The role of structure in the nonlinear mechanics of cross- linked semiflexible polymer networks Kurniawan, N.A.; Enemark, S.; Rajagopalan, Raj Published in: Journal of Chemical Physics DOI: 10.1063/1.3682779 Published: 01/01/2012 Document Version Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the author's version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Kurniawan, N. A., Enemark, S., & Rajagopalan, R. (2012). The role of structure in the nonlinear mechanics of cross-linked semiflexible polymer networks. Journal of Chemical Physics, 136, 1-9. [065101]. DOI: 10.1063/1.3682779 General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Download date: 30. Jun. 2018

The role of structure in the nonlinear mechanics of cross ... · The role of structure in the nonlinear mechanics of cross-linked semiflexible polymer networks Nicholas Agung Kurniawan,

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The role of structure in the nonlinear mechanics of cross-linked semiflexible polymer networksKurniawan, N.A.; Enemark, S.; Rajagopalan, Raj

Published in:Journal of Chemical Physics


Published: 01/01/2012

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Citation for published version (APA):Kurniawan, N. A., Enemark, S., & Rajagopalan, R. (2012). The role of structure in the nonlinear mechanics ofcross-linked semiflexible polymer networks. Journal of Chemical Physics, 136, 1-9. [065101]. DOI:10.1063/1.3682779

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The role of structure in the nonlinear mechanics of cross-linked semiflexible polymernetworksNicholas Agung Kurniawan, Søren Enemark, and Raj Rajagopalan Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 136, 065101 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.3682779 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3682779 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/136/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Stretching globular polymers. II. Macroscopic cross-linked networks J. Chem. Phys. 122, 194902 (2005); 10.1063/1.1898214 Comparison of topological properties between end-linked and statistically cross-linked polymer networks J. Chem. Phys. 117, 6300 (2002); 10.1063/1.1503304 Statistical Mechanics of Cross‐Linked Polymers: Formation of the Infinite Network J. Chem. Phys. 39, 1103 (1963); 10.1063/1.1734362 Statistical Mechanics of Cross‐Linked Polymer Networks II. Swelling J. Chem. Phys. 11, 521 (1943); 10.1063/1.1723792 Statistical Mechanics of Cross‐Linked Polymer Networks I. Rubberlike Elasticity J. Chem. Phys. 11, 512 (1943); 10.1063/1.1723791

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The role of structure in the nonlinear mechanics of cross-linkedsemiflexible polymer networks

Nicholas Agung Kurniawan,1,2,a) Søren Enemark,3 and Raj Rajagopalan1,2,3

1NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering, Singapore 1174562Singapore-MIT Alliance, National University of Singapore, Singapore 1175763Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117576

(Received 28 October 2011; accepted 17 January 2012; published online 8 February 2012)

The microstructural basis of the characteristic nonlinear mechanics of biopolymer networks remainsunclear. We present a 3D network model of realistic, cross-linked semiflexible fibers to study strain-stiffening and the effect of fiber volume-occupancy. We identify two structural parameters, namely,network connectivity and fiber entanglements, that fully govern the nonlinear response from small tolarge strains. The results also reveal distinct deformation mechanisms at different length scales and,in particular, the contributions of heterogeneity at short length scales. © 2012 American Institute ofPhysics. [doi:10.1063/1.3682779]


The mechanical versatility of biological tissues and cellsplays a central role in various physiological and biologicalfunctions. The materials providing intra- and extra-cellularmechanical support for the cells are defined by cross-linkednetworks of semiflexible fibers. Inside the cell, a cytoskeletalnetwork of intracellular proteins consisting of actin filaments,microtubules, intermediate filaments, and other proteins sta-bilizes cell structure, transmits environmental cues, both me-chanical and chemical, and modulates numerous cell func-tions, such as cell morphology, division, motility, and evenapoptosis.1 Outside the cell, a network of proteins, with col-lagen as the primary backbone, forms the extracellular matrix,which can mediate mechanical signals to and from the cell.2

One hallmark of these networks, which is the focus of thispaper, is their ability to stiffen at increasing strain,3 therebyenhancing tissue integrity and producing the characteristicnonlinear stress-strain curve observed in soft tissues.4 Under-standing the link between the structure and the viscoelasticityof both natural and synthetic networks is important not only incellular studies (e.g., cytoskeletal mechanics) but also for thedesign of biocompatible materials and pharmaceutical gels.

To obtain a physical understanding of the relation be-tween network microstructure and the viscoelastic response,in vitro reconstituted networks have been useful as a minimalexperimental model, with actin as the most studied biopoly-mer. Rheological measurements on reconstituted actin net-works have been influential in providing an understanding ofthe mechanisms underlying the frequency-dependent behav-ior of living cells, termed power-law rheology.5 The elastic-ity of solutions of actin filaments at small strains have beensuccessfully understood in terms of the confined entropic ex-citation and entanglement of the filaments,6 while the non-linear stiffening behavior in the cross-linked networks havebeen variously interpreted to arise from the properties of the

a)Electronic mail: [email protected].

single filaments,3 mechanical prestress in the network,7 prop-erties of the cross-linkers,8 and active rearrangement by mo-tor proteins.9, 10 The complexity and the interconnectednessof the relevant physical features, which are not always resolv-able experimentally, are partly responsible for our incompleteunderstanding of the origin of the nonlinear behavior.11 Forthis reason, concerted theoretical and computational studieshave been invaluable in providing insights on the structure-property relation of semiflexible networks.12

Theoretical studies have attempted to trace the nonlin-ear bulk elasticity to the nonlinear force-extension relation ofsingle filaments by assuming affine network deformation.3, 13

In this case, entropy determines the network elasticity atsmall strains, while enthalpy plays an increasingly biggerrole at larger strains. Enthalpic effects have also been pro-posed as sources of nonlinear bond elasticity, which in turncauses stiffening.14 This statistical mechanical model is ableto link polymer dynamics and the concept of prestress, whichhas been hypothesized to play an important role in cellmechanics.15 Another model that attempts to reconcile theobserved power-law rheology and prestress is the glassyworm-like chain model, wherein sticky interactions betweenbiopolymers allow exponential stretching of the relaxationspectrum, corresponding to a rough free energy landscape.16

On the other hand, it has been argued that an alternativemechanism involving network rearrangement and a transitionfrom bending- to stretch-dominated deformation can causenonlinearity even without the nonlinear force-extension rela-tion of single chains.17–19 Further, numerical studies on two-dimensional (2D) (Refs. 19–22) and, more recently, three-dimensional (3D) (Ref. 17) networks show evidence of non-affine behavior. In particular, the degree of network affinityhas been shown to be a function of strain17, 19 as well as char-acteristic length scales of the network, such as the averagedistance between cross-links lc, fiber length L and persistencelength lp.21

A key aspect that has not received sufficient at-tention is the length scale of material homogeneity. At

0021-9606/2012/136(6)/065101/8/$30.00 © 2012 American Institute of Physics136, 065101-1

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065101-2 Kurniawan, Enemark, and Rajagopalan J. Chem. Phys. 136, 065101 (2012)

macroscopic level, where homogeneity may not be too greatan oversimplification, the network elasticity has been ex-plained and predicted theoretically3, 13 as well as validatedexperimentally,23, 24 typically in terms of polymer concentra-tion cm and cross-linker concentration ccl. However, biolog-ical materials are invariably heterogeneous at small scales(e.g., ∼μm), both in vivo25 and in vitro.26 Not surprisingly,therefore, it has been recently realized that specific networkarchitecture, such as number of filaments incident to a branchpoint27 and number of cross-links per filament,28 plays animportant role in governing elasticity, especially in 3D net-works. Such quantitative analyses of network microstructureare hampered experimentally by a lack of understanding ofhow networks self-assemble and cross-link. This results inuncertainties on how macroscopic quantities, such as cm andccl, translate to the actual network architecture at short lengthscales.29 Understanding network mechanics and architectureat such small scale is extremely important for studies of bio-logical cells, not only to give insights into cytoskeletal me-chanics, but also because cells interact with the surround-ing extracellular environment through small (micro- to nano-)scale interactions.30

In view of these, it is crucial to base the analysis ona realistic model of semiflexible network for which the mi-crostructure can be quantitatively parameterized. Therefore,we develop discrete 3D semiflexible networks with tunablefiber dimensions and show that the nonlinear mechanics canbe explained exclusively through the structural features of thenetwork. Specifically, two parameters representing cross-linkand fiber entanglement are shown to govern network stiffnessat multiple strain levels and length scales relevant to the cell;thus, nonlinearity is linked directly to structural features. Thisis, to our knowledge, the first attempt to investigate the influ-ence of 3D topological interaction between fibers in biophys-ical networks as explicitly modeled fiber steric hindrance. Inaddition, our approach can resolve the different deformationmechanisms that have been proposed to explain the experi-mental findings available in the literature.


Network model

To model the fibers in the network, we modified the stan-dard “shish-kebab model” typically used to represent coarse-grained polymer and worm-like chains.31 Each fiber was dis-cretized as an array of beads of diameter d, with neighbor-ing beads situated at an equilibrium distance of d/2, ratherthan d, from each other. We find that this helps in simulat-ing fiber-fiber interaction and in enforcing excluded-volumeeffect stably, especially at large strains. The total number ofbeads per fiber was therefore determined by the initial fibercontour length, L, as 2L/d − 1. The beads were connected bya harmonic stretching potential

Us = 1


(r − d




where r is the distance between beads, and the fibersemiflexibility was implemented using a harmonic bending


Ub = 1

2kb (θ − π )2 ,

where θ is the angle formed between neighboring bonds.The respective stretching constant ks and bending constantkb can be directly related to experimentally accessible quan-tities lp and the fiber Young’s modulus E, as we have inde-pendently tested. The harmonic functional form of Us andUb is deliberately chosen not only because of its simplicitybut also to make the results directly comparable to previousstudies.17, 19, 21

We also model two types of interactions between differ-ent fibers: entanglement and cross-link-mediated. The physi-cal entanglement between non-penetrable fibers was modeledwith a one-sided repulsive potential

Ui =⎧⎨⎩


2ki (d − r)2 , r ≤ d

0, r > d


where r is the distance between non-neighboring beads. Theinteraction constant ki determines the “softness” or the degreeof penetrability of the fibers. Although the functional form ofUi can in principle be extracted from experimental data (e.g.,from fiber indentation studies), the choice of the function isunlikely to affect the overall network response at physiologi-cal fiber volume fractions. Here, we employ Ui simply to pre-vent fiber-fiber penetration. Cross-linking between fibers wasrepresented by a harmonic cross-link potential

Ucl = 1

2kcl (r − r0)2 .

The cross-link length r0 and compliance kcl can influence net-work nonlinearity7, 8, 23, 32, 33 and deserve a full exploration ontheir own. Here, we generically set kcl ≡ ks and r0 ≡ d tosimulate permanent, freely rotating, chemically strong cross-links.

We summarize the fiber model and interaction inFigure 1. The key parameters that relate to typical experi-mental values and which are useful in repeating the simula-tions can be found in Table I. The fiber model employed heremimics cylindrical topology while maintaining short-scalebending flexibility, without excessive computational burden.Moreover, the resulting network allows fairly smooth 3Dsteric entanglement, which cannot be simulated in 2D sim-ulations.

FIG. 1. Summary of fiber model and interactions.

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065101-3 Nonlinear mechanics of semiflexible networks J. Chem. Phys. 136, 065101 (2012)

TABLE I. List of independent variable parameters for simulating semiflex-ible polymer network model.

Parameter Value Typical experimental value

L 3–5 μm Actin, collagen: ∼1–10 μm.a

d 0.25 μm Actin, collagen: ∼0.03–0.5 μm.b

lp = L Actin, collagen ∼1–20 μm.c

W 6–8 μm Mechanical rheology: 250 μm.δ0 = d Depends on cross-linker properties.δw = d Depends on experimental setup.δcl 0–1.5d Depends on polymer self-assembly.E 50 MPa Collagen: ∼50 MPa.d

ki = ks Depends on fiber interaction properties.kcl = ks Depends on cross-linker properties.

aReferences 53 and 54.bReferences 24 and 55.cReferences 54 and 56.dReference 18.

Network generation and deformation

The networks were generated by initially placing Nstraight fibers with random position and orientation in a pe-riodic cubic cell of size W × W × W, with N determined fromthe given polymer concentration cm or volume fraction �. Tostudy the short length-scale behavior of the network directly,as we shall discuss in more detail, we keep the cell size Wnot larger than 2L. A snapshot of this initial state is shown inFigure 2(a). Fibers that traverse the top and bottom walls—walls parallel to the shear plane—were shifted down or up,respectively, to make the networks simulate experimentalconditions. Cross-links were assigned when two beads from

FIG. 2. Illustration of the 3D semiflexible polymer network model. (a) Thenetwork initially consists of straight rods with random positions and orienta-tions. The beads making up the rods are shown. (b) Cross-links are assignedwhen beads from different fibers are located within δcl from each other. Thenetwork is then energy-minimized based on the total potential U, resultingin relaxed network with local heterogeneities (c). The effective cylindricaltopology of the fibers is shown. During the shear deformation of the network,beads within δw from the bottom wall are fixed, while beads within δw fromthe top wall are moved according to the imposed shear strain γ . An exampleof strained network (γ = 0.5) is shown in (d). The arrow indicates the di-rection of shear strain application. The sample network shown here has fibervolume fraction of � = 7.4%, consists of fibers with aspect ratio L/d = 20,and is cross-linked with δcl/d = 0.7. Local heterogeneities are intrinsicallyintroduced through self-assembly of the cross-linked network.

different fibers were within a threshold distance δcl, as illus-trated in Figure 2(b). To avoid double counting and keep thesimulation stable, when there was more than one bead withinδcl from another bead, only the pair with the shortest distancewas assigned as cross-links. This procedure has an advantageover previous numerical studies,17, 19, 21 as cross-link densitycan be varied independently of cm by varying δcl. Before anymechanical test, these highly stressed networks were energy-minimized based on the total potential U = Us + Ub + Ucl

+ Ui, allowing relaxation of the fibers and entanglementpoints. While there may be some amount of mechanical pre-stress that remains even after this relaxation step, we expectthe effect to be completely random and comparable to thatin standard mechanical experiments.7 The resulting networkarchitecture, as shown in Figure 2(c), mimics self-assembledcross-linked biopolymer gels formed in vitro,24 which havebeen used to explain cell mechanics.34

To deform the networks realistically, we defined top andbottom walls beads as the beads located within δw from thetop and bottom walls, respectively. During the network strain-ing, the bottom wall beads were fixed and the top wall beadswere moved according to the imposed shear strain γ . Onlyone bead per fiber was allowed to be assigned as wall beads.The force needed to keep the wall beads in place for eachstrain level tested was sampled using Brownian Dynamics at300 K, hence taking entropy into account and was then used tocalculate the network stress τ . Figure 2(d) shows a snapshotof the network topology in Figure 2(c) under a shear strain ofγ = 0.5, and a general comparison clearly shows that a globalnetwork rearrangement has taken place through fiber reorien-tations and translocation, consistent with previous 2D as wellas 3D studies.17, 19


We studied the nonlinear stiffening of the networks byincrementally imposing the shear strain γ up to ∼100%.Shear stress τ was obtained from the force needed to imposea given strain γ . Figure 3 shows the complete stress-strainresponse for typical networks with � = 5.6%, 7.4%, and9.3%. At small γ , the network responds linearly, with stiffnesscomparable to values measured for biopolymer networks.3, 24

As γ increases, the stiffness gradually increases, introduc-ing nonlinearity in the response. In general, the overall re-sponse can be characterized by the small-strain stiffness G0

= [dτ/dγ ]|γ→0, the critical strain γ c corresponding to theonset of nonlinearity, and the instantaneous large-strain mod-ulus GL = [dτ/dγ ]|γ=3γc

, as indicated in Figure 3. In prac-tice, γ c was determined from the first data point that broughtthe correlation coefficient (R2) in the linear fitting for G0

lower than 0.99. The choice of γ = 3γ c in the calculationof GL is arbitrary but guarantees that GL is obtained well be-yond the onset of stiffening. The stress-strain response is ob-servably highly sensitive to variations in the network physicalproperties, e.g., � and cross-link density (even for fixed �).In the following, we demonstrate how these variations can bedescribed in terms of characteristic network structure param-eters.

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065101-4 Kurniawan, Enemark, and Rajagopalan J. Chem. Phys. 136, 065101 (2012)

FIG. 3. Typical overall response of cross-linked semiflexible polymer net-works. Shear stress τ is shown as a function of shear strain γ for networksof different volume fractions (�, � = 9.3%; �, � = 7.4%; ◦, � = 5.6%).Three distinct regimes can be observed: low network stiffness G0 at smallstrains, high network stiffness GL at large strains, and the nonlinear transitionbetween the two strain regimes, starting at the critical strain γ c.

Parameterization of networkstructural heterogeneities

The role of network structure on the elasticity hasbeen studied extensively, both theoretically and experimen-tally, especially at small strains. In particular, the small-strain stiffness G0 is typically reported to vary as G0

∼ cxmRy , where R = ccl/cm and the exponents x and y vary

with biopolymer type as well as properties and strength ofcross-linkers.13, 18, 24, 33, 35 While cm and R are convenient tomeasure experimentally and reflect the overall properties ofthe network, these are macroscopic quantities with no di-rect link to the actual network architecture at different lengthscales. This is especially true in biological or biomimeticnetworks, which are notoriously heterogeneous, as a resultof complex physicochemical self-assembly processes.25, 26, 29

Without proper accounting for the exact mechanism ofbiopolymer self-assembly and cross-linking, these quantitiescan in fact provide misleading information on the local net-work microstructure, which is relevant at small length scales.A central message of this paper is that one can obtain betterunderstanding on the roles of heterogeneity and length scalesin the network mechanics through accurate parameterizationof network structure, which we now describe.

To describe the actual network structure at short scalesmore faithfully, we directly quantify the structural featuresof the self-assembled networks in terms of two parameters:the number of entanglements per fiber, Re, and the number ofcross-links per fiber, Rcl. Here, Rcl can be adjusted arbitrarilythrough δcl and �. In essence, the main difference betweenthe experimental parameters, cm and R, and our structural pa-rameters, Re and Rcl, is that the former are “input” parameterswhich are (sometimes incorrectly) assumed to unambiguouslytranslate to the assembled network, while the latter are “out-put” parameters that directly quantify the structural result ofthe assembled network. We expect the two sets of parametersto converge as the networks become more homogeneous.

Figure 4 shows the relation between the actual Rcl ob-tained from network generation and the given values of δcl

and �, which is proportional to cm. The variation of Rcl, asindicated by the error bars in Figure 4, reflects the variety of

FIG. 4. The relation of input δcl and � values to output Rcl of the network[●, Rcl (δcl/d) for fixed � = 5.6%; �, Rcl(�) for fixed δcl = d]. The errorbars are based on 200 different random network realizations. The mean ofRcl (δcl/d, φ) is shown in the inset.

structural features that can result at small length scales fora given experimental variable such as cm. In addition, it un-derlines the effects and importance of accounting for localheterogeneity often encountered in biopolymer networks.22, 36

This realistic sample-to-sample variation makes it possible,for example, for a network of a lower cm to have larger degreeof connectivity than one with higher cm. The fact that, on av-erage, the network structural parameter Rcl can be finely tunedby the two physical input parameters, δcl and �, as seen in theinset of Figure 4, can thus be understood in analogy to the lawof large numbers: as the number of network (spatial) samplingincreases, the average of the parameters grows closer to thevalues expected for increasingly macroscopic, homogeneousnetworks. The number of averaging needed to bring the pa-rameters close to the average value would in principle reflectthe degree of heterogeneity of the network assembly.

Length-scale-dependent network mechanicsat small strains

We start the analysis of network mechanics by looking atthe network behavior at small γ . We find that all G0’s fromnetworks generated with different � and δcl fall into a mas-ter relation G0 ∼ R0.8

cl , as shown in Figure 5(a) (although thecorrelation coefficient R2 is only 0.59). Again, note that herewe simply quantify the resulting network structure throughRcl without distinguishing the cause, which can jointly arisefrom fiber and cross-link densities. This apparent loss of in-formation, however, is recompensed by an intimate descrip-tion of network structural properties that can account for theexact effects of biopolymer self-assembly and cross-linking,in contrast to previous models.13, 23, 24 Moreover, our findingnot only confirms the predicted role of macro-scale networkconnectivity13 but also hints at a more universal mechanismof network deformation based principally on structural prop-erties, which calls for deeper investigations on the nontrivialrelation between the macroscopic inputs cm and R and the ac-tual network structure, as quantified through Rcl here.

The short-scale interaction between network fibers ischaracterized by entanglements, whose effect is subtler andweaker than that of cross-links.13 To study this local stericinteraction more closely, we also quantify the number of en-

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065101-5 Nonlinear mechanics of semiflexible networks J. Chem. Phys. 136, 065101 (2012)

FIG. 5. Influence of network structure on the network response at smallstrain. Small-strain stiffness G0 is plotted in (a) against Rcl and in (b) againstRe. The data are obtained from networks with fixed fiber dimensions but var-ious � (�, � = 9.3%; �, � = 7.4%; ●, � = 5.6%) and cross-link densi-ties, 0.5 < δcl/d < 1.5, resulting in networks with varying connectivity. Therelation between the averaged macroscopic quantity Rcl and the averaged mi-croscopic quantity Re is shown in (c). The dashed line is a guide for the eye.

tanglements per fiber, Re, for all the networks generated. Re-markably, G0 shows excellent correlation with Re, scaling asG0 ∼ R1.5

e , as shown in Figure 5(b) (R2 = 0.92). Physically,the strong correlation between G0 and Re implies that, for γ

→ 0, entanglements play an important role in governing thestiffness at short length scales, inherently leading to nonaffinedeformations, although the macroscopic mechanics has beenshown to be related simply to cross-link density, as discussedearlier. As we have argued, using our approach, the relativedependence of structural heterogeneity on length scale canbe examined by sampling a number of independently gener-ated networks. Indeed, the averaged Rcl and Re show a strongcorrelation (see Figure 5(c)). These results suggest that net-work mechanics is described by two different structural pa-rameters on different length scales: Rcl (cross-links) for sys-tems of large length scales, for which structural heterogene-ity is negligible (i.e., systems of large dimensions or averageof systems of small dimensions), and Re (entanglements) forsmaller systems where the local structural feature is vital tonetwork deformation. As such, while macroscopic measure-ments provide overall, averaged properties, a more “local,”microscale measurement is needed for further insights intothe network mechanics, with fiber entanglements playing animportant role, at least at small strains.

Nonlinear strain-dependent network mechanics

We now shift our focus to the network nonlinear behav-ior. The strain required to trigger stiffening, γ c, is knownto indicate the transition in the underlying mechanics, e.g.,

FIG. 6. Influence of network structure on the network response at interme-diate and large strains. Both the critical strain γ c and the large-strain stiff-ness GL, shown in (a) and (b) respectively, exhibit scaling relations with Rcl

at all volume fractions tested (�, � = 9.3%; �, � = 7.4%; ●, � = 5.6%),demonstrating the importance of network structure parameters even beyondthe linear elastic regime shown in Figure 5.

bending- to stretch-dominated.13, 22, 37, 38 Our results on therole of network structure on γ c show (Fig. 6(a)) that γc

∼ R−0.6cl (which, interestingly, is reminiscent of a relation

found previously for F-actin,24, 39 but in terms of R = ccl/cm).This scaling relation and network visualization confirm amechanism where the deformation starts to engage previouslyelastically inactive cross-links and involve individual fiberstretching, thus giving rise to nonlinearity in the response.Further analysis reveals that, as γ increases, the correlationbetween stiffness and Re becomes increasingly poorer. Takentogether, these results suggest that the distinct deformationmechanisms at work at different strain levels are linked tothe network structural parameters, providing a clearer phys-ical picture for previous observations reporting a generaltransition from a bending-dominated regime at small γ toa more stretch-dominated regime at large γ .17, 19 At smallγ , the response is governed by weak interactions (entangle-ments), which manifest in bending-dominated deformation,while at larger γ , the response is governed by strong interac-tions (cross-links), which manifest in an increasingly stretch-dominated deformation.

To test the above conclusively, we examine whether Rcl isimportant in determining the mechanics even at large strains γ

> γ c. We find that this is indeed the case, with GL ∼ R0.75cl , as

shown in Figure 6(b). This dependence on Rcl provides directevidence that, for γ > γ c, the deformation is not just governedby the stretching of individual fibers but is also determined bythe response mediated through the cross-links. This findingtherefore corroborates the argument that the nonlinear stiffen-ing can be explained in terms of continual network rearrange-ments, in addition to any nonlinear force-extension behaviorof individual fibers.18, 19, 23 Furthermore, one observes that thecorrelation between GL and Rcl is very good, implying thatthe response at large γ is determined by cross-links at large aswell as short length scales. In contrast, the correlation is com-paratively poorer between G0 and Rcl for small γ , where theeffects from cross-links only dominate at large length scales(i.e., after sufficient averaging from individual simulations),as we have argued. This suggests that heterogeneity plays in-creasingly smaller role at larger γ .

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065101-6 Kurniawan, Enemark, and Rajagopalan J. Chem. Phys. 136, 065101 (2012)

FIG. 7. Illustration of nonaffine deformation. The initial configurations ofthe fibers are shown in the top panel, with the red dots indicating the locationof cross-links. After shear deformation, the final configurations of the fibers(black lines) and cross-link locations differ from the expected configurationswere the deformation affine (gray lines and dots).

Network deformation mechanism

One way to quantify the importance of heterogeneity inthe deformation mechanism is by analyzing the extents ofaffinity and fiber rearrangements during network deformation.Networks with higher degree of homogeneity are likely to dis-tribute stress more uniformly, leading to more affine defor-mation. The affinity (or nonaffinity) of deformation is typ-ically measured by looking at the difference in length, an-gle, or vector position between the observed deformation andthat predicted for a purely affine deformation, as illustrated inFigure 7, and can be quantified in a number of ways.40 Here,we use the dimensionless nonaffinity parameter A, which issimilarly used in previous 3D network study,17 as defined by

A =⟨∣∣δucl − δuaff





to monitor the deviation in the cross-link displacement δucl

from the expected affine displacement δuaff

cl upon an incre-ment of strain δγ . A vanishing A value therefore implies com-pletely affine deformation. Shown in Figure 8 is a typical evo-lution of A with γ for � = 5.6%. The network deformation isobservably nonaffine (A > 0), but with an increasing degreeof affinity (A → 0) as γ increases. We also directly quantifythe extent of network rearrangement by tracking the trajecto-ries of all the fiber beads during the straining and defining anetwork rearrangement parameter V as

V =⟨ |u − uaff |2



denoting the cumulative nonaffine rearrangement that has oc-curred. Figure 8 shows that the amount of rearrangement in-creases continually with γ , with a significant portion occur-ring even before the network stiffening, as signified by thesteeper slope dV /dγ at γ < γ c. These trends of A and Vwith γ therefore provide independent supports for our earlier

FIG. 8. Quantification of network affinity and rearrangement at differentstrain levels. The dimensionless parameters for nonaffinity A, as defined inprevious work,17 and cumulative rearrangement V vary with γ . A measuresthe deviation of the actual position vector of the cross-links from the expectedaffine position upon strain increment δγ , �δucl = δucl − δuaff

cl , while Vmonitors the absolute deviation from uaff(γ ) of all beads in the network up toγ . The vertical dashed line indicates γ c.

remark that network heterogeneity plays increasingly smallerrole at larger γ .


One of the problems in extrapolating experimental resultsand interpretations to small, fiber- or cell-level scales is thedifficulty in determining how experimental parameters suchas cm and R translate to these length scales. In many cases,(both experimental as well as theoretical), spatial homogene-ity is assumed to be sufficient to develop a first-order under-standing of the physics and mechanics of the network behav-ior. However, extrapolation to physiological, or even in vitro,systems is inevitably complicated by different network com-positions, microstructural heterogeneity, self-assembly andcross-linking machineries, all of which are expected to al-ter the network’s structural and mechanical properties. In thiswork, we attempt to circumvent these difficulties by directlyquantifying the structural parameters of the network in termsof Rcl and Re, with all the complexity and heterogeneity thatresult from the biopolymer self-assembly, rather than sim-ply taking the known experimental parameters cm and R asmacroscopic representations for the actual microscopic struc-tural determinants of mechanics. From our results, we findthat these structural parameters can in fact help one under-stand the interplay of the network connectivity and topologyat different length scales relevant to the cell. Importantly, wenote that these parameters, which can be obtained straight-forwardly in computer simulations, are also accessible exper-imentally; in particular, advances in today’s imaging modal-ities, such as confocal fluorescence microscopy and secondharmonic generation imaging, may prove useful similarly topredict local network responses from 3D structural images ofthe assembled network.28, 38, 41

The contributions from entanglement effects and cross-links to the mechanics at small strains have been studied theo-retically and experimentally previously in the context of actinnetworks.42, 43 It was found that, below a critical value of R,the concentration-dependent G0 agrees with the theoreticalprediction for entangled actin solution entanglements effects,and this has been described in terms of the Odijk length44

and the resulting suppression of thermal excitation.45 At the

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065101-7 Nonlinear mechanics of semiflexible networks J. Chem. Phys. 136, 065101 (2012)

other end, above the critical value of R, G0 is strongly de-pendent on R, indicating the role of cross-links in the net-work mechanics.43 A comparison between bulk rheology andmicrorheological measurements reveals significant hetero-geneity within biopolymer networks and an increasing degreeof homogeneity with cross-linker concentration.36, 43 More-over, when spatially averaged, microrheology leads to re-sults consistent with those from bulk rheology,43 as we alsofind. Taken together, these studies therefore provide experi-mental support for our hypothesis that the relative roles offiber entanglement and cross-links need to be consideredin the context of network heterogeneity and measurementlength scale.

Furthermore, our results show that the contributions ofentanglement effects and cross-links on the nonlinear behav-ior of the network are in fact also functions of strain: the largerthe strain, the smaller the contribution of entanglement andthe larger the contribution of cross-links. The diminishing en-tanglement effect is accompanied by the increase of networkaffinity, which reflects the degree of homogeneity in the net-work response. In effect, we have directly shown that the ap-plicability of the entanglement theory (and theoretical predic-tions on cross-linked semiflexible polymers) to network me-chanics is highly linked to the local topological features ofthe network, which vary not only with the macroscopic cross-linker concentration, but also with measurement length scales,level of strain, and degree of heterogeneity. As a result, fiberentanglement must also be taken into account in the low-strainlimit of the cross-linked polymer network, where cross-linksare not yet actively involved in the network deformation, es-pecially in the small length scales relevant to the cell.

The variety of biopolymer self-assembly and cross-linking machineries, among other factors, contributes signif-icantly to the microstructure of the resulting networks. Forexample, the interplay between the monomer size and thecross-linker properties may determine the fiber dispersity andpropensity to bundling, which in turn will affect the straintransmission mechanism and the overall mechanical behav-ior of the network.23, 46 By choosing the effective potentialenergies described in the Methods section and variable valueslisted in Table I, we have in the present study focused our at-tention to the mechanics of a subset of biopolymer systems.However, we expect our approach to be robust and applicableto understanding the structural origin of the mechanics of awide range of biophysical networks. In addition, our simula-tion methodology allows similar studies to be done at differ-ent frequencies. Thus, the network model employed here canpotentially provide microstructural insights into the physicalbasis of the experimentally observed power law rheology ofbiopolymer networks at different length scales.5 Nevertheless,there remain many important challenges before what is knownabout the mechanics of biopolymer networks can be fullyutilized in understanding cellular mechanics, as discussed inexcellent recent reviews.47 For example, cells have been re-ported to fluidize, instead of elastically stiffen, in response tolarge stresses.48, 49 Importantly, the extent of fluidization de-pends on both the cytoskeletal prestress50 and the concurrentstiffening behavior.49 Such a phenomenon might be causedby specific intra- and inter-chain interactions that call for

more realistic modeling of the entanglement and cross-linkproperties.


In summary, we demonstrate that (i) structural properties,namely, network connectivity and physical entanglements,lie at the heart of the nonlinear mechanics of 3D networks,(ii) the contributions from these two parameters define thedominant deformation mechanism, e.g., affine vs. nonaffine,and (iii) the crossover between the two is governed both bylength scale of observation and strain level. For γ < γ c, theoverall deformation is dominated by short-scale fiber mechan-ics, and the network stiffness is governed by steric interactionat short length scales and by cross-links at larger length scales.But once the network is sufficiently strained, reorganizationcauses the effects of local heterogeneity to diminish and bereplaced by a more homogeneous response. Biological net-works may thus take advantage of the heterogeneity at smallγ to accommodate various functions, while retaining the abil-ity to accurately control large-strain responses through activecross-linkers for the benefit of network integrity.9

The insights obtained on the distinct deformation mech-anisms at different length scales provided by the model em-ployed here underscore the role of 3D steric interactions be-tween fibers and may not be accessible through previousmodels. Our simple model also allows easy adaptation fash-ioned to diverse lines of exploration. Future work can beaimed at elucidating the individual roles of fiber properties(e.g., d, L, lp, and E) and cross-linker properties (e.g., kcl andr0), which will enable more quantitative comparison to otherexperimental and theoretical works.22, 24, 28, 51 These proper-ties, or the distribution thereof,21, 52, 53 are likely to affectthe structural network response by varying the length-scaledifference between the heterogeneous and the homogeneousscales.


This work was supported by the National Universityof Singapore Grants R279-000-214-133 and R279-000-214-731, and the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering Pro-gram of the Singapore-MIT Alliance. N.A.K. was sup-ported by NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences andEngineering (NGS) and the Global Enterprise for Micro-Mechanics and Molecular Medicine (GEM4). We thank theanonymous reviewers for their constructive comments on themanuscript.

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