THE POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL · INDEXTOVOLUME35 PAGE Myocardialinfarction-TheComparativeracial prevalence in Capetown, 1957-An electro- cardiographic study. V. Shrire 218 Neuritis,

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Page 1: THE POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL · INDEXTOVOLUME35 PAGE Myocardialinfarction-TheComparativeracial prevalence in Capetown, 1957-An electro- cardiographic study. V. Shrire 218 Neuritis,





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PAGEAfrican populations, Ischaemic heart disease,

occurrence in. J. F. Brock and H. Gordon 223Air-borne allergens. H. A. Hyde and D. A.Williams .. .. .. .. .. 458

Allergens, Air-borne. H. A. Hyde and D. A.Williams .. .. .. .. 458

Allergic Hypersensitivity to fungi. J. Pepys .. 436Allergy in asthma, Importance of. A. W.Frankland .. .. . .. 451- Nasal, Symptomatic treatment with drugs.Kate Maunsell .. .. .. 467

-- in skin disease. C. D. Calnan 445Ana-mias, haemolytic, Differential diagnoses of.George Discombe .. 488

Anaemia, pernicious, Atypical. Allan Jacobs.. 524Aortography. I. H. Griffiths .. 620Appendix, Torsion of. A. E. Carter .. 671Arm, Pain in, symptom of heart di,ease.

Walter Somerville .. .. .. .. 410Arthritis, intra-articular therapy with hydro-

cortisone. G. N. Chandler .. .. .. 417Arthrodesis of first metatarso-phalangeal joint.G. S. Tupman .. .. .. .. .. 583

Asthma, Allergy, importance in. A. W.Frankland .. .. .. .. .. 451

Pulmonary function in. Kenneth Citron 442Steroid therapy in. R. S. Bruce Pearson . . 463

Auto-immunity and thyroid disorders. DeborahDoniach, I. M. Roitt and R. Vaughan Hudson 324

Autonomic neuropathy in diabetes mellitus.Harry Keen .. 272

Blood coagulability in relation to coronary heartdisease. C. Merskey and H. Lackner . . 203

Bone - peg arthrode3is of first metatarso-phalangeal joint. G. S. Tupman .. .. 583

Bronchial asthma, Pulmonary function in.Kenneth M. Citron .. .. .. .. 442

Bronchiectasis, Tuberculous. Justin Clark andJohn Golding 24

Capetown. An electrocardiographic study ofMyocardial Infarction-The comparativeracial prevalence of, 1957. V. Schrire . 218

Carcinoma of the colon and rectum. H. E.Lockhart-Mummery .. .. .. .. 76

Cardio-pulmonary by-pass, Total. L. D. Abrams 144Carpal tunnel syndrome. A. M. Wiley 30

- P. S. Boulter.. .. .. 406Cell counts. J. W. Stewart and P. J. Crosland

Taylor .. .. .. .. 502Cerebral cysticercosis complicated by pyogenic

meningitis. A. C. Chappell .. .. 156Cervical spondylosis. L. A. Liversedge .. 380Chickenpox, congenital. I. M. Librach .. 575Children, Diabetes in. James Robertson .. 256Childhood, Peripheral tuberculous lympha-

denitis in. F. J. W. Miller .. .. .. 348

PAGECholesterol, Metabolism of. B. Lewis .. 208--level (serum), The regulation of. H. Gordon 186Clostridium Welchii Septicaemia complicating

partial gastrectomy. M. Levene .. .. 26Coagulability of blood in relation to coronary

heart disease. C. Merskey and H. Lackner . . 203Colitis, ulcerative, diffuse, Surgery of. Stanley

Aylett .. .. .. .. .. .. 67Colon, Diverticulitis of. Henry R. Thompson 86

and rectum, Carcinoma of the. H. E.Lockhart-Mummery .. .. .. .. 76

Colitis ulcerative, Medical treatment of. S. C.Truelove .. .. .. .. .. 62

Compression disorders and the shoulder-handsyndrome. H. Harold Friedman, ThomasG. Argyros and Otto Steinbrocker .. .. 397

Coronary heart disease in relation to bloodcoagulability. C. Merskey and H. Lackner 203

Cysticercosis, cerebral, Complicated by pyogenicmeningitis. A. C. Chappell .. .. 156

Detection of latent diabetes. Joan B. Walker 302Diab-te3, Aetiolo-cal factors. D. A. Pyke .. 261

mellitus, Autonomic neuropathy in.Harry Keen .. .. .. .. .. 272- - in hypopituitarism, Development of.S. S. Jhaveri .. .. .. .. .. 354

Children. James Robertson .. .. 256latent, Detection of. Joan B. Walker .. 302Ocular complications. P. D. Trever-Roper 297

Diabetic, pregnant, Management of. J. M.Brudenell .. .. .. .. .. 564

Diabetics, Social problems of. Iris HollandRogers.. .. .. .. .. .. 281

--Plasma insulin activity in. J. Vallance-Owen 266Diaphragmatic hernia, Traumatic. W. R. Probert 153Diet, Present clinical applications to the preven-

tion of ischaemic heart disease. J. F. Brock 223Diuretics, Review. H. G. Lloyd-Thomas . . 631Diverticulitis of the colon. Henry R. Thompson 86Drugs, allergic nose, Use and misuse in sympto-matic treatment of. Kate Maunsell .. 467

Diuretics. H. G. Lloyd-Thomas .. .. 631--Fungicidal properties of 5-chloro-2 (p-

diethylaminoethoxyphenyl) bznzthiazole.Napier Thorne and K. M. Harvey .. .. 696- Hydrocortisone given intra-articularly inarthritis. G. N. Chandler .. .. .. 417

Hypoglycaemic, Oral. J. D. H. Slater .. 248Iron deficiency, Use in treatment of.

P. B. B. Gatenby .. .. .. .. 13Steroid therapy in asthma. R. S. Bruce

Pearson.. .. .. .. .. .. 463Duplication of small intestine. H. S. Kirthi

Singha .. .. .. .. .. .. 37Dusts, Inhaled, causing lung disease. K. M. A.

Perry 4.. .. .. .. .. 70

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PAGEExpanding lesions of the temporal fossa.

Leslie Oliver .. .. .. .. .. 546

Fibrillation, Ventricular, in induced hypo-thermia. Paolo Caldini .. .. 538

Femoral vein, Superficial, varicose tributaries--passing into Hunter's canal. Harold Dodd 18Fungi, Allergic hypersensitivity to. J. Pepys 436Fungicidal properties of 5-chloro-2 (p-diethyl-

aminoethoxyphenyl) benzthiazole. NapierThorne and K. M. Harvey .. .. .. 696

Gall-stone ileus recurrences and multiple stones.R. V. Fiddian .. .. .. .. .. 673-, ulcerating, Haematemesis caused by.

F. Ashton 34Gastrectomy, followed by osteomalacia. Philip

- Ellman and D. B. Irwin .. .. .. 358- Partial, complicated by Clostridium

Welchii Septicaemia. M. Levene .. .. 26Total. Terence Kennedey .. .. 138

Genetic sex related to nuclear and social sex.William M. Davidson and Shirley Winn .. 494

Glomerulonephritis and renal biopsy. J. H. Ross 604Glucose tolerance test. Joyce D. Baird and

Leslie J. P. Duncan .. .. .. 308

Haematemesis caused by an ulcerating gallstone.- F. Ashton .. .. .. .. 34

Haemodialysis. F. M. Parsons .. .. 625Haemolytic anaemias, Differential Diagnoses.George Discombe .. .. .. .. 488

Haemophilia and Christmas disease, Diagnosisand management. M. C. G. Israels, F. Nour-Eldin and John F. Wilkinson .. .. 514

Haemorrhagic states. E. K. Blackburn .. 519Heart disease, Coronary, in relation to blood

coagulability. C. Merskey and H. Lackner 203Ischaemic, African populations,

Occurrence in. J. F. Brock and H. Gordon 223-, Epidemiology of. B. Bronte-

Stewart .. .. .. .. .. .. 180--,-,Development of, In relation toserum lipids. B. Bronte-Stewart .. .. 198- , , Prevention of by diet. J. F.Brock .. .. .. .. 216

- Pain in arm, Symptom of. WalterSomerville .. .. .. .. .. 410

Injury-A general surgical emergency.Miles Fox .. .. .. .. .. 554

Hepatic coma and the hepato-renal syndrome.S. K. Gupta and N. M. Grant .. .. 692

Hernia, Traumatic diaphragmatic. W. R. Probert 153Homograft, The. G. M. Wyburn .. .. 131Hospitals, Staphylococcal infection in. G. H.

Jantet .. .. .. .. .. .. 421Human tissues, storage of, for surgical use.Commander G. W. Hyatt and Lt. Com-mander M. C. Wilber.. .. .. .. 338

Hunter's Canal, communication with varicosetributaries of the superficial femoral vein.Harold Dodd .. .. .. .. .. 18

Hyperparathyroidism. Mary G. McGeownand E. Morrison .. .. .. .. 330

Hypersensitivity, to fungi, Allergic. J. Pepys 436

PAGEHypertension, The management of. RichardW. D. Turner .. .. .. .. 118

Hypoglycaemic drugs, Oral. J. D. H. Slater . . 248Hypothermia, induced, Ventricular fibrillation

in. Paolo Caldini .. .. .. .. 538Hypopituitarism, Development of diabetes

mellitus in. S. S. Jhaveri .. 354

lleo-caecal mass. J. B. M. Roberts .. .. 678Induced hypothermia, Ventricular fibrillation

in. Paolo Caldini .. .. .. .. 538Infection, Staphylococcal, in hospitals. G. H.

Jantet .. .. .. .. .. .. 421of the urinary tract, Non-tuberculous.

Ralph Shackman .. .. .. . 125Inferior vena cava, Thrombosis of. M. J.Greenberg and D. McC. Gregg .. .. 580

Insulin activity in plasma of diabetics. J.Vallance-Owen .. .. .. .. 266

Intestine, small, Duplication of. H. S. KirthiSingha .. .. .. .. .. .. 37

9 ,Management of patients withpolyposis of. David Bailey .. .. .. 8

Intra-articular therapy with hydrocortisone inarthritis. G. N. Chandler .. .. .. 417

Irreversible shock. F. G. Smiddy .. .. 543Ischaemic heart disease, African populations,

occurrence in. J. F. Brock and H. Gordon 223, Development of, in relation to

serum lipids. B. Bronte-Stewart .. .. 198- , Epidemiology of. B. Bronte-

Stewart .. .. .. .. .. .. 180Iron deficiency; Treatment of. P. B. B. Gatenby 13

Kidney, Rlecent developments in the study of.A. A. G. Lewis .. .. .. .. 598

Latent diabetes, Detection of. Joan B. Walker 302Lesions of temporal fossa, Expanding. Leslie

Oliver . .. .. 546Lipids (serum) related to development of

ischaemic heart disease. B. Bronte-Stewart 198Lung disease due to inhaled dusts. K. M. A.

Perry .. .. .. .. .. .. 470function in bronchial asthma. Kenneth

M. Citron .. .. .. .. .. 442Lupus eruthematosus, systemic, with thrombo-

cytopenic purpura. C. M. Ridley .. .. 149Lymphadenitis, Peripheral tuberculous, in

childhood. F. J. W. Miller .. .. .. 348Lymphoedema. Gerard W. Taylor .. .. 2Lymphogranuloma venereum, Rectal. R. P. M.

Miles .. .. .. .. .. .. 92

Meningitis, Pyogenic, complicating cerebralcysticercosis. A. C. Chappell .. .. 156

Metabolism of cholesterol. B. Lewis .. .. 208Metatarso-Phalangeal joint (first), Bone-peg

arthrodesis of. G. S. Tupman .. .. 583Multiple myeloma, Clinical features of. C. P.Dancaster, 0. A. N. Husain and W. P. U.Jackson.. . . . . . 662J o presenting clinically as obstructivejaundice. Harold Davis, G. A. Caron andBrian McKinney .. 668

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PAGEMyocardial infarction-The Comparative racialprevalence in Capetown, 1957-An electro-cardiographic study. V. Shrire 218

Neuritis, Ulnar. Geoffrey Osborne .. .. 392Neuropathy, Autonomic, In diabetes mellitus.

Harry Keen .. .. .. .. .. 272Non-tuberculous infection of the urinary tract.Ralph Shackman .. .. .. .. 125

Neurovascular syndromes of the shouldergirdle and upper extremity: the compressiondisorders and the shoulder-hand syndrome.H. Harold Friedman, Thomas G. Argyrosand Otto Steinbrocker .. 397

Ocular complications of diabetes. P. D. Trevor-Roper .. .. .. 297

Osteomalacia following gastrectomy. PhilipEllman and D. B. Irwin 358

Pain in arm, as symptom of heart disease.Walter Somerville .. .. .. .. 410

Pathology of rectal tumours. Basil C. Morson 101Periarthritis of the shoulder. John Charnley . 384Peripheral tuberculous lymphadenitis in child-

hood. F. J. W. Miller .. .. .. 348Pernicious anaemia, Atypical. Allan Jacobs . . 524Plasma insulin activity in diabetics. J. Vallance-Owen .. .. .. .. .. .. 266

Platelet function, Assessment of. A. A. Sharp 506Polycythaemia vera complicated by syphilis.

Michael Garrett .. .. 578Polyneuritis. G. S. Graveson .. .. .. 413Polyposis of the small intestine, Management

of patients with. David Bailey .. .. 8Prediabetes-A synthesis. W. P. U. Jackson.. 287Pregnant diabetic, Management of. J. M.

Brudenell .. .. .. .. .. 564Prevention of ischaemic heart disease, Present

clinical applications of diet. J. F. Brock 216Probl,ms, Social, Of the diabetic. Iris Holland

Rogers . .. .. 281Prolapse, rectal, Etiological factors in the

production of. I. P. Todd .. .. .. 97Pulmonary function in bronchial asthma.Kenneth M. Citron .. .. .. .. 442

Purpura, thrombocytopenic, accompanyingSystemic lupus erythematosus. C. M. Ridley 149

Pyogenic menengitis, Complicating cerebralcystocercosis. A. C. Chappell 156

Racial prevalence (comparative) of myocardialinfarction in Cape Town-Electrocardiographic study. V. Schrire .. .. .. 218

Rectal lymphogranuloma venereum. R. P. M.Miles .. .. .... .. .. 92

prolapse, complete, Etiological factors in.I. P. Todd .. .. .. .. .. 97

tumours, Pathology of. Basil C. Morson 101Rectum, Carcinoma of the colon and. H. E.Lockhart-Mummery .. .. .. 76

Renal artery stenosis. Kenneth Owen.. .. 645biopsy and glomerulonephritis. J. H. Ross 604

- disease, Recent advances in treatment.A. O. Spencer ,. . .. .. 612

PAGERenal function, Recent developments in the

study of. A. A. G. Lewis .. .. .. 598

Sarcoidosis of the sigmoid colon. A. Gourevitchand I. J. Cunningham .. .. .. 689

Schizophrenia, Chronic, treatment withStelazine. J. C. Batt .. .. .. 571

Septicaemia, Clostridium Welchii, Complicatingpartial gastrectomy. M. Levene .. .. 26

Serum-cholesterol level, Human, The regulationof. H. Gordon .. .. .. .. 186

Serum lipids in relation to development ofischaemic heart disease. B. Bronte-Stewart . . 198

Sex, Genetic, Nuclear and social, Relationshipbetween. William M. Davidson and ShirleyWinn .. .. .. .. .. .. 494

Shock, Irreversible, Problem of. F. G. Smiddy 543Shoulder-hand syndrome. H. Harold Friedman,Thomas G. Argyros and Otto Steinbrocker 397

Shoulder girdle, Neurovascular syndromes of.H. Harold Friedman, Thomas G. Argyros andOtto Steinbrocker .. .. 397

periarthritis of. John Charnley.. .. 384Sigmoid colon, Sarcoidosis of. A. Gourevitchand I. J. Cunningham .. .. 689

Skin disease, Allergy in. C. D. Calnan.. .. 445Small intestine, Duplication of. H. S. Kirthi

Singha .. .. .. .. .. .. 37, The management of patients with poly-

posis of. David Bailey .. .. .. 8Social problems of the diabetic. Iris HollandRogers .. .. .. .. .. 281

Spondylosis, Cervical. L. A. Liversedge .. 380Staphylococcal infection in hospitals. G. H. 421

Jantet .. .. ..'Stelazine' in treatment of chronic schizo-

phrenia. J. C. Batt .. .. .. .. 571Stenosis of superior mesenteric artery. G. E.Mavor. . . .. .. .. 558

, Renal artery. KennethOwen .. .. 645Storage of human tissues for surgical use.Commander G. W. Hyatt and Lt. CommanderM. C. Wilber .. .. .. .. .. 338

Streptomycin, The dangers of, With particularreference to vestibular toxic effects. D. Ranger 344

Superior mesenteric artery, Stenosis of. G. E.Mavor .. .. .. .. .. .. 558

Surgery of diffuse ulcerative colitis. StanleyAylett .. .. .. .. .. .. 67

Surgical use, Storage of human tissues for.Commander G. W. Hyatt and Lt. CommanderM. C. Wilber .. .. .. .. .. 338

Syphilis complicating polycythaemia veria.Michael Garrett .. .. .. .. 578

Systemic lupus erythematosus with thrombo-cytopenic purpura. C. M. Ridley .. .. 149

Temporal fossa, Expanding lesions of. LeslieOliver .. .. .. .. .. 546

Tennis elbow. W. S. Tegner .. .. .. 390Test, Glucose tolerance. Joyce D. Baird and

Leslie J. P. Duncan .. .. .. .. 308Thrombocytopenic purpura accompanying

Systemic lupus erythematosus. C. M. Ridley 149Thrombosis of inferior vena cava. M. J.

Greenberg and D. McC. Gregg .. 580

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PAGEThyroid disorders, Auto-immunity and. Deborah

Doniach, I. M. Roitt and R. Vaughan Hudson 324Tissues, human, storage of for surgical use.Commander G. W. Hyatt and Lt. Com-mander M. C. Wilber .. .. .. 338

Torsion of the appendix. A. E. Carter .. 671Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. W. R. Probert 153Tuberculous bronchectasis. Justin Clark andJohn Golding .. .. .. .. .. 24- lymphadenitis, peripheral, in childhood.F. J. W. Miller .. .. .. .. 348

Ulceration of gall stone causing haematemesis.F. Ashton .. .. .. .. .. 34

Ulcerative colitis, Medical treatment of. S. C.Truelove .. .. 62

PAGEUlcerative colitis, Diffuse, Surgery of. Stanley

Aylett .. .. .. .. .. .. 67Ulnar neuritis. Geoffrey Osborne .. 392Urinary diversion. John Hopewell .. .. 640-- tract, Non-tuberculous infection of the.Ralph Shackman .. 125

Varicose tributaries of the superficial femoralvein passing into Hunter's canal. Harold Dodd 18

Vena cava, Inferior, Thrombosis of. M. J.Greenberg and D. McC. Gregg .. .. 580

Ventricular fibrillation in induced hypothemia.Paolo Caldini .. .. .. .. 538

Vestbular toxic effects, Produced by streptomy-cin. D. Ranger 344


Abrams, L. D.: The practice of total cardio-pulmonary by-pass .. .. .. .. 144

Argyros, T., Steinbrocker, O., and Friedman,H. H.: Neurovascular syndromes of theshoulder girdle and upper extremity: Thecompression disorders and the shoulder-handsyndrome .. .. .. .. .. 397

Ashton, F.: Haematemesis caused by anulcerating gall stone .. .. .. .. 34

Aylett, Stanley: The surgery of diffuse ulcerativecolitis . .. . .. . .. 67

Bailey, David: The management of patientswith polyposis of the small intestine.. .. 8

Baird, Joyce D. and Duncan, Leslie J. P.: Theglucose tolerance test .. .. .. .. 308

Batt, J. C.: A clinical trial of iStelazine' in thetreatment of chronic schizophrenia .. .. 571

Blackburn, E. K.: Haemorrhagic states .. 519Brock, J. F.: Present clinical applications of

diet to the prevention of ischaemic heartdisease .. .. .. .. .. .. 216

Boulter, P. S.: The carpal tunnel syndrome .. 406Bronte-Stewart, B.: The epidemiology of

ischaemic heart disease .. .. .. 180Brudenell, J. M.: Some aspects of the manage-ment of the pregnant diabetic .. .. 564

Caldini, Paolo: Ventricular fibrillation ininduced hypothermia .. .. .. .. 538

Calnan, C. D.: Allergy in skin disease.. .. 445Caron, G. A., Davis, H., and McKinney, B.:

Multiple myeloma presenting clinically asobstructive jaundice .. .. .. .. 668

Carter, A. E.: Torsion of the appendix .. 671Chandler, G. N.: Intra-articular therapy in

arthritis with special reference to hydro-cortisone .. .. .. .. .. 417

Chappell, A. C.: Ce:ebral cysticercosis com-plicated by pyogenic meningitis .. .. 156

Charnley, John: Periarthritis of the shoulder .. 384Citron, Kenneth: Pulmonary function in

bronchial asthma .. .. .. .. 442Clark, Justin, and Golding, John: Tuberculous

bronchiectasis .. .. .. .. 24

PAGECunningham, 1. J., and Gourevitch, A.: Sar-

coidosis of the sigmoid colon .. .. 689

Dancaster, C. P., Husain, 0. A. N., and Jackson.W. P. U.: Clinical features of multiplemyeloma .. .. .. .. .. 662

Davidson, William M., and Winn, Shirley:The relationship between genetic, nuclear andsocial sex .. .. .. .. .. 494

Davis, H., Caron, G. A., and McKinney, B.:Multiple myeloma pre3enting clinically asobstructive jaundice .. .. .. .. 668

Discombe, George: The differential diagnosisof haemolytic anaemias .. .. .. 488

Dodd, Harold: The varicose tributaries of thesuperficial femoral vein passing into Hunter'scanal .. .. .. .. .. .. 18

Doniach, Deborah, Roitt, I. M. and VaughanHudson, R.: Auto-Immunity and ThyroidDisorders .. .. .. .. .. 324

Duncan, Leslie J. P. and Baird, Joyce D.: Theglucose tolerance test .. .. .. .. 803

Ellis, H., and Mynors, J. M.: Closed injuriesof the pancreas .. .. .. .. 683

ElIman, Philip (and D. B. Irwin): Osteomalaciafollowing gastrectomy .. .. .. 358

Fiddian, R. V.: Gall-stone ileus recurrencesand multiple stones .. .. .. .. 673

Fox, Miles: Heart injury-A general surgicalemergency .. .. .. .. .. 554

Frankland, A. W.: The place of allergy inasthma .. .. .. .. .. .. 451

Friedman, H. Harold, Argyros, Thomas G.,and Steinbrocker, Otto: Neurovascular syn- --dromes of the shoulder girdle and upperextremity: The compression disorders and theshoulder-hand syndrome .. .. .. 397

Garrett, Michael: Polycythaemia vera com-plicated by syphilis .. .. .. .. 578

Gatenby, P. B. B.: The treatment of irondeficiency .. .. .. .. .. 13

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PAGEGolding, John, and Clark, Justin: Tuberculous

bronchectasis .. .. .. .. .. 24Grant, N. M., and Gupta, S. K.: A clinical

evaluation of the fungicidal properties of5 - chloro - 2(p - diethylaminoethoxyphenyl)benzthiazole .. .. .. .. .. 696

Gordon, H.: The regulation of the humarnserum-cholesterol level .. .. .. 186

Gourevitch, A., and Cunningham, 1. J.:Sarcoidosis of the signmoid colon .. .. 689raveson, G. A.: Polyneuritis .. .. .. 413

Greenberg, M. J., and Gregg, D.McC.: Throm-bosis of the inferior vena cava .. .. 580

Gregg, D. McC., and Greenberg, M. J.: Bone-peg arthrodesis of the first metatarso-phalangeal joint .. .. .. .. 583

Griffiths, I. H.: Aortography .. .. 620Gupta, S. K., and Grant, N. M: A clinical

evaluation of the fungicidal properties of5 - chloro - 2(p - diethylaminoethoxyphenyl)benzthiazole .. .. .. .. .. 696

Hopewell, John: Urinary diversion .. .. 640Husain, 0. A. N., Jackson, W. P. U., and

Dancaster, C. P.: Clinical features of multiplemyeloma .. .. .. .. .. 662

Hyatt, Commander G. W. and Lt. CommanderM. C. Wilber: The storage of human tissuesfor surgical use .. .. .. .. 338

Hyde, H. A., and Williams, D. A.: Air-borneallergens .. .. .. 458

trwin, D. B. and Ellman, Philip: Osteomalaciafollowing gastrectomy .. .. .. 358

Israels, M. C. G., Nour-Eldin, F., and Wilkin-son, J. F.: The diagnosis and management ofhaemophilia and Christmas disease .. .. 514

Jackson, W. P. U.: Prediabetes-A synthesis .. 287, Dancaster, C. P., and Husain, 0. A. N.:

Clinical features of multiple myeloma .. 662Jacobs, Allan: Atypical pernicious anaemia .. 524Jantet, G. H.: Staphyloccal infection in hospitals 421Jhaveri, S. S.: Development of diabetes mellitus

in hypopituitarism .. .. 354

Kennedy, Terence: Total gastrectomy.. .. 138

Lackner, H., and C. Merskey: The coagulabilityof blood in relation to coronary heart disease 203

Lewis, A. A. G.: Recent developments in thestudy of the kidney .. .. .. .. 598

Lewis, B.: The metabolism of cholesterol .. 208Levene, M.: Clostridium Welchii Septicaemia

complicating partial gastrectomy .. .. 26Librach, I. M.: Congenital chickenpox 575Liversedge, L. A.: Cervical spondylosis .. 380Lloyd-Thomas, H. G.: Diuretics-A review .. 631Lockhart-Mummery, H. E.: Carcinoma of the

colon and rectum .. .. .. 76

Maunsell, Kate: The use and misuse of drugsin symptomatic treatment of the nose . 467

Mavor, G. E.: Stenosis of the superior semen-teric artery .. .. .. .. .. 558

Merskey, C., and Lackner H.: The coagulabilityof blood in relation to coronary heart disease 203

PAGEMiles, R. P. M.: Rectal lymphogranulomavenereum .. .. .. .. .. 92

Miller, F. J. W.: Peripheral tuberculouslymphadenitis in childhood .. .. .. 348

Morrison, E. and McGeown, Mary G.: Hyper-parathyroidism .. .. .. 330

Morson, Basil C.: The pathology of rectaltumours .. .. .. 101

Mynors, J. M., and Ellis, H.: Closed injuriesof the pancreas .. 683

McGeown, Mary G. and Morrison, E.: Hyper-parathyroidism .. .. 330

McKinney, B., Davis, H., and Caron, G. A.:Multiple myeloma presenting clinically asobstructive jaundice 668

Nixon, H. H.: Ano rectal anomalies .. 80Nour-Eldin, F., Wilkinson, J. F., and Israels,M. C. G.: The diagnosis and management ofhaemophilia and Christmas disease .. .. 514

Oliver, Leslie: Expanding lesions of the tem-poral fossa .. .. .. .. 546

Osborne, Geoffrey: Ulnar neuritis .. 392Owen, Kenneth: Renal artery stenosis. 645

Parsons, F. M.: Haemodialysis .. .. 625Pearson, R. S. Bruce: Steroid therapy in asthma 463Pepys, J.: Allergic hypersensitivity to fungi . 436Perry, K. M. A.: Lung disease due to inhaled

dusts .. .. .. .. .. .. 470Pickering, Sir George: Introduction .. .. 178Probert, W. R.: Traumatic diaphragmatic

hernia .. .. .. .. .. .. 153Pyke, D. A.: Aetiological factors in diabetes .. 261

Ranger, D.: The dangers of streptomycin withparticular reference to the vestibular toxiceffects .. .. .. .. .. .. 344

Ridley, C. M.: Systemic lupus erythematosuswith thrombocytopenic purpura .. .. 149

Roberts, J. B. M.: The ileo-caecal mass .. 678Robertson, James: Diabetes in children .. 256Rogers, Iris Holland: Social Problems of theDiabetic .. . .. .. .. 281

Roitt, I. M. (Deborah Doniach and R. VaughanHudson): Auto-immunity and thyroid dis-orders .. .. .. .. .. .. 324

Ross, J. H.: Renal biopsy and glomerulo-nephritis 604

Shackman, Ralph: Non-tuberculous infectionof the urinary tract .. .. .. .. 125

Sharp, A. A.: The assessment of platelet function 506Shrire, V.: Myocardial infarction-The com-

parative racial prevalence in Capetown, 1957-An electrocardiographic study .. .. 218

Singha, H. S. Kirthi: Duplication of SmallIntestine .. .. .. .. .. 37

Slater, J. D. H.: Oral hypoglycaemic drugs .. 248Smiddy, F. G.: The problem of irreversibleshock .. .. .. .. .. .. 543

Somerville, Walter S.: Pain in the arm: Asymptom of heart disease .. .. .. 410

Spencer, A. G.: Recent advances in the treat-mnent of renal disease .. 612

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PAGESteinbrocker, O., Friedman, H. H., and Argyros,

T.: Neurovascular syndromes of the shouldergirdle and upper extremity: The compressiondisorders and the shoulder-hand syndrome 397

Stewart, J. W., and Crosland-Taylor, P. J.:Cell counts .. .. . 502

Taylor, Gerard W.: Lymphoedema .. .. 2Tegner, W. S., Tennis elbow .. .. .. 390Thompson, Henry R.: Diverticulitis of the colon 86Todd, I. P.: Etiological factors in the produc-

tion of complete rectal prolapse 97Trevor-Roper, P. D.: The ocular complications

of diabetes .. .. .. .. .. 297Truelove, S. C.: Medical treatment of ulcerative

colitis . .. . .. . .. 62Tupman, G. S.: Bone peg arthrodesis of the

first metatarso-phalangeal joint .. .. 583Turner, Richard W. D.: The management of

hypertension .. .. .. 118

PAGEVallance-Owen, J.: Plasma insulin activity in

diabetics .. .. .. .. .. 266Vaughan Hudson, R., Doniach, Deborah and

Roitt, I. M.: Auto-immunity and thyroiddisorders .. .. .. .. .. 324

Walker, Joan B.: The detection oflatent diabetes 30zWilber, Lt. Commander M. C. and CommanderG. W. Hyatt: The storage of human tissuesfor surgical use .. .. .. .. 338

Wiley, A. M.: The carpal tunnel syndrome .. 30Wilkinson, J. F., Israels, M. C. G., and Nour-

Eldin, F.: The diagnosis and management ofhaemophilia and Christmas disease .. .. 514

Winn, Shirley, and Davidson, W. M.: Therelationship between genetic, nuclear andsocial sex .. .. .. .. .. 494

Wyburn, G. M.: The homograft .. 131

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David Bailey, M.Ch( ir., '. R. C'.S.'I IE TREATM\IE-N'T` OF IRON I)EFICIENCY

P. B. B. Gatenbx', 1.D., AI.R.CXP.(lond.), F.R.C'.P.1.




14. Levene, M.R.C.S.(Eng.), L.R.C.P.(Lond.), D.Pa thi.THIE CARPAL TUNNNEL SYNDROMIEA. M1. Wiley, 11.B.E., M. Clz., F.R. C. S.


DUPLICATION OF THE SMALL INTESTINEII. S. Kirthi Siagha, M.A., IR. B.Ch'hir., F.R.C. S.. I.R.('.S.E.





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Wc2Xi; /2eceivelThe Editorial Board acknowledge with thanks receipt of the foUowingvolumes. A selection from these will be made for retvew.

'Textbook of Virology.' By A. J. Rhodes, M.D.,F.R.C.P., F.R.C.S., and C. E. Van Rooyen, M.D.,D.Sc., M.R.C.P. (Lond.), F.R.C.P.(C.). Pp. xi +607, with 8i illustrations. Third edition. London:Bailliere, Tindall & Cox Ltd. I958. 8os.

'Antibiotics Annual.' Edited by H. Welch,Ph.D., and F. Marti-Ibanez, M.D. Pp. xvii +1,070, with diagrams. New York: IntersciencePublishers Inc. 1958. $12.'A Modem Practice of Obstetrics.' By D. M.

Stem, M.A., M.B., B.Ch., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.O.G.,and C. W. F. Burnett, M.D., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.O.G.Second edition. Pp. x + 258, with I4I line draw-ings. London: Bailliere, Tindall & Cox Ltd.1958. 45S.

' Reflexogenic Areas of the CardiovascularSystem.' By C. Heymans, M.D., and E. Neil,M.D., D.Sc. Pp. viii + 271, with 89 diagrams.London: J. & A. Churchill Ltd. I958. 56s.

' Cardiovascular Collapse in the OperatingRoom.' By H. E. Natof, M.D., and M. S. Sadore,M.D. Pp. xvi + 197, illustrated. London: PitmanMedical Publishing Co. Ltd. I958. 45s.

' Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology.' (Quar-terly Book Series.) Vol. i, No. i. Edited by CurtisJ. Lund, M.D., and Allan C. Bames, M.D.Pp. 288, illustrated. New York: Paul B. HoeberInc. I958. $i8 for four numbers.

' Operative Surgery,' Vol. 7. Edited by CharlesRob, M.C., M.Chir., F.R.C.S., and RodneySmith, M.S., F.R.C.S. Pp. xii + 273, with index,fully illustrated. London: Butterworth & Co. Ltd.1958. I5JIOs.

' Law and Ethics for Doctors.' By StephenJ. Hadfield, M.A., M.B., B.Chir., M.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P., D.Obst.R.C.O.G. Pp. xvi + 399.London: Eyre and Spottiswoode Ltd. I958. 42S.

'Leptospirosis in Man and Animals.' By J. M.Alston, M.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., and J. C. Broom,O.B.E., M.D. Pp. xii + 367, with 36 illustrations.Edinburgh: E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. 1958. 40s.

'Cancer.' Vol. 3. Edited by Ronald W. Raven,O.B.E., T.D., F.R.C.S. Pp. vii + 483, with index.London: Butterworth & Co. Ltd. 1958. 85s.'Lupus Nephritis.' By R. C. Muehrcke, M.S.,

M.D., F.R.C.P., C. L. Pirani, M.D., and V. E.Pollack, M.B., M.R.C.P.E. Pp. 145, with 43 illus-

trations. London: Bailliere, Tindall & Cox Ltd.1958. 24S.

'External Collimation Detection of IntrocranialNeoplasia with Unstable Nuclides.' By G. M.Shy, M.D., M.R.C.P., R. B. Bradley, B.S., andW. B. Matthews, Jr., B.S. Pp. vii + i44, illus-trated. Edinburgh: E. & S. Livingstone Ltd.1958. 30s.

' Neoplastic Disease at Various Sites.' Vol. i:Carcinoma of the Lung. Edited by J. R. Bignall,M.D., M.R.C.P. Pp. xii + 298, illustrated. Edin-burgh: E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. I958. 55s.

' Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System.'By Sheila Sherlock, M.D., F.R.C.P. Secondedition. Pp. xvi + 719, with 213 illustrations.Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. 1958.57S. 6d.'How to Write Scientific and Technical Papers.'

By S. F. Tralease. Pp. xii + i 85. London:Bailliere, Tindall & Cox Ltd. 1958. 26s.

' Medicine and the Navy, 1200-1900.' Vol. 2:I649-1714. By J. J. Keevil, D.S.O., R.N. Pp. 331.illustrated. Edinburgh: E & S. Livingstone Ltd.,1958. 40s.

' Circulation: Proceedings of the Harvey Ter-centenary, 1957.' Edited by J. McMichael, M.D.,F.R.C.P., F.R.S. Pp. xxiii + 503, illustrated.Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. i958.50S.

' Colloquia on Endocrinology.' Ciba Foundation.Vol. 12: Hormone Production in EndocrineTumours. Edited by G. E. W. Wolstenholme,O.B.E., M.A., M.B., B.Ch., and Maeve O'Connor,B.A. Pp. xii + 295, illustrated. London: J. & A.Churchill Ltd. I958. 48s.'A Symposium on Non-toxaemic Hypertension

in Pregnancy.' Edited by Norman F. Morris,M.D., M.B., B.S., M.R.C.O.G., and J. C. McClureBrowne, B.Sc., M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S.(Ed.),F.R.C.O.G. Pp. Xii + 243. London: J. & A.Churchill Ltd. I958. 35s.'The Kidney: An Outline of Normal and

Abnormal Structure and Function.' By H. E. deWardener, M.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.P. Pp. viii + 338,illustrated. London: J. & A. Churchill Ltd. I958.45S.

' Renal Circulation in Acute Renal Failure.'

Page 10: THE POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL · INDEXTOVOLUME35 PAGE Myocardialinfarction-TheComparativeracial prevalence in Capetown, 1957-An electro- cardiographic study. V. Shrire 218 Neuritis,


By Ole Munck, M.D. Pp. ix + 54. Oxford:Blackwell Scientific Publications. I958. IZs. 6d.

' Neurological Basis of Behaviour.' Ciba Founda-tion Symposium. Edited by G. E. W. Wolsten-holme, O.B.E., M.A., M.B., B.Ch., and CeciliaM. O'Connor, B.Sc. Pp. xi + 400, illustrated.London: J. & A. Churchill Ltd. I958. 52S. 6d.'An Introduction to Surgery.' Edited by David

H. Patey, M.S., F.R.C.S. Pp. xi + 228, with 54diagrams. London: Lloyd-Luke Ltd. I958.17s. 6d. Also students' edition, gs. 6d.'The Nurse and the Diabetic.' By Joan B.

Walker, M.D., M.R.C.S. Pp. vii + I20. London:Iliffe & Sons Ltd. I958. IOs. 6d.

'Bibliography of International Congresses ofMedical Sciences.' Edited by W. J. Bishop.Pp. xxii + 238. Oxford: Blackwell ScientificPublications. I958. 25s.'Modem Trends in Anaesthesia.' Edited by

F. T. Evans, M.B., B.S., F.F.A.R.C.S., D.A., andT. C. Gray, M.D., F.F.A.R.C.S. Pp. ix + 3I8,illustrated. London: Butterworth & Co. Ltd.1958. 67s. 6d.'Abdominal Operations by the Vaginal Route.'

By P. M. Werner, M.D., and J. Sederl, M.D.Pp. vi + i65, with 120 illustrations. London:Pitman Medical Publishing Co. Ltd. 1958. 65s.

' Operative Surgery.' Vol. 8: Neurosurgery,Eyes, Ear, Nose and Throat. Edited by CharlesG. Rob, M.C., M.Chir., F.R.C.S., and Rodney

Smith, M.S., F.R.C.S. Pp. xv + I96 + index,fully illustrated. London: Butterworth & Co.Ltd. 1958. ,{J5 10s.

'Topics in Psychiatry.' Edited by T. FergusonRodger, R. M. Mowbray and J. R. Roy. Pp. x +265. London: Cassell & Co. Ltd. 1958. 20S.'The Facts of Mental Health and Illness." By

K. R. Stallworthy, M.B., Ch.B. Pp. 2i8. NewZealand: N. M. Peryer Ltd. I958. 22S. 6d.

' Lectures on the Scientific Basis of Medicine.'Vol. 6: 1956-57. Pp. ix + 393. London: TheAthlone Press. 1958. 45s.

'Gray's Anatomy.' 32nd (Centenary) Edition.Edited by T. B. Johnston, C.B.E., M.D., andF. Davies, M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.S. Pp. xxiii +1,604, fully illustrated. London: Longmans, Green& Co. Ltd. 195 8. I2z6s.

'Diffuse Lesions of the Stomach.' By I. J.Wood, M.D., F.R.C.P., and L. I. Taft, M.B.,B.S., B.Sc. Pp. viii + 86, with 36 illustrations.London: Edward Arnold Ltd. 1958. 24s.'Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses.' By

W. P. Gowland, M.D., F.R.C.S., and J. Cairney,D.Sc., M.D., F.R.A.C.S. Pp. 257, illustrated.New Zealand: N. M. Peryer Ltd. 1958. 45s.

'Sensitivity Reactions to Drugs.' C.I.O.M.S.Symposium. Edited by M. L. Rosenheim andR. Moulton. Pp. 237, illustrated. Oxford: Black-well Scientific Puiblications. I958. 35s.

HEPATIC DISEASE(Postgraduate MedicalJournal)

Price: 4s. Od. post free

JAUNDICE ASCITES IN LIVER DISEASESheila Sherlock, M.D., M.F.C.P. Michael Atkinson, M.D. (Lond.)


SURGICAL TREATMENT OF PORTAL DISEASEHYPERTE ON Esther A. Davidson, M.R.C.P.Ed., and-A. I. S. Macpherson, Ch.M., F.R.C.S.E. W. H. J. Summerskill, M.A., M.R.C.P.


Published by


Page 11: THE POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL · INDEXTOVOLUME35 PAGE Myocardialinfarction-TheComparativeracial prevalence in Capetown, 1957-An electro- cardiographic study. V. Shrire 218 Neuritis,



Volume Five, x955-56Arranged by the British Postgraduate Medical

Federation, University of London. Pp. xii +473, illustrated. London: The Athlone Press.1957. 45s.

The series of winter lectures organized by theBritish Postgraduate Medical Federation has be-come a principal event in London's academiccalendar. Subjects dealt with range widely over theexpanding field of Medicine, utilizing a variety ofscientific disciplines and techniques, and touchingagain and again upon the points of union withparent biological and natural sciences.

It is impossible to list the subject matter of thisvolume completely. It includes study of the in-fluence upon living organisms of such physicalagencies as cold, low oxygen tension and radiation,the nature and metabolism of protein and con-nective tissue, the behaviour of the human oeso-phagus and stomach, treatment of hepatic coma andrenal control of acid-base balance. The absenceof a section on mental disease is a little surprisingthough this subject will surely figure in latervolumes.

Each paper is complete in itself with illustrationsand appended bibliography, though there is nooverall subject matter index. To the many unableto attend the lectures the book represents anenormously valuable source of up-to-date in-formation and is a notable contribution to scientificliterature.



B.S., and W. B. MATTHEWS, Jn., B.S. Pp. vii +I44, with 98 illustrations. Edinburgh: E. & S.Livingstone Ltd. 1958. 30S.This book describes a method of localizing intra-

cranial lesions by the use of radioactive isotopes.With the use of a Scanner a pattern is produced

which in the normal patient shows the outline ofthe calvarium including the middle and posteriorfossa surrounded by certain muscles, and in theposterior-anterior view, separated in the midline bythe superior sagittal sinus. The demonstration ofabnormalities is dependent partly on an awarenessof the normal pattern and partly on the knowledgethat one side of the head may be used as a controlof the other. This technique will indicate thelocation and relative size of the abnormality andwhether more than one abnormality exists. It willnot differentiate between different types of lesionand does not demonstrate lesions around the sellaunless they are very large.

This book, by its very technicality, will only beof interest to those working in this specialised field.However it seems likely that with the increase ofknowledge, greater use will be made of investigationsof the type described.



C. E. VAN RooyEN, M.D., D.Sc., M.R.C.P.,F.R.C.P.(C.). Third Edition. Pp. xi + 607.Illustrated. London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cox.1958. 8os.

This is the third edition of a textbook andappears only three years after the previous one. Therapid advances which have taken place in that time,particularly in our knowledge of respiratory viruses,has made this necessary. The authors have supple-mented their own knowledge by calling on anumberof experts from Europe and America, but in doingso they have not allowed the book to lose its patternand to degenerate into a collection of unrelatedarticles in different styles. It remains very readableand has come to be regarded as the standard text-book by many clinicians and laboratory workers, andtakes its place beside Topley and Wilson forimmediate references.The book continues to be very well produced but

the illustrations, particularly the photographs, arestill not worthy of the rest of the publication.


EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF HAEMATOLOGYThe Seventh Congress of the European Society

of Haematology will meet in London fromSeptember 7 to I2, 1959. Scientific sessions andscientific and technical exhibitions will take placeat Bedford College, Regent's Park, London,N.W.i.The honorary officers of the Congress are:

Dr. John F. Wilkinson, President.Dr. E. Neumark, Secretary.Dr. J. W. Stewart, Treasurer.

The Societe Internationale de TransfusionSanguine will arrange sessions in conjunctionwith the Congress.

Official languages will be English, French andGerman. Simultaneous translation will beprovided.The principal subjects of the Congress will be:Anaemia, leukaemia, disorders of coagulationand their treatment, problems of bonemarrow transplantation, haemoglobinopathiesand newer haematological techniques.

A programme of special events is being pre-pared. Further notices will appear in the medicalpress in due course. For further informationwrite to Dr. E. Neumark, Department of Patho-logy, St. Mary's Hospital, London, W.2.

Page 12: THE POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL · INDEXTOVOLUME35 PAGE Myocardialinfarction-TheComparativeracial prevalence in Capetown, 1957-An electro- cardiographic study. V. Shrire 218 Neuritis,


9 lae


Boots Pure Drug Co. Ltd. announce theaddition of Calcipen-V Suspension (Forte) totheir range of Calcipen-V preparations. Calci-pen-V Suspension (Forte) is a ready-preparedstable suspension containing 250 mg. of peni-cillin V (as the calcium salt) in each 5 ml.; it issupplied in bottles of 6o ml. (with plastic spoonholding approximately 5 ml.). This preparationis ideal for older children and for the paediatriccase requiring high doses of penicillin V; itspleasant flavour is readily accepted by children ofall ages.


Boots Pure Drug Co. Ltd. announce theintroduction of Febrilix, a new liquid analgesicand antipyrotic preparation for children. Designedto overcome the difficulties of giving tablets tosmall children. Febrilix is a stable, palatableelixir containing i20 mg. of paracetazol in eachfluid drachm. Febrilix is supplied in bottles of70 ml., the retail price being 3s. each.


The Distillers Company (Biochemicals) Limitedannounces that, to meet a demand for a 2-fluid-oz.bottle, the pack of ' Distaquaine' V Elixir (sus-pension of penicillin V) has been modified. Thenew pack (2 fluid oz.) contains i6 doses of 6o mg.per teaspoonful. Basic cost per bottle to theN.H.S.: 7s. 4d.


The Distillers Company (Biochemicals) Ltd.announce the introduction of the following newhospital pack of' Distampin ' Injectors containing' Streptaquaine' i in 4: 2 ml. injectors (0.5 g.),box of 25. Trade price 43S. gd.

'ULTANDREN'Ciba Laboratories Limited, announce that

'Ultandren,' a new halogenated derivative ofmethyltestosterone, is now available. It is fivetimes more potent than methyltestosterone, bothas an androgen and an anabolic agent, and a sig-nificant reduction in the cost of treatment canusually be achieved with ' Ultandren.' Because itis fully active when swallowed, ' Ultandren ' canreplace the injection and implantation of testos-terone preparations in almost every indication.

Packages:Tablets containing i mg. and 5 mg. (fluoro-

hydroxy-methyltestosterone) in containers of 25,ioo and 500.


'Aturbane ' is a new product for the treatmentof Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonism. Be-cause there is no completely satisfactory treatmentfor these conditions, 'Aturbane,' which is as effec-tive as any product in use at present, will providea valuable alternative. It is particularly effectivein relieving rigidity, improving immobility, andreducing salivation. 'Aturbane' is well toleratedand side effects rarely interfere with treatment.

Packages:Tablets containing 5 mg. oc-phenyl-ox-(diethyl-

aminoethyl)-glutarimide hydrochloride, in con-tainers of 25, ioo and 500.

CALCIPEN V-SULPHA SUSPENSIONBoots Pure Drug Company Limited announce

the introduction of Calcipen V-Sulpha Suspen-sion. This is a ready-prepared palatable prepara-tion containing 6o mg. of penicillin V (as calciumsalt) and 0.5 g. of sulphadimidine in each 5 ml.Like Calcipen V-Sulpha Tablets, announcedearlier this year, Calcipen V-Sulpha Suspension isespecially indicated in mixed infections (in-fluenza complications, etc.) and is particularlysuitable for children. It is packed in bottles of6o ml., with a plastic spoon holding approximately5 ml. The retail price is ios. 6d. per bottle.

Page 13: THE POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL · INDEXTOVOLUME35 PAGE Myocardialinfarction-TheComparativeracial prevalence in Capetown, 1957-An electro- cardiographic study. V. Shrire 218 Neuritis,


'PENITRIAD'Pharmaceutical Specialities (May & Baker) Ltd.

announce the introduction of ' Penitriad' brandassociation of penicillin VK and triplesulphon-amides for oral administration. Each tablet con-tains phenoxymethylpenicillin potassium equiva-lent to 6o mg. of the free acid, sulphadimidineI67 mg., sulphadiazine I67 mg., and sulpha-thiazole I67 mg.

' Penitriad ' is indicated in the treatment ofinfections due to penicillin and sulphonamide-sensitive organisms, including pneumococci,streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus and sensitiveGram-positive bacilli. In Gram-negative bacillaryinfections due to organisms of limited sensitivityto either penicillin or to sulphonamides theactivity of the combination is likely to be appreci-ably greater than that of either penicillin or asulphonamide alone, notably in respiratory tractinfections associated with the presence of Haemo-philus influenzae.The average adult dose is two tablets initially,

followed by i or 2 tablets at 4 to 6 hourly intervals.' Penitriad ' is available in containers of 20 and

250 tablets.

'PLANIDETS'Pharmaceutical Specialities (May & Baker) Ltd.

announce the introduction of ' Planidets' brandantiseptic/analgesic lozenges which contain twopotent antibacterial and antifungal compoundsand a local analgesic.The local analgesic effect of ' Planidets ' makes

them particularly useful in relieving the dis-comfort of a sore throat and in soothing irritatedtissues. They are useful also as adjuvant therapyin alleviating irritation in tonsillitis, streptococcalsore throat and Vincent's infection.

' Planidets' may be used both prophylacticallyand curatively. Taken after the extraction ofteeth, ' Planidets ' minimize the possibility ofseptic complications.

' Planidets ' lozenges are indicated for the reliefof painful conditions of the mouth and throatand as an aid in the treatment of throat andmouth infections due to susceptible organisms.Each 'Planidet' contains dibromopropamidine

embonate i mg., chlorphenoctium amsonate I mg.,'butylaminobenzoate 4 mg. Supplied in tubesof I2.

NEW OBSTETRIC FILMSTwo new medical films (i6 mm., colour,

sound) on obstetrics, produced, by The Well-come Foundation Ltd., were shown for the firsttime on Wednesday, October 8, at The Well-come Building in London. Both films were pro-duced in collaboration with Professor W. C. W.Nixon, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecologyin the University of London.The first film, entitled 'The Routine Use of

Ergometrine in the Third Stage of Labour'(running time 7 mins.), has an introduction byProfessor Nixon, who advances arguments infavour of the routine use of ergometrine in thethird stage of labour. It also gives a practicaldemonstration of the intramuscular administra-tion of ergometrine in labour.The second film, entitled ' The Management of

Twins in Pregnancy and' Labour ' (running time22 mins.), demonstrates a routine for 'the suc-cessful management of twins from ante-natal careto the time of delivery. Risks and complicationsassociated with twin pregnancy are described andtwo complete deliveries of twins are shown.The audience of obstetricians, matrons, and

midwives included Mr. W. G. MacGregor andstaff of the Obstetric Unit, University CollegeHospital, London, who co-operated in the makingof both films.The films are available on free loan from the

Wellcome Film Library, The Wellcome Building,Euston Road, London, N.W.I, for showing tomedical students, nurses, and midwives.


You can have your twelve monthly issues fully bound in dark green pin headdoth, lettered in gilt on spine with name of Journal, Volume Number and year,complete with indest at front, for 22s. 6d. post free. A limited number of out of dprint journals are available to bind into volumes and make your library complete. O RN LPrice on application giving details of issues required to complete back volumes.


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The information contained in this section is published by courtesy of theorganizations concerned and no responsibility for any changes of detailor omissions can be accepted by the publishers. In all cases, applicationsfor enrolment or further information should be made direct to thesponsors of the course.

FELLOWSHIP OF POSTGRADUATEMEDICINEThe following courses are planned but the dates anddetails are subject to alteration.Clinical Medicine (M.R.C.P.). January i9 to Febru-ary I9, 1959. St. Stephen's Hospital, 5.30 to 7.30 p.m.Limited. Fee £23. (No entries accepted until syllabusis published and circulated.)General Surgery (F.R.C.S.). Week-end. February I4and I5. All day Saturday and Sunday. Queen Mary'sHospital for the East End. Limited. Fee C3 3s. od.Children's Diseases (D.C.H.). February i6 to 28.Daily 5.30 p.m. Princess Louise Kensington Hospital.Limited. Fee C5 5s. od.Surgery (F.R.C.S.), General and Genito-Urinary.February i6 to March 4. Mondays and Wednesdaysat 5 p.m. WVhittington Hospital, Archway Wing.Fee ,5 5s. od. Limited.Obstetrics (D.Obst.R.C.O.G.). February 23 to 28.West Middlesex Hospital. All day. Limited. Fee,£6 6s. od.General Surgery and Orthopaedics (F.R.C.S.).Saturdays, February 28 to April 25 (excludingMarch 28). I0 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Fulham Hospital.Limited. Fee £9 gs. od. (No entries accepted untilsyllabus has been published and circulated.)Surgery Revision (F.R.C.S.). March 2 to 26. Mondayand Thursday mornings and Tuesday afternoons. RoyalMarsden Hospital. Limited. Fee £i8 i8s. od.Infectious Diseases (M.R.C.P.). Week-end. March7 and 8. All day Saturday and Sunday. Hither GreenHospital, London, S.E.13. Limited. Fee C3 3s. od.Orthopaedics (F.R.C.S.). Week-ends. March 7 and 8,2I and 22, April 4 and 5. Saturdays and Sundays.Rowley Bristow Orthopaedic Hospital, Pyrford. Fee£14 14S. od. (No entries accepted until syllabus ispublished and circulated.)Rheumatic Diseases. Week-end. March 14 and 15.All day Saturday and Sunday. Rheumatic Unit, St.Stephen's Hospital. Fee £3 3s. od.General Surgery (F.R.C.S.). Evening. April 6 to io.Connaught Hospital, Walthamstow. 7 to 9 p.m.Limited. Fee £4 4s. od.Please note that instruction arranged by the Fellowshipof Postgraduate Medicine is open only to members (annualsubscription, from month of joining, 2IS.). In the caseof ' limited' courses no entries are accepted in advanceof the detailed syllabuses being published and circulated;postgraduates (whether members or not) are not automatic-ally included in the mailing lists but must notify theFellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 6o Portland Place,

London, W.i, if they wish to be sent syllabuses as pub-lished, and must specify the subjects in which they areinterested. Information regarding courses can be obtainedfrom the office daily between io a.m. and 5 p.m. (Mondaysto Fridays). Telephone: Langham 4266.

ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OFENGLANDThe following courses will be held:Basic Medical Sciences. January 26 to May 8,1959. Fees: £73 Ios. od. (full-time course), £4Z(lectures only).Basic Medical Sciences Course for Dental Students.December 8, 1958, to February 6, 1959. Fee £36 I5S. od.Clinical Surgery. February i6 to April IO, 1959.Fee £42.Application for further information should be made toMr. W. F. Davies, Deputy Secretary, Royal College ofSurgeons, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.2.

SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDONDiploma in Industrial Health (D.I.H.). Theexaminations are held in July and December each year.Diploma of Mastery of Midwifery (M.M.S.A.). Theexaminations are held in May and November each year.For further information applications should be addressedto the Registrar, Society of Apothecaries, Black FriarsLane, London, E.C.4.

GENERAL DENTAL COUNCILThe Dental Postgraduate Bureau has issued threebooklets, as follows:' Facilities for Dental Postgraduate Study in the UnitedKingdom and Ireland,' containing a list of schools andinstitutions at which postgraduate courses are held orwhich provide facilities for individual students, and analphabetical list of subjects showing where instructionin each can be obtained; 'Scholarships and Student-ships for Advanced Studies and Research in Dentistry,'including many open to British subjects tenable abroad;'Higher Dental Qualifications,' setting out in generalterms the conditions to be satisfied by candidates.Copies of these booklets, particulars of films of interest todentists, and further information can be obtained onapplication to the Direciar, Dental Postgraduate Bureau,44 Hallam Street, London, W.i.

BRITISH POSTGRADUATE MEDICALFEDERATION (University of London)The Federation provides:

Page 15: THE POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL · INDEXTOVOLUME35 PAGE Myocardialinfarction-TheComparativeracial prevalence in Capetown, 1957-An electro- cardiographic study. V. Shrire 218 Neuritis,


(i) Training for prospective specialists, supplementingthe work of the undergraduate medical schools.

(2) Advanced revision for practising specialists.(3) Instruction for medical practitioners who, though

not specialists, desire more detailed knowledge ofany branch of medicine.

(4) Instruction for general practitioners.Comprising the Federation at present are the Post-graduate Medical School of London, Institute of BasicMedical Sciences, Institute of Cancer Research, Instituteof Cardiology, Institute of Child Health, Institute ofDental Surgery, Institute of Diseases of the Chest,Institute of -Laryngology and Otology, Institute ofNeurology, Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Institute of Ophthalmology, Institute of Orthopaedics,Institute of Psychiatry, Institute of Urology: associatedinstitute is the Institute of Dermatology.The following lectures, which are designed especially forresearch workers and specialists in training, will bedelivered at the London School of Hygiene and TropicalMedicine, Keppel Street, W.C.i, on Tuesday andThursday aftemoons at 5.30 p.m. during the first termof the session 1958-59. Admission free.JanuaryI5 Prof. M. Maizels. The place of Chemical patho-

logy in medicine.20 Prof. J. Henry Dible. The pathology of limb

ischaemia.2z Prof. A. D. M. Greenfield. The regulation of

blood vessels in the limbs.27 Prof. C. V. Harrison. Pathology of pulmonary

hypertension.29 Dr. F. B. Byrom. The significance of hypertensive

encephalopathy.February3 Dr. Oliver M. Wrong. Sodium excretion and the

control of extracellular fluid volume.5 Dr. Allan F. Rogers. Human physiology in an-

tarctica.io Dr. J. M. Walshe. Biochemical studies in hepatic

coma.12 Dr. Paul Fatt. Synaptic excitation and inhibition

in the central nervous system.17 Dr. Lynne Reid. Chronic bronchitis and hyper-

secretion of mucus.I9 Dr. R. H. Mole. Radiation as a toxic agent.24 Dr. T. A. Y. Prankerd. Viability and survival of

red cells.Courses for general practitioners will be held as follows:DermatologyMarch i6 to 20. Institute of Dermatology, W.C.2.Extended and Week-endGeneralFebruary 27 to May 1 5. St. Helier Hospital, Car-

shalton.PaediatricsJanuary 3I and February I. University College Hos-

pital, W.C. i. (Applications to Paediatric Depart-ment.)

March 2I and 22. Westminster Children's Hospital,S.W.I.

PsychiatryFebruary 6 to March 13. York Clinic, Guy's Hospital,

S.E. i. (Applications to British PostgraduateMedical Federation.)

Child PsychiatryApril 2 to May 7. Institute of Psychiatry, S.E.5.Applications for places on the above courses should be madeto- the Secretary, British Postgraduate Medical Federation,

and should state if the application is or is not made underthe scheme for N.H.S. practitione-rs.All courses are available to N.H.S. practitioners, forwhom fees and allowances (travelling expenses locumfees, etc.) are provided for courses equivalent to 22half-day sessions in an academic year, subject to certainconditions. Grants are also payable in respect ofassistant practitioners who have been qualified for atleast three years and are employed by a principal, whois himself eligible for grant. Travelling and subsistenceexpenses will be allowed, but not locum tenens expenses.Trainee general practitioners are NOT eligible forgrants.Other practitioners may attend on payment of a fee ofio guineas for two weeks, 5 guineas for one week orextended course of i i sessions, ii guineas for a week-end course.Grants are also available, under certain conditions, togeneral practitioners who attend the Institute ofObstetrics and Gynaecology, for short periods duringthe regular terms' courses, when limited hostel accom-modation is available. I

Applications for fuirther information should be made tothe Secretary, Bri'ish Postgraduate Medical Federation,I 8 Guilford Street. London, W.C. i.

POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL OFLONDONThe Postgraduate Medical School is associated withHammersmith Hospital. Its teaching is directedprimarily to the training of teachers and specialists ingeneral medicine, general surgery, anaesthetics, path-ology and radiology and is based on advanced clinicalstudies, supplemented by conferences, lectures anddiscussions, with an emphasis on the scientific aspect ofinvestigation and treatment. The organized work of theclinical departments is concentrated into three universityio-week terms, starting in January, April and October,leaving the vacations for more intensive research work.Research students are accepted for training and practicein methods of cliinical investigation. The ordinarypractice of the hospital is continuous throughout theyear, but those not familiar with the School are advisednot to start work in vacation time. A year's com-prehensive work in anaesthetics is provided suitable forcandidates for the D.A. or F.F.A. The work of theDepartment of Pathology includes a year's course for theuniversity Diploma in Clinical Pathology, for whichi6 students with previous pathology experience areselected. The hospital Departments of Radiology traindoctors for the radiological diplomas. The Departmentof Obstetrics and Gynaecology, together with QueenCharlotte's and the Chelsea Hospitals, form theInstitute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Many houseofficer and registrar posts are available in the approprihtedepartments.For further information application should be made tothe Dean, Postgraduate Medical School of London,Ducane Road, London, W. 12.

INST1TUTE OF BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES(Royal College of Surgeons of England)The Institute co-operates with other specialist Institutesof the Federation in providing facilities for practicalwork and instruction in the basic medical sciences.Twice a year, beginning in January and September,there is a full demonstration and lecture course which isfull-time and extends over a period of fourteen weeks.In addition, there are two revision courses a year of lec-tures only, which take place at the same time as the

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January I959 Postgraduate News 53

other course. Applications for this course can be ac-cepted up to six weeks before the course begins. Fees:Demonstrations and lectures, ,73 iOs. od.; lectures only,,C42 os. od. A two-months' course for Primary F.D.S.candidates is also held twice a year beginning in Decem-ber and June. The course is full-time and the fee,£36 I5S. odLFor further information please apply to the Secretary,Institute of Basic and Medical Sciences, Royal College ofSurgeons of England, Lincolns Inn Fields, London, W.C.2.

INSTITUTE OF CANCER RESEARCH(Royal Cancer Hospital)Postgraduate lectures and courses of instruction are heldin biophysics for students studying for the M.Sc.degree in Biophysics, and for students studying for aDiploma in Medical Radiotherapy.Enquiries should be made to the Dean, Institute of CancerResearch, Royal Cancer Hospital, Fulham Road, London,S.W.3.

INSTITUTE OF CARDIOLOGY(National Heart Hospital)Courses of instruction lasting i I weeks are available forboth full-time and part-time students; fees C36 I5s. od.and Ci8 i8s. od. respectively.Special short courses lasting two weeks are held inFebruary, June and November: fee Ci8 i8s. od.Enquiries, and applications for admission to courses, shouldbe addressed to the Dean, Institute of Cardiology, 35Wimpole Street, W. i.

INSTITUTE OF DISEASES OF THE CHEST(Brompton Hospital and the London ChestHospital)The Institute of Diseases of the Chest (Medical Schoolof the Hospitals for Diseases of the Chest) is situated inthe grounds of the Brompton Hospital, S.W.3.MedicalInstruction in diseases of the chest including tuberculosisis conducted during three terms of ten weeks each year.It consists of clinical work in wards and out-patientdepartments, lectures and demonstrations. A whole-time programme is arranged for not more than 12graduates each term, preferably those specializing indiseases of the chest. The lectures and demonstrationsare so arranged that the subject of chest disease iscovered during the two terms beginning in October andJanuary. The lectures during the summer term arearranged as a general revision course. A larger numberof graduates can be accepted for part-time study. Ifvacancies are available it may be possible to acceptgraduates for shorter periods of part-time study.SurgicalA whole-time course in chest surgery is conductedduring the terms beginning in October and January. Itincludes attendances at out-patient clinics, operatingsessions, ward clinics, case demonstrations and lecturesand is held partly at the Brompton Hospital and partlyat the London Chest Hospital.CardiologyA whole-time course in the surgical aspects of cardio-logy will be conducted during the three terms. Thiscourse is mainly of a practical nature, consisting of out-patient attendances, ward rounds, and operating sessionswith some lectures and tutorials. The course is heldpartly at the Brompton Hospital and partly at theLondon Chest Hospital.

Fees for whole-time course (Medical, Surgical orCardiological) are 2zI for one term and 37 for twoterms, and for part-time courses £15 for one term or£6 for one month.RadiologyPart-time instruction in radiology of the chest for traineeradiologists only is given each term. Fee Lii for oneterm.Clinical demonstrations are given on Fridays at5 p.m. Open lectures are given on Wednesdays at5 p.m. during University Terms. Admission free.For further general information application should beaddressed to the Dean, Institute of Diseases of the Chest,Brompton Hospital, Fulham Road, S.W.3.

INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH(Hospital for Sick Children, Queen ElizabethHospital for Children, Postgraduate MedicalSchool)The Institute of Child Health is associated with TheHospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, thePostgraduate Medical School of London at Hammer-smith Hospital, and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital forChildren. In its programme teaching on every aspectof child health is provided. Visits are arranged to thedepartment for the new-born and premature infant atthe Postgraduate Medical School of London, Hammer-smith Hospital, Maternity and Child Welfare Clinics,Nursery Schools, etc. The Institute provides tuitionthroughout the year in three terms of 12 weeks' durationeach, beginning in January, May and September.Two or three guest lectures are given during thesummer term by visiting paediatricians from abroad.The fees are 25 guineas for one term and 45 guineasfor two terms.Applications should be addressed to the Dean, Instituteof Child Health, Hospital for Sick Children, GreatOrmond Street, London. W.C.i.

INSTTUTE OF DERMATOLOGY(St. John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin)Hospital Practice. This includes clinical instructionin the Out-Patient Department daily, in the In-PatientDepartment twice weekly, tutorials in clinical dermat-ology and histopathology, attendance in the Departmentof Pathology and other departments of the Hospital.Arrangements exist for selected students to be attachedto the In-Patient Department as supernumerary resi-dential house officers. Senior students are eligible toapply for clinical assistantships in the Out-PatientClinics.Fees. 25 guineas for one term; 6o guineas for one yearLaboratory. The facilities for students include tech-nical work in histology, bacteriology and medicalmycology.Museum. A collection of moulages is available. Thereis access to a large collection of histopathological sections.Exhibitions. Semi-permanent exhibitions are availableduring the winter course. The third, from January 5to 24, will be on diseases of the nails, by Dr. BrianRussell.Lectures. This year's lecture course commences onOctober i and carries on until the end of June. Thosewho wish to attend are advised to come full-time for thewhole year. Lectures are at -5.30 p.m. on Tuesdays,Wednesdays and Thursdays.

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January7 Dr. S. C. Gold. Cutaneous aspects of lupus ery-

thematosus.8 Prof. E. G. L. Bywaters. Disseminated lupus

erythematosus.13 Dr. B. Russell. Tuberculosis and tuberculides.14 Dr. H. Haber. Histopathology of vesicular and

bullous eruptions.20 Dr. E. J. Holborrow. Pathology and serology of

lupus erythematosus.2I Dr. R. W. Riddell. Fungi as causative agents of

human disease.22 Prof. T. B. Fitzpatrick. Biology of melanin27 Dr. R. H. Meara. Eczema in childhood.28 Miss B. M. Partridge. New cultural techniques for

the investigation of pathogenic fungi.29 Prof. T. B. Fitzpatrick. Decreased white pig-

mentation.Clinical Demonstrations. Clinical demonstrationsheld on Fridays at 5.30 p.m. are designed for thoseintending to sit for the M.R.C.P. examinations. Feefor the winter term is L5 5s. od.January9 Dr. G. B. Dowling. Clinical demonstration.i6 Dr. J7. E. M. Wigley. Clinical demonstration.23 Dr. G. B. Mitchell-Heggs. Clinical demonstration.30 Dr. H. J. Wallace. Clinical demonstration.Enquiries should be made to the Dean, Institute of Der-matology, St. John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin,Lisle Street, Leicester Square, London, W.C.2.

INSTTUT OF DENTAL SURGERY(Eastman Dental Hospital)The Institute holds courses in orthodontics (full-time,for one year), and in periodontology, conservativedentistry, prosthetic dentistry, minor oral surgery, oralpathology and children's dentistry (variable length, full-and part-time). Refresher courses are arranged twiceyearly for general practitioners. Courses are also heldin conjunction with the Faculty of Dental Surgery ofthe Royal College of Surgeons and are suitable forcandidates preparing for the final examination for theFellowship in Dental Surgery of the College. Thesebegin in April and October (lasting for approximatelyeight months), fee C6o, and in April and October thereare revision courses lasting eight weeks, fee C3I Ios. od.Special arrangements can be made for students requiringcourses of study and research experience not fallingwithin the scope of the courses listed above.For further information apply to the Dean, Institute ofDental Surgery, Eastman Dental Hospital, Gray's InnRoad, London, W.C.i.

INSTlIUTE OF LARYNGOLOGY ANDOTOLOGY(Royal National Throat, Nose and EarHospital)There is daily clinical teaching throughout the yearand the theoretical aspects of the specialty and of thebasic sciences upon which it is founded are covered bycourses of lectures and demonstrations which are heldtwice annually, commencing in February and August.There are facilities for dissection as part of the course;for appointments as clinical assistants in the associatedHospital and for higher posts for advanced students.Twice yearly there are advanced revision classes forM.S. and F.R.C.S. students and practical revisionclasses for Part II D.L.O. students. Short courses

in endoscopy, malignant diseases, aural surgery, thedeaf child and pathology are arranged periodically.For further information application should be addressedto the Dean, Institute o Lary ology and Otology,330 Gray's Inn Road, W.C.I.

INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGY(The National Hospital, Queen Square, andthe Maida Vale Hospital for NervousDiseases)The teaching is mainly by attendance on the hospitalpractice. Some advanced students are appointed asfull-time clinical clerks at the National Hospital, QueenSquare, or to the electro-encephalographic or one ofthe other special departments, or to the research labora-tories. A limited number of part-time clinical clerkshipsare available at the Maida Vale Hospital with opportunityfor examining patients.In addition two full-time courses of ten weeks' durationare given each year, namely in the autumn and springterms. The first portion of each course deais with theanatomy and physiology of the nervous system, neuro-pathology and psychology, and consists mainly oflectures and demonstrations. The second portion dealswith clinical neurology, medical and surgical, enuro-ophthalmology, neuro-otology and radiology, andincludes lectures and demonstrations. Special lecturesby neurologists from outside London and from abroadare held throughout these courses. Fees for the tertweeks' full-time course, £25; for attending hospitalpractice, £i8 for three months or £32 for six months.Part-time teaching is given in the Out-Patient Depart-ment, at the National Hospital, Queen Square, on fivedays a week throughout the year (public holidaysexcepted) and at Maida Vale Hospital.Courses of clinical demonstrations are given on Wednes--days and Saturdays at the National Hospital, QueenSquare. Fee for either course, £2 2S. od. Advertise--ments concerning these appear from time to time inthe medical joumals.Guest LecturesJanuary22 5.30 p.m. Prof. Paul Dell (Paris). Recent ad--

vances in the physiology of wakeful-ness.

26 5.30 p.m. Prof. Willia?n Blackwood. Neuro-pathology: the work and the man.

For further particulars please apply to the Dean, Instituteof Neurology, National Hospital, Queen Square, London,W.C.I.

INSTITUTE OF OBSTETRICS ANDGYNAECOLOGY(Queen Charlotte's Maternity Hospital,.Chelsea Hospital for Women, Departmentof Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Hammer-smith Hospital)Two terms of I3 weeks each are held, beginning in thefirst week of March and the first week of September(enrolment fee £3; £36 for the term's course). Generalpractitioners are accepted to attend for short periodsduring term time (fee £3 IOS. od. per week). Generalpractitioner refresher courses lasting one week are held atthe end of February and the end of June (fee 5S 5s. od.).Ministry of Health grants are payable for approved prac-titioners attending either for one or two weeks duringterm, or the one week refresher course. An intensive-course suitable for those preparing for higher examina-

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January 1959 Postgraduate Nezos 55

tions is held during the first two weeks of December andthe first two weeks of June (fee 14 14S. od.). A limitednumber of postgraduates can be accepted to attend thepractice of the hospital during the winter vacation (feeLXI per week). Laboratory training in pathology, endo-crinology and cytology is available for a limited numberof postgraduates. The Institute has hostel rooms atQueen Charlotte's Hospital and Hammersmith Hospital.Further information and enrolment forms can be obtainedfrom the Secretary, Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Chelsea Hospital for Women, Dovehouse Street, London,S.W.3.

INSTITUTE OF OPHTHALMOLOGY(Royal London Ophthalmic, Royal West-minster Ophthalmic, Central LondonOphthalmic Hospitals)Courses of lectures and classes beginning March I andOctober I each year to meet the requirements of can-didates entering for the examination for the Diploma inOphthalmology and other ophthalmological examinationswill be given by members of the staff of the Hospital andInstitute. Each course is designed to extend over twoterms of approximately i6 weeks each and is normallydivided into two parts.Part I. Anatomy (including embryology and normalhistology), elementary physiology of the eye, optics(elementary and physiological), practical tutorials inrefraction work and clinical subjects.Part II. All clinical branches of the subject, togetherwith bacteriology and pathology. Students can attendthe daily clinical practice of the two branches of theMoorfields, Westminster and Central Eye Hospitals, andhold the appointments of Clinical Assistants con-currently with the above courses. A composition feeof 3I Ios. od. will admit students, once to the lecturesand tutorial classes of any one term, with six months'clinical practice in the hospital.Extra Courses. Orthoptic training (one week's inten-sive course, fee L5 5s. od.); contact lenses (one week'sintensive course, fee Cio Ios. od.). Additional coursesby arrangement.Hospital Practice only. Fees as follows: One month,L2 2S. od.; three months, L5 5s. od.; six months,£ ios. od.Facilities for research.For further information apply to the Dean, Institute ofOphthalmology, Judd Street, London, W.C.i.

INSTITUTE OF ORTHOPAEDICS(Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital)The Institute is concerned with postgraduate educationin orthopaedics and with research. The practice of theHospital (both at the town section in Great PortlandStreet and at the country section at Starmore) and aRadiological Museum and the Wellcome Museum ofOrthopaedics are open to postgraduates, who may joinat any time. In addition to hospital practice, formalcourses of various lengths are held during academicterms.A series of lectures forming in themselves a completecourse on disorders of joints will be held on Fridayevenings from January 9 to March 2o. Town Section.Fee.January9 6 p.m. Mr. H. J'. Burrows. Infective arthritis.i6 6 p.m. Mr. J. A. Cholmeley. Tuberculous

disease of joints.30 6 p.m. Dr. P. G. Walker. Chemistry of synovial


February6 6 p.m. Dr. R. Nassim. Rheumatoid arthritis.13 6 p.m. Mr. J. N. Wilson. Dislocations (trau-

matic).20 6 p.m. M;. D. Trevor. Congenital dislocation of

the hip.27 6 p.m. Dr. H. A. Sissons. Pathology of joint

disease.March6 6 p.m. Dr. C. H. Lack. Cartilage in joint

infection.13 6 p.m. Mr. K. I. Nissen. Arthrodesis and

arthroplasty.20 6 p.m. Mr. A. T. Fripp. Internal derangement

of the knee.Further particulars may be obtained from the Dean,Institute of Orthopaedics, Royal National OrthopaedicHospital, 234 Great Portland Street, London, W. I.

INSTITUTE OF PSYCHIATRY (BethlemRoyal Hospital and Maudsley Hospital)The Institute is concerned with postgraduate educationin psychiatry and allied subjects, and with research. Acourse of instruction covering up to three years, andstarting in October yearlv, is provided for medicalpractitioners who wish to specialize in psychiatry or toprepare for the Diploma in Psychological Medicine.Clinical instruction, which includes case conferences,seminars, and practical experience in case-taking, isgiven at associated hospitals in the mornings, andsystematic lectures and demonstrations are arranged forthe afternoons. Students may also enrol for shorterperiods or for single series of lectures.The subjects covered include anatomy and biochemistryof the nervous system, neurophysiology, pathology ofnervous and mental diseases, psychiatry of children andadults, delinquency, principles of psychotherapy,forensic psychiatry and criminology, psychology, mentaltesting and statistics. There is a special six months'course in child psychiatry, comprising clinical instruc-tion and lectures, which starts on October I. Lectureson subjects of special interest are arranged from time totime. The tuition fee for a full year's course is,£65 8s. od., including enrolment fee. For shorterperiods the fee varies with the type of course chosen.Selected students are eligible for appointments on thestaff of the Joint Hospital.Facilities for research and supervision of study forhigher degrees can be provided in clinical work and inthe biochemical, physiological, neuro-endocrinological,neuropathological and psychological laboratories.A course for Honours Graduates in Psychology is avail-able in clinical psychology for the Academic Post-graduate Diploma in Psychology. In conjunction withthe Institute of Neurology, a course in the techniquesof electroencephalography is provided for doctors whoexpect to take up electroencephalographic appointmentsin hospitals.Further information may be obtained from the Dean,Institute of Psychiatry, Maudsley Hospital, DenmarkHill, London, S.E.5.NORTH LONDON POSTGRADUATEMEDICAL INSTITUTECourses in advanced medicine, advanced surgery, andobstetrics and gynaecology. Instruction in pathology,anaesthetics and radiodiagnosis. Clinical instruction atBearsted Memorial Hospital, Chase Farm Hospital,North Middlesex Hospital, The Prince of Wales'sGeneral Hospital and St. Ann's General Hospital.

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For further information apply to the Dean, the Prince ofWales's General Hospital, London, N. i5.

PLAISTOW HOSPITAL CHEST UNITIn-patient round every Thursday at 4.30 p.m.Apply Registrar, Plaistow Hospital, Samson Street,Plaistow, London, E.13.

ROYAL LONDON HOMOEOPATHICHOSPITALClinical Tutorials. Practical instruction in the appli-cation of homoeopathic principles is given bv theTutors, Dr. D. M. Foubister and Dr. W. L. Templeton,at their tutorial clinics in the O.P. Department onMonday at 9.30 a.m. and Thursday at 1.30 p.m. through-out the year. Open to medical practitioners withoutfee.Winter Course. These lectures, which commence onMonday, January 5, at 4 p.m., are given under theauspices of the Homoeopathic Research and Educa-tional Trust and deal with the subjects required forexamination for the Diploma of the Faculty of Homoe-opathy. Fee for registered medical practitioners,

1io IOS. od. per session; medical students admittedwithout charge.For further information application should be made tothe Dean of the Education Course, Royal London Homoeo-pathic Hospital, Great Ormond Street London, W.C.i.

ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOLObstetrical and gynaecological conferences will be heldin the Wright-Fleming Institute Theatre on Tuesdaysat 5 p.m. Admission free.January53 Mr. A. W. Badenoch. Pyelitis of pregnancy.20 Dr. G. L. M. McElligott. Non-gonococcal ure-

thritis.27 Mr. Oswald Lloyd. Pitfalls associated with occipito-

posterior presentations.February3 Mr. C. Scott Russell. Some problems of puberty.io Dr. Erica Wachtel. The use of vaginal cytology in

gynaecology.17 Dr. E. M. Edwards. Genital tuberculosis.24 Dr. George Pinker. Pudendal nerve block of obstet-

rical anaesthesia.March3 Dr. Magnus Haines. Gynaecological pathology.

10 Dr. P. E. Hughesdon. Pathogenesis of endo-metriosis.

ST. STEPHEN'S HOSPITAL(Rheumatism Unit)A concentrated week-end course in the rheumaticdiseases is given each year, in March, under the auspicesof the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine.A limited number of postgraduates can attend the out-patient sessions of the unit on Wednesday and Fridaymomings at io a.m.Applications for attendance at these sessions should bemade to the Medical Registrar, Rheuimatism Unit, St.Stephen's Hospital, Fulham Road, S.W.io.

BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICALMEDICINEA weekend course in Physical Medicine, designedprimarily for the benefit of those taking the Diploma inPhysical Medicine, will be held at St. Thomas's

Hospital, London, S.E. i, on Friday, Saturday andSunday, January i6, I7 and i8, 1959. Fee C3 3s. od.Further particulars may be obtainedfrom the Secretary,British Association of Physical Medicine, 47, Lincoln'sInn Fields, London, W.C.2.

EMPIRE RHEUMATISM COUNCILLecture courses in rheumatic diseases are arrangedfor general practitioners and other postgraduatesperiodically.Particulars are obtainable from the General Secretary,Empire Rheumatism Council, Tavistock House (N),Tavistock Square, London, W.C. i.

INSTITUTE OF,UROLOGY (St. Peter's, St.Paul's and St. Philip's Hospitals)Week-end courses of lectures and demonstrations,beginning on Friday afternoon and ending on Sundayabout tea-time, are given about once a month, fromOctober to April, as advertised. Fee C5 5s. od. for eachcourse.Lectures for general practitioners are given on Wednes-days, throughout the winter months, at 4.30 p.m. for5 p.m. No fee.The practice of the hospitals, including the use of theInstitute museum, reading room and library, is open tostudents attending the courses.Applications should be addressed to the Secretary, Instituteof Urology, io Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London,W.C.2.

EAST HAM CHEST CLINICOut-patient teaching. Mondays at 2.30 p.m.Apply Senior Registrar, East Ham Chest Clinic, KatherineRoad, Forest Gate, London, E.7.

LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE ANDTROPICAL MEDICINE INCORPORATINGTHE ROSS INSTITUTE(University ofLondon)Courses of study are arranged for the D.P.H. (LoiidonUniversity); D.T.M. & H. (London University);D.T.M. & H. (Eng.); D.A.P. & E. (London University);and Academic Diploma in Bacteriology. Short coursesare arranged in the Principles of Medical Statistics andEpidemiology, Statistical Methods and their Applica-tion in Medicine, Applied Helminthology and Environ-mental Control.For further information and enrolment application shouldbe addressed to the Secretary, London School of Hygieneand Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, Gower Street,London, W.C.i.

ROYAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTHAND HYGIENEThe Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygieneconducts recognized courses of instruction (startingannually in March and September) for the examinationsof the Conjoint Board of the Royal College of Physiciansof London and the Royal College of Surgeons ofEngland for the Diploma in Public Health. Studentsare also prepared for the Diploma in Industrial Healthexaminations of the Conjoint Board and of the Societyof Apothecaries of London. Courses, the next whole-time beginning on March I3, 1959, may be takenwhole-time or part-time. Part-time courses may becommenced at any time, and all courses consist of both

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January I959 Postgraduate News 57

lectures and visits. In the D.P.H. the practical work iscarried out at a county or metropolitan borough.Prospectuses, enrolment forms and fuU particulars may beobtained from the The Dean, The Royal Institute ofPublic Health and Hygiene, 23 Queen Square, London.W.C. I. Telephone: Terminus 4788 and 6206.

BRISTOL UNIVERSITYPostgraduate Diploma Courses. Courses of instruc-tion are provided for the University's Diploma inPublic Health and for the following diplomas of theConjoint Board: child health, psychological medicine(second part) and radio-diagnosis.Further information, copies of regulations for the BristolDiplomas, and application forms for the courses may beobtained from the Medical Postgraduate Dean, TheUniversity, Bristol, 8.

CAMBRIDGECambridge University Medical SchoolSummary of postgraduate facilities for general medicalpractitioners from October I, 1958, to July 31, 1959(Bank Holidays excepted), at Addenbrooke's Hospitalunless otherwise stated.Each week. Mondays: 9 a.m. to iI a.m., radiothera-peutic centre, gynaecological radium treatment (Prof.J. S. Mitchell, jointly with Mr. 0. Lloyd or Miss J.Bottomley); 10.15 a.m., Maternity Hospital, MillRoad, abnormal ante-natal clinic (Miss J. Bottomley);10.30 a.m., ward round, medical cases (Dr. A. P.Dick); 2.30 p.m., ward round, medical cases (Dr. L. C.Martin); 2.30 p.m., O.P. clinic, 2 Bene't Place, psychi-atric cases or subject (Dr. D. Russell Davis); 2.30 p.m.,Chest Clinic, Castle Hill, diseases of the chest (Dr.M. J. Greenberg). Tuesdays: 9 a.m. to 9.30 a.m.,radiotherapeutic centre, diagnostic radiology in relationto radiotherapy (Prof. J. S. Mitchell, jointly with Dr.F. R. Berridge); 9.i5 a.m., O.P. department, dermato-logical clinic (Dr. A. J. Rook); io a.m., PapworthHospital, cardiac catheterization and angiography (Dr.D. McC. Gregg); io a.m. to 12 noon, ward round,radiotherapy cases (Prof. J. S. Mitchell); 10.30 a.m.,ward round, medical cases (Dr. L. B. Cole); 2.15 p.m.,O.P. department, dermatological clinic (Dr. A. J. Rook);2.30 p.m., department of physical medicine, demonstra-tions of cases and methods (Dr. W. A. Fell). Wednes-days: 9 a.m. to II a.m., radiotherapeutic centre, dis-cussion of cases under treatment (Prof. J. S. Mitchell);i0 a.m., ward round, haematological cases (Dr. F. G. J.Hayhoe); i i a.m., O.P. department, dermatological clinic(Dr. C. H. Whittle); 2 p.m., O.P. department, E.N.T.cases (Mr. K. F. Wilsdon); 2.30 p.m., O.P. department,dermatological cases (Dr. C. H. Whittle). Thursdays:10.30 a.m., ward round, medical cases (Dr. L. B. Cole);2.15 p.m., O.P. department, cardiac clinic (Dr. L. B.Cole); 2.30 p.m., ward round, Papworth Hospital,thoracic medical cases (Dr. M. J. Greenberg); 4 p.m.,X-ray department, cardioscopy (Dr. L. B. Cole and Dr.D. McC. Gregg). Fridays: io a.m., O.P. department,thoracic surgical cases (Mr. C. Parish); io a.m., wardround, surgical cases (Mr. J. F. R. Withycombe);2.15 p.m., ward round, paediatric cases (Dr. D. M. T.Gairdner); 2.15 p.m., O.P. department, dermatologicalclinic (Dr. A. J. Rook); 2.30 p.m., O.P. department,endocrine clinic (Dr. L. C. Martin); 2.30 p.m., O.P.department, gastro-enterological clinic (Dr. A. P. Dickand Dr. F. R. Berridge). Saturdays: 10.30 a.m., wardrourd, medical cases (Dr. L. B. Cole).Each month. First Monday (by arrangement): 2.30p.n., radio-therapeutic centre, diagnosis and treatment

of cancer (Dr. D. G. Bratherton); 2.30 p.m., X-raydepartment, radiological demonstration (Dr. D. McC.Gregg). First Wednesday: io a.m., ward round, Pap-worth Hospital, thoracic surgical unit (Mr. C. Parishand Mr. B. B. Milstein). First Thursday: 2.30 p.m.,orthopaedic O.P. department, orthopaedic cases or sub-ject (Mr. T. J. Fairbank). First Friday: 2 p.m., TheClinic, Shire Hall, Castle Hill, diseases of the chest (Dr.M. Greenberg and Mr. C. Parish). Second Thursday:9.30 a.m., O.P. department, plastic surgery clinic (Mr.L. M. Rouillard). Third Monday: 2 p.m., ward round,surgical cases (Mr. B. McN. Truscott). Third Tuesday:9.30 a.m., O.P. department, 2 Bene't Place, gynaeco-logical cases (Mr. 0. Lloyd); 3 p.m., O.P. department,clinical psychiatry (Dr. E. Beresford Davies). ThirdWednesday: 9.30 a.m., O.P. department, urological andgeneral surgical cases (Mr. J. F. R. Withycombe);10.30 a.m., orthopaedic O.P. cases (Mr. R. W. Butler);2.30 p.m., X-ray department, radiological demonstration(Dr. F. R. Berridge). Third Thursday: 10.30 a.m.,O.P. department, E.N.T. cases (Mr. A. S. H. Walford).Fourth Monday: 9.30 a.m., ward round, general sur-gical cases (Mr. P. H. R. Ghey); io a.m., O.P. depart-ment, ophthalmic cases (Mr. G. F. Wright).Anaesthetic instruction daily (except Saturdays) byarrangement with the Consultant Anaesthetist.Post-mortem demonstrations daily (except Saturdays)at 12 noon.Clinical and clinico-pathological meetings are heldat 4 p.m. on the second Friday of each month duringterm.One-day Symposia will be held on Saturdays at 10.30a.m. as follows:January io, I959. Emergencies in general practice.February 14, 1959. General medical practice.February 28. Orthopaedics.March I4. Cardiovascular diseases.Symposia will also be held at 2 p.m. on Sundays,January i8, February i, March 8 and 22.A One-week Refresher Course for general prac-titioners will be held from July 6 to July iI, 1959.Accommodation and board for those attending the coursewill be provided in Downing College.Further particulars may be obtained from the Secretary,Cambridge University Medical School, Tennis CourtRoad, Cambridge.

CARDIFFThe Welsh National School of MedicineD.P.H. Wales (Diploma in Public Health). Part-time course from October I958, extending over twoacademic years.D.T.C.D. Wales (Diploma in Tuberculosis andChest Diseases). Five to six months' full-time course,January to June.D.C.H.Eng. (Diploma in Child Health). Foursessions weekly for twelve months, commencing inOctober and April.The number of admissions to each of the above courses isstrictly limited, and early application should be made tothe Secretary, The Welsh National School of Medicine34 Newport Road, Cardiff.

DUBLINUniversity CollegeThe following courses will be held during the sessionI959-60:D.P.H. Course. One academic year of whole-time

study. Examinations June and September.

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D.P.M. Course. Michaelmas term. Examinations,Parts I and II, December and June.

D.C.H. Course. Hilary term. Examinations Juneand December.

Further particulars may be obtained on application to theRegistrar, University College, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin.

EDINBUTRGHEdinburgh Postgraduate Board for MedicineEndocrinology. A course in Endocrinology, to bearranged by Prof. D. M. Dunlop, Professor of Thera-peutics and Clinical Medicine, will be conducted at theRoyal Infirmary, Edinburgh, from March i6 to 20,1959, by members of the departments of Therapeuticsand of Medicine in the University of Edinburgh and byvisiting consultants. This course is planned for physi,cians or surgeons who already hold a higher diploma.The class will be limited to not more than 20 students.Fee I'5.Gastroenterology. A course in Gastroenterology willbe held at the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh,from April I3 to 21, 1959, by the staff of the Gastro-enterological unit. This course is planned for physiciansand surgeons, preferably those who already hold ahigher diploma. The class will be limited to not morethan 20 students. Fee £15.Applications for enrolment on either of these courses shouldbe received before February i6, 1959, by the Director ofStudies, Edinburgh Postgraduate Board for Medicine,Surgeons' Hall, Edinburgh, 8. Further particulars can besupplied on application.Surgery. Three months' courses of postgraduatesurgery suitable for surgeons requiring a refreshercourse in the current outlook on general surgery orfor graduates preparing to specialize in surgery, starton March i6 and September 28, 1959. The programmehas been arranged so as to provide co-ordinated clinicaland svstematic instruction in general surgical wards andspecialized surgical units in Edinburgh. Fees £37 12S. 6d.Medical Sciences. A three months' course in appliedanatomy, physiology, pathology, bacteriology and bio-chemistry will begin on June 22, 1959. This courseincludes an adequate amount of practical instructionand is suitable for postgraduates wishing to take thePrimary Fellowship examination. Fee C37 12S. 6d.Two courses in the basic medical sciences (anatomy,physiology, pathology including bacteriolgy') arearranged by the Royal College of Surgeons, under theaegis of the Edinburgh Postgraduate Board for Medi-cine. These courses, comprising lectures, demonstra-tions and practical instruction, will begin on February 9and October 12, 1959, and continue for ten weeks.Fees £31 IOS. od.Internal Medicine. Courses lasting 12 weeks, suit-able for graduates wishing a refresher course, or tospecialize in medicine, will begin on March 23 and.September 28, 1959. These courses consist of 320 hours'instruction, comprising lectures. clinical demonstrationsand ward visits. Fees £37 I2S. 6d.Additional instruction in clinical paediatrics and tropicalmedicine is arranged in conjunction with the course inmedicine, for which there is a small fee; the numbersare limited.The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh awardtwo Hill Pattison-Struthers Bursaries each vear tograduates attending the Internal Medicine course.Each Bursary amounts to £Ioo. Applications must besubmitted to the Secretary, Royal College of Physiciansof Edinburgh, before June i6, 1959, for those attendingthe September, 1959, course.

Applications for enrolment should be addressed to theDirector of Postgraduate Studies, Surgeons' Hall, Edin-burgh 8, supplying particulars of qualifications andpostgraduate experience.

Royal Medical SocietyThe meetings of the Society are held in the Society'sHall on Friday evenings during the Autumn and SpringTerms. Meetings consist of Private Business (at 7 p.m.)and Public Business (at 8 p.m.) in which dissertationsby members or addresses by prominent medical men onsubjects of medical interest are given. Clinical meetingsare held periodically in the Royal Infirmary and filmshows of the latest medical films are given in the Society'sRooms. Prospective members will be welcomed on anyFriday evening in the Society's Hall before publicbusiness.Applications for further information should be addressedto the Secretary, Royal Medical Society, 7 MelbournePlace, Edinburgh, I.

GLASGOWGlasgow Postgraduate Medical EducationCommitteeThe Committee is prepared to consider applicationsfrom suitably qualified medical practitioners for post-graduate instruction in general medicine, general surgeryand the various specialities. Preference will be given tothose who are proceeding to higher qualifications. Anapplicant who is accepted will be attached to clinicalunits in teaching hospitals in Glasgow for a period ofthree months. Provision will be made to enable thepostgraduate student to obtain intensive clinical experi-ence by sharing in the day-to-day routine of diagnosisand treatment. Emphasis will be placed on clinicalmethods and bedside discussion.A limited number of vacancies are now available. Fee£5 per month.Applicants should write to the Director of PostgraduateMedical Education, The University, Glasgow, W.2,stating age, qualifications and professional experience andenclosing two testimonials from senior clinicians with whomthey have recently been associated.

LIVERPOOLUniversity of LiverpoolThe following postgraduate courses of instruction areoffered:Surgery. A full-time course of one year suitable forcandidates who have already completed the PrimaryExamination of the F.R.C.S., or undertaken post-graduate study in anatomy and physiology. On com-pletion of the course students become eligible to takethe Mastership of Surgery (Ch.M.) of this Universityprovided they are graduates of an approved Universityor otherwise comply with the regulations. The fee forthe course is £60. The course begins in September.Orthopaedic Surgery. A full-time 12-month courseleading by examination to a Mastership in OrthopaedicSurgery (M.Ch.Orth.) open to all medical graduates ofapproved Universities (and to graduates in otherfaculties with qualifications in medicine) who hold anF.R.C.S. of one of the British colleges or its equivalent.The fee for the course is £90. The course normallybegins in January.Radiology. A full-time course of two academicyears leading to a D.M.R. (D. or T.) open to medicalgraduates of approved Universities and to medicallyqualified candidates who hold approved higher medical

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Yanuary i959 Postgraduate News 59

diplomas and a degree in a faculty other than medicine.The course allows a candidate to hold suitable approvedhospital appointments during the second year andcovers the regulations required by the Conjoint Board.The fee for the two-year course is C63. The coursebegins in October. The degree of M.Rad. may, afterreport by the Faculty, be conferred on holders of theD.M.R. (D. or T.) of this University under certainconditions.Public Health. A full-time one-year course leading tothe Diploma in Public Health, open to candidates witha medical qualification from an approved medical schoolor licensing body. This qualification should have beenobtained not less than two years before admission tothe course. The tuition, examination and diploma feesamount to £73 13S. od. All courses of instruction beginin October.Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. A full-time three-month course leading to the Diploma in TropicalMedicine and Hygiene (D.T.M. & H.) open to candi-dates with a medical qualification from an approvedmedical school or licensing body. The course beginsin September and January. The tuition, examinationand diploma fees amount to C6i I9s. od.Anaesthesia. A full-time course of postgraduateinstruction, limited to ten students, begins on October Iand lasts for one year. The course combines instructionin the practical administration of anaesthetics with lec-tures and demonstrations in anatomy, physiology,pathology, physics, pharmacology, medicine and surgery,and anaesthesia. For the purpose of gaining practicalexperience, the students are found suitable appointmentsin recognized General Hospitals within the Liverpoolarea. The fee for the course is £75.Psychiatry. A part-time course begins on January Iand lasts for two years. It is divided into two partscorresponding to the two parts of the Diploma in Psy-chological Medicine awarded by the Examining Boardin England (R.C.P. Lond. and R.C.S. Eng.). Part Iprovides instruction in (a) anatomy (macroscopic andmicroscopic) and physiology of the nervous system, and(b) psychology. Part II deals with (a) clinical neurologyand neuropathology, and (b) psychological medicine,including psychoneuroses, mental deficiency, childpsychiatry, forensic psychiatry and social psychiatry.Parts I and II will be held simultaneously. Studentsmay enrol for either part separately but, except inspecial circumstances, will not be permitted to takeboth parts concurrently. Applications to attend inrespect of a special subject in Part II (e.g. mentaldeficiency) will be considered individually. Fees,12 12S. od. per term or £70 for the whole course.Applications for further information should be addressedto the appropriate department of the University, Liver-Pool, 3.

MANCHESTERUniversity of ManchesterTMe following postgraduate courses are offered:D.P.M. A part-time course beginning in October andetending over eight academic terms.D.P.H. A part-time course begins in October inalternate years and extends over two academic years.The next course will begin in October I960.D.M.R.D. The next course will begin in October1959. Applicants must fulfil the requirements of theExamining Board in England.D.M.R.T. The next course is expected to begin inOctober '959. ItisheldattheChristie Hospital and Holt

Radium Institute. Applicants must fulfil the require-ments of the Examining Board in England.Diploma in Statistics. A full-time course beginningin October and extending over at least one academicyear. Candidates must present evidence of suitableprevious training. (Enquiries should be addressed tothe Professor of Mathematical Statistics, The University,Manchester 13.)Further particulors may be obtained from the Dean ofPostgraduate Medical Studies, The University, Man-chester 13.

NEWCASTLEThe Medical School, King's College(University of Durham)Public Health. A part-time course is held for theD.P.H. The course occupies five terms, two-and-a-halfdays each week being occupied in whole-time study,leaving the remainder of the time free for remuneratedemployment. Several suitable part-time hospital postsin the area are available to candidates attending thecourse. The course is held biennially and the nextcomplete course will begin in January I959.Psychological Medicine. Courses for the D.P.M.(Dunelm) are held as follows: Part I, part-time courseextending over two terms and beginning October.Part II, part-time course extending over four terms alsobeginning in October. Part I and Part II may be takentogether.For further information application should be made to theAssistant Registrar, Medical School, King's College,Newcastle upon Tyne.

OXFORDPostgraduate Medical StudiesSummary of ward rounds, clinics, demonstrations, etc.,open to general practitioners during January, 1959,in the Radcliffe Infirmary, unless otherwise stated.Hilary full term, 1959, January i8 to March I4.Medicine. Ward rounds, io.i5 a.m., Mondays andThursdays (Dr. A. M. Cooke); Tuesdays and Fridays(Dr. P. C. Mallam); io a.m. Wednesdays (Dr. E. M.Buzzard); io a.m. Tuesdays and 2 p.m. Fridays (Prof. SirGeorge Pickering). Clinical demonstrations, 2.15 p.m.,Thursdays in full term (Prof. L. J. Witts, Dr. S. C. True-love, Dr. J. Badenoch, Dr. Sheila Callender). Medicalconsilia, 5 p.m., Wednesdays in alternate weeks in fullterm (Prof. L. J. Witts and others). Clinical pathology.Conferences, 5 p.m. Wednesdays, alternate weeks in fullterm (Dr. A. H. T. Robb-Smith and staff). Chest dis-eases. Clinical demonstrations, by arrangement with Dr.F. Ridehalgh, Osler Hospital. Geriatrics. Clinical de-monstrations by arrangement with Dr. L. Z. Cosin andDr. P. D. Bedford, Cowley Road Hospital. Infectiousdiseases. Clinical demonstrations, by arrangementwith Dr. J. F. Warin, Slade Hospital. Neurology.(Medical and surgical) clinical demonstrations, 5 p.m..Thursdays in full termn (Mr. J. B. Pennybacker, Dr. W.Ritchie Russell, Mr. W. S. Lewin, Dr. Honor Smith,Dr. C. W. M. Whitty, Dr. J. Spalding; O.P., I.45 p.m,,Wednesdays (Mr. J. B. Pennybacker, Mr. W. S. Lewin);ward rounds, io a.m. Fridays (Dr. Ritchie Russell andDr. C. W. M. Whitty, Churchill Hospital); O.P.2 p.m., Tuesdays (Dr. Ritchie Russell, Dr. C. W. M.WVhitty, Dr. J. Spalding); 2 p.m., Wednesdays (Dr.C. W. M. Whitty, Dr. Honor Smith, Dr. J. Spalding).Paediatrics. Ward rounds, 10.30 a.m., Saturdays (Dr.Victoria Smallpeice). Psychiatry. Clinical demon-strations, 4 p.m. Fridays in full term at WarnefordClinic (Dr. R. G. McInnes). Skin diseases. O.P.,

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2 p.m., Mondays and Fridays (Dr. H. R. Vickers).Social medicine. Demonstrations by arrangementwith Dr. Alice Stewart, Department of Social Medicine,8 Keble Road. Venereal diseases. O.P. male,5.30 p.m. Wednesdays, 2 p.m. Saturdays (Dr. P. C.Mallam); O.P. female, 6 p.m. Mondays, 2.30 p.m.Wednesdays (Dr. Frances Nichol). Surgery. Wardrounds, 9.30 a.m. Mondays, 10.30 a.m. Thursdays,Churchill Hospital (Mr. A. S. Till). O.P. fractures,io a.m. Mondays to Fridays (Mr. J. C. Scott, Mr.R. G. Taylor, Mr. J. D. Morgan). Clinical demonstra-tions, 4.30 p.m. Tuesdays (in full term). Jaw injuries.Ward rounds, 9 a.m. Wednesdays (Mr. D. S. Hayton-Williams). Orthopaedic surgery. Clinical discussion,9 a.m. Thursdays and Saturdays at Nuffield OrthopaedicCentre (Prof. J. Trueta, Mr. J. C. Scott, Mr. R. G.Taylor, Mr. E. W. Somerville, Mr. J. Agerholm,Mr. J. D. Morgan, Mr. J. H. S. Scott). Plasticsurgery. Clinical discussions and O.P., 2 p.m. Fridays,Churchill Hospital (Mr. E. WV. Peet); io a.m. Thurs-days, Churchill Hospital (Mr. T. J. S. Patterson);2 p.m. Wednesdays, Churchill Hospital (Mr. J. S. Cal-nan). Radiotherapy. Ward rounds, 9.30 a.m. Thurs-days, Churchill Hospital (Dr. Frank Ellis). Obstetrics.Lecture demonstrations, 9.15 a.m. Mondays and Tues-days, 2 p.m. Fridays (Prof. J. C. Moir and staff); wardrounds, I0.30 a.m. Tuesdays (Mr. W. Hawksworth), iIa.m. Fridays (Prof. J. C. Moir). O.P. antenatal, 2 p.m.Mondays (Mr. M. P. Embrey), io a.m. Wednesdays(Mr. W. Hawksworth), 2 p.m. Thursdays (Mr. J. A.Stallworthy), 2 p.m. Fridays (Prof. J. C. Moir andstaff), 2 p.m. Mondays, Churchill Hospital (Mr. J. A.Stallworthy), io a.m. Fridays, Churchill Hospital (Mr.W. Hawksworth). O.P. post-natal, io a.m. Tuesdays(Nuffield Department Staff); Infant Welfare Clinics,2 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays, by arrangementwith Dr. Mary Fisher, Citv Clinics. Gynaecology.Ward rounds, i I a.m. Tuesdays (Prof. J. C. Moir),10.30 a.m. Wednesdays (Mr. J. A. Stallworthy).General practitioners wishing to avail themselves of thesefacilities should notify the Director of PostgraduateMedical Studies, Osler House, 43 Woodstock Road,Oxford (Telephone: Oxford 3609).

CONFERENCES, PRIZES, Etc.Simpson-Smith Memorial Prize. The Institute ofChild Health is offering a Simpson-Smith MemorialPrize for 1959 for the best dissertation or essay on:' Spina Bifida '. Competition for the Simpson-SmithPrize is open to men and women from the BritishCommonwealth or Eire who are engaged in the practiceof surgery. In assessing the merit of the dissertationoriginality in both experimental and clinical observation

will be regarded as of the highest importance. Theprize will consist of a money award of ioo guineas.For full particulars apply to the Secretary, Institute ofChild Health, the Hospital for Sick Children, GreatOrmond Street, London, W.C.i.Riker Fellowship in Pharmacology. The firstFellowship has been provided since I 954, and com-mencing the next academic year two will be awardedannually. The Fellowships provide a grant of Ci,ooofor one year of postgraduate study in pharmacologicallaboratories in Great Britain. Two similar Riker Fellow-ships are available in the United States. The Fellow-ships are awarded and administered by the InternationalCouncil of Pharmacologists in association with theBritish Pharmacological Society and other pharmaco-logical societies affiliated with the Intemational Council.The Fellowships aim to provide opportunities forgraduates to pursue research abroad, thus one of theconditions of their award is that pharmacologists are noteligible for Fellowships tenable in their country ofresidence.Full particulars from Riker Laboratories Ltd., MorleyStreet, Loughborough, Leicestershire.Experimental Research into Problems of Ageing.Candidates are invited to submit papers descriptive ofwork in this field for awards for 1959. Not less thanfive awards, of an average of o300 each, are available for1959. The announcement of awards will be made inAugust 1959.Entries must be received not later than January io, 1959,and in making awards preference will be given to youngworkers.Papers should not be more than 7,000 words in lengthand may be in the candidate's own language.Full particulars and form of application obtainable fromthe Director, Ciba Foundation, 4I Portland PlaceLondon, W. i.Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom.The annual congress of the Ophthalmological Societywill be held at the Royal Society of Medicine, i WimpoleStreet, London, W.i, on April 9, io and ii, 1959.For further particulars write to the Hon. Secretary, TheOphthalmological Society of the United Kingdom,47 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.2.Association of Surgeons of Great Britain andIreland. The annual meeting will be held in Londonon Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 23, 24 and 25,1959.For further particulars write to the Hon. Secretary,Association of Surgeons of Grat Britain and Ireland,47 Lincoln's Inn Fields, Londeon, W.C.2.

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All rights reservzed. NVo part of this journial may be reproducedi/i anya form zwithout permission in zvritin7g from the puiblishers.

EDITORSProf. C. G. Rob, M.C., M.Chir., F.R.C.S.

A. A. G. LEWIS, M.D., M.R.C.P.

ADVISORY EDITORIAL BOARDMaurice Davidson, D.M., F.R.C.P. David Levi, M.S., F.R.C.S.Colin Edwards, M.B., ,.R.C.P. A. A. G. Lewis, MI.D., M.R.C.P.F. Dudley Hart, MI.D., F.R.C.P. K. I. Nissen, F.R.C.S.J. Hopewell, F.R.C.S. R. J. V. Pulvertaft, O.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.P.T. D. Kellock, MI.D., MI.R.C.P. R. Bodlev Scott, D.M., F.R.C.P.L. P. Le Quesne, D.MI., F.R.C.S. XW. Somerville, iMI.D., F.R.C.P.Editorial Representative for Australia: Clive Fitts, MNI.D.(Mlelb.), F.R.C.P.(Lond.), F.R.A.C.P.

Editorial Representative for Ceylon: M. NI. A. Cader, M.S.(Lond.)Editorial Representative for South Africa: Arthur J. Helfet, M.D., F.R.C.S.

PUBLISHERSThe Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 6o Portland Place, Iondon, W.i