The Saga Of Kolla The Fierce By Sophia and Olga

The Saga Of Kolla The Fierce By Sophia and Olga. Kolla was a pretty viking girl with blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes. She lived in Norway with her

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  • The Saga Of Kolla The Fierce By Sophia and Olga
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  • Kolla was a pretty viking girl with blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes. She lived in Norway with her family. Her daddy was known as Olaf the brave and he was going of on a voyage to Britain. Kolla stood on the riverbank and waved goodbye as he sailed off in his viking longboat. The ship had looked huge when it was built but now it looked tiny against the horizon. Kolla watched until the striped sail was out of sight, then sat down to think. Click here to find out what Kristin is doing Click here to find out what Krafla is up to
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  • Kollas mother was called Kristin, and her dog was called Veny. Veny was a fierce viking dog, with shaggy black fur and ferocious teeth. Kristin was feeding him a nice meaty bone, covered in animal blood. Veny grinned happily and wagged his tail excitedly. Click here to find out what happened next
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  • In the deep dark woods next to the settlement, Krafla, Kollas older sister was sighing to herself as she gathered logs for the fire. She tripped over a tree stump and quickly picked the dropped logs back up again, muttering to herself. Then she spotted a pile of logs blocking the muddy track. Krafla smiled to herself, as she added them to her pile. Click here to find out what happened next.
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  • That night, huddled under her blanket, Kolla sobbed into her rag doll. Oh why cant I go off with Father and explore England. Ive lived here all my life and I just want to see somewhere new for a change.' Click here for a surprise Click here for a twist
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  • A few months later, Kolla was playing Hopscotch with her friends in the back yard. It was a beautiful day and the sun was shining down on the little village and making Lake Sven sparkle in the sunlight. Click here to find out what happened next
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  • A few months later, Kolla and her family sheltered in the Longhouse, as the lightning flashed and the thunder rumbled outside. The rain poured down onto the muddy tracks and Kolla s mum began to cook warm soup for everyone. Click here to find out what happened next
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  • The very next day, Olaf and his men came back from their raid, along with bags of jewels, iron, jade and enemy heads. The family stood on the riverbank and welcomed the men home. I have good news, Olaf smiled. We are a very rich family now, and we have enough money to move to England. He gave each of the girls a small jade bracelet and, laughing and chattering, they ran off to pack. Click here to find out what happened next
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  • Kolla emerged from her blanket and gasped. The longhouse had been struck by lightning and was now a pile of ashes on the floor. well have to find a new house, sighed Kristin. So they trudged down to the river and Krafla untied a knorr. Hop in girls, we are going to find a new home. Click here to find out what happened next.
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  • Kolla loaded her bundle onto the boat and they set sail. In the evening they told stories by the fire and in the daytime Kolla helped row. After a month, they landed and stepped onto English Soil. Click here for an end.
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  • Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled but the small boat sailed on. Kolla was trying to be brave but she was close to tears. Then land was in sight and everybodys hopes were raised. Before they knew it, the boat was parked and Krafla saw the sun setting to their west, and knew they were in England. Then they saw Olaf! Click here for an end
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  • Olaf introduced the family to a massive hut surrounded by fields of crops and a large farm. Kolla liked the baby lambs, but Krafla preferred the fields of daisies and flowers. Kristin loved to ride her small ebony black pony and Olaf, well he was just happy they were all together as the royals of the tribe.