be always at hand

    to support you for you are incapable of doing anything for yourself.

    Negative QualitiesInsecurity and pessimism are the keywords to describe Number 22 people.

    In spite of your high intelligence, you rarely achieve success in life. You

    alway s look at the dark side of life. Y ou would alway s s ay No point try ing.

    It wont work. You must guard against depression for it can destroy all

    y our positive qualit ies. Mor e of ten than not, y ou driv e aw ay people that

    y ou so desperately need. Y ou must lear n to stand on y our ow n tw o fe et.

    Y ou lack the cour ag e to face defeats . Y ou dream big but you ar e notrealistic.

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    Born 23rd

    of the Month

    PersonalityY ou lik e ever y thing to be done your way but sadly y ou cannot achieve

    what you want, so y ou use force . Only those who ar e weaker than you will

    follow you. Number 23 people are usually not well built. You may look

    strong but you are not. You have the pride but many times, your pride

    takes you to nowhere. The positive side of you is that you have a high

    tolerance level.

    CharacteristicsY ou lik e to dominate in y our relat ionships. Y ou ar e posses siv e but you lik e

    to show that you are liberal- minded. Y ou like to mix with high society

    people and people who are successful. You have the tendency to look

    down on others.

    Negative QualitiesY ou ar e a bully . Y ou bully those who ar e weaker than y ou.

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    Born 24th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e intellig ent and you can do well in acade mic studies , but you har dly

    do much with your life. You do not like to hurt the feelings of others. You

    prefer to keep quiet and move on. You are not a risk taker, even if the risk

    is small. You always remain in the same spot even while you see others

    forge ahead. You are gentle and kind but you tend to look at the dark sideof life. You let opportunities slip by and you blame it on bad luck, but you

    do not realize that it is you yourself who did not make the move to grab

    these opportunities.

    CharacteristicsY ou do not mak e fr iends easily but y ou are sincer e and loyal to y our

    friends. You can be relied on as far as friendship is concerned. You never

    like to break- up a re lationship even when the relationship turns sour. Y ou

    ought to realize that sometimes it is good to break rather than to drag iton. You are a dreamer but you are not able to transform your dreams into

    action. You need someone to lean on all the time. You are not independent.

    Negative QualitiesY our will pow er is weak. Y ou do not hav e the dr iv e to mak e thing s happen.

    Y ou get carried aw ay easily and you ar e easily betray ed.

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    Born 25th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e business minded and you want fast mone y . Y ou can eas ily fall

    into bad company. You have a strong urge for changes in your life. You

    cannot stick to a person or a thing for long. You love to keep changing

    from one business to another all because you want more money.

    CharacteristicsY ou will ming le with people who ar e succe ssful in life . Unles s you hav e a

    deep relationship with a particular person, you will not stick to the same

    person for long. You do not have a strong sexual urge, but once you get

    aroused, it is a powerful urge. You are romantic but materialistic. You will

    be happy with people w ho are busines s- minded and those w ho earn a

    good income.

    Negative QualitiesY ou hav e a great des ir e for fas t and easy mone y . Y ou can easily fall fo r

    Get Rich Quick schemes or speculation or gambling. You cannot resist it.

    Y ou should try to curb y our greed for money . Y our ear ly y ears will be ful l

    of changes and trials. In your later part of life, it will be peaceful and most

    likely you will devote your time to charity and social work.

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    Born 26th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e gent le and fe minine in nature. Y ou lik e to ente rtain and lik e to

    have your house with full of people. You are a good entertainer.

    CharacteristicsY ou ar e hig hly emotional and intellig ent. Y ou fe el for fr iends and fig ht for

    righteousness. You can sacrifice a lot for those whom you love. You are

    independent and do not like your freedom to be controlled. Because of

    y our gentle ness and soft- hear tedness, y ou ar e being made use of by

    people. Y ou will keep quiet about this, but ther e is a limit. Y ou tend to

    giv e more than you take.

    Negative QualitiesY ou ar e ver y lik ely to be misunderstood, no matter what you do. Y ou will

    face many criticisms. You are impatient and when things do not go your

    way , y ou will alway s hurr y things up and leave mos t thing s incomplete.

    Y ou must cultiv ate pat ience .

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    Born 27th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e alw ay s on your ow n. Y ou hav e your ow n way of think ing . Y ou ar e

    materialistic and you will make good money from your ideas. You have an

    unusual w ay of doing things . Women born under this number w ill alway s

    seek security in life. You love traveling s and this widens your knowledge

    about many things.

    CharacteristicsY ou te nd to at tract the weir d people. Y ou ar e sex ually str ong . When the

    urge comes, you cannot wait. If by chance your partner is not willing or

    not in the mood, you are capable of using force. You get along with people

    well. Y ou can be domineering and this can chase many people aw ay .

    Negative QualitiesY ou lik e to hav e y our ow n way no matter what. Y ou ar e also ins ecure. Y ou

    may look tough but you lack the confidence.

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    Born 28th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou hav e the co mbination of intel lig ence , sof tnes s, g entle ness and a

    romantic nature. You make a good artist in any field. If you venture into

    painting, poetry or writing, you will do well.

    CharacteristicsY ou ar e loy al and sincer e in matter s of the heart and in friendships. Y our

    love for your partner is deep and you are always concerned about the

    feelings of others. You are domineering, though you will never force

    y ourself on any one. Somehow , y ou will g et y our way . Y ou will alw ay s

    retain your old friendships. Your circle of friends is a large one.

    Negative QualitiesY ou ar e alw ay s misunderstood. Us ually y ou do not tr y har d and g iv e up

    easily. You are confident, but your confidence is easily shaken. Your

    actions will always be misconstrued and your character misunderstood. It

    is pointless for you to justify your action. It will get you nowhere.

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    Born 29th of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e difficult to dea l with. Y ou ar e not only dominee ring , y ou ar e also

    highly ambitious. You make sure you get what you want. You see your

    plans through to the last bit, but you are easily defeated. You are efficient

    and you will go to any limits to achieve your ambition and will not be

    satisfied with second place.

    CharacteristicsY ou do not fa ll in lov e easily but if y ou do, it is for a lif et ime. Y ou ar e

    highly sex ed but you are not able to ex press your desire. Y ou are nev er

    popular with people. You will insist your will and make many enemies.

    Negative QualitiesY ou will brush aside people who do not ag ree with you. By doing so, you

    isolate yourself. You are insecure and lack confidence but will try to cover

    up these traits with a lot of bluff. Deep inside, you feel lost and afraid. You

    should not let defeat get the better of you. You should not let your

    ambitions get out of hand. You should not let greed overtake you

    otherw ise there is disaster.

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    Born 30th

    of the Month

    PersonalityY ou ar e ambitious and ag gres siv e. Y ou love pow er and will never be

    satisfied with second place. Y ou alway s w ant to be in control. Y ou ex pect

    complete obedience from those around you. Phys ically y ou are w ell- built

    and have tremendous stamina. Number 29 people will usually rise to great

    heights in their career.

    CharacteristicsY ou must come first in a relationship other wise the relat ionship will not

    last. Friends must be able to listen to you. When you like something, you

    will chase for it and it is dif f icult to stop you. Y ou do not lik e people

    around you that pose a threat to you. No one must outshine you. No one

    must try to be equal with you. You are not easy to get along with.

    Negative QualitiesY ou ar e a born dictator and you set your ow n rules.

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    Born 31st of the Month

    PersonalityY ou hav e leadership, ambition and drive. Y ou ar e practical and a g ood

    planner. You are proud and you do not like being under any obligation to

    anyone. You will not give in easily. You have a split personality.

    CharacteristicsOn the surface, you look confident and outgoing, but within yourself, you

    lack the confidence. In whatever you do, you always like to be reassured

    again and again. You are always not contented and it is not easy to make

    y ou happy in whatever you do. Y ou stay fa ithful to the one y ou love. Y ou

    are very commanding but you are outstanding. Your partner will be

    fortunate. Success for you is within easy reach. There is no reason why

    y ou should not do well.

    Negative QualitiesY ou ar e never contented with what you hav e. Y ou will as k for mor e.

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    This is just an introduction to what your numbers can reveal usingonly the day of your birth. Your date of birth can reveal so muchmore. The numerology I practice is unique from all others. Using aPythagorean Triangle and a unique method of calculation, thedestiny of a person is revealed in a set of numbers, as shownbelow.

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    9 9 1 9

    9 1

    19 = 9 9 2 1 = 3

    2 13

    Day Month Year

    DOB: 09 09 19 99

    Pythagorean Life Chart

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    2 13

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