A Revised Interpersonal Model: Interpersonal Motives, Ambiguous Behavior, and Personality Disorders Leonard M. Horowitz, Kelly R. Wilson, Pavel Zolotsev, Bulent Turan, Lynne Henderson, Michael Constantino Stanford University Interpersonal theories (e.g., Horney, 1945; Leary, 1957; Sullivan, 1953) began to emerge in the 1940s and 1950s as a way of explaining phenomena associated with the study of personality and psychopathology. These theories were typically a reaction against prevailing theories of the time, particularly psychoanalysis and behavioral theories of learning. They were especially appealing because they incorporated new insights about human interaction, yet they managed to sidestep controversial assumptions of behaviorism and psychoanalysis. Leary (1957), arguing against the behavioral approach, remarked that people do not merely “emit” actions in each other’s presence. For example, a person who boasts to another person “is doing something to the other person” (p. 91). That is, boasting conveys a variety of messages, including the boaster’s desire to be recognized as superior. A boaster wants something from the partner, which the partner may or may not provide. 1

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A Revised Interpersonal Model:

Interpersonal Motives, Ambiguous Behavior, and Personality Disorders

Leonard M. Horowitz, Kelly R. Wilson, Pavel Zolotsev,

Bulent Turan, Lynne Henderson, Michael Constantino

Stanford University

Interpersonal theories (e.g., Horney, 1945; Leary, 1957; Sullivan, 1953) began to

emerge in the 1940s and 1950s as a way of explaining phenomena associated with the

study of personality and psychopathology. These theories were typically a reaction

against prevailing theories of the time, particularly psychoanalysis and behavioral

theories of learning. They were especially appealing because they incorporated new

insights about human interaction, yet they managed to sidestep controversial

assumptions of behaviorism and psychoanalysis. Leary (1957), arguing against the

behavioral approach, remarked that people do not merely “emit” actions in each other’s

presence. For example, a person who boasts to another person “is doing something to

the other person” (p. 91). That is, boasting conveys a variety of messages, including the

boaster’s desire to be recognized as superior. A boaster wants something from the

partner, which the partner may or may not provide.

Over the past 50 years a variety of interpersonal models have evolved from

these early attempts (see review by Kiesler, 1996). For example, Sullivan’s (1953)

“theorem of reciprocal emotion” emphasized the reciprocity (or complementarity) that is

evident when two partners interact. In later models this theorem became the principle of

complementarity. Kiesler’s (1983) formulation stated the principle this way:

“A person’s interpersonal actions tend (with a probability significantly greater than

chance) to initiate, invite, or evoke from an interactant complementary

responses” (pp. 200-201).


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A “complementary” response was then defined in terms of a two-dimensional

interpersonal space. According to several interpersonal models, the interpersonal space

is organized around two orthogonal dimensions that are often called affiliation (the

horizontal axis, which ranges from hostile to friendly behavior) and dominance (the

vertical axis, which ranges from submissive to dominating behavior). A behavior and the

reaction to it are said to be complementary if they are (a) similar with respect to affiliation

—hostility pulls for hostility, and friendliness pulls for friendliness—and (b) reciprocal with

respect to control—dominance pulls for submission, and submission pulls for dominance

(Carson, 1969, p. 112; Kiesler, 1983, p. 201; 1996, p. 91). (For reasons explained later

we shall use the older labels “communion” and “agency” in this paper instead of

“affiliation” and “dominance.”)

A prodigious literature has tested the principle of complementarity, but the

various studies have yielded mixed results (e.g., Horowitz, 2004; Kiesler, 1996; Orford,

1986). In general, the principle of complementarity has often been confirmed empirically

for behaviors on the friendly side of the interpersonal space (“friendly-dominant”

behavior leads to “friendly-submissive” behavior, and vice versa), but not as often for

behaviors on the hostile side of the interpersonal space. According to Orford (1986),

hostile-dominant behavior frequently leads to more hostile-dominant behavior (rather

than the hypothesized hostile-submissive behavior), and hostile-submissive behavior

frequently leads to friendly-dominant behavior (rather than the hypothesized hostile-

dominant behavior).

The present article proposes a revision in the theory to account for this apparent

lack of complementarity. We begin by noting that the principle of complementarity

described above states that the behavior of one person “invites or evokes” a

complementary reaction in the other person. The words “invite” and “evoke,” however,

are semantically quite different. “Invites” points to a desire or motive within Person A to


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obtain a particular reaction from Person B, whereas “evokes” points to automatic

mechanisms triggered within Person B that explain B’s reaction. In the model proposed

below, we use the term “invites” to emphasize A’s motive in initiating an interpersonal

exchange. By emphasizing A’s motives, we also acknowledge that B (for B’s own

reasons) may not accept A’s invitation, thereby frustrating A’s motives. Our emphasis

on interpersonal motives also directs attention to ambiguity that can exist about the

meaning of a behavior when the underlying motive is unknown or unclear. The

formulation presented below will help clarify interpersonal miscommunications and

phenomena related to psychopathology.

We begin with the interpersonal motive as the basic theoretical construct of the

revised model. As a first step, we describe six propositions about interpersonal motives

that the model requires. Then in later sections we examine consequences of these

propositions for interpersonal interactions, miscommunications, and social support.

Finally, we examine frustrated interpersonal motives and apply the principles of the

revised model to show how personality disorders may be organized around a

characteristic interpersonal motive that has been chronically frustrated.

I. Basic Postulates of the Model

A. Interpersonal Motives

1. Interpersonal motives may be organized hierarchically. Motivational

constructs vary in their breadth or level of abstraction. A broad desire, like a desire for

intimacy or a desire for friendships, is of a higher order than a narrow desire, like a

desire to spend time with a romantic partner. That desire, in turn, is of a higher order

than a still narrower desire, like a desire to date a particular person. These levels of

abstraction may be conceptualized hierarchically (Emmons, 1989). That is, a desire for

intimacy constitutes a superordinate (more abstract) category, which subsumes


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narrower categories; and those categories each subsume still narrower categories. The

term motive usually designates a relatively high level of abstraction (e.g., a desire for

intimacy or autonomy), whereas the term goal usually designates a relatively narrow,

more specific category. Intermediate levels of abstraction are sometimes called

personal strivings. This way of conceptualizing motivation is common in contemporary

psychology (Austin & Vancouver, 1996; Cantor & Kihlstrom, 1987; Cropanzano, James,

& Citera, 1992; Emmons, 1989; Klinger, 1987; Little, 1983).

2. Interpersonal motives fall into two broad, abstract categories. When

interpersonal motives are conceptualized this way, we commonly assume that two very

broad, abstract categories are at the top of the hierarchy, namely, communion and

agency (Bakan, 1966). A communal motive is a motive for a connection with one or

more others; it is a motive to participate in a larger union with other people. An agentic

motive, on the other hand, emphasizes the self as a distinct unit; it focuses on the

person’s own individual influence, control, or mastery over the self, other people, and the

environment. Bakan (1966) expressed the distinction this way:

“I have adopted the terms ‘agency’ and ‘communion’ to characterize two

fundamental modalities in the existence of living forms, agency for the existence

of an organism as an individual, and communion for the participation of the

individual in some larger organism of which the individual is a part. Agency

manifests itself in self-protection, self-assertion, and self-expansion; communion

manifests itself in the sense of being at one with other organisms. Agency

manifests itself in the formation of separations; communion in the lack of

separations. . . .Agency manifests itself in the urge to master; communion in

noncontractual cooperation.” (pp. 14-15)

3. The earliest expressions of communion and agency appear in infancy with the

child’s attachment to caretakers. According to attachment theorists (e.g., Cassidy &


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Shaver, 1999), the infant’s attachment system keeps the child close and connected to

the adult, thereby increasing the child’s chances of surviving infancy. As children come

to feel sufficiently secure in their attachment to the caretaker, they separate from the

caretaker and explore the environment, a first step toward autonomy (Mahler, Pine, &

Bergman, 1975). The motive to separate and explore is thus an early manifestation of

an agentic motive.

Over time each motive becomes differentiated into subordinate motives.

Communion comes to include motives like intimacy, sociability, and belonging to groups.

Agency comes to include motives like autonomy, achievement, control, and self-

definition. Communion is always interpersonal, but agency may be interpersonal or not.

Agency includes a desire to influence others, but a desire that is initially interpersonal

(e.g., gaining approval, avoiding criticism) may become internalized (e.g., striving for


4. Generally speaking, interpersonal behaviors are motivated. When Person A

initiates an interaction with Person B, we assume that A’s behavior is purposeful (goal

directed). The person may or may not be conscious of the goal, and goals may range in

importance from trivial to vital. When an important goal is satisfied, the person

experiences a positive emotion; when it is frustrated, the person experiences a negative

emotion like sadness or anger (Lazarus, 1991). The importance of a particular goal may

vary from time to time within a person (making friends might be more important when a

person is new to a community than later on); and some goals, on average, are more

important to one person than to another (being admired may be vitally important to one

person but relatively unimportant to another).

5. A particular behavior may stem from a combination of motives. A person who

enjoys giving advice may do so for more than one reason—displaying competence and

knowledge (agentic), influencing others (agentic), connecting with others (communal).


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Similarly, a person who loves a particular sport may enjoy playing that sport for various

reasons—belonging to the team (communal), displaying a skill (agentic), winning

competitions (agentic), being like one’s parent (communal), and so on. As noted below,

the meaning of a behavior depends upon the particular motive or motives behind it.

6. Co-existing motives may be compatible, or they may conflict. As one

example, a person who gives advice to another person may be trying to satisfy (a) a

motive to influence the other person as well as (b) a motive to connect with that person.

Sometimes, however, co-existing motives conflict. For example, an agentic motive may

conflict with a communal motive: Suppose a woman competed with a good friend for an

elective office and won the election. In the process of satisfying her own agentic motive,

she may have disappointed and alienated her friend, thereby jeopardizing the friendship.

Exline and Lobel (1999) discuss this type of conflict, showing how strivings for personal

mastery and self-definition can clash with strivings for communion. For this reason,

people sometimes conceal their success or downplay its significance (Brigham, Kelso,

Jackson, & Smith, 1997). Similarly, academically gifted students frequently conceal their

superior abilities from peers through a variety of “camouflaging” strategies (Arroyo &

Zigler, 1995; Cross, Coleman, & Terhaar-Yonders, 1991). The conflict seems especially

salient among people with strong communal needs (Santor & Zuroff, 1997).

When motives conflict, an event that satisfies one of the motives may frustrate

the other (conflicting) motive. Psychotherapists are frequently presented with dilemmas

of this type. Suppose, for example, that a greatly overweight adult client invites a

therapist to address him by a mocking or teasing nickname (e.g., “Call me Tiny;

everybody does”). Yielding to a request of this type might satisfy one motive (e.g., a

desire to feel accepted or loved), but it might simultaneously frustrate a desire to be

addressed as a respected adult. In such cases, it is often possible to sidestep the

dilemma altogether by systematically investigating the pro’s and con’s of the two


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alternatives. It may be more meaningful (and respectful) to the person to have the

conflict investigated, discussed, and related to other aspects of the person’s life than to

have one motive satisfied and the other motive tacitly frustrated.

B. Ambiguity of Behavior

The very same behavior may occur in two different people for different reasons.

As described below, a behavior can be ambiguous, and the next two propositions

concern this ambiguity.

1. When the motive or motives behind an interpersonal behavior are unknown or

unclear, the behavior is ambiguous. Suppose we know a man’s goal, namely, that he

intends to call Maria for a date this weekend. Can we infer the higher-order motive from

which this goal stems? If two men both plan to call Maria for a date this weekend, are

they both necessarily trying to satisfy a higher-order intimacy motive? Not necessarily.

As shown in Figure 1, one may be seeking intimacy (a communal motive), whereas the

other may be seeking the respect, admiration, or envy of his friends (an agentic motive).

Thus, the goal-directed act itself can be ambiguous. Only when we can locate the

behavior in the person’s hierarchy of motives do we understand its meaning. If someone

sitting next to us on an airplane started chatting amiably, we might assume a communal

motive (to socialize). However, if the person then asked in all seriousness, “Have you

heard the Word of the Lord today?,” we might quickly perceive an agentic goal (to

proselytize or influence) and revise our interpretation of the person’s chattiness. Many

behaviors are ambiguous in this way: When A spills something on B, B must judge

whether the act was accidental (non-interpersonal) or intentional (interpersonal). When

A laughs at B, B must decide whether A’s laughter is communal (laughing with B) or

non-communal (e.g., laughing at B). When A advises B to modify B’s behavior, B must


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decide whether A is being communal (kind, friendly), agentic (controlling or critical), or a

combination of both.

Symptoms of psychopathology are frequently ambiguous in this way. An

individual with anorexia nervosa might aspire to lose weight, but the meaning of the

person’s behavior (self-starvation) would not be clear until we could locate it in the

hierarchy of motives. For one person, self-starvation might have an agentic meaning:

agentic motive to exercise autonomy personal striving to display self-control

personal striving to lose weight goal to eat nothing but lettuce this weekend. For

another person, however, self-starvation might have a communal meaning: communal

motive to be nurtured by the family personal striving to seem small, thin, and frail

personal striving to lose weight goal to eat nothing but lettuce this weekend. (A blend

of the two is also possible.) Some theories of anorexia nervosa emphasize a communal

motive to maintain family harmony (e.g., Minuchin, Rosman, & Baker, 1978), whereas

other theories emphasize an agentic motive to exhibit self-control and strength (e.g.,

Bruch, 1973). Although the personal striving to lose weight is similar in both cases, the

behavior itself (self-starvation) is ambiguous until we can describe the broader motive

from which it arose. In the same way, a major depression or agoraphobia may result

from a frustrated motive, but that motive may be communal or agentic (or both). For

example, depression may be precipitated by a frustrated communal motive (e.g., a

girlfriend’s expression of unrequited love), by a frustrated agentic motive (e.g., a failed

business negotiation), or by a combination of motives (e.g., a failed marriage). The

importance of motives in psychopathology has also been emphasized by Caspar (1995;

1997); Grawe (2003), and Grosse Holtforth and associates (Grosse Holtforth & Grawe,

2002; Grosse Holtforth, Grawe, & Egger, 2003).

2. Because ambiguous behavior lends itself to different interpretations, it can

lead to a miscommunication between two interacting partners. Examples of


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miscommunications abound in the literature on social support. Difficulties can arise

whenever a speaker and listener do not understand each other’s wishes (Jefferson &

Lee, 1992). A speaker may want communal support (e.g., empathy), but the listener

might offer agentic support (e.g., influence through advice). People report dissatisfaction

when a listener’s reaction does not match their wish (Horowitz et al., 2001, Study 3).

Bereaved people and people with chronic illnesses are notoriously subjected to

unwanted advice from well-meaning friends trying to be supportive (Lehman, Ellard, &

Wortman, 1986; Lehman & Hemphill, 1990). Telling a parent of a deceased child to

“consider yourself lucky that you can still have other children” dismisses the person’s

profound loss and instead burdens the person with unwanted advice. Ms. A may believe

that she is forging intimacy with Ms. B when she says, “Tell me, my dear, have you

always had a weight problem?” but Ms. B may interpret her question as a hostile

criticism. We shall analyze this problem more precisely in the following section.

C. Interpersonal Behavior

The next five propositions allow us to develop a procedure for characterizing the

motivational meaning of an interpersonal behavior. This procedure will allow us to

pinpoint the source of the ambiguity that produces miscommunications. It will also

expose important ways in which our revised interpersonal model differs from other

contemporary interpersonal models.

1. Interpersonal behavior may be represented graphically within two prominent

dimensions of meaning that correspond to communion and agency. Interpersonal

behavior includes behaviors that fit the frame “Person A [does this to] Person B”: “A

dominates B,” “A ignores B,” “A apologizes to B,” “A gives advice to B, “ “A blames B,” “A

pampers B,” “A yields to B,” and so on. A variety of empirical methods have been used

to expose the most salient dimensions of meaning that run through the domain of


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interpersonal behaviors. Numerous studies have identified two particularly salient

dimensions (see reviews by Horowitz, 2004; Kiesler, 1996; Wiggins, 1979). Most

investigators have concluded that these two salient dimensions provide a good first-

approximation toward explaining variation in meaning among interpersonal behaviors.

The exact amount of variance explained depends on the particular scaling method used,

the items selected for study, and the context of the study. Dimensions beyond the first

two would certainly add nuance to the meaning of the behaviors, but the first two

dimensions seem to provide an adequate first-approximation. These two dimensions

are therefore used in our revised interpersonal model as a heuristic device that helps us

conceptualize the meaning of different interpersonal behaviors (see Figure 2).

The first dimension (represented by the x-axis) has been called connectedness,

affiliation, love, warmth, or nurturance; we use the super-ordinate term communion for

this axis. The second dimension (represented by the orthogonal y-axis) has been called

influence, control, dominance, power, or status; we use the super-ordinate term agency

for that axis. Thus, communion, as the horizontal dimension, ranges in meaning from

“being disconnected, indifferent, or distant” to “being connected, loving, or close.”

(Please note that we label the negative pole of communion “disconnected behavior,” not

“hostile behavior.” In our view, indifference, rather than hate, is the polar opposite of

love, and in a later section we explain why we emphasize this point.) Agency, as the

vertical dimension, ranges in meaning from “yielding, submitting, or relinquishing control”

to “influencing, controlling, or dominating.”

Each scaling procedure provides a pair of coordinates for every behavior to

describe that behavior’s location on each dimension. “A protects B” would be positive in

communion and positive in agency; “A scolds B” would be negative in communion but

positive in agency. Behaviors that are geometrically close to each other (similar

coordinates on both dimensions) would have similar meanings, so they would be


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positively correlated: That is, people who strongly exhibit one behavior would also tend

to exhibit the other. Behaviors that are diametrically opposite each other would have

contrasting meanings, so they would be negatively correlated. For example, behaviors

that typically accompany dominating behavior would rarely accompany submissive

behavior. Thus, the proximity of two behaviors tells us about their degree of correlation.

Why are communion and agency so salient as organizing dimensions of

interpersonal behavior? As noted earlier, we assume that communal and agentic

motives give rise to interpersonal behaviors. Apparently, communion and agency

constitute fundamental dimensions of meaning since they reflect two tasks in life that

every person encounters from childhood on, namely, (a) connecting with other people to

form a larger protective community and (b) achieving a reasonably stable and realistic

sense of the self as autonomous, able to influence, and competent (Angyal, 1941;

Erikson, 1963).

Other interpersonal domains have also been scaled. For example, Wiggins

(1979) located interpersonal traits in a two-dimensional space and divided the graph into

eight regions (or octants). One octant, for example, contained traits that are high in

agency but neutral in communion (e.g., assertive, self-confident, forceful). Wiggins

called the traits in this region assured-dominant (a higher-order trait than any of the one-

word traits). Another octant contained traits that are high in communion but neutral in

agency (e.g., kind, sympathetic, nurturant). That higher-order trait was called warm-

agreeable. A third octant contained traits that are high on both dimensions (e.g., jovial,

enthusiastic, extraverted). That higher-order trait was called gregarious-extraverted. In

this way, Wiggins created eight separate scales to assess each of the eight higher-order

trait octants. Therefore, we can use Wiggins’ 8 scales to describe a person’s self-rating

(a) on a single trait (like assertive), (b) on a higher-order trait (like assured-dominant), or,

(c) on the highest-order trait, agentic, by appropriately weighting and combining scores


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on all scales that assess agency. Conceptually, then, these three levels of abstraction in

traits correspond to three hierarchically-organized levels of motives.

A similar procedure has been used to scale and measure interpersonal motives.

Locke (2000) constructed a self-report measure containing 64 items (goals) that are

described in two dimensions corresponding to communion and agency. Every item

names a particular goal, and the 64 items are organized into eight scales that assess

higher-order motives.

2. Sometimes a behavior cannot be located unambiguously in the interpersonal

space. Earlier interpersonal models have suggested that a behavior occupies a

particular (unique) position in the interpersonal space. As we have noted, however,

behavior is often ambiguous. When a wife says to her husband, “Let’s straighten up

before we go out,” her goal may be primarily communal (a relatively high x-coordinate,

reflecting a desire for closeness through teamwork) or primarily agentic (a relatively high

y-coordinate, reflecting a desire to influence her husband’s behavior). That is, the two

spouses may perceive the wife’s remark very differently. When we say that an

interpersonal behavior is ambiguous, we mean that the coordinates of the behavior on

the graph are unknown so the underlying motives are unclear. When two people

interpret the same behavior differently, their different interpretations form a potential

basis for misunderstanding.

3. Two people may have different perceptions of the same interpersonal

interaction. When we observe two people interacting, three (or more) different

perspectives may be identified. Suppose we observe A dominating B—and B deferring

to A’s influence. A’s behavior and B’s deference may be described differently by A, by

B, and by an outside observer. To say that A is dominating B might be accurate from

B’s perspective, but not from A’s perspective or from an observer’s perspective.


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Therefore, the terms used by one party to describe an interpersonal behavior might not

be accurate from someone else’s perspective.

4. The “complement” of a behavior is the reaction that would satisfy the motive

behind that behavior. Once a behavior can be located graphically, we know the motive

behind it, so we can determine the person’s desired reaction. That desired reaction is

called its complement (see Figure 3). When Person A unambiguously dominates

Person B, A wants B to yield. When A unambiguously makes a bid for intimacy, A wants

B to reciprocate closeness. In brief, an interpersonal behavior invites a particular class

of reactions from the partner (the complement) that would satisfy the person’s goal or


What is the formal relationship between an unambiguous interpersonal behavior

and its complement? According to most interpersonal models, an interpersonal behavior

and its complement are similar with respect to the horizontal axis (connection invites

connection, detachment invites detachment) and reciprocal with respect to the vertical

axis (control invites deference, deference invites control). When A gives friendly advice

(warm control), the complement is warm acceptance of the advice. When A tells B to

“bug off” (detached control), A would like B to comply by withdrawing. When A tells B

that he or she feels “stuck” over a personal problem (warm deference), A is inviting B to

come to A’s rescue (warm control).

Now we can explain why we have labeled the negative end of the x-dimension

“detached” or “unconnected,” rather than “hostile.” Whereas disconnectedness seems

to invite disconnectedness, hostile behavior does not invite hostile behavior. Hostile

behavior, in our view, reflects anger that arises from the frustration of an important

motive. A person who wants to be left alone might well become irritated or angry if a

partner kept offering love or intimacy (Moskowitz & Coté, 1995). That is, Person A might


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display anger (hostile behavior) no matter whether B frustrated A’s desire for closeness

or A’s desire for solitude.

What if B’s reaction were not complementary? Suppose B’s reaction frustrated

A’s desire. If two people kept trying to influence each other (and neither yielded), they

might become stuck in a power struggle in which neither satisfied the goal of the other.

A similar frustration might occur if each kept deferring to the other (e.g., “After you, my

dear Alphonse.” “No, dear sir, after you!” “No, no, I’ll follow you.”)

Recent data have generally confirmed the principle of complementarity in casual

interactions (e.g., Sadler and Woody, 2003). Using structural equation modeling, these

authors showed that dominating behavior in one partner tends to be followed by yielding

behavior in the other partner, and vice versa. They also showed that the behavior of one

tends to match the behavior of the other along the dimension of friendliness


The clearest experimental evidence for complementarity has been reported by

Strong et al. (1988). These investigators divided the interpersonal space into eight

octants and trained female confederate/actresses to enact behavior in one of the

octants. Eighty female students (participants) each interacted with one of the

confederates, creating a story together for pictures from the Thematic Apperception Test

(TAT; Murray, 1938). During the interaction each confederate enacted her pre-assigned

role, and every interaction was videotaped and transcribed. When the confederate’s

behavior was friendly (friendly-dominant or friendly-yielding), the participant’s behavior

was most often complementary. However, when the confederate’s behavior was not

friendly, the partner’s behavior was often not complementary. For example, when the

confederate bragged (i.e., detached-controlling behavior), the participant often reacted

with a connecting behavior—as though the participant were trying to transform a cool

disengagement into a warmer interaction. People do not react automatically to


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disengaged control with disengaged compliance. They may refuse the invitation in one

or both respects and try to initiate a different kind of exchange. Tracey (1994) showed

that, in U.S. culture, people generally exhibit warm (connected) behavior more often than

cool (disconnected) behavior, even when the initiating behavior is cool.

Tiedens and Fragale (2003) demonstrated complementarity along the agentic

dimension in nonverbal behavior. In their experiment, each participant worked with a

partner-confederate, who adopted one of three physical postures during the task: an

“expansive” (domineering) posture, a neutral posture, or a “constricted” (yielding)

posture. Expansive confederates draped one arm over the back of an adjacent chair

and rested their right foot on their left thigh, making their right knee protrude.

Constricted confederates sat slightly slouched, with their legs together and their hands in

their lap. Each participant’s “expansiveness” was then measured (with a ruler) from the

videotape. Participants working with an expansive confederate became increasingly

constricted during the session, whereas those with a constricted confederate became

increasingly expansive. In a second experiment, participants believed that their skin

conductance was being measured, and the apparatus required them to assume a

particular posture, which was manipulated experimentally to be expansive or constricted.

In different experimental conditions, the confederate’s posture was varied

experimentally. Participants indicated that they liked the confederate better and felt

more comfortable when the confederate’s posture complemented their own.

Shechtman (2002) tested the additional hypothesis that a reaction that is

noncomplementary can frustrate an important motive, producing negative affect (anger).

In general, assertive people describe themselves using traits that suggest a strong

agentic motive (e.g., dominant, forceful, firm, controlling). If a highly assertive person is

strongly motivated to influence a partner (rather than being influenced), a dominating co-

worker would frustrate the assertive person’s motive, and that frustration should induce


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anger. Unacquainted participants were introduced and told that they would be working

together as a dyad on a problem-solving task. They sat in adjacent rooms, each at a

computer, and they were to communicate by computer. Their task, the Desert Survival

Problem, required them to imagine themselves as co-pilots of an airplane that had

crash-landed in the desert; they were to rank-order 12 objects for survival value in the

desert (e.g., a flashlight, a quart of water). Each participant was to exchange initial

rankings with the partner and discuss each object. Half of the participants were

assertive (they had high scores on a test of assertiveness), and the others were

nonassertive (they had lower scores).

In actual fact, the communications that each participant received came, not from

each other, but from a computerized script that seemed to be from the partner. These

communications recommended changes in the participant’s rankings—for example, that

the participant’s fourth-ranked object be moved to rank 1. The preprogrammed script

also provided reasons for recommending each change. The language of the message

was manipulated experimentally. In one condition, the partner’s words seemed

dominating (e.g., “The flashlight is the only reliable night-signaling device. Put it

higher.”) In the other condition, the partner did not seem dominating (e.g., “Do you think

the flashlight should maybe be rated higher? It may be a reliable night-signaling

device.”) Thus, an assertive or nonassertive participant worked with an apparently

dominating or non-dominating partner, producing four experimental conditions. From the

transcript of each participant’s statements during the session, every hostile (angry)

comment was identified. On average, assertive participants working with a dominating

partner produced about three hostile comments per interaction—at least 6 times more

hostility than that produced by participants in any other condition. (The mean number of

hostile comments in every other condition was .5 or lower.) Apparently, an assertive


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person’s motive to affirm the self by influencing the partner was frustrated by the

dominating partner.

Would assertive participants make hostile comments if they believed that their

partner was non-human? In the four conditions described above, the participants

believed that they were interacting with a human being. The same four experimental

conditions were therefore repeated with one simple change of detail. In this condition

the participants were told that they were interacting with a computer that was continually

updating its internal norms in search of an optimal solution to the problem. Here, hostile

comments rarely occurred, even when an assertive person was working with a

“dominating” partner. Apparently, an interpersonal motive is aroused by another human

being, not by a computer. Computers can frustrate other task-related (but impersonal)

motives; they do not usually frustrate interpersonal motives.

5. A bid for social support is often ambiguous. These principles also help clarify

issues of social support. When a speaker tells a problem to a listener, we assume that

the speaker wants something from the listener (advice, compassion, help regulating an

emotion). A genuinely supportive reaction is one that satisfies that desire. Therefore, a

listener has to determine what the problem-teller wants and react in a way that satisfies

that want. Problems that people tell other people about may be classified broadly into

two categories that correspond to communion and agency. Some situations leave

people feeling rejected, abandoned, ostracized, or isolated, and in those cases the

person may want to feel securely reconnected, understood, or loved. Other situations

leave people feeling like a failure (inept, powerless, inferior), and in those cases the

person may want to feel more empowered (able to perform, achieve, or do). When a

person’s sense of competence is at stake, the person may want tactful advice to help

restore a sense of control or efficacy (Brown & Levinson, 1987; Goldsmith, 1994).

O’Brien and DeLongis (1996) divided stressful problematic situations into two broad


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categories. In their words, communal problems involve “strivings for love, intimacy,

friendship, affiliation, emotional relatedness, belongingness, mutuality, group cohesion,

communality, and relationship maintenance” (p. 80). Agentic problems, on the other

hand, involve “strivings for mastery, power, achievement, work performance, and

instrumental task completion” (p. 80). Some problems, of course, reflect a combination

of both.

Typical reactions to a reported problem also fall into two broad categories. Cobb

(1976), in writing about social support, differentiated between “emotional support,” which

provides connection, affiliation, or warmth, and “esteem support,” which provides greater

efficacy, agency, or status. Cutrona and Suhr (1992; 1994) also distinguished

“emotionally supportive” forms of social support from “action facilitating” forms. Trobst

(1999; Wiggins & Trobst, 1997) scaled a sample of supportive reactions and empirically

derived the familiar two-dimensional structure organized around communion and

agency. Thus, communal problems would seem to call for communal forms of support,

whereas agentic problems would seem to call for agentic forms (Horowitz,

Krasnoperova, Tatar, Hansen, Person, Galvin, & Nelson, 2001). To help a person

overcome a sense of isolation and feel connected, a listener might empathize, show

compassion, or display understanding. To help a person feel empowered and overcome

a feeling of failure, a listener might suggest, demonstrate, or help the person discover an

effective solution to the problem. Jefferson and Lee (1992) tape-recorded dyadic

conversations between co-workers in the workplace and identified two types of

conversations. In a service encounter, a speaker describes an agentic problem; for

example, “I can’t get the lever on this equipment to stay down.” In that case, the

speaker would seem to want advice (an agentic reaction). In a troubles-telling, a

speaker describes a communal problem; for example, “I behaved badly at the party—

people must think I’m weird.” In this case, the speaker would seem to want a


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compassionate response that could neutralize the sense of rejection, ostracism, or

abandonment. According to Jefferson and Lee (1992), difficulties can arise whenever a

speaker and listener do not understand each other’s wishes. A speaker may want one

kind of support, but the listener may interpret the message differently. People report

more dissatisfaction when a listener’s reaction does not match their desired reaction

(Horowitz et al., 2001, Study 3).

D. The Self and Interpersonal Motives

Some interpersonal motives seem to gain strength because they relate to the

person’s image of the self and other people. In this section we consider how schemas of

the self and other people affect interpersonal motives. Then we consider how these

interpersonal motives affect dyadic interactions.

1. Self- and other-schemas are acquired, in part, through interpersonal

interactions. According to Bowlby (1973) and later attachment theorists (e.g., Bretherton

& Munholland, 1999), infants begin to form schemas (“internal working models”) of

others and the self early in life. Biological predispositions undoubtedly interact with

experience in shaping these schemas. For example, children differ biologically in their

susceptibility to anxiety (e.g., Kagan, 1994; Kagan, Reznick, & Snidman, 1988), and an

anxiety-prone child would probably perceive danger in situations that placid children take

in stride. If an anxiety-prone child happened to be left alone quite often, the child might

acquire vivid schemas about (a) other people as potentially unreliable, (b) the self as

potentially abandoned and helpless, and (c) situations that portend danger. The

resulting schemas might then sensitize a child to abandonment, giving rise to a self-

protective motive to prevent future abandonment. In this way, heredity and environment

would interact to intensify a particular interpersonal motive.


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To illustrate the heredity X environment interaction with experimental data, let us

consider two studies by van den Boom (1994). She assessed the temperament of

infants at 10 days of age in order to select a group of distress-prone infants. In one

experiment, mothers either received or did not receive special training in caring for their

distress-prone child. Mothers who received no training frequently came to ignore the

child except when the child was in distress; when those children were tested in

Ainsworth’s (Ainsworth & Bell, 1970; Ainsworth et al., 1978) Strange Situation at 1 year

of age, the majority were insecurely attached. However, mothers who did receive

training learned ways to deal with a distress-prone child and were highly responsive to

the child’s needs. When those infants were later tested in the Strange Situation, they

were usually securely attached. Thus, a child’s heredity can shape that child’s

environment (e.g., through its impact on parenting), and the resulting combination of

heredity and environment would shape schemas of the self, of other people, and of the


As another example, consider boys who become overly aggressive. Some of

these boys seem to feel vulnerable to abuse from others. Motivated to protect

themselves against anticipated malice, they readily perceive potential abuse and

malicious intent in a peer’s ambiguous behavior that others generally interpret as

accidental (Dodge, 1993; Dodge & Coie, 1987; Hudley & Graham, 1993). As a result of

their self- and other-schemas, they apparently become aggressive in self-defense.

2. Self-descriptors are frequently fuzzy concepts. Concepts that are used to

describe the self in early childhood (see Harter, 1999) are usually well-defined, but later

concepts are not. For example, an early self-descriptor like “I am a boy” has a clear,

well-defined referent; but later concepts like nerd, stud, sissy, and wimp do not. A

concept like sissy, for example, is said to have a fuzzy definition because we cannot

state the necessary and sufficient criteria. Many possible criteria come to mind—


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effeminate, unaggressive, frail, timid, eager to please, cowardly—but none is absolutely

essential. Some sissies have one subset of characteristics; others have a different

subset of characteristics. The best we can do in defining “sissy” is to list the most

common characteristics that people think of when they describe a sissy (an idealized

prototype). Then we judge how well a given person’s characteristics approximate this

prototype (Horowitz et al., 1981a, 1981b). The more a person’s characteristics overlap

with those of the prototype, the greater the likelihood that we would call that person a


Some writers have therefore proposed that the self-image be viewed as a theory

about the self, a set of hypotheses that keep getting tested and supported or refuted

(Brim, 1976; Epstein, 1973). If a boy compared himself to the prototype of a sissy and

observed many of its characteristics, he might have to classify himself as a sissy. Of

course, behaviors vary from time to time, and by performing a very aggressive or bold

act, a boy with marginal characteristics could show himself and the world that the “sissy

hypothesis” is not valid. Later, however, if the boy were publicly praised for being “a

very good boy who never causes trouble,” the sissy hypothesis might again become a

threat, requiring behavioral disconfirmation. Therefore, a child who thought he

marginally fit the category might have to protect his self-esteem by behaving in ways that

refuted the undesirable hypothesis (e.g., by being aggressive or bold).

3. Interpersonal tests are performed to affirm or validate a particular self-image .

People sometimes create interpersonal interactions that confirm (or disconfirm) a

particular hypothesis about themselves (Weiss & Sampson, 1986). For example, people

take steps to correct a partner’s perception of them that contradicts their own self-

perception (Swann, 1996). As another example, bullies challenge people who are easy

marks, thereby “proving” that they are tough and strong. Likewise, narcissists solicit

admiration, thereby “proving” that they are admirable. Obsessive-compulsive people are


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perfectionists, thereby “proving” that they are beyond reproach. Histrionic people draw

attention to themselves, thereby “proving” that they are connected to others. In this way,

particular interpersonal motives can become salient as a way of affirming the self or

preserving communion.

E. Frustrated Interpersonal Motives (Interpersonal Problems)

Finally, we need to consider frustrated interpersonal goals and motives since

they play an important role in the development and maintenance of psychopathology.

1. A frustrated interpersonal goal or motive constitutes an interpersonal problem.

Most people seem to be reasonably successful at satisfying their most salient

interpersonal motives: They find ways to attain desired levels of intimacy, friendship,

influence, autonomy, sense of efficacy, and so on. Some people, however, are not

successful and report severe interpersonal problems. For example, a person with an

avoidant personality disorder might yearn for intimacy but avoid social contact in order to

protect the self from rejection. By withdrawing, however, the person unwittingly invites

others to withdraw, thereby frustrating the communal motive (Horowitz, 2004). As a

result, the person’s self-protective strategy frustrates a salient communal motive.

When important interpersonal motives are chronically frustrated, the person reports

interpersonal problems. A person with frustrated communal goals and motives might

say, “It is hard for me to make friends” or “I find myself alone too much.” Complaints of

this kind may be assessed using the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (Horowitz,

Alden, Pincus, & Wiggins, 2000), a self-report measure that contains 64 items

(problems) described in two dimensions corresponding to communion and agency.

Every item states a common interpersonal problem, and the 64 items are organized into

eight scales (8 items per octant).


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2. There are five principal reasons that interpersonal motives get frustrated. Let

us suppose that a person reports a strong motive to affirm the self through assertive

behavior but notes that “It is hard for me to be assertive” or “I defer to other people too

much” (a frustrated motive or interpersonal problem). Consider some possible reasons

for the person’s frustrated motive.

a. Lack of capacity. Sometimes a person lacks the capacity to be assertive.

Some people have an extremely vague sense of self; they lack firm convictions, beliefs,

opinions, wishes, and goals (Horowitz, 2004). In the absence of autonomously-

generated opinions, the person finds it difficult to state an opinion clearly that affirms the

self. Killingmo (1989) has called this lack of capacity a “deficit.”

b. Conflicting motives. Sometimes two or more motives conflict. In that case,

the person may sacrifice one motive in order to satisfy another. For example, a person

with a dependent personality disorder may be unassertive in order to preserve harmony

in his or her relationships. The person thus forsakes the motive to be assertive (an

agentic motive) in order to preserve relationships (a communal motive).

c. Ambiguous behavior. Since interpersonal behavior can be ambiguous,

miscommunications readily occur. A person trying to be firm or assertive may come

across as simply disagreeable. Furthermore, a behavior that occurs just once may

seem very different from the same behavior when repeated incessantly. A person who

is incessantly assertive may seem rigid, competitive, or lacking in self-confidence.

d. Outdated scripts. Benjamin (1996) has described different ways in which a

script that is overlearned in childhood may persist into adulthood. As a result of these

“copy processes,” the person sometimes slips unwittingly into old interpersonal patterns

that once satisfied an important motive in relating to a particular person. However, in

adulthood, the person repeats the earlier pattern, even though that pattern no longer

satisfies the motive. Excessive compliance, for example, may have been adaptive at


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one time, generating praise, affection, and good will from adults; but now, in adulthood,

excessive compliance may bring on disrespect, impatience, or unwanted advice.

e. Constraints of reality. Finally, for completeness, we note that a person’s

reality may interfere with the satisfaction of a motive. That is, a person’s life situation

(e.g., the sudden, premature death of a special attachment figure) may provide no

resources for satisfying important motives.

For all of these reasons, important interpersonal motives may be unfulfilled in


II. An Application to Psychopathology: Personality Disorders

In this final section of the paper, we apply the interpersonal model to

psychopathology. As one example, we examine the personality disorders, which, in our

view, usually revolve around a characteristic (and chronically frustrated) interpersonal

motive. The frustrated motive thus constitutes a characteristic interpersonal problem

associated with the corresponding personality disorder.

1. Most personality disorders can be organized around a frustrated interpersonal

motive. The defining criteria of most personality disorders (DSM-IV-TR, 2000) fall into

one of four types (Horowitz & Wilson, 2004). These types of criteria describe: (a) a

salient interpersonal motive; (b) strategies that the person uses to satisfy that motive; (c)

negative affect that results when the motive is frustrated; and (d) characteristic ways in

which the person tries to reduce negative affect. The clearest examples occur in the

dependent, avoidant, borderline, narcissistic, histrionic, and paranoid personality

disorders. Let us consider examples of each type of criterion.

(a) a salient interpersonal motive. Most personality disorders described in

DSM-IV-TR (2000) contain a criterion concerning an interpersonal motive—a

wish to attain a desired state or avoid an aversive one. For example, one


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criterion of the borderline personality disorder describes a severe fear of being

abandoned. A criterion of the histrionic personality disorder describes an acute

discomfort when the person is not the center of attention. A criterion of the

narcissistic personality disorder describes an excessive need for admiration. A

criterion of the paranoid personality disorder describes a motive to protect the

self from malice, humiliation, and exploitation by others. Criteria of the avoidant

personality disorder emphasize feelings of inadequacy and the person’s motive

to avoid rejection, disapproval, criticism, and ridicule. Criteria of the dependent

personality disorder emphasize an intense sense of inadequacy and a resulting

motive to have others take charge.

(b) strategies for satisfying the motive. Other criteria describe strategies

commonly used to satisfy that motive. According to DSM-IV-TR (2000), a person

with a histrionic personality disorder often uses physical appearance and

exaggerated displays of emotion to draw attention to the self. A person with a

narcissistic personality disorder exploits other people, exhibits a sense of self-

importance, and exposes beliefs about being special and entitled. A person with

an avoidant personality disorder strives to avoid rejection by minimizing social

contact, intimacy, and new relationships. A person with a dependent personality

disorder feels inadequate and strives to avoid helplessness by pleasing others

and getting them to take charge. A person with a paranoid personality disorder

strives to avoid humiliation by guarding against malice, disloyalty, and abuse.

(c) negative affect when the motive is frustrated. When the strategies fail

and the motive is frustrated, negative affect follows. Some of the criteria

describe this negative affect. According to DSM-IV-TR, a person with a

dependent personality disorder becomes uncomfortable, anxious, or helpless

when alone. A person with a borderline personality disorder shifts abruptly from


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one state of affect to a contrasting state (namely, depression or anger). A person

with a narcissistic personality disorder becomes envious. A person with a

paranoid personality disorder gets angry at perceived signs of malice.

(d) ways of coping with negative affect. The remaining criteria describe

how the person copes with the negative affect. The person with a dependent

personality disorder urgently seeks another relationship when a close

relationship has ended. The person with a narcissistic personality disorder

becomes arrogant and haughty. The person with a paranoid personality disorder

counterattacks. The person with a borderline personality disorder acts out on the

self or others through impulsive or suicidal behavior. Kemperman, Russ, and

Shearin (1997) showed that people who mutilate themselves (e.g., by cutting

their wrists) often do so in an effort to reduce negative affect.

In some personality disorders, an interpersonal motive is only implied, not stated

explicitly. Criteria of the schizoid personality disorder suggest severe discomfort with

closeness and a motive to stay disconnected from other people. Criteria of the

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder suggest an intense discomfort over criticism

and a motive to be beyond reproach and get other people’s approval.

Two personality disorders do not seem to be organized around an integrating

motive. The criteria of the schizotypal personality disorder resemble mild symptoms of

the schizophrenic disorders—e.g., odd thinking and speech, ideas of reference, odd

beliefs and magical thinking. They do not include or imply any integrating motive.

Likewise, criteria of the antisocial personality disorder are organized around a deficit: a

lack of guilt or remorse and resulting antisocial behaviors. Thus, the schizotypal and

antisocial personality disorders are not organized around strategies to satisfy a

frustrated interpersonal motive. They therefore seem qualitatively different from the

other personality disorders.


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2. Personality disorders generally reflect a maladaptive (self-defeating)

interpersonal pattern (Benjamin, 1996; Carson, 1969; Kiesler, 1983; 1996; Leary, 1957;

McLemore & Brokaw, 1987; Pincus & Wiggins, 1990; Strupp & Binder, 1984; Sullivan,

1953). Earlier we noted various reasons that important interpersonal motives get

frustrated. For example, ambiguous interpersonal behavior is easily misinterpreted, so a

person with a histrionic personality disorder, trying to establish communal connections,

might seem manipulative; an obsessive-compulsive person, trying to be above criticism,

might seem pedantic; a dependent person, trying to secure nurturance, might seem

excessively needy; an avoidant person, trying to protect the self from rejection, might

seem to have little interest in connecting. As the person’s efforts backfire, they frustrate

the very motive that they were meant to satisfy. As a result, the person suffers

subjective distress, which the person tries to alleviate in non-adaptive ways (e.g., self-

injurious behavior, counterattacking other people). An interpersonal treatment would

focus on each aspect of this formulation—the interpersonal motive, ineffective strategies

for satisfying that motive, the resulting negative affect, and self-defeating ways of coping

with negative affect (also see Piper, Joyce, McCallum, Azim, & Ogrodniczuk, 2001).

Sometimes a person qualifies (or nearly qualifies) for two or more personality

disorders. In that case, the person’s disorder would be formulated in terms of two or

more organizing motives. For example, the very same person might crave attention (a

histrionic motive) and also strive to avoid abandonment (a borderline motive); both

involve communal motives. Indeed, the histrionic and borderline personality disorders

do frequently co-occur (e.g., Davila, 2001; Watson & Sinha, 1998). Likewise a person

might crave attention (a histrionic motive) and also crave admiration (a narcissistic

motive); one is communal, the other is agentic. It is very common for a person who

qualifies for one personality disorder to qualify for other personality disorders as well

(Marinangeli, Butti, Scinto, DiCicco, Petruzzi, Daneluzzo, & Rossi, 2000).


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3. A pressing motive can induce a cognitive bias that sustains the maladaptive

pattern. Salient interpersonal motives often highlight an intense need to avoid some

aversive state—e.g., abandonment, being rejected by others, being the object of other

people’s malice, being the target of other people’s criticism and disapproval. As an

extreme example, consider the paranoid personality disorder. To protect the self from

malice, the person has become highly suspicious of others. Severe suspiciousness

seems to lower a person’s objectivity in testing hypotheses. The paranoid person has a

single-minded purpose, namely, to avoid humiliation by detecting hints of cheating,

deception, exploitation, betrayal, and so on. Therefore, the person conducts a biased

search (Millon & Davis, 2000). Evidence to the contrary is simply ignored. When

individuals with a paranoid personality disorder apply interpersonal tests and detect hints

of malice, they quickly become convinced that their suspicion has been confirmed, and

this “discovery” reinforces the original need for vigilance.

To some extent, a cognitive bias is probably associated with every personality

disorder that is organized around a desperate motive to protect the self: The borderline

person is probably biased toward perceiving signs of abandonment; the avoidant person,

signs of rejection; the obsessive-compulsive person, signs of criticism; the narcissistic

person, signs of disrespect; the schizoid person, aversive signs that other people wish to

connect; and so on. False alarms then provide the “confirming evidence” that increases

the sense of frustrated motive (and negative affect) and sustains the maladaptive

interpersonal pattern.

4. Personality disorders may be organized graphically in two dimensions that

correspond to communion and agency. If personality disorders can each be organized

around a salient frustrated motive, it should be possible to demonstrate empirically that

they can be organized graphically in a two-dimensional space defined by communion

and agency. For example, the histrionic motive—“to connect with other people by


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getting their attention”—implies a desire to influence other people to connect. That

disorder should therefore occupy the upper right-hand quadrant of a two-dimensional

space. The dependent motive—“to connect with other people and get them to take

charge”—implies that the dependent personality disorder should occupy the lower right-

hand quadrant.

Various studies have scaled and graphed the personality disorders. For

example, Pincus and Wiggins (1990) administered questionnaires to a large sample of

undergraduate students to assess the interpersonal problems (frustrated motives)

associated with different personality disorders. Two primary dimensions, communion

and agency, emerged from a principal components analysis. Other authors have

obtained similar results using samples of psychiatric patients as well as samples of

students (Blackburn, 1998; DeJong, van den Brink, Jansen & Schippers, 1989; Matano

& Locke, 1995; Morey, 1985; Overholser, 1996; Sim & Romney, 1990; Soldz, Budman,

Demby, & Merry, 1993; Trull, Useda, Conforti, & Doan, 1997). Wagner, Riley, Schmidt,

McCormick, & Butler (1999) have summarized the results this way: People with a

narcissistic personality disorder are high in agency and neutral in communion (they want

respect and admiration). Those with a paranoid or antisocial personality disorder are

high in agency and low in communion (they want to influence others without connecting).

Those with an avoidant or schizoid personality disorder are low in both (they want to

protect the self by remaining passive and disconnected). Those with a dependent

personality disorder are low in agency and high in communion (they want others with

whom they are connected to take charge). Those with a histrionic personality disorder

are high in both (they want to influence others to become connected). The borderline

personality disorder, with its many instabilities, does not seem to occupy a consistent

graphical location.


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This graphical arrangement of disorders also helps us predict which disorders

are apt to co-occur. Disorders that are near one another should co-occur more often

(the corresponding motives are similar), but disorders that are far apart should be

negatively correlated (e.g., histrionic vs. avoidant; paranoid vs. dependent): The motive

associated with one contrasts with that of the other.

The formulation of a personality disorder is a tentative first approximation toward

understanding the disorder. Through early interviews, many case-specific details are

collected that make it possible to revise and refine the initial formulation. The refined

formulation would then organize relevant information into a succinct, but focused

summary of the problem as it relates to treatment. It would also provide a standard for

evaluating the outcome of treatment. This approach to conceptualizing a personality

disorder thus has several advantages: (a) it enables us to express the disorder in

interpersonal terms; (b) it provides a rationale for specific treatment procedures; and (c)

it clarifies the relationship of the personality disorders to each other.

III. Concluding Remarks: The Interpersonal Approach to Psychopathology

Of all the theoretical approaches to psychopathology, the interpersonal approach

is probably the one that is most compatible with all of the others. (a) Like the biological

approach, it assumes that innate temperamental differences play an important role in

shaping an individual’s personality and subsequent interpersonal interactions.

According to the interpersonal approach, temperamental differences affect the

caretaker’s (and other people’s) reactions to the child, thereby shaping the child’s

environment—with important consequences for interpersonal motives and subsequent

interpersonal interactions. (b) Like the cognitive-behavioral approach, the interpersonal

approach emphasizes the important role of cognitions (e.g., schemas) in shaping a

person’s expectancies and interpretation of another person’s ambiguous behavior. In so


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doing, these cognitions themselves contribute to a person’s interpersonal motives and

subsequent interactions. (c) Like the humanistic approach, the interpersonal approach

emphasizes the self, dyadic relationships, communication, and social support—all topics

addressed in this paper. (d) Like the psychodynamic approach, the interpersonal

approach emphasizes motives, ascribing important psychological consequences to

unsolvable motivational conflict.

Because the interpersonal approach harmonizes so well with all of these

theoretical approaches, it is integrative: It draws from the wisdom of all major

approaches to systematize our understanding of psychopathology (see also Pincus &

Ansell, 2003). Although it is integrative, however, the interpersonal approach is

nonetheless unique, posing characteristic questions of its own. It asks, for example,

what a person is seeking in a particular dyadic interaction. Does the person wish to

connect with others for care, comfort, intimacy, or friendship? Or is the person seeking

autonomy in an effort to establish a clear identity, competence, or superiority? What

motivates a particular person to threaten suicide, maintain a program of self-starvation,

exhibit a temper tantrum, tell lies, or disagree for the sake of disagreeing? In all of these

cases, the person may be seeking autonomy or self-definition, or the person may be

seeking nurturance or some other form of connection. When a child is oppositional, is

that child trying to establish greater independence or autonomy, or is the child trying to

secure greater nurturance? Or both? Finally, if an interpersonal motive is chronically

frustrated, what is the reason for the chronic frustration? We have also shown how the

revised interpersonal approach, by emphasizing interpersonal motives, helps organize

the features of many personality disorders and explain what the person is trying to


These, and many other questions posed in this paper, help define the

interpersonal approach to psychopathology. We have tried to articulate the major


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propositions of the model and organize them into a relatively simple framework. Using

this framework, it should be possible to study psychopathology using all of the

conceptual and methodological tools of social psychology, personality, communications,

psycholinguistics, and child development. In conclusion, we hope that the revised

interpersonal model will help clarify basic mechanisms that instigate and sustain



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