The Sacred Symbols Oracle Cards Instruction booklet and guide to the significance of the 44 cards by Mannadia www.mannadia.com © 2010 Mannadia

The Sacred Symbols - · PDF fileThe Sacred Symbols deck features 44 powerful ... carrying the image of the symbol and its inspiration to ... tarot or gypsy,

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The Sacred Symbols

Oracle Cards

Instruction booklet and guide to the

significance of the 44 cards by



© 2010 Mannadia

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The Sacred Symbols

Symbols have power. They can act as a kind of visual shorthand to convey meaning on a conscious but also subconscious level. They pre-date the written word. The renowned psychologist C G Jung believed in the existence of an inherited ‘collective unconscious’, as part of a group psyche, belonging to a whole species rather than the learnt behaviour of any one individual. Which might go some way to explain why certain symbols have appeared independently in seemingly disparate cultures offering either similar or decidedly different interpretations.

Most of the symbols, that comprise The Sacred Symbols Oracle Cards are very old indeed. Some are so ancient that their original meanings have been lost to the mists of time, leaving archaeologists to speculate about their origins; who might have created them and why? Secret societies and sects have often included symbols as part of their initiation rites to provide specific meanings known to a select few. Symbols have the power to unify and create a sense of belonging or identity. “This emblem, stands for who we are and what we are about.” Depending on their perception and usage, they have the ability to provoke fear or to inspire.

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The Sacred Symbols deck features 44 powerful and evocative designs. The number 44 has its own significance as a master number in numerology. Representing a higher octave of 8, it stands for abundance or the attraction of all things good. At the base of each card, you will notice an attributed meaning for that particular symbol. Be aware that this is intended as a pointer or prompt, to aid the reader but is in no way exclusive. The meanings behind a symbol are often numerous and complex. Some have been recorded in this leaflet, more can be uncovered elsewhere. In time, as you become familiar with the designs you will start to develop your own unique relationship with your cards. As your confidence grows in your own ability to provide readings for others, you may find yourself talking freely and accurately about specific aspects of your querant’s life, that you could not possibly have known. I hope they can prompt you to rely more on the power of your own intuition and clairvoyance. Whenever you attempt a reading, do so from a place of love and compassion. If you feel the need to say something specific, do so with sensitivity. The cards were created to inspire and to offer hope and direction, as and when needed. Enjoy and look after them and they will in turn look after you.

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Working with symbols:

On a personal levelAs already indicated, it is important to always use the cards with a positive intent and for the highest good. They are to protect and inspire and should never be used to focus negative energy.

Before attempting any kind of reading, take time to familiarise yourself with each of the symbols. Choose an occasion when you are able to relax and be completely free from external distractions. Preparation of your environment can enhance your experience. Some like to create a sense of harmony and stillness by lighting a few candles or burning some fragrant oils. Make yourself comfortable. Concentrate on your breathing and become aware of the gentle rhythm of your breath as it enters, then leaves your body…to return once more. Keep your attention there, allowing all extraneous thoughts to subside.

Now, with pack in hand, concentrate on each card in turn and be aware of your intuitive response. You will feel a greater attraction to some than to others. Be aware of the symbols that appeal to you the most and those that you respond to the least. This is a good place to start, before you know anything concrete about their meanings. You may find yourself drawn

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by a combination of factors; the symbol, the way it is portrayed, the colour or by some less tangible reason. All are valid and unique to you. The designs can communicate directly with your subconscious to facilitate healing at a profound level. Enjoy these moments of quiet contemplation and do not underestimate their value. You are starting to gain a personal connection with the symbols.

If you are familiar with meditation or visualisation, you may select a card randomly from the deck and use that as your symbol of focus, closing your eyes and holding the image of the symbol in your mind’s eye as part of your inward journey. Go with the experience allowing your mind to drift wherever it will and know that you are completely protected and loved.

At other times, you may feel there is something lacking in your life that you wish to attract. At these moments simply select the symbol that represents your need and leave it on display in your environment. Its presence will serve as a visual reminder of your desire, helping to create the focus necessary to attract and to manifest.

Or, you may simply like to draw a single symbol from the pack, to serve as a message for your day. Some like to do this before setting off to their place of work,

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carrying the image of the symbol and its inspiration to help throughout their day.

As you gain more of a rapport with your symbols, doubtless you will invent your own unique ways to incorporate them into your life.

For othersThe symbols are very useful as a form of focus and as a conduit to channel your positive intent and energy. They are ideal for absent healing. If there is someone you care about who is experiencing some personal challenge in their life, try selecting a symbol you feel could help and using the power of positive intent, gently offer that symbol to work for harmony in their life. Envision the symbol manifesting before them, surrounding them in its unique light and dispersing all negativity.

Use the cards for others in the same way that you would for yourself. Invite the querant to shuffle the pack and then once returned, fan the deck in front of them, facedown. Ask them to randomly select a card with their left hand (it is said that the right side of the brain, dealing with non-verbal, spatial awareness and intuition, governs the left side of the body, even if you are left-handed). Tune-in and express whatever comes to mind, try not to ‘cloud’ the issue with your

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own prejudices or opinions. Remember, when giving a reading it is NEVER about you. Inspired, mediumistic readings are all about standing aside to allow a higher consciousness or awareness to channel through. Go with the flow, always from a point of trust, love and compassion.

If you are already familiar with using cards, such as tarot or gypsy, then you will find that the symbol cards easily lend themselves to spreads you already know. Try adapting the cards to suit your own particular style of working, whilst allowing for the flexibility to change at any given moment. Experiment and observe! The cards have been designed to help in the development of your intuitive awareness.

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Sample spreads

Three cards can be used to answer any particular question or just in general for:



...and so on, invent your own!

past present future

the energy I am

currently using to achieve my goal

the energy that is

blocking me from

achieving my goal

the energy best suited for me to achieve my goal

my attitude at this

moment in time

the attitude of others

around me

the attitude I should in

fact adopt

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You may consider a � card spread to highlight key areas of you life, such as:

(Here the numbers indicate the sequential order of the cards drawn).








where I am at present


those close to

me, family and friends


my work


action to take, the way forward

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A four card spread might be useful when looking at relationship issues:

Any number of cards can be used for identifying key areas in the days, weeks, months or years ahead. For example, I wish to know what will be the significant theme in my life over the next three months:


what lies behind the relationship


a likely outcome


guidance or help in this


blockages or what is


from now, one month


two months ahead

three months ahead

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Practise reading the cards in sentences, for instance three cards are selected:

This could be read as: ‘What you perceive as success turns out to be an illusion that could affect your well-being’.

On the other hand, it might equally be interpreted as: ‘You have the ability to act as a shining example to others, bringing clarity to a confused situation thereby contributing to an overall sense of well-being.’

Or even: ‘Today you have a clear understanding of what you want, tomorrow you take a bit of a wrong turn, the day after you learn from your mistake.’

Now, bear in mind that in many ancient cultures the life-giving, sun was regarded as an important male deity. So, it might be that: ‘A charismatic and powerful man or authority figure may seem to be well-disposed towards you but in reality has his own self-interests at heart’.

Be guided by your intuition.




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Caduceus - HealingSpiritual: Perfect holistic balance; the reconciliation of opposites; finding the antidote. Coiled as a snake, the kundalini energy begins to rise. Physical: This is a time for healing. Get to the cause and the symptoms will heal themselves. Consider your mind, body and spirit in determining where the healing is needed.

Arch - VictorySpiritual: The gateway to a new awareness; the embracing of true potential; achieving the goal; an overarching sense of protection.Physical: If you are brave in the face of adversity you will succeed. Try not to be swayed by the opinions of others. Stay on the right path and you will be assured of victory. Best foot forward!

Cave - FertilitySpiritual: From the Goddess’s womb springs forth life. We come from the earth only to return. You already know the answer; it lies deep in the caverns of your subconscious being. You reap whatever you sow.Physical: A fertile imagination or creative thought; strong maternal influences; perhaps a pregnancy.

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Comet - Dramatic ChangeSpiritual: Traditionally, a bad omen, heralding the deaths of kings or warning of impending disasters or attacks from displeased gods.Physical: Expect the unexpected, a bolt out of the blue. You may be shaken out of your comfort zone but there is plenty to learn.

Circle - PerfectionSpiritual: Completion and renewal; original perfection; timelessness; cycles within cycles; the seasons; focal energy; mutable dynamism.Physical: An ongoing situation reaches its conclusion, bringing a new phase or opportunity. An important bond or relationship. Unity, togetherness and equality.

Crescent - IntuitionSpiritual: The symbol of the Divine Mother. The vessel of illumination and intuitive awareness navigates the void. Physical: Look to your intuition. Use the crescent cup to draw clarity from the well of your subconscious. What can you learn from your dreams? You know more than you think you know.

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Cup and Ring - MercySpiritual: By harming another you harm yourself, by hating another you hate yourself, by showing mercy, you offer kindness to yourself.Physical: Be kind to others but first be kind to yourself. Stop playing the victim. Forgiveness is not weakness. It takes strength to offer clemency.There is a need for appeasement.

Cross - Destiny Spiritual: The Sacred Four or the four great primary forces of the Creator. Build on your own inner strength with the help of the Four Archangels.Physical: Take responsibility for the direction of your life. Devise a plan and stick to it. Do not allow for chaos. Proceed with purpose. Be organised, strong and determined.

Divorce Spiritual: Split or schism. The bond is broken; there is no communication. Physical: A warning of the need to cultivate a more congenial domestic atmosphere. If not pertaining to marriage breakdown, then the need to divorce oneself from an unhappy situation, a job or unwanted habit. Endings bring new beginnings.

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Egg - PotentialSpiritual: The cosmic egg symbolises the birth of life itself. Although hidden, the most potent transformations still occur. Something is incubating.Physical: It may be time to break out of your shell and achieve your full potential. Have you allowed time for the relationship, idea or plan to develop?

Eclipse - ForebodingSpiritual: The daylight of certainty turns into the night of confusion, draped in a cloak of superstition and mistrust.Physical: The shafts of light, perceived during the darkness of a solar eclipse are “rays of hope.” You are not abandoned, even during the dark, incomprehensible periods of life.

Endless Knot - BondSpiritual: The interweaving of the spiritual path; time and change resting within that which is eternal; the interconnectedness of all things.Physical: An auspicious sign for longevity and good luck with personal endeavours; a sense of stability in one’s personal life and at work, highlighting positive networking.

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Flower of Life - NatureSpiritual: The laws and geometry governing all that is manifest; the pattern of creation; perfect harmony.Physical: Meditate on the inter-connectedness of all things. Seek inspiration from nature, as a reflection of your own true nature and inner beauty.

Fire - ArdourSpiritual: The vital spark is kindled to become a beacon. I am consumed, transformed and freed from all self-imposed limitation.Physical: Someone or something ignites your passion. You have a burning desire to succeed but take care to understand the destructive force of a fire out of control.

Gold - Abundance Spiritual: Greatness achieves its reward; generosity of spirit and abiding wisdom; travelling the middle path, the golden mean; spiritual flexibility.Physical: This symbol is all about wealth, but not just financial reward; expect an abundance of love, health and inner contentment.

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Heart - LoveSpiritual: Love at the centre of Being; emotional intelligence; compassion and understanding; the sacred core.Physical: A time to connect with your heart; to freely give and receive love. There may be a new romance on the horizon or the renewal of an existing love; perhaps, simply a reminder to get to the heart of the matter.

Hand - Communication Spiritual: The sacred symbol of humanity; collective and creative understanding; togetherness and mutual support. In being open-handed, there lies no hidden agenda.Physical: Bring your own unique intelligence and skills to the greater good of the community. A gesture of kindness is well received.

Hexagram - Balance Spiritual: As above, so below; union of the spiritual and physical worlds; masculine and feminine energy in perfect harmony; the union of dualities; the macrocosm is reflected in the microcosm.Physical: A potent reminder that you are a spiritual being in a physical body, allow that to shine through.

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Indalo Man - Blessing Spiritual: The Deity bestows divine protection and blessings. Out of the darkness springs forth hope. Physical: Instead of focusing on the negative, it may be time to count your blessings. Appreciate your value, your talents and unique ability and give thanks that you are being looked after.

Horse - TravelSpiritual: Swiftness of thought; intense desires and instincts; harnessed and directed urges and passions; the soul’s ability to transcend the earthly plane and travel astrally; clairvoyance.Physical: Travel is highlighted, either to a physical destination or in the sense of an inner journey.

Infinity Spiritual: The opportunity exists for that which is finite to know that which is infinite, or ‘all that is’. This can only happen in the ‘now’.Physical: Know that part of you that is not affected by the opinions of others, that is unswayed by concepts of right or wrong; unlimited by personality or beliefs.

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Lotus Flower - Enlightenment Spiritual: Although its roots are in the murky depths, the lotus manages to rise above it all in splendour.Physical: It is time to change your perspective. By cultivating a sense of detachment, you can learn not to get bogged down in unnecessary detail, trivialities or mind-games.

Labyrinth - ContemplationSpiritual: Trace your footsteps to and from the Source. Journeying from the Source allows for perfect and harmonious self-expression; when lost retrace back to your Centre. Physical: Find time to meditate and know that life’s meanderings are to help you attain true realisation.

Merels - ThresholdSpiritual: A passing over or transition from one existence or consciousness to the next; the body seen as a temple; the concept of reincarnation or the phoenix rising from the ashes. Physical: You are on the threshold of a significant change that involves the death of one reality to allow for a more expansive perception.

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Mjöllnir - PowerSpiritual: The hammer of the great god Thor strikes its mighty blow. Do you cower from fear or do you rejoice?Physical: Focus your energies to get what you want. You have the power to succeed and the timing is favourable. So, be proactive with confidence in your own ability.

Mirage - IllusionSpiritual: At first glance, this symbol may appear to embody the hermetic concept of ‘as above, so below’. Be warned, in this instance, appearances are decidedly deceptive.Physical: Something looks and even feels real. Is it just because you want it to be? Are you looking for fulfillment in the right place and in the right way?

Pärz - Secret Spiritual: The journey to under-standing begins with a leap of faith.Physical: If you act without being aware of all the facts, inevitably you will be taking a gamble. Someone appearing to have your best interests at heart may have their own hidden agenda. A good time for revelations through study or learning.

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Philosopher’s Stone - TransmutationSpiritual: The alchemist has the skill to change base metal to gold and gold to pure energy. Can I be the change I wish to see in this world?Physical: Changing your home, your relationships, your appearance or your job will ultimately change nothing. Real change starts from the inside out.

Pentagram - Magic Spiritual: The more you are aware of the magic, the more you achieve your potential; the more you achieve your potential, the more you shine as an example to others. Physical: Visualise this symbol for protection. All magic springs from the power of imagination. Image the possibilities...

Plough - Sex Spiritual: Is your consciousness awakened to the absence of desire or into desire? Sexual energy transforms into spiritual progress.Physical: Self-discovery through sexual identity, gender roles, the confrontation of personal taboos. The realisation of sexual fantasies through pornography or the sexual act itself.

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Rectangle - AbodeSpiritual: The motherland, the earth, the soil. Your true realm is inside. Look inwardly to know where you belong and where you are from.Physical: Is your house, your home? Create an environment where you feel you belong, that inspires your well-being. Or, simply move to a space where you can truly express yourself.

Septagram (Elven Star) - MysticismSpiritual: Potential energy becomes actual energy; potential awareness, actual awareness; and so the mystic explores the other realms.Physical: Try and see the world anew through a sense of imagination and child-like wonder. Break free of self-limiting thought patterns.

Spider - Creativity Spiritual: The Spider weaves an invisible web to connect all things, keeping all in its perfect place, the galaxies, the stars, the planets, you and I. Physical: Be as the spider, create with purpose. If what you strive for becomes unravelled, start again without regret. With focus and determination weave your own perfect tapestry.

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Square - StabilitySpiritual: Earthly existence; permanence; stability; morality; a sense of being rooted to the spot; standing firm.Physical: Perhaps a need for order and stability in one’s life; building a firm foundation and holding to one’s truth; but beware of being too rigid in your outlook.

Spiral - Energy Spiritual: Journeying leads to an expansion of consciousness; vital energy; something is set in motion; connection with the Divine.Physical: This may be a time to go with the flow, but try not to allow things to spiral out of control. Creative energy is also highlighted; all actions have their consequences.

Sun - Success Spiritual: The eye of Heaven; the universal Father; life-giving; heroic and courageous energy; sound judgement; reflection; will-power; glory; illumination; spirituality.Physical: You see things in their true light; there is a glowing sense of optimism as you bask in the sun’s radiant warmth.

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Third Eye - ProtectionSpiritual: The Deity observes from Heaven. The Divine resides with you and watches over you.Physical: Feel assured in your undertakings; know that you are protected. Do not leave yourself open to attack, rather speak your truth quietly with strength and integrity.

Svastikah - Well-beingSpiritual: The physical welfare of humankind; the wheel of the sun and the rhythmic movement of life; prosperity and fortune. You are more than you think you are.Physical: This is an auspicious time for you. There is a sense of harmony and well-being and the energy to succeed.

Time - Transience Spiritual: Time answers to no one and moves on. Everything is in a state of flux. Physical: Look at your time management skills. Are you spending your time wisely? If something is troubling you, timing is key. There is a time to be patient and a time to act. Know the difference!

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Triskele - Forward MotionSpiritual: “Wherever you throw it, it will stand.”Physical: This is not a time for regret, or the repetition of outmoded patterns of behaviour. Leave the past behind and bravely move on. A new future beckons, possibly even emigration.

Tree - Rebirth Spiritual: I am grounded; my roots stretch down deep into Mother Earth to gain sustenance. My branches reach up to the heavens to receive the universal wisdom.Physical: An opportunity for personal growth; a venture takes root and begins to flourish; your efforts bring rich rewards, ripe for harvesting.

Vesica Piscis - Manifestation Spiritual: The Divine Mother and Father unite to create the Divine Child. The vibration of life; movement and rest; focal power; the portal between worldsPhysical: This is a time for stillness, a time to listen, to hear the faintest whisper above the loudest sound.

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Wheel - RenewalSpiritual: Those at the centre are not unsettled by the spinning of the wheel. Renew your focus.Physical: Some of life’s ‘ups and downs’ are dependant on your own perspective. You are able to snatch victory from the very jaws of defeat but first you have to believe in the possibility.

Water - SensitivitySpiritual: Reflect on the life-giving, cleansing, purity of water and allow yourself to go with the flow. Physical: A time for fluidity of both thought and action. Intuitively, you know what to do next. Become more sensitive to your own needs and to those of others; but try not to be over-sensitive or ruled by your emotions.

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Copyright © 2010 Mannadia. All rights reserved. No part of this booklet or any of the Sacred Symbols Oracle Cards themselves may be reproduced in any format without the author’s prior written consent.

It is the intention of the author only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your pursuit of emotional and spiritual well-being. This booklet and the cards referred to by this booklet are for entertainment purposes only. The author is not engaged in the provision of legal, medical, counseling, or other professional services or advice, and is in no way liable or responsible to any person or entity for any loss, damage or personal injury caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly as a result of the information or ideas contained, suggested, or referenced in this leaflet or the cards themselves.

A special thanks to NASA and STScl for the placement of the incredible Hubble Space Telescope images into the public domain, some of which were used in the creation of these cards.

The Sacred Symbols Oracle Cards are designed, created and produced in the UK by Mannadia and printed by Elephant Graphics, Lewes.


For more specific information about the Symbols please visitwww.mannadia.com