Silent Unity Celebrating 125 years of affirmative prayer “As I pray, I connect my highest thoughts with my deepest faith. I allow the love of God to heal my heart and bless the world. I am a healer of humankind and peace prevails”. Daily Word Sept 10, 2015

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Silent Unity Celebrating 125 years of affirmative prayer

“As I pray, I connect my highest thoughts with my deepest faith. I allow the love of God

to heal my heart and bless the world. I am a healer of humankind

and peace prevails”. Daily Word

Sept 10, 2015

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Unity of Surprise ♥ The Church of Practical Christianity ♥ Where Good Happens Page 2

Blessings & Bits By Reverend Billie Martini Have you ever wanted to disconnect from the “busyness” of life? Have you dreamed of “going off the grid”, not having to answer texts or emails or phone calls? Maybe you’ve wondered what it would be like not to have any newspapers, news reports, TV, responsibilities or decisions to make.

I had the opportunity this July to leave the respon-sibilities of my personal and professional life here in Arizona as I traveled to Abadiania, Brazil on a spiritual pilgrimage and the opportunity to go before the healer, John of God.

A pilgrimage is truly an important part and expression of the spiritual journey. Being drawn to this pilgrimage after hearing two presentations about John of God didn’t even begin to prepare me for this sacred experience. All I knew for sure was that my inner guidance was right on, I was to go to this holy place and be open to what it would offer me in spiritual growth.

Oh, the growth! I’m still processing all that happened in this beautiful part of the world.

Abadiania is a small piece of heaven on earth. Temperatures range from the 60’s to high 70’s with daily sunshine and cool breezes. There are beautiful trees and flowers, and birds, including roosters and chickens. The sunrises and sunsets were just as spectacular as ours here in Arizona. The people are happy and caring. The whole area is one of simplicity and joy.

The Casa, where we attended church services each Sunday and where John of God facilitates healing for 2,500 people each day, Wednesday through Friday, reminds me of Unity Village in MO except the main hall is open on 3 sides. The grounds have beautiful gardens and meditation areas as well as a deck that overlooks a beautiful valley.

Each of us in our group of 12 had private rooms with bath and a small patio. We had lots of time for personal re-flection, meditation, prayer, journaling, massages, reflexology and crystal bed baths. We also had group activities such as a trip to the sacred waterfall, guided meditations, and workshops on forgiveness and affirmations. We ate nutritional meals together on a beautiful patio and had lots of conversations and sharing times. We also had times of service when we got to chop vegetables at the Casa for the soup that’s served to all on the Casa days.

Also, on Casa days, after we had seen John of God and received our treatments, we spent time in the “current room” which gave us an opportunity to support those others in line to see John of God and included an intense 3-5 hour meditation time morning and afternoon.

My pilgrimage was an experience of a lifetime. The spiritual growth was amazing! I truly have been healed at depth and will be sharing with you when I am able to communicate what truly happened to me physically, emotionally and spiritually. Right now, words elude me because I’m still in the intense healing process.

Love, Blessings,

Reverend Billie

I am letting the Christ mind express life and

wholeness through me now!

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Side by Side By Mary Jane Mendias, Secretary Every time our board meets we open with a heart talk and a prayer to “Sweet Spirit” for guidance.

This year our first meeting included the vision board process. It bonded us together as a team with many ambitious ideas for the church and the congregation. Old methods were examined and suggestions for improvement were discussed and a calendar was created for their implementation. We want to share with you our list of completed goals and plans for future events:

♦ Spring Retreat March 1-2

♦ Foundational Unity Classes beginning with “Lessons in truth”

♦ New Lenten Practices replacing the Lords Supper

♦ April Friendship Month “Bring a friend to church”

♦ June, July, and August drawing for volunteers

♦ New Communion schedule

♦ New outside sign for the bookstore to include “Gifts”

♦ New Spiritual Cinema with a big screen TV held on Sundays

♦ Assigning a board member to each Sunday service and announcing it in the bulletin

♦ Birthday Brunch every other month

♦ July ice cream social

♦ August Beach Party

♦ Creation and completion of our 12 power wall that included a class on the twelve powers, handouts with the bulletin and CD of the 12 power meditation.

♦ November 7—Homecoming Dance and silent auction

♦ New Christmas activities

Your minister and board members sincerely want to create a spiritual home for you. We realize that every time you feel good about attending church and activities together we are affirming gratitude to Spirit for our togetherness.

2015 Board of Trustees

Contact Information:

Denise Landes—[email protected]

602 301-5648

Sandra Helm—[email protected]; 623 556-7577

Joyce Miller—[email protected]

623 266-3331

Mary Jane Mendias—[email protected]

602 421-2849

Molly Harala—[email protected] 1-208 215-1753

Top Row: Denise Landes, Sandra Helm, Vard Miller, Molly Harala & Joyce Miller Bottom Row: Mary Jane Mendias, Reverend Billie Martini & Jan Karns

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Let’s Make ♫usic By Reverend James Crowley

Well, the end of summer, 2015 is finally within sight. I always know cooler weather is on the way when I start seeing the first offerings of Halloween candy in the stores (Milky Way is my favorite).

Speaking of the Milky Way, I had a rare opportuni-ty, a few weeks ago, to travel out into the desert in the middle of the night and gaze up at the stars. What I saw took my breath away. More stars than I could ever count filled the black sky above me, but it was even more than that. I could see the colorful, swirling space dust, surrounding different galaxies. I even thought I might have spotted a black hole!

Okay, why am I talking astronomy in my church article? Because that little star-gazing trip, out to the desert, helped to remind me that there is so much more to life than this infinitesimal little rock on which we spin. There is so much more to life than our little daily activities of paying bills, driving to work, or even the seemingly large problems we face, like financial issues, politics, or even war. If someone were on Mars, gazing across the galaxy toward earth, all they would see is a semi-bright dot in the sky—never knowing what was really going on in any part of our world.

I guess what I really learned from my field trip is this: “Never take anything for granted.” Take each day as the divine gift that it is and simply live in the present moment.

So, as we gradually move on to autumn, all I have to say is, “Hooray for the Milky Way!” Both of them.

With gratitude,

Reverend James Crowley

Wednesday, Sept. 2 & Oct. 7 Class Instruction Wednesday, Sept. 16 & Oct. 21 Treatment Sessions Seva is back! Those of you who took the class may want to try a Seva treatment. Seva will be offered on the first and third Wednesdays of each month beginning in September. The class will be offered on the first Wednesday and the Seva treatment will be offered on the third Wednesday of each month. This same Seva protocol is used by Walter Reed Army Hospital on the east coast.

The class will be a 2 hour class which teaches self-care with Seva. The class will be in the Myrtle Fillmore room from 1:30—3:30 p.m. A signup sheet is available on the information table or call the office (623) 214-3884 if you want to signup for the class.

The treatment sessions are 20 minutes long and provide a relaxing experience. It is done on a massage table in the privacy of the Sanctuary here at Unity of Surprise and you will be fully clothed. You will need to call me, PJ, at 1-262-203-0690 to schedule an appointment for a Seva session. See you this fall.

Meditation Every Tuesday at 11:00 am Myrtle Fillmore Room Sometimes a mid-week break

can make a world of difference on how we show up to life the rest of the week.

Join us for a refreshing hour on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. This lift includes a time of sharing, prayers and meditation.

Seva Instruction with PJ Fischer

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A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Facilitator—Reverend Hal Lafler On Friday’s—1:30—3:00 pm; Sept 4 & 18; & Oct. 2 & 16 Serenity Room Loveable Rev. Hal Lafler has returned to teaching on the first & third Friday of each month with a new approach to A Course in Miracles (ACIM). Reverend Hal will choose a different Workbook Lesson each month and focus on the teaching from that particular lesson and nothing else. You will not need to prepare… just come; bring a friend… everyone is welcome.

As you know, lessons are the meditative process of integrating the principles of ACIM, i.e. taking the principles from the head to the heart. The lessons will be done at random, and will always be what the Holy Spirit has selected for any particular session. No one will be asked to read, but the format will permit discussions and questions.

ACIM is spiritual psychotherapy which is different from religious instruction. For more information call Reverend Hal Lafler at (623) 215-3080.

A love offering is accepted.

Claiming our Good Let’s set our intention for ways to grow:

Let’s claim ‘50 or more’ people to attend the Fall New Member Class and become members;

Let’s claim Unity of Surprise as a ‘Center for Healing’ and growth with Mind/Body/Soul classes;

Let’s claim ‘100 or more families to join the Fry’s Community Rewards Program’ listing Unity of Surprise as their non-profit to receive the rewards from their food purchases.

September 13, 2015 Noon in the Sanctuary

“FOLLOWING THE NINTH” In The Footsteps of Beethoven’s Final Symphony

A documentary film by Kerry Candaele. (running time: 78 minutes)

“A majestic documentary as transformative as it sets out to be.” - Village Voice

“Following The Ninth is beautiful and powerful” - Bill Moyers

“Thrilling, smartly assembled and gracefully paced.” - The New York Times

“Following The Ninth is a deeply moving and inspiring achievement” - Daniel Steward, Conductor, Santa Cruz Symphony


Love is Eternal Widow/Widowers Alternate Mondays Sept. 14 & 28; Oct. 12 & 26 1:00 to 3:00 pm, Myrtle Room

The Widow/Widower support group is free to attend and open to anyone who has suffered a loss of a significant relationship that is affecting their ability to find joy in their present life.

If you or someone you love is in grief reach out to them and let them know they are not alone and they are welcome at the Widow/Widower support group.

Samantha Decker Stump, M.S., Family Life Education, Certified Grief Recovery Specialist

A Love Offering will be accepted.

Spiritual Cinema By Molly Harala

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Selfless Service By Mary Dunn Blessings! We made it through the summer and monsoon season. Our highest temperature was 115°F. I am glad it was only 1 day. Welcome back to everyone who is returning to the Valley of the Sun. Your presence was missed.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who brought food for our August potluck Beach Party. Thank you to everyone who came. There was good food and fellowship for all.

The Harvest Ball is scheduled for November 7, 2015. This will be a fun filled event. Be prepared to put on evening attire and your dancing shoes. It will be a catered event. There will be a silent auction as well as a raffle. There’s more to come...

There are volunteer opportunities for those who are willing to tithe of their time. The Barista Team is looking for a friendly, outgoing person to join them. They prepare the wonderful lattés in the lobby before and after the celebration. Training will be provided. If this speaks to you, let me know.

Hospitality is looking for a Team Leader and a dedicated group of volunteers to help with the set up of the coffee and snacks before the Sunday service and clean up after fellowship. Fellowship at Unity of Surprise is a special time for all who choose to come. It’s an opportunity to spend time with friends and to make new friends. If this type of serving the ministry speaks to you, let me know. Feel free to talk with me after the Sunday service or during fellowship.

If you have ideas or other interest about volun-teering of your time and talents, I would like to hear them.


You won’t want to miss these events coming up so mark your calendars please!

Thursday: September 10, World Day of Prayer

Tuesdays: October 6 - November 17, Healing & Wholeness Class with Reverend Billie from 1:30—3:30 p.m. or 7:00—9:00 p.m.

Friday & Saturday: October 30 & 31, Prayer Chaplain Training

Saturday: November 7, The Homecoming Dance from 4:00—8:00 p.m.

Sunday: November 8, Membership Class from noon—4:00 p.m. (A lite lunch will be served.)

Sunday: December 6, The Music Christmas Program beginning at 10:00 a.m.

Thursday: December 24, Christmas Eve Candle Lighting Service begins at 5:00 p.m.

Friday: December 25, Old Fashioned Christmas Morning, the celebration begins at 10:00 a.m.

Thursday: December 31, Burning Bowl Special Services & New Year’s Eve Party begins at 5:00 p.m. The party will follow the service.

More information will be provided in the upcoming months. Reserve the dates, everyone is welcome.

God guides me on my unique path.

Mark Your Calendars

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Lunch Bunch Bonnie & Ken Knapp

Reverend Marcia Gonyea, Reiki Master Phone: (623) 328-5241 E-mail: [email protected]

Reiki is universal healing energy which passes through the hands of the practitioner to areas of the body where there is stress or pain. Reiki is a spiritual gift which Reverend Marcia Gonyea shares with others at Unity of Surprise for a love offering. Sessions usually last 40 minutes, but if you would like a 50 minute or 60 minute session, let Reverend Marcia know when you book your appointment. It is relaxing and meditative. The body heals itself when it is relaxed. Reiki relieves stress and pain and also balances the chakras (energy centers of the body).

Call (623) 328-5241, for an appointment, today.

May the Spirit of wholeness be with you awakening healing power within.

May the Spirit of Harmony restore rhythms of body, mind and Spirit.

May Love touch you, strengthen you and give you peace.


Sunday, September 27, 2015 COCO’S AT SUN CITY GRAND

(623) 214-7776

Please sign up by September 20th

Call Bonnie Knapp at (623) 810-0987 (cell phone) if you have questions or changes.


Turn LEFT onto RH Johnson Blvd. (not in the Bell Rd direction) and drive until you reach Grand Ave. Continue driving straight over Grand to the entrance of Sun City Grand which becomes Sunrise Blvd. Continue on Sunrise until you reach W. Clearview Blvd. Turn LEFT at 15955 W Clearview. COCO’s is on the right side of the street when you are facing east.

We will be dining on the patio which has a misting system and overlooks a beautiful lake. We had a most enjoyable event the last time we were there.

Did You Know? Did you know that Reverend Billie takes Mondays off? Did you know that she prepares the Sunday lessons on Thursdays? Let’s support her in taking time off and in continuing to prepare inspiring lessons by not calling, texting or emailing her on Mondays and Thursdays. Bless you for your kindness and compassion.

Reiki Sessions Continue Every Thursday

Reverend Marcia Gonyea,

Reiki Master

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Unity of Surprise ♥ The Church of Practical Christianity ♥ Where Good Happens Page 8

Our Mission Statement

Is to Love, Serve and Inspire all people by celebrating our connectedness to God and to one another.

Our Purpose

At Unity of Surprise, we affirm our oneness, demonstrate unconditional love and acceptance, teach the truth, embrace diversity and change,

and create and maintain a prayer consciousness.

Our Core Values

Include being God centered, living in integrity, empowerment, commitment, acceptance, generosity, and joy.

Unity Church of Surprise Founded in 2002 is a dynamic spiritual community

who lives its mission and purpose.

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Sunday Services Begin at

10:00 AM

1 Faith Lift

11:00—Noon—(Myrtle Room)

Miracles Happen A.A. 7:00—8:00 pm

(Open) - (Serenity Room)

2 Seva Instruction

1:30—3 pm (Myrtle Room)

PJ Fischer

11th Steppers A.A. 4:00—5:00 pm

(Open) (Serenity Rm)

3 B.B. 164 A.A. 6:30—7:30 pm

(Closed Meeting) (Serenity Room)

Reiki (Call for Appt.)

Reverend Marcia Gonyea


Al-Anon Group 11:00—Noon

(Serenity Room)

ACIM 1:30—3:00 pm Rev. Hal Lafler

(Serenity Room)


6 “Waving the White Flag of Surrender”

10:00 am Molly Harala

Birthday & Anniversary Sunday

Food Bank Sunday Share your canned

goods & non perishable items.




(Narcotics Anonymous) 7:30—8:30 pm

(Open) (Serenity Room)


Faith Lift 11:00—Noon—(Myrtle


Miracles Happen A.A. 7:00—8:00 pm

(Open) - (Serenity Room)

9 11th Steppers A.A.

4:00—5:00 pm (Open)

(Serenity Room)

10 World Day of Prayer

Prayer Vigil 10 am—5 pm

B.B. 164 A.A. 6:30—7:30 pm

(Closed Meeting) (Serenity Room)

Reiki (Call for Appt.)

Reverend Marcia Gonyea


Al-Anon Group 11:00—Noon

(Serenity Room)


13 “Time to Wake

Up!” 10:00 am

Reverend Denise Landes

Spiritual Cinema Sunday


In The Footsteps of Beethoven’s Final


14 Love is Eternal

Widow/Widowers Samantha D-Stump

1:00—3:00 pm (Myrtle Room)


(Narcotics Anonymous) 7:30—8:30 pm

(Open) (Serenity Room)

15 Faith Lift

11:00—Noon—(Myrtle Room)

Miracles Happen A.A. 7:00—8:00 pm

(Open) - (Serenity Room)


Seva Treatment (By Appt) Sanctuary

PJ Fischer

11th Steppers A.A. 4:00—5:00 pm

(Open) (Serenity Room)


B.B. 164 A.A. 6:30—7:30 pm

(Closed Meeting) (Serenity Room)

Reiki (Call for Appt.)

Reverend Marcia Gonyea

18 Al-Anon Group

11:00—Noon (Serenity Room)

ACIM 1:30—3:00 pm Rev. Hal Lafler

(Serenity Room)


20 “Music is Life”

10:00 am

Reverend James Crowley

21 O’haNA

(Narcotics Anonymous) 7:30—8:30 pm

(Open) (Serenity Room)

22 Faith Lift

11:00—Noon—(Myrtle Room)

Miracles Happen A.A. 7:00—8:00 pm

(Open) - (Serenity Room)

23 11th Steppers A.A.

4:00—5:00 pm (Open)

(Serenity Room)

24 B.B. 164 A.A. 6:30—7:30 pm

(Closed Meeting) (Serenity Room)

Reiki (Call for Appt.)

Reverend Marcia Gonyea


Al-Anon Group 11:00—Noon

(Serenity Room)


27 “I Can’t Stop the

Rain” 10:00 am

Reverend Denise


Lunch Bunch 12:30

Coco’s in Sun City Grand

28 Love is Eternal

Widow/Widowers Samantha D-Stump

1:00—3:00 pm (Myrtle Room)


(Narcotics Anonymous) 7:30—8:30 pm

(Open) (Serenity Room)


Faith Lift 11:00—Noon—(Myrtle


Miracles Happen A.A. 7:00—8:00 pm

(Open) - (Serenity Room)

30 11th Steppers A.A.

4:00—5:00 pm (Open)

(Serenity Room)

Sun.Sun.Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.

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Unity of Surprise ♥ The Church of Practical Christianity ♥ Where Good Happens Page 10

Confidential Prayer Support Here to pray with you The Unity of Surprise High Watchers prayer team trusts in the creative, regenerating, transformative power of Divine Love.

Through God’s Wisdom, we immerse the dear ones for whom we pray in God’s absolute love. We see these beloved as perfect, whole and complete, limitless and free.

A Prayer Request box is located on the information counter in the lobby and also in the Sanctuary each Sunday.

Remember, God is always with you. All His blessings and goodness are yours by divine inheritance. God is the freeing transformative power within; infinite intelligence and wisdom, always your light and inspiration, healing and harmonizing in every way.

“We are honored to be your partners in prayer—the sacred activity that generates positive energy. Prayer opens your hearts and minds to divine quali-ties within and to divine possibilities in your lives.

Quiet times of prayer center you in the presence of God. As you move through the day in this centered awareness, you “pray without ceasing,” prepared to meet any situation with grace. You are assured of a positive resolution to any challenge and that every need will be abundantly met.

Our prayers will enfold you continuously throughout the next thirty days. We envision you inspired, strengthened, and fulfilled by the loving presence of God moment by moment.”

In the Bible “pray without ceasing”. For a long time I wondered how could anyone pray without ceasing. If someone was to pray without ceas-ing, how did anything get done?

As a Chaplain I knew I was not praying every moment of the day, and at night I sleep, like most people. Like many of us I have times set aside for prayer and meditation. When thinking about all these things someone made the statement casually that one of the most powerful prayers is Thank You God. And how often do each of us say Thank You during the day. Another thing that happens is we start saying and/or thinking affirmations and denials throughout the day; simple ones like “I am safe” or “I am prosperous”. Then we take a class and pick up even more. We take a class and start reading Truth books and looking at the Bible with a metaphysical understanding. And we are using those Truth statements in our everyday conversations. We begin to know that God gave us humans the power to name things. When we have an experience we can and often do “name” it. The best name is GOOD. It may take a while, and if each of us would notice all these things that become our lives, we are praying a lot more than we realized. It’s not just the big things in life, like health, finances, and relationships; it’s also the times we bless our food or say thanks for a good parking place, and make time to remember who we are: expressions of God. And we are blessed. Know that your Prayer Chaplain holds you in prayer all throughout the month between calls.

Reverend Carol Ricketts

Prayer Chaplain’s Corner By Reverend Carol Ricketts

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Unity of Surprise Prayer Vigil

Thursday, September 10 10:00 am—5:00 pm

14495 W RH Johnson Blvd Sun City West

(623) 214-3884

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Lift Up Your Heart in Prayer Bless and be blessed on 2015 World Day of Prayer.

(Please turn in your prayer list by September 6)

“My Prayer List”

Please print first names only

As I pray, I connect my highest thoughts with my deepest faith. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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II have been asked by numerous individuals what are the requirements to participate in the Men of Unity activities. The Men of Unity (MOU) is an all-inclusive group which welcomes all men whether a member of Unity of Surprise or not. If you want to invite a friend or neighbor to join us at any time please do so.

Our monthly social brunch for the past two months have been lightly attended but those participating have enjoyed themselves by getting to know each other better.

The September 23rd brunch will be at the West End Bar and Grill, 14051 W Grand Ave, behind the Goodwill store. You have to wind around the other buildings to find it but it’s there. We meet at 10:00 a.m. so attendees may have breakfast or lunch which ever they prefer.

The October 28th brunch at 10:00 a.m. will be at Birt’s Bistro, 16752 N Greasewood behind Rio Salado College. It, too, is at the back so come on back and join us.

As an early reminder the November brunch will be on the 3rd Wednesday instead of the fourth as normal to avoid conflicts with Thanksgiving.

See you all at church.

Respectively, Dan Robison, Team Leader (623) 523-1642: [email protected]

“God created all men for a purpose. Our desire is for every man to reach and complete that purpose. We are sons, brothers, husbands, fathers, and grandfathers who have a love for Christ and a passion to become the men He wants us to be. We want to grow relationships with other Godly men so we can help each other in our walk with Christ. It is about being REAL with each other”. Marvin Ross

Saturday, October 3, 2015 10:00 am on the Patio

Bring your fur, feather and fin children and join Reverend Billie for our Annual Pet Blessing. We’ll enjoy the company of our beloved pets, the cooler weather, refreshments and more.

Reverend Billie, after a short service, will bless each fur child individually, as well as, each pet parent. If you are unable to bring a beloved pet, you may bring a picture.

Donations for the AZ Humane Society of pet food, toys and treats, as well as, a monetary love offering will be accepted. See you here, where we love our furry, feathered and fin children.

Communion Service October 4, 2015 at 11:45 am Reverend Billie’s annual St. Francis Communion Service is one you won’t want to miss. It’s a service she experienced in Assisi, Italy and invites those in attendance to enjoy the gentle presence of each other and the power of God within. It’s a service that allows peace to permeate our being and gives us renewal for our souls.

Pet Blessing Reverend Billie

Men of Unity (MOU) By Dan Robison

I let go and I let God.

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Healing & Wholeness “New Class”

Wednesdays, Oct. 14—Nov. 18 10:30—Noon Charles Fillmore Room These days, many people are developing an interest in Buddhism and meditation, in part because of its practical approach to the problems we experi-ence in our daily lives, and also because Buddhism is an open, flexible faith that may be practiced by anyone, regardless of their ethnicity or religious background.

Buddhism teaches us to take responsibility for ourselves, our actions, and the consequences of our actions.

Through meditation we can follow the same path of inner transformation that Buddha followed and eventually attain a lasting inner peace and real power to benefit other living beings.

Introduction to Buddhism explains basic Buddhist view, intention, and action, and how to follow the Buddhist way of life in the modern world. It is the perfect manual for anyone with an interest in Buddhism and meditation. Everyone welcome!

Schedule: Basic Buddhism October 14—Who was Buddha? October 21—Understanding the Mind October 28—Past & Future Lives November 4—What is Karma? November 11—The Preciousness of Life November 18—Meditation Step by Step

Registration: Please email Kadam Michelle, [email protected] for registration details

Clear Light Buddhist Center is a non-profit organiza-tion. All donations go towards the cost of the room, transportation and publicity.

Tuesdays beginning October 6 Class times: 1:30—3:30 pm & 7:00—9:00 pm—if interest

Reverend Billie facilitates this class on Healing and Wholeness using Catherine Ponders’ book, The Dynamic Laws of Healing which uses our 12 powers for healing and wholeness. She will also draw on Louis Hay’s wisdom from the book Loving Yourself to Great Health.

Sharing some of her healing experiences while in Brazil on her visit to John of God will make this class offered by Reverend Billie especially interesting.

Spiritual Cinema Sunday By Molly Harala October 11, 2015 Noon in the Sanctuary

“EMMANUEL’S GIFT” An award winning documentary film narrated by Oprah Winfrey (running time: 80 minutes)

“EMMANUEL’S GIFT” tells the powerful and passion-ate story of a disabled orphan, Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboa from Ghana, who has risen above poverty and severe physical challenge to become a hero and inspiration to people around the world.

He’s like no one we’ve ever known, but he’s all we aspire to be.

Please join our host, Molly Harala for this very inspiring movie.

Introduction to Buddhism Kadam Michelle Gauthier

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September Birthdays Mary Ann Williams ♫ September 6

Ronnie Tollefson ♫ September 9

Joyce Miller ♫ September 23

September’s birth flower is the aster. Asters are mainly symbols of powerful love. The other September flower is the morning glory. Morning glories are simple symbols of affection.

October Birthdays Bill Kramer ♫ October 5

Kathryn Clouther♫ October 12

Molly Harala ♫ October 13

David Helm ♫ October 13

Patti Masters ♫ October 15

Dave Garfield ♫ October 18

Patricia Warszawski ♫ October 18

Joan Walters ♫ October 26

October’s birth flower is the pumpkin bloom. Just kidding—it's actually the marigold. Marigolds are often given as a sign of warm or fierce, undying love, or as a way of saying that you're content with being with the recipient. The other October flower is cosmo, a symbol of order, peace, and serenity.

Birthday Celebration With Reverend Billie Martini Saturday, October 17—10:00 am to noon In the Serenity Room Join Reverend Billie and Lynda Thomas in celebra-tion of your July, August, September & October birthdays. We’ll have brunch (bring your appetite) and celebrate you and a year well lived.

The book/gift store is planning for the fall and winter season ahead. Check the newsletter for exact dates for Reverend Billie’s class schedule. The books needed for these classes will be available. New jewelry and gift items are being added weekly. We have expanded our plush collection to include cats and kittens. The birthday Beanie baby collection has been replenished. Our art wall continues to display treasures for your home. You can pick up forms for the heart and chair plaques, use your credit card for your tithes or pick up a handcrafted card. Please stop by during the week Monday through Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or Sunday before and after services. Prosperity is Ours. Thank you for your support.

Re-Enroll in the 2015-2016 Fry’s Community Rewards Program:

How to Re-Enroll for Fry’s Community Rewards: 1. Go to www.FrysCommunityRewards.com 2. Click on ‘Sign-In’ 3. Enter your email and password, click on ‘sign

in”. 4. Click on your name (top right hand corner), un-

der ‘Account Summary’ scroll down to “Community Rewards”.

5. Click on ‘Edit’ under Community Rewards. 6. Under Find Your Organization: Enter 38038 7. Under ‘Select Your Organization’, click on the

circle next to your organization. 8. Click on ‘Enroll”

If you have re-enrolled correctly, you should see a green box with ‘Your enrollment in the Community Rewards Program has been updated. Thank you for participating!’ You will also see the information listed under ‘Community Rewards’ on your Account Summary page.

Living Light Bookstore By Mary Jane Mendias

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Unity of Surprise ♥ The Church of Practical Christianity ♥ Where Good Happens Page 16

Did You Know?

Did you know that on the way to the Grand Canyon Room there’s an information counter and an information book case?

The Information counter has all you will ever need to know about the activities of the month at Unity of Surprise complete with sign up sheets and take home flyers. The information counter is reserved for church activities only.

The Information Book Case has information about things happening in the community at large or things our members and friends are involved in. Everyone is welcome to use these shelves for “non” church related activities and business cards. Stay informed!

Recovery Groups (Serenity Room)

O’haNA—(Narcotic Anonymous) Monday’s from 7:30—8:30 p.m. (Open Meeting)

Miracles Happen A.A.—Tuesday’s from 7—8 p.m.(Open Meeting)

11th Steppers A.A.—Wednesday’s from 4—5 p.m.(Open Meeting)

B.B. 164 A.A.—Thursday’s from 6:30—7:30 p.m.(Closed Meeting)

2-Gether We Can Make It—Al-Anon—Friday’s from 11 to noon. (Open Meeting)

The prosperity team continues to affirm our good. Proceeds from our gift baskets have netted $244.00.

The community participation in Fry’s for 2015 to date was $159.57. Fry’s shows we have a total of 19 households participating. We would like to increase that amount of households this year. If you need help signing up contact the office. You’ll need a current Fry’s loyalty card and a working email address. If you have a loyalty card and would like to re-enroll, go to page 14 for instructions.

Our Amazon Smile Rewards for the first quarter of 2015 was $35.99.

Our Amazon Book Sales netted $191.59, and the chair plaques netted $50.00.

Prosperity Team Members and the board are working with Mary Dunn the Volunteer Coordinator to have a “volunteer appreciation drawing” for three, $25.00 Fry’s gift cards. We have had two winners. Peggy Hixson for June and Lynda Thomas for July. The drawing for August will be at the end of the month. It is open to anyone who volunteers during the month. Get your ticket at the bookstore.

The prosperity team welcomes your input. The team members are:

Reverend Denise Landes, [email protected] Robert Jacobson, [email protected] Reverend Billie Martini, [email protected] Mary Jane Mendias, [email protected] Al Shipley, [email protected]

Prosperity Team Report By Mary Jane Mendias

I say “no thank you” to people & experiences

that no longer serve me. I give in love because I

love to give.

Page 17: The present our september october 2015 newsletter gift

Halloween Sunday October 25, 2015

Unity of Surprise ♥ The Church of Practical Christianity ♥ Where Good Happens Page 17


Reverend Billie Martini

Minister E-mail: [email protected]

Call Reverend Billie if you would like prayer, a home or hospital visit, or spiritual counseling. She is also available

for baptisms, christenings, memorial or funeral services, weddings, office or home blessings.

Minister of Music

Reverend James Crowley

[email protected]


Kathryn Clouther

Church E-mail

[email protected]

Volunteer Coordinator

Mary Dunn

[email protected]


Church Main Telephone Number

(623) 214-3884

Church Fax

(623) 214-5223

Reverend Billie Martini—Option 1

Kathryn & General Information—Option 2

Prayer & Inspiration—Option 3

Office Hours


8:00—3:00 PM

Closed on Friday for classes.

Church Website & Facebook

www.unityofsurprise.org & Unity of Surprise

Tuesday Truths

Connect mid-week with an inspirational e-mail message. To sign up, e-mail Reverend Billie at

[email protected].

For Your Reference Contact Information

We annually celebrate the kid in all of us as we come to church in our Halloween costumes. You are invited to attend the Worship Celebration on October 25 in your favorite costume and you may win a prize!

There will be special decorations, treats, prizes for the best costumes and more during our fellowship time in the Grand Canyon room.

The big black treat cauldron will be on the desk in the lobby, so we can participate in trick and treating. Bring your favorite Halloween “treat” to add to the mix. Treat bags will be provided, so you can have a goody bag to take home.

Happy Halloween!

Prayer Chaplain Training October 30—31, 2015 Friday & Saturday God asks, “Whom shall I send and who will go for us? Isaiah responds, “Here I am, send me!”

Our Prayer Chaplains at Unity of Surprise hold the consciousness of prayer 24/7. They lovingly listen, serve our community by praying with people on Sunday mornings, by making monthly wellness calls to our members, are the voices you hear on our Prayer Line and participate in Special Services.

If you would like to answer the call to this sacred work, please attend the Prayer Chaplain training being be held October 30 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and October 31 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

For more information and to register for the train-ing, please see a Prayer Chaplain on duty in the lobby on Sunday mornings beginning October 4.

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Unity of Surprise ♥ The Church of Practical Christianity ♥ Where Good Happens Page 18

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Noon to 4:00 pm

The Unity of Surprise Board of Trustees and Wisdom Council has set an intention to Grow and Thrive in 2-0-1-5!

We’d like to have 50 or more new members at Unity of Surprise on November 15, our Fall Membership Sunday.

Do you want to become one of the nifty fifty? It’s easy, here’s how:

1. Commit to your own spiritual growth and the growth of Unity of Surprise by attending the Fall mandatory Membership class on Sunday, November 8 from noon—4:00 p.m. (a light lunch is provided).

2. Attend Membership Sunday, November 15 to be received formally into membership.

That’s it, easy!

Membership at Unity of Surprise has many “perks” including a wellness call each month from your own Prayer Chaplain, a vote at our annual busi-ness or other town hall meetings, special surprise “goodies” throughout the year, the opportunity to be a Board Member and a Prayer Chaplain and more!

Membership is a way to say yes to Spirit, to say yes, I value what this Spiritual Community is all about and I commit to it growing and thriving.

Say yes to be one of the nifty fifty!

Nifty Fifty Membership Class

We’re having a Home-Coming Dance Saturday November 7 complete with appetizers, desserts, raffles and a silent auction!

The great opportunity is that you can donate (tax deductible) a service, an object, a time share, airline tickets, a weekend getaway, a dinner, etc.

We know that there are artists, great cooks, handymen and women, hair stylists, nail techs, computer experts and many other talented people among us or people we know that want to make this Home-coming Dance “Fun” Raiser successful.

Let us know what you’ll be donating by emailing or bring into the office a picture or description of your item or service. Email address: [email protected]

The Dance Team is also looking for people who want to help with this fun event. Let Mary Dunn know if you’d like to serve. (602) 740-9814

Lunch Bunch Bonnie & Ken Knapp Sunday, October 27, 2015

To Be Announced. Watch for information in the October Sunday Bulletin.

Angels can fly

because they take

themselves lightly!

Here’s a Great Opportunity!

I sizzle with zeal and


Page 19: The present our september october 2015 newsletter gift

1 B.B. 164 A.A. 6:30—7:30 pm

(Closed Meeting) (Serenity Room)

Reiki (Call for Appt.)

Reverend Marcia

2 Al-Anon Group

11:00—Noon (Serenity Room)

ACIM 1:30—3:00 pm Rev. Hal Lafler

(Serenity Room)


Pet Blessing (10 am) on Patio

4 “There’s No Place

Like Home” Communion Sun-

day 11:45 am

Birthday & Anniversary Sunday

Food Bank Donations Collected


O’haNA (Narcotics Anonymous)

7:30—8:30 pm (Open)

(Serenity Room)


Faith Lift 11:00—Noon—(Myrtle


Healing & Wholeness Class: 1:30—3:30 pm

Reverend Billie 7—9 pm (Charles Room)

Miracles Happen A.A. 7:00—8:00 pm

(Open) - (Serenity Room)

7 Seva Instruction 1:30—3 pm (Myrtle

Room) PJ Fischer

11th Steppers A.A.

4:00—5:00 pm (Open)

(Serenity Room)

8 B.B. 164 A.A. 6:30—7:30 pm

(Closed Meeting) (Serenity Room)

Reiki (Call for Appt.)

Reverend Marcia Gonyea


Al-Anon Group 11:00—Noon

(Serenity Room)


11 “Letting God”

10:00 am

Spiritual Cinema Sunday


12:00 pm In the Sanctuary


Love is Eternal Widow/Widowers

Samantha D-Stump 1:00—3:00 pm (Myrtle Room)


(Narcotics Anonymous) 7:30—8:30 pm

(Open) (Serenity Room)

13 Faith Lift

11:00—Noon—(Myrtle Room)

Healing & Wholeness

Class: 1:30—3:30 pm Reverend Billie

7—9 pm (Charles Room)

Miracles Happen A.A. 7:00—8:00 pm

(Open) - (Serenity Room)


Introduction to Bud-dhism

10:30—Noon Kadam Michelle Gauthier (Charles Fillmore Room)

11th Steppers A.A.

4:00—5:00 pm (Open)

(Serenity Room)


B.B. 164 A.A. 6:30—7:30 pm

(Closed Meeting) (Serenity Room)


(Call for Appt.) Reverend Marcia Gonyea

16 Al-Anon Group

11:00—Noon (Serenity Room)

ACIM 1:30—3:00 pm Rev. Hal Lafler

(Serenity Room)


Birthday Brunch 10:00—Noon July, August

September & October Birthdays

8 “Do You Mind?”

10:00 am


O’haNA (Narcotics Anonymous)

7:30—8:30 pm (Open)

(Serenity Room)

20 Faith Lift

11:00—Noon—(Myrtle Room)

Healing & Wholeness

Class: 1:30—3:30 pm Reverend Billie

7—9 pm (Charles Room)

Miracles Happen A.A. 7:00—8:00 pm

(Open) - (Serenity Room)

21 Introduction to Bud-

dhism 10:30—Noon

Kadam Michelle Gauthier (Charles Fillmore Room)

Seva Treatment (Call for Appt.) PJ Fischer

11th Steppers A.A. 4:00—5:00 pm

(Open) (Serenity Room)

22 B.B. 164 A.A. 6:30—7:30 pm

(Closed Meeting) (Serenity Room)


(Call for Appt.) Reverend Marcia Gonyea


Al-Anon Group 11:00—Noon

(Serenity Room)


25 “Do You See What I

See?” 10:00 am

Halloween Sunday

Lunch Bunch 12:30 TBA

26 Love is Eternal

Widow/Widowers Samantha D-Stump

1:00—3:00 pm (Myrtle Room)


(Narcotics Anonymous) 7:30—8:30 pm

(Open) (Serenity Room)

27 Faith Lift

11:00—Noon—(Myrtle Room)

Healing & Wholeness

Class: 1:30—3:30 pm Reverend Billie

7—9 pm (Charles Room)

Miracles Happen A.A. 7:00—8:00 pm

(Open) - (Serenity Room)

28 Introduction to Buddhism

10:30—Noon Kadam Michelle Gauthier (Charles Fillmore Room)

11th Steppers A.A.

4:00—5:00 pm (Open)

(Serenity Room)

29 B.B. 164 A.A. 6:30—7:30 pm

(Closed Meeting) (Serenity Room)


(Call for Appt.) Reverend Marcia Gonyea

30 Al-Anon Group

11:00—Noon (Serenity Room)

Prayer Chaplain


Registration Required See Page 17 for more



Prayer Chaplain Training

Registration Required See Page 17 for more


Sun.Sun.Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.

Hello October

Page 20: The present our september october 2015 newsletter gift

Unity of Surprise 14495 W RH Johnson Blvd

Sun City West, AZ 85375-5671 unityofsurprise.org

[email protected] Phone: (623) 214-3884

Fax: (623) 214-5223

U.S. Postage Paid Sun City, AZ

Permit No. 339 Nonprofit Organization


10:00 AM Service

September 6

“Waving the White Flag of Surrender” Molly Harala

September 13

“Time to Wake Up!” Reverend Denise Landes

September 20

“Music is Life” Reverend James Crowley

September 27

“I Can’t Stop the Rain” Reverend Denise Landes

Unity Worldwide Ministries ♥ Affiliated with Unity ♥ Publishers of the Daily Word Member of the International New Thought Alliance

10:00 AM Service

October 4

“There’s No Place Like Home” Communion Service

Reverend Billie Martini

October 11

“Letting God” Reverend Billie Martini

October 18

“Do You Mind?” Reverend Billie Martini

October 25

“Do You See What I See?” Halloween Sunday

Reverend Billie Martini