THE PUGET NO. 22. Th onll"" H. n. Htobhlng. of Tu abrltlgo England . writi ng upo n falOiD '" tlon ...uem. to . tri k e tll)()n It.II r"tioDII.I.t a. \hCl I'O 'Word ' : .. 10 moral ... dlllUnct tram tll oaM:ht. upon a dallgor 11.. . wn deno,. to ovn rlfOwGr tho will anl1 bond l\ to the oOUl wl ... lon of th ...Yer,. acta wblcb tbo lOa tnllect. IJroDOUOC8A un ClholcQwort h, . n ut. tho acta 110 committell aarry with th em at a Dand lo . no' booauao tboy are pa oio· Itrlcken, bnt. bee auN the M DIO of tho la.t. in 'he I'I .... ur. that at· tol tio a. ba , o h lWl ooolhl. rabl. work don. 01' OU th em , 'f he Ll ou I. R l)araU . ' Tela l.. 1 ,lnR' of rtlIIlRrIl"bl,. rich ore . 'rb" " At JIOII" II tin of lJltlNt..lr 10 rank &II ODO ot th u forutDotllt mi nCl II ot tbl " tllttr lot . Th o ahou te- J'l rfJ"oll j Iuel, tlwlJ or, wllotor 1u "b uu · dwneu and n" tu r,,1 faottltie. 'Uti un eue - IllUl lhkl. F're ru tilUlley'. W II roo we ovar to Uel\' er eauj-eu, MDtorl nr Iho Ill eWWl nl . Tho ColurublQ, I. II Y benn n' Ill" " htlttn IUlik ou th o T..ln lu a tl ltltAu t. r i troln mhlO lUlll III;. 00n 8ackud tor ahll'· ulont, 1I.. t1ululolt to he worth froUl "IX TO .. IU RT lI e WP IUW 111f.1, . 'f uo Iht" "(lr Illine lilt.. paraHol to th ,. Columhil' nn,1 ha lt 1\ mil. _l'l\r t. 11M .n in olino . buft u1'on it. ahow a lun uel tho Colum biA 0.0.1 D"t,vur aniON. Ing .,nw rl.ri lt4t b. ll (;. on nOller the tlitl.. 'C' W1UIn8(!(Il"0t. of Colunu l J)r<klboatl , who hlWl IwttD uutl ring In hil r ft' url.A 10 t 1l0 trOlL tb o Co lumbi aO ODl 08 ' bo notw I' ll · Krilu mlllo. '1'hitl, IW) fa r . i. t llo m ·at ,10- lIl lo n \lio tt ur l a l' o, IJu t n well thn bo,.ll . haf t h llli huen "'Ink tllHln tLo \·ohl. W U C.Jallth of nln ol, feet. thu wholo .lhotJn- "Intlll ot th o IIl lll lt beillJf in r ich o ro . no · low tao Ilmft in tho \lourM) ot tho voin• th a oflll'hntu I UI II" perpondlcular fncuof twecn t1 ·1\\ 0 fetlt bet .... flt!D thu "A U" j t,",t of th u \·" 1,, iNhigh RfI\lh l oro. "itll 1\11 oO"' lUIlo onl Mtrotl' ot tha very rlchdlit mhy untl ltl\tl\·e Hilyor oro. ' : l T I:!'t MI\' J( l 'narA, UA.TIOIUI wlnl\lr : U \ u Ullol ", 111 lA p th " rulne .o. t" t1l 'l'tll ti l ot HlJil I, t tHI t 0010,., '.ho Allrfl\Uu . '1'11" l' Ulfthn I. owa( l ..oItl " lIor. tOl.I I.' .v 1".1"·ul l."I ltl , u: ,• •• • _. f O"lanll. Ho" t wnon 'ho (Jl)l u mbll' lind l' IIK, hn m lu oM I ro IhUAI"' l \ h e 8 u llbl,)am. Bellve r F. Jl,lo n· ilio n nhll CUd " r Cl illitn• • all llliowluK Iluo hllli c'Rtioll8 u pon \ho with ll m lh .oU ,lovnluprnonLA thull tnr, "'0 uow CUI"" till) ,lh l\lIl1" n uge hot" elln ca n ' you un.. 1 1.11110 ('an ,u n. cu ud " " " rllt tQ tlh,l uDee ot IJroh"lJl1 f\l t.l t ")O IlK tl ..., vulll. .\ Il of \ho ol'o nhl KIO IIhuw It. . ,,11 (Itillno.l "ai u of hhlh grrklu or.... Ou tho laruo htllt ot lulnur. l llll: lohJ.h' K trurn t.hl) .ril ur im to 'Ii" Cumbrl... wo C:OU1U to Ih" W lr ll :ill v or a Utl COflu'Jloc k tJ1lb'-·II. 'l'bo uwnur- ul tho la"t two w onUon ed olahn.. bUVIItlI.hihit.N tlmlr t..l\h aDd uOlillJonoe nllrv li d , oro• •olntlwbat.brokan ' hit lIu rl..c:o. IJu t it 1M "" fo to prutllct. that t 1Jv)" 'W'L L lit: UH'U L\'m :w" I UH m 1'or tbolr 1 00Lor u th e ir pr o"p oct lllJ; p ro · Krl\a"ull. In R IOho rt Ih Mtftnc", wUll lorly from lIlo ubovu olln...1 ru!no wu COIUU tu t h o t-ku\l a lIutl tilt) cololJralattl l .. uekl noy tha laUer 1D0ntionoo Pllno W If Ift.tely puri"h...,-d by Col. n. C. Ultlwull .\ Co., of Sew York . tor tho r oult tl.nm of $:"'J.ooo . T hl. ill ono (If tlltt rlcbt!lt th o \'oin l\\'erllil in l( fr o m Ilva 10 M Te ll f"'ot III wltltL. A lun nol I" no,," .. a fou'o of Dlon now "t work taking OU\ o ro for ALlp ll1on t . tb o Dro aVllNglng 110f'renlot.l for tha Lu okJ' !Joy ,u oarl,. .1 \ JrIwt lcahle In t.ho "r,rln.c . Sosl to tllu ,lIok, Ho y. 1\1111 adjo pinK th o workal of th o '&l uno . I" thu H"o Ua lulm" tho it. f ,OQr. . ) , MAIL. A. J'kt.• ('r l p Uon or th" l'a UlOU,. I dahu Sin ce Ihe 't'I' on tlC'rful .U.. eo".-' rlul of Rol li In the S a.·looth ut'lt. wv hav e hea.rll but Uleru outli nO! .. rt' a:llrtHUR tho v. ri ou . CRUll)" nOll \'U ij:1l0 reportJt ooncornlnR t 1J o vAAt anloll llt of Kat.l brought to light. Aif our m inor ",l roo lourcel nro ot grent hll Jlor tan co aSt l. oult ural, W I,) eon ol ull 0 our rOl\l te rll 11IU, t bo lul er e l \e11 In thulr ,Iovololl(llne nt an ll will " In IIp &CO to tollowlag OI)lHmlley . Ih o Ilionctlr locntloll ur thlll d b trl ct . 'f hu ElI1lOo wl nt) Lnll 1111 Ill' clino Ihaft upon it to R ,Illilt h at ,"vent)" wUl tho vein at. a dopth of 160 f'tot. Ayur l\A' o lUIMY. from lIJO to aoo 07. ot ml nolf. cOlOll ri.lng tho Vilmna. JUlI. lie" anl1 Alt u ra l . Work upou thwo hlUl hoen \'llIo nOCIiLY D uri ng \he aouon th e WAde . howln g un u uuhtelllMi rmanonoy of rangi ng fr OUI 350 to { Ol} ou nCoA to tLo lIOOonll lint.! thi r,l·ol"'"1f oro In the oro ,.ard.. T ho Nom u. N01ll" £s •• l1u.laoD oth. n. T he Nolli e. tbe t1rRt mon tloneol nln j II bo ld In It. outcroJ'l aUf l ca rd ..,. Oreen Toma.., Pioklo.-o no r-ok ot Kreen tomatoe•• thl'eQ ooloal. Ib grNn hi h II oo . nongr. ... Inef ar to .c-Jd aponoejtE•• eooog owner. le\ it. cool. aUt drain oft' th _ » ala. a dre..lng of one oUI' ' urar. Th. Xarti ;:';':i ::. r Munta na forml an otber ",rouPJ owaetl b.r J llpfll ep r ••oa8 11 to oof8rt h. .. b. aDd. Forel •• Co . T ho UanLu. and LloD 1... vo'tr o Yer . MellO ,.. lilI th o tllJulva loo t to r whl\l WO term •State o r To rrltor y). At Mr.t.l'll' It W Ail novel to observe thu fb hllrlonn on tbruo return th rou l(h th o l ur( walll mo_t "10It. " nil t.o k l. were Il\ttho.l \.0 t hei r Ilrh n IU,·u b o"' t.II , whlcb they 11 1\11111 011 wll h IllotJ(llt of bOllr,'" IlIb tllet loug nnd IlII lluu ly lnlJlllllI ,. Me. '1'liolr "tUro con wletod at n emnll plu.. 'u ot COItOIi cloth ahQut th cl r luln... wl.lch IIIBaMto bo wAtur proof. AI All ave nb. th uy will notull 1'1 111 10tVlrll undor th oir !IatJI. IIt:ntoIKtt!: 1·.\t HIIl ,," . Cr onlng tho HI'.)' of lIcnKlll Ihe "Rn · .Ierora nu t cot<lrc.1 Hrit h.b lIu rwa b, Rilli at 6011 lt a.ngooll thoy Iho 040h dlwiul"hln", in lIiztJ. 0110 AlJO\ 'e tlm ot h Qr. Attor nhout thr cu tl lJfIf th01 n..· "hUIICM lI ot un lik e It. cKrrot . tho tbick I"" t " J1JllJrmolt.Bn cll ho who lo " Ilr· lUotlll w .1 l>y8 KOrt of t1luIJroll /\. rCI\C' IIl' hliuR an tn m bo u rt llo. Ill' . Qttl\Ohlltl to it a flllauUty of lo" I1... whkh , bt.-' IDIl .hll.ko n hy tho ,...1ul1", rill " th o ul!· wlt.h t lnt inunlmlt,t1 on ... 'f hil, urnIlrullu oemoDt, Iha whole K' llIutl ,,·it h Muhl . 'l'bu lmAe ot th fl )la3 011.. l't with altdra, cootillDlnR hou.tluHI Ro,la . Mill/) with Jllifo RoM otblt ,. "II ilil t.!I·,I. lit which tho Dhu tltl bt p Ry" hb ,Ievoliou, wbltlh oonli.lIt A In 01 1)I!llIhl, blDa)· r" "I KOCh to tho tormtt 01Ju r.,oll In Cn th oli o of wo rllhlp . Unll.. ur o alw a)".. MAtion et.1 at t1u' OM) pl do"'lt ot l.rilfi·" r . aoruo of \·orJ· ,1ilucnllion". their o ft"tlriug l to th",throllt) ou 1.11Mb. I l'i' 4YRl CA. L<!f\\'in J{ I t.Rngoon thu,} ' COl\lttOtl 1100 'n tho I n.lu ..· Chillello p on lnllllh, . 1l l\Jf ltluU' throUHh tho Htroitll of MlIlncoa. IItflIJ)lIII M' fit Pt'n'Ulj:f, an, 1 Hln KAllo l·t1 , thun \!UJ b ;:otlgh th e t:hi nll. IOt.' 1\1O to 1I 0 1lA' I\: (. IIA', 04h l";u ii, · ·.:: .... UOlab ay . th t\y \,·roMII \!Wnt lll) t)\ tm"h'Ji .. i flu.1 th o (l uI( of RU ll Hum Into tho hllto rlo lwt.!Hua. (':nlurinu \ho mouth of tho aBnul thQY II\ullo,1 nt HIICZ mOll IlffJllAcd thtl ' 011 ul ",nllloni E g.vl' t . l'a... inj,fnlong tlHlskirt" of tho "l·oM IIt..II. art. tho)' lwhohl Iho "trail"" mlr ll 'JC1l wh ll'h hM 110 frcf1, tlonlh' l".. 'tl tl th o fmlrrul delUllIon of tho trl.\·olor, " I,,!tllli l{f1ull l Cl\lro. IIl'liopolhl, tho fUQlt)ll" mO!'lTIt'JI, .. • lIe,1 nJlou tho \\'o.tflr" o( 111' 1 furtillzlnK :iile. gn zol1l1pou t ho trBllltiolJal re"llnK pl l\CfI Ihat ODl'f) "h" lIo r0l. 1 I Ul tl fllf · thJwn into Ih., roco,.or"'ll tumhll of thla nnl.'icn t S e-t.'ropolb . I' r ocI'lld in"l' atlll weltwurll, Ihey e nk' rcII tho taruell Dell " ot tho Silo, roa('hlnK tho ot tho .. He", at IRoI t fonnl1 th. m.elv", iu th t' g ran ll 01.1 city or .\101· ADd rl" . I ..oAviuH' Afn ell. Iii., t our lllll'l ,.iellf>d anll 118h·. alltl th en re· turned to thlJl cOllbtry ·"Ia l-'fBnco nnll E og lWhl_ . _ 1'11& \YOKI.D. Th olO wetl-kuown IlrdltlaU OarUatll ...110 were eueb t... orlt4:l 11 10 thla cUy , Mr. J ohn J ac k Gull :\11 111 AUDio l:"lr m ili . have Jut ret urned to S ew York trorn n iD gI In th o Ori ent . 'n Uty Ich Now York thoo YOIU M\1H 'r. pltl)"hl th o Tu · rlt. or lolf. th o 1 "clUe Hluto. I\DII In Hil a kalakGull. tll a roynl t.. ml1, 1\ 1111 thu Amor lcan unll to roiRIl rOllldlluta n.Uo,ul1ng tbolr lJortorlDIUlC(lII,wilioh t'on tluu (>\1 (o r Oflo) luonth . l"irrulu M hloVlk1 1\ brilH au' 'UlceOIft hero In 10arulnR' In th u Iho MIl og tQ tllu RrQl\tt10thrh t o ft hlJ r.,a1 tamill IInll tho Ilntl\ ·ttll. E,ur,y nlKllt on whi ch "hI} MO " th it, aon g IIc"orLlI th ou · lan ,1 Dativ e. ""o uM oro w\1 "rou n.1 tile lK- uUfull y I'lc tllr olkluo thol\tor. uUI,blo 'WIU rood d l6r ulll l3'. ,\ moath or thu l :of Til e K'J CfIlEIl !'O "K.\M . Th oy t"ont llllled on their conrile, lel' v. IO J( the n ll: e,l lItur of Dur nQrtlun'u drmllo ' Dlent lJohhul. nth-anc ed f'Cr04a tb" l·f lua· loriaill no to tl,ko up Iho in'!,t tl.utopo· dean of tuo t:So otherll crOM. b rought tholo t.o ' \h tl ,h oro" ot Sow l.('n. la ut" ».t Auc:klnnd. tlloy r, 1n. yod a \"0 Ul00 t1l..• moet · ng with r cn t!wolt el1ClJO .... ao.J .. land , th o gr('o. t Mllnri chiof. at Url\ultoDl to wn. on tLo T bame lf. whor u III0J' ate IhArk nUtl l " Otl t l'Oh,t OOll wllh tho na t lvu S ow 7 ..r! alaul1era au,t th o U IJW uatlve Jmrlirlll\cut hou Piu. LuUt of llOWO antl l ph l logl . I'llfvo.t im,1 p"inlollil bynntl beAuti tul an ll ('ixlcnd "u b """or ot HJ·t1 beJ·. :So w Hout b WIlIIl. ,1 ' " 11 hmtl iDg at t h o tow n ot Ibo nRnlO 110011 tho honor ot tll'IlUluic g fo r 0 bri ot Ilori od in tLo Inlti.o.l Ctty of Ihu Krt. -'I,t ""uti · Dent ot AUMIr" lIl\. '!"henl'u th o, jour. ne,.ou to tbo l'hi'lt oily of the I\lltl pooo. i •• . tho An Klo·AuM t rI'U" nlt tl.u Amer h.-' noa who rlll hed thoro from our P"cifio Douat on tho tllll",oYorl of goht. Sod In ordtor th ur villlt o(1 Al olAhl o. Iho th ri ving lU' - ::' °e;t,toC:: AmoricAn ulaa ulllot uro r. and Atnori"' lton Ideal ""er o '·en· pOl' ulnr . Ilt!ro on tho liaoN . Threu DlOntlul ot pro"llarl. t1 r. wartltul t hh ' hit. w111!11 our ull ltil ro'u rnett 10 anll touk for Intllo. Th oYarlOt IlI.n ,lu.ll\t 1'olnt tlu Oillfl on the h liuJll of (; (111 011 . In Houth· ar D In lU", legentl iloIt orib 811 thl" lJelU1IUul Ipot M 1110 rt!fuBd of our I' r llt vnre nl.ll, WbOD I1 rh cD trow Ihe <.hrJttn of Ellun. Ilfll'l IlU . Fiu daTIl brO\1KM thelD to BomhaJ', tho Capital ·of th u Pr o.hlenc,'· of thl\t nAIUO, R 0lt1 of GUU,OOO nu.J tlLo AtIIJODIl Udti"h ctt.vor IU\l)( ata R(' Uatl Iu· ula the baJ' of '\\ 'b leb ill 1'OO00hl onh w tho·H,.daoy ha rbor, tho ' ''"0wi\b 'h e III,,' bo' of Rio JADoiro 1""lng the tll ro" fino. t iD Ih n "'orlt\. Tho w"nJ ercrAt1U!U v h. lt4!11 Cal cu tta. by rl'lI 140n mil"" ooro". Ih o peni u. u)a o f I nlli a . au,1 thon procoOtlfMl nort b all t it ILl ])"Ihl . \'h it inK a.1I th o iw· portAnt polntAalon" th o rwtl . ln olu tling Ba r rac kJlore. D in l&l' 0re. Hen'n ,,". Allahn· lDd lJm m u\ i n Y I po.l. celt ot [..lIt·kn ow. the tomb. of t Itt wifo 01 thv "fl '.t Hhall :to aUlJi" nce of the H' raat Akh ar KhBn. tho wonJ., rful tomh" ot thl . rulor . \.Ogot.bor with tllff tomLIlof the KinK. Ilot. De lhi, and Iho Kootftu to. ·on 8t tho lilt· ter pi neo. Th olO MIKh tft well rcooln JUlRlIOll tho arUIt. to urllltMtor tholr jourUlly. whito tho . " eeos.. attenl1lD M' tholr porf ortUNonCtlH mn.ol e their wrW.ll orlu8" Au reo· ab le. l \etra.olnK tholr fltollll. th e v ro- tura 8l.1 to C4101lt lQ o.nll th ouee to 11 01D ' bay. wh.ro now t rillnlliha a.waited theln. Ot' Tilt: CA"Y, At tho former IJlace tho,. vl,Uell Iho ' r,,- 111\1oa a l el tel of the IJlook hoi.., ot anitu, th o glrden. of th e kl ug of OutlOt wh. ro th oy laW, "m ong other ..... onl1o..... tb o 8I.traordl n.o. r1 adj utan t blrl1 and th o d aDci D ILI malter, 'rho formor II a lroclttl o f th e OtI t rloh , nu mllll fr om hill rniJIt.ry s trot. and tho lattor. toworlug like aa oouu,lnlDg ovor GOOO von OID OUI rellmel. Tho "'f on tallkl. \>GiUK 8O,on daml or r elanolrl of walt' r ou tho gron ndl of th o lod l... prlaN , lora Into rol tla R tor tLo tori' banda . At. Dombar, t boy ...i. ltod 'be oaTea of E l.pha Dla . f helO ('.a nI aN bewn I. tbe .alid rock . l'0rt lol1l bola g in b aa· reU of. r eJlr..enUng om b lem"U o aoeDN from th"ir nll 'hol oI J·. 1be m ala hall II abon t .I st y f" ' IItlnate . aa ll "f teeD or ' wentJ' fee L fro Ol Roo r lo coHlulli . KJ a JfP Itt' Ir U, DRAIi. au ol.Doloapl tal . of th o Urall m in l an d tb e Nrobo .., load weD' to Jd..lru. &110 .. leila SOUND 11. ..,.1•• • I• •T,.. . .. . Th. trai D(rum Kaa r n o..l""""due bt ,. .1 I :Mr. M,. 4Id Dal u " ". III1UI 1:00. Tb. d.'.Dlloa w... .. 'I h' 111 1 ... It •• • • ,. &10 . .. . ,. rlAu l· •• lw t ·o, No, . d' vartlll' lI' IwO of til. 14111" rl llr C,, " rt " ,.d.y , I fo,,, oIl\'hc. MuIU,.n . .. n.lI 01 J utlll U. 1I 11rll Ih. u l. l. ut W, If , o IIn . n, .IK•• _ l. I<J rM"u, . r I• •nty••I, ltlllUun d ol. O'Urt'lI to) r ... , fIO.I·n .t "',. t b. , . Iu. uf ""a.eoll. lIollad. " w llli..1 fut n ur llO . m u,.. ... Ib. I bolb t aeH lUu. b .. 1 p...ed wUbln . bI, b d. fPDJ.a'" ' ulIl,t m.nd • JlIr, !r 1.1. Tlt".up"11 )( , .III II, 1tr ... ,.01 :aun" III eh. nllw " .... 1 11" 'rv'" .. III b. er tba 'rp ll· '1" • • Uon. 004all••ered Ob • • • lIIln.'l on. b" " o fore 4... . PI • •• n' nal Oulll,. . Dt'nLlIt. Nov, l\l.- Vlthm ba. four l..n ph.. or jlUUI, lu ""b.. lr vt tlUI I,..... u .r., ''' .n lnt( .h. hle h. Inl..I\I""I'(I I..., ...l 1110 l,.:ollt.. fit 11.111.U", Irlt t Ib.1 ,ltI, luWt b. v..1 w". 11• h r,." 'IU' III1 ', ut 'tI ..ol"..r.h . ..IlLo.I'Il .... m. llllntoJ loJllivr..lI . h.. lll ill. ' a "l llhltvr b..w.l. "n,I.'••"., ,, I U h ln , Ilt''' L1 i''1 , l'i' oJ" . 1'3.- Il,IIIIlI,I. u"ll I 11 on lb. l'I ur rh lJllhllll 11. ..11. u Ib..,.. b.". bUll ."Ul.. ln . .lanr ut Ibr. ltt,·lIlnll l"II,·r ..... nl " . l'l'r"' II. I11 lJllt.ll n Til• • utloh lhl I.. w '" .""" It<II,, .. III lb. .> , Ir"lall,l. A Ulr " UIlIl II' 1. lu nl ' .mlult of ntUII I" hu . lrun.IT .1. " <l U" .'.... ttl. ' " I' . Uon. ' tt l l UIU' . ... 1I• • •n . h . .... " ... .. 1,(1" 00 11 . ,,"0 .. . Ill.- I:..I.·U,," • •1 I llIrl la m .. turn"" Illt" IhO' .Ir•••. IOn" ... ...... '.W" li' .t lb. Urtt" • • n ,1IblO . 11!f.. rll... IIf "'0t llllJ r. 1I ... u u.oel Ill' t . II.• • • ·r h n . af .,. ,. II.III.n , nnl 1t1. .. I. S . ..... III• 1 ••lu ", ...In"r hl, •• , . : T i,. u "'l. 1/.1 ,11,1 u", ..<; rtt.. "' . n, d"C"I. I'JllJ • •t"r,J. ,l nr .ll . rd lIJlh.. llIUU I'1I ..., 11t.lt. m... I. II "" . n"l. w. boo. II n . . .." Il. I.I. r.·.l lh. 1 Ib.. Il lllttb .. I , ..t tua.e . btou Il t<lul,J I... · ftl.o. U, <1. I,t'·.I .I•• l l1" .II . ...Ur r .. '_lofl I:; :; ... Ib.., 1 1110 " ,1 ' ,l l nl r-;. Ju, . Ull 14 u . " hju ·I u' 1.1l"'1"11 . lir, lll l ,.. hu.l. Th . lul .rfllll l n n .1 1\to• • " • • 1..oIlJ "'n. S" ... 11 _ 11I 1l."I'I '. ll rhl 10 ... 1 Ib l• • ' I.r . n')<)l1 Mo· . IIe ... , 1l" •• • •.f tll . J " IiIl. w.. nl h. 1t... 1 II, 1.1,.l b; U'" IIl. r. '' ' "".1"11, )h " ,••• .,:"n.I.· IUI",. of . .", toIU. S . \..• Ihlr ,1l S I.·ltul" 'II. ul M ".oc' lItou 011 I... .. (" lIr l h . 1l1l •• a ftl... n ...., Tli. "",'u . .. wu t l'<'lU 1' L1tl"" •• I., CItI. ,. I "' ''': . h ll ro.' h. 1"'0 aa,1•.h.1t IUl h· • . T il.. w". r w.. "''' lllll.lo'it tlo raili . Tim•• 1. U1 l l.ottt.... . tJ •• •·.,10.1• . Ttl 1'('''11 ''- b•• 1 .... "v.r 110.. . . 10. " ''''' 'l htl . II;1 dlo I4l"" UII h, I••, . .. 'f :::: t. llliU,,, . 1&.... 1..( ' .. ..1111 . ...11" ... 1. ..Un. T , ld ... U It, tbr.... I"lililba. U1'I"). '" Ih.. ,t" ,... Trl ,I..·" -::. .. Ih u lUII li. Ib. 1I S a.·b....I...'lI t,llll ... 1. lth . ... loI" "rI'''. '''' Ib.. "" 1"" wor k• . ... tt '. ('1. l m . ...·.'". 1 1'1•• ·. 10 tb . •!'tu',,1 h .. . t 0 11 . tl"<l'1II1 tlf ." .1\" 11,"1 • •• . llt l 1le-d. ..., tlra, r.."rlh' ' 11' 'h" but. 1'11< 1' ' " Il l'll laM hllli. Il Ia '·" 11. ".., ..... " ... a IIlor.. ••I II.t.n In hh n o '. with lh nh n. ·r ll . lI' ou , .. I • • • ,t ( f) • • h r. L .. .. .. lilt _ II fi ll Uo. " I, 1,,\1 '00 )0. l'i' o". 1"._1'11. IIrlll.h .. . . m. r MIMr...l. ....'r. t\N wn..tl. " •• "" .r' "_ lIu Kin •• Afluu' . .. Ch 4lu ll.., 'I f VI·I'u ll .. ItU ""'.I, ... . In UI ,I, 101 ·f h. 40 Ilu.lI . n . ll t h l , Ill.- Th. ,..·on"IIIlI... 1 {" unt il "' III 01 1.1 IIIl'mll . ,.... t !l ..... lI tor Ih . '.". , U llI.n , l.. re tolK" ' 1" !t'ct,..1 t , ,,m llO" .'U'" l'r . . ..nl.. I ... ' th l' tlr ..... , 11,1 . " rl... Tit" b a; ... pllbll c .... "rll• • Vi r. V.mll !rlo:u . USlAU'M. S O" . t "" .- All . Ipl". 'otl of h .. ,t .'u pUO:Cll r,..' IU a ,'\••1 (III Ihl. "'1... ·.Io.. t!.,. . ... bI1.... ".11 ....,e Ib lb. vtt •• "I ' tl llI•• of "'b Ola L' .... booNl Til . 1 ' ...Io n'lI. I·. "". r. fu ll.-t. JO'TI"",. I.II: . ... Tb.p... , t>< bUI'N' p. r,J • r. pl, 10 til" bol.. of lb. 1>0• .,. d"U, ItIl .. IIII. lb. PI· ...-uUOQof lb. .... ... . 1 11 Qf Cvl. COlnmU 'I"Oft' . Til. .. .. Th ••t. ... T••d. I II ",,. pl . 11l1li111". So... I\I.- T b. II" "' " IIo.I1I .... n lra "' !l'r p,. 1kllw. lnfurtll b.- l ,ub " . Ii.,J t. I"'r d. oouu..law l b. lilt , ..... of Ihe Y-tl' ,ptl .1I .Ia'" 1,,,1•• •""",, I" "'lh. .... uIII " U... llof I ii . u.M(' d.l ... trum' II• •I... 1". IUo.I ll of h null p.. b•• bu. b ee In('r• ......t IU""'. "'I,.cI ,II ,.l lltll \1. 11. O\lr,loa 1.,. tb . OOUIlIr, . Lt_b. ..... . 11,. . \'1&""'" 1\I.- Oc I1I11 1". l'<'Il r. who "' 011 '1m. "'10 11111 .., Cotun l Zlrb, III • du.l . b .. '-II ... lIl..lIt e.1 I" Ibra. IUOll tb. ' Im vrt eolllll.II ' . nd tb• toe',III.1, III Ibo du .t 10 ' bl.... w.. II.uptl lIll1.ul. Lit. ,," •• o lt lp I', a la. :of ov. l:.l .- A'. vl. lI. r, ItI""llh' of .. ". "',.. beloillll iall .., u .rlou. "",III' . tI ( tb . I. ". O.a. r.",. .. .lIIlnUluul 1I. r• • •• tlll. lll rttoJtu l' MoC' VI...t ... •·..lIdt.t. ... t ..r h,• •• lI. ''' r.bl l' '" till lb . ,ao:.n{, nu.. d II)' tb. 01 ... b of Ilr OC'a . nu.. .. •• U . .. . . ". ".r... lI '. TTl p •• " "'. II h .t., ...1 t li lt Ibfl, .,1 oblwi of P.,• • II'. t ri p W .. wtu "- l' U,,, H ...u ..... n •••• Ml!. ,I Arr .... ' or ,. .. ,tII' ''. Co alC ,Sov.IO.-T wfJ 101'01I. r. ' f1Inl illN )l oor. , bu. town ., r' ''' ,·<1 011 1.' 11 ., .." uf 1",11111 cUD CMl n l...s In 11,1 JUliN", "' Wllf'..lo-r I nri )1I .' bul , 1Il wr . 1k0: 0 11l' p.nl "'" Wb. tlrr wlUll bI W.. '1I 1t<1, 'I-h , l "d IU..I, U['IIL1n. S<l Y. It .- Th. lu.llcll'\1 ItnJ I.." ,..u wil l • nlt·r 1,1" ... tn ..u . lllll lhe In,Utl llL llut uu I·rl. d.,. EASTERN . LA 'VASlIINGTON TERR ITORY, S A.' !' UnAY, NOVEMBER 27, 18 80. TBLEGRAPHIC. ».... . . M V.llar•• \' rt': hlorlll ll' owll' ll to lb. UI'l<. 1 In til. ' .1. •. •,.. n"t ,.1 klluwn. Lh blllti re p l'Obab l, JI" I Ii!... ,. •••• ";: .i . a ,' 1' '''''''lI'' e. A. It\". 0' tll.. lle r,t..n ClI, P1tb. t1If' h... . 1... 1 . lUpo-rl,I.-.l. U d , IIIlI • • uo. ou r . ...... J, So viii., falh u M . T.I.' 'nr ",UM' " Ilr . Cr• • In , Il Q Irl.1'ur . n,l.lturtloa .a. (:o., lon or Unlit . .... M' PuWI' ,... toll r 1 I'.. nl illil ,,, b, ..ln,. . h,,' an'" ti ll "" III" Cbllu ,.. e1I Y. )1"11 . c1.h"lu 6 b. ... , ..1 la .. U.. ,,(.Il ••. ( 1rI_ p .... .... . n .I In ... '. ..... n •• • " .. .. AI.. ,n ro ad. wbo•• tI.. . ln... . lu . b" ,. loJ(" re I... n I b,. bt ••I .. t. r. pc>rt.a110" Ii. n h..' ,un ror Ib" ",.. It "n,l. 1111lb . Ill " . la.. .. rlllnll' w..,." .UJlJ IIr.. I., ' b. ul b" .. 'U. ' .... II I I1I "'l 1.l. tlu· .r nh.. . 1I In o lU \\'1." .... .. C' nl('4oo. :of 1' ._ G WillI. w•• I)t 11I<llIn • • I.. ..r loll.I , III o( IlId llu m.U ulI ul bl.. loiu, r .. er . re .1\ 1o ·,l&lh'" Ib. t b. Will t10t II". tt).. Itl" tt'rlll ur ot!1{• • 1'1 • • • ...: rtk. ulorulllll. lo... U 'jA .t.l.° l lu. ur. u.·•• • J••l,oIlI). ".r•• '.III Ih. ,. . CHIl·. I/O. No... I'J.- TII. J .:ourn al b Ii. t 11Ilrl' 0rt • to be . ' ''r .c .. t of lb. l,r... hl..M·" lll'. I'lll". It ••,. 11willi " an f ll" llr i1I.II• • , .. l1Ir lll. Uvll "r tb. nlld llaUOtll . 111.. 1..h •• :lJi C. ltIr . la llJ: KoJll lh Alu,'r . ( • ••1, C t . }' : It:t ';' .. Tb.. ..h . t ru ph . Willi ...,ul ..d b, 110. u rl"t.... I1 .... ur lb • • n¥ln .. r. • • 1. . ....' . 1"1.. .. ".1.1. HI'.A. NuY. , O._ U. Vut .l l"n. tIf ' rl nn..,. . 1I11tJ " , Il{• •• nJ lWtlltJl11 antt,•• ·' ur.., ,, .. ,101 Ih..m lll'" m'"U f.. ·tll" " •• U I . (".,1. ""' .... 1(0' . IO._ Tb. ""IIDI of v"l #8 r"r .1 000''' 'r. "' ... ft lll . b ad by l b. Il.n. rn"r . n.' Io..la, . Tb .. rPl> llloll", 11... n,lId. ' .. .... ..... <I... I.r Pol. 1 I... t .n" .111 lltll b toJ ' 01. t", ",r .. t..l" I. V . 1e .1 .h. It. ,. . '. 1•. 1108'1'0"'. l'i' o... It ._ Tb. ..... Ib.. odk .. t '.llv ..... "r lb. I>r .. I,Io11 t ht v, ,," ,, 1111 . .,.t f"n"w u Que . IJ. tQ.I .... ;U .a" (k Il . II I. Vo.o; W r • .• il>IIIl l>t1• • , »4, Y. .. or 1111• ••• . ... .. Ctlltonl·. plllu ltl, . n.OJJ: k, .... . I .1I .....1••• U. ll ld, w "'to.I ...II.... r.t u. llllIII" 1.i111 (',,1... , ..1 .. 0 1 111lb. tourll:l 1 I w 11111 l1euo. Il. r.... I. O, ... t .h . WI lio n. .. .1::::::.{ ..t.. JlIrl lJl cU..h UIlI IlJ I.. I1,.... •. tt ."o V.u.. 1IU . bol I bN lltlb tb. Ii"a" . ... .... "UIR .... 111. ...... It o"rer. 8' . " . t'I.. Mel '. Ul._ A Ill. J· .t., .I •• rlal I,) lb. PI· OD... r Pr ,.) Tli. r" I\ IlIl. "r . 11 1I11IJ. nlln... 1 ..1e-IIII\. ot l b ,11.1 111 nr . w .,.. Lurl O'l.l "','u-I.I.•h , . 1I11.' IU, 1,.II . u" II. ... r.·...'r l.. 1 . 0,111 I. re. ,...1Ib.t . 11 ..J ", . ,Iv.. l. " ...nHI>on<l .uI I.I ,.. n l,b. 1 I nt) IUr1bu ",",tot I bll ..,.,IUIII Cu lll "" I• • J . C, I.. 'l . n.·• • Am"" '; .,.1. E. tl. ,.l1 ... Will. I'rU, . y. b. " )hrr"UOI U... ·liCU) U• • II Uh lllU.n. And, I.-o o rfl ll1lbto. Y .d war 11. I'''' II; .. ·r't'::. of UI• ••, tIlUi hav , Ill.1 J. tJ. Uranu. n Ie nl"' ra...l to liav. ).... 11 . ... 11 . Ihoo 1111 th .,.t1ru tr -.l Il . ' lIt tl l b. IIr". Th. om.:.". "f Ute b Cltl l'lh l h Mr . ... fur.t b.lli . l. "In""" Ibl'.I.. J. n . , Ihlnlt ' h.t It b . baoJ11:011. bOIlI" b. woJul"II. ".. beea bta..... tr"'I'" ........ (' .II. ... .' ... .. 'W lIl lll rtl'hl lb., or 1m b1 110.1))1)jI.U UIl• . ... ... Ilfh. .. ... ' . W...I... ·I.Jlr. ll'o". 1\I,_ 1t b.. bt'Irn "' . 1 11<1 In ..... . E : 1 'b.t l b. DillU be, or " alli . ID l b. _II"" _loiter h" In. ff.""",, "' ... "I iii .... n ", 1Ie1 1lIl lIlr l n. lt ... 1110'I" :Iil :::1 1 :; -' 0Il& al" DU <)tl, • •' lb. II .DC1I of Ut. p rto""a t flUa· , ..... . U. b_ ..,. r. all ' . 1l. Dlpt toe mad . d"r lb, 11Meom ill' ... .. IODItt lo"rt." . UtI tb. all "'r ceo l'" .... IDto ... fOIm4'8 aL Ibl ... _, n" IUIIlI • • ,..eb Ib' .auItnO'&1l t t l:l.I rr' lIC" b , 01' I "'.ooo,.ClJO. ..... ..11 . n. r-t.04t. d.p. rt mf ot 1004.., 1eetM4 orot .n j.o ....bU.b • • I1••n lt. '" roll ow. ln W... blna: toIn "r· to UI, b1aod l "" l da bo. ay ATL ••Tt C U... eL•. A. "Ie will ., ., ..... .. •• .: .: I»eA • • Iried.... . bot d Md tI, bl. e d•• .,.• • al ·r· r . ... ....,. • • • up ll • . .hot 111... 11 • tlttrn ilU 'l ach... wbo r .... II.1)' lulu ' l.... t. lQll w.II I'. • ",' vltllli.lIl.u u.ld .n .. t Ihl. ell, ••lI u! Itll u• • d." h·.vU'l jl 1t .,. I,' Ift , .. , In. a wurd fruuI IIIUI wwtll,I .. ndb ,r t oJ .b, p .u".I. lI n,. .. ... . .. IM" al 11. •••11' t '.h. Na. Yo, •. NoJ". Pror or J. II . N.wl.. rr " ..J t>erllr.. 11I1I N.UODd vt "' ·I. nn' '''''' ,r . In lh lirt.I •• ll hllttl .rl... I, alul lh.l . rrUIl" roo- . ... ,• • • llOllar lrullllht ',, 'r, r l1lflnou."' ..14 rUllr lhoJu., awl a'I" &ru lUlloa " l coa l ....ln . lliat U ti " Ilul "'au, Iul n 1t01U ' IWt) b UII. h ",l ",n.... aOllh t ..... 1Ii H. \I I CIl, . Ih. lh,. Ihrtlllllh wllh'b a ra ll l"OW I. abull' W pille. are Iii., m utt ,.. "I.,..bleor lb . 11111 .1 I. Ib. ...u r IJ • • II .t. unl ' .... llt a..w urllool'" IIl ru l ...l· v.l lla ll· , W .T. C. 11. 11." "' 0.» w.n. A.D.. . .. LaU,a n. t. " ••n,. .... T. La ("• • •••, ... . T. LA CONN ER, W. T. "oa •• •• T7. W bateolD. Wbat.com Co.. W. T. L.lKRUIEI " IIUFORP. .Aft. EllOIlIYEIl... 84o.UI•• W.T. L. P. eMITH '" BON, W. II. WUII I, AT T OIIllF:Y AT LA W, .. .... .. y ...... IAKlt8 POWEn, 'ROPII J I TOR . U fOD8 " UDRt"". ATT O U ll F.Y 8 AT LAW. MARYLAND HOUSE. PROFESSIONAL CAR DS. :=> W at chmakers, Attorne11 and Counulon at lAw . DMlert In Watch... Clocke .J .wtt1r1 and HII¥. rw. r. of \b o tM.t q u. U I,. All kinde or work 10 t.hlll IIno or ref ll ... .U."..,.ou.... h ... !!!.."!.,!D _lIroa.. 81:0 oopoel&. 1\ "8."'. No palnl win be 1" l&ret' In keeplnl np the ".n l'IIlalJllaheu re puta tio n of t.be "ouee Itt ooe ot the q111eteat aDd beat k opt bOlel ll n thu Torrltory, .0 L IQI10" . aL». neat and clean ab.,ul th . prllD l.." . tspet.. ol. al eU' orla will bt3 made \0 th d tab le l upr lled wlth the oo..t. th e mark. ' can aaoN. alld to leU 'h"t th, 1oo..J I, coolled and Hned leeont.! to no ntbe r h ouiti In tbe Ter ritor, . A l""lIe u lulipi roo m for Ihe ICI:omm od .tl ono( "uN. JhULI &J 'I . hoP uget Sonnl1l\1n ll . .. ft AtU BL I8U .cD EVERY 8A.TURD AY COJl lu ,nwa OJ' A ppiN . Peart', l'lumlf, Che u le" and Beal'l Harl1 FIoJII I)fO !, ."gll . It I. II lwny. froUl the mhhUu ot AUj ult to \ 11 ., tlr. t of Bltplembor. TlIitll ' rltv ill bard )' u.od \'Ory pr olifi C'. M,. collect ion of horl!y nor. d er Vlllwvl'IIl" ver y !-·I",,,·er Huttt.l. 1 RoeM and other Orn.mon iAl T ree.. anu tib.rub bery . al. Jo.:. r. " "fty. J . ... Mdi ouxL' McN. ught, f erry and McNaught. Tron:u:\·s ,\ NO COUS'8ELOlta·A( ·I. Aw. FR.urr J Oli N n .oiNElT, l'roprie\Or. The arl o a ver y W ill I Uoild 1 11 0 termeof tho Dll trlct Court for "' " .toom "'Guil ty. BELLINQHAM BAY NURSERY. " .UI •• ' Yo T. Otllt'tt on the ('Or'H 'rof 1"'rollt. an,1 Cohun · hhut r,·.. t", lIp .hllr". courla of W.. . (I ." :. ... rlo .. RATU' .. 1 "1 1••• t" l .. .• ra ... UtU o n to f ".ul., IIth .r.I ..,.. , .... 141.. , •T. 0Ll1 t'(Ou l·,. 81,,1" In 8oj ur,.· . Opl'm J[ou. l'. <I. M. ILn .t Ell. A. W. I-: NOLa. U.lLLEU " ENtlLE, Attorne)'1 and Cou n..lora . , La",. ... t:\a... ... _.T . Man er rea l Mtate boDl ht In d l old. fMOle to leaae,to Ul t:lionl mad". con ve,aot:! n a. l tc.

THE PUGET SOUND MAIL. - WA Secretary of State · 2012-09-14 · 10 ( ,·.. &. ~~~~~::::u •;:; ~',--- --- - --- -._--.. un"-----..'...-- - - ----- - ~.~"~.._, - - _ ....__ • •..}-----~..!

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Page 1: THE PUGET SOUND MAIL. - WA Secretary of State · 2012-09-14 · 10 ( ,·.. &. ~~~~~::::u •;:; ~',--- --- - --- -._--.. un"-----..'...-- - - ----- - ~.~"~.._, - - _ ....__ • •..}-----~..!


Th onll"" H. n. Htobhlng. of TuabrltlgoWelll ~ E ngland . writi ng upo n falOiD'"tlo n...uem. to . tri ke tl l)()n It.II r"tioDII.I.t a.\hCl I'O 'Word ' : .. 10 moral ... d lllUnct tra m

r~l;:l~~a~ tC::i~t~i;;:o I~ ~=:tr~°:U~: ~tll oaM:ht. upon a d allgor 11.. . wn deno,. toovn rlfOwG r tho will anl1 bo nd l\ to theoOUl wl ... lon of th ...Yer ,. acta wblcb t bo lOatnllect. IJroDOUOC8A un ClholcQworth, . n ut.tho ac ta 110 co mm ittell aarry with th em

~;:Od~D~~t~::U6;' at~btl':-:'I:~tb~r:;a Dand lo. no' booauao t boy are pa oio·I t rlcken , bnt. bee auN the M DIO of tho~:t:rt.t~ la.t. in ' he I'I ....ur. that at ·

tol tioa. ba , o h lWl ooolhl.rab l. work don.01'OU th em , 'f he Ll ou I. R l)araU . ' Tela

~~t~Og~~~I;I~~il~~,~~e l ..\;~e~ abollf':~II:

1,lnR' o f rtlIIlRrIl"bl,. ri ch ore . 'rb" " AtJIOII" II tin ~ll:te ltaloo of .~ ruU1 a mla.~

l~~~oatt~~u,\~~~u tt~: U:~~.~i,:e~~IIl;r~~~lJltlNt..lr 10 ra nk &II ODO ot th u fo rutDotlltmi nClII ot tbl " tllttrlot . Th o ahou te -

:~;~~I ~ II:l\,r~r l~II\~b~~~n:a~f K~ufI11~~J'l rfJ"oll j Iuel , tlwlJor, wllotor 1u "b uu ·dwneu and n" tu r,,1 faott lt ie. 'Uti un eue­IllUllhkl. F're ru ti lUlley'. W II roo we ovar toUel\' er eauj- e u , MDtorl nr Iho IlleWWlnl .

C~}i~,~I,~,I~l"I:a:~I~~I~;;' ~\I:&~~~~~?~;~,:::rl~~~tr'\ ~fl~lIot "~~;I;I 'it~lrek , :::::lt~;H~lwtooth . Tho Colu rub lQ, I.IIY bennn '

:: :;~ v:~;o~:II I~j"I~}~I ""rtl ~ff n~~~I~~"'~~fn~Ill" " htlttn IUlik ou th o T..ln l u a tl ltltAu t.

:['J~ll:hr'LD~~:j:~~~ i R!ll:t~~~re:~lt~~;troln t l~ 1I mhlO lUlll III;.00n 8ac kud tor ahl l' ·ulont, 1I..t1ululolt to he worth froUl


~lo~O~T~~:~l:::i 'tl:~' ll~:~Jlr~jn(l:l1~~"~~~111f.1, . 'f uo Iht" "(lr Illine lilt.. paraHol toth ,. Columhil' nn,1 R1 ~011 \ ha lt 1\ mil._l'l\r t. 11M . n in olino . buft u1'on it. ahow a

~~,f" i,,~~~~~e.'·C i1 C~fD tl:I~~ :l~rt~ ~It~:lun ue l tho Co lum biA 0.0.1 D"t,vur aniON.

:i~~ l l;IJ~k~~\"~~~JDH·a~l~in~.a)·'ft1M C~~I~~Ing .,nw rl.ri lt4t b. ll (;. on nOller the tli tl..'C'W1UIn8(!(Il"0t. o f Colunu l J)r<klboatl , whohlWl IwttD uutl ring In h il r ft'url.A 10 t1l0

~~j:r~~f~~t~~I~ ~)~ ~~i,:I~~nl~~vl~~O::t~~:trOlL tb o Co lumbia OODl08 ' bo notw I' ll ·Krilu mlllo. '1'hitl, IW) fa r . i . t llo m·at ,10-

~:I; lilr~~l tr.~~::I~~n\O ~~~,~~~r~: . rl~to~~~lIl lo n \lio ttur l a l'o, IJu t n well thnbo,.ll. haf t h llli huen "'Ink tllHln tLo \·ohl. W UC.Jallth o f nln ol, feet . t hu wholo .l hotJn­"Intl ll ot th o IIl lll lt beillJf in r ich o ro . no ·low ta o I lmft in th o \lou rM) ot t ho voin •th a oflll'h n tu I UIII" perpond lcul ar fncu oftwecn t1 ·1\\ 0 fetlt bet ....flt!D thu "A U" j ~i llhtt,", t of th u \·" 1,, iNhigh RfI\lh l IJ1ll1h~g or o ."itll 1\11 oO"'lUIloonl Mtrotl' ot tha veryr lchdlit mhy untl ltl\tl \·e Hilyor o ro.

' : l T I:!'t MI\' J( l'narA, UA.TIOIUI

:l~ :~~~ ~i('itiu~n~~ir~~r 1\'111~1~':r~L~ It::~IJ~wlnl\lr : U \ uUllol ",111 lA p th " rulne .o. t "t1l'l'tll ti l ot HlJil I, t tHIt 0010,., '.ho Allrfl\Uu.'1'11" l' Ulfthn nll n ~ I. owa ( l ..oItl" lIor. tOl.II.'.v ~1 .: i"~'lIl t,.I"~~ ~1\ 1".1"·ul i~J~i'nI~'U I U,~l."Ilt l , u : , ••• • _. f O"lanll. ~"I . Ho"twnon 'ho (Jl)l umbll' lind l' IIK, hn mluoMI ro IhU AI"' l \he 8 u llbl,)am. Bellve r F.Jl,lo n·ilio n nhll CUd " r Cl illitn• • all llliowluK Iluohllli c'Rtioll8 u pon \ ho lu, r fl~co . with ll m lh.oU,lovnluprnonLA th u ll tnr , " ' 0 uow C U I""til l) ,lh l\lIl1" n uge hot" elln B~l\'f'er ca n 'you un..1 1.11110 ('an ,un. cu ud " " " rllt tQ

~I:~v ~111~1:~~~uU~\~r~'0 OI~:: l l~~~1 ~~Itb ll:t~/a'~tl h,l uDee o t IJroh"lJl1 ~:"141 f\lt.l t ")O IlK tl ...,vulll.. .\ Il of \ho ol'o nhl KIO IIhuw It. . ,,11(Itillno.l "ai u of hhlh g rrklu or.... O u tholaruo htllt ot lulnur. l llll: lohJ.h' K trurn t.hl).rilur im to 'Ii"Cum brl... wo C:OU1U to Ih"Wlr ll :illv or aUtl COflu'Jloc k tJ1lb'-·II. 'l 'bou w n ur- ul tho la"t two wonUoned olahn..bUVIItlI.hihit.N t lmlr t..l\h a Dd uOlillJ onoe

~; t~l:l:fJl~;~~::~ b~be~~ i,~~I~I:t:our~nllrv lid , oro• •olntlwbat. br okan a ~ar ' hitlIu r l..c:o. IJu t it 1M "" fo to p rutllct. t ha tt1Jv)"

'W'LL lit: UH 'U L\' m :w"I UH m

1'or t bolr 100Lor u th eir pr o"poct lllJ; p ro ·Krl\a"ull. In R IOho rt Ih Mtftnc", wUlllor lyfrom lIlo ubovu ollln ...1 ru!no wu COIUUtutho t-ku\l a lIutl tilt) cololJralattl l ..uekl noym in~. th a laUe r 1D0ntionoo Pllno W If

Ift.tely puri"h... ,-d by Col. n. C. Ultlwull.\ Co., o f Sew York . tor tho roulttl.nmof $:"'J.ooo . T hl. ill ono (If tlltt r lcbt!l t

;t~ne~o~ltl:h:, ,~~:: ri~~ . :1:~nl:I~:i.bl~lil~

~!~ll:~:r.:~ r~~ ~~I'l~~~.:~f'::~~:,."~~:t~th o \'oi n l\\'erllil in l( fr om Ilva 10 M Tellf"'ot III wltltL. A lun nol I" no,," holu~

~:Itv:: 17~~~1:tki l:~I: t ttol .vnir':J~l:..~let~a fou 'o of Dlon now "t work taking OU\o ro for ALlp ll1ont . tb o Dro aVllNglng

i~';:'U:h~73?o~ ::~J3~: aA~:I1:'t~1"m"t':lD~,n110f'renlot.l for tha Lu okJ' !Joy ,u oar l,. .1\JrIwt lcah le In t.ho "r,rln.c . S osl to t llu,lIok, Hoy. 1\1111 ad jo p inK th o workal of

th o '&luno . I" thu H"o Ua lulm" u~on tho

ili~:~ I~~i"~Vu~eit.f ~1,'t~0 L~~~!rll ~l ~~It~~:;'~lnht'bol~roS:~~'io~:o~::J l~~:go::niux~,OQr.

. ),


A. J'kt.•('r l pUon or th" l'a UlOU,. I dahu)lIu~, ~~,tll('t .

Since Ihe 't'I'on tlC'rful .U..eo".-'r lul o fRol li In the Sa.·looth m i llhl ~ u t'l t . wvhav e hea.rll but Uleru o u tli nO!.. rt' a:llrtHURtho v.riou . CRUll)" nOll \'Uij:1l0 repo rtJtoonco rn lnR t 1J o vAAt anloll llt o f Kat.lbrought to li gh t . Aif o ur minor ",l rool ou rcel nro ot grent hll Jlor tan co ~"I aStl.oultural, W I,) eon ol ull0 our rOl\lte rll 11IU, tbo lul er el \e11 In thulr ,Iovololl(llne nt an llwill " In II p &CO to th ~ toll o wla g OI)lU ·

La~~l cli:~O}!m~: ~~~~Y~~n~~nt;n Lo~lHmlley . Ih o Ilionctlr locntloll ur th llld b trl ct . 'f hu ElI1lOo wl nt) Lnll 1111 Ill'cli no Ihaft up o n it to R ,Illilt h at , "v ent)"

~~:~. m:~:I~~=1 °1~:.·\\~=~n~::.~t:11h::i.i~11:wUl ~p tho vein at. a dopth of 160 f'tot.Ayur l\A'o lUIMY. fr om lIJO to aoo 07.. ~)lJr

~~'t ~l\r:i~~u{flo~~n".I~'::~I~~lii.lft~il. ";O ::~ot ml nolf. cOlOll ri.lng tho Vilmna . JUlI .lie" anl1 Alt u ra l . Work upou thwoml n~. hlUlhoen

\ ' l lI o n O CIi L Y l'II()M~CL"rClJ •

D uri ng \he aouon th e lln"olol~mea tAWAde . howln g un uuuhtelllMi rmanon oy of

tl~. t:r~ .Ye~:v:~~ ~~~h o'l'In~~t~ll~t~r:~ranging fr OUI 350 to {Ol} ou nCoA to tLo

~~ ·r:d~~~~~~i':yi~~I 'l::~et~u::~\u~~;lIOOonll lint.! thi r,l ·ol"'"1f oro In th e oro,.a rd.. T ho Nom u. N01ll" £s•• l1u.laoD

:fl~~:::r:,~~00~P'4~ \~.: ~~'ttr~:~ioth.n . T he Nollie . tb e t1rRt mon tloneol

:~~~:':b~~~i~~P~D~ t~~au;t~~On~i~:r~:~~5~~;~ ~:,:p~nlcj;~~~:::~(t~~~:;nln j II bo ld In It. outcroJ'l aUfl ca rd ..,. Oreen T oma .., P ioklo.-ono r-ok ot

~~:'~fea:i::~ ::::tJ~':~h~bQ"~~I: Kreen tomatoe•• thl'eQ ooloa l . I b grNn

rl-:'U~;~:~~~a:::!eno~o~: o~n:tl~. otlt.:~ rdlh::~ hh:I~'::~e~~t~~t.~a~rh i h II oo . no ngr. ...Inef ar to .c-Jd a p onoe j tE• •

:1:b:~~:U de'1l~o:'f' eooog • owner. le\ it. cool . aUt drain oft' th _ yin~,.» ala. a dre..lng of one oUI' ' urar. on~

Th. Xarti;:';':i: :.r~=~ :I~ Munta na ~:~~;~nf:~D~':~ r::;~~~. ;I':b~~:

form l an otber ",rouPJ owaetl b.r J llpfll ep r ••oa 8 11 to oof8rth. ..~ol.; b. aDd.Forel•• Co . T ho UanLu. and L loD 1... vo'tr oYer.

~:UO~~:~OI:~~t t l~~:lp:~:I~~~I:yw{Il:~~~MellO,.. lilI tho tllJulva loo t to r whl\l WO term• State o r To rrltory ) . At Mr.t.ll'll' It W Ail

novel to obs erve thu fb h llr lonn on tbruo

ri~h,~~ i~I~~)~I~~Lo~g~~:~~.'lro~~nti~:~:~h~ar~ ,,~n io'f~~K the l~ I~~:t~o~~o 4rl~'~retu rn th rou l(h th o l u r( walll mo_t " 10It .

~~~, ~h'i~~~~~e;:~~f· uTt~~lttl lli~ l:=\~~::;" nil t.o kl. were Il\ttho.l \.0 t hei r Ilrhn IU,·ubo"'t.II , whl cb they 111\11111011 wll h IllotJ(llt ofbOllr,'" IlIb tlle t loug nnd IlII lluu ly ln lJlllllI,. Me. '1' liolr " tUro con wletod at n emnllplu..'u ot COItOIi cl o t h ahQut th cl r luln...

~~l': 'nh~~': ~\~\,~~ l~\;;i~ t l~,, ~~~rj;~t l:~'~I~~~~iwl.llch IIIBaM to bo wAtur proo f. AI Allavenb. th uy will ~ Rr r.v notull 1'1111 10tVlrll

~ijO~f~1,: r~I~II~~:~I~O:"~1~i; ft~~,I~Mn~~::::~~~undor th oir !IatJI.

IIt:n toIKtt!: 1·.\t HIIl ,," .Cr onlng tho HI'.)' o f lIcnKlll Ihe "Rn ·

.Ierora nu t cot<lrc.1 Hrit h.b lIu rwa b, R ill iat ~14n lmj) ln 6011 lt a.ngoo ll thoy a~w Iho

:ttl:~cl)f~~.I~ff~:lra;l::I'::~~ ~~;":I~"~lll:~~040h d lwi ul"h ln", in lIiztJ. 0110 AlJO\'e tlmot hQr. At tor nhout thrcu tl lJfIf t h01 n..·~lImo "hUIICM lI ot un lik e It. cKrrot . thotbick I"" t " J1JllJrmolt.Bncll ho who lo " Ilr·lUotlll w .1 l>y8 KO r t o f t1luIJroll /\. rCI\C' IIl'hliuR an lhYor~1 tnmbo u rt llo. 1." l ll ~ Ill' .Qttl\Ohlltl to it a flll auUty of lo" I1... whkh ,bt.-'IDIl .hll.ko n hy tho ,...1ul1", rill " th o ul!·wlt.h tlntinunlmlt,t1 on ... 'f h il, urnIlrullu

~l~~:t~~~a:~~'~:o;~:i:~i 1 1~~w~~oIll~t A::~ :foiallb~·I!r~e f:.~~~Ot~~~lhd~JI: "i,~ i~k :~ioemoDt, Iha whole K' llIutl ,,·it h Muhl . 'l 'bulmAe ot th fl )la3 011.. l't " l1 rto"nllt~1 withaltd ra, cootillDlnR hou.tluHI Ro,la . Mill/)

with Jllif o RoM hU~kl " . o tblt,. "II ilil t.!I·,I.lit which tho Dhu tltlbt p Ry" hb ,Ievolio u ,wbltlh oon l i.lItA In (,ouD tl n~ 0 1 1)I!llIhl,

:h:"~~~~:~c~h~th~:~,~~fl ll~~ ~'l:['~~rn ~; ~blDa)· r" "IKOCh to t ho to rmtt 01Ju r.,oll InCnth oli o 1 ~ I i\Co8 of wo rllhlp . Unll.. ur oalw a)".. MAtion et.1 at t1u' OM) pl do"'lt o tl.r ilfi·" r . aoruo of \·orJ· bug~ ,1ilucn llion" .

:~~I~~~~I~lR~t :t~o :J:~:I I ~'I~l:~U:c~~~~I~~~;thei r o ft"tlriug l to th", th ro llt) ou 1.11Mb.

I l'i' 4YRlCA.

L<!f\\'in J{ It.Rngoon thu,}' COl\lttOtl 1100'ntho I n.lu ..· Chillello pon lnllllh, . 1ll\JfltluU'throUHh tho Htroit ll of MlIlncoa. IItflIJ)lIIIM'fit P t'n'Ulj:f, M~l uc(\ l\ an, 1 HlnKAllol·t1, thun\!UJb;:otlgh th e t:hi nll. IO t.'1\1O to 1I 0 1lA' I\: (. IIA',

04hl";uii, · ·.:: ....~~~ ~~i·,u~ h Bt . JlI R)'l lln ~tto.UOlab ay . th t\y \,·roMII\!Wnt lll) t)\tm"h'Ji .. iflu.1 ~n t(lfc f l th o (l uI( of A~1Plt . RUll HumInto tho hllto rlo l wt.!Hua. (':nluri nu \homouth of tho aBnul thQY II\ullo,1 nt HIICZmOll IlffJllAcd thtl ' 011 u l ",nllloni E g.vl' t .l'a. ..inj,fnlong tl Hlskirt" of tho "l·oM IIt..II.art. tho)' lwhohl Iho "t rail"" mlr ll'JC1lwh ll'h hM 110 frcf1, tlon l h ' l"..'tl tl th o fmlrruldelUllIon of th o t r l.\·olor , " I,,!tllli l{f1ull lCl\lro. II l' liopolhl, tho fUQlt)ll" mO!'lTIt'JI,

~1~o~II:~~lr::;'gQj:~r..~ ~T:I :~I;[~~l~~,tl n k'~~~• lIe,1 nJlou tho \\'o.tflr" o( 111' 1 furt ill zlnK:iile. gn zol1l1pou t ho trBllltiolJal re"l lnKpll\CfI Ihat ODl'f) "h" lIo r0l.1 ~ ( () "f' II. IUltl fllf·

~:~.~;ltt~oal;~~i~~::~;I~~f~;I\':;;:11: I~nk~:::thJwn into Ih., roco,.or"'ll tumh ll of th lannl.'icn t S e-t.'ro polb . I' rocI'lld in"l' atlllweltwurll , Ih ey enk' rcII tho taruell Dell "ot t ho S ilo, IUI~I roa('h lnK tho ~ ah'r. ottho ..\10,Hlo rro. u '~"u He", a t IRoIt fonnl1th . m. elv", iu th t' g ran ll 01.1 c ity or .\101·ADd rl" . I ..oAviuH' Afn ell. Iii., tour lllll'l,. iellf>d Or~o anll 118h ·. alltl th en re·t ur ned to thlJl cOllbtry ·" Ia l-'fBnco nnllE og lWhl_. _

AKOU~I) 1'11& \YOKI.D.

Th olO wet l-kuown IlrdltlaU OarUatll ...110were eueb ~'rOat t... or lt4:l 11 10 th la cUy ,Mr. J ohn J ac k Gull :\11 111 AUDio l:"lr mili .have Jut returned to S ew York t rorn n

:~i~i~~c~~~:::~t~n\h~t~b~tr a:~ID~~~~iDgI In th o Ori ent . 'n Uty Ich Now York

~a:P~'~~~n~~~~~Q 8:m~ o~~~lf~iT:~i~:thoo YOIUM\1H'r. p ltl)"hl t~ roU llh th o Tu·r lt.orlolf. th o 1 " clUe Hluto. I\DII In Hila

;:~~ a'H~~nl'~~~~I~~~' t~~1~ilUth~ ll~t~~:I~hl::'a~t inL:nn~~;KI ~lt 1~~::~~U ~~I~~~kiri~kalakGull. tll a roynl t..ml1, 1\1111 thuAmor lcan unll to roiRIl rOllldlluta n.Uo,ul1ngtbolr lJor tor lDIUlC(lII, wilioh t'on tluu (>\1 (o rOflo) luonth . ~1I 11. l"ir rulu M hloVlk1 1\

brilH au' 'UlceOIft hero In 10arulnR' In th u

if~~ii:~ AI~~I~ . ~~~t;o :~,,~t~:I:l~~ ~i:II;I~Iho MIlog tQ tllu RrQl\tt10thrh t o ft hlJ r.,a1ta mill IInll tho Ilntl\ ·ttll. E,ur,y n lKllt o nwhi ch "hI} MO " th it, aong IIc"orLlI thou ·lan ,1 Dativ e. ""o uM oro w\1 "roun.1 tilelK- uUfully I'lc tllr olkluo thol\tor . uUI,bl o

~afd~~ ~~r:ilj~inn 'h~w:;:: ~llo~l~~. c r;'i;~etr~ t 'W IU rood d l6rulll l3'. ,\ moa th or

~~~fcdl ~i;I,~~~t~t'~1 ~~II~uOt'li~lb~~tf.t thul :of Til e K'J CfIlEIl !'O "K.\M.

Th oy t"o nt llllled on the ir co n rile , lel' v.IO J( the n ll: e,l lItur of Dur nQrtlun 'u drmllo'Dlent lJohhul. nth-anc ed f'Cr04a t b" l·flua·loriaillno to tl,k o up Iho in'!, t tl.utopo·dean f~ou"U! t1 "tioll of tu o t:So other ll crOM.

~:i:ti~1 ~\~~o~~,t:o~~ li·~~~l\nd"n:·:O'~~~~~~brought tholo t.o ' \h tl ,horo" o t S ow l. ('n.la ut" CODlru~nt:log ».t Auc:klnnd. tll oy

r,1n.yod a \ " 0 Ul00 t1l..• on~llgelDunt. moet ·ng with rcn t!wolt el1ClJO.... ao.J ...n~l)lluM

:~: :~~t~I~~ll:::~h~r~ainKlo~~ !)t~:~~land , th o g r('o.t Mllnr i ch iof. at Url\ultoDle·to wn. on tLo T bame lf. whoru III0J' ateIhArk nUtl l " Otl t l 'Oh,tOOll wllh tho na t lvuS ow 7..r!alaul1era au,t hlll)(~c tetl th o U IJW

uatl ve Jmrlirlll\cut hou Piu. LuUt of l lOWOantl l ph l logl . I'llfvo.t im,1 p"inlollil bynntl

~h~:~~~i~a · lNjJ~i; I~h~: ~1~~l!r~~l:I~~beAuti tul an ll ('ixlc nd "u b"""or ot HJ·t1beJ·. :Sow Hout b WIlIIl. , 1' "11 hmtl iDg at thotow n ot Ibo ~rnQ nRnlO 110011 h~l thoho nor ot tll'IlUluic g fo r 0 bri ot Ilori od intLo Inlti.o.l Ctty of Ih u Krt.-'I,t i111~n ll ""uti·Dent ot AUMIr" lIl\. '!"henl'u th o, jo u r.ne,.ou to tb o l'hi 'l t oily of the I\lltl pooo.

iM.0lM38&lA~. JJ'P6&1~!~,ti.c ~.' ~ . ~It)•• . ~.C? c~!I~t ho An Klo ·AuMtrI'U" nlt ~y tl.u Amer h.-'noawh o rlll hed thoro from our P " cifio Doua ton tho tllll",oYorl o f goht. Sod In ordtorth ur villlt o(1 Al olAhl o. Iho th ri ving lU' -

::'°e;t,toC:: r~~~tt~ ~u:~~Rl~~~at~u~:i~t:~~po~h loll . AmoricAn ulaa ulllot uro r. andAtnor i"'lton Ideal ""er o '·en· pOl' ulnr. Ilt!ro

~::::lel~:I.ll~:i{: ,,~:~~ (,~~11o~.'~::t: :~~ ~i~~on th o li aoN. Threu DlOntlul o t pr o"llarl.t1 r.wartltul t hh ' hit. w111!11 o u r ull ltilro'u rnett 10 ~ll" l bourno anll touk " t~umorfor I n tllo.. Th oYarlO t IlI.n ,lu.ll\t 1'olnt tluOi llfl on the h liuJll o f (;(111011 . In Hou th ·ar D In lU", legentl iloItor ib 811 th l" lJelU1IUulIpot M 1110 rt!fuBd of our I' r llt vnre nl.ll,WbOD I1rhcD t row Ihe <.hrJ ttn of Ellun.

Ilfll'l IlU .

Fiu daTIl brO\1KM thelD to Bomh aJ' , th oCapi tal ·of th u Pr o.hlenc,'· o f thl\t nAIUO,R 0lt1 o f GUU,OOO l ll haht t~\IIt4 , nu.J tlLoAtIIJODIl Ud ti "h ctt.v o r IU\l)(ataR('Uatl Iu·ula th e baJ' o f '\\'b leb ill 1'OO00hl onh wtho·H,.d a oy ha rbor, tho ' ''"0wi\b 'h e III,,'bo' o f Rio JADoiro 1""lng the tll ro" fino. tiD Ih n "'orlt\. T ho w" nJ ercr A t1U!U vh. lt4!11Cal cu tta. by r l'lI 140n mil"" ooro". Ih openiu. u)a o f I nlli a . au,1 thon pr ocoOtlfMlnort b all tit ILl ])"Ihl . \'h it inK a.1I th o iw·portA n t poln tAalon" th o rwtl . lnolu tlingBa rrac kJlore. Din l&l' 0re. Hen 'n ,,". Allahn·

~a;lbl .CI~~;~~~I~' t1~:c:~.:I,e~·oi;fl~u ;:~llDd lJm mu\ inYI

~IO po.l. celt ot [..lIt·kn ow.th e to mb. o f t Itt wifo 01 thv "fl'.t Hhall

~:~:~i ~h~~~:I~~I:JI)~\ ~::I: ;:h tI;hoWt~~i:to1:~kl::,~\,,:,~I'~t~,~u Q~~t~tttmL:au~iaUlJi" nce o f th e H'raat 1'~ rn (M~ro r . Akh arKhBn . tho won J .,rful tomh" ot thl. rulor.\.Ogot.bor with tll ff to mLIlof th e KinK. Ilo t.De lh i , a nd Iho Koo tftu to. ·on 8t tho lilt·te r pi neo. Th olO MIKh tft well rcooln JUlRlIOlltho arUIt. to urllltMtor tholr jo u rUlly. whitotho . " eeos.. atten l1lDM' tholr porfortUNonCtlHmn.ole their wrW.llor lu8" ~till luo ro Aureo·ab le. l \etra.olnK tholr fltollll. th ev ro­tura 8l.1 to C4101lt lQ o.nll th ouee to 1101D 'ba y . wh.ro now t rillnlliha a.waited theln .

WO~Dr.l lI' Ot' Tilt: CA"Y,At tho former IJlace th o,. vl,Uell Iho ' r,,­111\1oa al eltel of the IJlook hoi.., ot CI~I·an it u, th o glrden . of th e kl ug o f OutlOtwh. ro th oy laW , "m ong o ther ..... onl1o.....tb o 8I.traord ln.o.r1 ad j utan t b lr l1 a nd th odaDciDILI mal te r , 'rho formor II a lroclttlo f th e OtIt rloh , numllll fr om hill rniJIt.rystrot . and tho lat tor. towor lug like aa

l~.mT~~ :~~k,r_i~:~~\~ouki~~¥:~~o:k~~;:oouu, lnlDg o vor GOOO vonOIDOU I rellmel .Tho "'fon tallkl . \>GiUK 8O,on daml orr elanolrl of walt'r ou th o gronndl of th olodl... p rl a N , lora Into rol tla R tor tLo

~~~";:'I~:ro::~~~~~eg~=ili~'.r:n.~h~~:~': ~ ~~°:b~~e:tI~ ::'l;~~~\I=~::~tori' banda . At. Dombar, t boy ...i. ltod'be oaTea of E l.pha Dla . f helO ('.anI aNbewn I. tbe .alid rock . l' 0rt lol1l bola g

~~f:~l~~~gi:-te"ri~~b:la:rt:hf.PO~~~in baa· reUof. reJlr..enUng omblem"U oaoeDN fr om t h" ir nll 'hol oI J·. 1be malahall II abon t .I sty f" ' IItlnate . aa ll "f teeDor ' wentJ' fee Lfro Ol Roo r lo coHlulli .

KJ a JfP Itt' IrU,DRAIi .

I::~~~:~.a~~I·a:~~d:~·I::au ol.Doloapl tal . of th o Urall min l an d tb eNrobo.., load weD' to Jd..lru. &110 .. leila


11. ..,.1••• I • • T ,.. . .. .Th. trai D (rum Kaa r n o..l""""due bt ,. .1 I :Mr.

M,. 4Id Dal u " " . III1UI 1:00. Tb. d.'.Dlloa w...

::'l~ecI..~t':·r:C:~:: 'a~ ' ~::nn~r:~k'b':' t~ll~


'I h ' 111 1 ...It • • • • ,. &10 . .. . , .rlAu l·•• lwt ·o, No, . 1 ~ ._l ll d' vartlll' lI' IwO of

til. 14111" rl llr C,, " rt " ,.d .y , I fo, ,, oIl\'hc. MuIU,.n.tl~.. n.lI 01 J utlll U. 1I11rll Ih. u l. l. ut W, If ,o IIn . n, .IK• •_ l . I<J rM"u, . r I• • nty••I, ltlllUun dol.

~~~~, ~~"J~~~~ir~ fIl~~~~av·. ,al~'b.'~:~· 'n~ I '~.:~Ia'~,iO'Urt'lI to) r ~ ... , fI O.I ·n .t"',. t b. , . Iu. uf ""a.eoll .

::~~~JI~r:~~~~~~<I~I·:lr~J':I:~i:I~J.~~I ·wd:::a~~II~ :lIollad." w llli..1 fut n ur llO. mu,.. ... Ib. I bolb t aeH

~lIrlt.aC')t', .U:111~:r~t~~"Je~:~:.~~::'. tro:,~~~·:..t'ft'~b~~~~:I~I~~~:(:-li~~:b:r~~,~' ::'o~ ~:~~.~~~~~ ~:;lUu. b.. 1 p...ed wUbln . bI, b d. fPDJ.a'" ' ulIl,t d~m.nd • JlIr, !r 1.1. Tlt".up"11 )( , .III II, 1tr ... ,.01

I r l: ll~'ui::'~~:litur~~~l ("~;-:lI:~'Drf~t<T\::O~r~:aun" III eh . nl lw " ....111"'rv'" ..III b.er tba 'rpll·~:':::~I~ i::~~"b.rlH:II.~ l:~tW:.·.~~·.:..~~:'1" • • Uon. 0 04 all••ered Ob • • • lIIln.'lon. b" " o fore4... .

PI • •• n ' n a l Oulll,. .Dt'nLlIt. Nov , l \l.- Vlthm ba. fth ~ 1 four l..n ph..

or '~ot jlUUI, lu ""b..lr v t tlUI I,.....u .r. ,''' . n lnt( .h. hle h .

Inl..I\I""I'(I I..., r ,. . ~ b ...l 1110 l,.:o ll t .. fit 11.111.U",Ir lt t Ib.1 ,l tI, luWt b. v..1 w". 11 • h r,." ' IU' III1', ut'tI..ol"...r.h . ..IlLo.I'Il .. ..m. llllntoJ loJllivr.. lI . h .. lll ill . 'a"l llhltvr b..w.l.

"n, I . ' •• " . ,,, I U h ln ,Ilt''' L1 i''1 , l'i'oJ" . 1'3.- Il ,IIIIlI,I. u " ll I 11 on lb.

l'Iurr h lJllhllll 11. ..11. u Ib.., .. b.". bUll ."Ul..ln ..lanr ut Ibr . ltt,·lIlnll l"II,·r ..... nl " . l' l'r"' II. I11lJ llt.ll n ("OII~ ll t , . Til• •utloh lhl I..w'" UI""u~"II I I .."""It<II,,.. III lb. I~ .! r lh .>, Ir" lall,l. AUlr" UIlIl II'1. lu n l ' .mlult of ""Il ' ol b . l~ ntUII I" h u . lrun.IT.1. " <lU" .'.... t tl . ' "I' . Uon.

' tt l l U I U ' . ... 1I• • • n . h . ...." . .. ..1,(1" 00 11. ,,"0 .. . I ll.- I:..I .·U,, " • • 1 I llIrl lam '~lI I1 D tl.

~; 11':1~~~I.rJ t::~ ,~,.I ~ t..~' II r:~~r: r;;~~rl ~:: ·::~::IU:;~~t urn"" Illt" IhO' . Ir•• •. IOn" ... ...... '. W"li' . t lb.Urtt" • • n ,1IblO .11!f..rll ... IIf "'0t lll lJ r. 1I ...u u.oe l Ill't . II.• • •

·r h n . a f ., . ,. II.III.n , n n l 1t1. .. I .Tr~. S . ..... III• 1••lu", ...In "r hl, •• , . : T i,. u "'l.

1/.1 ,11,1 u" , ..<;rtt.. "' . n, d"C"I.I'JllJ • •t"r,J. ,l nr.ll . rdlIJlh.. llIUU I'1I ..., 11t.lt.m... I . II "" . n" l. w. boo.II n . . .." Il. I.I. r.·.l lh. 1 Ib.. Il lllttb .. I , ..t t ua.e . btouIl t <lul,J I...· ftl.o . U, <1 . I,t'·.I .I••l l1" . II . ...Ur r .. '_lofl

~~;.:r';;,-.:-,~· I:;::;I:Ot~,':;~~' ·r't~il l·II,~II~~Il~~~...I :~iI b .., 11110 " ,1 ' ,l lnl r-;. Ju, . Ull 14u . " hju ·I u' 1.1l"'1"11.lir, lll l ,.. hu.l.

Th . lul .rfllll l n n .1 1\to• • " • •1..oIlJ "'n. S " .. . 11 _ 11I 1l."I'I '. l l rhl 10... 1 Ib l• • ' I.r.

n ')<)l1 Mo· . IIe ... , 1l" •• • •.f tll . J " IiIl. w..nlh. 1t.. . 1 II, •1.1,.lb ; U'" IIl. r . '' ' "".1"11, )h " ,• • • .,:"n.I.· IUI",. of. .",toIU. S . \..• Ihlr ,1l S I.·ltul" 'II. ul M".oc' lItou 011I... .. (" lIr lh. 1l1l •• a ftl... n ...., Tli. "",'u . .. wut l'<'llU 1' L1 t l"" • •·. l uNl ' ~, · I I . , CItI.,.I"'''': . h ll ro.'h . 1"'0aa,1 • .h.1t IUlh·• . Til.. w". r w.. "' '' lllll.lo'it tlo raili .Tim•• 1. U1l l.o ttt.... . I~,I tJ •• •·.,10.1•. Ttl 1'('''11''- b•• 1.... "v.r 110.. . . 10." ' '''' 'l htl . II;1 dlo I4l"" UII h,I•• , .

~I~' ..:::·:,~· ~,~ ~~;~~ ' ;.' fI ."~·I.~ '~t·lr,~:' lr. ;.,a"l"I~.a~

~:,\.~~~~ t~::I~·. 1A1"iJ.~<I~~~r:~~~ ~1i ·tl: II :I~~ 'f::::t. llliU,,, . 1& .... 1 .. ( '.. ..1111 . ...11" ... 1. ..Un. T , ld ... UIt, tbr.... I"lilil ba. U1'I"). '" Ih.. ,t" ,... Trl ,I..·"~i:~~;.~:.~~r~' 1 -::.e~~:,: ..~~~i~.t'.1 Ih u lUII li. Ib. 1I

S a.·b ....I ...' lI t,llll ...1 . lth . t~ ... loI" "rI'''. '' '' Ib.. "" 1""wor k• . Trl ~ ... tt '. ('1. lm f ~r . ...·.'". 1 1'1••·. 10 tb .•!'t u ',,1 h .. . t 0 11 . tl"<l'1II1 tlf . " .1\"11,"1 f' ~ 11 1 • •• ~ol. llt l1le-d. Tr l ~ II .II.I" rt ..., tlra, r.." rl h ' ' 11' 'h" but.1'11<1 ' '" Ill'll laM O ~ l hl lli. Il Ia '·" 11. " .., ..... " ... aIIlor.. u~.rk••I II.t.n In hh n o'. with lh nh n.

·r ll . lI' ou ,.. I • • • ,t ( f) • • h r .

J.;r.r~lj;;{Wki6:,~ii"il~VHi;~\t\~~Il\H;i"~~J .~::~L .. .. .. lilt _ II fi ll Uo . " I,

1,,\1' 00 )0. l'i'o" . 1"._1'11. IIrlll.h ... . m. r MIMr...l .

~-:':~I~~~b~"r:'I:~rl~ '~~~' ~la~ ~~::';'.I!}rl'libl~:~"~~:....' r. t\N wn..tl.

" ••"" .r' "_ lIu Kin • •Afluu'. ~ov . t ~ . -·rh.. Ch 4lu ll.., 'I f VI·I'u ll ..

I'~'.~,~.~b.t~:.~ ~'~ el~~~~~, ItU ""'.I, ... . In UI ,I, 101·f h . k.~O IU,," l e.1 40 Ilu.lI .

n . ll t h l , N .~ "" I ll.- Th. ,..·on"IIIl I ... 1 {" until "' III~u ll". 1 01 1.1 IIIl'mll . ,.... t !l ...... lI tor Ih . '."., UllI.n , l.. re tolK" ' 1"!t'ct,..1 t , ,,m llO" .'U'" l'r . . ..nl.. I ...'th l' tb.I~I""" tlr "" liI n~..... , 11,1 . " rl...~ II ,u. . Tit"::::..~I:'llt{t~rt';,,':::~ ba; \~·:~~ I ~~ . :~~;~·~ft7...';",,0:,~~~:pllbll c ...." r ll• • t1,I .t1 ' I ~ll ltl,lr " .

V i r. V .mll ~. pl o. '. II .

!rlo :u . USlAU'M. SO" . t"".- All . Ipl". ' otl of h ..,t .'u pUO:Cllr,..' IU a ,'\••1 (III t1 ~ .r Ihl. "'1...·.Io.. t!.,..' ·...bI1.... ".11 1l~ '11 ....,e I b lb. vtt •• "I ' tl llI•• of"'b Ola tlu.~u L'.... boo Nl ru,u~o1 .

Til. 1' ...Io n'lI. I·."". r .fu ll.-t . JO'T I"",. I.II: . ~o ... l\J . ~ Tb.p..., t>< bUI'N'p. r,J

• r. pl, 10 t il" bol.. of lb. 1>0• .,. d"U, ItIl ..IIII. lb. PI·...-uUOQof lb . ....... . 111 Qf Cvl. COlnmU 'I"Oft'. Til.

~;~,','t1:,~~:~;i .~~rtl~:~r;I~::bJ"...~ .I::d '~~~~~:::iL~ t::::~tD ln·::::.~ ..~~'=~I ..:.·r~:I~'J.: r~~·lt;.~I. n.: .

Th•• t . ... T • • d . I II ",,. pl .\· 11l1li111". So... I\I.- T b. II" "' " IIo.I1I.... n lra "'!l'r p , .

1kllw. lnfurt ll b.- l ,ub " . Ii.,J • t. I"'r d. oouu..lawl b. lilt ,..... of Ihe Y-tl' ,ptl .1I . Ia'" 1,,,1• • •""",,I" "'lh. ....uIII " U...llof I ii . u.M(' d.l ... t rum'II• •I...1" . IUo.I ll of h null p..b • • bu. b ee In('r• ......t IU""'."'I,.cI ,II ,.llltll \1.11 .O\lr,loa 1.,.tb . OOUIlIr,.

• Lt_b. ..... . 11,. .\'1&""'" ~o" . 1\I.- OcI1I111".l'<'Il r . who "'011 '1m.

"'10 111 11.., Cotun l Zlr b, III • du.l . b .. '-II ... lIl..lIt e.1I" Ibra. IUOlltb. ' Im vrt eolllll.II ' . nd tb• • toe',III.1, IIII b o du .t 10 ' bl.... w.. h · II.uptl lIll1.ul .

Lit. ,,"••o lt lpI', a la. :ofov. l:.l.- A'. vl. lI. r, ItI""llh' of .." . "',..

beloillllia ll .. , u .rlou. "",III'. tI ( tb . I. ". O.a. r.",... .lIIlnUluul 1I. r• • •• tlll . lll rttoJtu l' MoC' VI...t ...•·..lIdt.t. ... t ..r h , • •• lI. ' '' r.bl l' '" till lb . ,ao:.n{,n u..d II)' t b. 01... b of Ilr OC'a .

n u.. .. •• U . .. . . ".

ro~:::~~~~·,·~~~~~:' r..~~:~l:·a~~ ,~o~~~·'c .~I.~~l il~~'~~Io';~ I~:~~a{IOlr.l b:'r~'i.~~.~~o.t l::':a~*


".r...lI '. TTl p • • " "'.II h .t.,...1 t li lt Ibfl , .,1 oblwi of P.,• • II'. t ri p W

rf~~::~·I ~~J.·~~ I IT';;~'~;;..':111'~ .no?·\~'t"'::'.',':a~' ::r~~' :~:'~b"'l~; ~t:rr~~~lb~,~~:rl ~I~~, wtu "-

l ' U,,, H ...u .....n ••••Ml!.

,I~~~'~n"'~ob~,I: .=TJ~~~:,:~·.l~l'~rl :t~: ~f•..t~r~;~:~~i'·I:: I: : ·i·~~:II':i."~~~,i,~· t~i~:ll i~\'n~u..,~· r~3

:~;~lr~~~~:r:tvr~~l~r.;I~~~~::~li.!::-O~I:h~Arr.... ' or ,. .. ,tII' ''.

Co alC, S ov.IO.-TwfJ 101'01I.r.' f1In l illN )l oor. , bu.town .,r'''',·<1 011 1.'11.,.." uf 1",11111 cUDCMl n l...s In 11,1JUliN", " ' Wllf'.. lo-r I nri )1I .'bul , 1Ilwr. 1k0:0 11l'p.nl"'" Wb . tlrr wlUll bI W.. '1I1t<1,

' I -h , l "d IU..I, •U['IIL1n. S<lY. It .- T h. lu.llc ll'\1 ItnJ I.." ,..u wil l

• nlt·r U~.lr 1,1" ... t n .. u . lllll lhe In,Utl llLllut uu I·rl .d.,.




».... . . M V.llar• •

"1~~~c~~1.~~I1"~. lt;t,~~t·l;~ ~~;·:III~,!::.I ~.~ i~~1 \'rt':hlorlll ll' owll' llto lb . U I' l<.1 J~ pr.d .ll" ll In t il. ' .1 .

~~~I~~!I:~~-:I:::~~I:=~::~~11~:~~r~~~;£~~~:;tttr.t:::~Jr.~:;lI c:rl~~II:c~ ~~~h~~Il~I• .l:u~b~r~l .'r~:~'·I\ I~~:• ,.. n"t ,.1 klluwn. Lh bllltire pl'Obab l, JI" I Ii!... , .

• ~·~'~i:~n~:~II~\JI.I:,~••••";:.i :~~~~. I'~'~:ar~. a ,' 1' '''''''lI''e .

A. It\". N~b. 0 ' t ll.. lle r,t ..n ClI, P1t b. t1If' h ... . 1...1. lUpo-rl,I.-.l. U d ,IIIlI • • uo. ou r . ......J , So v i ii.,falh u M .

T . I.' ' n r ",UM'"Ilr . Cr• • In , Il Q Ir l. 1 ' ur n~l l"'" . n,l.lturtl oa .a.

tol ll ".I U .l tI" III, ~ lll lllb"

(:o., lon or Unlit ......M' PuW I' ,... toll r 1 I'..nl illil ,,, b,..ln,. . h,,'an'" ti ll "" III" Cbllu ,.. e1I Y. )1"11. c1.h"lu 6 b. ... , ..1

la ..U..,,(.Il•• .( 1rI_ p ..... .... . n .I In ...' . ..... n ••• " .. ..

f:~;.~r~;~~~:l~Mr;t~'I:~~E~:!::~:',~:i~:~:~AI.. ,n ro ad. wbo•• tI.. . ln... . lu . b" ,. loJ(" re I...n I b,.bt ••I ..t . r . pc>rt.a110" Ii.n h.. ' ,un ror Ib" ", .. It "n,l.11111lb . l' , tl~ Ill " . la.. .. r ll lnll' w.. ,." .UJlJ IIr..I.,' b. ul b" .. 'U. '....III I1I"'l 1.l. u"bl.l atr_~.t

~ru :t~~I~~{EY~~~t\~~~~~r!:~:~r.~~~~:'i~',"ur ~r tlu·.r nh.. .

1I In o lU \\'1. " .... . .C'nl('4oo. :of 1' ._ G WillI.w• • I)t 11I<llIn • • I..

..r loll.I , I II o( IlId l lu m.U ulI ul U~" bl.. loiu, r .. er .•re .1\1o·,l&lh'" Ib. t b . Will t10t II". t t) ..~ Ql I. I.l>o Itl"tt'rlll ur ot!1{• •

1'1 •• •

...: rtk. r.:111til~::';h~t-;.~~: :=~.II I~ft, .·~~r~:il~~~~uloru lllll. lo... U 'jA.t.l.° l lu. ur. u.·•• • J • •l,oIlI).".r••'.III Ih. ,. .

CHIl·. I/O. No.. . I'J.- TII. J .:o urn al b Ii. t 11Ilrl' 0rt •to be . ' ''r .c ..t of lb. l,r ... hl..M·" lll'. I 'lll" . It • • , .11willi" a n f ll" llr i1I.II • • I~.I , ..l1Ir lll. Uvll "r tb.poll~, oIIOUIII.tn r nlld llaUOtll . 111 .. 1..h •• :lJi

~·hl~I~:,~·r~~~:r~~a~ rn~l~~ ~I~r""1 ~'~.:li~~ ;I ';.WI~a~: !!::::.I.o~~.~f .~I:'~ ; ~I~: C. ltIr . la llJ: KoJll lh Alu,'r .

( • • •1, C t .

O·~'~~~·~~·"~II:u'ri.\Il ·;;~'I.~:rr·tt~':;'~~:.~~ ~~r: :}': It: t';'·.~rJ~~' ·.:::~~~~1:~II~~II,.. I~~:it :~,,~~~~:.;:'I~Tb.. ~..h . t ru ph . Willi ...,ul..d b, 110. u rl"t....I1.... u rlb • • n¥ln.. r.

• • 1. . ....' . 1" 1.. ..".1.1. HI'.A. NuY. , O._ U. Vut.ll"n. tIf ' rl nn..,.

~~I~i~::=:!~~~~:~IIj,t~·~:i~lr~:,~~~i:~a:~t~~~·:::~~:. 1I11tJ " , Il{• ••nJ lWtlltJl11 antt,••·' ur.., ,, .. ,101 Ih..m lll' ":~\I~;~J~::I~~I:~~'kI'.r:.!:., ~~'l~'~l b m '"U f.. ·t ll"

" •• U I .(".,1. ""' .... 1(0' . IO._ T b . ""IIDI of v"l #8 r"r .1000''' 'r.

"' ... ft lll . b ad by l b. Il.n.rn "r . n.' ~"U b~lI Io..la, .Tb .. rPl>llloll", 11... n,lId. ' .. .... .....<I... I.r Pol. 1 I... t .n".111 w"I:of ,n.b ,~r lltll b toJ ' 01. t", ",r..t..l" I.

V. 1e . 1 .h.It.,. . '. 1•.1108'1'0"'. l'i'o... It ._ Tb. ..... Il t1 '. ('."I II ' tt '."u~l., tr, 1

Ib.. o dk ..t '.llv ..... " r lb. I>r..I,Io11tht v,,," ,,, 1111 ..,.t f"n"w u Que . IJ. tQ.I....;U.a"(k Il .III.Vo .o;W r • .• il>IIIl l>t1• • , »4,

Y. .. o r 1111• ••• .

1l ~~I;~~·eIs:.~,. II ~Tb~b~...r~~~~·~i .~r[~:llf~·J~ :~';;'O~~ ~;,i~:~7 :1' :.Mat~~~':..\~';i :~·111~~1: "Il~'~:~~:'JIt .~; Ctlltonl· . p lllu ltl , . n.OJJ: III. J orll,, "I~.

k, .... . I .1I .....1••• U . ll ld,

W~lr.·II~.i~:ci 1~'ill~;;.~b:j.II~I~:DJ:~:~~":&:~~~:w "'to.I ...II.... r.tu. llllIII" r~" l t . 1.i111 (',,1..., ..1.. 0 1 111lb. tou rl l:l 1 l n~l u I w 11111l1euo.

Il. r.... I . O,... t .h. W I lio n.

\o~~=:::i..~...u~~-;f ~~:·a l~'~~~~r~.~:::r:::r"'I1~~r; .1::::::.{::~:~:!t·:I~~~~~:..t..: I ~I:ti"'~~t::JlIrl lJlcU..h UIlI IlJ I..I1,....n.tlu~ • .

M II ~d .r.

, b~::~:.rla.:. ~:l ·tt~:·-;I~;~:~.~ IJ~ :~~~ ~~J~:: :~l~:tt ."o V.u.. 1IU . bol I bN lltlb tb. Ii"a" .

....... "UIR .... 111. I · ...... Ito"rer.8 ' . " . t'I.. Mel' . Ul._ A Ill. J·.t., .I •• r lal I,) lb . PI·

OD...rPr ,.) Tli. r"I\IlIl. "r . 11 1I11IJ . nlln...1..1e-IIII\. ot l b , 11.1 111 nr . w.,.. Lurl O'l.l "','u -I .I.•h , .:of ~ rnor. 1I11. ' IU, 1,.II . u" II. ... r.·...' r l..1. 0,111 I.re. ,...1Ib. t . 11 r.~rl..J ~lIh. I Uil ", . ,Iv.. l .

" ...nH I>on<l.uI I.I ,.. n l,b.1 Int) IUr1bu ",",tot Ibll ..,.,IUIIICulll "" I• • J . C, I..'l . n.·• • Am"" ' ;.,.1.E. tl. ,.l1 ... Will. I'rU, .y.b. " )hrr"UOI U...·liCU) U• • IIUh lllU.n. And,I.-o orfl ll1lbto. Y.d war 11. I''''

~:~~~ ;':~tr~~I:~;~:~~~~11 .~ :~.": ' II;.. ';' r~~I. ·r't'::.on~OIr- of UI• ••, t IlUi hav , .b~u l "u lld ttll. ~1 Ill.1

~~·lh:d~=1~~ I,,~J~···r.~::tI~~ l li~~~~~~rll,:~r' l~~:.l ~~~C~,~I~I~'\'v~:: V';'1>~obl::III:l:I;~:r,~,ul:"'Itl~"f~:~n~~tJ . tJ. Uranu. n Ie nl"'ra...l to liav . ).... 11. ... 11. Ihoo 1111th .,.t1ru tr -.l Il . ' lIt tl lb. IIr". Th. om.:.". "f Uteb Cltl l' lh l h Mr. ... fur. t b.lli . l. " In" " " Ibl' .I..J .n . , Ihln lt ' h.t It b . baoJ11:011. bOIlI" b. woJul" II. "..beea bta..... tr"'I'"

........ (' .II. I· .. . .' ... . .

:~::,:;fE~:~i.:~~:;\~!.~i~~f.:.~Et~~;~:!r~'WlIl lll rtl'hl lb . , or 1m b1 110.1))1)jI.U UIl• .

... ... Ilfh. ..... ' .W... I...·I.Jlr. ll'o" . 1\I,_ 1t b.. bt'Irn "' . 111<1 In ..... .

E:1~~f~It::~~!~rfi:~H, .~~~'~~-=;!I~:~~~

:1:~~I:=~ ::~~1~0,1~'~tl .":t~n~~~I'",~rl~I~·:!' b.t l b. DillUbe, or " alli . ID lb. _II"" _loiter h" In.ff.""",, "' ... " I iii.... n ",1Ie1 1lIl lIlr l n. lt .. . 1110' I"

=t~~i\:r,,,,~t~,~~:~:::.:.no~· :Iil :::11: ;-'0Il& al" DU<)tl,• •' lb . II.DC1I of Ut. p rto""a t flUa·

,...... U. b _ ..,. r. all' . 1l. Dlpt toe mad. d" rlb,11Meom ill' ... ..IODItt lo"rt." . UtI tb. all "'r ceol'"

='e.P.~':t::~~....~itN..,.~I :~r-~1.rl~':~I~~'IDto ...fOIm4'8 aL Ibl ... _, n " IUIIlI • • ,..eb Ib'.auI• • tnO'&1l t t l:l.I rr' lIC" b , 01' I"'.ooo,.ClJO.

..... ..11 .n. r-t.04t. d.p. rt mf ot 1004.., 1eetM4 orot.n j.o

....bU.b • • I1 •• n lt . '" roll ow. l n W... blna: toIn "r·;~~(l~~. ~.~f!~:. to UI, b1aod l "" l da bo.

ay ATL••Tt C U... eL• .A. "Ie will ., . ,.....

f.~.:-..~••~:~:~~:-~n~\~~ ~bu..:,'~:~~ .:.:I»eA • • Iried.... . bot d Md tI, b l. e d• •

.,. • • a l ·r·r .

.~~~::I::.a::: :~~~:-::.~~:.to;;~bl...:::~

....,. • • • up ll • .

.hot 111...11

1I .~i::::-ON lf::~ III':;~~~~~~~~~ 1~~I~~~'L \~b~~,i:;• tlttrn ilU'l ach... wbo r....II.1)' lulu ' l.... t. lQll w.III'.• ",' vltllli.lIl.u u.ld .n .. t Ihl. ell , •• lI u! Itllu• • 1fI~d." h·.vU'l jl 1t.,. I,' Ift, .. , In. a wurd fruuI IIIUIwwtll,I ..ndb ,r t oJ .b, p.u".I. lIn,.

.. ... . .. IM" a l 11.•••• 11' t ' .h.Na. Yo, •. NoJ" . I ~ . _ Pr or or J . II . N.wl.. rr

" .. J t>erllr.. 11I1IN.UODd A ~.,I OlU' vt "' ·I. nn' '''''',r .~:lll:.I~~f~:ra :~~U~~IUfv~II~:. i~IJt!';:I~~I ~ I :I::In;II~:In lh lirt.I •• ll hllttl .rl... I, alul lh.l. rrUIl" roo-. ... , •• • llOllar l rullllht',, 'r, r l1lflnou."'.. 14 rUllr lhoJu. ,awl a' I" &ru lUlloa " l coa l ....ln . lliat U ti " Ilul "'au,::.~~~~~I:illl~~I~t~:I~lI';' ~~~1~~~I:I~~~1 ~II !f~~'~~l;::~~~Iul n 1t01U' IWt) b UII. h ",l ",n.... aOlllh t .....1Ii H. \II CIl , . O l~ Ih. lh,. Ihrtlllllh wllh'b a ra ll l"OW I.abull' W pille.are Iii., mutt ,.."I.,..bleor lb . 111 11.1I . Ib. ...urIJ • • II.t.unl ' .... llt a..w urllool'" IIl ru l ...l·v.l lla ll· ,

W .T.

C. 11. 11.""'0. »

w. n. A.D... ..LaU,a n. t.

"••n,. ....T.

La ("• • ••• , .... T.


"oa• • • ••• T7.

W bateolD. Wbat.com Co.. W. T.


UW&LL"~ .Aft. EllOIlIYEIl...

84o.UI•• W.T.

L. P. eMITH '" BON,



.. .... .. y ......


U fOD8 " UDRt"".

ATT O U ll F.Y 8 AT LAW.




W atc h m a k e r s ,

Attorne11 and Counulon at lAw .

DMlert In Watch... Clocke .J.wtt1r1 an dHII¥. rw. r. of \b o tM.t qu.UI,.

All kinde or work 10 t.hlll IIno o r ref ll ...

~11t::~t;'~~O:::,~:~Je~:I~~i:J~ 'b~t'h~~~r:\id~.o'~·I~:' ~l t~t~:J.U."..,.ou....h ...

• !!!.."!.,!D_lIroa..~ 81:0 oopoel&. 1\"8."'.

No paln l win be 1"l&ret' In k eeplnl npthe ".n l'IIlalJllaheu re puta tio n of t.be"ouee Itt ooe ot t he q111eteat aDd beat koptbOlellln thu To rrlto ry,

.0 L IQI10" . a L» .•;"or,. th l ~ 1I neat and clea n ab.,ul th .

prllD l.." . tspet..ol.al eU'orla will bt3 mad e \0k~p th d tab le l uprlled wlt h the oo..t. th emark. ' can aaoN. alld to leU 'h"t th, 1oo..JI, coolled and Hned leeont.! to no ntbe rh ouiti In tbe Ter ri tor , . A l""lIe u lul ip iroom for Ihe ICI:omm od.tlon o ( ~v.w."uN. JhULI &J 'I .

h o P uget Sonnl1l\1n ll ... ft AtU BL I8U .cD EVERY 8A.TURD A Y

COJllu ,nwa OJ'

A ppiN . Peart', l ' lumlf, Che u le" and Beal'lHarl1 FIoJIII)fO !, ."gll . It I. IIlwny. tlp~froUl the mhhUu o t AUj ult to \ 11 ., tl r. t ofBltplembor. TlIitll ' rltv ill bard )' u.od \'Orypr olifi C'.

M,. collect ion of horl!y ~renn l,, 1 n or.d er Vlllwvl'IIl" ver y chlll~e . !-·I",,,·er Huttt.l.1RoeM and oth e r Orn.moniAl T ree.. anutib.rub bery .

a l. ~r ('SoJUKh l . Jo.:. r. " "fty. J . .. . MdiouxL'

McN. ught , f erry and McNaught.

Tron:u:\·s ,\ NO COUS'8ELOlta ·A( ·I. Aw.

FR.urr TR.EE~

J Oli N n .oiNElT, l' roprie\Or.

The uUde~f.~I~ :,~r=t1~':arlo a ver y

W ill I Uoild 111 0 terme of tho Dll trlct Courtfor "'" .toom "'Guil ty.



" .UI•• ' Yo T .

Otllt'tt on the ('Or'H' r o f 1"'rollt. a n ,1 Cohun·h hut r ,·.. t", lIp .hllr".

I D~~:~~ ~':r~H~~~:' .lIlh~ cour la of W..b·

.(I.":. ...rlo .. R ATU'

~1~·J::[f.~~..-:!::.~~.?~:::::.:::::=::::"=:::::::::.': ~1 "1 1•••• t" l

~aA.:,I:"',..·~~~,:I: :dl~~rl~~:'r:~~~~·.~.I.?~:::::: .•:::::~ I ~ra ... UtU o n to f".ul., IIth .r. I..,.. ,

....141.. , • • T .

0Ll1t'(O u l·, . 81,,1" In 8ojur,.· . Opl'm J[ou. l'.

<I. M. ILn .t Ell. A . W. I-:NOLa.

U.lLLEU " ENtlLE,Atto rn e)'1 a nd Coun..lora . , La",.

... t:\a...... _.T.Man er loan~' rea l Mtate boDl ht In d

l old . fMOle to leaae,to Ul t:lionl mad".con ve,aot:!na. l tc.

Page 2: THE PUGET SOUND MAIL. - WA Secretary of State · 2012-09-14 · 10 ( ,·.. &. ~~~~~::::u •;:; ~',--- --- - --- -._--.. un"-----..'...-- - - ----- - ~.~"~.._, - - _ ....__ • •..}-----~..!

. J




'f Il R

\' AD E l

- --:

l!\ COrHlER

--------- - -

x zw ADVt:1l1'IHI':~(EN'rS.

1Wofl~L\ f lU,' 1'lIblicutl un,

I. \PIP Or FI(.·.; AT OLTMrlA. W. T••N. '~ llInbl't :la, 1&10.

n ll~~lJC:e~~I~~~~~d~~r~ ~'~I~tnl~r ~1~1'i:; ~~'!tlun In m llkl' nn,,1 Ilt unf In .uppon o f hi"cblm and . ecure 1I11 'l1enlry Ih c rl:o f, andIh At 11.\1,1 pr un f will bu mn,le "'elu ro thet.:ler k of t he Dllltr lrl C u UrI I I hi. omc(I In

~':yC~),"J:~~ ~~y:r ·.\~D~Yt~'l~.d "J', Iho Ol h

~I V)"l t ' l .\ N OII IUl" N , I' rt'oftnpltnn D.R So. " lIiO. fur t ht1 1.0 11 . 01 Ht-'f1 13.T . ~;J ~, I ~ :l E, nlu l n ,HIH'illhu (o llow lng

:r'\~:I~~ nl~':,:~ 1~'oJ'r~~il l~~~I,~non~~n~IIII\I,iI ,.. el, .. h~ : C hl1rlt' t T ul b"r, J Ili n", aaehce.Oeori e U"elll'll lu,d Allnlll U.rl80 n• • U o r

Li, Conucr , WIJ~ I~r.iJ~OW~: 1r~ir~'et.1' ln l ,,1I1I(,3t!01l SO'" 27.

Th " F inollt lJ r nil. or( ' I G Lit' .' 71n ·ro n ., (· (:o .~ .

~'I!.T!mlmY, FANCY ART ICLES• .te.~ Ji ." I; n 'l 'I :;'1 . ' I:n I ;U 8 TI:I: L

" 1 (\ 1,1 ," ~... flUW •.

011 !\1I lJiIINof $.1 IUIlI up\\'nr~l" inlht> ~ho\'o lin e ot uoOtllf I will tuk

10 1~f'I' ( ,·.. n' . orr f .... , ( 'U lfll ,

OROCERIES & PflOVISIONSI got rrOlll lin t hnntllt lu P or t i llo l

nlill S.\ :\' FI L\:\C H:K'O rOr Cn !;h ,RUlwill l:'t'll n'4 C hf'l\p not th o Chl'l1lh'lKt

'1'0 1·I\l·t it!" ( Will 1\ ,ti Rl lltl Ce 1 "'Illt:h-tl MJ1Ccilll terril' tb llt "' ill pny thomfur t'oml lls;'.

I f'lln~' n rull lint) o r nil goodl ~ liI tl a ll .l" la 'p t ill " 1'11'IIt· cl" 'l"l Co unt r.S t ll l·O.

'Co 1\11 \\ ho hl\\'o "'0 01:'1 10 "pen tI would :in." :- PI" ft l" " h' e U lt A cnllnud I g'lInmllh :u t hli L f CJ U wilt Ie"""'l\ti~ticd with yoU(' Um·&::., iUII.


{m lll'nrctl F I'mU'lIu l1l Bnngo

Th~ F~I~iJt :,~ I:1J.~I I~l~c:f~~~~:~~. !tau, _

A COtuple to A~lt Ortme D t of

DR t7G 8, M E DICINES. ....

Onltr~ l oll clttd , ~tltl .r"e t'on ~uRraD th(t


J OH,: rll .\ L I:X A~DEl\ .

I Jr o p rit· to r .


AT THE FIDALGO STORE.1 h ave Ju Irer f:l,.ed lll tfc t

FROlVI f:lA N FRANOISO OD)' ti tr. I d uh o ....n a r k T Rm O'Shanter

Jl \' l' .\l .1. .\ :;l> wrxr xnSTOC K OF GOOD8

Co n"i ll:in :c i n }uu t 01 Stnple nndF lln(';" VI')' Oooel" o r all ki nds ':"I.·u '!'j Bud Bo.,',,· fJlothing n Dli(J " n'~ ' F Ut n ilillin « Good. · Mpn""-'1\1111 Itn)''''' P ur e Ilubbe j- Duot ., Hub•her l'OlltH nn d Oil Hui tt.: A lito Do o £"Shoee »nd :-ilipll(,l'rI o f [1, 11 kinds andl5iz('lt; S ot ilHH ot ..II kl ul1H ' lInrd .wnre nud C u tlon ' ; I ro ll nnd Nall MCilnJl MW nrAfUlIl C roc kery ; Dl'Ug :1 ondP,It<: uL )[<'lticille lt.

l u l h (" J) lltrlCl Cnu r l . h flld lng lerms a tI.nl't1llnt.'r. W. T , ...

T ift: 1.J C tl " T l fJLI. COlf l' .\S". 1'1a lnillT,v.I(Uft.u ·c P.m:w Tim . n~ (l' nd "nl.

Cnllll ,l nl nilill'd 10 I he COllr. I.V0 1 W h " t .COlO. In tb e omco or I h e c h: t k o f lIuMdl llit iet cuu rt .

"fhe Unitt" ~Intri o ( AmC'rl .." lI('n, 1Crt'f'l l" " l u U ' H Al' fl B rt'w 8Icr. I I U r~ l lI l nn l :

YU lI llrt· here'hy rl 'q ul rcu I II "PI,e" r InIln nell". l h tOIlJ:hl '\l{ll lllJlI )'InI II)' thaI\hm' (" II nlUl 'cl p)llh ll Ur, In Iht! tll 'lrlc' co u rto r lhe Te rritoI' )' o r \\'Iuhln .clon, huhl h Ile r lll!O I\t I.Il COlll le r, InJ to Ilnll IH!r III(,ulll l' loln l liletllh t'l·tln . wll hln " Ixly etn,)nl h'l th o da hl til tli lt 1lI1111l1un. , lit J uJ Il"lnrn l hr.' t!l"oult ",I1II J~ 1 11 ~ t' ll URlllnllll un

1l 1'1~:~l~1 ,,~:f, II~l.W,;nPra! ~ ~~~["11~~0 ~(~1Il~~~~"~~;Ih u 11mII f Ilv u fili lld rl·tl Qnd IHI ,)' d l,llnrs .due OPOli "0 a n Ul:COlml .1,,1t'11 Mop fe ml1lltI, I ~O, nnd no P1Ht 01 wh ich h1l8 IJCllU1'11 111 .

WIt 'll !" Ihl' II n~ . U tlll";U 8 . Onl('&NE,,J'1,1 e o ( ullt JI Jll r lc6Cflllr t. 'lI1<t Ih" . 1'111I h ~t~ IJ I l li h Utili d n)' u f Novt'mh cr, A . O.18:lO.

[•• .\1.) ' J AH. HE An ,:y. Clerk .By J At. A . G ll ,I.f1..\ NP . t\l· Jlut,•

W. n . An ,lr c w fl, A lly. fur Illa lnt Uf ."iut l, ubl1call un :"lo v. 20 .

Xu tl(' .' 10 1' 1-.. hllcll""" .

1. ,\ :':1) O rr l(' c AT 01," )1, '1\ . W . T . ,S U\,U IlIJel 1&, I fI,~O .

:-;f,l k c I. hcr"),) ' a:h 't:1I I ha t tin' flllll.\\, .luU'nn med ~ l"ll ll 'r Ill! IlIoJ nou ce (If hi'"ln rcn tlon 1,1 mil k!! tln ,1! IlIlhlt In .UI' IWrI IIf1,1", c leltu und secu re liu l,1 t'nlt)· Ih ~Tl"U r ,

nll,l 1I,III. '11lI I"""t ... 111 hI.' l1Iu,l o hd,. t '"t11 , · ( ' I ~'l k II r I h,' I H Irle l l ·UIH I . l\t h i." l lI l' i·I Il I.I ' ( '1' 11111'1'. W. '1'.. I'll Ttl c ,d ,ll.

th":I~:~; :~ll l, .fI~~:; ~ ~~~.~ r{:r~\ ,~:i ;I I : '~ I) I I\ . ~ ,XII 01 0;0, 1, fur III •• I... t'" 2. a. " unll 1'0 . "' .fu f S , E.! 0' :-e<'. 1, 'r. Ii"S . It 1 I:. lIu,1IlUIlH" th o l o llflwl n ~ a Jl hi" wllnt' ~I "" Itll, r,,\·€!IIh ('l!lll llltlflU, rv h le nC'I' llfi"" I'llH Il' \, I: h' lltill n u t 10 ,,1,1 If.,n, " I,.: \\"1111'" 11WIIIl!t·y , II . P , 0 '11 )'11111• •\ I\ , n 'l ,''' hll., .11• 1111 C. 1'. \ \ ·Oll.l l·Ut·k, IlIl ur OUI·llIn.\\ 'I 'lit cuml'o . , W . '1'.

.J, -r. lIHOW X. He g l.l.~ r.

I-' lr I pUbllc lllio n :\ 0\'1.' 111111;1'27.

.\' u H (·1} a'ul' 1'lI h ll (·u ll ll ll .I. ,\s u O~T Il" r. .\T OI.nu·l\ . \ \' . 'f .•

:-; 1I\'t' nILl: r~a, I ,= ~ ) .:iull cc I 1I!'r l'hy .- 1\'1.'11 Ih u l lie flllllll\"

tug 1I1\metl "'cllll;'1' Ii ~ ", tll l'll lIu tl (.·" uf iiI,hU t'ntl"n lu IlInl;o .:n111 l,ro' lr In UI' I'0tl

~~ \\l ltll~:~"I~:I:I,tn~r~;,:'r r:"lt"ln:~lcl'I~ll~~j"~I~~~~~:I h~ .hhJIl l' , Ill' in h i ..h~ cn c". t he C ll'lk ti tIb~ IJI"trll-l CU'.ltI, III h lJlul1l". III L II C'}IJ'lie-I', W. '1'. , un 'I'h u nl1J, I', the 13th tlily urJ lIuUoI r)' ••\ . IJ . I blj l;

\\"1' .1.1.\11 :i. UAIIl·IICK, Al1ll lt IUOl\l l l ol1lf'-

~\V~ t~r~~I~"~,\.I~II~'S I~!:~:Ji ~lE ; ~'~ ~~\~~ 4~T. 3.j S • It l) I';., Rntl'loll1H :. I ho f" lIow .In;: II. h ilI Wh ll ...~1I(! 1 I n (lru \"tJ hh co n t l nu.\lUJl r f'. lttc DC.! UJllIfI lUll l CUltlVlltlflO 0 1I t.I ,ll r llct. vlit : Cbn t lc. ~ 1 1~ I 'tl ll . \\' . J .Bru " II , IS U. ~.lIn l" l.n lUl l! . ' . K Ollk\.\·,"II ut I~Jhun , \\ ' hal cuIU C" . , W. T . •

J . '1'. IHlO'\'X , Hr gili e-r .

~ o llC.' lUI' Fnbllcnllun.J. A.NU Orl" lc r. A'" Ol.n lr lA. W. T .

S "VlIlulJtr ~3, l SS0,:-lu' !<'fo I, hN tb,)' gin n Ihut Ihf" 1" lIo w.

In r, ""nlt'd .tllll.: t h". Illed nulIce ut hl i

~ilbl;lcl'~ I:;; ~:,I:lk :e~~~~ J:~~; J tl!~~r;UI~I~~:~ur, and lh al lu,h l IJf uof will b l! lunde bc~fM I!I Ih o JII"ltl' , or In h i' nblt'n c ll, tli eCle-rk o t th e Uh lr! cl (' ourt III hi " o nlce IIILa l.onnt'r, \'t•• T •• on FtlilRr. Ille l h h

dB!o~,~./i~.n ~r~~t~i.:~· l l,~ll~.t (",uJ appll cs-tl on Su. 3 1~, (ur t111~ Wt ot Yo. o f ~e. ~O.T , 40 N,. 1C 1 £ , a nti II ll lll t ' Ihe l ulluw.

~~Ij; ~1I~1\~:cl~ ~~I:;: ~~,II~i'liy~::I ,~o~il~~~iIt lCl, ,·lIt · t · r.nc l" l' ll'rry , TI IIIIJlM II .

~~:~d·It ,,~~ ~i"tor'~t'I1~t':I~~~;:.)·W~~a~c:,~·~:w. T.

J . T . nB OW:i, lle c l'de r.PIW Jlllblirnt l' '" N<JY . :n.

:\' u l"'(" r U I ' . ·u lJlI Clltiuu .

1. .\~lJ O .· U Cf: \ T 01.\"\11"\ . W . T ••:" o't' l:lll l" r ..:3. I D.~.

~t'l l lc' l" I_1H' tl'11\' ~h' e' ll 111:'1 Ihl' rnll n \1'hq lil liit' d eUler 1.:1.. IIh·.1 11Il11c +.! of hi ..In I'rtl lull In nuk e lin nl I,t u nf In ..upport

:::ul• ~~I ~ ~'WII~ ;: ;I,:~ , ; f'\~.Wtl ll~

0:~: 1 ~~:~I I;::. }~ ~'~I!t~t;

,' ucl..f'. Itt III h l ~ Il," ...n ,.... tilt · (' l u I, II f I h ,'J)l,.lrlr:t Clllll t in h i'" " lIkl.! nt 1.,\ (' Ollie · .W . T .• li n Wt'd llt .u ln)' , tho I ~ ~h lIII)' III.' ,\nlU\f v. ;\ . P . 1-;JI :

WII .I:, .\) I J . UU"\\'S • •\ lh ll I10n .11 II . til ' .·t ··I1 ,1 111'1,lu ' lll "n :,\" , 3:)l}1, ' ''I' lilt, l. 'lt I" r ~t· I' . ::, l' :l.a, :-i . n . :1 E . Hlltl :-- \\-1 o r:--W} u( :- I C . :, .' . T , a'l s.. n, J 1:, u tilin 'l lI1t '~ I ii.. (1.11." 1,,11' II. 1li i wlt lll ·..·"<t I"111'11\ ' ( ' hi conl luuuutli II Id" nc co UpOIl lUI.l" ull h'lI ll'JlI \It "'I I,I I "..c l, " It : ~', IlIhm :-;,Ih lol: Ild : . ( ' II ' 110'" ~ I 'll Ull . B. n, :;,lI ll l" " '1nUll P. !':. li i l k1·r , All o f 1:.11 '1):1. \\' h lll .'\.I1i1l ·u .• \\ ' . '1'.

., T . IIWt\\' X. H"j,:l.t rt .t ' i t " t p ub llcal lu n : ,;,,\' . :':7.--- --- - -- - - ._--

.~ u tl (' e flu' 1' lIh ll cnlinn .

r•.\S lJ O I'l'l l ' ': .\ 1' O I.YMI' I \ . W. T . ,~lH t:lllll ct ~ :J , I ~ ~ O .

:: .. ll cl.' I Il l'I'I II)' "1\'1:11 thai 1110 loll u\\'·Int. 1I11Ull' I\ , ...ul , r 11IU IIIl' tl Ilot lco u f h i_hUt 'lIll"n t ,l IlUlkl' llu :.1 p ru n r III !ttl l' ll ·'rtn r h l:l l'1.llm I\nd ~'·l·t lt'J ll!llll l'nlt)' IIH~r l,lur

lilli l th lll • .,101 pfO ' ll w ill II... 1I111\1t. b"f ur"tl lC ~ .Itll l :;;: t,. or III Id ll ll h" " IIC'I' , I ll u C\' · tlt IIIt ill! OI'l l h·t Cuurl '11 Ill ... 1'llIt,1,! ti t I . \ CUll '111:1', w . '1'., 1/11 1'•.(,! ~\h}· , IhtJ 1llh JU)' \JtJ llllll r,r)' , .\ . IJ. 1 ~ :;I :

.\I ,...X .\~U~lI .\t l lJ u l'u'I.I.. II Qmt' '\ I I~ ll tt

~J:.P)f~ ·31~1~~~ ~Ui i,;I.~~IlIX ~,~I:I~,.~ t~~u I 'r~ lt:'~, :In t: 'UI III \\ \(hr. ~t" to 1' 1'0\'" h l ~ ..·,w l l lI 'll·u n" f <:, iJ <:IlC'l' 1I!'"n tl ll. l l·ll llh·IIUIlI\ u t (0 11111r:\ c'l . \ ·14:: I't",lt' r11k I·', I... nl.' , , ' I. UIIUIII ,J) ,tVIIi . : 1'"ullclI u , I', r ll,l. llt·, W11I1I1I11 .f.llt" k of f t:r ,llh lt·. O. \\ ' , J. .\ i1('II I.1 ' J.nCUUlIl l . till ut W H:,h ,UlIl CII., W. T ,

J , T. n IlOW~, It l'; 1 Il.'r_r lr t ru hll c l\t1oll No .,. ~7 .--------------


Xo Uc e f n l ' " u hll (·ullon .

L ,\ SD O I' P'ICI: AT O I.nl1·' ~ . W . T.•!'l'u \'l' IIlLLJ r ~a , 1 ~~O.

~u I1 CLJ 18 hete by g lvt' ll Ih llt th e l ol h m·Illg lllullctl 8t'Ulor 11 ",,\ filt. ' ,j ' lOll t'e ul hIli

:lli'h~: I~III:I~~ ~~t~tll~IIII I~~ Jri'~IOJnll:y "I~IJ~~::~ :nlHI ",,, let t'tOUr wil l hu 111111" h'.!ru tl1 Ih e.f u d.ll~ . ur III h i. ""u!IIce, Ihl! CIl' l k " f IheOI,l rlel Court. I\t Il lll oll !l' " In I.u Cutlu('r ,\, ' . '1'" ,f n · 'I' hur 'f l ll.f. I he HUh tiitY o fJROU:lty, A. n., I~ I :

NI~~1';~:1 ;~~I'~h:~i'iW!I~)~t~\VI n !: ~ll~~~~~I~l-:iu f ~mf, " nil ~Wf ur ~n;! 01~oc..'. T.40~ .. n ·1 1-:•• nnd 1IIUlIC. the ru ll..w lug

::~~~ ~~~~ I\~~'~ ~I~ I~nSr~:~i ll ~~,~ I~~ II~l,n l~f:'~J~r:t~~ I,~~il~, I:~ I'~~ ~~I C~;~I~~ ,,~ftl l\f':WI:I:~;0 1lIcrIll1"1, "II 0 1 Suot-Huck. Wh ai coulCOUllty, W. '1'.

•J. T . 1l1lOWX, BogI."•.

f11 l r .u 'I O~H.

Sl·,1 I .'1 0 :\"~,

- - - - --- - - -- - -

nr,: ~ . !'"1 r, r.Tr ll , ,\ l ll Icr.

A t Sa n Francis co P rice• .

:''1::11" ADVr.IITIAE~m~T H

GE SEhAl, ~lEllOH.\~DlS f~


A. 'I', 11lG II 'i •A'TTO Ill' E Y·A 'l'-LA w .

llKflOIT CITY, W. TW il l ptUIIct' IH·fo , l'! li lA OI.t , lCI C" utt

til \ \' h" tcoIll l'I,HlII l)· .

fi l':~ : 1I n ~ s

(II lll e III Ir:c l ~.~"~ le fl lU n t I. .I " Hlnt'r , \\' T .

SI'1'(' I II' I' n \ Xu :" nlltl .\ ut t.ll r.\1 1I1l.. ,.I... . " q ' i l:\r l n c r ~ lll lll, rIhe drill IHt' "" of S Ih" T1:u,... Cu. • Pla llll llr ., .

If nlu n : n RC\\, fUI, Dcf t"'ndAI1t.( 'Ulll l' illo l nl 111t.·11In th u C" ' :l nl v li t WIIIII.

r lllll, h i t ill' l:rtk e o f lh o <;I...r:, ;,f ..,1,1 U I"Ir h-Il'IlUIt

T hl! r nll.·11 ~I Rt l' of .\lll t r lc" ' r nd

gr\~I~~:I~,'~lh~lr~~~~err~: ~lli;.:.~: t. :.;, ~~111~1:1 ~~"01~Il.n "NIH il I/TIHl/Z ht "INln,.t \" llU by th t""hm'e IlQIllf"11 ~' l llo ll 'l lI r.., In 'Ih e Uh lr let

~:II:,III{I~ 1l0[e :,lllt ~ I 'I~'l·7;ln:~~ II~i;~~h~:~III~~:fit W h l\l ('f}!1I. nmll nn nllwt'r Ibe cflm ll l",ln i

._, - - _ ....__. I '~ I l' 1 1 Ih ert'ltI . wlti llo IIlt l,)' d o.>' " flr r

:11~~n~; I~f!~.'I~lt::~, t~'k~~:n~;,~'~·n~[ ;.~~I~I~~~l~:J:11l;.:,I;t~~~III~{~~nnrl llii::;~I~l:: :' t~:.r('cn\.f'rt h l' fi lm u( .1:U1·el,:h t .In tl 70· 100 du ll n"\\ lt li InlPrut III Ollt' nn 1lllll e . h:r1( per cent.r ur 1Il1)t' th ho m '\1'1'11 ~ l h, l ti~, InJ €!x.

;~~t~:'! tb(.'.r~I~II~ ~ ,.~~~tJ ';:la~j~~5'\nd\ ~~~.:~nod 2:1·100 d ll!llln, \\ h h Il"gnl lnl e r l'ilffro ln ,Junl ' 1, Itl ilt , ro r aOl/tho, "Il tl" 1111 ,1

~Il~~C~;' 'I:II; i I~~Vl'~Ill•U~ I~I~~~":1~; '1; 1t l~ i~o lll~;'n~tlr llll~ti·: ~ d It ~ll:t~!~lllt~~ ~~~~~t' ~Ut h\~~/rt!.~nntl ~7 · 100 d ', ll 'lr.., wit h 11I1 t'r ". t ft u 'll 11Ie­131h d lly uf .hlll e . 1880 , (o r IlOthl1i . fllJ nnddc lt"e-rt',1 to yo u I'.f one ,'Iuncil A. Oil.IIIllne!, nl l\ \ rllr 1I..I" oc" tl f W t 'I ~lIl1" l, " od

~~I~II~~~tl~~:: 'II~~;I~ ,~': t:l.~~r 1I1111r~I.~ I I: II· lf~~~~~~::.llllJ'/I'I\~~1 ( ~~I~ I~~~~i t~ I~~::~ll~~~i~~m~,~~~d111 110 lilt cU~I ••

Wl lnl"'" tho 1I 0 ~ . n llo r.n A. Om m:ol' p'.J 11I11(t" III '11111 1)1tt t ic I e mlt l, Ilncl tll f' • ..:olt1r8~~o r tlll . l "'lh da y of Nun lllbt t , A. U.

['''L.! JA S, SEAYE\" CI.rk,l1y ,IAIi .\ , O Il ,I.II ,A:'Il O, 1l ~' 11U I Y ,

i~;;.~ lill:~JiY~~~i:~ ~,~~:'l;{ l,hll ut Ur...

J ~.Jt CUlil>lI' J:II(! Il.ddrl" "

.\ . J .A~DCn:;ON , A. .\1.. PIU': ~ lIJ "~ 'r,

SE ATT LE . \\' . T .

COI. I,Em: C O l: II H r.. SCIEX'W' lCCOU ItS I:, NOIll I.I I. COCllS I:• •\ Xl>

CO.IDllm OI.I I. Ct)l:II:l!: ,

E1nen P rOrtoU o t" Rrlll :5pr chll T ea cher. .

~;I~'i~~''f, . I:t~v~~~,\I. t he g rou nd , In ch uTI;e

Tho 1I11lvcr",lly )'«!arco nllllll"u f Ihru llerms1Il'glnn lllg fin Ihe li rll! Wedll fl811lly ' of




lIQUJflS, TO!lACCOS &. GIOMI3.Sol. Allon' s rur ' be


I n Ihe 1>1'trlct ( 'o Utl hul.:lln:: tcrm , III f.'\CIIlllu r, \ \' . ....

nAUItY ("U.\I'I·"I.. I' ln lul ll r,".

U OIl \ (' I: n tU WnE ft, n'(~ llIl I101 . }(''''l l l, ~ , ln t IlIrdIn th r' ( 0 In' .\· H' Will' "

C'lnI, III I!lt' ullit'e II f II".. Cluk (It ..:JUI..ltict CUlIrI .

.\11 or ,,.h ieb wo o IT' l' 10 th o trrLlte TI ll' [' li lt · ,I :"1 IH fir .\ mtt lc , 1INu i. rll' tl lI.!: In 1IU1llt·U Brl' \Ht~ r, Dt'l l'lh ta OI:

:,~Y: :~\ I~:,~' ~'; ~~~y; ~ t~(~' ~ ~~~.I: 1;?m~'P l ::,ra~hl~l,,!Jo \'" n, I\llul l 'I,\lnll lf, 111 th.· HI ..tr ll' tCutl rl II f tl .t' T lllr ,I .llId l('1I11I)!:ttr lc l or t l. 1.'

, Ventcr" in Im ,1 I':xflor ten Q( ~1:I,g l.~ : ; ~tr~ II ~"' ~ ;I~h\~: :;::; I~~n ~ :~l llt\! ; ; ~l~~:' :~~VI0 0 L, 11 10 ES A:fi 0 FURS I 1111' I h ~' (,'u lllll l' tI' W h'lll;'",IIl. nnd I" lOll .

.. \\'l·r Ihl' 10 l1ljll llln i fllf'11 Ih cr",l ll . w ll ll illl-~o r w1llch "e 1''')' lil t, Id ):h~.t Cuh Prlet·' I ii ll " dllyll r~ ll t' r l ilt! I t,~lt· o t til'" t1'1'1)1ll1l :1.

Plea to If Dd rvr PrIro I,h t. . ::~,J~:~~;.II\~: : lll:ltu r~i ~l"~ll : " l~ ::~ 11:~'HI~l;:~:f11,,· t(ol11 I,11I11I1.

S . B A X T E R &. CO'I I h :~ ~\~ Ill"~:} .',II~'~l i'l~o~ill,l:t~:~~lll~ l l~~t ;t~~'::;~11S,!n. ll lt> . " ' . T . ."1·1t)!) d,l l h ' . l * I HI,tH I \\ I'll Inh·I,·.. t t' ''1ll

1111' 1; 111 ,In}' u r .\ lIJu"t. b t'U. ' ul' wl'r kUlul 1" 1" ,, I'l'tr·'lllll·d ru t pIll loy uld

-- ----------- 1 , 1 1l 1 Il li llh~ I \\e"lIl h t' :!N h ti ll' IIf .' f:lt d l ,I to'"\}. ..url l h ~ 1; 111 11 >1;.' I,r .\ UWlhl .Il 11 1l f••tl: t h. ' '' ,

W Um '.... '"l' 1r ,, ~,1. n"'":'l ~ fim:._s l:..fulI ,: •• II ' -tll il I JI.., , In ('.Hl I I, lllll i 1111" ~ ", i1i~ ~ ~i.:..r . h ' .. 1 .. ,1. I. • • ", " .. .. ~ .. , • . ••• -'- u .

(' '',II ..J .J.lS, :i C,I YE\, .1:.\' .Lu, .\ . 1 :1I . , . 1I .1 ~ 1J . P":' IlI~"

w. I " 11I.llre". ... .\ 11.\' . r('I' l ' l.l ! ~ , l ilr.

FI r.•! llu hllc.ll lllll :-:'1\·. ~i) .

,r ill l eono l';/Jatt ltl f:!\'cr \' Fri lln \'morni ng'. t OllrhIIJ ~ nt:Hu .. l'lt,.o. 'ru in.lip, St ,lU\\'OUI) , Ut "l1lt (h L a ( 'ollucrFi tl "J ~() . Anllc ort r A,l'inlill "h. :-;ehulll '"nnd -So o k llrlck It i\'l'r. H et u rniu g '[,Hlllt n oh o,'o lIlln t io llK. I

l.c nvo S toQltl o T u ea..Jn,· tn orllin '" rortbo nbu \'o porta 80; rllr 1;4 ]~ n Co7lnttanl l rot u rn .ho~~~:. r rc ig b t or fli18S0[;C tt~lpl:r Cln


SI:AT l' L f: . W. T .

C Oli lltRI1 (1) ' 0 11 ha nd, wh ich wi1lbe ",ul l l to CU'Ito llle t ll .t t he 10 \. tJlt'prk~ll .

~-a.- I.ot" 01 tlr l,,- ,lnIl4f11 and up.wa rd 111·l h ·t'If'11 Ilt t h e F 4l'l'ud Ool ' "Cru i'l&ill8 Crt' r " l cllll l'g e.

At t h e RIfJJl b o f Ib .. :iolJlI. n ck HIve I" In t he (}I ~trkt Cu urt l.fI:,1IIIjf lerlO' I~ I1... C·UlIllt·l . W. T .

n . DlcD ONOU OH , P roprlo tor. ~h l .Tn :"l u, e,I.,M.. l' '',llI th !', ) .

1I,l u \ ('I: B lu :\\~~ ~ .II , Dd~ lI ,J ' "I . fH u l'o I A r~o ,,~~t\""OI · tm cll t uf ( 'u lIll ,I,111l1 t: I,.t1 ln lilt: Cu u ol\' tlf W hr.l .

1'11111. III ,1 , 0 otlh e u r t.:luk li r . :,IJ m .t t lelCuu rt .

T Ilt' Unll ,',1 :-'1111(', (lr '\ nlt"r lu endIrr.·,'l h1il h i II l1r" t'e I:U' '' Jlll' r , d ..h ,lllul ll :\' fl l l uro 11 1'1" ny f(''1l1ln 'd III up p,'., t III MOIH'II"o hrllll;lhl l l a'I I II~ 1 .'·,HI h i' th e "hll\'e­n'UlII·,1 1,1111ILllr. In th e UI1Itrki ('lI Ut t 0'Ilw 'fnlt,l.h l,lId Ill Il J. f t ll'l I, r lilt' T ..rrt-

: ~ : ~!..~:,rr.\Y,~ ~1111~' lf,~ : :::;1:~I~ ~IU{\,:~~I~I~~ ll~ ~ ~: ~'t

~ : : :: ~~~::~I'i1 ~: ~ 1 1~~.~~ Il 'rli: :~ ~~: 1 1:: n ~~' I: ~ I ~' n:l\~ ~;d 'i\ '" " fll I'llit' ,l lIltl " I Ih ll 'lUlIlIIl" I.II. u rJIII\ I(IIIt"1l1 11., IldliUIt wil l he Inkt·n " ~ItI""1)'ull. llc\:ur olhlM' I" Ihl.'Ilt.l)'t'r o r the com1'11I1rt.

:'IlllJ ncl loll ' btllllj::ht III t N'IlI' N1 1 '!,' . H~ , ,1 11l;! UI"1Il IUl IU; CIlUlll fur ""IHh.

--- Will i'. lind nu'tch un,lhln ..,,101 nlll i ~Idh' ,S lIit" ll11u lo t o orclpr rrom the mo!~ 1'1'1'(1 In )'11',1 I,nn 't'll .\ Il ;:; Il~ 1 ·l :l. Ii;ll, "lid

80t\'ief'I\ 1JIt' I\In1 ttt" Jj'"h Rood" , SOIU ' ~ ~; :~~ ;~";'~11~'1;,; I:l~ ,~1 r~ : ~' I:':t', ~1~ t~':~~t~:1 ~:'.~ :P), ' ''4 o f good '4, ;' i lh d irl'c t iu l18 (or 1\"'1'0 .\ Ull ll t ~a . I&ill , rU1I1 All)(U I :':4,fo l·I ' . lIlel\ 'IUrflIUCll t , M,)UL to t\ UY nd· tfiW. IUlIl .,1.41)to rec/I\'(' r ,?U'! " lll ll II d lwdl f'''''' o n n Pl'lil' [\li lHI. 1,111,1",11·,1 O,'l llbl:r ~1. t " " i). In r,I\'OI of

l i uN nlslI 0 11 b UUll An extl\l1 fL i,.., 1 : l' lll r·l' ·'l I~ I 'lJt:ll lln l l 11)' him 1l . ~ I"n~ 11 III

1\" ..u l't lJll!n t ~ I l·~ Rd.\· IJ1 Ru e cl u th ing I th~\~:I ;:~~~ t l l\ h ' Hus . l~ ,n~: n 3, On E :,n :.&lIl1 (Je nt" I urlll i h ing G uo lh. .111I1);t' uf "'lllli III nl l't Clltllt , RllIl t1 l\~ . 1'1,1

...... "e .l(od~ I ' ll ' (" I- I· .c e lll ~I~:r " Iii". ltlt h lln)' ul So" ellllJcr, l\. D.

--- - 1,[ ,\1..1 J .IS , 5E .\\" E 1 , Clel'1, .

S· :F} .: \.. .., ,"" ' ,r .l~ I{ (.\'v C' O , w. (I , .t~I ~(:~\· ~ :\~\~ ~~I~~~~;:\ ;I: ~' ,~ :: :~~ ~i~:1'11 _1 I' lIlJlk . t1011S nl', ~N.

'1'1lE J, U JI JI I S'l' O It E.

Til E Qu een of I-:IlKln. utl rcc e u l1)'n1il;llt o,1 from l lC~r ca rr iag e nud wenti n t o a flo l el lo wntc h tho op ern.tio n Ho r a now r CAper nod lti ntlur. Jus tlh iuk o( H,

l.·UF.J i,.ltl o r wh~nt in tho nh cllSn tlcR th i.4 ~· t> tH' will ,,110\\' RnillCl'l!nllOo f I~Lt) u t 30,0 08 .000 hU:5hch 0\'01'1870.


l 'r i'"r lu u Cll"tHl tlUlt l\ Celll!'l'Jl i ') "till llo r tho Cl 'utml P I1 c:111(· nnd l'ldu ll <;.\ 111', T It O , UIL\XSO:'-, ~ 1 : l..ltJrl'l1ei lic h tWluJ: ul'mngl.J i ll ~ t · . I ' l . 1WI . ' , ~ ' . M. ~ , t I . "

Y~~~'~I ';O O:'~obc r ,~;;in Klii ) )cd L t rn 'o, ~h:l'\~fl~~~h."" (,u ' Lnrru m X'ow Yot·t. to EU1·gI':1 IUllvulnltell ~~::: :.()r\.:lI ti Wll>' l ' O l·t~. I'(' l tlt'uin;; v II

to 1 ~,lJ3U '~I~~I j(t I ", . • 'L,. '~,~~'" ·fo\ t.l\ tt l,) ' ~. [ () I ll l a \' -t r , r L a

'filE Innu ;l Ufl1tio n o r (it:n~rnl O" r. C'UIlIII.'l' , S l'h Ulh l' IIlld W lt~: p ,') n " , al , dtield p l'u lld illJ.i to C'dip 'lo 1\ 1l~' billlih l' 1'uturn .(·\' tn t t I n sOlUa f oJMUftH, O\ fjr kuowlI F"r Ft~ IKht nt I"....'n~{" nt ' rl )" " ll hn nff lin Wn. h in:; to:l.

S rsA To l: t ; Ko~:'17~i'l irn p I'O\·. t..~ ri' g~: ..\ :l!J~Il ~. r~ g 4 ~ 4 1 !~ ~iuG'. nud hI! wilt pro ha hJ v bu in hit4hel, t upo n th lt l'C;u 8o lu uling o f 'u n ." ..cu.

Dcr.r:-:o~ tho Du m Le r null

i~~I':~~ I~ '\\~e\n~~\:~'I :~)r:;~ ~~ O~~~d ll~ ll~\~ ~ ;iu t ho lliRlot )· or th o I Jos to l11cu d (j> .porltucl1t. _

All k l l1J e pf t rOll w ork d nn e 10 the Lt"'UIUl\QlIl'r . Allrl clIltural hlllll f'mt'IHoIm .de10 order or rtl~lllrr,l. nod g lloeroillatlltf,u ' .t1o ll~lldlt'''lIect1. )\1"1'(1' .110 0111""11) nilk ln d tl o r lIArd W oo d , 1'1" w Jlt' a m . 'lndIJlo w n . nd lf'_, an d nil k ind. o f Jmplu'fOlI!)tl ptJflll lnlng 10 t b. " o rk of Iho

~~~;~;r:'l~l~~~Ii u.ii ~~t~;'kfad:~;t a~~~~both lll llChlu o aDd hao,l 'ln ll.d t' .

J ORli E D.\ VI~.

1••\ COSJ.T.ll, W. T .

11'\\'i1ll~~on d ollars\vor th o r 811C'k~ to pr 0l'nro th Q who:1tor<:nlir orn ilL rot f11,ipme 'IL thii .)'oar . ..

l~IOIIT milli oll. nix hU I1llro11 nOllthin.,· Ih u u "u IlIl is the nu mb er fir"cr(' ~ ul JeHlII tok e n lluri ng' t ho Inl"t11,.ca l ~· O llr . u n ltor t h o ll o m os to lh l ,P re . <:m p l io ll 111111 T itubcl' ucl a.

'J'm: "'o--;;;;;;;';;-- ~ ri n i ng " lid S :ochr·: u bnnllo.i n ~ t!w Yor k 1 1n ~ I'u l l ' II ed,nu d tho P l'l)pri~t l'~lI~, J l l'll. \ r t:r : t.J II,i... nd 'Hi ll lf ,

SOU~)) x.ut,PUQt;T

HrUKr~() o f th o um be r ln ud a u ftbi. (\\"R i hin l;rtQn) Tur it m',. . rhe8~Rtllo I ntell ige ucer R'ivol th o Iul ­lowing i ll t ClI' (I ~tin" " ,.timRl wl : " Here

nd there R pieee u l lnml can beou ud Ircm wh ich n Iubulou q unL ­ity o f II1ItI' t lm ber enn be lak eu j hn tllf'" u ro th<l e aeept lcn ru ther t hnuho ru le , nn d th e v rue bunted (iii·

i;:c lltl,. " lid p ri 7.el\ (H·contiu"I~· . Om'I'cr rito ry cOlllllhH nil neon uf nlmo ..l2 ,UOO,UOO ec re, lliciu di cil Hs mou n-

l ain rnllH(I". ' ''DII't cou r-.u, t im bernnd prui ri fl h ll l l ~ . 0 1 t1l9»0 prob­nhh' 6,000 ,000 8 ("1'0 .. at th e moltt ,'1\\ .unl;!o 1611 ,1"4 will ("," crog o liO,OUO te'"01 gooll t imbor to th o n Cf l', or, il1UU1 llUS rltg nl o, will )'iultl th o e nor..lIl O'" Ilu nlltitJ o f 2,ifl,I)(10 ,OOO,OoOf ilet. Un l h n fmn nililnU' :17,000 ,000nCfCR probah lv Mil UlUIJh Illor e enn 1111oLlnhl(:d wi tfl r.\ir pl'OtlL, n t ot aln ~mroiT l1 to or Gon ,Uoo,llCtll,1I00 (11 01 01hlluhor . 'f h i."Ii H All 1I1101' IIl (l U lt (Iun n·t it )· , 1\'1 lu n oh 119 h nu lJoclI enfllUlmetllu nUtllo ship )'nr tlH, o u flll th o ruil ·roa ds nnd in nil tb o ho uMtlhu lh lin/o:o f 'bo Un ltod. HtoteM du ri ng tho I"u. tUD e hu ndred )·t ou. "

Page 3: THE PUGET SOUND MAIL. - WA Secretary of State · 2012-09-14 · 10 ( ,·.. &. ~~~~~::::u •;:; ~',--- --- - --- -._--.. un"-----..'...-- - - ----- - ~.~"~.._, - - _ ....__ • •..}-----~..!


.\(11111111, 11':1 11)1"'; S nit',

Ie t he O hl r l~IJln$t te rm l at1.'\ Cu nllf:r.

tT)I"~ n, .\~rnm " .., pl.IlnWr , )

J 'J1 I S .\ ':' II .\S S~{~ ;TT , ,ll'h:llfl..n L, fc..:olllplnint tiled In lite cuunly o r Wh. t..

1.:0 11\ In Ih e " ltleu u f C ll' rll vt u lo.l D1. t rl ctL'n1lrl .

In I lJo nBlne o t t llo l'n ll l'tl 8 t " I.. ot.\ mt'r lr.: t1. . 10 .' <J h ll ~ 1 1 1l1h ~h ull, ..Jd ltIllJ"nl :

~~I;~)~ r~r~I,~'t:~lr ur~~\t~~~;~O~ tl ;;l)P~I~= ~bO~I:nnllll' tt s, I,lIn l llr, fA Iha Il ll lrf..t COllrl o tW;Vhlrlt:IOR " l' rr ltu r,)', h oltlln;l It;: rllu a\(..1\ t ·mllu·r , lInd to 11I" ,",ur Ib o ('o m pl In l11 11:.1 t ht:rl"l 'l \, ll h!n d :\ol}' eitlYI "fter Iho11"1l! uf l liie ~t.l lllllltJn " . ' lr JUtlg'lllllll t by de­fR lllt \\ ·111 110 ta ken 05. lnll )' 0 11 nr.coNI DIt

~7, t~~;' f:~;r:'I~I~~t\t:,~ ~:~ I;,III:~~I ~;;(1 ;,~;,::~~

'\:'.nIe:'~ ~i r ~~,U:,: :I' I~I' ''I~::lIh~~ i~cl~~:II':~Ih l' l,lolnlllr. tI'l ll'd J nn ullry 1\)th , l ,ljItO, foronc !lun dr..., ) tlu llll r., wit h Inl('re l t (rumIh l! elli l n I ll er l'ur "n lll Slalil .t Ille fill. o f

~:~~i ~~~ ,~~~~I~II~r~t:,,~~; ~i~l tln ,II)~[I . ~~O~~~ohlu til t llrcclollo It lnor lGtlgQ ..'cu ring lhe

r. r, )'m t' n l (If 1I1tl ti lI u ll ', ul lon 101 ~ wn IIIIlock lwu In 111 0 (o wn ot ~It . Vorn on, In

Whlll coi n CUllllty nt or culo.l . nn..J fur th .,,H\ I(' 01 Inh l l,rllmllt(! !S In I" tl lf ftcl ltm o fu lll !lu iC allli CO!!U, IRIeI CUl' " Inc hld lDC'" II flUOf llt'),'1 ft'I' o f tw~n lr·lh·o ..JollAf'.

th ~\" ~: ~ :l;o.l ' ~llr ~~~dUC:~:I , l~n:' t~:::'thH I'uf Ih ll, t\' olfl l.& ..In)' o f No.,omber, .\ .I> . I ~O .

[,< .\1•.) .r '\ \I f:~ ~ F. .\\" r:Y. Clerk.By J u , Gn. I.ILANn, Uf'put1 .

w. n . Anclr. \\I • •\ It)·. fur pl. lo tla .1,' lu l l' ulilIclltioo :NUf'. 13.

I)t-"wn: ~ .I\· .\m:."' chll 1r I1 ~ \ r l\ t o r o f ",t Ate o f D.ldh:1 Uloel,

,h' (" ' r, Ol·.)~fI\L "' I.I;:l. IO, U ) .

:-:..lIcc I" IIrr elJ]' " lte,. Ih ltt In per ,II " ne oof nil n ruN ,I' Ihe " r,)l' l1 l ",C.l lIrt uf What ·

~~;II:i:1~';J~'lllltt~)~';II}' ~I~;:: : :l l~':.r~~~'~:' i::1~I::IIIhll ~r us l!ltll ·' llll.... fi t 1)l\n l..·l li lAC' . d c ,(' . 11' 1'11, l h .~ Ulll llO r,l,IltH'II, t htl lHJlllln l"l futuru( th u '11, 11 ' , ' ~ l n l l' , wi ll ~c ll At IUllIlIe IlUC­thin t il Ih ~ h l l{ hc ~t h ldtlt ! r for t:lub, ",u ld

~~ ,lll ll :: 1 ~~;~ I~: :II ~~ ;~I~I :~~I "tll: '~~ltiU lIJ;;~~ ,,~~~ ::,l~ rl~i 1 ; 1~:(,II~:t·~:. '~; ~ ;\~hll~:)~ I:~ ~~)II~e~l;tlUUf In l i \ COIIIII: r , \\" l lII lc um county,. r'l fl·. IlIII, 111I thll rl lo! lir , t il1o, In le'rc lIl nndl'y,'l lte uf t ho IInl" Dnnlel !l int'. at th " UlnO" f hh ,1I'l\lh , nll,1 nil Ih" rl,l(h t, til ia . ntlIn IH II,,1 lh llt IIIlJt ul\1 " Alu to 111\_ lIy n lHlf ll 'I!un uf I" w or 1)11I"'f l\"l"v lI('lIu1rl'd oth " rth an ur In Ihhl h lfll1 III th llt lit Ilia ..h'l)a n ld li llie. lH t h\: lI mo .. t h ll ..J Olllh, In

i~'~~ 1 l ~itl;II~ I~:i :I I;.{~ t"~~ J' \~:i~~~1I ~11~Ct:I\IJ\\' h , ' I (' lI l11 C ~ Il\ I U't )' , " ',, " II III ,llIn T r r rhllr)·.,u HI hlluno.llJJ 111I .1 "Ncdhl' ll n. full"" , au'" II : T he wul hl1lf (I! Ih e no rth l'u t flulr·l ..r o r tl" d lon :.:.;, tu ..... n ' h llJ J3. n orU.Iu tr .~ tl g.. a tHUt.

~' o tl('e or Ar.IJpll cllUOU to rur­c lu ,,,,e 'f h n b ., r I .no d .

Not l('f' II 1 1I~ reL.Y «IYell t hat . In urnI'll ·"'nl~t' ....Ith tim fH'u...I~loni o ' Ih . Ac l orCoIll l rn . app r" ." .1 J :lM ~ , U7~. entlth " t' · .\n Ad lu r Ih o 1"10 ut " Ihl ber L"n d. In

~I~~I ~~!~I~~:I~~ I~~l¥~:~I~~,'r!~,~~r;;k~~il~l~lIf \\o· h . IC'IIIII (;lItllll .,. W lu h lna;lon T err i.ln rv. h ll U·,ll o.l 'll riled 11\ Ibl' uRic. hI,allplll"l\llo n tu Jl urc-lww~ the ~ t 01 ~Wt

1 !~~ I~:'I ~ I ; ' ~ , ~ 13\ ~~ rn~.c tl~~~I~:·'::;' ~f!tIC Wl\' lI.lIlt;:lle )Itr lcih ll.

.\ lI r nll,l . 11 ptr Ul lI!t c1 ", \m ln ~ adyn" I,.lhe ... 1,1 tl~ 11 1'f.'.1 LunJ. o r DDy pu r11un\1I"r "'of, 'n e hu~by rtl'lu lr ClI 10 lile Ihelrc1al lll' IlIlhlll olUcu "lfUlllu 1111)' lGO) dar lh OIn fla ir hcr eQf •

, j( ...t'n umhr ,ny h'llld, at my om(_, I"01,)'0\ 1111'. \\ ' . T . , 1!l1" Ibe 1tt d., o fOelul" lt, 1\ . I', ISj f).

J . T . UnI)W ~,

f'.l.lcr o f l l .e 1.;w..J OtlJce.,( n r..1 rulJll clI.l lvl1Ucl. 0.)

:\'u UCt'l u r 4 1)lllI c n ll fi R '0 Pur­~hu e 'I 'hu be r 1.IUld.

U!lirTl:O STAT,._ o";. 'rnw1' I..... a u Orr lc r:.O ", ' H( ' I " , W",nl:l.' t1T01t' ·r It UlUTORt'.

S tli lee I. lu' r t'hy I(lvr.n ' hn l, In COIllIIII,ftnco ..... lI h I h o pr u...I.l olIl u f Ultl AcL Cl f

~~\~ rAc't ft~~rlll~c~l"t~l ~f ~h~~eltr I~~~t~ell~tho til li ll " uf C..lUur nl., Or c;J0II, Nt'yadu

J:::~u l ,~~' IU I~VIIC: ~11~ 1I:re~~:)\7~r)~': ~::'~WI~nH:l Ull 'l'l' rr ltll r,\', h al I t.! . th y 1: lcd In th' .IIt11l'l' h i. "1I1'1I"" lIon to y.ur rh lltlt the HW

~~:I~~c1 It ; (~,~:; 2tli:;,:' ' .;O \V;:I~~~1 1 1 ~t I~'~WIII'\Il1ctl t.' :\fc rhUnn .

1 1 1 ~~I,~itlj\i: ~lr l ;~:t;~: t~I~',l l ~~;n:er\~c~ ~~i~~~~I;~:,~(il:l ~ ~; 11~ l.l~ ~ :I!., I' ~~W:lli~Jl l~~Y '~:W} ~II~~f rolll til, ' c!tl l l! IICretl' . .

Ol~~:1~~ :~\:1 ~\~~ ( .~ . I : lrl llll~l ~'tIII~ ~~hnlXI\}?~I (I,~:.\'l,inbe l', .\, U. I S"iO.

J. '1'. l1nOW~,

Jh g l ' l ~ r (I f IhI! Lind u mce.(r1rlt pu bllco:!II,," : : nv. 20,)

~OTI(,E .

(ld~~ 1;~~,0'~I~ dkr1~1~~~~ Il:Ir."~ieel~~Q::~t:fu r\tMrd and IIt111 r the I. UIO . Lee ee . Allecc c u nre r('lI1l\lnll1( un eeuted on Decem­lIlf 101" '10111 Lit place..1 10 the handl ot anI,Un ll lt!." to r ('oll, ·cli lln. Al tQ.1I periO D.h. ...III . JUIl c) lllmi a ;:al lltl u e will piliAI.I)JU Ult th etn 11.o nee for peymen"

J . •~ O. OACHE B.1.4 t' ul't':nm . W. T . • Nov, 1:1, l ftSO.

{ ; O S'I'.

U O (1):-; 1

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' ( "U lg(",;}WCI,;n ,



G CUll" C o , n • • . , . , .. , . • . • $I co(j Il tl 0 \'10,11.:1':1, • • • • •• , • ••• 1 (,0~ rJ" Cu ni :i: nrc1, . . . , . . . . .. ~;j1 Ji r:A: :ui lt',1 HI' (.),lill P il'k IC'i ~ (JO1 Clto n COltI O il , .. J 26I rl tJ Jl to l>t. . • . " I .10 1 i f)~O rb" Bfo I\IlA, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 COO1 r... E Il);li d l Hr" nkrulit T ....a , (,0

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TIII:: tiE fl OO1):-5 An t: .\ L L rH l:SH . flUtI o rl1,. C'f)n .. t lt n t(-' a p M t o f.\!illor ft' ll S tuck II OW o n haud , lI.ud \\ hil·h !He "tlling Il t COli C!lJo n J iug lJLUW FW UIlE~ .

WIiS H 1 ~:OT(l/1 II 3nT~ OR NO STi\Tt ,T~I l'l 'C \1" ~ H i!J c :\0 ih~ , ·.a E : f: ! fa'on! i Ja' !i ~' ~)2' ic ('~

[fil t H 1 ··U 2 · t h (~ n' i\'OtiCf~ ,

~\ ~;,~.;r ·{. ~~~t ~~;/"~~I:i,I:· . l,· I~ ~I: , ft ~~ i~ I.... ' Fi n..• (' l'u ..11 ,-,1 Hu,L(u r •... I t'U Il'!l tl. !l ' l'Ul< hh l tl o , . . • . 1 001 ~:ld: COI/I li t'nl , iiI) Ual • .•.. 1 ?~ I1 ~:ll'1 ; rio 1Il 1b a , . . . . ,i ,lI " ,H·1: O ",t ;\( " nl , llHtu •. . , • .. CiiI B.JX S.)t\ n ~O Un 8 , • • • • • • •. , j ,j II do' d o • . , . . . . . . • . • G,j1 d o do . .. .. .. . fillII C"U!l 'fnma.tot""4 " . . • . . . . I ou

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"\V F [ ") :"" ?UECAl"f;I: \\T Ill ; , Fml C.\SIl .

n l: C,\ Y-Rt: \ L L t H ' a (; oon~ ,\H E :--E J.L:C:n : u 1,.\' u tlr n',nl B u.\"C rll.UE C,U ' ;-il: Ou r S!t 'l 'k bl !l(\ l :efita ,\ :4< or t"11nr.u ChNlJle!l' on t h..::-; 'Juu,1.

u t:C.\rSE HIl."in" f H' l;n ..1i o lu l !-' ~CII ~IIU <i n 'v t B nql :.a iu !t,\\' t. t ' I\ 1I IItToll l t" t)i \' i It' the P r" I1 t. \\'Ith O ur L'IIKlolu t.,r :t.

A:\ l) f) \I Il ' t It u l t· OUI' O oo..lA nt H i j.lh PdCt' !fT v )bko Yo u I'II~ fo r U:I\t Dc lJtll.

- - :dt- -.-\ 1.1• • 0 X,,,: " ltOIl""I; '1' .l U I :;\' l ~ I:X( 'n .\ :\' ,a~ . ·U ft (;.00 Ii :'ti .

n iT Ooulls, Cln thi ll:;', Il uul~ lind Shoe s, lI :lI'l!WlIl'C,CroclccuYt Tob a c co, Ul au\va.re t G r oce rle. ,

l' r ov 1:..1Qn I , Sashesl I:oo r D, l)iltnt~,

Olls T iuw'Clre a n dA t ; I U C · ~LT J LA L I :\I P L E:\[ E XTS


HOllliziugo t llf~ inllU6naO Ath o n tnJlf.! 1tR(' ('rill ug nlil(Q to Lol li UU)'or &, Sttllerl li ro u~h t ~l O IUt.l li u llI ot

() ' n


Il .\YISO rm ·r r. n m loO IW TO G I.OSI~ OUT ~IY n USI . oESS,I ~m Now Offor1nll A ll Good. a ~ QRt:ATL Y R oducod R a t a ••

DRY DODDS, CLOTlIIHlJ, BODTS &. SHOES, AT C!l8T,lo'omuw P lile r.: . I :r;pl:c p.u I n -

;\ [ on ' J'II CU,B2111ll 0 r O S tl llH ••• • •• •• • • • , • •••• •• , t: 2 0 0 0 U G uo:'tre ll ',, " II ... . .. . 1 8 UO )3 no~I ," ' . . " . . . . . . 16 \:0 II 00~l e u '" CQBl imo re P ante . . .. •. • . , , .. . a 00 a 00~ fcn 'H" H . , . • . . • . • . . • , . . , .. . . 7 liD Ci no

'fnl.lu: i ll 1U0rfJ !'l t~' to nr out th e )f on '~ . , . •. • . . • .. • . , . , . . . . " 6 0 2 60O uo m cA I l o t lnt lJh th nn th e nUl;) ah on' )h'U 'A O \"trt,'(lf\te , •• • •••. . •• . : .. . . . . . . .. . . . 12 00 0 00rorenHI to h)' t hn 8 tn nuu ru , lUI t wo ~fe ll 'rI If • ••• , • • • • ••• • • • • , . . • • • • • 10 00 7 liO

NturcH h ,. \"t) "mllll " nil th o g ro u ndlt ~~:~ :: lI ea\·~ ICon ts : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :5 gg ~ ~gto r ~ho tm lo o r go otls tv th ollo in at · r .a d ie s' DrolS Good. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . liO~ ::1 3 0t o n t nuco. ~ __ • • • . . • . • • • • . . . . . . , . 2G I :!; :'(o1 1...e ro r l.ubileulion .

T n E O IJ IIIlJin Mtundlll'd III\U 4ho\lt A IH\ ,,11 ot Ler eooele in p roportion. I.UD O rriCK AT (JI.TMM.\, W. T ••

l uI) fUH lIlllf1 1"t1 0 ' tho ~ lcPhc",m Ct· n 0 C J ~~ 1~ I E ~ . :inl lC'eII tll:':'t'lJy ".. ,~: I~~:r ~l~; ~~w:.·w-~.uhH1J' wor(' c:cp('c tet l to . nrrlr o nt iS tb" . }o' inp C . S II:;tt1r . . . •• ' I 00 1 hoI. Tbomrl! C . W·. Soap . $2 00 In.: nalll ed If'ltl " r Ii .... n1ed Qull c:e ot bi_t u m·o'ml(.· r In"l HlI tu l'lh~·. 1 b(l whul o 6 11I1I . C . It. Cf lfTf:"Q .. . .• • • 1 UO 2,) IL.1. bf'ft n ll . . , . . .. . . . . . 1 00 1" 1" " 11,,,, 10 IIlftko ti nnl pr oof In aa p portct) lun~' I1UI U U I ' I'I( nuutlt UOU P~~ fl l fJ . 1 Dar u ') HUIlL 1"lo ur .•. ••• G OO 1 Ib IJl'lIt J Rl lrln 1'('~ . • .. . GO ~~I :II:It~I: I~tin~:~'r~~ltib:1 ~~~Z \I~~rr"o",(who li.""ft "p oot the l'lU IlI ITI U i n EULa 1 bltck Com "fenl. Gil nul. . . ) GO 2 tb8 ~i1,"" r 110.. S tarc b .. , 25 I" ...e rn \\ n" hi .ng to l1, Ilu t ,to il ing tu 110- 1 II 10 rbll . . . 40 1 tb Oood 'l' oLo cco . . . . . . . . 76 Cle-rk o f Iht' lJ l. lrlcl ClIn rt . al hit oftlree , ~ r tJ n ,Ielur nb l.. locatt on h" ytl ')ete r. I 8n" k OIlL1h !1 I, 10 [bll . . • • G:i 1 " ..g Oolu t'n S,rup . • . . ' .' ... 50 ftl 1.1tCll nll t r , \V . T ., on TUOida y lb. 71hrnllltul .to loctt.lo u po n t Lo So un d . 1 ""C~ buek whullt do ll r , 101b 05 1 Lu ng ·ha nd led Sp ade." . 1 00 I d'JJ'~~~~~"'\~·~~'L~; .Oi;~s:?~ Itun n.8.T bey w11I I' fo u,\ul J n il on UIOo yer he· 1 bo s 10111" 20 ',ur. . • . . • . • 76 1 II Sh o ....l . •• • ) 00 . · 0 4814,for I ht! ~ I-~ l uf d\\O·\orSKllnn t ofor e tho 1\~llMOn e IHtll!'~ f\ meRU" ~t 1 wi I con tinue to l ell At. tb e ah o ve price. fo r TBlftTT [lAII OJlf1.l, a ,. my t~iTI~ !z~:I~ n3~ ~~Jh:)~~a;: 4o.~:c~:~t ~ (\ II . po r tnl1 ll l1, Ontl Will U1 l1 lw , ~be , r Lu "i uo "" m n~t be d o od u p a t Ihat t ime. . III 01CII tho fll)lo .. lo l .8 bl_ WIlOll..... 10tempor.~ . u tJndq u" rteu Itt. l um- GOODS will bo ao l d at th u IIbon lu ices OKU (or Ca , b or Good p my ehlt C'JlIll nulIu &l'C'Ildem,-u u lKlo aDd\\'ntcr .t. ,iIt l epor ted t bn t. Ilo!no. o f ~(erelJ a litRuI 8 J lro..luce. nn~lt~f'•••\I, '.'"r7' ,::t,. :,",II,I'u,.ruh".'L.',.I.r, nTrobolbD>,"r.lbe eoloDll,te h ,tve b llon ue g otlntmJl " 'mpay big hoat mar k"L p rice t or H ide • • Fun, ADd OrvtD i n . I ob. ago " ~ J 'fo ! t bo p I ~fDba"8 of tho \Vor d ,~ lor 000111 . I nn an d John Lu re l'lly, all nt IiloUD' V...•M,lch.1I m,lI ll1" .'.'ly. al l h,,~ pl. , o L . L . ANDREWS, L a OODDer. W, T, ••• • Wb" w",f..oT.·lI"l·I~W~: R. .....' .

p lctureequ e. nttltudua lru, ,. lnnlJlo.H urtt n cu uuul v h1luH w, c lnd i ll 111eInd ed , CIUl t ~Ofr llur lDIIIII ts o i some UDO

o r her urt s tccmr lc wh lte sil4ltre, Malk u ittitlJ.(' at l o \\ i ng i thoro 1\11 a ncie n tdn me , \'Ia ll in I ll l{ Pl uud tilt h , putleu t­I,)' \\f\t ch ill~ nu d "t inillY' t llu hol l ­i ug' cnhlro u« IJ l IHlfl null wbe nt, t hoHul u ecurse uf Lho uwnl HOOII to Iol ­low :'; (' IU Ih f. eut rnu ee .~t n pl ea ••nut f il l-' I' II k l' )Ic111UnU mnklllJ( bread .H '!I" 1I11:.nUH ,," n.. poculiar. 'L hu llcur~ I\lli Ih .t llwi.t l . rl(nll~nd ti rre d in npi te hu r , IUHI rh u u (luUlI'11 11110" p !'Ifl,wh eu it \\ II .... kl.0611011 JUIt cnou~ h 10

ghtt it t hu .,h 'lpe o f lhl.Icue c«. \\h k:h

;lil~ ~' l l ) Il~~I.t~ h~1 Cl ll~~~; ;ti~ll'fl~Ud rI ill,lt:

10 ."'('14 R\'Il 4.'urOtl u (l ur l,mkill;.t llt illIbt null .. eci. ll:'tll .v lI O~J.:,\·. In 1I 11 01hol'pnl'C ot th u \\ i :l \\ t~ lll wo fi t ' W lou \' i' lfwlJich wc.. tl lt l lilt"", I JfHHl nll ,uittull t CIl'cOIllI'0lit io n li t (, \Il' T cniluti ld Fai l',l,u t 11 110 11 i UlIUiQ' we Itllc"' l'trliliel lIht ,\ , W('ro L:\ kcd 111 th e () l 't,!n o f t1 IUI.

iIlU\'n.lioll \I" on "l\\'aRu cU " tOIll , U1'...lQk "to\'O, :\11..1 t l d ~ WIU Jlwhubl.\'t l lf! u n u 1IIl lllf IIt:tHli ll l t o h l\ \ \111IUllo nil th uh' p rlltt l'J' lL'f IIn ll inR.T llt' t fl \\' P 1") p ll 'f " i lJl y 100 WOIU('1i IHl II

chll ,l l'f'n l >JlI IIUI IIg' 011 th u Illa Uun ul1,w!d t'h """ I'"o' ..,tl ltau pUt·pU"!) hlu.lwitiu I)fu '~ lh ti l. It i ~h t. l llll l'r t la ' llI und 0 11t lJ'1 ", ir1l t' r.' U\'(;I1II' '' 11 woro "tUI't'lltl .1\II', Ilu tn tt.\p" lLlid fnl iLj n fl ltlllJhItlnuHh tlJr li'll '~ :\l'(' l \ll " lIf IJl.: d LoinS' u i lUX U·l. t icl· 1Jit lnl,l ll\\ u\ ' fUI· t bo elu\\ n·i ll:: ..·(' I,..' llIlIlliclt wht.o i, Ih", l \ lll" lehb t g nu . ;-;tl111l01l \'H!' I' " Ilku \\ 11i0 4 Cl Hl ­

It Jl U~ UO\l1t nn idt, o f tH ....t - lio t t h ut1.liut,)· , d oJ i,,'ht o rla.\'VICll II..h of l'om·Ill tJ1CU, lJUl Ihfl 1,lotc li . ..kiu n t:d, leahtl " ;':·SI1!l UlJlI - a n J lu a.Il." o f thell" It i h .illll' lllfHI 0 11 Kli..:kl'l, fl t'J" I)' nmst~dublur ll t il., lil'u :<J . T h o po t!t Wt.·I t"t lll' t.1l from t ltt) tin ' -1, \\' h l!rf~ th *:: i1·e 'JlIt l.lI,tK !Ia ,t I Il " -'1l "illlluuil,U nild lt\' lo nll , I ~ l hl ranM~ , 1 i ll It IilJ O t hul'lIii ro 1"'IlJIl h or ll ll' l 'J l l ~~ . T h i,l 'l'o u;.;hL tll,·m Ilu o llt li "lI I~ et npu lt .

1!) :-)t I Ip .~ ot IiIn tt iuJ{ \\' t.~IU t ht'll " lh tch t'llto till d th(: l" ,.j .ll', "1'0 11 \\ h idl, n rlor

lU\I('h c111111 0rhhlj II ':.l n t iuuuu " ..liuu '..iu g' b,\· "11ll \ \ h " nl'pl1n)htl~'lilll d l ilt.'

~I) t:~~i~ ~,\~~nl~i:l~' ~itll~:l~~I;UJ :~~~ .;in:~ ~~u~w.., "l" 'l'll l( lll (,a ~ ~4"! l·on OUll&: ba t·II.... . I lIllIll:llI'l" '" iJU.,IUIt (,t 1a( 1I ~",

Ul llll -J h ·dll1 \\" 0 0 \ 1 ur ho rn , \\'('! r lJ t h .... u•_ lli "'l lhll: od, t lt.·(' t)ll\Pl llli ,~ , l I,v &lUull

"'cd a r " t id : 4, t ht· ll ' ll u f \\'hiei l wn" u11.\" 11111\· tiOc.U lIt1i\·",, 1. l;'l l'h :i 1\\':,~1J

i l .: lIl,,·J~n l dy ul'p li ",d hihl · l·H It ) t Ill.'loll:-ll lll i 10 1 t h 'J Uhl lul'tlt . Ui ppil j ~ 1\

run la. ll u tl f thu Ilt",lIUillri li'-'UP II I'li l t,!\\" ( .. ( 1''' a" IlIHI \\Ilt:~ t ) (rulll tbe1l..',H,...t 1,,11 , 110 pIIH:..,i ll tll . lIlu l lo l

ill Iw d ul lh o ", IIK ....l Im. \ll Oil Ii i, Ic(' ,11:u ;!l h,' t h l' ,d.l ll! t h u "t il·k. :,lhJ \'l' .J

t llu l~ tl J i!.lt·) h i, II IlHl l h, j ll ll i lilt

Ch llQ !l ll JIl I.' , ~ t t·w" ( r ll lli II " IH IC Ul"

\\'it h Ill ..• \1 , 1' u f t'l llll' Nih·}; .. . T he>" ' iJ ' :I'! i ' ~· .., ( tl' :J " 1 ~"" l i : 1.I " tlJlI1iICla. Ihd VllltlU... t l'll' ud \I\' tll i ' ( . , ,\,. 1, wn"' Uvlllc­wlm L \\' o u ,h' d \~ 1. \\' I~ IlLl\'U l Ol l !;illl 'J,,·n til ,tt it ro\'o lt .. I~t ""' lI r~(,l \' 1\11\'

k ill..l (J f fll..,tl, b ' lt 11 t'\ 'Po I' I It' (O I ~ b"~ lU U 1' to\ ' I'Io, 111· llf' i.\ t lH-' {e l~ t of IH OI\ l Ug

h l \ 'II \ " fh u 1:11"': (' ''' t p('H~ il,lu CjUllll li l .-.'\\ i t li iu n ",in'lI "PI ll"', ill I' ll lo lltllt U

~';~ :'i,YI''...i:!(,\~ :; ~~l :I I ~l ~" W\\' '''':.C;;' (i ~',t~~,ft't~ ~ iu t.'lI' r a ,!:Jp1t ,1 f" l" IlilJ r:q 'ill l~h "U f h·

t jur, o{ " f\lll i 1i'.111\" fUlld , tll"'l1 t111' ; O1 , ;\IIII~ 'I\ l' rl l'i u l1t1 Intl l,·" , (,·I "\" n l lld tlt ullIln~ h ' o! fOl't.\ · th " 11":':1('1.:1, !' it.>>!Cllt·(Ill rl I'I lfn iuh t hil i ... tl' Jwn l'Il \·..·l llo u' .th m nttl, wit huu t t ho nh l uf e ll"l'ttt ic k 'l , Lu t whfm th illit' n ru lJl,)u joChli nh ' l oq u i...ilill ll, Ih l.'l'u WI\'I no hil it int h fl pnft~uJ:o nn .l t ho ,." ole di l'l\i' -

L~~:;'~~'l 1~;~~I: t {::.~t1 ~ll\UH ~I~';;~:l~·~ r~ ll : ~t~t to\" .;\ ! ftW o f th e 1I11l i H ,o w"men1:u f!lt with th o IU I 'II, but t hl'" ' \ C l tl( ' 'I ,t .'lally l"o nh' n L 10 toi t II): hil,", ',lWitllUl'l"ll 'Co o f t ho tlUrllurlli noQ' per·t .. I·1lI1\l ICO lOof th eir tl fl Ji ~ lill'cl Jur ,"••B\· "lwci nl "' ·11I1t,.. t of O t' IH'r dl :Hil-l'C~" Ihe Irr" l\t h ) m "tlQ\\ t18 , lll I ICIt Wfllt" ~ " l1 t1 II.' ~ l. It tll' lw nlClIl to bu mur tluf t\ ll n\f'"ltionl\1 Ih 'lII R mi r th fu l c hu r·Ill·tl.l1' , T h :J IJmH' 'f fur m " l i nU, i llt ho '· OUlt.' I' (,t \\"lIi('h ilt pl ltcoJ tb etUfUrl n nWll l m 'w of th n tri bo . Tl a·.ynl1 l he ll ittri k" up n IIIO u u t O ll UI Clllliltiml'lol'iu U th u G I'O!l t ~piri t to IIt'..tow/Ill IlInn llUl' ( I f t t'l lq lCJI'lll llll d K!lid tu rd1JIUlll4i ug I . I t ilt IlC\'u lIIIHUliull h,:t· b.

Ittoup illg, AWI~~' i nu mtH io n o f th ebOth , o m/ ,l llutl 1.0tl I>y lwntJt u ( t hod l'lliu . '1' 10 iolc1ull t 1II0n "I(lnu iu .q 11 11etnn'tt fo r tmpport, en "'II~ I·, 1 in t lJiltef"tl'l Ill(1 t1~· . HolUOo r Ih f' ~ U f\nliqunt­oc\ 1'I 11f'e imo tHI Ilru t ,J f) "' : nk t.o 1111 'th ' rA'1) tho fo.t iH'uo o f th u \ ioll'l l t gft~~

t itllllnt iu lI, 11I1(1 lil i lll \ll.v I'-'IHI lIll th d t," u ppot·hl 111\11 nod l le it' h CHllb in POI'­tH e t tilll lt, WlLh tb Cl grl\\'i t,)· nud p ro·ci rllo u ot ull toml\ ton li.


T :l K B ,\ J.I, lI :t ) · .\ S IJ1U: WIoI V OTJ: , - I u

t il,· l ut.11j foll u wllJll \\iIl Lo (0 11 1111 nnl.m: inl I"J ,ul t ut t ho \'ute ( 0 1' 1'1'0 (I ­

cu ti ll:{ AtLtir llt")· i n t he 'l' hh ·"l Ju .

: ~ :~il:ltl0 1:1~~i'a:'~c~'n~ il; lt~ ~~:lI : :~:\i (,~\~lu c~I~1~J)1l1l1U,'ru t ic , " ' . ll . AlllIr t.·\\·U:COC S 1 I ~: ' . U,\ I. t . " " lJ "'~O l1 l ; \\" " ,

f~ : : ,~ :~r. ·.. ·. ·, ·. ·. ·. ·,.'. ·.~ ·. '. ·. ·.·. ·.:: ~ ~'~ I ~ ;,1f'1I" n"l lI , . , . . . " . . " , . .. , ~au t ,'~( '1:111,1111. . ,. , • • • " • . • . • • • •. 7J IIIJlI..rco 'l!I "I 3:H1\ I ll lt " " " II~;' ;'j 'i'~ n u l l'lI l d!'th .. " , . •. .. . , . . , ~7 'J 131W Illlle'JIll , . . . , . .• , . . , . • . I ~ ~ . :j',!:l:-I' ll .I.IUlI, .. • ..• • • . • • , • • • . 2l l 'l .J

R,:ft'ruco RI'fll :rfO" pr ecinc t , In yoccuu tv, 1M ·lOU lu il oMh OIll I mlepen ..l.euce, t he co un ty "fn t . n " h,\' fJl 'oek11I'I'cilict III ,.011I(1 100 mil.,., f rom th ovouu ty ua t nt " ' h Uh 'OU' , u tr ovelvd ,t Il0\1A'1I 0 11 u ~li rp.c t Jlno it iii pr c b­lthl~' lIut muru t hun GUud lee .

I rnv, c l.E,ui we.er u en , with R l it tleItoet , i:J(,)UI" el i mn t ic e bee rvut lc u to rthe pnHt week o r t wo ,

~OILT fl r.l l:rf I d nh o , nt t h o laRt elcc­tl nu , \'0 1"11 \·or.\· Nt I Ol lg l ) ' i n Ia vc r u fn nu e xnt lon to o u r T e rr it o ry .

AS OT UI :lI chl\lItt'" hn.. tnken pla cein th e HI-Rll ll' P o ..t , ){ t' . Chnpmnu11 M ,"cl in'll nud ",on to Cnliforu !u.

}' llo\"l1t'o · ti l'._l n add it ion to th onotico" of 1111111 proof ill tlth W*,Ok'M~IAIL . t llo" o o t J oh n U ilrd il1 und J uhu'Mntz, Met. rur Juu, IU, nUtt Bnu ' ot tBtrac h tl n Du Torrnn co O ro gnl. 1 furJBn, 20, will appen r nest. woe k .

TOI: COUll t)· n o t o r P ierco count,.liD' be on r . moYlJd fr olD S teilac06 U1to New Ta.cowa.

~I .\n ll l r.1J:=At'Pi....-;;;\~i,lJ:;' e tl ~RrLa Connor . W, T., ~uv . 2'; , 1880 ,h, tho n ov. Mr. 'r"~' l u r , :\11'. Cb n r llJK~ioo ro oud :'iU.,.. S ull ie !Jol :lou , lIo t bor Ln Co n ne r pr 6l Cillc t.

'fUE rno~ L ilJlJI',)" iN g uingt u 110 lu itl up fo r ti ll' ro(~ t" p l i tl n o fII O\\' I1Inchl uurv, Iluri llU wh ic h iuttJr·\ ' 111 tu e Uho buii Jl wiil tll l. o he r 1,11\...·0.------

Tll f: D ilih' i ct Co u r t will metlt n.tL n Cuu l1vr o n the fu~con l l W ml ull!l­t1l&)' o f li n l Jnn u llr~' , th o 12 th , IlUdUIO1I110ri ff I" n ow hu,,\' KUIIIIUOni lllr~ ur(J r th .,..eto r . L it lg'l\u tKIlull o t hl.:r"ln hreltt cd will r tlUlel1 . 1lc r th o t ne t .

_ _ . 2 . _

T It\ !'tl llo nINO Dn Pl l lUIOll o tt ra therp io ualy , th ou g h wl th ou t nnv (or m alr c.: lIl: lul llt cbac rvnuco, in tlai- , ( II" o areateotu ed fr lon J ) ( IU'till no t 80 n IT\'

Inu ptl ~' t l·I·UI it,} tho " Yeu tec ~tP UIo{ \·t Sou nd ." 'l ho 0111)' Iocul i ll.uid en t o f "pcdul n o to tu 1>0 record ed\\" 11. th e .u c ner , e r pe rha p'" moroJ1roporl~' " ll(mkiu g bnnquet , ul vr-n litt hu ) t M.l'1/l1ll1 H c u 0 IJ~' til l' p ro juI o,tor . ) I r. J ob u ~I c O li li l ' , wh ureu t theJJI,tronl ot 111f1 110u"I (" t n~I·t1 ll' r \\ itht\ number uC ill,'it tltl gu e..ts , U-'''!f'Ul'h lo,1 to t li tl,c ulj: tho T urk,,:.' tl1luti lJlI ;wh ich top te 1 ~ r.l wnnl re-vived ,, 1111n lllicAbl:o' lli "'po od o( o n thiKnllu i\·t r·.""yo ( Ul ntdul n ' ld rllt io n 'i.

'1'lIoro WUft n d l\llcO in t liO e \·t' nillSnt Ih. town hllil .

hl l'llO l r~ IIro go ltlJ..( u ti in I. nCon liN llu t wilh lttUlltli llg' tlw IIl1 uucHl1 1 l' P l'c ~ l> io li i n I IlI H i tl ~ " :4 . :\11'. B. L.) I lIl'tin i" c1o:a illg' h b hH >t 01 1 t!ltt(,'01'11 01' Q( D ullg-Illlt:-l IIlld \\' hnt<:olJl..t rl:etil (VI' Ih o 1' 1lI·1 '0 ~u o C l,u ih li llU't h o1'fJo ll I~ lJe IHlttfu l l·wd ll c IICO. ioI l ll bto ,

e tt~ . J)()(' lo r Ch UI·dl Ih in \\'I' I'k f(l.1110\ '(111 iut o hilt li t' \\' IIllt l 11Il ll d liO ll H,'rU.iiilUIlC<1 !'ucont Iv cCl ll', t r ucted nnthu L" (: OIlIl UI' hoiHbl.4. J II', J . ED ,\\'i" iHnclding' nil I , Anll vel um' *,t tl h i" H~ ~ i , l' Jll cU o n Culh tJlIlI 11 11 ,1 a. l lI'l·h in l lttrot.'lt< . ~I r . n ~" , G lld ' '' ,i l oJ 1 ~ . l l ar , r. mAJ ..:arlf .v . 1.·l l "

buihl!nl1 l1tJ n.ldi t iv n tv hi" lI ew r lO "i · Vo t o of 'Vo8h i n r, l oJ1 '11e r r ll orytl flUI'O " I'PCJ ito t ho C it \, Ih ll , it i t l),·, h id l lit' Wil1 l 'I' lllfl1' t.' ill-n C,'w w "(.O ~'" I II Ih,. ftlll o~I:il l u ",h e ro t he:\( 1". W . It , And ro\\·. ho ~ t'\llllo \''''11 li Lt fitII ' 0 1" o f ho th I 'nlld i ll !l lt~ !ol i -l go 1\'""III n \\' u tHl'lt in t'l th (j l,nil ,HIIl.: n ' l'Oll I ~' I!lt l th:IH' e~ 'Iro (ltl1dl l l f.-o m t l... .· ('C·\'n('uh tl h y lh e C lp.rk ot I lw Uillh it.,' t r rotn r,l; 'H oOlcu, \\' IIfH'O 1lI1\jllri r ifl-lCourt Ullu" to lq,:r .'l'h o p u ,ll u l". IUt) ),(i \'01t ll lt'.\· L,,\'e h (lclI ".1 ' (-'I'UI tOtl

SK.'OIr ;\ [ t" K~ .- ~I;.WbLon ", "I'. b.,· u ll r ,·l chl\lIj.: U<4 n llt\ h,r It ,h.....: rnI1h.r i",cll lw l lI fw llt t h l: Sklh~' t m iliclI i' : ~;,~, ~,~ r~ : ..l~~ I~:.t ~: · I'.!Inuj.:~ [ . Il~:r U!':.' lI tl" t ' \' t't1tlt lt' o; ll w , 11.... ICpOl·ts 111\ \" C lnl hll lt .•• . .• • ', I Ii ll&{ le rt nhou t tlJirh· lnill c t·" li t t lin (·h rk , lIlY.) :l ?!l ".?'f)IH':fI,ti IiU~. II1 ll n ~ o r \\ hom will pr vh. C"llItll hl:"" . . • . 7."> : , l,1 ~ tl

~~I~~'IJ ~:~kvi~~b:~ \~'I\I~\~ ra~ I! J I~e:tl\. ~Ot('~I~ t:li~~,~'t' ~ ,~ : . : :: ·... ~:J~~ ~~~; I ~UIh ill \'ri.lIllUt·' II)' 1'11:- t1 nr ill ~ tliQ "ill' ·1[U;q;I. •• :. : : ,.: :: ~3i ~ Ia I"ter o m g' to tll o ul p"n ,oe a lhl t t"o llLIt" \ I, i n: . . ".!I ~'IU 01o ( mnilit uillillH th tJlu·loht·" in IIC('('''' l\ la ,:. il lt t , •••..• · I~I .? :I ' I~) W'.!

P;\' ~I"" MI P I , li~ ll . , 11 0 jln~' " tl w 1 ~ 1I" 7 i ll · ~1~': , 1,~.:::.: ..' :: . ;j ~ il l lHI..l l'lpclu lI.Llc t1 l'h d c!t nt t htt , 1 ' ;.:"~ r ll l ~ ,' I'lt.fl • . . . . . ,. .. I.i lf\f Q IIl\colI IHI ' I to llM e n, th'm.; h hto P..d tlt ' . . . , . . . . 1i1 ,I';" I llljo..' n lll l': ~· Qll ll'4 t ill'')' lIIi:.:llt 11'1 \\i :h· I ...:" o/ ,rHt. ,. , .. . . . I ,j ' t

'Hit t h e lJ.tl·.,1l if t!r (l\· co ul .1 110 I ~ '; . :0:1'11.. _ " " • • . , .". . I.i )

:~b~~~~c , ,:'1 1111 n llulI ,jl\ul !t11l ,pIJ vf I~~::::; '::~'::': '~ ." ." , : ': ': ":. ·~~t \~;I :i.',nil. \\" J-L~r . ]-i fJ\· L'~ T:r tho h" !' I ·~\I I: :~':~ ::;~ .:: ~~t ~~:; I ~ .~

~' (, Ilf ! I ~lf l l l I,n l! tJlIr I'Jca l l' l"llCl it' i ll:I \\:IIII:l' .II! . ; , .. ,. , . I ·: ~I'h \" " I C l l~ n . 11/1" l"tfll'J\'(-'. l H Oln 0 '11' ':'.:11 a '~ h l. , , .. . • 6 i 1 1 ~ud (h,t II lhl r: .){ l .... ha ck to ()1f' J' lI l1, JI ., \ : . o1: I ' I ~ .. " l1 . . " " O'J ~ ih :&.. 11(lI' U eluint' l1t!;' IftlC" f',. " i,. 1 n,t l~ \ 111.1111,1, •• , , • • • "

ph.\ l'icin u nlld 10 1l1:,{C'IHl ,IU:i I' J; !li t I ·lul ..l, , . l ' l ,j :,,!I\." Il l!l" (-' . n1l111d .. lIla llY ( i'ir' llrl... 1\1,,1 lh lJllb ' Ill,'I 'lr ll \' (rl'!' ,,·!t·,l) U'HIlC\\l l ui n tulJ ,,(q ill t h i" t!lllllIllHili l \' 1 • '. _.v,' il 1'l' jol' N t hi.. I l '~ I' ;II : lI n" IJlI'o . ,·" ...I:1 'r i. l\\ll r tJn I \ l. l" :-O I \ · l. IIt IT \· . - ' l' jlf' roII !'! h o \\' 0 .1 (d !'!")cinIJlu !tlld :"l' lI (' I'(ltI~ Al' tJ 11' 1 ,\' I tJ ~ :o\ 111\ l o H I. In l it" C Ub·d'·illlp ulll "" \\'Q wi-,It LiT lI ,dl jllI .. t< i l,I,' n;ty , d ,\....il\,.(l " ' 1. ,11 '),\ 01: :\ t 'l · ~I 'I I..

tibCCC~:' in h i.. ( U IIl I O W I,i1 , l't ot li fe . il: , . :J; T d ..unL IHl' t ry , li j ( i CUtlIO!ly ,'" - - - •. - - I Ii ; .'~ I ~ll'h l" , l . l ~ ; l it llllag'.•·.·~ i C ll ll i ll '. ..t ·,,~ l'U.4·r.\(H': [ 4." ,\". - - ..\ IIO\N I'n per i"HI'.' ·, I l j ~~ h : ' t-iu l " IIY , I i : H.,m l" ' , 1 :

-th" ••I\~ I. I'H Ill Ett lu j("e- II 11~~' flll\\ lIn \' i!'g tl , Ii ; l ' i c l ' l lI , Ji l 'm 'n,t·, l) ; 111.,."~ lI t to 1·. 111;'11\1111 . Ir.... I:lI\l l , ( ,, ' r Ill1l lly , 1 I",lolotu'l , ~ ; l) \·",.!' HCt\ 10f ,:.I ; 0 "' 1" 'l ' l"Il lico, "f'·., o t llio toI :u uo I'il tO I '{ UllIll , ~ : HuilJlll'o) o r I: h l' h tl it·. :J;p116tn;:o . ~hnl'go ', l tl;' 1' 0 I t I Hl lI l - Ufl " Hchuvl E e . n , llJl.\· , 8; fit 'n " l ,\l l{ ;" .I :f ll t . :,lIl c h rOllu t'h ull t lluk Itilleo 0 11 10l 'Y, II ; Ih u l' ku'·p lllJ.:, l.j j r. " ti ut h,o J" t lll flt. , .to R P I'~~' t o u I "(Jl l ~l - HI' IIII.!,·, I ll: AI .t LIII Ii.:. ti:i : E IlSl :IohI tl u nll.l l lh ulr COlUIl1" " t:lU lil"n~'u '" 111 O n Ull tl\l\ f IIJllt C Ulu po ..ili ulI , It j:t bo UU I\' l. r 1i~ 1 l' u'IlI.I HlIlI ll , ,lfl Utl· l : n~ l i 'i h n rn'" IlIl\I" , ~ I : l' . S , I ii >!.(~~H' ~! n n C? , \\,IIL t.l.ll C Onl l.:.lll u l1 at lor~'. I:! ; U c:u,,: tn l' h ,\· , ~ ~ ; H J t~ ' 1i og .I n.l'JlJ, l ite Into I II o ne ow L(~ t' I.·nt h :!~, UTIli h pt,o l li li ~ , :,l.i , T h t" winhl l·\VolghLof lWO o unt !t'tt l)l' tmc~ lIuli of It l' I'Ul hc~ill i .Ul'r ....1Il1lU1' 1 , l Sl:H , \\'ho llI\l' O UUll(,'oil, II OW d Ult.-o .. \ \ iii 1: 0 (llu n III in till'

'rut: Co u-ut)· c.:o~cr!'l o( tlJifl fo il o w 1II;':, I/L I Il C h '~ H : ~ l G ll t ~IYLil~hl) '( \\'l mtc olU) cOllut~· will IlIc N on l ~hJ" l ..vJ; ~' · ' :\I ,]l lIu ,11t , (J ~ I l' .l~ h l ll lf ,:\ (OOc.lfl~· . J f\ UU ll Q ' -lt b , ( 0 Ii ~ tl ili wit h t.,;O Il ,.. t ll ll l lll ll 0 .( Ih ~ IJl !l ~ lH~ ~ : lI. tU lt,t h l) o u lg oi llf.t .\ ud it or , Trca l:l un r nUll 0 y t ;Ui •• AlJlaly l lcnl. l H'lJllle . r.\ , I IIH'S·:i h t.'rilT, (In th e cO:llpl e tio n o{ wh icb th ,lo..., Zon l ~ ,gy , ~a tlll·.1 ! Pll l l u ~) )J b~· .IIUlii llo l'f> t hllile w officor:! 11I1\ , ' un h: r .\l ~e lJ l n , X t·n o l, h u lI , t ll· l· ~ k li ra lll·u p o n th o t1 i"clu"~1l of l lw ir ' ..lu ti l:1'o . lIla r , (.1l.1 r m a ll , H ' t) .k k ~...· HUll , 1'",".:\o t till th en, ~hl Jl' 1 4 1 ~H r l l Jl h~· , P ' l lI lt! ll J{ UIHI Dr,,\\ ·

_ _ _ _ __ m g , ~ {U ~l ll nlln ( h tt \'nn uUI CO Uli llO IJ

b'[II\ S C t::"I' u ·II.-)I l'.J uh n O' Ii(![HIO, l : u ri l i d h lU'odi u. Tho Uni'l'e r..il.\· 1M."I n l1ia n Ag on t nt till' T ululip lt tl" t'I '. 1I0\\" 1\ lltr vll goer tncnltJ' ll uUI lit IIU,r,"ot ion , i 14 nOlv U IlIo: II~C'd UlHlel' d in'c · pro\' i uu~ t imo i n il ll h itt to r~' , nllJ i!\t iur ill of tho Interi or D opa r l lllt"n t in d OIl I ~ l.fl tto r ,,"u l k Il uLU e \' lIr ht.'!o l"~ .

t r\\i; il1U' (1, CUn IlU .i o f nU Lha I n,h :\I1 ~ - l ntl,! lt ~ 'lIl C \l I"f row th e ~rlJ ~ k l l.l l'lhoo t , n t:llr LlltJ .. __l·u~' nll u l' , norl h to tho Jlr ilh'ih Ii 110. A:i I :iDI\s P OT L H (' II U I1 I ~on: F f:.\HT,

:'tIn. B . G.tT~ [ lI:;;'~o firm o f i ll whi ch 111'0 )I t&JhllbJ)' tlo t l o~s lh ullS ch wuhll c ho r Jl ro li. &. C n ., [llhl ;\l r . Uvu tliouu ntl 11I611, WUlIl lol ll IItl ll e h B·.J . Ii'. ~I ll~o. u "l'h t , of S ("ulll (' . \V ur u in ..11"(' (1 , fr om nil 1"1l'1ot IIf tho S oundto wn MO l'pm l d Q,~· H th i.........'ok lIU~ It ~ I . IUIlI Ud th,h C l ll u ru l' Ill, i .• Ihi>! w l' ckin t: to ICj:(lIl IH1 HIt1011l1 ulI,l ll t iu len'u J'I hf'illJ( uoh \ 0 11 tf lll'rn o b ll1n' ), t ll itl

l\i st ing llish ll(\ t b ulU 6Clvo '4 li t. duck ~ ~~~:,) t.{~JU\~'~/~I~ni~~,ul ()~~~ 1 ~11fll~ 1 ~~1:~Khooti ng. wt'ck ft IlRO d Ull o f tll e "o J llt1h u tca t ll .

C OU:iT" l::)OI1I P il ~IO lo ng e r rcc ei,, · r rin U'~ h eld fo rt h lIen r OI~" llI p i n . Rnllab lo (01' tn xo:i, m ueh to tho di lll\!" wn,i ,·i:'4 itod II,)' (} O" tH ll tl r X tlwull ,p oi u t llle n t ntHI rng'r t\t o f tnXa\"' )'IH·R, A~l.tllt ~lI lroy !lllli t bo (-'(Hin t" uf th owh o nr o nnw oullgt' d to Ilo.y 1&1 thoil' Oh'lnl' ln Hta nJ l\l'd . " ' 0 uh'u thetnlOl' in nI O n(\~· . to ilo \\'inij e~t l'il ct ot th o fICO , '('R " uti

i nci den ls li S tl oillct'ibOtl iu the Htn ntl ·ar el, whid l will Ren o tu CUIIH'y u nhl~ . \ t u the uli luit int cd II ~ J to ho w th oIlnti vo!'l con du ot t.ho lto (O.'lt ivitic Hl:'1h o th bt u uj " c t uf iu t",r l·"1. \'io: lt cu' ''' '' LlJ u .. put hl tch h OllllU." n hu go101l'l o u r wig-w,lIn , " u o u t forl ~' f oe twhl o nlHI 0110 h Unll rtld nral lifly fCCLi n l ong th , I t eu n!lilltcll uf u rudeu Ul tnlltii6i \'e t rruult, wol'k o f tr l'OS, t h olIit l ~!'l (-'O \'b ro u with Hhnlu~ H, tbo r t)o rb l!iu" lIup l'u r tc d lJ~' M l llnel~r ""pliu:l1Iwit hou t. IUI~' iule fllJtn li llt o 8u P I)o rt otcollu r·1J" " ul or IrUM. A p o rtl on o fth u rHof , nlunit lh o cOlll lliug , hnJ!Jelln !t·t t U P OII to nllo\. Ih" og re II otIIUIOko, hil t it. n r)' illl'uletl' lutttly,.",ne,l t.ho p u r (lo!le, (or t ho oyen o fYiKitotti COuli lIUl\ lh ' Rchotl fro m thoprov:alu llc o o f th e ·11011I50 \'o J1nr wbidlnr UI\A f r um 1\ IIc '}ro o r more ot {jWII.0 11 wh ic h \'l'a . &hnf i u« , i n p o b CII Il)

k tttt ioll oC1111 "lll\pe ... nn d kin". th on oun. tl ll)· 1U1" 11 1. Arou D.l Ihe lodf.f t 1

0 11 nn pltivntotl pl ..UorUl aLout fou rfoe t wid o , ru u n i" " it . wb olv le ng lh .SRt.o r recl iu e..t tb e wom OD nud c hiltl ­reD, in d l lbo G'ro t <! Jq IlC', Dot to II.)'



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(·n t\', 'l lIt lY lln Ittt t' ,I .

-C.....e J -~0.... .. 1 ' 111.. .



~ BLC,..t.·KtI .. (' G. .. ,, 1(' A., ......"orl_I.nll. U,... lC"" .

W ood WOi'klng Mnchlu ory,.. Snw Mill s nml Snws,r!w Mnchlnl st5' Tool.,=Stonm En gluos nud Bollors ,

Ston m, H nnd nud Powor Pumps=. Stonm Eugln o Govornors,

Lubrlcntlng Oils ... Blowcrs nnd Exhs 1st Fn ns,~ Emory Whools nnd Mncltluory.t" RUB BER GOODS n SpOOlnlty,/,!" Boltlult, Pnoklng, Hoso, Vnlvos,.. SIIl'lu ge, Eto ,)eo


~;t(!; W M . BE CK & SON,

II mpu l t . , . Rlh' 1 lt'~ I.,. In

"" Sharp 's, Remlngton·s. Ball ard '" Burgen "\.~ Kenn('dy& WlncheUer R.p u tlnOAln... ."'" C t) . I · • • 111·' .. 1". "'1.·•. 1' ... .... 1·· . , "l n tl'" " '" ' '~ "uu r .. ' • • u ll l 't ,.II , uu"h·.


~ ~~ ' ~



:: OREGON M~ClllltERY DEPOT.~..•...~


1J1.11Y.1l folT It IO . Ot I"UI .I . N IC !-:II . 1·1...\ ·r EII. l' r l"M Iu,",.II('.j on 1lI 11Ill!" llt U,U. ..·nll " ..,f. " OC' ,u" "d by n"llllI t .. .....1 '" 4I)c . V.. , _III., I ' )'

C'Q""." rl 1 "tI 'r " 7 1t1r . 1 1. , _ 'urll.,. ,I . " r f' I"1I- IMI'OItTKIt.-4 01-'-

H : ARD 'N' .A.:B:m, :IRO N A N D S T :mEL,'\V u g;o n nnd Onl·.·ir~~·O l\ .. ute.·lnl....

!oI" . r a ll.1 H."l" 11 ~ tllw lr•• A"' lIt . ' t"T I.... " UII. tI.1I , - .. ",,, . 4 lit ..... 11•••• 1·1111.. ,." , , , _.. , ·u .lI , .. r .. 1I 1). .. .. rll' lIU"_.

.A. L . S.ALXNGER &. co.•.\..!ICJ 1.· h · " .. ...tl·.~4 .t . l"lu" I" .. ... <Jt·""LrUIi.

r·. (ol, \\' .. h"V .. IUI ...IIII1.....I..m "'11 11I h .. O\o r .. n .'1 ,I.,,, , 1" 1"" P lr " ... . Uh· w llM 1'''1'''''''''' ~w I hI . ln ._I ll .. Ill loll)' 1111 . :" " "" 1 ,,' 1. ,1 1\11.1 " JllI. !'fHII r_1 I .I I · I ' ~.. ,,!<J FI _. II. II, 1,11 '1'.TIolr,1 " " ,I .'M"' ''It

1·'lfllo.I"I, I I ~ " , /0"111 I'.I).II.

Important Notice.SALINGER'S

Cash Auction Com'y

frr~,i ~

H~T- iH ,....• Cl

<'D, 'J ~ . ~. ~ Co

ii III 5 ;-::1 s'III ~~; Ie

1 '0 ~i :t ;?r~fI-:: 0

T O~ I . Fancy Gooda and Noveltl n . Meehan . ~:Ii! ;; Zg. ".~~~ to

c"ls :~te~,·81~·i ~~.:U:i~.~1 ~; I ~:~m., I< Z J0 J3 ~pl!det IUld Damu . a: ~".'n,1 t .1t .....n l.l.. ,·I.. .. ,, ' to ,' ~ I'UI llr-t',n ...I , " III' " ~

~iiC :;~ ~ SOI N, f ·:IJ, • .l l .

c:~ "" • = CD

EVERDING &. FARRELL <:,.. "."' ::: -l~

I? ~ ~ ' ~ ~.~ ..,

Commission Merchants :. E:fi~ ""~ ... ~

i ... 0- :r. :I =a

A:l1) nU l.lulJI l !'l w ::'::::1 =

i ... I> ;2 i ru=GRAIN, HAY and GROCERIES ~ 20m:; Ie

1 ~ '"Z ::!.'iI0~.or nit k lll il li. AIl'O In (') n



Vloo l, H id e s . Etc , '" &:~ '":z: ~

(' n TII.. .. " ..n u l e u o:1 A h lt .. "I',~U . J ' orU"utl . 0 ~ ~: en.. ... ~ ~ "0

Awarded Medl l lit PremIumSiale Fair 1880. " n 0::! c ~ '" d:~ ;Z ::;: ~ '""":!' !" n=I :=" <'D0

~ :t~

= E:=- ,~

,~,~i~u!~!:.:.:r~:~:~~~~~:~·{:·~~F:;b,. ' 1'1'1,1"4' I_ li b .1.IlIPI ' OJ

u . ,owAXX F.JIJI, no.Dllal·. U.,

F. £. BEACll"i 'co·•

... I U lIu .... n ••117 1,1I .. t"n ..- u,. .., w .. 1tI lilt III ""ltUUIlI.. '" I'll,. • .e". ..,. . ......" I I ..' h i .. """"1' rUIi w ill p l.._ . 11I1Il,.tluU I b ..1" " 11'" or III . I' '' pll '' ,

• • Ul .....•• ca.b " ••u ... 11011• • •Th o Bllvertlse ment I. pnb lls he d ell o,

~~tI;iou r(ot,:.r~I~:~I~ n~~~~i ll<-;:dhO~u~g~l~bo u ee olrt.'nt r.,e b" rKalnl . nd tlt rrlN l\

~r~:n~~';k::tlrl:: wp~::~~IJl ~ h6,j~-:..· It~~~~~th t" soet lon o r Ihu count ry wlll reechoI'rump l et teuuo n,------- - -

Santa Claus' Headqualters !Corne r frullt anti Ald"r Mr t'f'h, J'ur t.

1I1I 1I t O r " Kon

A 1'•• 1.. ,. " ...dfl H"'PP7 .J h n 'flloc!ton.tp.ll,. t'lIubl.. 1 w lIb n" tel·l .

1I ~)" " llt l l l v" '" rov..t t" ' DI, , • • ,... alll\ dur .~i; c~~~I~:~tto'bm~'~''':~'':.~'1~~I~ ~'::' '~'~':] l'~I,~ :11..1 b..lh till H " I "ad W h ll . I'Irrl1lIC4. n nl . dIQ t tbeolll&,IY. fl n_IUI. 1 01 lhe ".IIt. I . mhllppy tn ,.,., I . IU bn ll ••• 11 lII. a . a n d en -

~\~~If.I~~~lt~u ::: UU'~~1 ~~:I~ ·;;: [~.~r: ,~~;W:~

:~;'~'~rC~~b :~~.'30'l:W;~P.:~~r.:'n~I:';:~'RE "&"OP."

ThAt \\' .',.. 11 '. MUl lo )f oUM. UJ ~ I o"l ltm .t"",\:~~'I~ ~~ I~:I:i~:~ '::U::~::I~~~:· j.~II::Y('1 11~~~~. 1Ut.'1telf .h l!'l.t 1lIL1. i(", btJ.J k•• r lAIlO<ll , IIlU. ICAI !nI' "l'!1I, n, li k' . IOlt",1 (011,1 0", 111''' 1,. lIl u. IQ "'wlIy' 0'11li ' Il ,1 ~l, . \\·.,,,,nbll, ' u . r, lhlnl lh " ...·' (ro lllI ·AtI~ ,n 11011..... 1\11.11-' 0 al l'lIn l Itl Mil chNI'0rl llllll Illy . t.o"~!~l rotCl.lIIl0lU e.

l ':,,·or.," U\uwl o tO~t.·hor o r Ir1 Uwlt.'l lI.n inOr(l",oll, " ·u.h lugton 'l 'llrr lt tlry or 111,,1&0.who will l o u d th oir 1I" l1l1l l\llI\ nll11 wIIII toW llt"rnn ' rt :\llIttio 1I0ultO . O~ Mon ll'oll fi t. ,Port lnull , 'viii rOl!uh u (rllo for t lir l'u

:~~~I::.\II~I I~~c~~{o: f I ~~~ ~~f~l:,~~a~/(~:~·~~~ i~(m cll 1I\On tJI, bowhloH ou r rell t IUtu l" ,,'now••

Jl;;~ITI~~~tJ,rQI~:~ WI~ I {~:~nl~,~,m,::Il.'U~j~...e; Pat. Self·Adjusting American Club Skate,an,j 1,lv., CU,IIl.- ) l fll tl 't ,,, ' ""!l. lln .. . U

"UE UIlEAT l 'A1I1.

Th. l 'o, lIa n,' J:nnilJ\ T..I""f1l111 In It. well

:~l~t~b~r;I;~,L: ::' ~r;I':on~~ or~ ::. I~~:r.IIQ OW Ii b tl '*' or

.... _ t ll ', 1I• • 'IIO.. . .t Co.

'h~~~t~bi~~~:i: b~~~8·n~,i f t~~~~·rr..~~I I~:S. "bll ry, 1I. ...thern . ... eel. Ono n( I bo mOIlIml u , t. nt pa,'" tor th t lr u t.l l,lt to (Atmore IIIhe" CI , I.I I'IIlIo",n " 1 Mur,1101i11tt». 101,). , . wilb bolh

T~w-:~~ i::~':':IIIII~...~~d~~~i:I~ ir:~k l:::I\~~o"i ::".n('illft "' .11 hu nl bl'l h t.J UOIII ' h.' top, In 0rl'"::"~ I~~~~~II~h\ul.~:~bi:th-:c~~':~r ~~'h~l~hl~' llr l"ln. Th • •Iure o( tho Mo" ilOn r lOw II10«'1.1 11. , \n itael(, I' bnln. " IOlllV' lind billi.r

~:~~t'~'I~ ~~ : IC ~I:l~t.. ll!fh~h:'~o~ll,ll~~i: ~;., t~~. ,11 (oJ, w ,,1 111\0.1 . xt", hard lln('.!. N. " l.u,v.U • • ~ho' ll" .\ CU.•IV tho o ll l~ l1,rn In ORO";II

b,.l,l l·~I:::;Z~h·I:=;~~' .:~. 1~~~~/~I~Wi~~~tlI ih~t ,th' ll lh, lroll LC'ftl n . 11.1 N I\l lut lie 1"'111.I ll . h lill of 1,10wl 111 101,. lIIA.lo by t l,\! I.illllf'O'I u u t,. ..'Ollhd l tIt t ill I',d rol.i' ,,( JIII.I'lIutlr,. . tho

~~':}~~ I~~ro: ::~'~J:1unj~II,~I:llt~hllh~W~~llI=~rl~J" n.1 h""' lllllll'n.llI:l l b,. t"...11I Itl 1110 I' llltl'"' o (L hlli OOI IllI~ . Til.. 1'10"'" llro t'ol,~ l li ly " l'1I1"1l1l '

::~t:~:k~' ,,~" ~llli t~~~~I ~I~~i"ol le::~'~~hr\(' ~:: ' III~I:i.... ~. II " ~.)o" I ...tUOn w" Y (II r lllo re .h nul.1 1I_ 1l" illll.....tplu,," ,,'bl'll 'n...y (\11I!lavo Il " M(lr, l" ," ."...hlcl.lltttron r ' I'II.1 mnN .l un Llt., l i ~h l '" ItJ

~'~~II ~~:~~ }~ ~: :~b~II,~ " o;'~ ~~~I~':'~I~~~'li: i :,~ultllll~" Mllrr llOlI" LcJ luN 1'" l'I'h " IIIII: AllY oth. r. " Ul 'l, r t li . III l lt ll l", rt.. n l IlIh,!(t th t')· . LuW I. ti l"

".., 11)1&.11' , '111&111 ' 1I111L! .,

.\ pi '\)or (. r m 1llIl.:.l.i.JU("y wh k ll III"y h aVl.' . )1.1(ur 1* " yCllIlI l1I O n'lil" n , Ilwl ...hll·h hM j(iv('nN lIIpl. lll ... Ii.f" ctiou . UlI lll ortho K,,·.t (. '11111'"of t La J ,i11 I. t!.to t'Ol\O '''lI t f'lf r'·f.ula lltlll: I h••

~~11:1~ ~~I~~ ~~ ~,\~~~ d'I~~~oll~~~u~~: n~r\~::i...W II , ... r ..'n !, III",ll l ..."fn'. mll. t bel.((tP I'.~ I . olldtho tI, I• ., wb,..l'l . IlJ ", vl'tftl rooJ;: w!lll('h . ' I"m.".~I .t t il .. t'OAl (O( culu i.I(',a l.ll' t ill ,.., wh ll..." HII ' he ."ltnh·'·. l-'r1~n ,l 1), 11I It II 11I. tAlillyeh npl ",,. . In ' ••u,1 {O"" 11 wltl lol!\ .101'1'11111:

~:~~ 1:r 1::I ~( li,~ : 1. n ~fl ~: l~~~~ ~ ltltllll~~ I~~~l:';,~ihLoeyoDll tl, . , ,,,..ib ili ty C.rMhl lt tali el l i b.. a•1" IILI. (llIf'('O t-I , . n.1ba ' t-n k'lt f'olln Fou""I".11,1 AID"'I.CG. •u,J IIN noLlIlOo....1 th e loo.. t Ih ill on

ri~~I~J:J;hi·~~II~~~:.t7II~~ili~·;:b~:~~~.}~:·b~I~.~lo,luC'N tho ma"ll rlt(1.u " ,. to maMo 1Il. n1 hn l'o r't.u·t Iml' t>:Jv C' 1I1(,u w In t he d ,III,. rnnllll: wl.l..h i ,' h . Inel'1'alOIn ' 1&<' ( to lD t "' lIl" o to ' . c ut, 11 ' .' lId 1111' Itl&i inf or1.oOlh tho IAr, " "h. ell ll... t !le

~ ~''!I;~ i~~: ;::h;~'I': l n~be~III~~~~':i:I~J~II:; :a f....... t ....ne , t _ 'h (' n,1, 100 •• tol "' l\Il al" ti lt·• li n, rrona e..~ h e ll,l . II 1\' " 1m .. 1."1~'wllh bri<l, tl r l.'8 L.1Io ' O .b.. '-n aJ, I...1at 'hI.C;nS.i:rfr1:;t "ti;o~ol.l Llr III thl) u hll.l t hle·lt!

al r l llL.. ' . I ba" ,Ut DCt'I.'IIY. TOR,Tb.klIlI Or MIl lIllo.lder . In A n ler lCtl. h i. ... 1,1to bo tb . m OllI Pflt(<<t ali,1 .Iurab l. Inllthln.. h.

~~ ~':':;lt;(oJ~ :i.ld,~~ ,~~~~iaf,:,~fr)J;:~: L~;

~~:,\f:~i:6~(~t1~~~~~Ai::I~I::I~ ~~~ IIAl II~~~~~::mora _ 1",ttI ,. lOll c,UlldfN thon II.Y 011..,•• •It h• • U' o MI. , "' bll. nth .r lIlach hll'l UMt LiltIh ftc) \I' ( " lit, . n ,1 III t ho la, ir" lOachlat'. Ihll

~bU:I:~tl: ~~~""~'I~1 : '::~~~I ?li.~ ~i:;'/I~~ ~d~f' ;·17=........ . II II tb.. on1r fltoOt ler 1,"" ld('l1 wit h AnI ndl. r llbbt r ,~u j.. t\ l1 , which" 1I,-OCl lllllly " ....' ..II~

~~~·wc,I;~~,fc~t~~~.n :rlt C)~Vhrt~I I:'~~ ~r ~1;lo:..° ~Ih~Ialno'" tho h ll&: ht... ll'nlllhll ll llver nil olilon. 1\ .wll b t b. " " Inor'. " r l('II,1 Ih lll Iho IIl)u,o IIIl'o , t111n,1 h• •l to InCl'\'l1tD th to . :. Ie rly to t" (,lIly

~~(O~:l~t~i~~et~III~~. h l~71~ .t~::'1a 1~~~IIII I ~~': :~rillp i (or ~ \'o , lh,o<l 0 ' ("u' hOfl ,.. nutflUt.ll ('QIJnl·111 , 1'1th o.! . 1.... o( Iho 1I\ ·1iI1161 Th~J 1III I,rG YO'lIl. n t. Illuot-n lIla ,l" IJl"<"t'M<lt V In (lIlh ', to m....Llb. J "1I111 I1d, o f t bll IU fto fll r lnU" of £... tv,1I U re .

r~I':.itA ~~:i l~ ~~::~~'~lli i~ .'ytot :~ :~ l ll~~~~:~U~tllO O'l lWhlliM. Tt'a IU.ten are IIIllcb J t'U, hltt lwllb tho hul.roy t'J.

WIIl T'''.'' ' . W" COH,

OoVttr ll n lell t . t.undA" I. " hleh I• •ho" n al Iho11IQ ,.lIlnn by til' htoeve Iltm. It I. a l.e t lh ~t It I.pN IIOUD«o.1 L1 all tl .. lJetl t Iro ut.~ 1 .... . '.n Ih t hunllu k f L T il... Wlti 0l!1 hnY~ , (vr ft Jlulll '-" r o(YO,,"' , bertu u k,,1 111 Ibo k ",iOt) o( Ib", Unlt.cdHte~ OOV., Utn~U I, 11111 b. u , ""ilb uut fAilu re.. 11.».1 &II'" I:llIna tlo 1f'11I o f o\'t!'1 " '("lion of Ib ltOOIlDt" . They are .bo Uk'll by t b~ D,II1.hGov .

:~~;:I:~~~i~~~~~ °1;ti: l l obll 'y~ 1 ~:II~I:':::::: ~~ptllvl'O l Nl--e;. II, ro, CtI I. lnJ l', Ii"i IUlO l lrn ­.,rovelllotl'" II . V(" bo (lIre IOllti o n . "y'" Nil , and. ... Ib. tot.!. In t h. IlIIl'.t!t Otl t! IO 1' l1C!ifk l'O'.l.It , u(wlI l ~b all l'Xtlln laaUoll will ooll ,.lnl"O 11111 1IIoei.k'I'IiCGI. 'I hi. fl ,n l alltj ea, r,. lue rl'1l01YlIl"lI

~C;:~:~I;t:;'~II'1 '::r;n;~~loA 'I:~(~ f1~~e~l.:.11,1 wil l uu\Ju t III,... lIew W f.i"" Th. IMl'l

it':~ =rh~r~I~~ ':I~ ~:t'I~ ~~;~ ' ~I~~n~:m~~~;brok. n. 1I1.1 .N aolJualAl.ltI to el, be, wl.le o r II.....N W lrac k w &j.fo nL Th . 1>01. ' pr llll' Ato Il!lh l,. hul'l" , tllTttt:uv, IIlul IllItahl. T hl'l tAko n ..w. liLt r" 1I11 th. n ll'('k d Iho \... In . ",1 II,.Jd.I~ "'1 ll ll W'. gon. will. .t ror IIOWli ",lea,

,.u. "U" PL . Ol ' l lIlI.

T he rann'r', (rll,", 1 lin.' (rl"n ,1 o( h i. 1I0Ht'1.

~~hf:~r ::r1~~I"~Oo~lIt.hon:n:~('&t:I~:a~:~~.III~~I~h~~:~~~~~.::.~;I:b~ I;~~~:I~I~:,~~~~toN.III, MY...Ihohtl,utW a n,l Inlllt... Iho OOllt ro l orIi WIlIt"'II,IIrIlI or ' b .....hln g h1..~ b I De " ' ..IIIYlh.t. 1.00, CIo II 1. 1ItI t he I,IA""01. IIIfth. III .", lvlllgelt ll". Til , 011 1, ',I.... 011 tho I'. citlc Coaat",lUI,. Ibo Wbhew. l.., " ' goul . n,1 thl1 11\00'"IlI\rNnmont. ('a n be11",,1 1••t ~" ...bu,y , 11• • _th lJ, lIo"" CII. , " ho n,r,. a '1I1I , (oe:k .) ( I !l ltQ. '.1'hll

A. ' CITT III.Tatt'IOIl 101"1

:~;,, :btl~t: ft r~~~. i'fi l :tI~JJ 1 :~h~I~'~"~ ':.'iUIlJe , &lld . ul ted to.ll wMlh ' r. Tlu~ to,p. m. ,.be 111011ou • IlnKhlClr t1oublo·..... t.>t 1v('h lcl.." a lu lIhelt tll l'OO or four howed Jol n",, 1 tcllJlIlOY lIotII""

~: :~I~~~il r~I~~I~~:,tourl~:f~'h,~' r.711 ~iw:1I~~I~~~ I:~'rh_ lor- rlllilio III I' rk~.. (rolll fl li to ..nu, lot.hl l

!rL. t~~?' lli~:·~;I:u:::I~,::- ~.~~ :;r 1I~~'~:'~ ~r.d~~i~T;:.•vlu'''lI Y . re IlIvlWd l.o &Ill.... t111.i'll lJl.

"" . ('R .. '.IlI I'l'.... L , .. wa u o lU LL ,Bn\h for r. n n an,l ",.",hOIlIl , are .1"" oxhlh\t.t l.Th' T attl ' lJftli&Ur, AlI.pLet ' '" d Olllllnl Wbllll,

:~ :;~~:r.' Tb:r..~:~~~II'~lt~!i~ul~:: '~~ j:r~~a.:-:..:~t'.'rurtec ', .llllf blu n lll In",,,t ll!<' tn l , le ~

II I Ml ' I.L.'~t'. UIT/ COL D .

N'owl," "1. nall , bom . '" C'l••110 . how "" m "reUfTlI.da nd nilnina . ho nora, Jolt'll', bjllW .'1..>1•lMrro", ., n ll tl....1 ' tid 1II,h"., 1,lfl'" .n.1 .~f. ""on, f'o.-uu" . I. tolll h.u r I'lIIlnl l l<'Ol bA,b f. hro .. Ir .both rool llnil p lnulNJ, ILaIl,I.t1 '• • tHl dlt k

:~,:. h,ii::·;~I~~:U'T~:r: '~:I::~'::,:~;~OI?':~'....U"":b:lr~~ou.·II\t,::17:-;'lckr;:hantllal 0' un h.n...I.. I, Ire .I",on ' . hlblUoll, ..w.1l .. a ,. ..~ 1tIJ:: ' lor Arll el. IIr hi•• •Ii."ol. ,

i t:I:t':~ :~I = i'J;=I~~lth~"·I':~': , rulTU. '1.",

.NflItu n In O~" 1.1 bl Ue' .nd InOto r.'fo " ,

~:wtr:';,III~a':f.::~ I:J'J:,o rt~b.;t::~I::~r:~~'i~I~~~.I~~~!:~·~:,~1b~~. n 'Tt:~~;:: ::;ClUnl ' Il ..,. 111I011" IltI r b.aLdtlu", an. ' 11I.lr.",\~ AUri ..m plo, .. 'N ohlJlali wil li ')'1' ,..phi 1.11 chnw:ier, Lnn, m' T Uut, 1-',...-.,.

M• .Janda II.. oft'ent4klau hnpro1'Omeatla Uld OnUlmd b1ao~ln.. o1l1111 01C\t1 I.bl.o,.tom of OlNtrlO l!fcMhlR'.10 that

~~ r:::lul:io~~rt:~I~lur;:~~u1Jllrb ,ate of

POIIU " ll D, :io"em~r ~O. 180&0.tll'~,, 1 It'R,I.nl n I'ortllh d, buyl ua, I'0r, NIJ

", JUn, al l"" .Sliver oolnIn r urtlll ll.1 l..AllIC' quote . t I I....'

t:~I1 I . lll ...·.. Ulll t" I"' r.e..11I fJX('h ol ll~ 0 11 }ff3W Yo,k. I PC ' COI n t. I onlo­

ml ulII .Coin ..xelll u·1tO 011 8 .11\ }o' ran ellOO, po.' t.l ~ ~r

aun l. pN:'mhun .T"ll'~", phlf3 lrftU.(OVI on ' ew Yo, k, 1 PO' cent.vr. ll1hu n• _

......• 011 .

Til " (" lIo" ln l 'luOlalln , h1r,eeent Ih• • hol.....I. tQtM (rolll J 'Nttu~'ll" or drat banJ . :•·I.o Ult - Ouotabl, In JobLllli I.u .1: AI. n J. 1'\I

~';-7 ~;~ I~:n~116@t3 '3Q~Ii'JlI t3 M~~~:?IU~:\T~ee;I' l~o:h~I,'i 20. .U AY-Titnolhy bal ed , bUlln, . t t IlIG ' IS ("I."lun.~?;~~~:~~~~:~tll~t1tO(~t~20@; ';1~j l\~

'~@ tJ7 ' li 1011.UR.\ ~-Jobbj ll' 4 t 1"" ton. SU @,I• .0 .\ T8-."-I, p. , Llhh.1"2j (~ ·U >o:te.BACO~-8'd• • 13h'il lla lll. , 0"1011 8 C In @

l:He , " . t. m. H (!io Uo l IhlJt.lIJ..... II(~I lN.L .\IU)-ID k..lP , 13 , IU Ua•• I ~.

UUr fl:It _ W. 'l1l0t. oholt.'e dal' 1 u ~7.2 ,'kI :

IfOO'I h..11 roll , 20@t~" 1 or\1lnlOl'1' 14I(U;

OUl~i "}~n~iT:~rl '~:I~·nu .l tied,OdOo lIUIk'b lllv d , ied , n et . 1'_", mMhIQ' dr lllld,1 111I 2c. P ltuu. , m4Cblnot drl~,:»e.

W08-_~ J't" 11"1. •l·OUI.TI t.\"-H.n . and I'tJOItfon • .." $1..10.'\. 1'ur.

1t~'lild2<k1~r ~.und . U_ , fM'Ir;' J O&.Wf1;~'_Fp;o.:r::iO I2~~·~t,r;tl:':'''.:.fl la , ,~Bt;Cr-u". "" 'r hlt II to I to lor sooJ \4 d lOloe .

~~ ~~W~:l"u:~~~~t~t~2c.U l ~~::;-h~~Q~~~::~~~:~~L~t~O~lo:~~'r:o'd

fur I:ull" ","Q 0'4&.Un it p ,. •• "" r ..

• ", w " re IICO III .

R-' lptl _ :llM.n1 tU. ':.1aw.!.~r,~;~~j~~O~·T:'.o.. 1O;=::!.:~~~~~.'1:tf~t:. ftO Il'. M rU' OItI.~ •••~~~~~'~"I:'dp~1'.~ ,,:1:r.lllrll~~~~ l iI ~,!. :~"..tQ::~

n op. _ No III .. I~ pou, 'td , marlle l . 1' .1, ' 110.1'l UI .. ' ,

lO~~~m~~·,, :~~b·'II~:::~r t.J;~~~· 1~~,1 ru:t:h.l~q:: :7IItWI~I:~~~~f~':Jd~jr ~~' I·::li.!~b~~I~~:;'~l,~~~d;~~~~:~~~~il:~~':~ I~,li1~: :g,.~I~~~r~ ~~:o~

~:\:;,;~~~~t'f11~~\~ IW,~~~ IIU.Wh•• ' _ 'I'h.. nll , h , r. n , m . 1 ' h• .. 1Ullre l n .. d••

~~;t~~~1~1::I!: i:f.1il~,:~ll~J, ::r :;:U;~ii :: :~~l:1I0.A't'r_l In."." l\'1Il1 ..I•• IIf 1It1l1llooldl h'".~~~·1.:1Wlki,:.I; rl~ ':l':,r:;l r.~lln:.~r ~b~I,~~ :::

II ' . '10 • • 1Il••••T• •N... To• • , Nol'. lO.

~~~n:;I~~~O~~d·lIA;~~'~[h ::r~:.f i :~Ir:Jto d t• • him oUU WO or th reo limN wbeu

LIl'\~~o 1::",1:i~I~ I ~~yb:~~l\~~r~~..~wit:alwny. sw Ih nt h o Kal'O mo th e righ tfl\m a nll no In C'W. 1 1011 yOQ wh at It i.,tRklng "'011I nil In nil , lecturen and pr e ­fu". lollol. mnk () th o 1)O. t t" r. . . I tinl'os ot ~o IIOW Ihnt I eeu ' el1 M qu ick IYI 1"'1,)1n1 oM en. toIUfl" wbellh er t ilr.o ere" (",,-I with III1UIlor net, and wh Uo lbey

~ll':;~:A~:~~ ;~i ~~~orl~erl t4)r whon"L cou ld go ove r .. long Ha t of Atal'1l

t)i:~ 11 ly~~V~ ih·d~4klio~U~~lb~:. :!:61:;:' .mll.e Koll o Rg It • Gurion. l,uo10 b"lIl.E ver,. tlmo 1 ha1'o heuled bor . bo Ou,hIKHUQtl ng to ..cold abou t . Au.1c ue tuee, ha hl\d n lurr lbt o row "'h h ~Ias Cl\roy in

~~~I~~":'e~1 ~~:O.I~~ :J:i:h~~ni llg~::~I~.obU{Ih l'" Il" iuh ' ll llo " n bolol o wo r tll\Cht'11 th ob ol ol . I lK'll by th o .."pu n that 0 10 IJnllII .lc lkt. Poor Ole , ho walt 1\ migbt)'khh lhl'lu l"'ll lU. u. 'f ho llut limoIlllm tudh i pi 1 lookoll I' littl o IlIml up, nn.1 h lltAlked QUll chalt €'ll wit h IUO uh o llt fuYhUllhll'f". nllli "nowe " 8 10 bil l. Uo

\\' l~ 11~1 ::.lm~t?\'~~t~l:I~~:~ II: ~~r:::~ fat o.

r\~:l~:j lil~~~I:{~~~~I:~~ b~~i o~I:~::h::111111 . Iu' t01l1 lli O t o wait nud tak o h ot 10tho tht'ulor. 'r hll front wlnl low "B' open."litI 11110 wonltt tlltk mo nll aortA of q UfI• •11011 11 nltont P IU"bllrg I.Otl i\ll peop lo.Afl t!t ,,110 " ot her Mtl l' l )('r she camo alit to

r~:~' llll:\~1 :llki~~~kHb:1' I~o~~t l~::y s~inlllli~to mfl Ibour h. ""II 'W hon . bo 80 t to t ho

~/:~;~~: l~~r~u1tror.iLe~I~1 ~ri:b~.t ~:li~;k ~~i'l\I~\Il~t~~~ U1Io:,,~~~~~l:~ :h:Vtrw. I tolll ll" r 1 ('a uld Dot ntror ll Ie.)wa~t o th o th DO, nn ll who Mill: 'Ob , DO,.ormiull, I'll l'a~ von d ou hlo: 8ho gav e

?L~~u" tl~n~D~ lglt.W:~~ iIO'te l~b;ol~ll\~rl~~~i~~;'.~~~~~I~ t~bti~: ':u~DII~~~o,P~l:~~~~~ I~~~:it~l:~nt~'i I~:~:t ~h~~knI v;rltover 1100 a woman plAy thllt po.rt U IIbe11M that n lcht. Poor Luclllu, . ho d iJu·t.UTO" ery long n(wr Iha t oight."

PeftoC h Fr ltt en .- )Il\ko a 1U\1oo th batt erof on,,·1I1111 l' 0unu of tlour , ono-battotln~c o f buUtJr, oao·ha lf l ah'lpoo n oflUll. tw o egg', an ti enough _'a rm mil k toUlCikc It uf a Ilrope r COIJllbtepcJ·. l'tUO,hllh u a nII . to n.., t bo peacb e_. lUI' .1Iem inl lie b lltt tlr , IU lt \ I ry in hot la rd Ir om eig htto hm wln u t",. . 'rh o lard . bould behrough t to th~ boilill il polut be for" t hoIrlt te r. llru d ropped 10 .

l'IH~t'lAL A~I' COll ll Jl IlCI.I.!..

R (llIIlu IIK'Cf(' f! of a ll r lt er .


T . l. !. I!G1l. "'.~, .llIf '. ' 11..111'1" 110&1 ' OUIt .... f """•••1' .

~:·t::::~::'':jl~~ri~~~ ID,.,lo, .

u. ·• •• b."h.,d l.J • bU l.Il, ­A • •I I"I'n l ' " bini " "U" .lul, .UI~'.~ l~~I~II~!:i ~~~~.~-::;:~:~j' l" I lv h l N ut ' bt " . 1Id. lotll d ' I"" b u ,1 DO"I .... tu .... ' ''1'' t.. . I • • I).lu,....1 t..... r·W.. ' b.'. u n . Ut n • • tu,.. '' '''hl IIIO_ O.. \D " 'u l u..l"Volt l ,I... ur 111.11....,' ,,,,IIClJ , ,,"r'81 ~..lo,. Oll ,b.d., ••fOIl Cl,1, ,, U,

... 11h l DiI 9f'1I , 1' 1'011m, . 0...1• •If.n.,'••bIQ tlOD Wo . 1" I\ ...t • •1,.

~~~~t t:!~; ·1~~;:~::~fi, .rtoo, lII ' . If •• • 1.n1 ul.'"11 1.11" I)"u l ' Oil ',. . ut . l, J""III1'.~Cl:,~:; ~~~:;,~'!:.~~' r,l~r.I~I~ ~

~1:1~:·'~:I·:a.:jlil~:ltz ::~;:.~':iH. ' . nt, I, I. n<1 , , b. I·. wb , I I... " lJIw _All " II " w", •• I"n.,·, .bo,.. bh ll l

II. I'" 't,. • Itt"lq'I.lh'.lin ' n . .. , ...." ... I... " olloll ll " .

rt":~J~';;·i:..~I:~.III:r,bn,,·~,~w,.Dllo . n.1 I 'lit.,. 1I0l1l1l1ru, , ',,11• •Wll h l b. , .... ..U. .. u f I.. U ..\ 0" b., ".J1 - ' . 1. I.. u l. h rI1.C"",,,,l ltlf, Ult"'1 ,,· tl ntlll l l ,u I1,"u li l" ..bllol b....I'. IUf rl • •I e:I. '·U ,Itublilloll , u lI.hllI ' In UII ' f.,uA• • • b ,. lnl "l Ull" " ' -10.,1,.1I. 1t,. " h UllIlIl. tI, 11101 ' • • 1'1-.. 1, .

1I0 wlh ,. ..llur . I",roJt>tI' d., UlIll 'l'lQ ," 0,t u , ln" , 110 lllto, ••n. , llol l(I I, Ibt " .:, • • wtwo IIl ,1 lOll <lUI,.

::'~':,~~~.h:lo,:; r::,b",.~:,~1~2;~I.~ ~~~,--AII Il'I " " w I' . "IUl n. IIl .hlt..lu lf lt ; u · " l u l ,h ,.. ,l l' l l lI d l l ll . Il "

~~.I~~ l ~: ~;'·~ :f,l ::~r.b~~~:;I;"': lu..Al u.. lIul' 1 1111.1·<I., 1>1,,10Jill " .S• •·., .. ... . " "'11' 10 b' I' I'"~" t1I ' t u , I,·b . ".I",1rh ' 1>1'1.:O' 'Itr • • Nl.utb . I. " ... .,III. IIU .S ., t.I01f wI l li J 011Ull ti &btl .

Yl, n. Ih w JolI,• • 1I to'>".. l b.., .'f b.., Ill • • u li • fl..I1.... '" ~ .. n i b",.NIIIIllnl . ...'111' .blll 'IU'" 1.,. ...,.An " l b . "' I lid jI" . d.wJ' IllJ . hH ' I .U' . I , . 1. III"'". 111. 'J' l r ll .Till pUI ru" b unlob. U II_ u,ul " .

~~~·t.r.~.b::,tt;o~~~{i~S~;j~~;~ I .

lIo.>l1D0. ' .I , lIut h • • •1 .. . n.nt' n ltlWlt b ' b. ........ I " 11 I. , ",uII•.~~~rd:::tl:~~.·I:~~It: ·'l lt.Wta' lI '11. ' 11,,1111, un , lo.dt<lBill h I btl !U ti li ' Illl'b "I'loded

.,..... lb. ~lnlh' on of I.U l tl~ l .

• • • • d UlJd . .... 11 ' b • • 1I,U,lbt

~·I~~~!~~h~~r~:~~I!~~~:,~!~t1~r'T u.aN tb. 'J'O I .. b." ' UQ.., liD"' ".A." . lI b " " m " ' ll" . u ,M~ .. mulluh1.. . pto.Il lI... ' b . .. . llt 'llI tl u..:..1I1

""'b.,d jJ fl" " 110 r' c.,,', ' UU I'll..... . Ir t:t.j :![~:: 1·~;~;t!lrtW:'.i;,~:~~ : , .U , Iollh. Lato,.·••It .... up Lold l,Yrol>l II•••'~ ~'Ih.' ~b..I ... ..oMI, ;A nd IA Jlld , oo q l , 11I11111'"O ur lJOJ , 1 11.. 1 UlC'Il.' ' '' '' "lI blnII .

lMlI "l Ull WODI.I,OIl ..1I ' 011' llrolh', '1.WDI lid 1 1''' ' 011' 'Ilotblt.

D rifti n S' uroliDll in(Iuo. t of .ometbingof In toroMl to th o p u bli c . l\ l'it t. lHlrg(\J". 'lI , r C'iul G"ZtlttJ rOI)or Wr ItroPPtllllnt o tho Union " OIIOt of th at cit)' . Atth o onlNoto CUlICODll6d on ono o f th ebon ch •• , a tUroll ln a hua.v)' OVtlrCloa t hofOUDII .. hl\ekmlo who boel RrOW DIP'I1.zotl null "r. )' in th o , ofl' ieo, nUll " ho ,

:l~h:proar:~:~R'if,~~o~:'t)l,,\·t ti~=:Dh ~t~=I~ I':~:~;i~ ab~:e~:lo~D~itir~he ~~ rn~r~oonnollllour'lo MllI, ,1JJIllinewwlllget ll ui'el nUI D my Uno . I tlon't makutho goodh.ul. that I uJell to. I ' 11'0 "0. YO ll u gm.a. th l t I h l\\'o hauted mor o1ll<OI,le o f note in tha t IllllJk 01min. o a t th orll tha1l nil t bo roat of

~~Hot:..lCkl~e~bD~ ? "tbl ~ft~,ir~11 to~~ho~~':ponor. " Well, I ba vo hauled all thoKrelt aclon aDt) 6O t""II011 Ibat JIBVO" Hn I Oto Ihi. oU'1 for tho ~'lIt t w"uty )'l ••rrt.t:letJm. to mo Ibat Ihe l)rol o. aiou i, golll Dgto know me, a011 wl1oD01'er I AGO La w­naoo llarno tt Het otl' tho t ra in I 841'1,IUOW a ru " OU, lIr . Bar reU?' And. 'boturn. aronntllulfol rllKlognh.OII mo. nI.rrell11. BOOt\ f.re and. II. ' . double, ' o h od oa'l forget tbo hac kmeo. Tb o Ind timethat he . u bere I haul eo.l him to tbo ho­te l aDd tb en to th., tb oator , nud wbe n helot ou t bo f. l t In hi. pocket anll fou oelbe b...lu·t a Mnt with him. I "'1", 'All

:~,r~'t ~tr~ ~':::it:Lo·n:n~uu~l.d il:e~~arouud anti bo 1111''' Ole. goM r ieoo.

~~t~:.r~Uj~~~l~rr: k~:llb~:rd't: ·;:a~• lah U.. lI e I. Dot like old Forr elt, wboI. doad an ,l gone. I ba uled him ,Iownfr om U.lO dOlmt on"e l a Oll m,. t ront AI!Ijbroko at lbe coruor 01 G n nt .treot. 1th ouRh t oM 1"orr eet wou)J kilt 1110. liejUfDIlCkl ou t of the hack Imfol . te rmed an draged .Dd , w o re lib . ruad ma n . I teU,.un he " 1\1 not .. nleo OU.tOIllor tohandle. All oo 0.",10 her palmy d Q'"need 10 ho a nry daint,. on. tomor . Mhowoultl OUl ll tl out a ud )Mk into w,. o. aoh

d~!Jt:li~I~~a\d'~b:t~~:~i::.bi~:n~I();iliIOUher dro'. j t)um . bo'\1'ou Jd look nl tb olaonol' aUt \ t)le riB to IUOIf it wo.a et vlbh.Wi th in Uu' Jaatrow ,.OU' , bowover , IIlwbu uot boon uear .0 p.rtioul ar . tJhoh.. oJ.ilwgod • greal doal 1i0CIl) th olO

~~~I~~Y:~t ~~rn~ol~rl':C~~u~O~I~i:h:i;"'." tbat matI. borlook ver1 pre~t" i but110W wben ehe Oum(l' hero . ho wal tomy h.ck wilh hor head uown, Iowaad demuro .. a priest. Sh. dOU'l Momto (lAra DOW wh etb er th e ou.Won• •ollher drolll or not. Sb e alwa ,. . paid me. 011, aad I rate b.r am ong my b• • t. tArel .

~~~I~:1r::'·ho~~ w~:11~7~' :~• ouiouo tue ; h. oouldn'l ' J)Mk };ng.Illh. utl wbop I .tarlfld lor t bn hotelwoQ)d ralU. on th e wlullow .nd. . tlc k

~~ .t,~o~~ ~~~~rU~:~8 ~~::~:':.IJpolated -to lb• •moke oyorhe..I - lt wu

::-to~~':ad~1t~:~=1 ~~d D(lt

J'Mb"r "M. ml.bty ranloull\r man"ldrhu• ••nd woull aJme»t alw., •.... me dri"• •low . Wb en ho oa.rae"'10 o_lb. Opera Hoo.. J h.u1odWa ""'" Ibo dopa'. ...d ho hepn ro,..........~ In lbe b..,k aad lol

~~:W~b~'b=.:d~:bl~~~~~::;l~.::=..... I .... hi.. .....'1 ti•• be oom..""Io_ro; a1,,07" k... d ..ord_ . jokoODd d II [ ...==::.;::":h:c.:..:.·~~