1. Introduction 1.1 Learning to read and write Why do some children have difficulties learning to read yet some do not? This hugely debated question has been at the forefront of literacy investigations for many years. Children and adults who learn to read must discover how to decipher the symbols of their written language. English speakers learn an alphabetic script. Learning which written symbols represent the particular sounds of that script and translating this symbol into a letter-sound (grapheme-phoneme) conversion. With repeated exposure to words they build up a bank of words (vocabulary) which becomes so familiar that they are able to bypass the mechanics of grapheme- phoneme conversion, until they encounter an unfamiliar word (Pascoe, Stackhouse & Wells, 2006). However, they still retain the phonological route for unfamiliar word identification. Stage models of literacy development have guided us towards understanding how children learn to read and why some children struggle. Frith’s (1985) developmental model which proposes three stages of typical literacy acquisition: Stage 1: The logographic phase: A visual phase whereby children recognise familiar words such as their name or “STOP” on a road sign. They may be able to write their name at this stage but they may not have made a connection between the sound and the letters of words. They recognise the visual gestalt or whole word not necessarily the individual letters. Stage 2: The alphabetic phase: Children can apply letter-sound rules to decode new words. They are now able to recognise individual sounds or segments in words and then try to blend them together to make a word. At this stage it is often possible to decipher what a child is trying to write even though the spelling may not be correct, e.g., /cat/ may be written with a /k/ as the child does not yet know the conventions of English spelling. Stage 3: The orthographic phase: The child now has the conventions of English orthography and is able to recognise larger chunks of words. Children start to increase their phonological awareness skills, e.g., /sh/ at the end of the word 1


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Page 1: The-relationship-between-short-term-memory-working-memory-and-phonological-awareness-in-primary-school-children-and-the-impact-of-utilising-different

1. Introduction

1.1 Learning to read and write

Why do some children have difficulties learning to read yet some do not? This

hugely debated question has been at the forefront of literacy investigations for

many years.

Children and adults who learn to read must discover how to decipher the

symbols of their written language. English speakers learn an alphabetic script.

Learning which written symbols represent the particular sounds of that script and

translating this symbol into a letter-sound (grapheme-phoneme) conversion. With

repeated exposure to words they build up a bank of words (vocabulary) which

becomes so familiar that they are able to bypass the mechanics of grapheme-

phoneme conversion, until they encounter an unfamiliar word (Pascoe, Stackhouse

& Wells, 2006). However, they still retain the phonological route for unfamiliar

word identification.

Stage models of literacy development have guided us towards

understanding how children learn to read and why some children struggle. Frith’s

(1985) developmental model which proposes three stages of typical literacy


Stage 1: The logographic phase: A visual phase whereby children recognise

familiar words such as their name or “STOP” on a road sign. They may be able to

write their name at this stage but they may not have made a connection between

the sound and the letters of words. They recognise the visual gestalt or whole

word not necessarily the individual letters.

Stage 2: The alphabetic phase: Children can apply letter-sound rules to

decode new words. They are now able to recognise individual sounds or segments

in words and then try to blend them together to make a word. At this stage it is

often possible to decipher what a child is trying to write even though the spelling

may not be correct, e.g., /cat/ may be written with a /k/ as the child does not

yet know the conventions of English spelling.

Stage 3:The orthographic phase: The child now has the conventions of English

orthography and is able to recognise larger chunks of words. Children start to

increase their phonological awareness skills, e.g., /sh/ at the end of the word


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/fish/ is not read as two separate letters with separate sounds but as one

phoneme /sh/.

1.2 How do we learn to read?

Ehri (1991, 2000) uses the earlier work of Chall (1983) to suggest four

stages of reading development in an alphabetic script. Smith (2005) slightly

modifies them to:

1) Pre-Alphabetic stage – also called Emergent stage, children learn the

basics about reading e.g., front to back, word by word, left to right etc.

2) Decoding or Alphabetic Stage – the link between specific grapheme and

phoneme elements is established e.g., sounding out /c/ /a/ /t/ to make /cat/.

3) Fluency stage – skills are built on and attention turns to larger units such

as recognising high frequency words like /the/ as well as word segments as a

single unit, e.g., –tion, -ing etc.

4) “Reading to learn” stage – skills of the previous stages are now automatic

and rapid. The focus is now on learning from what is being read and the process

of reading is secondary to the aim of reading.

To achieve this complex task of learning to read, research has

shown that two skills appear to be particularly important: memory and

phonological awareness skills. These skills are both critical and multidimensional.

They are also likely to be interconnected while their relationship to literacy

development changes over time. The research reported here focused on these two

components and compared performance of typically developing children1 on short

term memory, working memory and phonological awareness tasks across two

response modalities.

1.3 Short term memory (STM)

James (1890) proposed two different types of memory – primary

and secondary. However, by the middle of the twentieth century, the prominent

view was that of a single memory system. In 1949, Donald Hebb speculated that

there may be two types of memory, short term and long term, and this view was

supported by Brown (1958) in the UK and Peterson and Peterson (1959) in the USA.

Controversy over this ensued for many years with some researchers such as Melton 1 between ages 5;2 and 7;7


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(1962) demonstrating that immediate serial recall of a string of digits (digit span

tasks) also had a long term component and suggested that there was no need to

divide short term and long term memory.

In 1968, Atkinson and Shiffrin introduced a sequence of three

stages in memory: Sensory memory (SM); Short-term memory (STM); Long-term

memory (LTM). Their model was the most influential of its time and was termed

the modal model which, as acknowledged by the authors, had some similarities to

an earlier model by Broadbent (1958).

Atkinson and Shiffrin’s view of memory was that the only way to

commit new material to long term memory was via the short-term store, through a

method of subvocal rehearsal, whereby an item is repeated over and over

subvocally. However, this view was questioned when patients with brain damage

appeared to have very poor short term memory even though their long term

memory remained unimpaired (Shallice and Warrington, 1970). By the early

1970’s, Atkinson and Shiffrin’s model was overshadowed by Craik and Lockhart’s

(1972) approach which related to levels of processing.

More recently, Baddeley (2007;7) states “The term STM continues

to be used to describe tasks in which the immediate recall of small amounts of

information is required with the term working memory being used to refer to a

broader system typically involving attentional control and allowing the

manipulation of information held in short-term storage.”

1.4 Working memory (WM)

An example of an everyday WM task includes remembering a telephone number

while dialling the number. Processes related to WM and STM have been among the

most researched cognitive processes in children with reading disabilities for the

past 30 years. (Swanson, Cooney & McNamara, 2004).

Baddeley and Hitch proposed a model of WM in 1974. It is

composed of three main components; the Central Executive and two main slave

systems known as the Phonological Loop and the Visuo-spatial Sketchpad. In 2000,

Baddeley added a third slave system to his model: the Episodic Buffer. Baddeley

(1996) holds that at the heart of the model lies the Central Executive, which is a

system responsible for a range of regulatory functions including attention, the


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control of action, and problem solving. The Phonological Loop consists of a

phonological short-term store and a sub vocal rehearsal process (Baddeley, 1986).

The Visuo-spatial Sketchpad stores materials in terms of its visual or spatial

features. (Baddeley & Lieberman 1980; Logie, 1986). The Episodic Buffer is a

multidimensional representation system, capable of integrating temporary

representations from other cognitive systems including components of working

memory (Baddeley, 2000)

Figure 1: A schematic of Baddeley’s (2000) model:-

If we consider this model in memory in relation to literacy, it seems clear how all

of the components that make up this model may be active and interactive to help

a child towards literacy. A child looking at text uses long-term memory to

recognise familiar words and then the rate of reading increases, making a more

fluent reader. They must also remember the shapes of letters and how text is put

together when they write. They revert back to sound knowledge and other

phonological skills such as rhyming, phoneme segmentation and synthesis if they

do not recognise a word, at all times having to rely on their WM to assist them.

Swanson, Zheung, & Jerman (2009) examined research that

compared children with and without reading difficulties on measures of STM and


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WM. The results indicated that the children with reading difficulties were

distinctly disadvantaged compared with average readers on:-

1) STM measure requiring the recall of phonemes and digit sequences and

2) WM measures requiring simultaneous processing and storage of digits within

sentence sequences and final words from unrelated sentences.

1.5 Phonological Awareness (PA)

Philips, Clancy-Menchetti, & Lonigan (2008;3) state that “regardless of other types

of language and cognitive difficulties, a problem in performing and applying

phonological awareness capabilities is at the core of most children’s reading

problems.” PA is the ability to detect and manipulate the sound structure of words

independent of their meaning. Dodd & Gillon (2001) propose that PA skills

comprise syllable segmentation, rhyme awareness, alliteration awareness,

phoneme awareness, phoneme segmentation and letter knowledge.

PA is an increasingly sophisticated capability that is highly

predictive of, and causally related to, children’s later ability to read (Ehri et al.,

2001). Anthony and Lonigan (2004;43) state “Current definitions of phonological

awareness can be considered on a continuum of generality from highly exclusive to

highly inclusive of different types of phonological skills.” PA skills include

phoneme identification, substitution, and deletion involving different sizes of

phonological units, syllable, intrasyllable and phonemic. These skills develop over

time and the ability to consciously reflect on phonemes, or phonemic awareness,

is a metalinguistic ability that develops alongside general metacognitive control

processes during middle childhood (Tunmer & Rohl, 1991).

There is considerable evidence showing that measures of

phonological awareness are good predictors of the ease with which children learn

to read (Hulme and Snowing 1994). It is important not to confuse PA and phonics.

PA is an ability that different children can possess in small or large amounts and

phonics is a method of teaching reading that focuses on the associations of letter

sounds with printed letters or groups of letters. A child who has strong

phonological awareness skills benefits more from phonics instruction (Phillips et

al., 2008).


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It is also important to distinguish between PA and phonemic

awareness. Phillips et al., (2008) suggest that PA represents a range of

manipulation and detection skills across different sizes of sound units. Phonemic

awareness, however, specifically refers to the ability to manipulate and detect the

smallest sound pieces in words, the phonemes (e.g. /b/, /s/ and /th/ are all

phonemes). Goswami & Bryant (1990) argue that during the preschool and early

school years, children progress through three levels of PA, from awareness of

syllables to awareness of onsets and rimes and finally to phoneme awareness.

Therefore, this research focused on this latter level of phoneme awareness.

1.6 Why do some children have difficulty learning to read?

This is not a question that can be easily answered. Research has shown that some

children struggle in developing phonological awareness and working memory skills

and these deficits are known to impact on their ability to learn to decode. The

most vulnerable group seem to be children with language difficulties, and

assessing these children is not always easy or straightforward. A particularly

challenging group are children with severe speech and physical impairments.

There are many tools to measure WM and PA in speaking children. However, these

tools rely on spoken response and for children with speech impairments, this

response mode may be unavailable. When assessing this client group tools may

need to be adapted e.g. providing a visual aid such as a number grid. If they are

adapted it is important to be certain that the measure achieved is comparable to

the measure achieved from typically developing children.

1.7 Summary of key points

• Some children learn to read easily and some do not.

• Children need PA and WM skills to develop the ability to decode.

• Baddeley’s (2000) memory model is very useful when examining

literacy acquisition. It illustrates how important the connections

between the different components are.


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• PA is a good indicator of typically developing children’s future reading


• PA encompasses skills such as syllable segmentation, rhyme awareness,

alliteration awareness, phoneme awareness, phoneme segmentation and

letter knowledge.

• There is a phonological component to working memory that may be

crucial to the acquisition of language abilities in children.

• An appropriate test of STM is a range of tasks such as digit span.

• Children with severe speech and physical impairments are vulnerable to

difficulties in learning to read and write.

• Children with SSPI cannot always respond verbally and therefore they

are more difficult to assess.

These findings lead me towards my research questions which are:

1) Do children who have good working memory skills also have good

phonological awareness skills?

2) Is the performance of children on short term and working memory

tasks affected by the mode of response – verbal or pointing?


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2. Methodology

2.1 Aims of Study

The aims of this study are:

(i) To explore the relationship between scores on short term, working

memory and phonological awareness tasks in children between the

ages of 5;2 and 7;7.

(ii) To compare the scores achieved on short term and working memory

tasks using different modes of response:-

(a) verbal response

(b) pointing response

The hypothesis is that a participant who achieves a high score in working memory

tasks also achieves a high score in phonological awareness tasks. This study will

also assess the extent to which the results are influenced by the participants’ age.

2.2 Study Design

This research is a quasi-experimental design. It involves investigating correlations

between a range of measures:-

(1) Phonological awareness (PA) and age.

(2) Short term memory (STM) and age.

(3) Working memory (WM) and age.

(4) Short term memory (STM) and Working memory (WM).

(5) Short term memory (STM) and Phonological awareness (PA).

(6) Phonological Awareness (PA) and Working memory (WM).


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(7) Phoneme Identification (PAI) and age.

(8) Phoneme Substitution (PAS) and age.

(9) Phoneme Deletion (PAD) and age.

It involves quantitatively comparing sets of scores between performance:

(1) STM scores achieved using verbal and pointing


(2) WM scores achieved using verbal and pointing responses.

Due to restrictions on time and resources, the sample size of this study was small,

with 20 participants. Small samples are more likely to show signs of bias and may

not be representative of the population as a whole. (Gravetter & Wallnau, 2007).

Therefore, the results of this study should be interpreted with caution.

DEPENDENT VARIABLES: The scores of STM and WM tasks and PA tasks.

INDEPENDENT VARIABLES: The different methods of response (verbal and

pointing), and the children’s age.

2.3 Participants

The participants in this study were twenty children from a co-educational primary

school. The researcher visited the school to meet with the school principal and

provided her with an information sheet. Written consent was obtained from the

Board of Management and the Principal (Appendix B) and from the Parents

(Appendix C) of the children involved. The children were in Junior (n= 3) and

Senior infants (n=12) and 1st Class (n=5) with a mean age of 6;55 (SD= 0.74 range

5;2 – 7;7). All participants spoke English as their first language and were identified

by their class teacher as having no significant learning disabilities, no significant

speech or language impairments, no significant reading difficulties and corrected

hearing and vision within the normal range.


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Table 1: Research participants characteristics

Date sampled Child ID Age Class Gender11th June 2010 CH1 5;2 Junior Infants Female11th June 2010 CH2 5;3 Junior Infants Female11th June 2010 CH3 5;7 Junior Infants Male10th June 2010 CH4 6;0 Senior Infants Male10th June 2010 CH5 6;0 Senior Infants Female10th June 2010 CH6 6;2 Senior Infants Male10th June 2010 CH7 6;2 Senior Infants Female9th June 2010 CH8 6;5 Senior Infants Female9th June 2010 CH9 6;6 Senior infants Female9th June 2010 CH10 6;6 Senior Infants Female9th June 2010 CH11 6;6 Senior infants Female8th June 2010 CH12 6;6 Senior Infants Female8th June 2010 CH13 6;9 Senior Infants Male8th June 2010 CH14 7;1 Senior Infants Female8th June 2010 CH15 7;1 1st Class Male7th June 2010 CH16 7;3 1st Class Female7th June 2010 CH17 7;5 1st Class Male7th June 2010 CH18 7;7 1st Class Male7th June 2010 CH19 7;7 1st Class Male7th June 2010 CH20 7;7 1st Class Male

2.4 Materials

The materials in this study for digit recall verbal response (DRV) and phonological

awareness (PA) were taken from CELF4–UK(Semel, Wiig & Secord, 2006) and for

digit recall pointing response(DRP) from a larger cross linguistic study of working

memory and aided communication. (Smith, Dahlgren Sandberg & Larsson, 2009)

2.4.1 Digit recall forwards with verbal response (DRFV):

The child must verbally repeat digits in order, after listening to numbers

presented orally by the tester.


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2.4.2 Digit recall backwards with verbal response (DRBV):

The child must verbally repeat in reverse order, after listening to numbers

presented orally by the tester.

2.4.3 Digit recall forwards with pointing response (DRFP):

The child must point to a grid of numbers in order, after listening to numbers

presented orally by the tester.

2.4.4 Digit recall backwards with pointing response (DRBP):

The child must point to a grid of numbers in reverse order, after listening to

numbers presented orally by tester.

2.4.5 Phonological Awareness (PA):

In the CELF4–UK(Semel et al., 2006) the PA subtest consists of 17 tasks, each of

which have specific directions for administration and trial items. Six of these tasks

were appropriate for this age range:

1) Initial phoneme identification (PAI)

2) Medial phoneme identification (PAI)

3) Final phoneme identification (PAI)

4) Initial phoneme substitution (PAS)

5) Final phoneme substitution (PAS)

6) Initial phoneme deletion (PA)

2.5 Procedures

Each child was seen individually in a single session by the researcher in a quiet

room in the school for approximately 30 minutes and completed tasks – DRV, DRP

and PA which were broken down into their subtests.

2.5.1 Digit recall forwards with verbal response (DRFV)

Instructions from CELF 4–UK(Semel et al., 2006) were given to each child.


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2.5.2 Digit recall backwards with verbal response (DRBV)

Instructions from CELF 4–UK(Semel et al., 2006) were given to each child.

2.5.3 Digit recall forwards with pointing response (DRFP)

In these tasks the participants were introduced to a number grid (Appendix F)

Instructions were given to each child (Appendix G).

2.5.4 Digit recall backwards with pointing response (DRBP)

Instructions were given to each child (Appendix G).

After these tasks the researcher gave the participants a few minutes break and

following this said: “Now we are going to do some letter activities, are you


2.5.5 Phonological Awareness Tasks (PA)

For each of these tasks instructions from CELF 4-UK (Semel et al., 2006) were

given to each child. Phoneme Identification (PAI)

i) Initial Phoneme Identification (PAI)

ii) Medial phoneme identification (PAI)

iii) Final phoneme identification (PAI) Phoneme substitution (PAS)

i) Initial phoneme substitution (PAS)

ii) Final phoneme substitution (PAS) Phoneme deletion (PAD)

i) Initial phoneme deletion (PA)


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2.6 Evidence of Reliability

The reliability of a test rests on the accuracy, consistency and stability of test

scores across situations (Anastasi & Urbina, 1997). It refers to consistent scores

derived with the theoretical concept of repeatedly testing the same participant on

the same test under identical conditions. As this can never be fully achieved, in

practice several estimates of reliability are obtained. Multiple measures of

reliability are reported for the CELF4-UK (Semel et al., 2006).

2.7 Reliability of Scoring

As data was entered into SPSS it was possible to check the scores of the variables

against each other by combining different scores, allowing the researcher to check

the calculations.

2.8 Data analysis

The SPSS (Version 18) was used to analyse the data. Given the small sample size

and the fact that normal distribution could not be assumed, non-parametric tests

(two-tailed) were used, with significance set at 1% level for most analyses, and at

5% for the correlation analyse.

3. Results

The focus of the study reported here was on comparing the performance of

typically developing children on STM, WM and PA skills across two response modes.

The extent to which the results were influenced by the participants’ age was also



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3.1 Short-term memory, Working memory, phonological awareness and the

influence of age.

In order to explore the relationship between scores on short term, working

memory and phonological awareness tasks in children between the ages of 5;2 and

7;7, the Spearman rank order correlation coefficient was conducted. It is a non-

parametric measure of the strength and direction of association that exists

between two variables measured on at least one ordinal scale. (Gravetter &

Wallnau, 2007) In this instance, the test was used for ordinal variables as they had

failed the assumptions necessary for conducting the Pearson’s product-moment

correlation. An alpha level of .05 and .01 were used for all statistical tests.

As shown in Table 3, age was correlated with WM and robustly correlated with PA,

however, there was no correlation between age and performance on STM (r=0.314,

p=0.177). STM was significantly correlated with PA (r=0.604, p=0.005) but not with

WM (r=0.151, p=0.333). WM was significantly correlated with age, and PA

(r=0.557, p=0.11) but not with STM.

As shown in Table 4, age was robustly correlated with all PA skills including

phoneme identification, phoneme substitution and phoneme deletion.


Table 3: Patterns of correlation across skill areas of short term memory, working memory, phonological awareness tasks and age:-

Age Short-term Working Phonological memory memory Awareness

AgeCorrelation coefficient 0.314 0.515* 0.734**Short term memoryCorrelation coefficient 0.314 0.151 0.604*Working memoryCorrelation coefficient 0.515* 0.151 0.557*Phonological AwarenessCorrelation coefficient 0.734** 0.604* 0.557*

**p<0.01 *p<0.05

Table 4: Patterns of correlation across skill areas of phonological awareness tasks and age:-

Age Phonological Phoneme Phoneme PhonemeAwareness Identification Substitution Deletion

AgeCorrelation coefficient 0.734** 0.647** 0.730** 0.526**

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The means and standard deviations of the PA tasks are found in Table 5:

A second focus reported here was on the impact of using two different response

modes – verbal and pointing.

3.3 STM and WM tasks

In order to compare the scores achieved on STM and WM using different response

modes - verbal and pointing, within-group comparisons were conducted.


Table 7: The means and standard deviations of STM and WM tasks using

different response modes – verbal and pointing.

Mode of response

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std Deviation

STM Verbal 20 4 10 7.60 1.729

Pointing 20 2 12 6.40 1.984

WM Verbal 20 1 6 3.35 1.137

Pointing 20 2 9 3.65 1.631

STMVerbal and Pointing

20 6 22 14 3.387

WM Verbal and Pointing

20 3 15 7 2.555

Table 5: Means and standard deviations of Phonological Awareness tasks.

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation



20 4 30 22.10 6.265


awareness –



20 4 15 13.10 2.634


awareness -



20 0 10 6.25 2.845


awareness -

phoneme deletion

20 0 5 2.75 1.482

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The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test is the non-parametric equivalent to the dependent

t-test. It is used to compare two sets of scores that come from the same

participants. The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test does not assume normality in the

data therefore, it can be used when this assumption has been violated and the use

of dependent t-test is inappropriate (Gravetter & Wallnau, 2007).

3.2.1 Short term memory

Fifteen children achieved higher scores on STM tasks using a verbal response.

Three children’s scores were lower using a pointing response and two children


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achieved the same score on both verbal and pointing responses. These results

indicate using a verbal response is significantly easier (z=-2.796, p=0.05) than

using a pointing response.

3.2.2 Working memory

Scores on WM tasks using a verbal response were compared to scores on the same

tasks using a pointing response. Nine children achieved higher scores on WM tasks

using a pointing response. Five children achieved lower scores on the same tasks

using a verbal response and six children achieved the same scores on both verbal

and pointing responses. Wilcoxon analysis suggests scores of WM tasks were not

affected by the mode of response – pointing or verbal (z=-1.064, p=.287).

3.2.3 Short term memory and Working memory

Scores on STM tasks were compared to WM tasks. All of the children scored higher

on STM tasks than on WM tasks. The results of the Wilcoxon analysis suggest that

STM tasks were significantly easier than WM tasks (z=-3.929, p=.0.000).

3.3 Summary of Findings

The key questions explored in this research are:-

1) Do children who have good WM skills also have good PA skills?

Correlation analyses using the Spearman rank order correlation coefficient were

conducted and the key findings to this first question are:-

a) Children who have good WM skills also have good PA skills.

b) Children who have good STM skills also have good PA skills.

c) WM scores and PA skills improve with age.

d) STM scores do not improve with age.


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e) There is no correlation between WM and STM.

f) The children found STM tasks easier than WM tasks.

A second question in this research is?

2) Is the performance of children on STM and WM tasks affected by the

mode of response – verbal or pointing?

The following are the key findings in relation to this second question:-

a) There was no significant difference on the children’s scores on

the WM tasks, using either mode of response – verbal

and pointing.

b) On STM tasks the children found it significantly more difficult to use a

pointing response than a verbal response.

4. Discussion

4.1 Introduction


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In this study short term memory(STM) and working memory(WM) were measured

via digit recall span tasks, “in which children are given increasingly long sequences

of digits to repeat back to the experimenter following a short delay.” (Goswami,

2000;257). The difference in scores on these tasks as well as the Phonological

awareness (PA) tasks, will be discussed in light of the different theories about

memory and PA as mentioned in the introduction. The findings from both STM and

WM tasks using different response modes, verbal and pointing, will be explored

and explanations with reference to the results will be offered. The limitations of

this research will be discussed, in addition to clinical implications and future


4.2 Short term memory

In this research, STM scores were significantly higher than WM scores. The STM

tasks (digit recall) did not require the participant to process information, only to

repeat it back in the same format. However, in the WM tasks (digit recall

backwards) the participant was required to hold and then process information

before repeating it back.

There was no correlation between STM scores and age. However,

consideration should be given to the different response modes used in this task.

The mean score for the STM tasks using verbal response was higher (mean 7.6)

than the mean scores for the STM tasks using pointing response (mean 6.4). When

a pointing mode of response was used to measure STM, the children had to

recognise the numbers on the grid in front of them, as well as hold the numbers

they had just heard in their mind. It is possible that all of this additional

processing may have interfered and made the task more complex. With this in

mind, it must be questioned whether STM was actually being measured when the

mode of response was pointing as opposed to WM. This would therefore imply that

scores for STM using pointing response were in fact, not what they appeared to be

and, may explain why there was no correlation with age.

4.3 Working memory

The hypothesis that children who have good WM also have good PA skills has been

supported in the results of this research. It is already known that PA skills help


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children towards word identification and that WM is important not just for word

identification but also for reading comprehension.

In this research, the PA skills assessed were phoneme

identification, substitution and deletion. There may have been an element of WM

involved in the PA tasks set out in this research, as they required the holding and

processing of information. For example, in the final phoneme identification task,

the children were asked to tell the researcher the sound they heard at the end of

the word /big/. To do this they needed to hold that word in memory and then

process it and respond with the sound /g/. Therefore, it may be considered that

these tasks involved WM as well as PA skills and would explain why the scores

correlated with each other.

There was no correlation between STM and WM scores. This

provides evidence that STM processes and PA skills may be processed by different

components as discussed in Baddeley’s (2000) multi-component model. Alloway et

al., (2005;418) state “The distinction between the phonological loop and

phonological awareness is particularly important, as it bears directly on current

debates concerning the close association between these two measures.” Bowey,

(1996) suggests that phonological memory and awareness measures tap a common

underlying phonological processing component. However, Gathercole, Willis &

Baddeley, (1991) say that although both these measures are constrained by the

efficiency of phonological processing, they reflect distinct cognitive systems.

Snowling, Hulme, Smith & Thomas, (1994) found that chronological

age was a significant predictor of sound categorisation and memory span

performance and this current research found that similarly, WM and PA skills

improved as age increased. Oakhill and Kyle (2000) found there was no increase in

reading, sentence span, phoneme deletion tasks, word span and sound

categorisation tasks scores as age increased. However, their participants were

from the same year group. In this current study the children were between the

ages of 5;2 and 7;7 and therefore their scores in the PA and WM tasks increased

with their age.

There was no significant difference on the children’s scores on the

WM tasks using either mode of response – verbal and pointing. As discussed earlier,

WM tasks involve holding and processing information and consideration has already


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been given to the characteristics of the different response modes - verbal and

pointing, and the effect they may have had on the tasks. Unlike the STM tasks, it

appears that the WM tasks were difficult for the children and therefore the

response mode did not appear to make a difference to them.

4.4 Phonological awareness

The results of the PA tasks showed that as the age of the children increased so too

did the scores on phoneme identification, substitution and deletion.

Dodd & Gillon (2001;140) state “Most children are unable to

perform phonemic awareness tasks before exposure to writing”. Even the youngest

children in this research had been exposed to writing as they had completed their

first year of school. If the research had been conducted at the start of the

academic year with children who had just entered the primary school curriculum

there may not have been such a strong correlation between age and PA skills.

4.5 Limitations of study

All participants in this study spoke English as their first language and were

identified by their class teacher as having no significant learning disabilities, no

significant speech or language impairments, no significant reading difficulties and

corrected hearing and vision within the normal range. However, a standardised

test such as the BPVS (Dunn et al., 1997) would have indicated their level of

receptive language and would have corroborated the teacher’s selection.

This study was conducted on a small sample of twenty children, so

may not be representative of the population as a whole. Therefore, the results of

this study should be interpreted with caution. In the participating school, all of

the children attend small classes with a maximum of 14 pupils in each age group

and, two classes being taught simultaneously in one room e.g. Junior and Senior

Infants. This may have a positive or negative effect on the children.

This research was conducted at the end of the academic year

during June and understandably the children may have been excited at the

prospect of the long Summer holidays approaching. This may have had an impact

on the children’s scores in the assessments and should be acknowledged as

another limitation.


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4.6 Clinical Implications

The correlation between WM and PA, as shown in the results of this

research, surmise the question of whether PA intervention may improve WM skills

and vice versa. Research has already shown that PA intervention improves early

literacy skills and if WM intervention is incorporated into PA intervention then

perhaps this may further help the a child who may be struggling to read.

As discussed earlier, the children in this study were not affected by

the mode of response on the WM tasks. There was no significant difference

between the children’s scores using either mode of response – verbal or pointing.

Therefore, with these results in mind, if children with severe speech and physical

impairment (SSPI) are unable to use natural speech and must rely on the response

mode of pointing during assessment, future research on WM using these tools may

be deemed a proper measure of the working memory of children with SSPI.

4.7 Future Research

Future research might include the use of word span tasks as opposed to digit recall

tasks and their correlation with PA skills. Similarly, other areas of PA could be

included in future research such as rhyme and alliteration, segmenting and these

could be correlated with further WM tasks. Effectively, an extension of this study

is suggested. Perhaps comparing the scores between children at ages four, eight

and twelve years of age might be a consideration for future research, and a larger

sample would negate the limitations of this current study.

4.8 Summary/Conclusion

The aims of this research were to explore the relationship between scores on short

term, working memory and phonological awareness tasks in children between the

ages of 5;2 and 7;7 and to compare the scores achieved on short term and working

memory tasks using different modes of response - verbal and pointing.


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The hypothesis that a participant who achieved a high score in

working memory tasks also achieved a high score in phonological awareness tasks

was supported. This study also assessed the extent to which the results were

influenced by the participant’s age and showed that age influenced the children’s

PA and WM however, there was no such relationship with age and STM.

In relation to mode of response, the STM scores indicated that the

children found it significantly more difficult to use a pointing response than a

verbal response. On the WM tasks the children were unaffected by the response

mode, and the children found the WM tasks more difficult than the STM tasks.

These findings were explored and explanations with reference to

the results were offered. The limitations of this research were examined, as well

as clinical implications and it is hoped that this current research has added to the

database of knowledge in the essential areas of literacy acquisition.


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List of Appendices

Appendix A: Ethical Approval

Appendix B: Consent letter - School Principal

Appendix C: Consent letter – Parents

Appendix D: Consent letter – Parents

Appendix E: Participant Information Sheet

Appendix F: Number grid


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Appendix G: Instructions for STM and WM tasks with pointing response

Appendix A: Ethics Approval

Applicant: Martine Smith

Project Title: Remembering symbols: Validating a symbol span task

The Research Ethics Committee has looked at your application and approved it, subject to minor amendments which are listed below. We would be grateful if you could forward an electronic copy of the revised version to [email protected], using yellow highlighting on the amended text.

We would also be grateful for 2 hardcopies for our records, to be sent Dara at SLSCS.

The time involved for the participant


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It would be helpful if you could mention in the application form (section 2.4) that the tasks will involve a single 20min session per child.

Consent Form/Participant Information LeafletNo need to include the template top page.

Consent FormThe wording on this form should be in the 1st person.

Child’s assent: Could you possibly include some lines that clarify that, in addition to parental consent, the child’s assent (and right to withdraw) is explicitly stated. The suggested text might run a follows:

“In school, my child will also be asked whether he/she wishes to do the task. Should he/she child not want to do the task, or wish to withdraw at any point, this will be respected.”

In Paragraph 4 please reword: “any information or data that we obtain from you, which can be identified with you, will be treated confidentially” as,“any information or data obtained from my child, which can be identified with my child, will be treated confidentially”

Appendix B: Consent letter – School Principal


I am writing to you about a research project I am undertaking to compare children’s working memory for numbers, written sentences and picture symbols. Working memory has a strong relationship with reading and spelling, but it is difficult to measure working memory in children with poor reading and spelling abilities, if they also have speech difficulties. Our goal is to develop a task to measure working memory that bypasses the need for speech. A first step is to see


Martine Smith, PhD, Head of DepartmentTel: +353 1 896 2027 email: [email protected] Fax: +353 1 6712152

Page 31: The-relationship-between-short-term-memory-working-memory-and-phonological-awareness-in-primary-school-children-and-the-impact-of-utilising-different

how well children with no difficulties perform on tasks measuring working memory for words, numbers and for picture symbols.

Our goal is to assess at least 10 children from each of three classes: Senior Infants, Second Class and Fourth Class. The assessments should take no more than 20 minutes for each child. Some of the tasks will be presented on a computer that we bring with us. I myself will be working with the children, and I will also have a student under my supervision, Katharine Bulbulia, who will see some of the children. Each child needs to be seen individually to complete the tasks, ideally in a quiet room in the school.

If you are willing to allow this project to take place within your school, I would be very grateful if you would look at the enclosed information leaflet and consent form. If you are happy with these forms and are willing to proceed, I will have the forms copied and delivered to you for distribution within the classes.

If there is anything you would like clarified about this project, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am enclosing a stamped addressed envelope for you to return to me, to let me know whether or not you are able to facilitate this project. I am aware that there are many demands on your time and that you receive many different requests of this nature. I greatly appreciate your time in reading this letter, and look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

Martine Smith, PhDPrincipal Researcher

Appendix C: Consent letter – Parents

Katharine BulbuliaWest LodgeLodge Park

StraffanCounty Kildare

Dear Parents

Please find enclosed information about research for my final year project in Clinical Speech and Language Studies. Your child’s participation would be greatly appreciated and the data collected will be invaluable to my research in conjunction with Dr Martine Smith of Trinity College, Dublin.


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Please could you return the consent form to the office before 18th June 2010. Should you require any further information do not hesitate to contact me on 087 2414556.

Kind regards

Katharine BulbuliaMegan (2nd class) and Miles (Senior Infants) Mum!

Appendix D: Consent form – Parents


Consent Form to be returned to the office by 18th June 2010Remembering symbols: Validating a symbol span task

Principal investigator: Dr Martine Smith, PhD

I understand that I am invited to participate in this research project, carried out by DR MARTINE SMITH. My participation is voluntary. Even if I agree to allow my child participate now, I can withdraw permission at any time without consequences of any kind. In school, my child will also be asked whether s/he wishes to complete the tasks. Should s/he not wish to complete the tasks, or wishes to withdraw, this will be respected.

The study is designed to compare children’s working memory for numbers, written sentences and picture symbols. I have already received an information leaflet, giving more detailed information about the project.


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If I agree to allow my child to participate, this will involve him/her completing some memory games for approximately 20 minutes during school. There is no direct benefit for me or my child from participating in this research. The research may help us to develop ways of examining working memory in children who have very poor reading and spelling.

Any information or data that is obtained from my child, which can be identified with him/her, will be treated confidentially. Consent forms will be held in the school until data collection is complete and will then be destroyed. Data from individual children will not include names or dates of birth. A number-letter code will be used to identify participants. The anonymized data will be stored on a password-protected computer. Although the data may be published or used for teaching purposes, it will not be possible to identify the school or any individual children.

(If you have any questions about this research please do not hesitate to contact me by phone (01 896 2027) or by email ([email protected])).

Signature of research participant’s guardian:I understand what is involved in this research and I agree to allow my child [NAME:_____________] [AGE ___yrs ___mths] to participate in the study. I have been given a copy of the Participant Information Leaflet

----------------------------------------- ----------------Signature of parent/guardian DateSignature of researcherI believe the participant is giving informed consent to participate in this study

------------------------------------------ ----------------------Signature of researcher

Appendix E: Participant Information Leaflet

Remembering symbols: Validating a symbol span taskPrincipal investigator: Dr Martine Smith, PhD

Clinical Speech and Language Studies, Trinity College.

What is the project about?Memory is important to all learning. Working memory is one part of our memory system. It is the part where we store information for a short time, while we try to work something out. For example, if you are trying to enter a new phone number into your mobile, you have to be able to hold the number in your working memory long enough to enter the details in your phone. Working memory is important in learning to read and to spell. The aim of this project is to compare how well children remember numbers, written sentences and picture symbols. This information will help us to develop ways of examining working memory in children who have very poor reading and spelling abilities.

What does it involve?


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Children who participate will be seen individually by the researcher, or by a research assistant who is under the supervision of the researcher. Each child will be asked to complete a number of memory games. Some of the memory games involve numbers, some written sentences and some use picture symbols. We want to see if children find the tasks equally difficult. Some of the tasks will be presented on a computer screen in PowerPoint. The sessions will last approximately 20 minutes. Although the games are interesting, some children may be bored or ask to return to class. If this happens, your child will be brought back to the classroom and the classroom teacher will be advised of what has happened.

Where will it happen?All the research will take place in the school, at a time that suits the school.

Who can be involved?All children in the class are invited to participate in this project. Children can only participate if there is a signed consent form. If children have any condition that means that they should not use a computer or view information on a computer screen, they should not participate in this project.

What if I change my mind?Your child’s participation is voluntary. If you change your mind and don’t want your child to be involved, your child will be withdrawn from the project and any information we have on your child will be destroyed. This project is not part of your child’s schoolwork, and your decision about participating will have no consequences for his or her schoolwork. Even if you have given permission for your child to participate, if he or she decides

Appendix E: Participant Information Leaflet

against participating, there will be no consequences of any kind for your child. Each chid will be asked at the start of each session if it is ok to go ahead with all the games.

What happens to the information?The only information we will seek about your child is his/her age in years and months, gender (i.e., male or female) and the score your child achieves in each type of memory task. The school will keep the signed consent forms for record purposes. Each participant will be given a code as an identifier (e.g., A1, B2, etc.). No names or dates of birth will be recorded, so that no child should be identifiable from the data. The data will be stored on a computer hard drive in accordance with Data Protection Guidelines. Although the information we get from this project may be published or used for teaching purposes, it will not be possible to identify the school or the children in any way.

Where can I get more information?


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If you have any questions about this research you can ask me directly, either by phone (01 896 2027) or by email ([email protected]). You are also free to ask your child’s teacher, who can then get the information you need from me.

What do I do now?1. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me or Katharine Bulbulia (see below)

2.If you are willing to allow your child to participate, please see the consent form attached to this letter. This consent form must be signed by you and returned by 18th June 2010 to the school.

Contact information

Dr Martine SmithClinical Speech and Language Studies184 Pearse StreetTrinity College Dublin

Phone: 01 896 2027 email: [email protected]

For information you can also contact:

Mrs Katharine Bulbulia0872414556 or email: [email protected]



Appendix F: Number Grid

1 2 34 5 6


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7 8 90

Appendix G: Instructions for STM and WM tasks with pointing response

The researcher said:

“We’re going to do a numbers game like the last one, where you have to

remember the numbers. This time you don’t have to say anything, you just point

to the numbers I have named. Let’s look at all the numbers first and make sure

you can see them.”

The researcher checked that the participant was able to point to each number.

The task was abandoned at this stage if a participant had a problem identifying

the correct numbers. The participants were prevented from seeing the number


Page 37: The-relationship-between-short-term-memory-working-memory-and-phonological-awareness-in-primary-school-children-and-the-impact-of-utilising-different

grid while the digits were called out. The researcher said: “Now, I’m going to hold

these numbers while you listen and then you can point to the numbers I named.

Let’s try a few first: “6, 2” and “9, 0”

If the participant answered correctly the test items were started, if however, the

response was incorrect two more trial items were introduced. If the response was

incorrect on the second set of trials, the first test set was started and the test was

discontinued if the next two sets were incorrect. The researcher followed the

same procedure as for DRFV when administering and recording the responses.

Instructions for WM tasks with pointing response

The Researcher said:

“This time, when I say the numbers you have to point to them backwards! So, if I

say “0, 6 you have to point to 6, 0. This is tricky so you have to listen carefully.

Let’s try a few first.”

The same stimulus items were used as previously used for the trials and the

participant was coached as much as needed until the researcher was sure the task

was understood. The discontinuation rules were the same as the other tasks.