© 2015 Custom Classroom by Angela Name _________________________ Date __________________ Class_____________________ Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question. The Real Story about Sharks 1 Sharks are seen as a fierce predator at the top of the food chain. These dangerous creatures also captivate their audience. TV series like Shark Week and movies like Jaws only add to people’s interest and curiosity to learn more. 2 These ancient creatures have been around for over 400 million years. Their ability to evolve and stay at the top of the ocean food chain has helped them survive all these years. The present day sharks have grown in size compared to their ancestors. Specifically, over the years, sharks’ brains evolved to use more than two-thirds of their brain function for their senses. This evolution has helped them become a more intelligent and resilient species. In addition to their growth and intelligence, sharks once had rounded teeth for consuming plants that evolved into sharps razor like teeth making them carnivores. Sharks have also been able to adapt to fresh and saltwater alike with the ability to live in all temperatures. Sharks are amazing creatures that adapted and evolved over millions of years surviving even evidence of catastrophic events in earth’s past. 3 Sharks, however, now face a new enemy, mankind. Sharks have evolved and survived millions of years, but will they be able to adapt quickly enough to survive their new enemy. It is estimated that over 100 million sharks are killed each year by commercial and recreational fishing. An additional threat sharks face is the altering of their habitat by pollution. Like many animals all over the world, the growth in human population rapidly changed a once stable ecosystem. 4 These popular and iconic creatures are everywhere, on our TVs, in movies, and featured in social media. Even with their popularity, resilience, and evolution, sharks have become endangered species. Only time will tell if they will adapt and survive alongside mankind. 1. In paragraph 2, the word resilient means - a. to recover and adjust easily b. to become strong after something bad c. to be healthy d. to prove to others you’re stronger 2. What happened to sharks as their environment changed? a. Sharks slowly dwindled in population. b. Sharks became larger and stronger. c. Sharks slowly evolved to fit their environment. d. Sharks became dangerous creatures and more of a threat.

The Real Story about Sharks - Weeblygrantsimpson.weebly.com/.../6/6/3/6/6636033/non_fiction.pdf · 2020-03-10 · fresh and saltwater. Sharks evolved over millions of years surviving

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Page 1: The Real Story about Sharks - Weeblygrantsimpson.weebly.com/.../6/6/3/6/6636033/non_fiction.pdf · 2020-03-10 · fresh and saltwater. Sharks evolved over millions of years surviving

©"2015 Custom Classroom by Angela""

Name _________________________ Date __________________ Class_____________________ Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.

The Real Story about Sharks

1 Sharks are seen as a fierce predator at the top of the food chain. These dangerous creatures

also captivate their audience. TV series like Shark Week and movies like Jaws only add to people’s interest and curiosity to learn more.

2 These ancient creatures have been around for over 400 million years. Their ability to evolve

and stay at the top of the ocean food chain has helped them survive all these years. The present day sharks have grown in size compared to their ancestors. Specifically, over the years, sharks’ brains evolved to use more than two-thirds of their brain function for their senses. This evolution has helped them become a more intelligent and resilient species. In addition to their growth and intelligence, sharks once had rounded teeth for consuming plants that evolved into sharps razor like teeth making them carnivores. Sharks have also been able to adapt to fresh and saltwater alike with the ability to live in all temperatures. Sharks are amazing creatures that adapted and evolved over millions of years surviving even evidence of catastrophic events in earth’s past.

3 Sharks, however, now face a new enemy, mankind. Sharks have evolved and survived millions of years, but will they be able to adapt quickly enough to survive their new enemy. It is estimated that over 100 million sharks are killed each year by commercial and recreational fishing. An additional threat sharks face is the altering of their habitat by pollution. Like many animals all over the world, the growth in human population rapidly changed a once stable ecosystem.

4 These popular and iconic creatures are everywhere, on our TVs, in movies, and featured in

social media. Even with their popularity, resilience, and evolution, sharks have become endangered species. Only time will tell if they will adapt and survive alongside mankind.

1. In paragraph 2, the word resilient means -

a. to recover and adjust easily b. to become strong after something bad c. to be healthy d. to prove to others you’re stronger

2. What happened to sharks as their environment changed?

a. Sharks slowly dwindled in population. b. Sharks became larger and stronger. c. Sharks slowly evolved to fit their environment. d. Sharks became dangerous creatures and more of a threat.

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©"2015 Custom Classroom by Angela""

3. The author included paragraph 4 most likely to -

a. persuade b. explain c. inform d. describe

4. Based on information in the selection, which statement would the author most strongly agree?

a. People should learn more about sharks and their past. b. Historically sharks are at the top of the food chain and will stay there. c. Modern sharks have come a long way and will continue to evolve. d. Even though sharks are seen as dangerous, they need our help.

5. Look at the diagram.

Which of the following is the best title for the diagram? a. Evolution of Sharks b. Effects of Nature on Sharks c. Reasons Sharks are Endangered d. Why the Shark Population is shrinking

Growth in Intelligence

Sharper Teeth

Salt and fresh water

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6. What is the best summary of the selection?

a. Sharks have been around for over 400 million years. They evolved to stay at the top of the ocean food chain. The present day sharks are larger, use more than two-thirds of their brain function for their senses, have sharp razor like teeth making them carnivores and live in both fresh and saltwater. Sharks evolved over millions of years surviving even evidence of catastrophic events in earth’s past. b. Sharks have a new enemy, mankind. It is estimated that over 100 million sharks are killed each year by commercial and recreational fishing. An additional threat shark’s face is the altering of their habitat by pollution. Only time will tell if they will adapt and survive alongside mankind. c. Sharks are popular creatures that have been around for 400 million years. Over time, they have become more intelligent, carnivorous and adapted to their environment. But even with all this evolution, mankind endangers sharks. Only time will tell if they will adapt and survive alongside mankind. d. Sharks need our help. Even though they have evolved to survive over the years, a new enemy has made them endangered. Without our help and support to make changes worldwide the modern shark as we know it will no longer exist.

7. Read the dictionary entry below.

Which definition matches the meaning of stable in paragraph 3?

a. Definition 1 b. Definition 2 c. Definition 3 d. Definition 4 8. Which statement from the selection is an opinion?

a. These ancient creatures have been around for over 400 million years. b. Sharks have also been able to adapt to fresh and saltwater alike with the ability to live in all

temperatures. c. Over 100 million sharks are killed each year by commercial and recreational fishing. d. These dangerous creatures also captivate their audience.

Stable /ˈstāb#l/ 1. a building in which horses are kept, fed, and cared for 2. a collection of items produced by or belonging to an establishment 3. not likely to change or fail; firmly established 4. sane and sensible; not easily upset or disturbed

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Written Response Extension Questions: 9. According to the selection, how are sharks today different from how they were millions of years ago?

10. What is the underlining theme of this selection?

11. How effective was the author in shaping your opinion about sharks? What changes would you recommend for the author?

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Name _________________________ Date __________________ Class_____________________ Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.

Cell Phones in School?

1 If you were asked what is the one thing you could not live without, many of you

might say your cell phone. Cell phones have become part of everyday life. They have become an essential role in communication and staying connected. We use them to talk with our friends, video chat with family out of state, share our daily activities on social media, check email, get directions, and Google. What do our phones not do? With such a reliance on cell phones, it is surprising so many public schools continue to resist their use in classrooms across the country.

2 For starters, smartphones are not just for communication but have many

capabilities that could be used for learning. For example, if a student is working on a research project their phones could help them get information quickly right inside the classroom. It is just like every student having access to a laptop or computer at all times.

3 Additionally, cell phones can help a student with taking notes and studying.

Students can simply snap a picture of classroom information, diagrams, or images. Having a detailed picture will be more helpful to students than a rough sketch allowing them to study more affectively at home. Voice recordings can help capture discussions or collaborative conversations much better then quickly jotting down a few key points.

4 Finally, phones and the use of their calendar can help students stay organized

and on top of their studies. With shareable calendars, reminders, and alerts students can instantly add test dates and project deadlines to their phone’s calendar making this information accessible at the touch of a button.

5 Cell phones can provide many benefits to the learning experience in schools

including research capabilities, storage of information, and help with organization. One-day schools, principals, and teachers will begin to see these benefits. They will slowly start to progress with the modern times and one by one schools will begin to embrace the positives of cell phone use in public schools.

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1. What is the main goal in writing this article?

a. To describe what classrooms should look like b. To convince student to rethink their cell phone use c. To relate to the modern student d. To discuss the benefits of using cell phones in school

2. Which word best matches the meaning of capabilities in paragraph 2?

a. supremacy b. proficiency c. incorporate d. sturdier

3. Which sentence best summarizes paragraphs 2-4?

a. Phones are not just for communication but have many capabilities that could be used for learning. If working on a research project, cell phones could help students get information quickly.

b. Cell phones have shareable calendars, reminders, and alerts that will help students stay

organized. b. One-day schools, principals, and teachers will begin to see these benefits.

d. Cell phones can be used in classrooms to help student’s research, take detailed

notes, and stay organized.

4. The author hopes that the use of modern technology in schools will -

a. help teachers be more effective b. inspire students to work harder in school c. one day become the norm d. lead to a change in schools programs across the country

5. What emotion is the author most likely intending to evoke in the reader?

a. concern for a change in cell phone use in schools b. awe at the power of cell phone use in schools c. excitement about being able to use cell phones in school d. disappointment in current cell phone use

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6. Look at the diagram of information from the selection.

Which of the following belongs in the empty box? a. Cell phones can help students in school b. Cell phones can help students with test dates c. Cell phones can be used for organization d. Cell phones can be a useful tool for students 7. The author emphasizes the idea that cell phones -

a. will disappear if schools do not change their view b. require teacher approval c. should be studied by students d. are an important tool in schools

Public schools continue to resist cell

phone use in classrooms.

Cell phones can be used

for classroom research.

Cell phones can be used

for note taking.

Cell phones can provide many benefits to the

learning experience in schools

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Written Response Extension Questions: 8. Make an outline of the author’s main points in why cell phone use should be allowed in schools?

9. Do you know another example in which cell phone use could be beneficial in school?

10. Write a letter to your principal expressing your opinion about cell phone use in class?

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Name _________________________ Date __________________ Class_____________________ Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.

The Selfie

1 Selfies have become one of the most popular forms of photography in the country. Most

of us, if not all of us, have taken one, seen one, or been in one. It’s even in the dictionary. “Selfie: an image of oneself taken by oneself using a digital camera especially for posting on social networks.” Even with its immense popularity, do Americans really know how it all came about?

2 What comes to mind when you hear the word selfie? Well, if you were asked this

question before the 2000’s your answer may have been very different. The word selfie first came about around 2002 when it first appeared on an Australian Internet forum. Over the past decade, selfies quickly became part of popular culture.

3 The word selfie has been around for the past decade and not a completely new

concept. People have been taking pictures of themselves for as long as cameras have been around. But, the concept of the present day selfie came about with the beginning of social media on the Internet. Back in 2005 to 2008 selfies started to show up on MySpace. Facebook followed in 2009, adding better quality photos and the concept of the popular selfie was born. However, they began to drastically grown in popularity when in 2010 Apple came out with the iPhone 4’s front-facing camera. With time came the invention of the “selfie stick”. Technology made selfies easier than ever to take and post on social media like Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Finally in 2013 the word selfie was officially added to the Oxford Dictionary, forever placing it as part of modern society.

4 Now in 2015 the popularity of selfies continues to grow among people of all ages and

backgrounds. From teenagers to celebrities, selfies are seen all across the country. This old concept, but new form of the popular photograph, continues to spread across the country and reach all corners of the world.

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1. The suffix in the word popularity means a -

a. state or condition b. place or location c. feeling or emotion d. size or growth 2. The author’s purpose is most likely to -

a. outline b. entertain c. persuade d. inform

3. Why does the author mention the Australian Internet forum in paragraph 2?

a. To imply that Australia is more advance in photography b. To suggest that the word selfie did not originate in America c. To show that Australians and Americans are equals d. To add support to the claim that selfies are more popular in Australia

4. Read the dictionary entry below.

Which definition matches the meaning of appeared in paragraph 2?

a. Definition 1 b. Definition 2 c. Definition 3 d. Definition 4

Appear /#ˈpir/ 1. give the impression of being 2. come into sight 3. attend or be present 4. come or be placed before the public

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5. Based on prior knowledge the reader can infer that selfies became popular due to -

a. Australian influence b. people’s needs to document their lives on social media c. the love of photography d. American youth and their interest in the latest technology 6. In paragraph 1, the author uses the dictionary definition of selfie to -

a. suggest that there may be another meaning b. emphasize where the meaning came from c. demonstrate it’s popularity d. prove the exact meaning

7. What is the best summary of the selection?

a. The word selfie has been around for the past decade. People have been taking pictures of themselves for as long as cameras have been around. But, the concept of the present day selfie came about with the beginning of social media and drastically grew in popularity when in 2010 Apple came out with the iPhone 4’s front-facing camera. With time came the invention of the “selfie stick”. Technology made selfies easier than ever to take and post on social media like Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Finally in 2013 the word selfie was officially added to the Oxford Dictionary, forever placing it as part of modern society. b. Selfies have become one of the most popular forms of photography in the country. Even with its immense popularity, do Americans really know how it all came about? The word selfie first came about around 2002 when it first appeared on an Australian Internet forum. Over the past decade, selfies quickly became part of popular culture.

c. Selfies are a popular photograph of oneself that some Americans don’t know the story behind. The word first appeared on an Australian Internet forum in 2002. As social media became more popular so did selfies. Then with new technology and the advancement of high-quality photos the word selfie soon became a common term and was added to the dictionary. Now the word selfie is known and used all over the world. d. The popularity of selfies continues to grow among people of all ages and backgrounds. From teenagers to celebrities, selfies are seen all across the country. This old concept, but new form of the popular photograph continues to spread across the country and reach all corners of the world.

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Written Response Extension Questions: 8. Define the word “selfie” in your own words?

9. What questions would you ask the author to learn more about how selfies came about?

10. What do you think about the growth and popularity of selfies? Express your opinion and give at least three reasons why you feel this way.

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Name _________________________ Date __________________ Class_____________________ Read the selections and choose the best answer to each question.

Stephen Curry

Excerpt from Stephen Curry: The Inspiring Story of One of Basketball's Sharpest Shooters © Copyright April 10, 2014 by Clayton Geoffreys

The first game was played against Gonzaga. The team was losing by as many as eleven points at the start of the second half, but Curry put on a heroic performance managing to score thirty points in the second half. This gave the Wildcats their first win in an NCAA tournament since 1969. Something similar happened in the second round as well. Curry was limited to five points in the first half against heavy favorites Georgetown and his team was trailing by seventeen points at one point. Curry managed to score twenty-five points in the second half helping his team advance to the next round. Georgetown was the second-seeded team in the nation that year. The whole nation noticed Curry’s talent as the Wildcats lost to the top-seeded Kansas Jayhawks after winning another battle versus third-seeded Wisconsin. Curry managed to break several records in the process including most three-pointers in a season and joined an elite group of players to score more than 30 points in their first four games of an NCAA tournament. Stephen Curry made sure that Davidson’s name would not be forgotten in the near future with his performances over his three years there. Now Curry has transferred his work ethic attitude towards the game and personal values into his NBA career. The future looks bright for Steph Curry at the age of twenty-five as he has already left a significant legacy at Davidson College and in the NBA as well. The holder of the record for total three-pointers made in a regular season in the NBA and in the NCAA has a very optimistic future ahead of him. Steph Curry is emerging as one of the greatest point guards of the modern era. It will be exciting to see years from now how he will go down in the record books.

Stephen Curry 2014-2015 NBA MVP Acceptance Speech

“This hasn't sunk in at all. I'm on cloud nine for sure. We're in the middle of a playoff run, and that's the most important thing. But today's a celebration for sure, and I want to take the time to really appreciate what this means, and that's why we're here. So, I'll try to explain how I feel the best I can, just bear with me...” “…Make sure you live in the moment and work (hard) every single day, and I hope I inspire people all around the world to just be themselves, be humble, and be grateful for all the blessings in your life. I’m truly honored to be your MVP this year. Thank you very much.”

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Warriors win the NBA Finals 2015

Stephen Curry was seen by many as the underdog in the 2015 NBA finals. Despite all the talk and comparison to Lebron James and his strong talent, Curry continued to work his hardest. "It's all about winning," Curry said. "Stats really don't matter. I mean, guys have great series and all that and people take notice and take their place in history with those stats and all that stuff. But at the end of the day, it's all about winning and what you can do to help your team get to that point." With this team attitude, Curry led the Golden State Warriors to win the 2015 NBA Finals against the Cleveland Cavaliers 4-2, proving to his audience that if you set your mind to something nothing can stand in your way.

Use “Stephen Curry: The Inspiring Story of One of Basketball's Sharpest Shooters” to answer questions 1-2.

1. Read the fact from the selection below.

“Curry managed to break several records in the process including most three-pointers in a season and joined an elite group of players to score more than 30 points in their first four games of an NCAA tournament.”

The author, Geoffreys, most likely included the above fact to-

a. explain why college scouts were interested in Curry

b. illustrate why Curry is seen as a motivated player c. emphasize Curry’s success in college d. highlight his drive and determination 2. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the selection?

a. Curry was able to lead his team to a historic win in the first round of the NCAA tournament. b. Curry is the most successful basketball player in the NBA and holds numerous records and accomplishments to prove it.

c. Curry set many records while playing in college. d. Curry demonstrated his talent through his success and accomplishments in college

and the NBA.

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Use “Stephen Curry’s MVP Acceptance Speech” to answer questions 3-4.

3. The end of Curry’s acceptance speech is meant to -

a. inspire young basketball players to work harder b. show his audience he is grateful for the recognition c. describe his journey and help others reach their goals d. prove he is the best basketball player of all times 4. What is the main purpose of Curry’s acceptance speech?

a. To prove to his audience that you can achieve your dreams b. To show his since of humor c. To thank important people in his life d. To describe what it takes to get to the top Use “Warriors win the NBA Finals 2015” to answer questions 5-6.

5. The author included a direct quote from Curry after the Warriors won the Championship game. What is the main theme in the quote?

a. importance of teamwork

b. will to survive c. man against nature d. the power of words 6. What did the author mean by the word “underdog” in the first line?

a. the victim of social or political injustice b. the dog that is behind the others c. the player who needs to work harder d. the person who is expected to lose

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Use all three selections about Stephen Curry to answer questions 7-10.

7. Read the sentences from Curry’s acceptance speech below.

We're in the middle of a playoff run, and that's the most important thing. But today's a celebration for sure…

The reader can infer that -

a. Curry believes in celebrating his team’s victory. b. Curry won MVP before winning the championship. c. Curry is looking forward to finishing the playoffs. d. Curry is thankful for winning MVP. 8. The information in all three selections suggests that -

a. Curry is the greatest basketball player in the NBA. b. Curry will continue to win championships. c. Curry was more successful later in his career. d. Curry worked hard for his accomplishments. 9. Which opinion could be supported by the selections on Stephen Curry?

a. He is not only a great basketball player but also a good person. b. He was the most successful college player of his time. c. He was more deserving of the MVP award than the other players. d. He is an NBA star with an uncertain future. 10. Who is another person you can compare Stephen Curry’s success with? Name the person and at least three ways they are similar or different.

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Name _________________________ Date __________________ Class_____________________ Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.

Barack Obama Barack Obama delivered a speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, as a candidate for the U.S. Senate in Illinois. His remarks are as follows: 1 Tonight, we gather to affirm the greatness of our nation not because of the height of our

skyscrapers, or the power of our military, or the size of our economy; our pride is based on a very simple premise, summed up in a declaration made over two hundred years ago: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal... that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

2 That is the true genius of America, a faith in simple dreams, an insistence on small miracles;

that we can tuck in our children at night and know that they are fed and clothed and safe from harm; that we can say what we think, write what we think, without hearing a sudden knock on the door; that we can have an idea and start our own business without paying a bribe; that we can participate in the political process without fear of retribution; and that our votes will be counted -- or at least, most of the time.

3 This year, in this election, we are called to reaffirm our values and our commitments, to hold

them against a hard reality and see how we are measuring up, to the legacy of our forbearers and the promise of future generations.

4 And fellow Americans, Democrats, Republicans, independents, I say to you, tonight, we have

more work to do, for the workers I met in Galesburg, Illinois, who are losing their union jobs at the Maytag plant that's moving to Mexico, and now they're having to compete with their own children for jobs that pay 7 bucks an hour; more to do for the father I met who was losing his job and choking back the tears wondering how he would pay $4,500 a month for the drugs his son needs without the health benefits that he counted on; more to do for the young woman in East St. Louis, and thousands more like her who have the grades, have the drive, have the will, but doesn't have the money to go to college.

5 Now, don't get me wrong, the people I meet in small towns and big cities and diners and office

parks, they don't expect the government to solve all of their problems. They know they have to work hard to get ahead. And they want to.

6 Go into the collar counties around Chicago, and people will tell you: They don't want their tax

money wasted by a welfare agency or by the Pentagon. 7 Go into any inner-city neighborhood, and folks will tell you that government alone can't teach

kids to learn. 8 People don't expect the government to solve all their problems. But they sense, deep in their

bones, that with just a slight change in priorities, we can make sure that every child in America has a decent shot at life and that the doors of opportunity remain open to all. They know we can do better. And they want that choice…

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1. Barack Obama includes the quote in paragraph 1 most likely to -

a. highlight his accomplishments b. emphasize why America is the great nation it is today c. explain why the American people should vote for him d. illustrate the main idea in his speech to follow 2. What does Barack Obama mean when he says “we have more work to do” in paragraph 4?

a. He is aware of people struggling and agrees we can do more to help. b. He is inspiring youth today to get up and help out. c. He wants to prove to his audience that they can change the future. d. He trusts that if we all put our mind to it we can help those around us. 3. In paragraph 2, the word retribution means?

a. resentment b. punishment c. pain d. empowerment

4. Which phrase from the speech best shows the audience what Barack Obama believes is great about America?

a. we are called to reaffirm our values and our commitments

b. we gather to affirm the greatness of our nation c. People don't expect the government to solve all their problems d. They know they have to work hard to get ahead 5. What is the main purpose of the speech?

a. To inform b. To entertain c. To persuade d. To describe

6. What is the most likely reason that the speaker has included specific stories and examples in paragraph 4?

a. To give the audience something to relate to

b. To compare his life to what life is like in America c. To educate Americans about what life is really like d. To simulate the experience of many 7. The end of the speech was written to leave the audience with a feeling of -

a. happiness b. uncertainty c. empowerment d. frustration

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Written Response Extension Questions: 8. In your own words, what do you think Barack Obama was trying to say in his speech?

9. What questions would you ask Barack Obama following the speech?

10. What were some of the motives behind Barack Obama giving this speech?