Chapter 1 : The Opening A girl, sitting on a bench, feeling depress as she felt unfortunate of her eye which had been possessed by an unknown creature or demon. As she was having that feel, a young man voice come by with a smile, “Itsumi, let me help you to chase away your depression and make use of it.” *10 Years passed* “Istuki mind your head before I slay it!!!”Itsumi shouted while she is holding a shinny, sharp sword and riding her beloved dragon, the dragon of fire, Fira. “Haha!!! Me? I bet you are the one that should be careful about!!!”Istuki shouted while holding a sword as sharp and shinny as his sister but just riding a normal dragon but this dragon is his most treasure as it was the only thing that his parents had left for him. “Alright both of you. Come down and have some rest. Oh yeah, before this thing slip from my mind, Ukia, bring the whole team to my office later, we have things to talk about...”Byakuran said with his shinny bright smile, “Meet me at the office 3 hours later. Take some rest within this period. ” Istumi nodded her head and head to her room. She lie down on her comfy bed after having a nice and relaxing shower. As she is lying on her bed, rolling all around on her bed for fun, a photo on her desk attracted to her sight. She looks at the picture and images from 10 years ago flies into her mind, wanting her to recall all her horrible, nightmare memories, not until Byakuran risked his life to save her at that time... Fan Fiction (Hitman Reborn) Fong Hiue Mun

The Second Parallel World

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Page 1: The Second Parallel World

Chapter 1 : The Opening

A girl, sitting on a bench, feeling depress as she felt unfortunate of her eye which had been possessed by an unknown creature or demon. As she was having that feel, a young man voice come by with a smile, “Itsumi, let me help you to chase away your depression and make use of it.”

*10 Years passed*

“Istuki mind your head before I slay it!!!”Itsumi shouted while she is holding a shinny, sharp sword and riding her beloved dragon, the dragon of fire, Fira.

“Haha!!! Me? I bet you are the one that should be careful about!!!”Istuki shouted while holding a sword as sharp and shinny as his sister but just riding a normal dragon but this dragon is his most treasure as it was the only thing that his parents had left for him.

“Alright both of you. Come down and have some rest. Oh yeah, before this thing slip from my mind, Ukia, bring the whole team to my office later, we have things to talk about...”Byakuran said with his shinny bright smile, “Meet me at the office 3 hours later. Take some rest within this period. ”

Istumi nodded her head and head to her room. She lie down on her comfy bed after having a nice and relaxing shower. As she is lying on her bed, rolling all around on her bed for fun, a photo on her desk attracted to her sight. She looks at the picture and images from 10 years ago flies into her mind, wanting her to recall all her horrible, nightmare memories, not until Byakuran risked his life to save her at that time...

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Chapter 2 : Her Memories(1) ☆ Mission

“No, Stop!!! Don’t take them away from me!!!”the young Itsumi cried as her parents are taken away by the unknown demons.

“Run, Ukia!! Run and take Pakia away from here!! Find Uncle Byakuran to help you and ask him to give you all the dragons and pets I had been sealing for you.”Her father screamed and shouted!!

“Ukia, remember you will have to finish all the trials to get them!!”her mother then shouted and their sound become fainted.

Ukia, the name that her parents gave her which represents courage and beauty; Pakia, her brother’s, Itsuki, the name that her parent gave him which represents courage and intelligence. These names are the name that they had chose to forgot and had brought them back to their sad memories.

“~Sa~ku~ra~Sa~ku~Ma~i~o~chi~ru~...”the rhythmic song is playing from her phone. “Oh, I need to go find Uncle Byakuran now.”She jumped down from her comfy bed, grabbing her phone putting on her school outfit and run to his office.


*3 hours passes since training*

“Okay, now everyone is here,”Byakuran says, and Itsumi, Itsuki, and the rest of her team are there in his office listening to his ‘announcement’ which they know that it would not be an easy task or anything that will make them easy. “This time, the mission you are gonna accomplish is a very easy task. And, Pakia, Ukia this is going to be your last trial for your dragons and pets.”

“Umm, Mr Byakuran, what’s our mission this time?” Akihiko, guardian of the Mist dragon asks.

“Hmm, Ukia, I want you to bring your team to the Earth, go to Japan and bring the young 10th Vongola Family here.”says Byakuran.

“Why do you need them here? Aren’t we already good enough?”Midori, the guardian of the Nature Dragon asks him with her incredulity.

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Byakuran gives her an angry glance and this had made her to shut her mouth up. He says,“Hmm, why not you try to get them here by your own.”

“Uncle... Erm, I mean Mr Byakuran, we are gonna bring them here to you, can you just tell us why do we need them to be here? ”asks Itsuki, the guardian of the Strom Dragon also the guardian of a normal dragon.

“Haiz, you all are just restless sometimes. I will tell you later when you bring them here okay?”Byakuran asks them and feels kinda annoyed.

“Yes, Sir!! We will accomplish your mission.”Everyone says it at the same time. They are dismissed when Byakuran tell them when will the mission starts, which is tomorrow at 8.30 a.m. and they are told to meet in Byakuran’s office.

“Ukia, you will still have to stay here for a while. We need to discuss about something. Pakia stay here too.”Byakuran says to the siblings...

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Chapter 3 : Her Eyes ☆ The Search

“Ukia, how’s your eye?”Byakuran asks her in a very soft accent.

“Umm, it’s kinda fine now. Thanks for your caring, Mr. Byakuran,”Itsumi says.

“Well, That’s great! You are going to use that eye when you’re in this trial.”

“What? Are you asking my sister to use that eye? Sorry to offend you Mr. Byakuran, but are you nuts? Don’t you remember what happened last time when she took off her eye patch? She was trying to kill everyone there. Don’t you remember that she almost died because of that?”Itsuku says as he is trying to protect her sister, not wanting her to put her life in danger again.

“It’s okay, if Ukia says that she is fine with her eye, I have faith in her that she will make it this time. BUt no matter what, Pakia you would still have to look after her,.You know her attitude. And remember to keep on reminding her that take out her eye patch when there is emergency only, and you know what to do if she went out of control.”

“Itsuki, have faith in me. I can do it. I am your boss anyways... This little sacrifice is nothing... Trust me. ”Itsumi says to them with her puppy eye.

“Alright, booossssss..... I’ll listen to yooooouuuuuu....”Itsuki says so loud that the others from outside the office can even hear.

After the discussion, Itsumi and Itsuki came out from the office. The team asks them about what happened in there just now. But they did not really tell them what happened, they just told them to remember to meet in Mr Byakuran’s office tomorrow at 8.30 am and this mission is lasting for two days to find the young 10th Vongola Family.


“Morning Tsuna!!”Yamamoto says in Nanimori High Basement as Tsuna is walking towards his there with Gokudera.

“Get out of the way you Baseball Jerk,”Gokudera says to Yamamoto.

“Alright the both of you, knock it off,”Tsuna says it out as Gokudera is gonna start a fight with Yamamoto again.

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“Since the 10th says so, I will just knock it off.”

“Hey, Useless-Tsuna!!”Reborn shouted. “Come here there is something I need to tell you. Later today after school please be prepared. You and your gang will be having some ‘exciting’ stuff to do.”

“What? Are you serious!? Is it about the Vongola family again? No please I have had---”As Tsuna is trying to “talk back” to reborn, Gokudera comes in to this conversation.“Yes! There is still some exciting stuff to go for. I will give my best for The Boss to become his Right-hand man!!”Gokudera shouted.

“Wow, Tsuna! Is that true? Sound quite fun. Can I join too?”Yamamoto says in excitement.

“He still thinks that its some game,”Tsuna mumbled to himself.

“Yes, there is actually a training for you all. So be prepared. Tsuna, you will now have to tell everyone including Kyoko, Haru, I-Pin and Lambo about it. Also, there is no exception for Hibari too!”Reborn says to Tsuna with a sharp glare at him. This action has made Tsuna listen to him and does not dare to talk back to him.

*When School Ends*

“Reborn!! Where are we gonna meet?”Tsuna asks Reborn.

“Sawada! Are we having some games? Aaaa!!! I will do my best to the EXTREME!!!”Ryohei shouted in excitement.

“Hehe... Brother has not change since you told him in school just now. He has been excited since Tsuna tells him about this.”Kyoyo tells Tsuna.

“Haru is also very excited. I rushed here to your house when I found out about it.”Haru says so.

“If the crowd gets any bigger, I’ll bite you to death, little animal,”Hibari says in slight anger.

Tsuna is getting scared now. He is scared that Hibari really will bite him to death, but what on Earth is Reborn doing? Well at least he knows that no one is coming except for his gang.

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"We have been waiting for you. What took you so long?" A voice that no one knows or of recognizes says

“You are finally here, the Germini Family,”Reborn says. Just as Reborn is saying this, Tsuna’s gang turned to him and give a kinda big shock to him, except for Hibari.

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Chapter 4 : The Meet ☆ Their Dragons

“Reborn, who are they?” Tsuna ask Reborn in tension.

“Didn’t you hear what I say just now, Useless-Tsuna,”when Reborn is “answering” Tsuna’s question, he give him a slap.

“Germini Family...? Hmm... Never heard of them before...”Gokudera is still wondering who are they.

“Haha~Haha! Tsuna, they are also a family. Will this be another Mafia game? Wow, It’s getting more and more exciting. At first Xanxus, then the Milliefire Family, are we gonna continue with them?”Yamamoto is saying this thing like nothing happened.

“Hey!!! Cut it out!!! Shut Up!!! Can’t you all be quiet a bit?”Midori says it out and feels so annoyed about their noisiness.

“Midori quit it. Stop being so restless.”Itsumi says.

“B..b..bu..t, Boss---”

“Can’t you understand my simple language? I said quit it.”Itsumi tells Midori this and giving her a scary angry glance that is able to make her shut up. Itsumi turns her face to Tsuna and gang and says ,“Can we go to somewhere that have bigger space? It’s kinda stuffy here. And I can’t really stand crowd.”

“How dare you command The Bo---”When Gokudera is about to talk back, Itsumi gives him a smile and says“Bi-I-Li-On-To” softly, and he can’t say anything anymore. “You should control your temper sometimes. Or not our magic will not be able to cure your temper. So, back to our conversation, Tsuna can we go to a field so that we can have a better self introducing?”

“What have you done to him? Let him go! And do you mean by magic? Who are you and what are you?”Tsuna asks in tension and wondering what had happened to Gokudera.

“Have no fear, Tsuna. That magic will just last for 3 minutes. Have faith in her, She is the strongest magician in our world. She knows what she is doing. Haiz it’s really getting stuffier here. Can we go to a field nearby?”Itsuki asked.

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“Who are they? Will they harm us? But Reborn was saying ‘Hi’ to them just now, does he know them. No matter what, it’s really getting more and more stuffier here, I think we really should go to the field.”Tsuna thinks. “Alright I will bring you to the field. Just remember to set Gokudera free.”Tsuna says it out loud.

“Okay. Can you bring us there now?”Itsumi asks.

“Sure, follow me.”

*5 minutes later*

The Germini and Tsuna’s gang has arrived to the field and Itsumi asked Reborn to let Tsuna’s gang to introduce themselves first.

After their introducing, it’s time for Itsumi’s gang.

“Hi, I’m Itsumi. As what my brother said just now, I’m the strongest magician in our world, although I don’t like this fact but I will just ned to admit it. I am the guardian of the Sky Dragon.”After She finishes her introducing, she calls her dragon, Shafira out from her heart. “This is my Dragon’s daughter, Safira.”

“Their dragon can reproduce? o.O” Tsuna mumbled to himself.

“Tsuna...” Reborn then gives him a big slap. “What animal doesn’t reproduce?”

“Haha... I’m Itsuki, Itsumi’s only brother and only family member. I’m the guardian of the Storm Dragon. There is one more thing that my sister had left out just now. She is not just the guardian of the Fire Dragon, she is as well as the guardian of the Ice, Storm, Lightning, Rain, Mist, Sun and Music Dragons. The last one is kinda unique. She is the only that can have more than 2 dragons and this made her to be the strongest magician in our world.”Itsuki ended his introduction and calls his dragon out. “This is my Dragon, Ko-u.”

“I’m Midori, guardian of the Rain Dragon.”Midori shows her Dragon, Na-Ryin to the gang and introduce it to them.

“Midori, you shouldn’t be so impolite.”Akihiko says to Midori as she was introducing her to everyone in a not so polite way just now. “Hi, I’m Akihiko, guardian of Mist Dragon. I’m sorry about what MIdori did just now. She is always like this, hope you don’t mind.”Then, he shows his dragon, Okiri.

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“Hey! I just met you and this is crazy but here’s my number so call me maybe... :)” A girl gives her number to Tsuna. Instead of giving her number, she gives him a paper full of spell which creeps Tsuna off.

“Wha!!!!! Are they some sort of spells!?” Tsuna shouts out of scariness. Itsumi is standing there and can’t bare to see that girl treating their important guest so impolitely. “Kahiru, don’t be so impolite to them!!!” Itsumi shouts out angrily.

“Sorry... :P Hi, I’m Kahiru, the Guardian of Cloud Dragon. Tsuna-nii don’t be scared off that piece of paper, those aren’t spells. They are just some random words I find from the Chinese Dictionary... :P” She then shows Kurayo, her dragon out.

“KRUO-EI!” Kuhami shouted out loud! “I AM KUHAMI, GUARDIAN OF THE LIGHTNING DRAGON!!!” He shows his dragon, Inaki out.

“Ei~~~ Everyone finished their introducing? Haiz... It’s my turn now rite...? But I don’t doing it...” Biniko says.

“Biniko!” Itsumi and Itsuki give him a glance. This has successfully makes him quiet and introduce himself nicely. “I’m Biniko, Guardian of the Sun Dragon.” His dragon, Yo-i soon comes out, but different from the others. When Yo-i came out, it was still sleeping. After Itsumi gives him a kick, it finally wakes up.

“This is my Family. Now, transcend the power of all dragon and bring us back to Alkopia!! ”

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Chapter 5 : Her World ☆ First “Mission”

“Welcome to The Alkopia Magix School!” The Germini Family says.

Just as Itsumi was about to turn back, Gokudera and Hibari wants to catch her, trying to bite her to death and want ask her what happened but when they are about to do that, Reborn stopped them.

“Don’t be so stubborn the two of you. Gokudera, stop your restlessness. Hibari, you may be to strongest in Tsuna’s family but they are much more stronger than you think they are especially the siblings.”

“Reborn, why do you sound like you know them very well? Is there something that you are hiding from us?” Tsuna asks Reborn he felt not just curious but also strange of this thing. But Reborn just remain silent when everyone was looking at his direction in suspicion.

Suddenly, “Eh... What is this place, it looks kinda magical.” Kyoko says.

“Wow, this place is like full of wonders and mysteries!!! Haru likes this place quite much!!” Haru says it out loud and made Itsumi and Itsuki laugh out loud.

“Haha!!! Don’t like this place so much first. You will know how does it feel like when all of you are gonna study here.” Itsuki says.

“Hi everyone. Today I am here to tell you all what are you all suppose to do here. The Vongola Family, you all will be having some training with the Germini Family until they think you are all stronger than them,” suddenly a familiar hologram appeared in front everyone.

“What more training? o.O I’m gonna die!! T.T” Tsuna mumbled to himself. “Wait... That face looks familiar, did I meet him somewhere? Isn’t that Byakuran!?”

“Germini Family, you all are gonna be training them for the time being, don’t go so easy on them, they are quite strong. Istumi and Itsuki, you will get your last trial after the training and you all gonna have you pets and dragon after that. And, as i was told, I am gonna hand this school to you two.”

itsuki and Itsumi looks at each other when they heard what Byakuran said just now. They aren’t shock when they heard the training Byakuran was talking about, they

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are shock when Byakuran said that he is going to hand this school over to them. The Germinis are also looking at them when they heard that.

“Weren’t their parents missing? How can Mr. Byakuran get to know what their parents want and how on earth can they even communicate with each other? Things are getting more and more weird.”

“The Germini and The Vongola, meet me here tomorrow. I know that now all of you are curious about this but I’ll tell you all what‘s happening. So, no worries. Since now all of you will no need to do anything yet, Pakia and Ukia I am depending on you to take a good care of them. Bring them to buy their daily use and register them to this this school. Remember to help them assign a dragon for them base on their flames. Bye bye and good luck!! ;)”

“Psst, we are already not kids... We don’t even look like one.” Gokudera mumbles to himself in dissatisfied.

“So, now you know that you need to get all your daily use and have to register to this school. But before that, I will have to bring you all to your own room first.” Itsumi says to the Vongola family. “Kyoko, Haru, Chrome and I-pin will be in a same room with me and the rest will have to be in the same dormitory with Itsuki. After settling everything, we shall meet at the hall. Okay?” Itsumi turns to the Vongola and talks to them.

“Okay. Tsuna, obey them and don’t try to ask anyone to do anything to them or else you will be punished.” Reborn says to Tsuna with his cool and famous angry glance to him.

“Yes, sir. I will!!” Tsuna answers Reborn immediately.

*About 5 minutes later*

“So, how do you like this room? Is it comfortable for all of you?” Itsumi asks I-pin, Chrome, Haru and Kyoko with care.

“Wow, this room room is really nice. Thank you for your care, Its--” just as Kyoko wants to thank Itsumi for her hospitality, Kyoko does not know how to call Itsumi.

“It’s okay for you to call me Itsumi. Let me give you all a full introduce of myself. I am Itsumi Jikuri, 15 this year. Everyone in the Germini is about the age, except for Akihiko, he’s 20.”

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“Thank you for your hospitality, Itsumi-san.” Kyoko says it out loud to her.

“Haru need to thank you too. Although I don’t really know what is happening now but I really appreciate the hospitality you gave.” Haru says in thankfulness.

“I-pin too!” I-pin says it out and follow by Chrome.



“Guys, can you guys just quiet down a bit?” Itsuki can’t stand the noises from Tsuna’s gang.

“Are we still gonna have anyone else? If yes I’m gonna bite you to death.” Hibari says so as he can’t stand the crowd and the noise form them.

“Heh, you really think your the boss here?” Gokudera says in dissatisfaction.

“HAHAHA!! WE ARE GONNA HAVE FUN HERE RIGHT, SAWADA!? HAHAHA!!! ” Ryohei says it out in excitement and this causes everyone from the dorm comes out and seek for what happened.

“I think we really need to be quiet down in a while.” Tsuna says to make make everyone quiet down and also to not let this awkward scene to be seen by anyone.

“Haiz, the dorm is so close bit walking with you all, is just like walking to another country.” Itsuki says with a little annoyed. “I think is gonna be a tough time for me to handle that Gokudera guy...” He them mumbled to himself.

“Ha-Chu!!” Gokudera sneezes. “Is there anyone talking bad about me?” he asks.

Itsuki remains silent and continue leading the way to their dorm.

“Tsuna will be in Room 5 with Yamamoto and Reborn. Room 6 will be Lambo, Ryohei and Gokudera. Room 7 will be just Hibari, since he doesn’t like the crowd. If there is anything, go to the Room 1 and find me or find Akihiko, Kuhami and Biniko at Room 2, 3 and 4.

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“What I am the right-hand-man of the 10th, why am I separated with him?” Gokudera once again asks him in dissatisfaction.

“I will be there mostly all the time except for the training time and school time. Since now everyone one of you have already know your rooms, now I will be bringing you al back to the hall and wait for the girls,” Itsuki ignores Gokudera and continue his conversation.

“He is just like Reborn in this way, ignoring people when people is talking to him.” Tsuna says in lol-ness.

*10 minutes later*

“What took you all so long?” Midori asks. “Itsumi and the girls are already waiting for you all for like 5 minutes.”

“Midori, why are you so excited? Aren’t you feeling annoyed when we first met with them?” Akihiko asks her. But sadly, Midori just ignore him and walked towards Itsumi.

“Since everyone is ready now, so should we or should we not bring them to the market to buy all their daily uses? Or should we just buy the daily uses for them and let them rest here?” Kahiru asks.

“This have to depends on them. So do you guys want to go and buy or take a rest here?” Itsumi asks them.

“I think is better for us to go together. So that, at least the next time we won’t get lost or waste our time to find for the place just to buy something.” Kyoko says.

“I agree with her.” Haru says.

“Since the girls already says so, why not we just go with you all.” Tsuna says.

“If is like this, please follow me then.” Itsumi says and starting to lead their way.

While walking, “Before going to the market, you will all have to register to this school first, so that you all can have an identity card in this world,” Itsumi says. “You all will also have to get a badge form the counter to prove that you all are from this magic school and have powers in this world, like us. Also, we would also

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need to go to the bank and help you all to have an account so that you will get to use the money here. Itsuki, Akihiko, Midori, and Kahiru please bring them to get their own uniform and their daily uses. I need to get their dragon ready.”

“Okay!” Itsuki, Akihiko, Midori and Kahiru say.

“Biniko and Kuhami, follow me to the lowest floor.”

“Okay!!” Biniko and Kuhami say.

Then everyone now proceed to their own venue, preparing the preparation for tomorrow.................

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Chapter 6 : The Farm ☆ Alkopia

Itsumi, Biniko and Kuhami is heading to the Dragon Farm meanwhile, Tsuna’s gang including Itsuki, Midori, Akihiko and Kahiru are going to the market to buy their daily uses and uniforms and also to the bank to do their check ins. This activity is no exception for Hibari too!

*Firstly, at Itsumi’s side...*

When they are on the way to the Dragon Farm...

“Itsumi, why are you going to be the next... ” when Biniko is about to ask Itsumi about her upgrade-ness of being the next chairman of the school, Kuhami comes in and keep asking Itsumi tons of annoying questions and makes him and Itsumi feels annoyed. But they can’t help it. They know that Kuhami has a talkative attitude and likes to annoy people very much with all of her totally no sense and no humor type of topic.

“Hey, Kuhami! Do you want to play a fun game?” Itsumi asks her.

“What is it?” Kuhami asks her in a very big excitement.

“Well, the game is to see who can keep quiet until we reach the dragon farm. The one that lose will clean the whole dragon farm for a month. Is that okay?”

“That sure is very good idea of a game. Why not we start now, Itsumi?” Biniko says when Kuhami is trying to reject that suggestion Itsumi gave just now.

“Okay,! The game starts now!” Itsumi shouts.

Kuhami shows a very unhappy face to them and is forced to keep quiet to whole time until they reach the farm.

*Meanwhile, at Itsuki’s side...*

“TAKOYAKI!!” Lambo shouts it out loud in Kopim Street and mostly all of the passerby there are looking at them. Tsuna feels embarrassed and quickly shut Lambo up.

“Lambo. Be quiet!!” Tsuna whispers to Lambo and ask him to be quiet.

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“Lambo-san wants lots of, lots of takoyaki!! Tsuna, buy for me!!” Lambo don’t care about Tsuna and keep on bugging him to buy him takoyaki.

“It’s okay. I will buy for him.” Itsuki says. “He is still a kid anyways.”

“Itsuki, there isn’t a need for you to buy some food for a spoilt brat like that cow. It probably will just waste your money. So don’t buy anything for them.” Midori whispers to Itsuki and at the same time glaring at Lambo.

“Midori, do you ever know that being polite is always a good thing and remember to always be nice to our guests. You just whispered to the assistant captain, do you know what that means? You don’t want to get a earful from Itsuki and Itsumi later right? The siblings are always the scariest. So be a nice girl and don’t try everyone’s temper.” Akihiko whispers to Midori.

“Now, who’s whispering...” Itsuki says to the both of them while buying takoyaki for Lambo. “Speaking of this, where is Kahiru? Isn’t he supposed to be here with us?”

“Speaking of that, we lost sight of Ryohei too.” Reborn says.

“Wait, is Ryohei the guardian of the Sun ring?”

“Ah, yes he is.”

“Then I think I know where they have gone to...” Itsuki says in confident.

*Back to Itsumi*

“Looks like Kuhami is gonna become the cleaner of the farm this week. Thanks to her the cleaners will gonna have a week of resting. Good luck and all the best to you, Kuhami!! HAHA!!” Itsumi says it out in great joy

“What is so funny!? It’s not funny at all. Well, at least I can get to skip classes, unlike you all have to train that group of strangers. :P” Kuhami says in dissatisfaction.

“I’m sorry, but Mr Byakuran said that all of us will have to participant in this training. Kuhami. None of the 7 of us is gonna escape form teaching Tsuna’s gang.” Biniko says. “That really makes me feel sad for myself... Have to wake up

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early in the morning and prepare so many for them. What a sad life I’m having here... Haiz....”

“Kuhami, Biniko, come on is gonna be a fun one. Well, maybe there’s an exception for Hibari but I think is a very very fun time with they all.” Itsumi says.

“Uhhh... Me no want!!! Me wanna be with others not Hibar!! >.< Urhhh!!! Please Itsumi let me stick with you, please!!!” Kuhami is begging Itsumi annoyingly.

“Biniko, Which dragon do you think that is best suit with Yamamoto?” Itsumi asks Biniko and totally ignore Kuhami.

“He is the guardian of Rain Ring and his type of flame is as same as Midori. I think Uato can suit him quite well.”

“Good. You did improve but Uato is still too young therefore we have to bring its brother, Outa out. Outa is elder and stronger. It also have more power and is very easy to train.”

“I thought every Rain Dragon is easy to train?”

“Well, you can say is easy to train but Outa is even more easier to train because it is elder than Uato but still younger than the others dragon. Therefore dragon at this age is normally easier to train. Base on Yamamoto’s personality, I think Outa is still best fits him.”

“Oo... Okay...”

“What Okay! Is not even okay!!! The both of you are ignoring me!!! WHY ARE THE BOTH OF YOU IGNORING ME!!!!!!!!???????”

*Back to Itsuki...*

“HEY!! KAHIRU!!! ARE YOU GOOD AT BOXING!!??” Ryohei says (is actually shouting) out loud and asks Kahiru.

“YEA!! I’M GOOD AT IT!!! WANNA CHALLENGE EACHE OTHER!!??” Kahiru asks Ryohei in a very very very loud voice.


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“Before the both of you start this thing, why don’t you let all of them to check in first and buy the daily uses first...” Itsumi suddenly pop up in the sky with the others on Ko-u.

“Ooo... SAWADA! WANNA JOIN US?” Ryohei asks Tsuna in excitement.

“Turf Head, we are going to buy our needs. Come back up here, NOW!!!” Gokudera shouts at the both of them and asks them to go on the dragon.

“Yeah, Brother and Kahiru come back up!” Kyoko ask them to come up.


“Turf head, come right up!!” Gokudera shouts and throws some bomb to he and Kahiru.


What will happen to them...? Stay tune for the next new chapter....

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Chapter 7 : Their Arrival ☆ First Game

“Hello!! I guess all of you have a good sleep last night!!” Byakuran says in pleasant.

“Ha.. I wish I can have a good night sleep yesterday.. But all thanks to Gokudera, I am forced to stay up all night to help Kahiru to clean up the whole dragon farm... ” Tsuna mumbled to himself in a very very so called sad way. But actually, to be exact, Tsuna did the cleaning all by himself and Kahiru was just being in the farm, and playing with her dragon.

Not just Tsuna is the one that does not have a good night sleep, Itsuki and Itsumi can’t even have their eyes close the whole night, all thanks to Kuhami and Ryohei.

“What exactly happened yesterday...?” Byakuran asks.

“All thanks to the three of them, having ‘so much fun’ yesterday at the avenue. Bombing up the whole avenue, fist fighting, and Itsumi and I have to deal with all the complains from everyone who is from that area. But, luckily, we brought the others along so that they can help with buying all the thing for them.” Itsuki says it in anger at first and turn into relieved.

“YERRRR.... Is not a fun thing to not have Itsuki and Itsumi around that time...” Midori mumbles it to herself.

“So now everything is settled right? All of them got their uniforms right? So their school can start now.” Byakuran says.

“Wait, Mr Byakuran. Before we start, you still haven’t tell us the reason.” Itsumi says.

“The reason of what..?” Byakuran asks her in suspicious.

“The reason of why they have to be here.”

“Yeah. Byakuran, you better tell us the reason now. And the uniform, it looks so weird.” Gokudera shouts it out impatiently.

“Ooo... That reason. I guess I should be known by Reborn-san rite? So why not you all ask him.” Byakuran says with a very very bizarre smile.

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“Reborn knows about this? Why didn’t tell me at the very first place? BUt why does he know about this thing? Did he even meet each other after that war? What is going on here? Things are getting more and more strange here...” Tsuna is thinking in his heart, wondering is there still anything that Reborn is still hiding from him.

“O... Byakuran, Isn’t it time for all of them to go for school?” Reborn asks Byakuran.

Byakuran looks at the gigantic clock on his wall. Even you have a very very bad eyesight, you cal always see the clock and read the clock, because that gigantic clock is just as big as his wall.

“Is time already. We’ll discuss about this matter during ore maybe after dinner and now, Itsumi would you mind show them to your classroom now?” Byakuran says. “Class is gonna be all the things that I said that day.”

“Yes, Mr Byakuran.” Itsumi replies. “I know this is rude, but please promise me that you’re gonna tell us what is going on later.”

*After saying that, the both families head off to their classroom. *

“Reborn-kun, can you be sure that you will be telling them the reason later? Itsumi is not the very patient type, you know?” Byakuran says to Reborn.

“I know what am I doing. And what I do is just for their own good.” Reborn replies.

“You still haven’t answer my question, Reborn-kun.”

“I will tell them later. Byakuran, lets check on their training later when we are free.”


*Itsumi and gangs reaches the farm.*

“Kyoko, Haru, I-pin, is it alright for you all to wait outside the farm for a while? We need to discuss something in the farm for a while.” Itsumi asks the girls.

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“Err... Okay... Just tell us when you all need any help from us.” Kyoko answers her when Tsuna is looking at her without her knowing. He feels worried that they will be involve deep trouble again.

“Yeah, just tell us when you need our help.” Haru answers her too.

“Then, the others would you all mind following me in here, please?” Itsumi turns and talks to the gangs.

*They follow Itsumi to the farm.*

“What do you need us to do this time, Itsumi?” Tsuna asks.

“Che, It must be something stupid that will just waste our time.” Gokudera says in a very very very very impolite way.

“Since is like this, Itsuki, bring him his dragon. I want to see how can he handle it.” Itsumi becomes very serious in all of a sudden, and this freak Tsuna and his gang out.

“Yes, Itsumi.” Itsuki replies to her immediately.

“Wow, so this is the dragon farm. Everything is so cool here.” Yamamoto says it out as if there is nothing happening. After Yamamoto says it out, Midori and Akihiko give him an eye contact, asking him not to say anything out during this time, but Yamamoto does not saw it, and continue saying, “This is gonna be a fun Mafia Game right, Tsuna?”

“So you think this is a game?” Itsumi turns and look at Yamamoto, saying it very seriously.

“Itsumi, I think you are getting tired now. Why not you go get some rest first and I will take over you until you finish your rest.” Itsuki says. He don’t want to see anything get worse here now.

“That will be good. I’ll take a rest in my room first, but the time when I come back, I want every single one that is present here to at least know how to fly a dragon no matter what.” She walks away to her room after she finish to them.

“You see, my sister is not really that fun type when she is having classes like this. She is always extremely strict especially when there are some new guys coming in

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here.” Itsuki explains her angriness to them just in case they misunderstand her. “But, she is the type take things very fairly. Therefore, she won’t be as strict as she is in the training. She will be having her character change when she is not having any training with anyone.”

“No wonder she was acting so different just now.” Tsuna mumbles to himself.

Although things are getting into a way like this, Hibari is just like still staying in his own world, does not bother what is happening around him.

“But, there is something that Itsuki left out.” Akihiko says.

“Yup, he is always the type that like to leave something out.” Biniko says.

“What did he left out?” Yamamoto and Ryohei jinxed at the same time by asking them what had Itsuki left out.

“Did I left anything out?” Itsuki asks in suspicious. “You left out one of the important one.” Midori is saying in a way just as of she is teasing him.

“Hahaha!! Itsuki is always the blur one here!!!” Kahiru teases him out loud.

“Can you all just stop teasing and just tell us what he left out?” Tsuna asks then out loud.

“He left the fact of Itsumi is not always like that in the training. Just as long as we did our thing nicely, correctly, she won’t even bother to do the whole training strictly. She can also be the fun one in the training all the time.” Akihiko says to them.

“Oo... That is what I left out. I am just too blur sometimes. Tee-Hee...” Itsuki says.

“Excuse me, sometimes? I think is most of the time, Itsuki.” Midori starts to tease him again.

“But, if Itsuki is conducting the class now, Things will never get better.” Kuhami says. “He can just be as strict as Itsumi. Well, after all, they are twins right? Can’t blame him.”

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“You don’t say...” Itsumi says with a (=.=) sign on his face. “Well, prepare yourself!! We are flying the dragons now.” He says with a big smile on his face.

“Tsk, how are we gonna fly a dragon without even having one, Itsuki?.” Tsuna asks him.

“O.O... Oh, yeah, I forgot about that.”

“Blur Freak!!” Midori and Akihiko says it in coincidence and everyone just burst into laughter after they say that.

“Alright, Biniko, Itsumi should be done choosing the dragons for all of them right? Can you show them the dragons?” Itsuki asks.

“Ok, they are just at the west wing of the farm.” Biniko answers Itsuki. “Why not you go get them out. I think they will still remember you.”

“Ooo... Okay. But why can’t I recall anything of meeting them?” Itsuki is saying while he is walking towards the door. “Am I really that famous even all the dragons know me? Ha, it should be!!” He is saying that in his mind when he is opening the door.

Biniko and the others are standing at the center, asking all of them to move aside. Of course, everyone there was wondering why is Biniko asking them to move aside...

*Meanwhile, at Itsumi’s side...*

“Ah, so tired...” Itsumi says when she is signing.

“Haha... Being a magician is very tough.” Kyoko says in care to her.

“Not just a magician, she is also the guardian of all dragon. It must be tough for her.” Haru says so.

“Not really... Is just that I didn’t get enough sleep yesterday...” Itsumi replies n tiredness.

“Itsumi, can I ask you something?” Kyoko asks Itsumi.

“Sure!! What do you want to know?” Itsumi asks her.

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“Uhm... Would you mind telling us what happened to your left eye?” Kyoko asks Itsumi. Itsumi shows her awkwardness out after she heard Kyoko asking her that question.

“It’s okay for you not to an--”

“Is a demon.”

“What?” Kyoko and Haru asks Itsumi, as if they could not hear what she said just now.“A demon. That is what inside my eye.” Itsumi answers in coldness and all of her sad memories comes by. Her tears are coming out and is hard for someone to stop it.

“Itsumi, are you okay?” Kyoko and Haru ask in care for her.

“Am I okay...? Are you asking me am I okay...? HAHAHA!! That is funny!!” Itsumi’s character change totally. When she was saying that, she takes off her eye patch, a red colored light was glowing after the eye patch is taken off.

“HAHAHAHA!! OF COURSE I AM OKAY!!” Itsumi says with different voice. A deeper voice that does not belong to any human being.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is going to happen to them? What is the problem causing Itsumi to have her character change all of a sudden? Stay tune for the next chapter.

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Chapter 8 : The Help ❡ Her Curse

“Wow!! You all are just doing great!!”Biniko shouts.

“I thought I asked you to teach and not to talk, Mr. Bastard (*`へ´*)” Itsuki says when glaring at him.

“That is not my fault, you know. Is your beloved sister that ask me to do it... Haha”

“Why would my sister ask you to do something stupid like that. Asking Fira to blow out that much of fire on me. That is just too over you know!!! (*`o´*)”

*Recalling at that time...*

“Well we finished with all the dragon choosing section, so now...”

“Itsumi-san, your brother and the others is in deep trouble now. They need your help now.”a worker came to her in the farm and said.

“That brat... He said he can handle everything all by himself, and this is what happen?...”She mumbled to himself at first, “Alright, I’ll be there soon,”then she turn to that worker and forcing herself to smile like a how she normal did.

“Biniko, tomorrow, please remind me to ask Fira to blow out as much fire as she will to that brat, okay? Or if I am not around that time, please help me accomplish that so called “mission” for you, okay?”

“Okay!!”he did not declare that request because she was already in an extremely pissed off mood, and also her glare, although she is just using one eye, but is always enough to make people get scared of her with that glare.

*Back to the time when we were presently at the farm*

“Speaking about Itsumi, is already more than one hour in this training. Where is Itsumi, Kyoko, Haru and I-pin?”

“Itsuki, help!!”Kyoko, Haru and I-pin rush towards the farm to seek for help from all of them in the family.

“Speaking of that devil...”

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“What happened?”Itsuki asks.

“Its...Itsu..Itsumi i..s..”Kyoko says while panting as she is too tired when she was running form the girl dorm to the farm.

“Ah... Itsumi is on rage, again. Itsuki, we need to stop the training now.”Kahiru says as she is able to read through people’s mind.

“Yeah, let’s go to her. Before that happen again.”Biniko says.

“Running there won’t be enough time, just fly to her.”Itsuki says. “She is in her room right?”He turns to Kyoko and Haru, asking them in anxious.

“She was in her room, but when we ran out from her room, we can’t see her anymore.”Kyoko answers.

“Dang it! We have to be quick!!”Itsumi says. “Jump on to your dragons, we need to go now!”

“Can we follow? We might get to help.”Tsuna asks.

Looking at everyone’s eye that is full of confidence, Itsuki give his trust to them and says, “Alright, you all can go with me. Tsuna will still can’t ride your dragon so be on the dragon with me. Kahiru, take care of the girls. Let’s go, everyone!”

“Yerrr... why is it always me that can’t get to go with them...”

“By the way, what did you all ask Itsumi?”Kahiru asks the girls.

“We just asked what happened to her eye...”Kyoko is answering but her answering was being cut by Kahiru.

“What!? You all asked about her eye? Just remember, don’t ask her anything about her eye next time, okay?”

“Okay.”Kyoko, Haru and I-pin promise Kahiru not to ask anything about Itsumi’s eye anymore.

*At Itsuki’s side...*

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“Kyoko they all must have ask her something about her eye, or she won’t be in rage.”Kuhami says. Tsuna and Gokudera have always have an impression of Kuhami being hyper all the time and now they both of them are speechless when they first saw Kuhami in such a serious face.

“Maybe... But I thought that she has already take control over it, Itsuki. Why is she on a rampage now again?”Midori asks.

“What actually happened to her? May we ask?”Yamamoto asks Itsuki.

“10 years ago, when we were just 5, our parents got caught and till now, we don’t even know that are they alive. The only thing we know about them is they had left a bunch of letter to Byakuran.”

“What bout Itsumi...? Her eye...?”Yamamoto continue asking.

“That time, when she was taking me away from our old house, a demon chased over us. We were very afraid at that time, but she was just too protective. She left me there and quickly ran towards that demon, trying to kill that demon with only her little magic that is not even enough to kill a tiny ant. After a while, I didn’t see her coming back. I carefully followed her footstep that she left on that snow and found out that she was sitting on the snow alone. I was joyed, I thought she successfully killed that demon, but at that time I was too happy that I forgot about the fact that it is a demon.”Itsuki says and he is trying his best not to cry.

“Demon, you can’t kill it unless you have an equipment that is from the demon world. When I went to her, and I saw her eyes, a normal pair of eye became a pair of odd eyes. her right remain the same color (Hazel Brown), but not her left eye. Her left eye becomes blue. I was just so afraid that se would be dead that time. But then, she tried to cheer me up. She says that we can go to Byakuran’s hospital and seek help from him. She protected me and that’s how her eye got possessed by that unknown demon.”He continues, but in the end, he can’t take it anymore and starts tearing out.

“Itsuki, cheer up!! We are gonna save her like we always did like last time. :D”Midori says so to cheer him up.

“Yeah!! This time we have extra help too!! Cheer up, Itsuki!!”Akihiko says.

“Hehe... Thanks everyone!!”Itsuki says and rub out his tears. “We’re gonna save her like we have always done!!”

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“Before that, do you know where will she be?”Yamamoto asks.

“Well, is always that place...”Midori points her finger to a house in a deep forest.

“There, Itsumi...”Hibari says in his coldness... again.

“Good!! Everyone speed forward to her, now!!”Itsuki shouts.

“Why is she having a black dragon with her and why is she in a black uniform?” Tsuna asks.“And is so different from ours.”

“Cause she is cursed, Baka-Tsuna!”Reborn says.

“Wha!!! Reborn, why are you here?”Tsuna is shocked when he find Reborn was with him and did not even spread a word since just now.

“Hehe... You should train your concentration also, Mr. Tsuna. :D”Byakuran, suddenly pop out of nowhere, comes and says it to Tsuna.

“Byakuran!! Why are you here also?”

“Tsuna...”Reborn calls him and gives him a big slap on the face. “Aren’t you gonna save her now...?”

All of them have already landed and Tsuna is the only one that is still sitting on the dragon“chatting”with Byakuran and Reborn. “Oh, dang it. I’ll be right back!!”

“Everyone is at position now, so prepare yourselves. The game is now on.”Itsuki says. “One tiny warning: Remember not to kill her... =P”


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Chapter 9 : She’s saved ❦ The Demon

“Itsumi, Calm Down. It’s me, Itsuki, your brother. Now would you just calm yourself down and tamed tha....”Just when Itsuki is trying to calm his sister down, Fira gives him a slap with its tail.

“The 35th time using that taming sentence and the 34th time being slapped by Fira. Sad life you have there, Itsuki. Haha...”Biniko once again teases him.

“Wow... Being slapped most at the time and he still wants to use that approach, I really have nothing to say, but just to admire that stubbornness of his.”Tsuna mumbles.

“Biniko, would you mind to keep your mouth shut for a while. Why not you use that technique of yours again to overcome her.”Itsuki says in dissatisfaction when Biniko teased him that way just now.

“Alright, It just failed last time. Better than your 34th time of failure to save your sister,”Biniko teases him again.

“Will see about that.”Itsuki says.

“Po-koi-lai-ji-ku-ji-ka Tsu-ko-pi-mi-hyun-yi-ma!!!”Biniko says some unknown spell out to try calming Itsumi.

Everything stops, just like the time has stopped moving. Suddenly, a slap from Fira is now given to Biniko but this slap is “slightly” harder than the one Fira gave to Itsuki just now,

“Ouch, luckily I’m not the one that got slap...”Tsuna mumbles.

“Come on! You call that as nice? Haha!! Got slap also la!!!”Now, it’s Itsuki’s turn to tease Biniko back.

“Can you al just stop fighting?”Akihiko can’t stand their meaningless fight anymore. “Tsuna is here. He share the main aura as Itsumi’s aura. He might be able to calm Itsumi down better than all of us here.”

“He might be right. Itsuki, why not give it a try?”Kuhami says.

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“Yeah, why not let Tsuna give it a try?”Itsuki says as he finally realizes that Tsuna is sharing the same aura as Itsumi.

“What!!?? I can’t handle it!! You all gotta be kidding me!! I dun even know a single spell until now...”Tsuna is trying to defend himself from being in trouble for himself.

“You can’t let The 10th to take the risk. I, as his right-hand man will do it for him.”Gokudera stands up for Tsuna and help Tsuna defending himself too.

“Since when you are his right-hand man? I thought I am his right-hand man all the time.”Yamamoto says.

“Come on, guys. Now is simply not the time for you all to fight. Tsuna, are you gonna help Itsumi or not?”Itsuki says.

“Didn’t you guys fight just now too?”Tsuna once again mumbles to himself.

“Useless-Tsuna!! Isn’t Itsumi now your friend? Remember what did you say in the training for last battle with Byakuran?”Reborn once again suddenly pop out of nowhere and asks Tsuna.

Tsuna was like having a light bulb above him, remembered what did he say during the last training.

Reborn, saying this with a smile, “I see you remembered, so what are you doing here? Quickly go help her!!”

“But I’m just scared that I just can’t help her or maybe harm her.”Tsuna quickly neglect himself.

“It’s okay Tsuna! Believe in yourself!!”Itsuki says. “Believing in yourself is always the best to save anyone and you. Just try doing it!!”

“But I don’t know anything about magic.”Tsuna says.

“I see you all are having fun chatting there! I’m sorry but... Fira! You know what to do.”Itsumi with Fira flying in the sky saying.

Right after Itsumi saying this, Fira gives a loud roar. Itsumi jumps out from Fira and it wraps her with her wings. A few seconds later, Fira puts her down, growling

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deeply, just like preying on something. Itsumi, walking out from the wings, with a different outfit, a black armor with wings covered by black feathers.

“So, you think you can challenge me boy? Come do it! I’m all ready to fight!”Itsumi says in a different voice. A voice that sounds like her voice but deeper and it feels like another man’s voice is mixing with her voice, there is just a word to describe her voice now ----- WEIRD!!

Suddenly, a familiar voice comes by from her direction. “Run away, you all can’t fight with him!! RUN!!”That voice, yes, it belong to no others, is Itsumi’s voice. Itsumi true self is actually fighting with that demon that is in her all the time now.

“Itsumi!!”Itsuki shouted.

“That brat!!!”that demon-ish voice came back . “Will you listen to her to run away or will you stay here to let me use up all of her powers to torture you all!! HAHAHA!!! Think carefully! ”After that, she sits in Fira and fly up into the sky.

“I will fight for her!!”Tsuna says, although he is very afraid now.

“No, Tsuna, you are wrong!! We all are gonna fight for her!!”Itsumi and his gang says.

“We will also!!”All the Vongola family says.

“Good! Now all of us have to combine force and fight them!”Tsuna says.

“Nice! But Tsuna, you will have to be alone. All of the guardian have a pair. Except for you and Hibari. So can the both of you cooperate together?”

“Hibari!?”Just as Tsuna hears “Hibari”, he got goosebumps. But in order to save Itsumi, he will have to force to be with him.

“H...h...i...i...i, H...i...ib...a...a...ri.”Tsuna says in tension.

“I heard that, little animal. Just come up into Hi-Gon and just don’t disturb my prey, or you are gonna be my next prey.”Hibari says in coolness.

“Yes, sir!!”Tsuna immediately reply to Hibari. “Hi-Gon, he even named thus dragon?”Tsuna is having this thought in him.

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“Now everything is settled, so can we start now?”Itsuki says.

“Wait!! We don’t even know any spells!!”Tsuna says.

“Having trust in yourself is always the best spell.”Itsuki says. “Now, up we go!!”

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Will ‘Itsumi’ be defeated in the end or will Tsuna and everyone else be defeated? Stay Tune!!

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Chapter 10 : The Battle ❡ The Announcement

“Tsuna, you are just like what Reborn says. U-S-E-L-E-S-S, USELESS!! You can’t even fly your dragon when everyone is already able to do so.”Itsumi says.

“Hey! Don’t say this to The 10th! You have no right to ---”

“Bi-I-Li-On-To.”Itsuki says and points to Gokudera. “I thought that we told you to be more polite. Haha :P”

Gokudera feels frustrated and rolls his eye. He walks away to find his dragon, tapping it, giving it some food and also thinking to himself, “What is wrong with them? Do they really think that they are really that fantastic? For me, I don’t think so. Haiz... When are we getting out of here?”

Kahiru heard his thought, she immediately flies to him and whispers, “Tell me what happened that time and I will break that spell for you. But you have to promise me to not tell anyone about it that i help to break your spell, okay?”

Gokudera hears that she is gonna break that spell for him and straight away gives an “okay” sign for her. The both of them walk away from the training place and run to the farm.

“Ki-I-No-To.”Kahiru says softly to Gokudera and right away, he can talk.

“Finally, I can talk!!! What is it you wanna know, kid?”Gokudera asks Kahiru.

“I’m a kid no more! I maybe short but I’m not a kid!!! I share the same age as Itsumi!!!”Kahiru quickly defense herself after being called a kid.

Gokudera is scared after seeing her action like this and quickly says, “You wanna know what happened yesterday right? I’ll shall tell you now, er... er... er... Kid.”

“I’m not a kid! I own a name call Kahiru, Mister.”

“Sorry, sorry, kid. Let me tell you what happened yesterday now.”Gokudera says with an awkward smile on his face.

“He is still calling me a kid... *sob* *sob*”Kahiru mumbles to herself.

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“After we all went there, and after all the lectures from Reborn to Tsuna, we started the fight with Itsumi...”

*Back to the time when they are in the battle...*

Tsuna took a pellet, putting it into his mouth, swallowing it now. “I’m ready now. Let’s go!”Tsuna said it confidently.

“Wow... What is wrong with the pellet? He looks completely different after swallowing that!”Itsuki said in shock.

“Oii! don’t get your mind away with that, concentrate, Itsuki!”Kuhami said and the serious face of his once again appeared.

“Sorry! :P”Itsuki apologized.

“Oh, I see you are still the same as last time, being so blur as always.”Itsumi says. “Tsk, Fira!”Fira showed up, getting more and more serious then fired up. “Fire of the Black!”

“Dang! Not that attack! Not that direct to them!”Itsuki was then once again in shock. “Dodge it! Tsuna! Hibari!”

“Zero-Point Breakthrough, First Edition.”Tsuna, standing in the middle of the sky, saying that out. The Fire of the Black suddenly turned into that unmelted ice. “After that attack, is gonna be mine now! X-BURNER, Air!”

Just as that attack was about to reach them,“What is with that light?”Itsumi wondered in her heart. “Fira, dodge it!”

But, it was too late for them to dodge that attack. Without wasting of time, “it’s time for it! Kuhami, Biniko, Akihiko, keep on repeating that spell to pressure her. Itsuki, you too! The Vongola, please follow us when we are saying out the spell, this might just be the only way to save Itsumi from it.”Midori says.

“Sure!” “No problem!” “Let’s deal with it”... All of them said.

“Ni-Ko-Pa-Li-On Al-Fos-Ka-Jyu-Forst.”Kuhami, Biniko and Akihiko started to say the spell in order to save Itsumi from that demon. Then followed by everyone there saying the spell out.

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“AH!!! Stop it! It is making me crazy!!”Itsumi shouted. “Quickly stop it!! I can’t stand any of this anymore!! Quit it!!”

“Not until you let her go.”Tsuna says.

“Alright, fine. I will let her go, okay? Just stop that spell right now!”Itsumi said in that demon-ish voice.

“Let her go now! She has been possessed by you since we lost them!!”Itsuki shouted. “Free her now!!”

“As you wish, sir.” ‘Itsumi’ said with that evil smile on the face. “I’m freeing her now.”

Right after ‘she’ said this, Itsumi was felling down and a dark shadow flew by. “I did exactly what you said, Mr. Itsuki. Oh, and see who is falling down, is your sister. Hahaha, you can’t even save her, can you? As useless as always, ha!!”

“Itsumi!”All of them shouted.

Tsuna flew straight to Itsumi, trying to catch her. Just when he is about to reach his hand to her, Fira grabbed her and now she is saved. Although she is saved, but she is still unconscious.

“I maybe out from her, but the curse is still with her! Hahaha! See you, brats!”That shadow was about to fly away, but Yamamoto, Gokudera, and Hibari seemed to catch it just in time and ‘punished’ it.

“It looks like that shadow is trying to escaped...” Yamamoto said.

“How dare you fight the 10th? You ain’t even worth it to let the boss uses his X-Burner!” Gokudera said.

“I’ll bite you to death no matter what!”Hibari said.

“You can’t kill me no matter what! I am a demon! Muah, Hahaha!!”The shadow said.

“Shadows aren’t good with the sun.”Gokudera said. “Why not we expose you to the sun, Mr.Shadow.”

Fan Fiction (Hitman Reborn)! Fong Hiue Mun

Page 36: The Second Parallel World

“Anything but not the sun! Please?”The shadow was scared and was once again trying to escape.

“Eh, so you think you can escape? Let’s bring to the sun.”Yamamoto said.

“Sounds great to me!”Gokudera said.

“Don’t mess with my prey!”Hibari said.

“We’ll let you do anything with it later, Hibari. Just calm down.”Yamamoto said to try calm Hibari.

*Back to where Kahiru and Gokudera are...*

“...... calm Hibari. And that is what happened that day.”Gokudera says. “That Itsumi, troubled the 10th once and now scold him just because he can’t fly the dragon after he saved his life. Tsk, who does she think she is? Scolding him all the time.”

“Hey, Itsumi is not that bad.”Kahiru says.

“Tsk, for me, she is just a bad ass.”

“Bi-I-Li-On-To! Show some respect for her. She is just being strict to him.”

“What is wrong here now? Is that a curse for me? Being asked to mute myself all the time. Us that really a fun thing for them to do to other people?”Gokudera thinks in his mind, forgetting that Kahiru is a mind reader.

“Hey! Shut up will you? of course is not fun for us to mute people. Is just that they are getting more and more annoying, and we just can’t stand it.”Kahiru says just like she is answering his question.

“What!? How can she hear me? I am just thinking. Wait... She is a mind reader, and I forgot...”

“That is always an important for you to never forget, mister. :P”She says, no, she doesn’t say it out loud, but it fact, she says it in his mind.

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Page 37: The Second Parallel World

“And I think now is going to be the best time for us to go back to their side before they kill us with our eardrums being burst. Ki-I-No-To.”she says. This time she says it normally and doesn’t says it in his mind.

“Are you trying to fool me? Putting and lifting that spell on me over and over again? Is that a joke?”Gokudera says with his anger!

“I see you are not really good in numbers. You obviously forgot that 3 minutes is over and you should be able to talk since Itsuki land that spell from you.”

“But you landed a spell and lifted it just now, kid.”He continues the “fight” between him and Kahiru.

“Cause you are just too annoying just now. Now will you just keep quiet for a while and go back to them?”Kahiru continues.

“Tsk, why not you pit that spell on me again, kid.”he says in his mind.

“That is a very big offer. Alright, Bi-Li-I...”Just as she is wanting to put that spell on him, Gokudera stopped her and says, “I’m sorry, kid. I didn’t mean that...”

“Alright, I will forgive you......”

“Thanks, kid! You are really nice.”

“Hey! I haven’t finish with my sentence. I will forgive you if you can remember my name and say it out loud.”

“Your name... your name... is Ka... Ka-something.”

“My name is definitely not Ka-something! Think again!”

“I remember the first word is Ka. Oo, I remembered! Is Ka... Ka... ka... ka...”


“Kahiru is her name, Gokudera!”Akihiko suddenly pops out of nowhere and freaks the both of them out.

“Akihiko! Don’t you ever scare us like that! That is very scary!”Kahiru says immediately.

Fan Fiction (Hitman Reborn)! Fong Hiue Mun

Page 38: The Second Parallel World

“Sorry! So now, Gokudera. Have you remembered her name?”after apologizing, Akihiko asks Gokudera .

“Of course! Her name is Karuhi.”Gokudera says awkwardly.

After hearing that, Akihiko and Kahiru give themselves a facepalm.

“Never mind, you can just call me ‘kid’.”Kahiru says in disappointment. “Is still better than calling me the wrong name.”

“How long have you been there, Akihiko?”Gokudera asks.

“He can remember his name, not my name, what a sad life I have here...”Kahiru says in her mind.

“I just came in. Oh, before I forgot. We need to go to the farm now. Mr. Byakuran and Reborn is calling us.”


“Where is the three of them? I am so gonna give them an earful later when we meet.”Itsumi says. “Unforgivable. They should know that today is the day that we are going to know what are the Vongola doing here.”

“I’m sorry. We’re late. I was trying to tell them what happened yesterday and Gokudera was trying to help me add in some things that I left out.”

“Hmm, really? I remember making Gokudera muting...”Itsumi thinks and says it out. “Well, but since is Akihiko that is saying it, then it should be true.”

“She really buys that!!”Gokudera thinks in shock.

“Wow, everyone is here already!”Byakuran pop out out of nowhere again and says.

“Ahhh! Byakuran sure likes to scare people!”Tsuna shouted it out.

“We totally agree with you!!”All of them say.

“Reborn, is your time.”Byakuran continues.

Fan Fiction (Hitman Reborn)! Fong Hiue Mun

Page 39: The Second Parallel World

“Reborn, what is he going to do?”Tsuna wonders in his heart.

“All of you have been waiting for so long that why are you here or why are they here. And now is the time for you to know!”Reborn says.

“Reborn is finally telling us. What a relieve!”Tsuna thinks.

“But first, let us play a game! And the game will be try guessing why are the Vongola here! Of course there will always be punishment if you guess wrongly. And one more rule, Kahiru you can’t play this game.”

“Why can’t I play this game?”Kahiru complains.

“You’re a mind-reader, Kahiru.”Byakuran says. “And now, will you just please stand a side?”He says to her now with his evil smile on the face.

“Each of you are given a chance, duration is 5 minutes. And your time starts now.”Reborn says.

“But, Reborn, can you give us some tips?”Tsuna begs.

“Tsuna has already given the answer! Is there any changes, Tsuna?”

“That is not my answer!”Tsuna yells.

“I see you changed your mind, and I believe that is your final answer.”Reborn says.

“That is not even my answer!!”Tsuna yells. But, Reborn is just ignoring him.

“I think that this is a mafia game?”Yamamoto says.

“Not a bad answer, Yamamoto. Any changes?”Reborn asks.

“Nope, I’m kinda sure of it.”

“Good. Yamamoto made his answer.” Reborn says.“ 3 more minutes left.”

*3 minutes later...*

Fan Fiction (Hitman Reborn)! Fong Hiue Mun

Page 40: The Second Parallel World

“The 10th, I’m sure that my answer is going to be correct!”Gokudera says. “We are not going to get any punishment! (^.^)”

“But your answer is very weird...”Ryohei says.

“Turf head! Is still at least better than your answer! Saying that ‘is because to win a boxing competition’.”

“Mine is better! Yours is like ‘because it is to help all of us to know much more theory of science and maths’.”

“Isn’t that true, Turf Head!? When we fly the dragon, we have to know the speed and control it...”

“The both of you seriously have to stop fighting...”Tsuna is trying to end their fight.

“HaHaHa!! Lambo-san’s answer is the best!!! BECAUSE IS TO BUY LOTS OF LOTS OF LOTS OF TAKOYAKI!!!”

“That sure is another weird answer. Oh, Chrome, what is your answer?”Tsuna asks.

“Boss, I did not answer anything...”Chrome answers shyly.

“Why didn’t you answer, you stupid woman.”Gokudera shouts.

“Silence is always the best answer, though...”


“Is there anything wrong with that answer she gave?”Hibari asks. “Silence is always the best answer.”

“Which means that, you didn’t answer too... I don’t want to be in any punishment.”Tsuna says and almost fainted.

“The 10th maybe the Germini-s did not answer the question well also?”Gokudera is trying to comfort Tsuna.

Fan Fiction (Hitman Reborn)! Fong Hiue Mun

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“You’re wrong.”Kahiru pop out of nowhere and says. “They did not answer the questions either.”

“We’re gonna be in deep shit...”Tsuna says.

“Now, for the punishment first, Tsuna you are the one that gave a very unreasonable answer. Therefore, you are needed to clean the farm all by yourself, and without any help from the others.”

“Why just me... T__T”Tsuna cries.

“The 10th, no need to worry, I will sneak and help you out.”Gokudera says.

“Gokudera, you are such a life-saver.”

“Those who sneak and help him out, will receive a bigger punishment than Tsuna’s punishment.”Reborn says.

“Sorry, the 10th, I can’t seem to help you now. Good luck!”Gokudera says and feels sorry to Tsuna.

“Doomsday, is heading ahead to me now...T__T”Tsuna cries.

“Now, the reason that we are here is because...”

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Chapter 9 : The End

“I never thought that we were there in Alkopia is just only for that reason.”Tsuna says. “But helping out them to get their charms from their parents for the Family is not bad though.”

“Yup, yup. AH! I miss this school balcony so much. The Charm is quite cool though! And all of us now have one!”Yamamoto shouts to the sky.

“You all now received a charm. In all of your future fights, you will be able to summon your dragons out. ”Reborn says with his smile. “It can even cooperate with your pet too!”

“Haha! Yea! Let’s head back to the classroom. Or we’ll be late for class.”

All three of them head to the class.

“Good morning, boss!”Chrome says.

“Good morning, Tsuna, Yamamoto.”Kyoko says.

“Good Morning! :D”Tsuna replies.

“The 10th!!”Gokudera shouts when he saw Tsuna coming into the classroom. “We have big problem here!!”

“What i---”Tsuna is wanting to ask what happened, but he is stun when he saw The Germini in their class, and most importantly in their school uniform.

“Yo, Tsuna!!”Itsuki says.

“Why are you all here!? In the classroom, in Japan!? Why are you all even in this world!?”Tsuna shout asking.

“Chill, chill. we are here because of two reasons. ”Itsumi says.

“One of them is to thank you for helping us getting the Charm from our parents and because of that we now know that our parents is still alive but are just being embarrassed that they actually accidentally summoned the demon out and it went into Itsumi’s eye.”Itsuki says.

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“He just mentioned Itsumi’s eye, again...”Gokudera says.

“Haha, there will not be any trouble caused anymore. I have already successfully control that eye of mine.”Itsumi says with a big, loud laugh. “And for the second reason, is that Byakuran asks us to be here with you all, as our repayment.”

“What repayment?”Tsuna asks.

“The repayment of helping you all in your future battles. :D”

“There will be more battles!? I’m gonna be stress out again!”

“Yo, How are you everyone!”Yamamoto says.

“Hello!”The five of them say (Kahiru , Itsuki, Itsumi, Biniko and Midori).

“There is just 5 of them. Where is the other two!!??”Tsuna thinks in the heart.

“Kuhami is in the boxing club with Ryohei and Akihiko does not have a need to come to school, he is 20 by the way.”Kahiru answers, as she reads through his mind.

“Well, this is gonna be another fun year though , with everyone in here. Right, Tsuna?”Yamamoto being cheerful as always says.

“I don’t think so. I think I am going to be muted in anytime, at anywhere or in any situation.”Gokudera says, having the “phobia”of being muted by Itsumi.

“It’s not!!! Do you know how dangerous it will be when all of them are here. But if you all are here, I think is might be a quite fun one though. :D”Tsuna says.

“Everyone, Let’s celebrate in Tsuna’s for your arrival tonight!!”

“Yay!!!”The Germini says.

“You ought to be kidding me... (>人<;)”Tsuna cries.

And now we are at the End of this story....

Fan Fiction (Hitman Reborn)! Fong Hiue Mun