The Secondary Update April 18 th , 2013 TAALEEM CREATIVE ARABIC WRITING COMPETITION يتيي يتدعيق لت ماقWe would like to congratulate our G9 students for parcipang in the Taaleem Creave Wring compeon, which was held at the Dubai Brish School on Wednesday 17th April. wards and cerficates were distributed in an atmosphere full of joy and celebraon. Four students from grade 9 took part: Sarah Abdul Jalil - came in first place, where she wrote an arcle about the challenges facing the Arabic lan- guage in a modern society. Rana Al Hebri - came in second place Haya Misleh - came in third place Zeyad Abbasi - was awarded a cerficate for parcipaon, The ceremony included a seminar by the famous writer Talal Darweesh. The tle for this seminar was “How do I become a creave writer?”. عقدها في مدرسةدارس تعليم ، وقد تملتي تنظمها مبداعية ابة الكتابقة ا فوز أبنائنا في مسابناهالي ط نبارك لمدرستنا وء الموافقربعانية يوم البريطا دبي ا71 \ 4 \ 3172 سارةلطالبةسع، هم: التاب من الصف ا طشترك فيها أربعة ، حيث اة في عصرناغة العربيل الجهها التي تواحديات عن التبت مقا حيث كت على مدرستناوللمركز ايل،وقد فازت باجل عبداللطالبذلك االث، وكلمركز الثبة هيا مصلح وقد فازت بالطال والثاني،لمركز الحبري وقد فازت با الطالبة رناذلك الحاضر، وك ان " كيف أكون كاتبا مبدعا"،ل درويش" بعنواديب"ط محاضرة لحفل الل مشاركة، وقد تخل أعطي شهادة الذياد عباسي زيب المدرسة مزيدا من الفوز ، ونتمنى لجميع طلفائزين لحتفالي . نبارك التقدير وسط جو اداتئز وشها ثم وزعت الجوايل.جلرة عبد اللطالبة سازت به الذي فال المقادم، ونرفق ا والتق

The Secondary Update April 18 2013

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Page 1: The Secondary Update April 18 2013

The Secondary Update April 18th, 2013


مساسقس سلستسسس سإلسدسعييقس يتسسس س س يي س س ي يتسسس

We would like to congratulate our G9 students for participating in the Taaleem Creative Writing competition, which was held at the Dubai British School on Wednesday 17th April. wards and certificates were distributed in an atmosphere full of joy and celebration. Four students from grade 9 took part: Sarah Abdul Jalil - came in first place, where she wrote an article about the challenges facing the Arabic lan-guage in a modern society. Rana Al Hebri - came in second place Haya Misleh - came in third place Zeyad Abbasi - was awarded a certificate for participation, The ceremony included a seminar by the famous writer Talal Darweesh. The title for this seminar was “How do I become a creative writer?”.

نبارك لمدرستنا وألهالي طالبنا فوز أبنائنا في مسابقة الكتابة اإلبداعية التي تنظمها مدارس تعليم ، وقد تم عقدها في مدرسة

، حيث اشترك فيها أربعة طالب من الصف التاسع، هم: الطالبة سارة 3172\4\71دبي البريطانية يوم األربعاء الموافق

عبدالجليل،وقد فازت بالمركز األول على مدرستنا حيث كتبت مقاال عن التحديات التي تواجهها اللغة العربية في عصرنا

الحاضر، وكذلك الطالبة رنا الحبري وقد فازت بالمركز الثاني، والطالبة هيا مصلح وقد فازت بالمركز الثالث، وكذلك الطالب

زياد عباسي الذي أعطي شهادة مشاركة، وقد تخلل الحفل محاضرة لألديب"طالل درويش" بعنوان " كيف أكون كاتبا مبدعا"،

ثم وزعت الجوائز وشهادات التقدير وسط جو احتفالي . نبارك للفائزين ، ونتمنى لجميع طالب المدرسة مزيدا من الفوز

والتقدم، ونرفق المقال الذي فازت به الطالبة سارة عبد الجليل.

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مساسقس سلستسسس سإلسدسعييقس يتسسس س س يي س س ي يتسسس

التحديات التي تواجهها اللغة العربية في العصر الحديث ... سببها وكيفية التغلب عليها .. سارة عبدالجليل

غة اللغة العربية من أروع لغات العالم وهي لغة فريدة وغنية بالمفردات والمعاني، وحسب إحصاءات سنة ألف وتسعمئة وتسع وتسعين، احتلت الل

وتتميز اللغة بتنوع أصواتها وسعة قاموسها ، وقد احتلت اللغة العربية مكانا مهماً ،العربية المرتية السادسة في العالم من حيث االستعمال واالنتشار في العصر الماضي فكان الناس يقصدون البالد العربية ليتعلموا. ولكن هل أبناؤها اآلن يهمتون بها كما كانوا قديما؟

تلعب اللغة العربية دورا مهما في بناء حرية اإلنسان العربي ولها مكانة مهمة عند المسلمين ألنها لغة القرآن الكريم ، ولغة عبادتهم فإنها لغة التواصل بين العرب ولغة التعبير عن

أفكارهم ، وتكامل أفراد المجتمع القريب والبعيد، كما شهدت اللغة غناَ وانتشارا في العهد اإلسالمي.

صبحت د أتواجه اللغة الكثير من المخاطر التي أدت إالى تراجع أهمية اللغة ، فأبناؤها يستخدمون اللغات األجنبية للتواصل مع بعضهم البعض، فقطاء بأخاللغة األجنبية لغة التعليم ولغة القراءة والكتابة،و أيضا عندما يستخدمها أبناؤها يتحدثون بجمل مقطعة، وكلمات غير صحيحة، ويكتبون

إمالئية عديدة . ومن المشكالت الكبيرة أن أبناءها بدؤوا بالتفكير باللغات األجنبية ما يؤدي إلى ضعف

اللغة العربية وفشلها وعدم تفعيلها في المجتمع .

يوجد أسباب كثيرة لهذه المشاكل ومنها أن األطفال والناس يظنون أن التكلم بلغات أخرى يجعلهم مميزين ، أيضا في هذا الجيل يقوم األجانب باختراع آالت، ويسمونها أسماء من لغتهم فيعتاد العرب عليها باللغة األجنبية فيقولون " تليفون" بدال من " هاتف " فهاذا أمر خطير ألنه

يشير إالى إهمال أبناء اللغة لها .

فنحن لم نخترع شيئا لنرفع من شأن لغتنا بل وال نسمي االختراعات بها.

اإلنسان لى أيضا إن العرب وألسباب كثيرة يهاجرون إلى الدول األجنبية، حيث تكون اللغة اإلنجليزية هي اللغة األولى، ولغة تعليهمهم، ما يؤثر ع العربي ألنه ال يتعلم لغته واليستخدمها إال في حاالت نادرة، فهذه بعض أسباب ضعف اللغة العربية.

هناك حلول كثيرة لكي نعيد بناء اللغة العربية وتفعيل أهميتها في العالم مثلما كانت من قبل

فأوال: يجب على العرب أن يكثروا من استخدامها ليتواصلوا مع بعضهم البعض.ها الذين نائثانيا: يجب أن يستخدم العرب اللغة العربية في بالدهم للتعليم فهذا يبين أن العرب فخورون بلغتهم . إن الخطأ ليس في اللغة ولكن بأب

يظنون أنهم طوروها.

إن اللغة العربية لغة قوية ولكنها ضعفت بضعف أبنائها . فيجب علينا أن نساعدها لكي تحصل على مكانتها مرة أخرى ، ألنها إذا ماتت واندثرت، سنموت نحن فمثل ما يقول

.الشاعر حافظ ابراهيم " فيا ويلكم أبلى وتبلى محاسني ومنكم وإن عز الدواءأساتي "

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The World Scholars Cup team is making excellent process researching their subjects for this year's topic "A Turbulent Earth". A reminder to all our World Scholars that payment needs to be made to the JBS Accountant by April 25th, so that teams can be registered for this year's event. For further information about the World Scholar’s Cup, please contact Ms. Macdonald at [email protected].


If students are keen on making their voice heard and would like to improve their public speaking skills, then they should sign up for the JBS Speech Competition. The English Department will offer support and advice to all competitors during breaks and after school. The JBS Speech Competition will take place on May 9th in the Secondary Gym at 9am. The winners of the JBS Speech Competition will go on to participate in the annual Taaleem Speech Competition which will take place at the American Academy in Al Mizhar on May 29th. The topics for this year are as follows:

For further information about the JBS Speech Competition, please contact Ms. Rogland at [email protected].

Grades 4-6 Are zoos good or bad for the preservation of animal species? (3 minutes)

Grades 7-9 Should student’s textbooks be replaced by personal computers and tablets? (3 minutes)

Grades 10-12 What is the greatest moral challenge facing the world today? (4 minutes)

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We have had two Personal Project (PP) information sessions for parents. At this stage, all grade 9 students have been given an introductory session on the PP, and they were also provided with a copy of the PP handbook. An electronic copy of the handbook could also be found on Managebac. Students were given class time to brainstorm ideas to start them thinking about topic selection, goal, product and area of interaction. During MYP lessons, students will continue to working on goal selection and approach. Before the end of the school year, we will do sessions on the Process Journal, Evaluation of Sources, Design Specifications and Action Plans. The first deadline will be on May 15th, where students have to complete the PP registration form found in their handbook. They have to decide on a goal, area of interaction, product and approach. After they submit the form, we will individually meet with each student to discuss his/her topic in more detail. Once the student's goal is approved, the next step would be to assign him/her a supervisor. If you have any questions about the PP, please contact Ms. Muhtaseb at [email protected]

On Wednesday April 24, our DP Coordinator will have a Diploma Programme Information session from 8.15 to 9.00hr, and from 17.00-18.00hr in the S-Building (S105). The aim of this session is to inform parents about the Diploma, including the costs of books, fieldtrips and the introduction camp. For further questions about the Diploma Programme, please contact our Diploma Coordinator Mr. Cullen at [email protected].


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On behalf of Jumeira Baccalaureate School, we are asking for your support and participation in the upcoming JBS Career Day which will take place on Wednesday May 1st at our school. A variety of professionals from diverse sectors and industries will inform our Grade 8 -11 students about their education and professional experiences. Guest speakers will have the opportunity to conduct profession-related workshops. Workshops will run for 45 minutes and can target educational requirements, job responsibilities, why they chose their job and how to get more information to explore the occupation further. Format of the presentation is up to you. You can prepare a presentation about the profession followed by a Question and Answer session. A hands-on / simulation exercise for students to relate to the profession would be highly recommended, if possible. Time commitment: 10:30 am - 15:15 pm Lunch hosted by JBS: 13:00-13:45 pm If you are interested to support the JBS Career Fair please email Ms. Macdonald ([email protected]). We will then contact you to confirm the time. Thank you for your support of JBS.

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Graduates of Jumeira Baccalaureate School will have a world of options open to them. Their IB diplomas will be welcomed at universities around the globe, and may even help them achieve scholarships and receive credit for course hours. However, they must first apply. Elaine Seremetis successfully navigated the complicated US application process with two expat International Baccalaureate sons. She developed a system which has helped other international parents and their children. Sharon Shepard attended Elaine’s seminars in March and wanted to share this exciting information with other JBS parents. JBS is sponsoring a series of seminars with Elaine on four Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, beginning on the 24th of April. The seminars are open to all parents. Students are also welcome to attend. While the US application process is the main focus, families applying in other countries will gain valuable knowledge as well. The topics are as follows: 24 April The Right Fit - Financial, Academic, and Social 1 May Organization, Communication, and College Visits 8 May The Applicant’s 5 Ps: Program, Performance, Potential, Presentation, and Personality 15 May The Common Application: Essays, Interviews, and Resumes All seminars will take place upstairs in the library from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. If you would like to attend, please email us at [email protected].

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All the ECAs offered for the third trimester are on Managebac (MB). Students can sign up for an ECA using MB. They must make sure to access the "term 3" ECAs. They will find the description of the activity, and the name of the teacher(s) leading the activity. ECAs began on Monday April 15th. For further information about ECAs, please contact Mr. Cannon at [email protected]

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Report cards were issued to grades 6 to 11 students on Tuesday April 16th. Parents received details on how to schedule meeting times with their child’s teachers using an appointment website known as “Doodle”. The Three-Way Conferences will take place on Monday April 22nd and Tuesday April 23rd from 1330 hours – 1700 hours. All meetings will take place in the Secondary Gym. Please note that extra-curricular activities on these days will not take place. Students will be allowed to leave campus on both days at 13.00 hours with your written approval only. There will be no supervision provided for students after school and under no circumstances should any child be left at school unsupervised. If your child will not be on the school bus at 13:00hours please inform Mrs Banks ([email protected]) as soon as possible. If students are to develop as independent learners they must reflect on their own progress and look at what they can learn from what they have accomplished. Therefore in a Three-Way Conference, students are responsible for leading the discussion about their progress, achievement and the areas where they could improve. Information will include all areas of the curriculum; academic, social, physical and emotional. This conference ensures that the focus remains on the students and the critical role they have in determining their own next steps for learning. Roles of the participants:

Students: Parents: Teachers:


Lead the conference

Speak clearly

Answer parent or teacher questions.


Be on time for the confer-ence

Ask questions


Ensure mobile phones are

switched off.


Provide probing question and highlight achieve-


Answer questions

Clarify where necessary

Manage time.


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Terry Fox Run, Friday April 19th, in Aid of Cancer Research.

Calling all JBS community runners! The 2013 Dubai Terry Fox Run will take place on Friday April 19th at Dubai Festival City at 8.30am (registration starts at 07.30 and the Opening Ceremony is at 08.15)

The Terry Fox run is a special annual event, organised on a worldwide basis, celebrating the life and incredible achievement of Terry Fox, who, despite severe physical disabilities, having already lost a leg to cancer, set out in 1980 to run across Canada, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. He almost made it, after one of the most epic and inspiring runs ever undertaken in history. For the full story of Terry Fox’s incredible 1980 Marathon of Hope, please go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjgTlCTluPA&feature=related.

You can register for the event on the day or online. For online registrations, please www.dubaiterryfoxrun.org

Please do join the JBS team for this special fund raising event. For more information, contact Ms. McCabe at [email protected]

See also www.jbschool.ae/cas for other community events.

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All students need to complete their semester two Community & Service activities and written reflections by June 10th. All of this information must be uploaded onto Managebac. Requirement for MYP Community and Service according to Grade Level is as follows: Grade 6- Have to complete two short projects per semester Grade 7 – Have to complete three short projects per semester Grade 8 – Have to complete four short projects per semester Grade 9 – Have to complete one long project per year and two short projects per semester OR one long project per semester Grade 10 – Have to complete one long project per semester AND two short projects per semester. If you have any further questions about the above requirements, please contact Ms. McCabe at [email protected].

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After two successful years of hosting summer programs at Cambridge University, Heritage Summers is now offered at both Oxford and Cambridge. Those programs are dedicated to the academic, cultural and social enrichment of secondary school students, from the MENASA (Middle East, North Africa and South Asia) regions and beyond, and are offered in association with the British Council in recognition of the common goals of each, in furthering cultural relations and understanding between the UK and other countries. Heritage Summers essentially provides students with an experiential introduction to the academic, cultural and social aspects of British university life – namely, Oxbridge. The students at Heritage Summers in the past (2011, 2012) have represented countries from all over the world: Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, France, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, the Philippines, Tunisia, South Africa, Pakistan, Palestine, United States of America and Turkey! Typically, secondary school students apply for the three-week program during the summer where they choose a core course and a less intense secondary course from a diverse choice of subjects taught in small group tutorials in the style of learning that is the hallmark of the Oxford and Cambridge Universities. At Heritage Summers, they also offer a secure and culturally sensitive environment for students from the region, allowing families the assurance that their children are well taken care of by coordinators and directors who are sensitive to their culture. As such, they have dedicated one program to just girls and will be hosting it as a single-sex summer program (at Cambridge). Heritage Summers strongly believe that their programs are a vehicle for better understanding between students of different backgrounds, and that this can be achieved only through engaging young people during the phase of their lives when they are still developing their awareness of the rest of the world. At Heritage Summers, they have maintained an excellent record of diversity amongst students, tutors and coordinators, and strive to maintain that truly valuable quality that lends excellence to our programs. For further information about this program, please visit www.heritagesummers.com or contact Dr. Asma Siddiki

at [email protected].


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GETEX 2013