The Science of Odd Lifts

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  • 8/10/2019 The Science of Odd Lifts


    Copyright 2006 2007

    The Science of Odd Lifts

    Josh Henkin

    Whenever I use a training method, technique, or exercise I always ask myself the same

    first question, why? Why am I using this in the program for myself or my client. What is

    the goal, how is the helping their needs, and what type of results do I expect?

    Unfortunately, many coaches and trainers dont use this approach. They use a specific

    method or exercise because it is fashionable, trendy, and/or everyone else is doing it! It

    seems that a certain type of training that I favor has started to fall into this trap. Odd

    object lifting (OOL) has started to grow not only among coaches and trainers, but in

    more mainstream media as well. Such a trend should make me very enthusiastic as I am a

    big promoter of this style of training, but as all good things people have lost perspective

    upon why they are using such a valuable training technique.


    If there was ever an overused term in the industry it may be sport-specific. Dr. Zatsiorsky

    defines sport-specific exercises as training drills relevant to demands of the event for

    which an athlete is being trained (Zatsiorsky, 1995). Once we think in these terms we

    need to consider type of muscle actions, muscles used, bio-motor qualities, joint angles,and when various forces are applied. This is obviously a lot more detailed than trying to

    replicate sporting action. Dr. Zatsiorsky actually recommends a three year period of

    training before such specific exercises are even applied. This prepratory period can help

    the athlete develop more general abilities such as various strength qualities (maximal

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    Copyright 2006 2007

    strength, strength-endurance, strength-speed), muscular balance, dynamic flexibility, and,

    aerobic/anaerobic endurance.

    How does this relate to OOL? Using these methods gives a simple way of improving

    such strength qualities, working through extreme ranges of motion, building stabilizer

    strength, and improving overall conditioning. They can also help train the muscles in a

    similar manner as they would be used in sport as in tire flipping, sledge hammer training,

    sled work, and sandbag training. In his famous book, Encyclopedia of Wrestling

    Conditioning, John Jesse speaks about the athletic benefits of sandbags,

    The use of heavy sandbags and their large circumference forces the lifter to do

    his lifting with a round back instead of the traditional straight back lifting with a

    barbell. It is this type of lifting that truly develops a strong back. It develops the

    back and side muscles in movements that are identical to the lifting and pulling

    movements of wrestling.

    This is a favorite quote of mine as it speaks about the difference of stimulating versus

    simulating athletic movements. We want to train for the needs and demands of the sport

    without trying to replicate the actual sporting action. Such techniques should be left for

    elite level athletes and coaches that have the ability to break down the exact

    biomechanics of sporting actions.

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    Copyright 2006 2007

    Explosive Hip Drive

    Ask any good coach how to improve strength in the weight room that will transfer to

    sport and they will often reference the posterior chain. This group of muscles comprising

    of the hamstrings, glutes, and the low back are key in power development and have

    received a great deal of attention in articles and research. This is one of many reasons

    Olympic lifting is such a favorite tool of coaches. Some will state the complexity of

    Olympic lifts does not make them user friendly, flexibility issues make performing

    certain lifts very difficult, very few coaches/trainers feel confident in teaching these

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    Copyright 2006 2007

    drills, and quality equipment can be expensive. OOL solves many of these problems as

    well as offering some unique benefits.

    For example, anyone can learn a basic sandbag shoulder movement in minimal time

    (shouldering is basically a clean done to one side of the body). People find success in

    these exercises very quickly which allows us as the coach to provide faster results.

    Shouldering is a relatively natural movement since most of us at one point or another has

    brought something from the floor to a shoulder. Just think of the parent that picks up

    their child and carries them on one side of their body. With minimal coaching you can

    teach someone how to move quickly and perform proper hip drive in almost no time. The

    simplicity of shouldering also gives the coach confidence and this is an important factor

    in selecting appropriate exercises. Not only does one learn how to perform the hip drive,

    they can start using appreciable loads in no time. Often we forget that load is a factor in

    strength development, but it is hesitation in proper technique execution that keeps many

    coaches from using appropriate loads. We can avoid that problem with the many of the

    OOL drills.

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    Copyright 2006 2007

    The dilemma in using one medium (i.e. barbell) is that we tend to develop a specific

    groove for that movement. This is why the first time a person performs a sandbag, keg,

    or heavy medicine ball lift they feel very awkward and off balance. Lifting various

    mediums expands our bodys physical literacy. This concept was coined by Istvan Balyi

    and refers to our bodys familiarity with a wide range of movement patterns.

    Understanding this theory allows us to gain greater appreciation for the role of general

    physical preparation for all clients. Implementing these techniques increases performance

    as well as decreases injury potential.

    A Strong Grip

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    Copyright 2006 2007

    Expert throwing coach, Dan John, has a great saying in regards to program design, eat

    the biggest frog first. What the heck does that mean? Many of us are guilty of worrying

    about the smallest details without truly addressing the larger more immediate concerns.

    Strong hands I feel fall into this category. In functional training circles you will hear

    terms such as, core training, stabilization, balance, etc. Yet, we never, ever hear

    anything about grip training. Stop for a moment and think about how many daily

    activities and sports require strong hands. It is almost comical that this issue is never

    addressed. Since I am on a role with clichs lets think about the classic, the chain is

    only as strong as its weakest link. If we think in these terms then how can we not

    prioritize grip training in everyones workouts?

    Grip legend, John Brookfield often talks about three main forms of grip strength,

    crushing, pinching, and wrist strength. There are also issues of hand dexterity as well, but

    this time we will focus on these three main points. While squeezing a dumbbell or a

    barbell really hard is a nice way to improve ones crushing grip strength, it wont be the

    pancea and still leaves out the other two forms of hand training. Just as with using

    different mediums for challenging the nervous system in explosive lifts, using different

    implements will have varying effects on hand strength. Sandbags challenge all three

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    Copyright 2006 2007

    components as it is the only implement where the weight actually changes its

    configuration. Kegs can also train the three types of hand strength, but for different

    reasons. A water filled keg will have a moving weight inside causing the grip dynamics

    to change as the implement is being lifted. When lifting by the lip of the keg the hand

    positions might need to change or the gripping strategies will have to be manipulated.

    One does not simply grab on as hard as possible, rather during different times there is

    relaxation and suddenly maximal tension is applied. Heavy medicine balls (those 30

    pounds and up) are different yet again because there is not good place to grip. The lifter

    must use a very firm static contraction of the hands, fingers, and wrists to lift a heavy

    medicine ball. This is where most lifters will fail and where you can see who truly has

    strong hands.

    Climbing ropes are a highly underutilized implement and can greatly contribute to

    stronger hands. Of course one can use ropes for climbing, but you can also substitute

    them for some of your favorite drills as I have shown below. I would forewarn though

    not to overuse this tool as you can develop elbow tendonitis if you overtrain with

    climbing ropes.

    Improved Dynamic Flexibility

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    Copyright 2006 2007

    Recently I gave a lecture where I had twelve people perform a circuit of heavy medicine

    ball squats, keg shouldering, and sandbag clean and presses. Besides the heart attacks

    that I almost caused people, it was amazing to see everyone had a perfect squat when

    using the heavy medicine ball. We had no warm-up, minimal instruction time, and yet

    everyone had a squat most of us would dream for with our clients. As much as I would

    like to say this is magic, it isnt.

    Front squatting has almost seen a rebirth in the industry. One main reason more and more

    people are implementing front squats is that it is often easier to have a client perform a

    proper squat with the weight in front rather than behind the back. There are many reasons

    this is true.

    Many people feel a high level of discomfort with a weight on their back. If

    someone is already cringing when the bar is placed upon the back you are going

    to invoke the startle-reflex which will almost guarantee you a great level of

    forward lean and a less desireable lifting posture.

    Holding the weight in front of the body forces the lifter to stay more upright and

    helps teach them how to sit down rather than bend over. The subtle key of

    learning how to sit the hips back without an excessive forward lean is very

    important and easy to teach once you shift the weight in front.

    Great core work. Anyone who has tried front squatting can vouch for the great

    amount of trunk work that is done when using this lift.

    However, front squatting isnt easy for everyone either. If we use the classic clean style

    there may be an issue of wrist flexibility. A crossed arm position may work better, but

    can be difficult for young athletes and women that do not possess a lot of upper body

    mass. Holding an implement in the old time Zercher style works better than most of these

    techniques, especially for beginners. Zercher squats at one time were very popular as a

    phenomenal trunk exercise along with the legs. Trying to maintain an upright posture

    against a load pulling you forward is not an easy task. With Zercher squats you do bypass

    many of the problems that a front squat could possess. You will be amazed by the depth

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    Copyright 2006 2007

    Core Work

    Should we do it standing or lying down, should we work in the transverse plane, or

    sagittal, should we use cables, medicine balls, or free weights? All of these ideas get

    debated all of the time. In actuality, they become mute points when you use a variety of

    techniques such as OOL. During lifts such as shouldering the trunk does not only have to

    support the body during the lifting phase of the movement, but it is also forced to resist

    rotation. As my colleague, Keats Snideman, pointed out in his article, Defending the

    Sagittal Plane, there are times where a lift may look as though it is sagittal, but in

    actuality the body is being forced to resist movement in other planes of motion. Once the

    implement is on the shoulder, performing drills such as squats, lunges, etc. makes the

    body work in all three planes. Yes, again, these appear to be sagittal plane dominant

    exercises but the joint and muscles are resisting rotational and frontal plane forces. This

    is very functional as most times we are dealing with objects that are not perfect.

    Many OOL drills such as Zercher, overhead, get-ups, and carries are phenomenal for

    overall trunk development. Trying to maintain good posture during very dynamic actions

    is one reason these techniques are so beneficial. As I mentioned earlier, trying to stay

    upright during a Zercher squat is very demanding, try doing the same for lunges, step-

    ups, goodmornings, etc. This helps teach the trunk how to stabilize during dynamic

    motions. Many coaches are still teaching trunk stability primemarley during static

    activities, not very functional.

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    Copyright 2006 2007

    Dont do this everyday!

    Dont use when you have contraindications

    Yes, this has been used by athletes for hundreds of years as a valid training

    medium, dont tell me it is dangerous!

    In the End

    My goal is two fold. First, that odd object lifting is a valid and effective method of

    training and secondly, it isnt the end all to training. As with all training techniques you

    need to identify the goal of the program and choose the appropriate methods from there.

    Far too often we lose sight of such a simple concept and start to blindly apply everything

    and anything to our clients. Always make sure you train yourself and your clients with a


    Josh Henkin is owner of Innovative Fitness Solutions ( in

    Scottsdale, Arizona. Coach Henkin has presented nationally in the field of fitness and

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    Copyright 2006 2007

    sports enhancement. He is also the author of High Octane Sandbag Training manual

    and DVD as well as creator of the Ultimate Sandbag (

    You can reach him [email protected]