IG, THE RISING^ TIDB, PUBLISHED -EVKftY* WEDNESDAY, DAVii P. DANIEL, ittadepenilonoc, W -.liftnaiiCount^ Iowtt.' :-^ r n o. : ■ Dfiltar'.arul tjjfty Cent? n Yeartn Advance. . Rates of’ Advertising,' !(n Fen’,? per T.lno Tor the First InneYUnn.— snbsequ^nt' in?ertio!i. Five Cent? i)i;r^.i|ie, .iberai Discount to those who: advertise ‘At Year. v . : . iesipeM Cards, AT Five Line? OF ir?*i| i>poUars—incliidin^Patier, KiXjftollnrsS' Utb rirfiki^ftai^ftittier yf'ar/diioTH/ilor. JVtif a rt’ our AjIrMfee Rates, -uni]-will be rictly^lbered to, except where, a Special Ar- fiRt'nfrifl iyinlde^to .the contrary. • ■pjf* Job Work; df" every description’, excpu- 1in tin latest SjylV\yf ttiVATL, . , ' “ Flease mu. Dovhe star flowers blossom sing ns.they sinf: aching headri v Business Directory. H. F. M. BROWN, 288 SUPERIOR STREET, 288 ..CLEVELAND, OHIO, IasitfOr' shlc'the' Complete Work«*of# TITEOHGr E PAKIvEtt,. ANDliEW JA'ClCSON ].)AYIS, M t B A B O N ^ H jO L B A C H , ^ Km ROBERT. TAYLOTi, . -ittiBEBT D ale owen , HENRY/k WRIOJIT,- TIIOMABl;L. IIA BE IS, =-> i And other Iteforthatory Cooks.- A printed Oat-! ogUc seat tor UioijJ.wisMnj' it. *' ll-Cnit tell in c about IIeav< shine there aivl . will' tl i hero?” An c([ upon the , and two soft brown reply; . mother’s bTogoi eyes looked up f< “Heaven, darling, is a beaut not far oft; There is-no nig and-so they-.havo.7i10'need of for. light.' Tlnj- birds sing there and tlie flowers arc llways in bloOi “-Will iny hen 1 ache in Hebv :rt,Mam- ma? and will G »d heftr me wh n I. say, M R S . H ..M , D U R H A M :, bap on Main Street, in Allcn'i Nlci Brick Building, on Second Ij'looif, : NEA R THE | ndependenoe, - Iowa. ! 'iV'ork done ih the L o tu ia ty M . iineVt, t&GO . Jf.-Iyr ^ «c» WB^olei: and W ilson’s '\ Jnfily C&ebtaied FAMlfijf SEWING MACHINES, ME Corner o f Main* <fi \hth Street*, BuhuQVE, pmoi. $&• Ttboiflii at all time? open for hadid? to rafetict.iim l licconie capable Of judging whatlier l»airobject to pun- Uase.- lUcHirVWarranted and fnrfilahod at M(irmft*c- irer’a lidlct, hy 0. ffi- WKHtflT, c. h . - whis - ht , SACK. MANtfE ACTUR FR, DratQpg, - - TMyr. -• I owa. ‘Our Father tv to art in Ilea- en ?’ I suppose he’ll h c there, -too,A *on’t he5 . Mamma? are, not sick in Hei ven, my ehil<f. -But you arc Weary a rest,” and Mrs. Hews put baejt curls from little Flora’s foreli ;ad With one .hand; and with -frie other s ed the tears .from her. own wonder, what Mrs. Hews .Was 1 about; and I gifess Flora wontl ii for She. smilingly said : u What makes you cry, Mai n it, because my head- aches am; I shk? Mrty. ber’I will go to 1 .\yhere I shall be well; and flowers always bloom, and \ birds are so . very happy. . happy as thoynf Pn^anTy^vcy ; der; dear ^Inmma, if my ,cd 3o not bloSSOniin. Jit*: says ^noth ing dies, only /ch :. Suppose the deafldaiscs )u>d ’< the frost, killed Will livens* J.Tcaven; and it -may be 11 there; too; - that will be # 6-1 Kitty and Diek,j that djet night the,tloWerSjtlid, in H en I shall be so wolf and glad’ tlicm! And then, Mamma Papa' and May Ind Star will come to of endless bliss, mg on through this, at times I steal to, the orphan's meal; “ iirseorn I -tread,- t upon' thfe head and woman weak; Tniv Just I wreak •, innocent; and pure, I may lure eart "to sin. * f I crush within ' 1 youth, ... ...... 0 )irAtion after truth. Whnt inattcrj if erect I stand, * IIoW many dir irikards curse the land, IJ otv )));my <wj res in .anguish pine, Jf nil is with!) to. and mine £ chldren pale With fear, i’s steps they heiviv chains a’nd fetters bind o f human kind ; dark, and prised cells, earthly hells, u'it* 1 [orrid jaws, ; The victims (jf tyrannic,la\vs. Suppose on‘c Are ivrappo rpf Slavery; So long as . *«-bSWX*4L .. A il X. 1 ra?g breath prcwIshorteA an ] fainter.. 4' | ' “You arc w*eiry4child ; 'and you’ll h< hooter in. the n 1> i “It gt^jW* dprk., Will ii h lleafmi ? < tpod night,, Ma i “ Gobd n g b t darling.” Hews ^ . J. « U B E R T , m ftiim w m ARTISTS* lATplilA SHUT ISHC tki IC81 CA 1 URlOim . DtJBUQUJB, IOWA. I rwiiwh l[wrfiTT-Vrr-*-*^"rcY ,-|il ttitt I! Spiritual views of Christ are nev^r | tteeped'andr'drugged into’the soul by ibtle opi&tfea end alcoholic poisons, Kafcjug upon the nerves tend, senses, | uid iuAmiMumnK thet drekhiy apd Ux* J sMuibUity . which; by Wea^' ( is so often misteken for the fer- r«r» of piety. (—Spring. t , —Set a tlnef to caieh a thief. half the human race, |within the foul embrace W hat matters it to' me, nd miijo arc free?' famine, lean and gaunt, ' ic of 'poverty and want,- poor in bitter scorn, 1 my corn I^ics its real w’orth, - ; ng ones of eiiith? , war, with, pednons red, aid with warriors dead, moan, and orphans cry, loved ones coldly lie,. 1 the arms Of death, >yla tyrant’s breath, orlc ( and lpokefl .at it despairingly — there was full three hours’ ivoik hi ‘And, Nelly'— if you wo d all sore-and rugged as it seems to thy altwing. these shirt-bosoiins-T-rthcyYe all material eye: The soul blossoms of From the Clarion. Spritual Disipline. | BY COBA WII.nUBJt. To live the life ordained‘by-spiritual n j ndate, it behooves, us to 'east aside m-thought and-soul and hearthstone, the clinging earthliuess that would ml and clog the heavcinvartl aspira- So thoroughly imbued with imperishable boaltjty have been water- ed by the herTt’s 1 est-teftrs;' they will unfold ip use and dmy here, and in its divjme^tjfrnits hereafeer.. Once a swedt messagej from the upper land was waf- ted to my car; mil it told.of life's tri- als that! would - 1cap the lieavenliest compensations; it gave me a jewel pi eternal iife-lbr ev-sry earthly woe; star-1 blosso'iris for my tears; strength, use and knowledge for my every care.— And I know, non , that Disipline is ho- ly; that sorrow; s an angel message, that patience and humility arc spiritual I< ,’C and faith must thc.staid heart be-. purify' tbe soul- from earthli- cflme, that it will turn aside with calm d pity from the cruel taunt- and the vdnoined shaft of calumny; saying fi nn its divinest', inmost concicncness.- forgive them all.’’ Amid tlie tertr ■ st of opposition, amid thd clamors u ild and piercing of the accumulated nndcroiis host; while jnisTcprescnta- t hi enraps with darkest folds, of mal* ii e, life’s highest aims mid purest mo-, t, lls, 'the tv\afelevfttea seuPsliall 'si,aha» 1 nslnki'ii; Jteronc, benignant; bright a id foarles^^ e ^ t P ^ y e ' j p e f e e c ldbn^sSiifjMttmnftss aiid l^iikli *tliG; Sunlit reahb ^T^'e%ivi#(*^nd -unfailr Then itf isolation shall bo Visited 1 y the eoinfofting aiigels of bur Go’d; nd the servant pml upsoaring powers if new andli^ht enkibdidd inspiralionSj liaTl bless tiicAedker; and denouncing; vorld. ^ . if From the; paltry . meed, of worldly ame, the glitter o f earth’s njodkltig ibnorS, the S’aUe doiights of its tiirbiV Cut «ichanlmcntd, tho dsciphnii)| host ^fkl soul. Thdy ks and bboUing; cliffs; where the wild WaVea Of ,deso- lation threaten, and wbbro!' the fire* brands of dwtruetion gledrti, over thor- ny plains dbsert level) byor j frozen liiountaihS. % d : through glopift appalh jhe curtain gently about the bed to s titt out,the ligh: ed softly, ai d spoke in a v the sufferer might sleep ; ■ sleep—-a lor g steep. ’ She awoke With the birds ai 4 flowers in 1 1 i Beautiful Land.m They ma le’ a little gnu wood,and c oVeredit with They plant sd a*white rose, ami a oypi ess tree- at h< birds sing’.i a the branches, elm that o erslfadows the M il He r# lihd May am Water the flowers that They • « metimea wat their, tears, for they miss Flora’s smmy' .smile and sweet voice.-j There is a little emp y chair' and a|< l«ar missing face at th< heme hearth, jmd a vacan- cy in all their hearts. ^ tt they dry their tean and are* cheerfi 1 when they rinnerabet she is not dead! only gone to tlie home if the angels, j “ O f' such is ie kmg<om of Hearen ”— [Frances nert may live Or die, field,all drenched fthd gory fit the world cnllPglOry! ; cruel, but to allay COn^cicnc^ here I ’ll lay i y sits not ftlOne ’ oharch’s lofty throne; »tyrants all,' ladly Would eiithrait % had they the poWCr l £ vrant’s haughty irO - May be afi) lascd, -what care I How 'm4n j I f from th|! I gather, tl Ybnje’ali t Y o u f tend That tyvai Hpo'ntheij Bat men i And most Their felli dol This is tnif|i,I care not how you view 11 'And father than plysclf to Wear Tlie galllpg fettefs, I Would tear lOther’s frenzied breast babe, and with a zest, fs damnM wo’d howl to se ief with bitter mockery. But. -7- i[Here^ps Hell, the preach tomb it surely lies, iming wav^i thee at the grave; And thy soul, forever lost, Be oh thw firy billows tossed! -W here one will not| two cannot, For ,Whs 1 t pray js this iny doom? Fpr the 1 jest sinner there Is ri^om. ness. Iknow tbit life is beautiful even amid the densest) . ‘gloom; that heaven can be gained’ iby eflbrt, self-denial, truth and purity \ that love and being are both eternal,faniytliAt God is in all. There is no separation save of the material form; Ithere is nojdeath; no divided, no ptlriial immortality. -The blessed boon o f jlife is dispensed to all: and in! tJip futury, the poor »dioL grovel- ing inf tH^dnstj^O^, shall ayise unto nileifeet, unto- the sonr- c^S 0i^Wt8donf, unto the stature of the ftnivefsal angelliood. And' this slinl be achieved b y i n h e f i u t power o: soul, ivhielv no ihere human fiat,nor elaborate roscarchcl Of* the most ll ed of eaftli suffice to overtliro' Peace, rest,, joy, knowledge,, afi shal be. nttaihed bv fhb divhie. ^Ocess 01 spiritual discipline; ing l’osest sltados, ovof jstorni lftShod jeas’antl defaHlatCd lands', aftd Cvdy Whore the bfee3ing|f4et llttustTefetftHc wrung heSrtjpattshj tbej trial Otip bo drained. The briiiy/drhpglit ttltist be liftj'd tn the Ahriuking lijp; the tiiorn implanted in-tho frpil, wbak, trembling spirit, ifot yit «ih6^ed,motf.yet angelicjiUy p^ihjtfutht of. fatiso&ed hy subnlissivi^itn. ..Cyiiy when the soul, fftr-ro'aiwh|(^|tbf jlteBinl AtfltHSj and blest Wli dortijlneeklf^ otcnco, sayii , r. 4_. _ ^ thought andE^f Will then only shyU thb.pearjy Tlieh, for;these!shall gWam the fu- ture’s awaif||gc0^ipertsat|()n,thc crown of flpiritual .oopquest alisfll adoru tlie brows;erst binding ’n^pth the, martyr long,' The hands and recognized. HdiHev, MoSs. From Life illlistf»t#d ,1 Momingand Afternoon. BY. MRS. OBORdB WASUr^OTON WYBLK 8 ItiWas the froshest Of April roon t- ...gsf wHh a eOft-Wind that had rifle il All iPanher of siybbt Softs'- from dir i- f hollows; purpled ovbr’With yctor g Vidlits, arfd s6lititi%!bro0k‘i<idPs, friri p ed With whiiej anemon^tifi,1irfd Wsf- ted them intbtiio city StfeSt^fb fbtfi e marly a we»vy dwoijff. aflSong’ patdf g stotles. Mr». Arddftj stittdiiig' a f h wipdo#, looked d o ^ at tlio feW ’ fo dignify Wi .hi olt the su i- df iarth that city" thojiitileof . nykpringSnflnances even there. lovoly piorfling," paid s ie “tlife i* t h e o r y time to p A the ground, tm la ie *how' fortunate tliat iparat\vely a, loist re “Minis ........................... men don’f olb'n \ el . jlhaagd fi?dm§p domestic froadm II, . , and what With- .spring sewing, oo^ij a- npper life baiwld^Avtcloled, and houseineantiigll havediebb ; it* fulncsS” of rekelatiOO bc awarded.» er^ty -iv slavefpv fchYlaat three tnont nf. Dime outM th|>open air among he g them made t nn, entirely, said Mr. A r - Maiiin said it don't know . the subject^ liAve for din- in a-wrinkle— the patterih was a bad one.” “You insisted on having according to tliat very p against my:advice.” ' “ Well, I know l did,” den, vatlier sheepishly; was a good one,but Mai t efytliing!” “ I wish you had found that out be- fovc the shirts were made,5? said Mrs Arden, pctnlciitly. I. say,” interposed In r s louse, appa- rently desirous of ebanij ing “what are you going to ner?” ^7 ‘I doii t know, I’m sure, vexed reply, *T believe b id arc always thinking about eating°-i- no sooner, is breakfast over than dinner begins to disturb them!” “ I wish you would make puddings I like— make Susan always mangles had one in.a long liiiWno “There goes tlio dkym leisure that Was^tO h a v e 'p it .. order,” 8ig^ 4 B “ G, pshU^T^'siOd teniplating liir'WhiskCtji * tffe gliiss, 7 “ what do you care abdut garden w6rk? A wi&^an olight to finjl h k chief "lUjj- •] piness in domestic diitjW -1 ;don’t-,a] prose of this everlasting fidgeting “*1 regard to flo'Wers!” ! ' said liitl iiijifo; ilyou would not bo at-all* contented^!5- your Work was So endlosS that* ^Ou nevCr. got ;| moment's timo' to snlok 1, a cigar O f to one of thosej yourself, forj W e haven’ t cad a newspapet' 1” replied Mr, Arden,'hesita* tipgly; “but thoii y6« a r ! not a mail.” j“ No— I know rnijno f Said Mrs. Arden, fl«4 kiy; “if i wcFe%my wjfe sbotild iiavo a Hitie l^ku o to bi OcoMionaliy 1” Mr. <Arc OH Went <jmf, shutting 4 ho Mhhi lencc, behind dkt s66 feDch a coiiiplnining wombn arjtjj” V-as his internal fo> wfilkr fwef roots, and 1 shall feci as*;thoi gb I iWlrC entering a neW llfe !^ , 7*- litgnpFant M^i. Atdeo 1 Had she lv- to.be thirM yearf, old, without t m- d ^ rs ^ d in g Wat a-jpanjed^Woman 1ad ‘ ‘ h t to-SyeO |iwUie,Witboub.l rst her husband perib :tiy and cjmvapiootlt M r.. Ar lari lalkiOUt An enttF^y different, irO- )|Ue for Ins lady-wife;. in he es me; iscontenteill^ eyeing the new Oven oat ‘as he ‘ rapidly down dOOr, Witl mo.} ' ;“ I potei set rtstho rcMcfciob, i ‘If or three houfa St ondy ivork i posed of thrpress of ofiee-WainoisM iV8itiiig |iirh,and bo tine v- hpnSglf*badl i« A OhaiA to* rest, mid Iddk: 0v6F: litk newspaper. fB n i thff h ifmy.wihd fa*tj hed Vis fcrcKead Jilre ns reoti^ aad the wakipaxprekllbly dellgh ftih- fused blur; ttnd tluj flisl M r. Arddi knew, he. was— not exactly asleep, per-, hap.Sjhufc certainly, not very wide awakii!! Something carried him b^ck tp tl! timd when Nellj^|^d beeh a bfidl - fresh" arid blc^mitfg te , w* rose, ;, J lo ^ j ; W,fll he Verhetrtbered tlie blue light 4o! : he? e y e l^ d th d satin bl'i^htness o f Ifdrj complexlon. ' Sbe h^ld grown' Wan aha I wfedty'-ldokjrig.Sin^%Joke diiySi “ it possible, he’ hsjpiidftl Peking {ft c^rej ana^ndeim’css?ji^ W4S rathcFdh 1 e&y twinge of^< love her, rattle-MAii|iedjlihd thdtightllesS “ bagh he was. f \| 1 1 v He thougHf'bf hm l i d gloriOuS 1 the -work he hat , bendijj ed *,t6 >herd IntU

THE RISING^ TIDB, - IAPSOP COBA WII.nUBJt. To live the life ordained‘by-spiritual n j ndate, it behooves, us to 'east aside m-thought and-soul and hearthstone, the clinging earthliuess

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DAVii P. DANIEL,ittadepen ilonoc, W -.liftna iiC oun t^ Iowtt.'

:- r n o . : ■Dfiltar'.arul tjjfty Cent? n Y eartn A dvance.

. Rates of’ Advertising,'!(n Fen’,? per T.lno Tor the F irs t InneYUnn.—

snbsequ^nt' in?ertio!i. Five Cent? i)i;r^.i|ie, .iberai D iscount to those who: advertise

‘At Y ear. v . : .iesipeM Cards, AT Five Line? OF ir?*i|

i> poUars—incliid in^P atier, KiXjftollnrsS'Utb r ir f ik i^ f ta i^ f tit tie r yf'ar/diioTH /ilor. JVtif a r t ’ ou r AjIrMfee Rates, -uni]-will be r ictly^lbered to, excep t where, a Special Ar- fiRt'nfrifl iy in lde^to .the con trary . • ■ • pjf* Job W ork; df" every description’, excpu- 1 in tin l a te s t SjylV \yf ttiVATL, . , '

“ Flease mu. Dovhe star flowers blossom sing ns.they sinf: aching headri

v Business Directory.


. .C L E V E L A N D , OH IO, „ IasitfOr' shlc'the' Complete Work«*of#


M t B A B O N ^ H jO L B A C H ,^ K m RO BERT. TAYLO Ti, .

-ittiBE BT D a l e o w e n , ■H E N R Y / k W RIOJIT,-TIIOMABl;L. IIA BE IS, =-> i

And other Iteforthatory Cooks.- A printed Oat-! ogUc seat tor UioijJ.wisMnj' i t . *' ll-Cnit

tell in c about IIeav< shine there aivl . will' tl i

hero?” An c([ upon the , and two soft brown

reply; .mother’s bTogoi eyes looked up f<

“Heaven, darling, is a beaut not far oft; There is-no nig and-so they-.havo.7i10'need of for. light.' Tlnj- birds sing there and tlie flowers arc llways in bloOi

“-Will iny hen 1 ache in Hebv :rt,Mam- ma? and will G »d heftr me wh n I. say,

M R S . H . . M , D U R H A M : ,

bap on Main Street, in A llcn 'i Nlci Brick Building, on Second Ij'looif, :

N E A R T H E |

ndependenoe, - Iow a.! 'iV'ork done ih the Lo tu ia tyM .iineVt, t&GO. Jf.-Iyr

«c »WB^olei: and W ilson’s

' \ Jnfily C&ebtaied FAMlfijf SEW ING MACHINES,

ME Corner o f Main* <fi \hth Street*,B u h u Q V E , p m o i . •

$&• Ttboiflii at all time? open for hadid? to rafetict.iiml licconie capable Of judging whatlier l» air object to pun- Uase.- lUcHirV Warranted and fnrfilahod at M(irmft*c- irer’a lidlct, hy 0. ffi- WKHtflT,

c . h . -w h i s -h t ,SACK. M AN tfE A C T U R FR,

DratQpg, - - TMyr. -• Iowa.

‘Our Father tv to art in Ilea- en ?’ I suppose he’ll h c there, -too,A *on’t he5. Mamma?

are, not sick in Hei ven, my ehil<f. -But you arc Weary a rest,” and Mrs. Hews pu t baejt curls from little F lora’s foreli ;ad With one .hand; and with -frie other s ed the tears .from her. own wonder, w hat Mrs. Hews .Was 1 about; and I gifess F lora wontl ii for She. smilingly said :

u W hat makes you cry, Mai n it, because my head- aches am; I sh k ? Mrty. ber’I will go to 1 .\yhere I shall be well; and flowers always bloom, and \ birds are so . very happy. . happy as thoynf Pn^anTy^vcy ; der; dear ^Inmma, if my ,cd 3o not bloSSOniin. Jit*: says noth ing dies, only /ch :.Suppose the deafldaiscs )u>d ’< the frost, killed Will livens*J.Tcaven; and it -may be 11 there; too ; - that will be #6-1 Kitty and Diek,j that djet night the,tloWerSjtlid, in H en I shall be so wolf and glad’ tlicm! And then, Mamma Papa' and May Ind Star will come to

of endless bliss, mg on through this, at times I steal to, the orphan's meal; “ iirseorn I -tread,- t upon' thfe head and woman w eak;T niv Just I wreak •, innocent; and pure,I may lure

eart "to sin. * f I crush within '

1 youth, ‘— ... ...... 0 )irAtion after truth.Whnt inattcrj if erect I stand, *IIoW many dir irikards curse the land, IJotv )));my <wj res in .anguish pine,Jf nil is with!) to. and mine £

chldren pale With fear, i ’s steps they heiviv

chains a’nd fetters bind o f human kind ;

dark, and prised cells, earthly hells, u'it* 1 [orrid jaws, ;

The victims (jf tyrannic,la\vs.

Suppose on‘c Are ivrappo rp f Slavery; So long as

. ’ * « - b S W X * 4 L ..

A i l


ra?g breath prcwIshorteA an ] fainter.. 4 ' | '

“You arc w*eiry4 child ; 'and you’ll h< hooter in. the n 1 >i

“ It gt jW* dprk., Will ii h lleafm i ? < tpod night,, Ma i

“ Gobd n g b t darling.”Hews ^

. J . « U B E R T , ‘m f t i i m w mARTISTS* lATplilA SHUT ISHC tki IC81CA1 U R lO im

. DtJBUQUJB, IOWA.I rwiiwh l[wrfiTT-Vrr-*-*^"rcY,-|il t t it t

I! Spiritual views of Christ are nev^r | tteeped'andr'drugged into’the soul by

ibtle opi&tfea end alcoholic poisons, Kafcjug upon the nerves tend, senses,

| uid iuAmiMumnK thet drekhiy apd Ux* J sMuibUity . which; by Wea^' ( is so often misteken for the fer-

r« r» of piety. (—Spring. t

, —Set a tlnef to caieh a thief.

half the human race,| within the foul embrace

W hat matters it to' me, nd miijo arc free?'

famine, lean and gaunt, ' ic of 'poverty and want,- poor in bitter scorn, •1 my corn

I ics its real w’orth, - ; ng ones of eiiith?

, war, with, pednons red, aid with warriors dead, moan, and orphans cry,

loved ones coldly lie,.1 the arms Of death,

>yla tyrant’s breath, orlc (

and lpokefl .at it despairingly — there was full three hours’ ivoik hi

‘And, Nelly'— if you wo dall sore-and rugged as it seems to thy altwing. these shirt-bosoiins-T-rthcy Ye all material eye: The soul blossoms of

From the Clarion.

S p r itu a l D is ip lin e . |


To live the life ordained‘by-spiritual n j ndate, it behooves, us to 'east aside

m-thought and-soul and hearthstone, the clinging earthliuess that would ml and clog the heavcinvartl aspira-

So thoroughly imbued with

imperishable boaltjty have been water­ed by the herTt’s 1 est-teftrs; ' they will unfold ip use and dmy here, and in its divjme^tjfrnits hereafeer.. Once a swedt messagej from the upper land was waf­ted to my car; mil it told.of life's tri­als that! would - 1 cap the lieavenliest compensations; it gave me a jewel pi eternal iife-lbr ev-sry earthly woe; star-1 blosso'iris for my tears; strength, use and knowledge for my every care.— And I know, non , that Disipline is ho­ly; that sorrow; s an angel message, that patience and humility arc spiritual

I< ,’C and faith must thc.staid heart be-. purify' tbe soul- from earthli-cflme, that it will turn aside with calm

d pity from the cruel taunt- and the vdnoined shaft of calumny; saying

fi nn its divinest', inmost concicncness.- forgive them all.’’ Amid tlie tertr

■ st of opposition, amid thd clamors u ild and piercing of the accumulated

nndcroiis host; while jnisTcprescnta- t hi enraps with darkest folds, of mal* ii e, life’s highest aims mid purest mo-, t, l ls , 'the tv\afelevfttea seuPsliall 'si,aha»1 nslnki'ii; Jteronc, benignant; bright a id foarles^ ^ e ^ t P ^ y e ' j p e f e e c ldbn^sSiifjMttmnftss aiid l^iikli *tliG; Sunlit reahb ^T^'e%ivi#(*^nd -unfailr

Then itf isolation shall bo Visited 1 y the eoinfofting aiigels of bur Go’d;

nd the servant pml upsoaring powers if new andli^ht enkibdidd inspiralionSj liaTl bless tiicAedker; and denouncing; vorld. ^ ■ . if

From the; paltry . meed, of worldly ame, the glitter o f earth’s njodkltig ibnorS, the S’aUe doiights o f its tiirbiV Cut «ichanlmcntd, tho dsciphnii)| host

fkl soul. Thdy ks and bboUing;

cliffs; where the wild WaVea Of ,deso­lation threaten, and wbbro!' the fire* brands of dwtruetion gledrti, over thor­ny plains dbsert level) byor j frozenliiountaihS. % d : through glopift appalh

jhe curtain gently aboutthe bed to s titt out,the ligh: ed softly, ai d spoke in a v the sufferer might sleep ; ■ sleep—-a lor g steep. ’ She awoke With the birds ai 4 flowers in 1 1 i Beautiful Land.m

They ma le’ a little gnu wood,and c oVeredit with They plant sd a* white rose, ami a oypi ess tree- at h< birds sing’.i a the branches, elm that o erslfadows the

M il He r# lihd May am Water the flowers that

They • « metimea wat their, tears, for they miss Flora’s smmy' .smile and sweet voice.-j There is a little emp y chair' and a|< l«ar missing face at th< heme hearth, jm d a vacan­cy in all their hearts. ^ tt they dry their tean and are* cheerfi 1 when they rinnerabet she is not dead! only gone to tlie home i f the angels, j “ O f' such is

ie kmg<om o f Hearen ” — [Frances

nert may live Or die, field,all drenched fthd gory

fit the world cnllPglOry!; cruel, but to allay COn^cicnc here I ’ll lay

i y sits not ftlOne ’ oharch’s lofty throne;» tyrants all,'ladly Would eiithrait% had they the poWCr l £

v rant’s haughty irO - May be a fi) lascd, -what care IHow 'm4n jI f from th|!I gather, tl Ybnje’ali t Y o u f tend That tyvai Hpo'ntheij Bat men i And most Their felli

dolThis is tnif|i,I care not how you view 11 'And father than plysclf to Wear Tlie galllpg fettefs, I Would tear

lOther’s frenzied breast babe, and with a zest,

fs damnM wo’d howl to se ief with bitter mockery.

But. -7- i[Here^ps Hell, the preach

tomb it surely lies, iming wav^i thee at the grave;

And thy soul, forever lost,Be oh thw firy billows tossed!

-W here one will not| two cannot, For ,Whs 1 t pray js this iny doom?Fpr the 1 jest sinner there Is ri om.

ness. Iknow tb it life is beautiful even amid the densest) .‘gloom; that heaven can be gained’ iby eflbrt, self-denial, truth and purity \ that love and being are both eternal,faniytliAt God is in all.

There is no separation save of the material form; Ithere is nojdeath; no divided, no ptlriial immortality. - The blessed boon o f jlife is dispensed to all: and in! tJip futury, the poor »dioL grovel­ing inf tH^dnstj^O^, shall ayise unto

nileifeet, unto- the sonr- c S 0i^Wt8donf, unto the stature of the ftnivefsal angelliood. And' this slinl be achieved b y i n h e f i u t power o: soul, ivhielv no ihere human fiat,nor elaborate roscarchcl Of* the most ll ed of eaftli suffice to overtliro' Peace, rest,, joy, knowledge,, afi shal be. nttaihed bv fhb divhie. ^Ocess 01 spiritual discipline;

ing l’osest sltados, ovof jstorni lftShod jeas’antl defaHlatCd lands', aftd Cvdy Whore the bfee3ing|f4et llttustTefetftHc wrung heSrtjpattshj tbej trial Otip bo drained. The briiiy/drhpglit ttltist be liftj'd tn the Ahriuking lijp; the tiiorn implanted in-tho frpil, wbak, trembling spirit, ifot yit «ih6^ed,motf.yetangelicjiUy p ^ ih jtfu th t of. fatiso&ed hy subnlissivi^itn. ..Cyiiy when the soul, fftr-ro'aiwh|( |tbf jlteBinl AtfltHSj and blest Wli dortijlneeklf^otcnco, sayii , r. 4_. _ thought andE^f Will then only shyU thb.pearjy

Tlieh, for;these!shall gWam the fu­ture’s awaif||gc0^ipertsat|()n,thc crown of flpiritual .oopquest alisfll adoru tlie brows;erst binding ’n^pth the, martyr

long,' The hands and recognized.

HdiHev, MoSs.

From Life illlistf»t#d , 1

Momingand Afternoon.


ItiWas the froshest Of April roon t- ...gsf wHh a eOft-Wind that had rifle il All iPanher of siybbt Softs'- from dir i-

f hollows; purpled ovbr’With yctor g Vidlits, arfd s6lititi%!bro0k‘i<idPs, friri p ed With whiiej anemon^tifi,1irfd Wsf-ted them intbtiio city StfeSt^fb fbtfi e marly a we»vy dwoijff. aflSong’ patdf g stotles. Mr». Arddftj stittdiiig' a f h wipdo#, looked d o ^ at tlio feW ’ fo

dignify Wi .hi olt the su i-

df iarth that city" thojiitileof .nykpringSnflnances even there.

lovoly piorfling," paid s ie “tlife i* th e o ry time to p A

the ground, tm la ie *how' fortunate tliat iparat\vely a, loist re

“Minis...........................men don’f olb'n \ el. jlhaagd fi?dm§p domestic froadm II,

. , and what With- .spring sewing, oo^ij a-npper life baiwld^Avtcloled, and houseineantiigll havediebb ; it*fulncsS” of rekelatiOO bc awarded.» er^ty -iv slavefpv fchYlaat three tnont nf.

Dime outM th|>open air among he

g them made t nn, entirely,

said Mr. A r- M aiiin said it

don't know .

the subject^ liAve for din-

in a-wrinkle— the patterih was a bad one.”

“ You insisted on having according to tliat very p against my:advice.”' “ W ell, I know l did,”

den, vatlier sheepishly; was a good one,but Mai t

efytliing!”“ I wish you had found that out be-

fovc the shirts were made,5? said Mrs Arden, pctnlciitly.

I. say,” interposed In r s louse, appa­rently desirous of ebanij ing “ what are you going to ner?” 7

‘I doii t know, I ’m sure, vexed reply, *T believe b id arc always thinking about eating°-i- no sooner, is breakfast over than dinner begins to disturb them!”

“ I wish you would make puddings I like— make Susan always mangles had one in.a long liiiWno

“ There goes tlio dkym leisure thatWas tO h a v e 'p it..order,” 8ig ^ 4 B

“ G, pshU^T 'siOd teniplating liir'WhiskCtji * tffe gliiss, 7 “ what do you care abdut garden w6rk? A wi&^an olight to finjl h k chief "lUjj- •] piness in domestic diitjW - 1 ;don’t-,a] prose of this everlasting fidgeting “*1 regard to flo'Wers!” ! '

said liitl iiijifo; ilyou would not bo at-all* contented^!5 - your Work was So endlosS that* Ou nevCr. got ;|

moment's timo' to snlok 1, a cigar Of to

one of thosej yourself, forj W e haven’ t

cad a newspapet' 1”replied Mr, Arden,'hesita*

tipgly; “but thoii y6« a r ! not a mail.” j “ No— I know rnijno f Said Mrs.

Arden, fl«4 k iy ; “ if i wcFe% my wjfe sbotild iiavo a Hitie l^ku o to bi OcoMionaliy 1”

Mr. <Arc OH Went <jmf, shutting 4 hoMhhi lencc, behind

■dkt s66 feDch a coiiiplnining

wombn arjtjj” V -as his internal fo> wfilkr

fwef roots, and 1 shall feci as*;thoi gb I iWlrC entering a neW llfe !^ , 7*-

litgnpFant M^i. Atdeo 1 Had she lv- to.be thirM yearf, old, without t m-

d ^ rs^d in g Wat a-jpanjed^Woman 1 ad ‘ ‘ h t to-SyeO |iwUie,Witboub.l rst

her husband perib :tiyand cjmvapiootlt M r.. Ar lari

lalkiOUt An enttF^y different, irO- )|Ue for Ins lady-wife;. in he es me;

iscontenteill^ eyeing the new Oven oat

‘as he ‘ rapidly down

dOOr, Witlmo.}' ;“ I potei set rtstho rcMcfciob, i

‘If or three houfa St ondy ivork i posed of thrpress of ofiee-WainoisM iV8itiiig |iirh,and bo tine v- hpnSglf*badli«A OhaiA to* rest, mid Iddk: 0v6F: litk newspaper. fB n i thff h ifmy.wihd fa*tj hed Vis fcrcKead Jilre ns reoti^ aad thewakipaxprekllbly dellgh ftih-

fused blur; ttnd tluj flisl M r. Arddi knew, he. was— not exactly asleep, per-, hap.Sjhufc certainly, not very w ide awakii!!

Something carried him b^ck tp tl! timd when Nellj^|^d beeh a bfidl - fresh" arid blc^mitfg te , w* rose, ;, J lo ^ j ; W,fll he Verhetrtbered tlie blue light 4o! : he? e y e l^ d th d satin bl'i^htness of Ifdrj complexlon. ' Sbe h ld grown' Wan aha I wfedty'-ldokjrig.Sin^%Joke diiySi “ it possible, he’ hsjpiidftl Peking {ft c rej ana^ndeim’css?ji^ W4S rathcFdh 1 e& y twinge of < love her, rattle-MAii|iedjlihd thdtightllesS “ bagh he was. f \| 1 1 v

He thougHf'bf hml i d gloriOuS 1 the -work he hat

, bendijj ed *,t6

> herdIntU

nation. No wonder ill it Jen was a stfnnv spot-t a Jer that-sbe lojved* the ' >esbness«eem;ed to rey latnre.'

A man may ;be verynan without either ,bea i iiglying her thehe0OSsiti<!

Suppose she should lira, like a delicate ‘ica ushing .stream!! He-'sl i 1 nere idea. She was- iu t im& might com'e when nd a white. headstonq

;t hat remained of his lit

Jhen*—should he hot- hifegs? . 3 . = .

He started tip from tl fork,of faucy {that tad

a vague dream ; th ■►rightly npoii the floor, 1

►fl the office clock-point which lie. usually wci Cr. • • 'The puddingwasma i ' si—the coat in

rime order—ihe unsa;! factory shirt* ipped apart, and N c l; •, n d . tircddookilig, can i j rjtb a smile toigrect b< i “ Why, Harrj^ wliat .

on got there?” she cx< krderi came. up the st > aider the .weight of tw lining geraniums and

]fe he had-brought up f ■<>’ vlfch incfldible difficult r ‘‘Thought yofl’d like

rour garden,” cxplainei l i traightway gave him “t onect” kiss that amply“And- now,” said- he,

“ there is n’t much dcin to-day—i-suppQgc you, anlt |ifte#oOn to gar^p-wi make the little place as j “ O, Harry^hat Wonlc exclaimed she,.,Yith bri “ but those shirts— V

i’ “ Oj the shirts!J want to see youf ehei der, my loveV

Mrs. Arden WondemL1 cart "what had wrough < bange— she didn’ t kne 1 er hushand’s dream!

th^ little gar- her-*-no wou-

f Givers whose ire her whole

though pale to the door

husband.earth have

imed, as Mr.staggering

>r tlftee blos- jrbenas, which n down town

tone flowers for he; and Nelly < pod'old-fash*

i11 Aged for por-

Under tbi* Mt»d our Con t itlr own ««ntfij£e$i*, sml tjb

re r««pOn*iljli

For the Bising Tide.. Hahnohly.

-list live inTo be haritionious w< jlarmony with ourselve i

-Wisdom to inch M rtc l * FdlJ> to tfio«e Vho do Spiritualism isferofoi

Irho are made bettor by x# tire .reformers. Me 1 piritual andimpriil jfeot <lj what lamps

i « to the physical, disj i filng darkness vndeiTOf, ah8,,|)lumim 1 iig tho path- raf pT Ufo. im p arted \ sjrits use those

irganisms to dispense lir*-— -*■------hope, lore, afed hafmo r

earth’s children. Tfe Ad ombollidi the mind tifts; hut thjmsMds ti| ( h 3ividual|;e&nte«ti)5f ii

mg, and fi^jiujg effects on

jpffMM afe IiidrCi y spirit W H W C 8 s *

w hto %y«rj I those that be!

he lett

treme, Iblloi ed by deserts. Wnies,-gin-j by too lfeueh drinking fttMeals? When slings, cordi ils’, die., together iwith the] water* i* takfeh-tlt-taken at meals as a

•beveragoj.we aie iiot apt to drink toJ much but when food,|s&rhtsed down with tea'and coffee, it is hot ; properly masticated,mnd does not becpnjk1 mix* ed with the. proper quantity - of; saliva^ so it goes into tlie spmiach -ih an im­proper state, and the stomahh has to perforin both niasticatibnj,an(l.digestipn. Nothing is more ivliolesSmd than veg­etables and fruit; of |their kinds and m their season. . They too are being bro’t to perfection.; - >

W ho i l s a t^ id wi^l“fruitsj;nd veg­etables raised; fifty yeaijs n go rj Every

niiprOgSj&sion wilMa-mg things to a highei- stat^of 61 150)).'I fflie time

after .dinner, !at the office ill devote the . . W e c«ih at as a pink!”

|e delightf\d!! ;htning eyes;

’em wait! a little 'red*

n her Secret lis agreeable ^hything of

late hours- tc which social parties are held, prodi ?e disturbance-, hence warring ami ng/our members!! The

eje ael tp a wo- stomach, tai ed.io its utmost, uses ev- ery„cfforfettp throw off its b u r d e n a t firstiiTsueoe >ds very! w e l lb u t thdsc heavy t^ e s hnposed Iso often, it atias^ gives o'®, ai d has not power to do its office, perfee ly 'any longer. ' ' %' The. brain ^yTnpathises Avith the stom-

aeli; the liv sr, and other members of tlie body, m ike sorrowfid complain^, and a com; Jote wai^iag^among the members-of tlie l o.iy is”the r^snltr— When Iteli rionists experience these sensations .a ter such indulgences, they meet with such harrowiijgs of mind, that they - ( hrongh.righrtymce) .think: they aro tei lpted of the. Devil, and

!e mit htily tp cast' off the works of darkness. -. As soCn as the stomach is XClieVedii jht breaks forth.

When rel ef comes, it often leaves the stomacl p nnd, other parts, o f the body, in a u oak, debilititted state. The only source >f aid then is to/&all;.a phy­sician. He :omes — finds/the health aiid facultie! of the body impaired,and sometimes p -ostrated .by disease. The Dr. deals oi t the pills, ponders, Mis- ters,;and pit ?ters; i f these fail to {re­lieve j the 'ici e conclusion is,, that bjod has. sent this disesc for some wise pur­pose; and i: the patient lies sick long, lie is ‘God’s prisoner; and- if lie dies* God, in his nfinite goodness, lias seen fit to depriv him of life, tiait tlie ii\*Tng may be ben fitted and profit thereby when in fn< ;, through dissipation! in eating and- iIrinking,. they have been their own d sstroy.crs.

At the < bmmenccmont, perhaps few. days of) abstinence would .have set all right.. The reme j y for overloading the stonir ach is abst AChce. Plain, food, well cooked, and taken at jiroper interVal^ and. in mod- x. ate quantities, willliinsiirc health. E i ,ing too much, o f highly seasoned fo >3, ami too. many, kinds at one mea], is ho beginning o f m ischief P ies and pi i dings are: digestible, ami

jnjuiihn 3 If made o f prq|)er matc- rials. Kiel r lastly, w arp bnbhlt, rich cake, swcoj i cats, porkj Hcli gravies,

.' brandy-sam t tea,- and ijoffee, af6 Wliat‘ * generate ,di x ase in eating,.and pfoipdC

nhiirmony > ’ the body.;But it is die fashion to cook thus aDd

r so. The e p cure pronounccs yicli and highly sfida )i ied food exceedingly pak atftbjcs. JL t, the poor stpmach!) These ^re fftkhion U ile dishes and must be eat­en; amt ‘so long as fashion lias the sway, We i » st expect the larger part of society Lc Ae made up of Dyspep­tics,'Weak 1 Vers, Chronic and Scrofb- lous: comp & nts, dnd not one-half the difficulties enumerated at th a t

Many, & i his presen t dfty, scem J» Ije aware | f the above facts, yet ;they aro joined?to their idols. Others do not follow the reform plan for fear of what the people may say. , No doubt

,..ll . laxuttokmord tlmn tKcir Bocitsty.Such will laugh and make derision fcut live naturally and you will soOn fij®>who yofr friend* are* Set them a ^ ^ a m p «‘bf reform, and if each re­format W< bid do likewise, they wovfld be ibe hippy instrura|nts of saving

an t nhappy victipi from unwhole­some Iivi i g jaml an umuimaly grave.—

'■ Seats express blch they alone

peace,. .

>t only feed b thciriricli thonaasds of io restoring,

lass c^trotod gpirita^tiiW suggest that

lepartment o f ■e it, and are

forer td.be

M f

ire in;

' & : S • H

I once believed -the Bible Ho he 1 he W ord of God, and accordingly Ilea ed long, bug; chapters o f Stwipturje' repeat to niy teacher on that Holy (S; Lb- bath. A nd 1 will hear remark that t lie feeb o f ti >at pious teacher Wfns enough to tui iVai uninquiring mind in any di­rection *1 e chose. T- -well. reinemh when I II as scarce six years old, j>f go­ing, to civ itch, and hearing the Bri tst prdnbihil ?my doom; and I firmly aid honestly idlieved that an etfernsd II ell Of Fire s nil Brimstone ,was?to bc i ny

.portion. And, night Rafter night] ba ve I passed >n my pillow and sleep ref is- ed to vi sit .-me. A s I revblveli tfiis question in . my . mind, I longed Voinc Wili [jbeast to devour me; tliii k-

will eoinft?Wiit*n we I shall be satisfied; >»g G pdbonianotget possession o f with the productions o f the earth. Uhenj 1 1 wiflilcl thereby escape tjhe Anima! food.is-required by winy per-{dreadini doom, Which awaited me. sons at present] because it correspond s' But .as I grew older I investigated-tjhe with, their natrfres. As tiie tick1 of pro:>nn*ttei-. greis advance}:, artimhl fod^.wlll he j I have told you what I now believe, done away. There is iiot oW-liiilf as} or rather what I do not believe,and much' pork eiitJn now as tiierc was paj-1 ’oc‘fo'‘e * tnied,! shall investigate1, Spjir years ago. Twenty years lienee will!! itiuili.-m irliieh I do not b elieve; show a gi-ertter!deerease jelill,*lint onlyi tK'vhnpsi? will terminate,as theiBil o f pork, bnt,of other meats.* A'i llif}t^ll,esb*,c,n did, which .I-did befieVe. tide o f progress rolls bn, milk, butter, i ! Cni:iln y >ur friend and-Inquirer.! * eliees, eggs, vejjetables, aikt fruit, will! XTtake the preference, and people vr;!!, learn better methods of. preparing food.|

Fi-ifits, instead of being n;:mnf:ic.tur-i ed into imligesiiMe. Compounds, will be! preserved in nearly a natural state. — {Some have acquired the method now,...................................... . ___ Two rays previous to the fevbntof preserving 1fniit i~n nciwiy^a fresh Ith6 Srea; catsrttrdpho occasioncjd

tits cliildren progress' lho viole,l<;« thc ^ te Tornado jrhi chio;n,they will liavjjtfiv:'v. p'vol)t o\7 fa lai-gc portion o f ouriboiin*

state. So, as in spiritual wcounterparts- and every year of pro- ll'-Vl com mitting devastation amt de­gression will te I itsfvnsh in in w . ^ ‘’oying ?o . many lives o f our citazeas.mg ?o . many

I was st Hiding at the W est door of my 'hoiisi, a short time before tiie i un arose, and I beheld a bright lighbaiise in the iicrtli-west, having the forip c f a dome,bei ring jrtuch thc appearaiicc o f a volean i when ite.mits its briliantli pht: from tlie everlasting fires beneath.- It continue 1 to|mcroftse;both in higm j nd

i. , , ; do])th, ui til-its top Seeracd to reach b epipti.es, .and a,l others ] j e tVens, exhibiting every viri sty

of color and shade,, far surpassing )Ltie skill o f tlie artist, bearing the idp; of- him \ dio made tjie world,. ?

So sj lcmlid nfas the sight,'and different from anything that I had or seen* I had a desire that all: s)i<juld

gression will te 1 its fresh tale of per­fection, and hai mopy will be tlie result.

Dubuque, July 25. ' L. S. B.

*\V e agree v ith onr correspondent, that water-is lx !,ter -than tea or coffee, but we Are decidedly o f Opinion tlint to “riiise* down?, food with 'anything, is a very bevl praeti ;e. W e there ford rec­ommend to dyWho would enj )y gbod health, to tu> drink xcfiut'vcr With their meals !- This .is a s5ver( ign i-emody for iniliges- tUn, m *>ur ow 1 experience abundant­ly proves..


D bauT id b :^- -I notice

prejudice was supplied in its happy to see;

------m ff~ ------For Uiu Kl*jng Tide.

ftlscuisioh. 1

. S i

N. II. B akkeiMivJdle bury Summit Co. Oliio.!

For the Rising Tide. -

The Tornado.

b8 permitted to;witness thc plieiio ne- no9 k I called my wifo that she be n spe dator o f so grand a sight}. A t

n yottr prospectus thesewords: “Ourjcohinnis Are open to Free discussion *>h all. snbjects conneeted with Religioii or Moral:*; so that no soul who has a l honest thohght to ni­ter shall bo doprived^of inediuill thro’ which to bring/ tliafqtlidtight before thb People; so long ns7 it ’is clothed in re­spectful hangup ?e.”

I f this is not wliaff fairness} if

air.I am at loss to know -thin ’looks to ine like

the true rcligi vn—-it looks as thoughthrown, aside, and lovestead. I

this feelingfor /one am


Freaoliin ; a|itbp«t pnldtico is not goodbflltig ajojltice

out aidadded to harmony

Jv the, ampng

Wi such thitks Ignorant <f«are tffei ffie’i

D0QM9 Ialways «OtBrfi ’’

Lttat prMtehing aud pt-ao- maite sa icxeellent com- i £ jfar m # c# s

a h o t^ ^ l t ig a th e tibk body, and thus a

■ tigtad. * - vi i i S i i

. ^

for if the world ever, hooded doything it is that feeling Which-, will bring all together in pCaie and j

1 am no tyd'* ver in Spifitnajism, yet I like to see it d’ricnsscd. llWlfcn 1 say

am no bcUevler in SpvfituhlWn, I do UOt-wish to cojivey itlib ifles ilmt I do not believo thht.^pitith exist, for I do bcHeve it. Bos 1 c(o fidt bcliovo that spirits? eommhno n^th beings >f our sphere jadtiufc i shfljl investigata and tliroyir plVjfldicq (ftr if I ( c?j>iS0 inytfiln^it there nay beiUetUi tiling that f^lM ^oibe t ay be- comAn Sp#itutH»tjiif Itflbjl shall not M ’ t th a ^ d tb 6 # HI' ‘jiVtd* ad voeftts

octrinOlf to ths Votl4. Stii faith* do not believe tihe Jiibti to be the of God, for I ’sec Writtoi on its

‘ 1 ^ * ’ WOst evone-

fhc tim : I fifed a strong impr<js}ioif that it ' ras oijicnous of somo wonder­ful conv ilsion in naturc, and nccorniug- ly expressed that .opinion to Mrs. B.

Two days lhtcr l was at the (East door (si nation the blufls.in Duhujfluq,) •looking >vor t lie river, and T saw a black cl >ud, luiving the appearaiujc' of the siiio cc of a volcano, or similsir in appearance to many of the liigh peaks seen on the l i :>cky aiul Syra Nejvada Mountn ns, at a 'great dist«uco.j I t was int ving i t a rflppid iiito, from soiifl,i west to i orth cost, and was oc- compamCd in i s wake with scattered light ch mds tom in shreds, and passing with ra >!d strides,as though they jwcrc chased by the King of th# weither with al his hosts. I was tbW impress­ed witl the belief that whati I badjsCou those t'ir.0 days iprevious,'afid tlse bpin- I then brmed was boiltg^varefiedi and mentio ied tho ^ahio to iny family.. 1 told th itn that We should sfeOn le^-n of its.disistrous elfeots, winch' ha* turn- ««d.out to be true* -,1 Novi I am of the opinion frofh tho

Jreqnei it occitrafioe of so many ftoriirv llocs, vftil-itO|ms', cattle .^ so ^ esi our COuntr so rife with ftli ,manh(jr of

!.criinoskand t^Hvor that il-ragfeig W - tween thd North and Soutfi ; tlx®j ^bd has a i lontrqverSy with j>gr Nafibn -**

Bistory affords%ps abimuaht oyid^nce, at when a Ejiigdom of City llSs*bo* come ipe with] ciiiUo, God has visited

Bncli j laces With terildc calamitie^, fend depop dated fend in many instiuicfes ex* tingui shed tfeofel fcUtire)y}|;lI ffem far from he belicfjthat sucli,c|^pi)!tiejs %re thc sj ecial acts of. Divm.^®py|fejnoe, but tl at it - is, tiie naturaffjfjplf of Vio­lated laws. Tftmy opiniofe» coricet l hope that out Nation wilF£earp|Wiitd6m And r iturn to their aHegiinpeljto jGod; and t o their duty to the'u? felldw lrabe.

_.. Ami bus avoid a calamity t la t m iy be i* tbfre an'gathering, and mfeyfbrefekl oVeit 6«r se*tii|ifcViVl head i that Will be raora ’tejrribfeitlian

the ftnytl ing that bos hither-to befaUdn ua. i '" ! “A v ord to the .wise is sufficient.’

v i

i i ' M

rC'ereiFrier d, with due rC'erencc to. your feelings, I would like to ask considered this arbitrary God question :l Ijttle.

I t is .rue, that History, both profane ■! and Saured, teach us of a God of ter- j' ror and.-vengence; visitiiig tiie people witii a 1 kinds plivsical punisiquent; but in the.namc of high Heaven,'what kind of love m d merq/ ia Slere ift ^ncli a God? ! AVe /can’t put awr trust in a God bearing such a ebaweter. < Histo­ry ' can not be true, wHfen In finity is charger with such outlandish accusa­tions, - vors6 by far, than finite man Could do* AVhat would you think of

father who became so enraged at his child ii consequence of disobedience, that he would rush out in a frezy;and break t iC limbs of the inoeent mem­bers bf his family, and take some of their lives ;’ crying “ vengene’e is mihe, and. rushing on tcr-fficfields, destroy*

the beasts in like manner?' That would be a'lovely God to worship. In this manner, many accuse Jehpyah;aiul they s: .notified-Christians.’ . Since this tornado, we heard a Very devbut Min­ister lay the charge of the distructiou of lives to God, and thanked Him for being s i mindful of us as to pass!us bV so mercifully, on that occasion, and laid it :o the 'sinfulness of the land.- O.ur Ik art naturally responded, Oh; ! thou Uiijnst God o f Chaldeans,- .why did th< U take & narroV strip of laii/d and lay waste thc innocent children, and heist and fowl? W hy did thou not spire them, they sinned not?

Then Jet us iiot lay any . charge to Ihfinite Wisdom, or principle, that man is tpo good to perform. Let us then JiaVc a Jcosistcnt God, one who would not' willingly inflict an injury .upon mortal^pbrie that has fixed laws, and the violations of tfiem will be visited on the {violator of those laws— notithc......— lit# I f we,the favored, hat] beenimfortnnnto "enough to-have lived that-locality,--it would have been the same •/ {lie fluids, or > cevtain properties in the atmosphere would liavc gather­ed,'an<l cast its vengencfe'all the'same. I and that Rev. plight .have beoii.the victihis instead of others. Then we would ofe\*« bccn the victims o f God’: rage'anil they tlie favorites. Tli^ fact is God is a Gorl o f Mercy and Justice; •not o f Partiality, - . ' ;f

ties will be fully dfevelnpc.l "to a of perfect manhood. Tlpro;\-. “ liiourn not, as (Imsa v k i } liopo.” And though he bn? «,-u. our sight, it i- im« tqythat'liimvi;.. fV whence no traveler retm-iw by any means.' Ami'dare* ] ' j,, , strong evidences of that [be-* ready been realized? ‘-But tc-li it ^ in Gaih*” .

The-funeral discourse/vastly';.- ,.j by Miss Scoug.ill, of UocV/.t; U;' tinder spirit influene.-. A liyj-j-r iJ;;v;V been sung, the medium soIimv. ih ;.r i ? and addressed liic am!i£>nee nit'!y,%n:; most baautifuily, appnipriatrir.avjy,. thetic-ally, for tlie space of a'-mivysy minutes. ; The house was Vivrad-i {S its utmost capacity; many Were present, ami .a .deatiili!™* prevailed in tlu*■ ..audience, wl,-,'.* vtv of instruction and sweet e<'iji!/> fell warm from angelic i*i;.,!li'.* The'SpeakcT labored to show d-.; i v? we'call' d’eatli, is noiVnnniini.rV]! beautiful change. . That tiie sjiacij rcfel child, had only left, tin- th;! for another moi-e beantifnlTtat . isteiiec; like the winged butt, i k; leaves its caterpillar-body* She >«*4 that we forbid not the flo\v of tim - pathetic teiir, as it was’ the.mituuil ex- pression of the soul, or’ rent jo t!i; strong inwi|rcl emotions, briiigin:- rdi-/ to the troubled and. pent-up 'spin!......gentle slioijers upon the parched She gently! referred to' tlie jiw ta errors of tlie dajyin snpposuig a ness of tiie. condition, of those have gone to the spirit-land. stead of a -fixed condition of clem happiness or misery, it was « slate' ( everlasting progression for n il kmim beings,,and;tliough children tWvr pre* maturely''hi}o||li6 spiritual str-to, fev do not remain children there any raoij than they would here; and liibugh thc rudimcntal condition is-best‘-for the

The New Birth.

BOK INTO THE SriRlT WohLO,' Oil Monday,, Jnly ‘>3d, I860, AVim je IJkii bekt LpNGUv'nst, son of 'VVilliiim hlld Marsh’d Loiiglmrst, o f Dubuque, Iowa.

Willfe met his change by drowning in the Mississippi. He. was a lad o f twelve jwinjers, unusually bright- and intclkx tnal for bno Of his age and cx- periehto. l ie w»s extensively known in this fejitylnml much loved by all who know Uitn,both old and. young; fetid when I Ihus-Speak, it is IIO mere asaer* tioiq fcfejnovor did wo see so inuch«ym- patliVfeijaniIesled on any like occasion in beliiljf o f a youthful sufferer. Poo \Yillie; fe ns a common expression of fell Classes tlirouglunit his extonsive nc- quainfeacc. And lliose AVho tako. a SuporfU: fil view Of tlie case* have hon­estly sfe d, tlie lad is dead; Or, that'! ho hai hebi Ciit down in hi* youth;.or, nippodl >y the untimely frosts o f fate. 0 titer#: #*y, whth 'an equal degree; of honesty, that God, in his infinite prov- id#no#r ha* removed tjio child, for pur­poses hr yst,crious mid tutknown. But. wfe tnyt timly ho elided his rudimental; career jrematurely,like tfeo fehripo fruit th tt iff fhukort from the parent treej o? th# halHblowfi roetf that dins b^in rude­ly suatoiied from tlie stem, just ns it Was opening opt to thc world tlie hith­erto hidden or undeveloped beauties of ite iwtewor being. And- While it Would probably havo beeu'better- for him, tu. have oojntiuuotl his mundane existence' Until n|itU|e should have fully accom- pHsbed jhor designs in the full develop­ment o f the radknental man, and then, like »h«avesjthafr are fully ripe for the harvest! to fiave been gathered into spiritiufe “garner,” . But as it i# ^ according to our beautiful philosophy, be/will he abundantly cared lo f in the spirit worldj by those w li# h a v e gone before;]and; there, in th^Epiore perfectaniritUtt coilflimon. his VnnthCnl 0»A«t.

child, in \vh ch th develop Or imfriil'it­self tp a pci feet fetatc of maw or w manhood, ;-et • the heavenly mentri germ, inherent in! the clijjd, wife denied an nnfoldihcnt on flic nslural eartli-planc. of its existence, (whichh the proper .plac’ey)j will mature, and hi fold its native powers, v ilh iit spjife'l state,into which the depart!wjt?diil(l has entered; Then dry yonr tears, loving mothers, your darling departed inliti’u daughter, will eventually-become a ful­ly developed spirit-woman. And lie ye' comforted, affectionate failin'*,'for your infant son will he a full «vo\Vn man in thc eternal spheres. Awljtvciv I now to digress from mv Mihjrrf, :.ml give vent td niy feelings, T ironM say, “ Glory to (?od in tho highest, pence oil earth, and good will to rue ii."•‘Bring flowerfe /rcrli llo'rtfS.oMr the l.ior (o stifi! A croWn (or tlie brow ofUie early floaiSf - Tiikt #|)fcnk of lii|>e to. tlie fiiiiiiin^ ticnrt,Willi » Voice of jirombc t iih - come ninl i%pnil. For Ibis, lliroiigb its Icsuh baMi tlve white rost

buigt, .For tills, in tlip.woods Was thc violet nnr-'oil; TtiBT 8|)8sk iu hopo Mr whal Once was nor*. T ukiic lo re 's drSt gift, bring yc Ho wets, ftts'j


W o ivas ngftin beautifully rom'.tifed, tllftt*tlio i'ttSjUdeCaying'Oot p'sL'-iicfiiio ii'* was not the. real Child, ami it was tiro ■ d that wd should duly respect' il, ftv

being ,tbo Into' tenenu nl,'or rintiilyliottso .of thc departed -ymitii; aid while that body would decay; aii<i Speedily re ,uvn to the elements, to ht reproduced in other, lifcWbrini accord­ing tp tho affinities of (lie. ,c}u,ycritiy ntbm(*, the iinhipi-tal spirit^or real child, would linger iiefer nt pleasure,to mootin', comfort, aml.cOhSok, by gentle inijco. pious, mid, at 'fftVbrflble thucs, by dim! comrininicatioiiJ, Many hc.'iutifid th.iuy: were said that-Wei*# too good to be.fe gotten, ! „ ,

We followed the little form toths grave,, wh.e ii a few appropriat" wcifij word Spoken by thofeicdium, ineful bgthatik* to kind IViendsyi bfclmiCof borefeved j At tho j cpnclttsion of jffe all wias silent, hub a miugling sour, d siippl'essixl sighs. feod the doleliil i »]■ blingj of dirt-elofls. - Little Wii body is hurieds,' I drop the scene. ■

- - & Y . UfeiuiSTttEX ?DubUqae, July |8 , i 860.

—I f the wcaljjhiso freely davidie 1» building costly ihjmsions 'and do jil­ting them to thc Yorship rtf iisc ov doX God, was expended in hid *'| inunble cottage* for.the poor and, ef-

! titute of our landjfevo would saan accomplished th^tf which the ( l>r‘ •'1 has been pniyhifl for these t-igi e;

~ y • ' V.- Qv.tvtr ||.

t e ' mof God, anti that it w.-is-thc oiilj Awny any person could be saved was bjf faith*

j ^ j e f e N d e n c e , ' i q y t a .

■ |l v VID l>. I> AX1KL, ■ /:>;. v. DAN'irf!,


rue a r i s i n g t i d e ” u.is l'jSpiritual or thoroughly Rffar- • M u jo itrjiqlpublishcd in tye West.

Aitwh, it direufatcs among people o f C! two*, Parties,'Sects,-o.nd .'Creedhf ,"<• more readers than -tiny other

na‘jdhlish'ed in l/tfy region o f ftp Business men in -Dubuque, and -<> r places, ysho wish 'to Advertise in Fm s, 'till please bear these fP A C T Sin jniitd' . • ‘ / ‘

anti obedience to 2d The. infere

blind that conin derstand i,t; ?o t learned-, meii to unlcarued must tjake God' finite sifting Coment-m-, * l ie said, it v creed’or form fo SOine likiag sti'Oi the Bible, that br meat, saying t!

factory to the, a idience.. l ie s lid that Jestts made no; creed, and if h i had it, would not beast itable to our d ty, said it would be Ji ce, (in comparison,J a pack-horse to a- railroad-car. j V ery £<y>d, that pliict d • Calvin, Luther, and?

' Give ns the Facts.We sjay to dur friends throughout

Vu U'.es}, and especially those iu " bur "fan Stale ;£o'sendus such tests,^^Sd pyr iilots as may beclietteilSsby their "jn^ctigatisns o f Spiritual /phenomena. .Tie public; mind is /now. considerably 'aubhed on this snjyect; and it only

thgstimniblgqtiog of .such home tBM!i;iy%g .within’'ottr reach,

f.:l!r.vaiise the.'great heart o f Iowa ’a? the W est to the investigation of u-si! important Subject! Let each .'-v sen t u4 such facts as come within

knowledge; and thus help to keep iTi!c"of Spiritual Truth “ Risin* '.lir.il overflow all the land- with

ii; purifying "Waters.- .

. A t G r K j n i c v H B *The following persons are authorized

b reedvo subscriptions for<tbe “Rising TAX in their-respective localities

bulnkjui— S. Y . BiupsTUKET. itchfuT, 111.— UrifAM 'Waldo..

•Ji \w .-rry IU.—JI. Bi dwell. f *' C!iicugVT.:,r-Mi:s. 4 . L. M «KaV. '?M-c(,nvi|lg,.Jilin.— R. X . W h it e . •llardiiy Clayton county, Iowa— D r.

C, T. Stfvi-'Ofin, • .• -advj;Utis<xg agents:

^Tkihnquc— W . J. G il»eut,1 10 Main

I l ic a g o — C. II. Sckiven, 63 • D.ear- jlwn Street. • A \

r,,v:(on—S. M; JM ttengill\ rfc Co., L a State streo/ - ^

TRAVELING AGENTS.hksJsAlMiL SconGall,of Rockford,

Sit>i,«, ' ■ >S. V. L kCanJ), jMiddlebnry, Sumniit,

Dimly. Ohio. • . . l-\T Olhc^Ageots will be added to «s above '.‘List,’* as they shall 'report .uiriches, jn answer to our call. -

y.vr* persons receiving this copy of f v ’-jiiring Tide,” Wiil pleasO consider h:i)i iiivitation to subscribe- for it, (if f.u f are not already taking it,) and to rtqiv.’sl their neighbors to “ go.and do ffcM-ric*;"’ . . ' ' ,h Short R e v ie w o f a S erm on .

• ‘‘Variety ii thy sptce of.life,’’ ;S> we a’.iw'rfit, ain't doneti our honhejt' and ih tail, las.t ghinday evening, iudbjour- irywl forth tio &ie Temple of t ie Or- Mox God.

0«r calling ia . to oppose and* con- t wrobg where4 ei we«find'.it * not

Vidnafc, but errof|aa»we iinderstand ’U f «*e are. wrong; show us a better v and well walk in i t ; right is what


. f,3Jmi^er, honest, we doubt not, ‘‘“•I vdi all the zeal hi^/acuities could ^Kj^preachcd from these words: "Lrrig the form of Godl'mese, but

; the (»wer thereof; fVom such <'«say,” . • ' • _ * . , ! ■

Tn* Sermon was good, lor one per-

| S . ■" I T "sits teachings;

a ce was,'that it on folks could i Ot un- le Lord had^rai sed up

WOl'i.ml spoke of supposed as authority, necessary to have a ■ general use, b g driuk. -wouli l go to ihg the rule of govern1 at we need

wine for / n r stomach's sake..’others woiild sav “ be not d mink withwide,” from this

sity of creeds,

W esley’s creedi i the. antiquities

dented to Lutli stances, are ve

would arise wx mglin<&c. This showing the absolutii

yhich appeared satis-

A T rip in

r A week ago 1 nv with Mrs. f

thro’ ring appointmen I Mr*. B.

the Country.

st Sathlday, in comj »- F. M. Brown, ai d

three other "pers o is,r we took our st in a earriagessm 1 journeyed Xorthw.

est- Union, there s' at tlie latter place

!1 ark’s M rs. B. to lectuini on the Sabhatli.The weather.: vvqas cool and d.lighti

(the previous night’s rain having 1 the dust;beautif ally,) and Nature, in diversified scenery, .spoke fortli adc tion and: praise to the' (ireat Ruler the Univere. W ith one o f-old >n£ heart could.but i exclaim, “ How wc nd- rosis are/thyhvo ks, O, Lord, God hosts.”' In the forepir. o f the -day wc a rfu-

v iSStt*-And

and doctrines,| among 6uch . being 'tiie rule

we peed'new- .ones no.w; what was a- circum- for the

present .wants e f the people, tljo’ thero are jnany,. tha

jr’3 wants and insufficient

.. seemingly. need those restraints, and then come far -short of the attainments of those old soldier’s of the'cross. r?T - . . ]

Jesus made n!o oreed,'why ?jbecausc he knew the time ’would arrive, that each would be !a law unto himself, he heeded none, and he expected the-hu: rpan family to progress to the full stat­ure of himself, in spiritual things. U n­doubtedly, ho' knew there were men enough to m ike creeds, and as they

aw. in intellectual tilings, they would sw them off cis arvorn out garment, good fornotb iig., - i ' . l

But then-to tfio idea advanced in ihe discourse, that Tcsus, being God, con 1(1 not have been napablo. of m iking a crtfccl, any beltirA dapted to oiir-use, than'a-pack-hoiBO is. to the railijoad-car.W e give tbelsDz'arine 'and his works, a greater weight of reverence than that,* ^ though we do not believe iilnj to b l | G o d / .

How very strange, that God; should have wrote a bo^k on which depended the salvation ofj the human .family, and have it so mijserably gotten/np that’ the majority, iriust take it secOfnl-haild.^ e tFnhlqGod must have made a great rrffctake either in the creation; of man, or the writing Of the^Bible; if he . did

For there is an inbarmony between the two. . j- , *

Again, he ’ very oantionsiy warned those firm in tlie/ai(A, not io associate with persons Who denied the aower of GodUtfes^-i ;&r-.lto,read. anyth ng,: that Was not m acc^rdencc with th e B ib le; “ from such tur i away ,” be like Chris- tiap in -Filgrin.’s -Progress, slick your fingers in your ears &c., that y'ou may not hear or kn< w.' Can it be possible that pop4&r C vristianity, is so impure that such precitations are necessary to keep, themhurCh together ; that there is not’ -Vi£ftl.piety and principle, in the members tp fCr min in subjection to tbe jaws and Cht rep i-cgula^oim,.. Or ia the^elieVeraj, .< f ettch WCai fiwlhteHec- tual material, t ia tr .th«yi need k master, to bid thcm‘ go here- or go there, we know what is best fty* you f t I f such is the case wit' i any, don’t bej alarmed, you could ’nt make a thinker out of them ; but, perchance if there is any, tb it dare to tliink for themselves, 5B may draw th© oords^tunl every screw, the orysalis will eventually throw off the outer garment and ■ flyaw ay into a more'congenial sphere. i f

H r W MJ| of-«w .w d ek’s. namely: to keep’ ift subjection al| enjoy the benefit o f an inte* ^^snd unpretending persons— non- scientific course o f lectures

4aw.. But to our mind , it w at M lif . . ; V ■ , *' i;

lie said.the -Bible was .the W^L

sed ourselves by talking of the in ws the latest o f w rich was, a Spiritu ilist. Convention, an dl Mrs; Grundy’s pr< iba- ble remarks in- reference to the , ss me, and finally wo'i rid up with some :on- versatiqn respe cling a certain locOj bco paper, wJiich sjiielt very stronglj of brimstone, and frequently made a g :eat flourish about hearsays, and sta :ihg them for facts ; when finally we e nne to the conclusi ?n that said popgun was •of too small o: lliber to take any'n< tice of) so we let him pop away, fov no one with common >dnse would pay’.an;r at­tention tolhis i tatements;

After travel n g some eighteen n lies, principally over; prairie, wc drove -up to a respectable looking .farm. Ik uso, and inquired i f .they could furnish iorn for our horses; &c. But as good luck would have U, they said-no. Inquiries were then ma< la about thd road, and the^robabilitj o f getting corn,tea,&c., at the next liokse, when we were po­litely informed ijhnt it was six miles to the next house] in the direction we geing-, (..Nothing daunted, we drove on, ...

ing Mercy’B.biisket/full of. provisions aboard ; but t nl ten. After pas sing over .a beautifat 'prairie, we hov sight o f two o 1 'three log cahiiis, bi it to our disappoint ncnt they weie imin iabf ited. A littlc ft riher on we Saw one, vitli a Stove pipe protruding through tiro©of, and, as \ d drove up to the fi ncc

d of

tlie information received,vavc tokV. her l tha: bur Whole load was compose*.'! o fj . thd ;c crazy fanatics we had- been talk, - ■

about; r.*AVe gave a-l:c$rty lauarh*,! .started our liorses in. eatvd, that we mrght

Lovers. Aft la mt of.'bnrjway

i’ojfit of a large farm-ho


; Jcfbre sunset we found otusdl tin mid. of our ■ journey. • With’ a _ ni< 111* rest, and % pleasant monrilngs I Wii Ik arourid W est Uiiioii ; we, bidding I <irii| s. .’..Viiji ’ id cu to otu- friend, Mrs. Brown, tlooki

tbe - carriage, and yrere soon j C«»t»5*Ui:-i . i t ?, styi « r.eward. bound:/- Making . a short

:a|l oh fViendji iiyFayette, with fifteen; »’■ rimg/t :' ' •’ ' 1 •!f


ear u youi wimt * go f charge, read <b©‘ Sul Compftny’s idjrertiseme

^change s paper.

~t • '* -

wish to ing and

luring,the wall to

woman appe are.d at the other the house, wes ring a vfcry short d ress, though not a ; lloomcr.

W e soon let aiied there was tea corn to be ha lj conscqueiitly exit from the Arriagc to terra fivn After entering, jand^-coing. througl tlie preliminary ir troductiOu o f stran some remarks \ f erc made irf rega / to the woman’s y quthful appearance.

“^.h !” said sBie, “1 should not married so yo ing, had it not beet getting a horn j]

In that shot t sentence, thought spoken the history o f many a < lose-

late, unhappy Heart. t ,} ■The iijquir; ’ was then made,

there any Spiritualists living in part o f the coiuitry? itfo thoy lovers, honest poighbers,” d:c^

She answored that sho didJiot |nbw much about tliem ; but sUpflosei what she had heard that they W< queer sort o f folks, and that they ■be F reeX ove ■*, for the women short dresses/ ]

KOno Of our- party remarked thi.t Wo d never ieenl lu#y o f those Ocet

people, jan^ if .hot too far put way vfe would jdftll and ses^thera by the by)- ** yon mft4* ;^our ap iiefttt- anoe%onnd the oorbevipf the h mse, we thought yot^ must be/m e, for yoar rdresi i l V&y g |o r t ,| we iapj p ied they^tofi troni«rt;S,

“N o, indeed!” said she “t*m not u Free LoVCr. Jj( made a mjstftke oat my d^iss fihortef than i m'eaa

A iftd miiuike, thought Wfe, so < ut of fkshion, * fbl|quarter o f a yard i bove the ordinary length], yet ho v < nient; ito chance to step r it, o : get it bedraggledjd^h mud, bu^rthen how ungenteel, th: iwfs popularly speak ng.

We Inquired if she knew anything bad of l&lists? to, which. »h»pllOd-

**No,biit they ai e called a-very





N e w J A d v e r t i s e m e n t s .

WATCH Ss" GIVEN A WAThe direction:cc* thc-i?© so?, , .. . J A t lens* ongoing atyout j rpj^

v.-c* halted iiV‘

n our errand. • The. woman called00(1find a sudden pull rq

il rein tui iioil the Ivors: started agifm; for Fay

r wonder we luu:/ kissing through Fayi

upon the' m ost. beat ntfv. that has b&c-n t

set th:

from two dollar, to; one In

I-J1? V

mtlifubieis agninigave T|,e

e | lT « tc h ’is C U AH AS-]very tw e lv e boo i*l

iuili cewvnwiai-u oS'ci-eil by it s-S u l f c l ? : l E x o l i a n w e O o.

I :

■116- Washingtpn street, Boston, !re. and ike most likei-alli

f ass.\ it con

OIL tfic..Tight 1 e‘ rn in e.\rs|,5- S E 2TD F fyR 4 C A T A L O G U E ! .


nrmmdAtid.■ ttc, W!f tioi;t‘- nil [. -liyaa-lhexpected. 1™}'“.....

tto, we came i,,,: '*".- ;;r i-i 1- -.'-r!.kcuwi >AVE*tWoi.B:'V*TcdEspUiitT|S(timl larmuig P.vi , ST j.,;Vl i. \ j - ; i-. -ill- fbi-tiini* lA'It.Aims’ I.kvkk vi “ **■ ' Opcn-Kate..........* • ---- TO. lUIljJ l Oj . a , | tver fii-verWalckes. liuutl.iS Ca

: Wheat aiid oats, m e -much hdayior i ■ «|.in- f(iiv(-.r wijlekcs tioen tae-i. ill tills > icimty-; tluNlgh thevp is '. |,j,,iies! null Gents'’ GoM Cliain.*, various

rumbliu"- here'aruong the: fannors. i lAuiic*’ ami Gin .’Gold MecvuUuUuus an l-Mada,i...! '“■ "• " : t ! : I .'{iir'|»aiti-i ns.


Jiiizeii other Gil ■ ti/I to-ncquuint tli mduremviA. ave u

, .......s in-the .'li.idv. 'Jhe to Lowinge of-tlid Gifis lo,;>iircliascr.s of be »ks:

t Casks.e. , Cases.

Pi its. ne-.v ai>d: rich styles.'>’ Gold Tlinjt*.> and lb It rias.. f Lsdl.'eivelry.Plns

iu? »li the ty l<-» now* w o isiv, GdUI. Sioue,l.ava,PIi i

■ srido brbugpt us to tlie residence our friends, the suppostvl'' “ -Free*; :rs,” wlimle we dinsd.i JUstafter the liajl passed below t!|b horizon, we

•ived at hojne, all salV.J f

l-’orjlhe Kisiii? Tide. j■eadbing a t th e - C o u r t H o u s e .

u:d lor u ny «d.:rc

ijiy Ueij :umenl of liter- ;; and old. I)<

Alov'iie. uamlogurs mt lied free Apply io "

S u ffo lk 3 JxeM angc C o m p t n y ,- 116 'Wusliiiigton st. Bostoi.-22-31 cj Wi'KI.l niilGK.Ticus

U -1 (> clo.-w. p. .. \\1 ol.l, > *: , T r IS 1.4,line, .ill i HIM* -tul with ( Ir. Sir. -Frazier wiil preaej! at th eili-A iiw , picscntiii jociions of tbli-i in tbit vill t"0 ’ Air •'p,.,. I’-i ••-*'. wiv* tlie-order ami |iin«ngfcniciHi l.nusc ill i..is Mii.^t. iUl-A ia-isti-,111., ami Kiijd'niu-r* ofiSe t-k-nitu-t * IxMongfLto ihc :Frt*cak esbytcrians; Ndsoi- tuieli I'vrio'i;order which.is (listiugjui-slied for its! -B satltif

stirentious Opposition to islaverv;1 Avar, i Of Oil Pitiutmi?,««. ■ ‘ ,* . . I r.i?lny-live yulds olm feniperanee, and otner jprcvnleut sin* .*.uc liitie-ni

S. P. LEL&ND,Is now prepared to give a coi rsc of

L E C T U R E S O X G E O L )G Y ,■ .V/hera he.m.iy he desired,

/ 3V m S . ^ S K I D M O R E , rC L A T R Y O Y A X T P H Y S IG 1A X ! ;1

Is Permaiicn'ly Located at17S M adison S . , C hicago, 1 7 3 'AY hove she can be consulted'for the .

, Cure of till Diseases.'HFI 41 AS CUtlKP As-tiiino.-Consuiaption,Can*

w cer?,‘Gi-ind!i:ar Tmii-jis.- Goitre, l.ucoriket*. •Vc... Ac., and c«n refer ti-.e 'afflicted to reliable pav!ie.vit; Chii-ii?". n-ho have bcen cured .by her tiiavuieir.. llei- Jledk-ines are Purely Vegetable

ee ft out a'l.Posim.. .Medicines carefully ,__ ,w*:)d sent to any addrcssj.or Patients ta­ken iai'u the Lioute,' and treated oo Ueuso'nable

Mrs. Skidmore has no sunerior on this Oonti- ritas u MLPICAC KXAXlijjKK.v The Biujrtt-

(ar manner in which she reudatUseuse, and diar- -oi'rr- every Pain a ji.nihnt ml.y have, [whiiout auy infnrimition from them. 1 is truiy.wondeiful; hec-akil! aad capacity for during

A l l F o rm s b f D ise a seTo Which tlie I! am.in Family: al-e subject, lifrily vi|i>alto her power of detecting them.

To that portion ef the cdmmu-iity ''tiidcr misfortunes;produced by disease; roliei is tt hanc—it mailers not what the ccniplaint ic, if •.» ithin ’lie n-i-ch of a iinan sltlil. Vra. S.will fur- uirh a Medicine that will produce an entire cure.: Chicago. ApnlJ 1, 1660. 1 120 • 1-9-lyr



1860. y 1 1860.Great Eastern and Sonthcrn Roate

which have too long; h:Vcl .llie ’ -coiinle-: j . V . o l "imr.ce of both church flpd state. midg iictnl hltendteicb is requested. T.

•tri elf tf) - week imeli -it ■ i:i-ly df-ino»;trato .the proa

edge, *>f Vlmi of onr Co-rrespc tdcuta. 6end'oi# y« ur ;P.vC r«, friends!

B sau tifo iS tt'an o rau i:ing of One lim

if C livus. Willi nA'ie t o f each

' T e s t F a c ts .

llliileriliiH head wutprbjws* i.iiblisliing from

ictlii'r they take piaod/wiUif i onr oWn Unowl-

■ P.«rnprknblo AfCtdfint.

Dv. J. A .' Grid ley, it ’ physician of

piicutiinemt a a nee of ipirlts;—

Southampton the following •pears in the

spiritualistic opinions; in a ass.-,• is tiie .fiithof* of c< immunisation,' which a,j> orthaniptori Gazette ol Jimp', 5th.-i i sending it to the c*dit( r, the doctor writes: ‘?Fov ^insertion; ci iitrago.” ’ -

“ Ga the 22:1 .tiltimo Hits wife of Dr. C ritUciy, a fleshy heavy woman, while ri 'acbiiig lor blO)SKonis wjtli one hand U roilgh ji chahther wjndbw; and parU lj supporting!' herself with the other b ' holding, to a small >ough, which h okc, b'us ilroeipit.iteil hoad foremostii to thi froiit yard.' Wfl* sho hurt?!—> exfcjid lionji at ail-—‘for ho gave his n igels charge concerning her that they should Ijearhoi' up.* 'What.in the name

’ hcav<iin and ail vuibotdiving clmrch e suc!i texts recorded in tlie- Bible

.ft r, if tlk sttmO principle ami heaven­ly powe^ard not as alive; ami active to­day fis it tirhb past?. Aye the heavens Uss intei-sted in the welfare of human­ity? Bolides,-her fiilherjWjio has bjton a l inhalant of the Spirit World for ]the h st liftcij|i years, illformod hoi- in' jthe 6 mning that be sohugl- liar dreat* |-nd held iler tdl that ga-V© w ay; that ho t lOfi threiV iiis own body UiuUl; hSfS t ins casedlher down! * In corrohot# t on of his'Statement ]f iVill say tlmtdier apron stritgs was brtikeh and tHft.skirt o f her dijss torn ijn several places c ‘osswise licatf the ijip,- bs though a s rorig hiuii had gatherJd it into folds ii nd iiehl it|lirm1y just aioye the kuee, t 11, as was iiffirinccl, it .gave way— no J art Of lie_r|j.ot^ig $a,ilfi' baito gj^si-I ty totteha^thc wt*,W/©t tffo -ext#4me end of its littbs COulct jftst be roached; r or AraS'thqrc anything about the wla- i ow that coiild be fond t^ tear her drossII all, and'rjuich less ip |the, direction1 bat* the slits indicated! 1$bc arose lifd 1 lUgliinginto the Hoi *er wb.lr*the ques­tion, .Wherb do you ^ivebe^?:md fttso Afith the ) o t^ ve ' .asMrttoni

i hat she had been bn jyed Up by some nvisible jxiwcr. Sh was up tlie first

" - .........................JWruiiig.am] didtor Jali find done

bar into* life, and

matioii; ig*-of I'.iedilL'i-t!

. >niiL-e(iOn;Il-v life>izi!il iv

hub to tl is ii: th/-i e .if ito try!.! Jii

22tf - W. ue

-being mai

Different Races o f Jfcn And In addiiiou (iinV Minerals '

This isin tliii country KiKlit, Ten, ot inure alij the Lnsli iiiulioi '

scien- alinler.. ■ X; there-

riJits ol' the

tliescrscveritl iitui<ii i n.i.'inal stale, best I’aiUiiitmiis ol sliows in oneh.cm leo tiir tf tiio Origi o l-tlib 'itics ..' Ad Iresa,S. P. L elax*jc|,

lijddlehury. Summii -c.<^ - M»ifveni<ini. fur

the Winter’s iectdr

H E P O H M B O O K f S ,

F oe Sa l e ;at tue “ T ID E ” O ffice.






Or G hosts and Ghost. Sefrs,



Its Philosophy Explain* d,



b y(mbs. a. r. a . uftow: r.



M O R A l \ S A Y IN G £ O F F lfC IU S .

T H E O D O R E P A R K E ; S L A V E R Y .

ThO all o^er Spiritualfthd RtformStoTy Books, furn shed to

Older, St Eastern Prices, adding Cost of Trattspo^tion.

F k o j r o , H. fiCRlVEltl’g .A d vertifin g A genoy,DEAR IS 0 R N St. C Ui C . 1 Gf 0 , 111r . m i* >i . -

F A I R B A | K 8

^-PA T lSW 'r

3 @ A L S Sv ; n -1 yr ! ’ OV ^t.t. kritns

F A IR B A N K S & G K E E N L E A F ,S * t i|li> i i re ’e t , Oli i c« k<

3 T " B e careful to buy bhly the gernfme,

(Jeoiojry se or Six, of Alan,


By’way of the Dubuque & Pacific and;Illinois Central ‘

]• '*« . j

IV CO.VNKCT TOV with the Wes’ern iyage line .from Koit Dodge, ibiva Kalis,Ceder,r'sils.anu

Waterloo, a I.SO inr onncetlon with a line of Stages fr.oiu Osage, st.;Charies,aijd Wave/ly; j

C O N N E C T I N G ,At Independence, nnd forming n Direct, Cheap, and Kxi editious Itoutfe from Sortkarn Iowa and Sinitiiern Minnesota. to Olrtcago, iinfl.ilo, Vew YnHi. Huston, Itntiiwgtw* Kew tirlean*. Glucipr jj i'i lliittiuiorc, I’iiitadeiphia, and all pointeBas|,

* »*»-Vassenge.rs, by purchasing Trough Ticket*, • ill snVe from 75 edits to $l>2o in Fare, and ore

transported with-their Baggage, from the Dubu- que & l’-aciSC Kail mad at Dubuque, to the Tllinoia L’entral Depot nt Dunleith, Free of Gliarge. I

TW O D AILY TRAIN S i Leave Dunleatlimorning rand evening.;;

At 7 45 A. M.J, and at-7 30 P. M, , lj. *** iMcepinft Cars attached to Night Train'*

bofli EastSoutl:. or Tlir'nigh.Tickcts and ini form niton, apply at the Itailroad nffioes at Ccdaii Kill is, Waterloo, Independence;and Dunleith. i; W. r. itoussos. A. PH ATT, Vi *. AVTUOjt,!?.

Chicago, Feb. 17, laco. -rtltd 1,H-- :.;,.i.....r .,r :____________ ^iMj-

0 W N,:




1S60. Summer'ArrnngemenU - i860.

Q wiil leave Freepos t Daily, (iiuudays except ed) at Hi 00 A. M., aud )1: 00 P. M., !

FOiri—' j .CHICAGO (end Intermediate places! arriviaglt

Chicago nt (i: 00 A. M.‘ and 5! ‘>0 »*• M- fraius leave Cliiongornt tl; 45 A. M. and 9; SO

M.;amving at Freeport at 4; 30 A- M. and

j - COSXSCfiNOj ) With trains for-Beloit. Janea-

AT BELVIDEfftB > vnie, Madia* n. Drsirie da i.-Mitwaukoe. &c. Chicago, Burlington ft

) Gtiio[ •> With C — „

AT Jl NCriOX ) Qainby.aitU Chicago ft Wl ) tt>U I idlroails.

all Eastern aud South rains,.............AT CHICAGO

Nora.—<1: (0 F. M,T ‘aln leaves FreeportSunday. hu|t ii/>>.

\ Connections nlinos Cental Kadresd T pains.

urday.at Kreeport witb aH 11

1 Slei-jiing Curs !», B. TALGt

II. H: PokTKH, G*.n. V*11 Night Trains. j rff, uperiutendsnt.l sbvAjgt, nUc.ftbS

Dubuque &, Pacific R. R.

Time Tab

Car*’ will run on.the ing lo tbe following notice

TltAlS’S MOstations. FSiigu-

Duhijqtie,Jiilien,I’e oala , * " * . -Epwrirlh, • »Farley, , •Dys«r*<vilie-, •B.flviihi, -Delaware CenttT, Vlsfich**»Ief, ' * iVlssoilvillr. --Viiitlirnp, |iiil<-peii(lenoe, _ Jesup, . « / ;-

e No. 18..

On and after Wei nnsdoy, June 20th,above Uo»d accor I ruble; until funhi:

’ING AVKST. ’ j-.AND.l’AtSKMorKTiub.

8 45 A. M.. 9 ’a<» “9 ffa *• ’ •«10 15 }i “10,85 “ “ 1 1 0 0 “ “1 l.,8D11145“ “12 15 P. M,

J f l Uu ..1 45 “ “2 20 “ “

TRAINS' MOVING BAST.. 1) 00 A; M. ': f l 45 « *,«

, 12 15 P .M .

::1 50 » «*2 05 “2 35 “ •• ;.8 “ t i •* *8 20 •• “8 40 “ A. . I f f 4.40 .« *. *

t agsiuit Jetup Station,’ 1'ibuq'ie Eis’ Wsrd. do- feacit those Stations :—J -a t . the lime of u U .’

„ mtft wlitoh they are'IfifCGVSidruola. 'nit tl-

B. ttrllW L E V ^ S n ft.' 1*. ' l i

R e a s o n v s . A u th o r i t y .

i.R E V IE W ,

fault which thi i Wtitto lint with Die views

aaexpressedin ■ Series,” is what I Sh'a 1 ca 1

thii ij


le proposes Y.- Brad-

1 Progressive, a misdirec- which haSted effortj Or aiming i

no existence. ;He seems to be labbrinj

delusive idea that the the Bible as, authority. t r u e !; I am qware here sibns enough of thisk nd learn, i f we have not, to' 1< ok beyond professions and srirfac > vi *v s o f things. A Spiritualist should be c mattcr-of- fd c t man! _ ^

flU s, true.that individual i talk about the ■ 'infalhbility^and Scriptures. Not a year .. o|e o f theseywisealtcr ?, in

. aiclcrgyrnan,saythat thrift! thesame as if hi fa tl er was gone ajdistahce froitf home •him a letter with his but all such preterisie r< and hollow at thafcf oho of Phllodk’s f661s


dozen thoughts, in alb iswho

v e

under the Ch .i eh receives

I bis is; not are profes-

we must

it lo a ty .o f thi ce,?l-hoafd he garb of

thd Bible came

should Write and, <fcc.;—

ai 6 mere talk, (k pa jin, must be

never liad a e,if ho does havCitjCOrt-iueoi

o -e imperfect, [le ilaimers, who

loudest about

know that the Bible, tains errors, and-is tb<! Our 7 by. 9 pulpit

are the -ones to' talk t .. _____authority, ju sta s soon as a p$g>sage is seen to.be against their idol theory,will find out th a tit is translated • wrong,-or something else .is the; latter with it,his creed is right anyJioV

In Michigan, when I fiberit several yeara as a Spiritualist v e made ranch use df S t Mark’s st tenants rela^*"' tb. tffe signs thafrflho ilc [follow that believe, and itfws i < iifpcult for our ministerial opponents^ aJway with the argurjru ht ckrding to the Bible,tl a< shall find,arid theysoii *ht and we were treated the Circuit Preacher,

! >n to which wc wen 3 lacked a cjggr. eviJ ark’s Gospel was tl tion; showing that

leStroy the Bible, or J)> admit our claims.

Specimen o f what wo .nd which goes to sh< sbes generally, con fit jrecds and clergy thi n

!e latter :must bC Ava i suit the former; 2 is a tobl which r used or laidaside t There lm ^ lee p ly

ehgions sylft^rtis of rhich,When called 6 kiid applied,will

j Spiritualist >es rSto.1 ■ iris b«H-

to fasten upon tta is, ban to battle {them for supposed e for i, especially if those ertors d o nht a ituiily.exiet.

YearsMtgd, bUriBaj tail friffridsfouffd oht.that the Sefi^tun ui v ere wrong the subject Of baptis ri, nod. translated the BibleCtOjiuit then jfel f&it ) they'also


tKO;, word Jeh uses Lordf and* t£od. would, havejbeen.of

;it been so from the reasons; /

might hav fer o f the words and men to the D eity, wj ncl source o f mischief.* 2d.— As the wordlO v e , w e j n i g h t . h a v e

B u t th e c h an g fe ctfr*.

e d t o b e o £ l i t d e h ie

whero ours This probably .t sen ice, had

Manning, for two

their correctic is, which SKouWsbkfcall- ed the Standard Bible.’ - W e should bear in miiid' hat this Committee were* Orthodox m ei, ands in the employ ,of a Bi^j'e and Missionary Society. Their claims were iccepted* sand measures begati to be -taken for. printing the Standard Bib

But just at this point, a portion of the Church'*wire sufficiently clear from dfce ihuddy writers of false theology to see where the move must land the B i­ble in the estimation of the masses ;—- and, at the same time, our free papers handled them so without mercy, that the project wjas postponed. O f Course, I do not know as -these, were all the reasons1 for postponement; it might have been, a . least in part, a matter of speculation, - lesigned to shuffle off the stock o f Bib es on hand, believing that the new would sell any way. I may: not have chi rity cndtigh, for to speak fcrnlv, I am siispiciou.8, of pious fraud; somewhere i j tliiit game.. (

However i uspicious some tlyfngs may be which the case involves,'tHere is n< mistaking so ne points there at least! :

1st.— The 'e was a fear, that the Bibb as we have it was unsound and unrelit ablc^.wliich Existed among them to aij extent that (lemanded.a candid investi­gation's^ sti ongly.that they dare not defer it any longer.

2d.— T h a ; their investigation con­firmed their fears by detecting ovkii TWENTY-THJ tEE THOUSAND ERRORS.

3d.— B y recommending a re-print,or rather the pointing of.ja Standard B i­ble, they as; rimed that jour Bible was not suitable for a Stimdard, and for that Bibleand MissionnW Society,those very ministers who formed that Com­mittee, andjtheir supporters, to paim od“ our Biblb as God’s W ord, and’a re­liable gmdcjto frith and practice, is ;a

of vjillainy; of which a comm >n villain woulp bo ashamed.* Tam awi re that honesty in error is a common thi ig among morials, and \vould be charija1 Uo to other as I wish1 them to be to me, and have no wish to-condemn Wen promicuous|y,but -am compelled to fbel that some 4’ho are involved in that bu­siness knoif Setter than to play such a double gam'e, arid ought to be told o f their sin in unmistakable language; Bo this as it maypt is cei-tairi that the Bap­tist denomination,.arid our- American Boards for Missionavy‘and* Bible pur­poses, decliu-e the .Want,of . reliability in our Bible, and/ suppose that they know enough to 'make a'better one; arid yet, with what awful sanctity'they caff talk about those Vrho1 suppose that the Bible contain^ error's. 0 ! Mont

8TR0US!! I ' .' ‘ "! ' {■Now, i f these things are sopmy dear

Br. Bradstreet should- not accuse the church o f taking the^Bible as authorityi Snaps n o t g u il t y , aff'd it is pefectiy futile and Vain fof.OffV o f her 'branch-

to make that pretebce, or' to claim the book is authority ; in doing So,they arc as unfeasonable-as the man Who is opposed to war, and resorts to nature as a guide while .its elements are in perpetual'war all about, him, and. he wotftd did of .etaghatlon the first honr that this warring shopld cease.

True, we have ih the W esley creed the statement thai tVo Bible is' the only rule, and ; the suffidiefft rule, both of faith arid practice J but We must recol­lect that John W ^ ley waS a -min' wlio reasoned deeply arid logically, arid co’d never have intended! to slipplant that principle iff Others.' ;T hbW ei’’apfiei to be thai ifc ^ ^ e % St rule th _ knew of, {and if they lived up to, its light as hie presented it, they woyld_fi- ballypjet ;tpkeayen.; .and as SpTnfuf-

we, o oourtef h ^ e no content* on that s u b i e o t l led With IheiBible-ts-v .f iU e lJ p ih e N e w T ^

4 our veMiohft >ie. H e 4 ho d<

pr ^ v e uf) their ij i e p ^ c i " '

A W e e k l y -N e w s p . the Investigation and the Facts'and PhUosophy of “ Modern Spiritualism,” t h » N e w o f the Day, and .Moral Reftmn generally. O nr col­umns are open to. \ |1‘F r e e D is u s s io n o h a l l S u b je c t s ,

connected with Morals oq.Religion; ‘so that no soul who has an Earnest Tho’t to utter for- the, Good o f Maukind^shall be deprived of a mediui to bring tliat tliought h ‘ pie, so long as it is . clot ful language.

As the “ Rising Tide” Of Old Oecsin .sweeps awav Cvemhii ig within its reach which has riot a sr hstafftial fouii dation; so we ’intend* tl e energies, of

{Creeds, Theo-

TlIE WATER-CURK v o te d to H y d r o p a t h y , a n d P r a c t i c e ; P h y s io l a rid th e L a w s d f L i f e a b y th e b e s t w r i t e r s . I l l ly : O n e $1 a y e a r .

New. Advertii ements.- P R O S P E C T U S'O F

T H E B I S I N d T I D E :.er , devoted to lihfoldment. ot

o f M a u k in d jS h a l l p lisa ( tliro* vjhichlEdw * ^ .re the^PecH!^. -A

d in respect- q ’co.

our Paper, shall be bit>u< ;ht to sweeping away all false r v "“'1iHTttJI MU A v . uvwm) ? V vrieS jD ogm a^andV hatei er is not basedupon' the inmiutable prij; nal Truth.

T im “R is in g T id e ” good paper, with New ' ten up in a Neat, Tasty tal Style, and afforded, i rates, Cash in Advance

©ne copy, One Y car Ten M “ “

Twenty And a copy gratis to ea

sends uy ii-elub of T< - - Address

D. P . & Mrs. M. Mi


hiples of Eteri

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sgiven before the College ontlm ScienceW ots. Business-Customs, anlf, during'

scasob; regular staled Lectures on iCdniniQi-cial Law, (nuking, and Finance, Commercial Ethics, Politi ■ - - '■•*

22,'J9. a c l l - t y r A. BAYLIfS,

( x r a e f e n b e r g F a m i l y: x d s 'nc «C3 max




LOTION. - ■ -EYE .........ORE! IN MOUNTAIN OINTMENT,IIKA --------*---------MAN

[vii;,T!I BITTERS, -*<)L OP HEALTH, - - ‘f 25pr' above Medicines are contidently ret‘ • - .tihnv : Ii tended to the public. T hat they- b e I t c l i u d u p o n i n k l l

;e $3 p H o t

X fill “100“ 500“• fiiO “

6b ••

I r -. yiiprhot. ^Jtpr.bo*

• 26|>r..pkg 25nr.cpy.

' sdorn-

ilcli t)»ev arc recommended, lit fa'ct es* hed by FOURTEEN YEARS’ cipcrtepee.. mdance of Uiisolicitcd/rcstimony, front the -

__ uLhoritythe country affords, mayjtlc;folnidin ttu publication* of the Urhefonberg COmpiny.

The Manual of Health,Ne% Jdition, Elegantly lilutjtratcd wiih jc]ol<ired Kng'r ivings of tho Human Systei-i. liaB roceiycd the n idlialifted approbationjof the

P r o f e s iik admirablv adnpieji for th | ir I,',,

cal agents.’ PrcpnredTby Did Grnefj any, 32 Park Row, N. V..nndlfof s lt V. PUTNEY. ' - | JndepfehiA. BUTLER. - - 1= V* T1V; WHITNEY, I Quhsduelby agents, Drnggl ti ts; and Pale tit IcalCrs cvef-ywber >. Call on i

Almtnifcs anil Pfmiplib t 'gratis. . If L13, H . C O H N E L iB ;S , G eli'l ,

40- ni] 62 Wiscon >ii -sti, Miiwiukei


1TI0H O W lltU A f S O tU '

P h i l a d e p h i a ;J benevolent -Irisiituiion, [established

Special, En(hwmenl, hj'or (Ja Relief o f tli6 Sick aud\ Die-

tressed,aflicled with F?>- ■ ulent and Epidemic

■ Diseases,and es- \ pecially fo r |

(he (Jure ^Diseases o f the Sexuaf Or fans.

ou Spoftnatoi rliooa, ADiseases of the Sexual Organs, sd< ttEMBDIEft employed lo llil) Uii

(cite oce ipation,

REMEDIES employed ii thb Dili .eusary, ,o (bo a filleted in sesldd letUr eiiSrciopes, f, chargo. Two or three Stadjps {for poW- -lll ho acceptable. ----- T ] ISrdss, Dlt. Jl KKILLIN HOUCUTQN, AcU rgooft, Howard AsSciation, N6 2 Koiith lHb Phliadelpin, l*n. lty order 6l the ~Dirodt->

KERA 1). 11E A ItTW ELL, Pfdiiduut.. FaiiiOIiii/o, Heufctnry. r . lj--lyr.

GrrealDiscoyeryAs repotted ai PikeV Peak

H U M B l

But it is ft (act that

I ' S f . P: Has the Largest and best

G o l dmay be

& ! !


Stock ofOrocerieE ,1 Drugs,Me d i c i n e s , p a i n t s , o i l s ,

Dy |e STUFFS, and WINDQW GLASS West of Dubuqm

Hi* Stock la' Extensive and Coinplete.

hav ng been purchased with CASH , ai

rer r low rales, and he W ILL fSELL at

G rd lly Reduced Prices. His Stock -con­

sist: ,,in pa t, of the folloing articles':

AlcohoUTurpine, Camphni,

. Burning Fluid, Fluid Lamps,

C>al Oil, a Cheap, and .Brilliant Light, .Varnishes,-Oils.of various kinds,

Paints of various cults,Brushes, a General Assoi tme’nt,

Pure-Wines and Liquors, fo ■ Medicinai • | Purposes only. .Toys, a Guoffl •

*! f Assortment.


STATIO N ER Y, &c., &c.

Alsd, constantly on hand, ;l Full Sup­ply of the most Popular and Meritoriou

7P a t e n t JTIedici tics, Perfumery, Toilet and Fane f. Articles.

Coffee, Tea, 'Sugar, Molasses

, Ppp . Spice, SLrtus,

; ; Brooms, Tobacco, Snuff,

Fresh’ Gard.cri;See< a,. &c.,&c.)&e.

- In short, he intends.to keep,./?/ A LL TIMES, a Good Assortment of articles in lus line; and'Goods, Too, lhat lie can Recommend and Warrant-as Pure!



G e n u in e So those wishing tiling in this line, will* plena a remeii iber

use ol 1 . C. West of-the

the place, in (he* Ban king. Ho BA RULE & Co., one door Moiiruur.House, Main Stret

Independence/ JF*Physician’s Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at A L L hours, day or ni glit. 2 1* Country J’roduce lakeujin excln nge

Sand :o buy any-


lor Goods, Feb. 21,. 2 5 I n 2 2 - l j | r

MONEY SAVED!C» A V E Y O U R M ONEY tripureliu: O Goods of KIN SLEY &BUW LEY


IHE L A R G E ST STOCKlavet recL’ivff lH E L. ed at Ihe Cheajp^Caali S t4 e of.


« |1 POUND! * 1 00 at

|ine Brown Sugar K. & B’

.THE BEST Fifty.Cent Tea ever offe in (lie West at K i & B ’i

PRINTS ■— jhe best. ev< yard* for 91,at K inslcy It

They hare on hand a fine D RY GOODS,.


offeredBow t,ex!

, BOOTS &. £ HOES,

h a t s C a p s ,

, MillineryWhich (hay dffftr Whblem


kt RadUced Prices for Cash

’ {All kinds of Country exchange for Goods! Two

it) Union Block, Main l,

I n d e p e n d e n c e , -


M ay 7 . 1859. 20

esEfLATHl:*A tte r ie y a t ^ a ir ft Iai»

I n d e p e n d e n c e , ^tYTlblj PR A CTICE fit the VY thl» Judicial District, and

buaiaegseAtriiiied ta bis cafi' t'ud de»p«l<jh.‘ INSURANCE . PfimutX Company of Hartford reasonable tsnno.an* iWthontdlali

'February it, lftSft.


Id.fft'ffd Retai

nee takeri in West Rooms

- ^ I o w a .ROWLEY,

3 1 - f y r .

op;■ C*. I g e o I o w a , ,

LOCATED AT : > K CJncago.Ntvr V orfc. Philadelphia. Albiur, ftf. falo, Ole v^I a ml, Detroit, and St. Louis. Schoi-a, ship good throughout the entire chaihol '■“llruP!!,1 .

ipNsoLlDATION of "Bryant .A BimUjcV Mercantile College1'aud •‘fiell’a CommeteiilC'o!. lege/’ now conducted oa one Inatitution,* .la the recipient of an extraordinary and Bsw r cedented patronage. Larmon filock, forcff,! Clark and Washington streets, Pmuctt lu.PL B. BR-f AST, B. V. BBM/. n. B. Stiunij!.

/ Prlnc ipalsaod Proprietors.By.this consolidation' the col.'eeiate

ts very greailv enlarged, and with, iheiafri,. m ents which th e ‘business experience of ’rlncipals enables them constantly to inlrodnct

fornhe benefit of the ir students, it is midi iaith superior in all respects. j

Book-Keeping and Accounts, ;Originated a m j' conducted upon the '(vmt-i* Room system, .the HallS'of study being UueJ with appropriate Counters, Desks, Ac., as ia Hed Business, and the student a t once introduce to the praoDcaLirerkings and routine of basinf- as conducted in Batiks, Counting Eoo'uii, liiil road Offices; A c. ni . .

COMMERCIAL LAW.By epepial arrangement wi^i the Lax Stho'

of the University of Chicago, the session which are held in onr College rooms, our S dents are privileged to attend all the lectures is this department, < and to receive instruction ia< this important branch, of the course, from tk able, .accomplishejl, and learned Professors tli that School; and it affords us .much' gntificaiioi to be enabled to offer them these ExtraorJiairj| and Superior Advantages. ’ h~.-

“SPENCERIAN” PENMAfjlHIP,yThis famous system—the flssr- know it tie

w orld,is our standard. - - v. |*** Cirfijil.irarid Catalogue, of SO pare* fui

nished. gratuitously on application to the onder-j signed, BRYA'NT,' BELI. Ac STRJTIOX

Nov. 19,1359. ' f-rtiTl


VVe desire to have it carry the

© L A © T B 0 -8M6 I to erm usd,

That the Largest, Cheapest, and B it

Stodk of! ' . •






' I

And Every Style of Gfiotfs-

Calcated to make this life I?et .

anti Home Plea an!, $an bo foie fit. 1

Brick Store near (lie Bridge.

F . Q> W I L C O X .

cann6t re/rai from Speaking of I lit

jiawra isaaa*Also of our DOLLAR TEA, which [ft

are telling for

- IK Mi V J G A 'T Y C U vV T ^ .

r. c. wilcoxI-■ _____ , ’i .il

• W A N T E D iGrain arid Firodace.. 1

Of Every DescriptionIn. exchange for the -V.

• 1VEU£88ARli8 OF


IND FilNH ifoOLGN CW( li;|,. At liriLCOX?.

FAN ^Y DREfes .GOODS; ‘I8todk, Ch^sp bir jDaah, af - ()