PAGE ELEVEN THE RICHMOND PALLADIUM AND SUN-TELEGRA- M THURSDAY, JAN. 30, 1919. Municipal Electric Light Power Co.. electric current for sehool. pirn. No school 10. $70.00; Marjorle Plcktt teaching school. DIs No. l, Ito.ov; eui mor- - a 11 r. aaWI maWaI Til as nlA 98c: Dy and Price, insurance on row, teaching school. Dla. No. 8. $!. DIs. No 14 $28.05. ! France Simmon, teaching school. DIs. Dec. 20 Frank -- Slmcoke. ' drlvln No- - 3. $100.00; Cora Nolder. teaching school hack to Dis. No 10. $63s Clar- - .chool. Dl. No. 6, $76.00; Ethel Htm. ence E. Jefferls. driving school hack teaching school. Dl. No. . $5-00- . to Dl. No. 1. $48.36; LBsl Forb. M. D. Hutching, teaching school. school hick to Dl. No. 3. $$0; ,No. . $$0.00: Lo ra Eldrldg. "; Joaeph Bietry. driving ochool hack toschooL DIs. No. . $80.00; Or ML White. ni No 9 860: Durbln" Bro.. driving teaching school. Dl. No. 9. $100.00; voting booth. 12.61. Dec. II Helen Edgerton, hlp In of-fle- e, $13.00 , . RECEIPTS ROAD FUND Amount on hand, Jan. lot, Kit. $31.53 Feb. 7 Dickinson Truat Co., Tem- porary Ian to Road Fund (emrgen-cy- ). 11.000.00 , v June $4 L. S. Bowman. Co. Auditor, June Distribution of Fund $1434.33. TOVHS1UP TRUSTEE'S ANNUAL REPORT To Th. Advisory Board of Wayno Township, Wayno County, Indiana, January, 11t. . I, J. O. Edgerton. trusts of Warn Township, Wayno County, Stat of Ind- iana, make th following report to tit "r"- - lc"v'"" ."V""V $50.00; J. . ptarr, teschlnr-ihool- , DIs. No. 10. $30.00: Elenita. 8lmmons; teaching school, DIs. No. 10. Mary Thornton Spillman. teaching " Z m aaa va. ir I school hack to Dl. no. . oi.v; w. Williamson, driving achool hack tOiJ. Dt8. No. 3. $8L25; J. C. Blngly. drlv- - jn( school hack to DIs. No. 13. $45; Mr. t v niMnn hiullnr children to! IDls. No. 11. $15: Russell F. Clark. 'tor WOrk. school Dl. No. 1. $40: Pas- - Dla. No. 10. $60.00: Cl rtr. teaching school. Dl. No. 11. $100.00. April 10Oeo. M. Guyer, repair of building. Dla. No. 5. n. 13, 13, 14 and 18, $61.20: J. C. Starr, express charges paid on school exhibit, $1.05. April 11 W. H. Oesttng Plumbing; Co., repair work on pipes and sanitary fountain at DIs. No. 14, $23.00; Will Turner, hauling children to Dl. No. 1$, $16.00. April 13 Russell Clark. Janitor work school DIs. No. 1. $20.00; Elijah Tharp. janitor work at school Dla. No. and extras, $36.80. April 18 Passmore Avery, i janitor work at school Dl. No. 8 and extras, $20.60; Olive Toney. Janitor work at school DIs. No. 6, $33.00; Agnes Miles, Janitor work at school DIs. No. 6. 36.00; Wm. Bartel Sr., Janitor work at school Dl. No. 9 and extras. $48.00: John Jenkins, janitor work at school Dis. No. 11 and extras. $43.00; C. H. Little driving school hack to DIs. 1 and expense. $101.26; Bessie Forbes, driving- - school hack to Dis. No. 3, $43.00. Will Mattl. driving; school hack DIs. No. 9. $45.00; Frank Slmcoke, driving school hack to Dis. No. 10. $62.00; Joseph Bietry. driving school hack to DIs. No. 9. $56.00; Ira P. Bishop, driving school hack to Dis, No. 10, $53.00; Mrs. J. F. Gibson, driving school hack to Dl. No. 11. $17.00; Eugene An- derson, driving school hack to Dis. No. 13. $47.25; Edna L. Toney Institute fees and Janitor-wor- k, DIs. No. 13, $36.50. April 15 Madge J. Guthrie, Institute more A very janitor work school Dis. No. j, $25; Olive Toney. Janitor work DIs. jla. No. 5. $35; Wm. Bartel. 11. $140 m SJMmnova and oil- - Ing floors and material furnished, Dis. NO. 10. $36.60. r. - Aug. - 27 John Jenkins, cleaning school room. Dl. No. 11. $19. ; Aug.. 2$ Go. M- - Guyer. Installing desk at Dl. No. 11-- $22.60;; Rus- sell Clark, cleaning school hou, DIs. 1 and material, $37.30, a m . Au. 29 American ny. at wp ' Co.. freight charge on school supplies. 37c: Pamore Avery, cleaning school rooms and oiling floors school. DIs. No. s son-miir- e Tvmev. cleaning rooms and I oiling- - floor. Dl. No. 6. $20. Aug. 81 Howard Turner, storing No. 8 achool hack and delivering to shop . for repairs. $7; Lis' Pickett, painting , and decorating- - at Dl. No. 14. $30; nl. T. stAiif claaninsr room and oi floors. DIs. No. i z. no; v. painting and tlntln walls at DIs. No, 9, $$5.v. .''" Sept 4 C. C. Durkel, painting and decorating .walls at DIs. No. 9, $68.25. i Sept. Robert School, cleaning school building. Di. No. 14. $!!. Sept. 10 W. A. pame. repmnm school hacks. DIs. No. 3 and 9, $92.70; k and frpiffht on school sunnlles for DIs. No. 11-- $9.42: W. E. Evans, drayage and, freight on school supplies, DIs. 11-- $1. Sept. 11 Moore A Ogborn. fire in surance on Dis. No. 11, $24.14; A. r. Jessup. palrxir-- and decorating walls. DIs. No. 11, $41.68. , ! Sept. 12 O. B- - Fulghum,, fire and tornado Insurance, $25.30. Sept. 14 W. Borton. repair or ieacn. er's desk at DIs. No. 10. $1.75: Wm. j Bartel, Sr., cleaning school house and care of premises school. - in, no. . . $22.15; Noah Ryan, building fence at Ols. No. 11 A. $70 Jones Hardware C04 fence, fence posts, grates and post tops for Dis. No. tl-- $285.75. Sent. 17 Agnes Miles, cleaning school rooms and oiling floors. No. 6, $20. Rent. 19 Geo. M. Guver, repair work !at schools, 3. 12, 13 and 14, $78. ' Sept. 25 O. O. Baumger f riming Co.. programs for commencement. $30.65. ..- i Sept. 26 V. K. Juerllr.r. bl. or con- tract for building, DIs. No. 11-- $50. ! Sept 22 Dr. S. E. Bond, examination of pupils throats, Dis. No. 6, $15; Rus sell Clark. Janitor work at Dis. No. 1, $40; Passmore Avery, Janitor work at DIs. No. 3. $26; Olive Toney. Janitor work at DIS. No. 5, $35; Agnes Miles. Janitor work at DIs. No. 6, $35; Wm. Barter. Sr., Janitor work at Dis. No. 9, 840; EIHah Tharp. Janitor work at DIs. No. 10. $41; Ira Gilmore. janitor work at Dis. No. 11 and 11-- A. $60; C. E. Jef. ferles. driving school back to . Dis. No. 1, $65: Bessie Forbes, driving school hack to DIs. No. 3. $30: Joseph 'Bietry, driving school hack to DIs. No. 9, $60; j. a. Durblng, driving school hack lo Dis. No. 9. $70; Frank Simcoke. driving school hack to DIs. No.-10- , $70; W. M. Williamson, driving school hack to J"is. No. 8, $67: J. C. Rlngley. driving school hack to Dis. No. 13. $80; Mrs. Geo. Llovd. driving school hack to Dis. No. 15. $38. . ,. Sept. 28 Myrtle UiDSOn. naming children to Dis. No. 11. $19; W. O. Crawford, window shades and supplies for all schools. $3.33: Herman Rem- mert. hauling children to Dis. No. 13. $12: C. H. Miles, repair work and ma- terial furnished. Dis. No. 6. $8.65. Oct. 4 Omer G. Wheian, grass seed for school. Dis. No. 11-- 1Z.2&. Oct. 5 Richmond Insurance Agency, Insurance on school Dis. No. 10. $8.47. Oct 7 E. J. Wright, rent of hack for school, Dis. No. 10, $24. Oct. 8 Jones Hardware Co.. fence and supplies. DIs. No. 13. $100.71. Oct. 9 Richmond Electric Co , elec- tric fixtures for Dis. No. 11-- $123.70; Klger and Co.. supplies for all schools, $72.44. Oct 10 Hoosler Mercantile Co.. sup- plies for all schools. $49.91. .Oct 11 Board of Industrial Aid for Blind, brooms for ; all schools, $30; Thomas Moorehead, disinfecting vaults, all schools, $27.75: Geo. M. Guyer, re- pair work at DIs. No. 1. 3, 9, 10, 11 and ll-- $'J9.45. Oct. 12 Klehfoth. Niewoehner Co., cement and pipe, $27.65: Smith System H?alipg Co.. stove repair, parts. Dis. No. 3. $8.32. Oct . 15 J. O. Edgerton. treas., printi- ng-, etc., trustee's fund. $65.46; The Htarr Piano Co.. organ for school, DIs. No. 14. $15. 0:t. 16 John Shurley, . delivering supplies and coal." $8.60. Oct.- - 19 Passmore Avery, " janitor work at school. DIs. No. 3. $6.25. Oct 21 Bartel & Robe, supplies for ill schools, $150.35. Oct. 26 Russell F. " Clark. Janitor work at school Dis. No. 1. $40; Pass-mor- e Avery. Janitor work at school Dis. No. 8. $18.75; Olive Toney. Janitor work at school DIs. 5. $85: Agnes Miles.'Janl-to- r work at school Dis. No. 6. $35: Wm. Bartel Sr., Janitor work at school Dis. No. 9, $40; Elijah Tharp. janitor work t school Dis. No. 10. $40: W. A. Tin- - thank, Janitor work at school Dis. io. 11-- 140: Ross N. Lammott. janitor work at school DIs. No. 11, 310; Frank Simcoke. driving school hacK to his. Kn 10. 121: Herman Remmert. hauling children to school. Dis. 13. 31.80; Jo seph Bietry, driving school rcK to his. NO. 9. lis: A. 1. Jessup, painting anu tinting wall at DIs. 15, $56.20. Oct. 29 Wayne County Abstract Co., preparing abstract for school. Dis. No. 7, $5. Oct. 30 J. F. Gibson, hauling chil- dren to Dis. No. 11. $6. Oct. 31 Mrs. Geo. Lloyd, hauling children to DIs. No. 15, $12. - Nov. 1 E. C. Routh. repairing school heck and material, school. Dis. No. 1. $24.40; A. T. Jessup, painting and dec- orating. $57.50. Nov. 2 Bessie Forbes, driving school hack to Dis. No. 3. $9; The McConaha Co., fence and gates for DIs. No. 11-- $33.40; W. M. Williamson, driving school hack to Dis. No. 3. $57. Nov. 4 Geo. M. Ouyer, repairs and material, all schools, $$5.45. Nov. 6 H. R. Townsend, 1 stove and stove pipe. DIs. No. 1. $10.75. 1 Nov. II Joe Lvbarger. ditching at school. Dis. No. 11-- $7.25. Nov. 14 Durbln Bros., driving school hack to Dis. No. 9. $21; Jones Hard- ware Co., repair supplies for all schools $52.14; Klger and Co.. school supplies. $47.96. Nov. 15 W. E. Evans, hauling tile to school. DIs. No. 11-- $3: Ross N. Lammott. Installing: electric lights at Dis. 10, $62.70. Nov. 16 Joseph Bietry. repair of school hack. DIs. No. 9. $12.50; L. F. Ulmer. cleaning Btove pipe and placing lining, school Dis. No. 1, $2.5: Jas. C. ningley. driving school hack to Dis. No 13, $18. Nov. 18 Elijah Tharp. janitor work and extras. Dis. No. 10. 335; Ira P. Bis- hop, hauling - gravel to school. Dis. 11-- $10.60; Linden Edgerton. painting and cleaning at schools. DIs. No. 11. 13 and 15. $28.70. Nov. 21 Mrs. J. F. Gibson, hauling Children to Dis No. 11. $12. Nov. 22 Russell F. Clark, Janitor work at school. Dis. No. 1. 340; Pass-mo- re Avery, janitor work at school. Dis. No 3. $25: Olive Toney. Janitor work at school. Dis. No. 5. $35: Agnes Miles, janitor work at school. Dis. No. 6, 835: Wm. Bartel. Sr., Janitor work at school. Die. No. 9. $40: Elijah Tharp. janitor work at school. DIs. No. 10. $20; W. A. Unthank. Janitor work at school. Dis, No. 11-- $42.25: C E. Jefferies. driving school hack to Dis. No. 1 for Oct. and Nov.. $126.51; W. M. William son, driving school hack to Dis. No. 3. $15 50; Bessie Forbes, driving school hack to Dis. No. S. $22; Joseph Bietry, driving school hack to Dis. No. 9. 833: Frank Simcoke. driving school hack to DIs. No. 10, 324.50: Jas. C. Ringley. driving school hack to DIs. No. 13, $33: Will Turner, driving school hack to Dis. No. 15. $24; Herman Remmert, driving school hack to DIs. No. 13, $6.60; Ross Lammott. Janitor work at chool, DIs. No. 11, $35. . Nor. 26 The J. M. Coe Prlsjllng Co, printing examination questions for all schools, $72. - ' Nov. 37 Romey Furniture Co.. rent of chairs for DIs. No. U-- A. $1.76. Nov. 80 Geo. M. Guyer. repair of buildings. No. 3, 11 ll-- A. 12 and 13 ' 3100: Noah Ryan, work on fences and i cutting wood at DIs. No. 5 and 10, f7 OS Dec. 2 Richmond Lumber Co., re- pair for school buildings. $71.11. Dec. 3 Irvin Reed A Son, repair for school buildings. $103.58. . Dec. 13 Passmor Avry, oiling floors, school Dis. No. 3, $5. . Dec. 14 Ross N. Lammott, material for wiring at DIs. No. 11. $43.13. Dec. 16 W. A. rarae. repair oj school hack and new curtains, $9.26; gravel at 36c. DIs. 4, $37.60. Dec 1 Henry Roger. $3 L. gravel at 30c, Dl. No. 3. $lf.40. Deo. 31 Russell F. Clark, , work . on roada. Dla. No. 1, $36.19. Dec. 84 H. B. White, work on road. Dla. No. 1. $33.$0. Dec. 28 Burk Supply Co., 2 awr ptpes, $65.04; J. D. Adams Co.. 1 cul-ve- Tt pipe. $4$.$$; Parker Elwood. 120 L. gravel. DIs. No. 1, $34.00. -; at Deo. 81 Wm. E. Miller, 30 L. gravel, $6.00. 10 RECEIPT, gPBlCIAI. SCHOOL FUND Amount on hand Jan. 1st, 191$, $5.- - $33.42. . April 13 L. S. Bowman. Co. auditor, advance on Jun distribution of special achool. $3,600.00. ;:''" Jun 16 Second National Bank, tem- porary loan to reimburse special school fund for school building, DIs. 11-- A, $1,000.00; Union National Bank, temporary loan to reimburse special school fund for school building, DIs. 11-- $1,000.00; Dickinson Trust loan to reimburse special to school fund for school building. DIs. No. 11-- $1,000.00. June 24 L. 8. Bowman. Co. auditor, June distribution of funds. $4,380.73. July 31 Otto L. Klauss.yto reimburse special achool fund for a vocational teacher. $1,022.22. Oct. 15 Samuel W. Gaar, purchase price of Smyrna school house. 3355.0T. Dec. 19 W. H. Brooks, Co. auditor, December distribution Of State funds, $5,981.71. . Tl 'TV- - Dlaharaemeala ,' ' U:' Jan. 10 A. D. Thompson, driving school hack to Dl. No. 10. $10.00; Chas. E. .Working, architect' fe for work on plans of new school building. Dis. NO. 11-- A. 1160.00. Jan. 14 W. A. Parke, repairing1 school hack. DIs. 3. $17.20. Jan. 16 Th Prless Grocery lies and groceries for domestic science for school. DIs. No. 5, $7.18: Hoosler Mercantile Co.. supplies ana linoleum for school, Dis. No. 6, domes- tic science, $60.93. Jan. 22 T. H. I. A E. Trac Co.. car tickets for 9th grade pupils to Garfield, $10.00; H. F. Ewbank & Son, coal oil and supplies for suhool, DIs. No. 10, $3.28; Grace Bulrd. janitor work at school. Dis. No. 6, $32.00; Municipal Light plant, electric eurrent foruse at school, DIs. No. 10, $6.74. Jan. 23 A. D. Thompson, driving school hack to DIs. No. 10, $40.00. Jan. 20 Russell F. Clark,- - janitor work at Dis. No. 1. and extras, $38.00; Passmore Avery, Janitor work at DIs. No. S. $20.00; Agnes Mllen. janitor work at Dis. No. 6, $32.00; Wm. Bartel Sr., janitor work at DIs. Jio. 9. $35.00: Elijah Tharp, Janitor work at Dis. No. 10 and extras. $37.00; John Jenkins, janitor work at DIs. No. 11. $35.00; I. T. Beck, teaching agriculture In all schools. $75.00: Eugene Anderson, driv- ing school hack to DIs. No. 13. $50.00: C. H. Little, driving school hack to DIs. No. 1. $60.00: Bessie .Forbes, driving school hack to DIs. No. 3, and rent of rig, $36.00: Howard Turner, driving school hack to DIs. No. 3. $59.00; Will Haiti, driving school hack to Dia. No. 9. $45.00; Frank Slmcoke, driving school hack to Dis. No. 10 and coal oh rur- - n Is tied for same. $60.90; Josph Blelry. driving school hack to Ti. No. 9. $50.00; Mary Ammerman. hauling chil- dren to school. DIs. No 11. $4.00: O. E. Dickinson, new clock for hi, jj's. No. 15. $4.80. Jan. 28 John Cllnehens. repair t schools Nos. 9. 10, 12 and IS. $3.25. . Jan. 30 Klehfoth & Nlewoehner. coal for schools, Nos. 10. 12 and 43. and repair material, $99.60. Jan. 31 Chas. O. King, setting one tire on school hack. No. 10. $ 75. Harry S. Stlltlnger. coal oil for schools Nos. 9 and 11 and school hacks. $2.76. Feb. 2 John Leo, load of kindling for achool. DIs. No. 11. $3.60; Russell Clark. Janitor work at school, Dis. No. 1, $15.00; Will Turner, driving school hack to Dis. No. 16, $40.00; Geo. M. Guyer, repair of school buildings, Nos. 5, 10. 13 and 14. $10.00. Feb. 6 Klger and Co. supplies for all schools, $101.48. Feb. 7 ir. it. p. Morrow, vaccinat- ing pupils at school No. 3. $4.00. Feb. 8 L. M. Jones, cross cut saw for cutting; trees at achool, Dla. No. 10, $3.00. Feb. 9 A. D. Thompson, driving school hack to Dis. No. 10. $25.00. Feb. 11 Smith System Heating Co., fcr sanitary closet system for new school, DIs. No. 11-- $459.60. Feb. 14 Dr. S. Edgar Bond, vaccinat- ing pupils at schools DIs. Nos. 1 and 3, $16.75. - Feb. 16 A. M. Hood, repairing school hack, Dis. No. 3, $2.00. Fob. 18 John Lee, 1 load of kindling for DIs. No. 3. $5.00. Feb. 19 Horace Holtcamp," irrales and exoress charges for Dis. 11. $14-70- . Feb. 20 Mary Ammerman, hauling children to school DIs. No 11. $16.00. Feb. 21 J. P. Evans, kindling for school. DIs. No. 10, $15.25. Feb. 23 Russell F. Clark. Janitor work at school DIs. No. 1. $35.00; Pass-mor- e Avery, Janitor work at school DIs. No. 3, $20.00: Olive Toney, Janitor work ut school Dis. No. 5. $32.00: Wm Bartel Sr., Janitor work at school DIs. No. 9 and extras. $37.60; Elijah Tharp. janitor work at school. Dis. No. 10. $33 00; John Jenkins, .janitor work at school Dis. No. 11. $35.00; C. H. Little, driving school hack to DIs. No. 1. $60.00; Bessie Forbes, driving school hack to Dis. No. 3, $35.00; Howard Tur- ner, driving school hack to DIs. No. 3, $59.00; Joseph Bietry, driving school hack to DIs. No. 9, $50.00: Will Mattl. driving school hack to DIs. No. 9 and coal oil. $46.25; Frank Slmcoke. driving school hack to DIs. No. 10. $60.00; Eu- gene Anderson, driving school hack to Dis. No. 13. $60.00; Will Turner, driv- ing school hack to Dis. No. 13, $40.00; Ira P. Bishop, driving school hack to DIs. No. 10, $25.00; A. B. Carman, coal oil and supplies for school, DIs. No. 3, $9.40. Feb. 26 Howard Turner, driving school hack to Dis. No. a. $59.00; Irvin Heed & Son. hardware and supplies for all schools. $14.64; Wayno Works, re pairs for school hacks, 31. so. Feb. 27 V. H. Juerllng. part pay on contract, new school building. DIs. No. ll-- $639.00; V. H. Juerllng. part pay on contract, new school building, Dis. No. ll-- $1,000.00; II. S. Stiliinger, coat oil for schools Nos. 9 and 11 and hacks, $3.36. Mar. 4 Richmond City Water Works, privilege of hydrant for school, DIs. No. 9. $5.00. Mar. 6 I. T. Beck, teaching agricul- ture In all schools. $250.00: Klehfoth. Niewoehner Co.. coal for schools, 9, 10. 11 and 12. $123.50. Mar. 9 Geo. M. Guyer. repair work at school, DIs. No. 11. $33.00; T. H. t A E. Trac. Co., car tickets for pupils from Dis. No. 11 school to Garfield. $10.00; Homer Evans, tuning piano at achool. Dis. No. 1. $2.50; Bennett Isen-howe- r. hauling children to school, DIs, No. 13. $39.75. Mar. 15 Forrest Monger, freight and drayage of school furniture. $59.49. Mar. 16 John Jones, cutting wood at school DIs. No. 10. $7.88; Agnes Miles, janitor work at school Dis. No. 6, $90.00; C. II. Miles, repair work at school Dis. No. 6, $7.00. Mar. 22 Elijah Tharp. Janitor work at school Dis No. 10, $32.00- - Mar. 28 Russell F. Clark, janitor work at Dis. No. 1 and extras. $38.42. Mar. 23 Passmore Avery, Janitor work at Dis. No. 3. $20.00; Olive Toney. janitor work at DIs. No. 5. $82.00; Wm. Bartel Sr.. Janitor work at DJs. No. 9. $35.00: John Jenkins, Janitor work at DIs. No. 11. $36.00; Chas. H. Little driving school hack to Dis No. 1. $60.00; Bessie Forbes, driving sehool hack to Dla. No. 3. $30.00: Howard Turner, driving school hack to DIs. No. 3. $59.00:. Will Mattl. driving school hack to DIs. No. 9. $43.00: Frank Slmcoke. driving school hack to DIs. No. 10. $60.00; Joseph Bietry. driving school hack to Dis. No. 9. $50.00i Will Turnr. driving school hack to DIs. No. 15. $40.00; Eugene Anderson. driving sehool hack to DIs. No. 13, $50.00: J. F. Gibson, driving- - school hack to Dis. No. 11, $20.00; I. T. Beck, teaching agri- culture in all schools, $100.00; Ira P. Bishop, driving school back to Pis. No. 10. $50.00. Mar 2.8 H. S. Stiliinger. coal oil for DIs. Nos. 9 and 11 and hack. $3.43. April 6 Richmond Lumber Co., lumJ ber for repairs, dis. no. 11. 65.60; Rich- mond Lumber Co.. lumber for repair Dis. No. 10, $.95. April 6 M. D. Hutchtngs, institute attendance 7 day. $28.00: April 9 -- John Lee, kindling for N. 6 school, $4.00; J. O. Edgerton, treas. expense of institute and printing ex- amination questions, etc., $18.00. Deo. 1 W. H. Brooks, Co. Auditor. December Distribution of Stat Fund $311.44 DISBURSEMENT ROAD FOKO Jan. 14 J. B. Diehl. Work on Roads, DIs. No. 1. $10.00. Jan. 13 N. P. White. Work on Roads, DIs. 1, . Jan. 19 Harry Stout, work on roads. cleaning- - snow, $6.60; John Burner, work on roada, cleaning- - snow, ss.uv. Feb. 7 J. C. Rlngley, Work on roads. DIs. No. 4. $3.00; Joseph A Rolsln, haul- ing gravel, Road DIs. No. 4. $9.00; R. C. Wilcox, labor on roads, DIs. No. 1. $3.00. ,' Feb. Edwin Hartman, ; snoveung gravel. DIs. No. 1. $89.58. Feb. 9 Albert Hartman. snoveung gravel. DIs. No. 1. $51; Oeo H. Baker, repairing road plow. DIs. No. 1. $3.50; Walter Ratllff. 413 L. Gravel. Dis. No. 2. $92.40; Fred Davis, hauling A shov- eling. Dis. No. 1. 38.37: Walter Brooks, shoveling snow, DIs. No. 1, $9; Russel F. Clark, shoveling snow, DIs. No. 1, $11; Joseph. McKee. shoveling- - snow, Dis. No. 1, $20; 8. C. Robinson, shoveli- ng- snow. DIs. No. 1, $26.40; Will Mat-t- l. 60 L and shoveling snow. DIs. No. 4, $64.60; Abner Bulla, shoveling snow, DIs. No. 1, $2; W. E. Alexander, shovelinar snow and hauling. DIs. No. 1. $11.00; Oeorge Worley. shoveling snow and hauling. DIs. 1. $42; J. W. Haustet-te- r. shoveling snow and plowing. DIs. 4. $139: C. H. Williamson, shoveling snow. DIs. No. 1. $2. Feb. 11 C. H. Duke, clearing snow from roads. DIs. 1, $94.60. Feb. 13 Cora E. Rleweke, work done on roads, DIs. No. 1. $8. Feb. 18 H. B. Jeff erls. clearing snow from roads. DIs. No. 1. $182. Feb. 15 Hackman-Klehfot- h Co.. ce- ment for sewer, DIs. No. 4, $16; Will Turner, shoveling and plowing: snow. Die. NO. 3. 39.13. Feb. 16 Walter Test, gravel furnish- ed DIs. No. 3, 381. Feb. 23 W. H. Hartman. gravel fur nished DIs. No. 1. $2.60; Oarnett Rtng-le- y, gravel furnished Dis. No. 4. $16.75: F. O. Davenport, clearing snow from roads, Dis. 4. $21; 'Joseph Plttman. clearing snow from roads. Die. 1. $5.04. March 2 E. K. Wilson, clearing snow from roads DIs. 8. 85: Avery Cook, work on roads DIs. 1. $20.50. March 7 J. A. Weldenbach, work on roads, Dis. 1, $6.69. March 12 Edgar 8. Bennett, work on roadsfpis. 1. $8.75. March VI J. W. Haustetter. work on roads with team. DIs. 4. $20. April 5 Cornelius Ratllff. 44 1. grav- - el. 1Mb. 2. 39. April 6 H. B. White. 10 1. gravel and labor. Dis. 1. $9.72. April 9 W. H. Glunt. 41 1. gravel. DIs. No. 3. $8.20. April 13 Joseph McKee, post and cement, Dis. 1, $7.60. April 17 Lillle T. Balrd.,20 1 gravel. DIs. 1. $4. April 18 S. P. Williamson, work on roads, raking stones, Dis. 1, $11.40. April 20 George Worley. work on roads with team. DIs. 1. $10. April 23 C. E. Williams, work on roads with team, DIs. 1. $20. . . April 26 Bernard Behnan. shoveling snow, DIs. 8. $8; J. W. Haustetter, work on ronds, DIs. No. 4. $26.10. April 27 Will- - Turner, work onj roads, Dis. No. 3. $6: Ocorgo worley. work on roads, DIs. 1. $16.60: Clarence Haas, grading on roads, Dis. No. 3. $5. April 30 Philip Whltacre, 1 da. work with team Dis. J. $4. May 4 Arch - Webb, shoveling on roada, DIs. No. 1. $8.66. May 11 Herbert Steen, . work on roads, Dis. No. 1, $4. May 25 John . Haustetter, work on roads, No. 4. $20. June 26 Standard Supply Co.. sew- er pipe and cement, DIs. No. 1. $23.76. June 29 Irvin Hart, repairing bridg- es. DIs. No. 2. $10. July 5 Walter Test, 20 1. gravel. Dis. 3, 34 . July 13 S. C.'- - Robinson. 1 da. labor on roads with team. Dis. 1. $4. July 15 Amos Wolf. 606 I. gravel and labor with team. $176. , Julv 17 Howard H. Horton, survey-ina- r Hill on Miller road. $10. July 19 C. W. Kramer Co., lumber for bridges. SS0.25. Julv 22 I. E. Smith, steel sewer pipe DIs. No. 1, $28.60; J. W. Haustettor, la- bor on roads. Dis. No. 4, $54. Aug. 3 Alexander Greenhoff, trim- ming trees on hlsrhway. Dis. No. 1. $2. Aug. 6 L. S. Bowman. Co. auditor, making road book for twp., $25. Aug. 7 Dickinson Trust Co. to pay loan on road fund and interest. $530: Dickinson Trust Co.. to pay loan on road fund and interest. $500. Ausr- - 8 John W. Haustetter, gravel furnished and labor on roads in ins. No. 4. $44.25. Ang. 1" J. W. Haustetter, work on roads and storatre for sewer. $14.15. Aug:. 28 Hackman-Klehfot- h & Co.. sewer pipe for DIs.. No. 4. $27; Isaac Adams, labor on highway, 3 hours. 60c. Aur. 31 John W. Haustetter. work on roads with team, DIs. 4. $10. Sept. 7 S. E. Danner. shoveling gravel, Dis. No. 1. 10; Howard Jefferls hauling gravel and grading. DIs. No. 1. $24: Geo. O. Scott, shoveling gravel, Dis. No. 1. $S; Russell Clark, work .on highway. DIs. No. 1. $25. Sept. 12 Luther Starbuck. shoveling gravel, DIs. 1. $16; J. W. Haustetter. work on roads and material furnished, Dis. No. 4, 5H days, $34.80: Frank G. Davenport, work on roads, DIs. I, $12: Cha. H- - Little, shoveling gravel. DIs. 1. $22; Mather Bro. Co., sewer pipe and cement. DIs. 1, $17.15. Sept 14 Joseph Lahmann. mowing weeds In King's cemetery. $6. Sept. 21 Samuel E. Danner. work on roads. DIs. No. 1, $9: Warren Pemher-to- n. work on roads, DIs. No. 1. $17.25. Kent. 30. R. R. Btlgleman. hauling on road. Dis. 1. 34. Oct. 5 Russel F. Clark, work and material, DIs. 1, $33.43. Oct. 9 Klger. &. Co., steel sewer pipe, DIs. 1. $27.72. Oct. 12 T. W. Cook, gravel furnish- ed Dis. 1. $9.80. Oct. 15 Henrv Puthoff. hauling and Shoveling gravel, DIs. 1, $53.95. Oct. 18 The Miller-Kemp- er Co., bridge timber. $7.60. Oct. 19 Chas. H. Little, work on road. DIs. 1. $25. Oct. 21 Warren G. Pemberton. work on roads, DIs. 1. $14.50: Luther L. Star-buc- k, work on roads, Dis. 1, $17.50. Oct. 22 J. H. Ooblens, 2 shovels for road use, DIs. 1. $3.50. Oct. 26 Eugene Anderson, gracel furnlshedfl T)ls. No. 4. $25.00. Oct. 28 Henry H. Johannlng, Sewer tile for DIs. No. 4. $9.00. Oct. 29 Alexander Greenhoff. shov- eling gravel. DIs. 1, $16.00: Cha. O. Townaend. hauling gravel. Dis. 1. $8.72: Richmond Gravel Co.. gravel furnished Dis. No. 3, $36.5rOr1o Stanley, work on roads. DIs. I. $6.00: C. E. Jeffrls. haul- ing gravel. Dis. 1. $7.63. Oct. 30 John W. Baumer. hauling gravel, DIs. 3. $14.33. Oct. 31 Union National bank, for road work done by Alexander, $24 00: Frank Lawrence, labor on roads. DIs. 3. Ts.00: W. W. Cottingham. labor on ditch. Dis. 4, $15 00. Nov. 2 Raymond Turner, gravel fur- nished. Dis. 3. $5.90: Elijah I. Hart, shoveling gravel. Dis. 2. $16.80: Wil-bu- r Turner, hauling gravel," DIs. 3, S3.4S; George Worley. labor on roads. Dis. 1 $1.66; Medora Little, work done on roads, by York Little. Dis. No. .1. $3 00. Nov. 4 H. B. White, labor on roads. Die. No. I. $30.00. - - Nov. 5 Lewis H. Baumer, labor on roads. DIs. No. 3. $1.06. - Nov. G Russell F. Clark, . labor on roads, DIs. No. 1. $40.00. Nov. 15 Leslie Cook, - gravel fur- nished, Dis. No. 1, $55.50. Nov. 19 Robert Lamb, shoveling gravel, $14.36. Dec. 4 J. E. McKee, pay as super- visor and team furnished, DIs. 1, $62.00. Dec. 6 Silas Minner, labor on roads, DIs. No. 4. $2.45. Dec. 7 Oarnett Ringley. gravel fur- nished. Dis. 4. 36 L.. $10.80. Dec. 18 Homer Davisson. labor on roads. DIs. 1, $16.00; Thos. L. Porter, field, $73 L. gravel furnished, Pis. 1, $68.00. , Dec. 14 Eugene - Anderson, 150 L. Advisory Board or sold Townnip, County and Stat, aforesaid. Jan. let, I 1918, showing receipts, disbursement and balances In all the different funds of Wayne Township for th year and ing Dec. 31st, 1118. TOWNSHIP FirXDnSCKIFTS Amount on hand Jan. '1st, 131$. $3,007.31. June 10 W. H. Bradbury, trustees of Wayne Twp. Library Board, rent of office and refund. $65.00. June 34 X 8. Bowman, county audi- tor, June distribution of funds, $2,143.14. Oct. 17 Three Justices of peae of Wayne township, docket fees for year 131$. $44.00. Dec. 13 W. II. Brooks. Co. auditor. December distribution of state funds, $1,313.33. TOWNSHIP FUND DIURKM2SjrTi . Jan. 14 Helen Edgerton, help In of- fice. $25.00. ..'..' Jan. 15 Richmond Home Telephone Co., rent of office phone. $9.7$; M. J. Quigley, stamps for office, $3.00. Jan. 13 J. O. Edgerton, trusti salary and expense. $155.00. Jan. 30 L. 8. Bowman, rent of office for on year. $130.00; Klger ft Co., sup- plies for office, 319 45; Helen Edg-erto- help In office, $26.00; J.' O. Edg-erto- salary of Twp. trustee. $65.00; Bartel & Itohe, supplies for office. $7.86. Feb. 14 J. M. Co Printing; Co.. printi- ng- for office. $9.00; Helen Edg-erto- help In office, $36.00. Feb. 20 M. J. Quigley, stamps for office. $4.00. Feb. 2C Zacher Bros., typewriter ribbons and carbon paper for office. $26.70; J. O. Edg-erto- salary ana ex- - ' ense or Twp. trustee, ssiu.oo. Feb. 27 Nicholson & Bros.. Index files for office. $1.50. Feb. 2S Helen Edg-erton- , neip in or- - flee. $25.00. Mar. 3 Nicholson Printing- - Co.. Print ing check and voucher books for office. $36.25. Mar. 9 Helen Edg-erto- help in of' floe, $15.00. Mar. 15 Helen Edgerton, neip in or-flc- e. $10.00. Mar. 18 J. O. Edg-erto- salary of Twp. trustee, $60.00. Mar. 18 The Item Newspaper Co., pub- lishing report of 1917. $66.74. ' Mar. 27 Helen Edgerton, help in of- fice. $25.00. Mar. 29 Richmond Palladium, pub- lishing- report of 1817. $53.60. Mar. 30 J. O. Edgerton. salary of trustee and expense, $250.00. 4prll 1 The Hubbard Prlntery, printing for office, $2.25. April 2 Dougan Jenkins & Co., In- - I surance of township employees. $92.90, April 5 Richmond Home Telephone Co., rent of office phone. $9.75; Don M. Shute. help In office. $10.00. April 6 Tom Martin, cleaning win- dows and woodwork in office. $10.00. April 12 M. J. Quigley, stamps for office. $4.00. April 18 Helen EWgerton, help In of- fice, $15.00. April 15 J. O. Edgerton, salary of $65.00. April 20 M. J. Quigley, stamps for office, $3.00. . April 27 Helen Edgerton, help in office. $25.00. May 3 J. O. Edgerton. salary as trustee. $100.00; W. H. Anderson Co., 1 J. P. Law book for Morgan, $7.50. Mav 6 D. H. Coble Printing Co.. prlntlnsr and supplies for office. $23.34. May 14 Helen Edgerton, help In of- fice, $25 00; J. O. Edarerton. salary of trustee. $125.00; Don N. Shute, help In office. 39-40- . May 17 M. J. Quigley, stamps for office. $3.00. May 13 A. M. Gardner, legal services for township, $30.00. May 31 J. O. Edgertdn. salary of trustee and expense. $125.00; Nicholson Printing Co., reblniJing poor record. $160. Jure 1 Helen Edgerton, help in-of- ? Tice, in on. June 6 Tom Martin, cleaning office rooms and window, $4.25. June 6 T. M. Coe Printing Co.. print-In- s; for office, $11.00; Helen Edgerton, help In office. $5.00. June 7 J. M. Coe Printing Co., print-I- n for office, $7.25. June 11 Don N. Shute. help In office. $2 00. Tune 13 M. J. Quigley. stamps for office. $3 00. Jun 14 Helen Edgerton, help in of- fice. $20.00. June 17 T. O. Edgerton, salary of trustee, $60.00. June 25 Klger and Co.. supplies for office. $21.62. June 26 M. J. Quigley. stamps for office, $3.00. .Tune 21 Helen O. Edgerton, help in office. $23.00. July 3 T. O. Edgerton, salary of trustee, $60.00. July s j. o. Edgerton, trustee's ex- pense, $75.00. July 8 Richmond Home Telephone Co.. rent of office phone and tolls. $9.85. July 13 Helen G. Edgerton, Help in office, $25.00. July 17 R. L. Polk & Co., city di- rectory for office, $5.00. July 18 J. O. Edgerton, salary of trustee. 8125 00. .Tiilv in M. J. Quigley, stamps for office, $3.00. July 22 School city of Richmond for transfer of pupil" to city schools. $300: School city of TMchmond, transfer of puolls to city. $600.00. July 24 Helen O. Edgerton, help In office. $3.00. July 26 Tom Msrtln, cleaning win- dows In office. $1.00. ; July 31 Helen O. Edgerton, help In office, $22.00. Ausr. 8 T)oucan Jenkins & Co., com- pensation -- "'ancc for township em- ployees, $30.S$. Aug. 1J wnertcan Railway A Ex- press Co., Express on office supplies, $1.15. Ausr. 13 Helen Elgerton. heln In of fice. $25.00; P. Tf. OoMe Printing Co., prlntlnsr for.offlce, $5.04. An. 17 M. J. Quigley. stamps for office. $4 00. Aug. 21 Don N. Shute, help In.offlc. $2.50. Aug. SI Helen Edgerton. help In of- fice. $22.50. Sept. 14 Helen Edgerton. help In of- fice. $25.00. Kept. 23 Tho. Ti. Martin, washing office windows nnd moving paint. $2 00. Sept. 80 fiuaranteed Typewriter Ex-chan- cleaning and oiling' typewriter for office. $1 00. Oct. 1 Helen Eilgerton. help In .of- fice. $15.00. Oct. 9 Kler & Co., township office nnd J. P. supplies, $6.17. vt. 10 lmnrlal Electrical Co.. book holder ffr nfflce, $8.00. Oct i' Helen Edgerton, help In of- fice. $? oo Oct. te & Rohe. office and J. i tiprVI'". 72.81s A. M. Oardner, legal service fl township, $35.00. Oct. 2V Richmond Home Telephone Co.. rci of office phone, $10.50. Oct 5" Helen Edgerton. help In of- fice. $oo. Oct. ST Item Newspaper Co., nrlnt-'- .' hid and trustee's report. $11.79; Helen Pilcrerton. help In office, $20 00. vv. M. J. Quigley, stamps for office. 33.00. Vrtv. 14 Klger and Co.. J. P. supplies. !: Helen Edgerton. help In office. $r. 00. Nov. 18 J. O. Edgerton. expense of Twp. truteo, $50.00. Nov. 21 J O. Edgerton. salary of trustee. $125.00. Nov. 59 Helen Edgerton. help In of- fice, $25.00. Dec. 5 C. C. Ewbank, salary as mem- ber of advisory board. $5.00: Jesse A. Uolley, salary as member of advisory hoard. $5.00; E. H. Stegman. salary as member of advisory board. $5.00: A. M. Gardner, legal services for township, $3500. Dec. 14 Helen Edgerton. help In of- fice. $25.00. . Dec. 14 M. j. Quigley, stamps for or- - flCR $3.00. . . . . pec. 19 Helen Edgorton. neip in Of fice. 815.00. Dec. 21 J. O, Edgerton, trustee's sal- ary. $30.00. Dec. 2S The D. H. Gobi Printing Co.. J. P. Summon and Postage, $3.08. Dec. 29 The D. H. Gobi Prtg. Co., printing for office, $24.10; J. M. Co Printing Co., printing for office. $8.50: The Hoosler Mercantile Co., repairs for Blanche Addleman. teaching: school. No. 11. $76.00; Mary Hennlng. teaching school. DIs. No. 12. $600; Madge J. Guthrie, teaching; school. Dts. No. 14, $46.00; Etta. Rose, teaching school. DIs. No. 15. $30.00; Grac B. Oormon, teaching music all schools. $75.00; Ross N. Lammott, teaching school, DIs. No. 10, $40.00. Mar. 3 Nina V. Short, teaching Do- mestic Science all schools, $28.00. Mar. 9 Edna Toney, teaching; school, Dis. No. 13. $50.00. Mar. 14 Elenita, Simmons, teaching school.' Dts. No. 10. $50.00; Ros - N. Lammott, teaching school, Dis.. No. 10, $40.00. Mar. 23 Florence E. Guthrie, teach- ing school. Dis. No. 1. $70.00: Marjorle Pickett, teaching school, Dts. No. 1. $50.00; Nellie Morrow, teaching school, DIs. N. 3. $50.00; France Simmon, teaching school, Dts. No. 3. $60.00: Cora Nolder. teaching school, Dl. No. 6. $50.00; Ethel Hoover, teaching school. DIs. No. 6. $50.00: M. D. Hutchlngs. teaching school. Dis. No. 6, 10.00: Or M. White, teaching school, Dis. No. $V $40.00: Lora Eldrldge. teaehintf scaooi. DIs.. No. 6. $5.00; Alice I.JVore, teaching school, Di. No. 9, $60.00; Ross N. Lam- mott. teaching school, Di. No. 10. $30.00; Jas. C. Starr, teaching school. DIs. No. 10. $25.t)0; Mary Thornton Spillman. teaching school. DIs. No. 10. S70.00: Clara Porter, teaching school. DIs. No. 11. $80.00; Blanche Addleman. teaching school. Dis. No. .11. - $76.00; Mary Hennlng, teaching school. Dts. No. 12. $75.00: Edna Toney. teaching school. Di. No. 18. $30.00; Madge J. Guthrie, teaching chooL Dis. No. 14, $45.00; Etta Roe, teaching school, DIs. No. 15, $40: Grace B. Oormon, teaching music in all schools, $75.00. ... ' Mar. 26Nlna V. ' Short.. . teaching Dom. Science .all schools. $28.00. April 6 M. D. , Hutchlngs, teaching school. Dla No. f. $60.00. April Alice I. Vore, teaching school. Dla No. t. $80.00. April 12 Nina V. Short. ' teaching Dom. Science, all schools. $21.00. April 13 Edna U Toney. teaching chool. Dl. 13. $1$5.00. April 16 Mary. Hennlng. teaching achool. Dis. No. 12. $135.00: Etta Rose. teaching school. DIs. No. 15. $140.00: Grace B. Gormon. teaching music In all schools. $76.00: Marjorle Flcxet, t earn- ing school, Dis. No. 1. $145.00; Madge Guthrie.- - teaching school, DIs. No. 14. $70.00; Cora Nolder, teaching school. Dts. No. 6. $140.00: Kthei Hoover, teacn-i- n achool. Dis. No. 5. $100.00; Lora Eldrldge. teaching achool, Dla No. 6. $167.00; Alice L Vore. teaching school. Dis. No. 9. $60.00; J. C. Starr, teaching school. DIs. No. 10. S155.00; urs - i. White, teaching achool, Dla No. . 11S0 00 Elenita Simmons. teaching school. Dis. No. 10. $106.00; Mary Thorn ton Spillman. teaching cnooi. wis. no. 10, $80.00; Clara Porter, teaching school. Dis. No. 11. $95.00: Blanche Addleman. teaching school. Dts. No. 11. $140.00: Ross N. Lammott. teaching school. Dis. No. 10. $135.00: Florence E. Guthrie, teaching school, DIs. No. 1. $106.00; Nellie Morrow, teaching school, DIs. No. 8, $390.00: France 8lmmons, teaching school. Dis. No. 3, $80.00. April 18 Ruth Jackson, teaching school at Dts. No. 6 for M- - D. Hutchlngs, (resigned). $16.25. July 22 School city of Richmond, pay of transfer of Wayne township pu- pils schools. $6,227.66. to the city July 26 MIlo J. Harris, pay of trans- fers and school hack drivers, $62.00. Sept 14 Ross N. Lammott. teaching school. Dts. No. 11. $35.0. Sept 27 Florence E. Guthrie, teach- ing school. Di. No. 1. $78.00; Marjorle Pickett, teaching school. DIs. No. 1. $60.00: Nellie Morrow, teaching school, Dis. No. 3. $75.00: Frances Simmons, teaching school. Dts. No. 3. $70.00: Cor Nolder, teaching scnooi, vi: no. o. $86.00: Ethel Hoover, teacning scnooi. Dis. No. 5. $70.00; Geo. M. Elliott teach- ing school. Dis. No. 6. $80.00; Lora Eldr- ldg-. teaching school. DIs. No. 6. $25.00: Ora M. White, teaching school. Dis. No. 9. $85.00; Alice I. Vore, teach- ing school. Dis. No. ' 9. $77.00: J. C. Starr, teaching school. DIs. No. 10. $70.00; Ada Parry, teaching school, Dts. No. 10. $80.00: Elenita Simmons, teach- ing school. DIs. No. 10. $80.00; Rosa N. Lammott. teaching school. Dla No. 11. $60.00: Clara Porter, teaching school, DIs. No. 11-- $40.00; Blanche Jordan, teaching school. DIs. No. 11-- $7000; Marv Hellin. teaching school, Dts. No. 12. $70.00: Elisabeth Jarrett teaching school. DIs. No. 13. $60.00; Edna L. Toney. teaching school Dla 14. t0.0O; Etta Rose, teaching school. Dts. No. 15, $60.00;Grace B. Gormon. teaching music all schools. $80.00. Oct. 11 Ross N. Lammott teaching school. Dts. No. 11. $40.00. Oct. 26 Florence E. Guthrie, teach- ing school, DIs. No. 1. $76.00: Marjorle Pickett, teaching school. DIs. No.. 1. $50.00: Nellie Morrow, teaching school. Dts. No. 3, $75.00; Frances Simmons, teaching school, Dis. No. 3, $70.00: Cora Nolder, teaching school, DIs. No. 6, $85.00: Ethel Hoover, teaching achool. DIs. No. 5. $70.00: Geo. M. Elliott teach- ing school. DIs. No. 6. $80.00; Lora Eld- rldge. teaching school. Dts. No. 6. $100.00; Ora M. White, teaching school. Dis. No. 9, $86.00: Alice I. Vore. teach- ing school. Dis. No. 9. $76.00; J. C. Starr, teaching school. DIs. No. 10. $65.00: Elenita Simmons, teaching school. DIs. No. 10. $80.00; Ada Parry, teaching school. Dis. No. 10. $80.00: Ross N. Lammott. teaching school, DIs. No. 11. $40.00; Mabel M. Guyer. teaching school, DIs. No. 11, $66.00; Clara Porter, teaching sehool, Dis. No. 11-- A. $60.00; Blanche Jordan, teaching school. DIs. No. 11-- $70.00; Mary Hennlng. teach- ing school. DIs. No. 12. $70.00; Elisabeth Jarrett teaching school. Dis. No. IS. $60.00; Edna L. Toneyf teaching school, Dis. No. 14, $60 00; Etta Rose, teach- ing school. DIs. No. 15, $50.00; Grace B. Gormon, teaching music all ., schools, $80.00. Nov. 9 Mrs. Rose Ladd, teaching school, DIs. No. 1, $20.00. Nov. 22 Florence E. Guthrie, teach ing school. Dis. No. 1. $60.00; Marjorle Pickett teaching school. DIs. No. 1. $60.00; Nellie Morrow, teaching school. Die.' No. 3, $100.00; Frances Simmons, teaching school, Dis. No. 3, $70.00-- . Cora Nolder. teaching school. Dis. .No. S. $85.00: Ethel Hoover, teaching school, Dis. No. 5. $70.00: Geo. M. Elliott echi" school. Dts. No. 6. $80.00; Lora Eldrldge, teaching school, Dl. No. 6, $80.00; Ora M. White, teaching school Dia No. 9. $75.00; Alice I. Vore. teach- ing school. Dis. No. 9, $60.00: J. C. Starr, teaching school. Dis. No. 10, $80.00: Elenita Simmons, teaching school. DIs. No. 10. $80.00; Ada Parry, teaching school, Dts. No. 10. $80.00; Ross N. lammott, teaching school. Dla No. 11. $15.00; Mabel M. Guyer, teach- ing school. Dis. No. 11, $66.00; Clara Porter, teaching school. Dts. No. 11-- $75.00: Blanch Jordan, teaching school, DIs. No. 11-- $60.00; Mary Hennlng. teaching school. Dis. No. ? 12. $90.00; Elisabeth Jarrett. teaching achool. DIs. No. 13, $60.00; Edna L-- Toney, teach- ing school. Dis. No. 14. $20.00; Etta Rose, teaching school. DIs. No. IS. $60.00; Grace B. ' Gormon, teaching music all school. $80.00. Dec. 7 Ross N. Lammott, teaching school. Dts. No. 11. $40.00. Dec. 14 Mabel Guyer. teaching chool. Dl. No. 11. $26.00. Dec. 20 Florence E. Guthrie, teach ing school, Dla No. 1. $80.00: Marjorle Pickett teaching school. Dia. No, 1, $60.00: Nellie Morrow, teaching vchool, DIs. No. 3. $85.00; Francos Simmons, teaching school. Dl No. S, $70.00; Cora Nolder, teaching school, Dla No. 5. $75.00; Ethel Hoover, teaching, achool. Dl. No. 6. $70.00; Geo. . M. Elliott teaching school, Dia Nov 6. $100.00; Lora Eldrldge. teaching sehool. No. 6. 380.00 Ora M. White, teaching school. Ola No. 9, $95.00; Alio I. Vor. teach ing achool, Dla No. 9. $76.00: J. C. ?ar.r! l."01! w-- f . o wmmons. teacn.ng enool Dla No. 10. $80.00; Ad Parrr. teaching scnooi, uim. no, iw, sev.vv; iwn r. UUB-mo- tt teaching- - school. Di. No. 11. $40; Mabel Guyer, teaching achool. Dla No. (Continued on Pag Twolv) Sr.. innttnv work school DIs. No. 9, $40; Elijah Tharp.' janitor, work DIs. 10. $46: Ross N. Lammott, Janitor work school Dis. No. 11. $45; W. A. Unthank, Janitor work school Dis. No. 11-- A. $40. Dec. 21 Herman Remmert, driving hack to Dis. No. 18, $9. ' : ; Dec. 23 The Geo..-.T- . Johnson Co, toilet paper for all schools, siu: moos U6r Mercantile Co.,' supplies for all . .. . ..k..i. i E n l Dec. 24 Chas. H. Little, plastering at school house, DIs. No. 1. $3.60. Dec. 26 The Arco Company, paint for school houses, $164., ' Dec. 27 National Heating & Venti- lating Co.. grates for school furnace. $8.36; Annie L. Stout, cleaning achool house. Dts.Tfo.12. $3. , ',. ..Doc.. 23 The V. 8. Chemical Co-sch- ool supplies, $67.76: The Continental Manufacturing Co..- - achool supplies. tioft.70: The Sanitary Chemical Co., school supplies, $3.28; John Cllnehens. repair of pump at Di. No. 6. 10 and 11. $17.26; Central City Chemical Co.. school supplies, $8.28; The J. I. Hol-com- b Mfg. Co.. school supplies. $25.76; atonrtarri On Co.. oil for all schools. $65.94; 8. E. Danner. appraising school house, DIs. No. 4. $2. Dec. 29 The D. H. Gobi Printing Co., home and school visitor for all schools, $32; Hoosler Mercantile Co., supplies for all schools, $8.84. . Dec. 31 The Second National bank, interest on loan. $82.50; The Union Na- tional bank, interest on loan. $32.50; Dickinson Trust Co.. interest on loan. $82.60; A. G. Luken & Co., disinfect- ant, all schools. $12.50. - ' RECEIPTS Tt'ITiq X FUND Amount on hand. Jan. 1st, 1918, " : ' Jan. 1 First National bank, inter- est on Dee. 1917 deposits, $3.41; Sec- ond National bank. Interest on Dec. 1917 deposits, $11: I'nion National bank Interest on Dec 1917 deposits, $5; Dick- inson Trust Co.. Interest on Dec. 1917 deposits. $6.45; American Trust tt Sav- ings bank. Int on Dec. deposits. $1.48. Jan. 29 L. S. Bowman, co. aud., Jan. distrlhiirlon of funds. 82.532.31. Feb. 1 First National bank, interest on Jan. deposits. $5.01; Second Nation- al bank, interest on Jan. deposits. $13.85: Union National bank, interest on Jan. deposits. $5.50; Dickinson Trust Co. interest on Jan. deposits, $9.11; American Trust & Saving bank, int on Jan. deposits. $4.18. March 1 Flrst National Dante, inter- est on Feb. deposits, $3.87: Second Nat- ional bank, interest on Feb. deposits. $12 30; Union National bank. Interest on Feb. deposits. $5.50: Dickinson Trust Co.. interest on Feb. deposits. $6.32; American Trust & Savings bank, Int on Feb. deposits, $3.63. r April 1 First National bank, Inter- est on March deposits. $3.47; Second National bank. Interest on March de- posits. $9.19; Union National bank, in- terest on March deposits. $8.33; Dick- inson Trust Co., Interest on March de- posits, 34.24; Amer. Trust & Savings bank. Int. on March deposits, $2.45. May 1 First National bank, Inter- est on April deposits. $1.64; Second National bank, interest on April ,; de- posits, $7.99; Union National bank. In- terest on April deposits, $1.83; Dickin- son Trust Co., interest on April de- posits, $3.77; Amer. Trust & Savings bank, Int on April deposits, $1.64. June 1 First National bank, interest on Mav deposits, $1.23; Second Nation- al bank, interest on May deposits $5.80: Union National bank. Interest on May deposits. 66c: Dickinson Trust Co., in- terest on May deposits, $1.86: Amer. Savings & Trust bank, int. on May de- posits, $1.20. June 24 L. S. Bowman; co. aud., June distribution of funds. $5,742.61. July 1 First National bank. Inter- est on deposits for June, $2.84; Second National bank, interest on deposits for June. $6.94: Union National bank. In- terest on deposits for June, $2.16; Dick- inson Trust Co.. interest on deposits for June. 43.01; Amer. Trust & Savings Co.. Interest on deposits for June. $2.10. July 16 L. S. Bowman, Co. aud., Julv distribution of state funds, July 31 MIlo J. Harris, pay of trans- fers for Center township to Wayne townshic 8270.54: Joel H. Moore, pay of transfers from Boston township to Wayne township. 162: senooi city or Richmond, pay of transfers from city to Wayne township, ssz. Aug. 1 First National bank. Inter- est on July deposits. $2.84: Second Nat- ional bank, interest on July deposits. $11.93: Union National bank, interest on Julv deposits, $8.18; Dickinson Trust Co., interest on July deposits, $9.45; American Trust & Savings Co., Int on Julv deposits, $3.97. Sept. 1 First National bank. Inter- est on Aug. deposits, $4.07; Second Nat- ional hank. Interest on Aug. deposits. $9.77; Union National bank, interest on Aug. deposits, $3.50; Dickinson Trust Co., Interest on Aug. deposits, $7.62: Amer. Trust & Savings Co.. interest on Aug. deposits, $2.98. Sept 18 L. J. Woodard. pay of transfers from Spring Grove to No. 6 school In Wayne township. $131.62: W. J. Curtis, twp. trustee, pay of trans fers from Franklin townsnip to io. 3 and 1 In Wayne township, $16.25. Oct. 1 First National bank. Inter- est on Sept deposits, $3.10; Second Nat- ional bank. Interest on Sept deposits, $8.49; Union National bank, interest on Sept. deposits, $3; Dickinson Trust Co., Interest on Sept. deposits. $4.14: Amer. Trust & Savings Co.. int on Sept de- posits. 82.47. Nov. 1 First National bank. Inter- est on Oct deposits. $2.29: Second Nat- ional bank, interest on Oct. deposits, $5.64; Union National bank, Interest on Oct deposits, $2.83; Dickinson Trust Co, interest on Oct. deposits $3.99: Amer. Trust & Savings Co., Interest on Oct. deposits. $1.92. Dec. 1 Ficst National Bank. Inter- est on November deposits. $.95: Sec ond National Bank. Interest on Novem- ber deposits, $4.49; Union National Rank, interest on November deposits. $2.16; Dickinson Trust Co.. Interest on November deposits, $2.29: American Trust & Savings Co..' Interest on Nov- ember deposits. $1.02- - Dec. 19 W. H. Brooks. Co. Aud. De- cember distribution of state funds, $4 984.57. ' DTSBVRSEMEXTS. TIITIO.V FUND Jan. 12 Jas. C. Starr, teaching school. Dis, No. 10, $40.00: Ross N. Lammott teaching school. Dis. No. 10, $40.00. Jan. 23 Mary Thornton.", teaching school. Dis. No. 10. $35.00: Florence Guthrie, teaching school. DIs. No. 1. $70.00: Marjorle Pickett teaching school Dis. No. 1, $40.00; Frances Simmons, teaching school. Dis. No. 3. $70.00: Cora Nolder, teaching school. DIs. No. 5. $75.00: Ethel Hoover, teaching school. DIs. No. 5, $50.00: M. D. Hutchlngs. teaching school. DIs. , No. 6, $80.00: Lora Eldrldge. teaching school. Dis. No. 6, 875.00; Ora M. White, teaching school. DIs. No. 9. 850.00; Alice I. Vore, teaching school. DIs. No. 9, 962.00; Jas. C. Starr, teaching school. Dis. No. 10, $40.00: Elenita Simmons, teaching school, DIs. No , 10. $80.00; Rosa N. Lam- mott. teaching school, DIs. No. 10. 840.00. Jan. 26 Clara Porter. teaching school. Dis. No. 11. $100.00: Blanche Addleman, teaching school, DIs. No. 11. 360.00: Mary Hennlng. teaching School, Dts. No. 12, 850.00: Edna Tortey, teach- ing school. Dis. No. 13. $40.00; Madge Guthrie, teaching; school, Dts.. No. 14, $45.00; Etta Rose, teaching achool, Dis. No. 15, $60.00; Grace B. Oormon, teach- ing music in all schools. $75.00. - Jan. 30 Mary Thornton, teaching school, DIs. No. 10, $38.00. Feb. 9 Rosa N. Lammott, teaching chool, DIs. No. 10. $35.00. Feb.' l2 Ntna V.'flhort teaching Do- - meettc elence. all schools. $14.00. Feb. 16 Jas. C Starr, teaching school, Dts. No. 10, $40.00. . - Feb. 23 Edna Toney, teaching school. Dis. No. 13, $40.00; Florence E. Guthrie, teaching school, DIs. No. 1, rees and janitor work. jjis. mo. i. $24.00: Florence E. Guthrie, institute fees. $1917-191- 8, $26.93: Ross N. Lam-mot- t. institute fees. 1917-191- 8, $28.00; Marjorle Pickett. Institute fees, 1917-191- 8. $21.00: Nellie Morrow, institute fees, 1917-191- 8. $28.00; Frances Sim- mons, institute fees. 1917-191- 8. $24.60; Cora Nolder. Institute fees. 1917-191- 8. $28.00; Ethel Hoover, institute- - fes. 1917-191- 8, $24.00; Lora Eld ridge, insti- tute fees. 1917-191- 3, $27.65; Alice L Vore. Institute fees. 1917-191- 8, $25 20; Jas. C. Starr. Institute fees, 1917-iu- i. $28.00: Ora M. White, institute fees. 1917-191- 8. 828.00: Elenita Simmons. In stitute fees, 1917-191- 8. $37.30; Mary Thornton Spillman. Institute fees, 1917- - 1918. 824.50; Clara Porter, institute rees, 1917-191- 8, $28.00; Blanche Addleman. Institute fees. 1917,1918, $24.25; Mary Institute fees. 1917-191- 8 and Janitor fees. $46.25: Etta Roe. Institute fees. 1917-191- 8. And Janitor fees. $33.00; Grace R. Oormon, Institute fees, 1917- - 1918, $26.25. ' V April- - 18 American Seating Co., school desks and folding chairs, for school Dis. No. 11-A- .- $467.96; Smith System Heating Co. sanitary heater for DIs. No. 14. $130.00. April 19 If. S. Stiliinger. coal oil for schools Nos. 9 and 11 And hacks, $.96. April 20 Richmond Coal Co., emer- gency coal order for school 'o. 10; $3.76. April 22 Joseph Lahmann, work on ground for school, DIs. No. 11-- with team. $12.00. April 25 T. H. I. A E. Trac. Co.. car tickets for pupils from No. 11 school to Garfield, $5.00. May 2 ElHah Tharp. work at DIs. No. 10 school building. $3.00; Harold B. Williams, pay of orchestra for com- mencement, $12.00; Irvin Reed & Son, hardware supplies, schools, jjis. nos. s, 9. 1 1. 12 and 13. $8.92. May 3 Vincent H. Juerllng. part pay on contract for new school building, DIs. No. 11-- $1,000.00: Vincent H Juerllng. part pay on contract for new Kchool building. Dis. No. 11-- $365.30; I. T. Beck, teaching agriculture in all schools. $100.00; Jos.. H. Hill Co.. mov ing coal from No. 11 school to No. ll-- 34.00! W. H. Johnson & Son Co.. re- pairs for furnace. Dis. No. 11. $19.20; Boston Store, wood and floor cleaner for all schools. $17.50. . . - Mav 4 Oeo. M. Guyer, repair work at schools, Dis. Nos. 6, 13 and 14, " ' ' ' ' $49.65. May 6 A. W. Dingley, Janitor work at high school building for commence- ment and practicing, $6.00. . May 6 Klehfoth, Niewoehner, Co., coal for school. Dis. No. It-- and sewer pipe. $57.60.- - - i May 8 C. W. Crawford, talcing school enumeration. $50.00. May Bros. Co, coal for schools Nos. 1, 3, 5 and 6, $40,35. j May 16 J. C. Starr, taking -- schoct . " " enumeration. $50.00. May 27 Horace Ellis, making address, $20 00. May 28 Richmond City Water Works water-privile- ge at Dis. No. 14. $7 oo. June 1 Grace B. Oormon, expeoso of musln for commencement. $1036: Geo. M. Guyer, repair of Hchool - buildings, Nos. 1. 5. 9. 11 and 11-- $41.00. June 3 I. T. Beck, teaching agricul- ture In all school. $200 10. June 4 John Cllnehens. new pump at DIs No. 11 and repair of pumps at schools Nos. 9. 10 and 12. $29.40.. June 5 J. F Hortiaday, repair sup- plies for DIs. No. 9 and 15 $.90. June 8 Cora Nolder, expenso for electric lights. Dis. No 5. 82.44: Wm. Haxlltt. grsdlpg ground at DIs. No- - . 11- - A. $25.00. June l5--- V fl Juerllng. part pay on contract, new school No 11-- $1,000.00; V. H. Juerllng. part pay on contract. new xchool. No JI A. 3978 0; Klehfoth.. Niewoehner Co., coal for all schools. $1,000.00; Wm Haslltt. part pay on contract for grading at No. 11-- $S5. June 17 Lee B. Nusbaum Co.. ribbon for tying diplomas. $1.84. June 22 Wm. Haslltt, grading yard at Dis. No. 11-- $50.oo. June 24 W M. Bradbury & Son. fire and tornado insurance No. 11-- $183.48: I. T. Beck, teaching agriculture in all schools, $275.00. June 25 Klger & Co., school furni- ture and supplies all schools, $156.66: Klehfoth. Niewoehner Co., coal for all schools, $232.71. June 2 C. E. Werklng. architectural services for new building, Dis. No. 11-- $366.00. ' June 29 Wm. Haslltt. grading yard at DIs No. 11-- $50.00 . July 1 I T. Beck, teaching agricul- ture all schools, $33.33. July 6 Wm- - Hsrlitt. grading yard at DIs No. 11-- $40.00. July 8 Geo. M. Guyer, sepalr work at schools Nos. 1, 10. 11 and 11-- $68 90. July 9 W. E. Evans, drayage of school supplies. $3.60. July 18 Wm. Hajsiitt. garding yard at DIs. No- - 11-- $60 July 15 William Shendler. school wagon for school, Dis. No. 8, $50:Moore & Oghorn. fire insurance on Dis. No. 11-- $24.20. July 17 National Heating & Venti- lating Co.. balance on furnaces, for school. Dis. No. 11-- $272.80; Homey Furniture Co.. rent of chairs, Dis. No. 11-- $12. July 18 American Express Co., ex- press charges on stove grate. No. 11, $7c: Wm Hazlitt. bal. on grading vftfd at Va. No. 11-- $173: E. A. Marian'., cementing at pump and walk. Dis. No. 11-- $26. ' July 19 Walter S. Ratllff. repairing school hack, DIs. No. 10, $3.80. July 22 School city of Richmond, transfer of twp. pupils to city schools, $500. , July 24 S. Parry, sowing grass seed and covering. Dis. No. Jl-- $4; Kleh- - er Co., coal for all schls., $119.12. July 26 MIlo J. Harris, pay of trans- fers and school hack Srivers. $137.50. July 27 Omw j. Wheian. grass seed for school yard. DIs. No. 11-A- ." $3.25. July Bl Long Bros., meat for dom. science class at Dis. No. 5. $1.25. Aug. 1 W. E. Evans, drayage and freight bill on school supplies, $7.42. Aug. 3 Carl Durkel, cleaning and painting rooms, DIs. No. llfA. $40: John Clinehens, pump, sink and labor, DIs .No. ll-- $23.35. Aug. 7 Moore and Ogborn, fire in- surance on No. 13 school building. $87.40. Aug. S The Peter Johnson Co.. re- building furnace and parts, Dis. No. 9 school, .$115.66; Dougan, Jenkins Co., compensation Insurance of township employees. $134.09; Chas. H. Addleman, Interest on school twp. warrant No. 6, $43. - Aug- - 9 Fred H. Lemon Co., plants and flowers for commencement. $13. Aug. 10- - Theodore Allen, 1$ loads of kindling at $2.35, all schools, $36. Aug. 13 Klehfoth-Nlewoehn- er Co., $ loads kindling for No. 3, 5 and 9, $9. Aug. 16 Eugene Anderson, repair for school hack, No. 13 and mowing weeds In school yard. 36: Bessie Lacev. cleaning school Voom and halls, DIs. No. 13. $5. Aug. 17 John Shallenburg, repair of plastering, DIs. No. 9, $6. Aug. 19 E. E. Roney, fir and tor- nado Insurance on Dis. 11-- A and 12, $73.10. . . : "'.--- '. - Aug. 20 Hoosler Mercantile Co, sup plies ior an scnoois, iia.iY. Aug. 24 Lis Pickett, painting and

The Richmond palladium and sun-telegram. (Richmond, Ind ......PAGE ELEVEN THE RICHMOND PALLADIUM AND SUN-TELEGRA-M THURSDAY, JAN. 30, 1919. Municipal Electric Light Power Co.. electric

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Page 1: The Richmond palladium and sun-telegram. (Richmond, Ind ......PAGE ELEVEN THE RICHMOND PALLADIUM AND SUN-TELEGRA-M THURSDAY, JAN. 30, 1919. Municipal Electric Light Power Co.. electric


Municipal Electric Light Power Co..electric current for sehool. pirn. No


$70.00; Marjorle Plcktt teachingschool. DIs No. l, Ito.ov; eui mor- -

a 1 1 r. aaWI maWaI Til as nlA

98c: Dy and Price, insurance on row, teaching school. Dla. No. 8. $!.DIs. No 14 $28.05. ! France Simmon, teaching school. DIs.Dec. 20 Frank -- Slmcoke. ' drlvln No-- 3. $100.00; Cora Nolder. teaching

school hack to Dis. No 10. $63s Clar- - .chool. Dl. No. 6, $76.00; Ethel Htm.ence E. Jefferls. driving school hack teaching school. Dl. No. . $5-00-.

to Dl. No. 1. $48.36; LBsl Forb. M. D. Hutching, teaching school.school hick to Dl. No. 3. $$0; ,No. . $$0.00: Lo ra Eldrldg. ";

Joaeph Bietry. driving ochool hack toschooL DIs. No. . $80.00; Or ML White.ni No 9 860: Durbln" Bro.. driving teaching school. Dl. No. 9. $100.00;

voting booth. 12.61.Dec. II Helen Edgerton, hlp In of-fle- e,


Amount on hand, Jan. lot, Kit. $31.53Feb. 7 Dickinson Truat Co., Tem-

porary Ian to Road Fund (emrgen-cy- ).

11.000.00 , v

June $4 L. S. Bowman. Co. Auditor,June Distribution of Fund $1434.33.


To Th. Advisory Board of WaynoTownship, Wayno County, Indiana,January, 11t. .

I, J. O. Edgerton. trusts of WarnTownship, Wayno County, Stat of Ind-iana, make th following report to tit "r"-- lc"v'"" ."V""V

$50.00; J. . ptarr, teschlnr-ihool- ,

DIs. No. 10. $30.00: Elenita. 8lmmons;teaching school, DIs. No. 10.Mary Thornton Spillman. teaching

" Z m aaa va. ir I

school hack to Dl. no. . oi.v; w.Williamson, driving achool hack tOiJ.Dt8. No. 3. $8L25; J. C. Blngly. drlv- -

jn( school hack to DIs. No. 13. $45;Mr. t v niMnn hiullnr children to!

IDls. No. 11. $15: Russell F. Clark.'tor WOrk. school Dl. No. 1. $40: Pas- -

Dla. No. 10. $60.00: Cl rtr.teaching school. Dl. No. 11. $100.00.

April 10Oeo. M. Guyer, repair ofbuilding. Dla. No. 5. n. 13, 13, 14 and18, $61.20: J. C. Starr, express chargespaid on school exhibit, $1.05.

April 11 W. H. Oesttng Plumbing;Co., repair work on pipes and sanitaryfountain at DIs. No. 14, $23.00; WillTurner, hauling children to Dl. No.1$, $16.00.

April 13 Russell Clark. Janitor workschool DIs. No. 1. $20.00; Elijah

Tharp. janitor work at school Dla. No.and extras, $36.80.

April 18 Passmore Avery, i janitorwork at school Dl. No. 8 and extras,$20.60; Olive Toney. Janitor work atschool DIs. No. 6, $33.00; Agnes Miles,Janitor work at school DIs. No. 6.36.00; Wm. Bartel Sr., Janitor work atschool Dl. No. 9 and extras. $48.00:John Jenkins, janitor work at schoolDis. No. 11 and extras. $43.00; C. H.Little driving school hack to DIs. 1

and expense. $101.26; Bessie Forbes,driving-

- school hack to Dis. No. 3,$43.00. Will Mattl. driving; school hack

DIs. No. 9. $45.00; Frank Slmcoke,driving school hack to Dis. No. 10.$62.00; Joseph Bietry. driving schoolhack to DIs. No. 9. $56.00; Ira P. Bishop,driving school hack to Dis, No. 10,$53.00; Mrs. J. F. Gibson, driving schoolhack to Dl. No. 11. $17.00; Eugene An-

derson, driving school hack to Dis. No.13. $47.25; Edna L. Toney Institute feesand Janitor-wor- k, DIs. No. 13, $36.50.

April 15 Madge J. Guthrie, Institute

more A very janitor work school Dis.No. j, $25; Olive Toney. Janitor work DIs.

jla. No. 5. $35; Wm. Bartel.

11. $140m SJMmnova and oil- -Ing floors and material furnished, Dis.NO. 10. $36.60. r. -

Aug. - 27 John Jenkins, cleaningschool room. Dl. No. 11. $19. ;

Aug.. 2$ Go. M-- Guyer. Installingdesk at Dl. No. 11-- $22.60;; Rus-sell Clark, cleaning school hou, DIs.1 and material, $37.30, a m .

Au. 29 American ny. at wp '

Co.. freight charge on school supplies.37c: Pamore Avery, cleaning schoolrooms and oiling floors school. DIs. No.s son-miir- e Tvmev. cleaning rooms and I

oiling-- floor. Dl. No. 6. $20.Aug. 81 Howard Turner, storing No.

8 achool hack and delivering to shop .

for repairs. $7; Lis' Pickett, painting ,

and decorating-- at Dl. No. 14. $30;

nl. T. stAiif claaninsr room and oifloors. DIs. No. i z. no; v.painting and tlntln walls at DIs. No,9, $$5.v. .''"

Sept 4 C. C. Durkel, painting anddecorating .walls at DIs. No. 9, $68.25. i

Sept. Robert School, cleaningschool building. Di. No. 14. $!!.

Sept. 10 W. A. pame. repmnmschool hacks. DIs. No. 3 and 9, $92.70;

k and frpiffhton school sunnlles for DIs. No. 11--

$9.42: W. E. Evans, drayage and, freighton school supplies, DIs. 11-- $1.

Sept. 11 Moore A Ogborn. fire insurance on Dis. No. 11, $24.14; A. r.Jessup. palrxir-- and decorating walls.DIs. No. 11, $41.68. , !

Sept. 12 O. B- - Fulghum,, fire andtornado Insurance, $25.30.

Sept. 14 W. Borton. repair or ieacn.er's desk at DIs. No. 10. $1.75: Wm. j

Bartel, Sr., cleaning school house andcare of premises school. - in, no. . .

$22.15; Noah Ryan, building fence atOls. No. 11 A. $70 Jones Hardware C04fence, fence posts, grates and post topsfor Dis. No. tl-- $285.75.

Sent. 17 Agnes Miles, cleaningschool rooms and oiling floors. No. 6,$20.

Rent. 19 Geo. M. Guver, repair work!at schools, 3. 12, 13 and 14, $78. '

Sept. 25 O. O. Baumger frimingCo.. programs for commencement.$30.65. ..- i

Sept. 26 V. K. Juerllr.r. bl. or con-

tract for building, DIs. No. 11-- $50. !

Sept 22 Dr. S. E. Bond, examinationof pupils throats, Dis. No. 6, $15; Russell Clark. Janitor work at Dis. No. 1,

$40; Passmore Avery, Janitor work atDIs. No. 3. $26; Olive Toney. Janitorwork at DIS. No. 5, $35; Agnes Miles.Janitor work at DIs. No. 6, $35; Wm.Barter. Sr., Janitor work at Dis. No. 9,840; EIHah Tharp. Janitor work at DIs.No. 10. $41; Ira Gilmore. janitor workat Dis. No. 11 and 11-- A. $60; C. E. Jef.ferles. driving school back to . Dis. No.1, $65: Bessie Forbes, driving schoolhack to DIs. No. 3. $30: Joseph 'Bietry,driving school hack to DIs. No. 9, $60;j. a. Durblng, driving school hack loDis. No. 9. $70; Frank Simcoke. drivingschool hack to DIs. No.-10- , $70; W. M.Williamson, driving school hack to J"is.No. 8, $67: J. C. Rlngley. driving schoolhack to Dis. No. 13. $80; Mrs. Geo.Llovd. driving school hack to Dis. No.15. $38. . ,.

Sept. 28 Myrtle UiDSOn. namingchildren to Dis. No. 11. $19; W. O.Crawford, window shades and suppliesfor all schools. $3.33: Herman Rem-mert. hauling children to Dis. No. 13.$12: C. H. Miles, repair work and ma-terial furnished. Dis. No. 6. $8.65.

Oct. 4 Omer G. Wheian, grass seedfor school. Dis. No. 11-- 1Z.2&.

Oct. 5 Richmond Insurance Agency,Insurance on school Dis. No. 10. $8.47.

Oct 7 E. J. Wright, rent of hackfor school, Dis. No. 10, $24.

Oct. 8 Jones Hardware Co.. fenceand supplies. DIs. No. 13. $100.71.

Oct. 9 Richmond Electric Co , elec-tric fixtures for Dis. No. 11-- $123.70;Klger and Co.. supplies for all schools,$72.44.

Oct 10 Hoosler Mercantile Co.. sup-plies for all schools. $49.91..Oct 11 Board of Industrial Aid for

Blind, brooms for ; all schools, $30;Thomas Moorehead, disinfecting vaults,all schools, $27.75: Geo. M. Guyer, re-

pair work at DIs. No. 1. 3, 9, 10, 11 andll-- $'J9.45.

Oct. 12 Klehfoth. Niewoehner Co.,cement and pipe, $27.65: Smith SystemH?alipg Co.. stove repair, parts. Dis.No. 3. $8.32.

Oct . 15 J. O. Edgerton. treas., printi-ng-, etc., trustee's fund. $65.46; TheHtarr Piano Co.. organ for school, DIs.No. 14. $15.

0:t. 16 John Shurley, . deliveringsupplies and coal." $8.60.

Oct.- - 19 Passmore Avery, " janitorwork at school. DIs. No. 3. $6.25.

Oct 21 Bartel & Robe, supplies forill schools, $150.35.

Oct. 26 Russell F. " Clark. Janitorwork at school Dis. No. 1. $40; Pass-mor- e

Avery. Janitor work at school Dis.No. 8. $18.75; Olive Toney. Janitor workat school DIs. 5. $85: Agnes Miles.'Janl-to- r

work at school Dis. No. 6. $35: Wm.Bartel Sr., Janitor work at school Dis.No. 9, $40; Elijah Tharp. janitor workt school Dis. No. 10. $40: W. A. Tin- -

thank, Janitor work at school Dis. io.11-- 140: Ross N. Lammott. janitorwork at school DIs. No. 11, 310; FrankSimcoke. driving school hacK to his.Kn 10. 121: Herman Remmert. haulingchildren to school. Dis. 13. 31.80; Joseph Bietry, driving school rcK to his.NO. 9. lis: A. 1. Jessup, painting anutinting wall at DIs. 15, $56.20.

Oct. 29 Wayne County Abstract Co.,preparing abstract for school. Dis. No.7, $5.

Oct. 30 J. F. Gibson, hauling chil-dren to Dis. No. 11. $6.

Oct. 31 Mrs. Geo. Lloyd, haulingchildren to DIs. No. 15, $12. -

Nov. 1 E. C. Routh. repairing schoolheck and material, school. Dis. No. 1.

$24.40; A. T. Jessup, painting and dec-orating. $57.50.

Nov. 2 Bessie Forbes, driving schoolhack to Dis. No. 3. $9; The McConahaCo., fence and gates for DIs. No. 11--

$33.40; W. M. Williamson, drivingschool hack to Dis. No. 3. $57.

Nov. 4 Geo. M. Ouyer, repairs andmaterial, all schools, $$5.45.

Nov. 6 H. R. Townsend, 1 stove andstove pipe. DIs. No. 1. $10.75. 1

Nov. II Joe Lvbarger. ditching atschool. Dis. No. 11-- $7.25.

Nov. 14 Durbln Bros., driving schoolhack to Dis. No. 9. $21; Jones Hard-ware Co., repair supplies for all schools$52.14; Klger and Co.. school supplies.$47.96.

Nov. 15 W. E. Evans, hauling tileto school. DIs. No. 11-- $3: Ross N.Lammott. Installing: electric lights atDis. 10, $62.70.

Nov. 16 Joseph Bietry. repair ofschool hack. DIs. No. 9. $12.50; L. F.Ulmer. cleaning Btove pipe and placinglining, school Dis. No. 1, $2.5: Jas. C.ningley. driving school hack to Dis.No 13, $18.

Nov. 18 Elijah Tharp. janitor workand extras. Dis. No. 10. 335; Ira P. Bis-

hop, hauling - gravel to school. Dis.11-- $10.60; Linden Edgerton. paintingand cleaning at schools. DIs. No. 11. 13and 15. $28.70.

Nov. 21 Mrs. J. F. Gibson, haulingChildren to Dis No. 11. $12.

Nov. 22 Russell F. Clark, Janitorwork at school. Dis. No. 1. 340; Pass-mo- re

Avery, janitor work at school.Dis. No 3. $25: Olive Toney. Janitorwork at school. Dis. No. 5. $35: AgnesMiles, janitor work at school. Dis. No.6, 835: Wm. Bartel. Sr., Janitor work atschool. Die. No. 9. $40: Elijah Tharp.janitor work at school. DIs. No. 10. $20;W. A. Unthank. Janitor work at school.Dis, No. 11-- $42.25: C E. Jefferies.driving school hack to Dis. No. 1 forOct. and Nov.. $126.51; W. M. Williamson, driving school hack to Dis. No. 3.$15 50; Bessie Forbes, driving schoolhack to Dis. No. S. $22; Joseph Bietry,driving school hack to Dis. No. 9. 833:Frank Simcoke. driving school hack toDIs. No. 10, 324.50: Jas. C. Ringley.driving school hack to DIs. No. 13, $33:Will Turner, driving school hack toDis. No. 15. $24; Herman Remmert,driving school hack to DIs. No. 13,$6.60; Ross Lammott. Janitor work atchool, DIs. No. 11, $35. .Nor. 26 The J. M. Coe Prlsjllng Co,

printing examination questions for allschools, $72. - '

Nov. 37 Romey Furniture Co.. rentof chairs for DIs. No. U-- A. $1.76.

Nov. 80 Geo. M. Guyer. repair ofbuildings. No. 3, 11 ll-- A. 12 and 13

' 3100: Noah Ryan, work on fences andi cutting wood at DIs. No. 5 and 10,f7 OS

Dec. 2 Richmond Lumber Co., re-

pair for school buildings. $71.11.Dec. 3 Irvin Reed A Son, repair for

school buildings. $103.58. .

Dec. 13 Passmor Avry, oilingfloors, school Dis. No. 3, $5. .

Dec. 14 Ross N. Lammott, materialfor wiring at DIs. No. 11. $43.13.

Dec. 16 W. A. rarae. repair ojschool hack and new curtains, $9.26;

gravel at 36c. DIs. 4, $37.60.Dec 1 Henry Roger. $3 L. gravelat 30c, Dl. No. 3. $lf.40.Deo. 31 Russell F. Clark, , work . on

roada. Dla. No. 1, $36.19.Dec. 84 H. B. White, work on road.

Dla. No. 1. $33.$0.Dec. 28 Burk Supply Co., 2 awr

ptpes, $65.04; J. D. Adams Co.. 1 cul-ve- Tt

pipe. $4$.$$; Parker Elwood. 120L. gravel. DIs. No. 1, $34.00. -; at

Deo. 81 Wm. E. Miller, 30 L. gravel,$6.00. 10

RECEIPT, gPBlCIAI. SCHOOL FUNDAmount on hand Jan. 1st, 191$, $5.- -

$33.42. .April 13 L. S. Bowman. Co. auditor,

advance on Jun distribution of specialachool. $3,600.00. ;:''"

Jun 16 Second National Bank, tem-porary loan to reimburse specialschool fund for school building, DIs.11-- A, $1,000.00; Union National Bank,temporary loan to reimburse specialschool fund for school building, DIs.11-- $1,000.00; Dickinson Trust

loan to reimburse special toschool fund for school building. DIs. No.11-- $1,000.00.

June 24 L. 8. Bowman. Co. auditor,June distribution of funds. $4,380.73.

July 31 Otto L. Klauss.yto reimbursespecial achool fund for a vocationalteacher. $1,022.22.

Oct. 15 Samuel W. Gaar, purchaseprice of Smyrna school house. 3355.0T.

Dec. 19 W. H. Brooks, Co. auditor,December distribution Of State funds,$5,981.71. . Tl 'TV- -

Dlaharaemeala ,' ' U:'

Jan. 10 A. D. Thompson, drivingschool hack to Dl. No. 10. $10.00; Chas.E. .Working, architect' fe for workon plans of new school building. Dis.NO. 11-- A. 1160.00.

Jan. 14 W. A. Parke, repairing1school hack. DIs. 3. $17.20.

Jan. 16 Th Prless Grocery lies

and groceries for domesticscience for school. DIs. No. 5, $7.18:Hoosler Mercantile Co.. supplies analinoleum for school, Dis. No. 6, domes-tic science, $60.93.

Jan. 22 T. H. I. A E. Trac Co.. cartickets for 9th grade pupils to Garfield,$10.00; H. F. Ewbank & Son, coal oiland supplies for suhool, DIs. No. 10,$3.28; Grace Bulrd. janitor work atschool. Dis. No. 6, $32.00; MunicipalLight plant, electric eurrent foruse atschool, DIs. No. 10, $6.74.

Jan. 23 A. D. Thompson, drivingschool hack to DIs. No. 10, $40.00.

Jan. 20 Russell F. Clark,-- janitorwork at Dis. No. 1. and extras, $38.00;Passmore Avery, Janitor work at DIs.No. S. $20.00; Agnes Mllen. janitor workat Dis. No. 6, $32.00; Wm. Bartel Sr.,janitor work at DIs. Jio. 9. $35.00:Elijah Tharp, Janitor work at Dis. No.10 and extras. $37.00; John Jenkins,janitor work at DIs. No. 11. $35.00; I.T. Beck, teaching agriculture In allschools. $75.00: Eugene Anderson, driv-ing school hack to DIs. No. 13. $50.00:C. H. Little, driving school hack to DIs.No. 1. $60.00: Bessie .Forbes, drivingschool hack to DIs. No. 3, and rent ofrig, $36.00: Howard Turner, drivingschool hack to DIs. No. 3. $59.00; WillHaiti, driving school hack to Dia. No.9. $45.00; Frank Slmcoke, driving schoolhack to Dis. No. 10 and coal oh rur- -n Is tied for same. $60.90; Josph Blelry.driving school hack to Ti. No. 9.$50.00; Mary Ammerman. hauling chil-dren to school. DIs. No 11. $4.00: O. E.Dickinson, new clock for hi, jj's.No. 15. $4.80.

Jan. 28 John Cllnehens. repair tschools Nos. 9. 10, 12 and IS. $3.25.. Jan. 30 Klehfoth & Nlewoehner.coal for schools, Nos. 10. 12 and 43.and repair material, $99.60.

Jan. 31 Chas. O. King, setting onetire on school hack. No. 10. $ 75. HarryS. Stlltlnger. coal oil for schools Nos.9 and 11 and school hacks. $2.76.

Feb. 2 John Leo, load of kindlingfor achool. DIs. No. 11. $3.60; RussellClark. Janitor work at school, Dis. No.1, $15.00; Will Turner, driving schoolhack to Dis. No. 16, $40.00; Geo. M.Guyer, repair of school buildings, Nos.5, 10. 13 and 14. $10.00.

Feb. 6 Klger and Co. supplies forall schools, $101.48.

Feb. 7 ir. it. p. Morrow, vaccinat-ing pupils at school No. 3. $4.00.

Feb. 8 L. M. Jones, cross cut sawfor cutting; trees at achool, Dla. No. 10,$3.00.

Feb. 9 A. D. Thompson, drivingschool hack to Dis. No. 10. $25.00.

Feb. 11 Smith System Heating Co.,fcr sanitary closet system for newschool, DIs. No. 11-- $459.60.

Feb. 14 Dr. S. Edgar Bond, vaccinat-ing pupils at schools DIs. Nos. 1 and 3,$16.75. -

Feb. 16 A. M. Hood, repairing schoolhack, Dis. No. 3, $2.00.

Fob. 18 John Lee, 1 load of kindlingfor DIs. No. 3. $5.00.

Feb. 19 Horace Holtcamp," irralesand exoress charges for Dis. 11. $14-70- .

Feb. 20 Mary Ammerman, haulingchildren to school DIs. No 11. $16.00.

Feb. 21 J. P. Evans, kindling forschool. DIs. No. 10, $15.25.

Feb. 23 Russell F. Clark. Janitorwork at school DIs. No. 1. $35.00; Pass-mor- e

Avery, Janitor work at schoolDIs. No. 3, $20.00: Olive Toney, Janitorwork ut school Dis. No. 5. $32.00: WmBartel Sr., Janitor work at school DIs.No. 9 and extras. $37.60; Elijah Tharp.janitor work at school. Dis. No. 10.$33 00; John Jenkins, .janitor work atschool Dis. No. 11. $35.00; C. H. Little,driving school hack to DIs. No. 1.

$60.00; Bessie Forbes, driving schoolhack to Dis. No. 3, $35.00; Howard Tur-ner, driving school hack to DIs. No. 3,$59.00; Joseph Bietry, driving schoolhack to DIs. No. 9, $50.00: Will Mattl.driving school hack to DIs. No. 9 andcoal oil. $46.25; Frank Slmcoke. drivingschool hack to DIs. No. 10. $60.00; Eu-

gene Anderson, driving school hack toDis. No. 13. $60.00; Will Turner, driv-ing school hack to Dis. No. 13, $40.00;Ira P. Bishop, driving school hack toDIs. No. 10, $25.00; A. B. Carman, coaloil and supplies for school, DIs. No. 3,$9.40.

Feb. 26 Howard Turner, drivingschool hack to Dis. No. a. $59.00; IrvinHeed & Son. hardware and supplies forall schools. $14.64; Wayno Works, repairs for school hacks, 31. so.

Feb. 27 V. H. Juerllng. part pay oncontract, new school building. DIs. No.ll-- $639.00; V. H. Juerllng. part payon contract, new school building, Dis.No. ll-- $1,000.00; II. S. Stiliinger,coat oil for schools Nos. 9 and 11 andhacks, $3.36.

Mar. 4 Richmond City Water Works,privilege of hydrant for school, DIs.No. 9. $5.00.

Mar. 6 I. T. Beck, teaching agricul-ture In all schools. $250.00: Klehfoth.Niewoehner Co.. coal for schools, 9, 10.11 and 12. $123.50.

Mar. 9 Geo. M. Guyer. repair workat school, DIs. No. 11. $33.00; T. H. tA E. Trac. Co., car tickets for pupilsfrom Dis. No. 11 school to Garfield.$10.00; Homer Evans, tuning piano atachool. Dis. No. 1. $2.50; Bennett Isen-howe- r.

hauling children to school, DIs,No. 13. $39.75.

Mar. 15 Forrest Monger, freight anddrayage of school furniture. $59.49.

Mar. 16 John Jones, cutting wood atschool DIs. No. 10. $7.88; Agnes Miles,janitor work at school Dis. No. 6,$90.00; C. II. Miles, repair work atschool Dis. No. 6, $7.00.

Mar. 22 Elijah Tharp. Janitor workat school Dis No. 10, $32.00- -

Mar. 28 Russell F. Clark, janitorwork at Dis. No. 1 and extras. $38.42.

Mar. 23 Passmore Avery, Janitorwork at Dis. No. 3. $20.00; Olive Toney.janitor work at DIs. No. 5. $82.00; Wm.Bartel Sr.. Janitor work at DJs. No. 9.$35.00: John Jenkins, Janitor work atDIs. No. 11. $36.00; Chas. H. Littledriving school hack to Dis No. 1. $60.00;Bessie Forbes, driving sehool hack toDla. No. 3. $30.00: Howard Turner,driving school hack to DIs. No. 3.$59.00:. Will Mattl. driving school hackto DIs. No. 9. $43.00: Frank Slmcoke.driving school hack to DIs. No. 10.$60.00; Joseph Bietry. driving schoolhack to Dis. No. 9. $50.00i Will Turnr.driving school hack to DIs. No. 15.$40.00; Eugene Anderson. drivingsehool hack to DIs. No. 13, $50.00: J. F.Gibson, driving-- school hack to Dis. No.11, $20.00; I. T. Beck, teaching agri-culture in all schools, $100.00; Ira P.Bishop, driving school back to Pis. No.10. $50.00.

Mar 2.8 H. S. Stiliinger. coal oil forDIs. Nos. 9 and 11 and hack. $3.43.

April 6 Richmond Lumber Co., lumJber for repairs, dis. no. 11. 65.60; Rich-mond Lumber Co.. lumber for repairDis. No. 10, $.95.

April 6 M. D. Hutchtngs, instituteattendance 7 day. $28.00:

April 9 --John Lee, kindling for N.6 school, $4.00; J. O. Edgerton, treas.expense of institute and printing ex-amination questions, etc., $18.00.

Deo. 1 W. H. Brooks, Co. Auditor.December Distribution of Stat Fund$311.44

DISBURSEMENT ROAD FOKOJan. 14 J. B. Diehl. Work on Roads,

DIs. No. 1. $10.00.Jan. 13 N. P. White. Work on Roads,

DIs. 1, .

Jan. 19 Harry Stout, work on roads.cleaning- - snow, $6.60; John Burner,work on roada, cleaning- - snow, ss.uv.

Feb. 7 J. C. Rlngley, Work on roads.DIs. No. 4. $3.00; Joseph A Rolsln, haul-ing gravel, Road DIs. No. 4. $9.00; R.C. Wilcox, labor on roads, DIs. No. 1.$3.00. ,'

Feb. Edwin Hartman, ; snoveunggravel. DIs. No. 1. $89.58.

Feb. 9 Albert Hartman. snoveunggravel. DIs. No. 1. $51; Oeo H. Baker,repairing road plow. DIs. No. 1. $3.50;Walter Ratllff. 413 L. Gravel. Dis. No.2. $92.40; Fred Davis, hauling A shov-eling. Dis. No. 1. 38.37: Walter Brooks,shoveling snow, DIs. No. 1, $9; RusselF. Clark, shoveling snow, DIs. No. 1,$11; Joseph. McKee. shoveling-

- snow,Dis. No. 1, $20; 8. C. Robinson, shoveli-ng- snow. DIs. No. 1, $26.40; Will Mat-t- l.

60 L and shoveling snow. DIs.No. 4, $64.60; Abner Bulla, shovelingsnow, DIs. No. 1, $2; W. E. Alexander,shovelinar snow and hauling. DIs. No. 1.

$11.00; Oeorge Worley. shoveling snowand hauling. DIs. 1. $42; J. W. Haustet-te- r.

shoveling snow and plowing. DIs.4. $139: C. H. Williamson, shovelingsnow. DIs. No. 1. $2.

Feb. 11 C. H. Duke, clearing snowfrom roads. DIs. 1, $94.60.

Feb. 13 Cora E. Rleweke, work doneon roads, DIs. No. 1. $8.

Feb. 18 H. B. Jefferls. clearing snowfrom roads. DIs. No. 1. $182.

Feb. 15 Hackman-Klehfot- h Co.. ce-ment for sewer, DIs. No. 4, $16; WillTurner, shoveling and plowing: snow.Die. NO. 3. 39.13.

Feb. 16 Walter Test, gravel furnish-ed DIs. No. 3, 381.

Feb. 23 W. H. Hartman. gravel furnished DIs. No. 1. $2.60; Oarnett Rtng-le- y,

gravel furnished Dis. No. 4. $16.75:F. O. Davenport, clearing snow fromroads, Dis. 4. $21; 'Joseph Plttman.clearing snow from roads. Die. 1. $5.04.

March 2 E. K. Wilson, clearingsnow from roads DIs. 8. 85: Avery Cook,work on roads DIs. 1. $20.50.

March 7 J. A. Weldenbach, work onroads, Dis. 1, $6.69.

March 12 Edgar 8. Bennett, workon roadsfpis. 1. $8.75.

March VI J. W. Haustetter. work onroads with team. DIs. 4. $20.

April 5 Cornelius Ratllff. 44 1. grav- -el. 1Mb. 2. 39.

April 6 H. B. White. 10 1. graveland labor. Dis. 1. $9.72.

April 9 W. H. Glunt. 41 1. gravel.DIs. No. 3. $8.20.

April 13 Joseph McKee, post andcement, Dis. 1, $7.60.

April 17 Lillle T. Balrd.,20 1 gravel.DIs. 1. $4.

April 18 S. P. Williamson, work onroads, raking stones, Dis. 1, $11.40.

April 20 George Worley. work onroads with team. DIs. 1. $10.

April 23 C. E. Williams, work onroads with team, DIs. 1. $20. . .

April 26 Bernard Behnan. shovelingsnow, DIs. 8. $8; J. W. Haustetter, workon ronds, DIs. No. 4. $26.10.

April 27 Will- - Turner, work onjroads, Dis. No. 3. $6: Ocorgo worley.work on roads, DIs. 1. $16.60: ClarenceHaas, grading on roads, Dis. No. 3.$5.

April 30 Philip Whltacre, 1 da. workwith team Dis. J. $4.

May 4 Arch - Webb, shoveling onroada, DIs. No. 1. $8.66.

May 11 Herbert Steen, . work onroads, Dis. No. 1, $4.

May 25 John . Haustetter, work onroads, No. 4. $20.

June 26 Standard Supply Co.. sew-er pipe and cement, DIs. No. 1. $23.76.

June 29 Irvin Hart, repairing bridg-es. DIs. No. 2. $10.

July 5 Walter Test, 20 1. gravel.Dis. 3, 34 .

July 13 S. C.'- - Robinson. 1 da. laboron roads with team. Dis. 1. $4.

July 15 Amos Wolf. 606 I. graveland labor with team. $176. ,

Julv 17 Howard H. Horton, survey-ina- r

Hill on Miller road. $10.July 19 C. W. Kramer Co., lumber

for bridges. SS0.25.Julv 22 I. E. Smith, steel sewer pipe

DIs. No. 1, $28.60; J. W. Haustettor, la-bor on roads. Dis. No. 4, $54.

Aug. 3 Alexander Greenhoff, trim-ming trees on hlsrhway. Dis. No. 1. $2.

Aug. 6 L. S. Bowman. Co. auditor,making road book for twp., $25.

Aug. 7 Dickinson Trust Co. to payloan on road fund and interest. $530:Dickinson Trust Co.. to pay loan onroad fund and interest. $500.

Ausr- - 8 John W. Haustetter, gravelfurnished and labor on roads in ins.No. 4. $44.25.

Ang. 1" J. W. Haustetter, work onroads and storatre for sewer. $14.15.

Aug:. 28 Hackman-Klehfot- h & Co..sewer pipe for DIs.. No. 4. $27; IsaacAdams, labor on highway, 3 hours.60c.

Aur. 31 John W. Haustetter. workon roads with team, DIs. 4. $10.

Sept. 7 S. E. Danner. shovelinggravel, Dis. No. 1. 10; Howard Jefferlshauling gravel and grading. DIs. No.1. $24: Geo. O. Scott, shoveling gravel,Dis. No. 1. $S; Russell Clark, work .onhighway. DIs. No. 1. $25.

Sept. 12 Luther Starbuck. shovelinggravel, DIs. 1. $16; J. W. Haustetter.work on roads and material furnished,Dis. No. 4, 5H days, $34.80: Frank G.Davenport, work on roads, DIs. I, $12:Cha. H- - Little, shoveling gravel. DIs.1. $22; Mather Bro. Co., sewer pipeand cement. DIs. 1, $17.15.

Sept 14 Joseph Lahmann. mowingweeds In King's cemetery. $6.

Sept. 21 Samuel E. Danner. work onroads. DIs. No. 1, $9: Warren Pemher-to- n.

work on roads, DIs. No. 1. $17.25.Kent. 30. R. R. Btlgleman. hauling

on road. Dis. 1. 34.Oct. 5 Russel F. Clark, work and

material, DIs. 1, $33.43.Oct. 9 Klger. &. Co., steel sewer pipe,

DIs. 1. $27.72.Oct. 12 T. W. Cook, gravel furnish-

ed Dis. 1. $9.80.Oct. 15 Henrv Puthoff. hauling and

Shoveling gravel, DIs. 1, $53.95.Oct. 18 The Miller-Kemp- er Co.,

bridge timber. $7.60.Oct. 19 Chas. H. Little, work on

road. DIs. 1. $25.Oct. 21 Warren G. Pemberton. work

on roads, DIs. 1. $14.50: Luther L. Star-buc- k,

work on roads, Dis. 1, $17.50.Oct. 22 J. H. Ooblens, 2 shovels for

road use, DIs. 1. $3.50.Oct. 26 Eugene Anderson, gracel

furnlshedfl T)ls. No. 4. $25.00.Oct. 28 Henry H. Johannlng, Sewer

tile for DIs. No. 4. $9.00.Oct. 29 Alexander Greenhoff. shov-

eling gravel. DIs. 1, $16.00: Cha. O.Townaend. hauling gravel. Dis. 1. $8.72:Richmond Gravel Co.. gravel furnishedDis. No. 3, $36.5rOr1o Stanley, work onroads. DIs. I. $6.00: C. E. Jeffrls. haul-ing gravel. Dis. 1. $7.63.

Oct. 30 John W. Baumer. haulinggravel, DIs. 3. $14.33.

Oct. 31 Union National bank, forroad work done by Alexander, $24 00:Frank Lawrence, labor on roads. DIs.3. Ts.00: W. W. Cottingham. labor onditch. Dis. 4, $15 00.

Nov. 2 Raymond Turner, gravel fur-nished. Dis. 3. $5.90: Elijah I. Hart,shoveling gravel. Dis. 2. $16.80: Wil-bu- r

Turner, hauling gravel," DIs. 3,S3.4S; George Worley. labor on roads.Dis. 1 $1.66; Medora Little, work doneon roads, by York Little. Dis. No. .1.$3 00.

Nov. 4 H. B. White, labor on roads.Die. No. I. $30.00. - -

Nov. 5 Lewis H. Baumer, labor onroads. DIs. No. 3. $1.06.- Nov. G Russell F. Clark, . labor onroads, DIs. No. 1. $40.00.

Nov. 15 Leslie Cook, - gravel fur-nished, Dis. No. 1, $55.50.

Nov. 19 Robert Lamb, shovelinggravel, $14.36.

Dec. 4 J. E. McKee, pay as super-visor and team furnished, DIs. 1, $62.00.

Dec. 6 Silas Minner, labor on roads,DIs. No. 4. $2.45.

Dec. 7 Oarnett Ringley. gravel fur-nished. Dis. 4. 36 L.. $10.80.

Dec. 18 Homer Davisson. labor onroads. DIs. 1, $16.00; Thos. L. Porter,field, $73 L. gravel furnished, Pis. 1,$68.00. ,

Dec. 14 Eugene - Anderson, 150 L.

Advisory Board or sold Townnip,County and Stat, aforesaid. Jan. let, I

1918, showing receipts, disbursementand balances In all the different fundsof Wayne Township for th year anding Dec. 31st, 1118.

TOWNSHIP FirXDnSCKIFTSAmount on hand Jan. '1st, 131$.

$3,007.31.June 10 W. H. Bradbury, trustees

of Wayne Twp. Library Board, rent ofoffice and refund. $65.00.

June 34 X 8. Bowman, county audi-tor, June distribution of funds, $2,143.14.

Oct. 17 Three Justices of peae ofWayne township, docket fees for year131$. $44.00.

Dec. 13 W. II. Brooks. Co. auditor.December distribution of state funds,$1,313.33.TOWNSHIP FUND DIURKM2SjrTi. Jan. 14 Helen Edgerton, help In of-

fice. $25.00. ..'..'Jan. 15 Richmond Home TelephoneCo., rent of office phone. $9.7$; M. J.Quigley, stamps for office, $3.00.

Jan. 13 J. O. Edgerton, trustisalary and expense. $155.00.

Jan. 30 L. 8. Bowman, rent of officefor on year. $130.00; Klger ft Co., sup-plies for office, 319 45; Helen Edg-erto-

help In office, $26.00; J.' O. Edg-erto-

salary of Twp. trustee. $65.00; Bartel &Itohe, supplies for office. $7.86.

Feb. 14 J. M. Co Printing; Co.. printi-ng- for office. $9.00; Helen Edg-erto-

help In office, $36.00.Feb. 20 M. J. Quigley, stamps for

office. $4.00.Feb. 2C Zacher Bros., typewriter

ribbons and carbon paper for office.$26.70; J. O. Edg-erto- salary ana ex- -

'ense or Twp. trustee, ssiu.oo.Feb. 27 Nicholson & Bros.. Index

files for office. $1.50.Feb. 2S Helen Edg-erton-

, neip in or- -flee. $25.00.

Mar. 3 Nicholson Printing-- Co.. Printing check and voucher books for office.$36.25.

Mar. 9 Helen Edg-erto- help in of'floe, $15.00.

Mar. 15 Helen Edgerton, neip in or-flc- e.

$10.00.Mar. 18 J. O. Edg-erto- salary of

Twp. trustee, $60.00.Mar. 18 The Item Newspaper Co., pub-lishing report of 1917. $66.74.' Mar. 27 Helen Edgerton, help in of-fice. $25.00.

Mar. 29 Richmond Palladium, pub-lishing- report of 1817. $53.60.

Mar. 30 J. O. Edgerton. salary oftrustee and expense, $250.00.

4prll 1 The Hubbard Prlntery,printing for office, $2.25.

April 2 Dougan Jenkins & Co., In- - I

surance of township employees. $92.90,April 5 Richmond Home Telephone

Co., rent of office phone. $9.75; Don M.Shute. help In office. $10.00.

April 6 Tom Martin, cleaning win-dows and woodwork in office. $10.00.

April 12 M. J. Quigley, stamps foroffice. $4.00.

April 18 Helen EWgerton, help In of-

fice, $15.00.April 15 J. O. Edgerton, salary of

$65.00.April 20 M. J. Quigley, stamps for

office, $3.00.. April 27 Helen Edgerton, help inoffice. $25.00.

May 3 J. O. Edgerton. salary astrustee. $100.00; W. H. Anderson Co., 1J. P. Law book for Morgan, $7.50.

Mav 6 D. H. Coble Printing Co..prlntlnsr and supplies for office. $23.34.

May 14 Helen Edgerton, help In of-

fice, $25 00; J. O. Edarerton. salary oftrustee. $125.00; Don N. Shute, help Inoffice. 39-40- .

May 17 M. J. Quigley, stamps foroffice. $3.00.

May 13 A. M. Gardner, legal servicesfor township, $30.00.

May 31 J. O. Edgertdn. salary oftrustee and expense. $125.00; NicholsonPrinting Co., reblniJing poor record.$160.

Jure 1 Helen Edgerton, help in-of- ?

Tice, in on.June 6 Tom Martin, cleaning office

rooms and window, $4.25.June 6 T. M. Coe Printing Co.. print-In- s;

for office, $11.00; Helen Edgerton,help In office. $5.00.

June 7 J. M. Coe Printing Co., print-I- n

for office, $7.25.June 11 Don N. Shute. help In office.

$2 00.Tune 13 M. J. Quigley. stamps for

office. $3 00.Jun 14 Helen Edgerton, help in of-

fice. $20.00.June 17 T. O. Edgerton, salary of

trustee, $60.00.June 25 Klger and Co.. supplies for

office. $21.62.June 26 M. J. Quigley. stamps for

office, $3.00..Tune 21 Helen O. Edgerton, help in

office. $23.00.July 3 T. O. Edgerton, salary of

trustee, $60.00.July s j. o. Edgerton, trustee's ex-

pense, $75.00.July 8 Richmond Home Telephone

Co.. rent of office phone and tolls. $9.85.July 13 Helen G. Edgerton, Help in

office, $25.00.July 17 R. L. Polk & Co., city di-

rectory for office, $5.00.July 18 J. O. Edgerton, salary of

trustee. 8125 00..Tiilv in M. J. Quigley, stamps for

office, $3.00.July 22 School city of Richmond for

transfer of pupil" to city schools. $300:School city of TMchmond, transfer ofpuolls to city. $600.00.

July 24 Helen O. Edgerton, help Inoffice. $3.00.

July 26 Tom Msrtln, cleaning win-dows In office. $1.00.

; July 31 Helen O. Edgerton, help Inoffice, $22.00.

Ausr. 8 T)oucan Jenkins & Co., com-

pensation-- "'ancc for township em-

ployees, $30.S$.Aug. 1J wnertcan Railway A Ex-

press Co., Express on office supplies,$1.15.

Ausr. 13 Helen Elgerton. heln In office. $25.00; P. Tf. OoMe Printing Co.,prlntlnsr for.offlce, $5.04.

An. 17 M. J. Quigley. stamps foroffice. $4 00.

Aug. 21 Don N. Shute, help In.offlc.$2.50.

Aug. SI Helen Edgerton. help In of-fice. $22.50.

Sept. 14 Helen Edgerton. help In of-fice. $25.00.

Kept. 23 Tho. Ti. Martin, washingoffice windows nnd moving paint. $2 00.

Sept. 80 fiuaranteed Typewriter Ex-chan-

cleaning and oiling' typewriterfor office. $1 00.Oct. 1 Helen Eilgerton. help In .of-

fice. $15.00.Oct. 9 Kler & Co., township office

nnd J. P. supplies, $6.17.vt. 10 lmnrlal Electrical Co.. book

holder ffr nfflce, $8.00.Oct i' Helen Edgerton, help In of-

fice. $? ooOct. te & Rohe. office and J.

i tiprVI'". 72.81s A. M. Oardner, legalservice fl township, $35.00.

Oct. 2V Richmond Home TelephoneCo.. rci of office phone, $10.50.

Oct 5" Helen Edgerton. help In of-fice. $oo.

Oct. ST Item Newspaper Co., nrlnt-'- .'hid and trustee's report. $11.79;

Helen Pilcrerton. help In office, $20 00.vv. M. J. Quigley, stamps for

office. 33.00.Vrtv. 14 Klger and Co.. J. P. supplies.

!: Helen Edgerton. help In office.$r. 00.

Nov. 18 J. O. Edgerton. expense ofTwp. truteo, $50.00.

Nov. 21 J O. Edgerton. salary oftrustee. $125.00.

Nov. 59 Helen Edgerton. help In of-fice, $25.00.

Dec. 5 C. C. Ewbank, salary as mem-ber of advisory board. $5.00: Jesse A.Uolley, salary as member of advisoryhoard. $5.00; E. H. Stegman. salary asmember of advisory board. $5.00: A. M.Gardner, legal services for township,$3500.

Dec. 14 Helen Edgerton. help In of-fice. $25.00.. Dec. 14 M. j. Quigley, stamps for or- -flCR $3.00. . . . .

pec. 19 Helen Edgorton. neip in Office. 815.00.

Dec. 21 J. O, Edgerton, trustee's sal-ary. $30.00.

Dec. 2S The D. H. Gobi PrintingCo.. J. P. Summon and Postage, $3.08.

Dec. 29 The D. H. Gobi Prtg. Co.,

printing for office, $24.10; J. M. Co

Printing Co., printing for office. $8.50:The Hoosler Mercantile Co., repairs for

Blanche Addleman. teaching: school.No. 11. $76.00; Mary Hennlng.

teaching school. DIs. No. 12. $600;Madge J. Guthrie, teaching; school. Dts.No. 14, $46.00; Etta. Rose, teachingschool. DIs. No. 15. $30.00; Grac B.Oormon, teaching music all schools.$75.00; Ross N. Lammott, teachingschool, DIs. No. 10, $40.00.

Mar. 3 Nina V. Short, teaching Do-mestic Science all schools, $28.00.

Mar. 9 Edna Toney, teaching; school,Dis. No. 13. $50.00.

Mar. 14 Elenita, Simmons, teachingschool.' Dts. No. 10. $50.00; Ros - N.Lammott, teaching school, Dis.. No. 10,$40.00.

Mar. 23 Florence E. Guthrie, teach-ing school. Dis. No. 1. $70.00: MarjorlePickett, teaching school, Dts. No. 1.$50.00; Nellie Morrow, teaching school,DIs. N. 3. $50.00; France Simmon,teaching school, Dts. No. 3. $60.00: CoraNolder. teaching school, Dl. No. 6.$50.00; Ethel Hoover, teaching school.DIs. No. 6. $50.00: M. D. Hutchlngs.teaching school. Dis. No. 6, 10.00: OrM. White, teaching school, Dis. No. $V

$40.00: Lora Eldrldge. teaehintf scaooi.DIs.. No. 6. $5.00; Alice I.JVore, teachingschool, Di. No. 9, $60.00; Ross N. Lam-mott. teaching school, Di. No. 10.$30.00; Jas. C. Starr, teaching school.DIs. No. 10. $25.t)0; Mary ThorntonSpillman. teaching school. DIs. No. 10.S70.00: Clara Porter, teaching school.DIs. No. 11. $80.00; Blanche Addleman.teaching school. Dis. No. .11. - $76.00;Mary Hennlng, teaching school. Dts. No.12. $75.00: Edna Toney. teaching school.Di. No. 18. $30.00; Madge J. Guthrie,teaching chooL Dis. No. 14, $45.00; EttaRoe, teaching school, DIs. No. 15, $40:Grace B. Oormon, teaching music in allschools, $75.00. ...

' Mar. 26Nlna V. ' Short.. . teachingDom. Science .all schools. $28.00.

April 6 M. D. , Hutchlngs, teachingschool. Dla No. f. $60.00.

April Alice I. Vore, teachingschool. Dla No. t. $80.00.

April 12 Nina V. Short. ' teachingDom. Science, all schools. $21.00.

April 13 Edna U Toney. teachingchool. Dl. 13. $1$5.00.

April 16 Mary. Hennlng. teachingachool. Dis. No. 12. $135.00: Etta Rose.teaching school. DIs. No. 15. $140.00:Grace B. Gormon. teaching music In allschools. $76.00: Marjorle Flcxet, tearn-ing school, Dis. No. 1. $145.00; MadgeGuthrie.- - teaching school, DIs. No. 14.$70.00; Cora Nolder, teaching school.Dts. No. 6. $140.00: Kthei Hoover, teacn-i- n

achool. Dis. No. 5. $100.00; LoraEldrldge. teaching achool, Dla No. 6.$167.00; Alice L Vore. teaching school.Dis. No. 9. $60.00; J. C. Starr, teachingschool. DIs. No. 10. S155.00; urs - i.White, teaching achool, Dla No. .

11S0 00 Elenita Simmons. teachingschool. Dis. No. 10. $106.00; Mary Thornton Spillman. teaching cnooi. wis. no.10, $80.00; Clara Porter, teaching school.Dis. No. 11. $95.00: Blanche Addleman.teaching school. Dts. No. 11. $140.00:Ross N. Lammott. teaching school. Dis.No. 10. $135.00: Florence E. Guthrie,teaching school, DIs. No. 1. $106.00;Nellie Morrow, teaching school, DIs. No.8, $390.00: France 8lmmons, teachingschool. Dis. No. 3, $80.00.

April 18 Ruth Jackson, teachingschool at Dts. No. 6 for M-- D. Hutchlngs,(resigned). $16.25.

July 22 School city of Richmond,pay of transfer of Wayne township pu-pils schools. $6,227.66.to the city

July 26 MIlo J. Harris, pay of trans-fers and school hack drivers, $62.00.

Sept 14 Ross N. Lammott. teachingschool. Dts. No. 11. $35.0.

Sept 27 Florence E. Guthrie, teach-ing school. Di. No. 1. $78.00; MarjorlePickett, teaching school. DIs. No. 1.

$60.00: Nellie Morrow, teaching school,Dis. No. 3. $75.00: Frances Simmons,teaching school. Dts. No. 3. $70.00: CorNolder, teaching scnooi, vi: no. o.$86.00: Ethel Hoover, teacning scnooi.Dis. No. 5. $70.00; Geo. M. Elliott teach-ing school. Dis. No. 6. $80.00; Lora Eldr-

ldg-. teaching school. DIs. No. 6.$25.00: Ora M. White, teaching school.Dis. No. 9. $85.00; Alice I. Vore, teach-ing school. Dis. No. ' 9. $77.00: J. C.

Starr, teaching school. DIs. No. 10.$70.00; Ada Parry, teaching school, Dts.No. 10. $80.00: Elenita Simmons, teach-ing school. DIs. No. 10. $80.00; Rosa N.Lammott. teaching school. Dla No. 11.$60.00: Clara Porter, teaching school,DIs. No. 11-- $40.00; Blanche Jordan,teaching school. DIs. No. 11-- $7000;Marv Hellin. teaching school, Dts. No.12. $70.00: Elisabeth Jarrett teachingschool. DIs. No. 13. $60.00; Edna L.Toney. teaching school Dla 14. t0.0O;Etta Rose, teaching school. Dts. No. 15,$60.00;Grace B. Gormon. teaching musicall schools. $80.00.

Oct. 11 Ross N. Lammott teachingschool. Dts. No. 11. $40.00.

Oct. 26 Florence E. Guthrie, teach-ing school, DIs. No. 1. $76.00: MarjorlePickett, teaching school. DIs. No.. 1.

$50.00: Nellie Morrow, teaching school.Dts. No. 3, $75.00; Frances Simmons,teaching school, Dis. No. 3, $70.00: CoraNolder, teaching school, DIs. No. 6,$85.00: Ethel Hoover, teaching achool.DIs. No. 5. $70.00: Geo. M. Elliott teach-ing school. DIs. No. 6. $80.00; Lora Eld-rldge. teaching school. Dts. No. 6.$100.00; Ora M. White, teaching school.Dis. No. 9, $86.00: Alice I. Vore. teach-ing school. Dis. No. 9. $76.00; J. C.Starr, teaching school. DIs. No. 10.$65.00: Elenita Simmons, teachingschool. DIs. No. 10. $80.00; Ada Parry,teaching school. Dis. No. 10. $80.00: RossN. Lammott. teaching school, DIs. No.11. $40.00; Mabel M. Guyer. teachingschool, DIs. No. 11, $66.00; Clara Porter,teaching sehool, Dis. No. 11-- A. $60.00;Blanche Jordan, teaching school. DIs.No. 11-- $70.00; Mary Hennlng. teach-ing school. DIs. No. 12. $70.00; ElisabethJarrett teaching school. Dis. No. IS.$60.00; Edna L. Toneyf teaching school,Dis. No. 14, $60 00; Etta Rose, teach-ing school. DIs. No. 15, $50.00; Grace B.Gormon, teaching music all ., schools,$80.00.

Nov. 9 Mrs. Rose Ladd, teachingschool, DIs. No. 1, $20.00.

Nov. 22 Florence E. Guthrie, teaching school. Dis. No. 1. $60.00; MarjorlePickett teaching school. DIs. No. 1.$60.00; Nellie Morrow, teaching school.Die.' No. 3, $100.00; Frances Simmons,teaching school, Dis. No. 3, $70.00-- . CoraNolder. teaching school. Dis. .No. S.$85.00: Ethel Hoover, teaching school,Dis. No. 5. $70.00: Geo. M. Elliottechi" school. Dts. No. 6. $80.00;

Lora Eldrldge, teaching school, Dl. No.6, $80.00; Ora M. White, teaching schoolDia No. 9. $75.00; Alice I. Vore. teach-ing school. Dis. No. 9, $60.00: J. C.Starr, teaching school. Dis. No. 10,$80.00: Elenita Simmons, teachingschool. DIs. No. 10. $80.00; Ada Parry,teaching school, Dts. No. 10. $80.00;Ross N. lammott, teaching school. DlaNo. 11. $15.00; Mabel M. Guyer, teach-ing school. Dis. No. 11, $66.00; ClaraPorter, teaching school. Dts. No. 11--

$75.00: Blanch Jordan, teaching school,DIs. No. 11-- $60.00; Mary Hennlng.teaching school. Dis. No. ? 12. $90.00;Elisabeth Jarrett. teaching achool. DIs.No. 13, $60.00; Edna L-- Toney, teach-ing school. Dis. No. 14. $20.00; EttaRose, teaching school. DIs. No. IS.$60.00; Grace B. ' Gormon, teachingmusic all school. $80.00.

Dec. 7 Ross N. Lammott, teachingschool. Dts. No. 11. $40.00.

Dec. 14 Mabel Guyer. teachingchool. Dl. No. 11. $26.00.

Dec. 20 Florence E. Guthrie, teaching school, Dla No. 1. $80.00: MarjorlePickett teaching school. Dia. No, 1,$60.00: Nellie Morrow, teaching vchool,DIs. No. 3. $85.00; Francos Simmons,teaching school. Dl No. S, $70.00; CoraNolder, teaching school, Dla No. 5.$75.00; Ethel Hoover, teaching, achool.Dl. No. 6. $70.00; Geo. . M. Elliottteaching school, Dia Nov 6. $100.00;Lora Eldrldge. teaching sehool. No. 6.380.00 Ora M. White, teaching school.Ola No. 9, $95.00; Alio I. Vor. teaching achool, Dla No. 9. $76.00: J. C.

?ar.r! l."01! w--f

. o wmmons. teacn.ng enoolDla No. 10. $80.00; Ad Parrr. teachingscnooi, uim. no, iw, sev.vv; iwn r. UUB-mo- tt

teaching- - school. Di. No. 11. $40;Mabel Guyer, teaching achool. Dla No.

(Continued on Pag Twolv)

Sr.. innttnv work school DIs. No. 9, $40;Elijah Tharp.' janitor, work DIs. 10. $46:Ross N. Lammott, Janitor work schoolDis. No. 11. $45; W. A. Unthank, Janitorwork school Dis. No. 11-- A. $40.

Dec. 21 Herman Remmert, drivinghack to Dis. No. 18, $9. ' : ;

Dec. 23 The Geo..-.T- . Johnson Co,toilet paper for all schools, siu: moos

U6r Mercantile Co.,' supplies for all. .. ...k..i. i E n l

Dec. 24 Chas. H. Little, plasteringat school house, DIs. No. 1. $3.60.

Dec. 26 The Arco Company, paintfor school houses, $164., '

Dec. 27 National Heating & Venti-

lating Co.. grates for school furnace.$8.36; Annie L. Stout, cleaning achoolhouse. Dts.Tfo.12. $3. , ',...Doc.. 23 The V. 8. Chemical Co-sch-


supplies, $67.76: The ContinentalManufacturing Co..- - achool supplies.tioft.70: The Sanitary Chemical Co.,school supplies, $3.28; John Cllnehens.repair of pump at Di. No. 6. 10 and11. $17.26; Central City Chemical Co..school supplies, $8.28; The J. I. Hol-com- b

Mfg. Co.. school supplies. $25.76;atonrtarri On Co.. oil for all schools.$65.94; 8. E. Danner. appraising schoolhouse, DIs. No. 4. $2.

Dec. 29 The D. H. Gobi PrintingCo., home and school visitor for allschools, $32; Hoosler Mercantile Co.,supplies for all schools, $8.84.

. Dec. 31 The Second National bank,interest on loan. $82.50; The Union Na-

tional bank, interest on loan. $32.50;Dickinson Trust Co.. interest on loan.$82.60; A. G. Luken & Co., disinfect-ant, all schools. $12.50.



Amount on hand. Jan. 1st, 1918," : '

Jan. 1 First National bank, inter-est on Dee. 1917 deposits, $3.41; Sec-

ond National bank. Interest on Dec.1917 deposits, $11: I'nion National bankInterest on Dec 1917 deposits, $5; Dick-inson Trust Co.. Interest on Dec. 1917

deposits. $6.45; American Trust tt Sav-

ings bank. Int on Dec. deposits. $1.48.Jan. 29 L. S. Bowman, co. aud., Jan.

distrlhiirlon of funds. 82.532.31.Feb. 1 First National bank, interest

on Jan. deposits. $5.01; Second Nation-al bank, interest on Jan. deposits.$13.85: Union National bank, intereston Jan. deposits. $5.50; Dickinson TrustCo. interest on Jan. deposits, $9.11;American Trust & Saving bank, int onJan. deposits. $4.18.

March 1 Flrst National Dante, inter-est on Feb. deposits, $3.87: Second Nat-ional bank, interest on Feb. deposits.$12 30; Union National bank. Intereston Feb. deposits. $5.50: Dickinson TrustCo.. interest on Feb. deposits. $6.32;American Trust & Savings bank, Inton Feb. deposits, $3.63. rApril 1 First National bank, Inter-est on March deposits. $3.47; SecondNational bank. Interest on March de-

posits. $9.19; Union National bank, in-

terest on March deposits. $8.33; Dick-inson Trust Co., Interest on March de-

posits, 34.24; Amer. Trust & Savingsbank. Int. on March deposits, $2.45.

May 1 First National bank, Inter-est on April deposits. $1.64; SecondNational bank, interest on April ,; de-

posits, $7.99; Union National bank. In-

terest on April deposits, $1.83; Dickin-son Trust Co., interest on April de-

posits, $3.77; Amer. Trust & Savingsbank, Int on April deposits, $1.64.

June 1 First National bank, intereston Mav deposits, $1.23; Second Nation-al bank, interest on May deposits $5.80:Union National bank. Interest on Maydeposits. 66c: Dickinson Trust Co., in-

terest on May deposits, $1.86: Amer.Savings & Trust bank, int. on May de-

posits, $1.20.June 24 L. S. Bowman; co. aud.,

June distribution of funds. $5,742.61.July 1 First National bank. Inter-

est on deposits for June, $2.84; SecondNational bank, interest on deposits forJune. $6.94: Union National bank. In-

terest on deposits for June, $2.16; Dick-inson Trust Co.. interest on depositsfor June. 43.01; Amer. Trust & SavingsCo.. Interest on deposits for June. $2.10.

July 16 L. S. Bowman, Co. aud.,Julv distribution of state funds,

July 31 MIlo J. Harris, pay of trans-fers for Center township to Waynetownshic 8270.54: Joel H. Moore, payof transfers from Boston township toWayne township. 162: senooi city orRichmond, pay of transfers from cityto Wayne township, ssz.

Aug. 1 First National bank. Inter-est on July deposits. $2.84: Second Nat-ional bank, interest on July deposits.$11.93: Union National bank, intereston Julv deposits, $8.18; Dickinson TrustCo., interest on July deposits, $9.45;American Trust & Savings Co., Int onJulv deposits, $3.97.

Sept. 1 First National bank. Inter-est on Aug. deposits, $4.07; Second Nat-ional hank. Interest on Aug. deposits.$9.77; Union National bank, interest onAug. deposits, $3.50; Dickinson TrustCo., Interest on Aug. deposits, $7.62:Amer. Trust & Savings Co.. interest onAug. deposits, $2.98.

Sept 18 L. J. Woodard. pay oftransfers from Spring Grove to No. 6school In Wayne township. $131.62: W.J. Curtis, twp. trustee, pay of transfers from Franklin townsnip to io. 3and 1 In Wayne township, $16.25.

Oct. 1 First National bank. Inter-est on Sept deposits, $3.10; Second Nat-ional bank. Interest on Sept deposits,$8.49; Union National bank, interest onSept. deposits, $3; Dickinson Trust Co.,Interest on Sept. deposits. $4.14: Amer.Trust & Savings Co.. int on Sept de-

posits. 82.47.Nov. 1 First National bank. Inter-

est on Oct deposits. $2.29: Second Nat-ional bank, interest on Oct. deposits,$5.64; Union National bank, Interest onOct deposits, $2.83; Dickinson TrustCo, interest on Oct. deposits $3.99:Amer. Trust & Savings Co., Interest onOct. deposits. $1.92.

Dec. 1 Ficst National Bank. Inter-est on November deposits. $.95: Second National Bank. Interest on Novem-ber deposits, $4.49; Union NationalRank, interest on November deposits.$2.16; Dickinson Trust Co.. Interest onNovember deposits, $2.29: AmericanTrust & Savings Co..' Interest on Nov-ember deposits. $1.02- -

Dec. 19 W. H. Brooks. Co. Aud. De-

cember distribution of state funds,$4 984.57. 'DTSBVRSEMEXTS. TIITIO.V FUNDJan. 12 Jas. C. Starr, teaching

school. Dis, No. 10, $40.00: Ross N.Lammott teaching school. Dis. No. 10,$40.00.

Jan. 23 Mary Thornton.", teachingschool. Dis. No. 10. $35.00: FlorenceGuthrie, teaching school. DIs. No. 1.$70.00: Marjorle Pickett teaching schoolDis. No. 1, $40.00; Frances Simmons,teaching school. Dis. No. 3. $70.00: CoraNolder, teaching school. DIs. No. 5.$75.00: Ethel Hoover, teaching school.DIs. No. 5, $50.00: M. D. Hutchlngs.teaching school. DIs. , No. 6, $80.00:Lora Eldrldge. teaching school. Dis.No. 6, 875.00; Ora M. White, teachingschool. DIs. No. 9. 850.00; Alice I. Vore,teaching school. DIs. No. 9, 962.00; Jas.C. Starr, teaching school. Dis. No. 10,$40.00: Elenita Simmons, teachingschool, DIs. No , 10. $80.00; Rosa N. Lam-mott. teaching school, DIs. No. 10.840.00.

Jan. 26 Clara Porter. teachingschool. Dis. No. 11. $100.00: BlancheAddleman, teaching school, DIs. No. 11.360.00: Mary Hennlng. teaching School,Dts. No. 12, 850.00: Edna Tortey, teach-ing school. Dis. No. 13. $40.00; MadgeGuthrie, teaching; school, Dts.. No. 14,$45.00; Etta Rose, teaching achool, Dis.No. 15, $60.00; Grace B. Oormon, teach-ing music in all schools. $75.00. -

Jan. 30 Mary Thornton, teachingschool, DIs. No. 10, $38.00.

Feb. 9 Rosa N. Lammott, teachingchool, DIs. No. 10. $35.00.Feb.' l2 Ntna V.'flhort teaching Do- -

meettc elence. all schools. $14.00.Feb. 16 Jas. C Starr, teaching

school, Dts. No. 10, $40.00. . -Feb. 23 Edna Toney, teaching

school. Dis. No. 13, $40.00; Florence E.Guthrie, teaching school, DIs. No. 1,

rees and janitor work. jjis. mo. i.$24.00: Florence E. Guthrie, institutefees. $1917-191- 8, $26.93: Ross N. Lam-mot- t.

institute fees. 1917-191- 8, $28.00;Marjorle Pickett. Institute fees, 1917-191- 8.

$21.00: Nellie Morrow, institutefees, 1917-191- 8. $28.00; Frances Sim-mons, institute fees. 1917-191- 8. $24.60;Cora Nolder. Institute fees. 1917-191- 8.

$28.00; Ethel Hoover, institute- - fes.1917-191- 8, $24.00; Lora Eld ridge, insti-tute fees. 1917-191- 3, $27.65; Alice LVore. Institute fees. 1917-191- 8, $25 20;Jas. C. Starr. Institute fees, 1917-iu- i.

$28.00: Ora M. White, institute fees.1917-191- 8. 828.00: Elenita Simmons. Institute fees, 1917-191- 8. $37.30; MaryThornton Spillman. Institute fees, 1917- -1918. 824.50; Clara Porter, institute rees,1917-191- 8, $28.00; Blanche Addleman.Institute fees. 1917,1918, $24.25; Mary

Institute fees. 1917-191- 8 andJanitor fees. $46.25: Etta Roe. Institutefees. 1917-191- 8. And Janitor fees. $33.00;Grace R. Oormon, Institute fees, 1917- -1918, $26.25. ' V

April- - 18 American Seating Co.,school desks and folding chairs, forschool Dis. No. 11-A- .- $467.96; SmithSystem Heating Co. sanitary heaterfor DIs. No. 14. $130.00.

April 19 If. S. Stiliinger. coal oil forschools Nos. 9 and 11 And hacks, $.96.

April 20 Richmond Coal Co., emer-gency coal order for school 'o. 10;$3.76.

April 22 Joseph Lahmann, work onground for school, DIs. No. 11-- withteam. $12.00.

April 25 T. H. I. A E. Trac. Co..car tickets for pupils from No. 11 schoolto Garfield, $5.00.

May 2 ElHah Tharp. work at DIs.No. 10 school building. $3.00; Harold B.Williams, pay of orchestra for com-mencement, $12.00; Irvin Reed & Son,hardware supplies, schools, jjis. nos. s,9. 1 1. 12 and 13. $8.92.

May 3 Vincent H. Juerllng. part payon contract for new school building,DIs. No. 11-- $1,000.00: Vincent HJuerllng. part pay on contract for newKchool building. Dis. No. 11-- $365.30;I. T. Beck, teaching agriculture in allschools. $100.00; Jos.. H. Hill Co.. moving coal from No. 11 school to No. ll--

34.00! W. H. Johnson & Son Co.. re-

pairs for furnace. Dis. No. 11. $19.20;Boston Store, wood and floor cleanerfor all schools. $17.50. . . -

Mav 4 Oeo. M. Guyer, repair workat schools, Dis. Nos. 6, 13 and 14,

" ' ' ' '

$49.65.May 6 A. W. Dingley, Janitor work

at high school building for commence-ment and practicing, $6.00. .

May 6 Klehfoth, Niewoehner, Co.,coal for school. Dis. No. It-- andsewer pipe. $57.60.- - - i

May 8 C. W. Crawford, talcing schoolenumeration. $50.00.

May Bros. Co, coal forschools Nos. 1, 3, 5 and 6, $40,35. j

May 16 J. C. Starr, taking -- schoct. " "enumeration. $50.00.

May 27 Horace Ellis, makingaddress, $20 00.

May 28 Richmond City Water Workswater-privile- ge at Dis. No. 14. $7 oo.

June 1 Grace B. Oormon, expeoso ofmusln for commencement. $1036: Geo.M. Guyer, repair of Hchool - buildings,Nos. 1. 5. 9. 11 and 11-- $41.00.

June 3 I. T. Beck, teaching agricul-ture In all school. $200 10.

June 4 John Cllnehens. new pumpat DIs No. 11 and repair of pumps atschools Nos. 9. 10 and 12. $29.40..

June 5 J. F Hortiaday, repair sup-plies for DIs. No. 9 and 15 $.90.

June 8 Cora Nolder, expenso forelectric lights. Dis. No 5. 82.44: Wm.Haxlltt. grsdlpg ground at DIs. No- -

.11- -

A. $25.00.June l5---V fl Juerllng. part pay on

contract, new school No 11-- $1,000.00;V. H. Juerllng. part pay on contract.new xchool. No J I A. 3978 0; Klehfoth..Niewoehner Co., coal for all schools.$1,000.00; Wm Haslltt. part pay oncontract for grading at No. 11-- $S5.

June 17 Lee B. Nusbaum Co.. ribbonfor tying diplomas. $1.84.

June 22 Wm. Haslltt, grading yardat Dis. No. 11-- $50.oo.

June 24 W M. Bradbury & Son. fireand tornado insurance No. 11-- $183.48:I. T. Beck, teaching agriculture in allschools, $275.00.

June 25 Klger & Co., school furni-ture and supplies all schools, $156.66:Klehfoth. Niewoehner Co., coal for allschools, $232.71.

June 2 C. E. Werklng. architecturalservices for new building, Dis. No. 11--


June 29 Wm. Haslltt. grading yardat DIs No. 11-- $50.00 .

July 1 I T. Beck, teaching agricul-ture all schools, $33.33.

July 6 Wm- - Hsrlitt. grading yardat DIs No. 11-- $40.00.

July 8 Geo. M. Guyer, sepalr work atschools Nos. 1, 10. 11 and 11-- $68 90.

July 9 W. E. Evans, drayage ofschool supplies. $3.60.

July 18 Wm. Hajsiitt. garding yardat DIs. No- - 11-- $60July 15 William Shendler. school

wagon for school, Dis. No. 8, $50:Moore& Oghorn. fire insurance on Dis. No.11-- $24.20.

July 17 National Heating & Venti-lating Co.. balance on furnaces, forschool. Dis. No. 11-- $272.80; HomeyFurniture Co.. rent of chairs, Dis. No.11-- $12.

July 18 American Express Co., ex-press charges on stove grate. No. 11,$7c: Wm Hazlitt. bal. on grading vftfdat Va. No. 11-- $173: E. A. Marian'.,cementing at pump and walk. Dis. No.11-- $26.' July 19 Walter S. Ratllff. repairingschool hack, DIs. No. 10, $3.80.

July 22 School city of Richmond,transfer of twp. pupils to city schools,$500. ,

July 24 S. Parry, sowing grass seedand covering. Dis. No. Jl-- $4; Kleh- -

er Co., coal for all schls.,$119.12.

July 26 MIlo J. Harris, pay of trans-fers and school hack Srivers. $137.50.

July 27 Omw j. Wheian. grass seedfor school yard. DIs. No. 11-A- ." $3.25.

July Bl Long Bros., meat for dom.science class at Dis. No. 5. $1.25.

Aug. 1 W. E. Evans, drayage andfreight bill on school supplies, $7.42.

Aug. 3 Carl Durkel, cleaning andpainting rooms, DIs. No. llfA. $40:John Clinehens, pump, sink and labor,DIs .No. ll-- $23.35.

Aug. 7 Moore and Ogborn, fire in-surance on No. 13 school building.$87.40.

Aug. S The Peter Johnson Co.. re-

building furnace and parts, Dis. No. 9school, .$115.66; Dougan, Jenkins Co.,compensation Insurance of townshipemployees. $134.09; Chas. H. Addleman,Interest on school twp. warrant No. 6,$43. -

Aug- - 9 Fred H. Lemon Co., plantsand flowers for commencement. $13.

Aug. 10-- Theodore Allen, 1$ loads ofkindling at $2.35, all schools, $36.

Aug. 13 Klehfoth-Nlewoehn- er Co., $loads kindling for No. 3, 5 and 9, $9.

Aug. 16 Eugene Anderson, repairfor school hack, No. 13 and mowingweeds In school yard. 36: Bessie Lacev.cleaning school Voom and halls, DIs.No. 13. $5.

Aug. 17 John Shallenburg, repair ofplastering, DIs. No. 9, $6.

Aug. 19 E. E. Roney, fir and tor-nado Insurance on Dis. 11-- A and 12,$73.10. . . : "'.--- '. -

Aug. 20 Hoosler Mercantile Co, supplies ior an scnoois, iia.iY.

Aug. 24 Lis Pickett, painting and