San Francisco. Ix)ti. for\u25a0Q«e<n»to-wn. FORT BLAKELEY— Arrived Jan 6—Brbarli Dundee,^ Irpm ' Port Townsend. - •« . = - ISLAND PORTS. .KAHULin— Sailed Jan ft— Schr Olga, . fo« - Gray* Harbor. I flß^*^PßaWjH*]*sl*W*BHmK^i^ -HONOLULU—SaiIed Jan ft— Bark Nunaau, foi Delaware Breakwater; ; U S stmr Shermnn. l+t DOMESTIC PORTS. TACOMA— Sailed -Jan "6—Fr bark Plerr* KVTE SHIPPING INTELLIGEXCE. The Norwegian Club Fram gave a dramatic en tertamment and ball in Golden, Gate Hall, 657 Sutter street, laat evening. The play, "A Tale in tha Mountains," a pretty little romance In three acts, was played in the Norwe- gian language by some of the popular members of the order. The parts wera well taken throughout. .>: After,; the entertainment the chairs were cleared away for dancing and tha merry crowd 'enjoyed a general goocj time until. the early hours of the morn- ing.:' .Refreshments were served dur- ing the dance. Club : Fraw : Gives) ICntertainment. , CORKY, Pi.. Jan. 6.— Three trainmen are known to have been killed and eight passengers injured in a wreck or» the Pennsylvania and Erie Railroad at Horns Siding, ten miles east of here to- night. Engine No. 900. running light. met passenger train :No. 14 head-on an 4 both engines were wrecked. Engineer Finn and Fireman- Herman of the paa- sensrer train were killed and Fireman Rudd of , the freight engine al3O met death. Kicht Travelers ou a P«?nn.<iylvnni;i Trulit Ret-elvr Injuries). THREE TRAIN-MEX DIE I.VPASSENGER W'UECK GREENSBURG. Pa.. Jan. «.— Andrew Lchr, a traveling clergryman of Stahls- town, U in jail here. Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel James of Stahlstown. Cook Town- ship, are alleged to tie Insane as a result of religious; rites practiced in th« James home. Lohr is charged with having in- duced James to burn $1000 worth of fur- niture, first taking out $900 hidden in tha sofa. Lohr also induced .James to at- tempt to " sacrifice hl3 ten-year-old son by burning him on an altar with a four- year-old Durham bull. James stripped his wife In a field and let her stand in a tub of cold water to drive out th» evil spirit. Lohr, in attempting to sacrifice tha bull, was tossed over the fence by tha animal. "He told James that he could lead the bull to the stake as if it was a gentle ' child. The boy, to be sacrificed with the bull al3o put up a desperate fight.~jap|Bl When the James woman was given tha cold bath neighbors interfered and pre- ferred charges against Lohr before Squiru Miller of Stahlstown. Special Dispatch to Th« Call. Insane Couple Obey the Com- mand of a Religious Fanatic. TRY TO'SACEIPICE CHILD ON ALTAR THE SAN FRANCISCO' CALL, SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 1900. 53 ROOMS TO LEI^-Fprn. ani TTntnrn. QBARY. 1665 Fine furnished room* to let;la ' good neighborhood. * '•-.-\u25a0>--,'.*- - OOLDEN GATB aye.,- 640—NIoely fumlah«d rooms to let. \ * - GREENWICH. 817—Pleasant. *unny. furnished room* to let. . - . : . .\u25a0 " \u25a0\u25a0 y * QREENW^ICH. 2816 Nicely furniihed room* at \u25a0 reasonable rates. - ' ' \u25a0 : ' GROVE. 806—Nice, comfortable, rurnlshed rooms to let. \u25a0 . : ' : - GOLDEN GATB aye.. 442—Nice, clean, aulet, ; tunny rooms; $5 up. . \u25a0 \u25a0 "\u25a0\u25a0 - ; OEART, 402 Chole* furnlehed room*; modem conveniences; nicely located. - ; OOUGH, 727—Rooms to let; all eonvenlence*i moderate charges. .' » ' \u25a0'"'".' -" GOUGH, 1010 Nicely furnished room* to let; reasonable. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 ---.'.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'-."• ; -.-. , HOTEL Hamilton and care. 125 Ellis, bet Powell & Mason iti., S. F. Rms $1 to $3 per day; steam heat & telephone In each room. HOWARD. 1711 Nicely furnished, single . and double rooms; gas, bath and all convenience*; rent reasonable. HERMANN, 673—Furnished . room* to let; tnir.ny. HOWARD. 646 Furnished rooms; large, *un- ny: gas; running water: $1 60 to $2 50 week. HARRISON, 069—Nicely furnished rooms to let; reasonable. : HARRISON 1 , 748 Comfortable and convenient f urniEhed room* to let, : , HARRISON. 774 Furnished room* to let at reasonable rate*. \u25a0 \u25a0 HYDE. 1418 Finely furnished room*; nlo* ma- rine view: select family; all conveniences | gentlemen; reference*. * \u25a0\u25a0--•;\u25a0\u25a0 HYDE 641 Newly furnished room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; running water; connecting bath 1 ga* and electrio light. \u25a0..---\u25a0 HOWARD, 1533 Nicely furnished sunny room* to let from f 5 per month , up. HOWARD, 1572 Nice furnished rooms to let I rate* reasonable. \ ' HOWARD, 715—Rooms, 250 .to $1 per day; $1 50 to $3 per week; reading-room, eta. HAVES. 1C&4 Sunny front rooms; $6 to $8 per month; board if, desired. HAMPTON place. 13. near Third, off Fol*om— Nice furnished room* clean; Quiet; $6 per month and up. HOWARD. 734%— Furnished room* to let" at reasonable rates. - HOWARD, 72S Neatly furnished room*; oon- venienu - - HOWARD, 732 Furnished room* to let at rea- sonable rates. ' HOWARD. 1041—Neatly furniihed roomi; all conveniences. : * \u25a0\u25a0 HOWARD, 1060— Nice furniihed room* to let; reasonable. ' \u25a0 - , HARRISON, S20 Nicely furnished room* to let: reasonable. . . HARRISON 1 . 1443—Nicely furnished convenient room* to let. HAWTHORNE 18—Nicely furnished 1 room* to let; reasonable. , HAVES. 875 Neatly furnished room* to let; on car line. , . \u25a0 .; .- JONES, C 22 Nicely furnirhed aunny rooms, ; suitable for gentlemen; also single rooms; at reasonable rates. « JONES, 1223 Elegantly furnished, sunny rooms, with fine marine view; corner resi- dence; references required. :\u25a0 . JONES, 851. opp. Colonial Hotel Large,* sun- ny front rooms, suitable for . gentlemen; piano, phone: bath connecting. JESSID, 472. between Fifth and Sixth— Nicely furnished room* to let r --..-' ' \u25a0 - JACKSON, 1103, corner Taylor— Furnished eunny rooms In private family. JONES, 615 Elegant furnished room* with all conveniences to let; ratee reasonable. JONES, 710 (Princeton) Elegant furnished apartments; single or en suite; everything modern. : KEARNY. S05 Nicely furnished rooms; also light housekeeping; gas, bath. KEARNY, 215 Front sunny rooms on flr*t floor; also othtr room*; rent reasonable. LARKIX, Cl 3B A large sunny room, with double bed; telephone and bath; nice for a workinfir girl;reasonable. LEAVENWORTH, 622—Sunny front rooms; : running water;" also eunny floor of 8 rooms; for housekeeping; $20 and up. LARKIN. 2125 Furnished rooms jto let; all conveniencee? moderate. * - - \u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0- LEAVENWORTH, S2O. near Sutter Nice fur- nished rooms at reasonable rates; elngle or tn suite. . LILY ay».. 83 Nice convenient furnished rooms to let. . ' LINDEN aye., 846 JMcely furnished sunny rooms to let. LOVELY rooms; sOme housekeeping: Dwight way; house strictly high grade; Key route station. W. S. JOY, 2122 Dwight way. Berkeley. \u25a0 LARKIN. 1122—Newly furnished sunny room*, $6 to $12 per month. LARKIN,1410 Nicely furnished sunny rooms for gentlemen; phone and bath; 17 and $10 per month. \u25a0 .. - \u25a0 - - LAGUNA, 703 Nicely furnished room* to let; fine location. ' ._ LARKIN, C73A Clean, eunny, nicely furnish- ed rooms; reasonable rates. : METROPOLITAN HOTEL. 129 Third St.—loo •Ingle and family rooms, 35c to $1 60 per day; $2 to $8 wkK; the only new and modern hotel and rooming-house in San Francisco that has office on ground floor; hot and cold water, electric light*, call bells, steam heat In every room, and gives free bath* and ele- vator day and night to 1U guests. MCALLISTER. 1733— Comfortable, bright front room, nicely furnished, for gentleman; no other roomer*. MARKET, 1542 (Idyll) Nice suites and single rooms, with or without baths; hot and cold water and electrio lights in all rooms; ele- vator; $2 50 per week and Up. MARKET, 1561— Nice, convenient, furnished rooms to let. MCALLISTER. 443, bet. Polk and Van Ness Sunny furnished rooms; $0 and $3. MARKET^ ISO 4 (Fremont)—Elegant, eunny euites with bath; also single rooms; reduced rates for permanent gutets. MISSION, 1309, near Ninth Newly furnished front rooms; bath; every acoommodatlcn. MISSION, 2C7o— Fine furnished, sunny rooms in the warm belt; to let by week or month; reasonable rates. * MINNA, 22S— Nicely furnished single rront and back rooms. ' MISSION. 1032—Neatly furnished rooms to let; reasonable rates. \u25a0--. .... MISSION, 1036 Nice, clean, sunny rooms in private family. SIIPSION, 2032 Nicely furnished rooms, either «lnglc or for two. .' '. MONTGOMERY aye.. 221 Nicely furnished rooms to let. - . \u25a0 ' \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 - . - MCALLISTER, 651— Newly furniEhed, eunny looms, either single or double, from $? to $8 50 per month. : ' MCALLISTER, 1228 (Whilefleld) Very choice unfurnished apartments to let. ' :. NINTH. 402 Nice furnished room* to let at reasonable rates. . ' . O'FARRELL. 41&— Eunny room with grate; newly furniEhed. ' O'FARRELL, 381 Neatly furnished rooms to let; housekeeping privileges \u25a0If desired; : rea- eonable rental. '.';;\u25a0\u25a0 J ;" O'FARRELL, 008— Nicely furnished ' rooms, $S and $10 per month; also unfurnished room; phone, etj. "\u25a0 . . . O'FARRELL, 362 Newly furnished front *un- ny suite, with bath, $35. - . ' OLIVE aye., 648, near Octavia Nicely? fur-' nlehed eunny rooms, with bath and phone; rent reasonable;, half block from cars. O'FARHELL. ZYiVi— Fine furnished roome; neat clean and eunny; all conveniences; from $2 60 up. *' - *'. ; O'FARRELL 1103—Elegantly furnished rooms; cormr flat; also rooms for housekeeping; all conveniences; reasonable rental. . \u0084 v is*s. opposite Golden Gate Park Newly furnished rooms; running water; elegant; ba t h; homelike. ; O'FARRBLL. 604— Nicely furnished *unny rooms; running water; central location; rates reasonable. . CFARRELL. 631— Large eunny furnished rooms 7 to let; •- - -\u25a0-..- O'FARRELL. 1770— Nicely furnished rooms to let; reasonable rates. .\u25a0;,.- PINE 112S— Nice front room for I" or 2 gen- tlemen; closet, grate, 'gas;' -fine locality; cheap ; rin«c lower bell ; call ' between ' 6 . and 7in evening. ~ : - \u25a0 " : ' ; - . " PIKE 783--- Fine .furnished, * front - room \u25a0in new^ modern flat; also single rooms = and housekeeping; baths.-. phone,-; etc. ;'.'.--. PINE 827 Near Powell; large " sunny rooms, with double beds;' ?B tip; gent*. ROOMS 1: TO LET— Furn. ... and V Vnt ura. ; PINEI. 1028— Fin*, * furnished,* *unny roomi ; a&I ;. - modern convenience* j•" choloe location. * ' - '• ' POWELL, 230 (Hotel Kyle)— Choice furnished j ;\u25a0; \u25a0 rooms; single or en* \u25a0ulte.^;.*-. -".;\u25a0:\u25a0 '/-,:\u25a0/ -y;. T <;' "^- 1 POST. 1d97, corner Steiner^-NleeJy* famished :', *unny front - room*. ? with i board •if s desired ; * also choice housekeeping rooms; -bath; phone. . PACDTIC aye,, "71ft— Nicely,, furnished, large,! sunny front rooms, with use of parlor;. board j if desired. \u25a0---\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .. : *\u25a0.-;- j'm : .': .* -. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. .-;\u25a0 \u0084...:\u25a0,.;; -,-;;j POST, 654—Nicely furnished * pleasant rooms ; J closets, running water, \u25a0 gas, . *to. ; $2 i>tr | week and. un. : , , .-_-:' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ;\u25a0; \u25a0 -\u25a0 POLK. 622—Ixirge, unfurnished. -,; . i:\ POWELL. 504—Nicely * furnished room* to l«tj centrally located. ;>; > •- :\u25a0 ;<: POWELL. 1523—Nicely furnished and ) con- venlent - rooms ' to let. : ' POST, 824 Middle flat; newly rurnlshed; sun- i ny rooms ;#; # running -,water, - bath, phone. :; *•\u25a0 . :,-" * . j POTRERO aye., ; 9SS— Nice sunny furnished rooma to lat. RIO VISTA HOTEL, 253. Third *tV near How- ' ard New » house with modern I oonvenlenoes | . room* en suite and single; rat** by day, 860 up; by week,' s2 up; heaths free. to guest*..;, *; STEVENSON, 235—Large front housekeeping room; $2 week; large * front; room cheap; small, room* igl-.SS: week.,- '\u25a0 *\u25a0\u25a0•-•; STEVENSON,: 664, opj>.* new Postofflce^ Sunny fuml*hed rooms, $5 and $ 7. '.*,-: ,-,;. . ; % y &ACRAMENTO, Sls—Large front room* to let; will do for . two. : i "-.. ..;\u25a0\u25a0..- r '.;-" ,'sUj \u25a0\u25a0 .-., •.:-. \u25a0\u25a0',''\u25a0. SACRAMENTO. 1431—Furnished front room; bay window r gas j * eleotrlo llghu j rent, - lia SIXTH, 620—Newly furnished rocms with eleo- trio llghtu $1 p«rweek, - : STEVENSON, 787%. near Ninth— Slngl* room*, nicely furnished, for $129 per week; private house.' \u25a0 ;*.-,/.\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0.*" '. , '-*:.."\u25a0* ,;*..., STEVENSON, 405, cor/ Fifth— T\> let, two fur- nished room*; one -with stove. '<' -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' \u25a0;\u25a0•- BUTTER, 667 Beautifully furnished \u25a0- : «unny room*; elngle and en suite; -from (8 to 9* 60 per week. \u25a0' - :/ : ,)\\ \u25a0'.- *\u25a0\u25a0--. '"\u25a0?,-: -;--.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -; ' \u25a0 BUTTER, 1643 Fina furnished' room*:. modern convenience*; choice neighborhood.* .-; : , > BUTTER, 1818 (The Aragon) Fine furnished \u25a0uitea and apartments) - all -modern conven- iencee; gas, water electrio llghU. *to.:"V ;Z BUTTER, 1110 Choice furnished room*, with all conveniences; reasonable term*. " . " SUTTER, cor. « Gough (The Dorchester) Ele- gant I furnished apartments ; everything; ! mod- em and strictly up to date. SUTTER, 1666— Nicely furnished rooms to let at reasonable rates; conveniently located. \u25a0 BUTTER. 967—Single rooms,: $3 per /week; suites, . beautifully, furnished, f 4 SO per week and up; nice and sunny. --. : -^ \u25a0 TWENTY-THIRD, BCOS, cor. Guerrero— 2 lovely furn. rooms in new modern fiat; suitable for ' doctor* offices or living-rooms; reasonable. TWENTY-SEVENTH, 841A, near Sanohea— Furnished rooms to Ut. •' ' . " *.r".... r "... TAYLOR, B10 Nicely furnished eunny room* for gents : bath and phone. - TEHAM A. 164— Nicely furnished room* to letj very reasonable. .'.-'\u25a0 ' THIRTEENTH. 238— Nicely furnished *unny front rooma to let; reasonable. * TREAT aye., 1194 Comfortable furnished roomi to let; reasonable.- ; TWENTY-SIXTH. 4178—Nice room* -to let; : completely , furnished. . :-'% TWENTY-SEVENTH, 207 Nice, furnished room* to let. > TAYLOR, Sso— Clean sunny room* with hot bath;' good services; reasonable. . TURK, 282— Sunny front room for 2 men. In- . quire after 12. \u25a0 *.-'.•:. -** ;.-;.*..;*.' **;,\u25a0\u25a0;.*;-* ; - TURK. 204 Nicely , furnished eunny room*. (2 and up; quiet -house. .\u25a0-.;: *. ; TWENTY- SECOND, 2930 Nloely furnished rooms to l«t. "-\u25a0'-\u25a0 - "- \u25a0 . TWENTY-FOURTH, 2736 Nice furnished rooms to UL UNITED STATES, 123 Eddy, near Market—4oo rooms, 35c to $1 night, $1 75 to $6 week; elec- tric lights (no gas),' running water In every room; elevator,- read-room; free bus. baggage. UNION. 1021 Nicely furnished, room* to le-T; reasonable rates. .• \u25a0 < ; VALENCIA, , 611—Nicely furnished nunny furnished rooms in the warm belt. ,- : - VAN NES3 aye.. 809—Newly; furnished sunny ' rooms to let. ' \u25a0-;" ;\u25a0-.::. .-;-. *:- . \u25a0 -.-.; \u25a0 .- WINCHESTER Hotel, 44 3d St., nr. Market— Most convenient and respectable, 700 rooms, : i :*\u25a0 85a to $ 1 50 nightly.$2 to $8 week; elevator; elec. lights; reading-room; free bus, baggage. WOLF House, cor. 6th and Howard No better transient house in city; rooms 15c .to 60c * per night; 90c to $3 per week. V- : ; -\u25a0.-. WALLER, 13C9, near Ashtwry Two furnished rooms and 1 large unfurnlehed front room; gas, bath; hot and cold running water; beau, tiful locality;near Park. . WASHINGTON, 1406, corner Leavenworth— Nicely furn. rme. ; select family; marine view. WASHINGTON aye., 35—Nicely furnished rooms to let. WEBSTER,- 713 Nicely furnished rooms to . rent at reasonable rate*. - WEBSTER, 1406 Nicely furnished - room* to let; reasonable. . r: - -. WILLOw aye., 071 Nicely furnished rooms to . let at moderate rates/ .. \u25a0 ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions received at Call Branch office, cor;. Duncan & Church sts. A BRANCH office of Tbe . Call for : the recep- tion of advertisements and ; subscriptions has been o»eiied'at lOOS.Marketst., opposite Fifth. Open until 11 p. m. \u25a0 \u25a0**.. ROOMS y AA TDT D BOARD: THE MAISON TE-NCB, 640 Geary street. Just opened and newly furnished by Madame Tence, formerly of 453 Ellis St.; will be con- ducted as strictly first-class, respectable board- lng-house; the location .is central and . - the French table board of the best;, fine euites and ' single rooms, with all conveniences; [rates very reasonable. - .. * - \u25a0->,-•\u25a0 THE JOHNSTON, . 605 O'FARRELL street.: Elegantly furnished; delightfully; situated; larg&yard with trees and shrubbery; all home- like and comfortable; strictly flrst-class family hotel; all modern and up-to-date convenlencee. WELLESLEY HOTEL, 1433 California street. . .New management;;:, thoroughly renovated; newly furnished; V first-class : family hotel; ev- erything modern . and ' convenient; .\u25a0; suites - and single rooms; excellent 'table board. . PINE, . 977 VHotel Hatton)—Elegant furnished eunny euites and single rooms; marine view; all modern \u25a0 conveniences; * table .board" and nervlco unexcelled; epecial rates to permanent "*; gUeStS.' ..' -' ..." r .; V . \u25a0.*.*-,., -•- ';>-• HOTEL REPELIER. 781 Sutter street. ... \u25a0 Fine furnlßhed- rooms -with.- best of I tablo board If desired ; . board and ', room ' for ' two, $45 per month and up; -single- rooms -with; board for one," f 2O per, month and up. : HOTEL WENTWORTH. \u25a0 C 57 Bush i?t.—Fine . furnished; sunny single t rooms' with aboard.' •*'\u25a0•'' f3O to $35 per month;; modern suites for two, with board; |GO . per month ; 3 central \ location . and very cony.enlent to "business -center.' ELLIS. 12C5-— Large " : finely:: furnished % roome, with or without table board; all conveniences;, in fine neighborhood,', with good car service; -: homelike; rates low.' v , TURK, 1159—Nicely furnished suites : or single ' rooms s in < newly, furnished/ modern \u25a0 flat; \ prl-. - vate family;; nlce ( quleti place tfor-students; - good table ;\u25a0 board >* and \u25a0-. rates ; reasonable.tc.r GEARY, C4O ; (Maison : Tence)^-Fine ' suites : and i furniehed- rooms; ;best 'French table board; - - r*«sonable. ', ', \u25a0 > \[- '\u25a0\u25a0?:-* \ r S-j .-:>: V ,:-i v .}.-'-',: >\u0084; ; M.. .' FRANKLIN,*, 1453— Fine \ furnished \ rooms with ; .beet of aboard ;; all -home comforts ;r $25 to $35' .*\u25a0 per;month;*; : --/;:; * -'//• '-/.--".\u25a0*\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0:--'-.\u25a0 "\u25a0,"•'".\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0"-;> \u25a0'"\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 O'FARRELL; '< 841—rNlce; - comfortable =\ rooms ';'. ; with* good \ board; also furnished rooms for: housekeeping. \u25a0 -.-'.- ' \u25a0".,..•\u25a0.;; \u25a0;.-;'.. - : . ; EDDY, 404 (The Marlborough)—Nicely/ ' fur- . nlshed; rooms," with -best: of iboard,. from $25 per 1 month * up : % walking/ distance, h: ;-. ? . SEVENTH,; 252— Newly : furnished ' rooms ;*: sun j all day; ; withSor j. without '? board ; *.: first » class and In ; nice home.',,: ' ;. ; ,**» ;:\u25a0 - \u25a0' - "i, S- ,, WEBSTER."^ 1363—Nicely ' furnished i bay-wln- dow.front rooms;;. everything. new; also single * ;rooms;iexcellenti.table;bcardr?:; ", \u25a0 - - '-:_\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0< VAN :NERS aye.. 808— Nice.'; comfortable f fur- - : ; " niched : rooms .withi excellent a board ; ', strictly -f. home cooking ; I reasonable rates."* ~ ;;:»,;• \ ,; GOLDEN •: GATE ? aye.; i 1031;- facing \u25a0 Jefferson '\u25a0- square— Nicely a furnlehed * rooms ?s with aboard: ' In \u25a0 private \u25a0 family; 1 rates 7 reasonable. V" ; c ; r=,-\u25a0--,r=,-\u25a0--, EDDY, 'V ll7B v (The *i Plaza)— Elegant % furnished ; . rooms,*., fronting ; Jefferson t Park,~, with « first- \u25a0-' class board;" location :unexcelled. r "„\u25a0 s '\u25a0 COLLIER— In ; Napa; \u25a0"\u25a0; CahV f January \u25a0\u25a01, 1806." ' to i the i wife of George w. CoUler : (ne* Cun- ningham), a daughter. \u25a0\u25a0 ;, " DECKER—ln; this -city, r January '2,' 1900, to >-; the i wife; of ; Samuel S.^Decker,' a; aaxHthteT. HANNAY— In'thl* city," December 80, 1905. to ; ?, the ; wife *of John A.i Hannay,' aya v daughter. "*•; LORSHETER— In thl* ''city.* December 28, 1805, ' i-tq.the wife of G. v J. Lorsheter (nee Fletcher). '-'alßon. rj;; •\u25a0:,, •\u25a0 -,-\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0>"--.\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0 ;r .. * - .'-/.';.*\u25a0' v^ LYNCH— In this" city. January 6," 100«, to the :-,,'wife ; of \u25a0M.11.';. Lynch, ' a . daughter. ; v LYONS-^-In- thl*' city.; January 4," .1906, to the r > wife ; of Charles E.:Lyons, - a son. MIDDLEMAS-^-ln ";. Oakland, ; Cal.V/ January C r : < 1906. v. t0 *. the ; wife '. of Harold Middlema*, a ;\u25a0; daughter., ."*.;';'"\u25a0'- \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0*-.\u25a0•\u25a0.\u25a0*.\u25a0*. SCHROEDER— In this city December 80, :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. 1005. -. to 4 the : wife of , H. , C. \u25a0 Bchroeder, a .. i daughter. 7 r -\u25a0- \u25a0 .-\u25a0\u25a0,-. /.\u25a0\u25a0 * ,"\u25a0/ :v i . ..- -\u25a0 ... STOKES-^ ln; thl* .city,, "January 2, 1806. to :', the, wife of John W. Stokes, , a daugbtsr. TERKELSON— In ; . this city, - January 5, T 1006, ; 'to the wife of Lawrence F.'.Terkelson, a son. MARRIED. BROWN—-McENTIRE^— In this city. December \u25a0f 26, . lOOfi,i by the ; Rev. Father MoGlnty, Dr. '\u25a0\u25a0 Beaumont \u25a0\u25a0• Brown "of . Fresno - and ' Gertrud* S McEatir* of: Baa ; Francisco. : ;iL j \u25a0; \u25a0' -,- . - . DUFFE)Y— LANGLEY— In Alpln*, Mendooino County,, Cal.. * January 4, 1806, by the R*r. ..: Father ::Brennen,r Fred * Duff ey of X Ben \u25a0 ld>- - .. mond and Agnes Langley .of Alpine. - \u0084 \u25a0 HINTON— HULLr^-Jn Manila," P. 1., Deoember 23, " 180B." Charles P. - Hlnton of Manila and Sophronla J. Hull ; of ' San Francisco. \. : '.^ ; died:';;*'-> Allen, Edward C- 14 Hllborn,' Luania E,. T3 ! Allen, John W., 65 Hirsch, -Cora. 29 H; ' | Anderson/- Thoa. G., 24 Kopp, Matthew, 69 , . Barnes, Eva V.* --•..'\u25a0 ' Maasa, . Emma, fIT - Baxter, Edward H.,60 Macintosh, Rsv. - John | Bidleman,! Clare R., 21r .>s, \u25a0-- M i Brilliant, Mr*. T., 68 McKeegan. John, 81 I Bullard, Edward.v 43 'Mulhall, Tho*. A., 28 Burling, ; Geo. W., ; 49 Mullen, Nellie ;• ; < Casserly, Christine, 23 Newhard. .- Jame*. 63 Coffey, Ellen. -6S Nlchol*. Frank,* T : " Coleston. Sarah " Norris. Major W.R',69 Collins,'^ Bernard,' 65" - Porter.* lsaac E., 72 - : * Colman, 64 . Rolch. - Henry, 68 ; Cornell, Addle A., 12 Ross. George, 81 Craig, John H., ' 63 * Shoemaker, Stella A- j De Luca, Walter Q.,28 Shryer, Mr*. M., 91 Devine. Rose, 61 ; Bmith, j Mary E., 11 , Dowllng, S. , Snyder, ' William, 60 Dunne. John C; 40 Tighe, Patrick, 45 Fuselier, ' John ' R. . 38 Toomy,'' Alice T. -'\u25a0\u25a0 Gerlach, . Henry, 41 - Townley, Wm. J., 6S Hall, Joseph, 3 ' . '. White. = Charlotte N- *; Hayes, John, .76 \u25a0 •--\u25a0-\u25a0 -\u25a0..,"- - ALLEN— In " this city," January B,; 120 C ward C. Allen, beloved son of Robert O'Hara \u25a0 Allen and EmlHe A.* Allen, brother of Ger- . " trade, Emille,' . Laura and ; Robert .Allen,*and * : nephew; of :\u25a0 Carlos : and : Augusta Ruling and •Mrs. J. :E. Chancy, a native of San Fran- ; Cisco, aged 14 years 2 months and 23 days. ff^Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to «attend the funeral service* to-day * (Sunday), ; January ' 7, . at 10 o'clock '\u25a0\u25a0 a. m.; ' at the home of : his parent*. 253 Sev- \u25a0-. enth avenue, between California .and I Clem- ent Btreets. v Interment .Cypress Lawn Ceme- tery, by carrlajte. . "s" s \u0084 \u25a0-... .. .,. *.'*\u25a0 AIAJEN—In the 1 City - and . County., Hospital, : January 6,1 906, John W. Allen, .a native of Washington,; D. C, aged 65 year*.- ANDERSON— In this "city", January 5, 1906, Thomaa G.y beloved son of Alex and Flor- ence Anderson of Seattle., and brother \u25a0 of Clifford "A.. Stephen tH. and Ewart Q. An- derson,'' a native of North Dakota, aged 2* -.. ; years ' 11 months and 5 days. ' - -. - ' lE7"Notlce : < of '.funeral' 1 hereafter. Remain* i at the parlors of McAvoy, O'Hara ! &; Co., 2fil and 271 Hayes street, opposite St. . Ig- ' natlus : Church. ;: " : BARNES— In Santa Barbara. Cal., January 2, 1906, Eva V. Barnes, daughter ot Mrs. A. D. and the late A. H. Barnes of * Reno, ' Nev., 'and sister of Mrs. F. E. Coroellson of Janes- ville. Cal. r Mr*. E. F. Law , Of East Oak- land, Etta Barnes of Sacramento. Mrs. F. Austin of Honolulu, and Josephine and F. A. Barnes of Los Angeles^ a native of Illinois. . BAXTER— In i this city, January 3, 1906. Ed- ward H. Baxter, a native of New . York, aired: 00 years. ; . - t - ETFuneral : *ervloes will be held at the chapel of ; N. Gray & Co., Sunday, at 1 o'clock p.* m. '"\u25a0\u25a0' lnterment erlvate. BIDLEMAN— In Son Lorenzo, Cal., January 6. 1906.' Clare .-< Rogers ' Bidleman, beloved daughter, of -the late Adelaide A." Bidleman, and niece of Mrs. E. S. Gabbs. CD. Bates and J. R. Tregloan, •a . native of Alameda, Cal., aced 21 years <$ months: and; 15 days. CTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully, invitedHo attend the funeral services to-day ' (Sunday). January 7, at 1 :30 p. at th« : residence of Dr. E. 'S. - Gabbs, 1540 Santa \u25a0 Clara : avenue, ;Alameda. Interment Mountain View. Cemetery. /*• - BRILLIANT— In* this city, January 6. 1906, Toby, ! beloved : wife of. Aaron ;S. Brilliant, and lovinK mother of Mrs. A." I. .Brilliant, Ben A. and Morris Brilliant., a natlvn of Poland, aged7,66 I years. '\u0084I Los' ' Anseles "and New York DacersVpleftse' copy.) .''"*;•'"'* ' . [CTFrlendsand acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral services to-day; (Sunday), January 7,' at 10:15 o clock Sa- m.r at" her.- Ute residence. 4 1645 .* Geary street. 2 Please 5 omit flowers.- Interment Sa- lem Cemetery, "by carriage. > ,/': , BULLARD— In this city, V January 6. 1906,- Ed- ward. Bullard, \u25a0 a native of California, aged -\u25a0-\u25a0 43 - years. A" member of Hackmen'* Union, '"\u25a0 Local 224.:-'. ; .---..,.- \u25a0*-\u25a0'.-'. *.-\u25a0-;- ~l ;"> =:-:'/' -\u25a0 (CTNotlce : of: funeral ' hereafter. \u25a0 Remain* * at the parlors -of McFadden. Mcßrearty & Green, 1171" Mission street, -between Seventh Eighth.; BURLING-^ln Reno. Nev., January 4, 1906. of .. pneumonia, -George W., beloved husband. of - Isabella* Burling. < and father of Clifford. Bur- ling, a native of New Jersey, aged 49 years \u25a0 8 months and 2S days. :; '- v ICTTrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully \u25a0 Invited to - attend - the ." funeral to-day •1(Sunday), " January ,7. at 1 :30 p.^ m.. from the parlors of H. F. Suhr & Co.. 1137 Mission , 1 street," between Seventh and Eighth. Inter- \u25a0Vment Cypress Lawn Cemetery.*; . '.- CASSERLY— In; this city, January 6. 1906. : Christine ' F.T~ beloved wife of \u25a0 Martin :Q. ; Casserly, - and mother of Eusrenla W. and .Ann E. Casaerly. and. daughter of John and Bridget; Maloney,*; and sister of Thomas, 'John and -William Maloney and Mrs. James . .. Land,, a : native " of •, San Francisco, aged 23 .- years ". and 20 .days 1 .". ; . :,r \u25a0 ' ' . \u25a0\u25a0 v ' :i CTTrlends and acquaintances are respect- ' fully invited Vto attend ;-: the ' funeral ' to-day : (Sunday), 1 at" 1- o'clock. ; from her late-resi- ' V dence," 102 -,' Sickles ; avenue, \u25a0- Ocean . View, thenca to St. Michael's Church for services, ,';' commencing at v 1:30 o'clock. ; Interment '\u25a0\u25a0- Holy- Cross - Cemetery. = ; A solemn ; reaulem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her \u25a0 soul Monday, January 8,"; at St. Michael's Church, 'commencing at 9 o'clock. \u25a0•\u25a0i Friends are Invited to - attend. . COFFEY-^-In "this city;; January 5.'; 1906.". Ellen - Coffey, I widow of | the i late John , Coffey, \u25a0 and \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 mother of Jeremiah V.iand Eviward ; Coffey,; '\u25a0'.\u25a0\u25a0: a - native of = Cahlrclveen,^ County ; Kerry, Ire-, ':+i land^ aeed 68 years. " . - : . ; <<\u25a0 -i(j3rFrlends and ; : acquaintances . are respect- \u25a0'•« fully. lnvited to attend \u25a0 the to-morrow " ' (Monday),*.* at*" 9:3o -a. im:,- from her s late •• - residence, , 1601' i Scott > street. : thence ',i to St. , Dominic's "; Church. ' where ; a *:solemn •; requiem 'i.'\u25a0 high i mass' will \u25a0be celebrated for the rerose of her "". soul .--\u25a0 at i-10 ; a. ~m. vInterment r Holy Cemetery,; by;electric funeral-car from , ' ElKhteenth \u25a0 and i Guerrero j streets: : ." \_r ; ! COLESTON— In' thi» city, January 6, 1906, -V. Sarah, j, beloved t wife of , the ; late '? Samuel H. - Coleston,' loving- mother of . Henry. * Annie and •>*kLi-ezle -• Coleston, ? Mrs. E. f J. Field,"; Mr*. , C. \u25a0\u25a0*.\u25a0;? A:iPlckardrand". the' late- William, "J/.rCole- \u25a0i J uton.i and "sister >of -Mrs. -iN.'f W.- Connor, a \u25a0 J na 11 ye ; of ; County r/Wexford."" Ireland. . .;\u25a0:!. .-..,0^? Friends and s acquaintances are respect- ful! v ; Invited : to ' attend - the . funeral Tuesday, \u25a0 January 0: at ,S:SO n.'vin.. from her^late : residence; - 1COO , .Church' ; street,', thence to St.* i Pauls-C hurch, whore a solemn requiem high ; mass will be- celebrated for the. rep-->«e .of her soul at. 9 a. m. Interment Holy. Cross -.'Cemetery;--.-- \u25a0\u25a0.-';\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0:>-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0':. •\u25a0 .;.> . v ; .*';*\u25a0'- : * COLLINS— In U;. this clty.'i January \ e.f ' 1906, \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0" Bernard."- beloved "\u25a0. husband ' of Phoebe : Col— \u25a0 .-":11ns. : \u25a0; and' devoted ' father ;of ; ; Paul.'.>Edwar«l," .William ' and Hattlo \u25a0 Collins.i a native of i Po- \u25a0 land, % aged *C5 years Bi months ' and 20 : days. - : '-. A' member ; of -.Temnlar LodKe <No, ' 17. I.O. ; s, O. F. ; : MyrtletLodsre- No;-42, 'A. O. U. ;W., ''\u25a0-\u25a0' and vClearmakers':' Union*No.:l. ' - ". :->>.,.-\u25a0 (r3Trlenrls;and : acquaintances "are respect- _ ' fullyinvited to attend ;the' funerat to-morrow, *-. Monday) \u25a0' January ' 8. i at ; 10 . a."j m.'.'i from the i-chapel : of * Theodor Dlerks, -, 4.12 '- Golden \u25a0' Gate C ':• avenue, "^between > LArkln ; and y- Polk -streets." :-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Interment '\u25a0\u25a0 Hills;of.5 Eternity \u25a0*. Cemetery. .by electric i' funeral * car - from : Eighteenth *\u25a0 and L Guerrero 1streets .at - 11 o'clock a. -: m.^. Please \u25a0';., omit \u25a0flowers."/.-,-, '.:'•- {-/'..'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 '-.'': -"r;^I"-' > .;>- ; COLMAN— In .this .city, < January, 4.- 1006, ; r Abraham, -. relict -of - the late . Esther " Colman. '\u25a0\u25a0""?\u25a0 and " beloved -• father ' of \u25a0' Mrs.;. A. "\u25a0 Abrahams '•*;\u25a0 and? Charles " and' Daisy ; Colman," a native 'of . v- Germany,; aged 04 years."* (New.York papers .'v please copy.)-. 'S -._,'.* :.."':: "[uT'Friemls'and acquaintances are.reapect- '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 fully invited* to 'attend the .'funeral services ; - Sunday, 'January.',?, :- at .10 ».im.r at -the "\u25a0"•} parlors of 'Theodor Dlerks, ; 4.'52 Golden v Gate avenue,' . between t Larkin ' and streets. .. Interment i; Hills ;= of Eternity r.Cemetery,"; by v : electric; funeral^ car .leaving r Eighteenth {and .• . Guerrero streetajat»ll*'o|clock>a..>m;;;: \u25a0' v ' ; , ; "All 'members \ot^California | Lodie ; No. 16;t, V. \y,0.%B." B.T? are : earnestly,; requested I without ; fail ; to : attend the funeral * of ; our late ' brother."* fl.:'. Past \u25a0£ President 3, Abe y. Colman, , ;\u25a0>; on -iSunday,; vi'Y' January <*. 7,"* from ; our_ lodit eroom; B.; B. »Hall;; " (Successors" to Flahnagan & Gallagher).- .-DANIEL^ P. '- DONOVAN, -:Mgr.'; - FUNERAL" DIRECTORS fjk ND I EMBALMERS, .20 - Fifth "" St.; 1 opposite 5 Lincoln ,: School. , ';-.-:» Telephone, Souths Bo.; : \ ', } UNirCD UNDERTAKERS;; r .' ' ' Funeral Directors ',, and -„ Embalmero ?jJi Formerly* in 'Metropolitan * Temple. - jvNOWjf AT i 866 i MISSION. "<>Tel.\ South. 167. U ??,}. Between fFourth ': and ! Fifth,"' near. Fifth at-tf-.; ;.>;^Finest'Equlpmenta>at*,Moderate' Rates. \u25a0 ; '\u25a0\u25a0';, :\u25a0; H. J. * McAvoy;- •.',;"•' 'c'- iDJi J. . O'Hara. ; " ' c -i McAVOY, O'HARA 1 fr CO. "I U , iFUNERAXBDIRECrrqRS^I '; ; *>." ; } ; v.^i'LTternovedrtOvTheirJNew^Parlors,'-. .'.. X I j 2fll : 2711 Hayes st." opp.". St." Ignatius Church, j r : 1 L ; Lady ' Assistants. .Teleph me South 247. J Contincea; V TURK, ' 1159— Several : nice furnished c : rooms ln~ new. modern flat; special inducement* to *tu- ..-\u25a0l dents ; . table > board at very ; reasonable ; rates. ' HYDE v 012 A —Newly i ; furnished ;- rooms « and ; i bath ; eood horn* . cooking; > rate*, one, |22 60 --' \u25a0 \u25a0pcr .' month ; i two, ;= |45. -*"'; .- *..,-*.\u25a0' : .- -.- .-'-•,• -j. --;- \u25a0 /, ; SEVENTEENTH,' 8680 Nicely furnished room* -in - new,- modern, ; sunny - : flat : with ' family -of li two;;; board If -desired.^; \ ; /\u25a0 ••: / ; . \u25a0: : UTAH,.'. 523 Rooms . jto \u25a0 rent, withi board in . '\u25a0;: private. family.-'* v-V *: ; •-- :.>\u25a0. r *.-;.*. ;;\u25a0¥\u25a0:, '-.:-: ';-"--*. ? -'..-.'.| POST; : 1402— Private Jewish new, home; can ac- : : •' commodatei few with rooms; excellent board. '. : " ::\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'''>- BOOMS '\u25a0 * -** '\u25a0 "WANTED— One i unfurnished s room '> wtth ' small . yard near the park." ; Address ; 615 Larkin »t.' ;..- : ,: :'•;/.', razors. : ' '\u25a0 : .';; BUY' HIM ' ONE;FOR \ CHRISTMAS. - .-r I '- carry one of ; the : largest I and most J select i lines of j razors -in the city. », I offer f a special ] razor at $1 and $1 CO that cannot be duplicated .! for *th»:'money. *-;*'-*..\u25a0;.'':\u25a0\u25a0*-\u25a0 -- / ---> \u25a0-\u25a0'"'\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 •?.\u25a0•.-.\u25a0*\u25a0 \u25a0*) Jordan, Henckel and i Stiletto Razor* at $2} corn parer3 78o; hair ; clippers. <1 up. com . SAFETY RAZORS. , j \u25a0A : Safety , Raxor for Christmas would be a : nice' and useful; present. .; I; carry all ? the best onea. *\u25a0.;."-' .' "\u25a0 \u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0'.- \u25a0-, -* '''••'''..'\u25a0\u25a0' -'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 .*.- '* Bur Safety Razor, regular; 52; my spe- \u25a0 *.*\u25a0 clal , price ,......: .............'....'.... .$1 B0 Extra blades . ..;..:.... ... . ••-•.. .. ...... 1 00 Gillette Safety Raxor. with 12 blades, re- quiring no honing or stropping ........ B 00 .12 extra blades /. . . i ".V. ..'. ... ..:.".. ..... 100 Ever-ready Safety * Razor, 24 blades ...... 5 00 Extra 12 blades 1 00 Yankee Safety Razor .................... 1B0 Gam Safety Razor 1 00 THAT MAN PITTS. ' - F. W. Pitts/- the i Stationer. ;•-A ,'i: v 1008 Market St.; San "Francisco. KAZOR STROPS. " . \u25a0.; AyA v ; carefully . selected- assortment la all the best materlsl*, from 2Bc up. , -; .. - f.->f .-> Star Safety Strops ...............;.... fl 00 Star Stropping Machines...... sl SO and $2 CO Razors Honed and Ground. Honing '.250 THAT. MAN PITTS, 1008 Market st.,- San Franciaco. ; ' , SEWOG MACHINES AND SUPPLIES. DOMESTIC—The machine for family use; best - is cheapest ; second-hand all . makes Vat any price; all kinds rented * lowest ; rates. Doajes- \u25a0'. tlo office, 1021 <\u25a0 Market St.. near Sixth.;. :'* a ALL kinds second-hand, $3, > $5. $8; ; slightly "-. -\u25a0; used, $10, $15. $20. You \u25a0- know - where , dolls rwing in the. window. .1051. Market ;st,'...^' -: A WEEK'S news for 6 cents^The LWeekly Call, 16 pages. In wrapper,' for mailing, $1" per year. TYPEWRITERS AND; SUPPLIES. . AN exceptionally good No. 2 Remington, No. 1 Smith Premier, $2B; "" other.- typewriter* \u25a0% at , higher and lower prices; rentals. $2 00. The \u25a0 Typewriter Exchange. 636 . California"; St.* , FOR - «ale^ Very * cheap, ; a " Fisher J billing H and book writing typewriter. MUNICIPALLOAN OFFICE, »07 Market st. J : . : - , PARTLY used i $100 typewriter*. ; : all '-- makes, from $20; guaranteed 1 year; -rentals $2 BO month. WALTER , SCOTT. 207 Montgomery. WAREHOUSES TO LEASE. ' FTVE>STORY ; building. basement and \u25a0 electrlo , elevator ; about 0G0O : sq. ft. f or * storage •or . manufacturing; Stevenson ' st., near 7th. : J. V. VICTOR. Majestic b1dg.,1231 Market st. STORAGE AND WAREHOUSES. A— EMPORIUM : Storage Sc Van Co. ; furniture. household goods stored, moved, shipped. •723-; 731 Howard St.. nr. Third ; phone Grant 161. FLAG Express Co.—Estimates given on storage moving, pkg. &shpg,; h. by goods shipped ft - rates. \u25a0 192S Howard; ; phone Mission 1 162. ;; - ; PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage; and Moving Co. . Main office Eddy and Flllmore; tel. "West 828. BEKINS Van and Storage Co., 11' Montgomery" st. : tel. Main 1840.-' Shipping \u25a0at cut rates. STOCKS -, AND \ BONDS. WANTED Oakland -Realty I Syndicate '*= oertlfl-* cates ; Turlock ' and'? Modesto ; bonds bought and , sold. WALTER: E. \u25a0 LOGAN ; & CO., , room 17, Bacon block, jOakland. ; . trunks.;;; TRUNKS retailed ,at *\u25a0 wholesale prices.' Fac- tory 040 Mission St., near Sixth; flrst-class .'stock. ':."<\u25a0 '\u25a0• - ( ' -^ -* :'- . -\u25a0 : :' "^ '--.'\u25a0-*.'--: \u25a0\u25a0- -. '^A^^^DiViim^p^N^^ DIVIDENDnotice. Savings and Loan Society, ; 101 Montgomery I st., corner ; of Sutter, has . declared a , dividend ! for , the term ending De- cember : 31. 1805. at the i rate of / three and one-half (3%) - per cent, per annum,; on all deposits, free of taxes, and payable on| and .after, January ' 2,', 1900. Dividends not I called . . for are added to and bear ' the same rate of Interest as principal. - EDWIN BONNELL, cashier. DIVIDENDNotice. California Safe Deposit and Trust C 0.,: corner! California and Montgomery sts. > For the ' six month* ending ' December 81, 1003, dividends have been declared on the' deposits In ! the - savings *\u25a0 department -of this company as ' follows :- - On term deposits, -at the . rate \u25a0of 8 6-10 - per \u25a0 cent per annum, and on ordinary. deooslts : at tbe rate of 3V6 per . cent Der annum, .free of taxes-, 5 and - Dayable on and ; after ' Tuesday, January. 2, 1906.* J. DALZELL BROWN. Manager. " ' \u25a0 "'*:' -'--'"\u25a0 THE Central ; Trust I Company of California, *4a .. Montgomery, \u25a0' st. a ," corner \u25a0 of . Sutter For ; th* half year ending December 31, 1905," a divi- dend has been, declared on the deposits In the savings. department of this bank as fol- lows : ;* On term deposits at the rate of 3 6-10 per. cent per. annum and on ordinary deposits at the rate of 3 '/&,per cent per annum, -pay- able on and- after Tuesday, January 2,. 1908. HENRY BRUNNER. Caehler. .-;'.-.- DIVIDEND , notice-^-The : Giant Powder Com- pany, Con.; Giant Station'; Cal. A dividend, No., 85. of fifty cents (50c) per share on the issued capital : stock :of the \u25a0 company.' has been : declared < payable on January •: 10, 1906. ' Transfer > books - close : January 3, ,"1906, -• at noon; Checks will be mailed.:-. '• ••- . i •_-;'* •.--.:•.\u25a0-. . *.\u25a0\u25a0-,\u25a0;-\u25a0'/. C."..C.v QUINN-.': Secretary/;, DIVIDEND notice— Humboldt Savings Bank, \u25a0;:: 628 Market - st., CDP.7 Palace Hotel—For , the half year; ending December. 31, 1905,; a divl- ; I dend has been * declared lat the * rate : of - three \u25a0 and sixty j one-hundredths (3. 60) I per cent per annum on ' deposits; free ; of all taxes, pay- able on and after. Tuesday, January 2,^1908." W. K.? PALMER,? Cashier. . \u25a0 :. ; . ', . ij';. LEGAL ;\u25a0; NOTICES."' ; -. - : \u25a0 NOTICE of ; Consolidation of; Mechanics' « lnsti- . : tute : and .Mercantile ; Library Notice is hereby ' given '. to : all: whom •it may concern .that t immediately ;;fter the - expira- tion of;cne' month .from; the date of the -first publication *.-of ; this ,. notice f- the - above named corporations \u25a0:-. purpose ito consolidate ? all of their 'and each* of ; their; debts, property.; as- sets and . franchises ; Into one \u25a0 corporation, to .• be known and styled; Mechanics':; lnstitute. Dated ; Deo. '20, 1005.' ? Mechanics' InstltuU, by Rudolph J.Taußslg,' president :'Jcseph M.- Cummlng. secretary. VMercantile Library As- sociation,- by ;D; •:* E. i Miles,.president ; C . K." Bonestell. secretary-; pro tern. ;' ' : . i ;< MY wife, 1 LIZZIE > A:.' DRAFFIN, havings left .••my ; bed ;and: board, * I iwlli ; not >he responsible r for^ any » bills ! contracted v by fiwr '* from', and after 'this date, % January 8, . 190 J. JOHN DRAFFIN;; ;: -.' '** -:* ; ' ; ..* '-\u25a0-/-\u25a0'. ,:,.-\u25a0 .*.:-\u25a0'. :'. STUTTEB : IXG^NP j^MM™gO^: : NORCROSS Institute* cures " stammering ','\u25a0, new,. \u25a0 scientific, complete. Office. Market ; & Taylor. ??] MARRIAGE i LICENSES. - The following marriagti' licenses were~ issued yesterday: ','-,'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 William 'W. Casey, ' 36, v 1410 OctaviaTetreet. and : Mlna L. Alncy, . 26, 141 0 Octavia ; street.' 'v. Henry* sW.l Stumke. 2'i, 2028 ' Diamond -, street. ; and i Julia ' L. ?\u25a0 Car«y, ' 23, 2C'^ I Diamond street. '-'\u25a0• r Frank v W. * Beat.;" 27.' i 139 C . Pine r ; street, and Bessie M.; O'Neill, 10. ,1427 V4; Pine street. =.*.'\u25a0 / '\u25a0 Thomas . AY. Robinson, 20, 21S i Clement ; st.',' and -Alexandrine... J./,Toussaint, 22,", DOvElgln 'Park. ,-.',-;;".'\u25a0>-",*. : :;A, -" -.. "*•\u25a0: •- -\u25a0 '\u25a0.. \u0084-*:.-\u25a0;*.-,: "Harry kMcFarland,,, 23, 1050. Waller^ Btreet,* and 'Godfrey, "Ti; 15 Leroyi avenue. "W John i P.i Gilchrlst. ; S9. Berkeley, ; and^Kath- rjn \u25a0\u25a0* R. s Murray, i 21.' 141^> *4 \u25a0 Baker - street. :s \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0:>> Paul >li; \u25a0\u25a0.' Nagel, ; 21, . 2:t \u25a0 William etreet,; and Jeanne ' Bichascle. 'i 24, * 415 -Jones . street; . :' - '. , :, ', Herman ; Jacobson.'* 2-V- 1 150 if* Pacific ' street, ; andvAnna HGarc]elln.' 1 23, ,1021 Van Nesslave. : \u25a0 \u25a0 William i Hunt, 27." Marlon, ir Ntbr.'v and ' Jen- nie; Masrorty.t 27, * 6lo .\u25a0Green street;: \u0084 * \u25a0 ." - ' v Frederick *D » Ritchie." 21, f 4407- ? Eighteenth st.V : and < Mary C. j Convey," 18, 11«7 Green st. J - - : Auguste YAgozzonl,';'\u25a0 27, i CJJ2 -; Post' street; and Dlnaßessona,? 25,7 t!32 Post 'street. X; . ~? Davld't ßichardson;' 1 51, > Seattle. I, Wash.';' and Louise; S.i Lundaulst^.i, v Seattle. *;• Wash.- i "\u25a0 ?> Jcshlro '\u25a0 Itanr 38, Berkeley/, and Yoahl ; Kam-' akaml. 27,< 2023 Pine street.;- s;-- .:\u25a0\u25a0:: :'r.-.r. :<->.-\u25a0\u25a0; "EIRTH^MARRIIESMDIip Birth marriage and v'death notices ; sent ?by mall wiYl not ;belns?rted:vrhey must be handed; In at either: of ithe,' publication" offices! and; be! Indorsed s with \ the : nama j and > residence 'of i per- ' sons i authorired S to ; have a the % same J published.**; : Notices .restricted I simply) to ithe I announcement .of the event are published ' once i in this : column free ' of i charge;'- ->•\u25a0->\u25a0 -. ."*"\u25a0"-- : \u25a0--*- z~:' >--;.-.>*.- ty;f. ~< ; ' bo l **' CALLA HAN— In thia i city. January's 8,"1900, ! -. to '- the ; wife \u25a0of s.T.V J." Callahan,*! twins— a" son: '•': and'a dauahter.;- -v.?,- ..,'"*-\u25a0 v-,.-; \u25a0: •; ; : *^:; "";\u25a0;.- ROOMS TO T-i^T Fnrn . *mfl Vntxarn. HOTEL ST. KATHRYN. Corner Kill* and Leaveaworth *ts.. Is the heart of the city. 300 rooms; 100 baths. Modern in every detail. Rates $3 to $18 per week. >.' Rooms, with private bath. $1 day. \u25a0 Tourist travel solicited. ASHWORTH HOTEU _ S2O Mason st.. bet. Geary an* l jyTmxntL (Rooms with cr without pnvaC* bath. New addition Ju«t completed; entire hou** newly renovated; sun In rooms all day. AEUBURY. TOO A lady owning her home * -tvould rent a furnished Buasy corner *uite, or eingle. thoroughly heated, with bath, piano and ei^srant effects. I A—BRUNSWICK House. 148 Sixth *t.— Rooms 2Sc to $1 per night, $1 25 to $3 per week and light housekeeping rooms; open all night. BELMON'D House, over Owl Drugstore: 2 en- trancta, 112 CMarket and 21 Turk Electric UghiE running water in every room; 200 I rooms: 25c to Wh: per night, $1 25 to (4 week. BRODEKICK. 222, near Oak Nicely furnished, .pleasant rooms to let. BL'RTO*; Hotel, HM Howard st.—loo room*, r.f» house: modern: II 2ft to $S per wetk. BUSH. 73* Large rooms, nicely furnished; running- water, bath, etc - \u25a0 - \u25a0 BUSH. 3055 Nicely furnished, large, eunny room* for gentlemen; in a refined private family. BL'SH, 831—Nicely fumkhfd rooms; *unnyj convenient; running water; bath; private - house; location select. BCSH. 824 lElm er) Nicely furai*hed *unny room*; convenient; by flay, week or month 1 rate* reasonable. ' * BfSH. 853—Neatly furnished, convmlint rooms from li to flO per month; bath, yard; centrally located. BROADWAY. 634 Larg-e runny room, with grate**: * BROADWAY. 700— Choice furnished room* to let; reasonable. _^ ' BROADWAY, T2fr—Furnished room* let; y^ rtaeonable raU*. | fBROADWAY. 141 ft—Moely furnished room* to Jet; g*». water, «to. i * IUriYANT. 444 Convenient room* to letj neat- ly furnished. BRYANT, 1224 Good furnlshel room* to let; very reasonable. Bt'CHAXAX. 100^—Nice cheerful furnished rocsui to let. CUCHAKAN, 1510— Nloe eunny fnrnl«hed . roon>c to iet. . EX."EH. 2745 Nice furnished room* •to let; good neighborhood. CALIFORNIA. 1618— NIoely furnished *unny rooms, $5 and $6 per month; running- water, psis. phone, etc. * CALIFORNIA, 3012 Completely furnished r.lc* sunny rooms, etcgie or en eulte; terms reasonable. CALIFORNIA, 1519, near Polk— Nice «unny rooms; gas, bath, closet*, phone, etc.; $5 and <8 per raor.th. :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.- CALIFORNIA. 726 Fin* furnished room* to let; convenient distance. CALIFORNIA, 1424 Sunny front furnished re f -."..« to let; fill new. CALIFORNIA, 819 Suite or elngle rooms; private house; references. (."APP, 111 Furnished rooms\ for two young rr.er.; private house: use of parlor. CENTRAL aye., 617, Alemefa KTlcely fttr- nlehed roonxs to let. CENTRAL sve., 672. Alain efia Furnished rocms to let. CENTRAL ay«.. C 42, Alamefia— Nicely fur- nished rooms. V": a::a. 146 Neatly furnished room* to let; f central location. CL,AY. ie26. near Polk Nicely fumlehed sun- nr rooms to let. ___ I PEVISADERO, 756 Pleaeaat. furniEhed, eur.ny rooms for gentlemen; breakfast if desired; 3 car Une*. XjEVISADERO, C76— Nicely furelehed rooms In Srst-clacs neighborhood. XX^LORE^. 235—Pleasantly located rooms to _ let, fum'shea. ELEVENTH. 136 Unfurnished room* for light housckeestng ior m&n anfl -wife. ELLIS, 403—Nicely furnißned. sunny room* in private family; central location. S~.UL.IS. M7 Neatly furnished front room lor !a^y; private family; reasonable; references wented. ELLIS. 1227 Rooms, newly furnished, slngl* and en suite: private house; good location. F-DDY, 118 Nicely furnished elngle rooms to let; also rooms for housekeeping from (S per month up. £"-DDY. HO, opposite Tivoli (Launston) Ele- gmnt furnished rooms, by day, week or month; 35c tp fl day: ?1 50 to S5 per week. LLIJS, &3 Nicely furnished rooms; grate, gas. running water, bath; very reasonable. ' ULEVEXTH. 429— Xlcely furnished rooms to Itt; reasonable priot. tLLIS. 1231— Nicely fum'.ehed room* to let at reasonable rates; conver.ient. £-*LLIS, 1457 Completely furnished pleasant rooms to let. ELLIS, 1229— Newly furnished euites or single room*; bath. gus. phone: reasonable. f LLIS, 323— Fine single rooms from $2 50 week up; elegantly furnished suites with baths; reasonable. '*\u25a0 614— Nicely furnished euncy rooms, $8 and (12 per month. £DDY, 51S Nicely furnished room* to rent et moderate prices. ___! EIGHTH, id* Eunr.y convenient furnished rooms to let. ZTXIS, 1227 Nicely furnished rooms, en suite a.r.c! single. * *' ; - *\u25a0* ITLLIS, 408 <Ascot) Fine downtown house; all rooms light and airy; modern and up to date convenience* ; $12 per month end up. ELLIS. ldS Four upper and 3 lower unfur* icished rocms; g/«s, bath and running water; raoiern; a.l sunny; rent cheap. ETLLIS 678 Neatly furnished alcove rooms, *15 to $18 per month; housekeeping privileges Ifdtelred. ; EDDY, 8S2 Rooms to let, single or en eulte; housekeeping roomt aleo. _^ FIFTH, 43S Sunny, clean Elngle rooms, ?1; dcuble rooms, >2 per week. - FCLTON, 2.15 Large bay window and single, gunny room; newly furnished; gentlemen. lANKLIN. JCsl—Fine, furnished, sunny, roßt rooms; phone, gas. bath, etc.; $0 p«r nocth. LTON, 235 Newly furnished rooms to let; .11 sunny end cheerful; nice location. URTH. ira Furnished, convenient rocms o J*t £t aiMerate rates. ANKLIN, 20H— Xlcely furnished eunny '.orr> to let. FTK aye.. South. 1157— Neatly furnished ooms to let. LSOM, ?JS— Choice Jurnlshed sunny rooros o let. LEOM, C2o— FurrsUhfd or unfurnished euites r B'.ngle rooms; newly renovated; large rounds: «unrj-; reasonable. FOURTEENTH, 4C7— Nicely furnished room* la new, modern flat; rent reasonable. FRANKLIN. 1455— Vlcely furnlehed rooms to let from $<J to $15 per month. KOLSOJI, 1145 Convenient, pleasant room* to FOURTH. 3C5 Nicely fum lshed rooms to let: " K<"'Od JcKM'.tlOn. rfFTII. 251—Furnirhed rocms to let; conrenl- .cnt and reasonable. FAIR OAKS. 115— Newly furniehed rooms; prl- FRANKLIN. 607 Nicely furnished and con- veniently joccted i aoms to let. I"RAXKL:N. 2'!o9 Furnished room* to let; all ccnvenSenres. fTTLTOX'. WOB—Nicely furnished rocms to let; rparorafcle. I'ULTON. H)32—lipftFant furnished rooms to . ift: rrasoriabie rates. ~ I OOLDPTN GATE aye., 1042 Two sunny par- lor* with ute of bath; suitable for 2 or 3 . gentlemen. GEARY. 742— Neatly furnished, eunny front rooms; bath, phone, etc.; uee of kitchen if de- cired. GEARY, 680 Nicely furnished front rooms; tun all day; all Improvements. COLDHN GATE *ye.. 1402— Xlcely famished Tf.o*r.s in private bouse; reasonable rates; i convtnlfnt to four car line*. \u25a0 -. 4 GOLDEN' GATE are., 719 Nicely furnlehed rooms; cheap rent. GOLDEN GATE aye.. 1003 Neat furnUhed Yo'oms to let. GOUGH. 1201. corner O'Farreil— Nice, sunny, single fnrnlfhefl room*. \u25a0 GEARY, 657—Sunny furnlehed room* to let; i** I ** reasonable. repoee of her - soul, at 10 o'clock a. to. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. NEWHARD In East Oakland, Cal., January 6. 1908 James.' beloved husband of Nellia VM. ,Newhard, father of Mrs. F. W. MUla, Mrs. John Laufter. Mrs. G. Nevin. J. M. Newhani Jr.. Mrs.'C. R. Kelly. A. R. New- * hard " and Mrs*. T. W. Parsons, and brother of -W.. P.> Newhard of Los Angeles, a native of Ohio, agred 62 years 11 month* and 19 days. - NICHOLS— Inthis City. January 6, 1908. Frank Nichols. : bclowd son ot Frank and Annie Nicliola, . and brother of Bese-te. Stella, Isa- bel. Gately. Muriel. Adrlenne and John. ! Nichols, a native of San Francisco, .axed 7 years and 7 monthe. C 7 Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Monday), January S, at 1 o'clock p. m.. from the residence of his parents. 1533 Jonea . atreet. Interment" Holy Cross Cemetery. NORRIS— In Oakland, CaU, January 4, 1006. Major W. E. Norris, aged 69 years. A mem- ber of George H. Thomaa Post No. 2, O. A. R. E~ Comrades of George H. Thomas Post , No..2. G. A. R.. and- friends are wspect- tully invited to attend the funeral from the undertaking carlcra of Albert Brown. 372 Thirteenth street. Oakland, at 1 o'clock p. m.. to-day . (Sunday). January 7. PORTER— In this city, January 4. 1906. Isaac E. Porter, beloved husband of the late Louisa, Porter, and father of Mr*. Nellie Richards, a native ot Nova Scotia, aged 72 year* 8 months and 4 days. E^Fi-lenda and acquaintances ere respect- fully invited to attend tha funeral to-day (Sunday), at 1o'clock p. m.. from the par- lors of Carew & Emcllsh. 23 Van Nese ave- nue. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by electric funeral car from Eighteenth, and Guerrero streets. ROICH— In thl* city. January 4, 1906. Henry, dearly beloved husband of the late Anna Roich loving father of Joseph Roich aad Anna Wolf, and grandfather of Henry Wolf. * a native ot Leslna. Daimatla. Austria, aged 63 years ft months and 8 days. \u25a0 C7 Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Sunday), at 1:13 .o'clock p. m.. from the . parlor* -of Valenta. Marlnt & Co., 1524 Stockton street. Interment Holy Cross Cem- etery. \u25a0 ROSS— In Oakland, CaL. January 8. 1906. George Ross, father of Alexander Ross. Mr*. O. D. Rathka and Mrs. J. E. Halnes. ag*d 81 year* and 18 day*. SHOEMAKER In "Fruttrals, Cal., January 0. 1906, Stella Amelia, beloved daughter of C W. and Alice Shoemaker, and sUter of Edwin : iloD. Shoemaker.. BHRYER In Berkeley. CaL. January ft, 1804. Mrs. Margaret Shryer. widow of William, Shryer of St. Louis, and dearly beloved mother of Mra. - Gertrude McKenste of Oak- land* Mr*. U A. Walker and Mrs. A. B. Parker of Berkeley and William R. Shryer ot Los Angeles, a native of Belfast. Ireland. aeed 91 years 5 months and IS day*. (St. \u25a0\u25a0 Louis and New York paper* pleaae copy.) SMITH In this city. January 5, 1906. Mary E. Smith, relict of the late John C. Smith, a native of Germany, axed Tt year*. C7Fr!ends and acquaintance* are respect- fully Invited to attend th* funeral Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock. * tram the mortuary chapel Of the Oolden Gate Undertaking Com- pany, 2473 Mission street, near Twenty- . first. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. SNYDER—In Nile*. Alameda County. C*J.. . January 8. 1008, William, beloved husband of Clara Snyder, and father of Harrison Sny- der, Mrs. Lizzie Ellsworth.- and iLrs. Minnie Chalmers, a nativa of Johnstown, Pa., aged 69 years 11 month* and 4 day*. E7Notlc« of funeral hereafter. TOOMY— In this city. January 0. 1908, Alice - Tlmmon* Toomy. wife of the late Henry Toomy, \u25a0 and beloved mother of Lily Allc* Toomy '\u25a0 and tbe lat* Harry aad William Hamilton Toomy. (New York City and . Washington. D. C, papers please Copy.) £7 The funeral will take plac* Sunday. \u0084 at 1o'clock p. \u0084 from St. Alary* » Cathe- dral. Interment private. Santa Clara, TIGHE-^ln thla city, Jannary 0. 1906. Pat- rick Tishe, brother Thomas and the lato Nora Tighe, nephew of Mrs. B. Finegan. aad cousin of Mrs. William Colbert, Mrs. C Cterson and Thomaa P. Finegan, a native of Tnam . County Galway. Ireland, ag*d .42 year*. CTFriends and acquaintance* are respect- fullyinvited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Monday), at 8:13 a. m., from the parlors; of Monahan & Co.. 2339-41 Mission street. near Nineteenth, thence to St. Patrick')* - Church, where a solemn requiem mass will ba celebrated for the repose of his sou;, comm encingr at 9 a. m. Interment Holy- Cross Cemetery. TOWNLEY—In thlsn city, Jannary C, 19C0, William J., beloved* husband of Elizabeth Townley,- and father of Mr*. H. Reynolds, Mrs. J D. Condon Jr., John A., Emma T.. Gertrude R., Brother Ignatius, O. P., and the late William F. Townley. a native of County Belfast. Ireland, aged 82 yean and 10 months. WHITE In West Oakland. CaL. January 6, 190a. Charlotte Nevll White, dearly beloved wir» of A. •• V -White, and motlwr of Mrs. Frank M .turd. Mrs. Charles Hetaen and Mrs. 11. tuirtwell Miller. CARD OF THANKS. I wish by this means to acknowledge my .deep appreciation of many kindnesses of friends during my recent bereavement by the. death of my wife. * GEORGE BSRRXOTAT. . CARD OF THANKS. Lur.smann We herewith desire to express our heartfelt thank* to our many kind rela- \u25a0 tlves and friends for.their comforting sym- pathy, tender love and beautiful floral of- ferings In the sad hours of our bereavement. MR. and MBS. J. F. LUNSMANJJ jgffjjf and Family. CARD OF THANK 3. Mohrmann We herewith Cealrs to express our heartfelt than&s to our many kind friends and relatives for their tender love, comforting sympathy and beautiful floral of- ferings during tho sad hours of our bereave- ment in the loas of our dear husband and father. Christopher Mohrmann. MRS. SOPHIB MOHRMANN. MR3. WILLIAM ROEBR. " Fine* for non-attendance will he strictly ,' \u25a0: enforced.'^ By. orderr \u25a0 - .- ;\u25a0» .•--\u25a0 ;-\u25a0; -\u25a0 SOL J. LEVY. President, i J. ISRAELSKY. Secretary." '."\u25a0' .. * ' CORNELL— In ; - Fruitvle, : Cal. , ' : Jannary &• - \u25a0 19C6, .^Addie \ Alta, ; daughter of -H. W. and -,; Clara B.,Cornell, a native of Portland, Ore., „; aged -12 yeare 2 months and IS days. . CRAlG— lnTthlsVclty, January 5. .1906. - John --y H.; >• beloved r husband of Annie Craig, " anil lovinjr. father -of John- T.: and Annie Crate ' and Mrs. Minnie Beardsley, a native of Lon- *.-' don, *\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0" Canada; aged \u25a063 \u25a0 years. \u25a0\u25a0 .(Londan and 1 St. - Thomas.'- Canada, papers ; please copy.) .- ' '\u25a0?. .. C7Funeral '-. private, (Monday), at ; 1. p m., from his late residence, 1163 ; Shotwell street. * Interment Greenlawn Cem- etery. .\u25a0',-,. DE LUCA— Inthis city."January 6. 1908. Wal- ter G., ;' beloved , husband of the late Annie \u25a0 de ! Luca, father ' of Raymond de Luca. lov- ing son of Mr.*G. and Mrs. N. de Luca, and brother of Addle J., Harry and Elvira de. Luca. a native of San Francisco, aged 2S -.* years 11 months and li-'day-*."?!!*!^ \u25a0 |C7"Funeral private. l Please omit owers*. DEVINE^-In this city. January 6. lOCS, Rose, beloved wife of tha " late . Patrick Devlne, and mother -of - Mrs. Emma Carr ana the lata , Peter > F-" Dunne," Mrs. " Mary A.* McMa- *hon; and; Mrs. -Maggie V Bally, a native of Ireland, aged 61'yeara. . JC~Frlends and v acquaintance* are reepect- fullyinvited to attend the funeral , to-morrow (Monday), at 8 o'clock, a. m.. from her lata residence. 'l 236 Folsom street, thence to St. Joseph* 'Church, Tenth street, between Howard and Folsom. where a requiem ma- willbe celebrated for the repose of her soul. - commencing at B^so -o'clock a. m. Inter-^ ' men t Holy Cross Cemetery. , I DOWLJNG— In this city. January «, 1908. El- len S., dearly beloved :" wife of Frank C Dowllng, . mother : of .William A., Genevlere : and Marion Dowllng. daughter, of Honora. , and the late Thomaa McKeiwud, and sister of Mr*. 8. . O. Broderlck. Kathertne » Mo- Keagua and Mr*. Thomas Mcßrlde and the -.*.* late P.- E. McKeacue, a native of San Fran- ; ' '; Cisco. -"*- \u25a0-* -r \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .. --\u25a0\u25a0" ' - " . '\\ C 7"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fullyinvited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Monday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m.. from her late residence, 1669 Folsom street, thenc* to St JoaeDh'* Church. Tenth *t—et, where a. solemn ; reauiem hizh mass will be oeJe- bratedfor the repose of her *oul, commeno- ; Ing at 10 o'clock.; Interment " Holy Cross The member* of Cathollo Ladies' Aid So- ciety No. 10 are I requested to attend the funeral of our late member, Mx*. FW« Dowllng. from her late residence, 1659 Foi- . iofflstreet."' - . , . MRS. B. MoFADDEN.** Prealdeni. . MRS. ;F. MOLLET. Secretary. \u0084 > DUNNE—Ia thl* city, January 3, 1906, at hi* residence, 717 CTennessee street, John C. beloved *husband of Addle •E. M. Dunn*. ! son of John and Mrs. M. :a. Dunne, and ! brother of Fred F. and Lucy L. Dunne, a [ native of \ Marysvllle, Cal.. aged 40 year* tt months and 17 ; days. A member of F. and ! A. Masons, Board Of Relief of I. O. R. M., j; Marine Engineers' B. A. No. 35 and Veteran : Firemen. -? (Marysvllle papers please copy.) .--. cyFriends- and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral Sunday, January 7, at 1 o'clock p. m., from hi* lats ' residence, *.- 71t - \u25a0 Tennessee street, Potrero," . thence to ' Masonic Temple, Pest and Mont- ' gomery streets, where services will be held under the - aim Ices of Fidelity Lodge No. \u25a0 ; 120,. F. and A. M., commencing at 2 o'clock. , Interment Cysfess Lawn Cemetery. ' Officers i and members of the Veteran Vol- unteer Firemen's . Association will pleaie : assemble at hall, 253 Jessie street, on Sun- day, January 7, at 1 p. m., to attend the funeral of our late brother, John C Dunne. By.- order of - -<ifcl*»*lJUiiJf 'A' STEPHEN BUNNER. President. J.* J. McMAHQX. Secretary. : Marine Engineers' Beneficial .Association No. 85— Member* are hereby notified . to at- i tend the funeral of our . deceased brother, John C. Dunne, from Masonio Temple. Post and Montgomery streets, to-day (Sunday), ; January 7, -at 2p. m. By order - . WILLIAMJ.: BRADY, JR., President. - MARTIN K. ANDERSON. Secretary. ; i FUSELIER In thla city. January 6. 1903. John R-. beloved husband of Sophie Fuse- iier, and son of Margaret and the lat* John Fuselier, a \u25a0 native of San Francisco, aged 88 year*. GERLACH—In this city, January 8. 1906, Henry, beloved husband of Mary Gerlach. , and father of Edward, Llllle and Ida Ger- lach, a native of Washington. D. \u25a0C, aged 41 years. A\ member of Horaeshoers' Union i No. 25/ ' . . . :..•.;-• *•*\u25a0 . \u25a0 !C?"The funeral- will take place to-day v - (Sunday), ;at 2 p. :m., from the parlors of . JlcFaUden, Mcßrearty &\u2666 Green, 1171 Mis- sion street/between Seventh and Eighth. Interment Mount Olivet : Cemetery. All members of Horseshoers* Union No. 23 are reauested to attend the funeral of our late brother, . Henry \u25a0 Gerlach, to-day (Sun- '; day), at 2 p. , m.. from \u25a0 the parlor* of Mo- Fadden, Mcßrearty \u25a0 & Green, 1171 . Mission street. By order of \u25a0 . . TIMOTHY SULLIVAN. President. HAVES— In. this* city,. January fl, 1006. ; pneumonia. John Hayes, beloved husband of v the late Catherine Hayes, and father of Mrs. Catherine Tojetti, . Mrs. F. Errico, T. ,F. ' Hayes and ' . Mrs. 'B. Reubens, and of the late Timothy, and John Hayes 'Jr.. a native -' of .County Cork, * Ireland, aged' 78 years * 8 month* and ?ldays. . . C 7"Friends and acquaintances are respect- : fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow Monday), . January 8, at 9 a. \u25a0 m.. from hi* late residence. 1123 1 Layuna street, between Turk and Eddy,.thence to St. Mary's Cathe- dral, where .• a : solemn" requiem . high ; mas* will be celebrated for the reposa of hi* eoul. commencing at 9:30 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery/ via electrio funeral car from ..Eighteenth and Guerrero atreetat <.: HALL— In Oakland. Cal.. January 6, 1808 Jo- " seph Underwood - Emanuel, infant son of Dr. Grally H; and . Madeline ;A- Hall, a nativa of Oakland, aged 2 years and. 6 months. - HILBORN— In tMs city, January 4. 1906, i Luania E.. widow of the late Hon. S. G. .Hilborn, and mother ;of .Grace A. Hilborn, a. nativa of ? New York." aged 72 year* It) months and 29 days. \u25a0 - . 07 Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to 'attend the funeral aervice* Sunday, January 7, at 1 o'clock p. m., at Presbyterian Church at Vallejo, Cal. In- terment Masonic Cemetery, Vallejo. Re- mama at the Darlars of - the . California Un- dertaking Company, 713 Post street. \u25a0 : HIRSCH—In this city. January 6, 1006, Cora, beloved wife of Emil Hirsch, beloved mother ' of ; Sylvia and Allen Bert Hirsch. beloved daughter of Mrs. -Rosalie Altmayer and the i late Aaron Altmayer, ,and sister of Bert and Lawrence Altmayer and Mrs. Ben Lowen- eteln, a native of -Ban Francisco, aged 29 years and 2 months. - lC~Notlce of funeral . hereafter. KOPP— In r this -city, January 4. 1906, Matthew, beloved husband of the late Mary , " Kopp, and father of Nicholas and Matthew Kopp Jr.' and the late Michael Kopp. a na- tive of Germany, aged UU -years !) months : and 20 daye. ..' - . , /(CFriends- and acquaintances are respect— I fully =* invited to attend the funertU to-day (Sunday), -at 1 o'clock p. m., from the par- . lors -of Bunker ' & Lunt. 2UOO Mission street.' ' between - Twenty-second and Twenty-third. ;\u25a0'.: thence to \ St. '"Anthony's. 'Church, 'Army ' street, near ShQtweU, .for services, commenc- ing at ' 1 :30 o'clock p. m. Interment Holy Cross ' Cemetery. - ; ' MAASS^-At , rest. " after ' a long and painful illness, In this city, January 5, luyo, Emma. dearly, beloved ,* wife of .H. F. Maass and * loving 'mother; of Mrs/.L. Bendewald and ' Henry W.. ; Charles H.. Fred H. and Alvin -; G/ ; Maass. *' a native - of. Leipzig, Germany, . . aged C 7." years ; 10 ' months . and :23 days. ; A . member 'of . St. 'Markua Frauen Vereln \u25a0 and the San Francisco Schuetzen Ladies' ,Vereln.~ " C? Friends : and -\u25a0 acquaintances are respect- :> fully* invited to attend ithe funeral to-day (Sunday); a: 2 o'clock p. m.,** from the resi- dence of her daughter, Mrs. L. Bendewald. iVICOT GolUeri Gate avenue.' Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery,;"' via *. electric funeral car « from Elchtcenth .and Guerrero ; streets. MacINTOSH— At San Anselmo. January 5. - ieO6.' Rev. John S. Macintosh. D. D.. , Prea- .; ident of ;. the .." San , Kranoljico Theological ,;: Seminary,' a native ; of ; Philadelphia, ' aged im y'--""rHl'ißS^TflilfttjMtoll^iri'* * \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0•; C?"rhe funeral will take place on Monday. January 8. at 1:30 p.m., from Montgomery .'-: Chapel,-.' San v Anselmo, ' to -Mount Tamatpaia ; ;Cemetery. Friends are Invited to attend. \u25a0 McKEEGAN—In \ the \u25a0'. City and County Hos- pital. .January t>. -10CG, ; John McKeegan, a i^iiative of New .York, aged 31 "years. MULHALL^— In this ' city, : - January 5. 1006 ".J Thomas ; A., r beloved son of the late Joseph : and »Mary > Mulhall, , and brother of Joseph f : Arthur, : Henley. and Mrs. , J. Castello a na- , .'tlve of SanFranclaco.^aged^S years* inTFrientis and- acquaintances are reepect- '\u25a0\u25a0 .fullyinvited to attend the funeral to-morrow i (Mondajr)^ at s 9::J0 1 o'clock ; a. ; m.. from his i ;.late.f residence. .l'J47.;Hyde." street.- thence-to S,'Et.".Brteld'srChurch,.-,Vani Ncsa avenue be- tween; Pacifio ; street and - Broadway, wJiere a requiem > mass .will be for. t:u» i ;repose ; of; his soul, commencing at 10 o'clock :a^ m.~y interment Holy; Cross : Cemetery. ; , Members . of San Francisco. Lodge 5 No. ! ' ' ; 8. . P.i- O. " Elks,' are hereby , notlfled . to attend •\u25a0 the "funeral- of;, our s late "brother." Thomas* ' Mulhall; ;. on i Monday. January '8, -from St; ! 7,': BriKid's ' Church,"; corner of ' Broadway , and !"NVan; Nes* ; avenue/;, at , 9:o'clock *= a. "*.m. •*. By ! "(order"-'' EDWIN C/ CLARK.-Exalted Rulers - MULLEN— In Alameda.' >Cal.f January 5. IDOC. | h Nellie i Mullen/5 dearly; beloved '\u25a0 wife of Frank ' and ; mother of iXorma "\u25a0 Mullen.'-, daughter .- of .; Catherine ; and -. the late tAnthony '- Muilaney, ',' and :-" sister :of - Mrs. - Joseph > Loush«o". Mrs. 7W. ; D. : - Hyde and ;.,\u25a0\u25a0 Patrick Muilaney, . a - \u25a0 native of ' Benicla. ; v^HPOBrtWBWBBtttJ^S \u25a0 '(C7"rhe funeral will •;take place to-morrow : (Monday), - :January. 8. . at O iSO a., m.,". from ; her ? ',l»te ,' residence, - ; C232 -Enclnal ; avenue,: *: thence .to '\u25a0 St.*Joseoh's : Church. - where***re- i><quiem \u25a0» highi mass ".will '• be .- celebrated } for . the ! .WOOD'JiAWN ; "; -^CEMETERY," i \u25a0 ,,"\u25a0'. V'SanlMatoo County. ' . I MASONIC CEMETERY ASSOCL\TIO.V, |-. " ' 680 JanfeV Flood. Building, ;S. F.

The San Francisco Call (San Francisco) 1906-01-07 [p …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1906-01-07/ed...Golden, Gate Hall,657 Sutter street, laat evening. The play, "A Tale

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Page 1: The San Francisco Call (San Francisco) 1906-01-07 [p …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1906-01-07/ed...Golden, Gate Hall,657 Sutter street, laat evening. The play, "A Tale

San Francisco.

Ix)ti. for\u25a0Q«e<n»to-wn.•FORT BLAKELEY—Arrived Jan 6—BrbarliDundee,^ Irpm

'Port Townsend.-•« . = -

ISLAND PORTS..KAHULin—Sailed Jan ft—Schr Olga,. fo«

-Gray* Harbor.Iflß^*^PßaWjH*]*sl*W*BHmK^i^-HONOLULU—SaiIed Jan ft—Bark Nunaau, foi

Delaware Breakwater; ;U S stmr Shermnn. l+t

DOMESTIC PORTS.TACOMA—Sailed -Jan "6—Fr bark Plerr*


The Norwegian Club Fram gave adramatic en tertamment and ball inGolden, Gate Hall, 657 Sutter street, laatevening. The play, "A Tale in thaMountains," a pretty little romance Inthree acts, was played in the Norwe-gian language by some of the popular

members of the order. The parts werawell taken throughout. .>:

After,; the entertainment the chairswere cleared away for dancing and thamerry crowd 'enjoyed a general goocj

time until.the early hours of the morn-ing.:' .Refreshments were served dur-ing the dance.

Club :Fraw :Gives) ICntertainment.

,CORKY, Pi.. Jan. 6.—Three trainmenare known to have been killed andeight passengers injured in a wreck or»the Pennsylvania and Erie Railroad atHorns Siding, ten miles east of here to-night. Engine No. 900. running light.met passenger train:No. 14 head-on an4both engines were wrecked. EngineerFinn and Fireman- Herman of the paa-sensrer train were killed and FiremanRudd of,the freight engine al3O metdeath.

Kicht Travelers ou a P«?nn.<iylvnni;iTrulit Ret-elvr Injuries).


GREENSBURG. Pa.. Jan. «.—AndrewLchr, a traveling clergryman of Stahls-town, Uin jailhere. Mr.and Mrs. Sam-uel James of Stahlstown. Cook Town-ship, are alleged to tie Insane as a resultof religious; rites practiced in th« Jameshome. Lohr is charged with having in-duced James to burn $1000 worth of fur-niture, first taking out $900 hidden in thasofa. Lohr also induced .James to at-tempt to

"sacrifice hl3 ten-year-old son

by burning him on an altar with a four-year-old Durham bull. James strippedhis wife In a field and let her stand in atub of cold water to drive out th» evilspirit.

Lohr, in attempting to sacrifice thabull, was tossed over the fence by thaanimal. "He told James that he couldlead the bull to the stake as ifit was agentle 'child. The boy, to be sacrificedwith the bull al3o put up a desperate

fight.~jap|BlWhen the James woman was given tha

cold bath neighbors interfered and pre-ferred charges against Lohr before SquiruMiller of Stahlstown.

Special Dispatch to Th« Call.

Insane Couple Obey the Com-mand of a Religious




ROOMS TO LEI^-Fprn. ani TTntnrn.

QBARY. 1665 Fine furnished room* to let;la'good neighborhood. *


OOLDEN GATB aye.,- 640—NIoely fumlah«drooms to let. \

* •-

GREENWICH. 817—Pleasant. *unny. furnishedroom* to let. . -. : . .\u25a0

"\u25a0\u25a0 y



Nicely furniihed room* at\u25a0 reasonable rates.

- ''\u25a0 :


GROVE. 806—Nice, comfortable, rurnlshedrooms to let. \u25a0 . • :

':-GOLDEN GATB aye.. 442—Nice, clean, aulet, ;

tunny rooms; $5 up. . \u25a0 \u25a0 "\u25a0\u25a0 • -;

OEART, 402—

Chole* furnlehed room*; modemconveniences; nicely located. - ;

OOUGH, 727—Rooms to let; all eonvenlence*imoderate charges. .' »

'\u25a0'"'".' -"

GOUGH, 1010—

Nicely furnished room* to let;reasonable. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 ---.'.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'-."• ;-.-. ,

HOTEL Hamilton and care. 125 Ellis, betPowell & Mason iti.,S. F.

—Rms $1 to $3 per

day; steam heat & telephone In each room.

HOWARD. 1711—

Nicely furnished, single .anddouble rooms; gas, bath and all convenience*;rent reasonable.

HERMANN, 673—Furnished . room* to let;tnir.ny.

HOWARD. 646—

Furnished rooms; large, *un-ny: gas; running water: $1 60 to $2 50 week.

HARRISON, 069—Nicely furnished rooms tolet; reasonable. :


Comfortable and convenientfurniEhed room* to let, : ,


Furnished room* to let atreasonable rate*. \u25a0


HYDE. 1418—

Finely furnished room*; nlo*ma-rine view: select family; all conveniences |gentlemen; reference*. *


HYDE 641—

Newly furnished room for 1or 2gentlemen; running water; connecting bath 1ga* and electrio light. \u25a0..---\u25a0

HOWARD, 1533—

Nicely furnished sunny room*to let from f5 per month ,up.

HOWARD, 1572—

Nice furnished rooms to letIrate* reasonable. \


HOWARD, 715—Rooms, 250 .to $1 per day;$1 50 to $3 per week; reading-room, eta.

HAVES. 1C&4—

Sunny front rooms; $6 to $8per month; board if,desired.

HAMPTON place. 13. near Third, off Fol*om—Nice furnished room* clean; Quiet; $6 permonth and up.

HOWARD. 734%— Furnished room* to let"atreasonable rates.


—Neatly furnished room*; oon-

venienu- -

HOWARD, 732—

Furnished room* to let at rea-sonable rates.


HOWARD. 1041—Neatly furniihed roomi; allconveniences. :


HOWARD, 1060—Nice furniihed room* to let;reasonable. •


-• ,


Nicely furnished room* tolet: reasonable. . .

HARRISON1. 1443—Nicely furnished convenientroom* to let.

HAWTHORNE 18—Nicely furnished 1 room* tolet; reasonable. ,

HAVES. 875—

Neatly furnished room* to let;on car line. , . \u25a0 .; .-


Nicely furnirhed aunny rooms,; suitable for gentlemen; also single rooms; at

reasonable rates. «JONES, 1223

—Elegantly • furnished, sunny

rooms, with fine marine view; corner resi-dence; references required. :\u25a0 .

JONES, 851. opp. Colonial Hotel—

Large,* sun-ny front rooms, suitable for .gentlemen;piano, phone: bath connecting.

JESSID, 472. between Fifth and Sixth—Nicelyfurnished room* to let r --..-' '


-JACKSON, 1103, corner Taylor—Furnished

eunny rooms In private family.

JONES, 615—

Elegant furnished room* withall conveniences to let; ratee reasonable.

JONES, 710 (Princeton)—

Elegant furnishedapartments; single or en suite; everythingmodern. :


Nicely furnished rooms; alsolight housekeeping; gas, bath.

KEARNY, 215—

Front sunny rooms on flr*tfloor; also othtr room*; rent reasonable.


A large sunny room, withdouble bed; telephone and bath; nice for aworkinfir girl;reasonable.

LEAVENWORTH, 622—Sunny front rooms; :running water;" also eunny floor of 8 rooms;for housekeeping; $20 and up.

LARKIN. 2125—

Furnished rooms jto let; allconveniencee? moderate. * - -



LEAVENWORTH, S2O. near Sutter—

Nice fur-nished rooms at reasonable rates; elngle ortn suite. .

LILY ay».. 83—

Nice convenient furnishedrooms to let. . '

LINDEN aye., 846—

JMcely furnished sunnyrooms to let.

LOVELY rooms; sOme housekeeping: Dwightway; house strictly high grade; Key routestation. W. S. JOY, 2122 Dwight way.Berkeley. \u25a0

LARKIN. 1122—Newly furnished sunny room*,$6 to $12 per month.


Nicely furnished sunny roomsfor gentlemen; phone and bath; 17 and $10per month. \u25a0 . . - •


- -LAGUNA,703

—Nicely furnished room* to let;

fine location. ' ._LARKIN,C73A

—Clean, eunny, nicely furnish-

ed rooms; reasonable rates. :

METROPOLITAN HOTEL. 129 Third St.—loo•Ingle and family rooms, 35c to $1 60 perday; $2 to $8 wkK; the only new and modernhotel and rooming-house in San Franciscothat has office on ground floor; hot and coldwater, electric light*, call bells, steam heatInevery room, and gives free bath* and ele-vator day and night to 1U guests.

MCALLISTER. 1733— Comfortable, bright frontroom, nicely furnished, for gentleman; noother roomer*.

MARKET, 1542 (Idyll)—

Nice suites and singlerooms, with or without baths; hot and coldwater and electrio lights in all rooms; ele-vator; $2 50 per week and Up.

MARKET, 1561— Nice, convenient, furnishedrooms to let.

MCALLISTER. 443, bet. Polk and Van Ness—

Sunny furnished rooms; $0 and $3.

MARKET^ ISO 4 (Fremont)—Elegant, eunnyeuites with bath; also single rooms; reducedrates for permanent gutets.

MISSION, 1309, near Ninth—

Newly furnishedfront rooms; bath; every acoommodatlcn.

MISSION, 2C7o—Fine furnished, sunny roomsin the warm belt; to let by week or month;reasonable rates. *

MINNA,22S— Nicely furnished single rrontand back rooms. '

MISSION. 1032—Neatly furnished rooms to let;reasonable rates. \u25a0--. ....

MISSION, 1036—Nice, clean, sunny rooms in

private family.


Nicely furnished rooms, either«lnglc or for two. .' '.

MONTGOMERY aye.. 221—

Nicely furnishedrooms to let.

- . \u25a0'

\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-. -

MCALLISTER, 651— Newly furniEhed, eunnylooms, either single or double, from $? to$8 50 per month. : • '

MCALLISTER, 1228 (Whilefleld)—

Very choiceunfurnished apartments to let.


NINTH. 402—

Nice furnished room* to let at

reasonable rates. . ' .O'FARRELL. 41&—Eunny room with grate;

newly furniEhed.'


Neatly furnished rooms tolet; housekeeping privileges \u25a0If desired; :rea-eonable rental. '.';;\u25a0\u25a0 J ;"

O'FARRELL, 008— Nicely furnished 'rooms, $Sand $10 per month; also unfurnished room;phone, etj. "\u25a0 . . .


Newly furnished front *un-ny suite, with bath, $35. - . '

OLIVE aye., 648, near Octavia—

Nicely? fur-'nlehed eunny rooms, withbath and phone;rent reasonable;, half block from cars.

O'FARHELL. ZYiVi—Fine furnished roome;neat clean and eunny; all conveniences;from $2 60 up. *' -

*'. ;

O'FARRELL 1103—Elegantly furnished rooms;cormr flat; also rooms for housekeeping; allconveniences; reasonable rental. . \u0084

n» v is*s. opposite Golden Gate Park—

Newlyfurnished rooms; running water; elegant;ba th; homelike. ;

O'FARRBLL. 604—Nicely furnished *unnyrooms; running water; central location;rates reasonable. .

CFARRELL. 631—Large eunny furnishedrooms 7 to let; •- -


O'FARRELL. 1770—Nicely furnished rooms tolet; reasonable rates. .\u25a0;,.-

PINE 112S— Nice front room for I"or 2 gen-

tlemen; closet, grate, 'gas;' -fine locality;

cheap; rin«c lower bell;call'between '6.and7in evening.

~:- \u25a0

" :' ; - . "

PIKE 783---Fine .furnished, * front-

room \u25a0innew^ modern flat; also single rooms = andhousekeeping; baths.-. phone,-; etc. ;'.'.--.

PINE 827 Near Powell; large " sunny rooms,with double beds;' ?B tip; gent*.

ROOMS 1:TO LET—Furn. ... and VVntura.;

PINEI. 1028—Fin*,*furnished,* *unny roomi ;a&I;.

-modern convenience* j•" choloe location. * '- '•'

POWELL, 230 (Hotel Kyle)—Choice furnished j;\u25a0; \u25a0 rooms; single or en* \u25a0ulte.^;.*-. -".;\u25a0:\u25a0 '/-,:\u25a0/ -y;.T <;'"^-1POST. 1d97, corner Steiner^-NleeJy* famished:',*unny front

-room*.? withiboard •ifs desired ;*

also choice housekeeping rooms; -bath; phone. .PACDTIC aye,, "71ft—Nicely,, furnished, large,!

sunny front rooms, with use of parlor;.board jif desired. \u25a0---\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .. :*\u25a0.-;- j'm:.': .* -. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. .-;\u25a0 \u0084...:\u25a0,.;; -,-;;j

POST, 654—Nicely furnished *pleasant rooms ;Jclosets, running water, \u25a0 gas,. *to.; $2 i>tr|week and. un.:, , .-_-:' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ;\u25a0; \u25a0 -\u25a0

POLK. 622—Ixirge, unfurnished. -,; . i:\POWELL. 504—Nicely* furnished room* to l«tj

centrally located. ;>; > •- :\u25a0 ;<:

POWELL. 1523—Nicely furnished and ) con-venlent -rooms '

to let. :'

POST, 824—

Middle flat; newly rurnlshed; sun- iny rooms ;#;

#running -,water,-bath, phone. :; *•\u25a0.:,-"*.j

POTRERO aye., ;9SS— Nice sunny furnishedrooma to lat.

RIO VISTA HOTEL, 253. Third *tVnear How-'


New» house with modern Ioonvenlenoes |. room* en suite and single; rat** by day, 860up; by week,' s2 up; heaths free.to guest*..;, *;

STEVENSON, 235—Large front housekeepingroom; $2 week; large *front; room cheap;small, room* igl-.SS: week.,- '\u25a0 *\u25a0\u25a0•-•;

STEVENSON,: 664, opj>.*new Postofflce^—

Sunnyfuml*hed rooms, $5 and $7.'.*,-:,-,;. . ;% y

&ACRAMENTO, Sls—Large front room* to let;will do for .two.

•:i"-.. ..;\u25a0\u25a0..- r '.;-" ,'sUj \u25a0\u25a0 .-., •.:-. \u25a0\u25a0',''\u25a0.

SACRAMENTO. 1431—Furnished front room;bay window r gas j

*eleotrlo llghuj rent,-lia

SIXTH, 620—Newly furnished rocms with eleo-trio llghtu $1 p«rweek,


STEVENSON, 787%. near Ninth—Slngl*room*,nicely furnished, for $129 per week; privatehouse.' \u25a0 ;*.-,/.\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0.*" '. , '-*:.."\u25a0* ,;*...,

STEVENSON, 405, cor/ Fifth—T\> let, two fur-nished room*; one -with stove. '<' -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0


BUTTER, 667—

Beautifully furnished \u25a0-:«unnyroom*; elngle and en suite;-from (8 to 9* 60per week. \u25a0' -

:/: ,)\\ \u25a0'.- *\u25a0\u25a0--. '"\u25a0?,-: -;--.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-;'


BUTTER, 1643—

Fina furnished' room*:.modernconvenience*; choice neighborhood.* .-; :, >

BUTTER, 1818 (The Aragon)—

Fine furnished\u25a0uitea and apartments)

-all -modern conven-

iencee; gas, water electrio llghU. *to.:"V;Z

BUTTER, 1110—

Choice furnished room*, withall conveniences; reasonable term*. " . "

SUTTER, cor. « Gough (The Dorchester)—

Ele-gantIfurnished apartments ;everything;!mod-em and strictly up to date.

SUTTER, 1666— Nicely furnished rooms to letat reasonable rates; conveniently located. \u25a0

BUTTER. 967— Single rooms,: $3 per /week;suites, .beautifully, furnished, f4 SO per weekand up; nice and sunny. --.: -^ \u25a0

TWENTY-THIRD,BCOS, cor. Guerrero— 2 lovelyfurn. rooms in new modern fiat; suitable for

'doctor* offices or living-rooms; reasonable.

TWENTY-SEVENTH, 841A, near Sanohea—Furnished rooms to Ut. • •' '. "



Nicely furnished eunny room*for gents :bath and phone.

-TEHAMA. 164— Nicely furnished room* to letj

very reasonable. .'.-'\u25a0'

THIRTEENTH. 238—Nicely furnished *unny

front rooma to let; reasonable.*

TREAT aye., 1194—

Comfortable furnishedroomi to let; reasonable.- ;

TWENTY-SIXTH. 4178—Nice room*-to let;:completely ,furnished. . :-'%TWENTY-SEVENTH, 207

—Nice, furnished

room* to let. >TAYLOR, Sso— Clean sunny room* with hot

bath;' good services; reasonable. .TURK, 282—Sunny front room for 2 men. In-. quire after 12. \u25a0 *.-'.•:. -** ;.-;.*..;*.' **;,\u25a0\u25a0;.*;-* ;

-TURK. 204

—Nicely,furnished eunny room*. (2

and up; quiet -house. .\u25a0-.;: *. ;TWENTY-SECOND, 2930

—Nloely furnished

rooms to l«t. "-\u25a0'-\u25a0 - "- \u25a0 .TWENTY-FOURTH, 2736

—Nice furnished

rooms to ULUNITED STATES, 123 Eddy, near Market—4oo

rooms, 35c to $1night, $1 75 to $6 week; elec-tric lights (no gas),' running water In everyroom; elevator,- read-room; free bus. baggage.

UNION. 1021—

Nicely furnished, room* to le-T;reasonable rates. .• \u25a0

• < ;

VALENCIA,,611—Nicely furnished nunnyfurnished rooms in the warm belt. ,- :

-VAN NES3 aye.. 809—Newly;furnished sunny'

rooms to let.'

\u25a0-;" ;\u25a0-.::. .-;-.*:-. \u25a0 -.-.;\u25a0 .-WINCHESTER Hotel, 44 3d St., nr. Market—

Most convenient and respectable, 700 rooms, :i:*\u25a0 85a to $150 nightly.$2 to $8 week; elevator;

elec. lights;reading-room; free bus, baggage.

WOLF House, cor. 6th and Howard—

No bettertransient house in city; rooms 15c .to 60c* per night; 90c to $3 per week.V- :; -\u25a0.-.

WALLER, 13C9, near Ashtwry—

Two furnishedrooms and 1 large unfurnlehed front room;gas, bath; hot and cold running water; beau,tiful locality;near Park. .

WASHINGTON, 1406, corner Leavenworth—Nicely furn. rme.;select family;marine view.

WASHINGTON aye., 35—Nicely furnishedrooms to let.

WEBSTER,- 713—

Nicely furnished rooms to. rent at reasonable rate*.-

WEBSTER, 1406—

Nicely furnished -room* to

let; reasonable. . r:-

-.WILLOw aye., 071

—Nicely furnished rooms to. let at moderate rates/ .. \u25a0

ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions received atCall Branch office, cor;. Duncan & Church sts.

A BRANCH office of Tbe.Call for:the recep-tion of advertisements and;subscriptions hasbeen o»eiied'at lOOS.Marketst., oppositeFifth. Open until 11 p. m. \u25a0 \u25a0**..



640 Geary street.

Just opened and newly furnished by MadameTence, formerly of 453 Ellis St.; will be con-ducted as strictly first-class, respectable board-lng-house; the location .is central and.-

theFrench table board of the best;, fine euites and

'single rooms, with all conveniences; [rates veryreasonable.

- .. * -\u25a0->,-•\u25a0


Elegantly furnished; delightfully; situated;larg&yard with trees and shrubbery; all home-like and comfortable; strictly flrst-class familyhotel; all modern and up-to-date convenlencee.


1433 California street. ..New management;;:, thoroughly renovated;

newly furnished; V first-class :family hotel; ev-erything modern . and

'convenient; .\u25a0; suites


single rooms; excellent 'table board. .PINE,.977 VHotel Hatton)—Elegant furnished

eunny euites and single rooms; marine view;all modern \u25a0 conveniences; * table .board" andnervlco unexcelled; epecial rates to permanent

"*; gUeStS.' • ..' -'..." r .;V . \u25a0.*.*-,., -•-


HOTEL REPELIER.781 Sutter street. ... \u25a0

Fine furnlßhed- rooms -with.-best ofItabloboard Ifdesired ;.board and ',room


'two, $45

per month and up; -single- rooms -with; boardfor one," f2O per, month and up.:

HOTEL WENTWORTH. \u25a0 C57 Bush i?t.—Fine. furnished; sunny single trooms' with aboard.'•*'\u25a0•'' f3O to $35 per month;; modern suites for two,

with board; |GO .per month;3 central \location.and very cony.enlent to "business -center.'ELLIS. 12C5-—Large

":finely::furnished % roome,

with or without table board; all conveniences;,in fine neighborhood,', with good car service;

-: homelike; rates low.' v• ,

TURK, 1159— Nicely furnished suites :or single'rooms s in < newly, furnished/ modern \u25a0 flat;\ prl-.-vate family;;nlce


quleti place tfor-students;- good table ;\u25a0 board >*and \u25a0-. rates ;reasonable.tc.rGEARY, C4O ;(Maison :Tence)^-Fine

'suites :and i

furniehed- rooms; ;best 'French table board;- -r*«sonable. ', ', \u25a0>\[- '\u25a0\u25a0?:-* \rS-j .-:>: V,:-iv.}.-'-',: >\u0084; ;M...'FRANKLIN,*,1453— Fine \ furnished \rooms with;.beet ofaboard ;;all-home comforts ;r $25 to $35'

.*\u25a0 per;month;*; :--/;:; *-'//• '-/.--".\u25a0*\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0:--'-.\u25a0 "\u25a0,"•'".\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0"-;> \u25a0'"\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0

O'FARRELL;'< 841—rNlce;-

comfortable =\ rooms';'.;with*good \board; • also • furnished rooms for:

housekeeping. \u25a0 -.-'.-'

\u25a0".,..•\u25a0.;; \u25a0;.-;'.. - : . ;EDDY, 404

•(The Marlborough)—Nicely/'fur-. nlshed; rooms," with -best: ofiboard,. from $25

per 1month * up:%walking/distance, h: ;-. ? .SEVENTH,; 252—Newly:furnished

'rooms ;*:sun

jall day;;withSor j.without '? board;*.: first»classand • In;nice home.',,: ';.;,**» ;:\u25a0


"i,S- ,,WEBSTER."^ 1363— Nicely'furnished ibay-wln-•dow.front rooms;;. everything. new; also single* ;rooms;iexcellenti.table;bcardr?:; ",

\u25a0- - '-:_\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0<

VAN:NERS aye.. 808—Nice.'; comfortable f fur--

:;"niched :rooms .withiexcellent a board ;', strictly-f.home cooking;Ireasonable rates."*

~ ;;:»,;• \ ,;GOLDEN •: GATE? aye.;i1031;- facing \u25a0 Jefferson

'\u25a0- square— Nicelyafurnlehed *rooms ?s with aboard:'In \u25a0 private \u25a0 family;1rates 7reasonable. V" ;c;r=,-\u25a0--,r =,-\u25a0--,

EDDY,'Vll7B v(The *iPlaza)— Elegant % furnished;. rooms,*., fronting;Jefferson tPark,~, with« first- •

\u25a0-' class board;" location :unexcelled.r "„\u25a0 s '\u25a0

COLLIER—In;Napa; \u25a0"\u25a0; CahV fJanuary \u25a0\u25a01, 1806."'toitheiwife of • George w. CoUler :(ne* Cun-ningham), a daughter. \u25a0\u25a0 ;,

" •

DECKER—ln;this -city,rJanuary '2,' 1900, to>-;the iwife;of;Samuel S.^Decker,' a; aaxHthteT.HANNAY—In'thl* city,"December 80, 1905. to;?, the ;wife *of John A.iHannay,' aya v daughter. "*•;LORSHETER— In thl*''city.* December 28, 1805,' i-tq.the wife of G.v J. Lorsheter (nee Fletcher).'-'alßon. rj;;•\u25a0:,, •\u25a0 -,-\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0>"--.\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0 ;r. . * - .'-/.';.*\u25a0' v^LYNCH—In this" city. January 6," 100«, to the:-,,'wife;of \u25a0M.11.';.Lynch,

'a .daughter.;v

LYONS-^-In-thl*' city.;January 4," .1906, to ther > wife;of Charles E.:Lyons,

-a son.

MIDDLEMAS-^-ln";.Oakland, ;Cal.V/January Cr:<1906. v.t0 *. the;wife '.of Harold Middlema*, a;\u25a0; daughter., ."*.;';'"\u25a0'- \u25a0\u25a0 • \u25a0*-.\u25a0 •\u25a0.\u25a0*.\u25a0*.SCHROEDER— In this city December 80,

:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. 1005. -. to 4 the :wife of,H.,C. \u25a0 Bchroeder, a.. idaughter. 7r -\u25a0-\u25a0 .-\u25a0\u25a0,-. /.\u25a0\u25a0 * ,"\u25a0/ :v i. ..- -\u25a0...

STOKES-^ ln;thl* .city,,"January 2, 1806. to:',the, wife of John W. Stokes, ,a daugbtsr.

TERKELSON—In;.this city, -January 5,T 1006,;

'to the wife of Lawrence F.'.Terkelson, a son.

MARRIED.BROWN—-McENTIRE^— In this city. December\u25a0f 26, .lOOfi,iby the ;Rev. Father MoGlnty, Dr.

'\u25a0\u25a0 Beaumont \u25a0\u25a0• Brown "of.Fresno -and 'Gertrud*S McEatir* of:Baa ;Francisco. :;iLj \u25a0; \u25a0' -,- . - .

DUFFE)Y—LANGLEY—In Alpln*, MendooinoCounty,, Cal.. * January 4, 1806, by the R*r.

..:Father ::Brennen,r Fred *Duffey of XBen \u25a0 ld>-- .. mond and Agnes Langley .of Alpine.-


HINTON—HULLr^-Jn Manila," P. 1., Deoember23, "

180B." Charles P.-Hlnton of Manila and

Sophronla J. Hull;of'San Francisco.

\.:'.^;died:';;*'->Allen, Edward C- 14 Hllborn,' Luania E,. T3 !Allen, John W., 65 Hirsch, -Cora. 29 H; '|Anderson/- Thoa. G., 24 Kopp, Matthew, 69 ,.Barnes, Eva V.* --•..'\u25a0

'Maasa, . Emma, fIT

-Baxter, Edward H.,60 Macintosh, Rsv.


| Bidleman,! Clare R., 21r .>s, \u25a0-- Mi Brilliant, Mr*. T., 68 McKeegan. John, 81I Bullard, Edward.v 43 'Mulhall, Tho*. A.,28

Burling,;Geo. W.,;49 • Mullen, Nellie ;• ;<Casserly, Christine, 23 Newhard. .- Jame*. 63Coffey, Ellen. -6S Nlchol*. Frank,* T:


Coleston. Sarah "Norris. Major W.R',69

Collins,'^ Bernard,' 65"-Porter.* lsaac E., 72


Colman, 64 .Rolch.-Henry, 68

;Cornell, Addle A., 12 Ross. George, 81Craig, John H.,


*Shoemaker, Stella A- j

De Luca, Walter Q.,28 Shryer, Mr*. M., 91Devine. Rose, 61 ; Bmith,jMary E., 11 ,Dowllng, S. ,Snyder,

'William, 60Dunne. John C; 40 Tighe, Patrick, 45Fuselier, 'John 'R.. 38 Toomy,'' Alice T. -'\u25a0 \u25a0

Gerlach, .Henry, 41-Townley, Wm. J., 6S

Hall, Joseph, 3' . '. White. =Charlotte N-

*;Hayes, John, .76 \u25a0 •--\u25a0-\u25a0 -\u25a0..,"--


this city," January B,;120Cward C. Allen, beloved son of Robert O'Hara

\u25a0 Allen and EmlHe A.*Allen, brother of Ger-. "trade, Emille,'.Laura and ;Robert .Allen,*and*:nephew; of :\u25a0 Carlos :and :Augusta Ruling and•Mrs. J. :E. Chancy, a native of San Fran- ;

Cisco, aged 14 years 2 months and 23 days.

ff^Frlends and acquaintances are respect-fully•invited to «attend the funeral service*to-day *(Sunday), ;January

'7,. at 10 o'clock

'\u25a0\u25a0 a. m.;'at the home of:his parent*. 253 Sev-

\u25a0-. enth avenue, between California .and IClem-ent Btreets. v Interment .Cypress Lawn Ceme-tery, by carrlajte.. "s"

s \u0084 \u25a0-......,. *.'*\u25a0AIAJEN—In the 1City- and . County., Hospital,: January 6,1 906, John W. Allen,.a native of

Washington,; D. C, aged 65 year*.-

ANDERSON— In this "city", January 5, 1906,Thomaa G.y beloved son of Alex and Flor-ence Anderson of Seattle., and brother \u25a0 ofClifford"A.. Stephen tH. and Ewart Q. An-derson,'' a native of North Dakota, aged 2*

-.. ;years '11 months and 5 days.' -


'lE7"Notlce :<of '.funeral'1hereafter. Remain*

i at the parlors of McAvoy, O'Hara !&;Co.,2fil and 271 Hayes street, opposite St..Ig-'natlus :Church. ;:


BARNES—InSanta Barbara. Cal., January 2,1906, Eva V. Barnes, daughter ot Mrs. A. D.and the late A. H. Barnes of * Reno,


'and sister of Mrs. F. E. Coroellson of Janes-ville. Cal. r Mr*. E. F. Law ,Of East Oak-land, Etta Barnes of Sacramento. Mrs. F.•Austin of Honolulu, and Josephine and F. A.Barnes of Los Angeles^ a native of Illinois. .

BAXTER—Inithis city, January 3, 1906. Ed-ward H. Baxter, a native of New . York,aired: 00 years. ; . -

t-ETFuneral :*ervloes will be held at the

chapel of;N. Gray & Co., Sunday, at 1o'clock p.*m.'"\u25a0\u25a0' lnterment erlvate.

BIDLEMAN—InSon Lorenzo, Cal., January 6.1906.' Clare .-< Rogers

'Bidleman, beloved

daughter, of -the late Adelaide A."Bidleman,and niece of Mrs. E. S. Gabbs. CD. Batesand J. R. Tregloan, •a.native of Alameda,Cal., aced 21 years <$ months: and; 15 days.

CTFriends and acquaintances are respect-fully,invitedHo attend the funeral servicesto-day

'(Sunday). January 7, at 1:30 p.at th«:residence of Dr. E. 'S.

-Gabbs, 1540

Santa \u25a0 Clara :avenue, ;Alameda. IntermentMountain View. Cemetery. /*•

-BRILLIANT—In* this city, January 6. 1906,

Toby, !beloved :wife of.Aaron ;S. Brilliant,

and lovinK mother of Mrs. A."I..Brilliant,Ben A. and Morris Brilliant., a natlvn ofPoland, aged7,66Iyears. '\u0084I Los'

'Anseles "and

New York DacersVpleftse' copy.) .''"*;•'"'*'

. [CTFrlendsand acquaintances are respect-fullyinvited to attend the funeral servicesto-day; (Sunday), January 7,'at 10:15 oclock

Sa- m.r at" her.- Ute residence.4 1645 .*Geary

street. 2 Please 5 omit flowers.- Interment Sa-lem Cemetery, "by carriage. > ,/': ,

BULLARD—In this city,VJanuary 6. 1906,-Ed-ward.Bullard, \u25a0 a native of California, aged

-\u25a0-\u25a0 43-years. A"member of Hackmen'* Union,

'"\u25a0 Local 224.:-'. ;.---..,.- \u25a0*-\u25a0'.-'. *.-\u25a0-;- ~l ;"> =:-:'/' -\u25a0

(CTNotlce :of:funeral'hereafter. \u25a0 Remain**

at the parlors -of McFadden. Mcßrearty &Green, 1171" Mission street, -between Seventh

Eighth.;BURLING-^ln Reno. Nev., January 4, 1906. of.. pneumonia, -George W., beloved husband. of- Isabella* Burling. <and father of Clifford.Bur-

ling, a native of New Jersey, aged 49 years\u25a0 8 months and 2S days.

:;'- v ICTTrlends and acquaintances are respect-fully\u25a0 Invited to


-the ." funeral to-day

•1(Sunday),"January ,7. at 1:30 p.^ m.. from

the parlors of H.F. Suhr &Co.. 1137 Mission,1street," between Seventh and Eighth. Inter-\u25a0Vment Cypress Lawn Cemetery.*; • . '.-CASSERLY— In; this city, January 6. 1906.:Christine

'F.T~ beloved wife of \u25a0 Martin :Q.

;Casserly,-and mother of Eusrenla W. and

.Ann E. Casaerly. and. daughter of John andBridget;Maloney,*; and sister of Thomas,

'John and -William Maloney and Mrs. James... Land,, a:native

"of •, San Francisco, aged 23

.- years ".and 20 .days1.". ;. :,r \u25a0

''. \u25a0\u25a0

v':iCTTrlends and acquaintances are respect-'fully invitedVto attend ;-:the

'funeral 'to-day

: (Sunday),1 at"1- o'clock. ;from her late-resi-'V dence," 102 -,' Sickles ; avenue, \u25a0- Ocean .View,

thenca to St. Michael's Church for services,,';' commencing at v 1:30 o'clock. ; Interment

'\u25a0\u25a0- Holy-Cross -Cemetery. =;A solemn ;reaulemhigh mass willbe celebrated for the reposeof her \u25a0 soul Monday, January 8,";at St.Michael's Church, 'commencing at 9 o'clock.

\u25a0•\u25a0i Friends are Invited to-attend. .

COFFEY-^-In "this city;;January 5.'; 1906.". Ellen-Coffey,Iwidow of |the ilate John ,Coffey, \u25a0 and

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 mother of Jeremiah V.iand Eviward;Coffey,;'\u25a0'.\u25a0\u25a0: a

-native of = Cahlrclveen,^ County ;Kerry, Ire-,

':+i land^ aeed 68 years." . -

: . ;

<<\u25a0 -i(j3rFrlends and;:acquaintances .are respect-\u25a0'•« fully.lnvited to attend \u25a0 the to-morrow" '

(Monday),*.* at*"9:3o -a. im:,- from her s late••- residence, ,1601'iScott >street. :thence ',ito St.,Dominic's "; Church.

'where ;a *:solemn •; requiem'i.'\u25a0 high imass' will\u25a0be celebrated for the rerose

of her "".soul .--\u25a0 at i-10;a.~m. vInterment rHolyCemetery,; by;electric funeral-car from

,'ElKhteenth \u25a0 and iGuerrero jstreets: : ." \_r ;!COLESTON— In' thi» city, January 6, 1906,-V. Sarah, j,beloved t wife of , the ;late '? Samuel H.-

Coleston,' loving-mother of. Henry. *Annie and•>*kLi-ezle-• Coleston, ? Mrs. E. fJ. Field,"; Mr*.,C.

\u25a0\u25a0*.\u25a0;? A:iPlckardrand". the' late- William,"J/.rCole-\u25a0i J uton.i and "sister >of -Mrs. -iN.'fW.- Connor, a

\u25a0 J na 11ye;of;County r/Wexford."" Ireland. . .;\u25a0:!..-..,0^? Friends and s acquaintances are respect-


-the . funeral Tuesday,

\u25a0 January 0: at ,S:SO n.'vin.. from her^late: residence;

- 1COO,.Church' ;street,', thence toSt.*iPauls-C hurch, whore a solemn requiemhigh;mass will be-celebrated for the. rep-->«e

.of her soul at. 9 a. m. Interment Holy.Cross• -.'Cemetery;--.-- \u25a0\u25a0.-';\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0:>-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0':. •\u25a0 .;.> . v;.*';*\u25a0'- :*

COLLINS—InU;. this clty.'iJanuary \e.f'1906,

\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0" Bernard."- beloved "\u25a0. husband 'of •Phoebe :Col—\u25a0.-":11ns. :\u25a0; and' devoted

'father ;of;;Paul.'.>Edwar«l,"

• .William'and Hattlo \u25a0 Collins.i a native ofiPo-

\u25a0 land,%aged *C5years Bimonths'and •20:days.-:'-. A'member ;of -.Temnlar LodKe <No,'17. I.O.

;s, O.• F.;:MyrtletLodsre- No;-42, 'A. O. U.;W.,''\u25a0-\u25a0' and vClearmakers':' Union*No.:l.


:->>.,.-\u25a0 (r3Trlenrls;and :acquaintances "are respect-_ 'fullyinvited to attend ;the' funerat to-morrow,*-. Monday) \u25a0' January

'8.iat ;10.a."jm.'.'i from the

i-chapel :of*Theodor Dlerks, -,4.12 '-Golden \u25a0' Gate

C ':• avenue, "^between >LArkln ;and y-Polk -streets.":-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Interment '\u25a0\u25a0 Hills;of.5 Eternity \u25a0*. Cemetery. .by

electric i'funeral * car-

from:Eighteenth *\u25a0 andLGuerrero 1streets .at

-11 o'clock a.-:m.^. Please

\u25a0';., omit \u25a0flowers."/.-,-, '.:'•- {-/'..'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 '-.'': -"r;^I"-'>.;>-

;COLMAN—In.this .city,< January, 4.- 1006,;

rAbraham, -.relict -of- the late .Esther"Colman.

'\u25a0\u25a0""?\u25a0 and " beloved -• father 'of \u25a0' Mrs.;. A. "\u25a0Abrahams'•*;\u25a0 and? Charles

"and' Daisy;Colman," a native 'of.

v-Germany,; aged 04 years."* (New.York papers.'v please copy.)-. 'S -._,'.* :.."'::

"[uT'Friemls'and acquaintances are.reapect-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 fully invited* to 'attend the .'funeral services;

-Sunday, 'January.',?, :- at .10 ».im.r at -the

"\u25a0"•} parlors of'Theodor Dlerks,;4.'52 Golden vGateavenue,' .between t Larkin' and streets... Interment i;Hills;=of Eternity r.Cemetery,"; by

v:electric; funeral^ car .leaving rEighteenth {and.•.Guerrero streetajat»ll*'o|clock>a..>m;;;: \u25a0' v';,; "All'members \ot^California|Lodie;No. 16;t,V. \y,0.%B."B.T?are :earnestly,; requested Iwithout;

fail;to:attend the funeral *of;our late


fl.:'.Past \u25a0£President 3, Abe y. Colman, ,;\u25a0>; on -iSunday,;vi'Y'January <*. 7,"*from;our_ loditeroom; B.;B.»Hall;;

"(Successors" to Flahnagan & Gallagher).-.-DANIEL^P.'-DONOVAN,-:Mgr.'; -



St.;1opposite 5Lincoln ,:School. •

, ';-.-:» Telephone, Souths Bo.; :\ ', }


' 'Funeral *»Directors ',, and -„Embalmero

?jJi Formerly* in'Metropolitan *Temple. -jvNOWjfATi866iMISSION."<>Tel.\ South. 167. U??,}.Between fFourth ':and!Fifth,"' near. Fifth at-tf-.;;.>;^Finest'Equlpmenta>at*,Moderate' Rates. \u25a0 ;

'\u25a0\u25a0';, :\u25a0; H. J.* McAvoy;- •.',;"•' 'c'- iDJiJ..O'Hara. ;"'

c -iMcAVOY, O'HARA1frCO. "IU, iFUNERAXBDIRECrrqRS^I '; ;*>."

;};v.^i'LTternovedrtOvTheirJNew^Parlors,'-. .'.. X

Ij2fll:2711Hayes st." opp.".St." Ignatius Church, jr:1 L ;Lady

'Assistants. .Teleph me South 247. J

Contincea; VTURK,

'1159— Several :nice furnished c:rooms ln~

new. modern flat; special inducement* to *tu-..-\u25a0l dents ;.table >board at very;reasonable ;rates. '

HYDE v012A—Newlyi;furnished ;- rooms « and;ibath;eood horn*. cooking; >rate*, one, |22 60--' \u25a0

\u25a0pcr .'month;itwo,;= |45. -*"';.- *..,-*.\u25a0':.- -.- .-'-•,• •-j.--;- \u25a0/,;


Nicely furnished room*-in

-new,- modern,;sunny


litwo;;;board If-desired.^; \ ; /\u25a0 ••: / ; . \u25a0::


Rooms .jto \u25a0 rent, withiboard in.'\u25a0;: private. family.-'* v-V *:;

•-- :.>\u25a0. r*.-;.*.;;\u25a0¥\u25a0:, '-.:-: ';-"--*.?-'..-.'.|POST;:1402— Private Jewish new,home; can ac-::•' commodatei few with rooms; excellent board.

'. :"

::\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'''>- BOOMS '\u25a0 * -** '\u25a0

"WANTED—Oneiunfurnished s room '> wtth'small. yard near the park." ;Address ;615 Larkin »t.'

;..-:,::'•;/.', razors. :

' '\u25a0 :.';;



'- carry one of;the :largest Iand most J select ilines of jrazors -in the city.»,Iofferfa special ]razor at $1 and $1 CO that cannot be duplicated .!for*th»:'money. *-;*'-*..\u25a0;.'':\u25a0\u25a0*-\u25a0 --/ ---> \u25a0-\u25a0'"'\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 •?.\u25a0•.-.\u25a0*\u25a0 \u25a0*)

Jordan, Henckel and iStiletto Razor* at $2}corn parer3 78o; hair ;clippers. <1 up.com y» .

SAFETY RAZORS. , j\u25a0A :Safety ,Raxor for Christmas would be a:

nice' and useful; present. .; I;carry all ? the bestonea. *\u25a0.;."-' .' "\u25a0


-\u25a0 \u25a0'.- \u25a0-, -*'''••'''..'\u25a0\u25a0' -'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 .*.-


Bur Safety Razor, regular; 52; my spe-\u25a0 *.*\u25a0 clal,price ,......: .............'....'.... .$1 B0Extra blades ...;..:........••-•.......... 100Gillette Safety Raxor. with 12 blades, re-

quiring no honing or stropping ........ B 00.12 extra blades /...i".V...'.... ..:."....... 100Ever-ready Safety

* Razor, 24 blades ...... 5 00Extra 12 blades 100Yankee Safety Razor .................... 1B0Gam Safety Razor 100


F. W. Pitts/- the iStationer. ;•-A,'i:v1008 Market St.; San "Francisco.


\u25a0.;AyAv;carefully .selected- assortment la all thebest materlsl*, from 2Bc up. , -; .. -

f.->f .->Star Safety Strops ...............;.... fl 00Star Stropping Machines...... sl SO and $2 CORazors Honed and Ground. Honing '.250

THAT.MAN PITTS,1008 Market st.,- San Franciaco. ;

' ,


DOMESTIC—The •machine for family use; best-

is cheapest ;second-hand all.makes Vat anyprice; all kinds rented *lowest ;rates. Doajes-

\u25a0'. tlo office, 1021 <\u25a0 Market St.. near Sixth.;. :'* a

ALL kinds second-hand, $3, > $5. $8;;slightly"-. -\u25a0; used, $10, $15. $20. You \u25a0- know

-where ,dolls

rwing in the. window. .1051. Market ;st,'...^' -:A WEEK'S news for 6 cents^The LWeekly Call,

16 pages. In wrapper,' for mailing,$1" per year.

TYPEWRITERS AND; SUPPLIES. .AN exceptionally good No. 2 Remington, No. 1

Smith Premier, $2B; ""other.- typewriter* \u25a0% at ,higher and lower prices; rentals. $2 00. The

\u25a0 Typewriter Exchange. 636 . California";St.*,

FOR -«ale^—

Very * cheap, ;a"Fisher J billingHand

book writing typewriter. MUNICIPALLOANOFFICE, »07 Market st. J: . :-


PARTLY used i $100 typewriter*.;:all '-- makes,from $20; guaranteed 1 year; -rentals $2 BOmonth. WALTER,SCOTT.•207 Montgomery.


FTVE>STORY ;building.•basement and \u25a0 electrlo, elevator ;about 0G0O :sq. ft.• for

*storage •or.manufacturing; Stevenson

'st., near 7th. :J.

V. VICTOR. Majestic b1dg.,1231 Market st.


household goods stored, moved, shipped. •723-;

731 Howard St.. nr. Third;phone Grant 161.

FLAG Express Co.—Estimates given onstorage• moving, pkg. &shpg,; h. by goods shipped ft-

rates. \u25a0 192S Howard;;phone Mission 1162. ;;- ;PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage; and Moving Co.. Main office Eddy and Flllmore; tel. "West 828.BEKINS Van and Storage Co., 11' Montgomery"

st.:tel. Main 1840.-' Shipping \u25a0at cut rates.



Oakland -RealtyISyndicate '*= oertlfl-*cates ; Turlock 'and'? Modesto ;bonds •boughtand , sold. WALTER: E. \u25a0 LOGAN ;& CO.,

, room 17, Bacon block,jOakland. ; .trunks.;;;

TRUNKS retailed ,at *\u25a0 wholesale prices.' Fac-tory 040 Mission St., near Sixth; flrst-class

.'stock. ':."<\u25a0 '\u25a0•-


' -^ -* :'- . -\u25a0 ::' "^ '--.'\u25a0-*.'--: \u25a0\u25a0- -.


—Savings and Loan Society,

; 101 Montgomery Ist., corner ;of Sutter, has. declared a ,dividend !for ,the term ending De-cember :31. 1805. at the irate of / three andone-half (3%) - per cent, per annum,; on alldeposits, free of taxes, and payable on|and.after, January '2,', 1900. Dividends not Icalled..for are added to and bear

'the same rate of

Interest as principal. - EDWIN BONNELL,cashier.

DIVIDENDNotice. California Safe Deposit andTrust C0.,: corner! California and Montgomerysts. >For the

'six month* ending 'December81, 1003, dividends have been declared on the'deposits In!the-savings *\u25a0 department -of this• company as 'follows :-

-On term deposits, -at

the.rate \u25a0of 8 6-10 -per \u25a0 cent per annum, andon ordinary.deooslts :at tbe rate of 3V6 per. cent Der annum, .free of taxes-, 5 and

-Dayableon and;after 'Tuesday, January. 2, 1906.* J.

DALZELL BROWN. Manager. " '\u25a0 "'*:'-'--'"\u25a0

THE Central ;TrustICompany of California, *4a.. Montgomery, \u25a0'st.a,"corner \u25a0 of. Sutter—

For ;th*half year ending December 31, 1905," a divi-dend has been, declared on the deposits Inthe savings. department of this bank as fol-lows:;* On term deposits at the rate of 3 6-10per. cent per. annum and on ordinary depositsat the rate of 3 '/&,per cent per annum, -pay-able on and- after Tuesday, January 2,.1908.HENRY BRUNNER. Caehler. .-;'.-.-

DIVIDEND, notice-^-The :Giant Powder Com-pany, Con.; Giant Station'; Cal. A dividend,No., 85. of fifty cents (50c) per share on theissued capital :stock :of the \u25a0 company.' hasbeen:declared <payable on January •: 10, 1906.'Transfer > books -close :January 3, ,"1906, -• atnoon; Checks willbe mailed.:-. '• ••- . i•_-;'* •.--.:•.\u25a0-. .*.\u25a0\u25a0-,\u25a0;-\u25a0'/. C."..C.v QUINN-.':Secretary/;,

DIVIDEND notice— Humboldt Savings Bank,\u25a0;:: 628 Market

-st., CDP.7 Palace Hotel—For ,the

half year; ending December. 31, 1905,; a divl-; Idend has been

* declared lat the * rate:of - three\u25a0 and sixty jone-hundredths (3.60)Iper cent per

annum on'deposits; free ;of all taxes, pay-

able on and after. Tuesday, January 2,^1908."W. K.? PALMER,? Cashier. . \u25a0 :. ;. ',

. ij';.LEGAL;\u25a0; NOTICES."'; -.- : \u25a0

NOTICE of;Consolidation of;Mechanics' «lnsti-. :tute :and .Mercantile ;LibraryNotice is hereby

'given '. to:all:whom•it may

concern .that t immediately ;;fter the-expira-

tion of;cne'month .from;the date of the -firstpublication *.-of;this ,.notice f- the

-above named

corporations \u25a0:-. purpose ito consolidate ? all oftheir 'and each* of ;their;debts, property.; as-sets and. franchises ;Into one \u25a0 corporation, to

.• be known and styled; Mechanics':; lnstitute.Dated ;Deo. '20, 1005.' ? Mechanics' InstltuU,by Rudolph J.Taußslg,' president :'Jcseph M.-Cummlng. secretary. VMercantile Library As-sociation,- by;D;•:*E.iMiles,.president ;C .K."Bonestell. secretary-; pro tern. ;'

' :. i ;<

MY wife,1LIZZIE> A:.' DRAFFIN, havings left.••my;bed ;and:board, *

Iiwlli;not>he responsiblerfor^ any »bills !contracted vby fiwr'* from', and

after 'this date, %January 8,. 190J. JOHNDRAFFIN;; ;:-.'

'**-:*;';..* '-\u25a0-/-\u25a0'. ,:,.-\u25a0 .*.:-\u25a0'. :'.

STUTTEB:IXG^NPj^MM™gO^::NORCROSS Institute*cures

"stammering ','\u25a0, new,.

\u25a0 scientific, complete. Office. Market ;& Taylor.


The following marriagti' licenses were~ issuedyesterday: ','-,'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0

William 'W. Casey,'36, v 1410 OctaviaTetreet.

and:Mlna L. Alncy,.26, 1410 Octavia;street.''v.Henry*sW.lStumke. 2'i, 2028 'Diamond -,street. ;andiJulia

'L.?\u25a0 Car«y,

'23, 2C'^ IDiamond street. •'-'\u25a0• rFrank v W.*Beat.;" 27.' i139 C.Pine r;street, andBessie M.;O'Neill, 10. ,1427 V4;Pine street. =.*.'\u25a0 /

'\u25a0 Thomas .AY. Robinson, 20, 21S iClement ;st.','and -Alexandrine... J./,Toussaint, 22,", DOvElgln

'Park. ,-.',-;;".'\u25a0>-",*. ::;A, -" -.. "*•\u25a0: •--\u25a0 '\u25a0.. \u0084-*:.-\u25a0;*.-,:

"HarrykMcFarland,,, 23, 1050. Waller^ Btreet,*and 'Godfrey, "Ti; 15 Leroyiavenue. "W

John iP.i Gilchrlst. ; S9. Berkeley,;and^Kath-rjn\u25a0\u25a0* R. s Murray,i21.' 141^>*4 \u25a0 Baker

-street. :s \u25a0-\u25a0

\u25a0:>> Paul >li;\u25a0\u25a0.' Nagel, ;21, .2:t \u25a0 William etreet,; andJeanne 'Bichascle. 'i24, *415 -Jones .street; .:' -

'. ,:, ',Herman ;Jacobson.'* 2-V-1150if*Pacific

'street, ;

andvAnna HGarc]elln.'123, ,1021 Van Nesslave. :

\u25a0\u25a0 William iHunt, 27." Marlon,irNtbr.'v and'Jen-

nie;Masrorty.t 27, *6lo .\u25a0Green street;: \u0084* \u25a0 ."

-'vFrederick *D» Ritchie." 21, f4407- ?Eighteenthst.V :and <Mary C.jConvey," 18, 11«7 Green st.J

--:Auguste YAgozzonl,';'\u25a0 27,iCJJ2 -; Post' street; and

Dlnaßessona,? 25,7 t!32 Post 'street. X; .~? Davld'tßichardson;' 151, > Seattle. I,Wash.';' • andLouise; S.iLundaulst^.i, v Seattle. *;•Wash.- i

"\u25a0 ?> Jcshlro '\u25a0 Itanr 38, Berkeley/, and Yoahl;Kam-'akaml. 27,< 2023 Pine street.;- s;-- .:\u25a0\u25a0:: :'r.-.r. :<->.-\u25a0\u25a0;

"EIRTH^MARRIIESMDIipBirth marriage and v'death notices ;sent ?by

mall wiYlnot ;belns?rted:vrhey must be handed;In at either: of ithe,'publication" offices! and; be!Indorsed s with\ the :nama jand>residence 'ofiper-'sonsiauthorired S to;have a the %same J published.**;:Notices .restricted Isimply) toithe Iannouncement.of the event •are published

'onceiin this :column•free 'oficharge;'- ->•\u25a0->\u25a0 -.."*"\u25a0"-- :\u25a0--*- • z~:' >--;.-.>*.-ty;f.~<

; 'bol

**'CALLAHAN—In thiaicity. January's 8,"1900,!-. to '- the;wife \u25a0of s.T.V J." Callahan,*! twins—a" son:

'•':and'a dauahter.;- -v.?,- ..,'"*-\u25a0 v-,.-; \u25a0: •;;:*^:;"";\u25a0;.- •

ROOMS TO T-i^T Fnrn. *mfl Vntxarn.

HOTEL ST. KATHRYN.Corner Kill*and Leaveaworth *ts..

Is the heart of the city.300 rooms; 100 baths.Modern inevery detail.

Rates $3 to $18 per week.>.' Rooms, with private bath. $1 day.

\u25a0Tourist travel solicited.

ASHWORTH HOTEU _S2O Mason st.. bet. Geary an*ljyTmxntL

(Roomswith cr without pnvaC* bath.

New addition Ju«t completed; entire hou**newly renovated; sun In rooms all day.


A lady owning her home• *

-tvould rent a furnished Buasy corner *uite,or eingle. thoroughly heated, with bath,piano and ei^srant effects.

I A—BRUNSWICK House. 148 Sixth *t.—Rooms2Sc to $1 per night, $1 25 to $3 per week andlight housekeeping rooms; open all night.

•BELMON'D House, over Owl Drugstore: 2 en-trancta, 112 CMarket and 21 Turk


UghiE running water in every room; 200

Irooms: 25c to Wh: per night, $1 25 to (4 week.

BRODEKICK. 222, near Oak—

Nicely furnished,.pleasant rooms to let.

BL'RTO*; Hotel, HM Howard st.—loo room*,r.f» house: modern: II2ft to $S per wetk.

BUSH. 73*—

Large rooms, nicely furnished;running- water, bath, etc



BUSH. 3055—

Nicely furnished, large, eunny

room* for gentlemen; in a refined privatefamily.

BL'SH, 831—Nicely fumkhfd rooms; *unnyjconvenient; running water; bath; private-house; location select.

BCSH. 824 lElmer)—

Nicely furai*hed *unnyroom*; convenient; by flay, week or month1rate* reasonable.

' *

BfSH. 853—Neatly furnished, convmlintrooms from lito flO per month; bath, yard;centrally located.


Larg-e runny room, withgrate**:


BROADWAY. 700— Choice furnished room* tolet; reasonable. _

—̂—'BROADWAY, T2fr—Furnished room* t© let;

y^ rtaeonable raU*. |fBROADWAY. 141ft—Moely furnished room* to

Jet; g*». water, «to.i


—Convenient room* to letj neat-

ly furnished.

BRYANT, 1224—

Good furnlshel room* to let;very reasonable.

Bt'CHAXAX. 100^—Nice cheerful furnishedrocsui to let.

CUCHAKAN, 1510— Nloe eunny fnrnl«hed. roon>c to iet. .EX."EH. 2745

—Nice furnished room* •to let;

good neighborhood.

CALIFORNIA. 1618— NIoely furnished *unnyrooms, $5 and $6 per month; running- water,psis. phone, etc.


—Completely furnished

r.lc* sunny rooms, etcgie or en eulte; termsreasonable.

CALIFORNIA, 1519, near Polk—Nice «unnyrooms; gas, bath, closet*, phone, etc.; $5and <8 per raor.th. :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.-


Fin* furnished room* tolet; convenient distance.


Sunny front furnishedref -."..« to let; fill new.


Suite or elngle rooms;private house; references.

(."APP, 111—

Furnished rooms\ for two youngrr.er.; private house: use of parlor.

CENTRAL aye., 617, Alemefa—

KTlcely fttr-nlehed roonxs to let.

CENTRAL sve., 672. Alainefia—

Furnishedrocms to let.

CENTRAL ay«.. C42, Alamefia—Nicely fur-nished rooms.

V":a::a. 146—

Neatly furnished room* to let;f central location.CL,AY. ie26. near Polk

—Nicely fumlehed sun-

nr rooms to let. ___IPEVISADERO, 756

—Pleaeaat. furniEhed, eur.ny

rooms for gentlemen; breakfast if desired; 3car Une*.

XjEVISADERO, C76—Nicely furelehed roomsIn Srst-clacs neighborhood.

XX^LORE^. 235—Pleasantly located rooms to_ let, fum'shea.ELEVENTH. 136

—Unfurnished room* for

light housckeestng ior m&n anfl -wife.ELLIS, 403—Nicely furnißned. sunny room* in

private family; central location.

S~.UL.IS. M7—

Neatly furnished front room lor!a^y; private family; reasonable; referenceswented.

ELLIS. 1227—

Rooms, newly furnished, slngl*and en suite: private house; good location.

F-DDY, 118—

Nicely furnished elngle rooms tolet; also rooms for housekeeping from (S permonth up.

£"-DDY. HO, opposite Tivoli (Launston)—

Ele-gmnt furnished rooms, by day, week or month;35c tp flday: ?1 50 to S5 per week.

LLIJS, &3—

Nicely furnished rooms; grate, •

gas. running water, bath; very reasonable.'

ULEVEXTH. 429— Xlcely furnished rooms toItt; reasonable priot.

tLLIS. 1231— Nicely fum'.ehed room* to let atreasonable rates; conver.ient.

£-*LLIS, 1457—

Completely furnished pleasantrooms to let.

ELLIS, 1229—Newly furnished euites or singleroom*; bath. gus. phone: reasonable.

• fLLIS,323—Fine single rooms from $2 50 weekup; elegantly furnished suites with baths;reasonable. '*\u25a0

614— Nicely furnished euncy rooms, $8and (12 per month.

£DDY, 51S—

Nicely furnished room* to rentet moderate prices. ___!

EIGHTH, id*—

Eunr.y convenient furnishedrooms to let.

ZTXIS, 1227—

Nicely furnished rooms, en suitea.r.c! single. * *'



ITLLIS, 408 <Ascot)—

Fine downtown house; allrooms light and airy; modern and up to dateconvenience* ;$12 per month end up.


Four upper and 3 lower unfur*

icishedrocms; g/«s, bath and running water;

raoiern; a.l sunny; rent cheap.


Neatly furnished alcove rooms,

*15 to $18 per month; housekeeping privilegesIfdtelred. ;

EDDY, 8S2—

Rooms to let, single or en eulte;housekeeping roomt aleo.



Sunny, clean Elngle rooms, ?1;dcuble rooms, >2 per week.

- FCLTON, 2.15—

Large bay window and single,gunny room; newly furnished; gentlemen.

lANKLIN.JCsl—Fine, furnished, sunny,

roßt rooms; phone, gas. bath, etc.; $0 p«rnocth.LTON, 235

—Newly furnished rooms to let;

.11 sunny end cheerful; nice location.

URTH. ira—

Furnished, convenient rocmso J*t £t aiMerate rates.

ANKLIN, 20H—Xlcely furnished eunny'.orr> to let.

FTK aye.. South. 1157—Neatly furnishedooms to let.LSOM, ?JS— Choice Jurnlshed sunny rooroso let.LEOM, C2o— FurrsUhfd or unfurnished euitesr B'.ngle rooms; newly renovated; large

rounds: «unrj-; reasonable.

FOURTEENTH, 4C7— Nicely furnished room*la new, modern flat; rent reasonable.

FRANKLIN. 1455— Vlcely furnlehed rooms tolet from $<J to $15 per month.

KOLSOJI, 1145—

Convenient, pleasant room* to


Nicely fumlshed rooms to let:"K<"'Od JcKM'.tlOn.

rfFTII. 251—Furnirhed rocms to let; conrenl-.cnt and reasonable.

FAIR OAKS. 115— Newly furniehed rooms; prl-


Nicely furnished and con-veniently joccted iaoms to let.

I"RAXKL:N. 2'!o9—

Furnished room* to let;all ccnvenSenres.

fTTLTOX'.WOB—Nicely furnished rocms to let;rparorafcle.

I'ULTON. H)32—lipftFant furnished rooms to. ift: rrasoriabie rates.~


OOLDPTN GATE aye., 1042—

Two sunny par-lor* with ute of bath; suitable for 2 or 3. gentlemen.

GEARY. 742— Neatly furnished, eunny frontrooms; bath, phone, etc.; uee of kitchen if de-cired.

GEARY, 680—

Nicely furnished front rooms;tun all day; all Improvements.

COLDHN GATE *ye.. 1402— Xlcely famishedTf.o*r.s in private bouse; reasonable rates;

i convtnlfnt to four car line*. \u25a0 -.4 GOLDEN' GATE are., 719

—Nicely furnlehed

rooms; cheap rent.

GOLDEN GATE aye.. 1003—

Neat furnUhedYo'oms to let.

GOUGH. 1201. corner O'Farreil— Nice, sunny,single fnrnlfhefl room*. \u25a0

GEARY, 657— Sunny furnlehed room* to let;i**I**reasonable.

repoee of her -soul, at 10 o'clock a. to.Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.


In East Oakland, Cal., January6. 1908 James.' beloved husband of Nellia

VM.,Newhard, father of Mrs. F. W. MUla,Mrs. John Laufter. Mrs. G. Nevin. J. M.Newhani Jr.. Mrs.'C. R. Kelly. A. R. New-*hard

"and Mrs*. T. W. Parsons, and brother

of-W.. P.> Newhard of Los Angeles, a nativeof Ohio, agred 62 years 11 month* and 19days. -

NICHOLS—Inthis City. January 6, 1908. FrankNichols. :bclowd son ot Frank and AnnieNicliola,.and brother of Bese-te. Stella, Isa-bel. Gately. Muriel. Adrlenne and John.!Nichols, a native of San Francisco, .axed 7years and 7 monthe.C7Friends and acquaintances are respect-

fullyinvited toattend the funeral to-morrow(Monday), January S, at 1 o'clock p. m..from the residence of his parents. 1533 Jonea. atreet. Interment" Holy Cross Cemetery.

NORRIS— In Oakland, CaU, January 4, 1006.Major W. E. Norris, aged 69 years. A mem-ber of George H. Thomaa Post No. 2, O.A. R.

E~Comrades of George H. Thomas Post,No..2. G. A. R.. and- friends are wspect-

tully invited to attend the funeral from theundertaking carlcra of Albert Brown. 372Thirteenth street. Oakland, at 1 o'clockp. m.. to-day .(Sunday). January 7.

PORTER—In this city, January 4. 1906.Isaac E. Porter, beloved husband of the lateLouisa, Porter, and father of Mr*. NellieRichards, a native ot Nova Scotia, aged72 year* 8 months and 4 days.

E^Fi-lenda and acquaintances ere respect-fully invited to attend tha funeral to-day(Sunday), at 1o'clock p. m.. from the par-

lors of Carew &Emcllsh. 23 Van Nese ave-nue. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery,by electric funeral car from Eighteenth, andGuerrero streets.

ROICH—In thl* city. January 4, 1906. Henry,dearly beloved husband of the late AnnaRoich loving father of Joseph Roich aadAnna Wolf, and grandfather of Henry Wolf.*a native ot Leslna. Daimatla. Austria, aged63 years ft months and 8 days.

\u25a0 C7 Friends and acquaintances are respect-fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day(Sunday), at 1:13 .o'clock p. m.. from the.parlor* -of Valenta. Marlnt & Co., 1524Stockton street. Interment Holy Cross Cem-etery. \u25a0

ROSS— In Oakland, CaL. January 8. 1906.George Ross, father of Alexander Ross. Mr*.O. D. Rathka and Mrs. J. E. Halnes. ag*d81 year* and 18 day*.


In "Fruttrals, Cal., January 0.1906, Stella Amelia, beloved daughter of CW. and Alice Shoemaker, and sUter ofEdwin :iloD. Shoemaker..

BHRYER—In Berkeley. CaL. January ft, 1804.

Mrs. Margaret Shryer. widow of William,Shryer of St. Louis, and dearly belovedmother of Mra.

-Gertrude McKenste of Oak-

land* Mr*. U A. Walker and Mrs. A. B.Parker of Berkeley and William R. Shryerot Los Angeles, a native of Belfast. Ireland.aeed 91 years 5 months and IS day*. (St.

\u25a0\u25a0 Louis and New York paper* pleaae copy.)SMITH

—In this city. January 5, 1906. Mary

E. Smith, relict of the late John C. Smith,a native of Germany, axed Tt year*.

C7Fr!ends and acquaintance* are respect-fully Invited to attend th* funeral Sundaymorning, at 10 o'clock.

*tram the mortuary

chapel Of the Oolden Gate Undertaking Com-pany, 2473 Mission street, near Twenty-

. first. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery.SNYDER—In Nile*. Alameda County. C*J... January 8. 1008, William, beloved husband

of Clara Snyder, and father of Harrison Sny-der, Mrs. Lizzie Ellsworth.- and iLrs. MinnieChalmers, a nativa of Johnstown, Pa., aged69 years 11 month* and 4 day*.

E7Notlc« of funeral hereafter.TOOMY—In this city. January 0. 1908, Alice-

Tlmmon* Toomy. wife of the late HenryToomy, \u25a0 and beloved mother of Lily Allc*Toomy '\u25a0 and tbe lat* Harry aad WilliamHamilton Toomy. (New York City and .Washington. D.C, papers please Copy.)

£7 The funeral will take plac* Sunday.\u0084

at 1o'clock p.—

\u0084 from St. Alary*» Cathe-dral. Interment private. Santa Clara,

TIGHE-^ln thla city, Jannary 0. 1906. Pat-rick Tishe, brother Thomas and the latoNora Tighe, nephew of Mrs. B. Finegan.aad cousin of Mrs. William Colbert, Mrs. CCterson and Thomaa P. Finegan, a native ofTnam. County Galway. Ireland, ag*d .42year*.

CTFriends and acquaintance* are respect-fullyinvited toattend the funeral to-morrow(Monday), at 8:13 a. m., from the parlors;of Monahan & Co.. 2339-41 Mission street.• near Nineteenth, thence to St. Patrick')*-Church, where a solemn requiem mass willba celebrated for the repose of his sou;,commencingr at 9 a. m. Interment Holy-Cross Cemetery.

TOWNLEY—In thlsn city, Jannary C, 19C0,William J., beloved* husband of ElizabethTownley,- and father of Mr*. H. Reynolds,Mrs. J D. Condon Jr., John A., Emma T..Gertrude R., Brother Ignatius, O. P., andthe late William F. Townley. a native ofCounty Belfast. Ireland, aged 82 yean and10 months.


In West Oakland. CaL. January 6,190a. Charlotte Nevll White, dearly belovedwir» of A.•• V -White, and motlwr of Mrs.Frank M .turd. Mrs. Charles Hetaen andMrs. 11. tuirtwell Miller.

CARD OF THANKS.Iwish by this means to acknowledge my

.deep appreciation of many kindnesses offriends during my recent bereavement by the.death of my wife.*



We herewith desire to expressour heartfelt thank* to our many kind rela-

\u25a0 tlves and friends for.their comforting sym-pathy, tender love and beautiful floral of-ferings In the sad hours of our bereavement.

MR.and MBS. J. F. LUNSMANJJjgffjjf and Family.


—We herewith Cealrs to express

our heartfelt than&s to our many kindfriends and relatives for their tender love,comforting sympathy and beautiful floral of-ferings during tho sad hours of our bereave-ment in the loas of our dear husband andfather. Christopher Mohrmann.


"Fine* for non-attendance will he strictly,' \u25a0: enforced.'^ By.orderr \u25a0

-.- ;\u25a0» .•--\u25a0

;-\u25a0;-\u25a0 SOL J. LEVY. President,

i J. ISRAELSKY. Secretary." '."\u25a0' .. *'CORNELL—In;-Fruitvle, : Cal.,

':Jannary &•-\u25a019C6, .^Addie \Alta,;daughter of-H. W. and-,;Clara B.,Cornell, a native of Portland, Ore.,

„;aged -12 yeare 2 months and IS days. .CRAlG—lnTthlsVclty, January 5. .1906.

-John--yH.;>•beloved rhusband of Annie Craig,"anil

lovinjr.father -of John- T.: and Annie Crate'and Mrs. Minnie Beardsley, a native of Lon-

*.-' don, *\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0" Canada; aged \u25a063 \u25a0 years. \u25a0\u25a0.(Londan and1 St. -

Thomas.'- Canada, papers ;please copy.).-'

'\u25a0?... C7Funeral '-.private, (Monday),at ;1.p m., from his late residence, 1163;Shotwell street.

*Interment Greenlawn Cem-etery. .\u25a0',-,.

DE LUCA—Inthis city."January 6. 1908. Wal-ter G., ;' beloved ,husband of the late Annie

\u25a0 de !Luca, father'of Raymond de Luca. lov-

ing son of Mr.*G. and Mrs. N. de Luca, andbrother of Addle J., Harry and Elvira de.Luca. a native of San Francisco, aged 2S

-.* years 11 months and li-'day-*."?!!*!^\u25a0 |C7"Funeral private. lPlease omit owers*.

DEVINE^-In this city. January 6. lOCS, • Rose,

beloved wife of tha " late.Patrick Devlne,and mother -of

-Mrs. Emma Carr ana the

lata ,Peter > F-"Dunne," Mrs."Mary A.* McMa-*hon; and; Mrs. -Maggie V Bally, a native ofIreland, aged 61'yeara. .

JC~Frlends and v acquaintance* are reepect-fullyinvited to attend the funeral ,to-morrow(Monday), at 8 o'clock, a. m.. from her lataresidence. 'l236 Folsom street, thence to St.Joseph* 'Church, Tenth street, betweenHoward and Folsom. where a requiem ma-willbe celebrated for the repose of her soul.-commencing at B^so -o'clock a. m. Inter-^'men t Holy Cross Cemetery. ,I

DOWLJNG— In this city. January «, 1908. El-•len S., dearly beloved :"wife of Frank CDowllng,. mother :of .William A., Genevlere

: and Marion Dowllng. daughter, of Honora.,and the late Thomaa McKeiwud, and sisterof • Mr*. 8.. O. Broderlck. Kathertne » Mo-Keagua and Mr*. Thomas Mcßrlde and the

-.*.* late P.- E. McKeacue, a native of San Fran- ;''; Cisco.

-"*-\u25a0-* -r \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .. --\u25a0\u25a0"

' - " • . '\\C7"Friends and acquaintances are respect-

fullyinvited to attend the funeral to-morrow(Monday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m.. from herlate residence, 1669 Folsom street, thenc*to St JoaeDh'* Church. Tenth *t—et, where•a. solemn ;reauiem hizh mass willbe oeJe-bratedfor the repose of her *oul, commeno-;Ing at 10 o'clock.; Interment

" Holy Cross

The member* of Cathollo Ladies' Aid So-ciety No. 10 are Irequested to attend thefuneral of our late member, Mx*. FW«Dowllng. from her late residence, 1659 Foi-. iofflstreet."'

- . ,. •MRS. B. MoFADDEN.**Prealdeni. .MRS. ;F. MOLLET. Secretary. \u0084 >

DUNNE—Ia thl* city, January 3, 1906, at hi*residence, 717 CTennessee street, John C.beloved *husband of Addle •E. M. Dunn*.

! son of John and Mrs. M.:a. Dunne, and! brother of Fred F. and Lucy L. Dunne, a[ native of \ Marysvllle, Cal.. aged 40 year* tt

months and 17;days. A member of F. and! A. Masons, Board Of Relief of I. O. R. M.,j; Marine Engineers' B. A.No. 35 and Veteran: Firemen. -? (Marysvlllepapers please copy.)

.--.cyFriends- and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend the funeral Sunday,January 7, at 1o'clock p. m., from hi* lats'residence, *.- 71t

-\u25a0 Tennessee street, Potrero,"

.• thence to'Masonic Temple, Pest and Mont-'

gomery streets, where services will be heldunder the

-aimIces of Fidelity Lodge No.

\u25a0 ;120,.F. and A. M., commencing at 2 o'clock.,Interment Cysfess Lawn Cemetery.'

Officers iand members of the Veteran Vol-unteer Firemen's . Association will pleaie

: assemble at hall, 253 Jessie street, on Sun-day, January 7, at 1p. m., to attend thefuneral of our late brother, John C Dunne.By.- order of


STEPHEN BUNNER. President.J.*J. McMAHQX. Secretary. :Marine Engineers' Beneficial .Association

No. 85— Member* are hereby notified. to at-itend the funeral of our.deceased brother,John C. Dunne, from Masonio Temple. Postand Montgomery streets, to-day (Sunday),

; January 7, -at 2p. m. By order- .

WILLIAMJ.: BRADY,JR., President.-MARTINK. ANDERSON. Secretary. ;


In thla city. January 6. 1903.John R-. beloved husband of Sophie Fuse-iier, and son of Margaret and the lat* JohnFuselier, a \u25a0 native of San Francisco, aged88 year*.

GERLACH—In this city, January 8. 1906,Henry, beloved husband of Mary Gerlach., and father of Edward, Llllle and Ida Ger-lach, a native of Washington. D. \u25a0C, aged41 years. A\member of Horaeshoers' UnioniNo. 25/

' . . . :..•.;-• *•*\u25a0 . \u25a0

!C?"The funeral- will take place to-dayv -

(Sunday), ;at 2 p. :m., from the parlors of. JlcFaUden, Mcßrearty &\u2666 Green, 1171 Mis-

sion street/between Seventh and Eighth.Interment Mount Olivet :Cemetery.

All members of Horseshoers* Union No. 23are reauested to attend the funeral of ourlate • brother, .Henry \u25a0 Gerlach, to-day (Sun-

';day), at 2 p.,m.. from \u25a0 the • parlor* of Mo-Fadden, Mcßrearty \u25a0 & Green, 1171 .Missionstreet. By order of \u25a0

•. . TIMOTHY SULLIVAN. President.HAVES—In. this* city,. January fl, 1006. o«

; pneumonia. John Hayes, beloved husband ofv the late Catherine Hayes, and father of Mrs.

Catherine Tojetti,.Mrs. F. Errico, T. ,F.'Hayes and

'.Mrs. 'B. Reubens, and of thelate Timothy, and John Hayes 'Jr.. a native-' of .County Cork,

*Ireland, aged' 78 years * 8

month* and ?ldays. .. C7"Friends and acquaintances are respect-:fullyinvited to attend the funeral to-morrow

Monday), .January 8, at 9 a. \u25a0 m.. from hi*late residence. 1123 1 Layuna street, betweenTurk and Eddy,.thence to St. Mary's Cathe-dral, where .• a :solemn" requiem .high ;mas*willbe celebrated for the reposa of hi* eoul.commencing at 9:30 a. m. Interment HolyCross Cemetery/ via electrio funeral car from

..Eighteenth and Guerrero atreetat <.:HALL—InOakland. Cal.. January 6, 1808 Jo-" seph Underwood -Emanuel, infant son of Dr.

Grally H;and.Madeline ;A- Hall, a nativaof Oakland, aged 2 years and. 6 months.

-HILBORN—In tMs city, January 4. 1906,i Luania E.. widow of the late Hon. S. G.

.Hilborn, and mother ;of.Grace A. Hilborn,a. nativa of ? New York." aged 72 year* It)months and 29 days. \u25a0

- .07 Friends and acquaintances are respect-

fully invited to 'attend the • funeral aervice*Sunday, January 7, at 1 o'clock p. m., atPresbyterian Church at Vallejo, Cal. In-terment Masonic Cemetery, Vallejo. Re-

• mama at the Darlars of - the .California Un-dertaking Company, 713 Post street. \u25a0

:HIRSCH—In this city. January 6, 1006, Cora,beloved wife of Emil Hirsch, beloved mother'of;Sylvia and Allen • Bert •

Hirsch. • beloveddaughter of Mrs. -Rosalie Altmayer and the

i late Aaron Altmayer, ,and sister of Bert andLawrence Altmayer and Mrs. Ben Lowen-eteln, a native of -Ban Francisco, aged 29years and 2 months.

-lC~Notlce of funeral .hereafter.

KOPP— Inr this-city, January 4. 1906,Matthew, beloved husband of the late Mary

, "Kopp, and father of Nicholas and MatthewKopp Jr.' and the late Michael Kopp. a na-tive of Germany, aged UU -years !) months

: and 20 daye. ..' - ., /(CFriends- and acquaintances are respect—

Ifully=*invited to attend the • funertU to-day(Sunday), -at 1 o'clock p. m., from the par-

. lors-of Bunker'&Lunt. 2UOO Mission street.'• 'between

-Twenty-second and Twenty-third.

;\u25a0'.: thence to \ St. '"Anthony's. 'Church, 'Army'street, near ShQtweU, .for services, commenc-ing at

'1:30 o'clock p. m. Interment Holy

-» Cross 'Cemetery.-


MAASS^-At ,rest."after

'a long and painful

illness, In this city, January 5, luyo, Emma.dearly, beloved ,* wife of .H. F. Maass and*loving 'mother; of Mrs/.L. Bendewald and'Henry W..;Charles H.. Fred H. and Alvin

-;G/;Maass. *'a native-of.Leipzig, Germany,

..aged C7." years ;10'

months .and :23 days. ;A. member 'of. St. 'Markua Frauen Vereln\u25a0 and

the San Francisco Schuetzen Ladies' ,Vereln.~• •

"C?Friends :and -\u25a0 acquaintances are respect-

:> fully*invited to attend ithe funeral to-day(Sunday); a: 2 o'clock p. m.,** from the resi-dence of her daughter, Mrs. L. Bendewald.

iVICOT GolUeri Gate avenue.' Interment MountOlivet Cemetery,;"' via *.electric • funeral car

« from Elchtcenth .and Guerrero ;streets.MacINTOSH—At San Anselmo. January 5.-

ieO6.' Rev. John S. Macintosh. D. D..,Prea-.; ident • of ;. the .." San , Kranoljico Theological

,;: Seminary,' a native ;of ;Philadelphia, 'agedim y'--""rHl'ißS^TflilfttjMtoll^iri'* *

\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0•; C?"rhe funeral will take place on Monday.January 8. at 1:30 p.m., from Montgomery

.'-:Chapel,-.' San v Anselmo,'

to -Mount Tamatpaia;;Cemetery. Friends are Invited to attend. \u25a0

McKEEGAN—In\ the \u25a0'. City and County Hos-pital..January t>. -10CG, ;John McKeegan, ai^iiative of New .York, aged 31 "years.MULHALL^—In this 'city, :-January 5. 1006".J Thomas ;A.,r beloved son of the late Joseph:and »Mary >Mulhall,,and brother of Joseph

f:Arthur,:Henley.and Mrs.,J. Castello a na-, .'tlve of SanFranclaco.^aged^S years*inTFrientis and- acquaintances are reepect-'\u25a0\u25a0 .fullyinvited to attend the funeral to-morrow

i(Mondajr)^ at s9::J0 1o'clock ;a.;m.. from hisi;.late.f residence. .l'J47.;Hyde." street.- thence-toS,'Et.".Brteld'srChurch,.-,Vani Ncsa avenue be-

tween; Pacifio ;street •and-Broadway, wJierea requiem >mass .will be for. t:u»

i;repose ;of;his soul, •commencing at 10 o'clock

:a^ m.~y interment Holy;Cross :Cemetery.•;,• Members .of San Francisco. Lodge 5No. 3»!''

;8..P.i- O."Elks,' are •hereby ,notlfled .to attend•\u25a0 the "funeral- of;, our s late "brother." Thomas*'Mulhall;;.oniMonday. January '8, -from St;

!7,':BriKid's'Church,";corner of

'Broadway , and!"NVan; Nes* ;avenue/;, at,9:o'clock *=a."*.m.•*. By!"(order"-'' EDWIN C/ CLARK.-Exalted Rulers

-MULLEN—In Alameda.' >Cal.f January 5. IDOC.|hNellie iMullen/5dearly; beloved '\u25a0 wife of Frank'

and ;mother of iXorma "\u25a0 Mullen.'-, daughter .- of.;Catherine ;and -.the •late tAnthony '- Muilaney,',' and :-"sister :of


-Joseph >Loush«o". Mrs.

7W. ;D.: - Hyde • and ;.,\u25a0\u25a0 Patrick Muilaney, .a-\u25a0native of 'Benicla. ;v^HPOBrtWBWBBtttJ^S\u25a0

'(C7"rhe funeral will•;take place to-morrow: (Monday), -:January. 8.. at O iSO a., m.,".from;• her ? ',l»te ,' residence,

-;C232 -Enclnal;avenue,:

*: thence .to '\u25a0 St.*Joseoh's :Church.-where***re-

i><quiem \u25a0» highimass ".will'•be .- celebrated }for.the

!.WOOD'JiAWN ;";-^CEMETERY,"i\u25a0 ,,"\u25a0'. V'SanlMatoo County. ' .IMASONIC CEMETERY ASSOCL\TIO.V,|-.

" '680 JanfeV Flood.Building, ;S. F.