13 :traE:>-sAl!jrj^.AyGl]SGO^G^: traE:>-sAl!jrj^.AyGl]SGO^G^ :';\u25a0.'. '. CITY REAt ESTATE \u25a0"•" UrjUS* HIRSCHLEtt~......ioBO Sutter st" k ..; Pbone West IC7S ....Near Fillmore : ; rW',OOO—Large business corner, store and flats ... Os Drvisadero st; rents $7,250 per rear- , ; ..; $35,000 mortgage can remata^/pSd ••. : . buy; worth looking into -;.: $12,500— t rnodprn flats of 4 rooms and bath each, in Presidio heights; renta $140 p*r .... nionth; best fiat Investment ia the mar- .;$12,500-3 elegant Cats on Carl st near Cole; - •;\u25a0 Fplpndid buj*. . |.>.s;i.So( l -^legaat home of 13 rooms; Panhandle r'po.000— Snap; 2 modern Bats: 6 rooms and bath each: rents $110; $4,000 mortgage can V '«- rrJ*?,* I*''1 *'' look teto ttls « once. * :;;-^^Kr<5 s tr s,ct5 ,ctT 8 •»* bath: pam « s«- :';\u25a0-;-" ." , Unobstructed marine view lots oa Val- '\u25a0\u25a0 '''\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 ''\u25a0 "•\u25a0 ;^ O rin C °^f r B , aker ' aoM bill;' choicest \u25a0 : \u25a0-- ?** f 1 vh> V.»"ts: best selmioa; come .;.:--. .. end 6ee us about them: some big bargain*. :\u25a0• Branch office open daily, including \u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0' -.« ,-, Sundays. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0:'. **» H ft. near -»th cv. Phone Park Ml \u25a0:?:• -:. lots: lots- lots: i£m $Vm ; ..".'-.;•\u25a0 ward; ready to buUd oa; terma to sult^ . •--. . ' on car line. •'- "' ' n.^!*^' hoaSM «<1 fl»ts la Sunset, •\u25a0 :i '\u25a0 %r h^n !a« >»W»t«. Call st "•\u25a0\u25a0' branch office and see our large assort- ;; *2.ooo— Great barpalas on n st. Inside cf 19th ' -•'•"• f^lt, i~ JJ f J cl "t"** bitumlnixed. and :-.: - ? . rt( . fronUl « Goldea Gate park. , .53.800— G00d borne on lt»th ay. near B tt; ••\u25a0':' «s «rn^J h . laor * Money: owner anxious to sell. , . .*3;s3o— Cottage of 4 rooms *nd bath; Sunset :; V-^ 000 N ie<" bungalow of 3 rooms: 14th ay. •• *i «An « Tar<l near rolct Lobos; easy term*.' ,- -fi.ow—-Bcagalow of 3 rooms and both, lnclnd- ,... - ing furniture: near tie beach, \u25a0;; LIPMANA HIRSCHLCR. 19S0 Satter st " ' ;' ;. FOR SAUE \u25a0--;.-. --\u25a0 •.•\u25a0'- ,S£ n i h ' n " c ' :t ror - Jacksoa and Devisadero, 67:8 . : : . *}*'\u25a0% with 3 bouses. 2351 end 2359 Devlsa- dcro and 2SII Jackson st: aU modera lm- : . provements; wiU sell separate. « r --- \u25a0• Northerly line of Fulton st., 100 feet east \u0084.;-.-- -of Polk, 120x120. to Ash ay.. and Improve- v ?* st SetS M * ct fith mr - 2K:6 «»th of Point .-;-..- .-.Lohos; $1,275. I 2^ ts - 14rlB - Sanders nt nr. 14th., 25x125; . , .57,000; par* £14 p, r o«,t: can b* raised. CASH OR INSTALLMENTS. •.. \u25a0 or vnLL, mpßovk \u25a0; ". -•; -: SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. "\u25a0- ?' :^u V - ?V ?• K « Tsxlo °: 3 lot"- *800 each. :-,'.isxl-00 ! ; 0 $^ th "• S - ***• E S 6t9 ' S - :i -' T - 6" Er " H - SOsIOO. 2 lots; 8300 each. \u25a0•- <&2&! l e T" S" bet L * nd MS - 55x100. 3 lots; - - .$4OO cadi. 1 * T * S " "' G %t " T5xl00 « 3 lot »: *250 p "* Q 6tl - s - 50x100 - .C 2 iTs^bc) 1 a S ,d R«Gs*on<lR «G5*0 n<1 * T ' "•• CeXloo % ..-_ -.;-: GEORGE K. FRINK. 2626 Vallejo st . ?S.ooO—Fice 6 room cottage ln best part of \u25a0 c'jeset; rurnlahed. $S 500-^ end 6 room fiats; Clement st, close '. .' in: hicb. baspment. f 53^~ 5 fiats -inside ICth ay., Richmond; rents .. 112.600— Buflnrss property n^ar Rth" and Har- _ ,rt»°n sts.; under lease 10 years et $105 month. .. tt 12.500— Improved lot in heart of commission flistrict: loased *t JlOO. with temporary build- .'.- ar; can jret $275 for $9,<kx» building. 1 .(sls.ooo— Store and Cat in best block oa Devlsa- . «sero «t.; rents $ISS. I ' f 45.000 86 room Cats on corner near park- - rents $430. '..s£so a month— loo rooms, north of Market oa \u25a0 . <\u25a0 large «ornw lot. PAUL BANCROFT. . .; : Temporary 2112. 725 Market .-.. LOTS. S37.r>oo— Bth Pt near Mcßse; 75x?5. *20.000 —^»th st. near Sherman: 50x100. \u0084 $10,500— 25 th it.; 12 lots; 23x100. * \u25a0 - $2.7so— Lake st. aad 3d ay.: 25x109. $7.soo— Greea st. near Mason: 00x100. \u25a0 £ HOUSES AND LOTS. f32.80f> Devisadero st. a?er Turk: 71x137. J2S.soo— C*pp at. near 24th: 60x115. $21.0f«i Ellis st. new Bartanan: 25x120. ' .BERKELEY PROPERTY— ALLKINDS. T*)ts ln Reis tract; lots ia Sunset tract. Lots la University Mound tract. WRIGHT & GREENE. 322 Bnsh Bt . -$12,000 2 up to date flat*. 2 years old; 6 and 7 :.' -. . romas: nicely furnished; choice location. : ' \u25a0-. 1410 Halght 6t. \u25a0 \u25a0"iT.OOO Here are two 6' and 6 room fiats, 1% years old: well built; this sixe and price bard to find. 1410 Halght Bt $4,500 Three 4-5 and 6 room flats; new; rent $S0: mortgage of $4,000 to remain; start . here. 1410 Halght fct. ~~ E. S. FYFE & CO.. ~~ SS4S Mission ft. Telephone Market 2154. $CSO Jfew 2 room cottaye: 2 blocks Guerrero nt. cars; $250 caeh; $15 iaoath; sewer con- nections. •f1."350 New 4 room «rttage: near cars: terms. .' WE have buyers for property north of the park. . "What tave yon to offer? Quick sale; all cash. ... W. J. GCNN. \u25a0. Northeast corner Greoa and Devisadero sts. Phone West 2oltf. v .H.AVE you a lot residence or flat for sale withia ;\u25a0' ' 3 blacks of Union st.. north or south, and west .. of Hyde et.? Then call oa - :•-•- W. J. GUNN, :. " .ICortteest comer Green nnd Devtiadero ets. ;V_ Phone West 2C16. -t^i SURVEY OFFICE F. T. NEWBERY, CIVIL ENGINEER, LICENSED SURVEYOR. 2C3 CLEMENT ST.. COR. 3D AY. $12.000 35x60. nr. Geary end Taylor; suitable for small apartment bouse. $3.250 Large corn*»r. ir»th ay. and Pt TjOhos, with k<»y. MARK LANE. 1253 MeAlHrter. HAVE you a residence or lot north of California and west of Ilyde that yoa want to sell? a marine vi«>w preferred. W. J. GUNN, north- «"£st corner Greea aad Devisadero. Phone Wot 2C16. - . WE war.t to purchase a property oa California from Fillmore to Brod*rick. or oa Devisadero from California rtaiffbt. W. J. GUNN, f»rttj«!!!t comer Gccea aad Devisadero sts. Thou* Wcet 2618. RCHWEINHARD & CO.. Z Hesl Estate Agents. Established ISB3. Cottages and lots sold oa payments. Cholre inve»tm«itii -in iacome property. - Call or send for free catalogue. - ' ' KOTHERMF.L 4: CO.. CO3I Fillmore et... have *omi>. poM banraine ia city property; also . hocKPs and lot* in BcrfceJpr. Oakland and Ala- ro«><!E.. Get our new catalogue, j \. FJI-HKRT St.. 09 fp<-t east of Hyde st <"ar; 44i137:«: runny side of etreet: rrand marine view: v^ry ratuaWe for Eats or apartment hons«: owner at place. E. BAILEY. 2143 Market st Fin* marine tJ»w at switchback of ISth st r*rt:75*100: 2 frontages on Folsoro it.; cheap. HOMES, flats aad business property; your choice of Jocatinn «\u2666 two fine in Richmond. STAN- TON. O'BRIEN &, CO.. 1148 Market pt. IF you \u25a0<ntnt-a r^od lot in the Mission, kt S. MEEHAN & CO.. 4118 24th or 2116 Market. C. B. WtW.OX t CO.. 537 G. G. AY. ROOMIKQ & APARTMENT HOUSES. HOTELS. V% r <- CASH ?Sio. $10 monthly: near S st. Park- Rldf; great bargain. Box 500, Call office. " CHOICE building lots from $I,CK> up. 1410 Hw!ght st. ' MARt-V COUXTY REAL I2STATE. FOR sale on terms Pretty S roam snd bath cot- tajre; new; ia-tbe •woods of San Rafael; 10 ' ,~0 minutes to sfationt electric light, ell plumb- ing, telephone, water and sewvr: larce lot; ; most well. W&>. AUGrSTIN'R. 702 Market st. V. * BAK MATEO REAL ESTAT3 _ . '. \u25a0-\u25a0' ' See tbe new subdivision la ' SAN MATEO PARK. . I Gradual slope with fine eleratloa. presentloe a panoramic view cf over. 60 miles; lots 75 foot . * frontages: long depth; oiled roads; water and . sewer; eucalyptus and cypress trees; sold oa terras. . WILLIAMH. CONH. 204 B gt. Ban Mated HALFMOOy BAY REAL ESTATE FEEE exocrsion to Brophy's XSeach Tract Half. moon Bay. Thursdays and Sundays: large 50 ft : lots, frosting oa 2 streets. 00 tbe best bathing beach, sold -on terms; call and - arrange \u25a0 for transportation. FRANK P. BROPHY. 1128 Geary st~ near Van Ness ay. \u25a0 ' Phone Franklin 1165. Free Excursion Dally Tree. J]. r .O Large size lots on.tbe B. R. line, depot and Ocean boulevard: highest elevation, grand- *si location ; easy terms. - Call for free trans- portation tickets. POTTEB-STOLL CO.. 604 Mission st Atlas bldg. Tel.- Temporary 10»4. FREE excursion'to Halfmoon bay daily. JOR- DAN & UTTLEPAGB. 1443. Flllmore st. rooms 3 to 7: r>hone Wf>t 35. * --'.'-" SA*f RAFAEL REAL-ESTATE 1 GOIVG back to 'Frisro; sell 5 room bungalow. 125 foot Jot $1,500: half > value; easy . pay- mttntt. THIFXMANN. 233 B St.. San Rafael. SAJf AXSBLMO REAL ESTATE _ PRETTY home. S rooms and bath, 53.250; partly - furnished; plenty trees and sun. Inquire Hotel Row;!. - ' --.''-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0. PALO ALTO^ REAL ESTATE. - SEAL estate, all parts of Palo Alto ; \u25a0 lots aod TWa- sites; easy terms. CO-OPERATIVE ; LAND AND TRCST COMPANY. Palo Alto.- .; } '\u25a0 ..' .•\u25a0._\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I f .... \u25a0 i BAXTA CRUZ REAL ESTATE I HOMES. Investments, lots, email* ranches,' bean- 1 Ufel seaside resort E. M. Brows," Santa Cruz. I El* jn^(sss3JißifiHsaMESlsMJßSisa^Mß^BißaHaaißSsiMßVfifiß^Bftoißß ; MUSICAL % INSTRTJMENTS^CotitInned BUY,"' rent or exchange, direct <at factory,'* pianos : J that sing, their own praise,' WM. L,.BCHMITZ, \u25a0•'.' mfg.;v tuner, \ repairer; -. everything . guaranteed; \u25a0 20 1 years In his own building. \u25a04a 1Bartlett st : r.-lbet. , 21st ' and ; 22d, Valencia : and Mission sts.- 7? $10 TO $100 talkingI machines. 4 180 newi pianos, j ..; Mission \ Phonograph * and ' Piano - Co. 1 2687 \u25a0 Mls- ";sloB,st~:>-.''''-- -v.. -\u25a0_,'\u25a0:-.'-.-\u25a0/\u25a0.-:- \u25a0-..\u25a0'(.\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0'\u25a0' '\u25a0 j '- : " \u25a0::-.; BOHMER, 1 Byron " Mauzv = pianos. Oeclllan plaas j players... BYRON MAUZY. 117P O'FarreU st~>? 'A BNA"P-=-Upright' rouewood finish, perfect order. be sold.; 853 Valencia st \u25a0 " 'ALMOST v»ew -- Emerson \u25a0 upright." \u25a0 cheap. "v* HOR- gjNUNG,7ISS4 Eddy; st near, Fillmore, - .^, FlSHER i; nprlght, ' good-as ; new, -for $165. yHeine Piano Co.;" 1466 Bnsh st. \u25a0\u25a0 !.^__Jl^_L— ; \ AND ; STOREsT TO LET , SPACE iia Longfellow ; market \ 17x78 \u25a0 f ee t , suit- - -able for any first.class business; rent reason- 'lable; ; lease if \u25a0 desired. /" Apply 2236 Flllmore. : LARGE : office, '; with living " rooms, \u25a0 suitable : for t; doctor, , architect .or , contractor: '.. SW. corner ?;• ' Sntter ; and Larkln ; sts. ; long ' lease. FILLMORE •t.T 1738,^ nr. Sutter—Modern offices, -:-; with light and janitor service; low rentals. In- Vj quire at bank. y % : j^'j?;-: : :'' : ?Jv,:^ \u25a0\u25a0-.- C:.-t '\u25a0'*'\u25a0, Basement with conveniences j adapted for any busi- y.nesBralso large rear basement 1931^4 O'Farrell STORE : for. rent, $75 month. , ' Sl6 Van Ness ay. ; :T--' must » be rented \u25a0at * once.' \u25a0 ' * •. .-" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*_ \u25a0 \u25a0/__ HOTELS AND? APARTMENT HOUSES WASHINGTON ' apartments, * corner , of > Washlng- \u25a0iton and. 1 Lyon sts. New, ; sunny, 4 rooms and , batb;:rent $40, $45 and $50. Convenient ' to 4. car lines. --' Take Chutes car or Powell s and . Jackson or California and get off at Lyons st :;;Aeent on premises Oto 4and 7;to 8:30 even- '';. ; .-lngg."-.A.: : .V. \u25a0:':.:.".":: -i :^ r :^i--. : - ..-. : -'- :: . \u25a0 \u25a0'. ?. r * '..- \u25a0' :'.y NEW apartments .to \u25a0\u25a0> let, - containing 3 and 4 ;- rooms -and ' bath each and large storerooms . for each: every latest Improvement and all sunny, r'- Apply, on \u25a0 premises, 3163 -. California Bt;' bet" :-r:: -r : Lyon and > Presidio ay., ' only from 1 ; to 3 p.' m. HOTEL NORDEN,' 7SB Howard, bet. 3d *nd 4th; \u25a0 hot-cold j water and steam- 1heat ; ln every, room ; \u25a0; I elevator I service ; > rooms 50c. 75c. -$1 per: night rv; CHRISTENSEN ," & SHAW. '4. Props. A first .': class [ grill ; and . cafe la connection. ; v -" ' ST. GEO RGB,. BTH AND HOWARD STS. " ; 600 WELL VENTILATED SINGLE ROOMS. - ' : 25c -AND 35c PER NIGHT,; > $1.25 TO $1.75 PER WEEK.- HOT AND COLD>WATER. READING BOOM. THE KENSINGTON, Howard : and' Sixth sts.— . \u25a0 A - beautiful i newly.s furnished ! modern I house; r. central business district ; 1 2>blocks 1 from post- / : office, 10 minutes from ferry; all cars transfer .'-to door; rates most reasonable.- - ,. V, : —GOULD HOTEL— . * . FURNISHED ROOMS. - . DAY—WEEK—MONTH. . .^S24 laguna, cor.. McAllister. . PLANTERS'. HOTEL, cor. 1 2d and Folsom. sts.— '. 100 elegantly fnrnished : outside rooms, iaclud- •'. ring ; hot : and * cold » water,' electric lights, call bells and all conveniences; prices reasonable/ ENTERPRISE (The)," 1144 MARKET, now open; r"» strictly first class . HOTEL; .: large, ; elegantly , ' furnished (room, ; 60c to $1.50 per day; steam ,'heat;; hot. cold-water. \ .. . .•.-'--.'"\u25a0\u25a0. ST." ELMO APARTMENTS, 1452 Devisadero near, •-\u25a0 Geary; n«w building, - fur.' or unfurnished; prl- , vate hall; all modern conveniences; rates reas- onable, o Tel.. West; 1523. .. -_'\u25a0- -..\u25a0•'.\u25a0 : SAN: REMO,' 906 McAllister— Elegantly furnished v rooms; country transient solicited. MAYWOOD. . 131'- FELL. NEAR VAN : NESS— I (HAVES ST. CAR LINE)— ELEGANTLY FUR- - •"\u25a0NISHED; TRANSIENT A SPECIALTY; HOT - AND COLD/WATER. - / \u0084-. .-..- ... w., -:•--\u25a0 THE DUNEDIN— Just opened ; newly \u25a0 furnished ; also transient; '"modern conveniences. -1024 '".'McAllister st. \u25a0\u25a0".\u25a0: - '•;/ ;-. \u25a0 \u0084' \u25a0 - \u25a0< -:,;:. ..•\u25a0.--'\u25a0 STANDARD HOTEL, corner 6th - and Folsom .sts. 100 single . rooms. , 35c afid - 60e per '.;night; ; $2, . $2.50 and $3. per week ; safe; bar- bershop and baths. --.:..'. > \u25a0 : HOTEL1 LAUREL. 2176 - Mission st ; : take Mis- \ sioa \u25a0 st -car. . from ferry; 58 newly furnished sunny rooms; electric light, hot and cold water.- HOTEL' RALEIGH. 1951 Sutter st, now'open; r. " elegantly .f urn. rooms. . with or without - bath ; -country transients . solicited; . rates -reasonable. HOTEL S NETHERLANDS bet 7th and Bth, on : ; Market 150 S outside I rooms; ' running water,' separate closets, bells, etc.; 75c to $2 per day. MECHANICS*.. HOME. 16th st.,. near Church; " ; furnished ' rooms ; for men ; - electrio : ligbta la \u25a01 ; : every room ; hot and cold water baths Included. NEW. FULTONHOUSE," 429 Fulton— Jnst opened, r ; newly ; furnished : : reading room, bath, electric - light; -; room by day. : week or month: $10 up. HOTEL CONGRESS,*- cor.:- Flllmore and Ellis; ;V phone jWest 4224—1n ; center of retail I district ; . ; suites and . single rooms, i. with' private baths.-' HOTEL CARLTON; 246 4th st— 3o sunny rooms; 'j electric lights and ; bath ; \u25a0 $2.50 up; transients ;•„<"\u25a0:- a < specialty. \u25a0 3d, s t". station take 3d sf car. .v. v \ the ; McAllister, 1412-14 x McAllister ;\u25a0 st— - . Large sunny . rooms; j elegantly furnlahed; suit- : : able for . man and " wife or 2 gentlemen. L . HOTEL REGAL—Now open; elegantly furnished; .• 50c \u25a0 and up - per \u25a0 day : 75 «feet r from . SB. s cor. ::-\u25a0\u25a0 3d ; and Folsom sts. ; B. BAIOR,.propr. - -"- p. .-- v ; COMMERCIAL HOTEL. : -^ . .:-*;.- -Elegantly fnrnished rooms (theatrical and com- mercial); running water. ."761 Turk st^. \u25a0 - \u25a0•\u25a0C - -' -HOTEL ST. ROSE, -, . \, V . Northeast \u25a0; corner ; : Ell's and ..Webster sts. ; ', all - '- modern conveniences; ' permanent .or traasleat.' HOTEL FF.NTON. 259 '7th st—7o sunny rooms; .electric lights; -75c up; from ferries. take How- ; - ard: at.- car.-;- Tel. = Market ; 5443. -, /; \u25a0 : .;' < THE ' RICHLAND— 36 ; pleasant E rooms; ] running . water and electric lights; $3 weekly op. 1906 Mission st.; take Mission car.;---';' A—HOTEL ? WEST. ~ 154-156 3d "\u25a0 st. ; ' European .-. \u25a0\u25a0' plan; < $3.50 to $7, per, week; ,75c . t0 $1.50 per .day ; :tourist trade solicited..' .: - . THE •' GROVE Sunny furnished rooms, 'single ••: aud.i'en:-:Buite;* : modern. -.Northwest corner. \u25a0v Gouch and , Grove 5t5. ... --;.,.-" :\u25a0'..• % \u25a0 "."\u25a0 HOTEL/ SIEREA,- 610 MeAlllster st ; electric - .lights: hot- water; baths; $I. day; phone Mar- •-V-ket 338 T. :.•;-,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -';. : ;.-'.;- '--\u25a0\u25a0. .',--.\u25a0:•. -..-. ' :"!'.. - HOTEL ELLIS,' I94I Misalon-^Seleet: recepdon :.; and parlor; rooms.i day. ; $1 op; week. $4 np.\ CAPITOL..HOUSE— Rooms 23e ".and ; upward; > ; weekly, $1.75 aTnd up. 733 Harrison gt. nr. &A. NEW . SOUTHERN— Rooms. / $2.30 weekly f up; : trans. ;j 60c per night. , Cor. 6th and \u25a0Bryant HOTEL *ARCADEr-100 ; rooms; running water; - 75c -to $I.so; per day; transient 151 Sd st. THE PIONEER. - 143 3d st—Outside rooms. $3 -': and $2.50 per week ;transient, 50a and 75c. \u25a0 , - : !-.;: v; HOTEL: VAN i NESS. ; Ne« Golden Gate. S r, : European plan,. sl : day. 619 -Van Ness ay. . ; : HOTEL~i CRYSTAL—EUROPEAN ' PLAN. , ;'. : sl-,day;up.- SE. cor.,; McAllister i and Franklin. THE V ; Metropolitan ; Hotel. rJ973- Harrison st; r rooms $2 up,%weekly ;; take Folsom-st ; car. .:.- HOTEL WILLARD— NOW OPEN; ROOMS MOD- . ERN. 637 MCALLISTER, t near. Franklin. ..;• ; ELKHQRN; HOUSB? '"IB3 Valeacla^ st; .rooms ;'; ' neat!> '. finished ; 1 ' block ' from ' Market ; .,; ' >.. , ;;- RAILWAY HOTEL,-. 24 Tiffany ar.". back •of car barn; furnished rooms. -'.-.' y':"'^. L'ELYiSEE; elegantly - furnished . rooms;' strictly private i hotel.* Bl43 sieth st.^< - J-'-' \u25a0 . J%I.HOciE9ITOiL^T^i i iOTl«liedf>l NlCEXY.;. furnished* hrase, lT'rooms.** baths,", gar- den: \u25a0 marine '^lew; ; . see owner,' 123 Cherryst' ; ;;HOlJ^EsLTbtLET~Palo'Atto^v^;'; ;HOIJ^EsLTbtLET~PaIo'Atto^v^;' FOR * rent-^Fumlshed V completeT except ' silver, ~;f from Juno 111 1 to Aug." 1 5,;\u25a0> an r artistic i home ; ;4 large sleeping - rooms \u25a0 besldea . servants' quar- ters. \u25a0C. L.'^PLACE.* 113Xlrcle, \u25a0-\u25a0 Palo Alta : - HOUSES \u25a0 TQ I LET— Ont of iTown ' : /J\ . FOR rent—A furnished summer house I near Saa -•\u25a0 Francisco;? 12 rooms; beautiful grounds. Apply \u25a0' 912. * Devlsadero ? »t.v-& •- ' \u25a0•* ' --~' \u25a0. - --- ' '\u25a0?-% ':/'::. '' ;\u25a0; HOUSES > WANTED/, .-' DRSIRE to purchase furnished fiat or house. 5-12 \u25a0 rooms; do agents. ; Boi649. Call.' Flllmore ' st j'- r "-' :v ' l \u25a0-\u25a0lVlats^tollet.^-- :^' --'^ \u25a0 ">, FREE ' RENTING i DEPARTMENT .; . ' Near > Hyde 'sf,'. new : modcra * flat of 5 rooms ", " and bath,* |40:i?-v.r:'i?> ! S»^3El^^?iS»iS«r I»jn^1 »jn^ Near » Golden s.Gate \u25a0 park ; f elegant ; w - flat -. of :\ \u25a0»- 6'large,isunny:rooms.andibath,"s6o.>6 ' large, i sunny: rooms. and i bath," $60.> . \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0• v i" Nice; sunny. 5 ; room \u25a0 flat'in Mission,* $35. ".. \u25a0', ; £ Very, swell ,7 room flat on Golden Gate ay.i; $50. ''r.. aing us 'up or; drop a' postal' and we willsend i.i '.-,'\u25a0 a ,-, conveyance " which 1 will .; return , you .. home >.;during car strike.**--* 1 •'-..•.'""-• ;- :' •..' \u25a0\u25a0--..\u25a0* : -.-.'^ ! .::;APPLY.'-- - \u25a0" -' •' .-' . - ,- HARRY;j. \u25a0 MOORB FURNITURE CO., ; \u25a0.\u25a0-; •' :-,V;;-> :;'^735-747;EDDY.ST. \u0084.-:\u25a0;. .-\u25a0 '-.--..-•. NEW marine view I flat;',7;sunny rooms ;;separate f* entrance ; ! Devisadero > near : Green ; 1adults "with & references only ; reasonable, ,'i Box 2858, Call.*; y-i DON'T pay. ?10.a room to rent a Cat;- buy a cottage ; on; easy , terms \u25a0of LINCOLN & SUTH- s ERLAND; 1 550 k Valencia;^; near .; 16th.-; ; \u25a0\u25a0\\-j\ $45. f 42-U) 2 fine j new flats,". 5 1 rooms each. 1 1452 : til Green st"'. bet\ Van ; Ness ' ay."a v." and ; Polk st.'* '• Call El between ; 10 ; and i 3 \ o'clock. T u^*:;r\u25a0 \ '-::"\u25a0. '\u25a0 - .: \ CARLVatt? 306-^3^ sunny -rooms to i \u25a0j,c refined \u25a0 couple: i Ellis . or.; Masonic ; av. v cars. \u25a0; ..; LYON h st.,f 648,f near * McAllUter— New 'C modern 3 sunny; flat^ t 4 rooms^ bath;; s37.so. \u25a0;.-/. >v.;v MODERN ? flat *ofi 7 ; sunny ' rooms ' and J bath;.^ 443 R?.Page.'st i :rent-$73. r ;v > ..v;?-.->"..r : ''ir<.-3T'L r r--*:'-~ i -S'.~3. A* st. r^ 824^4 room flat,*; with gas and yard ; .rent i$ IS;- reasonable. '- . CLAYTON.I74S— FIat of 4 rooma and bath;: fine -location. - " ' . ' Berkeley real;estate;,' McLAUGHLIN-DRIGGS CO.^ Inc. MANUFACTURERS AND ' : HOME SEEKERS. \u25a0l--!1;^!/.'ATTENTION.! 1 ;^!/.' ATTENTION. •' \u0084 \u25a0 . . WE HAVE 26 FACTORY SITES . ; t"\ \u25a0'/- i .\u25a0 v; v : v : \u25a0 FORSALBi > ;;\u25a0 ON-VERY EASY TERMS. ALL SIZES '"V \. . * '\\ m \ FROM ONE HALF,ACRE TO 120 ACRES. > I - ALLON THE RAILROAD. I \ BOTH SANTA FE AND 5., P . ;. . - Also on the LWater Front. West Berkeley and Richmond. Close to the Electric Car I Lines. This is Worthy of Your Consideration. . Call or write- for particulars. \u0084\u25a0\u25a0 .? Good Residence Lots Tor Sale Cheap; $50 Down, \u25a0• \u25a0 And Balance Per Month. c ; . McLAUGHLIN-DRIGGS C0." .. Inc. . 1041 UNIVERSITY, AV.,.''^ . WEST BERKELEY. - PHONE BERKELEY 3240. . V ;;.; PACIFIC"- COAST LAND* COMPANY, «' /> 21U DWIGHT -WAY. .: : TEL. BERKELEY 2012. SEND FOR OUR WEEKLY BULLETIN: GIVES LATEST AND MOOT RELIABLE INFORMA- TION ON BERKELEY PROPERTIES. : $4,750 '- ...'-'\u25a0; :-:; \u25a0 \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0:. y " '.'.:<\u25a0, . BERKELEY BARGAIN New 6 room modern : cottage; high basement; south f rontare ; . east Telegraph .ay. . near IAshby station. 247S Prince st. or, - ' ~ ' -- . * ADELAIDE MARQUAND, . \u25a0.:-. 2143 Center st. ': FOR sale la \u25a0 Berkeley—Fine modera five I room cottage with high basement, lot 91x100, lawn, fruit trees aad berries; \u25a0 nice locality, cou- venient to '\u25a0 local - . trains '- an \u25a0' delectric :cars.' Price $5,000^ Apply STEWART & BROWN, Inc.. 948 Broadway. Oakland. - ' \u25a0 SALADA: BEACK REAL ESTATE -< SALADA BEACHT" : Only. 20 minutes -.. from s Market ' st. ; " elegant beach; lots 5250 up; best, investment on mar- ket Free tickets, at LOCKE-PADDON CO.'S, 616.-Van Ness' ay. -...-':. \u25a0\u25a0;__-.." \u25a0-...-=\u25a0\u25a0'-..;,\u25a0.\u25a0: ..;;,•-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 SALADA BEACH On O. S. P.y.' (new elec. line) Free (auto) . excursions ! every - day \u25a0 . from CLINE BROS.^e sth st. near Market. . HA YW ARD RBAL ESTATE. "\u25a0 OAKLAND SUBURBAN : HOME— Comfortable home situated near MlUscollege;:6 room-cot- ' . tage, high basement, . large ' barn, small vine- yard and orchard; 2 acre piece: 200 foot' front- age on Seminary ay. ; part cash. : Address box 1109. Call office. 'Oakland. > \u25a0^'j'-' \u25a0 7 -' FRUITVALE REAL ESTATE CHICKEN PLACE. "\u25a0 , I have a 4 room house and 3 acres of land In orchard; very. fine: rent $12 nwl stock of 400 chickens, ducks; -"\u25a0.nice \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- fresh cow; . chicken houses, all wired In :: incubator and brooder for sale. M. H. KENISTON, Dimond, \u25a0\u25a0Rhoda ay." ' '•\u25a0 -'\u25a0 -- \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0*" -'-'- : •\u25a0:\u25a0• \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0 W"ATSONVTLL]B REAL ESTATE Investments,' homes, orchards.' Best conntry -on ; earth. List sent. Peckham & Peckham, Wat'viUe MEDICAL DR. SYLVESTER'S Office. V 517 23d st. nr. Telegraph ay, Oakland, Cal. Leading Specialist for Wom*n. \u25a0 : ; Ladles If you \u25a0 are suffering from any : all- mtnt peculiar to Your sex, worried about 'your condition; and - need help. : consult this famous jp«ctalwt because he Is truly the only regular- '- j Iy* graduated physician' upecialiat for women advprtlslng. havlng-(19) years of 'success— WITHOUT ONE FAILURE— he jrlves relief— AT ONCE^ without drags, operation. . or need- less detention from your occupation; with orie- : InaI— PAINLESS— HARMLESS-^methods; . with nigh professional standing and oualificatlons recogniied by the highest medical \u25a0 authority, with office well appt£nte<l and utrtotly private, he. Is tbe / SAFEST— AND ; SUREST— man to / consult when you need help.- Consultation and advice absolutely free. . Private sanitarium when necessary. \ Fees .'\u25a0• moderate. Hours, \u25a0 9 a. m. to 9• p. m. . Open ' Sundays. Tclep'aone Oakland 7901. " .^-- -- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0- •-.•\u25a0- -.-, _,_„. DR. SYLVEWTER'S Office. ; ¥* 517 23d St.. nr. Telegraph ay., Oakland. Cal. DR G. W. O'DONXELL—LadIe*, all who are sick or In trouble, consult this : specialist ' on female complaints :positively corrected ; - the unfortunate helped: the most v dlfflcult cases treated; every case -taken; Immediate relief: no poisoning drugs; low fee: my methods will cure all cases of irregularity; consult me; save . time and money: advlee:free: hours, 0 a., m. to 4. 6:30 to 8:30. 1212 Turk. sty- \u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0,'.' VALPEAU'S female pills; best . regulating pills sold; price $2.50 by express. " Pasteur's syringes ; and tablets: price $5.' By express only, on- re- .celpt of price. - OSGOOD BROTHERS, whole- sale' druggists, 7th - and Broadway, : Oakland. A—MRS. DR. WYETH, reliable ladies* special- r Ist. for all female irregularities; instant relief ga*«nteed;'3O years' successful practice. ; 1524 Webster st. near Geary; open; Snadays. MRS. DR. KOHL, ladies' . speelalist for all ? fe- "\u25a0'e Irregularities;. Instant relief - guaranteed. 1624 TVebater St.. near Geary; open Sundays. DR. JAMES NEAL. 1438 Ellis st, near Webster. Specialist in women's diseases. Hours, Ba. m. to 9 p. m.; Sundays, 0 to 2. >.-; D fi;o C V% C -. 0 'P ollnel1 ' r e Q own«d female specUllst 912 Devltadero/ bet McAllister, and oVTg. ay. D^ a^ d i MR « B< ' DA VJE 3 ' «e"«>d " of . treatment 824 Valencia ; st. between 19th \u25a0 and 20th. ;> DR ROSEN, 2995 Folsom st, cor. 26th—Ladles; , thousands recommend him ; relief or no fee, \u25a0; < MISCELLANEOUS^ FOR SALE CASH REGISTERS^-Over $4,500,000 worth of National Cash Registers have been sold to Cali- fornia merchants. Real merit alone could se- cure such a phenomenal sale ,of s any article. WV guarantee to seU you a better cash regis- ter for less money, than any other concern. Un- ,less we can demonstrate this claim to you we d , on * f^SF* you t0 buy." Is thU a fair.propo- . sitiont New and slightly used registers .on ST ., nltmthly Payments. -; Call and see ns. - , THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY, ';-•;>:\u25a0'- .1283-85 Golden Gate Avenue. .;:: . , \u25a0 Safes second hand— cheap Waltz, Hall, Dlebold. Cary, Pittsburg.'any make. siu or style. :HALF * PRICE. CaihTor easy .payments. Safes bought, sold and . exchanged.' GEORGB H. LA RRABEE. BAFB BROKEftT- 21 AND•23 SPEAR ; 5T. ,.-:- PHONE TKM; 3067. SAFES 11%1 1 %SAFESI- SAFES— Big Removal Sale: "we \u25a0 are going •to > move ', to our * new i location . and cto \u25a0; save the . big 3 expense ?of 3. moving T our etock we are offering. great bargains; it - will , P*7 ' you - to : see ? ns, •?, RICHARDSON BROS V 131 6th st; Agt, Cnry.Safe Co. \u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0"• KLEOANT;:'.;-'---:-':'-.- '.':\u25a0:\u25a0.:'../. ;r:j.-.'--'. --.- ~ Enameled bathtub with overflow .....'. .".$ 10.00 \u25a0: Enameled sink, - strainer and bolts .:.~i.~. ,'3.50 ... Closet C0mp1ete : .". . ...". .. .....'. .-.-. ... .-.-; 12.60 Lavatorias ..r. ;".T;;."."7CtVr.'.T'. . ........ 8 60 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0>• -.-' . •- . ."\u25a0.".-.\u25a0\u25a0 lOfl* ' POST ; BT. -,;,-;\u25a0,.. .:-, ;-..' .. ... \u0084 PLUMBERS' soil ' pipe, : fittings.*; - lead - boilers, »". metals, -" builders' wall -: anchors, i. floor ' plates. ' sash weights, ,- half price. NE corner Fulton 1 ; and Gougli sts. ; 1,200 ft 6 in. stan. soil DiDe. $1.50 a^length. -: \u0084 , ': : ,^r .. -L£-""r>i SECOND-HAND '\u25a0 boilers,' engines. 4 ' pnmps/ ehaft- :-: Ing/; pulleys,, belting, , pipes, >\u25a0 etc.; * etc? \u25a0Bold, 7 exchanged -. and rented. - H. x S. 7 WHITE V MA^ CHINERY^ CO., corner Ninth and : Bryant sts. TENTS at \ factory :•_ prices ; ' am sizes ;^ send for catalogue. W. 1 A.rPLUMMEHMIS-H7 Drumm ,).= st.;- Ban Francisco;! TeL" Temporary (3083. w And i.- 500-C6O Franklin st;. Oakland; tel.Oakl'd2sB3.~ ATTENTION—Second ! hand ' pipe, J aa S good sas ?^new; 50,000 ft'. U In. and «- In: ;: 50,000 ft.' l - 1n.,U00,000 ft lftla.; i 10.000 ft 2 ln.r cheap v for cash. -- WEIBSBAUM, " t 133 S 11th 8t~L? Yry v; CASH registers,' Hallwoods and '\u25a0 Nationals, '• prac- f.-•f .-•tically aew ; all styles; ' sold oa small monthly :-\u25a0\u25a0 paymenU. PACIFIC COAST CASH REGISTER •;-,. CO.. i 16 City Hall Square, f- r y . :.x::~,. ;,-\u25a0..*; WELL " tools for;earth; 1300 1ft. * rods, 1 2 i augers, 9 v. rope, . 2 derricks, \u25a0 2 double geared . w Indlaswes, > 1 v tand.pnmp, -l', horsepower, sand i other .'-tools; - $100..Al771vTnrk.at,r :, -^- - -^ij:,'.- -- \u25a0•\u25a0-, HALLWOOD cash' registers; total adders; $25 to :$1)0; -: also " Nationals.- » GASH E REGISTER i EX- CHANGE. -1183 \u25a0 Market - St.. i Central ( Theater -;., building. ...-,..\u25a0:;-/: '\u25a0-":;" y.v £\u25a0;-. -' : \u25a0\u25a0• ( -:- ' '/^ y?t FOR i Pale- : -2 horse coveredi camping.- wagon i with i r-'.' seatsi along « the t' aides: 1 1 %\u25a0ia \u25a0; axle; * suitable' .;«.\u25a0 for: bus. •; FRANK( J. J BAKER,; 6O4 ?MIssioa Ist; INDEPENDENT i Machine \ Co.V? 2XO i 11th * st ; I en-". >glneers ; and contractors ; ?machine works ; * light ~>'. forging, tool making;; lumber trucks a specialty."! BARS,"; cigar stands, grocery i and window | display; : ' fixtures, ete.;rat abort notice; showcases; desks.'' .. MEEK, -1161 Mission «t betweeß ,7th 'and Bth/ COUNTRY real -ESTATE PLACEtt COUNTY FOOTHILLS. .^* R«ncho EncmaU 1 mile" north of Rosevtlis ana is miles northeast of Sacramento, now ready for examination; 4 sections of land divided into 40 acre tracts ; virgin ., soU; never; plowed ' and nne«t land for fruit grapes or grain: will be sold °\ , y e *™' credU; we pay the taxes; the cheap- esi land Ia state; $23 aad up per acre; rallro.ifl runs through the land: 00 failure ever known nere. Send for particulars to owner, R, P. DOOLAN, ROSEYILLE. CAL. _ HOME SEEKERS. ATTENTION. .. only 30 days more ln which to secure our colony lands at $35 to $45 an acre on = easy term*. Act at once. This Is choice fruit and alfalfa land, well watered, withia reach of San Fran- cisco market; only.$5 an. acre down, balance to suit. .. If ia city call at our office for particulars; If out of city write at once. To: Investigate this means to buy. . Golden Seal Realty Co,. 1828 Flllmore st.S. F. CALIFORNIA land $1 acre, balance entire pur- chase $1 week for each 5 acres: no taxes; noI interest: 5 acre tracts; level, rich, clear; ready to p)ow; under Irrigation; perpetual water right; Immediate possessioa glvea; particulars maps, photographs for 2c stamp. Stevhwoa Oniony, room 26, 703 Van' Ness ay., San Fran- 1 Cisco, A SONOMA county 600 acre dairy; 2 sets "build- : lusTi; CO high grade cows, ?0 liead young Btock: *''"«*«: wagons and farming tools of nil kinds; incubators and brooders- for 1,000 poul- i YT'i*: 000 cords wood: spring and living stream; : 35.000 cash, time oa. balance. Box 265?, Call. A MONEY MAKING LITTLE FARM j la our new colonies near a city, easy terms; 1 I . land;. rlch n« bl « can « 1 ' S oo * l market el 2^d c rallro «d and best climate. —. n BDY NOW WHILE LAND IS CHEAP. Capt Obermeyer, cor. Van Ness ay. and.Qrove. BOSS STATION—One of the prettiest^building i°/?fS,«Ir 5 minutes' walk from station; lot ,5. wooded; water, sewerage. If sold imtaediately wiU go at a bargain. - C. M. WOOSTER CO., 1666 O'FarreU at FIVE acres, only $375: across the bay. la Ala- meda couaty: rich and level: no floods, no fogs; Southern and Western Pacific roads through vW > 7>7 > K rt ?V.J? rmg ' to snlt y°'l - RICH VAL- LEY LAND COMPANY, G46 Market Bt OUR new spring catalogue of country property; larms, fruit and ponltry ranches, stock ranches, ?m^?Tr« n viT^ raber lands: c »n ""end for list. BOTHERMEL & CO.. 2091 Flllmore St. 8. F. LIST your country property with me; have cus- tomers for ranches, hotels, stocks of merchan- £Be » n S * CTe tracts. J. H. EDSON. 15 Bacon block. Oakland. - - FCRNISHED 4 room house. 5 miles from Los Gatos, in Santa Crui mountains. Address C. H. HUNTER. R. F. D. 29, Los Gatos, Cal. IRRIGATED small farms; garden soli; low price; easy* payments; book free. Write CM. WOOSTER C^PANY, 10C0 O'Farrell et. FOR sale— 2o7 acres rich valley, land; fine Im- provements: stock. Implements, etc.; running water. Address box TO. Llvermore, Cal. n ?, M^S ln tho °o«ntry: sena for catslosne. C. M. WOOSTER COMPANY. 'IOCS O'Farrell st *^S^°sb Cftn bu - vs a ftae Tlneyard. JOS. ROLLINS, Knlghtsen. Cal. CI J? : ,f P / :ST * nd best In America. The Weekly Call. >l per rear. OAKLAND BEALESTATE HOMES on monthly payments; banking Interest; will .build or buy you a home and loan full cost of home on your own lot. PACIFIC HOME BLDG. CO.. 052 Broadway. Oakland. EAST OAKLANDREAL' ESTATE ONE OF WESLEY DIXON'S EAST OAKLAND SNAPS -And Exactly as Represented. Large, centrally located apartment house, bringing ' $103 PER MONTH INCOME. Completely fnrnished. All goes for $7,500 if sold within the next tea days.' _ LUMBER HAS DROPPED AGAIN. >ow is your opportunity to build on one of the finest lots, 35x140; choice location, over- looking Oakland and vicinity: 1 block from electric ear line to Oakland. Price $650 cash. FOR SALE. A fine, comfortable 5 room cottage In Al or- der; fine bath and toilet. Al plumbing; withia 5 miautes of S. P. R. R. depot Call at my office for further Information. Price $2,750 cash. ' , WESLEY DIXON, 610! i East 12th Et. East Oakland. Phone Merrltt 503. ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE . NEW cottage, 5 rooms and' basemeat 1225 Broadway, , . - New cottage, 4 rooms. 1204 Peach st; terms. J. H. YOUNG, 1243 Park st Alameda. REAL ESTATE WANTED— COUNTRY. SMALL ranch on stream In food climate in-ex- change for modern residence in San Franclsu. IMRirhland ay. .\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0 ;_; _ . . MILL VALLEY REAL ESTATE i LARGE, beautifully wooded lots: grand scenery, bracing mountain air. pure spring water, all ln s veritable fairyland; only 45 minutes from Market st by Saasalito ferry and fast electric trains; lots $350 up; terms. 10 per. cent down, balance $10 per month. .- 5 room cottage; 3 minute* from station. s2,23o « room bungalow; magnificent view..:. 3,250 j 6 room residence: rare bargain. ......... '4,500 "room borne: barn and garage... 7,r>00 10 room mansion; elegant '-....... 9,000 14 roeta rrKidenoH. near, station 10 000 J. FRED SCHLINGMAN CO., MILL .VALLEY. $80 For rent furnj«hed. 8 rooms, bath: piano; 2 minutes to depot;, fine furniture and -choice vi.*w of ilount. Tamalpais; large glass porch room, 18x24; nice -place to rest after your walk ln San Francisco. . $20 Store and room'; kitchen: suitable for de'lcßtcsgen. ... \u25a0 ' $4.500 For sale, large grounds ia -choice location: fine stately tall-redwoods on grounds; house, 7 rooms, bath, furnished. S. H. ROEERTS, REAL ESTATE—MILL VALLEY. CAL. ELEGANTLY furnished cottnge. 6 rooms and \u0084b ath; large lnt; for sale .cheap, ; as owner is going to Europe: " location and view unEnr- paswd. ROGER P. MAGEE. 1823 Eddy st. THE cholctst property in Mill Valley; low prices, easy payments. For particular* see SLIPP. JASPAB ft GHIRARDELLI, 206 Countryman building. 015 Van New nv. . MONTARA REAL ESTATE MONTARA. -*: .- Large lots In the Montam townslte, tnclud- I ing all improvements.* $200 : and up. ; Excur- '\u25a0\u25a0 -- eions Thursdays and Sunday*. Free tickets at office Montara realty development company, 1300 Golden Gate ay.- cor. FlHmore st .-- - PROPERTY WANTED PROPERTY wanted Business ' property , on Va- It- ncla or Mission sts. ; good corner on other streets will be considered if : price is right; have $150,000 to invest -- Send particulars to or call. Investor, 325-5 22d st. Phone Market 1815. \u25a0 '\u25a0 v\u25a0' -'\u25a0 . N | ;_'_ ...y TO LEASE "--' '"'-'\u25a0 '-'; TO LEASE. Lot 45x96, California st near Kramy ; make offer. . -. " \u25a0 I»t 75x90, Iloward aod 11th sts.; 10 yean, $200. \u25a0 .. , . \u25a0-\u25a0 Lot 65x67. Stnckton and Filbert sts.; offer. . Lot : .15x103. Clay ctnear Grant a v.; $200; will build. . ... Brick bnildlng. 3 stories and basement 2d end Nstoma sts.. SSOO. \u25a0 , WRIGHT A GREENE. 322 Bush st . FOR lease—?B:6xl77:6; .cellar and ground floor,' , adjoining Danforth warehouse. Battery st' near Broadway; ready May. GEORGE K. FRINK. 2623 Vallejo et/- - -^ : : ,v \u0084y TO LEASE—SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. 4 story, reinforced concrete building, vicin- ity- of Oth st., containing 80 rooms; hot and cold water and closet in every room; gas and electric lights: will rent st $5 per room. -- , ABBAHAMSON BROS. & CO., ;- ; . \u25a0- -- -120»; Batter st ' - HAVES THEATER. NAP A, . v -.» - .-,-\u25a0 Tt To lease New brick building, seats SOO, fully equipped; stage 30x16; opera chairs; located la center ; of ' city; also warehouse " for \u25a0 scenery. GEORGE'' W. HAIGHT. 2171 Shattuck ay.; Berkeley, : Cal. - ;- . \u25a0 V: ;^ 80 ROOMS with all ; modern : appliances ' ln the finest location ln . the'; Mission; . lease for'; a \u25a0 term of . years; rent' very reasonable: good money ' making proposition. J. >W. * TREAD- WELL REALTY CO.. 546 Flllmore st TO let— Beautiful - furnished' bouse -on; north side Clay st, -Presidio Heights;. 11 ; rooms. Box 997. CalL 1651 Flllmore tt " j?. '? TO lease or rent A new, elegant residence, suit- able - for private hotel; elegant grounds. ' r Ad- dress; MRS. J.. Ross statloa.' " \u25a0 t DAY -AND CONTRACT ' : WORklv ?. FOCST & STEBBINS, 3S;Zoei st fnear '3d. aad '- Bryant Lots ; cleared , or . excavated l by;' day. or \u25a0 contract: alsoteamlnc of all kinds:. terms reas.* PUIIJPING CONSTRUCTION. WRECKING, /excavating^ - 'cemeat - foundations. '.Yolo Construction Co..' 725 Market st " "• * \u25a0 r FIRFrPR^F^FLOjORING - Asbestolith, .handsome, \u25a0 dnrable," milseless/Vnon-' slippery, stain proof. \u25a0 A. .Willkomm.' Midway, bid - V..- 7 .;;.:.'.;-.GHAPiy6fe.. : '. *.\u25a0•''.-'..";.\u25a0\u25a0 r - -.; DANIEL O'DAY.V: . GRADING.' ROCK,' GRAVEL;- SAND, TEAMING, i TEL. FELL 6016. ' 14TH- AND BELCHER STS. I N sewing; machines n SINGER ' sewing . machines ; Wheeler . 4*. WUsoo . sewing ! machines ; needles, parts and supplies - - for both. < Sold only by Singer Sewing Machine Company at following Singer stores. San Fran-' - Cisco. Cal.i -1156 Market St.. 753 H<t!gat st, . 1136 Valencia st.. 512 Clemrat st.;- 1431 Busa st^ 351 McAllister st., 2507 Market et-. 81» ' ' Golden Gate ay. Oaklaad: 465 12th st.. 1030 v Wnshinjtton st. TSdTB.- 14th st Atameda: . 1821 Park st> Berkeley t 3210 Adeline at BTORE for -Wnlte sewing machines In shopping district: 612 Van Ness ay, nr. G. G. ay.: aew- Crop h*>ad White. Stayer. Wheeler ft-Wilson : aad others: ' casa or \u25a0- installments; machlaes rented, repaired. Ida Gordon Church, mgr. DOMESTIC— Best cheapest; ;all kinds rented. ; repaired, exebanred: needles and supplies for all makes. J. W. Evans, agent 16M O'Far- : r»U st. near Till more: phone West 3*Bol, NATIONAL Automatic- White. Standard. orb»r makes, rented, repaired, etc. I.S. COHSN'3 SON3. . Phoae We»t 5761. Ifll6 OTarren »t. \u25a0 WILLCOX tt GIBBS Sewtas Machme Company - Located at 724 Tark st. near Vaa Ness av^ . Maaafacturers , cf tbe - feanlne Automatic. ;A. F. NELSON'S «pwla« machlna emporium— N<»w drophwjds. $1».6«>: reated aftd repaired. I 32(50 22d st- bet -Mission and Valencia. 20 BECOND-HAND machines, to be sold tmnw- «*latMv. - IKf> OoMen O»t» sv.. ar. riUmor*. s * RITTURE , CUHEP j DR. PlERCE'SElectrle Truss "does tne wort: established 32 years. PIERCE A SON. 1417 Cftesrnnt »t..- Alameda Tel. Alamedii 17S0. TRUSSES MRS. M. C. WILLIAMS^ Formerly with Wm. Hatteroth —^Tru»es. intpport- ers. *isst-, hosiery, etc. 47S Psge. nr. Webster. WALTERS & CO.. surgical Instruments, hospital equlpmeats, trusses and elastic hosiery. 130S . Stctner st. near Geary. - SPECIALISTS la truss fittings. CLARK.* AnI DION COMPANY. 1253 Q.O. aye.. ar. FUlmore. A, BWBBERT * BRO.. TRUSSES. APPLI- ANCES." 653 Qolden Gste wr. . - \u25a0 \u25a0 . TYPEWRITERS AND SITPPUES ALEXANDER * CO.. typewriters; all makes reated. including Smltb Premier; desks, chairs. etc.: ask for prices partly used maebiaea. AL- KX ANDES. 1820 ; Ulmors st: choo« Wu! KSB. - - STBARNS* Vt-IW- Typewriter, tae oel* visible < with decimal tabulator; also secosd-haod. all' - makes: reatals snd repairs.' The Typewrlto- : . rtnai. 1724 Fillmors st ' - FIRST-CLASS typewriters for from $25 tn $tnp; «H maker, all prices; rentals and snppllM. The -Typewriter Exchange. 1011 Goldea Qata ay*. Ttiepboß* P«rt BT3. WALTKR'A. SCOTT. I*llFlllmore St.' and 323 M»rlr»t: vh*mm W«wt 2009. - SANITARItnUS with 10 days' care, $30 to $60. 2504 Howard; "~~S)hone special 171. Training school for nnrae». SELECT private home for ladles In roafinemeat 162S Sorter st. nr. Imnna: tel. West "MI- SIGNS AND ELECTRIC SIGNS ONLY house ia city making all kinds of srsre*: I our patent electric slza saves 50c on every dol- lar yon would buro: best ia work. lowest la price.- HOTCHNER'S. 84g Lsrkln st. SLOT MACHINES ~~~ CASH or check mscss.. pnncaem. lifters; gwxi* - sold or on percentage. 2144 Market. Arcade. CASH. CHECK. PILOTS. ELKS aad CAKD MACHINES. K34 CODCH ST.. nr. Fulton. f SHEET- METAL SHEET METALAND PATENT CHIMNEI3. F. W. CUFTORD. 620 TURg. TeL Franklia 657. ttfAJESTIO Sheet Metal Works Msaf. tfa. Iron. eogper. brass. \u25a0 TeL Pax* 2413. tQgS McAlMster. UNITED GLASS WORKS . - - H. B. HOPP3. . Proprietor. An kinds -of ornamental glass. 115 Turk st, ' "\u25a0 Telephone- Fraaklla 1763. " -.^^JcSSTl^l „?!!? s?°** 'TRACTORS \u25a0^Jf. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ~" OmCB of the Board of State Harbor CommU- * sinners, union depot aad ferry house. San I Francisco. Cal.. May f. 1007—Sealed proposals or bids win Km received at thin office at or prior to 2:15 o'clock p. m. on Thursday. June 13, 1807, for the' constriction of section 12 of tae seawall, tne same to extend from the northerly \u25a0 end of section ISone thousand (I.ooO> feet northerly along the water front line of the city and county of Saa Fraacisco. la sc- \u25a0 eordaaee with the . plaas and specification* I prepared therefor by the chief emrtaeer ef th» board and adopted by the board May 2. 1907. aad oa file in this office, to which special ref- erence Is hereby made. The work to be done tinder these specifications consists m furnish- ,. Ins all stone and labor for constructing' a stone- seawall. It Uestimated that the stoae sea*ail will contain about 150. C00 tons of stone of 2.240 pounds - per ton. The seawall to be built of stone not subject to decomposition nor disintegration, by the action of sea water op air. -Two classes of stone will be recognized. The first class will laclude stone of one or more cubic ' feet In a fair assortment of sixes j between one and four cubic feet bat no on- : Jectlon will be made to stone larger than four cubic feet. This class of stoae mast be freo of seams and. marked lines of cleavage. 1 The second cldss will taclude stoae of less thao oae cubic foot la assorted sizes, but no stone less than five pounds will be accepted at the quarry. No bid will be received unless It to made on a blank : form, ' furnished from this office and is accompanied by a sample, welshing about 23 rounds, of the stone to be used snd a certified check of -five -(5) per cent of th* amount of the bid (based On 150.000 tons), payable to the order of the secretary of tne board, as a guarantee oa the part of tbe sac- eessful bidder that he will, within wlx - <i*> days after ' the acceptaace of th* bid. ent<»% lato a , written contract to do said work,- ac- cording :to the plans aad * specifications pre- pared therefor, and will' also execute and file wltb ' this board a - bond in saco sum as tb« board may deem adequate with a surety cor- ny paay to be approved by the board of state harbor commissioners and conditioned for' the faithful performaace of : such - contract; nor win. said bid -be considered by this board 'un- less delivered to the secretary or to the assist- ant secretary, at the. office of the secretary. at -or : prior to 2:15 o'clock p. nt. .-- on ' Thursday, June IS," 1907. at which time and place \u25a0 the bids will be opened.: The board reserves the right to reject any . or all bids If deemed fcr the beat Interest of the state, •\u25a0••\u25a0\u25a0. Bidders sre Invited to be present at ' the openlns of the bids. JAME9 N. GILLETT. Governor of the state of California, ex-offlcto - . member of the board of state/ harbor ' com- missioners. IBSMMtSAsMMalMRiasara --\u0084'\u25a0\u25a0 EUGENE E. SCHMITZ. .* Mayor.of the city sad county of Saa Frsncl*c\ - ex-officio member of the board of state har- bor commission era. nwaMM>Msaißa*a] W. V." STAFFORD. HENRY J. CROCKEK, W. E..DBNNISON. * - Board of state harbor commissioners. - LOTTD. NORTON. Chief engineer. W. B. THoRPE,HfefeM3|aag| Secretary. DELINQUENT NOTICES DELINQUENT SALE NOTICIC SUNSET MONARCH OIL COMPANT. Location aad place of . business. City . and . Conntr of San Francisco, State of California. 1 Notice There 'is delinquent apoa the follow- ing described . stock. ,©n account of assessment No. ?l,\ levied on. the 21st day of March. :l»07. the 1 several amounts set opposite the names of tbe respective shareholder*, as follows: Names of \u25a0 Certlfi- Saareholders. ' cate No. Shares. Amotta*. Benedict C. 5.... ...... 30 < l.ono $ion.*9 Brogaa. Kataerine...:.. >3T 100 10.00 Grant Mrs, A.. N...... 107 312 31.20 Jordan. James 3 ...17 . 10 I.CO McClare.W. F. .....;. /'35 1.500. 130.00. McNee. Duncaa. Trustee 57 1,700 170.00 Schwarrmaan. : G. "....... 25' 150 15.00 Smith. Thomas A....... 79 300 . 30.00 ••• And .la * accordance with law. aad aa onler of. the Board of Directors, made on the 21st day cf ' March., 1907. so many shares of.each parcel of- ' sach stock as may be accessary will he sold at-- pnblte auction at tbe office of the company. «t B.? Clay street. lß; the City aad County of Saa Francisco, State -of - California, oa MONDAY, f May , 13, . 1907. . at twelve < 12) o'clock Boon, on ' * such \u25a0 day. to pay . such delinquent assessment thereca. \u25a0 together with, cost -of advertising aad expenses of sale. . GEO., A. DOUGLASS. Secretary. . Office .of Company. <58 Clsjr . street City sad Couaty of,San, Francisco, State of California. \u0084 -*,_ > DIVIDEND NOTICES . DIVIDEND, NOTICE—-The Giant Powder Com- ; pan?.* OooaolldaUd, \.Glaat station. Calif ocata: A diviilead. No. 100. of fifty caats (50c.> pev; .share on. the is«u«d capital stock of the com., rany has b«en declared, payable May 10. 1807.; Transfer - books will close May 3, 1007. at noon. '. Checks will ' be mallsd. ;-'-..- :..-..\. •'.. :.-./-.'. - C.-C QUINN. Secretary. \u0084; . LEGAL V NOTICE9 THE ; partnership heretofore existing noder tne \u25a0* "• -firm, name* of .Lacy A Rogers, U this <lay »lls- '. '\u25a0 solved by mutual < conseot; «akt basmeM will : * be eontlaued by J. Rceew. woo ansomes all , UabUUlee. -April 10. HK)7. ;\u25a0/\u25a0«-, - \u25a0\u25a0':" TO WDom'ltmay concent: ' l hereby give.notice' - of -my intention ,to apply . for . parole < ftoia V . ' San . Queatin prison :to \u25a0 tike State board ot- prlsoa director*. WM. M., KRATZ. \u25a0;..'- ' TO whom it may concern: - I hereby give . notlc* ;. -- of:' my .? intention %to apply - for - parole ; front \ . - San •-. Queatia prison to > the State board .mt 1 - prison •directors. - A. A- KRATZ. 0 : . PLATS TOLET— Fnrnijihed -- ; BBAUTIFT7LLY furnished flat of 6 i rooms and ",*; balh { j occupied ' but 4 months ; jto lease during > ;', summer; ; 2 blocks from ; panhandle; canvealeat ; •4 ' car » lines i \u25a0 reasonable ' to ; refined. - responsible :: t»Mtyr : Address ben 773, Call office. . ;: HANDSOMELY - furnished snnny •: 0 -room fiatt .faraitnrea months old! may t be purchased if ' desired. , \ 162 ; Belvedere' St.. i Halght of its* ; sonic . ay. * ears. . Can <be \ seea , any . time. ELEGANT upper '. flat. 0 rooms and bath { . com-" . pletely furnished: Gnerrero st near 21st Call nt of flee. for.permit -to inspect" . W.' t H. 1 CRIM v.:lt CO., 203 Monadnock bnlldlng. y CORNER ; ; flat, ; 8 1 rooms, handsomely famished; choice; part Western addition, for Jnne, July, , Aug. 5 refs. - required. ? AddreM box 2651.: Call. MAGNIFICENT - flat. >-T Z aunny spacious rooms: 9 overloolng Golden .Gate - Park: completely far»far» 'nished; rant $75. ' Apply 1410 Haiyhtst 4 ROOM sunny: apartment, completely furnished; ' with hall bedroom ;private bath, washtrayi, . : etc.'- 01 Central ay. nr. Halght,sf . . COMPLETELY furnished flst of -8 rooma.:with - piano, .for. «i months. *CalT 342 Cliatoa park, Guerrero : near 'l4th . at ; T - ~ -\u25a0 ' t- "^ *\u25a0 "-/ PLATS FOnjALE I^iirnlshed NEW, - nlcely v furnlaned Cat cheap; low rent; lease; central: must sell Ing. 1149 McAllister. FLATS ; TO ' LET—Furn<- Ross Valley 4, J 5 and '6 ' room "- furnished cottages : some In .-.lovely shaded places near station;- $25 to $00. \u25a0 J. - E. "LEWIS. Kentfleld, Maria county. '\u25a0 COTTAGES TO LET /•" 3 ' ROOM - cottage, '< new, ' sanitary ' plumblag. h>w rent to good tenant 126S 45th ay. bet H ;Jend I sts. ':\u25a0 -.'.'\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.' .; .\u25a0'-'\u25a0•• •\u25a0 -' .-. MODERN cottage of 7 sunny rooms and bath. Inquire at 1562 Post Bt" \u25a0 UNION, vUOS, ; ln rear on Haven st—Cottage; •' 3 sunny rooms : $18.50. '• •:• \u25a0 -• \u25a0 COTTAGES TO; LET— Ross VsJley ONE "cottage- to rent; :large place; trees; all j convcaieaces. >HSS ACQUSTINE. 702 Market. -V ROOMS I FOR : HOUSEKEEPING A st; 624t~Tw0 largo rooms, furnished complete I for house keeping; I bath, gas asd - all conve- ,- r nlences: -near park; owl cars. \. ' ''-'\u25a0\u25a0 DE LONG"av.;- 155, Ashbury Heights— 2 or 3 suany house t-keeping ' rooms; marine view; .bath and gas; $25 for 2; $35 for 3. O'FARRELL St.. 1480. cor. Buchanan Sunny .- bay - window suite for - housekeeping; other .-' rooms. . < \u25a0..--.•; BRODERICK 5t., .. 604—Sunny front furnished room, for gentleaiaa or bocse keeping. \u25a0 FILLMORE st, 725—800m5. 53 to $5.50 week, 1 furnished for house keeping; light, large, sunny. OAK st,, 419 Sunny bousekeeplcz rooms an<l bath; .well' furnished; : : modern conveniences. OAK st . - 1839 Handsomely - . furnished ; - sunay -bouse keeping apartments, 1 to 4 rooms. PIERCE St., 815, near McAllister Large. sunay room; also table board; home cooking. , SUTTKK st. 2361 Sunny front parlor complete . for h'k'g, $25; smaller h'k'g. room, $17. - 16TH st. 3171 Anear Valencia 2 onfaralshed parlors: house keeping: $25: no children. ROOMS TO LET— Fnrn'd and XJnf ura'd UNION HOUSE,- sontheast 'corner of ' Sansoms . and :. Washington sts.; newly furnished, sunny rooms; electricity and gas; .rooms $1.50 p«r .week and up; large readlng-rooai. , EASTLAKB . HOTEL, Webster and Bay sts.— Single rooms $1.50 and $2 per week; room and " board $3.50 sad $6 per week. / FILLMORE st, 759 Sunay front alcove room, : six - windows. \u25a0 hot and -.cold water, . $10 pcx \u25a0 week ;. suitable for 2 or. 3 men. FURNISHED . rooms la a private family; «ea- tral I location, near Market j and Valencia sts.' '.'. Apply 82 Brady st S. :\u25a0 GODEUS st. 8, ' S doors s from Mfssloa Sonny front room.' suitable for 2 gentlemen; fur- , nlshed; price $10. •- . GREENWICH sty. 1031. bet Jones and Leaves- , worth. ; first : bell Nicely furnished front room ; for. gentleman: $12. - \u25a0.-~. -~ -..- ' \u25a0 "^"*, GUERRERO st, 1074 Fine sunny room; pri- vate family; gas; electricity; reasonable; references. \u25a0 . . . . MCALLISTER St., 140»—Fine furnished front room in .. private family; reasonable; for gen- tleman. -; 1..-* MISSION st. 2042. near 16th, The Hygela. new- \ly furnished rooms; alos transients. Tel. Mar- '\u25a0'.-•ket 4244.-:.- .'-.;?.\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0--.\u25a0\u25a0 .--.-\u25a0 '..;?"-..' ..'.\u25a0• . PIERCE \u25a0 et'; 2037 1 . large > sunny- alcove room, nicely furnished; choice locality; bath, phone; r. : . $30.,. . - ; -\u25a0:;',, \u25a0-',\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-... ,-_\u25a0;\u25a0-.,:'-:- \u25a0; --';\u25a0_>-.- SAN CARLOS ay.. 147. bet 18th and 19th sts.— 'Several -, furnished rooms; bath, hot and cold - running -water; private family. •.-;;--; EUCHANAN st. -1552— Sunny comfortable fnr- : nisbed ; room ; for 2. ... :.->-;- .; '.-: . ; BUSH st., 2014 Sunny front room. to rent for ~ gentleman. •\u25a0;. ...v.: •\u25a0 ;-c '.VTi.:"* - DOLORES 8t.,-5S9 Nice.' conveaient room with . use of . bath. $3 per -week. . ' \u25a0 FOLSOM st.. 2438. 2d flat— Beautifully furnisaed single room to rent; $2 per week. - -\u25a0 ; FULTON nt.. -473 Furnished rooms to let; sia- . gle: or^ double. , : . GEARY st. 2253, rear house— Ulce front room -. for 2 men; $1.50 week each./- '.'\u25a0'- GOLDEN GATE aye.. 1031A—Nicely furnisaed ... front .parlor, suitable for 2 or 3 persons. GOLDEN GATE ay.. 1415—2 nicely farniahed \u25a0 ' front room ! parlors; suitable for 2 0- 3. GOLDEN GATE ay», 1723, nr. Devisadero Large ; sunny room for "2;. board: reas.; bath; phone. GUKRRERO.' 207A.T near . 14th—Bay. window \u25a0 room, .suitable for 2 ; separa te beds : $20. JACKSON st. .'2202—Newly *. furnished sunny '\u25a0\u25a0-- rooms; all modern; private; pbone. MAYBELLE, 211 Van Ness— Newly furnished - rooms:. also traasieats. -Pboae Market 4544. MCALLISTER sty 06S—Newly sad elegantly far- nisbed . rooms: " reasonable. ; . , MCALLISTER st.,' l443—Sunny furnished rooms \u25a0-.to:-let", ;- ; \u25a0' -• '• \u25a0'\u25a0 - - \u25a0 .'. -:.': :.-; ;:: MISSION- st. 2370— Elegantly famished rooms; for 2 gentlemen. \u25a0 ' •' '" OAK st.. 419 Simny rooms, elegantly furnished; also suites; mod. conveniences; rent $20 to $50. PAGE st. 1102 Newly ; fnrnished sunny rooms; : ' gas, - bath, ' phone : : private . family; reasonable. PINE st. 706. bet. Powell and Stockton Sonny ftirnl.;heil rooms for gentlemen; bath.'; - POTRERO : ay.. 1012, - nr. ' 220^ Fnrnished room \to let; private family. SCOTT ': st.";, 2040, - cor.= Sacramento— Furnished rooms from $0 per month tip. - SUTTER ; st,"/ 2038— Unfurnished' rooms, suaay, . \u25a0 all 'conveniences; references required. \u25a0 ".' \u25a0;\u25a0•-.; VAN NESS A Y.. : 230ft— Beautiful. room ln fam- V- ily ; references ; : 1 .or /3 gentlemen. ; . .WEBSTER,'-,140fl Furnished rooms for gentle- men. .ln bachelor, quarters : rents r* agcnabl*. .:. 19TH st. . ' 8428—2 ' furnished rooms ; (new traUd- ,- lag: private. family; $20. \u25a0 . , -\u25a0 _ 20TH st.; 2635 Large front room, farniahed: 1 "\u25a0 ;or 2 gentlemen; $12. for 2."^" -'. .. s . - 26TH st, \u25a0 SSJ30 Saaay bay parlor room j-saitable ;for' 2;^slo. pex month. \u25a0--;-. ;•• OAKLAND \ ROOMS TO '\u25a0 LET HARRISON'\ st; \ 18S7. 6aMaad--Ilefla«d i eoupla of business men, wishing, to locate 'ln private place for, spring and summer; choice neighbor- \u25a0: hood. near.Key . Rout* and narrow gauge. 14th and Broadway; rooms single or en suite; sunny. :' with bo t water; - largo grounds; , references ex- '-c hanged.'-- :> '-\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0" - r; '"'<\u25a0"•"\u25a0\u25a0>-'"''* ; **^ -^' a-lamedal housekeepiStq \rooms. CA ROLINE. "' 1413. Alameda— Ont block \u25a0 from En- \u25a0~'i elnal , station; -to let ' coajr,~ sunny rooms for \u25a0 boo«e" keeping." - -- .'•\u25a0' •- •'•- ' '-•*\u25a0\u25a0 : rooms 'and board; *^ . LARGE . sunny % room," beautifully ' fnrnished. ' for '*' 2; ' also single room;.- excellent table; alt eon- >' venlcnces; - Pacific ? ay. : ; refsreneee, . Bos .731,' ; Call - branch, office,, 1651 Fillmore st . : FINE " table board and i room. 2359 Fillmore st UTAH. st,". 523—Room to rent with board; suit- Aableifor.2;men; m.priTatS),famUy.^ >< . HOWARD st..~ 1534 Suaay furalshed rooms, with *;*. board,! for;2; mechanics. •>.'-_\u25a0"". -_-. . •". . PACIFIC^ av.vt 2717— Elegant fnraiafced rooms f jwbest table board: fine locality: reasonable;- to f*. BERKELEY : ' ROOMS 'AND BOARD RIDGE ROAD; CT^Ub'-HOUSB, ' - '.-v 2534 'Bancroft' way. \u25a0 Will ?be opened as a. summer boardlag. house *^ oni or ., about ."; May - 15. ; Reservat loos : may be -made now; by applying oa the premises. ;:? :'"". viROOFING^ ,-V!,: „'- ' . ' \ ~- .'\u25a0 EASTERN' ROOFING.: COMPANY. - "\ :\u25a0' TeL*West 4622. ?\u25a0/;• .. * ? IS3« Ellis st : :[ MIS CELLANEqUSI FOR f S ALE^CoBu ; iV RELIABLE >Wood.Worklnjr"oompany,'2l9-221'8th '.-' -st Store and office fixtures; call once, see our :' new, etock . of bar flxtnres. j . H.?, V.^JOHNSON. FOR sale—Soda I fountain,'} showcases, vbank I and of flro fixtures, warble work; call and see them. WHITCOMB, 627 Market st.. ; San : FraacUco. '.- LAUNCHES, new and slightly used.; Cal. Launch / . Works^ Pac. coast ' agents for: . Penlnjulnr \u25a0 mo- i \u25a0- tor. ,'-Blandlng yay., ,; Park ,< st.'. ;/ Alameda. ;,' BOHERT MANN announces opening at 1603 >De-' : visadero cor. Post;. large stock TRUNKB, SAT- : CHEL3. TRAVELING BAGS, reasonable. 600 TONS second hand pipe; sells 75* per cent of - the price \of new.;-*=•:-Address 'ALEXANDER BALvAGE CO.i \ 10S3 i Howard i st; \u25a0 JS, •>. Fv*-,-*F v *-,-* 5 " TENTS. \u25a0 CANVAS WORK, - WAGON : " COVERS AND AWNINGS "ATJF.^ THOM'S. < 1208 MIS- :ifiIONBT.:: PHONE 'MARKET.2IO4. \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-; ; LARGE - 1 FIREPROOF^- SAFE, - : almost new, . CHEAP: also flxtures: -YOUR : OWN, PRICE; ;mnst sell. Box 2CCS, Call office. •;\u25a0 -^; f-,- 100 Reliance >' card : machines. $10 \u25a0\u25a0 each ; . new,' ',- highly nickel plated; guaranteed 1 year. Mills j -'"- Novelty Co.;- 007. Market Btvyv. ; ; .- y:. ;- \u25a0;\u25a0:, PEERLESS 'gasoline :engine, .6 1 h. " p:. *2W-^2 \u25a0 steam pumps, % h. . p. motor, lato drill press, -:' ; .1057.;F0150m-:St. :""\u25a0" ;-.'" fc 'V-" ' : "-V -'.' \u25a0: \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0- : .. ; ' ONK marine engine. 180 horsepower; price 1800 j t. -. practically ' new ' engine. JOHN W. ; SMITH, \u25a0;. 737 Folsom 5t. ;.., -:;\u25a0 .-' - '.'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-' -\u25a0/\u25a0-\\.'\---\ CONCRETE mixer. ; hoists, *• frame; - bargain." y BCHAEFKR, south . side ' Howard , st",'- 05 feet ?-.- weat ; of : 3d. y. :;.;• . ;.'\u25a0.';?'»\u25a0 -\u25a0 '..- -::'H. . >:i ' r-i^-i \?s: \u25a0 BOAT and stationary engines ;; reverse gears; pro- •-: pellerB, batteries, > castings. , NIELAND, -1723 Bt i* ' \u25a0'\u25a0--•-\u25a0->..\u25a0' : THE GOUGH \u25a0 ST. AWNING * SHOP— Awaties. r\ tents.'' flags, ' poles;', send [•\u25a0\u25a0 for ; estimate. ?;417- : . Gongh. st i- \u25a0 . \u25a0' '.- "> "'' \u25a0- *'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0<- \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0'-••- '-. \u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0' \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0; LET us ' figure : on your I showcases " and I bar : fix- - tures. \u25a0• .. M. TEBKELTOUT & ; CO., 1765 \u25a0 Mis-" "•\u25a0'" eion, st." '.\u25a0•">" \u25a0-".;. -';\u25a0'."•-\u25a0."\u25a0 »•.-".'".-\u25a0" -\u25a0 - -.?t>.>. -\u25a0: ? A Turning, cabinet and mill work; all kinds of flxt. CARL F. HAAS.' 93 Minna; telt Tp. 1477. FURNITURK REPAIRING and cabinet work ' to : , order. ;,THRELKELD, 3420 17th ; nr.' .Valencia. IRON tanks, kettles, 7 foot pillars; drums, skids, ;\u25a0; fcarrels. .'t 16&4 , San- Bruno ;av. or r lolS.Poat st. 1000 cards printed $1; letterheads, env., wedding :.'\u25a0; work; \u25a0 Bhowcardw.slgng. , Robt HIU.IOOO Stelner. F. W '---BANKS: \u25a0\u25a0 2d hand clothing and? tools .\u25a0'bought,' sold." 1230 Howard/form. 1078 Howard. BAR fixtures. '"'W.-C.'' KlNG, "agents* of Chase,' : Passow & Sons. 1273 Mission; tel. Special 1173. SCALES, \u25a0 trucks, \u25a0\u25a0 coffee ' mills,* money drawers. / Jas. Geddes & Co.. 431-33 Larkln; tel. Em. 623. EDISON Moving Picture Machines and Stereopti- cons ; - bargains. ; GEO. ; BRECK, 652 Grove st 16 and 18 foot SALOON BARS for sale; £ your own price. MAISLER & SON, 1007 Polk st. v MAHOGANY coantera and show ! cases lat a bar- ' galn."s- 29 ; Bartlett nr. 22d. J. ,' HENDRICKB. SECOND HAND bar outfit Ifor sale; bargain. .PRAHL & SCHMIDT,^041- Folsom at KING'S. OLD BOOK. STORE, ;,B9I Golden Gate - s ay. near Oc^avla st; books bought",:.- -.. WEEKS - HOWE - EMERSON CO. They make :'. flays and flag poles. > 61 ; Market st ; "; ? :/:. A— LARGE Hall & Cary safe, slightly used; .". half, price. Box; 2602 s, Call office. ";; ;; 1 84x14 boiler; 1 54x16 boiler.* Address Domestic Laundry Co., 2714 Devisadero St. ' -- -.: '\u25a0..- SHOEMAKKIt'S machino for sale, cheap, nearly new. .865 11th st.i Oakland. . ' .; FOR sale—Bar fixtures at a bargain. ; . Carnation ; 'saloon/Ellis and Flllmore sts.- V" \u25a0 \u25a0'. : BIG line of gas and electric fixtures cheap. 1167 .McAllister st below Flllmore. '\u25a0»; . ; , ;\u25a0-. 2 QUIET mllchcows any child can tsllk. "Apply r 1108 Stanyan tt corner Rlvoll. \u25a0. ;.. ; . SAFRS New and secondhand." The. Hermann Safe Co., '; 120-130 Folaom st. \u25a0; ;. \u25a0 r ;\u25a0 FOII sale. - cheap, \u25a0 2 nfee > Oregon \u25a0 pine ' bars, 18 feet long. ,610 Turk at. -.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 FOR sale Fine fresh -cow. Call at 1251 29th \u25a0 :ay. , South. ; /. : .•->"\u25a0 V~>.' : : ;'; ' 'V- '- \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0,-.":\u25a0,:•' CHEAPKST ' and best la America, The IWeekly. ' Call. $l-per year.- - c - - -.-.-'\u25a0\u25a0 ' MISCELLANEOUS WANTS : DRESS '\u25a0\u25a0 SUITS. TUXEDOS' AND', PRINCR* AL- BERTS \u25a0 BOUGHT. L. BHOLL, TAILOR,'707 . GOLDEN GATE. : PnONE MARKET 4681. HIGHEST paid for old gold, silver; watches clnd. .\u25a0 60c; main sprngs." 60c, waratd." 786 Vaa* Ness. A GENTS' second band t'othlng bought . and \u25a0 501d..-MIjSIN'S,':I2OOA Eddy st. cor. Buchanan. Hir.HEST price paid . for castoff clothing. " 27 ; , 4th st. >Phone Temporary 3992. v.. .•, ' BOOKS and libraries bought : fox \u25a0 cash.' THE -> HOLMES C 0.," 402 Van \u25a0 Ness ay. ;' '. -r CASH paid for-diamoniis.^ O'NEILL & EBER. .' 1744' Fillmorest'' below Sutter. - '- '''\u25a0'\u25a0•- : ' : ''^?fo^T I]LOA.?J;-^-:-.'!-;;-;,-^I ]LOA .? J ;-^-:-.'!-;;-;,-^ AAAA— Any /salaried ' employe or wage ' earner -v can get from us, Just on his note - --"-\u25a0' .-% :.- \u25a0 ::-. -..\u25a0'.-' MontlUy.Seml-Mo.W'kly. \u25a0•". «50. 00— Return to u5 .'.513.00 . \u25a0 $C 25 : ,$3.35 $30.00— Return to us.; 6.00 ;- : j 4.00 " 2.00 .sls.oo— Return, to us. . : 4.00 2.00 ; 1.00 .\u25a0 Or any othpr sum in proportion; .THE STAR LOAN & IN V. CO., THE CITY LOAN CO., - \u0084 THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. : .904-005 Mutual Savings Bank Building. A— WHEN " you want to borrow | money ,•=. want lit ;.ln - a hurry, at .a small' cost, = without jmbllcity .'or red tape, ' see the - Household Loan. Co.".' room 70, 509 Golden : Gate ay. , at. Polk ; phone Mar- ket 3320, or. room 3, Macdonough building.' Oak- > land. A postal or : phono - brings our man with \u25a0;^ full ; details. --\u25a0; \u25a0 : -. : , :^ >. : , MONEY LOANED on furniture, pianos and other security : :\u25a0 lowest rates ; ' most : favorable terms in the city: see others, then SEE ME AND BE CONVINCED. I WILL SAVE YOU, MONEY. $2.2s; weekly^rppay* $50 loan and costs..: \u25a0 , - GEORGB W. MILLER. \u25a0- >:. S Room 35, SW.rcompr.Mlwioa aad -ICth sts.. MONE V loaned I salaried people j and others upoa -; their own names '..without - security: .cheapest 1 rates, easiest payments; offices in 63 principal '- cities; ' save 'yourself , money ;by getting our terms first * TOLMAN, .787, Market, room 137, ..: ; Formerly 553;Parrott building. /. -=-.-:-.:••: -,•-•,=- •\u25a0.- ,\u25a0-;-• D.-D.' DRAKE." \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 '.-' .. . -,••,;/.•:\u25a0-;\u25a0 ;.\u25a0;•• 7 Franklin ; Realty Bldg^^ cor. ; Golden Gate and > Polk: 301. Bt. Paul- Bldg.. t Oakland. = - :i Salary rloans : made quickly- and - privately to Y-. steady ,j employes; lowest \u25a0> rates; easy ; ; terms. . s \u25a0 HERMAN; MURPHY—— ——Junction \u25a0of ".Market^ and ; Sutter . Streets First and second mortgages,'; estates, legacies, etc. LOAN on ' furniture,'! pianos or I security ,; of any \u25a0'• kindi'-.toI poor people \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 we : make \u25a0 loans free '\u25a0 of ' 'charge. ; ILLINOIS .TRUST CO.; 1510 . Eddy, v- ANY . sum, ; Ist - 2d. 3d mortgages,' Interests ln estates. ,R:,.McCOLGAN,- rooma "314-315, :26 v; ; Montgomery, st. v .- : "-, ;: . : . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 I ".\u25a0\u25a0-:-\u25a0 .-/v:;> AA FOR a j strictly j private1loan on furniture,' : , \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 pianos, -. etc.,T : write SP. \u25a0• Or, box 471. -. S. - F. .. ? .ON I furniture find ' pianos jln use ; mo \u25a0\u25a0 commission. ' : V. TREMAINr 723 * Buchanan Bt, near Hayes. ADVANCES on diamonds as usual. Baldwin Jew- ' 2 elry Co.. ' permanent office . 1261 ..Van ' Ness aye. MORRELL Cash loaned to salaried men on note - without lndorser. " 022 \u25a0• Monadnock building.* 1 .. V MINES.AND JiOWisOli'r A" FEWf thousand ; . shares « of stock . In^' mine "at - Angels for 20c per share to erect mill; 3,000.- v : 000 tons of ore ready for mill; will pay over SO \u25a0i: per i cent i per j annum 1 on! face i value 10/ .. stock ; enough ore to keep mill going many years; de- velopment f work I all i done ; , stock should Ibe at -V-par, as soon as mill 1 starts; 'lnvestigate proposl- >tlon.^; Box 2660,;; Call' office;.; - : . :-:\' WALKER I Range Mlnmg j Company owns 5 claims ; about ; west -of * Walker * lake near Mt Grant; assays of $107.33, $25.42, $41.46, $103.35 have \u25a0;- been made by T. B. Gambel. It is proposed to rush development work.- To aid ln this work a email - block iof 1«tock - will s be ' sold rery low. Apply at once to F. De FEKITAS, 413 Kearny \u25a0trett"\-:; •..,\u25a0:.',•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0-'":-'-'-.'-'-•'- \u25a0"'--"\u25a0--• . ;:' - " .- ,-/ ASSAYING 50c; " gold, rich - ore, etc., i bought 1 ' - Pioneer . Assay- Company, 131 sth st, nr. Mint ASSAYING and all branches of mining, taught at HBALD'S. School \u25a0 of ; Mines. '\u25a0 20C j Locust \u25a0 aye. t. PROSPECTORS-^Make f assays aln i field. Pros- * >\u25a0' ppctors' f Supply > Co."; * Los Angeles, Cal. *>••\u25a0• -s? :^ ; l'Mb<aei t'n'n'd>yoWlty%Mjßnnfactn«'ewt 'n'n'd>yoWlty%MjBnnfactn«'ew' 1 .-^. MECHANICAL Instruments, i tool making, press- \u25a0 t work, gear cni ting. ' V. SOLLMAN.' 375 Natoma.' :;, : L; MARBLE {AND i MOSAIC^WORKs}./'^ \u25a0 DESIGNERS - ana s- contractors.: ' Galasal - Marble '\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0Ji and « Mosai c;' Co. <i Tel.. Fell 9246. >-.U21 1 Fell -af :^ MUSICAL^! INSTRUMEJrrs' r ; : ; '•"\u25a0 Tl A \u25a0: CHANCE Vto1 getla Jgood *i upright : plano\ at X.< your i own $ price ; 1? several v taken nin a exchange J j for ». the '< Heine ! player '• piano: : two « Fishers $83 ', and ' $115 : i Shermer.i $140 : ; Werner. \u25a0 $155 ; Mar- ; m shall, ? $135 ; ? Sherwood j& 5 Son,» $170, •-, and sev- . eral ** otliers.*i. These s are '; all t first Viclass a up^ r* rights i and ( some ; of ' them \ cannot :• be - told : frota" i'a=new.% Terms,"S rents, Fs2 * up;;< installments,^ $4 ->}up:^ Heine ? Piano uo.,i*1311r Golden Gate \u25a0 ay.V :J 14G6 j Bush . sf? and 469-471 ' 20th . at., Oakland.' AN NEWi PlANOifory $160. V i: A'^ Steck^- alsoja" '•:.-' Kranlch !& ,\u25a0Bacb. ? and many/ others iat prices from •- $100 < np:*Zf Batisf action a guaranteed at *\ BEN J.; CURTAZ A SON'S,; 1615 Van Ness aye/ 'A~. LAROE i mahogany I upright ; s little , used; 5 $1504 I'l BOWERS d& a SON,'?| 529 * McAllister * st , i near. -.j'Vai);Ne»s;av.'r.-ii- ; .". ;_;\u25a0 -\u25a0..\u25a0;. '^.'i^ M*"^.--'.';.-'^; GOOD -upright::*$85 oofn fpayments; Jwlllitake. lens -, for;- cash. Heine V\ Piano y, Co., 1341 ij Golden . Oiite ay. •. BARGAINS—IO U slightlyi used -\ uprights.";-;- Jos.'; -\u25a01 Schm i ts : &; Co.'. _ 430 Devisadero ; s t - near Oak.'

The San Francisco Call (San Francisco) 1907-05-07 [p 13] · 2017. 12. 18. · 13:traE:>-sAl!jrj^.AyGl]SGO^G^: traE:>-sAl!jrj^.AyGl]SGO^G^:';\u25a0.'.'. CITY REAt ESTATE \u25a0"•"

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Page 1: The San Francisco Call (San Francisco) 1907-05-07 [p 13] · 2017. 12. 18. · 13:traE:>-sAl!jrj^.AyGl]SGO^G^: traE:>-sAl!jrj^.AyGl]SGO^G^:';\u25a0.'.'. CITY REAt ESTATE \u25a0"•"


:traE:>-sAl!jrj^.AyGl]SGO^G^:traE:>-sAl!jrj^.AyGl]SGO^G^:';\u25a0.'. '. CITY REAt ESTATE

\u25a0"•" • UrjUS* HIRSCHLEtt~......ioBO Sutter st"k ..; Pbone West IC7S ....Near Fillmore:;rW',OOO—Large business corner, store and flats... Os Drvisadero st; rents $7,250 per rear-,;..; $35,000 mortgage can remata^/pSd••. : . buy; worth looking into-;.: $12,500— t rnodprn flats of 4 rooms and batheach, in Presidio heights; renta $140 p*r.... nionth; best fiat Investment ia the mar-.;$12,500-3 elegant Cats on Carl st near Cole;-

•;\u25a0 Fplpndid buj*. .|.>.s;i.So( l-^legaat home of 13 rooms; Panhandle

r'po.000— Snap; 2 modern Bats: 6 rooms and batheach: rents $110; $4,000 mortgage canV '«- rrJ*?,*I*''1*'' look teto ttls « once.

*• :;;-^^Kr<5str

s,ct5,ctT8 •»* bath: pam«s«-:';\u25a0-;-" ." , Unobstructed marine view lots oa Val-

'\u25a0\u25a0'''\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 ''\u25a0 "•\u25a0 ; Orin

C °^fr B,aker'aoMl«bill;'choicest\u25a0: \u25a0-- ?**f1™ vh>V.»"ts: best selmioa; come.;.:--. .. end 6ee us about them: some big bargain*.

:\u25a0• Branch office open daily, including\u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0' -.« ,-, Sundays.

\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0:'. **» H ft. near -»th cv. Phone Park Ml\u25a0:?:• -:. lots: lots- lots: i£m $Vm;..".'-.;•\u25a0 ward; ready to buUd oa; terma to sult^. •--. . ' on car line.•'-"' ' n.^!*^' hoaSM «<1 fl»ts la Sunset,

•\u25a0:i '\u25a0 %r h^n !a« >»W»t«. Call st

"•\u25a0\u25a0' • branch office and see our large assort-;;*2.ooo—Great barpalas on n st. Inside cf 19th'-•'•"• f^lt, i~ JJfJcl "t"**bitumlnixed. and:-.:

-?.rt(.fronUl«Goldea Gate park., .53.800— G00d borne on lt»th ay. near B tt;

••\u25a0':' «s «rn^Jh.laor*Money: owner anxious to sell. ,. .*3;s3o—Cottage of 4 rooms *nd bath; Sunset:;V- 000

—Nie<" bungalow of 3 rooms: 14th ay.••

*i«An « Tar<l near rolct Lobos; easy term*.',- -fi.ow—-Bcagalow of 3 rooms and both, lnclnd-,... -ing furniture: near tie beach,

\u25a0;; • LIPMANA HIRSCHLCR. 19S0 Satter st"'

;';. „ FOR SAUE \u25a0--;.-. --\u25a0

•.•\u25a0'- ,S£nih'n"c':t ror

-Jacksoa and Devisadero, 67:8.::. *}*'\u25a0% with 3 bouses. 2351 end 2359 Devlsa-• dcro and 2SII Jackson st: aU modera lm-

:. provements; wiU sell separate. «r---

\u25a0• Northerly line of Fulton st., 100 feet east\u0084.;-.-- -of Polk, 120x120. to Ash ay.. and Improve-

v ?*st SetSM*ct fith mr

-2K:6 «»th of Point.-;-..- .-.Lohos; $1,275.



Sanders nt nr. 14th., 25x125;. , .57,000; par* £14 p,r o«,t: can b* raised.CASH OR INSTALLMENTS.

•.. \u25a0 or vnLL, mpßovk\u25a0;".-•;-: SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO.

"\u25a0- ?' :^uV-

?V ?• K« Tsxlo°: 3 lot"- *800 each.:-,'.isxl-00!;

0$ th "• S- ***• E S 6t9' S-

:i-' T- 6" Er" H-

SOsIOO. 2 lots; 8300 each.\u25a0•- <&2&!leT" S" bet L*nd MS-

55x100. 3 lots;- -.$4OO cadi.

• 1 *T* S" "' G %t" T5xl00« 3 lot»: *250p "*

Q 6tl- s- 50x100-

.C 2 iTs^bc)1aS,d

R«Gs*on<lR«G5*0n<1 *T'"•• CeXloo%..-_ -.;-: GEORGE K. FRINK.2626 Vallejo st. ?S.ooO— Fice 6 room cottage ln best part of

\u25a0• c'jeset; rurnlahed.$S 500-^ end 6 room fiats; Clement st, close'..' in: hicb. baspment.

f 53^~5 fiats -inside ICth ay., Richmond; rents.. 112.600— Buflnrss property n^ar Rth" and Har-_,rt»°n sts.; under lease 10 years et $105 month... tt12.500— Improved lot in heart of commissionflistrict: loased *tJlOO. with temporary build-.'.- ar; can jret $275 for $9,<kx» building. 1

.(sls.ooo— Store and Cat in best block oa Devlsa-. «sero «t.; rents $ISS. I'f45.000

—8 6 room Cats on corner near park--

rents $430.'..s£so a month— loo rooms, north of Market oa

\u25a0. <\u25a0 large «ornw lot.PAUL BANCROFT...;:Temporary 2112. 725 Market

.-.. LOTS.S37.r>oo— Bth Pt near Mcßse; 75x?5.•*20.000 —^»th st. near Sherman: 50x100.

\u0084 $10,500— 25th it.; 12 lots; 23x100.*


-$2.7so— Lake st. aad 3d ay.: 25x109.$7.soo— Greea st. near Mason: 00x100.

\u25a0 £ HOUSES AND LOTS.f32.80f>

—Devisadero st. a?er Turk: 71x137.

J2S.soo— C*pp at. near 24th: 60x115.$21.0f«i

—Ellis st. new Bartanan: 25x120.•'.BERKELEY PROPERTY— ALLKINDS.

T*)ts ln Reis tract; lots ia Sunset tract.Lots la University Mound tract.

WRIGHT & GREENE. 322 Bnsh Bt. -$12,000

—2 up to date flat*. 2 years old; 6 and 7

:.' -. . romas: nicely furnished; choice location.:'•

\u25a0-. 1410 Halght 6t. \u25a0

• \u25a0"iT.OOO—

Here are two 6' and 6 room fiats, 1%years old: well built; this sixe and price

• bard to find. 1410 Halght Bt


Three 4-5 and 6 room flats; new; rent• •$S0: mortgage of $4,000 to remain; start. here. 1410 Halght fct.~~

E. S. FYFE & CO..~~

SS4S Mission ft. Telephone Market 2154.$CSO—

Jfew 2 room cottaye: 2 blocks Guerreront. cars; $250 caeh; $15 iaoath; sewer con-nections.


New 4 room «rttage: near cars: terms..' WE have buyers for property north of the park.."What tave yon to offer? Quick sale; all cash.... W. J. GCNN. \u25a0.

Northeast corner Greoa and Devisadero sts.Phone West 2oltf.

v .H.AVE you a lot residence or flat for sale withia;\u25a0' ' 3 blacks of Union st.. north or south, and west. . of Hyde et.? Then call oa

-:•-•- W. J. GUNN,:. " .ICortteest comer Green nnd Devtiadero ets.;V_ Phone West 2C16.


2C3 CLEMENT ST.. COR. 3D AY.$12.000

—35x60. nr. Geary end Taylor; suitable

for small apartment bouse.$3.250

—Large corn*»r. ir»th ay. and Pt TjOhos,• with k<»y. MARKLANE. 1253 MeAlHrter.

HAVE you a residence or lot north of Californiaand west of Ilyde that yoa want to sell? amarine vi«>w preferred. W. J. GUNN, north-«"£st corner Greea aad Devisadero. PhoneWot 2C16.

- .WE war.t to purchase a property oa California

from Fillmore to Brod*rick. or oa Devisaderofrom California t« rtaiffbt. W. J. GUNN,f»rttj«!!!t comer Gccea aad Devisadero sts.Thou* Wcet 2618.

RCHWEINHARD & CO.. ZHesl Estate Agents. Established ISB3.

Cottages and lots sold oa payments.Cholre inve»tm«itii -in iacome property.

-Call or send for free catalogue.

- ''KOTHERMF.L 4: CO.. CO3I Fillmore et... have

*omi>. poM banraine ia city property; also. hocKPs and lot* in BcrfceJpr. Oakland and Ala-ro«><!E.. Get our new catalogue, j \.

FJI-HKRT St.. 09 fp<-t east of Hyde st <"ar;44i137:«: runny side of etreet: rrand marineview: v^ry ratuaWe for Eats or apartmenthons«: owner at place.•

E. BAILEY. 2143 Market stFin* marine tJ»w at switchback of ISth st

r*rt:75*100: 2 frontages on Folsoro it.;cheap.

HOMES, flats aad business property; your choiceof Jocatinn—

«\u2666 two fine in Richmond. STAN-TON. O'BRIEN &,CO.. 1148 Market pt.

IF you \u25a0<ntnt-a r^od lot in the Mission, ktS. MEEHAN & CO.. 4118 24th or 2116 Market.

C. B. WtW.OX t CO.. 537 G. G. AY.ROOMIKQ & APARTMENT HOUSES. HOTELS.V%r<- CASH ?Sio. $10 monthly: near S st. Park-

Rldf; great bargain. Box 500, Call office."CHOICE building lots from $I,CK> up. 1410

Hw!ght st.


FOR sale on terms—

Pretty S roam snd bath cot-tajre; new; ia-tbe •woods of San Rafael; 10'

,~0 minutes to sfationt electric light, ell plumb-ing, telephone, water and sewvr: larce lot;; most well. W&>. AUGrSTIN'R. 702 Market st.


BAK MATEO REAL ESTAT3_ .'. \u25a0-\u25a0'

'See tbe new subdivision la'

SAN MATEO PARK. .IGradual slope with fine eleratloa. presentloe a

panoramic view cf over. 60 miles; lots 75 foot. * frontages: long depth; oiled roads; water and. sewer; eucalyptus and cypress trees; sold oaterras.. WILLIAMH. CONH. 204 B gt. Ban Mated


FEEE exocrsion to Brophy's XSeach Tract Half.moon Bay. Thursdays and Sundays: large 50 ft

: lots, frosting oa 2 streets. 00 tbe best bathingbeach, sold -on terms; call and

-arrange \u25a0 for

transportation.FRANK P. BROPHY.

1128 Geary st~ near Van Ness ay.\u25a0

'Phone Franklin 1165.


Excursion Dally—


—Large size lots on.tbe B. R. line, depot

• and Ocean boulevard: highest elevation, grand-*si location ;easy terms.

-Call for free trans-

portation tickets.POTTEB-STOLL CO.. 604 Mission st

Atlas bldg. Tel.- Temporary 10»4.

FREE excursion'to Halfmoon bay daily. JOR-DAN & UTTLEPAGB. 1443. Flllmore st.rooms 3 to 7: r>hone Wf>t 35. *


SA*f RAFAEL REAL-ESTATE1 GOIVG back to 'Frisro; sell 5 room bungalow.

125 foot Jot $1,500: half >value; easy .pay-mttntt. THIFXMANN. 233 B St.. San Rafael.

SAJf AXSBLMO REAL ESTATE _PRETTY home. S rooms and bath, 53.250; partly-

furnished; plenty trees and sun. Inquire HotelRow;!.

- ' --.''-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0.


• SEAL estate, all parts of•Palo Alto;\u25a0 lots aodTWa- sites; easy • terms. •CO-OPERATIVE


} '\u25a0 ..' .•\u25a0._\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 If.... \u25a0i BAXTA CRUZ REAL ESTATEIHOMES. Investments, lots, email* ranches,' bean-1 Ufel seaside resort E. M. Brows," Santa Cruz. I


;MUSICAL% INSTRTJMENTS^CotitInnedBUY,"'rent or exchange, direct <at factory,'* pianos:J that sing, their own praise,' WM. L,.BCHMITZ,\u25a0•'.' mfg.;v tuner,\repairer; -.everything .guaranteed;\u25a0 201years In his own building. \u25a04a1Bartlett st:r.-lbet. ,21st

'and;22d, Valencia :and Mission sts.- 7?

$10 TO $100 talkingImachines. 4 180 newipianos, j..;Mission \Phonograph * and'Piano

-Co.1 2687 \u25a0Mls-

";sloB,st~:>-.''''-- -v.. -\u25a0_,'\u25a0:-.'-.-\u25a0/\u25a0.-:- \u25a0-..\u25a0'(.\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0'\u25a0' '\u25a0 j'-:"\u25a0::-.;

BOHMER,1Byron"Mauzv = pianos. Oeclllan plaas

jplayers... BYRON MAUZY. 117P O'FarreU st~>?'A BNA"P-=-Upright' rouewood finish, perfect order.

be sold.; 853 Valencia st \u25a0


'ALMOST v»ew--Emerson \u25a0 upright." \u25a0 cheap. "v*HOR-

gjNUNG,7ISS4 Eddy;st near, Fillmore,-


FlSHER i;nprlght,'

good-as ;new, -for $165.yHeine Piano Co.;" 1466 Bnsh st. \u25a0\u25a0!.^__Jl^_L—;


SPACE iia Longfellow;market \17x78 \u25a0 fee t,suit-- -able for any first.class business; rent reason-•'lable;;lease if\u25a0 desired. /" Apply 2236 Flllmore.:LARGE:office,';with• living

"rooms, \u25a0 suitable :for

t;doctor, ,architect .or ,contractor: '..SW. corner?;•'Sntter ;and Larkln;sts. ;long


FILLMORE •t.T1738,^ nr. Sutter—Modern offices,-:-;with light and janitor service; low rentals. In-Vjquire at bank. y%:j^'j?;-:::'':?Jv,:^ \u25a0\u25a0-.- C:.-t '\u25a0'*'\u25a0,

Basement with conveniences jadapted for any busi-y.nesBralso large rear basement 1931^4 O'Farrell

STORE :for. rent, $75 month. ,'Sl6 Van Ness ay.;:T--'must » be rented \u25a0at

*once.' \u25a0

' * •..-" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*_ \u25a0 \u25a0/__



*corner ,of>Washlng-

\u25a0iton and.1 Lyon sts. New, ;sunny, 4 rooms and,batb;:rent $40, $45 and $50. Convenient 'to

4. car lines. --' Take • Chutes car or Powell s and. Jackson or California and get off at Lyons st:;;Aeent on premises Oto 4and 7;to 8:30 even-'';.;.-lngg."-.A.::.V. \u25a0:':.:.".":: -i:^r:^i--.:

-..-.:-'-::. \u25a0\u25a0'. ?. r *

'..- \u25a0' :'.y

NEW apartments .to \u25a0\u25a0> let, - containing 3 and 4;-rooms -and 'bath •each and large storerooms .for

each: every latest Improvement and all sunny,r'- Apply,on \u25a0 premises, 3163 -.California Bt;' bet":-r::-r:Lyon and >Presidio ay.,

'only from 1;to 3 p.' m.

HOTEL NORDEN,' 7SB Howard, bet. 3d *nd 4th;\u25a0 hot-cold jwater and steam- 1heat ;ln every, room;\u25a0;Ielevator Iservice ;>rooms 50c. 75c. -$1 per: nightrv; CHRISTENSEN ," & SHAW. '4. Props. A first.': class [ grill;and .cafe la connection. ;v-"



;600 WELL VENTILATED SINGLE ROOMS.- ' :25c -AND 35c PER NIGHT,;> $1.25 TO $1.75 PER WEEK.-


THE KENSINGTON, Howard :and' Sixth sts.—. \u25a0 A -beautiful inewly.s furnished !modern Ihouse;

r.central business district;12>blocks 1 from post-/ :office, 10 minutes from ferry; all cars transfer.'-to door; rates most reasonable.- - ,.


- .DAY—WEEK—MONTH.. .^S24 laguna, cor..McAllister. .

PLANTERS'. HOTEL, cor.12d and Folsom. sts.—'. 100 elegantly fnrnished :outside rooms, iaclud-

•'. ring;hot :and*cold »water,' electric • lights, call

bells and all conveniences; prices reasonable/ENTERPRISE (The)," 1144 MARKET,now open;

r"» strictly first class . HOTEL;.: large, ;elegantly, 'furnished (room,;60c to $1.50 per day; steam

,'heat;; hot. cold-water. \ .. . .•.-'--.'"\u25a0\u25a0.ST."ELMO APARTMENTS, 1452 Devisadero near,

•-\u25a0 Geary; n«w building,-fur.'or unfurnished; prl-, vate hall; all modern conveniences; rates reas-

onable, oTel..West; 1523. .. -_'\u25a0- -..\u25a0•'.\u25a0 :

SAN:REMO,' 906 McAllister— Elegantly furnishedv rooms; country transient solicited.



/ \u0084-. .-..-... w., -:•--\u25a0

THE DUNEDIN—Just opened ;newly \u25a0 furnished;• also transient; '"modern conveniences. -1024'".'McAllister st. \u25a0\u25a0".\u25a0: -'•;/ ;-. \u25a0



\u25a0< -:,;:. ..•\u25a0.--'\u25a0STANDARD HOTEL, corner 6th

-and Folsom


100 single . rooms. ,35c afid - 60e per'.;night;;$2,.$2.50 and $3.per week;safe; bar-

bershop and baths. --.:..'. > \u25a0 :HOTEL1LAUREL. 2176

-Mission st ;:take Mis-

\ sioa \u25a0 st -car..from ferry; 58 newly„ furnishedsunny rooms; electric light,hot and cold water.-

HOTEL'RALEIGH. 1951 Sutter st, now'open;r.

" elegantly .furn. rooms. . with or without-bath;

-country transients .solicited;.rates -reasonable.HOTEL SNETHERLANDS bet 7th and Bth, on:;Market

—150 S outside Irooms;

'running water,'

separate closets, bells, etc.; 75c to $2 per day.

MECHANICS*..HOME. 16th st.,. near Church;";furnished 'rooms ;for men;-electrio :ligbta la

\u25a01 ;:every room;hot and cold water baths Included.NEW.FULTONHOUSE," 429 Fulton— Jnst opened,r;newly;furnished ::reading room, bath, electric-

light;-;room by day. :week or month: $10 up.HOTEL CONGRESS,*- cor.:- Flllmore and Ellis;

;V phone jWest 4224— 1n;center of retailIdistrict ;.;suites and.single rooms, i.with'private baths.-'HOTEL CARLTON;246 4th st—3o sunny rooms;'jelectric • lights and ;bath;\u25a0 $2.50 up;transients;•„<"\u25a0:-a<specialty. \u25a03d,st".station take 3d sf car. .v.

v \

the ;McAllister, 1412-14 xMcAllister ;\u25a0 st—-.Large sunny . rooms; jelegantly furnlahed; suit-::able for.man and "wife or 2 •gentlemen. L.HOTEL REGAL—Now open; elegantly furnished;.• 50c \u25a0 and up

-per \u25a0 day:75 «feet r from.SB. s cor.

::-\u25a0\u25a0 3d;and Folsom sts. ;B. BAIOR,.propr.- -"- p.

.-- v ;COMMERCIAL HOTEL.: -^.• .:-*;.--Elegantly fnrnished rooms (theatrical and com-mercial); running water. ."761 Turk st^. \u25a0-

\u25a0•\u25a0C- -' -HOTEL ST. ROSE, -, . \, V.Northeast \u25a0; corner ;:Ell's and ..Webster sts.;', all- '- modern conveniences; 'permanent .or traasleat.'

HOTEL FF.NTON. 259 '7th st—7o sunny rooms;.electric lights;-75c up; from ferries. take How-;-ard:at.- car.-;- Tel. =Market;5443. -, /; \u25a0 :.;'<

THE'RICHLAND—36;pleasant Erooms; ]running. water and electric lights; $3 weekly op. 1906

Mission st.; take Mission car.;---';'


154-156 3d "\u25a0 st.;'European.-.\u25a0\u25a0' plan;<$3.50 to $7, per,week; ,75c.t0 $1.50 per.day;:tourist trade solicited..' .:- .


Sunny furnished rooms, 'single••: aud.i'en:-:Buite;* :modern. -.Northwest corner.\u25a0v Gouch and ,Grove 5t5. ... --;.,.-" :\u25a0'..• % \u25a0 "."\u25a0HOTEL/SIEREA,- 610 MeAlllster st ;•electric-.lights: hot- water; baths; $I.day; phone Mar-

•-V-ket 338T. :.•;-,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -';.:;.-'.;- '--\u25a0\u25a0. .',--.\u25a0:•. -..-.':"!'.. -

HOTEL ELLIS,'I94I Misalon-^Seleet: recepdon:.;and parlor; rooms.i day.;$1 op; week. $4 np.\

CAPITOL..HOUSE— Rooms 23e ".and ;upward;> ;weekly, $1.75 aTnd up. 733 Harrison gt. nr. &A.

NEW .SOUTHERN— Rooms. /$2.30 weekly f up;:trans. ;j60c per night.,Cor. 6th •and \u25a0Bryant

HOTEL*ARCADEr-100;rooms; running water;-75c -to $I.so; per day; transient 151 Sd st.


-143 3d st—Outside rooms. $3

-': and $2.50 per week ;transient, 50a and 75c. \u25a0,-:

!-.;: v;HOTEL:VANiNESS. ;Ne« Golden Gate. S r,:European plan,. sl:day. 619 -Van Ness ay. .


PLAN.,;'.:sl-,day;up.- SE. cor.,; McAllisteriand Franklin.THEV;Metropolitan ;Hotel. rJ973- Harrison st;r rooms $2 up,%weekly;;take Folsom-st ;car. .:.-HOTEL WILLARD—NOW OPEN; ROOMS MOD-.ERN. 637 MCALLISTER,tnear. Franklin. ..;•;

ELKHQRN;HOUSB? '"IB3 Valeacla^ st; .rooms;'; 'neat!> '. finished;1


'from'Market ;.,;


RAILWAY HOTEL,-.24 Tiffany ar.". back •ofcar barn; furnished rooms. -'.-.' y':"'^.

L'ELYiSEE; elegantly-furnished .rooms;' strictly

privateihotel.* Bl43sieth st.^<-

J-'-' \u25a0 . •

J%I.HOciE9ITOiL^T^iiiOTl«liedf>lNlCEXY.;.furnished* hrase, lT'rooms.**baths,", gar-

den: \u25a0 marine '^lew; ;.see owner,' 123 Cherryst'


FOR *rent-^Fumlshed VcompleteT except 'silver,~;f from Juno 1111to Aug."15,;\u25a0> an rartisticihome ;;4

large sleeping -rooms \u25a0 besldea . servants' quar-ters. \u25a0C. L.'^PLACE.*113Xlrcle, \u25a0-\u25a0 Palo Alta :

-HOUSES \u25a0 TQILET—Ont ofiTown


:/J\.FOR rent—A•furnished summer house Inear Saa-•\u25a0 Francisco;? 12 rooms; beautiful grounds. Apply

\u25a0' 912. *Devlsadero ? »t.v-&•-'\u25a0•*'--~'


- --- '

'\u25a0?-% ':/'::.''

;\u25a0; HOUSES >WANTED/,.-'

DRSIRE to purchase furnished fiat or house. 5-12\u25a0 rooms; do agents. ;Boi649. Call.' Flllmore'st

j'- r"-':v'l\u25a0-\u25a0lVlats^tollet.^-- :^'--'^\u25a0 ">,FREE 'RENTINGiDEPARTMENT .;

. 'Near >Hyde 'sf,'. new :modcra *flat of 5 rooms", "

and bath,* |40:i?-v.r:'i?>!S»^3El^^?iS»iS«r I»jn^1»jn^Near »Golden s.Gate \u25a0 park;felegant ;n«w - flat -.of

:\ \u25a0»- 6'large,isunny:rooms.andibath,"s6o.>6'large,isunny: rooms. and ibath," $60.> . \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0• vi"Nice;sunny. 5;room \u25a0 flat'in Mission,* $35. ".. \u25a0', ;

£ Very,swell ,7 room flat on Golden Gate ay.i;$50.''r..aing us 'up or;drop a' postal' and we willsendi.i '.-,'\u25a0 a ,-, conveyance "which1will.;return ,you.. home>.;during car strike.**--*1 •'-..•.'""-•;-:' •..' \u25a0\u25a0--..\u25a0* :-.-.'^ !.::;APPLY.'-- -

\u25a0" -' •'.-' .- ,- HARRY;j. \u25a0 MOORB FURNITURE CO.,;\u25a0.\u25a0-;

•':-,V;;-> :;'^735-747;EDDY.ST. \u0084.-:\u25a0;. .-\u25a0 '-.--..-•.

NEW marine view Iflat;',7;sunny rooms;;separatef*entrance ;!Devisadero >near :Green;1adults "with&references only;•reasonable, ,'iBox 2858, •Call.*;y-i

DON'T pay. ?10.a room to rent a Cat;- buy acottage ;on;easy,terms \u25a0of LINCOLN• & SUTH- sERLAND;1550 kValencia;^; near .;16th.-; ; \u25a0\u25a0\\-j\

$45. f42-U)—

2 fine jnew flats,". 51rooms each. 11452 :tilGreen st"'.bet\ Van;Ness

'ay."av."and ;

Polk st.'* '•CallElbetween ;10;andi3\o'clock. Tu^*:;r \u25a0 \ '-::"\u25a0. '\u25a0

-.: \

CARLVatt?306-^3^ sunny -rooms toi\u25a0j,c refined \u25a0 couple:iEllis.or.;Masonic ;av.vcars. \u25a0;..;

LYONhst.,f 648,f near *McAllUter—New 'Cmodern3sunny; flat t4 rooms^ bath;; s37.so. \u25a0;.-/. >v.;v

MODERN? flat*ofi7;sunny'rooms

'and J bath;.^ 443


-S'.~3.A*st.r^824^4 room flat,*; with• gas and yard;.renti$IS;- reasonable. '- .

CLAYTON.I74S—FIat of 4 rooma and bath;: fine-location.

- " ' . '

Berkeley real;estate;,'


MANUFACTURERS AND':HOME SEEKERS.\u25a0l--!1;^!/.'ATTENTION.! 1;^!/.'ATTENTION. •' \u0084 \u25a0 . .

WE HAVE 26 FACTORY SITES .;t"\\u25a0'/-i.\u25a0 v;v:v: \u25a0 FORSALBi > ;;\u25a0


ALL SIZES '"V \.. *'\\ m



I \ BOTH SANTA FE AND 5.,P. ;. .-

Also on the LWater Front.West Berkeley and Richmond.

Close to the Electric CarILines.This is Worthy of Your Consideration.. Call or write- for particulars. \u0084\u25a0\u25a0 .?

Good Residence Lots Tor SaleCheap; $50 Down, \u25a0• \u25a0

And Balance Per Month.

c ; . McLAUGHLIN-DRIGGS C0.".. Inc.. 1041 UNIVERSITY, AV.,.''^. WEST BERKELEY.- :«





$4,750 '-...'-'\u25a0; :-:; \u25a0 \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0:. y "

'.'.:<\u25a0, .BERKELEY BARGAIN

New 6 room modern :cottage; high basement;south frontare ;.east Telegraph .ay.. near IAshbystation. 247S Prince st. or,

- ' ~ ' --.*

ADELAIDEMARQUAND,. \u25a0.:-. 2143 Center st. ':

FOR sale la \u25a0Berkeley—Fine modera • fiveIroomcottage with high basement, lot 91x100, lawn,fruit trees aad berries; \u25a0 nice locality, cou-venient to '\u25a0 local

-. trains '- an \u25a0' delectric :cars.'Price $5,000^ Apply STEWART & BROWN,Inc.. 948 Broadway. Oakland. - '



Only. 20 minutes -..from s Market'st.;

"elegantbeach; lots 5250 up; best, investment on mar-

ket Free tickets, at LOCKE-PADDON CO.'S,616.-Van Ness' ay. -...-':. \u25a0\u25a0;__-.." \u25a0-...-=\u25a0\u25a0'-..;,\u25a0.\u25a0: ..;;,•-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0


On O. S. P.y.' (new elec. line)Free • (auto) .excursions !every

- • day \u25a0.fromCLINE BROS.^e sth st. near Market.


OAKLAND SUBURBAN :HOME—Comfortablehome situated near MlUscollege;:6 room-cot-'.tage, high basement, .large 'barn, small vine-yard and orchard; 2 acre piece: 200 foot' front-age on Seminary ay.;part cash. :Address box1109. Call office. 'Oakland. > \u25a0^'j'-' \u25a0


CHICKEN PLACE. "\u25a0 ,Ihave a 4 room house and 3 acres of land

In orchard; very. fine: rent $12 nwl stock of400 chickens, ducks; -"\u25a0.nice \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- fresh cow;

. chicken houses, all wired In::incubator andbrooder for sale. M. H. KENISTON, Dimond,

\u25a0\u25a0Rhoda ay."' '•\u25a0 -'\u25a0

--\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0*" -'-'- : •\u25a0:\u25a0• \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0

W"ATSONVTLL]B REAL ESTATEInvestments,' homes, orchards.' Best conntry -on;earth. List sent. Peckham &Peckham, Wat'viUe


DR. SYLVESTER'S Office. V517 23d st. nr. Telegraph ay, Oakland, Cal.

Leading Specialist for Wom*n. \u25a0 : ;

Ladles—Ifyou \u25a0 are suffering from any :all-

mtnt peculiar to Your sex, worried about 'yourcondition; and

-need help. :consult this famous

jp«ctalwt because he Is truly the only regular- '-

jIy*graduated physician' upecialiat for womenadvprtlslng. havlng-(19) years of 'success—WITHOUT ONE FAILURE—he jrlves relief—AT ONCE^

—without drags, •operation..or need-

less detention from your occupation; with orie-:• InaI—PAINLESS— HARMLESS-^methods; .withnigh professional standing and oualificatlonsrecogniied by the highest medical \u25a0 authority,with office well appt£nte<l and utrtotly private,he. Is tbe / SAFEST— AND;SUREST—man to

/ consult when you need help.- Consultation andadvice absolutely free. . Private sanitariumwhen necessary. \ Fees .'\u25a0• moderate. Hours, \u25a0 9a. m. to 9•p. m. . Open 'Sundays. Tclep'aoneOakland 7901. "


\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0- •-.•\u25a0- -.-,_,_„.DR. SYLVEWTER'S Office. ; ¥*517 23d St.. nr. Telegraph ay., Oakland. Cal.DR G. W. O'DONXELL—LadIe*, all who are

sick or In trouble, consult this :specialist 'onfemale complaints:positively corrected ;


unfortunate helped: the most vdlfflcult casestreated; every case -taken; Immediate relief:no poisoning drugs; low fee: my methods willcure all cases of irregularity; consult me; save. time and money: advlee:free: hours, 0 a., m.to 4. 6:30 to 8:30. 1212 Turk. sty- \u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0,'.'

VALPEAU'S female pills; best .regulating pillssold; price $2.50 by express."Pasteur's syringes

; and tablets: price $5.' By express only,on- re-.celpt of price.-

OSGOOD BROTHERS, whole-sale' druggists, 7th -and Broadway, :Oakland.

A—MRS. DR. WYETH, reliable ladies* special-r Ist. for all female irregularities; instant relief• ga*«nteed;'3O years' successful practice. ;1524

Webster st. near Geary; open; Snadays.MRS. DR. KOHL, ladies' . speelalist for all? fe-"\u25a0'e Irregularities;. Instant relief


1624 TVebater St.. near Geary; open Sundays.DR. JAMES NEAL. 1438 Ellis st, near Webster.Specialist in women's diseases. Hours, Ba. m.

to 9 p. m.; Sundays, 0 to 2. • >.-;Dfi;oCV%

C-.0 'Pollnel1're Qown«d female specUllst912 Devltadero/ bet McAllister,and oVTg. ay.

D a^diMR«B<'DAVJE3'

«e"«>d"of.treatment824 Valencia ;st. between 19th \u25a0 and 20th. • ;>

DR ROSEN, 2995 Folsom st, cor. 26th—Ladles;, thousands recommend him;• relief or no fee, \u25a0; <


National Cash Registers have been sold to Cali-fornia merchants. Real merit alone could se-cure such a phenomenal sale ,of s any article.WV guarantee to seU you a better cash regis-ter for less money, than any other concern. Un-,less we can demonstrate this claim to you wed,on *

f^SF* you t0 buy." Is thU a fair.propo-. sitiont New and slightly used registers .onST.,nltmthlyPayments. -; Call and see ns. - ,

THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY,';-•;>:\u25a0'- .1283-85 Golden Gate Avenue. .;:: . ,

\u25a0 Safes—

second hand— cheapWaltz, Hall, Dlebold. Cary, Pittsburg.'any make.siu or style.:HALF*PRICE. CaihTor easy.payments. Safes bought, sold and.exchanged.'


1%SAFESI- SAFES— Big Removal Sale:

"we \u25a0 are •going •to >move ', to •our *newilocation. and cto \u25a0; save the . big3 expense ?of 3. movingTouretock we are offering.great bargains; it


'you - to:see ? ns, •?, RICHARDSON BROS V131 6th st; Agt, Cnry.Safe Co. \u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0"•

KLEOANT;:'.;-'---:-':'-.- '.':\u25a0:\u25a0.:'../. ;r:j.-.'--'. --.-~

Enameled bathtub with overflow .....'. .".$10.00\u25a0: Enameled sink,

-strainer and bolts .:.~i.~. ,'3.50... Closet C0mp1ete :."....."........'. .-.-.....-.-; 12.60

Lavatorias ..r.;".T;;."."7CtVr.'.T'.......... 860\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0>• -.-' . •-.."\u25a0.".-.\u25a0\u25a0 lOfl*

'POST;BT. -,;,-;\u25a0,.. .:-, ;-..' .. ...



pipe,: fittings.*;-lead


»".metals, -" builders' wall-: anchors, i.floor'plates.'sash weights, ,-half • price. NE corner Fulton1

;and Gougli sts.;1,200 ft 6 in. stan. soil DiDe.$1.50 a^length. -: \u0084 ,': : ,^r .. -L£-""r>iSECOND-HAND '\u25a0 boilers,' engines. 4

'pnmps/ ehaft-:-:Ing/;pulleys,,belting, ,pipes, >\u25a0 etc.; *etc? \u25a0Bold,

7exchanged -.and rented. -H. x S.7 WHITEVMA^

CHINERY^ CO., corner Ninth and :Bryant sts.TENTS at \ factory :•_ prices;

'am sizes ;^send forcatalogue. W.1 A.rPLUMMEHMIS-H7 Drumm,).= st.;- Ban Francisco;! TeL" Temporary (3083. wAndi.-500-C6O Franklin st;. Oakland; tel.Oakl'd2sB3.~ATTENTION—Second !hand 'pipe,J aa S good sas?^new; 50,000 ft'.U In. and «-In:;:50,000 ft.'l-

1n.,U00,000 ft lftla.;i10.000 ft 2 ln.r cheapv for cash.


t133 S 11th 8t~L? Yry v;

CASH registers,' Hallwoods and '\u25a0 Nationals, '• prac-f.-•f.-•tically aew;all styles;

'sold oa •small monthly

:-\u25a0\u25a0 paymenU. PACIFIC COAST CASH REGISTER•;-,. CO..i16 City Hall Square, f-.» ry. :.x::~,. ;,-\u25a0..*;WELL"

tools for;earth;1300 1ft.*rods, 1 2iaugers, 9

v.rope,. 2 derricks, \u25a0 2 double geared .wIndlaswes, > 1v tand.pnmp, -l', horsepower, sand iother .'-tools;- $100..Al771vTnrk.at,r :, -^- --^ij:,'.-


HALLWOOD cash' registers; total adders; $25 to:$1)0; -:also

"Nationals.- » GASHEREGISTER iEX-

CHANGE. -1183 \u25a0 Market-St.. iCentral (Theater-;., building. ...-,..\u25a0:;-/: '\u25a0-":;" y.v £\u25a0;-. -':\u25a0\u25a0• (-:-

''/ y?t

FORiPale-:-2 horse coveredi camping.- wagoniwithir-'.' seatsi along «the t'aides: 11%\u25a0ia \u25a0; axle; *suitable'.;«.\u25a0 for:bus. •;FRANK(J.JBAKER,;6O4 ?MIssioa Ist;

INDEPENDENTiMachine \Co.V? 2XO i11th*st ;Ien-".>• glneers ;and •contractors ;?machine works;*light

~>'. forging, toolmaking;; lumber trucks a specialty."!BARS,";cigar stands, groceryiand window |display;:'fixtures, ete.;rat abort notice; showcases; desks.''.. MEEK,-1161 Mission «t betweeß ,7th 'and Bth/



.^*R«ncho EncmaU 1 mile"north of Rosevtlisana is miles northeast of Sacramento, now readyfor examination; 4 sections of land divided into40 acre tracts ; virgin., soU; never; plowed 'andnne«t land for fruit grapes or grain: willbe sold°\ ,ye*™' credU; we pay the taxes; the cheap-esi land Ia state; $23 aad up per acre; rallro.iflruns through the land: 00 failure ever knownnere. Send for particulars to owner,

R, P. DOOLAN, ROSEYILLE. CAL._ HOME SEEKERS. ATTENTION. ..only 30 days more ln which to secure our colony

lands at $35 to $45 an acre on = easy term*.Act at once. This Is choice fruit and alfalfaland, well watered, withia reach of San Fran-cisco market; only.$5 an. acre down, balanceto suit. ..Ifia city call at our office for particulars;

Ifout of city write at once. To:Investigatethis means to buy. .

Golden Seal Realty Co,. 1828 Flllmore st.S. F.CALIFORNIA land $1 acre, balance entire pur-

chase $1 week for each 5 acres: no taxes; noIinterest: 5 acre tracts; level, rich, clear; readyto p)ow; under Irrigation; perpetual waterright; Immediate possessioa glvea; particularsmaps, photographs for 2c stamp. StevhwoaOniony, room 26, 703 Van' Ness ay., San Fran- 1Cisco, •

A SONOMA county 600 acre dairy; 2 sets "build-:lusTi; CO high grade cows, ?0 liead young Btock:*''"«*«: wagons and farming tools of nilkinds; incubators and brooders- for 1,000 poul-iYT'i*:000 cords wood: spring and livingstream; :35.000 cash, time oa.balance. Box 265?, Call.

A MONEY MAKING LITTLEFARM jla our new colonies near a city, easy terms;1 I.land;. rlch "°n« bl« can«1' Soo*lmarketel2^dc rallro«d and best climate. • —.

nBDY NOW WHILE LAND IS CHEAP.Capt Obermeyer, cor. Van Ness ay. and.Qrove.

BOSS STATION—One of the prettiest^buildingi°/?fS,«Ir 5 minutes' walk from station; lot

,5. • wooded; water, sewerage. Ifsold imtaediately wiU go at a bargain.

-C. M. WOOSTER CO., 1666 O'FarreU at

FIVE acres, only $375: across the bay. la Ala-meda couaty: rich and level: no floods, no fogs;Southern and Western Pacific roads through

vW>7>7>Krt?V.J? rmg'to snlt y°'l


OUR new spring catalogue of country property;larms, fruit and ponltry ranches, stock ranches,

?m^?Tr«nviT raber lands: c»n ""end for list.BOTHERMEL & CO.. 2091 Flllmore St. 8. F.LIST your country property with me; have cus-tomers for ranches, hotels, stocks of merchan-

£Be »nS *CTe tracts. J. H. EDSON. 15 Baconblock. Oakland.

- -FCRNISHED 4 room house. 5 miles from LosGatos, in Santa Crui mountains. Address C.H. HUNTER. R. F. D. 29, Los Gatos, Cal.IRRIGATED small farms; garden soli; low price;easy* payments; • book free. Write CM.WOOSTER C^PANY, 10C0 O'Farrell et.FOR sale— 2o7 acres rich valley, land; fine Im-provements: stock. Implements, etc.; running

water. Address box TO. Llvermore, Cal.n?,M^S ln tho °o«ntry: sena for catslosne. C.M. WOOSTER COMPANY. 'IOCS O'Farrell st

*^S^°sb Cftn bu-vs a ftae Tlneyard. JOS.ROLLINS, Knlghtsen. Cal.CIJ?:,fP/:ST *nd best In America. The Weekly

Call. >l per rear.

OAKLANDBEALESTATEHOMES on monthly payments; banking Interest;

will.build or buy you a home and loan fullcost of home on your own lot. PACIFICHOME BLDG. CO.. 052 Broadway. Oakland.


EAST OAKLAND SNAPS-And Exactly as Represented.

Large, centrally located apartment house,bringing '

$103 PER MONTH INCOME.Completely fnrnished. All goes for $7,500if sold within the next tea days.'_

LUMBER HAS DROPPED AGAIN.>ow is your opportunity to build on one ofthe finest lots, 35x140; choice location, over-looking Oakland and vicinity: 1 block fromelectric ear line to Oakland. Price $650 cash.

FOR SALE.A fine, comfortable 5 room cottage In Al or-der; fine bath and toilet. Alplumbing; withia5 miautes of S. P. R. R. depot Call at myoffice for further Information. Price $2,750cash. ' ,

WESLEY DIXON,610!iEast 12th Et. East Oakland.

Phone Merrltt 503.ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE .

NEW cottage, 5 rooms and' basemeat 1225Broadway, „,. -New cottage, 4 rooms. 1204 Peach st; terms.

J. H. YOUNG,1243 Park st Alameda.

REAL ESTATE WANTED—COUNTRY.SMALL ranch on stream In food climate in-ex-change for modern residence in San Franclsu.

IMRirhland ay. .\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0 ;_;


iLARGE, beautifully wooded lots: grand scenery,bracing mountain air. pure spring water, all lns veritable fairyland; only 45 minutes fromMarket st by Saasalito ferry and fast electrictrains; lots $350 up; terms. 10 per. cent down,balance $10 per month. .-5 room cottage; 3 minute* from station. s2,23o« room bungalow; magnificent view..:. 3,250

j 6 room residence: rare bargain.......... '4,500"room borne: barn and garage... 7,r>00

10 room mansion; elegant '-....... 9,00014 roeta rrKidenoH. near, station 10 000J. FRED SCHLINGMAN CO., MILL.VALLEY.


For rent furnj«hed. 8 rooms, bath: piano;2 minutes to depot;, fine furniture and -choicevi.*w of ilount. Tamalpais; large glass porchroom, 18x24; nice -place to rest after yourwalk ln San Francisco. .


Store and room'; kitchen: suitable forde'lcßtcsgen. ... \u25a0

'• $4.500

—For sale, large grounds ia -choice

location: fine stately tall-redwoods on grounds;house, 7 rooms, bath, furnished.


ELEGANTLY furnished cottnge. 6 rooms and\u0084b ath; large lnt; for sale .cheap, ;as owner is

going to Europe:"location and view unEnr-

paswd. ROGER P. MAGEE. 1823 Eddy st.

THE cholctst property inMillValley; low prices,easy • payments. For particular* see SLIPP.JASPAB ft GHIRARDELLI, 206 Countrymanbuilding. 015 Van New nv..


Large lots In the Montam townslte, tnclud- I• ing all improvements.* $200 :and up.; Excur- '\u25a0\u25a0--eions Thursdays and Sunday*. Free tickets atoffice Montara realty development company,1300 Golden Gate ay.-cor. FlHmore st .-- -


—Business '

property ,on Va-It-ncla or Mission sts. ; good corner on otherstreets will be considered if:price is right;have $150,000 to invest

--Send particulars to

or call. Investor, 325-5 22d st. Phone Market1815. \u25a0

'\u25a0 v\u25a0' -'\u25a0 . N

|;_'_ ...y TO LEASE "--' '"'-'\u25a0 '-';

TO LEASE.Lot 45x96, California st near Kramy;make

offer. . -."


I»t 75x90, Iloward aod 11th sts.; 10 yean,$200. \u25a0 . . , . \u25a0-\u25a0

Lot 65x67. Stnckton and Filbert sts.; offer.. Lot:.15x103. Clay ctnear Grant a v.; $200;will build. . ...

Brick bnildlng.3 stories and basement 2d endNstoma sts.. SSOO. \u25a0 ,

WRIGHT A GREENE. 322 Bush st .FOR lease— ?B:6xl77:6; .cellar and ground floor,',

adjoining Danforth warehouse. Battery st' nearBroadway; ready May. GEORGE K. FRINK.2623 Vallejo et/-

--^ ::,v \u0084y

TO LEASE— SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY.4 story, reinforced concrete building, vicin-ity-of Oth st., containing 80 rooms; hot andcold water and closet in every room; gas andelectric lights: will rent st $5 per room.


;-;. \u25a0-- -

-120»;Batter st' -


.-,-\u25a0 TtTo lease

—New brick building, seats SOO, fully

equipped; stage 30x16; opera chairs; located lacenter ;of'city; also warehouse " for \u25a0 scenery.GEORGE'' W. HAIGHT. 2171 Shattuck ay.;Berkeley, :Cal.

-• ;- . \u25a0 V: ;^

80 ROOMS with all;modern :appliances 'ln thefinest location ln. the'; Mission;.lease for';a

\u25a0 term of.years; rent' very reasonable: goodmoney

'making proposition. J. >W. * TREAD-WELL REALTY CO.. 546 Flllmore st

TO let—Beautiful- furnished' bouse -on; north

side Clay st, -Presidio Heights;. 11 ;rooms.Box 997. CalL 1651 Flllmore tt

"j?. '?

TO lease or rent—

A new, elegant residence, suit-able

-for private hotel; elegant grounds.

'rAd-dress; MRS. J.. Ross statloa.'


':WORklv ?.FOCST & STEBBINS, 3S;Zoei st fnear '3d. aad'- Bryant

—Lots ;cleared ,or.excavated lby;'day. or

\u25a0 contract: alsoteamlnc of all kinds:. terms reas.*



foundations.'.Yolo Construction Co..' 725 Market st " "• *


FIRFrPR^F^FLOjORING -Asbestolith,.handsome, \u25a0 dnrable," milseless/Vnon-'

slippery, stain proof. \u25a0 A..Willkomm.' Midway,bid- V..-7

.;;.:.'.;-.GHAPiy6fe..:'. *.\u25a0•''.-'..";.\u25a0\u25a0r-



Nsewing; machines n

SINGER'sewing.machines ;Wheeler .4*. WUsoo .

sewing!machines ;•needles, parts and supplies --for both. < Sold only by Singer Sewing MachineCompany at following Singer stores. San Fran-'-Cisco. Cal.i -1156 Market St.. 753 H<t!gat st,.1136 Valencia st.. 512 Clemrat st.;-1431 Busast^ 351 McAllister st., 2507 Market et-. 81»

''Golden Gate ay. Oaklaad: 465 12th st.. 1030v Wnshinjtton st. TSdTB.- 14th st Atameda:. 1821 Park st> Berkeley t 3210 Adeline atBTORE for -Wnlte sewing machines In shopping

district: 612 Van Ness ay, nr. G. G. ay.: aew-Crop h*>ad White. Stayer. Wheeler ft-Wilson :aad others:

'casa or \u25a0- installments; machlaesrented, repaired. Ida Gordon Church, mgr.

DOMESTIC—Best cheapest; ;all kinds rented. ;repaired, exebanred: needles and supplies forall makes. J. W. Evans, agent 16M O'Far-

: r»U st. near Tillmore: phone West 3*Bol,

NATIONAL Automatic- White. Standard. orb»rmakes, rented, repaired, etc. I.S. COHSN'3SON3..Phoae We»t 5761. Ifll6 OTarren »t. \u25a0

WILLCOX tt GIBBS Sewtas Machme Company—-

Located at 724 Tark st. near Vaa Ness av^ .Maaafacturers ,cf tbe

-feanlne Automatic.

;A. F. NELSON'S «pwla« machlna emporium—N<»w drophwjds. $1».6«>: reated aftd repaired.

I 32(50 22d st- bet -Mission and Valencia.

20 BECOND-HAND machines, to be sold tmnw-«*latMv.

-IKf>OoMen O»t» sv.. ar. riUmor*.


RITTURE, CUHEPjDR. PlERCE'SElectrle Truss "does tne wort:

established 32 years. PIERCE A SON. 1417Cftesrnnt »t..- Alameda Tel. Alamedii 17S0.


MRS. M. C. WILLIAMS^Formerly with Wm. Hatteroth —^Tru»es. intpport-

ers. *isst-, hosiery,etc. 47S Psge. nr. Webster.

WALTERS & CO.. surgical Instruments, hospitalequlpmeats, trusses and elastic hosiery. 130S

. Stctner st. near Geary.-

SPECIALISTS la truss fittings. CLARK.*AnIDION COMPANY. 1253 Q.O. aye.. ar. FUlmore.


ANCES." 653 Qolden Gste wr. .- \u25a0 \u25a0 .TYPEWRITERS AND SITPPUES

ALEXANDER *CO.. typewriters; all makes

reated. including Smltb Premier; desks, chairs.etc.: ask for prices partly used maebiaea. AL-KXANDES. 1820 ;Ulmors st: choo« Wu!KSB.

- -STBARNS* Vt-IW- Typewriter, tae oel* visible< with decimal tabulator; also secosd-haod. all'-

makes: reatals snd repairs.' The Typewrlto-:.rtnai. 1724 Fillmors st' -

FIRST-CLASS typewriters for from $25 tn $tnp;«H maker, all prices; rentals and snppllM.The

-Typewriter Exchange. 1011 Goldea Qata ay*.Ttiepboß* P«rt BT3.

WALTKR'A. SCOTT. I*llFlllmore St.' and 323M»rlr»t: vh*mm W«wt 2009.



with 10 days' care, $30 to $60. 2504 Howard;"~~S)hone special 171. Training school for nnrae».SELECT private home for ladles In roafinemeat

162S Sorter st. nr. Imnna: tel. West "MI-

SIGNS AND ELECTRIC SIGNSONLY house ia city making all kinds of srsre*:Iour patent electric slza saves 50c on every dol-

lar yon would buro: best ia work. lowest laprice.- HOTCHNER'S. 84g Lsrkln st.


CASH or check mscss.. pnncaem. lifters; gwxi*-

sold or on percentage. 2144 Market. Arcade.CASH. CHECK. PILOTS. ELKS aad CAKD

MACHINES. K34 CODCH ST.. nr. Fulton.



ttfAJESTIO Sheet Metal Works—

Msaf. tfa. Iron.eogper. brass. \u25a0 TeL Pax* 2413. tQgS McAlMster.

UNITED GLASS WORKS .- - H. B. HOPP3. . Proprietor.An kinds -of ornamental glass. 115 Turk st,


"\u25a0 Telephone- Fraaklla 1763."

-.^^JcSSTl^l „?!!? s?°**'TRACTORS


OmCB of the Board of State Harbor CommU-*

sinners, union depot aad ferry house. San IFrancisco. Cal.. May f.1007—Sealed proposalsor bids win Km received at thin office at orprior to 2:15 o'clock p. m. on Thursday. June13, 1807, for the' constriction of section 12 oftae seawall, tne same to extend from thenortherly \u25a0 end of section ISone thousand (I.ooO>feet northerly along the water front line ofthe city and county of Saa Fraacisco. la sc- \u25a0

eordaaee with the .plaas and specification*Iprepared therefor by the chief emrtaeer ef th»board and adopted by the board May 2. 1907.aad oa file in this office, to which special ref-erence Is hereby made. The work to be donetinder these specifications consists m furnish- ,.Ins all stone and labor for constructing' a stone-seawall. ItUestimated that the stoae sea*ailwill contain about 150.C00 tons of stone of2.240 pounds

-per ton. The seawall to be

built of stone not subject to decomposition nordisintegration, by the action of sea water opair. -Two classes of stone will be recognized.

The first class will laclude stone of one ormore cubic 'feet In a fair assortment of sixes jbetween one and four cubic feet bat no on- :Jectlon willbe made to stone larger than fourcubic feet. This class of stoae mast be freoof seams and. marked lines of cleavage. 1

The second cldss will taclude stoae of lessthao oae cubic foot la assorted sizes, but nostone less than five pounds willbe accepted atthe quarry. •

No bid willbe received unless Itto made ona blank :form,'furnished from this office andis accompanied by a sample, welshing about23 rounds, of the stone to be used snd acertified check of-five -(5) per cent of th*amount of the bid (based On 150.000 tons),payable to the order of the secretary of tneboard, as a guarantee oa the part of tbe sac-eessful bidder that he will, within wlx


days after 'the acceptaace of th* bid. • ent<»%lato a ,written contract to do said work,- ac-cording :to the plans aad

*specifications pre-

pared therefor, and will'also execute and filewltb 'this board a -

bond in saco sum as tb«board may deem adequate with a surety cor-

ny paay to be approved by the board of stateharbor commissioners and conditioned for' thefaithful performaace of :such

-contract; nor

win. said bid-be considered by this board 'un-less delivered to the secretary or to the assist-ant secretary, at the. office of the secretary.at -or : prior to 2:15 o'clock p. nt..-- on

'Thursday, June IS," 1907. at which timeand place \u25a0 the bids willbe opened.:

The board reserves the right to reject any• . or all bids Ifdeemed fcr the beat Interest of

the state, •\u25a0••\u25a0\u25a0.Bidders sre Invited to be present at


openlns of the bids.JAME9 N. GILLETT.

Governor of the state of California, ex-offlcto-.member of the board of state/ harbor 'com-missioners. IBSMMtSAsMMalMRiasara

--\u0084'\u25a0\u25a0 EUGENE E. SCHMITZ. .*Mayor.of the city sad county of Saa Frsncl*c\-

ex-officio member of the board of state har-bor commission era. nwaMM>Msaißa*a]


*-Board of state harbor commissioners.-

LOTTD. NORTON.Chief engineer.

W. B. THoRPE,HfefeM3|aag|Secretary.



Location aad place of. business. City .and .Conntr of San Francisco, State of California.1 Notice

—There 'is •delinquent apoa the follow-

ing described . stock. ,©n account of assessmentNo. ?l,\levied on. the 21st day of March. :l»07.the 1several amounts set opposite the names oftbe respective shareholder*, as follows:

Names of \u25a0 Certlfi-Saareholders.

'cate No. Shares. Amotta*.

Benedict C. 5.......... 30 < l.ono $ion.*9Brogaa. Kataerine...:.. >3T 100 10.00Grant Mrs, A..N...... 107 312 31.20Jordan. James 3 ...17 . 10 I.COMcClare.W. F......;./'35 1.500. 130.00.McNee. Duncaa. Trustee 57 1,700 170.00Schwarrmaan. :G."....... 25' 150 • 15.00Smith. Thomas A....... 79 300 . 30.00••• And.la *accordance with law. aad aa onler of.the Board of Directors, made on the 21st day cf

'March.,1907. so many shares of.each parcel of- 'sach stock as may be accessary willhe sold at--pnblte auction at tbe office of the company. «tB.? Clay street. lß;the City aad County of SaaFrancisco, State -of

-California, oa •MONDAY,fMay ,13,.1907. .at twelve <12) o'clock Boon, on

'*such \u25a0 day. to pay .such delinquent assessmentthereca. \u25a0 together with, cost -of advertising aadexpenses of sale. .

GEO., A. DOUGLASS. Secretary. .Office .of Company. <58 Clsjr. street City sad

Couaty of,San, Francisco, State of California.

\u0084 -*,_ > DIVIDEND NOTICES.DIVIDEND,NOTICE—-The Giant Powder Com- ;

pan?.* OooaolldaUd, \.Glaat station. Califocata:A diviilead. No. 100. of fifty caats • (50c.> pev;

.share on. the is«u«d capital stock of the com.,rany has b«en declared, payable May 10. 1807.;Transfer

-books will close May 3, 1007. at

noon. '. Checks will'be mallsd. ;-'-..-

:..-..\. •'..:.-./-.'.- C.-C QUINN. Secretary. \u0084; .

LEGALVNOTICE9THE;partnership heretofore existing noder tne \u25a0*

"• -firm,name* of.Lacy A Rogers, U this <lay »lls- '.'\u25a0 solved by mutual < conseot; «akt basmeM will:

*be eontlaued by J. Rceew. woo ansomes •all, UabUUlee. -April 10. HK)7. ;\u25a0/\u25a0«-,


TO WDom'ltmay concent:'lhereby give.notice'- of -my intention ,to apply . for .parole <ftoia V. 'San . Queatin prison :to \u25a0 tike State board ot-

prlsoa director*. WM. M., KRATZ. \u25a0;..'-'

TO whom it may concern:-Ihereby give.notlc* ;.--

of:' my.? intention %to apply-for

-parole;front \. -San •-.Queatia prison to > the State board .mt 1-

prison •directors.-A. A- KRATZ.

0 :.PLATS TOLET—Fnrnijihed--;

BBAUTIFT7LLY furnished flat of 6irooms and",*;balh {joccupied

'but 4 months;jto lease during

>;',summer; ;2 blocks •from ;panhandle; canvealeat;•4'car »lines i\u25a0 reasonable'to;refined.


:: t»Mtyr :Address ben 773, Call office. . • ;:


furnished snnny •: 0 -room fiatt.faraitnrea months old! may t be purchased if'desired. ,\162 ;Belvedere' St..iHalght of its*;sonic .ay. *ears. .Can <be \seea ,any.time.

ELEGANT upper '. flat. 0 rooms and bath {.com-".pletely furnished: Gnerrero st near 21st Call• nt offlee. for.permit-to inspect" .W.'tH.1CRIMv.:lt CO., 203 Monadnock bnlldlng. y •

CORNER ;;flat,;81rooms, handsomely famished;choice; part Western addition, for Jnne, July,,Aug.5 refs. -required. ? AddreM box 2651.: Call.

MAGNIFICENT-flat. >-T Z aunny spacious rooms:

9 overloolng Golden .Gate - Park: •completely far»far»'nished; rant $75. 'Apply 1410 Haiyhtst

4 ROOM sunny: apartment, completely furnished;'with hall bedroom ;private bath, washtrayi,.: etc.'- 01 Central ay. nr. Halght,sf . .COMPLETELY furnished flst of-8 rooma.:with-

piano, .for. «imonths. *CalT 342 Cliatoa park,Guerrero :near 'l4th.at ;T -~


't-"^ *\u25a0"-•



NEW, - nlcelyv furnlaned Cat cheap; low rent;lease; central: must sell Ing. 1149 McAllister.

FLATS;TO' LET—Furn<-Ross Valley

4, J 5 and '6 'room "- furnished cottages :•some In.-.lovely shaded places near station;- $25 to $00.

\u25a0 J.-

E. "LEWIS. Kentfleld, Maria county.


-cottage, '<new,'sanitary

'plumblag.• h>w

rent to good tenant 126S 45th ay. bet H;Jend Ists. ':\u25a0 -.'.'\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.' .; .\u25a0'-'\u25a0•• •\u25a0

-' .-.MODERN cottage of 7 sunny rooms and bath.

Inquire at 1562 Post Bt" • \u25a0

UNION, vUOS, ;ln rear on Haven st—Cottage;•' 3 sunny rooms :$18.50. '•

•:• \u25a0 -• \u25a0


ONE "cottage- to rent; :large place; trees; allj convcaieaces. >HSS ACQUSTINE. 702 Market.


A st; 624t~Tw0 largo rooms, furnished completeIfor house keeping;Ibath, gas asd

-all conve-

,-r nlences: -near park; owl cars.\.'


DE LONG"av.;-155, Ashbury Heights— 2 or 3suany house t-keeping ' rooms; marine view;

.bath and gas; $25 for 2; $35 for 3.

O'FARRELL St.. 1480. cor. Buchanan—

Sunny.- bay - window suite for

-housekeeping; other

.-' rooms. . < \u25a0..--.•;

BRODERICK 5t., ..604— Sunny front furnishedroom, for gentleaiaa or bocse keeping. \u25a0

FILLMORE st, 725— 800m5. 53 to $5.50 week,1 furnished for house keeping; light,large, sunny.

OAK st,, 419—

Sunny bousekeeplcz rooms an<lbath; .well' furnished; :

:modern •conveniences.OAK st.-


Handsomely - . furnished ;-sunay

-bouse keeping apartments, 1 to 4 rooms.PIERCE St., 815, near McAllister

—Large. sunay

room; also table board; home cooking. ,SUTTKK st. 2361

—Sunny front parlor complete. for h'k'g, $25; smaller h'k'g. room, $17.

-16TH st. 3171 Anear Valencia

—2 onfaralshed

parlors: house keeping: $25: no children.

ROOMS TO LET—Fnrn'd and XJnf ura'd

UNION HOUSE,- sontheast 'corner of'Sansoms. and :.Washington sts.; newly furnished, sunny

rooms; electricity and gas; .rooms $1.50 p«r.week and up; large readlng-rooai. ,EASTLAKB.HOTEL, Webster and Bay sts.—

Single rooms $1.50 and $2 per week; room and"board $3.50 sad $6 per week. /

FILLMORE st, 759—

Sunay front alcove room,: six

-windows. \u25a0 hot and -.cold water, .$10 pcx

\u25a0 week ;.suitable for 2 or. 3 men.FURNISHED.rooms la a private family;«ea-

tralIlocation, near Market jand Valencia sts.''.'. Apply 82 Brady st S. :\u25a0

GODEUS st. 8,'S doors s from Mfssloa


front room.' suitable for 2 gentlemen; fur-, nlshed; price $10. •- .GREENWICH sty.1031. bet Jones and Leaves-, worth.;first :bell

—Nicely furnished front room

; for. gentleman: $12. -\u25a0.-~.

-~ -..- ' \u25a0 "^"*,

GUERRERO st, 1074—

Fine sunny room; pri-vate family; gas; electricity; reasonable;references. \u25a0 . .. .

MCALLISTER St., 140»— Fine furnished frontroom in.. private family; reasonable; for gen-tleman. -; 1..-*

MISSION st. 2042. near 16th, The Hygela. new-\ly furnished rooms; alos transients. Tel. Mar-

'\u25a0'.-•ket 4244.-:.- .'-.;?.\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0--.\u25a0\u25a0 .--.-\u25a0 '..;?"-..' ..'.\u25a0• .PIERCE \u25a0 et'; 2037

—1. large >sunny- alcove room,

nicely furnished; choice locality; bath, phone;r.:.$30.,..-;-\u25a0:;',, \u25a0-',\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-... ,-_\u25a0;\u25a0-.,:'-:- \u25a0; --';\u25a0_>-.-

SAN CARLOS ay.. 147. bet 18th and 19th sts.—'Several -, furnished rooms; bath, hot and cold-

running -water; private family. •.-;;--;

EUCHANAN st. -1552— Sunny comfortable fnr-:nisbed ;room ;for 2.... :.->-;- .;'.-: . ;

BUSH st., 2014—

Sunny front room. to rent for~gentleman. •\u25a0;. ...v.: •\u25a0 ;-c '.VTi.:"*

-DOLORES 8t.,-5S9

—Nice.' conveaient room with. use of .bath. $3 per -week. . '


FOLSOM st.. 2438. 2d flat—Beautifully furnisaedsingle room to rent; $2 per week.

--\u25a0 ;

FULTON nt.. -473—

Furnished rooms to let; sia-. gle:or^double. ,: .GEARY st. 2253, rear house— Ulce front room-. for 2 men; $1.50 week each./- '.'\u25a0'-

GOLDEN GATE aye.. 1031A—Nicely furnisaed... front .parlor, suitable for 2 or 3 persons.

GOLDEN GATE ay.. 1415—2 nicely farniahed\u25a0' front room!parlors; suitable for 2 0- 3.

GOLDEN GATE ay», 1723, nr. Devisadero—

Large; sunny room for"2;.board: reas.; bath; phone.

GUKRRERO.' 207A.T near .14th—Bay. window\u25a0 room, .suitable for 2;separa te beds :$20.

JACKSON st. .'2202—Newly *.furnished sunny'\u25a0\u25a0-- rooms; all modern; private; pbone.MAYBELLE, 211 Van Ness— Newly furnished-

rooms:. also traasieats. -Pboae Market 4544.

MCALLISTER sty 06S— Newly sad elegantly far-nisbed .rooms: "

reasonable. ;. ,MCALLISTER st.,' l443—Sunny furnished rooms\u25a0-.to:-let", ;-; \u25a0' -• '• \u25a0'\u25a0 - -

\u25a0 .'. -:.': :.-; ;::

MISSION- st. 2370—Elegantly famished rooms;for 2 gentlemen. • \u25a0

' • •''"

OAK st.. 419—

Simny rooms, elegantly furnished;also suites; mod. conveniences; rent $20 to $50.

PAGE st. 1102—

Newly;fnrnished sunny rooms;:'gas, -bath, 'phone ::private. family; reasonable.

PINE st. 706. bet. Powell and Stockton—

Sonnyftirnl.;heil rooms for gentlemen; bath.'; -

POTRERO :ay.. • 1012,-nr.' 220^

—Fnrnished room

\to let; private family.

SCOTT ':st.";,2040, -cor.= Sacramento— Furnishedrooms from $0 per month tip.

-SUTTER ;st,"/ 2038—Unfurnished' rooms, suaay,. \u25a0 all 'conveniences; references required. \u25a0 ".' \u25a0;\u25a0•-.;

VAN NESS AY..:230ft—Beautiful.room ln fam-V-ily;references ;:1.or /3 gentlemen. ; ..WEBSTER,'-,140fl

—Furnished rooms for gentle-

men. .ln bachelor, quarters :rents r*agcnabl*. .:.19TH st..'8428—2

'furnished rooms;(new traUd-,- lag: private.family; $20. \u25a0 . , -\u25a0 _20TH st.; 2635

—Large front room, farniahed: 1

"\u25a0 ;or 2 gentlemen; $12. for 2."^"-'... s•. -

26TH st, \u25a0 SSJ30—

Saaay bay parlor roomj-saitable ;for' 2;^slo. pex month. \u25a0--;-. ;••


HARRISON'\st; \18S7. 6aMaad--Ilefla«d ieouplaof business men, wishing,to locate 'ln privateplace for,spring and summer; choice neighbor-

\u25a0:hood. near.Key .Rout* and narrow gauge. 14thand Broadway; rooms single or en suite; sunny.

:' with bot water;-largo grounds;,references ex-

'-c hanged.'-- :> '-\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0"-r; '"'<\u25a0"•"\u25a0\u25a0>-'"''* ;**^ -^'

a-lamedal housekeepiStq \rooms.CAROLINE.

"'1413. Alameda— Ont block \u25a0 from En-

\u25a0~'i elnal ,station; -to let'

coajr,~ sunny rooms for\u25a0 boo«e" keeping." ---.'•\u25a0' •- •'•- '


: rooms 'and board;*^

.LARGE . sunny % room," beautifully


'for'*' 2;'also single room;.- excellent table; alt eon->' venlcnces;-

Pacific ?ay.:;refsreneee, •.Bos .731,';Call-branch, office,,1651 Fillmore st . :

FINE"table board andiroom. 2359 Fillmore st

UTAH.st,". 523—Room to rent with board; suit-Aableifor.2;men; m.priTatS),famUy.^ >< .

HOWARD st..~ 1534—

Suaay furalshed rooms, with*;*.board,! for;2;mechanics. •>.'-_\u25a0"". -_-. . •". .PACIFIC^ av.vt 2717—Elegant fnraiafced roomsfjwbest table board: fine locality:reasonable;- to f*.



'.-v 2534 'Bancroft' way.

\u25a0 Will?be opened as a. summer boardlag. house*^onior.,about .";May -15.;Reservat loos :may • be-made now;by applying oa the premises.

;:?:'"".viROOFING^ ,-V!,: „'-'.' \~-

.'\u25a0 EASTERN' ROOFING.: COMPANY. - "\:\u25a0' TeL*West 4622. ?\u25a0/;• .. • *

? IS3« Ellis st


'.-' -st—

Store and office fixtures; call once, see our:'new, etock. of bar flxtnres. j. H.?,V.^JOHNSON.

FOR sale—Soda Ifountain,'}showcases, vbank Iandofflro fixtures, warble work; call and see them.WHITCOMB, 627 Market st..;San :FraacUco. '.-

LAUNCHES, new and slightly used.; Cal. Launch/. Works^ Pac. coast 'agents • for:.Penlnjulnr \u25a0 mo-i

\u25a0- tor. ,'-Blandlng yay., ,;Park ,< st.'. ;/ Alameda. ;,'BOHERT MANN announces opening at 1603 >De-':visadero cor. Post;. large stock TRUNKB, SAT-:CHEL3. TRAVELING BAGS, reasonable.

600 TONS second hand pipe; sells 75*per cent of- the price \of• new.;-*=•:-Address 'ALEXANDER

• BALvAGE CO.i \10S3 iHoward ist; \u25a0JS, •>. Fv*-,-*Fv*-,-*5"



:ifiIONBT.::PHONE 'MARKET.2IO4. \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-; ;

LARGE - 1FIREPROOF^- SAFE, - :almost new,.CHEAP: also flxtures: -YOUR:OWN, PRICE;;mnst sell. Box 2CCS, Call office. •;\u25a0 -^; f-,-

100 Reliance >' card :machines. $10 \u25a0\u25a0 each;.new,'',- highly nickel plated; guaranteed 1year. Millsj-'"- Novelty Co.;- 007. Market Btvyv. ; ;.-y:. ;- \u25a0;\u25a0:,

PEERLESS 'gasoline :engine, .61h."p:. *2W-^2\u25a0 steam pumps, % h..p. motor, lato drill press,-:';.1057.;F0150m-:St. :""\u25a0" ;-.'"fc 'V-" ':"-V-'.' \u25a0: \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0- :.. ;'ONK marine engine. 180 horsepower; price 1800 jt.-. practically'new 'engine. JOHN W.;SMITH,

\u25a0;. 737 Folsom 5t.;.., -:;\u25a0 .-' - '.'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-' -\u25a0/\u25a0-\\.'\---\CONCRETE mixer. ;hoists, *•frame;


yBCHAEFKR, south. side'Howard ,st",'- 05 feet

?-.- weat ;of :3d. y. :;.;• . ;.'\u25a0.';?'»\u25a0 -\u25a0 '..- -::'H..>:i'r-i^-i\?s: \u25a0

BOAT and stationary engines ;;reverse gears; pro-•-: pellerB, batteries, > castings. ,NIELAND,-1723

Bt i*' \u25a0'\u25a0--•-\u25a0->..\u25a0' :

THE GOUGH \u25a0 ST. AWNING*SHOP— Awaties.r\ tents.'' flags, 'poles;', send [•\u25a0\u25a0 for;estimate. ?;417-:. Gongh. st i- \u25a0 . \u25a0' '.- "> "''

\u25a0- *'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0<- \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0'-••- '-. \u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0' \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0;

LET us ' figure:on your Ishowcases"and Ibar:fix--

tures. \u25a0•.. M. TEBKELTOUT &;CO., • 1765 \u25a0 Mis-""•\u25a0'" eion, st." '.\u25a0•">" \u25a0-".;. -';\u25a0'."•-\u25a0."\u25a0 »•.-".'".-\u25a0" -\u25a0

--.?t>.>. -\u25a0: ?


Turning, cabinet and mill work; all kinds offlxt. CARL F. HAAS.' 93 Minna; telt Tp. 1477.

FURNITURK REPAIRING and cabinet work'to:,order. ;,THRELKELD, 3420 17th ;nr.' .Valencia.IRON tanks, kettles, 7 foot pillars;drums, skids,;\u25a0; fcarrels. .'t 16&4 ,San- Bruno ;av. or rlolS.Poat st.1000 cards printed $1; letterheads, env., wedding:.'\u25a0; work; \u25a0Bhowcardw.slgng. ,Robt HIU.IOOO Stelner.

F. W'---BANKS: \u25a0\u25a0 2d hand clothing and? tools.\u25a0'bought,' sold." 1230 Howard/form. 1078 Howard.

BAR fixtures. '"'W.-C.'' KlNG,"agents* of Chase,': Passow &Sons. 1273 Mission; tel. Special 1173.SCALES, \u25a0 trucks, \u25a0\u25a0 coffee

'mills,* money drawers.

/ Jas. Geddes & Co.. 431-33 Larkln; tel. Em. 623.

EDISON Moving Picture Machines and Stereopti-cons ;-bargains. ;GEO.;BRECK, 652 Grove st

16 and 18 foot SALOON BARS for sale; £ yourown price. MAISLER & SON, 1007 Polk st. v

MAHOGANY coantera and show !cases lat a bar-'galn."s- 29;Bartlett nr. 22d. J. ,'HENDRICKB.

SECOND HAND bar outfit Ifor sale; bargain..PRAHL & SCHMIDT,^041- Folsom at

KING'S.OLD BOOK.STORE,;,B9I Golden Gate-say. near Oc^avla st; books bought",:.- -..




They make:'. flays and flag poles. >61;Market st;"; ? :/:.A—LARGE Hall & Cary safe, slightly used;.". half, price. Box; 2602 s, Call office. ";;;;

184x14 boiler; 154x16 boiler.* Address Domestic• Laundry Co., 2714 Devisadero St.

' ---.: '\u25a0 ..-

SHOEMAKKIt'S machino for sale, cheap, nearly•new. .865 11th st.iOakland. . ' .;

FOR sale—Bar fixtures at a bargain.;.Carnation;'saloon/Ellis and Flllmore sts.- V" •

\u25a0 \u25a0'. :BIG line of gas and electric fixtures cheap. 1167.McAllister st below Flllmore. '\u25a0»; .; , ;\u25a0-.

2 QUIET mllchcows any child can tsllk. "Applyr 1108 Stanyan tt corner Rlvoll. \u25a0. ;..; .SAFRS

—New and secondhand." The. Hermann

Safe Co.,'; 120-130 Folaom st. \u25a0; ;. \u25a0 r ;\u25a0

FOII• sale.- cheap, \u25a0 2 nfee >Oregon \u25a0 pine

'bars, 18

feet long. ,610 Turk at. -.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0FOR sale

—Fine fresh -cow. Call at 1251 29th

\u25a0 :ay. ,South.; /. : .•->"\u25a0 V~>.':: ;';' 'V- '- \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0,-.":\u25a0,:•'

CHEAPKST 'and best la America, The IWeekly.'Call. $l-per year.- - c - - -.-.-'\u25a0\u25a0



HIGHEST paid for old gold, silver; watches clnd..\u25a0 60c; main sprngs." 60c, waratd." 786 Vaa* Ness.A

—GENTS' second band t'othlng bought .and

\u25a0 501d..-MIjSIN'S,':I2OOA Eddy st. cor. Buchanan.

Hir.HEST price paid. for castoff clothing." 27;, 4th st.>Phone Temporary 3992. v.. .•,•'BOOKS and libraries bought:fox \u25a0 cash.' THE-> HOLMES C0.," 402 Van \u25a0 Ness ay. ;' '. -rCASH paid for-diamoniis.^ O'NEILL &EBER..' 1744' Fillmorest'' below Sutter.

-'- '''\u25a0'\u25a0•-:

':''^?fo^T I]LOA.?J;-^-:-.'!-;;-;,-^I


AAAA—Any /salaried'employe or wage


-v can get from us, Just on his note— -

--"-\u25a0' .-%

:.- \u25a0 ::-. -..\u25a0'.-' MontlUy.Seml-Mo.W'kly.\u25a0•". «50.00— Return to u5.'.513.00 . \u25a0 $C25 : ,$3.35

$30.00— Return to us.; 6.00 ;- : j4.00"

2.00.sls.oo— Return, to us..:4.00 2.00 ; 1.00

.\u25a0 Or any othpr sum in proportion;.THE STAR LOAN &INV. CO.,THE CITY LOAN CO.,-

\u0084 THE CRESCENT LOANCO..: .904-005 Mutual Savings Bank Building.

A—WHEN "you want to borrow |money ,•=. want lit

;.ln-a hurry, at.a small' cost, =without jmbllcity

.'or red tape,'see the - Household Loan. Co.".' room

70, 509 Golden:Gate ay., at.Polk;phone Mar-ket 3320, or.room 3, Macdonough building.'Oak-

> land. A postal or:phono - brings our man with\u25a0;^ full;details. --\u25a0; \u25a0 : -. : ,:^ >. : ,MONEY LOANED on furniture, pianos and other• security ::\u25a0 lowest • rates ;' most :favorable terms

in the city: see others, then SEE ME AND BE• CONVINCED. IWILL SAVE YOU,MONEY.$2.2s; weekly^rppay* $50 loan and costs..: \u25a0


GEORGB W. MILLER. \u25a0- >:.S Room 35, SW.rcompr.Mlwioa aad -ICth sts..MONEV loaned Isalaried people jand others upoa-; their own names '..without

-security: .cheapest

1 rates, easiest payments; offices in 63 principal'-cities;'save 'yourself ,money ;by getting •ourterms first * TOLMAN,.787,Market, room 137,

..:;Formerly 553;Parrott building./.-=-.-:-.:••: -,•-•,=- •\u25a0.- ,\u25a0-;-• D.-D.' DRAKE." \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 '.-' .. . -,••,;/.•:\u25a0-;\u25a0;.\u25a0;•• 7 Franklin ;Realty Bldg^^ cor. ;Golden Gate and> Polk: 301. Bt. Paul- Bldg..t Oakland. = -:iSalary rloans :made •quickly-and

-privately to

Y-. steady ,jemployes; lowest \u25a0> rates; easy ;;terms. . s

\u25a0 HERMAN;MURPHY————Junction \u25a0of ".Market^ and;Sutter .Streets •First and second mortgages,'; estates, legacies, etc.

LOAN on'furniture,'! pianos orIsecurity ,;of any

\u25a0'• kindi'-.toIpoor • people \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 we:make \u25a0 loans free '\u25a0 of''charge. ;ILLINOIS.TRUST CO.; 1510 .Eddy, v-ANY.sum,;Ist

-2d. 3d mortgages,' Interests ln

estates. ,R:,.McCOLGAN,- rooma "314-315, :26v;;Montgomery, st.v .- :"-,;:.:. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0I".\u25a0\u25a0-:-\u25a0 .-/v:;>


FOR a jstrictly jprivate1loan on furniture,':,\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 pianos, -.etc.,T :write SP. \u25a0• Or, box 471. -. S.

-F... ?

.ONIfurniture find'pianos jln use;mo \u25a0\u25a0 commission. '

:V. TREMAINr723 *Buchanan Bt, near Hayes.

ADVANCES on diamonds as usual. Baldwin Jew-'2 elry Co..'permanent office.1261..Van 'Ness aye.


Cash loaned to salaried men on note-without lndorser. " 022 \u25a0• Monadnock building.*1..


MINES.ANDJiOWisOli'rA" FEWf thousand ;.shares «of stock .In^' mine "at- Angels for 20c per share to erect mill;3,000.-v:000 tons of ore ready formill; willpay over SO

\u25a0i: per icentiper jannum1on!face ivalue 10/.. stock ;enough ore to keep mill going many years; de-velopment f work Iallidone ;, stock should Ibe at

-V-par, as soon as mill1starts; 'lnvestigate proposl->tlon.^; Box 2660,;; Call'office;.;

-: . :-:\'

WALKERIRange Mlnmg jCompany owns 5 claims;about ;west -of *Walker *lake near Mt Grant;

assays of $107.33, $25.42, $41.46, $103.35 have\u25a0;- been made by T. B. Gambel. Itis proposed to

rush development work.- To aid ln this work aemail -block iof1«tock

-wills be'sold •rery low.

Apply at once to F. De FEKITAS, 413 Kearny\u25a0trett"\-:; •..,\u25a0:.',•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0-'":-'-'-.'-'-•'- \u25a0"'--"\u25a0--• .;:' - "

.- ,-/

ASSAYING 50c;"gold, rich

-ore, etc.,ibought1'- Pioneer .Assay- Company, 131 sth st, nr. Mint

ASSAYING and all branches ofmining, taught atHBALD'S.School \u25a0of;Mines. '\u25a0 20C jLocust \u25a0 aye. t.

PROSPECTORS-^Make f assays alnifield. Pros-*>\u25a0'ppctors' fSupply > Co.";*Los Angeles, Cal.*>••\u25a0• -s?

:^;l'Mb<aei t'n'n'd>yoWlty%Mjßnnfactn«'ewt'n'n'd>yoWlty%MjBnnfactn«'ew' 1.-^.MECHANICAL Instruments, itool making, press-

\u25a0t work, gear cniting.'V.SOLLMAN.'375 Natoma.'

:;,:L;MARBLE{ANDiMOSAIC^WORKs}./'^\u25a0 DESIGNERS - ana s-contractors.:



'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0Ji and «Mosai c;' Co.<i Tel..Fell 9246.>-.U211Fell -af

:^MUSICAL^!INSTRUMEJrrs' r;:;'•"\u25a0 TlA \u25a0: CHANCE Vto1getla Jgood *iupright:plano\atX.< your iown $ price;1?several v taken nina exchangeJjfor ». the '<Heine!player '•piano::two «Fishers $83', and '$115:iShermer.i $140:;Werner. \u25a0 $155;Mar-;m shall, ? $135;? Sherwood j&5 Son,» $170, •-, and • sev-.• eral **otliers.*i.These s are ';allt first Viclass a up^r*rightsiand (some ;of'them \cannot :•be - told:frota"i'a=new.% Terms,"S rents, Fs2

*up;;< installments,^ $4->}up:^Heine ? Piano uo.,i*1311r Golden Gate \u25a0 ay.V:J14G6 jBush. sf? and •469-471 '20th.at., Oakland.'

ANNEWiPlANOifory $160. Vi:A'^Steck^- alsoja"'•:.-' Kranlch !&,\u25a0Bacb. ? and •many/ others iat prices

from •-$100 < np:*ZfBatisf action a guaranteed at*\BENJ.;CURTAZ A SON'S,; 1615 Van Ness aye/

'A~. LAROEimahogany Iupright;s little,used; 5 $1504I'lBOWERS d&a SON,'?| 529 * McAllister *st,inear.-.j'Vai);Ne»s;av.'r.-ii- ;.". ;_;\u25a0 -\u25a0..\u25a0;. '^.'i^ M*"^.--'.';.-'^;GOOD -upright::*$85 oofn fpayments; Jwlllitake. lens-,for;- cash. Heine V\Piano y,Co., 1341ijGolden. Oiite ay. •.

BARGAINS—IOUslightlyiused -\uprights.";-;- Jos.';-\u25a01 Schmits:&;Co.'. _ 430 Devisadero ;s t

-near •Oak.'