Bradley Commission on Africa The Promise of Africa

The Promise of Africa Magazine

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Program for Sagamore Institute's unveiling of the Indiana-Africa Connections Project

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Bradley Commission on Africa

The Promise of Africa

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10:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.

10:30 Arrival

10:45 Introduction and Welcome Jay Hein 10:55 Remarks on the University of Indianapolis/Sagamore Institute Partnership Dr. Deborah Balogh, Provost and Dean of Academic Affairs, University of Indianapolis

11:00 Keynote Address Richard Lugar, U.S. Senator, State of Indiana

11:10 Connecting Indiana and Africa Will Austin, Executive Director, Institute for Affordable Transportation Susan Crawford, daughter of the founders of Bryantsville Hunger Relief Project

11:20 Q & A

11:35 Closing Remarks 12:00 Depart

Indiana Meets AfricaKeynote Speaker: Senator Richard LugarOctober 21, 2010

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Sagamore Institute is honored to host Senator Richard Lugar as he helps to unveil the Indiana-Africa Connections Project, a database that lists more

than 250 Indiana individuals and organizations who regularly engage with sub-Saharan Africa and the African Diaspora.

Senator Lugar’s experience as former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and advocate for improving Africa’s economy and health care makes him an ideal partner with Sagamore in showcasing Indiana’s role as an important global citizen.

Sagamore has been working with University of Indianapolis graduate students to compile the database, which includes entries such as the Bryantsville Hunger Relief Project, a farm that sends corn to countries in Africa, and The Institute for Affordable Transportation, an Indianapolis-based group that manufactures and distributes low-cost utility vehicles to communities in developing countries.

In line with Sagamore’s goal to move ideas into action, the project has compiled the database to highlight the dynamic, unofficial aid community in Indiana in hopes of cultivating a more effective aid network.

Ideas into Action: The Indiana-Africa Connections Project

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Senator Richard LugarDick Lugar is an unwavering advocate of U.S. leadership in the world, strong

national security, free-trade, foreign aid and economic growth. This fifth

generation Hoosier is the U.S. Senate’s most senior Republican and longest serving

U.S. Senator in Indiana history.

He is the Republican leader of the Foreign Relations Committee and a member

and former chairman of the Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee. He was

first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1976 and won a sixth term in 2006 with 87

percent of the vote, his fourth consecutive victory by a two-thirds majority.

During his time as Senator, he has promoted policies that are aimed at reducing global food insecurity. In 2009, Senator Lugar

and Bob Casey reintroduced the Lugar-Casey Global Food Security Act—legislation aimed at bolstering America’s emergency

response to the food crisis in the developing world. Moreover, as a ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,

Senator Lugar directed staff to investigate causes and remedies for chronic global hunger in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Through leadership on crucial legislation such as the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, PEPFAR, the African

Growth and Opportunity Act and Tropical Rain Forest Conservation Act, and a heavy interest in energy and hunger security,

Senator Lugar has shown time and again the need for a strong and healthy relationship between the United States and countries

throughout the African continent.

Combining his experiences on the Foreign Relations and Agriculture Committees and recognizing that energy security impacts every

aspect of life in the United States, from the cars we drive and how much we pay at the gas pump to our vulnerability to foreign

terrorism and our relationships with other countries, Senator Lugar launched the Lugar Energy Initiative.

Senator Lugar graduated first in his class at both Shortridge High School in Indianapolis and Denison University in Granville, Ohio.

He attended Pembroke College at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, studying politics, philosophy and economics.

Senator Lugar manages his family’s 604-acre Marion County corn, soybean and tree farm. Before entering public life, he helped

manage the family’s food machinery manufacturing business in Indianapolis with his brother Tom. Richard Lugar and his wife,

Charlene have been married 54 years and have four sons and 13 grandchildren.


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Will AustinWill Austin is executive director and founder of the Institute for Affordable Transportation (IAT) and the BUV (Basic

Utility Vehicle) Ministry. Prior to founding and directing these endeavors, Will received a bachelor’s degree in mechanical

engineering from the University of Illinois and his MBA from the Fisher School of Business at Ohio State University. After his

MBA, he studied at the Northern Transportation University in Beijing, China for a brief period. Afterwards, Will began working for

General Motor’s Delco Electronics division in Singapore. He later held several financial positions with Delphi in Indiana. During his

time with Delphi, he was sent on an assignment to Sao Paulo, Brazil where the idea for the IAT/BUV was born.

Deborah Balogh

Dr. Deborah Balogh has been the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs at the University of Indianapolis since

2006. In 2005 Dr. Balogh served as the interim Vice President for Academic Affairs at Ball State University. Prior to that,

she served as the dean of the Graduate School at Ball State for six years, the last two while also serving as the associate provost.

Dr. Balogh received three degrees from Bowling Green State University: a bachelor’s in psychology and a master’s and doctorate

in clinical psychology. In addition, Dr. Balogh completed a postdoctoral internship on vulnerability schizophrenia at The Ohio State

University School of Medicine in 1980. Dr. Balogh is currently a fellow of the Society for Personality Assessment and serves on

the editorial board for Journal of Personality Assessment. She is the author and co-author of dozens of articles, books and book

chapters. Her recent research has focused on ethics in teaching, workplace climate and sexual harassment in the workplace

Susan CrawfordSusan Sherwood Crawford is the oldest daughter of Hollace and Ila Sherwood, the founders of Bryantsville Hunger Relief

Project. Susan grew up with her two siblings on the family farm near Mitchell, Indiana where her father Hollace still lives.

Having recently moved back to be near her father, Susan and her husband Warren Crawford have been enjoying the opportunity to

clean, bag, and ship high protein corn that feeds people all over the world.

Jay HeinJay Hein is president of the Sagamore Institute, an Indianapolis-based think tank that he helped found in 2004. He was

deputy assistant to the President and director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives from

August 2006-August 2008. Hein serves as Distinguished Senior Fellow at Baylor University’s Institute for the Study of Religion

and helps former U.S. Senator Daniel Coats direct the Foundation for American Renewal. He was appointed by Governor Mitch

Daniels in 2010 to serve as a member of the Indiana Commission on Community Service and Volunteerism. Earlier in his career,

Hein was a welfare reform policy advisor to Governor Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin from 1994 to 1997 and director of civil

society programs at the Hudson Institute from 1997 to 2004. Hein received a Bachelors of Arts degree from Eureka College and

an Honorary Doctor of Laws from Indiana Wesleyan University

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A former Secretary in President Bush’s

cabinet and Wisconsin Assemblyman,

Governor Tommy Thompson has dedicated

his life to public service. He was first elected

to the Wisconsin State Assembly in 1966. By

1973 he was assistant minority leader, and

in 1973 he was elected minority leader. In

1987 he was elected to his first of a record-

setting four terms as Governor of Wisconsin. Among his many successes

as Governor was BadgerCare, a healthcare program covering those

earning too much for Medicaid but were not covered by their employers.

He was later selected to head the Department of Health and Human

Services from 2001 to 2005.

Ambassador Mark R. Dybul co-directs

the Global Health Law Program at

Georgetown University Law Center’s O’Neill

Institute for National and Global Health Law,

where he is also a Distinguished Visiting Scholar.

He is the inaugural Global Health Fellow of

the George W. Bush Institute and serves as

the managing director of the Office of the

United Nation Special Envoy for Malaria. Ambassador Dybul served as

the United States Global AIDS Coordinator from 2006 to the end of the

George W. Bush administration. In that role, he led the implementation

of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the largest

international health initiative in history for a single disease.

Mark A. Green is the managing

director of Malaria No More, a

position he accepted after stepping down

after a highly successful term as the United

States’ Ambassador to Tanzania. Green served

six years in the Wisconsin State Assembly,

eventually rising to the level of leader of the

Republican Caucus. During his two terms as

a US Representative, he served on the House International Relations

Committee where he helped craft important foreign policy initiatives

such as the Millennium Challenge Act, the Global Access to HIV/AIDS

Prevention, Awareness and Treatment Act of 2001, and the U.S.

Leadership against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Act.

Dr. Carol Adelman is one of the

nation’s leading experts on the effects of

government and private aid to the developing

world. Adelman was a career foreign service

officer with the U.S. Agency for International

Development (USAID), living and working in

Africa, Latin America, and Asia for 10 years.

She completed research at Johns Hopkins

University for her doctoral thesis, examining causes of infant mortality in

the barrios of Lima, Peru. She also consulted for the American Red Cross

and monitored famine needs in Africa while assisting in fundraising for the

African drought. From 1988 to 1993, she was a presidential appointee,

serving as assistant administrator at USAID, in charge of foreign aid

programs in Asia, the Middle East, and Central and Eastern Europe.

The Bradley Commission on Africa is a joint effort between Sagamore Institute and The

Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation working to mobilize African and American leaders to encourage development in sub-Saharan Africa.

The growing participation of the American private sector with the African citizenry gives us a platform to advance this enterprising relationship. By focusing on citizens, communities, private philanthropy, volunteerism and business investment, the Commission hopes to highlight

best practices in the areas of grassroots philanthropy, healthcare, and leadership.

In an increasingly globalized world, citizen-to-citizen interactions are more commonplace. These relationships allow solutions to poverty to develop from the bottom up. Bringing this unofficial aid community to the forefront and engaging them is a crucial part of sub-Saharan Africa’s relief and development.

Bradley Commission on Africa

Meet some of our Commission Members

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With 54 countries, over 1,000 languages, and nearly 800 million people, Africa is a diverse and vibrant continent. In size, you could fit China, India, Western Europe, Argentina, New Zealand, and the mainland of the United States into the African continent. Of note, it contains the only street in the world that houses two Nobel Peace Prize winners-Bishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela.

The Bradley Commission on Africa recognizes that real hope of transformation in Africa will be built from the bottom up. It doesn’t start with governments here or in Africa, but with real life people.

Over the past 50 years, the West has given $2.3 trillion in aid to the developing world with a lion’s share flowing into sub-Saharan Africa. Despite so many aid dollars entering the continent, poverty still runs rampant.

Traditionally, the world’s governments have been responsible for foreign aid. But unfortunately-because of misguided endeavors on one side of the Atlantic and misrule on the other-many aid dollars have

been ill used. While governments have had relative success in relief efforts, they have failed to help these countries grow economically.

The good news is that America’s private sector-private philanthropists, businesses and nonprofits-has been stepping in to fill the gap, bringing real transformation to Africa through people-to-people exchanges.

To make this trend an increasing reality, the Commission is committed to creating conversations about better ways to assist Africa, and turning these conversations into action through philanthropy, business investment, microfinance, and volunteerism.

The Promise of Africa

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Indiana-Africa Connections Project


Ambassadors for Children is a non-profit organization that consists

of a variety of professionals who are dedicated to promoting peace

and understanding through face-to-face cultural exchange opportunities.

It has about 20 locations worldwide (in Africa: Kenya, Uganda, South

Africa, and Malawi).





With a mission to develop leaders in healthcare for the United States

and Africa, promote health for the human family, and foster the

values of the medical profession, AMPATH is a non-profit organization

established with a partnership between IU and Kenya.





Anderson University-East Africa (AU-East Africa) was

developed as a reaction to the enormity of the figures

created by the AIDS pandemic. AU-East Africa seeks to create

points of connection between the Anderson student community and those

living with AIDS in East Africa.





Comprised of only unpaid volunteers, the Bryantsville Hunger Relief

Project provides high-lysine corn to people suffering from extreme

hunger. The project operates out of a farm in Bryantsville, IN just a few

miles southwest of Bedford. It has worked along side Feed the Children,

World Emergency Relief, and Christ for Humanity amongst others.




Corporations: 10Foundations: 12Private Voluntary: 83Religious: 39

University: 57Other: 21Individual 43

Indiana is an incubator of global citizen-to-citizen interactions. One may not necessarily expect great innovation in foreign aid to come from the Midwest, yet Hoosiers are engaging in inventive aid efforts.

Sagamore Institute’s Indiana-Africa Connections project addresses a new approach to foreign aid by identifying and documenting individuals and organizations within Indiana who are producing meaningful work in Africa. Through this research we have discovered that Indiana possesses an incredible community of innovative and compassionate individuals who are doing extraordinary work in Africa. From the IU-Kenya partnership to the Bryantsville Hunger Relief Project, the state has an enormous unofficial community devoted to Africa, and we now hope to shine a spotlight on this community.

The database currently has over 250 entries and is continually growing. It can be accessed at www.bradleyafrica.org and anyone can submit their own Indiana-Africa connection to be approved for the database. The database is an incredible resource for research and networking purposes. We hope that through this, the community of Hoosiers active in Africa can be leveraged for more effective development in sub-Saharan Africa.

Database Figure: In BriefTotal entries as of 10/21/10: 261

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Indiana-Africa Connections Project—Close-UpBUV Ministry: Back to the Basics

On Christmas Day 1998, 31-year old Will Austin was fly-fishing alone on South America’s southernmost tip when “a light bulb went off.” He realized how affordable transportation could transform rural populations in the developing world. “God gave me the idea,” Will said.

Eventually, he would leave his stable job at Delphi and pursue a ministry venture aimed at creating affordable rural transportation for the developing world.

He envisioned a prototype of the vehicle comprised of wood, cloth, and boxes that could be easily produced and replicated in developing countries around the world. He emailed a professor at his alma mater, the University of Illinois, to pitch the idea. The professor encouraged Will to pursue his venture. Will also sought the council of his pastor in Brazil who expressed more caution, besides, as Will expressed “I had a good job, why would I pursue such a risky adventure?”

When Will returned to Indiana he began working on his project. Delphi was surprisingly supportive, allowing him to work 4 days a week and giving him a leave of absence to pursue his work.As the concept began to take shape, he brought the idea to a friend of his at a Bible study. “I knew he liked to draw,” Will explained, “so I had him sketch my idea.” Will later took the drawing to a missionary who had a daughter doing work overseas. The man, Harley Helmoth, told Will that his daughter “could make good use of a rural vehicle in the field.”

Harley built the first vehicle directly from the sketch. Then he built six more.

From the beginning, Will had Africa in mind, “Africa had always been the key place that needs rural transportation,” he said. The BUV—comprised of manufactured pieces assembled to the rear clip of a pick-up truck—is a three-wheeled high torque, vehicle capable of traversing rugged terrain, but it isn’t necessary built for mountain driving.

The first connection to Africa came through Goshen Christian Church’s Eden Children’s Village in Zimbabwe. The program provides funds and resources for orphans in Zimbabwe. The workers and the village had a need for a rural vehicle so Will supplied them with a BUV. They continue to do repeat orders and use the vehicles for farming, as “school buses” and for the orphanage.

Today, Will runs his project out of a storage unit—both office space

and factory. It has a presence in about 20 African countries and in Latin America. Will is looking to expand the ministry to include a delivery service. The BUV Delivery Service or BDS will be administered and run by native workers. The ministry will provide a shipping container to act as a maintenance shop and a fleet of BUVs.

Despite many obstacles and risks, Will Austin proceeded in faith and continues to work to bring community-transforming transportation to the developing world. In a statement of honest conviction Will explained, “I knew my idea was from the Lord, so I kept going.”

BUV Ministry

The BUV ministry manufactures and distributes low-cost utility

vehicles in an effort to promote transformation in the developing






Endangered Species Chocolate partners with the African

Wildlife Association in a program that promotes the

protection of African wildlife and habitats. ESC pays fair wage

prices for all their products from small, family owned farms in

Nigeria and also works together with the Nigerian Sponsorship.





Exodus Refugee helps refugees acquire the fundamentals for

life in Indiana including employment and a driver’s license.

Exodus also has a family reunification program that brings

overseas family members of refugees to the United States.





H20 Africa Foundation: 111Days.SixCountries.4,600

Miles is a documentary following the real story of three men

who ran all the way across the Sahara desert to raise awareness

of the water crisis in Africa. The philanthropic component of the

project, H20 Africa Foundation (also known as water.org) was

created and run from Indiana.





The Power of One works to raise awareness about the AIDS

crisis with the belief that individuals can change the world

and one life can save another. One facet of this initiative created

and utilizes the documentary “Into the Heart of Hope.”




I had a good job, why would I pursue such a risky adventure?

Will next to one of his BUVs

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Dr. Amos Sawyer, a Liberian scholar, was the President of the Interim

Government of Liberia from 1990-1994. Currently, he is a

research scholar of the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis

at Indiana University. He is also the Coordinator of the Consortium for

Self-Governance in Africa.

[email protected]


St. Luke’s sends volunteers and funds abroad to aid in building

churches, parsonages, and homes while ministering to the local

population. The church also provides educational and medical support to

Liberia, Sierra Leone, Honduras, Chile, and other countries. St. Luke’s has

been involved with Habitat for Humanity, the Interfaith Hunger Initiative,

Bread for the World, and the Global Health Initiative.





Organized into a tourism and trade company, The Village Experience

raises awareness of humanitarian issues through cultural and service

trips as well as through trade. The tourism branch serves the purpose

of educating the West on global issues and of bringing money into the

local economies through tourism. The trade branch creates a market for

handmade goods created by indigenous peoples around the globe. These

products come from humanitarian initiatives.





Wings for West Africa is dedicated to the promotion and support

of students, teachers and administrators in rural schools in

West Africa by providing them with computer technology and support.

The organization is committed to the development of opportunities

for educational and cultural exchanges between African and American





GDP (Billions) GDP per capita POP Life Exp Infant MortalityUnited States of America 14260 46448.52 307,006,550 78.11 6.22

West African RegionsECOWAS 29.97 627.01 27946064 55.52 65.86UEMOA 8.784 676.53 11512379 53.47 99.24

ECCAS 20.242 1374.24 20807601 52.16 77.86CEMAC 17.042 8613.61 6880835 53.32 84.83

East African RegionsEast African Community 39.803 1001.36 38496956 52.53 71.46

Horn of Africa 2.7187 934.43 5072018 48.33 83.9SADC 28.722 2550.31 10292006 51.75 59.47

Africa Total Average 1024.276 1391.60 736044451 52.44 77.52

SOURCE: www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/index.htm

Africa: Vital Statistics

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MethodologyThe Project began with a question: What is Indiana’s connection to Africa? Not having any idea what the answer would be, the project began by compiling items through open source information. Sagamore Institite recruited four graduate interns from the University of Indianapolis to do the initial research, and subsequent intern research teams have expanded and refined the database.

Our purpose was not to create a scientific database. Rather, we intended to create a networking resource and a starting place for further research, so no statistical methodology was necessary. The database was compiled using the Internet, personal contacts, and networking. Items were determined appropriate for the database based on the following criteria:

• The entry must be based in Indiana during the time of the work• The entry must have a direct connection to Africa and/or the African Diaspora

Such a broad definition allowed us to include everything from restaurants to adoptions agencies.

After a base of entries had been established the items were then grouped into two broad categories: Organizations and Individuals. The organizations were then divided into subcategories, including:

1. Foundations 2. Private Voluntary 3. Religious 4. Universities and Colleges 5. Corporations 6. Other

The categories often overlap as organizations fit several types. Moreover, frequently an organization is difficult to separate from the individual.

Realizing our research limitations, we have included a place on the database website for visitors to include their own Indiana-Africa Connections. These entries must first be screened before they are entered into the working database. The project can be accessed through www.bradleyafrica.org.

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Bradley Commission on AfricaThe Levey Mansion2902 N. Meridian St.Indianapolis, IN 46208-4715

317.472.2052 | [email protected]