NATIONAL GOVERNMENT GOVERNS THROUGH NATIONAL LAW GOVERNMENT OF NATURE GOVERNS THROUGH N A T U R A L L A W GOVERNMENT OF NATURE GOVERNS THROUGH NATIONAL GOVERNMENT GOVERNS THROUGH NATIONAL LAW N A T U R A L L A W N A T I O N A L L A W H A S I T S B A S I S I N N A T U R A L L A W Solid, physical (earth-like) quality of awareness Liquid (watery) flowing quality of awareness Fiery (changing) quality of awareness Airy (moving) quality of awareness Space (all-pervading) quality of awareness Intellect (discriminating and deciding) quality of awareness Finer thinking (memory and intuition) quality of awareness 8 65 % 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Transcendental Meditation allows the conscious mind to identify itself with the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, the total potential of Natural Law, in Transcendental Consciousness. LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 6 LEVEL 7 LEVEL 8 refers to Population II Star Formation refers to Galaxy and Cluster Formation HEAVY ELEMENT ENRICHED DUST CLOUDS POPULATION I STAR FORMATION 3 K COSMIC BACKGROUND RADIATION SUN PHOTON DECOUPLING NUCLEO- SYNTHESIS (HE) ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR RECOMBINATION QUARK CONFINEMENT (BARYON FORMATION) ELLIPTICALS SPIRALS + BARRED SPIRALS G A L A C T I C P H Y S I C S GALAXY AND CLUSTER FORMATION SUPER-CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES SATELLITE REPAIR AND SERVICING SPACE ASTRONOMY SPIN-OFF TECHNOLOGIES MANNED EXPLORATION SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY ASTROPHO- TOGRAPHY ROCKET SCIENCE MATERIALS RESEARCH SPACE MEDICINE UNMANNED EXPLORATION ROBOTICS SEARCH FOR EXTRATER- RESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE OPTICAL INSTRUMEN- TATION COMMUNI- CATION TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONIC INSTRUMEN- TATION ZERO GRAVITY RESEARCH FUTUROLOGY VALIDATION OF UNIFIED FIELD THEORIES ULTRAVIOLET ASTRONOMY OPTICAL ASTRONOMY X-RAY ASTRONOMY INFARED ASTRONOMY GAMMA RAY ASTRONOMY RADIO ASTRONOMY PLANETARY SCIENCE COSMIC RAY PHYSICS COSMIC RAYS PLUTO NEPTUNE URANUS SATURN JUPITER MARS EARTH VENUS MERCURY MAGNETIC FIELDS SOLAR PHYSICS COMETS SOLAR WIND ASTEROIDS STAR AND GALAXY MAPPING SPACE TRANS- PORTATION SYSTEMS EARTH RECONNAIS- SANCE SPACE COLONIZATION STUDIES SPACE MANU- FACTURING TECHNOLOGY NAVIGATION AND TELEMETRY A S T R O P H Y S I C S POPULATION II STAR FORMATION LOW MASS STAR EJECTED MASS FROM THE STARS RED GIANT RED DWARF WHITE DWARF BLUE DWARF BLUE GIANT RED SUPERGIANT NEUTRON STAR (PULSAR) BLACK HOLE SUPERNOVA PLASMA AND DUST CLOUDS YELLOW DWARF (SUN) YELLOW GIANT WHITE DWARF PLANETARY NEBULAE RED GIANT HIGH MASS STAR DARK MATTER MEDIUM MASS STAR SO GALAXIES BOSE FIELDS GAUGE SUPERFIELDS MATTER SUPERFIELDS LEPTO- QUARKS GRAND UNIFICATION ELECTRO- WEAK UNIFICATION THE FOUR FUNDA- MENTAL FORCES GRAND UNIFIED GAUGINOS UP-TYPE QUARKS DOWN-TYPE QUARKS NEUTRINOS CHARGED LEPTONS ELECTRO- WEAK GAUGINOS GLUINOS GRAVITINO PHOTINOS WINOS & ZINOS GLUINOS GRAVITINO CHARGED SLEPTONS SNEUTRINOS DOWN-TYPE SQUARKS UP-TYPE SQUARKS SLEPTONS SQUARKS SLEPTO- SQUARKS GRAVITON LEPTONS QUARKS N=1 SUPERSYMMETRY FERMI FIELDS INFLATION BARYON NUMBER GENERATION DENSITY PERTURBATIONS SCALAR FIELD OSCILLATIONS REHEATING GRAVITON ELECTRO- WEAK BOSONS GLUONS GLUONS GRAVITONS PHOTONS INTERMEDIATE VECTOR BOSONS GRAVITINO GRAVITY SUPERFIELD N=1 SUPERSYMMETRY GRAND UNIFIED GAUGE BOSONS CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES ASTRONOMY SERVING ALL AREAS OF LIFE ADMINISTERED BY GOVERNMENT MINISTRIES OF GOVERNMENT SUPER UNIFICATION realized through the objective approach of modern science 1 LEVEL Where is Invincibility in Astronomy? Total Invincibility not here Total Invincibility not here Total Invincibility not here Total Invincibility not here Total Invincibility not here Total Invincibility not here who introduced Transcendental Meditation to the world and brought enlightenment to millions of people, since his inauguration of the Spiritual Regeneration Movement in 1957, introduced for all times the knowledge of Total Natural Law to raise every individual to enlightenment and every nation to enjoy real freedom—self-sufficiency in invincibility—through problem- free administration supported by the Constitution of the Universe. Discovery of the Unified Field The developments in modern science, in particular in Quantum Physics, have opened new per- spectives for a unified understanding of Nature. By probing Nature’s functioning at finer distance scales, modern science has accomplished a profound advancement towards a unified comprehen- sion of the structure and dynamics of matter, culminating in the discovery of the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, the transcendental basis of manifest creation. Historically, the analysis of the microscopic structure of matter began with the idea that all sub- stances are composed of tiny particles, like atoms and their subatomic constituents. With the de- velopment of Quantum Theory, however, physicists soon had to conclude that the classical particle picture is quite inadequate for the description of these constituents of matter, and realized that the different elementary particles have to be conceived of as specific resonant excitations of fundamen- tal quantum fields. Prior to the development of Unified Field Theories scientists had discovered a variety of separate quantum fields, such as the four force fields (mediating the electromagnetic, the weak, the strong, and the gravitational interactions) as well as the various matter fields. In the last few decades it was realized that with the progression towards finer distance scales an increasing unification of the Laws of Nature takes place so that previously separate quantum fields turn out to be merely different components of underlying unified quantum fields. This process of unification culminates in a complete unification at the level of the Planck scale (10 –33 cm) where all the various force and matter fields are unified into one single Unified Field, the holistic transcendental field underlying all manifest creation. Superstring Theory, the most recent and successful Unified Field Theory, derives all the different force and matter fields from the different vibrational modes of a single underlying supersymmetric Unified Field—the Superstring Field. The dynamism at this funda- mental level of the Planck scale is governed by Natural Law in its complete unified form, and all diversity at more superficial levels emerges from this unified state of Natural Law by a process which is called sequential symmetry breaking. Properties of the Unified Field The fundamental properties of the Unified Field comprise the well-known properties of any non- Abelian gauge field that incorporates Quantum Gravity. These include the property of self-referral or self-interaction, which is reflected in the Lagrangian or fundamental mathematical formula quantifying the Laws of Nature at the level of the Unified Field. The Unified Field is the fountainhead of Natural Law, since all the Laws of Nature expressed in the effective field theories governing Physics at larger distance scales are already contained in seed form in the original supersymmetric Lagrangian of the Unified Field. Since it is the fountainhead of Natural Law, the Unified Field represents the most concentrated field of intelligence in Nature. Properties of Consciousness It is striking how the properties of the Unified Field are precisely the attributes of consciousness. Consciousness alone is fully self-referral, since only consciousness has the ability to know itself in a completely self-sufficient manner. Moreover, consciousness in its self-referral state, Transcen- dental Consciousness, is the source of all mental activity and therefore a field of pure intelligence and infinite creative dynamism. Since the fundamental properties of the Unified Field are identical to those of consciousness in its self-referral state, it is natural to conclude that the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature and the field of pure consciousness are equivalent. This is easily verified through the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation ® technique, which opens human awareness to the direct experience of Transcendental Consciousness, pure consciousness, where consciousness is found identified with the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. During the Maharishi Transcen- dental Meditation Sidhi Program SM all the subjective and objective qualities of creation are seen to emerge from the field of pure consciousness as modes of one’s own self-referral intelligence. The Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field The Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field unites the knowledge of Natural Law discovered by the objective approach of modern science with the direct experience of Natural Law provided by the subjective approach of Maharishi Science and Technology of Consciousness SM . It integrates the knowledge of the Unified Field brought to light by Quantum Physics with the subjective expe- rience of the Unified Field gained through Transcendental Meditation. This integrated approach to knowledge enlivens the Unified Field in the awareness of the individual, bringing thought and action spontaneously into accordance with Natural Law, so that the individual enjoys the full sup- port of all the Laws of Nature in every aspect of life. Maharishi Science and Technology of Consciousness: Total Knowledge of Natural Law Maharishi Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program are basic practical aspects of Maharishi Science and Technology of Consciousness, which give systematic under- standing and experience of the total knowledge of Natural Law—knowledge that is true for all times, places, and cultures—knowledge of the Laws of Nature at their deepest, unified level (bottom of chart). Maharishi has restored this precious knowledge, in the full value of its theory and practice, as a complete science of consciousness. Every aspect of Maharishi’s Science of Consciousness has practi- cal principles for daily living, and Maharishi’s Technologies of Consciousness enable everyone to systematically develop higher states of consciousness, and live a happy and fulfilled life. Levels of Awareness According to Maharishi’s Science of Consciousness The Transcendental Meditation technique allows the individual mind to settle naturally to increas- ingly more subtle levels of awareness, and ultimately experience the most fundamental and simplest state of awareness, Transcendental Consciousness, pure consciousness, where consciousness is found identified with the Unified Field. For the sake of intellectual understanding, Maharishi Science and Technology of Consciousness classifies the increasingly more subtle levels of awareness into eight cat- egories, which are symbolized by the eight increasingly small circles in the cone-like graphic with the heading ‘Transcendental Meditation’ and described in the corresponding text on the graphic. At the top we find the five sensory levels of awareness. The uppermost level is the most expressed level where the individual’s awareness is directed towards the perception of solid, physical objects— the individual experiences the solid, physical (earth-like) quality of awareness. Below this level one finds increasingly more subtle levels of awareness, as indicated in the graphic. At level 6, where the individual experiences the intellect (discriminating and deciding) quality of awareness, one enters into the more basic non-sensory levels of awareness. This is followed by level 7 where the individual experiences the finer thinking (memory and intuition) quality of awareness. Even more fundamental than this is the self-referral experience of the Self (level 8), which has two aspects, the individual Self and the Cosmic Self—the most basic level. The individual who has transcended the more superficial levels of awareness characterized by ever-changing phenomena and has arrived at this fundamental, non-changing level of existence experiences the Being level of awareness. Here, at this most basic level, consciousness is found identified with the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. When consciousness is fully established at this most fundamental level, one realizes the fundamental truth: ‘I am Totality—the Cosmic Self’. Invincibility Located Only at the Most Fundamental Level of Awareness When one explores these different levels of awareness one comes to the conclusion that levels 1 to 7 are always influenced by memories or thoughts and therefore these levels do not belong to the field of invincibility. In contrast, the fundamental field on the level of Transcendental Consciousness, the Being level of awareness, is beyond the influence of any memory or thought. Since it is completely self-referral, Being is the field of invincibility—the eternal self-sufficient field at the basis of the Administration of the Universe (refer also to the right hand side of the chart). So, in those individuals trained to bring this field of invincibility, the field of Transcendental Con- sciousness, to their conscious mind, their intelligence and energy will begin to radiate the quality of invincibility through their thought, speech, action, and behavior. This phenomenon of enlivenment of the quality of invincibility in large groups of experts in the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program creates the quality of invincibility in the collective consciousness of a nation, as verified by extensive scientific research. The Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program enlivens the Unified Field in the conscious mind and makes the total potential of Natural Law and its infinite organizing power available in practical life. The Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program enlivens the Unified Field, the field of invincibility, in the conscious mind, and makes the total potential of Natural Law and its infinite organizing power available in practical life. In those individuals trained to bring this field of invincibility to their conscious mind, their intelligence and energy will begin to radiate the quality of invincibility through their thought, speech, action, and behavior. The enlivenment of the quality of invincibility by large groups of experts in the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program enlivens the quality of invincibility in the collective consciousness of the nation. THE UNIFIED FIELD AS THE BASIS OF ASTRONOMY The Sequential Unfoldment of the Universe from the Unified Field This chart illustrates how the Unified Field is the source of all the fundamental force and matter fields in Nature, and how these fields in turn provide the basis for Cosmology and Astronomy, and their applications throughout society. The process of creation begins at the Planck scale with the underlying Superstring Theory (level 1) reducing to a four-dimensional Grand Unified Theory. This leads to the emergence of the fundamental three-in-one structure of boson, gauge supersymmetry and fermion within the Unified Field which spontaneously gives rise to three types of N=1 superfields called the gravity superfield, gauge superfields, and matter superfields (level 2). Together these superfields span the five fundamental categories of matter and energy or ‘spin types’ permissible in Quantum Field Theory; the spin 2 graviton; the spin 3/2 gravitino; the spin 1 force fields; the spin 1/2 matter fields and gauginos; and the spin 0 particles. This is the domain of non-locally supersymmetric Grand Unification. During the first 10 –35 seconds the universe inflates, and the last critical stages of inflation give rise to the density perturbations necessary for later galaxy formation. This period of exponential inflation is followed by the decay of scalar (spin 0) fields, which accounts for the fact that our universe is composed of matter rather than antimatter. The decay of these scalar fields also reheats the universe. Also illustrated are the phase transitions during which the grand unified symmetry breaks to yield separate strong and electroweak symmetries. The electroweak symmetry in turn breaks leaving the four fundamental forces of the universe today (level 2). Level 3 shows the processes of recombination which follow the diversification of particle types that has occurred in level 2. As the universe expands and temperatures drop, the strong force causes the quarks to be forever bound into baryons and mesons. The mesons soon decay but the principal baryons (protons and neutrons) become bound together to form the nuclei of light elements, namely hydrogen and helium. By this time supersymmetry has broken, leaving only the lightest super- symmetric particle (LSP). This together with the neutrinos are included in the dark matter of the universe, which seems to be required in all inflationary models. This dark matter may also play a role in both galaxy formation and nucleosynthesis. Following nucleosynthesis the universe cools and electrons combine with the nuclei to form electrically neutral atoms and molecules. Without free charged particles to scatter off, the photons effectively decouple from the matter of the universe and they gradually red shift (due to the expansion of the universe) to give the 3 degree background radiation observed today. The density perturbations produced during inflation now allow gravitational instabilities to arise which can seed galaxy and star formation (levels 4 and 5). Levels 4 and 5 illustrate the processes of galaxy formation and stellar evolution, which extend the theme of recombination (level 3) to the gravitational collapse of large clouds of simple atoms and molecules. At present there is no ‘standard model’ of galaxy formation although inflationary scenarios can provide density perturbations sufficient to give rise to the large self-gravitating aggregations necessary for galaxy formation. In this scenario it is interesting to note that the large-scale features of the galaxies we see today have arisen from the quantum fluctuations at the scale of Super Unification at the beginning of the universe! On level 5 it is indicated that the heavy elements emitted by supernovae and red giant stars enrich interstellar gas clouds, which can subsequently form a second generation of stars (historically named ‘Population I’). The presence of heavy elements then allows for the formation of solid planets such as those found in our solar system (level 6). Mankind gains information about the cosmos mainly from electromagnetic radiation (level 7). Only a small region of the electromagnetic spectrum is capable of penetrating the earth’s atmosphere and consequently, ground-based optical and radio telescopes provide only limited information. Recently, satellite instruments have allowed man to also gain information from the gamma ray, X-ray, ultraviolet, and infrared regions of the spectrum. Many of the theoretical and technological disciplines involved in the exploration of space are shown in level 8. These in turn provide new technologies which support all areas of national life administered by government. The Unified Field Chart thus illustrates how the entire range of Natural Law and national law emerges from the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. It shows that the planets and their life-forms, together with the stars and galaxies of the universe today are elaborated expressions of the internal structure and dynamics of the Unified Field itself. Life in Accordance with Natural Law When individuals function from the level of the Unified Field, the field of pure intelligence, they automatically receive the support of all the Laws of Nature. Every impulse of thought is upheld by the infinite organizing power of Natural Law, which conducts the infinite range and diversity of activity in the universe with maximum efficiency, in accordance with the Principle of Least Action. Maharishi Transcendental Meditation and the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program culture the ability to spontaneously function from the level of the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, and thereby gain mastery over Natural Law—the ability to know anything, do everything right, and achieve any great goal. National Law Upheld by Natural Law Law is the guiding light of life. Natural Law guides life on every level of creation, from the submicroscopic world of elementary particles to the large-scale structure of the universe. National law guides the life of the nation and has its ultimate basis in Natural Law. Natural Law has its unified foundation in the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature (level 1). This chart displays how all the diversified values of Natural Law as discovered by modern science emerge from this unified level of Natural Law. Ultimately, the diversity of Natural Law displayed throughout creation is reflected in the diversity of human nature and in the innumerable tendencies expressed in different lands throughout the world, and even within the borders of individual nations. It is the diversified structure of Natural Law itself, reflected in the diverse trends and tendencies displayed by the individual citizens of a nation, which gives rise to the necessity for man-made laws; national law regulates and administers the trends and needs of the various segments of society. Ideally, national law satisfies the diverse needs of every citizen, and organizes for the mutual fulfillment of all areas of the national life. Alliance with Natural Law The key to successful administration of the nation is to create an integrated national consciousness, in which all sectors of society and all citizens are experiencing continuous progress and increasing fulfillment of their goals. This is achieved by creating an indomitable influence of coherence in national consciousness through a group of ‘Yogic Flyers’—experts in the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program. Scientific research has shown that group practice of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program creates coherence in collective consciousness, eliminates collective stress, and raises life to be increasingly in accord with Natural Law, as indicated by reduction of crime, accidents, violence, and sickness, as well as improved economic trends and quality of life. When one per cent of the individuals in a nation practice Transcendental Meditation, or the square root of one per cent of the population practices collectively the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program, including Yogic Flying SM , the influence of orderliness and harmony they produce is sufficient to uplift the entire national consciousness, neutralizing negative trends and enhancing positivity throughout the nation. The introduction of Maharishi Science and Technology of Consciousness into the training programs of government leaders, the civil service, the armed forces, and the police, and into the educational system, the health services, business and industry, and rehabilitation will enliven the total intelligence of Natural Law in national life. When the government maintains a group of the square root of one per cent of the world’s population, 8000 people, creating coherence in national and world consciousness and bringing support of Nature to the nation, Natural Law will support national law and the nation will enjoy unrestricted progress and prosperity, and invincibility. As Natural Law is always evolutionary, with the support of Natural Law every government will gain the ability to satisfy everyone, and all systems of government prevalent in the world today will find their fulfillment. By gaining the support of the infinite organizing power of Natural Law through a coherence- creating Group for a Government, the administration of government through national law will rise to the level of perfect administration of Nature through Natural Law; all governments will function as effortlessly and efficiently as the Government of Nature, which administers the entire universe with perfect orderliness and without a noise. The Unified Field—the Invincible Basis of Nature It is well known from modern science that various structures found in Nature and studied in the different areas of modern science have a tendency to withstand external influences that tend to damage these structures. For example, our body—with it all its constituents—is constantly exposed to influences that could have harmful effects. However, due to self-regulatory mechanisms as found in so- called ‘homeostatic feedback loops’ the body is able to maintain its integrity against such influences. Another example from Physics and Physical Chemistry is that thermal dynamism has a continuous degrading influence on physical structures. We know this from the fact that things get old, rusty, and lose their color, etc. in the course of time. However, at the atomic and nuclear level there is a principle that says that only a very energetic impulse can excite a system to its higher quantum- mechanical excitation levels, which is usually a prerequisite to destabilize the atom or atomic nucleus. Therefore the atomic nucleus and the atomic core (i.e. the inner part of the atom) are basically stable against degrading influences due to thermal dynamism—a fact which is of absolute importance for the stability of matter here on earth. A third example is that the subatomic particle called a proton cannot be broken into its constituent quarks, even with the highest forces acting upon it. However, it turns out that for all structures at manifest levels (that means at levels above the level of the Unified Field in the chart) there is ultimately a possibility that can lead to their destruction. Usually it is sufficient to have a powerful force that is energetic enough to destroy the structure. However, in the case of the above-mentioned example of the proton it is a different mechanism, which is based on the decay of one of the constituent quarks into other particles due to virtual quantum-fluctuations. In some of the areas of modern science, such as Physics, Chemistry, or Physiology, it is easy to see that with the progression from the more superficial levels to the more fundamental levels one finds an increasing tendency for structures to withstand potentially damaging effects of external influences. In other areas, such as Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Commerce, this may be not so obvious or not directly applicable. However, for all areas one ultimately comes to the conclusion that at all superficial levels (the levels above the Unified Field in the chart) one does not find true, complete invincibility. In areas such as Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Commerce this is substantiated by the fact that there is always the possibility to challenge the universal, unrestricted validity of rules, laws, and principles. This absence of invincibility is indicated on the right side of the chart with the expression ‘Total Invincibility not here’. In contrast, at the level of the Unified Field one finds total invincibility as indicated by the respective statement at the bottom of the chart. This property of complete invincibility at the level of the Unified Field has its basis in the fact that the Unified Field represents a level of non-change where all dynamics is in terms of so-called ‘unitary transformations’, and in terms of a self-interacting dynamics of the Unified Field; and also in the fact that at the level of the Unified Field, Natural Law presents itself in its completely unified form, which is eternally the same. Furthermore, at this level the dynamics is completely holistic; everything is connected to everything else through quantum-mechanical correlations—the Unified Field is the level of infinite correlation, it is holistic. Indeed one can find that the increase of invincibility which is found as one progresses from superficial levels towards the Unified Field is due to the increase of quantum-mechanical correlations (e.g. as is found in the famous example of the Meissner Effect) or due to the increase in the property of self-referral (as found in the above example of homeostatic feedback loops in Physiology). This shows how the enlivenment of fundamental properties of the Unified Field—including the property of self-referral and the holistic and infinite correlation properties—results in increasing invincibility. In this way the chart offers the practical formula for the increase of invincibility, which can be applied to a nation as a whole. This formula is to enliven the properties of the Unified Field through Maharishi’s Technologies of Consciousness presented earlier in this chart. Copyright © 1997 Maharishi Vedic University Press, The Netherlands. © 1998, 2012 Maharishi Univer- sity of Management, Fairfield, Iowa. Copyright © 2016 and earlier, Maharishi University of Manage- ment, the Netherlands, under license from Maharishi Vedic University Ltd. All rights reserved world- wide. Email: [email protected]. Maharishi, Transcendental Meditation, Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, Yogic Flying, Ma- harishi Technology of the Unified Field, and Science and Technology of Consciousness are subject to trademark protection in many countries worldwide, including the European Union. Maharishi ® , Tran- scendental Meditation ® , TM ® , TM-Sidhi ® , Yogic Flying ® , Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program, and Maharishi Vedic University are protected trademarks in the United States. A New Integrated Approach T his chart presents an overview of a new integrated approach to Astronomy. The central part of the chart, with the heading ‘Astronomy’, illustrates the interconnections of every part of Astronomy, from its fundamental principles to its applications throughout society; and shows how the whole field of Astronomy has its basis in the Unified Field, from where all the Laws of Nature govern the orderly evolution of the universe. This vision of the whole field of Astronomy at a glance, in the central part of the chart, helps the student to ‘connect the parts with the whole’, to connect the specific areas of knowledge with the whole discipline and with the source of all disciplines in the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. The left side of the chart, with the heading ‘Transcendental Meditation’, shows how the Unified Field becomes a living reality for everyone through Maharishi Transcendental Meditation, which allows individual awareness to identify itself with the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, the field of pure consciousness, in the simplest state of one’s own awareness, Transcendental Consciousness. This technology enlivens the infinite organizing power of Natural Law in one’s own thoughts and actions, for a life spontaneously lived in full accord with Natural Law. Maharishi Science and Technology of Consciousness Bringing Fulfillment to Astronomy HEAD OF STATE Transcendental Meditation Modern Science and Technology Discovers Its Source in Maharishi Science and Technology of Consciousness ASTRONOMY

The Sequential Unfoldment of the Universe from the Unified ... · PDF filetechnl electrnic instrumen-tatin ero ravit research futurl validatin f unified field theries ultaviet atn

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Solid,physical (earth-like) quality of awareness

Liquid (watery) flowing quality of awareness

Fiery (changing) quality of awareness

Airy (moving) quality of awareness

Space (all-pervading) quality of awareness

Intellect (discriminating and deciding) quality of awareness

Finer thinking (memory and intuition) quality of awareness

865 %








Transcendental Meditation allows the

conscious mind to identify itself with the Unified Field of all the

Laws of Nature, the total potential of Natural Law,

in Transcendental Consciousness.
















refers to Population II

Star Formation

refers to Galaxy and

Cluster Formation

















































































































































State of Being

Self-Referral State of

All-Knowing Consciousness

UNIFIED FIELDof all the Laws of Nature

SUPER UNIFICATIONrealized through the objective approach of modern science




Where is Invincibility in Astronomy?

Total Invincibilitynot here

Total Invincibilitynot here

Total Invincibilitynot here

Total Invincibilitynot here

Total Invincibilitynot here

Total Invincibilitynot here

Maharishi Mahesh Yogiwho introduced Transcendental Meditation to the world and brought enlightenment to millions of people, since his inauguration of the Spiritual Regeneration Movement in 1957, introduced for all times the knowledge of Total Natural Law to raise every individual to enlightenment and every nation to enjoy real freedom—self-sufficiency in invincibility—through problem-free administration supported by the Constitution of the Universe.

Discovery of the Unified FieldThe developments in modern science, in particular in Quantum Physics, have opened new per-spectives for a unified understanding of Nature. By probing Nature’s functioning at finer distance scales, modern science has accomplished a profound advancement towards a unified comprehen-sion of the structure and dynamics of matter, culminating in the discovery of the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, the transcendental basis of manifest creation.

Historically, the analysis of the microscopic structure of matter began with the idea that all sub-stances are composed of tiny particles, like atoms and their subatomic constituents. With the de-velopment of Quantum Theory, however, physicists soon had to conclude that the classical particle picture is quite inadequate for the description of these constituents of matter, and realized that the different elementary particles have to be conceived of as specific resonant excitations of fundamen-tal quantum fields.

Prior to the development of Unified Field Theories scientists had discovered a variety of separate quantum fields, such as the four force fields (mediating the electromagnetic, the weak, the strong, and the gravitational interactions) as well as the various matter fields. In the last few decades it was realized that with the progression towards finer distance scales an increasing unification of the Laws of Nature takes place so that previously separate quantum fields turn out to be merely different components of underlying unified quantum fields. This process of unification culminates in a complete unification at the level of the Planck scale (10–33 cm) where all the various force and matter fields are unified into one single Unified Field, the holistic transcendental field underlying all manifest creation. Superstring Theory, the most recent and successful Unified Field Theory, derives all the different force and matter fields from the different vibrational modes of a single underlying supersymmetric Unified Field—the Superstring Field. The dynamism at this funda-mental level of the Planck scale is governed by Natural Law in its complete unified form, and all diversity at more superficial levels emerges from this unified state of Natural Law by a process which is called sequential symmetry breaking.

Properties of the Unified FieldThe fundamental properties of the Unified Field comprise the well-known properties of any non-Abelian gauge field that incorporates Quantum Gravity. These include the property of self-referral or self-interaction, which is reflected in the Lagrangian or fundamental mathematical formula quantifying the Laws of Nature at the level of the Unified Field.

The Unified Field is the fountainhead of Natural Law, since all the Laws of Nature expressed in the effective field theories governing Physics at larger distance scales are already contained in seed form in the original supersymmetric Lagrangian of the Unified Field. Since it is the fountainhead of Natural Law, the Unified Field represents the most concentrated field of intelligence in Nature.

Properties of ConsciousnessIt is striking how the properties of the Unified Field are precisely the attributes of consciousness. Consciousness alone is fully self-referral, since only consciousness has the ability to know itself in a completely self-sufficient manner. Moreover, consciousness in its self-referral state, Transcen-dental Consciousness, is the source of all mental activity and therefore a field of pure intelligence and infinite creative dynamism. Since the fundamental properties of the Unified Field are identical to those of consciousness in its self-referral state, it is natural to conclude that the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature and the field of pure consciousness are equivalent. This is easily verified through the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation® technique, which opens human awareness to the direct experience of Transcendental Consciousness, pure consciousness, where consciousness is found identified with the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. During the Maharishi Transcen-dental Meditation Sidhi ProgramSM all the subjective and objective qualities of creation are seen to emerge from the field of pure consciousness as modes of one’s own self-referral intelligence.

The Maharishi Technology of the Unified FieldThe Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field unites the knowledge of Natural Law discovered by the objective approach of modern science with the direct experience of Natural Law provided by the subjective approach of Maharishi Science and Technology of ConsciousnessSM. It integrates the knowledge of the Unified Field brought to light by Quantum Physics with the subjective expe-rience of the Unified Field gained through Transcendental Meditation. This integrated approach to knowledge enlivens the Unified Field in the awareness of the individual, bringing thought and action spontaneously into accordance with Natural Law, so that the individual enjoys the full sup-port of all the Laws of Nature in every aspect of life.

Maharishi Science and Technology of Consciousness:Total Knowledge of Natural Law

Maharishi Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program are basic practical aspects of Maharishi Science and Technology of Consciousness, which give systematic under-standing and experience of the total knowledge of Natural Law—knowledge that is true for all times, places, and cultures—knowledge of the Laws of Nature at their deepest, unified level (bottom of chart).

Maharishi has restored this precious knowledge, in the full value of its theory and practice, as a complete science of consciousness. Every aspect of Maharishi’s Science of Consciousness has practi-cal principles for daily living, and Maharishi’s Technologies of Consciousness enable everyone to systematically develop higher states of consciousness, and live a happy and fulfilled life.

Levels of Awareness According to Maharishi’s Science of ConsciousnessThe Transcendental Meditation technique allows the individual mind to settle naturally to increas-ingly more subtle levels of awareness, and ultimately experience the most fundamental and simplest state of awareness, Transcendental Consciousness, pure consciousness, where consciousness is found identified with the Unified Field. For the sake of intellectual understanding, Maharishi Science and Technology of Consciousness classifies the increasingly more subtle levels of awareness into eight cat-egories, which are symbolized by the eight increasingly small circles in the cone-like graphic with the heading ‘Transcendental Meditation’ and described in the corresponding text on the graphic.

At the top we find the five sensory levels of awareness. The uppermost level is the most expressed level where the individual’s awareness is directed towards the perception of solid, physical objects—the individual experiences the solid, physical (earth-like) quality of awareness. Below this level one finds increasingly more subtle levels of awareness, as indicated in the graphic. At level 6, where the individual experiences the intellect (discriminating and deciding) quality of awareness, one enters into the more basic non-sensory levels of awareness. This is followed by level 7 where the individual experiences the finer thinking (memory and intuition) quality of awareness.

Even more fundamental than this is the self-referral experience of the Self (level 8), which has two aspects, the individual Self and the Cosmic Self—the most basic level. The individual who has transcended the more superficial levels of awareness characterized by ever-changing phenomena and has arrived at this fundamental, non-changing level of existence experiences the Being level of awareness. Here, at this most basic level, consciousness is found identified with the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. When consciousness is fully established at this most fundamental level, one realizes the fundamental truth: ‘I am Totality—the Cosmic Self’.

Invincibility Located Only at the Most Fundamental Level of AwarenessWhen one explores these different levels of awareness one comes to the conclusion that levels 1 to 7 are always influenced by memories or thoughts and therefore these levels do not belong to the field of invincibility. In contrast, the fundamental field on the level of Transcendental Consciousness, the Being level of awareness, is beyond the influence of any memory or thought. Since it is completely self-referral, Being is the field of invincibility—the eternal self-sufficient field at the basis of the Administration of the Universe (refer also to the right hand side of the chart).

So, in those individuals trained to bring this field of invincibility, the field of Transcendental Con-sciousness, to their conscious mind, their intelligence and energy will begin to radiate the quality of invincibility through their thought, speech, action, and behavior. This phenomenon of enlivenment of the quality of invincibility in large groups of experts in the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program creates the quality of invincibility in the collective consciousness of a nation, as verified by extensive scientific research.

The Transcendental MeditationSidhi Program enlivens theUnified Field in the consciousmind and makes the totalpotential of Natural Law andits infinite organizing power available in practical life.

The Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program enlivens the Unified Field, the field of invincibility, in the conscious mind, and makes the total potential of Natural Law and its infinite organizing power available in practical life. In those individuals trained to bring this field of invincibility to their conscious mind, their intelligence and energy will begin to radiate the quality of invincibility through their thought, speech, action, and behavior. The enlivenment of the quality of invincibility by large groups of experts in the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program enlivens the quality of invincibility in the collective consciousness of the nation.


The Sequential Unfoldment of the Universe from the Unified FieldThis chart illustrates how the Unified Field is the source of all the fundamental force and matter fields in Nature, and how these fields in turn provide the basis for Cosmology and Astronomy, and their applications throughout society.

The process of creation begins at the Planck scale with the underlying Superstring Theory (level 1) reducing to a four-dimensional Grand Unified Theory. This leads to the emergence of the fundamental three-in-one structure of boson, gauge supersymmetry and fermion within the Unified Field which spontaneously gives rise to three types of N=1 superfields called the gravity superfield, gauge superfields, and matter superfields (level 2). Together these superfields span the five fundamental categories of matter and energy or ‘spin types’ permissible in Quantum Field Theory; the spin 2 graviton; the spin 3/2 gravitino; the spin 1 force fields; the spin 1/2 matter fields and gauginos; and the spin 0 particles. This is the domain of non-locally supersymmetric Grand Unification.

During the first 10–35 seconds the universe inflates, and the last critical stages of inflation give rise to the density perturbations necessary for later galaxy formation. This period of exponential inflation is followed by the decay of scalar (spin 0) fields, which accounts for the fact that our universe is composed of matter rather than antimatter. The decay of these scalar fields also reheats the universe. Also illustrated are the phase transitions during which the grand unified symmetry breaks to yield separate strong and electroweak symmetries. The electroweak symmetry in turn breaks leaving the four fundamental forces of the universe today (level 2).

Level 3 shows the processes of recombination which follow the diversification of particle types that has occurred in level 2. As the universe expands and temperatures drop, the strong force causes the quarks to be forever bound into baryons and mesons. The mesons soon decay but the principal baryons (protons and neutrons) become bound together to form the nuclei of light elements, namely hydrogen and helium. By this time supersymmetry has broken, leaving only the lightest super-symmetric particle (LSP). This together with the neutrinos are included in the dark matter of the universe, which seems to be required in all inflationary models. This dark matter may also play a role in both galaxy formation and nucleosynthesis.

Following nucleosynthesis the universe cools and electrons combine with the nuclei to form electrically neutral atoms and molecules. Without free charged particles to scatter off, the photons effectively decouple from the matter of the universe and they gradually red shift (due to the expansion of the universe) to give the 3 degree background radiation observed today.

The density perturbations produced during inflation now allow gravitational instabilities to arise which can seed galaxy and star formation (levels 4 and 5). Levels 4 and 5 illustrate the processes of galaxy formation and stellar evolution, which extend the theme of recombination (level 3) to the gravitational collapse of large clouds of simple atoms and molecules. At present there is no ‘standard model’ of galaxy formation although inflationary scenarios can provide density perturbations sufficient to give rise to the large self-gravitating aggregations necessary for galaxy formation. In this scenario it is interesting to note that the large-scale features of the galaxies we see today have arisen from the quantum fluctuations at the scale of Super Unification at the beginning of the universe! On level 5 it is indicated that the heavy elements emitted by supernovae and red giant stars enrich interstellar gas clouds, which can subsequently form a second generation of stars (historically named ‘Population I’). The presence of heavy elements then allows for the formation of solid planets such as those found in our solar system (level 6).

Mankind gains information about the cosmos mainly from electromagnetic radiation (level 7). Only a small region of the electromagnetic spectrum is capable of penetrating the earth’s atmosphere and consequently, ground-based optical and radio telescopes provide only limited information. Recently, satellite instruments have allowed man to also gain information from the gamma ray, X-ray, ultraviolet, and infrared regions of the spectrum. Many of the theoretical and technological disciplines involved in the exploration of space are shown in level 8. These in turn provide new technologies which support all areas of national life administered by government. The Unified Field Chart thus illustrates how the entire range of Natural Law and national law emerges from the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. It shows that the planets and their life-forms, together with the stars and galaxies of the universe today are elaborated expressions of the internal structure and dynamics of the Unified Field itself.

Life in Accordance with Natural LawWhen individuals function from the level of the Unified Field, the field of pure intelligence, they automatically receive the support of all the Laws of Nature. Every impulse of thought is upheld by the infinite organizing power of Natural Law, which conducts the infinite range and diversity of activity in the universe with maximum efficiency, in accordance with the Principle of Least Action. Maharishi Transcendental Meditation and the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program culture the ability to spontaneously function from the level of the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, and thereby gain mastery over Natural Law—the ability to know anything, do everything right, and achieve any great goal.

National Law Upheld by Natural LawLaw is the guiding light of life. Natural Law guides life on every level of creation, from the submicroscopic world of elementary particles to the large-scale structure of the universe. National law guides the life of the nation and has its ultimate basis in Natural Law.

Natural Law has its unified foundation in the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature (level 1). This chart displays how all the diversified values of Natural Law as discovered by modern science emerge from this unified level of Natural Law. Ultimately, the diversity of Natural Law displayed throughout creation is reflected in the diversity of human nature and in the innumerable tendencies expressed in different lands throughout the world, and even within the borders of individual nations.

It is the diversified structure of Natural Law itself, reflected in the diverse trends and tendencies displayed by the individual citizens of a nation, which gives rise to the necessity for man-made laws; national law regulates and administers the trends and needs of the various segments of society. Ideally, national law satisfies the diverse needs of every citizen, and organizes for the mutual fulfillment of all areas of the national life.

Alliance with Natural LawThe key to successful administration of the nation is to create an integrated national consciousness, in which all sectors of society and all citizens are experiencing continuous progress and increasing fulfillment of their goals. This is achieved by creating an indomitable influence of coherence in national consciousness through a group of ‘Yogic Flyers’—experts in the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program. Scientific research has shown that group practice of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program creates coherence in collective consciousness, eliminates collective stress, and raises life to be increasingly in accord with Natural Law, as indicated by reduction of crime, accidents, violence, and sickness, as well as improved economic trends and quality of life.

When one per cent of the individuals in a nation practice Transcendental Meditation, or the square root of one per cent of the population practices collectively the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program, including Yogic FlyingSM, the influence of orderliness and harmony they produce is sufficient to uplift the entire national consciousness, neutralizing negative trends and enhancing positivity throughout the nation.

The introduction of Maharishi Science and Technology of Consciousness into the training programs of government leaders, the civil service, the armed forces, and the police, and into the educational system, the health services, business and industry, and rehabilitation will enliven the total intelligence of Natural Law in national life. When the government maintains a group of the square root of one per cent of the world’s population, 8000 people, creating coherence in national and world consciousness and bringing support of Nature to the nation, Natural Law will support national law and the nation will enjoy unrestricted progress and prosperity, and invincibility.

As Natural Law is always evolutionary, with the support of Natural Law every government will gain the ability to satisfy everyone, and all systems of government prevalent in the world today will find their fulfillment.

By gaining the support of the infinite organizing power of Natural Law through a coherence-creating Group for a Government, the administration of government through national law will rise to the level of perfect administration of Nature through Natural Law; all governments will function as effortlessly and efficiently as the Government of Nature, which administers the entire universe with perfect orderliness and without a noise.

The Unified Field—the Invincible Basis of NatureIt is well known from modern science that various structures found in Nature and studied in the different areas of modern science have a tendency to withstand external influences that tend to damage these structures. For example, our body—with it all its constituents—is constantly exposed to influences that could have harmful effects. However, due to self-regulatory mechanisms as found in so-called ‘homeostatic feedback loops’ the body is able to maintain its integrity against such influences.

Another example from Physics and Physical Chemistry is that thermal dynamism has a continuous degrading influence on physical structures. We know this from the fact that things get old, rusty, and lose their color, etc. in the course of time. However, at the atomic and nuclear level there is a principle that says that only a very energetic impulse can excite a system to its higher quantum-mechanical excitation levels, which is usually a prerequisite to destabilize the atom or atomic nucleus. Therefore the atomic nucleus and the atomic core (i.e. the inner part of the atom) are basically stable against degrading influences due to thermal dynamism—a fact which is of absolute importance for the stability of matter here on earth.

A third example is that the subatomic particle called a proton cannot be broken into its constituent quarks, even with the highest forces acting upon it.

However, it turns out that for all structures at manifest levels (that means at levels above the level of the Unified Field in the chart) there is ultimately a possibility that can lead to their destruction. Usually it is sufficient to have a powerful force that is energetic enough to destroy the structure. However, in the case of the above-mentioned example of the proton it is a different mechanism, which is based on the decay of one of the constituent quarks into other particles due to virtual quantum-fluctuations.

In some of the areas of modern science, such as Physics, Chemistry, or Physiology, it is easy to see that with the progression from the more superficial levels to the more fundamental levels one finds an increasing tendency for structures to withstand potentially damaging effects of external influences. In other areas, such as Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Commerce, this may be not so obvious or not directly applicable. However, for all areas one ultimately comes to the conclusion that at all superficial levels (the levels above the Unified Field in the chart) one does not find true, complete invincibility. In areas such as Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Commerce this is substantiated by the fact that there is always the possibility to challenge the universal, unrestricted validity of rules, laws, and principles.

This absence of invincibility is indicated on the right side of the chart with the expression ‘Total Invincibility not here’.

In contrast, at the level of the Unified Field one finds total invincibility as indicated by the respective statement at the bottom of the chart. This property of complete invincibility at the level of the Unified Field has its basis in the fact that the Unified Field represents a level of non-change where all dynamics is in terms of so-called ‘unitary transformations’, and in terms of a self-interacting dynamics of the Unified Field; and also in the fact that at the level of the Unified Field, Natural Law presents itself in its completely unified form, which is eternally the same.

Furthermore, at this level the dynamics is completely holistic; everything is connected to everything else through quantum-mechanical correlations—the Unified Field is the level of infinite correlation, it is holistic. Indeed one can find that the increase of invincibility which is found as one progresses from superficial levels towards the Unified Field is due to the increase of quantum-mechanical correlations (e.g. as is found in the famous example of the Meissner Effect) or due to the increase in the property of self-referral (as found in the above example of homeostatic feedback loops in Physiology). This shows how the enlivenment of fundamental properties of the Unified Field—including the property of self-referral and the holistic and infinite correlation properties—results in increasing invincibility. In this way the chart offers the practical formula for the increase of invincibility, which can be applied to a nation as a whole. This formula is to enliven the properties of the Unified Field through Maharishi’s Technologies of Consciousness presented earlier in this chart.

Copyright © 1997 Maharishi Vedic University Press, The Netherlands. © 1998, 2012 Maharishi Univer-sity of Management, Fairfield, Iowa. Copyright © 2016 and earlier, Maharishi University of Manage-ment, the Netherlands, under license from Maharishi Vedic University Ltd. All rights reserved world-wide. Email: [email protected].

Maharishi, Transcendental Meditation, Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, Yogic Flying, Ma-harishi Technology of the Unified Field, and Science and Technology of Consciousness are subject to trademark protection in many countries worldwide, including the European Union. Maharishi®, Tran-scendental Meditation®, TM®, TM-Sidhi®, Yogic Flying®, Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program, and Maharishi Vedic University are protected trademarks in the United States.

A New Integrated Approach

This chart presents an overview of a new integrated approach to Astronomy. The central part of the chart, with the heading ‘Astronomy’, illustrates the interconnections of every part of

Astronomy, from its fundamental principles to its applications throughout society; and shows how the whole field of Astronomy has its basis in the Unified Field, from where all the Laws of Nature govern the orderly evolution of the universe. This vision of the whole field of Astronomy at a glance, in the central part of the chart, helps the student to ‘connect the parts with the whole’, to connect the specific areas of knowledge with the whole discipline and with the source of all disciplines in the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. The left side of the chart, with the heading ‘Transcendental Meditation’, shows how the Unified Field becomes a living reality for everyone through Maharishi Transcendental Meditation, which allows individual awareness to identify itself with the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, the field of pure consciousness, in the simplest state of one’s own awareness, Transcendental Consciousness. This technology enlivens the infinite organizing power of Natural Law in one’s own thoughts and actions, for a life spontaneously lived in full accord with Natural Law.

Maharishi Science and Technology of Consciousness Bringing Fulfillment to Astronomy


Level of Natural Law, which creates, sustains,and evolves the whole ever-expanding universe


Modern Science and Technology Discovers Its Source in Maharishi Science and Technology of Consciousness



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Note on layers:1. Layers that have cyan (bright turquoise) or magenta are auxiliary levels and should remain always hidden (unless you want to use them as guides).Layers with red and magenta colour are dominantly used for the master page.

2. In the InDesign file the first about 18 layers give different options:For the British English version of the Unified Field chart used for general public and common colleges and universities use the following layers: Big text BE Consciousness Chart Text BE Consc Chart

For the American English version of the Unified Field chart used for general public and common colleges and universities use the following layers: Big text AE Consciousness Chart Text AE Consc Chart

For the British English version of the Unified Field chart containing Vedic Science terms use the following layers: Big text BE Vedic Chart Text BE Vedic Chart

For the British English version of the Unified Field chart containing Vedic Science terms use the following layers: Big text AE Vedic Chart Text AE Vedic Chart

The Unified Field chart containing Vedic Science terms should be used only for India Nepal and other countries with Vedic culture as well as for advanced years of Consciousness-based colleges and universities—more presicely after students had had two years of Consciousness-Based education. Special movement universities, like Maharishi University of Enlightenment, where all students are familiar with Vedic Science right from the beginning, can also use the charts with Vedic terminology right from beginning.

From the first about 18 layers please always hide the layers: Text BE Consc Ch - marked Text AE Consc Ch - marked Text BE Vedic Ch - marked Text AE Vedic Ch - markedThese layers are kept to keep track of changes.All layers starting with “HIDE” should be hidden when printing.The layers starting with “Remarks” also should be hidden when printing, they contain some useful information for a few selected disciplines that should be considered for im-proving the charts. The layers called ----switch---- ----switch---- endare empty and mark only the beginning and the end of layers where you can choose different options mentioned above.