THE POWER OF WORDS A collection of poetry by Kate D.

The Power of Words Kate D

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THE POWER OF WORDS A collection of poetry by Kate D.

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Page 1: The Power of Words Kate D



A collection of poetry by Kate D.

Page 2: The Power of Words Kate D



The thickness is impossible

To see through.

The thickness is impossible

To go through.

The thickness is impossible

To live through,

Until you reach the sun.

You try and spread your wings,

Only to find them weighed down

By the dark thickness,

And you sink back to the bottom

Where you are embraced by darkness.

You can't get air from down there.

You can only breathe the darkness,

Though it clouds your lungs.

And when you try and open your eyes

For you know it will be your last glance of life,

Your eyes sting

And you can't see a thing,

So you close then again,

Return to darkness.

You feel the sun on your face,

And you think that you've left this earth forever

To go to the paradise

In the sky

Until you hear the talking

Of the murderers.

The killers.

You try to struggle free

From the net,

To stop the monsters from getting you,

Until you realize that there is no net

Detaining you from the sky.

Only the soft warmness

Of hands enclosing you

And you feel fresh water

Cover you

You feel the darkness wash off you

As the water washes over you,


You feel the bubbles

Trickle down your back,

And you giggle with delight.

You feel the weight lifted off

your wings,

And you open your eyes

To feel the sunlight

Warm your soul.

And you spread your wings,

A feeling you have forgotten.

You soar into the sky,

But you look back

And say thank you

To the saviors.

Page 3: The Power of Words Kate D

Everything is whirling about, Twirling and whirling All around Mixing to create a better collection Of love and anger. Everything is streaking about, Streaking and dropping Against all the walls Creating a miracle of design Against the background of death. Everything is looping about, Looping and drooping Around each other Making the droopers Loopers. Everything is always doing something, Whether that thing is Twirling and whirling Or streaking and dropping Or looping and drooping Everything is always doing something.

Page 4: The Power of Words Kate D

A bright full moon Shines onto the dark street As screams come from all corners Of the earth. There is just enough light To see But not enough light to know What lies ahead In the darkness. Devils and angels Walk together Into the coffin Of night, Where they scream out of fear And delight. The many ghouls Come out of hiding To haunt the streets And howl With the werewolves As they bathe in the moon’s Shining white glow. All of the little monsters Run around the streets. Going door to door. Saying one little thing. “Trick or treat?”

Page 5: The Power of Words Kate D

The dark curly hair frames the face

Of my older sister.

That hair is like the fur of a wild animal,

Never lying flat

No matter what I do

But that is why I love her.

The sweet smile adorns the face

Of my older sister.

That smile is so young and innocent

Like fresh chocolate chip cookies just out of the oven,

And appears all the time

And that is why I love her.

The pink-nailed hand grips the leg

Of my older sister.

That hand can perform a death grip

That feels like it can crush a building

Without chipping the perfect pink polish

But that is why I love her.

Ocean-green eyes peer out of the lilac glasses

Of my older sister.

Those eyes can glare so hard

It's like they see your soul

Only to laugh at you afterward

But that is why I love her.

My 14 year old sister

Who's sometimes a handful.

Who never answers questions.

Who loves Celtic Woman.

Who is just an okay dancer,

But that is why I love her.

Page 6: The Power of Words Kate D

The curves are too many

For there is nothing inside

But fat from all the food

That you make your body


All the bones

Show through the pale skin

Making you miserable

For no sugar

Has ever entered your body.

Crunch crunch

As greasy hands dip into

A bag of chips.

All the fat

From all the unused

Sugars and salts

Becomes the round person

You are today.

Whimper whimper

As you starve

From hunger

For you think that you are fat

When you are not.

You are as skinny as a noodle

Laid out in the sun to dry

Making you the fragile person

You are today.

Buttons are always popping

Off all your clothing,

Hitting your mother

Who punishes you

For being fat.

Everything is baggy

Though the smallest size

They make

And nothing fits

Because you are too skinny.

Standing side by side,

You look so different,

But you are the same.

You both are realizing something

About your looks,

And you both want to change.

Changing takes time

And happens in many ways.

But you both can do it



Eating healthy,

Playing outside,

Taking right serving sizes,

Asking your doctor for tips,


Enjoying life.

Page 7: The Power of Words Kate D

All the talking

Fills your ear drums

As you open the door

To the lunchroom.

Different conversations

Come to your ears

Like bees go to a flower

As you get in line.

Pushing through the crowd

You reach your table

Where you take a seat

And join in the current conversation.

Moment of Silence is called,

The one time the room is quiet,

And you quietly chew your food

Waiting for the continue

Your conversation.

Page 8: The Power of Words Kate D

Image Citations In order they occur in the book

"Girl Writing Poetry." 6/19/2009. Online image. Psychology Today. 9/27/2010. http://www.psychologytoday.com/files/u40/writing%2Bpoetry.jpg "Bird flying over water." No date. Online image. Essential Oil World. 9/27/2010. http://essentialoilworld.com/essentialoilreviews/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/flight_over_water_2.jpg

"Color Explosion." 6/26/2008. Online image. Flicker. 9/27/2010. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3098/2611018001_6858d0dbd4.jpg

Troy Paiva. "Full Moon Oak." No date. Online image. Photography Tips. 9/27/2010.


William Ashford. "Open bag of chips." 7/25/2009. Online image. Scrape TV News. 9/27/2010. http://scrapetv.com/News/News%20Pages/Business/images-3/open-bag-of-chips.jpg

"Empty Road." No date. Online image. Stock Photos. 9/28/2010.


“High School Cafeteria.” No date. Online image. Sulfpoint.

