1 / 3 DVD Aurélie - Extrait 2 - Documentaire The Seine River and the Eiffel Tower Pour certains ,l' âme de Paris c'est la Seine . For some people, the Seine is the soul of Paris. La Seine traverse Paris sur 14 kilomètres . 14 kilometers of the Seine go through Paris. Mais c'est un fleuve long de 776 kilomètres . But it's a major river that is 776 kilometers long. Il y a 37 ponts sur la Seine , plus sept sur le Canal Saint-Martin . There are 37 bridges over the Seine, plus seven over the Canal Saint-Martin. Les quais de la Seine sont célèbres pour leurs bouquinistes , The Seine's embankments are famous for their "bouquinistes," des marchands quivendent des bouquins , merchants who sell "bouquins," 00:00:00 —> 00:00:29 © 2015 FluentFlix Limited. All rights reserved.

The Seine River and the Eiffel Tower

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Eiffel Tower

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    DVD Aurlie - Extrait 2 - DocumentaireThe Seine River and the Eiffel Tower

    Pour certains ,l' me de Paris c'est la Seine .For some people, the Seine is the soul of Paris.

    La Seine traverse Paris sur 14 kilomtres .14 kilometers of the Seine go through Paris.

    Mais c'est un fleuve long de 776 kilomtres .But it's a major river that is 776 kilometers long.

    Il y a 37 ponts sur la Seine , plus septsur le Canal Saint-Martin .There are 37 bridges over the Seine, plus seven over the Canal Saint-Martin.

    Les quais de la Seine sont clbres pour leurs bouquinistes ,The Seine's embankments are famous for their "bouquinistes,"

    des marchands quivendent des bouquins ,merchants who sell "bouquins,"

    00:00:00 > 00:00:29

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    c'est--dire des vieux livres .that is to say, old books.

    La nuit, tous les monuments et les institutions sont illumins .At night, all the monuments and institutions are illuminated.

    Etsur la Seine ,il y a tous ces bateaux-mouches pour les touristesAnd on the Seine, there are all these tourist river boats

    etaussi des pniches quitransportent des marchandises .and also barges which transport goods.

    Certaines sont transformes en restaurants et ne bougent pas .Some of them are transformed into restaurants and don't move.

    D' autres serventd' habitation des personnes qui y vivent longueur d'anne .Others are used as homes for people who live in them all year long.

    pied le long des quais ou en bateau-mouche , on passe devantl'Acadmie franaise ,On foot along the embankments or in a river boat, you go past the French Academy,

    le Muse d'Orsay ,et on arrive la Tour Eiffel.the Muse d'Orsay, and you arrive at the Eiffel Tower.

    00:00:30 > 00:01:08DVD Aurlie - Extrait 2 - DocumentaireThe Seine River and the Eiffel TowerTranscript

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    Cette structure de 300 mtres , construite pourl' Exposition universelle de1889 ,This 300 meter (tall) structure, built for the 1889 World's Fair,

    est devenue le symbole de la ville .has become the city's symbol.

    C'est un spectacle magique .It's a magical spectacle.

    00:01:10 > 00:01:22DVD Aurlie - Extrait 2 - DocumentaireThe Seine River and the Eiffel TowerTranscript

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