THE SAINT PAUL GLOBS FVIGES 11 to 18. PAQEB 11 to 18. VOL. XIX.— NO. 208. SUNDAY MORNING, JUI/Y 26;; 1896.— EIGHTEEN PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ST. PAUL'S GREAT f£r Jy Q> H iilPhh .^^^ Remember We Have the Big- Reliable Goods at Honest Prices, pr^Brßrli""^ ? " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0mmi— inniy r c . s —.„_ ..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0HiiiMiiiHinii T^rnmmmmrwmrmmnnT^f3S^SSSSSSlS^^^ mam^^^^^™^^^^^^^ '"'" n^TT 4 Send in Your Orders. ika....^. " -* MM '''' Bl 'lißl«ill^^ ' '\u25a0 \u25a0 - ; -' -'V >^4 .'•\u25a0\u25a0i-- ; ;* ; . \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0r/. r : \u25a0•- '\u25a0• -: *'\u25a0 ' ' Dress Goods Cuttothe Q ui <*\ P^OliniTlV IQ fllA \\f 2li"f r li\l/rif*ll / IfL^ J^ Wash Goods Dept Tomakequickgeilin-! See what you will gain by \ *— < w VT II LPI II V 13 tilt T T dlWll VT \J lU. / The Choicest Productions at Surprising our loss. Remember, the goods offered are all stylish \ .— . «\u25a0*•\u25a0\u25a0-%%* \u25a0 Q£B / Reductions. and desirable, but we must close them out. V> \u2666 —=-~ =^^= I i\l §»ws">lr« w H ttJ Elgl F- '- - \u2666 # Those beautiful Light Colored Summer Lawns <^r» r».^ t i-n>™ II 111 kfliilll nVllEg. # that have been selling at 6 cents. Monday morning, from /.~C One Lot Fancy Two-toned Changeable Mohairs, short tt. _ X 9to 11 o'clock, per yard **4V lengths, but long enough to be ustfu'.-just the | q \ The stringency of these troublous times forces every one to make each hard-earned il New Fan calicoes, Dark, Rich colors, are arriving i l &Z^^ IOC % dollar reach as far as possible-to get the Most and the Best Goods that the money will /ffAS^aS^ffia*®* ah our ft buy. We invite a critical examination of the goods we offer, and a careful comparison of / Mo ™» u *> Di«ni««. Jaconets, aii our 15-cent ones. fi town S.4KKZS a?SRrtffi?SSS: 3OC \ tHe qUalitiCS and PHCeS Wlth th ° Se ° f ferCd elsewhe «*e. $ Co^^O^i^^lTcor^^^. T" one\ot c vf 3£S Ts ri;r fi ••; = I? \ Tn-mnrmw and throughout the week your dollars willreach unusuallyfar f!S£*ZZ^ Oho -L-ot All-wool BlackFrench Serge, full 46 inches wide sold <^/\ }J 1 1 J ~" I t alii I 11W .<- . \u25a0 Ji *tv n i a r nowhere at less than EOc yd. Our cut price ior two 7UC \ "*W**VYY if yO U invest them here. A Veritable feast Of Bargains a WaitS i? f, t- i£°r i™ Sat!n « s for Comforters, ,3l inches jW ide, beauti-Q days -Monday and Tuesday- only arf^V U * „.«..-. * A> tul Lieht Colorings; guaranteed 25-cent quality. Monday morning, AC All Our Celebrated B.Priestlv's $1.50 Black Good7oomprisV A|lA \ y ° U * We CanilOt be 2 in tO mention the half inOUr limited newspaper Space. Come, S from 9to Uo'clock, per yard UV &;^£^s«%J!^t^%^ W-IU \ see > and be convinced that now is the time for Economical Buying. / HBd2S»S %^£E?S^ ****' v** 17 (not the trash * V <), % Our price, Monday only W Silks for this time of year. We must reduce the stock- V \ That ARE Bargains. "First come, first Those beautiful Warp Printed Taffetas, that haye been selling ft n i< Cvt^Av/lIMAMif ItH B A C*********^.. O^l-. I l«Sr serYed"-be here earlyand get first choice. atsi.so 98c txtraordinary l¥iid a^Liiiimer Sale! a<f^ti-An0«r52.«d58.5<; Choice for three days at _ vw O -^ ) /M£!sffi^ffißim s «Illor Hats, comprising the newest rt» | /V/\ Handsome Printed Silks, 27 and 24 inches wide; the regular Sf\^ § Will yOU need Blankets th ; S Winter? If SO, HOW is the time tO bUy! < W Works. tbI.UU Choice for three days at V7V 28;"2 pairs of handsome, fine, pure Lamb's Wool and excellent California BUnkcts, at 25 <^§?§ 3^^ tot 2-AU our $1 00 $1 2", and $1 50 Those rich Warp Printed Taffetas, that have been sold for Sf\ ]\ V tr ** nt !f s f tnan manufacturer s cost. No, we did not steal them, neither are they a job lot of < Wy^S3&i»F Sai!or Hat ». not one' reserved. Your (vie $1.00. OVC x a - v sol ' co samples; but every pair is bright, clean and made this year. No matter where we got ? WSfc $s±WMigf choice Monday v/ v Choice for three days at < them ; that's of no importance tojou; but, we do say, with emphasis, that when cold weather j \(L J®' Lot 3-Choiceof all ourUutrimmed mv Brocaded Taffetas, the kinds you considered so cheap at 49c 'Jfk 0 comes the prices will be double what we will ask during this unprecedented sale < \^/'j6ff£ k Hats. i^C and 59c. #IVC X S *»m. Monday only \u25a0 *^^ s J^aSSS^E^TSTIE^^ I D ° N>T OVE « LOOK THIS Q R AND OFF ER- DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE GOODS. J^BJ^t *3* : J^S¥*^--« during the next three days- 4Ur Do you want a Good $8.00 Blanket for $5.OO?- The Best 1P6.50 Blankets-The wholesale cost is more K^'Wm-^>* SsoandffsiOO PnCCS ' 7C Mouday, Tuesday, Wednesday— at O 11-4 size (large as a big sheet), made of finest Lamb's Wool and the retail price in the lowest-priced progressive stores ) * W '/H fi'£« ?, £ Monday «Pltf %J Black Faille, Black Rhadn me. Black Peau de Soi© and Sf\ O by the n-- west process (not all nap); white, gray, sanitary is $10.00 or more. These blankets are finest all-wool- { Black Satins, well worth 85c and 90c. OVC X and scarlet; the handsomest blankets ever shown— the choice of tvh'te, gray or sanitnrv; you can't (** Sf A < W^-4 A ll TTM^wro,--. -, A v w * * Choice for three pays at V^W O borders are a dream of beauty; will wear a (f» p /\fv resist buying a pair of these, if you see them .Sfi >r^SflWPl*Q £. lowers and Hpif D*Mr»/\ Blark Grenadines," regular $1.00 quality. /^ A j »%*»«• Our Mid-Summer Sale price, at our Mid-Summer Sale Price.'pair 1 lU^WIJ foliage, Monday, at 11 "-** rilL^ For three days \u0084 OyC H Pair Cotton Blankets -Regular 59c 10 4 Cotton Blan- sjfX i&tt&&z&itt&&i3^^ Black Fancy Grenadines, regular $1.25 quality. f\ Q Blankets.— ll-4 size, very handsome fine ke * S> tan or ffray * Mid-Sammer Sale Price, AyC. S n . .. . - For three day8 JIOC <> "Eldorado" goods, all pure white, spring water bleached _ pair j Bargains in LinitlgS I lAn^IiDCD ftAArln (> with the newest and neatest borders in Red, Blue, Gold, Kegu'ar $1.00 Cotton Blankets, gray only. Mid- S? fk ) Rustliilff Taffeta colors §J«AIIC/SC/ VJ iAUU s^^ s:ft:?iJ^^ >C>^^ Mahogany and Gray. If bought elsewhere /J% 'J Qg- . dimmer Sale Price, pnir OUC I and black, regular 10c quality, fiC The space devoted to our Tina « w Artist^' Clearance Sale Z?* d S *? r 6 - 5 °- ° Ur Midsummer Sale JO.OD *"™«J y-* heay fl=e«d Cotton Blankets, mottled; n o Monday VV Goods will be required for^ottr nUl3i:> _^ Jj per pair f ! the best ma le. Sale Price, pair 900 J All-Linen Grass Clotb, for J-f purposes, so we have decided to A\ o fpt-Jn Jc OT ParaSOlS. « 10-4 size, sam. a, above. Midsummer Sale (Til --! Lamb's Won! Blankots.— 200 pairs Fine Pure Lamb's ? sleeves, regular 12V2 c quality, /{\ close out this line at once. The fol- ITiai^l ldi^* W Price, pair 2pZ»3^ ol Blankets - 10 " 4 siz?; White, Gray, Sanitary or Scar- £ Monday 'owing prices will show you how it JL%L*£Z.zaZ wjf^ Bf^* "ffib&^S $3 25 S^rS^ang^BSg ffi^^S 40c SwasaSs? 1 penliagen, Air and Dtlft Blue, Egg llS^^^l •"«••» sols- 8 Midsummer Safe Price, pair QO.LIO wh«r. iiiths U. Ssi r,o ™7 p*™ ' C^O^i y Japanese Fans for decorating, V.UOW, AJb^t Vdjow, Cohort . nd JW'W' »» »*,** '" ~^ * ab °- ««-• *«•«->\u25a0 C ? Rrt , Mids " mm " """ " JtSSttSStS W Q JSftSSHSZB&SSP*. Russian Green, Flame Red, Grey for <tfi^%!jmmjL frame and \\ pair 40 ° P airs 3 11 : 4 vcrv handsom3 all-wool Blankets, worth $5.50 X Monday ***2^ ers, each 50 c Flesh-are now manufactured in La handle. Our g 10-4 excellent Half-Wool Blankets, very pretty (pi i\ C P"'P air in any store Choice of pure White, i F<> Imported (French) Horse-Hair 50c Japanese Lanterns ocr dor lOn Croix's colors. This means: The Clearance borders. Midsummer Sale Price, pair. Jbl.Oj Giay, Sanitary and Scarlet. !d4.Z5 Cloth- J P^nese lanterns, pet doz.. 30c best quality, double s!zo and Price, U^^^^.s^^^ R^lar 50c quality, Monday...3oc Pin Balls 2 for 5c ___ *i-;-..i *»,_ <"«_.^,,«_ - V / Vi C* O ' N^ >^~^'^^ v^ s^^ v ' v^^^^ >^ >^ v -^^^^^'^' > -*^^^^^^v^^^^^^^^^^^^A^^i<^^^^i^^^^^ Regular 60c quality, Monday... 4:1)0 25c and 50c Tamn<»««» p atw , one-tnirtl tne lornier price W*..' jl /. K,^ 'k I >J j-+ ,_ -^^^^->^^v^ ,^ a . , _, «,. v. «uu ujej^pantae reaper * h 1 Great Sacrif«ce Sale. " Skirts and Shirt Waists. 8 ODt.ca.~D^ nent 1^!!!^ and well-known makes. We havt no Ladies' Handsome Pongee j> F^g $10,000 worth of Shoes to be - X v P Ul^ ai f cpai imciu. $1 5Q Madagascar Grass Cur" unknown goods to show, but the Silk Parasols-Nftural wood g \ 'W^ cl OS ad out! Owing to 9. contem- GREAT PRIPF CIITTINP 1 X —\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0Mil 11 I ta" chtrae tt or n i tains, each" 75e ssssL'i.'s'h^s^ can be S" s ReSd ar to $ i,^si.so life, p!at f ohan r : n * is w * <*•"»'- «'«-<«""*«' § 4#9fe.££.**£H£ sp-^bu* Ch a lrs i;r each .'... vm#VVf S< Ny JTW\ meat, we will close out tha entire /y^/fuU^*^ Stylisli, Floured Black Brillian- Q M sonaiiy sees to the SDUt-Bamhoo Dnrrh Qh,rf«v «• J f , Ladies' s3 Plraofo $150 -took as quickly as possible. TheC^Mf^^ tiae Skirts, a nice assortment Wg^m Bfg "p^Tp^n S PHt Bamb^ P Orch^had3S Vs off $G P^ois forZ::::^ g:^?^ 1 Sfi^ 1089 h r h bein !;- iffl^ ff-JsrinVsSi^f^asg everything must go. l "" iataß - a ' Lomatt^howS, ttf^ t M B ° ld' m^F^Wm (C ° m;)arC th^ wtth tne S .^ctacT.s pur- Third Floor. .g . .. 1 ikT 1 ) how you can Save money in this great Sale m$M £ iVV^al Other dealers). MondaY H*| U/\ >( Those Swell Gold Rimless Kye Glasses tf 4 Clothing Men's Neckwear a i^i..- t,,™ Si 1 . 8 .-Y..,, h - t „, .„ ourd> , rto /i l V\\ Sa '' Priti: :- tPI ' yo §!S.To£ > t xs i^s5 1 »' t «2 XO ®Jtamuuiur(wlt*ta rVrmrtmont 100 do»n M^ Stv.ish N retwt ,r, .nd WOO ffl,* T.. Sh« $1.98 /I t\tv SO N B w On»h Wn.n Skirt., the 9 &*"• W.Oy WWWW^fWtWiWt UCpdl LlilCiil. comprising Tecks, Four-in-hands » .1 ,J, /i""* 1 ' /MM S|%\ ]^'st novelties; 5V a yards wide, with o««««aftftftft««^^ . nnc't Bows; the very latest colorings s( l^acuen fan Oxfords. lour choice of any of (ft f iO §~ ij|g : %^^ 6 inch hem, perfect fit- /{% <^ f"/\ Is^^ 0010^- 50 "p d . t 5^ k 25C «C£STl2fl!l^ &I.4B,T*J*>^ ®lb.SSr^ Mond ' T - $3-50 | Neckwear. Bathing Suits. Bo r -Kn C ,Pa,, l 5 8^,^.^.98 l*6n s llanakefehiefs. |«^e^»"«^;~^™^-i™- ftft SS^^^^Bi^J^nf^Mfl y « I i} SS& for ular lines; worth up to $5. v £ Men's high-grade fancy border hem- « worth up to $2.50. To-morrow yOC laundered collars and cuffs. Monday Sa'e Pr ; « "^ 8 y^i, M made ot an Your choice (or stitched Handkerchiefs; all neat ?> Boys' mnl Youths' Black and Tan Shnp« s\ r\ 0 -/j<d~.JSßk~^^ extra qtial- "aiSs-s^Ksa^• 98 xi^its^r^^ Isc I v ° rth T v $225 - To " morrow :: : 98c LAD ! F r s t ' c A PE f7?\ r^^nr^^t d vaiiies Handkerchiefs - &m^^ !2-i b -s $7.50. For U Your choice Monday at IUW » Boys' and Youths' Tennis Shoes, high and 40 '-loth, Silk and Velvet Capes su.tableior cool evenings. Ladies> Pure Linen Handker- &SH 9k «ni Men'aKoycieMU //^-P/?/Cf for BOCent, cut. To-morrow g 4Q C S^yj^oa" p«^Uo^«. ''^ cbiets - embroidered^, Sen'stitched J^gS S color; «^s«i^X2r- _~^^^ o Qntl scalloped. Your -^ 3^^P- N tnmmed - -- 9 I_l 1^ U 55^ =^^ ::^^ :?;?:::s:siS;;^=^^^ choice Monday /AC i kT^IBSPv 7 * with white Straw Hats. 2?njs Half Hose BASEMENT GO^ODsT^UsFQa J^Zl=_: >fIX fef Bovs' Straw Hats ) I FJ ' guaranteed absolutely fast Q )) Pi. o .- w +ri,'«rr i-t,: v - '.a « X I "^^^^BlNw * ss *^ are neatly Men's Straw Hats d - vc " Social price Monday, gg flnnr n , SJI r S S yr. ? Mt l uickl ' clo>ed out " Reduced Prices on Everything. This T o rdlon Laces "^^^^ and thor^ Chiidren'sStrawHats.JZ I 1 Ml per pair V floor, now leased bj G. W. McClelland & Bro., will ia future be owned and controlledby us. 1 orcnon Laces. o v ghl y Pj no C**t r.ln^ r-* 1 r-* H«^« „-« r»^ \u2666 « Hand-made Torchon Laces, 1 W f'L °||V .^** & v\ d ° ubl o c - 9tltchc 1 d c , * » Tine CUt VJiaSS. CrOCKerY Dent Hardware Dept. to 3 inches wide. Your I A 3th "Ik, the .kirts are 2V4 yards Clearance Sa!e of mcry l/epi. Every article in this department nlust ch^e Monday IQC *^&tKJS?JS& IRON BEDS and CRIBS. pi C^^^ll I \u25a0 "^^^T^,, ...^g^^jW; ifc iU IhoTTTI YOUTH'S ! R ° BEr J <^ iJ -^^^ 5C Ll P plloyr WOODEN Ware 4 1111 L S^ a ?^^: lUUinO (hke picture) X About 500 piece, of "Val. St. Lam- Breakfast and Dinner 4JJ r All our Wire Goods y 8 OFF. "™** 7 sOc rf^^^fea with brass rod on head and ft bert- Belgium" Fine Cut Glassware , Plates - Regular valne, $1.30^ CTosing Out Price "tOC » All articles on our 5c tables now 3c B "' bSyHllJ?es with two pipes. "-^^^-^r— «i— ZZ " foot, extended foot end; size « "Rosette" pattern, will be closed out to- doz. Tomorrow, each \)Q Lar K er sizes, worth 98c and *1. 10, f0r.... 58c « All articles on our 10c tables now 7c Mo " (Ja - v on] y 2tc . -»—— 5E3" «mnn « morrow at less than the cost of import- 7 q c r,,-»*H t » !qt. Fountain Syringes, Monday3>o Ij^^i 3xoy 3 feet; worth $ 1000 - ation . No finer gla9Bwarc in the ma^ket 79c C "*Pidor 9 , now only 39c About 100 «— : 2- 42c "* Y^ 3 SALEPRICE (h 17 AIJ » Cut Glass Cordials, each lr>c 75c V^gal. China Ju gB , now 0n1y... 48c -fe. Embossed 3- •• " » » sr>t . FOR 3 Jk7 tin Cut Glass Wines, each 17c 1* Soup bow!., now only ™? £ lnCrUm^ CXITa SpCCial. 65 ° wi-wj^£^^:=: jg^Cp^s » S^ I To!ie7^^:?:;^ n r ed- nor T _ . _. . \u0084 #4rpn .n , AH A « A )\ Cut Glass Sherries, ea.-h 17c 3c p °rce!am Cups, now only 10c Il^\ J?" T » Freezers, regular cash -| /\/\ in 3 odors: Rose, Violet and OUT NO. 265 lion MS, 8 /4 SIZe, WOrih $15.00, for 3 ttayS $10.00 Cut Glass Rhine Wines.each 21c 20 Sets Brown Milan Dinnerw.re /^ S> "^J^Sl p"L.SC P T e $8 C1 ° Sing Jbi.UU Heliotrope, 3 cakes in a box. Onr No. 12 ton Beds, % size, worth $13.00. for 3 days $9.00 cS §S GobTt p s :f a e c S hhe.. c .! eh :::;. 11l ]£j™r Z»L a %^* n^ * eich pn " Special Monday - pcrbol To Oar No. 703 Iron Beds, % size, worth $13.50 to 3 days $9.00 | c^'^ - D. : Stationery Dep't. Onr No 702 Iron Eeds % size wor.h $1450, for 3 diys 59.50 » cntGia»Fing« Bowi. 20c /f 1 " f" 8 * 1 ' ) i~.i».t in the ma rket ; Faints. lnnv 52»*»| Olll y- UUflO./Ufiinffl£BUi, /4aw-, w«u.u *^ , j WW|UU « See the hundreds of other Bar- See th^ h«ndr«d3 of other Bar- VaJt regular cash price - per^iSTOIS nam, of- r rd 9'Y d 9' a Cop - IRON CRIBS A3 LOW AS $6,50. >} ffa iiiß. All our Glassware must 9»'ns in this Department, Every Pi^H 89c " Closln e ot LSC « TI R " member - we are selling all our carA i and best'o: worWiShip. S a ° f Come in and 100, at our stock of Iron Beds. Best line in th, city. gbe dosed out. dollar . s worth mX fee c , osed J^ 19 «- "^ | gj- £*£ Brushes, ®« C mi' \u25a0' ' _— '^-^»^ H ''^^'T'T g?Ityßl M^ Mj^ B^ Ba>IIBBIB IIIIBBBHIWW^ -_jji ihbjuji \u25a0«\u25a0 iiiiiinii your copper plate 35^- FIRE Op VESUVIUS IT AVILIi DELUGE A MIMIC POM- PEII HERB DIHISG EXCAMP- MEXT WEEK. PAIN'S GREAT SPECTACLE Pain's "Last Days of Pompeii," the jnost realistic, picturesque and success- ful spectacular pyrotechnical display that has ever been produced by that master of saltpetre, James Pain, will be one of the features of encampment week in St. Paul, and it is promised that the spectacle will be put on in the most complete manner. At the world's fair, as well as the eastern sea shore resorts, where the production has been seen, witnesses all agree that in Pom- peii has been seen the ultimate triumph of the art pyrotechnic, while the tragic history of the buried city affords an opportunity for the presentation of a varied programme, preceding the fire- works, second to none possible with any pyrotechnic display extant, and that, too, without forcing the pro- gramme. The result is that Pompeii has in every case been found one of the most enjoyable of the great spec- tacles. The "Burning of Rome" ap- proaches it, the "Battle of Wei Hai Wei, which was the stellar feature at the late cotton centennial at Atlanta, appealed to a current interest more strongly, but none of the shows pos- sess the general interest that attaches to this graphic picture of the ruin of the pleasure loving Italian city in the midst of its gayety and mirth. The throngs that will visit St. Paul during the fair and exposition have led Manager Pain to make arrange- ments for its production here, under the personal supervision of Mr. James Pain himself, and for that purpose he has secured a lease of the entire block bounded by Aurora, Grotto, Fuller and St. Albans streets, where the cir- cus recently exhibited. Work will be begun at once on thf enclosure and the gTand stand, which "will seat between 15,000 and 20,000 people. The stage will be 500 feet long aad nearly 200 feet deep, and the scenefy will be brought here from New T<m|c. Within the en- closure will be the forking rooms for the care and preparation of the explo- sives, no small undertaking, as the fireworks alone consumed each night reach several hundred dollars in value. The scenery and apparatus used in the production will be brought here from New York on a special train, and it requires twenty large cars to trans- port the scenery &n§ effects, as well as the explosives and other material. The scenery is most of It of Iron and wood, although some canvas is used with bright colors, in order to heighten the effect and make it appear more nat- ural. Mr. Pain himself, one of the greatest exhibtors of fireworks in the world, will be present, and personally superintend the production. Two weeks are needed to place the scenery in po- sition. "LA BELLE TRILBY." Cooper* Fatnons Painting Drawing Large Crowds. Astley D. M. Cooper's great painting, "Trilby" is still on exhibition at 417 Wabasha, and thousands of people are visiting it. It has become quite the thin« to "do" Trilby, and visitors seem to take great delight in sys- tematically studying it from different positions. It is possible almost any time to find some student passing judg- ment on the canvass, in pose, in draw- ing, in modeling, and in perspective Cooper has done remarkable work and artists and students are frank in their expressions to this end. Cooper com- menced work on the picture shortly after Dv Maurier's novel made its ap- pearance, and he has chosen one of the scenes where "Trilby" posed for "the altogether" and he has handled his subject with great delicacy. There is nothing suggestive about the picture, it is simply and purely a beautiful art creation. On the picture the model stands upon a pedestal iv an alcove of red plush screens and so perfectly has the artist done the work that the alcove seems to have a depth cf several feet. It is difficult to realize that the picturg is painted on a flat surface. A real step meets a painted one and over it ia passed a rug of oriental design, which' has been duplicated so faithfully In tha painting that one is not able to tell which is real and which is painted. The coloring throughout shows the work of a master hand. The canvasa is Bxl2 feet. It was purchased for $25,000. The painting lias been on ex- hibition for eight months in several of the larger cities and has always at- tracted crowds of people. The board of county commissioners will hold an adjourned n3entlng at 10 a. in. tomor- row for the purpose ol completing tLe budge! for the ensuing year.

The Saint Paul globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1896-07-26 [p ]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059523/1896-07-26/ed-1/seq-11.pdf · FVIGES THE SAINT PAUL GLOBS ... SPHt Bamb^ POrch^had3S

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Page 1: The Saint Paul globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1896-07-26 [p ]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059523/1896-07-26/ed-1/seq-11.pdf · FVIGES THE SAINT PAUL GLOBS ... SPHt Bamb^ POrch^had3S


11 to 18.PAQEB


ST. PAUL'S GREAT f£r Jy Q> H iilPhh .^^^ Remember We Have the Big-

Reliable Goods at Honest Prices, pr^Brßrli""?


inniy r c • . s—.„_ ..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0HiiiMiiiHinii T^rnmmmmrwmrmmnnT^f3S^SSSSSSlS^^^ mam^^^^^™^^^^^^^

'"'"n^TT 4 Send in Your Orders.


" -*MM''''

Bl'lißl«ill^^ ''\u25a0 \u25a0

-;-' -'V >^4 .'•\u25a0\u25a0i-- ; ;* ;.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0r/. r: \u25a0•- '\u25a0• -: *'\u25a0

' '

Dress Goods Cuttothe Qui<*\ P^OliniTlV IQ fllA \\f 2li"frli\l/rif*ll/ IfL J^ Wash Goods DeptTomakequickgeilin-! See what you willgain by\ *—< w VTIILPIIIV 13 tilt T T dlWll VT \JlU./ The Choicest Productions at Surprisingour loss. Remember, the goods offered are allstylish \ .—. «\u25a0*•\u25a0\u25a0-%%* \u25a0 Q£B / Reductions.and desirable, but we must close them out. V> \u2666 —=-~ =^^=Ii\l §»ws">lr« w HttJ ElglF- '-—- \u2666 # Those beautiful Light Colored Summer Lawns <^r»r».^ t i-n>™ II 111 kfliilllnVllEg. # that have been selling at 6 cents. Monday morning, from /.~COne Lot Fancy Two-toned Changeable Mohairs, short tt.

_ X 9to 11o'clock, per yard **4Vlengths, but long enough to be ustfu'.-just the |q \ The stringency of these troublous times forces every one to make each hard-earned il New Fan calicoes, Dark, Rich colors, are arriving i

l&Z^^IOC % dollar reach as far as possible-to get the Most and the Best Goods that the money will/ffAS^aS^ffia*®*ah our ft buy. We invite a critical examination of the goods we offer, and a careful comparison of / Mo™»u*> Di«ni««. Jaconets, aii our 15-cent ones. fi

townS.4KKZS a?SRrtffi?SSS: 3OC \ tHe qUalitiCS and PHCeS Wlth th°Se

°fferCd elsewhe «*e. $ Co^^O^i^^lTcor^^^.T"one\ot c vf3£S Ts ri;rfi ••; = I? \ Tn-mnrmw and throughout the week your dollars willreach unusuallyfar f!S£*ZZ^Oho -L-ot All-wool BlackFrench Serge, full46 inches wide sold <^/\ }J 1 1J ~"It aliiI11W .<- . \u25a0 Ji *tv n ia r

nowhere at less than EOc yd. Our cut price ior two 7UC \ "*W**VYYifyOU invest them here. A Veritable feast Of Bargains aWaitS i? f,t- i£°r i™ Sat!n«s for Comforters, ,3linches jWide, beauti-Qdays -Monday and Tuesday- only arf^V U*

„.«..-.* ™

A> tul Lieht Colorings; guaranteed 25-cent quality. Monday morning, ACAll Our Celebrated B.Priestlv's $1.50 Black Good7oomprisV A|lA\ y°U* We CanilOt be2in tO mention the half inOUr limited newspaper Space. Come, S from 9to Uo'clock, per yard UV

&;^£^s«%J!^t^%^ W-IU \ see > and be convinced that now is the time for Economical Buying. / HBd2S»S %^£E?S^****'

v**17 (not the trash* V<), % Our price, Monday only W

Silks for this time of year. We must reduce the stock- V \ That ARE Bargains. "First come, firstThose beautiful Warp Printed Taffetas, that haye been selling ftn i< Cvt^Av/lIMAMifItHB A C*********^..O^l-.I l«Sr serYed"-be here earlyand get firstchoice.

atsi.so 98c txtraordinary l¥iida^Liiiimer Sale! a<f^ti-An0«r52.«d58.5<;Choice for three days at

_ vw O -^ ) /M£!sffi^ffißim s«Illor Hats, comprising the newest rt» |/V/\Handsome Printed Silks, 27 and 24 inches wide; the regular Sf\^ § Will yOU need Blankets th;

S Winter? If SO, HOW is the time tO bUy! < W Works. tbI.UUChoice for three days at V7V 28;"2 pairs of handsome, fine, pure Lamb's Wool and excellent California BUnkcts, at 25 <^§?§ 3^^ tot 2-AUour $1 00 $12", and $1 50

Those rich Warp Printed Taffetas, that have been sold for Sf\ ]\ Vtr **nt!fsf tnan manufacturer s cost. No, we did not steal them, neither are they a job lot of < Wy^S3&i»F Sai!or Hat». not one' reserved. Your (vie$1.00. OVC x a -v sol'co samples; but every pair is bright, clean and made this year. No matter where we got ? WSfc $s±WMigf choice Monday v/vChoice for three days at < them ; that's of no importance tojou; but, we do say, with emphasis, that when cold weather j \(L J®' Lot 3-Choiceof all ourUutrimmed mvBrocaded Taffetas, the kinds you considered so cheap at 49c 'Jfk 0 comes the prices willbe double what we willask during this unprecedented sale < \^/'j6ff£k Hats. i^Cand 59c. #IVC X S *»m. Monday only \u25a0


°N>T OVE«LOOK THIS QRANDOFFER- DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE GOODS. J^BJ^t *3*:J^S¥*^--«during the next three days- 4Ur Do you want a Good $8.00 Blanket for $5.OO?- The Best 1P6.50 Blankets-The wholesale cost is more K^'Wm-^>* SsoandffsiOO PnCCS ' 7C

Mouday, Tuesday, Wednesday— at O 11-4 size (large as a big sheet), made of finest Lamb's Wool and the retail price in the lowest-priced progressive stores )*W'/Hfi'£« ?, £ Monday «Pltf %J

Black Faille, Black Rhadn me. Black Peau de Soi© and Sf\ O by the n--west process (not all nap); white, gray, sanitary is $10.00 or more. These blankets are finest all-wool- {Black Satins, well worth 85c and 90c. OVC X

and scarlet; the handsomest blankets ever shown— the choice of tvh'te, gray or sanitnrv; you can't (**SfA < W^-4 All TTM^wro,--. -, A v w * *Choice for three pays at

V^W O borders are a dream of beauty; will wear a (f»p /\fv resist buying a pair of these, ifyou see them .Sfi >r^SflWPl*Q £. lowers and Hpif D*Mr»/\Blark Grenadines," regular $1.00 quality. /^A j »%*»«• Our Mid-Summer Sale price, at our Mid-Summer Sale Price.'pair 1 lU^WIJ foliage, Monday, at 11"-** rilL^

For three days\u0084

OyC H Pair Cotton Blankets -Regular 59c 10 4 Cotton Blan- sjfX i&tt&&z&itt&&i3^^Black Fancy Grenadines, regular $1.25 quality. f\Q Blankets.— ll-4 size, very handsome fine ke

*S> tan or ffray* Mid-Sammer Sale Price, AyC. S n . .. . -

For three day8 JIOC <> "Eldorado" goods, all pure white, spring water bleached _ pair j Bargains in LinitlgSI lAn^IiDCDftAArln(> with the newest and neatest borders in Red, Blue, Gold, Kegu'ar $1.00 Cotton Blankets, gray only. Mid- S? fk ) Rustliilff Taffeta colors F»§J«AIIC/SC/ VJiAUUb«

s^^s:ft:?iJ^^ >C>^^ Mahogany and Gray. Ifbought elsewhere /J% 'J Qg- . dimmer Sale Price, pnir OUC Iand black, regular 10c quality, fiC The space devoted to our Tina « w

Artist^' Clearance Sale Z?*d ™S*?r6 -5°- °

Ur Midsummer Sale JO.OD *"™«J y-* heay fl=e«d Cotton Blankets, mottled; no Monday VVGoods will be required for^ottrnUl3i:>

_^Jj per pair f ! the best ma le. Sale Price, pair 900 J All-Linen Grass Clotb, for J-f purposes, so we have decided to

A\ o fpt-Jn Jc OT ParaSOlS. « 10-4 size, sam. a, above. Midsummer Sale (Til --!Lamb's Won! Blankots.— 200 pairs Fine Pure Lamb's ? sleeves, regular 12V2c quality, /{\ close out this line at once. The fol-ITiai^lldi^* W Price, pair 2pZ»3^ ol Blankets-

10"4 siz?; White, Gray, Sanitary or Scar- £ Monday 'owing prices willshow you how it

JL%L*£Z.zaZ wjf Bf^* "ffib&^S$3 25 S^rS^ang^BSg ffi^^S40c SwasaSs? 1penliagen, Air and Dtlft Blue, Egg llS^^^l•"«••»sols- 8 Midsummer Safe Price, pair QO.LIO wh«r. iiiths U. Ssi r,o™7 p*™ '

C^O^i y Japanese Fans for decorating,V.UOW, AJb^t Vdjow,Cohort .nd JW'W' »» -» »*,**'"~^*ab°- ««-• *«•«->\u25a0 C ? Rrt ,Mids"mm"""" " JtSSttSStS W Q JSftSSHSZB&SSP*.Russian Green, Flame Red, Grey for <tfi^%!jmmjL frame and \\ pair 40

°Pairs 311:4 vcrv handsom3 all-wool Blankets, worth $5.50 X Monday ***2^ ers, each 50 c

Flesh-are now manufactured in La handle. Our g 10-4 excellent Half-Wool Blankets, very pretty (pi i\C P"'Pair inany store Choice of pure White, /» i F<> Imported (French) Horse-Hair 50c Japanese Lanterns ocr dor lOnCroix's colors. This means: The Clearance borders. Midsummer Sale Price, pair. „ Jbl.Oj Giay, Sanitary and Scarlet. !d4.Z5 Cloth-

J P^nese lanterns, pet doz.. 30cbest quality, double s!zo and Price, U^^^^.s^^^ R^lar 50c quality, Monday...3oc Pin Balls 2 for 5c___

*i-;-..i *»,_ <"«_.^,,«_

-V / Vi C* O

'N>^~^'^ v s^ v'v^^^> > v-^^^^^'^'>-*^^^^^^v^^^^^^^^^^^^A^^i<^^^^i^^^^^ Regular 60c quality, Monday... 4:1)0 25c and 50c Tamn<»««» patw

,one-tnirtl tne lornier price W*..' jl /. K,^ 'kI >J j-+ ,_

—-^^^^->^^v^ ,^ a ., _, «,. v.«uu ujej^pantae reaper*h 1 Great Sacrif«ce Sale.


Skirts and Shirt Waists. 8 ODt.ca.~D^ nent 1^!!!^and well-known makes. We havt no Ladies' Handsome Pongee j>F^g „ $10,000 worth of Shoes to be

-X vP Ul ai fcpai imciu. $1 5Q Madagascar Grass Cur"

unknown goods to show, but the Silk Parasols-Nftural wood g \ 'W^ clOS ad out! Owing to 9. contem- GREAT PRIPF CIITTINP 1 X —\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0Mil 11 l«Ita"chtrae tt

orni tains, each" 75essssL'i.'s'h^s^ can be S"sReSd ar

to$i,^si.so life, p!atf ohanr :n *is w* <*•"»'-

«'«-<«""*«' § 4#9fe.££.**£H£ sp-^bu* Ch alrsi;r-» each .'...vm#VVf S< Ny JTW\ meat, we will close out tha entire /y^/fuU^*^ Stylisli, Floured Black Brillian-Q M g» sonaiiy sees to the SDUt-Bamhoo Dnrrh Qh,rf«v «•

J f , Ladies' s3 Plraofo $150 -took as quickly as possible. TheC^Mf^^ tiae Skirts, a nice assortment Wg^m Bfg"p^Tp^n SPHt Bamb^ POrch^had3S Vs off

$G P^ois forZ::::^ g:^?^1Sfi^1089 hrhbein!;- iffl^ff-JsrinVsSi^f^asg everything must go.


-a' Lomatt^howS, ttf^ tM B°ld' m^F^Wm (C°m;)arC th^ wtth tne S .^ctacT.s pur- Third Floor.

.g . .. 1 ikT 1 )how you can Save money inthis great Sale m$M £ iVV^al Other dealers). MondaY H*| U/\ >( Those Swell Gold Rimless Kye Glasses tf 4Clothing Men's Neckwear a i^i..- t,,™ Si1.8.-Y..,,h-



rto /i lV\\ Sa''

Priti: :- tPI'yo §!S.To£ >txsi^s51»'t«2 XO ®Jtamuuiur(wlt*ta

rVrmrtmont 100 do»n M^ Stv.ish Nretwt,r, .nd WOO ffl,*T.. Sh« $1.98 /I t\tv SO NBw On»h Wn.n Skirt., the 9 &*"• W.Oy WWWW^fWtWiWtUCpdl LlilCiil. comprising Tecks, Four-in-hands »

.1 ,J, /i""* 1

'• /MM S|%\ ]^'st novelties; 5Va yards wide, with o««««aftftftft««^^ .

nnc't Bows; the very latest colorings s( l^acuen fan Oxfords. —lour choice of any of (ft f iO §~ ij|g: %^^ 6 inch hem, perfect fit- /{% <^ f"/\ Is^^0010^- 50 "pd.t 5^k 25C «C£STl2fl!l^ &I.4B,T*J*>^ ®lb.SSr^ Mond'T- $3-50 |Neckwear. Bathing Suits.

Bor-KnC,Pa,,l58^,^.^.98 l*6ns llanakefehiefs. |«^e^»"«^;~^™^-i™- ftft SS^^^^Bi^J^nf^Mfl y

«I i}SS& for

ular lines; worth up to $5. v £ Men's high-grade fancy border hem- « worth up to $2.50. To-morrow yOC laundered collars and cuffs. Monday Sa'e Pr;«"^8 y^i, M made ot an

Yourchoice (or stitched Handkerchiefs; all neat ?> Boys' mnl Youths' Black and Tan Shnp« s\ r\ 0 -/j<d~.JSßk~^^ extra qtial-

"aiSs-s^Ksa^• 98 xi^its^r^^Isc I™v°rthT v

$225 - To"morrow : : :98c LAD!Fr st

' c APEf7?\r^^nr^^td vaiiies Handkerchiefs - &m^^!2-ib-s$7.50. For U

Your choice Monday atIUW » Boys' and Youths' Tennis Shoes, high and 40

'-loth, Silk and Velvet Capes su.tableior cool evenings. Ladies> Pure Linen Handker- &SH 9k «niMen'aKoycieMU //^-P/?/Cf for BOCent, cut. To-morrow

g4QC S^yj^oa"p«^Uo^«. ''^ cbiets

- embroidered^, Sen'stitched J^gS S color;«^s«i^X2r- _~^^^ o Qntl scalloped. Your -^ 3^^P- Ntnmmed- --

9 I_l 1^ U 55^=^^::^ :?;?:::s:siS;;^=^^^ choice Monday /AC ikT^IBSPv 7* with white

Straw Hats. 2?njs Half Hose BASEMENT GO^ODsT^UsFQa J^Zl=_: >fIXfefBovs' Straw Hats ) IFJ

'guaranteed absolutely fast Q )) Pi.o.- w+ri,'«rr i-t,: v

-'.a « X I"^^^^BlNw*ss

*^are neatly

Men's Straw Hats d-vc" Social price Monday, ggflnnr n , SJI r SS yr.? Mt luickl'clo>ed out" Reduced Prices on Everything. This Tordlon Laces

"^^^^and thor^Chiidren'sStrawHats.JZ I1Mlper pair V floor, now leased bj G. W. McClelland & Bro., willia future be owned and controlledby us.

1orcnon Laces. o v ghl y

Pjno C**t r.ln^ r-* 1 r-* H«^« „-« r»^ \u2666 « Hand-made Torchon Laces, 1Wf'L °||V.^**&v\ d°ubl



c , * » Tine CUt VJiaSS. CrOCKerY Dent Hardware Dept. to 3 inches wide. YourIA 3th "Ik, the .kirts are 2V4 yards

Clearance Sa!e of mcry l/epi.Every article in this department nlust ch^e Monday IQC *^&tKJS?JS&

IRON BEDS and CRIBS. pi C^^^llI\u25a0"^^^T^,,...^g^^jW;


BErJ <^iJ-^^^5C Ll


™plloyr WOODEN Ware 41111 LS^a?^^:lUUinO (hke picture) X About 500 piece, of "Val.St. Lam- Breakfast and Dinner 4JJ r Allour Wire Goods y8 OFF."™**7 sOc

rf^^^fea with brass rod on head and ft bert- Belgium" Fine Cut Glassware , Plates-

Regular valne, $1.30^ CTosing Out Price "tOC » Allarticles on our 5c tables now 3cB"'bSyHllJ?es with two pipes.

"-^^^-^r—«i— ZZ"

foot, extended foot end; size « "Rosette" pattern, willbe closed out to- doz. Tomorrow, each \)Q LarKer sizes, worth98c and *1.10, f0r....58c « Allarticles on our 10c tables now 7cMo"(Ja -v on]y 2tc. -»——5E3" «mnn « morrow at less than the cost of import- 7qc r,,-»*H t » !qt.Fountain Syringes, Monday3>oIj^^i 3xoy3 feet; worth $ 1000

-ation. No finer gla9Bwarc in the ma^ket

79c C"*Pidor9, now only 39c About 100 «— : 2- 42c"*Y^ 3 SALEPRICE (h 17 AIJ » Cut Glass Cordials, each lr>c

75c V^gal. China JugB,now 0n1y... 48c -fe.Embossed 3-

•• " » » sr>t.FOR 3 Jk7 tin Cut Glass Wines, each 17c 1*Soup bow!., now only • ™? £lnCrUm^ CXITa SpCCial. 65°—

wi-wj^£^^:=:jg^Cp^s » S^ I To!ie7^^:?:;^ nred-

„ nor T

_ . _. . \u0084 #4rpn .n,AH A«A )\ Cut Glass Sherries, ea.-h 17c 3c p°rce!am Cups, now only 10c Il^\ J?" T » Freezers, regular cash (» -| /\/\ in 3 odors: Rose, Violet and

OUT NO. 265 lion MS, 8/4 SIZe, WOrih $15.00, for 3 ttayS $10.00 Cut Glass Rhine Wines.each 21c 20 Sets Brown Milan Dinnerw.re /^S>"^J^Sl p"L.SC PTe $8 C1°Sing Jbi.UU Heliotrope, 3 cakes in a box.

Onr No. 12 ton Beds, % size, worth $13.00. for 3 days $9.00 cS §S GobTtps:fa



hhe..c.!eh:::;. 11l ]£j™rZ»La%^*n^ * eich pn" Special Monday - pcrbol To

Oar No. 703 Iron Beds, % size, worth $13.50 to 3 days $9.00 |c^'^ -D. : Stationery Dep't.

Onr No 702 Iron Eeds % size wor.h $1450, for 3 diys 59.50 » cntGia»Fing« Bowi. 20c /f1" f"8*1' ) i~.i».t in the market ; Faints. lnnv 52»*»| Ollly-UUflO./Ufiinffl£BUi, /4aw-, w«u.u *^ , j WW|UU « See the hundreds of other Bar- See th^ h«ndr«d3 of other Bar- VaJt regular cash price-

per^iSTOIS nam, of- rrd9'Yd9'*°a Cop-

IRON CRIBS A3 LOW AS $6,50. >} ffaiiiß. All our Glassware must 9»'ns in this Department, Every Pi^H 89c" Closlne ot LSC « TIR"


we are selling all our carAi and best'o: worWiShip. Sa °f

Come in and 100, at our stock of Iron Beds. Best line in th, city. gbe dosed out. dollar.s worth mX fee c,

osed J^ 19 «- "^|gj- £*£ Brushes, ®«C

mi' \u25a0'' _— '^-^»^H''^^'T'T g?ItyßlM^Mj B Ba>IIBBIBIIIIBBBHIWW^ -_jji ihbjuji \u25a0«\u25a0 iiiiiinii

your copper plate 35^-




Pain's "Last Days of Pompeii," thejnost realistic, picturesque and success-ful spectacular pyrotechnical display

that has ever been produced by that

master of saltpetre, James Pain, willbe one of the features of encampmentweek in St. Paul, and it is promisedthat the spectacle willbe put on in themost complete manner. At the world'sfair, as well as the eastern sea shoreresorts, where the production has beenseen, witnesses all agree that in Pom-peii has been seen the ultimate triumphof the art pyrotechnic, while the tragichistory of the buried city affords anopportunity for the presentation of avaried programme, preceding the fire-works, second to none possible withany pyrotechnic display extant, andthat, too, without forcing the pro-gramme. The result is that Pompeiihas in every case been found one ofthe most enjoyable of the great spec-

tacles. The "Burning of Rome" ap-proaches it, the "Battle of Wei HaiWei, which was the stellar feature atthe late cotton centennial at Atlanta,appealed to a current interest morestrongly, but none of the shows pos-sess the general interest that attachesto this graphic picture of the ruin ofthe pleasure loving Italian city in themidst of its gayety and mirth.

The throngs that willvisit St. Paulduring the fair and exposition haveled Manager Pain to make arrange-ments for its production here, under thepersonal supervision of Mr. JamesPain himself, and for that purpose hehas secured a lease of the entire blockbounded by Aurora, Grotto, Fullerand St. Albans streets, where the cir-

cus recently exhibited. Work will bebegun at once on thf enclosure and thegTand stand, which "will seat between15,000 and 20,000 people. The stage willbe 500 feet long aad nearly 200 feetdeep, and the scenefy will be broughthere from New T<m|c. Within the en-closure will be the forking rooms forthe care and preparation of the explo-sives, no small undertaking, as thefireworks alone consumed each nightreach several hundred dollars in value.

The scenery and apparatus used inthe production will be brought herefrom New York on a special train, andit requires twenty large cars to trans-port the scenery &n§ effects, as well asthe explosives and other material. Thescenery is most of Itof Iron and wood,

although some canvas is used withbright colors, in order to heighten theeffect and make it appear more nat-ural. Mr. Pain himself, one of thegreatest exhibtors of fireworks in theworld, will be present, and personallysuperintend the production. Two weeksare needed to place the scenery in po-sition.


Cooper* Fatnons Painting DrawingLarge Crowds.

Astley D. M. Cooper's great painting,"Trilby" is still on exhibition at 417Wabasha, and thousands of people arevisiting it. It has become quite thethin« to "do" Trilby, and visitors

seem to take great delight in sys-tematically studying it from differentpositions. It is possible almost anytime to find some student passing judg-ment on the canvass, in pose, in draw-ing, in modeling, and in perspectiveCooper has done remarkable work andartists and students are frank in theirexpressions to this end. Cooper com-menced work on the picture shortlyafter Dv Maurier's novel made its ap-pearance, and he has chosen one ofthe scenes where "Trilby" posed for"the altogether" and he has handledhis subject with great delicacy. Thereis nothing suggestive about the picture,it is simply and purely a beautiful artcreation. On the picture the modelstands upon a pedestal iv an alcove ofred plush screens and so perfectly hasthe artist done the work that the alcove

seems to have a depth cf several feet.Itis difficult to realize that the picturgis painted on a flat surface. A real stepmeets a painted one and over it iapassed a rug of oriental design, which'has been duplicated so faithfully In thapainting that one is not able to tellwhich is real and which is painted.The coloring throughout shows thework of a master hand. The canvasais Bxl2 feet. It was purchased for$25,000. The painting lias been on ex-hibition for eight months in severalof the larger cities and has always at-tracted crowds of people.

The board of county commissioners willhold an adjourned n3entlng at 10 a. in. tomor-row for the purpose ol completing tLe budge!for the ensuing year.