I N SIDE Minutes for the Division 5 Executive Committee Midyear Meeting................3 26th Annual 5K.......6 Nominations for Division 5 Fellows Due.................... 7 What’s New?.........8 Graduate Student Issues..................11 Membership Application..........13 Advertise in the Score...................15 The President’s Message 2004, Division 5, American Psychological Association NEWSLETTER VOL XXVI. NO 2 April 2004 AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Division Five: Evaluation Measurement Statistics see President’s Message page 7 Paul Costa President, Division 5 As the month of March 2004 rapidly comes to an end, I realize that March Madness refers to more than just the NCAA basketball championships—it can also refer to a hectic round of professional meetings. My March madness included the American Psychosomatic Society Meeting (Orlando), Society for Personality Assessment (Miami), Society of Behavioral Medicine (Baltimore), and of course the Div-5 Midyear Meeting (Baltimore). Allow me to share a few pleasant observations. First, posters, talks, and papers are routinely applying state of the art methods of measurement and analysis. Keeping abreast of new statistical procedures and their application to practical applications in assessment and evaluation is made easier to the extent that they are becoming increasingly widespread. I couldn’t help noticing the apparent increase in multi-level or hierarchical linear modeling, item response theory, different approaches to confirmatory factor analyses, and the like. The Division 5 Mid-Year meeting was held at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Harbor, which acquitted itself nicely, along with the city itself, judging from the many compliments received. Gwyneth Boodoo’s excellent minutes reveal how busy and productive everyone has been: from our outstanding Council Representatives, to our Secretary, Treasurer and, of course, the committee chairs. My congratulations to Roger Millsap, President-Elect of Division 5 who attended both the Mid-Year Meeting and the APA Division Leadership Conference. Finally, my thanks to Thanos Patelis who quietly and efficiently manages to get everyone’s contributions in and produces the Score. Thanos, thank you very much. Problems in getting timely and accurate information on membership and finances from APA’s Division Services were brought up and discussed at the Mid-Year meeting. I’m happy to report that we are making good progress in addressing and resolving them. Lisa Harlow, who is Liaison to Division 5 from APA’s CODAPAR, or the Committee on Division/APA Relations, has played a key role in communicating Division 5 concerns to Division

The President’s Message · 2020. 8. 25. · New York, NY 10023 Fax: (212) 649-8427 E-mail: [email protected] Paid advertisements appearing in the Score are solicited from

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  • I N S I D E

    Minutes for theDivision 5 ExecutiveCommittee MidyearMeeting................3

    26th Annual 5K.......6

    Nominations forDivision 5 FellowsDue....................7

    What’s New?.........8

    Graduate StudentIssues..................11

    Membership Application..........13

    Advertise in the Score...................15

    The President’s Message

    2004, Division 5, American Psychological Association

    N E W S L E T T E R

    VOL XXVI. NO 2

    April 2004




    D i v i s i o n F i v e : E v a l u a t i o n M e a s u r e m e n t S t a t i s t i c s • •

    see President’s Message page 7

    Paul CostaPresident, Division 5

    As the month of March 2004 rapidlycomes to an end, I realize that MarchMadness refers to more than just theNCAA basketball championships—itcan also refer to a hectic round ofprofessional meetings. My Marchmadness included the AmericanPsychosomatic Society Meeting(Orlando), Society for PersonalityAssessment (Miami), Society ofBehavioral Medicine (Baltimore), and ofcourse the Div-5 Midyear Meeting(Baltimore). Allow me to share a fewpleasant observations. First, posters,talks, and papers are routinely applyingstate of the art methods ofmeasurement and analysis. Keepingabreast of new statistical proceduresand their application to practicalapplications in assessment andevaluation is made easier to the extentthat they are becoming increasinglywidespread. I couldn’t help noticingthe apparent increase in multi-level or

    hierarchical linear modeling, itemresponse theory, different approachesto confirmatory factor analyses, andthe like.

    The Division 5 Mid-Year meeting washeld at the Baltimore MarriottWaterfront Harbor, which acquitteditself nicely, along with the city itself,judging from the many complimentsreceived. Gwyneth Boodoo’s excellentminutes reveal how busy andproductive everyone has been: fromour outstanding CouncilRepresentatives, to our Secretary,Treasurer and, of course, the committeechairs. My congratulations to RogerMillsap, President-Elect of Division 5who attended both the Mid-YearMeeting and the APA DivisionLeadership Conference. Finally, mythanks to Thanos Patelis who quietlyand efficiently manages to geteveryone’s contributions in andproduces the Score. Thanos, thank youvery much.

    Problems in getting timely and accurateinformation on membership andfinances from APA’s Division Serviceswere brought up and discussed at theMid-Year meeting. I’m happy to reportthat we are making good progress inaddressing and resolving them. LisaHarlow, who is Liaison to Division 5from APA’s CODAPAR, or theCommittee on Division/APA Relations,has played a key role in communicatingDivision 5 concerns to Division

  • 2 April 2004

    Executive Officers:President

    Paul T. Costa, [email protected]

    Past PresidentLiora Pedhazur [email protected]

    President-electRoger [email protected]

    TreasurerBarbara Byrne(Sept 2003–August 2005)[email protected]

    SecretaryGwyneth M. [email protected]

    O f f i c e r s

    Members-at-large to theExecutive Committee

    Patrick J. Curran(2003–2006)[email protected]

    Roger E. Kirk(2001–2004)[email protected]

    Jeffrey K. Smith(2002–2005)[email protected]

    Representatives to APACouncil

    Leona S. [email protected]

    Lisa L. [email protected]


    ChairLiora P. [email protected]

    Mark [email protected]

    Wayne [email protected]

    HistorianGary J. [email protected]

    MembershipChairAnn Aileen O’[email protected]

    Yossef S. [email protected]

    Public AffairsChairStephen [email protected]

    Website CoordinatorLiora P. [email protected]

    Thanos [email protected]

    International LiasonMary Tenopyr

    [email protected]

    FellowshipChairLawrence J. [email protected]

    Past ChairMark [email protected]

    Leaetta M. [email protected]

    ProgramChairKeith A. [email protected]

    Patrick J. [email protected]

    Thanos [email protected]

    Newsletter EditorThanos [email protected]

    Newsletter Associate EditorDrew [email protected]

    Newsletter Copy EditorCarrie [email protected]

    Division 5 Officers andCommittees:1999–2004

    C o m m i t t e e s


    The Score is the official newsletter of Division 5—Evaluation, Measure-ment, and Statistics—and is published quarterly in January, April, July, andOctober. It is mailed nonprofit rate from the post office in Washington, DC.Mailing addresses used are those appearing on the official APA roster inWashington, DC.

    In keeping with its purpose as the official newsletter of Division 5,the Score will publish minutes of official business meetings, committee reports,news items, information on technical issues and topics of current interest, andwhen possible, information about the professional activities of Division 5members. News items and articles for the Score should be submitted to theeditor:

    Thanos PatelisThe College Board45 Columbus AvenueNew York, NY 10023Fax: (212) 649-8427E-mail: [email protected]

    Paid advertisements appearing in the Score are solicited from a variety ofsources and are not officially endorsed by Division 5. The editor welcomescomments and suggestions for ways in which the Score can better serve theneeds of Division 5 members.

    Deadline for the receipt of news items and other articles for the July issue ofthe Score is May 18, 2004.

    Member ListservsKeep up with the absolute latest Division 5 news through its two e-maillists.

    DIV5 serves as a vehicle for discussion among members on topicsrelated to evaluation, measurement statistics, and assessment.

    DIV5ANN is used exclusively for announcements from Divisionleadership, such as convention or workshop information or policychanges. This is a “one-way” list that does not support listwide replies(that is, it is not structured to support discussion).

    To subscribe to either or both lists, send the following message to

    [email protected]:

    SUBSCRIBE DIV5ANN John Doe for the announcement list

    SUBSCRIBE DIV5 John Doe for the discussion list

    (change “John Doe” to your name)

    If you have any questions, contact Mark Daniel at [email protected].

  • the score newsletter 3

    President Paul T. Costa Jr. called theMidyear Executive Committee meetingof APA Division 5 to order on March 6,2004 in Baltimore, Maryland.

    AnnouncementsDr. Costa announced that PeterVitaliano (University of Washington)and Antonio Terracciano (NationalInstitute on Aging) were appointed asthe Incoming Program Co-Chairs;Leaetta Hough-Dunnette (TheDunnette Group Ltd.) was appointed asIncoming Fellowship Chair; and MaryTenopyr was appointed as PublicAffairs Chair.

    President’s ReportDr. Costa reported that Division 5retained its two seats on the Council ofRepresentatives.

    The APA Division LeadershipConference for incoming DivisionPresidents was cancelled in 2003 andthis created some difficulties inresponding to requests from APAoffices. Dr. Costa was happy to learnthat this year the LeadershipConference has been reinstated.

    Dr. Costa read a reminder from GaryRobertson, Historian, that archivistWade Pickrin, the APA librarian,maintains an archive of Division 5materials at central office. Dr.Robertson requested that any materialsjudged to be important forreconstructing the history of Division 5be deposited in this archive.

    A summary of the work of theAssessment Task Force (Mark Maruish,chair, Yossi Ben-Porath and SteveWest) was reported by Dr. Costa. Thetask force was appointed todemonstrate that Division 5 doesaddress needs and issues relevant tothe assessment community. Issuesrelated to the purpose, parameters and

    initial efforts of the task force werepresented. A complete copy of thereport will be printed in the Score.

    Past-President ReportDr. Costa read the report submitted byDr. Liora Schmelkin, Past-President,which announced the slates forPresident and Member-at-Large.Candidates for President are LindaCollins and Lisa Harlow; and forMember-at-Large, Marcia Andberg andAmy Schmidt.

    President-Elect’s RemarksRoger Millsap, President-Elect, reportedthat the recent Division LeadershipConference went well. He suggestedthat since all of the attendees were newincoming presidents, it would behelpful to survey past-presidents eachyear to assess the areas of mostimportance. Dr. Millsap noted thatDivision 5 should contribute to theongoing discussions on the use ofEvidence-Based Design inpsychological research across all areasof APA.

    Secretary’s ReportThe Executive Committee approved theminutes from the August 2003Executive Committee Meeting assubmitted by Marcia Andberg, PastSecretary. Gwyneth Boodoo, Secretary,asked executive members andcommittee chairs to review the relevantsection of the Division’s AdministrativeManual for consistency with currentpractice and send her updates.

    Treasurer’s ReportBarbara Byrne, Treasurer, reported thatrevenues were $37,718 and expenseswere $28,095, resulting in a net incomeof $9,623. Revenues were $2,400 lessthan the amount budgeted with incomefrom journal assessments, advertising,and interest severely under budget($2,316, $1,205, and $758 respectively).

    Expenses were $9,580 under budgeteven though Program and Membershipexpenses were higher than budgeted,$1,117 and $758, respectively.Newsletter expenses were less thanbudgeted ($5,702) due to the fact thatDivisional Services had taken overproduction of the Newsletter. Division5 ended 2003 with a net worth of$45,835, and is in sound financialcondition.

    The Executive Committee went over thebudget carefully and edited the lineitems to reflect current income andexpenses and to obtain a clearerbreakdown of the budget from APA. Dr.Byrne pointed out inconsistencies inthe numbers obtained from APA and iscontinuing to follow-up to obtainclearer numbers. Items that werediscussed include:

    • Creating subcategories of Journalincome that show the amounts ofrevenue obtained from each journal(Methods and Assessment)

    • Including funds for the updating andpublication of the results of thegraduate student survey

    • Creating subcategories for Programexpenses that show amounts for thesocial hour separate from theprogram committee expenses

    • Showing breakdown of thecontributions

    • Creating subcategories of duesrevenue by type of membership

    • Including a line item for websitemaintenance

    • Including a line item for PublicAffairs

    It was noted that Division 5 has one ofthe lowest membership dues in APA.

    Council of RepresentativesCouncil Representatives Leona Aikenand Lisa Harlow’s reported on thefinances of APA (getting better);

    Minutes from the Division 5 Executive Committee Midyear MeetingMarch 6, 2004Marriott Waterfront, Baltimore, MD

  • 4 April 2004

    President Halpern’s initiatives; Councilapproval of the Code of fair testingPractices; and Council approval of aTask Force on Research Regulation. Asummary of their report will be printedin the Score.

    Concerns of Division 5 were presentedin Council breakout groups: lesseningof available programming hours;recruitment and retention of members;broad concern for the role of science.The Executive Committee discussedother items that could be addressed byCouncil and CODPAR (Committee onDivision/APA Relations) that would bebeneficial to the Division, such asobtaining membership breakdown alongmany different lines, and clear budgetnumbers. A working group consistingof Leona Aiken, Lisa Harlow, GwynethBoodoo, and Barbara Byrne, wasappointed to define a list of additionalDivision issues that could be sent toCouncil.

    The report on cluster programming by acommittee that included both LeonaAiken and Lisa Harlow concluded thatcluster programming appeared to havebeen of limited utility to the Divisions.Cluster programming has been droppedfor 2004, and it is unclear what decisionwill be made for subsequent years.

    A motion was approved that Paul Costawill call Jack McKay, APA’s ChiefFinancial Officer, to find out more aboutprovisions for payment to APA’s CEOs.

    Public Affairs CommitteeDr. Costa read a report from the PublicAffairs Chair, Mary Tenopyr. The PublicAffairs committee report addressed fourissues: The SIOP “Principles for theValidation and Use of PersonnelSelection Procedures”; new definitionof a “job applicant”; Ethics issuesassociated with the DeGette Bill,HR3594, which deals with theprotection of human subjects inresearch; and legal issues associatedwith affirmative actions for admission/selection. Dr. Tenopyr will be asked tosummarize her report for an article inthe Score.

    MembershipAnn O’Connell, Chair, reported that thedata for membership are consistent withthe past three years for Fellows, FullMembers, Associate Members, andDues Exempt Members. Dr. O’Connellwill develop a flyer for use inadvertising the division to increase thenumber of Affiliates, Student Members,and New Members. The ExecutiveCommittee will follow up with DivisionServices to obtain the numbers of eachtype of member, the disciplines withwhich they are affiliated (assessment,evaluation, measurement, statistics),and lists of those subscribing toDivision journals. In addition, theCommittee requested the number ofthose who subscribe to the journals butare not Division members, and thenumber of members who are duesexempt (due to age) but subscribe tothe journals. The Executive Committeebrainstormed various strategies forincreasing membership.

    ProgramKeith Markus, Chair, reported that theDivision received a banner crop ofsubmissions (116 cf. 79 in 2002-03), andthat by increased use of postersessions, the Division was able toaccept 86, which is approximately thesame overall acceptance rate as in pastyears, 74%. The Division has twoposter sessions this year to allow for atotal of 80 poster presentations; thefirst session includes primarilyassessment and measurement posters,and the second is primarily of postersrelated to statistics, evaluation,psychometric methods, and researchdesign. The Division is co-sponsoringone symposium with Division 14, andco-listing 35 sessions (includingposters) with other Divisions.Reciprocally, the Division is co-listing27 sessions that are of potentialinterest to Division 5 members. TheExecutive Committee thanked theprogram committee for planning anexcellent program.

    AwardsRoger Kirk, Chair of the Member-at-Large Awards Committee announced

    the winners of The 2004 Division 5Distinguished Dissertation Award, the2004 Division 5 Jacob Cohen Award forDistinguished Contributions toTeaching and Mentoring, and the 2005Division 5 Samuel J. Messick Award forDistinguished Scientific Contributions.The winners will be announced to thedivision membership at a later time.

    In order to have an ample field ofnominees for next year’s awards, Dr.Kirk recommended that the call forawards be available at the Hawaiiconvention. He distributed copies ofthe Call for Nominations which will beprinted in the Score and will beavailable at the 2004 APA Conventionin Hawaii.

    FellowshipLarry Stricker, Fellowship CommitteeChair, reported on the Fellowshipnominations and the work of the AdHoc Committee.

    The Ad Hoc committee (MarkAppelbaum, Paul Costa, Roger Kirk,Mark Maruish, Larry Stricker, SteveWest) was charged with trying toclarify and streamline the Fellowshipprocess, particularly for current Fellows(i.e., Division members who are alreadyFellows in other divisions). Majorchanges approved by the Committee,and, in turn, by the Division President,Paul Costa, include an efficient processfor approving current Fellows by theFellowship committee and, in turn, bythe Division President. The Divisionforwards initial Fellow nominees to theAPA Membership Committee.

    All approved final decisions ofFellowship nominees will be announcedat the APA convention.

    NewsletterThanos Patelis, Editor, continues towork with APA Division Services in theproduction, printing, and shipping ofthe Score to APA. Dr. Patelis reportedthat substantial savings have beenrealized by utilizing APA DivisionServices. The timing of the delivery hasincreased substantially since it takes at

  • the score newsletter 5

    least 8 weeks from collecting columnsto final delivery to members because ofall the intermediate steps carried out byAPA. Because of this, the newsletterswith the Apportionment letter (Fallissue) and the program (May issue) willbe sent out using first class mail sincethis will decrease the time for deliveryby two weeks.

    2003 expenses were $5,542 with abudget of $11,000. Advertising in 2003increased ($2,053 vs. $1,318 in 2002) butis still not as high as 2000-2001.

    The Newsletter will contain a newsection on Psychological Assessmentin the April issue.

    Carrie Dirks is Copy Editor, and DrewWiley is Associate Editor.

    WebsiteA Division 5 website editor is neededto assist Liora Schmelkin and ThanosPatelis in placing and updating itemson the site. A budget will be allotted tothe website and an editor will beobtained ASAP. If it is not possible toobtain a website editor from themembership, Division Services will beasked to take responsibility for thewebsite. The Careers Brochure will beplaced on the Division 5 website. APAwill place a link to the brochure fromthe APA careers page, and otherorganizations (e.g. NCME) will be givena link to the site. Sections on thewebsite that span the areas ofassessment, evaluation, measurementand statistics will be developed. TheScore will also be placed on thewebsite.

    ListservThe status of the e-mail addresses onthe Division 5 listserv is unclear. Thereare currently less names on the listservthan the number of members in theDivision. The possibility of setting up alistserv for graduate students will beinvestigated.

    New BusinessFunding Committee: Peter Vitaliano wasappointed chair of a committee toinvestigate funds for the Dissertationaward and other Division 5 activities.

    By-Laws Committee: Roger Millsap wasappointed chair of a committee toreview the Division’s By-Laws forconsistency with the purpose of theDivision. Ann O’Connell, Jeff Smith andLarry Stricker are members.

    The meeting was adjourned SaturdayMarch 6, 2004.

    Respectfully Submitted,Gwyneth Boodoo, Secretary

  • 6 April 2004

    Division 47 members receive a discounted race entry of $10 as a value-added benefit of division membership. If you are an APA member and wish to apply for division 47 membership with this entry form, check the block on the form below and remit the discounted entry fee ($10) plus the Division dues ($22 for members, $8 for student affiliates). We will forward your application to APA for processing. You may pick up your race number, shirt, and raffle ticket at the business meeting of Running Psychologists on Friday morning at 8AM (see the program for room number) or at the APA Division Services booth in the main Convention Area, beginning Wednesday morning. The 7th Annual Pre-Race Pasta Dinner will be held on Friday evening, July 30

    th, at 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Please mark your entry form to reserve a place at the party, details to

    follow. Sponsored by: APA Insurance Trust - Psi Chi - American Psychological Association - Division 47

    2004: The 26th Annual 5K “Ray’s Race: Run or Walk for Diversity” NAME: First M.I. Last



    SPONSOR OR EXHIBITOR Y / N ORG. NAME: PASTA PARTY? Y / N HOW MANY? T-SHIRT SIZE: S M L XL XXL CURRENT DIVISION 47 MEMBER? Y / N PSI CHI MEMBER? Y / N I WANT TO JOIN DIVISION 47 Y/N APA Status: Member___ Fellow___ Assoc___ Student Affiliate___ APA Member # _______ I assume all risks associated with running in this event including, but not limited to: falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, traffic and the conditions of the road, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of you accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Running Psychologists, Division 47 and the American Psychological Association, the City of Honolulu, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I grant permission to all of the foregoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, and recording, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. I have read the above release and understand that I am entering this event at my own risk. Signature: Date:

    Please return to: Suanne Shocket, 9625 Surveyor CT., Suite 210, Manassas, VA 20110-4408 Email: [email protected]. Checks payable to Running Psychologists

    Member Sponsor Exhibitor Student Friend/Dependent

    Make Checks Payable To: Running Psychologists Receipt before July 23

    rd: $20

    Student fee: $10 On-site: $25/$14 Div 47 Members: $10 only

  • the score newsletter 7

    Nominations for Division 5 FellowsDue October 31,2004The Fellowship Committee urges theDivision membership to nominate eligiblemembers for Fellow status. In brief, thecriteria for Fellow status are (a) member-ship in the Division for at least one year,(b) five years or more professionalexperience after the doctorate, (c)outstanding contribution to the field ofevaluation, measurement, and statistics,and (d) currently engaged in teaching,research, or application in our field, or insupervising these activities.

    Please contact Leaetta Hough, TheDunnette Group, 370 Summit Avenue, St.Paul, MN 55102 (email: [email protected];phone: 651-227-4888; fax: 651-281-0045)for application forms. The deadline fornominations is October 31.

    Services. In the coming months, we willwork closely with APA DivisionServices staff. My thanks go out toLisa, Keith Cooke, and Troy Booker.

    Finally, under the leadership of MarkMaruish, and with contributions fromYossi Ben-Porath and Steve West, theDivision 5 Assessment Task Force(ATF) has been busy and successful inaddressing needs and issues relevantto the assessment community. Inaddition to making assessment issuesmore salient and distinct, anotherimportant purpose of the ATF is todetermine ways to show psychologistsin assessment that Division 5 can be ahome, if not their primary home. Issuesalready identified as relevant toassessment include HIPAA andconfidentiality issues, copyrightprotection of published tests,incremental validity of clinicalassessment, ensuring comparability ofassessment/measurement across ethnicand language groups, certification ofacademic psychologists to administertests for research purposes, andmanifold purposes of tests.As a means of reporting Task Forcefindings, regular submissions ofassessment-related articles are plannedfor publication in the Score. Look forupcoming columns by Milton Straushighlighting future articles inPsychological Assessment, and a pieceby David Arnold addressing testcopyright issues. Lastly, the ATF seeksto get others to contribute to the workof the Task Force, especially from otherareas of assessment, such as I/O,school, and vocational/career. See youin Hawaii. Aloha.

    President’sMessagecontinued from p. 1

    Division 5Awards

    Division 5 gives out three awards,which are chosen fromnominations sent in the fall. Theseawards are:· Distinguished Dissertation

    Award· Jacob Cohen Award for

    Distinguished Contributions toTeaching and Mentoring

    · Samuel J. Messick Award forDistinguished ScientificContributions

    Check the Division 5 website, athttp://www.apa.org/divisions/div5/for award winners.

    Other Division5 PublicationsPsychological AssessmentStephen N. Haynes, EditorPsychological Assessmentpublishes mainly empirical articlesconcerning clinical assessment.Papers that fall within the domain ofthe journal include research on thedevelopment, validation, application,and evaluation of psychologicalassessment instruments.

    Psychological MethodsStephen G. West, EditorPsychological Methods is devotedto the development anddissemination of methods forcollecting, analyzing, understanding,and interpreting psychological data.

    Since 2001, all Division 5 fellows,members, associates, and affiliateshave a choice between asubscription to either PsychologicalMethods or PsychologicalAssessment as part of their annualDivision 5 dues. (Student affiliatesare able to subscribe to eitherjournal at the reduced student rate.)

  • 8 April 2004

    Have you published a newpsychological test or testingproduct; a book on advancedstatistics, measurement, orevaluation; an interesting website or other Internet grouprelated to measurement,statistics, or evaluation; or acomputer program useful toDivision 5 membership? If so,we would like to include anannouncement in this column.We would also appreciate anysuggestions, or feedback, onhow this section of thenewsletter can better servethe Division 5 membership.Please take the opportunity toshare information withcolleagues through yourcontributions to this column.

    Please send announcementsand/or product literature to(electronic files preferred):

    Andrew WileyAPA Division 5NewsletterThe College Board45 Columbus AvenueNew York, NY 10023Phone: (212) 713-8210E-mail:[email protected]

    Call for Nominations for theBrenda H. Loyd OutstandingDissertation Award

    The National Council on Measurement inEducation (NCME) is seeking nominationsfor the ninth annual Brenda H. Loyd Awardfor an outstanding dissertation in the fieldof educational measurement.

    Nominations will be accepted fordissertations completed between July 1,2002 and June 30, 2004.

    The author of the dissertation need not bea member of NCME, however, the author’sadvisor must be.

    The winner of the award will receive $1,000and a commemorative plaque. In addition,the advisor or committee chair for theaward-winning dissertation will receive aletter of congratulations. The award will bepresented at the 2005 NCME AnnualMeeting to be held in Montreal. Anannouncement of the award recipient willbe published in the NCME Newsletter. Anhonorable mention award may also begiven; its recipient will be recognized with acertificate.

    To nominate a dissertation, the followingitems should be submitted to the Chair ofthe Brenda H. Loyd Dissertation AwardCommittee by November 12, 2004: (a) aletter of nomination from the author’sadvisor; (b) a summary of the dissertationresearch (up to 10 double-spaced pages),including the rationale for the study,research questions, methodology, results,and conclusions; (c) a table of contents(including a list of tables and figures); and(d) a statement from the graduate schoolconfirming the date of completion andacceptance of the dissertation.

    The criteria used by the Dissertation AwardCommittee include the significance of thecontribution to the field of educationalmeasurement, quality of the literaturereview, technical quality of the research,and clarity of the writing.

    Please submit materials by November 12,2004, to:

    Lisa F. Smith, ChairNCME Brenda H. Loyd Dissertation AwardCommitteePsychology DepartmentKean University1000 Morris AvenueUnion, New Jersey 07083Telephone: 908-737-4022Email: [email protected]__________

  • the score newsletter 9

    New Edition of Classic Meta-Analysis TextbookA revised and updated edition of the well-known book Methods of Meta-Analysis byJohn Hunter and Frank Schmidt (ThousandOaks, CA: Sage) became available in Aprilof this year.

    New in this edition is the treatment ofindirect range restriction, by far the mostcommon type of range restriction. Untilrecently, quantitative procedures forcorrecting for the most common form ofindirect range restriction (the form in whichthe source of the range restriction inunknown) were not available. One majorimplication is that procedures used in thepast have under-corrected for rangerestriction.

    Also new in this edition are extendeddiscussions of fixed effects vs. randomeffects models in meta-analysis. It isincreasingly being recognized that fixedeffects models are almost alwaysinappropriate and lead to biased results, asstated by the National Research Council(1992). All of the meta-analysis methods inthis book—and in its 1982 and 1990predecessors—are random effects models.

    Exercises are now provided at the end ofChapters 3, 4, 7, and 9. These includesimple “bare bones” meta-analysis ofcorrelations, meta-analysis correctingcorrelations individually, artifactdistribution-based meta-analysis ofcorrelations, meta-analysis of d-valuescorrecting each d-value individually, andsecond order meta-analysis.

    Equations are now numbered in all chaptersto allow easier reference for those citing thebook.

    The revised book provides detaileddiscussion of the different types ofreliability estimates, the types ofmeasurement error each controls for, andthe circumstances under which eachshould be used.

    The book now describes and applies auser-friendly Windows-based package ofsix meta-analysis programs created tofacilitate application of the methods

    presented in this book. These programscontain numerous technical improvementsnot included in the earlier DOS-basedprograms. Probably the most of importantof these is the ability to correct for indirectrange restriction.

    The avowed purpose of other methods ofmeta-analysis is to describe and summarizethe results of studies in a researchliterature. The purpose of the methods inthis book is to estimate what the resultswould have been had all the studies beenconducted without methodological flaws.The results of such perfectly conducedstudies would reveal the underlyingconstruct-level relationships and it is theserelationships that we as researchers andscientists are interested in, as Rubin (1990)has noted. The methods described in thisbook estimate these relationships.

    ReferencesHunter, J. E., & Schmidt, F. L. (1990).

    Methods of Meta-Analysis: CorrectingError and Bias in Research Findings.Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

    Hunter, J. E., & Schmidt, F. L. (2004).Methods of Meta-Analysis: CorrectingError and Bias in Research Findings.(2nd Edition). Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage.

    National Research Council. (1992).Combining Information: StatisticalIssues and Opportunities for Research.Washington, DC: National Academy ofSciences Press.

    Rubin, D. B. (1990). A new perspective onmeta-analysis. In K. W. Wachter & M. L.Straf (Eds.), The Future of Meta-Analysis. New York: Russell SageFoundation.


    Fourth ITC InternationalConferenceEquitable AssessmentPractices: Building Guidelinesfor Best Practices

    The International Test Commission (ITC) isfeaturing its fourth international conferenceEquitable Assessment Practices: BuildingGuidelines for Best Practices to be heldOctober 7-10, 2004. This conference is co-chaired by Drs. Bruce A. Bracken and

    Thomas Oakland, and will be hosted by theCenter for Gifted Education on the campusof The College of William and Mary.

    This ITC conference will highlightadvancements for developing and usingtests and assessment data in a manner thathelps ensure fairness for all individualsregardless of age, gender, race/ethnicity,and exceptionality. The conference willexplore and discuss issues related toequitable assessment practices andfairness in testing, as well as offer skill-building training in assessment andpsychometric practice. Pre-conferenceassessment and measurement workshopsand conference presentations will highlightrecent advances in theory, research, andpractice that promote equity to those whotake tests, those who use test results, andthose engaged in the business of testdevelopment and distribution. Assessmentcontexts addressed by the conference willinclude clinical/counseling, education/school, health/medical, industrial/organizational, occupational/vocational,and test publishers/research laboratories.Consistent with prior ITC conferences, aprimary goal of this conference is todevelop, publish, and promote guidelinesfor equitable assessment.

    International conference keynote speakerswill include David Bartram (SHL Group,United Kingdom), Fanny Cheung (TheChinese University of Hong Kong), EliasMpofu (formerly of Zimbabwe, nowPennsylvania State University, USA), andRobert Sternberg (Yale University, USA).

    Invited conference workshops will includetopics such as adaptive behavior,intelligence, differential item functioning,personality assessment, neuropsychology,executive functioning, and structuralequation modeling, and will include thespeakers Barbara Byrne, Peter Isquith,Elizabeth Lichtenberger, Thomas Oakland,Hector Ochoa, Gale Roid, Robert Stern,Lawrence Weiss, and Bruno Zumbo.

    In addition to invited keynote speakers andworkshop presenters, all ITC members andother participants are encouraged to submitproposals for symposia, papers, posters,and conference workshops. Abstract

  • 10 April 2004

    submissions that focus on theoreticalissues, empirical research, or case studiesrelating to equitable assessment within anyof the above contexts are invited. Topicsmay include a variety of testing methodsand procedures (e.g., computer-based/internet-based assessment, individual/group assessments, interviewing,nonverbal assessment, objective/projectivetechniques, observational techniques,paper/pencil, play-based assessment, self/other-report). Abstracts also may addressissues related to differential effects ofexaminee demographics in testconstruction and application. Successfulabstract submissions will highlight aspectsof equitable assessment practices.

    Conference registration is $295 (US) for ITCmembers and $330 for ITC nonmembers;however, nonmember registration feeentitles the registrant to a one-yearcomplimentary Individual Membership inthe ITC.

    Direct inquiries to:Bruce A. Bracken, PresidentInternational Test [email protected]: (757) 221-1712Fax: (757) 221-2975

    Please bookmark the ITC Conferencewebsite (www.itc2004.com) to monitorconference plans and to downloadregistration and abstract submission forms.__________

    Jason Millman PromisingJason Millman PromisingJason Millman PromisingJason Millman PromisingJason Millman PromisingMeasurement ScholarMeasurement ScholarMeasurement ScholarMeasurement ScholarMeasurement ScholarAward Description andAward Description andAward Description andAward Description andAward Description andApplication ProceduresApplication ProceduresApplication ProceduresApplication ProceduresApplication Procedures

    Award: The Jason Millman PromisingMeasurement Scholar Award

    Purpose: In 1995, the Department ofEducation at Cornell University, where Dr.Millman spent his entire career, initiated theJason Millman Promising Scholar Program.The award was intended to honor thelifetime work of Dr. Millman, to recognizehis contributions to the field of appliedmeasurement, and to continue Dr.Millman’s support of scholars in theirformative years who are just beginning

    their research careers.

    Beginning in 2003, the National Council onMeasurement in Education with thesupport of the Millman endowment willcontinue the tradition with this award. As inthe past, it is designed to honor Dr.Millman’s work by recognizing a scholar atthe early stages of his/her career whoseresearch has the potential to make a majorcontribution to the applied measurementfield. In addition to recognition by NCME,the successful candidate will receive $1000.Only one candidate will be chosen toreceive the award each year.

    Criteria for Eligibility: To be eligible forthe award in a given year, the candidatemust have:

    received the doctorate within the last fiveyears;two (2) or more unique papers eitheraccepted for presentation at an NCMEannual meeting or published in NCMEpublications within the last five years; andthe support of his/her professionalcolleagues that his/her work represents asignificant contribution to the field ofapplied measurement.

    Application Procedures: For fullconsideration of candidates, applications/nominations must include the followingitems.

    • A letter of nomination from aprofessional colleague who is a memberin good standing of NCME.

    • At least two (2) letters ofrecommendation (from persons otherthan the nominator) that speak to (1) thecandidate’s contributions to the field ofmeasurement as a teacher, and/or as anapplied measurement practitioner, and/oras a measurement researcher; and (2) thereasons for which the candidate’s workrepresents a significant contribution tothe field of applied measurement.

    • Two (2) or more unique paperspresented at any of the last 5 NCMEannual meetings, or published in the last5 years in an NCME publication.

    • NCME annual meeting papers may be ina revised format.

    • Nonpublished or published

    dissertations do not qualify as a paper,although papers developed on the sameor similar topics do qualify.

    • Candidate must be the first author on allmultiple-author papers. In this case, thecandidate must provide a statement thatdefines his/her contributions to thepaper.

    • Candidate’s current curriculum vita.• A letter from the candidate outlining his/

    her career goals and how his/her workcontributes significantly to the field ofmeasurement.

    Deadline: Deadline for submission isNovember 5, 2004. All materials must besubmitted on the same date for receipt bythe deadline date. Only complete sets ofmaterials will be considered. The Committeewill acknowledge receipt and notify thecandidate if any materials are missing.

    Method of Submission: Candidates mayuse more than one mode of delivery forsubmitting materials. One (1) copy isrequired for materials submittedelectronically. Six (6) copies are required formaterials submitted as hard copy. If somematerials are submitted electronically andsome by surface mail/package delivery,they must all be submitted on the samedate. If more than one mode of delivery isused for the submission, the candidatemust notify the Committee chair of themodes and expected date(s) of arrival.Submission dates and expected arrivaldates must precede the deadline date.

    Submit materials to Committee Chair JeffSmith at:

    [email protected], use Subject Line:NCME Millman Award

    Jeffrey K. SmithAttention: NCME Millman AwardGraduate School of EducationRutgers University10 Seminary PlaceNew Brunswick, NJ 08901(732) 932-7496, ext. 8320FAX: (732) 932-6829

  • the score newsletter 11

    3 New Books of Possible Interest to Division 5 Members Thompson, B. (2004). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis: Understanding concepts and

    applications. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (International Standard Book

    Number: 1-59147-093-5)

    This book is an introduction to basic concepts in both EFA and CFA, and emphasizes

    relationships of these methods (e.g., the importance of structure coefficients in both EFA and CFA).


    Thompson, B. (Ed.). (2003). Score reliability: Contemporary thinking on reliability issues. Newbury Park,

    CA: Sage. (International Standard Book Number: 0-7619-2626-7)

    This paperback reader was written as a supplementary text to be used in measurement



    Kline, R. (2004). Beyond significance testing: Reforming data analysis methods in behavioral research.

    Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (International Standard Book Number: 1-


    This book is a contemporary treatment of effect sizes, and of confidence intervals for effect



    Tips for ConferencesBy Jackie Gillie

    As I sit down to write this column, I amanxiously looking forward to attending aconference in a few weeks. Conferencesnot only provide a venue to keep up todate on the latest research, but they alsoprovide an excellent opportunity tonetwork with others in the field. As I lookback to my first conference, it is extremelyeasy to recall how uncomfortable andawkward I felt. Now, however, I lookforward to conferences with greatanticipation and excitement. I owe thischange to some great tips I received fromcolleagues and fellow graduate students.Following are a few of the tips I found mostuseful.

    Whenever possible, stay at the hotel wherethe conference is being held. By staying inthe conference hotel, you will be “wherethe action is.” Keep in mind that most ofthe networking occurs outside of thesessions.

    Prior to the conference, review the programand chose the sessions you would like toattend. A review of the program is also agreat way to find out who will be inattendance at the conference. Prepare a listof all the people you would like to meetwhile at the conference, and then make thatone of your conference priorities.For those people you are interested inmeeting, prepare questions ahead of time.After having prepared your questions, youdon’t have to be afraid to take the initiativeand introduce yourself.

    Never pass on an invitation to go out witha group of people to eat. Participation insuch group activities creates opportunitiesmake new contacts and to connect withothers who share your research interests.

    When attending social functions, invitesomeone along. Be sure to introduce themto your colleagues and bring them intoconversations. It is especially helpful tointroduce them to others with common

    research interests. Such actions are oftenrepaid in kind.

    Lastly, enjoy yourself! Be sure to takeadvantage of the conference venue and seesome of the local sights. If possible, stay anextra day to do some sightseeing.Just remember, conferences provide a greatopportunity to meet important people in thefield and to stay informed concerningcurrent research. It is extremely important totake advantage of networkingopportunities whenever possible. Allgraduate students should take advantageof these opportunities by presenting andattending as many conferences as possible.

    Please send topics for future columns to:Jackie Gillie, Graduate Student Issues,APA Division 5 Newsletter, The CollegeBoard, Highpoint Center, 106 E. CollegeAvenue, Suite 1010, Tallahassee, FL32301, or E-mail:[email protected].

    Graduate Student Issues

  • 12 April 2004

    Place Structural EquationsModeling hard copy here.

  • the score newsletter 13Division 5: Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics American Psychological Association


    Please print or type: Date*:____________________________

    Name:________________________________________________ Title:_____________________________

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    Telephone ( ) ____________________ E-Mail Address: _____________________________________

    Highest Degree Received: ___________________________________________ Year: ________________

    Degree Granting Institution:__________________________________________________________

    Present School (if Student):_________________________________________________________________

    * Note: Applications dated September 1 or later are applied to the following year, unless requested otherwise.

    Type of Division 5 membership: APA member/associate/fellow $41 (includes one journal subscription)

    (see reverse for descriptions) Student $8 (does not include journal subscription)

    Affiliate (neither above applies) $39 (includes one journal subscription)

    Do you belong to APA? No Yes (provide the information below)

    Category: Fellow Member Associate Student

    Member number: ____________________________

    Choice of journal: Indicate your choice below.

    • Full members receive one of the two journals with their annual dues (check one). • Students may purchase one or both journals at the student rate of $19.00 per journal.

    Psychological Assessment Psychological Methods

    Check if you wish to subscribe to the listserve(s) : discussion announcements

    Check the Section(s) to which you wish to belong. If both, circle the check mark for your primary Section.

    Assessment Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics Please enclose a check for the first year’s annual dues (and journal subscription(s), if applicable) with this application, in U.S. dollars (do not send cash). In subsequent years, full members who belong to APA will be billed annually by APA; other full members, and students, will be billed by Division 5.

    Amount enclosed: $________ (Make check payable to “APA Division 5”) APA member, associate, fellow: $41, Student: $8, plus $19 per journal if choosing to subscribe, Affiliate (do not belong to APA and not a student): $39

    Send this form and your check to: Division 5 Administrative Office

    American Psychological Association 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002-4242

  • 14 April 2004

    Membership in APA Division 5 The Division of Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics of the American Psychological Association draws together specialists in the areas of evaluation, measurement, assessment and statistics. The disciplinary affiliation of division membership reaches well beyond psychology, includes both members and non-members of APA, and welcomes graduate students.

    Our Aims

    • To promote research and the exchange of scientific information in the fields encompassed by Division 5.

    • To promote high standards in both research and practical application in these fields.

    • To interact professionally with other individuals and groups involved in the application of and interpretation of results from psychological measurement, statistics, individual assessments, and program evaluations.

    Our Activities

    • APA convention symposia on topics of broad public and cross-disciplinary interest, such as legal issues in testing, standards for evaluation research, methodological training of psychologists.

    • The Division’s quarterly newsletter The Score covers current issues in evaluation, measurement, assessment, and statistics; APA news relevant to Division 5; job announcements; activities of Division members; and the

    APA convention Division 5 program.

    • Division 5 dues for Members, Associates, and non-student Affiliates pay for issues of valuable scholarly journals. Psychological Methods is devoted to the development and dissemination of methods for collecting, analyzing, understanding, and interpreting psychological data. Psychological Assessment publishes mainly empirical articles concerning clinical assessment.

    • Participating in the Science Directorate of APA and its activities, including Science Weekend at the APA convention.

    • Two Division 5 listserves: (1) DIV5 serves as a vehicle for discussion among members on topics related to evaluation, measurement, statistics, and assessment; (2) DIV5ANN is used for announcements from Division leadership, such as convention or workshop information or policy changes. To subscribe, check the box(es) on the front of this form.

    Membership Categories

    “Full” members of Division 5 fall into one of three categories:

    • Member: Members or Fellows of APA

    • Associate Member: Associate Members of APA

    • Affiliate Member: Active professional in fields related to evaluation, measurement,

    research design, assessment, or statistics (APA membership not required)

    Student Affiliates are graduate students in psychology or related fields who have an interest in evaluation, measurement, research design, assessment, or statistics (APA student affiliation not required).

    Section Categories

    • Assessment: focuses on construction of assessment instruments, collection of assessment information, and decision-making processes related to such information

    • Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics: focuses on psychometric theory, psychological statistics, program evaluation, test construction, and research methods.

    Note: It is possible to hold membership in both sections. However, for purposes of representation in APA it is necessary to select one of the two sections as your primary category.

    Becoming a Member • Send a check for the first

    year’s dues, made out to

    APA Division 5, along with your application.

  • the score newsletter 15

    The Score has a circulation of about 2,000. Approximately half of theseindividuals are university faculty members, primarily representing thespecialties of educational psychology, psychometrics, and industrial-organizational psychology. A large number are also engaged in individualassessment.

    Advertisements may be in the form of position-availableannouncements ($75 per insertion) or display advertisements.

    Display advertisements are accepted in a variety of sizes andformats. Prices for insertion and size requirements are as follows:

    Full Page $195 7-1/2" x 9-3/4"Half Page $145 7-1/2" x 4-7/8"Third Page $105 4-7/8" x 4-7/8"

    2-3/8" x 9-3/4"Sixth Page $75 2-3/8" x 4-7/8"

    Insertion orders for four consecutive issues receive a 15 percentdiscount.

    Publication dates are January, April, July, and October. The closingdate for announcement text or camera-ready display art is the first of themonth preceding publication. For more information or to reserve space,call or write: Drew Wiley c/o The College Board

    45 Columbus AvenueNew York, NY 10023

    212-713-8210 [email protected]

    Advertise in the Score



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    Division 5 NewsletterAmerican Psychological Association750 First Street, NEWashington, DC 20002-4242