The Shooting of Ibragim Todashev- Is the Lawlessness of Obama's Drone Policy Coming Home Coming Home?

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  • 7/28/2019 The Shooting of Ibragim Todashev- Is the Lawlessness of Obama's Drone Policy Coming Home Coming Home?


    The Shooting Of Ibragim

    Todashev: Is The Lawlessness of

    Obama's Drone Policy Coming


    This from Information Clearing House--

    Once a state gets used to abusing the rights of foreigners in

    distant lands, it's almost inevitable it will import the habit

    By George Monbiot

    ---------------------- Did the FBI execute Ibragim Todashev? He

    appears to have been shot seven times while being interviewed

    at home in Orlando, Florida, about his connection to one of the

    Boston bombing suspects. Among the shots was the assassin'shallmark: a bullet to the back of the head. What kind of an

    interview was it?

    An irregular one. There was no lawyer present. It was not

    recorded. By the time Todashev was shot, he had apparently

    been interrogated by three agents for five hours. And then? Who

    knows? First, we were told, he lunged at them with a knife. How

    he acquired it, five hours into a police interview, was not

    explained. How he posed such a threat while recovering from a

    knee operation also remains perplexing.
  • 7/28/2019 The Shooting of Ibragim Todashev- Is the Lawlessness of Obama's Drone Policy Coming Home Coming Home?


    At first he drew the knife while being interviewed. Then he

    acquired it during a break from the interview. Then it ceased to

    be a knife and became a sword, then a pipe, then a metal pole,

    then a broomstick, then a table, then a chair. In one account allthe agents were in the room at the time of the attack; in another,

    all but one had mysteriously departed, leaving the remaining

    officer to face his assailant alone.

    If and it remains a big if this was an extrajudicial execution,

    it was one of hundreds commissioned by US agencies since

    Barack Obama first took office. The difference in this case is

    that it took place on American soil. Elsewhere, suspects arebumped off without even the right to the lawyerless interview

    Ibragim Todashev was given.

    In his speech two days after Todashev was killed, President

    Obama maintained that "our commitment to constitutional

    principles has weathered every war". But he failed to explain

    which constitutional principles permit him to authorise thekilling of people in nations with which the US is not at war.

    When his attorney general, Eric Holder, tried to do so last year,

    he got himself into a terrible mess, ending with the extraordinary

    claim that "'due process' and 'judicial process' are not one and

    the same the constitution guarantees due process, not judicial

    process". So what is due process if it doesn't involve the courts?

    Whatever the president says it is?

    Er, yes. In the same speech Obama admitted for the first time

    that fourAmerican citizens have been killed by US drone strikes

    in other countries. In the next sentence, he said: "I do not believe

    it would be constitutional for the government to target and kill
  • 7/28/2019 The Shooting of Ibragim Todashev- Is the Lawlessness of Obama's Drone Policy Coming Home Coming Home?


    any US citizen with a drone, or a shotgun without due

    process." This suggests he believes that the legal rights of

    those four people had been respected before they were killed.

    Given that they might not even have known that they were

    accused of the alleged crimes for which they were executed, that

    they had no opportunities to contest the charges, let alone be

    granted judge or jury, this suggests that the former law

    professor's interpretation of constitutional rights is somewhat

    elastic. If Obama and his nameless advisers say someone is a

    terrorist, he stands convicted and can be put to death.

    Left hanging in his speech is the implication that non-US

    citizens may be killed without even the pretence of due process.

    The many hundreds killed by drone strikes (who, civilian or

    combatant, retrospectively become terrorists by virtue of having

    been killed in a US anti-terrorism operation) are afforded no

    rights even in principle.

    As the process of decision-making remains secret, as the US

    government refuses even to acknowledge let alone to

    document or investigate the killing by its drones of people

    who patently had nothing to do with terrorism or any other

    known crime, miscarriages of justice are not just a risk emerging

    from the deployment of the president's kill list. They are an

    inevitable outcome. Under the Obama doctrine, innocent until

    proved guilty has mutated to innocent until proved dead.

    The president made his rejection of habeas corpus and his

    assumption of a godlike capacity for judgment explicit later in

    the speech, while discussing another matter. How, he wondered,
  • 7/28/2019 The Shooting of Ibragim Todashev- Is the Lawlessness of Obama's Drone Policy Coming Home Coming Home?


    should the US deal with detainees in Guantnamo Bay "who we

    know have participated in dangerous plots or attacks, but who

    cannot be prosecuted for example because the evidence

    against them has been compromised or is inadmissible in a courtof law"? If the evidence has been compromised or is

    inadmissible, how can he know that they have participated? He

    can suspect, he can allege, but he cannot know until his

    suspicion has been tested in a court of law.

    Global powers have an antisocial habit of bringing their work

    back home. The British government imported some of the

    methods it used against its colonial subjects to suppressdomestic protests and strikes. Once an administrative class

    becomes accustomed to treating foreigners as if they have no

    rights, and once the domestic population broadly accepts their

    justifications, it is almost inevitable that the habit migrates from

    one arena into another. If hundreds of people living abroad can

    be executed by American agents on no more than suspicion,

    should we be surprised if residents of the United States beganto be treated the same way?

    A fully referenced version of this article can be found at

    monbiot.comTwitter: @GeorgeMonbiot

    This article was originally published in THE GUARDIAN