The Role of Physicians in Serving the Uninsured Natl Congress on the Un & Under Insured December 10, 2007 / Washington, DC Ronald M. Davis, MD President American Medical Association

The Role of Physicians in Serving the Uninsured

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The Role of Physicians in Serving the Uninsured. Ronald M. Davis, MD President American Medical Association. Natl Congress on the Un & Under Insured December 10, 2007 / Washington, DC. 1847 – Founding of the AMA. AMA mission. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Role of Physicians in Serving the Uninsured

Natl Congress on the Un & Under InsuredDecember 10, 2007 / Washington, DC

Ronald M. Davis, MD


American Medical Association

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1847 – Founding of the AMA

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AMA mission

• To promote the science and art of medicine and the betterment of public health

• Unchanged since 1920

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AMA’s health care advocacy agenda for 2007

• Expand medical coverage for the uninsured

• Reform the Medicare physician payment system

• Reform the medical liability system• Improve the quality and safety of

health care• Improve public health through …

• Healthy lifestyles • Reducing health disparities• Disaster preparedness

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The uninsured: An all-too-familiar crisis

• 47M Americans w/o health insurance• 14.9% for non-Hispanic whites

• 20.3% for African Americans

• 34.1% for Hispanics (2006 CPS)

• Most uninsured (8 out of 10) work

• Of those with health insurance, many (1 in 3) worry about losing it

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AMA Principles of Medical Ethics

• Adopted – 1957

Revised – 1980 & 2001

• IX. A physician shall support access to medical care for all people

• 90% of AMA members surveyed said they think the number of uninsured is a major problem or an outright crisis

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Charity care by physicians

• AMA data• 65% provided charity care in 1999

• 8.8 hours / week (4.4 hours – free care; 4.7 hours – care for reduced fee); 14.4% of total patient care hours

• $18 billion in uncollected accounts receivables; $18-20 billion in donated (charity) care

• > $2,000 worth of uncompensated care each week

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Charity care by physicians (cont.)

• Center for Studying Health System Change• Surveys of 12,000 physicians in 1996-97 and

6,600 physicians in 2004-05

• Proportion providing free or reduced-cost care fell from 76% to 68%

• Charity care hours per 100 uninsured patients declined from 7.7 to 6.3 hours (18% decrease)

• AMA President J. Edward Hill, MD:“Charity care is not the solution to the problem of the uninsured in this country.”

American Medical News, April 17, 2006

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Expanding coverage of the uninsured and increasing access

• Short-term: advocate for incremental measures to expand coverage for children and lower income families and individuals

• Long-term: press for adoption of a consumer-driven, market-based plan to expand coverage through tax credits and insurance market reforms

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The AMA’s simple plan

Give people money to buy health insurance

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Three pillars

• Tax credits to individuals and families

• Individual ownership and choice

• Insurance market reforms

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Current system inequities

• A worker gets $6,000 in health benefits and pays no taxes on them

• The federal government subsidizes health insurance coverage to the tune of $120 billion per year

• Workers in the highest tax bracket get the biggest tax break / a greater tax subsidy

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1. Tax credits must be …

• Large enough to cover the cost of coverage

• Inversely related to income

• Refundable (“voucher” for low-income persons)

• Available in advance

• Only available to those who get coverage for every family member

• Only for the purchase of insurance

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2. Choice

• Americans would benefit from choosing from an array of plans

• Currently, there is little choice

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Under job-based coverage

• Almost 40% of companies offer no health benefits

• Of those that do, almost 9 out of 10 offer only one plan

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Under the AMA proposal . . .

• People can• Buy the coverage they want and need

• Buy it through their employer – or not

• Keep or change their coverage at will

• Insurers are compelled to create what people want and need

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Benefits of choice

• Patient choice generates:

• Competition among health plans

• More vibrant health insurance markets

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3. Market reforms

• Risk pools for high-risk persons

• Guaranteed renewability

• Association health plans

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Costs and impact

• Current situation:

Govt gives $120 billion in tax subsidies for employer-based health benefits because employees don’t pay taxes on health benefits (wealthiest Americans benefit most)

• AMA proposal:

Redirect $120 billion in tax subsidies and add $30 - $60 billion

• Coverage for 94% of Americans

• www.ama-assn.org/go/insurance-reform

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Individual responsibility to obtain health insurance (policy adopted in June 2006)

• Require individuals and families earning > 500% of the FPL to obtain health insurance coverage now

• Upon implementation of a system of refundable tax credits or other subsidies to obtain health care coverage, require individuals and families earning < 500% of the FPL to obtain coverage

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Health Coverage Coalition for the Uninsured (HCCU)

• Diverse group of 16 influential national organizations, including AARP, Families USA, APHA, Chamber of Commerce, AMA, AAFP, AHA, AHIP, BCBS, Catholic Health Association, J & J

• Issued recommendations in Jan 2007

• Mix of private- and public-sector strategies

• www.coalitionfortheuninsured.org

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SCHIP Rollercoaster• CHAMP Act passed House on Aug 1

• Reauthorize SCHIP (funding increased to $75B over next 5 years ($50B increase)

• Replace Medicare physician payment cuts with 0.5% increases in 2008-2009

• Eliminate overpayments to M-A plans

• Increase cigarette tax from 39¢ to 84¢ / pack

• SCHIP Reauthorization Act passed Senate on Aug 2

• Reauthorize SCHIP; funding increased to $60B over next 5 years ($35B increase)

• Increase cigarette tax from 39¢ to $1 / pack

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SCHIP Rollercoaster (continued)

• Senate-House “compromise” sent to President Bush, who vetoed it on Oct 3

• House fell 13 votes short of overriding the veto on Oct 18 (273-156)

• House passed modified bill on Oct 25 (265-142)

• End coverage of childless adults

• Ban coverage for illegal immigrants

• Limit coverage to children in families with income < 300% of FPL ($61,950 family of 4)

• On to the Senate (Finance Committee)

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2007 regional advertising

• Early primary states• Iowa• South Carolina• New Hampshire/

Boston area

• September - December• Television, radio,

newspapers and online• Pharmacy bags, billboards

and transit stations

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Dedicated website


• See TV ads, hear radio ads

• View pictures of events

• Share a story

• Learn about the AMA solution

• Sign a petition supporting the AMA’s plan

• Obtain information• Links to candidates’ position on issue

• Issue-related facts and statistics

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Voice for the Uninsured

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Voice for the Uninsured

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Leading Causes of Death in the U.S.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Heart diseaseCancerStrokeCOPD

Unintended injuriesDiabetes

Influenza/pneumoniaAlzheimer's diseaseNephritis/nephrotic


Percentage (of all deaths)0 5 10 15 20

TobaccoPoor diet/lack of exercise

AlcoholMicrobial agentsPollutants/toxics

Motor VehiclesFirearms

Sexual BehaviorsIllicit drug use

Percentage (of all deaths)

Leading Causes of Death, United States, 2000 Actual Causes of Death, United States, 2000

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Partnership for Prevention report “Preventive Care” (August 2007)

Increasing the use of just 5 preventive services would save > 100,000 lives each year in the U.S.

• 45,000 if 90% of adults used aspirin daily

• 42,000 if 90% of smokers were advised by a health professional to quit and offered medication or other assistance

• 14,000 if 90% of adults aged > 50 were up to date with recommended screening for colorectal cancer

• 12,000 if 90% of adults aged > 50 were immunized against influenza annually

• 3,700 if 90% of women aged > 40 had been screened for breast cancer in the past 2 years

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Medicare covers …

services and tools that are

“reasonable and necessary

for the

diagnosis or treatment

of illness or injury.”

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Medicare covers …

services and tools that are

“reasonable and necessary

for the

PREVENTION, diagnosis or treatment

of illness or injury.”

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“Coming together is a beginning;keeping together is progress; working together is success.”

Henry Ford – on partnership

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