/ NO . Tb. O.rb Ih t . Iul Bv • •n I. lh. : .- ClI. I Pr ••• n .. ot ' '''.111.'' TrUulnal. 1 hllpp tlu t, JlI tu drop lute t hu Unit-tid :itul.,.. Court tlll t othvr d"y, :: rt\: I milt " lll ",tillW' u llilalltl l 'h iJu llt ,ll lhiu ll\w.V lOr. II" wu" ill thn l lll\dul"'t IUIlI taU hat., n ul lll lI hlll /'" IWfJk ti u " l1r ir · tho whlh'Ht of « ·o llnrH. nm l hi" f lU::::::I I . n nu t J1 1111l1l him) ill HOlllfnvh,\t not('l.1 ' or rnthl 'r Illl"h y ntUrn, J eoub t 1I0 t nlu ctl y l1He lt'ntuull whnl W UH Uln IIlllt · nn ll ntlkNI whnt Wit" th n Inntll 'r . tohl him It" IUdL.t 'ltIIllOrt l lil ", n Hn, ll .. t prl'Rulll'r thnn II l 'lJ illn l. ,Jp lu hlwyL 'r . "0111" lw nn wI'r.'t 1 quic kly, ·'IL'. th iN-- co urt. ] 11I ltn tI H'" '' l'IfJthm., und nt 1101111' 1 nl 'VI" w"nr .mythinH IJ1I t Km)·". or fttri ,",H or W"" 1I0 t AlIowl.. 10 1111111:" IUy nr.cu th·. J", MJI te,I,1 t h a t] \Yatt nut p m, .. tori.)' drl' lVU' cl to " 1'l' flnr b" rol'lI th i" CU1 Ut, Rwl th nt 1 IUIl"l wl'ur h lark {'Iutl" .... I h"VI' ntl oth. 'r (' W it ' h(lnJ rorh itl" 1"WJ'1' r11 to wl·nr with in lbl IJUr ulI)tl.l1UK hut IJIM k. 'fIlii ",PBUILlI' 111ft>· li" tlH hut It H till ' reU'ioll towarll which nil ur""M imi ...... RCll It'ntlin",• hn t no Krnt"rnl "" f1",lI('kur or Iinfln IhltlliJr or whit.H lnck {M ' Il'rllll""ihi 'r ia.. nlllt' ol,l d u llitrM In t' lUIy"lcl lllir" nod UH t l "f Ulfil l' unit h,UIl Ihnir OR,"' , hut )'0\1 JUll"t drfIM.. in hlll ck . It itt I'rohl\hly ri",hL,fur t'llrtn in rt)n n ll RII I I f'1.rl'1I10I1 it·.. uro lIt OCt",,,nr,) '" nn ll ti m of th n ('our! 11111"1 1m mnin · ...- === - inK. I\:OII iOtiko wu jll it lou in.r h i. hon NU w go 011' ror " 11",' 11 lIo.ll hn l;.,'tl to bo l Wf.CK'iIlK UII Ul U l.ortl·. tl"y ft ".' ;IC I 180nat'. Co loDl·l. ftlr IItOI' - )lin K yun ." H"ill ttl" trAIIIII, luOltirlK "l t ilt. 1:1In. " h ilL I'll nol llttLftin I c," nuy mi !iht 11" ) " \11 lor r hu rc:h"' - r r e u u, 1):Jriutf R _torm ono niKhil lUt l wook Ul\r l,)I"',, ,..,\.. 't thOK(· rI 1.l'lt l M thA Iig h tni 1Ct 1tH!wl\,:,k"" l\t" uk • " 1l0 rtNl toTltl, CJf\·'lo lll outJlUll. tll.rw " .. DOlime tor U\l,Jlial' n h ... .,· Mlad of IUndly . tfh.IK,II' ..... OT"! Dnd g ivlo g " r('tOm . C. 111le hfld tb. -'bl tfl ,lUCtlltnw'bl1ttt ." . . - "- ' -' - aotl th t' lIn,s" ... 'r llt. mUll whorllvl'lI lot (ltl l' VlI'r j' "l OUt( Ilk.I, t... blt by t.orr'W" oC thnt til llun" 111m hUll 1111 or au.)'· "I.....,h thnt bu... ddw» ."ery\IaIllI' Ull DM' If ,YUII ulalw ,)'uur lifll" t x. ,rurn it. Woe to thG P.I&l.I who ,nil - 10n ('an .ff (Jro to Jut th'J tl0K" ttl nnhl"ay h iw who n in that buk "'011 b)'. hUII.IOt'." 17; r" l' lll Wlll kli nft" r hili Of ('Onrt.4' h ill hllli"","tioll Hruw Wvlllu, Un wu" APPUrt'lI l1y " man uf on ll u"ry Y ll\oi:{ him tlmt ·tt n cow could t. lk . bll wo uld 1, ."t'11 him more IIl' U Ili U 1Ilim lA) Iuku nny \'1K' orOllll llurci, o, ui ther (I11y. itlnl ur uiontul. imlllUi Unt uly "hM 1\ hl'ln t)' 1111'61. :'IOllt hO(HM Uti treutod 111UI'll llllnlliglllltl)' limn tbilt IUU" W IU' tfl 'ntl ng Iliul! 41lU. " \\'h"t 1'";U.l4 'H III" 1Mtho tMt tha t ':\ ': '::1 UlUIl b ody. 1"IIW I lf ' f HOW ' who hny o wntd ll'" wou ld nttf 'rll Jll to rep nir tlU1I1l ir thu,) ' Mh uult l 1-(1'1. out {/r flr. I.,r l f oL tl ..,,v tllt'1(liI ' Ill' . It,li cn ttl U1 uch"ni lllu ot tlwlf "", II hl.Mli .·/t with the rookh."..· ht "H't (lr R hl lll:k ,uuith I\ll4lIU 1JU nK to IItljth.t n chr un oruu ter . 'rho uvtl ill ,..itlll lOl' l"I ' Uo I. und r l'llcluotl IIUt. only ll.lll 1"I!' II '" I IIH\ 'O n llu d od to , 1 11lt. manv ut llHn mcru tlillicllit ulill dnnM'"ron" 1I tl m n tl ll' l" '. I hu vo known ot women with .Iro ..:.. in CRMP" 11l·(·I ·.. .. nry. Th o i ll iWliduonM,antl U llt. . · t hut it would Lu .UnJeult lo rll4ch uy h'.ci"l nti on . It i ll COlD ' ilion tunu liK tI.l Vt'lIl wLo hMIt th"t liltlu i:_ lI1u",t t., l'i th "\ . Iho"u who kn o\" l1ol h iu", wlu,t ()v.,r or tbl.!ir own hod - itwt . or th IJ IO'" who. h aW- iug th ,' pro· Iflllll iltiufl to Mt un nry M li &: hl IIntl in,," l11t'iu nl or(l JIM)",llI ' h) Lilli 1Il()" t lllljl,t't IIUIKlMt tltiu n, lIut · ti fl '" {'(lu th l-'lIt'U ill Jlll n nC!'t·'lII." MAIL. 'S Q> UND \ '1'ur ull . CO., & hIJI'lll'H .JOXUH. " "IHf :-;l ru RDAY, MA UC II W. L. Btelnweg. Whatcom. TRADE --0-- PUGET ·\ V lt ll t ' 0111, \V. r. l' . LA - IU '"IXl; m 'I : :n :u .\ S'I'Ol :" 01 '- L. STEINWEG Job b o 1· .......:n. d .. Wa Onrry a Lar•• and Wall 'Sale otod Sto ok of 1' '. 11' :-4 al l' til 11"1': CAHHl" A 1•. II UH: STOC I\ OF LO & &1.u.& OI:l.ll1J.:> •• funke· n Sp.'rinlt>· of Furu i..h io g llau " I\l llt.' 'I II 1(, · n F' )IlIlIJt .. F un t &. Bradley Buli n, Rake, : Bullard Improved Hay Tec1den ; Patent Ha J Carr ion; Har poon Ho.... n ay Foru ; Schn lll.r Fann. Frellht and Spr ing W "ll'en . : narden City Clipper !'rem 6 to 20 lncb••. II UILilEWi' MATI· :lllAI. , IlI ll CK AND ... W. WU.THO .... , "ront 8t., ".ttl., w. T., .0. 14. \\"• •J. )lcKI-;SS .\' :E [ l l,l '( h v H J'e, It 'o ll lU lel 1. )I. CHAIIICS· TOOLS my 8peelally : OI11'1a. JtlnKl, UVOLV.1l8 \nd AIOIUIIITIOIl; The Larw_t 8toGkof PlIbl"ll' !ackl. and '.lne Twln, .. or bro.,hl 10 tb' Torrltory , Glunt aDd &1l grad_ of Sporting PlJ'ffdor. . ... k.,.. C'or.u. t1, • • b.-Ii , -- .0 -- - Grand Dl8pla.y Agricultural Implements! 1I1;( :K. ;n ; SI- ;I,. · · IUNm:ns. nlllt T"hll' or \\'Irl', Buokeye 8e11" Rake Rea.por8 i Buokeye New Bode 1IIowe.... 1'lu M'I'hrl',dll' rt<, "UII "t'rtil'lIl or lIorlzolllal . :11(10-:8. F. ·· ·W . WUSTHOFF 'S IT It JI our ollJuet to ItL,)I nOOD uooJ>!i I,t L uw Pricl·. nn el to t11 8 li' Arm ing Trntlo b,,' ill ull P HODUCg. O ur 8tO<lk con8illlh ot " ]0 ''' 11, L in., ot () ooJ " ",uI1I'rnll)' to 1 .1(1 tound in 0 Country 8toro, all of wb iC'h \V I' \\'on ht nMk your ill "llI'Ctl on nlHl ... olicit " fllIaro of " our p nt ro na" ('. CLOTHIER 8< INCLISH , .\ 10 11111 \ · (' 1' 110 11. U i\ ·P I·. Proprietors of th e OLOTHIER & ENGLISH , l Hu c r . ..."'" 10 General Merchandise AT PADILLA BAY For'tlie Aooommoda.tionof tho Sottlers in tha.t SIO- tion, 'We 'Wouldask: all to Ca.ll a.nd Ex- a.mino our Stock: and Pricos boforogoing furthor. l.WILLIAMSON & CO., -7f' Prosc ripti ons Carofully COD1-poulldod- .\ I ·T .. .. U ); ': OF I_rill(" 111111 1' 111 1 '111 .\I.·dk lrll'S, TolIl' I, 1'l'r nlll ll' rI IIl1d 1'11 111'1 Iluu ks. ShlI IUlII ;r), 10: 1.· .. 1 ' :11'., .:1 "" A\ \\, n YH u lI U :u ll d II I l-'H\ <.',E S. H. vlng purchu ed the La Conner Branch Drnc Store from KellarII' & Anden oa. we IOUe;.t t a continuance of the public p'llronage. T he Itor e wll continue uDd.r tb.e mnageme nt DC Soph ul J oergeDtOD ft . before. J. WI .. L IAUMO); uo. LA OONNER DRUG STORE. MEDALLION RANOE. OLD ST ANDARD n UCK ST OVE . WESTERN EMPIRE. DI SMARK. a nd a Large Var loly of Ot h er Cooking Rnd Red ing Stone. CROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRY 'COODS, AND SHOES. - -0 · - General Merchandise GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, , CLOTHING & HARDWARE. SI '1'111 lIIul Warl', 1'111111'" 1'lllt'S, Shl'I'I"lruli alltl (' ulllH'r. 1. SCHRAM & CO., . Commercial Stroot, Soattlo, W . T. c. O. Bte ln" oll'. Beattl e. THE ENGRAV ER S, VOL.X . -IJ II I11- Watchea, O iooka , Jewelry and Silverwa re of tho Beat quality. - -r _ All kind. o f work In th.llnfl of rt f'" l ri na W"t ("I1.. , Cloc)m fllld J ....lrJ Ilun p, tn " ."t_ l"f l&e1l1ry Ina flll . r. Rnd W. rr a h tl'd . Ord en for w: nt)lIJl or work " frO!" " II I" "tll of lhe lilY" u.... Iri . 1 and Uti , Ir Nu' . rt,,1 H.." I.. ,uath' 10 urdf'r . I'r l..... ' tl. 8 lar" 011 t'roht hi tiullh all·. (Uocll:. S. BAXTER & 00. , Im5 HJ rtC' n1 u f I' OREION Alf D DOI(EaTIC WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCOS AHO CICARS. Wool, and Fu,.., i'ur which •• will no HI....." Jlnut rtt.... PI........d IDr Prl ...IJI\. .. JlAltUll .. CO.: IoaMlo. W. T. PAIR OAKS BOI1RJlON WIl1HKY. We offar to the Trade.t Ban Pranr. ilOO Prl .... - U .L 0 1' W. II 11l·- T ht' f1Ihi'lll'J. o lYerll fu r ",, 1_" "tlr )' ohntc.. oull l'Ctlo n 01 FR UIT r RE ES, or - Applt . , Peart . 'Ie ud, · Cher n••, aDd a ..l'. TO ' ..... 1' I'ldaJl o PMOh, It I••1Irart ri pe ... CO UN TRY from Ut. 1IlJd41. of A_p . t 10II•• . ft ,., of h p" mbar. 'rh. tno t. b ardy a..o.d " . ry proUft o. "r- .nd n ll lf'r U rh llll lC' lIl111 " I'd toi h ru1JLer) '. , J OIlS I', Wlml CQlIl. Wh lltllilln CIl" W, 'r.. P, ISMI TH & SON,· WATCH MAKERS, .IEWELERB BEL:.L1NGHA M SAY :N" UFl.SEFl. 'Y. JOHN BENNETT, P ro p r Ie to r. S TRUVE, HAIHES & LEARY, ATTORN EYS AT LA W . AT'rORNEY AT LAW. Pt1)IOtluU.ar AU.orn. )' Third Jo.dl. I..1 Dhtrlat. '1·" f IU I.\. W, T . .. ln MlI lIl.,l'our lu.lf \\' tl. hin ll- 1 0nT.r rit o T') ·. IIALtER & EHCLE , , r n JUSE\' 1ol ASH I.\W, PKOOTORa IN A DIlIIR A LTY . tu:, u·r u :. w. r, WM . W. TlHKHAM, ATTORNEY AT I.A W. 1.,\ W. ·1. omoo-I a Col.m u '. IIlock , corun Mill and Comm.rclal Itr.. tt.. llp .t al,. . \\" 111"11 '11 11tl u' tN ul.. of ll i.-1rh"t 1'1It1t1 fur WhlliooUl t'ou n l)·. orra.. . - 1fo. , 1. 2 aDd 3.0(4r. Hou•• • Corum.r · ch.l .lr.. t. W. r, - .ELWOOD EVAHS, Will ill nil l hll Coul l.. a uJ 1.IUld Ihl' 'l'f'r ri tor)·_ . _ W, H. WHITE , A TTO R 1f E Y AT LAW HI:Xrn. r.. W . T. Olli e. ' Oil. th. earn., Df Froal IWd Colc unbt. ., ,..l.. up .I alu . CIlIiRt-et..tt " lth th' :'ot o.l S ItIlu:M I." .... Firm uf l' r; c.1k tl· lu n il n :c::drl" In \\' 41111In.:t on ,.."lI or)'. lh\t' of th., Ib n. wilt In I.A runll.r UII (b.. 1h lro T I\. .... I...)· III . " ..rf mouth. _ _ _ _ I )(":!.... tt C. H, H AH FORD, ATTOR NEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, tU:.U "f1.K W. T. ,'nU ,"I :J04 NIU\' .\' . .\UU.... '. ,- -- - P UII I.I HIU : U t:H: U'{ H,\T UIIU AT . .. . LA DOHNER, JAMES PO W ER, : : P ro p ri etor. ..: 8UD80AIPTION A4TE8 t. 0 1'1' Y. u , hl M yan : i 00 II . Jl(on\ b " · .. · 1 00 T b.r • • ll o.. lb ll, , \ ,. , .... . .. . .... . ...... 60 00 l aoh ' lIb,equ. n' 10.. rUoo , .. .. .. . ... .. .. . 60 A liberal to ufUlar allv"UI'rt . ;';:i i"uCHT :'- ;'; :N AU'CHT ; GENERAL MERCHANDISE. T il v,•• II I' UO Jo; 'I' )('\11..

THE PUGET 'SQ>U N D MAIL. - WA Secretary of State€¦ · Agricultural Implements! ... FRUIT r REES,-~("'I .tjn.o or - Applt. , Peart. 'Ieud, ·Chern••, aDd a..l'. TO T~E '.....1

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NO a~.

Tb. O.rb I h t . Iul Bv • •n I. lh. : .- ClI. IPr•••n.. ot ' '''.111.'' TrUulnal.1 hllpp tlut,JlI tu drop lute t hu Unit-tid

:itul.,.. H Il~m ',uu Court tlll t o thvr d "y ,

::rt\: .':lll l~~I~~; ::;~:~ui\.~~:.r~~l~i l:I~~~~t~I milt " lll ",tillW'u llilalltl l 'h iJullt,ll lhiull\w.VlOr. II" wu" ill thn llll\dul"'t IUIlI

~!;lllltll~l~rH .l l rlili: ~~ ~:~~,I:, i~~'o;:i}'::, ::: i(\~t aU hat., n u lllllI hlll /'" IWfJkti u " l1r ir ·(I~l tho wh lh'Ht of «·o llnrH. nm l hi"

flU::::::II. :\1~111:~n ~~'.II'. ll t ~I:~J,{~" (\f1I~1 1l1 nnu t J1 1111l1l h im ) ill HOlllfnvh,\t not('l.1 ' or1J 1 ~ rnthl'r Illl"h y ntUrn, J eoubt 1I0tnlu ctly l1Helt'ntuull whnl WUH Uln IIlllt ·

~~~, 1:':l~te~i~~~ll~::i~:~I I:~~ ~~I",~~I ' i'l i:;unnll ntlkNI whnt Wit" th n Inntll 'r .tohl him It" IUdL.t 'ltIIllOrtl lil", n Hn,ll ..t prl'Rulll'r thnn II l 'lJ illn l. ,JpluhlwyL'r . "0111" lw nn wI'r.'t 1 quickly ,·'IL'. th iN-- co urt . ] 11Iltn tI H'" ''l'IfJthm., und nt 1101111' 1 nl 'VI" w"nr.my thinH IJ1I t Km)·". or fttri ,",H o r

f:!:~ I~i;u:i~lt l~~li~,h~II=CI~ti:i~l~ ~~~~r~1 11W"" 1I0 t AlIowl..l ·10 1111111:" IUy nr.cu

~:':tlS~(i';~~:~';::~~~'I~I:I~o ~~fl:!:I~l~k~th·. J",MJI te,I,1 th at] \Yatt n ut pm, ..tori.)' drl' lVU'cl to " 1'l' flnr b" rol'lI th i"CU1Ut, Rwl th nt 1 IUIl"l wl'ur h lark{'Iut l" .... I h"VI' ntloth.'r (' Wit ' h(lnJ

a~i~' ,t;::~~n"::cfi~llll :i~' I~. RIJ~ I:~n't":t~n~i:':~(i ~~~tfh~~~:~' tl'J;tlLRv~~iu~~i :r;l~~::~ ~IJ,I':;k tll~I~:~~~~~~~~~IU:ECo~:~r.~lorkll~:~~I'~,~~~~~:irL,,~ rtl:~IlH~l~~:::~J ~:I';~rorh itl" 1"WJ'1' r11 t o wl·nr with in lbl IJUrulI)tl.l1UK hut IJIM k. 'fIlii ",PBUILlI'111ft>· li" tlH hut ItH till ' reU'ioll to warllwhich nil ur""Mimi...... RCll It'ntl in",•hn t no Krnt" rn l "" f1",lI('kur or IinflnIhltll iJr or whit .H lnck {M ' Il' rl ll l""ih i'r ia.. nlllt' o l,l d u llitrM In t' lUIy"lcl lllir"nod UH t l "fUlfill' unit h,UIl Ihnir OR,"' ,hut )'0\1 JUll"t drfIM.. in hlll ck . It ittI'rohl\hly ri",hL, fur t'llr tn i n r t) n n ll RII I If'1 .rl '1I10I1 it·.. uro lItOCt",,,nr,)'" nn ll ti mt~:r~:!(\:' of th n ('our! 11111"1 1m mnin ·

...-=== -

]{~i~~t~I~I~I~~1:; I~~ J~;t::;~~)r~!inK. I\:OIIiOtiko wu jll it lou in.r h i.h on NU w go 011' ror " 11",'11 bU llt in~.

~~'t",,~;huC'~I-::~fb::~6!: hl ~A~~)~t" ;~I;lIo.llhn l;.,'tl to bo l Wf.CK'iIlK UII UlU l.ortl·.tl"y f t ".';ICI180nat'. Co loDl·l. ftlr IItOI' ­)lin K yun ." H"ill ttl" trAIIIII, luOltirlK "lt ilt. 1:1In. " h ilL I'll nol llttLftin I c," nuyl ong,~r. \~O ll mi !iht 11" ) " \11 lorr hurc:h"' - r r e u u,~lt in ltlL.

1):Jriutf R _torm ono niKhil lUt l wook Ul\r l,)I"',, hlU~:h ,..,\..'t thOK(·rI1.l'lt l MthA Iigh tni 1Ct 1tH!wl\,:,k"" l\t" u k • " 1l0rtNl toTltl, CJf\·'lollloutJlUll. (~tEJ"

;:~~rt:,ry~lu~ ,lo~~li~~i'::u~:-:::d ~~nr~h~~tl ~rl1 ~:i~~~I II I:."~::r~tll.rw " .. DOlime tor U\l,Jlial' n h... .,· Qu il~ Mladof IUndly . tfh.IK,II' .....OT"! Dnd givlog " r('tOm. C.111le hfld tb. -'bltfl ,lUCtlltnw'bl1ttt ." .

. - "- '-' - ' · l ll lU"" IJ Rr " ~;lr. aotl th t' lIn,s" ...'r llt. mU ll whorllvl'lI lot (ltl l ' VlI'r j ' "lOUt( Ilk.I, t... blt fQllo~oJt1 by • t.orr'W" oC

thnt til llun" 111m hUll 1111th"f~ or au.)'· "I.....,h thnt bu... ddw» ."ery\IaIllI'UllDM' {ll~, . If ,YUII ulalw ,)'uur lifll" tx.,rurn it. Woe to thG P.I&l.I who ,nil­.U~MM 10n ('an .ff(Jro to Jut th'J tl0K" tu ,..~cI t tl n nh l"ay h iw who n in thatbuk "'011 ~o b)'. hUII.IOt'."

17; 1 8~a,

r" l' lll Wlllkli nft" r hili 1 1ll ."I~ . Of('Onr t.4' h ill h llli"","ti oll Hruw Wvlllu,Un wu" APPUrt 'lI l1y " man u f on llu"ry

th~I'I~W:;~~~\) ll~.;l'l Y t~:ll~~tYI~rull\oi:{him tlmt ·tt n cow could t. lk . bllwo uld 1,."t'11 h im more IIl' UIliU 1Ilim lA)Iuku nny \'1K'orOllll llurci,o, uither(I11y. itlnl ur uiontul. i mlllUiUntuly "hM1\ hl'ln t )' 1111'61. :'IOllt hO(HM Uti

treutod 111UI'll lll ln lligllll t l)' li mn tbiltIUU" W IU' tfl'ntl ng I liu l!41lU.

" \\'h"t 1'";U.l4'H III" 1Mtho tMt tha t

~11\~I: 1 ':\ ':'::1 i~ ;:: ( l n:I~I~I~ll lit~~l: I~:I~\:IIl\t~:_~UlUIl body. 1"IIW Ilf ' f HOW ' who hny owntd ll'" wou ld nttf 'rll Jll to rep nir tlU1I1lir thu,)' Mh uult l 1-(1'1. ou t {/r flr. I.,r l f oLtl ..,,v t llt'1(liI ' Ill' . It,licnttl U1 uch"nilllu ottlw lf "", II hl.Mli .·/t with the rookh."..·ht "H 't (lr R hl lll:k ,uuith I\ll4lIU1JU nK t oIItl j th.t n chrun oruu ter . 'r ho uvtl ill,..itlll lO l' l"I 'Uo I. und r l'llcluotl IIUt. onlyll.lll 1"I!'II '" I IIH\'Onlludod to , 111lt. man vut llHn mc ru tlil licllit ulill dnnM'"ron"1Itl m n tl ll' l" '. I hu vo known ot womenI'X I"'ri ll it'lIt in~ with . Iro ..:.. in CRMP"

:}~::i:ll l ~~~~I I~\111~ll~ :~rr~i~~~ ~Si~h~~~~~~11l·(·I ·.. ..nry. Th o ~· "il i ll iWliduonM,antlU llt. .· thut it would Lu .UnJeult lo rll4chuy h'.ci"lnti on . It i ll ~",,~lolly COlD 'ilion tunu liK tI.l Vt'lIl wLo hMIt th"t liltlu

~,:i~lf~,UKI7'il~C~l i:_~:,..ri:,~ :;::~~l°n:.~:lI1u",t t., hl~ l'i th "\ . Iho"u who kn o\"l1ol h iu", wlu,t()v.,r or tbl.!ir own hod ­itwt. or th IJIO '" who. h aW-iug th ,' pro·Iflllll ilt iufl to Mt un nry Mli&:h l IIntlin,," l11t'iunl know II't l~ I'I, or(l JIM)",llI '

~1~ ~i~ l l":l ~~litlll .J'W i~llltl~Hbli~~1 t~i~~l O(~l~:ih) Lilli 1Il()" t lllljl,t't IIUIKlMttltiun , lIut ·ti fl'" {'(lu th l-'lIt'U illJlllnnC!'t·'lII."


'1'urull .


hIJI'lll 'H . JO XUH . " "I Hf

WA:-;H I~nTON TJ~HB.rrOHY , :-;lruR DA Y , MAUC II

W . L. Bt elnw eg . What com.




·\ V ltll t '0111, \ V . r.l'.

L A CO~ "N .E H ,

- IU ' "I Xl ; m 'I::n:u .\ S'I'Ol:" 01'-


Job b o 1· .......:n.d :DCla~C1·..

Wa Onrry a Lar•• and Wall 'Saleotod Stook of

1' '. 11' :-4al l ' til

11"1': CA HH l" A 1•.II UH: STOC I\ OF

LO& &1.u.& OI:l.ll1J.:> &·Up~:>~J.Cl••

funke· n S p.' r inlt >· o f Furu i..h io g llau " I\l llt.' 'I II 1(, ·n F' )IlIlIJt..

F un t &. Bradley Bulin, Rak e, : Bull a rd Improved H ay Tec1den ; PatentHa J Carr ion; Har poon Ho.... n ay Foru ; Schn lll.r Fann. Frellht and Spr ingW "ll'en . : narde n City Clipper Plow~ !'rem 6 to 20 lncb• •.

IIUILilEWi ' MATI·:lllAI. , IlI llCK AND Lm~:.

... W. WU.THO.... , "ront 8t., ".ttl., w. T., .0. 14.

\\"• •J. )lcKI-;SS .\'

:E [ l l,l '( h v H J'e , I t 'oll lU lel 8 j:(~( 1.)I.CHAIIICS· TOOLS my 8peelally : OI11'1a.JtlnKl, UVOLV.1l8 \n d

AIOIUIIITIOIl ; The Larw_t 8toGkof PlIbl"ll' !ackl. and '.lne Twln, ..orbro.,hl 10 tb' Torrltory, Glunt aDd &1l grad_ of Sporting PlJ'ffdor. .

~u-:u~~~t:r~~~"~'\~~!:,~J::t'l~l~t::~J~ ~,.,Ihltlll.dll... k.,.. C'or.u. t1, • • b.-Ii ,

--. 0--

- G r a n d Dl8pla.y o~-

Agricultural Implements!1I1;(:K.;n; SI-;I,.· · IUNm:ns. nlllt T"hll' or \\'Irl',

Buokeye 8e11" Rake Rea.por8iBuokeye New Bode 1IIowe....

1'lu M'I'hrl',dll'rt<, "UII "t'rtil'lIl or lIorlzolllal . :11(10-:8.


IT It JI our ollJuet to ItL,)I nOOD uooJ>!i I,t L uw P ricl·. nn el tonocnmmod"t~ t118 li' Arm ing Trntlo b,,' th'n1i ll~ i ll ull lo~Aln( P HODUC g .O ur 8tO<lk con8illlh o t " ]0'''11, L in., o t () ooJ" ",uI1I'rnll)' to 1.1(1 tou nd in 0Cou nt ry 8toro, all of wb iC'h \V I' \\'on ht nMk you r ill "llI'Ctl on nlHl ...olici t "fllIaro of " our pnt ro na" ('.

CLOTHIER 8< INCLISH ,.\ 1011111 \ · (' 1' 110 11. HI, u ~ i l U i\·P I·.

Proprietors of th e


l Huc r . ..."'" 10 K l~I.I.<I(j( ; " A:-; U l': IU~lIS . 1

General MerchandiseAT PADILLA BAY

For'tlie Aooommoda.tionof tho Sottlers in tha.t SIO­tion, 'We 'Wouldask: all to Ca.ll a.nd Ex­

a.mino our Stock: and Pricosboforo going furthor.


-7f' Proscripti ons Carofully COD1-poulldod. ·- .\ I·T .. .. U ); ': OF

I_rill(" 111111 1'1111'111 .\I .·dk lrll'S,TolIl' I, 1'l ' rnlll ll' rI IIl1d 1'11111'1 .' rIl C'l I ' ~,

Iluu ks. ShlI IUlII;r), 10:1.· .. 1':11'., .:1""A \ \\,n YH u lI U :u ll d II I ~EA:.I "r L I ·. l-'H\ <.',E S.

H. vlng pur ch u ed the La Conner Branch Drnc Store from KellarII' &Anden oa. we IOU e;.t t a conti nuance of the public p'lll ronag e. T he Itor e wllcontinue uDd.r tb.e mnagement DC Soph ul J oergeDtOD ft. before .

J . WI .. L IAUMO); .~ uo.



Cooking Rnd Red ing Stone.


General Merchandise


SIU\I'~ . Ihllll[f' ~ , '1'111 lIIul (~rulllll ' Wa rl ',1'111111'" 1'lllt 'S, Shl'I'I"l ruli alltl (' u lllH'r.

1. SCHRAM & CO.,. Commercial Stroot, Soattlo, W . T.

c. O. Bte ln" oll'. Beattle.




-IJ II I11-

Watchea, O iooka, Jewelryand Silverware of tho

Beat quality.

- -r _

All kind. o f work In th.llnfl of rtf'" l ri naW"t ("I1.. , Cloc)m fllld J ....lrJ Ilun p, tn " ."t_l"fl&e1l1ry Ina flll . r. Rnd W. rr a h tl'd . Ordenfo r w:nt)lIJl or work " frO!" " II I""tll of lh e~:I~~\ :,:~~ciI~. li lY" u.... Iri . 1 and Uti,

Ir Nu' . rt,,1 H.." I.. ,uath' 10 urdf' r . I'r l.....' tl. 8 lar" 011 t'roh t ,. t r~l. hi tiullh all ·.(Uocll:.

S . BAXTER & 00.,Im5HJ r tC'n1 u f





Wool, Hlde.~and Fu,..,i 'ur which •• will p~,

no HI....." Jlnut rtt.... PI........d IDrPrl...IJI\.

.. JlAltUll .. CO.:IoaMlo. W. T.


We offar to the Trade.t Ban Pranr.ilOOPrl....

- U .L 0 1' W. II 11l·-

T ht' u n .l~ f1Ihi'lll'J.o lYerll fu r ",,1_" "tlr )' ohntc..oull l'Ctlo n 01

F RUIT r REES,-~("'I . tjn .o or -

Applt . , Peart . 'Ieud, ·Chern••, aDd a..l '. TO T~E

' .....1' I'l daJl o PMOh, It I••1Irart ri pe ... COU N TRYfrom Ut. 1IlJd41. of A_p . t 10 II••. ft,.,of h p" mbar. 'rh. tno

t. b ardy a..o.d " . ry proUft o." r -

F I~!;'.~I \I:~~~;Il:~~I I~~rllC;~r"·rD~:\ .~'"~=.nd nll lf'r U rh llll lC'lIl111Tr~t'll " I'd toi hru1JLer)'.

, JOIlS DENNt~1' I',Wlml CQlIl. Wh lltllilln CIl" W, 'r..




JOHN BENNETT,P ro prIe to r.


A T 'r O R N E Y A T L A W .

Pt1)IOtluU.ar AU.orn. )' T hir d Jo.dl. I..1 Dh t rlat .

N ~W '1·" f IU I.\. W, T .

\\' lII l1 r,,~ tl ~.. ln MlI lIl.,l'our lu.lf \\' tl. hin ll­10nT.rrit o T')·.

IIALtER & EHCLE,, r n JUS E\ ' 1ol ASH n I L· ~ ~ t:I .()Hli .\ r I . \ W,


tu:,u·ru :. w. r,


1.,\ ( · tl ~ ~ I ' : H , W. ·1.

omoo-Ia Col.m u ' . IIlock , coru n Mill andComm.rclal I t r..tt . . llp .tal,..

\\" 111"11 '1111tlu' t N ul .. o f I h~ ll i.-1r h"t 1'1It1t1fu r Wh llioo Ul t'ou n l) ·.

orra.. . - 1fo. , 1. 2 aDd 3.0(4r. Hou•• • Corum.r·ch.l .lr..t .

h1·: .n· I' I. ~: . W. r, -


Will ~ r llct lctl ill nil l hll Co ul l.. a uJ 1.IUld1!~ llf Ihl' 'l' f'r ri tor )·_. _


HI:Xrn. r.. W. T.Olli e. ' Oil. th. earn., Df Froal IWd Colcunbt.

. , ,..l.. up .I alu .

CIlIiRt-et..tt " lth th' :'o t o.l S ItIlu:M I. " .... F ir muf ~'n tth"

l' r; c.1k tl· lu n il n:c::drl" In \\' 41111In.:t on,.."lIor)'. lh\t' o f t h., Ib n. w ilt I ,~ In I.Arunll.r UII (b.. 1h lro T I\. ....I...)· III . " ..rfmouth. _ _ ~ _ _ I )(":!.... tt


tU:.U "f1.K W. T.

,'nU ,"I :J04 NIU\' .\' . 4·.\UU....

'. ,- - - -P UII I.I HIU : U t:H:U'{ H,\T UIIU AT....

LA DOHNER, W:lS~~gto~ ~6rrltory ,

JAM ES PO W ER, : : Pro pri etor.==:s~~..:

8UD80AIPTION A4TE8 t .0 1'1' Y.u , hl M yan : i 00II . Jl(on\ b " · .. · 1 00T b.r• • ll o.. lb ll, , \ ,. , .... . .. . .... . ...... 60

OD.IIq~&~:.~ ~ lJ~Suve~ ~,t~~~rrn.~~::.~ ~ , . l 00l aoh ' lIb,equ. n' 10..rUoo ,.. .. .. . . .. .. .. . 60

A liberal r~QoUon to ufUlar allv"UI'rt.


T il v,••

II I' U O Jo;'I ' ~O l '=- )) )('\11..

.. _ ZES





- - :0:- -

0. w. r.Y..... tf .

- - :0 :----











J OiI. A r•• • A.rn . ",



OALL nt L . L . Andro.. . for Yinoont 'l CUllom.mad. Doell I nd Sboolbo 1...1 in tbl world.

L . to. ANDREWS, La OOl1De r , W . T .

Grocu·ie.9, Dry Goods, !S'c., Boals !S' ShOC8. lla rll wure,


Furnit ure, Bedding and Upholstery Goo ds.Ftne Pllrlur Suit" . EII"Y OhnII'H, Lounges,

Spring lind IInlr MI,ttl·e~~&.l.-tOt-


Dena,.,," Dlock, Front sr., HEA'M'l~E, w,T.

A. VA",•• I1I('IC.





'EAm~ W. T.

!!EATTLE, W . T .AGENT !o'OU Tif F.

O DD F Il LLO WII' B ALL ,n'lnl, " Dlodl• •·ro n l Ht.... I.


CAll AND UAMINE OUR IMMMENIE ' ITOCII.' ''bicb is rep len ilh et\ by E't'uy Btl·Dolor. No tro uble to .bow GOodl.

GoOds Sold at Wholesale at Bottom Prices.

- :0:--&,10Allonta for SCHUTrL};1I WAOONII, llOLI N}; nnd COLLINS

P LOWS and Dlokonun'. GAIlD};N IIEED!! . r11'0 will po,. tbo HIGHEIlT PIIICE lor ALL KI~DS of I' RODtle}:,

or tak a the eeme in OIchaQ"e for MercbQDlliH at DJarket nate.:w e han unusual lacill tin in tbe p urcb.1I of our Goo d. azul w.

ncllDowledgo no equnl eoc peuto r.Allon18lor all LRl<l. t I mpro' ed AGR IC ULT URAL Implem ent.... .' ....0 " ill Recelve Ord ers for no)' :Uerc1luodI6C, ~la~bl ncry, &0., i n the

Mnr ket . which we will d eltver nl Ul l mall AllYance OD cit)' rate.: 'Vo inteDd 'J

lIIRkiuij' tb i l. ~D Important fcotur o of our bu. fnea.,--:0:--

LA CON~EIl , W. T .


Our bouse i. uoted for Su perior QUAlity 01 Goede . Our comp et iton,All well n 8 QusLowcn, ocknowledl{o thi". •

..--:0 :-W}~ B UY &; SET.I.. S'l'l UCT L Y FOn CASH.Whioh onnbl.. UI to DU1 Cbes per nnd Sell Lower tbnn AIl1 otb.r bo...in tbiMtoWD , ,~Our Good" are well ael.ett'd-o.n,\ we do Dot hesitAte to 1., 'ber

oro 'well bought, Cnll And b. ecnvluoed .J . & G. GAOBES.


--:0 :- -

Wo would re~llectl'I Il)· Invite tho attentton ofthe P uh lle to Om- Jmmense IIIltI Coatplete Stock 0'Ge nerul llerclulIlIllsc JUHt on III1 UI1, nIHI wl:!ch 'We arc

• Ha'f'ing recei'fod ood ndd ed to ourfllre&l\Y IUlmen." .took la rge in'oice.\ """' - - """""" ""' .......of now good • • we are no w reatly tol upp ly ou r custo mers wit h a full lin eof tb o loto. t good. in tbo mark .t,cons i. Ung 01 .SHI RTS. UNDE RWE AR, H o\TB.


J . C'. NUltll'l. ,.. ,.. At.o",,.,.•r. C. NIXON &; C O ••\n lOleMlIl e LlqUOl' nculerM.Corner Main (lnll Commercial 8te ,

C LAY'!' 0 N nnos.,FRONT IITR EET,


J OliN ..·. (Jfl \ \ · Y.\" .Itt-v t. lolr u l I ho l.n n lt um~.

~~~~t~:...t.' hr· THE LARGESTI ..::::.:;...-=~~ _PANCY DRY-GOODS HOUSE

t \ · I.. J~ IOw.

~otlC:h~,·.e"~" I~f,:~It:,:~ . I·ur-Ul'IUK II MT,\T rl' ( li on-RI M' r, A1'f11 (' ,. rlCr.,1)1)'1n111".W,,.. IW" lIlnll Tr rr llu ,)',

:rtl>lIe" h 11" (010)' II'h .. n Ih M' . In t ... rn'l ll a nr."wil li Itl" ~",,·I. I" II " II ' Iho Ad fi t t' u nlC"-·...~11~trf:.:l·~· 1 ,,~I~I';n;~.~ot:t.:&I~~~lll~'ill i: ~\ 't\l:r::~ r~:~

~r~: ~~'t,~~:~l \~~:\I(\~~..r~ili~7,,~~j:·17.·mn.f1::~' ·" lI lIl )' . Wluhll lil i o n t rt, Hn r)' . hll'll hl' dill)'nlfoolln Ihl. um ("(t 1I1. IlJ I' l!c" l ll ,n to JIl'rt'h"• •

;t~~~!;~~,£ ~~~:~\l:' l:'~:'!~r;*::~r,~" )~~r~a'::~AlI)' IIIlII IiII I"'f"II<lIl " "'lIllIlllllC ,"IVtm"I'I)' lh"

:.';~t1h:~ ~'t:l:~~;\III~~lllllt ~,: ~I~·..,;~~l~ i'~ ~ 111~rt~l~

~::~~,';~!l~~~!~~,'~'~:':i~;r. :,r~:7~:l~~i~1~n, h ;.l.

'i'otice of Applica tion to Pur·cbal e T Imber Land.

L' NITlm M' ATr.ll I' I If' '' 1M' l. Al'fn O,. ,.l cr. .OI"'llI pht. \ \· "" bln.lnn °r. , rt ln r)·.

, :~;:I Ifj;,.I . ;~~.'~·II~~'~II:~~ 11::~iIJr ~1' 1~r.~;::.:A, t ,r n '·('\j .I tl n~· :t . l or._ , f'l l l lI lMJ " A n tid t" r l hee. lIlt . ' 11111 1...' , I .. ll ,j. In I l l " l'I l n lt' . " t ( ·Il I Uu rnl••

\It~\ll,\¥i ~';I ~:~~-i IWI1:~:';:,I,.; I~~.II·:~'t~:~~I:~~·I';:

;1;' ~~;f,: :: :~~'~I:~ 1I~·~~·I~~' ,;~, I~:"1'\'1~~::r.·!

;~~rl}.,~:,~~:)~ t~ ~1~;~:,: 'I~cJ!'·~:~I";:~1. fq~I b .. ' \ 'll htl lH'1l 1' ~ 1 t.' rkl l" lI .

~~:I:t~,~:.I~I:;£J~,:,~II:~rfl~'~'~t1i:1\1~~:hu ftl.... w llb ln . I x ly 1l!8)iSa )". Im nl d o l " h"ft'Ol.

tll ' t·lllln... · ' Ill )' bllhot. tI' my"mt'fllo OI,In 'r~ \V . T ,. Ih l ' 3Jtb 1111)' t, r J " n ll '''')' . A . I ' .

J OWN F.OOW t; \·R..... I, I" r It' lh f' I .- ml umt"ll'.

Vl'IIT'''' "'T.\nl" DI!lTI'IM' L AN" lJ .. P I(' ...,Olympltl, w...hl.lj'I<.I1lT.rrttu,y.SollH\ I.. lu, ,, , hy III, '('n Ih,\I . I n "1III,'llahl".

w i l li t h .. J' tf>vl.lunil <lI lh . ,\ ('10' ("un ll"·•• al l-o5',"\' ... I J Ull o ". l ofj~. r< .. ' I1I ",,' .. A n .\ (' 1 t or lilt••1I1t' 0 1 T l m " " r l""n.l..In' h" MllIh ·...I C"lI l"'": : ~ ~~ ~~".~~lt! I'~t.!~I·lln1', ,,,1\1 )' , " ·.. . h l ,..ai'ln ·1II. ·d I I . th l" " tflt·...h i li IIth o \~' I S ..I " 1'11 ot Tuwn.\t1l1in~;~I~ ;~~~:~I{AI~·n lCe :orrw. .\ c·"" t 01 til .

I h·~ ~~t~~I '~.r:.': I I~~\~~~:~c;';:~~f.,~\i~.."'~!r.~r"..I~l:;:'61~~\~'I~.. :I~ : I I~~ ~ I~I,~ II~~;~~' ~~:::II,~

1Ih" '1l tl nt l" In , ' han.l.AI tn .. " m .... l n Ol)'m·\,1" . \\' . T•• Ih l , h. t 01.. , ul ".bM,,,r7 A. U.....';L

1 lf> 1l 1 1If~:I~j l';I C!tl~,~~]:,rthC'•.

U :"'IT r. O lotT" Tr.ll J) t"TIlI M' I"UI DO.,.,C".O ••Y'U'IA. \\· luh lnlll)1I1·...rr1 l or)'.

S oll('r< 1_ h "",",,, 1'1. r<n IbAI. III t""' lIl l'lInnr.

:~ll~.~t~ J~i.~: '.~ ·i~~, ~~ l~ tll~"::~\ ~.~;;o/~~':h:. 1I'1:.. ul IlIllIIL" h u nt- III Iht:'~tlll".ol I ·AlIr .. rnla

1t~~j~\~~'I~~'"~i~~A'W:l;rt¥~~.~~ ::~ 1,!::~~\I ::[J'I';.t )· , \\' /l lIh l ll llt fill T l'fr lh l f)'.I1 M 1M, lI ll )' nl_1I

!~lt~I~! ft:¥~:~~~fr~I"I~~~ ~~t~~~~t~~.~r~!~.~E) 1.. rt, llnn.

An) ' IIlltl,,1I 1'l'r-tI'U l'InhD.lnc..IY. ...e l' Ih.

:'~~~~~~£~~~~!:~~i'~~~~6£~~~~.: :I:~7Ji{~O h ' ,." u u .l f'r Ill ~ \Ullld , " I m~Onlo .I I D U17m.f~ \\'.T., I hl. I h ti ll)' Of• .- nU ll t)', It.. V.

JOliN F. GOWI:Y.Ih ·. I. ' u ul l ho lAndurnl" ,

Jnn .I ." IOw

U nllrtl l'lh lh" nl . erl C'1 I.And nm.·o.()I )'nlllill. \ \'n ,h llllC ln u ' ·...r"lor)7.

Nof ie<"1. liIC'no " )' 1I1'V . n Ihnl, In rlllm l11lIln ('f"wll h lilt · Im , 'VI. I.. n 'l lit 111 11 "c t ti l l ~.. n . rco-

=~'/~~;l'ii~~::;I,t'l~~'"ltf."rIll'~:nI~~ ~;~~:I ,:;1~~~II~ ;,~:,n tn , Uro''''' '' ' NL,'V." I'1 1"1<1 \\' I", hlll ll l"" T,·"I·t" r )'. " I H1S e .\ S A. C.\ ~ II": Hu ~, .. , \" h ll l"" 111

~i~~"I~'" 1~;~~~n:~~.u,~111.. ·Tt~~~N~,::l; : . ,~I ~~ '111~~I;I~~r.~hw~~:j ,1;.~,n ~;:,~ I ~~~?~I :' ~I~I;j.~ :WI:,I~~II~ ~;,~ ~\~~1 ~r4~:(htll\'~lI l l1 Nu . T c ,,,,t " ' l il t! W I hUnt' lt ..

~~:~~:=m~111:r~i~.:·t:~I'if::\~'~H~~\I:{rh:&UmM ' "lIh ln ..h i)· l fl) ) 011\)'. I tl un Il ll lt · h C! " 'O'l ' .

U l v " n u n ... · ' h i)' li .ln.I, nl In J" lIm C(I III OI)'In­t.l:r. \\', T.,lht. 11I 1l II IIIY ClI Jll llUllr)'. A. ,

J OHS .... unw t;" .IV'III. 1u l"Il tho 1..",.1 u lne...

Jll ll . 2U-IO.....



Clearancem' 'fli t:




'.r., S]~ .A '.r.TL I!. , w , '1'.




F .l10:r-:T

First AnnualONE PRICE

FUED. A . RYUE,L oll COoJ' ·.NEll, 11" . T. ,


i ,HAIU:nVAHE & o n o ncrc I {yo

llarne s, and a 1'11 11 Line of Lwlit's &: Gl'fIls' ·::laddles.rm:tlH OAIIDEN !:! ~: t:DH ,

--0--t n Ordur to ~(n"f n HI'('('tly Ulenrnncn of nil l"nll Oh c.l Wioln (lootl,,_

" 'A lmvu me.lc fin nt Jtt d Ud io l lM III ~\ I I Vf'I " ~t l lll t:J l t lt

1JI11:HH 1I01lllH, J' ,\lIOCY 1I110IJH, OI :STH' J' lJIlS IHIlIS(J 1I00D!:!,Hl lO l:H, CLOAI,H , TH US " :;, &c, AT '\ H IO~l Hlll~ III , \:

I ...O ' V P H ICE.' .

Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps,Clothing, and Gants' Furnishing Goods.




GE E H .iV .J M rcL{ '11-1\_1: D1f4EA ']; LA 00 N1<.R, 'V. T.

- - ' fl '- -,\ J.J, KI NDS at COUNT IIY I'HOlJUCt: Tnken In ~:'Ch nllgo to! 0 00<1 . ,

( 'UIl t aku RIl )' ' Iuun tl l ) u f U rnln , Pot ntO. N, ) ' ilKoI, On til & I' t'): 1I1' lf . : (' h lt ~ ll1 l111 , ~\c .

A( tl :~ r ftlr l ilt' I lru RII I I ~ lR rl llu IIlJlllr nlll U ('HIIII'RII) ( If I'ortl un-I , f lr ('J(IIn .



~H \~IPJi) :H nntl l' r1c(l I, lIt l "'-' nt to 011 pnr h t flf the Sn u ru) nndT (lnltury t n o uf chur' tl1.


, )

I , ... " " ' " •• • I , \ .. ' 'T'••. F II I,; )) . B OB I I,; 8 ,S. '1'. r .\J., E~'11J X I : k t o ., ( ~".... (O.....r t" \\, II I ' . .." I )'.)

flf.\I .f:1l INI.A CO:-;lIO l: H, W, T " llnrnees.Bnddlea.Brtdlce,

U... I.rJII I n (, () L r~ \ ItS , \\ HI PH. :-;PU n H, 11:0STOVES &. TINWARE .s~l ti l iR i n ll U' , l l l ll lJ u n ~hurt lIf) tI IU.

ANfl I Colom lln 111001<, Front Bt ,I"IAHU \VAHE. H\;;.I'lT J.I:, W, '1'"

,\U HICUJ,l UII,\l. UII ' I.UmllOl H Il' he, . ho ",II I", 1'1" •• ,1 tn . no bl.&. ltJAC HI :-'; Jo:HI J ' U~lP lS , &c. I ~~~~I; It l c wl .. nUll tllu llu1l1lc uu n ..

All kind s ilf CVPIJ<l r ,1'1Oor Sh ee t.. O {)( )I )S in hilt linD"t BI.·t! HockIlUn Work U UJl U 0 1.1 .II hu rt liutU)(/. IIIric . "l fur ( UII1 ,

II:d:"Uop.1nnll n HI', clI.lly, JO HN E . 'DAVI S,IIhll'kslIIl1lt 111111 ~h\l' hI Il INt,

F. N. VAN VALKENBERG & CO, J.A COS SI;H, W , T,'\'111 Il npnir UII H~;if'HL S ot lNt

I H , or~'~" ''',"'''' I'' " " k . , FARMI NGMACH INES a. IMPLEM EN TSl '1I01'1lIE'I OHl! OJ' 'fill: or " II I\ i",h,

CuJI~ ,~I~~ fh tOl:Jlttn rr~ lyCj~~ l; I I&n l~J.I~&1,'.n"-I,«ilO ~·rOIlI~. l: .lllur-lJr ,,'1 A,lj ".hhlo '

We " I. b to cnll IhD oUelltion or .. ] :> I .. 0 'Vtho JH)opl ~ o f J"hll\hto ann v1cinlt v " lIh winch rAn 1.10 " o t lu".! tl n oot lUll WtJ will lu:('p cOll8la nll/ ou IlIm;1 Ilor,," " ou II!o I" n.)U oLOIco Iltuck o f Dr~Jtom fII, O roco.. ~1JU"tH't\t A llief'''''. o ! ~1I IItAhl)"rIC" , Uo"ttl, Hhoo"" Clu lhillU, Jlnrll . nrd II,U\\ H .\ :. AC I.I I~Jo.S Illwl\~t1~ nrA H rll AH M r> tU('III U" , l ' n ll1 t"' l Oll lt, Ull IUUHI, a nd 110M nt 1 o rt lr, nll prin 'll ...\:0 , ~ hl('b ~A will ROil tor cnMh ut ---;;-n--;-~T--"t be IO\fflHt )h lnu rotcH ,. IJJY.~ ,

(h vu u" " ch ll DIIIl Cl onl ine our • ',;.J,,/~ ,filrjJ''''-fJnond e an, l lura ou r p rlct ... . nl1 J Ou OtJPI' ':.:ttI!t' At,c& ~,,1I11..econ \' IDc e ti that h WIli llO t }lO,),}ou to pur ch• •c eh,owlloro..·rodu rf!', ..•.. r .., "h'.. . .. 011 " ,

'l'nk c!h in oxoh nng e for g Ofl(b , Ul ill

blgbeollnarkolllrieco .110".<1,

l'Iolleo or PI••• Pr••r.

~OTIn: or rlN \I P uoor,

No U l:e or . ·In'" I' root.u . M I.A" lI lJr"UCJ! t~:::u~~: t\t~ T ,

IL~·W~:..., ..lit 1: ~=~f, l~~~rl' .l ~f\ ,~rl, :, : ;!f1\ ~I,l"14k. n .. ", I' ''"' ,h. ',,,,, ( lIa,'• • V"n 1.,._ ....11li n. S ' ,hu)' I'UMIf' III h i. IImr'f, 41, 11I,d . ·"trw. " ' ''at '''' ' n ( P U UI). W T , un \"'·..dn ... •:1 ::ll: III~~ ~)II:'II;l"'~"'1.~n;,~~ l~ ..IN ,~~j ·~'t:!;'l':i~~:~l~,~Jt I~:::~ ..I:~II:' f1' .... Cll" " , T.. lf ll. III'

li e n n UIl A II. "' lIn .. .., . ' J,,"nJ!,",l n VI,nI·rt' .~c n tlll , J ulin 1' ''I ,ln , I "~...h "\'''1 11 "1111A I I' ~.l n , t " .'1(' 1...." 1.1111 ur IIlrdl vlo "' , "" h.,(''' Ill (uulily. " . T

J Oli N .... "0" Y.Y , 1l.fO lICt_h',"'f''' IT"""",

I ' " I .t ,. .. IJ.... ,...t!,..~t:::,~I~r~~ l~\: T .

~ ,, 'l l'P I. 11.. ....1,)' Kl v." Ih l\l .' S,.\\~ I ," \I II.... 11 1.. 1 n ll h , fI' Inl" lItl"n '"ru" k . ti n ' I "r,"" III f"r- lilt h lth ', . " r lll lli.i~',': ' """'1'...:\1,'1 II ~: ; ~ , nfl ~' r

l l\ \ -i! l ~ l:'~ ' ';h':~II:~

~ ~~' l1 :7::l ~~I't 1 1 ,'h~ ' ;\~~~ tJr~ ,,!~ f \~~ .."" ; f ,~ r;:R:~;';.J:~ : : . ;'~~:I·I:~~:'~.~~"'t:' . I~1 ~~ ~ 111::;; h7}~~ltl~"I .. n.'

II .. I1R III ...... . . wl!n, ..... Jl llnl" T tu u l l)' 1I"h ll ) 1, I II.. ".,., .. YoIIlhun T n.. )' .. ml It" I"' r\.,t:I!f,Ii . I'll li t • ' 11" ,". " h RICO" 1lI ( "un')

' UII S " f1f,". Y, It'II .lcorV,." l1-r.:;c,w"- _

N OTICE or PUU I., ltlloo r .

H nve o poner l n new \uriro h 14to ront Lu ( 'tll1l11 r " h e ro tb u p ul))"lI) ~'UIul wuv« Iillit n. c hoi ce QMIIUrl lUl li t o r<..'UIHlll ' , S ut ", 1' r l1ll ". CI~nl tl nndl' OLU(;l U, UOUkH. HtlltrtHlcr J . ,,'l c.

,J, 1'" 1H\' E LL E Y ,lJE.tJ L s tu» runsarun1':,

LA C ONNEH.,'V.'l.' ,

•• P ••aoO."Attorney-at-L'llv,


IIH E\\ HT J:n ... 1l\:H :\I:H

I mn l lrvl' lI. rcd to fill 111811

m :t:I' . ~lU,[TO:-; nnd l' OIl K,

ALDEN A OADEMYllEv. E U, THIE, ,\. :\[ , P ruHH11nl. .

Farm for Rant

~ fJ nr-rr II 1111 Ih. 1ol" 11l1l11lt.. h l iniN, " Ixnl lI, ,, 1lI/ 1 1la ut I , ( Oll ll t r I ~ III r l " II(

;;llI111,'r~ : \ ,1:1~',IIII :: I: 1~: 1~'11II111 ~1 I~ t; ' I,Uul,l~ ~ : ~~~~~lt'

~ ~I:i 1 ~~.1 :~M~I·,I \ '1 : : : \I,l,f ~:;;I I;~) }~[I'II: t :'I:~II:I~In ' 'l 'Jh,' l 'r'l" .. rt,. ,. nlto ll' tli, r II.mll,h I l\nol • " n' l,l, tc Iart n '0 Ill) f" r ell 0 II'1'1111\\ I lIr Jlllrt hlli ir", 1111,1h rm", 1I1'1 1 1 ~lit ll l ~ '\1 \ 11 , 1110 I' or III II", ' I'" Il l'

If \\ J. \ I .I .I ' ~ ,

"1I~'Jl JI., ,,tolllh t

1\I'U\IH co nAlrmth 0 11 lrnud R full hnouf 1 UHNl'l' Un} ; nt Hl'nlt lo Jim £! '4Cltll uud es u unnc ou r harl1",uufl be d­room M:b bef c ru Kon tllllJ.{ ubrnndPn el."1 low J 1'. V \\' J~LLI;\" .

1'011 la rm 0 POIIH Hf\)t 27th , l H82 ,\fIu tl.·r tor n! JllUllnr~ :II , l HH:L

[' ur fu rtlu' l pnrl lculn. rti ntlt1rt HIIpr .nClplll nt A nnool w It. " . T,

I ll /HI) '1IIlIlt ll\ llI . lrl 1t1>, 1111 11 1.., 1." ,-,ll iUK t IUlIj ' " Ifll "} "flllo r" ,, ( t ill "lIn" 'I Il ,I .IlIlt l ' '' lII t r~ Il h:l .. ~ I I rl'\C1'1l1t1 f'r l till;~I~~I " I f.1~illli: II fol li 'l' ut \ ld,t'lIllll'"

P 0 n u u:, JlIOIJlI"tul .

Dl1101utlon of Partoer lhip

DtlloluUon o f P art nershi p

NOTI~! TO STOCKHOLDERS.Tho ro III I.,· • fU N t lUll fir Iht ill..... k -

hoi,I. r. or 11.1;' ""'-IlKlt B OOlIllIIl Il l 'OIIIlI " ul\IIt l l lt.' llJ8t·~' of tt l ln nM·Jt tr uf .nl l l lllli ·I IIUl V lit ' foun t. \ eruon , em "lj tu nl l\\ tlu

i~~ '!,~;, ,:::r~~ :;~: ';,l ~~?~t ~~ ;I:~~ I~~,nll! ;~t:~kof ",,1 , 1 . 11111\ ' 1111) 10 l ton 1I111t1llUn llll,)lI lfll.

N(u k hul, \'\", t~~~ XI\t.I:. , t ~\\t'.~ II'iW,t ' .WilL I \\1 (1,\t , I:,t: 1l \U LJ:", II \S s US ,

T rU1411'"It\ 10 1 SOT \' l': n ~II !'f , \Ian h :t , l KH:1


Whol.lnle auad R elftll D eMl er",.HAliDES, CGDKIIID a.HUTING &TGVUTI•• " ap••ed .. Marbled War.

PUM:J:>8 .

Iron PIpe, Bra HIiOOOlIH, &c.


~AR.nts tor th o C. lolJMllodSUI'EIIIOn I:ITOVEfl. Iho ho.llhnlII Iv.))d UD the l)IlClt1a COAl!.

CAT,L on,l nnmlno tb. o.lolJmtodWODII-Burnl"g

BRIGHTON RANGES.CROCKEIIY. 01 • •• &. Sto oo War. ,

CHU RNI:I at nil d..cr!pUon.,

t";!:;; )~~~:,llIfM~~~III~llltl~~~~I~ ) 11~~:"l~:~ ' I~~';104.' r ll ' ·I111II1, lu 1tl t'r HII' Urln IlRIIli ' III .J

~}~:~I II"~ lj~\~J~:71 ~: I,~!1V:: I~ ':i',i: :il ~I ~ II~·

;'~~;.~~ t:~,~W:,~~i'~1l t;I'.':;II~~fn~~r~~I 'iI/~~.~·furt'. unlillt' ul",) I..Ollthnriu ..1 to 0,,11"1In il IIu lAlll llllh 'l{ AC l;o u n b d ll, 1 " III l ill y allIhllrnlt .1l1l11l1ll1Ul1.l llrlll

J"'If,~ Wll.I I.nf"OS ,"'OI' JlllH .If Il. lllil' ~ !'4 I ::'Ii

I ,A Cmuotu, \\ . T . , ~llIr h. I K.~ I,

co:~n t~A:OE )1~~II\~ xr::~~DB~r:l~itl ~l~~he n ilRd Ideo- d istAnco nbou t u'nwllca.

P ORT T U¥. !'fHlSD i ll to LR' o n ~n·

lionat Unn k, "'Itb ~(r. La ndcNpr csi.d ent , nutl Ho bt C. H ilt caillie r.


r.,r:-n. L . llAItTtH hujullt I'{tceiYl' tlf rom Han l·'mnl.fKCo a lot of Croquo tlIet , ; 8)80 n fine n... or tmli ot of unoRod ('ig h t 11n) Clo ck 8; nn tl Quo ta 'ond La<1I. .. &d<11• ••

T il l P llth ll l' logging CRm p hnl!c La nged hcmtlll, ~Jr. Hornd on hull lugto U r. J OUDIII R '" o f He"UI". Mr,\\' . 0 , Pollock i ll Itullonntond ont ofth o CAmp Rnd th o MJlli nA' "ark i.no\1' in fun bl",," 1.4\ t Tu eltd" ,.60,000 fc"~ were put illto tho "ntcr Ladle . ' Furnllhtng Storowit h tour,oke of a u n .

I will 01)('11 u t III) rUlIl«l( IICO il l l~ ",A ~UJ,I BV. . of en l(lrrnMillR' cit izeD" Cannel , 'v b lllh , n 111,11Hht' f 4 1\,\i,\

of 8eattle Jl:lye or"' \h1zod uu l1er th e ~t}od" nntl DIH ll ller.) II tlJlO, hO PIll J.t'''t~ ,tltlo of th o " 'Bl h ington Imllroto. rN'OI\,O th o )Il1trllllQg o (Jf lh o I tl ~Ii OHIn*"ot Co • with a capitol of fliO,OOO , \ ""'-__'-_ -'- 1of L fl,CUfi lior nutl \ Icln llJ'for tho llUll >Oi G of cu tt i nG B (,lInn l I IUU, rOMl'0ctful h ,IbrDugh trow· Lake UOlon to I.,ko ~IJlH N I: i. I SDSEY,\Va lbing ton · " IfChemo from ...blob&a.ttl e ~ ould l)e n To much bonefit.

F"IU.'IT T u u .-llr. n It Irw lo,na ent tor tbe Vancouvor nunuay. IsIn town, end lonouuco. th a' he willha Y" "latHe qUAnti ty or O.llrA fruit.treel (or 1" le horo Dod wOlk, whtohbo In,ll<l. tho publle 10 <owo and

f~U~~II~"~~ 'tbe~~~.~:~t~l~~~I "~~~~~~~l ui ou tho Qo", tl.nd DlakeMn8peo lnlt,.of tr eel adaphul to tbla regtou auIIclima te, AQ(l "0 ad yllO ou r people toImprove Ibt. oPl", rlun lly .

Tn. w8l1tber hM been loyely torIb .. l..llhree " . ok. , Wlllgln. 10 Ihooonlra ry nolwllh.tan<1lng,


r .)

f -





Newton Bros. &Co..,

THE s oun PATEIIT, oDr .·al"t.."

Barbed F en ce W ire.

FLAT A NO ROUN D WinE R O P t; a' Iron a n d St c o l.


tlU: H :M dl H I)!..: l l,lJCII 1I0 W 1·\IH ....'i n ' r r~u '{ rit · r ~ I:: r. ~., Yo re'.

Oat oe nnd BRloe rooma N o .6 CALI FORNI A S T ., Ban Fruna taco

" ' h '(' , " ' h 'c nOIIt~ .u~: " r; :.: ; :: .··o ~! t:· '~'I re 4.ood..,BRASS. COPPER. AND IRON W IRE CLOTH.

It. Ii II AI..I.W' r.. I" ....I.I,.nI. II, • 1'\1 .. b AVlH. Hoooc'I9tl.. " .

CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS,Hecc. _ ,", h , II "'L UDI(. 1I)!i ISOI & IUlUOll , tln,1 t.lllf DAlIA;nU waillSen

- !tI IUlU' II" tU' . " (lr . 0,1 U.... 1I111 1" -

~Ii:a- f§=-:1 '1Zn

"lII i'f:a l i~ , ~


~s·5 ill:!lJ1!0-: Un l cru ·

putOU tj.~&aY~ ~ ~I::II:

!- t o ImltAt.o ur Hem·

=>. ed , a n d.. d .a e l yeit t h.publlc

lD ~7Mr~~4=>. NAM E8,

~ but donotbed.·a elyed l..e t h a tt he wont

SAFEru':~of~~IronS IIe ,on a blac k

:::~~I~;~·nt1~.~~atlkll• •

110, ...t hAt It I,on t he la.be l and

:~: 'rar~no other.

I ".,.. I" 111.."~~'J~~A .:,.~1..1~::= 11 ~ !': 1 !·;~ '.. h ..... , • • t \ m ln" " ' I "11. It Hr'lIl' & h.. h ir , ..b l n. 1'4 1",11 . t .. ril) 1.11'" , ,, u" I&" , m" ,"t , .. n l nlJ "h"'j \ i..~ft~(lK.. 11 t:1.. I l ru \lll II

- - - - - - -'U" I ,1t ,., . _ lJ""lrf... I '" ""'I f'" Ih. ',

~lJ l"' t. IJ ~ I ' I I 1-.1 ' I' ll ). Jl AIW :-'..f ll' I '.III J'......,.. ItD.1 \\ I.o lo·. a l.. o f I'"

n...1f " J'. r ll l n u:4 a . "" , " tIlne ' ('u--.-"lit 'Itll.,I.1"[l; : ' ~ \ 'SI~ '" ~= .~ ~t~.,.I~~ ~ ,,,I l)qorh l'CIMlp. II .. ' '' 1. It I,M II 1100"1 ... 1" . n I. 1, ... .... ". 1'Il1 hi h ..tl"n

,t W I'lU l fli l ' II I>! I. h.. ., I lorno" 1·lII u l .r •~~_.~

Ftlm lt " r.. " I '1' t .on ", h1 f1 I " Ic.~ "t II 1'41\..11·liM"" lI lh til ,0"III",ru.l

" :i J'.\ lt· I. III" ..... ' 1 ",-. t<l _ r I.....cw'"Lh t I. I... , .1 .111 ul' I" I '~ CJl.A tl' II ,,,,,1

r.: ~~ , ,,';i"',~~ ,~,,~~.... ~::: ,1:'(. 1 11 ::~'41' ~:~ t~;WUh ( !'41.\ H t .., I t\JI. I "I "'If."..,.t. .,,·,t'lul_l~J rill ...' .... " " , ... /, 1,1'1"......-

t:,. ,I.._I, thllt I,,,. t",.1 ' ln ln .... •• . , .."I.~fF!.~~ri~: ~~',~,:· ~~~i:~.~:;:;~~:k~; I ; :;;:,,,\! ~I::::;:..t A nlln.. " . ' ''lI :rh " I ' tl i' . .. 'hlll • 1 .1•• lI "t~"ni~: ~pr·:~t:r~t~~~~:li~ }114 (~~· i!~ ~;:,!:1,7~in:ri~i~; .~ " ·I'llll~ l'I,~ ::~lt ~::~~I~ ; , ;.~" 1'~I ~~~ l:: .r:l~ l ' I~~~~~:: ".II";II~ ,ltm':,1'1~~a"r. I';;:"~~· ~ :~n;·": I''':·t~ :~/IMIh.. I" ......."I'II..n. I, ., 1~ ~ ~ .t~"llI t tl- J .1'1..'"

Hrm u \wrr) ill IlIth lltl,l > JIIfm' thot11 l r ll<'\l \l ' tlln n "hupl., brilul Inl)O Ir-- -- ...... ---

, r'(1 .... II I. .. t l .rilh l~h t .111..1. .. 1••• •,1,: "II a llf l.n(''' /U''Il ",I, I,) II.. I ' IUI,••",I I)) I ' ,."1".II'..l f~t".:I:1 ~y lU l l'

H, ~ I'a ," , ,..... SI.., I.t l .....~U....., HI ' f'.., 11,.. l a . ( I" u ,,,uull • • I.",..

~;~,:~~"~r'~ " ~ lu ~... t;:'~::: ~':~I,~I: Illt~l ·t :.~:~~

rl~';~ d::.T·L~i,~~:1Ji;:'~ ~;:~:~~.:~ ·f~:l~~~t.£;":~~1 '; .: ::~~f:~~n~f:~l~:I'.k "\~iJ~!~ l~ 111,1;!I~'• •• t.

':'l I~c:~~ ~;:::::f..:"tt.:: II~U 1·~~~tt A~~. If.n1. \I ) riff."..... y UI" 1...,....0 . 1 ohAn ll. ........allI . ·' ..... lfO_ ..11.11.....111' 1&.-.eo .'nJ"1l1 hN,ttA.a nel lo ....:ur. lh l<t 'I ,.. I.ydl t: l 'lnkballl',I trUI. b. flA . 11 1. ' lWl. ...kn ...tfw, I t..eu.... 1 In.a l U oJ ",n'J ~ u l"U 'n•• ' hlll l... ,illlol'llll. _IXltf I...... il.. lu. I , .. . 11e" I' 11I111' duJ.'","",11,0. d"'IlI.,L III I.iU" I'1 ......llll l"d..p

U.......I 'VI' t ll1~ " ""

---. ~.....- - -I n;';~~~~j{lltl bl:fl\Clt~.~:::;in~i.!i\~..';~\"~;;~'I~ )i.t ':unn~Il~ ,~f"~r~I'~'nl~·u~ ~r~O~~ 1" KI,lnlll,\ \ or1. l, tttl m,.., I"'pullll' lluJlclulOWI!'I&c' II It l ncl1l M }", 1>1 , 1£' )11, 101 nil nthu,In,,,h~In'' hu . tlch . 1.....:' ltlo net l" n fin 1I11" lIy..,.Len....l. IIn.1kl.ln..)'• • ~ ll:~n~ t,y 1\ •

.I~i.'Ji7.~I~~~'~:i~I~UH~~~rnri"JI ' chell l", r

... NOTY.U nl 'r t'N'IIII,ll) ","O .tI AN .(I"rotnth.lloot ..n OI.w 1

._»tl'...._n..~ll l IUI_or .,.., I4'dIlI "~

"""' nl LJ",, __ ....,....n .u.. ........-n ....."' '''I''''U.NI'~lIla · hU'~''''--,''

"'- " ~~"""" " "II~ ...."~' '''''''' ''' '''''_ tl.•WoMo''" t'''~., • IU.......,. .... .. 0It04,p0d WJ'......."" .. ~III...,_W'Ttbtt ~. ..... dalI, " III II'" 1lof, . _ lI l1tMrl.., hf.pwW""'.,... or trlae' JOT " ,...... ,,.. U. DwT~('_pge. -.4Itta1 ,« .... &lIIdI ........u ... .....- 1 .--D7la_ lpMd lludHI -.udotd ., u.. t,.,. , 1JU..0. _11I'" K-r-,",~" it -..-....-, ...-llioooot b, .w~ I'''T'6dau III &M-arr.""" - TtlI -I' Ii. In• • e.......... _ _ ......... h.W lInlr tM .~ ,_ ..WI,-III ' 11M ~ a--n-. ~Iar paw..l"- IIoL IJ:I O'.,...~ ...\1IfoltIftIw..~.II~"'t"_

~'~·-.Jr;"''''' I'...,..ne.Dt'''''''''''... Cllo!&aftllf z.u.. ..1.~"W'1 ,.u...tI ,...... ..........

... w. ... ...... Il -..tr.u. ........,..

.......,..'Omr..'- ,., .u " ..._ell..--.b. II m..ua. ..........,...,_~AIolMft.IIJrfoYUI••.....-...~""I...,...IM. 1'lrw.l r-u.e ........,... . .... pIIlIa, ...."' .... Me &1_.....-tl7ftrro1brlta _ U .. n1.. 1JI1 ...-.....,a1J~adl.~ .Uo6I ..._ aw' .,..._U-.IIlIltIL w ' '"........ .t., r.q.ara4 -....

u.. __ ., ~ ,..",.,.... ........lIbJ 1.. _efu.. C ............ l7~1tn.r w. ....,•.."- b-. .. t.r-. __.... ......,~.,.",..,.._UoIIl ....,."..,..........I~ .

-=:: :::.~""::.~:=:-=-- ., -- ..........·.,.. "" IMI..........u.~••,.,.......,.-==If':':-=::~..~-

ITA.fLaG II'A'II."I(:8 .

n e na.t.w ....... 0..., .... Y"k t1".... ,.. &aU,. c..alr7 - A 'Irt~• • OplaJoa

" ,~ft~t:='a=~.b~rc~~;~~: :::r:;ltv.. .e,. It.l. n l. nenl earrl.... "',rwlwg,1I... It . ... . u.Id,," "'11 lil'l,all1nlil Lu' b.. 1Ih• ..,ne dL.u uuua rMlilt. to, II" . ud liUlb\"(If1Ml .U.JllI,. u..., w ...JI.I h. ... '-II unnutkeol.n" (lnl, b,. ,t.. I"' IMul Itt. Ian.' btll aI...., 1Jl~~:':t~.:kn:;~~'t ~~~~~t.':"~• •nI'IM:. In Ihla ..." n l, IlIlllf.. ,. bal'. ul~1

il:,::~,n~:;('I':J ;dl!,t:,;,;r~; ,tl;~ .ht..~ .'~:J""~. ' . ......,,.... cl<> ne.' Ii... .. WM&,.., . 1..u..., I. , U,.,...rlaill an I , h.. ,..•••11I.n Ihft tJ...",..• I 1M. ('Ily U • -tar1.ilnll' 1.'''IlI IJ~n\ f,O ItA lil lHllnnil th . 11600\ ,ro., I tt. ..nOrJ'l"IlU i n(',-..- fl f

~~'l:r&!n~I't:i.. : · ,~ r l:,: 1111:t\~I~f." I I~~:~~i" ,I Ih-.1 at h ' Mfl • n Ih-' ,h ........ . h.....Lto

1.", -......1.UII U loo fAt ,vT' , ' n con. '" 1. 0.... r1""• •IIMlrlLo,.. IhAn wa.- ,. , 1I",..n I.. f .tt!lI u,., 1_ '1.1" J ....l ln ,h. ('IIr ul S . w \'" , 11 In

:::;,~i.t,hl~~~.1 : f: ~~; f.:!.i ~;II.t'.ti· I~~-:;.t l co,u '~ /l...l ' Illit ...Nr..I' 1lN.111" I .~U.btlt.II h 11"\1• • /111 . t.rll II U ,.uwlnl .. "",,1 tl ,'11_ It l"" ...1I...1hl,.1 t i l" ...1111.1 .1. HI' ''''1lIBri" bt •• 11 ... .. , ....11) ' '' I.rt.. 1 "1H,; h.H,.. ra' ''''' •I Ih.. Ill.!.. t)' fan I .. 1 lallyu" ,t.,.to. ..1

W ;:~;I IkJ~I ~:~::~':II:'; '~t\,~ .7:~~I~llI ' ~i 'f":I:~t'\\ ',al C'a ll _ t hl ~ 1r,1." "_ I 1111, I• • ,lith l." IIII'111....U..n , ....n ' ..... ' ·I t... h ll l ll", hI t h,. d im·a l". th.. I,al,jt. , f ti l... H,.. .. lul l,., .U "n cotI...u.l~ "' 1,111'111"'" . U 1I" I"ul", If\' 1.'lllJlrll lll....1

::'~",'~'::I 1 1I;f;~::·t f,~:; I ·;h"r~I'cI'';. ~~~~ . Ifttil" ,11..._ . 11M 1....W'Im 1\0 ' l'I" UlIoC" ll'" ",.. ~ "

..t" Alllly a n,' 1'-' ' )"" \'" III. ".. aIIlOCU,.. IllMIh,,1' ('1111I1'1 I. , ,I. h" 1"1 f.., .._ II an,1 " ..lIuly kll" wl! I,y 11,. 1, ' I .'<: t.. ,\ lIy Itl,'".·,.'Nri;ill~ :'. ::::::~ '" i ~ ~~th:\ I~· ..t :: ~ ,:~7~.~tkr.i,,;·;~;;,'~,.,~~('; ~I,.~ ;:I ~~';~ ~ ,...1' 1) .1~,;r..,; ~.I,,'~~ ::::..~

:'..~n:::.IJ~ll\l".~~ :I.::,~ l t~II,ll"!;~i ;lflcl~~lnl:: "'It::!I"::1..14" " lACkul n..,' . ,,,,W" I Irr. W'ull\n ty fl f 1111,11", rI • •n. ".I..,...1.lu ly ) j t ll" l In' I",,11'<:1 .11.

~;:' i~i~-1~.II~~7:.n~ ' : ~, "~j,n ..~" ~I~~,;.r,I~ 1 ~:~~: ~~';'~~I ,~~';:"~;ll i: :i.,:t ~~:~)~n .~ :I"t h~il lt~~ 1 IIInUl ...·tIOU. nat'" .. ." ,II' _., 1, .. llblo... mAy ~tln, I.."".. " ..lfr..lll tt .. IA<.; ( Ih I 1Ir1j/bl • •11.. _I t"o'rI In In I Ill..", ,h..._~ 1 Iill,lr l" y . ....1 .'tJm l . · ~ ItI"n f" I1" " " " .. t h

h Lo hlltl'h tl u,"lh. 1 ~ 1'l: 1' t" In I bh lan ol " tl"ha Ul 1"", n IIn",I" I.. t:!'o1 n l t.. 1 leih, ") 1,,,uLl ,. h" ' IM I•• 11I'1111.. .. 1 n.1r""' j" 11...1 t.. fi",1 " '11,,,, ..m...I" .., adu ltlw!...I".. . n,' al,.. ", lf ' ,,"nol~~. ~U :~:'~:,. I; I }~I ~h ::: .:If• 1:::"h:i,,, ,5~t~r~~('OIl.. " In('ll.,.,.....lIv I ,nil III to..1 Ih.·" n. .. I'th l'!n....IIC',1 " ,, '.1 h"", n ' ("..r1.oW n ,.. rn 11 fu,Ihl" "' lTlhl. ,h..._ I..t It .. m ec'ana ...I I,," II

,;::!,::II t;:::'rl:fOo,illl:; ~~. ~~", I ~~i."~:~I~II~ ~:~

!'; 'I~'t: :i~I;I~ (,:~~·~.~ 'r,I~I:.; ;~:':h~I~tl"' n~~'O~~~<>"'y'hf_ whl! III'fO " llf. ,In.... I ut III.... , whOltuw.. l ri . n.l. In llA"""·, , art>..ar n... t1y n 1 I"ng.h, ,,I)' lollklnll'

'Ilul "I".,..'Iuula tl,," f,..,m tl lO ~ tl" \ ' . , II.1ril ,"n" I. t a'I. ln.: c.m .I,I"rAlolu .....lnrn..t l, " ......11 tWltom. I.. 11ft Ih .. ('''\fO ' h UIII A IIlhj ....1Ihal bu lJ,.'CllIII" ••1 S .tl" " .I trill . rUn«''1h. AI. n llln. Inc.-I'l:"'" ,.r kll u"y ,"...._ ...:1I1..lr 1". I,Il'J!l' I" 'I nnl nil" fllIJ I rllj " " 111 ..n,1Itl " . " n.1 Ih" 'lCkJl"wl...I.rl'11 In" MIil ) 01 I h)ll.'-'till" " , "u('('•• Iutly c. I"" '" Ith IIlf'fIl lila) \HIIl

A W It.." t h(l loTta h .1 ,1h:ft,l1 .., ....·ry O IIU " hu111\00 1111' ..Ii",hkool ')1111to)llI~ II I.. fol1uI\ t.- .h ., \IIo\ .. ,., Ihal t ho IIIlNlll' tl llt ! l. olk n fuun.1" 11,,,1'. 1,,- ILly. ' ''NIl lllllOlOCh.l, An,l ,I IIl,t Ih~tt1

I. a ' 1« lIie fIJr t ho " . 11.. ,,}..I\ tl .1N<.'rll"..1 ,.,,,h Alf' ('011111 to tully 1,..lIovII " lt h ln III., I,,..,t'''' '' ) .. ,, 1'11 w. ha ..o Irequl;'nUy "", n . t It!11l,,n(.of 1,,,,'1 ... t:lalmlnl,' t., h. \t . b" l"n cu,.,..1 I IOof' rioll' ,"1olntly t"ollhlo.. .." n du, II",.. 1,,,,1I• • n I\1./lUl,I,'n..,,11 ' ~ I t I II 1.'''11I111011 .,l th I", " t1'.....1'1.. " " hu o IIlw:,.. .lJt...' tl .olll (l ull , n 'Cl ntl y, liuwIlvllr, ,, 1I' llII htlr III 1,,. ,mll tl'II1 AnI\,, ~If 1e". IWI! Ilio n II"".. CO ' II'" 01lt , ,,lll" tArllyAn,1 . t" I...1 or .., , ll" lr . lli" MlItl oI tll lll lll f')w,,'" call1l,l. \..1, ("l!'V,1 L) th.. II ~" of \\ Am,,..fo4" t.. KI,IIIO)' lI.Illl I.IH·' (' II' " ~I , .. ' 1 I'lah.."'· I" .,n .1Vllrtt Ih.l t thl. lu ... llclno h An1II111'Il, t . t4n.lllllC n'l . ..nll ..ntlthn,t It t,> I...01-...1 . 1.1.... 1 ' "1'' 1''' I )' II.nld l'tl ICl·n..,.l\Il) Ibil l thAt.It h",1 "l.'iCf III Il-li",I ,..,Inuch IndtloCk .ih;l Ihe n,,,,,,.. (I ( kill" ,,) .Il ...a.o.l i. nu' M

K..o~r"lI y kMwn II.• gn'lIl " ol1h h.,. I)t't'll

~~:~:::;:I::~ ntl~:~';';' 1~~Mlrl:rtA~~~hAve AI' l'" I't'II In ti ll' mark, t . (ra 'hl tl l~ntly

c1a lml" " Ih. ' alnabl" ...utJI U.... nl Iho nrltlula lSAl. ( ' ti t .. li lt w.~ II..., uIIlALlf'. It " ou loIn••1LttimitA""l

The abun mo) m Ilktt Oo n 111lra r" J",...,rn..nt .. ' " l"'I' tll., ",m.. l,. hilt II I. nnl CIllOI'whll _Irr,n,;.., Ihao tl .. IlICw ..hlll l. \ \"II. t.wu'Moll-III Ih. " ,.,1,1 trl1Varct h.."lI h "nt! t<Jn-lll. nl1131'1'10....... _hllnl,1 "..,;:,h. ' hu h..an,. t n.!o,lWf·m~1I1 IIf Ih" 1"'-' M .I all frl lln.lJ,01 hllm.nl l y.II I. on l'IV'C\Itol, thh I,rinclflill Ihal Iho fore­11'.1100: II . t.I'mt'nt I. m...l", . n,1 II rn..n '" th ..clU"O!lu l ClI , n~I.I" '1I11 ')Q af nUT thlnkln., t'l'Af ! f1,

Th ere nre many poople wboi'lf'"bolo " ild orn .('008 11111I tn hid ingtl ll'ir \libnt of It


Only two IDMInOOnl o f tbe N.. tional&na1o wflre in their plllCC8ono mfJm·tug lately whl1n lhe Cbat,Iaio beganhi. CrRfttr. hut tbl\ relifl1008 ~rt.lon

d' t ~~r,'"J)ifib:~n:~=.~n'niibou,"", ·,g.iA.... lUI it abonh.l ha veIK>en.l'O fa r .. oonOftTD. the de..olion·al lNln'iOH. for whe 18"'" at lb. Na ·tiona} Capital thN8 are two Senatonlgnt hnrud together th8n!l I. &om. onowho .oodIl<> be P"A1M for . n i. Ahad oiga, bo~..... , bat 01 u.. wbolewronb'·tria Ua.e • .,. onl,. t.wo whokaew QIooir IJ'etI!ee' aeecl _

" Wh nt nrn ~ Oll d OlOR" " ""k ~.tI th "

f~IT:~~I~~:1 :~ ~: I ~~\~'~'~nr~lci~l: i~tl:~I;1IJ' nt th o buck of hi lt IHmcl. wlwlt. 11\.­hml th' llOBi'trtl tIIoml' "" gnr.

h Von'l COlIIll li n ) ' noar l'r. " Hla lU tb llgt·ntlr lllRn. .. [ nm fl"'1II11!::10' [email protected] HOfi' lIon't kuo" y Ol1, nlHI .)OIl"IllIHht

Ir lrh,~r~It'~N~:rll tbrl'f.' "mull th (1ll.ural tlII'J ' 1'4 l'r t' nil t·nti ul{ th .. f1 u Kor o lftil l>lIn!!k o f hut hond 1' ht'1 tookoolililth· att ~n l1 ntf't1." tbou gh the coldwl'ntl\ C' r hotl aITt..'Ctf"t1 th ttm. hul th o)N"llOtI to hM" " 001.1 nppot ltl'.

.. Uh.tlll'Y '" ill f100n HrO\\ fnUttr,"

~h~' ~~J:\r Ith~to~ro "~}~~~~~ft t1.i~~t~~tlw)' hoWn to pick 111' In Fobr l1ory.I tako care of n f ttw PH·r,. J £'ar. andK('nl'rnJl.r man nJ/Q to get thornthrough the winter. LfUt It't\r I bau

~~~~1~;:~, ~b;~ till~~~ ' Th~r:r:r~Q~n~p~vc~~. t ~ineko~~ilit t~.ft~~: ~h~~~o~tt~~;t bAn tl lnt. Hofure th l' u io lt.>r ill holt

~~;I~)O~~I'f o~~~ ti:'u°r£:~fili~r.J?·~;to IUn, but II an) ODU~l..o KOPtt iu lhey

rh~~~t i~mrh~(,u:n~~ r~I~~nij~:~

~t~:a,o~~lit~S8::~1~\~~" ;~rI: t~finll him Of cour l\O ull til . 111ftHtbn tI tlu nr)t tnkll Cll r f-' or d io off. 110 tlmtM only lht'AfII lhll\() orl' now lD th ehOliliO thl'ro 18 no cba nc(l o f mv con ·fn",inK litem with nny o t h (l", : imt inn month'.. hm n lrom to rloy I couldit.JI thorn "lUong n t homtRlld.or, rntbftr. Ull'y would Id, 'ullfyth(lJUMt'I1'CII by com in g to mo.

"A fly I, n r.lnyllli InHocl , too,th ouKh yo u W011 d lmrtll y th ink It.HolOfII o f thOllll I hRII hUlt yonr UsN to1'111)' tr iolcll up on mil. Ono wouldlH'rch hllO"(OU on Jh~ lobe or my

t:~I~t r:oant~\'h,~:ol Ibi;l1~'i~,~l.i~1l~bo would circle nronnd lh o ba ck ofmy IU' nd anlllako th o sumo ~lIillon

on th o lobe.> of th o 10" enr I nnd flO on1111 infinit um, or ot IUMt nntil he nn·c1orAtOOtI in MOInOwn1 that I W811 becornIn, nlln o)'«<\. when he would 111awn•. ' .

.. H ow do I bogin to tnnJf.' tb m Y"Oh, onolll enon gh. I c lllll yttr lvn ont ,,11 tbo otlJ(lr Oi@s .xeop Ungth OMthnt I "not to koop. T bf'D IJ'tHnov o 011 food, flJ.OOpt linch IUl IKi,n UIl.'mt l rom the room. I lot th emh8'fo DoUun g but .aKnr. antI once ado)' l\ Illtl n brtlad rdiKhtJy 1n00Alentod.All lOOn lUI I think thny bo 1'o oaton('Doug h I '''tlnJ' all tbe food A~a1. I..lIow DO .nnck. hehv Mn mOllI• • for IlwliuY8 o, or t.,('ding kill. th&m. Theroom, All )"on Me. iA WanD. TbNetbn'O are dill a little wHtt bnt II ycuwill yi . lt Q.l t) in R month 10U will findlb t'ln qu ill.' t ame.·'-ll'. Y. HUll. .

.I::a"~,:,~~:r;·ort~ fr~t• • ' uullooh .Jml...l, .,oaud hlen. )

" ........f • .t~bl I. ou 10' min tS'

1,1I=~:t.&.I~'t~~~~f::'lod !rvr ' naake . hleb b' flI -.e-· w... wn

ro, '::1."(.1 I, bat ·bu . " No!n .. ,.1, rwtl U.....,' Iow lIt m... '....,. l~a . hJ ' u uUlbnn' llI, _If. will "tlnl m• • I,.u I &.011 b."' Yoo , al"'nlh .ln N U.. !t l ld N• • \' N':'~UI~~=,,:,,~bl,.~I:i:I :·{::l;:!:~t~l"t::cl:.tIal~~d'::~JI:~:I':Ad ',"",. ' , Ran" ba . '0""" I ' U 110 10 I.-I:"

"'ull~~IolI, ...'JlII \I . ' N I.Jr ..w,.. . 1.. ..,., '111 . I"I~ ..a..LA.ku wlal hou h.d -':IHt'e . 111'.... 1.1 , .~~:~:.~~~:~:I·~rt~:I:.~r.:;;I -.. . '.... 1." Ibit h.L, .l lh• • tAU.m : ·

dNplw hi. mo V.loT.·'"' l 'rot 4.'llit 1 6f"~t rom th o winll o w d lr"QUy Into th"tw ut rall b (II the ul 01l ".l'het!. withhh, elteeb ed a l ta. ht~ "Uack('(l tLem.

:-1u man cou ld le Utl UII agal nl t hi .t.mfic blew.., nod In le... limo tbun Itta k.. to 1nll it he hat) knoc koo QUoYt' "IICO" , of Ihet n lW llkOl,,. .... wh ilo t ho rv ­\jlnlrul ..r ,1"..l ll ku chickv'", LMl for,. t ilt.>"WOUp uf an (·"foCI.,

'f) w1 hatl no ' u rtl H'r ol'fno?,Hllcl'" lui .. t ),"1 rt·mLin..1 tLl" ", Anllu ", pII (,t nntll lk'\'lt, ,,1 " 'an bwl ttowu thntth o I",uplo of t hat IU"C!tIOIl ''' 'W'll cl totalk of til.. tcrrlLlo Yunk. H

Unto"uul l Uwu~h hf! 1¥fUI. h ili oJ1'101". worl' nut mo rn rUIURrknlJl u llthU\h ' ,n tIU."Ul o f hi.. w i I... It wa .. cu m·mlmly huh""od uf ht·, time '1110 wo1I111Ink" till n IJ{un·l o f clup r by II... ch iuu'flnUll. ho1tl1llil it I-'U for n h..r. march lipII I!hlht of ,,1,,1... lUI ll lMlly not nn or·

A IfaoJO COUPLE ~tl~~~"'"'(JU wuuld cnrry Q lJlUl lu·t

t:kJW4I VbilUllOplllcal Ibdifltlual hnM On UIIU Ut'C'nlllun " tru \'I.Il"K' IIIfllJd6CJl1retl tb.t Un, rl.'IWUU "hy a fuw !,tl(lcll,.r (',d lt·.' nl Hll' huttllil. nrl.lIMlr"On. lU'lI Jflh.nd witb lu lr lWrtlllmry ulUlIl hl'r 1.11 1'1 11)' l.u J.lrl~c~1 III w""LIIIKIDeDtAl or /lh1..ica l IKlwt'r tlt. lh" l ..... ' L,-'r kl tclwil Iloor SIlt' l h·dllll'd tu[lU\1 00 n i l If to .... .. ht coutllUlt, how f,ure'h lllt'" or I' VI'II ....Xlll II i111' . h ili"~)l I " 1

I)U\\Tb~~L(j~tl:~I I~fi :I ~~:u i~;ln~r~! I~~;' :Il~~tl~~i ':~~) t';II:.rr(~:~~:OI~I,~,t{lt,~~~tl:'11 Ill;:

~IO~:~~;~~ c~rU::~:~ 1: ltl~:'~r~Il ~11; 1~ :: lIr~Yll~:~~~' il :~IIr.~t1 11 Il I ' u u tho tlu'Jr. lin

~~el~~:~oo~f~;~U~:ltI;~~~~Jl~rll~rftr(~ :1.7'rllll t~~::1 i~;~t~ f \:I~~~ :~ U~r~;' J~~:r l}I~I;Lbomajority of tim ruen tllnL to tI". 11I01' . ".. II.... l llll U h> ti l l' (' )lInr Ilf HI th lObo ~JU" nlrmJMl MlilltlrhuUHln 'lI'ut uf hl'4 IrOlhuo n , lIutl I'lt chl·tl hlru

H Ili lJot o ht..n t hut tWt) "111' 11 I..' r IilJltil tirlll t liflJll)(h lU I 0 Ji" J! .... lJu lllw.lMJDfI II,." nt Uu- " RUlI' UIUIJ. llTll l l lJ tlll t IIlltl. I lldortl hll CllIlltl l l Kul ll h ll4 ft·.,t ,UfOo COIlUlll1nltv - ..nn ·ly lIut IllIIt th rl '''' hiM1111 ' 1111 ...fi e. 11101'" Hfh 'r 11 1mthll1 lx'nl to l'fl(,(1 ulhN Mnell r.·lnt101l" T IIll IIlttfHIII.)ll'11 fl· I!OW pl d ,·d )a1l1l" ,·1t" " bn ,lmn ll ond wlf" A.nll Yl·t Ilmv,' 111' 111111 It''ll from th.· hou".· " lth out ItIIOW to ru1ato KQIIIU " ' I'loltll (J f t .... o word .

..ni~ lb~tl:rt of th u Htatn uf ~J u ll . I " cll l~hrl:I~I; : .r~I~\:'I ·;::I·;rJ\Ilhll ' lhlll.r ..Ill 'clOlMt bor J HnDK 0 11 tlJ" I' rOYIIICl' uf It tll' l' 1I116 thllL I" 'r h UI"ltulu l WUlt II

~;,: ~~~~:'~:;:~~irc~~' ~1:~1t~~~~ t :::::;1tl;~'t:I~ I~fv ':::I~;II: ~1 ~: ~ ;II ~~~.~~~!;:nokll(l fur h iM p r Ot:lllllf lll l'l pIlYKll'nl ' !u 11l'~ 11 'l'11J 1~ " ur k .\,. U (·ulI ..I" I Il I·nl.:' ·..t.r..cgtb. nnu whOtlO w l f~ wu_.. j6('llrl '" Ill' Wltlt fh'IIUl>tltly III truul,l.. fru lllJ1lNII powl'r fn l th an hiln",'" l ilut h,.ill'" nlJ1 ~ to 1''''' hiM hi li .. Th o

NOItbftr of lh.. twmn wnMnlJlJvu llJ" IIhl'rl,T 14 Ullllutnn Uilfn..·llll l·ut \ i"ltorByerag" ID I'I tntl1ru. nor " lLH tllt'r., lllJ) ' ltl tl ll' lr IUlu.l..... nncl .... tho /OIUl U' l}l'r

~Hi: or:fth~a~~:~ 1 III ti ll' g~l1t'rn l ~i:::v 1~'.I'~l! ~~I ~~tn~~ ~~: - t~:~';~I I~l:I~'I~ ! I:~~;'r be ro la no rooord tlmt lll.l1 01 th u 'h"l IIn \~ Ilitu 1t \ IJl rllu(' I.lIII~.

" DC4'Atcn of " lth" r tlw ..Hill or rill' I U - tWII un/.( ')\\1'" It "'1I1U ufWOmAD bad 1)('4'0 kno..... n to IlOtUI....." 11I0111') tl' t lHt kt't' I ' r of t1.ll' cuuut Q11 ol1l1o al )Jh{."lcal IlOwl·r. IIIJr R1I10n~ I IItJ)rll " '1' \4 JllIlt·", Ilwny. tlnd hntl m" II••al l th...lr t t>cuutlnn"" ( froll l onn of n &:(lU,l lllnnr I Jr OJll I KO '1'It l) puy it : hutwbom I bRVO lear nt.'tl " hnt I r,·lutl') Ill' hUll 'RlI''11 ..., IImlir t lllll'8 to 1.1"'1'hayo thllfl.) lM)lHIltll)' of ..uch IItltlflUth hiM "Krl" 1I11'n t Ilint till ' "ton.kf>lll'l·ra.. to wok...t bom fmllou,. I lo"t nil IJlltil'Ut'I-. " nd dt'h ·rmllll...1 tu

Unt thill mAn n11tl ",ornall " "fI> ntt nch whllt"\l' r prul ll'rt ,. hI> t'utlh l

:h~QH't:.,.t ~~?~g:~bl~h~!;":I\~:·~I;;"wl~i { l li ni ~ ~: :11~;»l:;;:~: "tlj~lt ju"t IllI'n V- -.. In tb .. ndJolmnl{ (lrtJV ItI('I' . " ntl lind lanll in hi" IK)..,. I·... IIUIi n Ihlt' ('QW.tb., ' ACilItu"" lor l'J.h.nlflnK tb,' knowl · Tlu· Inw of tllu Klnt,. "II" Mnela th nt

=tJc1°dl~b~f~ctll:~fl~ : :~~ :0~11I:lY I~~o\: I~~~;: I:~i: ~t~'lh~.0;~II:~t:~;~:l'111~:Jl II~rt t·~~~D. co~J.ton"l.n wllh tLA contin ,·nt. k ilh~ l. It w rv. 1'J:I' mIJt from tUl utiufl

Uf COllnll, t he' stor1t'tt o f tb,-'I r I'X ' Both C - flUlI hltt '".f,· knflw t ll i lll)loit Hwonl eJhn,," ht'comu IIQlUo" bnt fnet . thollH' lI t11 f'y IUlil UO intf'nt iun ofpJ.Rgg....ralt"llwIth lb l! I lIuuulgf' of vl'nr~ 1 kIUllllllh.· cow. Unt uw' Illorn ln"".'" iIiAlwa,,, thn CMf' wllt'ro th;' r,. 1M " hl'n IlI' r h u "l mli ll \\ /U4 n",ll~ • .\I n lno written I\CCUlint of UIt'm. IUltl ) lit. U - - III1 W ti ll> !'lllt·ri ll· npprohchln U'.f....r aU eillo nllownnctl hrut IHl(>u t btl hOl1l11'mAti., thf'r n rl'lIIulu" 11 l1l11(,lOnt h""ht I "b Ilf' tlr ll \\ rc·i ll lit th ...• dU4 Jr. Mlitfor bolu''fing thnt d u'y ' Horf' Irhlm,<1 " "top l"'l1onl. lIlul hn lIu,t Ill'r \\ Ilh ti ll'brftCo of 6fIRntA. Io nly 11'1l1nl k. " I nm lIorr~ . :-( nt C- -.

1 will W, o on l) n. fllw of t1IllMturll'M hut 1 mUllt 1,,'rlIJrm 11I:- c hlt~ lUI linfuill c u rre n t. r('g urthn g th l'III- l torlt'MIOl1lt'N 01 tho Inw,"which nro rf"Cl ul(1in tbn trnv (.It"r·" ('fir I Shn 'IVI·II kn(lW wlll\t tl mt IIlC'unt .b1 th o prl'"'ln ~ illhnb lta nLK of tlltl 11Ot.! hl· tOro hw h nd tim" to tnko un)Uttln villa". , ..... heru th oy onco Jivnd. I II'K',,1UWflItUrf'lI, ,,110 I\l'Ikl'tl lU:I) to l'X'A.tl tho fir"t co nel'r ruD'J th o hu"hrmtl. ! CUll" hgr for n luolUl·nt. lI1ul, KOl n..r

118 wa.. ono nftl.>r nooll r.... t llr niliu into t h ~ bnrn wll. 'r, ' tl lOcow wnM, l4buhoru..wnrl1 from IIUtIlO Jrmrn l'''·. wlll'n IUHI bold o f tlw c n 'nt nr tl h)" tho nOllhft IInw R fnrw"r in tr oublo lil'nr thl' t rilll nil') bv a nn hor n. no d " Ith nh igh",,)'. ,nth n coupln of hoy. to I Klgn ntl o "I)'ort . t\\'i ht~d t ho IWlldllMiAthim, tLtt IQnR Illul b('On ~flttlnu I nr oun d lIod urokn tLn l,.·uw·ti IIf'Ck

~r ):~f~~r~1r::1;' ~~~~OMOotn~t~ ~t~~(~~ : fll1ll~~it~~1 ~~o :hro:.1;r' ~h~~ti l:·t.. ~:nt!~:wore 1ht remuinlng. 'fl lf'l ro wl.'rl' 111 lin rlll' li,><l th nt Ul' hrbl Nnw to pn tindlc lltl on s 01 rllin. nnd in tlU'ir bn h I nn ntl ncb11lunl 011 Ihl·ir cow . thl'rl'to roach tim hMn , 0 he n ll,. Inilt)n ' npon 11111' toM h im th nt thl.'~· IlB.1 nocarl h ad 1>o4'n dri ven aURin.. an n n · I hv in", cow in th~>1f l)l)fl.m lIlon. hutN4JD "t ump which . tnlck tho n1.11'· th At tht',)' Imd n d llftll ont' in tho luull.clOIto "I ) to \lnu of th " whof.l. nnd Aho thtln't "IIJlJlQ"'1l rlmt 110 " I\H

hui~i~t~R~fJ~J:'f':: ~b~h I~::::. i~lth:; 101! 1~: 1~fl~~rt~:~~nctl~ t~i~~' .'nrn. fln;\

lorwn rd or ltAekw"nl, Rnd tbo nntrry tho bod, u f th .. cr.", t llrl·, no\1' out oflarrn(lr It-JOtI, KUod in hand, "wI'arm", hi" I)OWf r, It'a rn OtI how It hod bot'na~ hilll llck. t kitlt!ll. nnlL withullt n wonl. }t"ft tbt..

Mr. C- - ''In 'f tLo cOluhtion 01 plncl'. fl'u rin", thnt, i f til l> womanUllog' . ao,l "pri nginM' oyor tho foncl.', I ,,'!ould Kilt IUlJ{T)·. IIbo migh t tr entho toM Ule fOtlDOr to ,dnrt 11 (1 hilt hUll in thlt III\IUO \lVIa) ' nM Bbtl hnd".In whon he . boulll KIYlI the woru. IIt·nlt with IU'r ('O w

Then , dro)ll>iIlHou 011 fou l"ll, b~ crept I POnl JltLl TIEI or" ~~~;OH PRODUCTioNunder th e Jntl on u r t. plne,'t1 hi" __ .IIbou lc1 er oonl'Ath tbo "d e. nn tl Retn · 1 it lOlly hu wl'lItu rcmn rknt thoout ·aU1 rnIA"''l.1 th " looll 110 t bnt it \\ 1lJt b4't that t im pFOtluction 01 cutton indrawn OTor lll n "tum p. l ~ t) thun I tho &m UI III practi<'tlIlJ .... lthout1 hnitwolln '!.l qUlOU)' nw"y, lel\YlO g tho : It W~ l~al) t.oforl>th o An.l'rlcnn oral'farm ..r 80 du mb With om ftZt·nll'u t thnt r"nchf'l11,OOO.OOO lJu}l'fll nnd thl'! high .ho lorgo l to t hank him for h i" M. l ,,,,l pomt eVI'r roftcllo,11l1 ti lt) da J '" o fMIMlnIlCt.·. I Ilav,'rv w nH a tri ll~ o\'l'!r ••GOO.lX)t)

00 V II O ocea.ion hu ottonde.1 1\ bIlIH ." 'rho ('rop o f l~) 81 iM ahou tcatUu ·..bn ..... in " cU litont l'lu t of the I 2,OtIO.lMJO in l'll'l.-III\ of th hl, RDd theruHtnLo. Amon~ t he pri ll" ofT...rfltl WAft I nro thOtll> who 1)t.!i l'v(I lhn t n crup o f

:t~~~OtJI~hb....~~ it?..~~o~~t"~ ft~~n~h~~I~~ I ~:~~~~~I:~~~t 11"'(J :l~~~~. th1.'h:lJh:'~~~fiut·hottomt '!..drag, I iucroRsll i n tim OJUon crUll lti dun en ·

Onn aft4tr nnotbn r th e fnrm,," IInCl 1llrt.IYto th o InOI'\.'(\lto of cotlon ner o'

~~:r~; ~~~tr~~~rn";c,~u~I'llf~t ll~ '~::~ ~~;~IU~~~gh\llli~~~.. ~r n:~~~ ~r"l'ond~lUcrcUt.W... ftl'l.hcnti on o f til " KUnd tormor1r t houg ht t o h~1 In.yond lhoIItlck, tbo1 bnd all lrivUD ur th o nt · II IO.." ihl~ 11ll1lt of t llo colt on 'mit, bt"'I'It'mpl. no t! doclorud thnt 110 l!l inKIt>, )l'f' n rnoo,>th o Le"t of cullu n landAbypAir of r.nUlo conld rooyo it huillf(RrWlcm1Jy onrloht l(l In North

·rh,'r" lIptm.~O-. "hu hBd b.' OIl , Cnro lilill. ,,101m. th e liroit of ('olt on

:;~:,n~r~~ i\U~~Nl~11~~~Ot~,~~:'ln~ll l :::it~ICI~~;:h~'::nlbt~t~~1 n~'::~~J' h~n~~1I.....1'llitlK forwan Lhu tlmn-I tho cbain I "4lIItwnrll . Dud UIOhalt of OCfJrtciAOilarlOlWl hi• • llould..r, ROIl. With on" wlu ch no c\lUon WAft gro wn twontygigantlo ..ft"ort. drew lll .. Jund lIK'yrral j'Yl'nrH ag o n ow prutl UCOfl full y h alt lb "fOoP*'. to the indmle amlU.u!Uflnt of n crop 01 tb" Hia tt>. Th o " art' R of lo wlarK" Qnmlw-r of IIl...cta WI'lt, who roul 'I proouction " a" 11m AUunt ic Btnt4,"tbft air WIth Ulllir ebf>ilOR. nro hronKotto tb (l l ront LIT nrhdeinl

He .u ... darinl u ho WM ..tn lllH'> , IUDlulutiu n iftwO'flng wf'8twnrd, RIIi I.lId at one tim e found Wit' for both ill now cI.'ntra l IU Alahnrua andof tbNe (Iuab tiea. Il'l blkl bu4'n on· Florida Dattbo Incr l.'llfKlt in ncrl;Mlg~1~ by one of the trnflliing eutUo-- ". large ua it it. 'WIll 1", but" "mRIDlftrohaota of th:.t pl'l'iOl\ to acooID f,,<,tor in th o incrMlW' of l!rOllnctioll,paD1 him on B hnain l'Wll trip through cOiapUtlCl to th o inhm" U"lolC of tb t\New Brno••ick. land no" in IlI'lR. Unclu th o prOM'llt

A.lter M'YOral da,_, l'lJ)t)ot in OU1Jl'Ct J~ .y"wm o f pla nting . lh o aVflraK6Ing a u!.lro.Po" tho)' t nroC'l1 th ..ir ,,11.'1'" "inld U.Dol., ORO balo to thr.... Rcr' ....*11 alol1R the tonto tb"y had ooml\ fhi" oould he ..,l1Il1y inC1'fluOO to u

t:1d:~~one Dight at a ro IIKII· ;::~~~~~~i~o~:~r::.:.e a~dl~D:fDg Ule fonniog n lar",,,, crmn l ,.i"ld of tb rt'CI bs let1 to thll acre Itl

.....bled In thA Ylull all(l nbout tho cr....hlotl to l'I(\y..rul 1000nJi\.I9tt. Profti .bnDdiac. And doelarf\lt that tho dont ltlorohI'R~. 01 t ho ll iM..I. ..ippi1C_~ had cbea ted oneo 01 Ihmr " hlll'1 CtJtto n J)IRnwnt AJJHOOlRtlon ,......... ao..l moat now mnk.- it ri gh t an., .. UII1. Uu. I'IJti r" oot1oo cropor lh 9..,. ,.,11IiI MH f\ ellrtaiu "tam of Im .....nt )""n r m igl lt LA'll'! beton "Mily....,. aDd iPftUDK thl'! whole com· rnilMHl iu fOllr~"'lI COllnth" 810Dg th e~ ttl 1":aIltA. lli""iMIPlJi ri Y~r. It will lJA IIfl('D.

-n. etroy.. Y-:7 fll'UlK"rly rllfulM'll Un'mloffl. thnt thl' Cftpnclly 01 tl!e,.wd &0tLeir cIemaDdA. Abtl, With HautJl to prot'll1c(t r.ottOt'll~ practicaUy

~,;J" l·~-. retiNd to hie room, 1... IImIUOfllo, alld, wbtttl we oon.idflr tbu_ ..... tit~I.... Bat lb., enorm OI." dflrnnntl tor oot1oo 1{OOrl..

.. eo _I,. to be tol'lMd ..id., now op.nbl" up frool new cJim'-"l aod........~ aDd.. aItM plllelnll 11801,J...... WI) may rouchtdtJ tbat Oln

fill ....... DlUllber to pard lleAr ftltnnt .1Il MIt lU'OJMI f'llJDl I)arecl..~ ImID tIM ta.wa, to whlfb tb. ('Imp of tho petlt 1oar,

' -'= ---:.- 1IloDiri -.. u......... .-II tlIOO,OlIO.IlUi...ill .....u 011I011.""" --,, cc.c .c.....,. ....... -{Karpc.r'o "A,.zioo.

_ ~..... A '7 01 If'X'd 181lb -Jrl,ln,......... llali W,lIOl),