t' '•,• .. ... Wisconsin State University . Stevens- Point " THE ASSO CIATIO N," one of America's leading rock ond roll groups, will be performing in concert on Sunday ol 8 p.m. In the fieldhouse. The group hos b~n owmded five gold ,ecords includ ing '"Cher· j THE POINTER WSU-ST.EVENS PO INT, Thunday, September 19, 1968 6 PAGES, NO . 2 lsh." Tickets for !he performonce ore ovoiloble ot the desk of the Unive,si fy Cenler. Pri ces o re $3.50, $3.25 ond S3.00. Associatio·n Will Perform In Fieldhouse On Sunday "The Association." one or hit records Interspersed wi th blta Ticke1-1 ro, the performance are S3 ~;;:Cnnt~~:Cdr/~~ or; ~r~~ h~';':~·t u "The ~ent::-1:;!~. ~n!:';:edu:::~~ 1heTi;~~ i;~~t:!~n~:t n 8 ; Sunday at 8 p.m. In the Aaaociation" wu in Nov. of the rieldhou11 fl oor are $3 50 tickets are le!t, atandin1 room fi eldhouse. 1965 at • nlaht club called th;' fro nt half bleacher .eats ·u~ only tickets will be sold on the m~~,!::~upR~.;omcri;:~t lC:t ":,~se w~: ~~~;a. CoTh;; S3.25 and back half ble~chers night or the pcrrorrna. nce. ''""· Jim y"'" 00 , h,<hm M .. , .. io "''or'"' roUowi ,, WSU, Ruroplex C'1t'1es auit.ar, Brian Co\t' on bau, Ted year. Bluechel. Jr . on drums, Larry "The Association" hu Ramo1 on l ud iult.ar and Terry appeared on 1uch televlaion . Ki ,kmoo 00 , lmou , o, , how, .. Aod, Willi,- . Have Toll Free Phone lnatrum,n t. Holl ywood Palace, and JohMy Canon Tonight Show, the Joey BUlhop Show, the Smother1 Bro ther1 Corned)' Ho ur and ·ot hers. The six young men hive recorded , uch hits u " Al ong Coma Mary: "No Fa.ir At All," "Cherd h," "Windy," "Never My Love" and their curTent hit, "Sh: Min Band ," They wett t he Orst rock group ever to ap~ar at tht Cocoanut Grove in Loi Angeles. To date thc51 rec.'orda and In 1967~ they were n1med lheir albunu h1ne been awarded the number one pop rock gold records by the recording r«ordin1 1roup. industry. The group hu ,tao been On 1lage the Aaaociatic;m awa rd ed 1 i1t Gram my oreaent a' mu1ieal remw or th,ir nominations. Te lt phone numbers have been a11i1ned in M1r1hfietd. W11con.in Rapids and Waus.iu so ptrllQI\I in thOle cities can call W i I C O n I In $ t I t e Unlversi ty••Stevena Point on a to ll free basis. The system wt>nt Into eUtct ;\ ugust 19 . Number,,· by community, are : Mara hfl eld, 387-2519; Wau sau. 845-7376; and Wiscomdn Rapids, 42•1-235 1. On ly the Wnus:i u teJcp ho nt' book li sta the number. Listing. for the othcrcitiet1 wcnt toprl'II before lhl' number1 were announced . University Pru ident U!e Sherman Dre)'fu1 11 id the lines will be u,ed 10 conduct Senate Will Discuss SDS Ban Seventy-Five Dynamic Years Selected As Theme Dreyfus Pans Democracy Rule A principle or "df!mocracy rulcs'" Wiil M'VCrely crit ici"Led by President Lee Sherman Drt'yfu.a, speaking Sunday at two conw,cations for new f'" hmen enterin1 WSU-Steveru; Point. Jubilee Set For Saturday The second Ooor or the Universil)' Center will bc the sit e of the Pointer Jubi lee. uni\ 't't1ity buai nea bf!tween 7 a.m. ond 6 p.m. Monday throua:h Frida)'. Th ii will allow pcople to contact either mcmbera of the WSU. Ddmini1trative atafr ,Or teachlnll rncully. Onl)' the , 11rr wi ll ha\'C ac~ to the "out" calls durinie that I I-hour period. ,\I all ot her timl'I, nudenta u~c the lint'a for period, not excef!ding l'i \'t' minute5 ° per call. Subw11ucnlly, studenll may call their parentl °" parenll mayc:a/1 theirchlldren each e\·ening. The ' rin.t St ud ... nt Senate mNtinv or the 1968·69 1chool yur will be held at 6 :30 p.m. toni,iht, in the Van Hise Room of the Unh·cni t)'Centcr. The main topic or diJCus,ion will concern t he Board or lh~(l:t nll ban o n S OS chapten in thtt WSU 1y1tem. Wllll a m Lul :t , fac ult)' advisor to SOS, will be pr~nt. The st udent body iMited to participate in t he di$1:u.uion1 bcoforet he~nate. Saxons Entertain In Grid The Saxons and Company, a folk - baroque trio, ha, ·e bten 1pptaring night ly in the Gridiron and will 00 there unt il Saturday even ins. Th, program each night i;~ru at 7 p.nl. with two show,. IJ'hc program is free to all studenta. Th e S11x on1 are Marvin Solley, the ltad 1in1ter, and Dan Gou:in who harmoni:r.ts a nd playaa harJ)lichord. "Co mpany" is Edward Morril. a pianist who gi \'CI his own comedy monoloeue during the propam. Th is ty~ or proirrammin1t ia ao ml!lhin 1 new ro r th is university accordinii: to Robert Bu sc h, Un ivera ity Cl nt er pl'Ofl'a mdirector. Buach N id the univen t y is p u in1 to p t>ntt'rtainment before the !P'Oup hu a biii: name and is 1laoNvin1money. Faculty Will Hold Meeti , ng The faculty will hold ita tint mte tin1 or th e yur on Thuraday, Oct . 10. The meetin1 will be held in Room 125 of th, Cluuoom Center. All atixlent.5 are Urftd a ttend tht' meetin1. Applications for Ooat ~nd quN!n competi tion will be put in each o rpni:ution· ma il box and more copiH v.-ill be available at the infonnation desk if needed. The queen campaign rule-$, parade rules. and paradt' routc areas fo llow,: I. All cntering no'ata must be dcai1tned and built by members o r the 1ubmittin11 orgn niut lon. Non·mcmlK'r1 may be consulted, but ma)' not takt' an active pArt in the desil:'ning or building or the neat. 2. A akt'tch of the propo5ed h omttomin1 no.i t mU$t be 1ubmin ed to the homecomina parade committ ee in care of Specia l Event.$ Committee, University Center, H)metime betwl'en \.-dnead:,.y , St' ptember 18 , 1968, nnd Wt. '<lneaday. Octobcr 2, 1968. The approved 1ke1ch will bc signed and kept on file with th e paradc commi ttee. 10 keep a c:nrbon copy for yoursetr. Any deviation from the approved plan un leu OK'ed by the parade committre will result in diiqwalification. Your , ketch •·ill be approved within 24 houn, and any Ju1t tcatioru; f1 om t hiJ office will be attac hed to the approval notice. 3. Alo nai: with the aketch , the fo llo wing informat ion mu1t be added : A. Name or orpniiation 8. Namcs and phone number1 or chairmen C. Location or org:miution building D. Dimeru;iona E. Wording to appear on no.a t F. Division cntercd-1.t'. male or female •I. The two divisloru; for fl o at judging,hall be male and fetl'lllle. Any co-«! org.aniutioru; shall be judgcd in the male divisi on. 5. NeW$paper. tislue paper. and any convention.al materials rna,y be U$ed on the no.at. No ehanicter fieur ts, "skirts", or other no.at pn.r t.5 iued on prniou, floats at 1hUI school Of any other university may be Holman Joins WSU Research Organization Dr. Paul Cameron Holman ii I.he new 1&M>Ciate dirtttoc or a coope ra ti ve res ea rch dev elo pment or1an lzation headquart.red at WiJConsi n State Univenity - Stevens Point . He will St'l'Ve with Dr. William C I e men ta In the fed e r1lly -1ponaored CORD pr O(l'am and 11tne WSU-La Croue, River Fall,, Steve• Poi nl , Stout at Menomonte and Whitewate r. uaed on yow noou. 6. Special effects 1uch 11 so untl , lighting, un iqu e movt'menu, etc., ar'c hiehly reeommcnded. However: 1. S~ci:11 precautions should be takf!nfor 111 fet y. b. Rema.in mind ful tha t they must be working at the end or parade also. . 7 .All neat, mu1t be in their assigned pl act'!I 1u1To u ndlni; the ,\\lcn Center complex at 7 :00 :~;~a~illo:= noata from 7 :00-8:45 a. m. 8.The name of the 1ubmitting orp niz.ation may thi, yt'llr be uJoCd on the n oat. if discreetly worked into the oveni ll no.at duign . 9. The prllSC!nce or any membcr near the float d uring judging. with the exception o r the con«aled operators, will reault in a pt>nalty o f 10 poinLa levied by the Judicial Court. ,\ny drinking on the nc:at will result in disqualification. 10 . Drivers of th, no.au m uat report lo the UAB office, second noor University Center at 5:00 p.m., Friday for a short meeting. We will discUSIE paradct route and any 1pecial problem.'1 at th!, time. 11 . Floats in good condition afte r the· parade, will IO to Goc rke Park for display .... 11 otht'rs will be eiven a police HCOrt to the ci ty d ump. 12. The pan.de co mmittee 1u¥gi!Sla a rna.xi mum hei1ht or 16 feet .Sponsorin1 orpni:r.ations will be responsible ror r ner1 to keep low h:in11in bninches a Ad/or wires aw1 from their no.at. Any dcbril on the parade route from your Oo.r,t must be cl eaned up immediately. 13. The width and length or the noat i1 left to the discretion of the or e• nizatlon. Maneuver-ability ahould be kept in mind and the narrowness of Collete ave. should nOl be O\'ffkJoked. Homecoming Commi u ee Gar)' Nordstrom 341 -2674 Carol Raabe 3'14-9631 (Route Map on Pa11e 5) CAMPAIGN RULES I. C.mi>ai1nin1 for queens will begi n no aooner th.an Tuetd.ay, October 8 at 12:01 A.M.; and 111 ompaifn makriala aha ll be nimoved by Saturday, Odober 12 at 6 :00 P.M. 2. Posters should be kept in 1ood lute apd ' any lndtcent rna. terial wi ll be conr11Cated. 3. Btcau,,e or INlintenance, gummed atlcken, 1cotch i.al)e, or t humb tac.ks will be allowed on the wa lls o r tbe buildl np. and not to be worn before campai1ning1taru:. 8. No organ.iutk>n. may llkt' down a nother '• material and replace it with their own. 9. No material is to be drop~d from aitcrart . 10. No campaigning within 10 feet of the eledion booths. One picture should be submitted for each election booth. 11. Each orpnl:r.ation should be prepared to furnish thei r candida te with a convertible if• finalist for the parade. Thil car la not to be decorated except for a sign on the doon with the C9ndid•te• name and apon.or ing orpnl:r.ation. 12. Tht1,e ni\es will be enforced by the Ho mecoming Committee . "Don't thin k something is acce ptable because the majority of people arc doing it ," hc a dvise d the yout h,, m:my accompanied by pare nt ,; , "When we came back rrom Wor ld War II, the goal WU maM product ion of ph)'llc.al thinp like re fri 1e r •to r I and eut omobile1 to make a better lift', but we'v. loll that. " We need national I M11 because democracy in Amtrica has only been a 200-Y e a r experiment and now needs to be proven. " In othcr word1, don't be Hi1 con c:em for Oiling the milguidi:id by 1urveya which uy void of leiswe coma lo a 51 pcr cent or the public does formula he ha1 told many aome thing we think ii mora\1y ,tudent grouP5 dur in1 hia year in wto"II: ' Dreyru1 conlinutd . the pr~dency hirre . Thi s is one leJSOn 1he\ president cncouniged fr t1hmen Sportin1 hUI red vl'lt u ~ual, lo learn early in their "climb for he remiiided the rr t1hmen hUI independence at this campus." door is always open for their Anoth er i I to 1void viait.5. "You kn o w there ,re development or a traNistori:r.ed t hrt'e group1 in this mind which dictates routine in campus-1tudenu, facult y and daily living. adminiltmtora- and in thal "While you're he r11, l'ind nine order of importance." Each 11uden1 or11aniz.ation on campU$ will hl \'e • booth and wi ll attemp1 to acquaint 1tudenta with their 1,1ar1icula.r ,roup. This year each organiu1ion which has I booth will bc competin1 agalnsl each other for lrophiH lo be 1h·en to the first , .econd i nd third place winners. Tho5e in 11nend11ncc 111 the Pointf! r Jubilee will bc gh'l!n a ch1 nce to vou on the organiut lon which hu thi:i bi!sl di1pla)'. The Saxons, 1 man baroque-folk fl'OUP, will pro\ ·ide tntertainm. enl durine and after the Jubilee. Thow orpni:r.ation, v. ·lshin11 to ha\'I! a di1pl1y art' u,ied to a ttend a 7: 00 pm. meetinJ thia evening in the Unh'l!rait)· Center. Check the Information Deak for the room. QUEEN'S OUAUFI CATIONS -2 .00 1r1de point ,venige ·Sophomore 1landin1 with at leut one· 1tmeater at this University •muat be a run time 1tudent 12credit.5 •no u n 1at i1 factory diJCiplinary record way, to walk to II c\au M> you keep thinking. Don't let your automobile drive you by Llkine the N me route t'Vcr)' day whct n you're on l he 1treeu or hi1hway1.·· Ol"t"y(u.s warned the freahmen that ,r an1iato rized notions usu.ally court thc idea " doing my best" is enough. "I hope Lyndon Johru;on didn"t tell Mr. Harriman and Mr . Vance to just try thei r bc1t 111 they negotiate for the United State,; in the P1uis peace !al b. Freshmen Positions Open In Senate •mu,t be aponaored by a recognized University or&ani:utionorfesidcncehall OTHER STIPULATION -a ny ont' e nt e ring 11, llomecomin1 candidate must alao ,ntera no.it ror the paude «lect undttgraduate to ad u manaaer -managers shall be lialion be tw een H omec.o min1 committee a nd st ated orpniution -must ob11t rve cooed hours accordin1 to rul es •nd rqulationaofthls Universi ty 1hould not have been a Homecomin1 Queen candida~ previoualy Remembcr, a track rf!<:(ll'd hu never bet- n broken by one rna. n runnin1 a lo n e . It take1 competition from another to acquire that needed puah, he e mp hui:r.ed. Why are the fre.hmen hett7 Di- eyfua belicvc. the purpose or an education today i1 lo hclp yout h find a national purpose in our dtmocr111i c society and to lcam w11y, of making leilurt' timeroc11nin1rut. Nominatin1 petitions are now • election ruin or Student Senate available for the o fn ce of in aeneral is required. contact fr n hmcn clau 1tudent aen1tora Paul Schillln11. Studcnt Bod}' in the Student Senate office and PrHid ent , at Eltl. 276. the Studen t Activities office or the University Center. Pet itions muat be filled o ut and rt'turned to t he Student St'nate offi ce no liter than 5:00 pm., Thund ay, Sept. 26. Candidates mU$t acquitt 50 1i;n1turea of fell ow claumat.ea for their name to 1p~ar on the ball ot. The two candidatea 0 receivinii: the highest number or votes will fill lhe frt1hman cl au seats. tr information concemin1 either University Christian Movement Will Sponsor Free University Un iver1ity Chri1tl1n ho 0 ur 'in len11th, followed by a Jo&eph SuUIY11n will instruct the Movement ind WSU-Ste:vt'ns period of di1eu..ion. course "Christian Monility and Point are jointly 1poru;orln1 a The ,e cou r ses i re the Human Predicament ." An Chris tian Free Univer sity non'$C!Clarian in na t ure 111d 1Lartin1 on Mo ndii y, Sept. 30, al make an t'ffort lo addreu .ome 8 p.m. in the Cluaroom Center, of the current lu\lts berore man roonv 103 and 104. in university forum today. They Participatinl In thUI IO·week do not propc,se .o\utions. but dfort ue the clt rp of the supply a b1ck,round apin1t Unh,ersity Christian Movement. which modern knowledae may Any interested church ii invited find a persptttive for better to participate ii it ii afOll ated understandine. with unhenl ty ministry or t he The Monday clauH, Minority Univer1iiy Christian Movement . Groul)I, will .be lnstrucled by Reglltnition1 will be taken •t. Rev. Richard Steffen and Sist@r the rll'$t meetint IJld anyone i. Robert Marie El,en, The 1ener11.I ea.amina tion and diJC1111ion or the ideu of morality and tthics put and preae,.i. will constitute lhecourw. ..God In Contemporary Litt>niture" UI another courae scheduled for Wednesd1y,. It will deal with the Christian faith u found in the writlne o r fi ve contemporary authoni , F1the.r Gilbert Thomas will teach the 21 Year Olds Must Acquire Absentee Vote Bv Dave Baumann WSU 1tudt>nU who ,,,.;5h to \'Olt' but are not reaidenta or Stevens Point may do so by 11cquirin11 an 1bM!nte,e ball ot from the town or city clerk whl're his J)erm11nent rc, idence ls located . . If the voter i1 from or city of 5.000 Ot' more, he la required to registerthcrebeforcacquirini:: •n abunl ee ballot. J un a mere rcquHt to the city or town clerk for the b1Uota to be rna.iled to the voter prior to the election i1 aufficient in , ma.lier townshipi and communities. UpoiiJettMng lhe ballot, the \"Oll!r fil ls II out in the ptf'lence of two witneuea or a notary public, 1cal1 it and returns thl' b:illot to the clerk by mall. The ballot will be opened at the poll5 on clec1iond11y. Pointer Deadlin 1 e l.s Sunday ,. ~ I Dr. Holman. a natiH or Mo1TUI, IU., hu experience In at.atbtical analytia, cl.a.room te1chln1 and educational television. He wu Ill , duC9lional analyilt for t he board of education In Flint , Mich., befoH comin1 here. 4. In r espect to the community, no sound trucks will be uaed and tbe bOlpital zone must be obaund. 5. No defaein1 of ,. public or private property. ftee to 1ttend. One l'l!qUittment coune will deal with cult ure, Thurldaya, F1ther Hurd Hall 11 put torlh - that once a person with specific emphuil on tbe will conduct a course, "Some commits himseU to a courae, U.S. Trench In Modern ThtolOIY," that he be faithful in attendance "New Testament Survey ," dealin1 with new world ,ie..,.. •nd partlci~te to hit l\l)lftt conducted by Rn. Jay and expanak>na and their Impact potential . Hurnphte~ on Tuaday1 will be on modem theoiol)'. THtl SANT AMOUI (right) o nd t HONDA KArsa (left ) ore two students who live in reside~ hall lounge, becovse of the need for room. The two ore freshmen from Green Boy and live in Ne,ale Holl where the lounges were 1vrned info rooms this svm- All prtM ttleuea IJld news articles mu.at be in tbe fointer ortice by 8 prn. on S1,111day oenln1toinsuttpublicatlon. In !~::!~C:J:::.!::: '. only 6. The use of TV 1J1d radk, for ca. mpai;:nln1 will not be allowiid. 7 . L,pe l ta11 wlll be considered campala,, material a-a: ~t': ~!:ldl~; ;.!':!ni'~rve,:latl: ~1~~1C::: 1 the~W: .~~::,:~n~::ns:r 1J1d 104 at 8 p.m, every day of Man . Jeiu.,, Christ" 'trill be otfered the wNk. '11ien 1n el1ht Wednelday evenlnp, Rev. under I.he iralr\lct ion or Rlcha.rd ''""'" to "! orrtt,d, u,h ''. C ""' Seho,idtt , • •d F,t~" HIii . (Mlke The in Photo) A

THE POINTER · thtt WSU 1y1tem. Wllllam Lul:t, facult)' advisor to SOS, will be pr~nt. The student body ~ iMited to participate in the di$1:u.uion1 bcoforethe~nate. Saxons Entertain

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Page 1: THE POINTER · thtt WSU 1y1tem. Wllllam Lul:t, facult)' advisor to SOS, will be pr~nt. The student body ~ iMited to participate in the di$1:u.uion1 bcoforethe~nate. Saxons Entertain

t '



Wisconsin State University

. Stevens- Point

" THE ASSOCIATION," one o f America's leading rock ond roll groups, will be performing in concert on Sunday o l 8 p.m. In the fieldhouse. The group hos b~n owmded five gold ,ecords includ ing '"Cher·

j THE POINTER WSU-ST.EVENS PO INT, Thunday, September 19, 1968 6 PAGES, NO. 2

lsh." Tickets for !he performonce ore ovoiloble o t the desk o f the Unive,sify Cenler. Prices o re $3.50, $3.25 ond S3.00.

Associatio·n Will Perform In Fieldhouse On Sunday

"The Association." one o r hit records Interspersed with blta Ticke1-1 ro , the performance are S3

~~u~~ ~;;:Cnnt~~:Cdr/~~ or;~r~~ h~';':~·t u "The ~ent::-1:;!~. ~n!:';:edu:::~~ 1heTi;~~ i;~~t:!~n~:t n8;

Sunday at 8 p.m. In the Aaaociation" wu in Nov. o f the rieldho u11 floor are $3 50 tickets are le!t, atandin1 room fieldhouse. 1965 a t • nlaht club called th;' fro nt half bleacher .eats ·u~ only tickets will be sold on the

m~~,!::~upR~.;omcri;:~t ~~ lC:t ":,~se w~: ~~~;a. CoTh;; S3.25 a nd back half ble~chers night or the pcrrorrna. nce.

''""· Jim y"'" 00 ,h,<hm M .. , .. io "''or'"' roUowi,, WSU, Ruroplex C'1t'1es auit.ar, Brian Co\t' on bau, Ted year. Bluechel. Jr . on drums, Larry "The Association" hu Ramo1 o n lud iult.ar and Terry appeared on 1uch televlaion .

Ki ,km oo 0 0 , lmou , o, , how, .. Aod, Willi,-. Have Toll Free Phone lnatrum,n t . Hollywood Palace, and JohMy Canon Tonight Show, the Joey BUlhop Show, the Smother1 Bro ther1 Corned)' Ho ur and


The six young men hive recorded , uch hits u " Along Coma Mary:• "No Fa.ir At All," "Cherd h," "Windy," "Never My Love" and their curTent hit, "Sh: Min Band ,"

They wett t he Orst rock group ever to ap~ar at tht Cocoanut Grove in Loi Angeles.

To date thc51 rec.'orda and In 1967 ~ they were n1med lheir albunu h1ne been awarded the number one • pop rock gold records by the recording r«ordin1 1roup. indus try. The group hu ,tao been

On 1lage the Aaaociatic;m a w a rd e d 1 i1t G r a m my oreaent a' mu1ieal remw o r t h,ir nominations.

Te lt phone numbers have been a11i1ned in M1r1hfietd. W11con.in Rapids and Waus.iu so ptrllQI\I in thOle cities can call W i I C O n I I n $ t I t e Unlversi ty••Stevena Point o n a to ll free basis.

The syste m wt>nt Into eUtct

;\ ugust 19 . Number,,· by community,

are : Mara hfl e ld, 387-2519; Wau sau. 845-7376; and Wiscomdn Rapids, 42•1-235 1. On ly the Wnus:i u teJcpho nt' book lista the number. Listing. for the othcrcitiet1 wcnt toprl'II before lhl' number1 were announced .

University Pru ident U!e Sherman Dre)'fu1 11 id the lines will be u,ed 10 conduct

Senate Will Discuss SDS Ban

Seventy-Five Dynamic Years Selected As Theme

Dreyfus Pans Democracy Rule

A principle or "df!mocracy rulcs'" Wiil M'VCrely cri t ici"Led by President Lee Sherman Drt'yfu.a, s peaking Sunday at two conw,cations for new f'"hmen enterin1 WSU-Steveru; Poin t .

Jubilee Set For Saturday

The second Ooor or the Universil)' Center will bc the site o f the Pointer Jubi lee.

uni\'t't1ity buainea bf!tween 7 a.m . ond 6 p.m. Monday throua:h Frida)'. Th ii will allow pcople to contact either mcmbera of the WSU. Ddmini1trative atafr ,Or teachlnll rncully. Onl)' the ,11rr wi ll ha\'C ac~ to the "out" calls durinie that I I -hour period.

,\I all ot her timl'I, nudenta ~ u~c the lint'a for period, not excef!ding l'i \'t' minute5 °per call . Subw11ucnlly, studenll may call their parentl °" parenll mayc:a/1 theirchlldren each e\·ening.

The ' rin.t Stud ... n t Senate mNtinv or the 1968·69 1chool yur will be held at 6 :30 p.m. toni,ih t , in the Van Hise Room of the Unh·cnit)'Centcr.

The main topic or diJCus,ion will concern the Board o r lh~(l:tnll ban o n SOS chapten in thtt WSU 1y1tem. Wllllam Lul :t, fac ult)' advisor to SOS, will be pr~nt .

The st udent body ~ iMited to participate in the di$1:u.uion1 bcoforethe~na te.

Saxons Entertain In Grid

The Saxons and Company, a folk -baroque trio, ha,·e bten 1pptaring night ly in the Grid iron and will 00 there unt il Saturday even ins.

Th, program each night i;~ru at 7 p.nl. with two sho w,. IJ'hc program is free to all studenta.

Th e S11x on1 are Marvin Solley, the ltad 1in1ter, and Dan Gou:in who harmoni:r.ts a nd playaa harJ)l ichord .

"Company" is Edward Morril. a pianist who gi \'CI his own comedy monoloeue during the propam.

Th is ty~ o r proirrammin1t ia ao ml!lhin 1 new ro r th is university accordinii: to Robert Bu sc h , Un ivera ity Cl nt er pl'Ofl'amdirector.

Buach N id the univen t y is p u in1 to p t>ntt'rtainment before the !P'Oup hu a biii: name and is 1laoNvin1money.

Faculty Will Hold Meeti,ng

The faculty will hold ita tint mte t i n1 or th e yur o n Thuraday, Oct. 10 . The meetin1 will be held in Room 125 of th , Cluuoom Center.

All atixlen t.5 are Urftd a ttend tht' meetin1.

Applications for Ooat ~nd quN!n competi t ion will be put in each o rpni:ution· ma il box and more copiH v.-ill be available at the infonnation desk if needed. The queen campaign ru le-$, parade rules. and paradt' routc areas fo llo w,:

I. All cntering no'ata must be dcai1tned and built by members o r the 1ubmittin11 orgn niut lon . Non·mcmlK'r1 may be consulted, but ma)' not takt' an active pArt in the desil:'ning or building or the neat.

2 . A akt'tch of the propo5ed homttomin1 no.i t mU$ t be 1ubmin ed to the homecomina parade committee in care of S pecia l Event.$ Committee, University Center, H)metime betwl'en \.-dnead:,.y, St'ptember 18 , 1968, nnd Wt.'<lneaday. Octobcr 2, 1968. The approved 1ke1ch will bc signed and kept on file with th e paradc committee. 10 keep a c:n rbon copy for yoursetr. Any deviation from the approved plan un leu OK'ed by t he parade committre will result in diiqwalification. Yo ur , ketch •·ill be approved within 24 houn, and any Ju1t tcatioru; f1 om t hiJ office will be attached to the a pproval not ice.

3. Alo nai: with t he aketch , the fo llo wing information mu1t be added :

A. Name or orpniiation 8 . Namcs and phone number1

o r chairmen C. Location or org:miution

building D. Dimeru;iona E. Wo rding to appear on no.a t F. Division cntercd-1.t'. male

or female •I . The two divisloru; for flo at

judging,hall be male and fetl'lllle. Any co-«! org.aniutioru; shall be judgcd in the male division.

5. NeW$paper. t islue paper. a nd any convention.al materials rna,y be U$ed on the no.at . No ehanicter fieur ts, "skirts", o r other no.at pn.r t.5 iued on prniou, floats at 1hUI school Of

any other university may be

Holman Joins WSU Research Organization

Dr. Paul Cameron Holman ii I.he new 1&M>Ciate di rtttoc or a coope r a ti ve res ea r c h dev e lo pment o r1 a n lzation headquart.red at WiJConsi n State Univenity - Stevens Point .

He will St'l'Ve with Dr. William C I e men ta In the fed e r1lly -1ponaored CORD prO(l'am and 11tne WSU-La Croue, River Fa ll, , Steve • Poinl , Stout at Menomonte and Whitewater.

uaed on yow noou. 6 . Special effects 1uch 11

so untl , lighting, un iqu e movt'menu, etc., ar'c hiehly reeommcnded. However: 1. S~ci:11 precautions sho uld be takf!nfor 111 fety.

b . Rema.in mind ful tha t they must be working a t the end o r parade also.

. 7 .All neat, mu1t be in the ir assigned plact'!I 1u1To u ndlni; the ,\\lcn Center complex at 7 :00

~~~,8~ :~;~a~illo:= ~~ . noata from 7 :00-8:45 a. m.

8 .The name of the 1ubmitting orp niz.a tion may thi , yt'llr be uJoCd on the noat. if discree tly worked into the o veni ll no.at duign .

9. The prllSC!nce or any membcr near the float d uring judging. with the exception o r the con«aled o pera tors, will reault in a pt>nalty o f 10 poinLa levied by the J udicial Court. ,\ny drinking on the nc:at will result in disqualification .

10 . Drivers of th , no.au m uat report lo t he UAB office, second noor University Center at 5:00 p.m., Friday for a short meeting. We will discUSIE paradct route and any 1pecial problem.'1 at th!, time.

11 . Floats in good condition afte r the· parade, will IO to Gocrke Park for display .... 11 otht'rs will be eiven a police HCOrt to the ci ty d ump.

12. The pan.de co mmittee 1u¥gi!Sla a rna.xi mum hei1ht or 16 feet .Sponsorin1 orpni:r.ations will be responsib le ror r ner1 to keep low h:in11in bninches a Ad/or wires aw1 from their no.at. Any dcbril on the parade route from your Oo.r,t must be c leaned up immediately.

13. The width and length or the noat i1 left to the discretion of the o r e• nizatlon. Maneuver-ability ahould be kept in mind a nd t he narrowness o f Collete ave. should nOl be O\'ffkJoked.

Homecoming Commiu ee Gar)' Nordstrom 341 -2674 Carol Raabe 3'14-9631 (Route Ma p on Pa11e 5)

CAMPAIGN RULES I . C.mi>ai1nin1 for q ueens

will begin no aooner th.an Tuetd.ay, October 8 at 12:01 A.M.; and 111 ompaifn makriala aha ll be nimoved by Saturday, Odober 12 at 6 :00 P.M.

2. Posters should be kept in 1ood lute apd 'any lndtcent rna. terial wi ll be conr11Cated.

3. Btcau,,e o r INlintenance, "° gummed atlcken, 1cotch i.al)e, or thumb tac.ks will be allowed o n the walls o r tbe buildlnp.

and not to be worn before campai1ning1taru:.

8. No o rgan.iutk>n . may llkt' down a nother '• material and replace it with their own.

9. No material is to be drop~d from aitcrart .

10. No campaigning within 10 feet o f the eledion booths. One picture should be submitted for each e lection booth.

11 . Each orpnl:r.ation should be prepared to furn ish their candidate with a convertible if• finalist for the parade . Thil car la not to be decorated except for a sign o n the doon with the C9ndid•te• name and apon.or ing orpnl:r.ation .

12. Tht1,e ni \es will be enforced by the Ho mecoming Committee .

"Don't thin k something is acceptable because the majority of people a rc doing it ," hc advise d the youth,, m:m y accompanied by parent ,; ,

"Whe n we came back rro m World War II, the goal WU maM production o f ph)'llc.al thinp like r e fri 1e r •to r I and eutomobile1 to make a better lift', but we'v. loll that." We need national I M11 because democracy in Amtrica has only been a 200-Y e a r experiment and now needs to be proven.

" In othcr word1, don't be Hi1 con c:em for Oiling the milguid i:id by 1urveya which uy void of leiswe coma lo a 51 pcr cent or the public does formula he ha1 told many aomething we think ii mora\1y ,tudent grouP5 dur in1 hia year in wto"II: ' Dreyru1 conl inutd . the pr~dency hirre.

Thi s is one leJSOn 1he\ president cncouniged frt1hmen Sportin1 hUI red vl'lt u ~ual, lo learn early in thei r "climb for he remiiided the rr t1hmen hUI independence at this campus." door is a lways open for t heir

Anoth e r i I to 1void viait.5. "You kno w there ,re development or a traNistori:r.ed t hrt'e group1 in this mind which dictates routine in campus-1tudenu, facult y and daily living . adminiltmtora- and in thal

"While you're he r11, l'ind nine o rder of importance."

Each 11uden1 or11aniz.ation on campU$ will hl \'e • booth and wi ll attemp1 to acquaint 1tudenta with their 1,1ar1icula.r ,roup.

This year each organiu1ion which has I booth will bc competin1 agalnsl each other for lrophiH lo be 1h·en to the first , .econd i nd th ird place winners.

Tho5e in 11nend11ncc 111 the Pointf! r Jubilee will bc gh'l!n a ch1 nce to vou o n t he organiutlon which hu thi:i bi!sl di1pla)'.

The Saxons, 1 J· man baroque-folk fl'OUP , will pro\·ide tntertainm.enl durine and after the Jubilee.

Thow orpni:r.ation, v.·lshin11 to ha\'I! a di1pl1y art' u,ied to a ttend a 7 :00 pm. meetinJ thia evening in the Unh'l!rait)· Center. Check the In formation Deak for the room. QUEEN'S OUAUFICATIONS

-2 .00 1r1de point ,venige ·Sopho mo re 1landin1 with at

leut one· 1tmeater at th is University

•muat be a run t ime 1tudent • 12credit.5

• n o u n 1at i 1 factory diJCiplinary record

way, to walk to II c\au M> you keep thinking. Don't let your automobile drive you by Llkine the N me route t'Vcr)' day whctn you're on l he 1treeu or hi1hway1.··

Ol"t"y(u.s warned the freahmen that ,ran1iato rized notions usu.ally court thc idea " doing my best" is enough. " I hope Lyndon Johru;on didn"t tell Mr. Ha rriman and Mr . Vance to just try thei r bc1t 111 t hey negotiate fo r the United State,; in the P1uis peace !alb.

Freshmen Positions Open In Senate

•mu,t be aponaored by a recognized University or&ani:utionorfesidcncehall

OTHER STIPULATION - a ny ont' e nt e ring 11,

llomecomin1 candidate must alao ,ntera no.it ror the paude

« lect undttgraduate to ad u manaaer

-managers shall be • lialion be tw een H omec.o min1 committee a nd s t ated o rpniution

-must ob11trve cooed ho urs accordin1 to rul es •nd rqulationaofthls Universi ty

1hould not have been a Homecomin1 Queen candida~ previoualy

Remembcr, a track rf!<:(ll'd hu never bet-n broken by one rna.n runnin1 a lo ne . It take1 competition from another to acquire that needed puah, he e mphui:r.ed.

Why are t he fre.hmen hett7 Di-eyfua belicvc. the purpose or an education today i1 lo hclp youth find a nationa l purpose in our dtmocr111ic society a nd to lcam w11y, of making leilurt' timeroc11 nin1rut.

Nominatin 1 peti tions are now • electio n ruin or Student Senate available for the o fn ce of in aeneral is required. contact frn hmcn clau 1tudent aen1tora Paul Schillln11. Studcnt Bod}' in the Student Senate o ffice and PrHid ent , at Eltl . 276. the Studen t Activities office or the University Center.

Petitions muat be filled o ut and rt'turned to t he Student St'nate o ffice no liter than 5 :00 pm . , Thund ay, Sept . 26. Candidates mU$t acquitt 50 1i;n1turea of fellow claumat.ea for their name to 1p~ar o n the ballot .

The two candidatea0

receivinii: the highest number o r votes will fill lhe frt1hman clau seats. tr information concemin1 either

University Christian Movement Will Sponsor Free University

Un iver1ity Chri1tl1n ho0

ur 'in len11th, followed by a Jo&eph SuUIY11n will instruct the Movement ind WSU-Ste:vt'ns period of di1eu..ion . course "Christian Monility and Point are jointly 1poru;orln1 a The ,e cou r ses i re the Human Predicament ." An C h ri s tian Free University non'$C!Clarian in na ture 111d 1Lartin1 on Mo ndiiy , Sept. 30, al make an t'ffort lo addreu .ome 8 p .m. in the Cluaroom Center, of the current lu\lts berore man roonv 103 and 104 . in university forum today. They

Participatinl In thUI IO·week do not propc,se .o\utions. but dfort ue the cltrp of the supply a b1ck,round apin1t Unh,ersity Christian Movement. which modern knowledae may Any interested church ii invited find a persptttive for better to participate ii it ii afOllated understandine. with unhenl ty ministry or t he The Monday clauH, Minority Univer1iiy Christian Movement. Groul)I, will .be lnstrucled by

Reglltnition1 will be taken •t. Rev. Richard Steffen and Sist@r the rll'$t meetint IJld anyone i. Robert Marie El,en, The 1ener11.I

ea.amina tion and diJC1111io n or the ideu of morality and tthics put and preae,.i. will constitute lhecourw.

..God In Contemporary Litt>niture" UI another courae scheduled for Wednesd1y,. It will deal with the Christian faith u fo und in the writlne o r fi ve contemporary authoni , F1the.r Gilbert Thomas will teach the

21 Year Olds Must Acquire Absentee Vote

Bv Dave Baumann WSU 1tudt>nU who ,,,.;5h to

\'Olt' but are not reaidenta or Stevens Point may do so by 11cquirin11 an 1bM!nte,e ballot from the town or city clerk whl're his J)erm11nent rc, idence ls located .

. If the voter i1 from or city of 5.000 Ot' more, he la required to registerthcrebeforcacquirini:: •n abunlee ballot. Jun a mere rcquHt to the city or town clerk for the b1Uota to be rna.iled to the voter prior to the election i1 aufficient in , ma.lier townshipi and communities.

UpoiiJettMng lhe ballot, the \"Oll!r fil ls II out in the ptf'lence of two witneuea or a notary public, 1ca l1 it and returns thl' b:illot to the clerk by mall. The ballot will be opened at the poll5 on clec1iond11y.

Pointer Deadlin


e l.s Sunday ,.~ I Dr. Holman. a natiH or

Mo1TUI, IU ., hu experience In at.atbtical analytia, cl.a.room te1chln1 and educational television. He wu Ill , duC9lional analyilt for the board of education In Flint, Mich., befoH comin1 here.

4 . In respect to the community, no sound trucks will be uaed and tbe bOlpital zone must be obaund.

5. No defaein1 of ,.public or private property.

ftee to 1ttend. One l'l!qUittment coune will deal with culture, Thurldaya, F1ther Hurd Hall 11 put torlh - that o nce a person with specific emphuil on tbe will conduct a course, "Some commits himseU to a courae, U.S. Trench In Modern ThtolOIY," that he be faithful in attendance "New Testament Survey ," dealin1 with new world ,ie..,.. •nd partlci~te to hit l\l)lftt conducted by Rn. Jay and expanak>na and their Impact potential. Hurnphte~ on Tuaday1 will be on modem theoiol)'.

THtl SANT AMOUI (right) o nd t HONDA KArsa (left) ore two students who live in reside~ hall lounge, becovse of the need for room. The two ore freshmen from Green Boy and live in Ne,ale Holl where the lounges were 1vrned info rooms this svm-

All prtM ttleuea IJld news articles mu.at be in tbe fointer ortice by 8 prn. on S1,111day oenln1toinsuttpublicatlon.

In !~::!~C:J:::.!::: '. only

6. The use of TV 1J1d radk, for ca.mpai;:nln1 will not be allowiid.

7 . L,pe l ta11 wlll be considered campala,, material

a-a: ~t': ~!:ldl~; ;.!':!ni'~rve,:latl:~1~~1C::: 1 the~W: .~~::,:~n~::ns:r 1J1d 104 a t 8 p .m, every day of Man . Jeiu.,, Christ" 'trill be otfered the wNk. '11ien 1n el1ht Wednelday evenlnp, Rev. under I.he iralr\lct ion or Rlcha.rd

''""'" to "! orrtt,d, u,h ''. C""' Seho,idtt , • •d F,t~" HIii. (Mlke Thein Photo) A

Page 2: THE POINTER · thtt WSU 1y1tem. Wllllam Lul:t, facult)' advisor to SOS, will be pr~nt. The student body ~ iMited to participate in the di$1:u.uion1 bcoforethe~nate. Saxons Entertain

Page 2 THE POINTER $eptember 19, 196B

"Let thy speech be better than silence, or be silent." -Dwnywiw

THE PODIUM Men Are Forced to Discover Where 25 Deferme.nts Are Hid

SfMl.t, 1aaul.lf Actimr, ~ (JI£ S"/JS Juat

The issue at hand concerning, the Board or Regent.a' N?('ent action banning the Student.a for a Democratic Soc.i~ t y on campus is a much deeper one than the banning itself. ·

The question is clearly one Or student's right.a and the aovcreizn'ty of Wisconsin State University-Stevena Point as ~individual institution.

The arbitrariness of the regents' ordering of President Dreyfus to ban the local SOS chapter ia being looked at by the studenta, faculty and even the administration as an unnecessa ry usurping of our university's right to COD•

trvl internal issues. The student, : Student body president Paul Schilling

stated that it i11 "apalling the way the board interfered in student participation in determining student organizations. SOS as an individual case ia not the issue; it ia the pre--cedent that the board has established." 1

Schilli ng hopes that acme aort of resolution condemn­ing the board's action can be brought before the first senate meeting this Thursday night in the Van Hise room

·. of the University Center. The Pointer urges all interested persons to attend this meeting and support such a resolu­tion.

The facutty: A tentative resolution ha.a been dmwn up to be presented at the first faculty meeting October 10. This resolution (which is aubject to change) conclude& that " the faculty protests the Board of Regents and the director (Eugene McPhee) for having acted to uaurp the role and responsibility of the president and the student.a in the recognition and approval of studerit organization, and again urges the Board of Regent.a to act .to restore th is responsibility to the president and to the students of WSU."

The Pointer urges the faculty to acqu.n.int themselves with this issue and to pau this resolution.

The·administration: Dr. William Stielstm, vice pmri­dent for student affain, stated that he felt that "the board's action was somewhat circumscribing of our local campus." He went on to state that " if we are to be a uni­versity, we must be given considemble latituae in the direction the university should take and the chamcter of the university." He aeea a "danger" that a precedent is being set.

The Pointer urges the administration to aid the stu­- dent.a and faculty in guarding against any follow up of

this precedent. -The Editorial Board

QUJ!8li.on of the Week-We wonder why it 1lways seems to be that the better the teacher

the less likely he is to take attendance every class period?

1u 1~ Gap q1. WSIJ. The 1968-69 academic year marks the 75th anniversary

of this school's existence. The years have seen our school evolve from a potato-town normal to a full-fledged uni­versity.

Three-quarters of a century, however, have failed to develop any sense of unity or tradition. Students on this campus have no sense of "oneness," no general feeling of this being a single achoo!.

There arc several reasons for this. The building pro­gram begun under the late ,President Albert.son'a adntinis­tration lllust take a large part of the blame. In his eager­ness to build the university Albertson cobbled together a plan with several "l;Cnters" to house the various academic faceta. He alao built residence hall "centers" for donni­tory comple.zea. Each complex thus becomes it.a own little microcosm separated Crom the others by a stretch of tun­dra which ia all but impusable eii:: months of the year.

The result is a su.itca&e college where a large percent­age of the student population makes the bar acene on Thursday night and goes home for the weekend. They don't know what'• happening across the banen wastes and don't really care. The unity gap shows up quite vividly in the lack of student involvement. participation and spirit. At the end of the aemester count the number of punches in your activities card. While you are doing that. wbiaUe the first three bars to the achool eong.

Perhape a " university attitude" has not had time to congeal. Over 90 per cent of the buildings .on campus are

·lesa than 12 years and the campus growth rate during that time bas been something bordering on fantastic.

It will be interesting to observe whether any real 1enti­~t or tradition can develop for a dear old alma mater with an oversized bungalow for a pby-ed building, a b,u.. tille-like monolith of a cluaroom center or a acience build­ing that a myopic could easily miatake for a parking ramp.

Any 8UCb developments will have to be without benefit of the only two build.mp on thia campue that look like they belong - Nelson Hall and Old Main will eooa

lall:e~~Ia~e~~'!!'f!:'·m a ecboo1 ii railly a bad thing ii a moot point. However, without a tn.dition to fall back on, we have nothing and can do nothing to diatinguiah thia ocbool from the ,,_, !DUI ol other UDdlltin,ui,hed ocboola.

Jlwr Dominowdi

, THE POINTER ~ 11M- POINTD i. pu'bUlbed -*ly a:eept ~ !Ind a&m• ;_, tnaUon~atBteWUPotnt.W,ll,c,omin,byUMo.tudellt.ot ~ ~ Stata UnlYffldty, SUbac:rjpt!on pl1ca - '6,00 per year. - Qrcua.tSon I.GOO, n.. POINTU offlc. a. 1ocatad 1n u.. um.ftl'lil~ c.ntar.

'lWepboDe Nl-J.JSL l:xt. SID.

Have a Beer

For Lunch,

It's Cheaper Deu Edllor,

Recen lly, I walked Into the Gridi ro n •nd purchaaed 1 14 ounce SIUI or milk. I do not like milk but I wu 1uflrrin1 fr om 1 foul , tome.ch caiaed by drinkini 16 ounce glU1t1 o r Mer.

Oddly enoui h , the price for the bt't'r Wal 25 cent.I whilr the milk w11 30 cent.I. Th i.I aeelnl n ry odd . One quart o f mllk COit.i 25 ct'nU •t 11lort',

The profil molive in t he 1tudent union i1 1ettin1 oul or h•nd . So when your molher give1 you your milk money, atop It Joe'1: you 11e1 more for your money .


PS. Ju~l bee1uae lhey charge• quarte r fo r • hambur11er that due1 no.t mt'an 1hey hue to nuike them the Nime aiH u one.

The following article by Mlkit Harper was inadvertently . left ou t of last week's Poinler.

The drawing that went with It, however, w11 printed. Please pu t the two together for fuU appreciation.

By MICHA EL HARPER Th e o ld R•mb lera and

Volluwagon• are rumblina and r1111tin1theirw1y1crouc1mpia, Some of lhe race• are amlllnv, aome are ffll' rely paulve, while aome ue 1e1nnin1 the fem11le cou nt ry1ide.

For aome, it will be an 1bbrevilted at•Y, for other atudenu, it will be the be11ins o f a miUenium o r hillh int.en1i1y l1mp1 •nd litera.Jly tona of boob or que1tion1ble value. llere cometl the •1ele11 queatlon -what do all the1e men h.1-re in common?

illey 11re • II in lhe ~a:re1iou1 prediaomt'nl of htvin1 to obtain a Selt>ctive Service d eferment . With t he uception o f • few hundred 1ludenll who hue been made drah uempt throush ROTC, all or the incomina men m\at 11ru11:v le to find 1uid1nce 11 to the who, wh 1l and how of 2·5 deferment,.

(It ii interetting th•t the US Army • nd the Cona:reu of the USA cre11e t he threat o r t he

Undemocratic Practices Commonplace At National Democratic Convention ., Shipman Sees Chicago As McCarthy Delegate

~y F RED GINOCCH IO 1ctiona o r the del~1tion ." Not only wu l hi1 uaed on Wi1consi11

llumphrey . To uy thal the varioua polilic• I movt'1 did not hu~ an eJrecl on the dt>legalea •nd 1he Convrntion policiea would bl' 11. Vl' r)' nai\·e lllaumption , fOf' the minority plink on Vietnam w•1 defeated

~i"~b:~e ~~~nt~:~::;l~~ti:~~! Wednesday ,

The rece nt De moc nlic to 1ubtly censor he r at limea, Unit Rule

~:;,ven~: h~::h:l ~ ~ici::i:: ~~:!in,Wt.~:yo;~=~~i:;d ~i: C 0

\ ~e:~ to~nd p;i:rr lol ~h:

~~1o~:e:c r:/ 1:u, pr; ~~:;;.: pol:;;.:.i =n~;~~ ·ana ' bias uae or· ~;:;!e~i~h~het:~ t t!::1;~~1:e:~

~·t~n. s:~e~1o rd;;n~hipr:u~t; ~h~ ecom;~n~C:t!o;;i't :y:l~m ~! ~!;: ~i~::;e1, t::aot,!t~~:, r~::.

:o:~e~~;n -~le; d ~~~~i; :i:;~~ent;;i~ o/:l!:1,~r;,~;~ Z rr~;;n~hi~=n~i~l!a\\:1 ~r; dt>lesat.e. Ju • reault o f hit forcea reUful o( locin1 control. e:ic pe ri e nce, he h1a wme How could the ·•democratic" inte re1tins ob11rvallona o r the party hl\"I!! an open con\·ention if Convent ion proce'edinp. the ch1iman did not control the

Dr. Shipnan bec1me lnvolied microphontt and telepho11t'1?

~ui!:: p.;~~~e,.;:r1/t~:i;:: Al 10 p;~d~dt 11 th e

:~l:nahe ::td :l lTh~: ph:~oct~ Co nve n t ion were 1ever1I

1::: • t~~•n p0:rt:~~onCo~~ =:a:~ara~

0~: ~ dneve&:ii~~~

Citlzena r or McCuthy ~oendv~~~i:~; a:!~~ns 0

{0 ~ ::

org1nlution and e lected Dr. latnt inue o f The New

~:~::"~oal ~~::~ry ;i;-r:.,.rr;:;; ::ri::~~· w°:::;ra p~,h~~:gh:~:

ch·~~\) r e1u l t or th e ~:iga:::r ~::h :~:p~:!·i:: Ol"11.ni:ulion i nd ill wo rk for handful, or allrrnite floor passel McC1tlhy, Dr . . :2 s1iood t I t Humph ,, -,, · t 1ome depee or_;rpo~~~ion 1nd t:t' eh•II . n,/ b~ :r 1


:;0 :ve: ~1:ie,.:°r~~ni:r.d~; ~:V:~ ti:~ t;;;:tehard.::.:; r ar:~

:~!le!. 1~ :o:!;.~~t~~~·. :.1: . Humphrey 1upportera we re cha.en a1 al tem.te delea;,le. ialued, buL McC11rthy dete111te1 (Guyint LI Jllrtinl I political were lueky to evt'n set regul1t

;:;:.: pr:!~) .. thi1 r,u here al Pas:~ bind •llo waa used to

Shipman thus became a plly P•lriotic and h•PPY aonp ,me mbe r o f the Wiaconlin w he n emo tion al exc: itln1 dek11tlon hemded by Oon•ld l tffl06phrre wa1 needed for Peterson , • n upcominc democnt rrom Eau Cl.ire. The. d elea;a1ion for the mo.t part wu to repre.ent Eusene McCarthy • nd work Iowa rd the policie1 he·

rep~ nt~«lentials

The fi1ht between the McCuthy forc:e1 and the c:on1erntive poli tical bOIIC!1I beUll'MI eviden t •t t he out.et of the Converltlon. Oris;ln1lly the credentllll committee wu to report on Tuffd1y ni1ht Au1. 27, but due to the well oi~ s .. n of • 1he 1dmlnL1t111tion nachine the report wu 1uddenly racbed11Jed for Monday night.

The 1nti ·1dmlni1tntlon forcea had planned to back four minority report& on Tut.cby nlsht whleh would hue clwn them time to ltfUI their repori. al party c:auc:uma Mondmy nl1ht bul a1 1 reault or the maneuftr, they were drpriwd of lhia . chance and consequently tel bl.ck In their drift for more repreaeni..t1vedeleptlo1U1.

le,·ela o r 11ovrrnmenl, ( prrc:inct. coun t y , di1trkt . 1tatt' ind n1tion1I) ror futureconve nt ion1, perhal)II i1 lhl' only victory claimed by 11nti ·•dministration forc:H.

Th~ unit rule thi1 yt>ar wu iaed at local 1e,·el convrn1iona 10 nomln•te national convention de l e1• t ea. Th i 1 r ul e milrepre11nted minoritiu when al , ror e:,:ample, • di1trict convent ion, 11. vote would be 111.ken 10 110minate a ,nation1l de lel[lle. If the vole wu 8 to 7 in favor o r the conaer'11tivn, • conserv.t ive de le11atr would be nominated . H th is pr,clice co ntinul'II throughout t he local level,, one can .._-e how the minority voice would be el imin •ted • n d tru e representa tives1hut out.

Anolher trick , confi rmed by Dr. Shipnuin, th.It wa1 uwd to milrepreaenl lhe people waa c:1. ll ins county •nd local meeti n11 u crt' tl y without not i(yins the n.nk and tile party mem ben. The democratic

politici1n1 would thl'n 11:lccl , 111 the local level, theit m.in to be a delegate without lakini; into con1idera1ion other party nwmbl'ra who were not notified ofthe1peci11I meeting.

111 view o f the political maneu\'t'ra practiced befort and dur i ni; th e D e mo crlLic Conven tio11, it bt'comt's o bvious t hat the Conven t ion 1y1tem w11 di s t o rt ed from true rcpre5rnt1tlo11 by poli llcal bo-. Would lhr Con,'entlon S)'lftrm, if-clt':lnrd of 111 muclr, be representative?

Dr. Shipman pre1enlt'd tht' idem of perh•ps a n111ioral primary to c:hOOll' pruidenli1l candidatn , bul feell 1h11 the •n11wer nN'ds fort her atudy.

Tht> nomin•tion o r Juli1n Bond. • Nt>gro law)'er hom Geo r1ia, by the Wi5e0n1ln delt>sa1ion wu 1 "1ymbo\ic se11urr o f our dclianc:e o f t he old line poli t ic i1n1 •nd hope for the fu tu re," aceording to Dr . Shipman. He ala led that the Wisco n1i n deles•tion wa1 "diaguat.ed with the w.y the puty w11beingrun:·

Lookin11 lOWIMd t he upcoming rlrction1 in Nov .. Dr. Shipman explained 1hal he will remain n eu tnl on th e pre1identi11I race. lie will neithe r s upport now work 1g1in1t Hubert Humphrey, bul will 1upp<M"l loci! candidates and the rrelec:lion o r Sen1tOr G1ylord Nrllon.

(Author'• note : Upon nqueat fro m Dr. Shipm1n, thia reporter would like to explain that o nly the 1tatemenu fo und in quote1 lhro u11 houl the 1tticle are Dr. Shipman'• views. V11rio111 other 1t11emt' n t.a or opinion are slrictly thilreporter'1.)

Another tool Uled by the boy, in power wu the orr and on awltc:h controllinc each It.ate d11Jeption'1 microphone and t • lephone to the platform. Ac:cotdloc to DI-. Shipman , thll IWitch WU i.e,d 1ffed.iffly in coalrollinc dilaldent deleptio1U1. Shlpm1n 1hted thti t "the Wi.1con1ln d 11 l1111 tlon wu repeatedly eut orr by the chair wb.n UM, cha1t did not (uor the

DI. GOIDON SHIPMAN lrightl ond George Guyon, both atfended the Oem­oaotlc Notional Convention os o del&-

gote and ottemote delegate for their candidate, Eugene McCarthy. (Bob Holden Photo(

drah, crer. tin1 dran board. which .hover •bove atudent.. • w•ltin1 the fin al !111 or ill dyln1 prey, and then comu to UH the d ay throu1b ROTC. ROTC hu a prorram which In the word. or Col. Mowrey durin1 a freii.hmen orientation 1eulon , "11 the only courte o f 1tudy which m11 ku men and luder1 on thl1 c1mpia." I can tee It 111 no w - t he men o r ROTC b1tllin1 It out with the men In the Natural Resource• department who u e b1ttlin1 it out with the men o r the Phy. Ed de partment , u t he men o f vbion attempt to find 1n 11U1Wer to th ia immoral bl.Iii for civili:ution.)

Who 1iv19 draft lnfornution? The parent.I don't know, the 1dmini1t111 tion bu 1upplied I

mere aim ei&ht by ten inchn in ai:r.e on one wall of one office, ind the draft board 1ure u H·­doH n 't e mp loy I public rela tion• li rm on campia.

In t he Re1iltra.tion Office, 1econd fl oor Old Main, on the weat will , 11 1 1he lf on which lhere are two pi le, o r l1Ulterl1I. In one pllt! will be Form I 04, on

t he other pile wi ll be Form 109. BOTH MUST BE FILLED OUT.

Form I 09 i1 tilled in part i1lly by you ind partillly by tlw, University, which will mail It for you after' documentina for your dra ft b01.rd the f, ct. that you are enrolled at WSU-SP rull tlmc. Form 104 11 1l10 mtil led for )'Ou by the unlveraity . You 1hould receive your 2-S de ferment In t he m1il in OCL . or Nov,

Yo u mu1t be Cll1Tyin1 1n 1cademic lo1d of It leut 12 credltatom1lnll..in the 2-S.

It LI 1l10 pouible that Ont' hu the risht (ind I wou ld think tM duty) to carry • 2·5 and 1Jw 1 C .O.--con1cientlou1 o b;t-ctor. The dra lt boud ii 1uspicioua of 1 n yo ne who w1iu un til cradu1tion to obtain C.O. 1ta1ui.

ff you lincerely f«J now1h11 you cannot partakt' In t~ e:ic t,e rm lna l io n or lh l' non•Amerlcan world, U you :irr mo r a l ly brave, whethP r relia:io~Jy or 1ocia lly. then }'OU

ahould 11ek informatio n 111d coun1eling at the Ca,n tu.rbut)' Houle or from 11.ny olht•r membe r o( the Univtrlit) Chrillian Movement.

The Pointer Visits-

Stevens Point's Mystic

Dives Jnto Lake Dreyfu By C. BAUSKE

In ill continuins 1tarch 10 brins th e fertility o r t>n I ia h tenment to tht> inte llec tu a ll)' a t e ril t', the POINTER viliu St . John Mu1c:att'I , rnidt'n t mystic: or the c1mpia. In 1Ummer he usua lly ~,id11 on the left bank or the Wiseonain River, b ut in winier ht' l"llllke1 h i1 home in 1he ve nti1111ing 1h1r1 atop old M•in, which is 1ome small measure 1ccounufor it1 peculinodor.

In II former Ji(e (one or sever1l) , ht'wasreinc.rm1tedu• dog. In point o r (1c1. he wU thr origi111I muc:ot o r our football team. By virl ur of doin11 hi1 duty durinc half-time, ht> u,~ most lllmt'I from becomins complett>ly borin1.

We bepn by qu11tionins him •bout the activity on the far north end o r the c1mpus. " My God., I've been too busy with 1he11 d1mn pi,eon1 i nd their bombardmt'n t o f my quuten to notice1nythins ."

1 Direetln1 hia attention to the

1isht , we 11ked him if he if.new President Drey(us wu plannin1 to build I lake?

" No, but. lhan k the Lord for 1 llme and place to bathe."

I told him it ii 1uppoaed to become I recr11tioo area for the 1tudenll.

"($ 1h11 IO, ii that 51)

Obviously Pre1ide n1 Drt>)' rw hb Ol' \'t'r wa1r r 1kled in C1'ntnl Wi1c:01uin on the idtt o r Mareh It encouragea e ven a m)'Slic tu cas t doobLI 11 nd lliper1ion1 nn 1he Integri t y o r Mr. Drey flli ,"

"NO JlOntt?" l aaid . "No 1tone1, stonea hne a

tt'ndc11cy to 10 of( coun.,•. doubts c• n be cut with mu~h mo re acc ur acy 11nd eHectivenen."

"Have you becom e increulnsly cynical aboul the President 'a motive,. The 1urf1ce of the water may be uled for renec:tlon, bot who know. what evil lurkl in the depth.I o f men ?" • ,. OouSt-:John know'!'''

"Ytt, I belie\·e thaL Mr Dreyfus will c:omm•nd h1) creation to roll back. In doinl! IO, he will pin tht' re1ptct or t hf primiti ve •nd 1upentit iow: b111int'n comm11nit)'. He will be,come • 1od."

"Ml)' I a1k wh1l wo uld br thl! 111'!!)ficatio1U1?"

"Once huin1 caplurtd 1M mind., heuu, aouls •nd rud~ cub, he will con1m.and that 10

o f doub1 to ~rt and procttd to lead ui to I new •nd promiud l1nd, Ru r• lopla- Did you know MOll'1 wore a red vest?"

"NO, bul i•vc heard rumori tha1Stalin did ."

A Point Well 4 aken~

The Black Berets Counter lns'!,rge

By BILL MCMILLEN "A (ROTC) " Black Beret" group might be formed by some

~.~\~:.~enturesome cadets and specialize in counter insurgency

news item in last wttk's Poinur

We am tee il •II now. A tisht knot or tense men art' 11uini: around • flickerins O.me. They are in the 1m1II mull)' Counttr lnau'ftency room It ROTC; headqu1rten, Nelson Hall . The roon, 1~

o nly known to • f- c!utilied ~ pie (and a.II the ei rb who lin•d Jt

Nt>l.son IMt year ind used it for thr fint floor c111). But the 1tmo1phere now ii of• dlUerent aort. Some in tht 11:rOup

a~ke n•rvou1\y. IL may bt' their la1t d11rettt' for a long time. t·OC' th11 sroup of dedlc•ted aoub ii about to COUNTER- INSURGE.

They Ire drtl&l!!d for their work. Thty wur black ked1 bl.cJ. P•nu, bl1ck Steiner H1ll 1we.t.1hirl1 turned inaide out •nd final!) . black beret.I. Their mialion:The lmpauible. . '

Al thLI eruclal momt'nt 1tepa ire heard. The aecre t 1111n ind

~~dr'::rke:::,:i:~: t~le l:;:,!~r. It ii lhe Commander. A iiih or

Lin!t.,.:n~ ~c::k ; 1 the Com.rnander'1 f1ce and th• teruion retur ru

He •~Pll: ci:are;::;n::::~:Pi;rn:;:. h~::/ nd~r hi1 <')'' -

Fin11ly he 1pe1U, "l'vt! 101 aome bad new1 fo r you boy1 "A lo.., ::~,;:read.a 1round th• aroup, ii th• million rt>,·11 )' 1hit

Bo ~~mander COll t inuq, "We have Just been binned by thr

~.'.ni:,. :~n:. ·:: :,:'P. coes u~ from lhe Black Bereta.

nicht.'' The ailence is ltl:~~:n•sht, tomorrow ni1h1 or 1ny othrr

ha~:=~ C:," ~Id it no looser, "But why us, they jual h.ld to Blick Beret.I," P ck on. Wi'rt: not eHn .Clili1lltd with the national

,:~;:a~~°7~~ ~ke aoy dlllerence," the Comrn,,nder terael)

1tuden~, our~::: ;::~l~d i;C:,,:~~.lly be meanlflllrul to our

und~c!:°,:;~der •peab •Pio. " Ovr only chance now. ii to ,o point ••can·b.(a•.,. alrt:idy found• plac:e0Cfcamp1111nd Crom thll

The croup 11 nc'.:::1 U~•r-the.COunter lnaur,ency, ~ •nd out Into the bll k Mp~, Th1ty •U!&llhUy crffp out o(, lhe John but ona can be e ni,tit. They haft t11mporarily been d1feated IOOn 9Cho ~ =Pi:: CTf ... or Undff-th11.C011nt41r lnaurrency will

Page 3: THE POINTER · thtt WSU 1y1tem. Wllllam Lul:t, facult)' advisor to SOS, will be pr~nt. The student body ~ iMited to participate in the di$1:u.uion1 bcoforethe~nate. Saxons Entertain

Sop,a,ntie, 19, 1988

Churches Merge Into MHE Group

Keepln1 In step with I new Ind United Chur<:h of C h r I I t trend , the United Me1hodls1 members, Church ,nd four other Uben l Those two sponsoring groupa proceau.nt denomlMtlOnl have •re expe,ctcd to merge In the merged Into a Ml.nl1try In High• irate by 1970, Mr . Steffen sa id.


er Education (~liE) at WStJ. The chap1A1n•s 111lgnmcn1wlll 'll!!Jlllllllll!I!~ Youthful members of the PrH- no1 lnV"Olve holding worship •er- ~

bytertan. Mon vi.&n, Methodist, vicea on campus, but he will United Church of Chrt1t 1ndD1s. speek month ly In worahlp ser­ctplea of Chrllt fa iths wl\l be · vices 11 St. Paul'a Methodl11, served this t1ll by the11me chap. Frame Memoria l Presbytertan laln, the Rev. Richard Stdren. and the United Churcfi of Chrlat About I, 400 sruclenta or 20 per In Stevens Ptllnt. cent of the enrollment will be One Sunday a month he wlll W'lderh11charge. travc,1 10 congrepllons In the

Counseling and program plan- aree 10 expla in his miss ion s t nlng for i,.,orn~rtlc lpatlon In the lhC'unlverslty, ecumenical Unlverllty Christian "Denomtnulon ties srebreak­Movemcnt will occupy most of Ing down on campuses," he re­hit time, Rom1nC.thollcs, Luth• pores. '7ha1'1 Why I've 1tw1ya

::tk:isEJ>.'!c::"::, a~d::r: :~:r:d~n:.. m.;:i:trn!' ef:rg :~ Joint ly spon1ored religious e- makes my work more official." vena on campus for more th.In \\'Jth. more thin• dozen ysn a year. of experience u • un.lveralty

In ellSence. form1tlon or the pastor, In Wisconsin, Mlnneaotl MHE cr•1ed an ecumcn.lcal or- and Norch Dakota , Mr. Steffen pnlzatlon subordlran1 10 the to- says '"we're finally doing wh.at ral ecumenlcalcampua-movemeni we've been ralklng 1bou1- - l mean tnvolvtng mosc rraJor filths. we arc esrabllshlng our ecumen-

Mr, Stdfen'a ministry will be lea! reiltlonshlps among o u r supported by the Me1hodllu of youths 10 the relltlon.,hlJ)I be­Wisconsin 1nd theUnl1edC.mpus come more understandable. chrlstt.n Fellowship Comml9 - ~V. Stdten says hla own pro­ston of \\'t1coll91n, the orpnlu - grams will fearuresrudlesolthe-110n which formerly bound Pres- ology, Clhlcs, apptica 1ton of by1erlan.,, i,.~ravtans, Disciples Christi.In principles In contm,-

Kalke Wins

Arts Award F.chrin Kalke, 1925 Elk St.,

rt'ceind a cNh a"ud foe but ..:ulptun and iienenll croup at the 4th ann11al WaUNu Festini of Aru held 5*pt. 7 and 8 at Wawkey Puk , Wallllou ,

The ul..l and cral'I..I dilplay at the futin.l wu Judred by Tracy Atki n1o n , director of the Mihftuktt AJ't Center.

Kallr.e, a Ju.ne cnduate or w. S. U. - Stever-.. Point, allo receh·ed a cuh award in July at the annual Wuineb11oland Art Fair at 01hlcOlh. He took fint place in t he profulional ac ulpture dlvialon with a hbrlcated fibertlUI, "four Unita, Number 2."

In Au, . he wu 11.elecUtd to ex hJblt a cut a l uminum a cu Ip tu r e en t It I I d "Three-D-Cu bu,'' at t he Wllconaln State Fair Art E1.hlblt in MJlwauhe.

pon.ry problems1ndmodern-day churchman.,htp.

He 11)'1 lnst11ltng socia l con• cerna In the minds of che sru­denta lahlsfn"Orl tework.

Mr. Stdfen Isa natlVl!ofM1-dl1tm and I gndultC' of the Uni­versity of Wisconsin. He served ~storates In northern Oltnots se,·en rears before becoming a chaplain It the UnivC'rslty of North O.kora . .

HerC' for about five )'eil rs, he hu bttn serving the Wesley Foundulon III well as the state dl rec1orshlp or that Methodist campus group.

The Ministry In' Higher Edu­e&[jon, Incidentally. Is go,·erned by • bond representing the unl­\·erslty and aree cong:reptlon.,.

Officers are Gilbert . Faust, cha irman; Robert Bowen, vice chairman; ~?ra. OrvUle Rlce, se<:rerary; Mrs, Phll Jones,trea ­aurer; Rlch.ard Schneider, pro­perty; and Rev. ~rold Gray, Plllnt'leld. persoMel.

DO WE NEED A MAITYI 8£FOIE WE o reo1 and students walk tn the street 01 namese universi ties on admln­lltn.[jve and budge[jng manera, chanerlng procedures ind rypes of go.la to set.

GET A SIDEWALK? Along Franklin Street cars drive along the road, presenting a there Is about half o block that hos no donger to !ho pedestrian traffic. (Miko sidewalk, only a dirt path. During doss Theiss Phala). breaks this ls one of the most populous

Difford Duties

A e S ind reNrned to fu ll-tlme biology s s u m tm.:~:a-not ltepplng down from

ln1noounclng them 111 lo n, Prea ldent Dreyfus uld: '"The university and I rake r•I pr1de In the fact thll struuUng Mtlon with only five unlvenltlea would apeclflcally des1grw.1e to our ro­vernment thl.t It wishes WSU­Steven1 Point to help them win the otha- war In South Vleaiam."

anything. I think r m1ttpl)lnglq>,"

A D he u ld. ''He'• one of the best

S ea n U•chers ·on lhe faculty," added . Dr. Cordon Hderbecker, vice

"We ·are silo proud for Bill that he was 1pec:Uieally Mmed by the Mlnlltry of Education to carry out this m!Hlon," Dr. Winthrop C, Dlfford. •

New England geology profeHor ind 1c1demlc 1dmlnlstntor, as­sume:! duties In Sep~mber u dean of graduate 1rudtes ind dl­rec::1or of aummerschoolatWSU­Steven., Point.

His 1ppolntmentwa11nnounced by WSU President Lee Sherman Dreyfus after 45 candidates were con1ldered fo r the poll

Dr. John Zaw1daky, chairman of the philosophy dep.rtment, headed I faculty lele<:llon com­mittee Including Dr,SeldonRlul­ker. chairman of dnma, 1ndDr. GuyGlblon, profesiorofhlstory.

Law Test Will Be Gi~en

The Law Sch00 AdmiMion Tat will be ciffn .t mcwe than 250 cent.era throuri:hout the nation on Nov. 9, Feb. 8, 1969, Apr. 12, 1969 ind Aua. 2, 1969.

A bulletin or information incl ud lna umple quatio111, reri:i,ltntlon information ind 1 re,ittnt ion form ahould be obtained 1even weeb in advance or the t.e1tin1d.lte.

Ri:ti.ltnt ion ron nt may be obLalned from the Dtput rnen t o f Political Science, Clua'oom Cent.er 473.

Dr. DIUord, lhe 1ec::ond min 10 hold the graduate dean 1tde here, wlll succeed Dr. Edpr Pierson who Is retiring wld\ five years of Serv1<:C' to assume full lime blology1eachlng.

A native of Uverpool. Ohio, the 46-year-old Dr. Dlf!ord re­ceived a B.S. degree In 1942 fr om Mt. Union College, an M. S. In 1947 from West Vlrglnll Un­tveralty 1nd I Ph.D.lnl954 from Syracuse University.

Ue ls a veteran of both World War II and the Korean Conflict 1ndholds the rank ofcomnwndet' In 1hC' Inactive U, S. N.vy Re-serve.

Qfl theflculty11Unlversltyof Bridgeport In CoMectlcut for the put two years, he mugh1ag:rad~ uate course In e.rth htstor y 1nd undergraduate courae In geology besides serving asuslst1ntdcmn and director of graduate 1rudles.

Before that Or. Dlflord was an Intern In academic 1dmlnllcn­[jon for the E. L Phillips Foun­dation: from 1954 to 1965 I pro­fessor and cha irman of thegeo~ logy dept,rtment 11 Dickinson Co­llege; and from 1948 to 1951 11slst1n1 1rcm engineering geo~ logi11 1nNebraskl.

Dr. Eder F. Plenon, Grad­uate achoo! dean and summer seH lon di rector, retired Sept. I

prealdent for academic 1ffatra. 111facultyrneetlng.

Dr. Pierson, one of the five aenlor et\lc:uon In Jmgth of aervice, came to W&./ 30 ye.rs 1go, He w11 chairman of the bl~ ology depar1ment 16 years prior to becoming• dmn lnJune, 1963.

A pioneer In gnduue srud!es, Dr. Pierson 1erved on the ttr1t committee appointed 10 yc,1[11

110 by President wm i.m Hln.,en to con.,lder I gractua.te prognm.

He also acrved on the Wiscon­lln SrateCollege1Y9temgnOJI~ commlnttt 1nd In the early 1960a brcame chalrrran of the SteveNJ Point graduate fa culty.

Bainter Adds Another Only

Dr. i,.-.,nlea S.lncer, physlca professor, h11 added another "the only woman" title to her list of professloM I accomplish­ments.

She hu becometheonlyfemale on the mtloM I council of Amer­ica n A11oct.tlon o r Physics Tschers. Twenty-ae,·en men are hercollsg,.iu. \

She adds this honor to her sratua u the only wom1n lnthe country head.In& a physlca de­par1ment u I public university.

Some o( the recommendations were made .more than 18 months ago by a t•m of edueacon led by former WSU-Steven., Point President James H. Albertaon, A plane cruh anuffed out the lives or,11 nine giember1 of that group on Mlr. 23, 1967, ·

Dr, Burdett• Eagon, daln of the college of education 1i: Ste­vens Point, left here soon after the mlahap to finish the arudy. He made rwo succeeding tr!J)I to South Vietnam before the ym.r ended 10 plAn reorpnlZlllon of eJemenrary, secondr.ry, and vo­cst10M.Jand 1ec::hnlcalachool1y1 -tema In 1he t1ny South Ent Ast.n radon.

The U. s. Agency for Inter~ !'lltiona.l llevelopment(AID)under contn.ctwlth Y.'SU-Stevena Point Foundation, Inc •• sponsored •II or the study missions. Vlcker-1raff, 11 executlve 1ec::ret1ry for the foundation, ti.as beffl Involved In the program atnce ties were first made between this campus ind South Vietnam.

Vlckerst1ff 1rnnged forheadl of those five Vletnameae unJ­verslt!es to srudy 1)'9tems of higher educa1lon here Ian tall He met them ·at Honolulu and sccom~nled them here, thenre-1\Jrned 10 Hlw1JI with them by


lllisconsin S~ah, .!lniue~si~.9



September 18


September 29


eat ''It's gr . . " to be Greek ·l

S~eoens Uoin~

Fraternities ALL GR"EEK RUS H

September 19

7 - 10 p.m. , Wisconsin Room


SIG\IA TAU GA\ISIA September 23

6:SO - 10 p.m. , Frank Lloyd Wright Lounge

TAU KAPPA EPSI LO). September 24

6:30 - . 10 p.m., Frank Lloyd \\'right Lou~ge

DELTA SIGMA PHI September 25

6:.!lO - 10 p.m. , Frank Lloyd Wright Lounge


6:SO - 10 p.m., Frank Lloyd Wr igh1 Lounge


6:SO - 10 p.m., Frank Lloyd Wright Lounge

SIGMA PI September !O

6:SO - 10 p.m., Frank Lloyd Wright L o unge

way or Wuhlngton, D. C.,and1 atop to vi1lt Prealdent Johnson In the White House.

The 1ctu1 l academic prognm. led for ihree weelr.l by Dr. Eagon and Dr. David Coker , dlrec::tor of the counseling center, .. was highly appr«lated by the Vlet­remeae and very aucceasful \n their eyes," Vlckersttff added.

VlckeT1raff'1 30-day mission, also aponsored by AID, " will be to help them put Into pr&<=tlce some of 1he ldeaa they pined here list fa ll when they met with top people from our,faculty. By no mean1 do we want to superimpose upon them I pa.ctem of our aystem for operallng 1 unh ·er1lty. ''

He Nld II a spect1lcon1ulrant

for AID he will help them choote from America 's educartonexper­lencea 1nd prng:rcu,

Vlckeraiaff sees s lmlllrmu between the Stevena Point and VletnamHe unlvet'alilu. All have student bodlea numbering lesa th.an 7,500; a ll rurn out tee chers u I prtnwry reaource In chelr country; and 1 11 have qulte com~nblegoe.la. J.

After briefings lnWuhlngton, D. C,, Vlckersiatr left for Viet­nam Sept. 3, He Is uncertain abou1 theexten1 of 1nveUngonce he reaches his destination, An Interpreter w\ll 1ccom~ny him.

In his renirn trip he plan., to make stops In Germ1ny and England reprdtng unlvera lty busine11.

Stevens Point Adds Civic . Ballet

Steven• Point hu I new ei,ic ballet or11niution beeawc a one, tlme German ballerina hu volunteered co direct It i nd WSU hu offered to •pon.-or it.

Alli.ltance by the Stc,·en• Point Symphony Orchet.Lra will enable it to prutnt 1 , pecil.l concert early in 1969.

Mr,. Gle1e\1 Lemmend, who at thepnk ofherdancingcarttr dtew crpwd, or 1ever1I thousand In Germany, 5-Y• , he quit when ahe wu u her best. She·• remained active in 1he art by doin1 ¥Oluntecr directin1 of ,tudent dance ri:roup., first in Callforni1 and recently in Steven,Polnt .

Twelve hiri:h ac:hool and vade ac:hool ti rl1 are in her trou~. but u ,he atiri:rui with 1hc unheuily, 1he i,-kin1 more partlcipanu. She i, requiring each new member be between llt!I 10 and 21 and hin~ knowledri:e of buic &1ep1 in bl.l let .

The only c:Olt 10 individu, ls wlllbefor eo,tume1.

Pr11ldent Lee Shuman Dre)' fw hueneoura1ed hl11t1ff to Involve the university in 1uch

ac tivitiuwhichprornotecultural opportunit ies for all perwna in central Wiac:on1in . SublC'quently, Fine Aru Dt1n William Hanford and Exten1ion Director Orland Radke have1rr1nt~f1cilltinto be used in her practice leNion• and coneeru.

Person, lnt eruted In participating may call Mn. Lemmen1 at h<!r home .

ThCKC' who have noc 1ttn balleu ri:et u:eited about the d_antts, Ml'I. ~mmen, .. )', u lhe op1iml11ically be1ina her work here .

A couple of ynn 110, 1horlly 1f1er ,he 1nd her hwband, Joe , mo .. td to Ste,·en1 Point, Mn. Lemmen• direct<!d I ballet at St. Stephen '• School which WH

performed i n 1evcr1I of the pubticac:hoo!..

"[,·en the junior hith ac:hool aged boy, - thoae )'ou'd think would be dhintcrntcd -wacched intentl)'."1he .. 1d .

Re f\ectlnri: on her own experiences. 1he believe• it necess1ryfor1nyb11let11udent to work hard, puctiN lorlri: houn, and follow rl1Jd dl1cipln.

Page 4: THE POINTER · thtt WSU 1y1tem. Wllllam Lul:t, facult)' advisor to SOS, will be pr~nt. The student body ~ iMited to participate in the di$1:u.uion1 bcoforethe~nate. Saxons Entertain

Page 4

WSU Professor Will Help Nigerians Develop Soil

Love or soil ts luring a pro­rnsor a t WlsconstnStateUnlver-5\ly--Stevens Point ha.If way a ­round the world.

Dr. Milo 1-tarps uiad., his wl(e and two children le:f1 by Jet In August for western r-:tgerta In Afri ca where hi: wlll be I soil r esC!il r cher and 1eacher fo rtwo year s .

His uslgnment Is 11ponsor ed by the u. S, Agency for lntt r1D­tlonal·Development (A ID) at 1he Unhersltyoflfe.

''It' s been a longwal t for us,'' Dr. ~rpStNd sa id as he review­ed Ln1enntlorol problem.9 which dellyed his project. He applied two years ago. Tiny 13tafra's secess ion from the coountry of Nigeria cau.9ed a bloody conflict and the Middle E.1Ststrua tlontn thenon her~ tll!.,Pfthe con1\nent was In c ritical sm te bst year, so the AID officials encouraged the famll ~· tO plan for a .later dep,urure, '

"I'm getting soal'lXlous 1oget sen led over there," Mrs. Harp­ll!ead sa id. But she agrtt5 that 1here ha,·e been some benelltll In the wait.

The universi ty In Ue provide, housing fo r !ls faculty and 11 u1\gnlng the Harpsteada: a new, four bedroom strucrurefe,.rurlng two 11orl e-s and a sun deck.

"We'll have a better place to live ln over there.!' Dr, Harp­ste.d said smiling. The family re,tdes In a bunga low In Park Ridge and wlll retur n there In 1970.

Dr. Harpstead,a membcrof the Natuni l Resour ces del),l, rtment faculty at Stevens Point State fo r elghtrean,sayshelsexclted about the opportunities lnhelp!ng 1heNlger \ansdeve\op 1hetrfar m­l.snd.

He wHI work In a fte ldstatlon­type slrw tlon with both under­gradua. te and gn,.dua. te students. land cla!ls lflcatlonand m3rugc­ment assignments wlll take up most of hlstlmt'.

In turn, hlsstudt'ntswlll work with the farmers who have m3de 1grtculturt' the !roding Industry of therutlon. ' Mrs. HarpSIOJ.d, a reglsterd rurse, s;iys she' ll concentrate

herefforts on household chores . The couple h.i.ve a threc-ye.ar­old son, Karl, anda1even-month old&ugh1er , kb,

BecauseWl1conslnhasanAID contra ct to furnlah manpower to the developing l\.1tlon, the Harp­Steads won't bealoneacro1s the sea . Ac leas1 JS men from the S.dgerland area are on the lfe faculty,

About 400 miles away ts the fa mily of Or, Tern.net' Snowden. Ile ts a former dlrtt tor of<he Stevens Poln1 Sta te labon. tory school who this summer comple­ted thef!rstofatwo- yN. r ass lgn­ment tn Ntgl!rta 1aicher educa ­tion.

Dr. Harps tead secs his work as Important to Nigeria because of thcurgencyofben er lloll~Ng­ement there. "l!'s s m3rt for that univers ity to s trelll pnc:1\cal cour se-s 1 1 this smge of the country's de,•elopment. II would be kind of awkward lf Ubera. l a r ts were constdred more Im­portant," he advises.

He believes his mission will be Impor tant to Stevens Point Stace because the campushube­come cos mopollmn. Dr, Harp· lllNd occastona llyhasforelgners In hl1 WSUsolls claases,andln the tu1ure hopes co h.ave more al\llwers for hl1 Atr lcananidentS,

Leister Promoted To Major

Ancil D. Lei1U!r. acting chairman of the military 5clence department at WSU - . Stevena Poirll , ha.s been promoted to major in the U. S. Army.

Members of his 1tarr hosted a r«lCption for him la.st Thunday when Presiden t Lee Sherman Oreyfu.s and his wife, Jan, pinned him with the emblems of hi..s o ffice. f

Major Lei&ter, who resides in Wcstlan Addition, P\o\·er, ume here in Ma)' , The Oregon natiw h11.1 log11ed about 1even yeara of military service.

s.. Jim "Rip"· Repinski

WSU FRESHMAN Robby's Anl1tant Managtl' any night aft., 6 p .m. at lob,. by's for you,


Good Only From Sept. 19 thrv Sept 26


Und-ritten by Contlnenlol Casualty Campany, Chic:aga, Ill. I

LAST Enrollme t Date

For This Sei ester

OCT. 15, 1r3 For lnformoflon Coll

JOHN C. DINEEN OR l ENNIS A. MECH . 344-1933 • I 341-4326

stop In ony Monday, Wedn1t1doy, or Frldoy frs,m 1-3 p.~ . In tM Student Sena te Office' Student Union.

Melvin E. Mech, Ge~eral Agent ... u , ti

- .... W1a. - ,- - 743-2559

THE POINTER September 19, 1968.

Becker Sends Fish To Vietnam

Jack Cohan Will Present Piano Recital

He eame to Stevena Point four yean q:o after recehin1 a muter of mualc ~ellff from the Unl veralty of Indiana, where he remained two yean u a 11aduate ualat.ant ln piano.

DR. GEORGE lfCKFlt, professor of blorogy ot Wis­consin Stole Unlverslty·Stevens Point, dJsployed a col­lectlon of old books about VietnomeSl!I fis h. He re­ceived them as port of o new e1Cchonge program the university hos wllh the Oceonogrophlc lnstltvte of Nhatrong, South Vietnam.

A brolher o r, tha t minnow )'OU Uled I.hit 1ummer to utch a bl( northern pike may be part of the pi ckled co llection o r Wl1can1in llah now belnil

·eumlned In the aee:&nOIIJ'aphlc Jnat ltute o f Nhatran(, South · Vietnam. ·

Six teen exhlbita, mottly tnlnno,n, were aent to Southeut Aila b y Wl1con1in St.ate Univuait}' • Stevena Point u part of a new exchan1e proo-am proposed by WSU. Dr. Geor1e Becker, profeNOr of blplo1y, la direct ing lhe eooperatlve effort.

1n return Int the achool's !lift , Dr. Beeker received a .et or bookl about marine and freth water liah .. found In Vietnam.

He belle'ffl the colleetlon of both French and Vie tnamese langua11e text, are rare In the United State.. "I wu espeelally happy we received them becaUJe the univerlity hun't anythin& In the library ,bout fiah from that part of lhe world." Methoda iaed to catch the tiny creatwes and ranges of aq111tle life are featured In some of lhe book,.

Dr, Becker plane to .end more n.h from the Midwest and In 111turn receive eome of the freeh water 1peele1 which ·VletnamelO blololiaU have been unable to Ident ify,

He 1aya mo.t Vietnam rllh are colorful aiid of the type


AL~s~!!~~J Open Tuesday STEVEN POINT, WIS.

Thursday-Friday Nites Til 6 P.M.

Good od•ice: Trvd

Wraffi1l1rtotoilorunc11t W1111mrty llng into a unootMinin;rtretdi

!eon. Fo1hloned ofa

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ondcolorfo1tlool lnnovy,blciclc,blue, brawn, ;old,whi11,

trohtblue,ll;ht ; run, lod1n,wh1ot.Slz11

.5/6-lB •• • $6,00

Jack 0 , Cohan, 1111lat.ant dt.played In aquarlunu. Many profeNOr and diredor of the are pollono111, 11 oppo.ed to Ari.I and Lect Ul'(!a Serlu, wi ll only one dan11e,0111 Wllconein pre11nt the fi1-t faculty recital rllh-the ear. of the aeuon Sept. 24 1t W.S.U,

Dr. Beeker wu eneour1rred to • Steven, Point. u t.abllah the exchan11e PIOIIJ'un· Hla prorram of piano mu,lc by former WSU Pres.ident James- will be at 8 p.m. In the Maln AlberUOn, who headed an Buildlna auditorium and open to ill-rated educational mi.ulon to the public without chaqe. the far away country in 1967. Selectlomi lnelude Intermeuo

T h e l oca l biolo1 lst in A minor and A major and lmmedl1 t ely wrote to the Ballade In G minor, all from oceanO(raphle Institute but wu Brahms' Op111 118; Prelude In D delayedlnan earlystartor an m a jor, Opu, 23, by exchange becau.e hili letter wu Rachmaninoft; Impromptu In F received by the Vietname. ' minor, Opu1 142, by Schubert ; imititution eight montla after Carnava.l , Op111 9 by Schumann; mailln11. . Six Etudu, Opu. 215, Nocturne

Fo remoat , Dr, Becker IS in C Sharp mlnar i nd Andante lookin1 for an early end to the iplanato and Gren Polona/';I! Vietnamffl war bttaUIC of the brillante, aU by Chopin. ·


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Bush Hats

$-4..50 "The lote,st In Styling"

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more r11h cen be nchan(ed . wu .elected to appear in the C QR NE R Canadian Youn1 Artht Tour of Corner of Me in & Third

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Again -time to w.ar unforgettoble,

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AND-1fop at 'TM VIilage', our chom,.

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for a soda or a 1ondwlch,

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At Regula, f'rtce Every Day of the Y•art

f'rofeuloncilly Cleaned and Preued

257 Division StrH I Auass From North Point Shopping C• ntu

~ / c,.~ Only Bic would do11 ro torment o beauty lib rhi1. Not 1he ;111 . • , 1M pen ih1'1 holdin11 , lf1 th, new lu•u,y model 8ic Cl ic ... deiignld for scho1onhip orhl,111, lu(ky ciird ploy,ri ond other ,ich compu1 10Cioli1awhoconofford1h1pPtnsiv1,(9-cenrpriu .

Bur don't 111 tholf: d•1kote good loolr.i fool you. Oell!i!e ho,. , ible puniihmenl by mod scienti111, the el.;onl 8i( Clic 1till w,01, firittime,nerylim1.

,1129 MAIN

Ewtryth i"!I you wont in o line pen,you'Hfind in 1ii,n1wBic Oic. lt't rel,odoble. Relilloble. Comt1 in B bo,rel colon. And lik, oil Bic pen1, writes fil'II lime, IVfl'/' time ... no molter whor devili'*' obulf:10di1tic1tud,nlldeviJefori1.

W••- ·l :.C ,.,, C.._1 ... , 1,1;~.C-, co;..16'UO

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C You're ,n charge or budding the noa1. deconiling the house and dressing up the pany. So 'you need Pomps. tbe name,. resistant dcconitive tissuc: You can decorate anyching beau· tifully witb Pomps, inside and 001, and do it faster, cuiet', bcner. Pomps don't cost much. They're cut 6" & 6· tquare, ready to use, come in 17 v'ivid colon that are vin.ually run­proof when wet. Buy Pomps et your boobtore, 1ebool 1ups,ly • dealer or paper mcrctw 11. And uk your llbrvian for OW'

booklet "How 10 Dcconite With Pomps." If lhc: doesn't have ii. Just teU her 10 write for a copy. Or, lir ow" copy. Send $1.lS and your address 1odly to Tb CtylW Tlawe Cornpany, },iiddletown, Ohio 4S042. t pcrr1JB•



We Welcome You Back With a

10% Discount to ,.All Students With I.D. Cards Til Nov. 1, 1968

RENTALS:" Portable TV's and Portable Stereos

Fo, only $7.00/month


Page 5: THE POINTER · thtt WSU 1y1tem. Wllllam Lul:t, facult)' advisor to SOS, will be pr~nt. The student body ~ iMited to participate in the di$1:u.uion1 bcoforethe~nate. Saxons Entertain

September 19, 1968 . THE POI NTER Paget>' '

Homecoming Parade Route A Review ~he yreekvine Compiled by Sandy B erro


P'aria D~,.i~';..,--~, 0 SJ , • I CODE,

®- Judges ' Positions -- Parade Route

I -~I :&~~ I ~t

New Colony Six Were Not Spectacular Panhellenic Council · The lntcr•ortll'ity council ri•

bU1y planning this yeu'1 activi t lff. I

On W~n~y September 18, an infcxmal party for 1\1 women 1tudent1 will be held In the University ~ n ter to betin the new school year. The oouncil i1 a I s o busy comp letin& preparations for the 1nn1.11l

[:'!1:!,!!1d fo{n C1':~m~0":t~ ,orority memben.

Sigma Pi The brothers of Sigma Pl

bepn the 5<:hool year with lf!ven new brothers, inlti1ted Jut Y,ra.r; Mike . Durkin, Pnul Haun&, Pat Ho feruper~r. Jim Johnaon, Jim Judd. Lowell Stewenson ind Henry Waru1crski.

Mike Strohbush reported on the Sig Pi nation.a l convocation al Mackinac bland, Michi11i .

Pre,ent\y the- brothna are working on plans for , heir :mnual "Little Si1tcr" program.

'T'w.e__pafties were held the put week. On Friday night , a date party wu held at a brother's apartment and on Sunday :ifti!rnoon the brothen living at the Sig Pi hoiue held a "roof party ,"

Theta Phi Alpha The memben of Theta Phi

Alpha began the 1chool yen by "'inninQ: the home comini theme competition.

The Theta Ph\'1 are preaently bu,,y planninQ: fOJmal initiation u a chapter of T heta Phi Alpha sometimt!' in October.

At the li111t meetin t Marilyn Cantwell reported on the Theta Phi Alpha Nat iorwil Con,ention he ld al the Universit)' of Cincinnati.

On Saturday, the chapter wu visited by the Pail National Prl'lident Mn. ROSI:' E\·enon.

Sigma Phi Epsilon The brothers of Sigma Phi

Eµtilon take a;rea t pride in announcing that they have a frat e rnity hou1e at 1617 Bnwley Street .

On Sunday, Sept. 16, a pre-Initiation pthering wa1 held at the house. Ron Babneo, Ed S.umhofer, Jim Cuon, Dale Edward., Roy Gilge, ()live

r:~~I. ~~ ~~~~n .Ri~\7; O'Leary, Dan Pend~r Ut. Michael Pe t enon, o.ve Prt"Senu , Tom Schumach • .P.lul Sokol, Rua Weeden , " Floyd V.'ilkerwon and Don Zander were fOJmally Initiated into Delta chapter of SIQ;ma Phi Epsi lon.

The following mcmbe111 or Sigma Phi EPtilon were !11lll'ried over th e aummer: ' Michael Bowen. Thomu Dennee. Warren Johnaon, Peter Keerfe, Richard Lamb.erg, Michael Peterson, J ame , Richard1on, John Schmidt and Gregory Strong.

Della Zeta The ai1lea of Dc-lta Zeta held

an in formal mteting at L901 College .Avenue to begin the new year. At t he meeting Evonne Kraemer, pr~dent. reported on the National Convention held in St . Louis in J une.

Over the 1ummer Mafy Strohfeldt wu pinned by Kar l Erickaon of Tau Kappa Ep,11ilon and the following membe111 o f Dell.a. Zeta were manied; Sue Harder, K aren Jaeger, Jan Kruger, Patty Lyo_p. K.ren Mellum, Bonnie Richards. Rita Schmutzer and Rita Sore0$on.

- --- Line-up rosi tion s I • I " v. I

Frank lin ST

N @

t ~ 0

-~ " " V

" ~ . a ;:. 1-. • .

rioos t, . .. Col l ene Avenue

deviaed a mdhod fot keeping inventory of the chemical 1uppli e1 which e limi nate• misfiling and !OM or file cards and reduces time ,pent in invcntorie1.

He aubmitted hia propoul to the Meri t Award Board of Wisconsin '1 Bwe.-u or Peuonnel. An Eau Claire 1ecretary wu the only other WSU 1y1tem winner. All told, 10 penon1 in it.ate service received awards rang:ing fr om $100 to $35 for auggesliorw.

Soil Society

Wins Award The Soll Consen2tlon Soc iety

of Amerlc11 h.ls cited Its ch.lP.ter u Wisconsin State Un!verslt}'-­Stevens Point for logging the greatest membership lnc- reaseln lhe nauondurlng 1968.

The award was a nnounced f-.1on· dr.y Aug. 19, at the SOC'lety's na. •

By RUSS BAUMGARTNER the price. En,ryone got their money', worth.

When the New Colony Si:r. When the New Colony Sia 11.arted t heir first Jet Swiday ,tarted their aeeond ae t Sunday niaht, there wue eiQ:ht of them. night, there were fi"' o f them. I

The tinier .eemed to be wonder where they got their atralght !rom radioland with hit name from , Their playing wu fut paced ,nappy patter 1pleed with two 1pooC.. The rint between ..onp. He wu actually wu on the old hit parade ahowa quit.fl 1nte,rtaini nQ:. featuring " Hound Do1", "Letter

The group ltaeU WU really to a Teenate Son" and nothlni too 1pectacular. They "Sh-Boom". The bit drew a li ttkl were a medlocre·to11ood rock rise from the audience. The and roll b• nd whleh wu per!ect 1econd wu a parody or amate11r for the t ituation they were , hows whleh di.tplayed the ente1Uinln1 for . The COit wu talents or a n anima l one dollar, and I doubt t hat impreulonilt and a terrible anyone there had 1een very trumpet piece. It . wu mildly many band, better than that for humorou.. •

Central Life Assurance Co. DES MOJfl Es, IOWA


DENNIS A. MECH JOHN C. DINEEN 341 -0326 (PHOHE) 344-8933

YOUR LOCAL AGENTS to onid you in your SO'f ings ond protection plons for you r present ond future needs.

FEATURES INCLUDE: Finest of in'fest.:,,ent returns

Ho wor douses onywhere

Note finoncing for Juniort o.nd S•ni~rl

Electronic programming for your preHnt 1ituotion

To11 iheltered plans for teoche11 ond profenort

Today's .Goals Are Tomorrow's Realilies! Coll U1 o nd Let'• Discu u the Year 1988.

Whot Will You Ho'fe So.,ed By Then?

MEL MECH , Genera l Age nt P.O . Bo:r. 8S

Heilll'f ille, W M. S44S6

. 0\"er the 1ummer Yvonne Uanmann wa.s pinned to Alpha Phi Omega,

Employee Receives Citation

Barge has been employed in the ~ie nce building at SteYl!N Point State for one year.

Vets Club Will Meet Ton ight


~\°i;~ c;:ov;;,~~~A:~e~~ Unlver. !::===============~ Owr the 111mmcr Yvonne

Hanmann wu pinned lO Alpha Phi Omcta. Paul Johruon, Cindy Stellmacher wu engaged to Jack Strach of Phi Kapµ. Tau, Indiana University and Alumni Sharon Havlik was manied to Donald Van Ark.

M1my of the lint atudenta who attended Stevena Point Normal School . were not high 1chool pdualei.

Daryl Barge , 1909 Boyington Ave., is one of two employees in the Wiscon,in State University Sy1tem to receive cuh eit.a tion1 for 1ubmitling money..aving auggestions.

Barge wu given S50 in a ceremony conducted by Gov. Warren P. Knowle11 in the capitol building in Madison. Later, he received recognition from Dr. Lee Sherman Dreyhu;, prNident ofSteveiuPoint State.

Aa a uoekroom clerk, Barge

The tint o r1aniz.ational meeting or the 550 Veta Club will be held toniQ:ht at 7:16 p.m. al the Arm Lyona Hal l located at 2220 Divilion St. AJI veteral\S (male or female) with lia months Of more 11ctive duty are eligible.

Liquid ri,frelhmenta will be .......

BIL~'S PIZZA SHOP Home of the V2 Pounder · 7 to 8 oz. of tantalizing beef

served on Hot Italian Bread


Phone For

Delivery ! ! ! 344-9557 /

Amertca recmlres the best features of S. Vo1kswaoen~onomy, (tfp to~ other1cars:d .. mUeeper qallotL) I. RoU..P.oyce Sliver Shadow- roomi- 6, Greyhound Eiu.-all<UOUDC!· Y1aloO. · nesa. (Ame in faet. la roomier!) (My car, the window.) 2.C'..odlllocEldhrado-front whee1drlva. 7. Austin America~inounlec! (Powers throuQh mud and snowJ enqine. CMaz:lmwn tnxtion, mlnimUlJl 3. Oldamobll. Toronado-ahort rear Vlbn::rtlon.) Another oriqinal klea: price. deck (Greater\risiblllty,easierparkinQJ soon MaklnQ America-the flnt car 4. Fo.td Muatahq-automatlc/manual buUt to be a NCO~ cm- th• lowest, - x:ahlfta; she takea oU in priced car wtlhanaula:Datk: ~ "drive"J · alon. • .,_ ........ __ .... __ _


Stevens Point State's ch.1pter doubled Its membershlpthlS)'t'lilr to now tota l more than 30, P:aul Baner of the r-.irura l resources &icu llylsadvlsor to lhe chaptcr.

He said membership Is open to srudents srudylng or planning to work In lhe nuura 1 r esources oe·ld.

Owen Na.gel, Wisconsin Rapids, lschap1erpresldcn1,

W• print NamH In Gold on Billfold,

BRILL'S l.u99age • Jewelry • Glfh



Margaret's Bridal Shop Truly A Complete

Bridal Shop


PHONE: 344-9787

HOURS: · 9-5 Mon. thn, Sot.--fri . TII 9

EHnint1 ly Appointmut 950 PORTAGE STREET

Com., of Porta1• £ Third St,

$39.95 lnduding Batteries

Graham Lane Music 1201 MAIN STREET


However , there were 10l01. hJ1bliQ:hta to the niQ:hl. The Like I nkl ear lier, for playing' Jame, Bcown tune " l Feel for a dance, they were good. For Good '' came o ff partleularly pure talent they. were (to coin a 1¥e ll. The el1ht or them phrue:) nothing to wrile home · aomeho~ mwtered up a big 10ul about. bend ,ound. They a lao --------­performed the Beatie 1-0np ''A Day In the Life", "A Litt le Help. from My Friend." and "Lady Madonna" with confidence and true m1.L1lcal ability. The 1in1er wu alto a fine blues harp player and a:ot to dilplay hi, waru on a few rully well done blues numben. On a alow blul!I, " Three Pound. o f Ground Round," both the harpi,t and Q:Uitari1t took t£stefuJ , IOUlfuJ


PANASONIC POWER PAL RQ-113! Solid State portable tape re­corder· Battery operaled • Cap­slan driv~ • 2 speed ( 1 ¥, & 3* ips) , Sing:e lever operation • JV.-· reels , Aulomat1c Record-

~n~a~:;;1,~tn~~1of:b~1:g~a3~ PM dynamic speaker • Remote microphone , AC adaptor op­tional.

"The Pointer" wu fint pub\i1hed In December, 1895.

The name lria firtt appeared on the 1907 edition o( the college yeubook.

The fint intucollegiate buketball game wu durin11 the 1897-1898 .euon with the ·

playing Lawrence



~:::: $39.95


Placement Opportunities ~ The University Placement Center announce, the 11ddi1ion to ila ;:

couru.eling and g:uidance staff, Dennis E. Tierney. Mr. Tierney•,:: home is Janl!lville , where he completed his high .ehool education. :: He received hit bachelor ', deg:ree in 1966. majoring in ~ychoiOIY ?,

~:~;~e~~~ a wn:";~:e~::e:; ~~~~~v~~y ~~a;~~:o·~~j!i.ea~: ~1 ~;~n::.: h: ::u:~: 1~iid:~Je:::i:gr ttc::·~~;:: f :c:;;a~:e•~n:~ ~ couN~ling with minoa in , psychology and aocioloo·. ,:,i,,

Mr. Tierney't buie assignmen t al this time will be devoted to eouru.eling with juniors and 1enior1 in the Sehoolt of Applied Art.a and Science, Letters and Science and Fine Arts. freahmen and 10phomore1 who wiah guidance 1ervice1 are au.a invited lo eaU at the Unlfemty Placement Center.

All tenloa who plan to pduate in 1969 from all fourKhuolaof the University are uriied to eheck with the placement office to lee

that their placement file i, comple te "!,nd in proper order. Thi• procedure la very important "''hether a aenior pl1n1 to utiliu placement aervicet thi1 1emester or at a la ter date fo llowing pduate atudy, military terrice, marriage. Peace Corp and so forth. Th05e who haYe not u ye t initiated t heir lile lhould do so promptly l-0 that credentiab can be Pfoceaaed and available when needed.

Notice, of employment opportunitiu for univtnity Jraduatea, and .cheduled data r« interviews wi ll lOOn be received al the University Plaoement Center. Graduate, ere ur1ed to consult the achedule and li,n up for intervieWl'. The importance of careful 1tudy for; initial employment opportunitiea lo avoid the Med for early

;:::e}eo~~:::~~;hca::~ ~no:~~:~~::-~i~~-:r~:ai:~i~~s:-and 1kilb ne«aitate, reviewing, job de1eription1, company broch11ttt , company· po\iciu and '° forth in orde r to telect wi1ely. Thue materiab are ayzilable in the Placement Center, and will be dinrlbuted to residence halls and in many in1lllnce1 lo chairmen of the department& or the Unlvertity. ·

Meetin&• will be .cheduled to providtt · general infomu.tion euential to a:r,duating aenlon u a meaN of extending aervieu to 111 ten!Oft. Repretentativet o f varioiu industrie1 and fovernme nt agenciH wi ll be tcheduled on aompl.LI during the year.

Rettnt announcementa of employment opportunitiea have been recei~ by the following companiH. Brochures, application blank, and pamphlet& are available in many in1tance1. I . General Food.a; 2. ~

Sbtrwin -Wllliarn1 Co.; 3. Harley-David.on Motor Co.: 4. Ell Lilly and ~ Co.; 5. Sinclair Oil;• 6. Mobil Oil; 7. Minnetata MininQ: and :


:~te and ; ed:ra; ~ivit Service have p rovided ~ infOl'maLion concerning employment opportunities and hue ; Pfon::led the Placement Center with application blank, for the ) entrance en.mln.'.tion. Copie, are available upon reque.t. = . . . . . :

'lbe Board or Mi-.lon1 or the Methodilt Church hu "°nounced ;

=~u:!n~r!~/!;:h:::r~!o!; ~~r:::d~isalon and ha" • ! . . . . . ~

'lbe Moorman Manuracturina Company of Quincy, flllnols ia a ;.~!:::'"Z :'o=.P: '1:;;~~~~c~~be:P:!:~:=.e::~ f company. Mm with rural b.ckgrounda or thoae In the f•ld or : Retowce Mana,tment 111! of piarticular ln~reat to tb.ia company. ~ . . . . : tbt ~=::; =.·me~~ :1~:;. ~:, c;.:rr::upe::;~, Od. 8, for .-f

Page 6: THE POINTER · thtt WSU 1y1tem. Wllllam Lul:t, facult)' advisor to SOS, will be pr~nt. The student body ~ iMited to participate in the di$1:u.uion1 bcoforethe~nate. Saxons Entertain




September 19, 1968 C THE POINTER t'age t, '•

Homecoming Parade Route A Review :Jt,_e (lreekvine Con1plled by Sandy Buro

I New Colony Six Were Not Spectacular CODE:

©- .Judges ' Positions Panhellenic Council · The lnter ,sororh)' council 'i1

b,ny pl1nnln1 lhlt )'eu'1 ac:tivitiH.

On Wednftday September 18, 1 0 lnfocmal party for 1 11 women 1tudent.1 w\11 be held In the Univenity Center to be1in the! new schoo l year. The councll 11 1 110 bu 1y comple ti r11 prepantlon1 for the 1nn11,1\

[~~i::! .::d rorn ca~!:in;0 ~t: JiOroril )' mcmbcn.

Sigma Phi Epsilon The brother1 or Siama Phi

Epailon t,,ke &J'C!lll pride in announcin1 that they have a fraternity houte at 1517 lkawleyStreet.

On Sunday, Sept , 16, • PN!·lniti.atlon 1atherin& wu held at the house. Ron Bakaneo, Ed Baumhofer , Jim CIIOn, Dale

~!1b::h~· Je~r0YKr~~Ric;~

::.~ :~~. N~nNo~'::de:1'J~

-- Parade Route - --- Line-up rosi tions .,



When the New Colony Six atarted their lint 111 Sund.Jy niaht, there wer11 ei1ht or them.

The ,!nan 1eemed to be 1traJ1ht Crom radioland wi th hi, rut paced ,nappy patter between aonp. He wu actually qulteente.rtalnlna.

the price. Everyone rot thei r money', worth.

Sigma Pi Michael Peter1on, tslfve Preaen:u,, Tom Schumachtr • ..Paul Sokol, Ruu Weeden, '- Floyd Wilktn1on and Don Zander were fOf mally inlti,,ted into Delt.a chapter o f Sia:ma Phi Epaiton.

Franklin ST

The jl'OUp \tae lf WP real ly nothln1 too apect.acui.r. 'llley were a medlocu·to1ood rock and roll bll.fld which was perfect for the altuatlon they were enterta!nina fo r. 'Ille coet wu o ne dollar, ,nd I doubt that anyone there had seen very many band.a betler than t hat for

When the New Colony Six 1t.arted their aeeond IC!l Sunday nlaht, there were n .. or them, I wonder where they 101 their name from. 'nielr playlna wu 1p\ced with two 1poof•. 'Ille rint wu on the old hit puade 1how1 reaturin1 "Hound Doi", "Letter to a Teena1e So n" and "Sh-Boom". The bit drew• llttle rial from the audience. The 1ttOnd wu a parody ot amateur 1ho w1 whleh dllplayed the t a l ent, of an animal i mpreuionl1t and a terrib le tlllmpet piece. It . wu mildly

The brothen of Siam, Pl began the J.Chool year with le\11!0 new brothen, initia ted lut y~; Mike . Ow-kin, Paul Hau,-, P.t Hof,n11pe~r, Jim JohNon, Jim Judd , Lowell Stevenaon and llenryWanaenki.

Mike Strohbiuh reported on the Sia Pi national convocation atM1ckin1clJland,Michi11i.

Pn1ently the brother. are workine oi1 plan11 for , hei r :annual "Liule Sliter" prCJll"am.

The followin1 member1 of Slama Phi E1>$ilon lt'ere mur)ld ower the 1ummer: • Michael Bowers, Thomas OennNI, Wl?Ttn Johnaon, ~ter Keerre, Richard Lamb.e r a, Michael Peterson, Jame, Richardaon, J o hn Schmidt and Gre1ory Strona .

Delta Zeta


t rinns

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., u

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humorolll. '

Central Life Assurance Co. DES MOI US, IOWA


DENNIS A. MECH JOHN C. DINEEN 341-0326 (PHONE) 344-8933

YOUR LOCAL AGENTS to onist you in your so wings ond protection plon1 fo r your prese nt ond fuhne need,.

T,,,'O _piiftiea were held the put wec-k. On Frid.Jy ni ght,• dale p111ty was held H • brother'• a partment •nd on Sunday ah~rnoon the brothl!l'I lirin11 a t the Sill Pi hoiue held • " roof part)',"

The id1ter1 or Delta Zeta held an infomW meetin1 a t L90l College 'Avenue to beain the new yea r. At the meeting Evonne Kraemer , pl'1'aident, reported o n the National Conwntion held in St. Louil in June .


Theta Phi Alpha The memben or Theta Phi

Alpha beg1m the K hool ye.r by winnin1 the home comin1 theme c:ompetition.

The Thet.a Phi'• are pretently billy plannin1 forma l Initiation u • chapter or Theta Phi Alpha 50metime in October.

At lhe lir1t meetin1 Muilyn Cantwell report«! on the Theta, Phi Alpha Nat ion.I Con'f't'ntion he ld •t the Univerdty of Cincinnati.

On Saturday. the chapter WU vUiited by the Paat National Pr l'&identMn. RoseE\·el'IOn ,

. <h-er the 1ummer Yvonne llanmann wu pinned to Alpha Phi Omega,

Owr the 1ummer Yvonne Hanmann w11.1 pinned to Alpha Phi 0m(1a, Paul JohRIOn, Cindy Stellmacher was enpaed to Jack Stuch or Phi Kappa Tau, lndianA Univeraity a nd Alumnl Sharon Havllk WH married to Donald Van Ark.

Many of the fir1t atudenta who allended Stevena Point Normal School were not hi&h Khoolpaduatea.

Over the 1ummer Mary Strohfetdt wu pinned by Karl EricUon o r Tau Kappa Epailon and t he followin1 members or Delta Zeta, were married; Sue Harder, Karen Jaeaer , Jan Kr uaer, Patty Lyo;i, Karen Mellum, Bonnie Richard&, Rita Schmut:tt'r and Rita Sorel1$0n.

Employee Receives Citation

Daryl &rae , J909 Boyinaton Ave., Is one of two employlfl; in the W11COnain State Univeflity Syatem to receive C&l.h citation, for aubmittina money-Avina 1u11~tio1111.

BLuae wu 1iven $50 in • ceremony conducted by Gov. Warren P. Knowles in the caipitol building In Madison. lAter, he received reeoanition from Dr. Lee Sherman Dreyfw;, president of Stevena Point State.

Aa a 1tockroom clerk, Saree

deri5Cd a method for keepin1 inv e ntory or the ehemica.l 1uppli u which ellmln.ate, m.i.lfilin1 and Jou of file card, and reduces time ,pent In inventoriea.

He submitted hi, propoal to the Mnit Award Board or W-11eonain ·, Bure,.au of Ptt10nnel. An Eau Claire aeaetary wu the only other WSU 1yttem win ner. All told, 10 penona in at.ate aervice received awuds ran&in& fr om $100 to 13S for 1uaRt1tiora.

&r,e has been employed in the K)lnce buildin1 at Ste'f't'nl Point St,,te for one yeu.

Vets Club Will Meet Toni·ght

The flut orr1nl:u,tio11.1 l meetin1 or the 550 Veta Club will be held tonl1ht a t 7:15 p.m. al the AM Lyona Hall loca~ at 2220 Divi&ion St. Al l veteran1 (male or female ) with -.ix month&°' more1etiv-e duty areeli1ibl11 .

Liquid refreshment.I will be 1erved.

BILL'S PIZZA S·HOP Home of the :Y2 Pounder · 7 ,o 8 oz. of tantalizing beef

served on Hot Italian Bread

Phone For

Delivery ! ! ! 344-9557 /

.America features lhe best features of S. 'volkswoqert-:oeono!hY, (ttp to ,0 other cars: .. miles 1)9'r Q<lilon.) 1. &U.Royce Silver Shadow-rooml- 6. Greyhowxi Bu.s--all-around· vWcc. nea. (America.. in fact. ls roomier!) (My car, the wlndowJ 2.Codlllac~&ontwheeldrlve. 7. Austin Americo-~ted <Powers throuQh mud and anowJ enqine. CMaxlmum tra::tion. mlnlmWll 3. Oldamoblle Toronado-ahort rear vibrbtionJ Another orlqlna1 klea: pr1c,I. deck..(Greotervislbility,easierparkine;JJ soon Maklnq America-the f1r8t car 4, Fo rd Mualanq-automatlc/manual built to be a ..x,nd. car-th. low..t-~ <HII ~ 1 ahe takesoHin ~ catwilhan~tomaUc~

~.,-n. ....... - ......... _ co PER PONTIAC ,:~~£.S~OB_ILE, l~C.

Soil Society

Wins Award The Soll Consen-atlon Society

of America h.u ci ted Its cha ~er 11 Wisconsin State Unlvcrsltf­Steveons Polni: for logging ltie grstcst membership lncrNSe In the nation during 1968,

The •"''*rdwasannounced Mon­dly Aug. (9, at the society's NI• ~

Finest of inwest~ent returns

No wor clou ses onywhe re

Note finondng for Junion o,nd Se n i~u

Electronic p rog romm ing for your prHent si tuotion

Toa sheltered plans for teochen and profeuors

Today's .Goals Are Tomorrow's Realities! Co ll Us and Let's Di,cuu the Yea r 1981.

Whot Will You Hon Sowed ly Then?

MEL MECH, Genero l Agent P.O . Box SS

Neillsville, w~. S4456 743-2SS9

:\;'~r'c:::=~~A:;,et~~Unlver- ;=================: St~ns PolntSrate'sthaptu

doubled ltS membership this )Ur 10 now total more tl\.ln30. Paul Baxter ot the nuural r esources !acu ity ls advisor to the chapter,

He said membership Is open to students studying or planning ro work tnthenatunilresources fte' 'id.

Owen Nagel. Wisconsin Rapids, ls chapter preslden1,

We prfnt Nome, In Gold on BIiifoids

BRILL'S Lu9909e - Jewelry • Gifts




Bridal Shop Truly A Complete

Bridal Shop I



PHONE: 344-9787

HOURS, · 9-..5 Mon. thn, Sot.-fri. TII 9

Eveni"I• ly Appointment 9S0 PORT AGE STREET

Comer of Portot• & Third St,

$39.95 Including Botterie,

Graham Lane Music 1201 MAIN STREET


However , there were hlahllrhta to the nlaht. 'nle Jarnu &own tune " I FNII Good" came off partlnllarly we ll , The elaht or them aomehow m .... tered up a bia aoul

.olo.. Like I uld earller,forpl1ylnt

for a dance, they were aood. For pure talent they were (to coin a phrue) nothing to write home ' about .

band sound, They alao --------­performed the Beatie 10np "A Day In the Ure", " A Little Help. from My Friends" and "Lady Madonna" with eonfidence and true m1Uleal ability, The ,inaer was al.lo a nne blu11 harppl1yer and 1ot to dlaplay hi1 w1re1 o n , few re1.lly well done blue, numben. On a 1low bluea, "Th rN Pound.a o r Ground Round," both the harpilt and 1ultariat took tasterul, .oulful


PANASONIC POWIR PAL RQ-1131 Solld Stale portable !ape te· corder • Battery opera1ed • Cap· stan driv~ • 2 speed (I¥, & 3* lps) • Sing:e lever operation • 3v.~ reels • Automatic Record-

~"la~=~ll~kn~~lo~:i~tJg:_aj~ PM dynamic speaker • Remote microphone • AC adaptor op· tional.

"The Pointer" wu fint publl1hed In Decembtr, 1895 ,

The name lr la fl11t appeared on the 1907 edition o r the colle1e yearbook.

The firat intercolle1late buketball 11me wu during the 1897· 1898 11uon with the·

,Pointer, playina Lawrence University,


5~~.s;:::.d 539.95


Placement Opportunities ~ The Unlvenlty Placement Ce nter announce, the addition to lu;:

COUnMlin& and ruidance aurr, O,ennil E. Tierney, Mr. Tierney•,:: home ii Janeaville, where he completed hi, hi&h .chool education. :! He receiwed hil b•chelor ', deirNI in 1966, majorina in p,ycholory :; followed by a muter'• decree in coul15C!lin1 and behaviour dudiea in:: 1967 . Both were received at the Univer,i ty or Wisconain. He :;: continued hil a:raduate atudy, workinc toward the doctorate 1ince ~ 1967 and la neu the completion or the dearee in the area or.,, coun14:lin1 with minor1 in, p1ychol0jy and 1ociology. ?'!:

Mr. 'nerney ', bqlc 111i1nme.nt at this time will be devoted to counaelina with junior1 and aeni~, in the School1 or Applied Atta and Science, Letters and Science and Fine Arta. Fre5hmen and .ophomorea who wbh 1uidanoe 1trvioe1 are lilso invited to call at the Unlvenity Placement Center.

All 1enlon who pl,n to a:radu1te in 1969 Crom all four Khooll or the Uniwerlity ue urged to check with the placement office to .w,e

that the[r placement file ii complete y,d in proper o rder. Tiu, procedure ll very important whether • aenior plana to utilize pllcement "1'Yicea thia 1em11ter or It, la te r date fotlowin1 an,duate atudy , military 1errice, marri.aae, Peace Corp and ao forth . Thoee who ha,e not u yet initiated their file lhould do 50 promptly IO that credentlall ean be procu1ed and available when needed.

Notice, or employment opportunitie1 for univffidty araduatea, and scheduled date, fOf interrie_.. will aoon be recelv+d at the Unhwalty Placement C,enter. Gradualff are uried to conault the IChedule and aian up for interwiewa. The importance or caA"ful 1tudy fot Initial employment opportunit)l1 I.O avoid the need for early ehanre or employment cannot be ovettmphuiud, 1lie,Mlection o! a 1uitable ~ tlon which rnttla an indiwidual ', inter11t, capabilltle1; i and skilla ntcellitatea reviewinc, job deacriptions, company brochun1, company poUciea and IO forth in order to 11leet wiMly. 'nleae materiala are awaib.ble in the Placement Center, and will be distributed to reaidenee halla and in many in1t.ance1 to chairmen or the dtpartmenta of the Un\veflity. '

Meetin,, will be Kheduled to provide: ' ae:neral Information e11ential to an,duatin1 aeniou u • mean1 or extend in& 1trvices to all 1enl0f1, RepreMntativ~ of nriolU lnduatrie1 ,nd 1ovemment ,1end11 will be acheduled on campus durin1 the year.

Recent announcement, or employment opportunltie1 ha,e been reefl•ed by the lollowin& companiea. Brochur11, applica tion blanka

;~=:~::~:~~:r:y::J~:,~;t:r 10)~:~~;~ ~~n~ i

~ul~~:;:!. Oil ;• 6. 1.:ob~I ~ I~. 7 . Minneaota Minin1 and ~

Both the Stat• and Federal Ciril Service haYe PrOTid.d : lnrOfmation concemlnr employment opportunid11 and ha,e :,. pi'o'rided the Placement Center with application blanb for the i entrance examination . Copie1 are anilable upon requeat, ;. . . . . '

n. Boud or Miaion1 or the Methodilt Church hu tnnounotd :

::::.i:;u::r:~. t=h=-~~:~ ~~!:d~iMion and ha" ' l . . . . ~

n. Moorman Manufacr.urini Company o r Quincy, Ulinola la ~ =!.~ :'o=.P: 1:;~:i~~:be;P~:~:t:::.i:-:: i company. Man wilh rural t.ckpounda or thole In the fMld or ! Rao11rc:e Manapment are of paftleular interea( to thl1 company, ; . . . . .: the':~::;: !':!:me~~::~::.~: c;.:rr::P~!;~· Oct. 8, for . l

Page 7: THE POINTER · thtt WSU 1y1tem. Wllllam Lul:t, facult)' advisor to SOS, will be pr~nt. The student body ~ iMited to participate in the di$1:u.uion1 bcoforethe~nate. Saxons Entertain

THE POINTER September 19, 1968

War~awks Whip Pointers, 29 7 ( .$111lASHBUGKLINC

Whitewater Turns Contest Around In Second Half


Arter a 1tron11 lint half performance, thl! WSU-SteWcM Point gTidden folded in the 1econd half before a strong Whitewater attack ,md dropped their openini WSUC pme by a dccilivC" 29-7 iCOre.

The Warhawk1, fresh off liul week's upWl onr defendinl!I N AI A champion Fairmont, looked very impreui\<C and polished in winning t heir .eoond II.night game of the )'OUnlf

season. Steven s Point domin:iled

mOlit of the fir~l hidf, especially

~i!h :.~tr:~:~~~~rb~:i~:~1~

were no match for Whitewater in the lu t hair.

The opening kic;koff sailed into the endtone and the Pointers started the game from their mim 20 yard li ne. Aflera running play picked up three yards, junior quarterb:u:k B<>b Main h i t en d Clarence Weichowski with a JX!rfect Pll" II the Poin ler-15and the big end s.c:ampcrcd all the way for a Ste\·cns Point touchdown with the gumc only •10 5Cconds old. The pla)' CO\'f"rcd 77 )'t1tds. Pat Mcfaul added the kick and the Poinlerslcd, 7-0.

After the Pointers held for down1 and Whitewater punted, the fiut of the PoinlC I"$' bad breaks occuncd. After the offcn,e failed to 11141ke a fi r-st down, Mike Breaker punted. Jay Newell or the Warh:awkl fumbled -the kick and the

Schaffer Hurt In Practice

Andy Schaffer, light end for the W.S.U. - Stevel\S Point football team, will "probably be lost for the seuon" afte r dwlocating his arm in practice la.st Wednucby night .

Poin ten rec:overed on the Whitewater one yard line, only to have ll called back on an illei.al pmeedure penalty.

A Nell Han1en punt wu downed by lhe Warhawb on the Pointer one yud line and Breaker punted out lo the Stevens Point 38 u the firtt quarte r ended.

The Pointer defenae 1tirfened and Steve Joh1110n ,topped Gree Jones 1hort of a rlnit down on fourth down and the Pointen took over on lhl'ir own 33.

After a Main ' to Bob Rohde pass had gained nine yards on first down, Main croued up the defense with another put. AIJain ll wu Weichow,ki well behind the Wtu'hawk defen$C, but the p111 wasilightly 0\1!rthrown and Weichow1ki couldn 't hold it.

From th is point on in the game, the mon1entun1 .eemed to goto Whitewater. ·

A Breaker punt wi th 6 :-1 1 left in the half wu returned to the Pointer 39 yard line by Chuck Robinson.

On the &econd play, W1.th1wk


y.,d1Ru ... lr,g


,., lnhrc,ipu,dBy 0

R•turnY..-d-c,,t 1112 ....

" ' " "'

"' ·~· sn~•n1Pol1>1·W•lchow1kl. 77,PHI

f,omM.Jn. (Mcf•ul , kk:k.l

W1!1nw•n•-M..-,•n.37,p•u lrom Oo,n. c1-1..-, .. n , klck .l

Wl>law••• ·Fl,olago•I.M•n..,..27.

Whlnw•1•-Jo,...,, 1•.,un. jH..-,Mn,kkk. l

Whltmwu.,,O,•uJ••. 43 , pn1 lrom

Dumt, (klckl.Jl•d.l

quuterback Bob Dom hH hi.. favorite t.arjet, HllNlln, who broke I tackle and went all the way !or a touchdown. Hanaen added the conVl!ni.on and t he ICOl"e WU tied 7-7, with 6 :06 ldt in the half.

Whitewater held 11ain 1.nd Newell returned Breaker '• punt from his own 40 to t he Po inter

"· Dorn hit Miko Fox and JonH with fint down pule$ that moved the ball, to lhe Pointer 10. Thti Point deCen1e ,tiUened but Hanaen kicked 1 27·yard field goal on fourth down to give Whitewater a 10·7 lead. 'lllat wu the way the half ended.

Steve Blttorf took the .econd half kickoff for Whitewater right 11 the 11oal line and only a 1&ving tackle by the man who kicked the ball, Pat McFaul, prevented a touchdown. Bittorf wu finally dtaaed down al the Stevena Point 39.

Following a miued fie ld 11a-l, the Pointcn WHl' urtable to move again 11nd Breaker punted to the Whitewater 37.

The Warhawkl drove 63 yards in IO play1 for I touchdown. Dorn mixed running and pa111in11 play, well, with .e,-en1l end , weep• gaining considerable yerdage. Jones went the lut 14

upthe111me. S!.eVII Hanarnan pined 26

ya.rd, to the Pointer 14 on an end-a ro und roven11. Jone1 repu t ed the play to t he oppo1ite aide and wu run out or bound• at the Polnte, 5. Ruin.UMCn went of! tackle t he lut five year d1 for the touchdown. Han1en'1 kick (ailed and the IC()fe 1tood II 23-7, ·Whitewater, with 3:04 ldt In the third quarter.

Int e rception, by Rod Anderson and Yerian Karpinake of the Polnten 1topped two Whitewater offenaive thruat.11 in

the fourth quarter. R e1erve quarterback Ron

Duma teamed up with end Mike Drealer on a 43 yud p111 play for th e !lna l Whitewater t o uchdown wilh 4:36 left. Equi'1 convenlon attempt wu wide, makinr the acore 29-7, that WU the WI)' It ended.

The Whitewater de!el'lle wu 1l.ellu In the leCQnd half and th'e Pointera never reaUy mounted an o ffe111 ive threat. The younr o!fenaiYC line •imply could not con t a i n the W1 rh1wk'a experknced personnel led by NAJA All·Amerie1n Al Equi.

ByTtM LASCH The Pointer football team pve defending champion Whi tewater

all it could handle fo r I half lut S1tutday at Whitewater, but a combination or Warhawk experience and Pointer inexperience proved too much for Steftn1 Point in the cloting h1lf.

Whitewater is j1U1t too 1ood a team to beat when the orreme Cln mu1ter only one touchdown all day, and a good Pointer defenae just couldn 't keep up the dfort they put out In moat or t he Cint half.

St.eve John1on, Pat Fee, and Mike Counat ll turned in excellent 11amea1(1'.ainat Whitewater inala.in(l'.cause.

Don' t count the Pointers out of the conference race quite yet, ho wever. It i.. a 1trong conference thil year, with \\'hitewater, O•hkoth, SteVl!n, Point, Plattevl lle, 1nd La Cros.&e ,11 hsvin(I'. 1tron1

y:u-ds on 11 1weop>around right To have any 1ucct>ta, however, the CQaching 1taff will have to find

:i"ad~"~'~e , !:~=~~;u~n · k:: ~: ~!~~h:::~~·;~~:,:te o ffenaive line - the blocking 1imply

!;~~~h ::~ow:f~ai~\i:;a1~; The 1chedule 1ure i1n't on tb11 Pointen' • ide thi1 year - only four

per~C::;ell down , later. the !a0::i:~t1~~~::t•;thoo':,e/1~:c~h;:~~~·three away. Ttie Pointen have

Pointers punted again, and the Warhawb put together a 65 The St. Loui1 Cardi aeem to be , tacked juat ri11ht th is year in the yard dtive in 8 play, that 1ewed National Le1gue while Detroit', Tigen hsve taken the lion'11hare in



Thia year'a iotrr mur,a l program began this week with touch football CQmpetition. Playoffs are scheduled to begin the fint week of October.

Jim Clark of the Phy1ical Education Department is 1g1in the hud or the intramun1l pr()fTam and this year i1 beinil asai•ted by John Breneman, a sopho more from Pltdeeville.

the American . ' The Cardin1I• will be World Series winners again due to the ove'rall depth of thei r.team, especially the pitching 1lo.ff.

I am very proud o f the o ther members of my sporl.lstaH, u la.s t year we were rated n:c.cllent in 1porl.1 CQVl! r,ge by 'a national 1urvey. They ";rtainly duerve recognition here.

John Breneman, a second aeme.ter sophomore from Pardeeville majoring in political science and history, i1 currently covering crOII country. He 11 active in intramural 1porta and is in charge or the e"ntire intramuralprogramthi1year.

John Stengl, a junior biology major from Birnamwood, covers intramural& for the POl?,r,'TER. John is a 1tude nt auistant in Knut:cen Hall and alao an act ive participant in intramur1la.

Dave Burton, 1 freshman Crom Minocqua, iii the lone newcomer thili year. Dsve wu 1porl.l editor of hi1 high school paper lut year and is writing 1porl.1 feature, th is year for the POINTER. He i, a jow-nalilmmajor.

Dwaine Cour\llell, head coach for the Pointers, said the 6'7'' , 230-pound senior from Hilbert , hw; not been ad \iscd on the seriou ,neu of the injury. Sehaffer wu hurt while being blocked during.,crimm.age.

~~~=~ Teams will com"pete in 17 sporl.5 this year. Archery ind tenni1 have bttn eliminated from this year'1 program.

The ·Packer machine 1tarted rolling ln fine fu hion 1g1inat the Elgle1. All upecll or the team looked good. A Jte rn tell will 1ri1e this Sunday from the ever pe1ky Vikinp, but the Pack 1hould win by 10.

Pointer Spotlight By CAVE BURTON

1 54, 6'1'' , 220 Freiman, Pointer fullback and

. • former . Sturgeon Bay athlde, belic•'N the Pointer backfield unit is 1haping up well for the current campai1n . He thinkl experience is the key to the 1uceeu: of the Pointers ground game. A aenior, Freiman added that the only poaition in the backfield which lackle:r.pericn«

• ii at quarterback.

All men·, dormitoriea will CQmpete u wina:s thi1 year to permit veater, particip•tion. A new 5Clup is bein(I'. , t ried th is yeu. All league competition will be within each dorm until a champion for .each dorm in each apart is declued. Theae teanu wi ll then compete in the playorr, to eventually find an all -campuawinner.

Trophies for each individual •port have been eliminated this year. Yeu•round poinll wi ll be totaled for al l 1porl.5 and the top wing in each dorm will get a Lrophy. The overall winner o f 111 do rm1 will ~ive aiiother trophy.

Fraternities and Independent teams wi ll again compete in their owndirilion.1.

Horseshoe, will beain nut week and all campua tennis and ~ddleb1II doubles toum1menll are in theplanning1tagea.

Lut year'1 overall wlnnen

Here', the way this weekend', football (l'.amea (all the important one,) will come out:

Arizona State 35, Wis.c:onain 14. Grttn Bay 31,Minne1<1ta 21. St. Norbert 27, Steven, Point 13. [Ake Geneva 19 , Elkhorn 13.

..... , . , -·[I·. . . . . : . t * : .



were Knutzen ht ~'ndornuan ,

Phi Sia:ma Epallon in the Gr . i.i;iiiiiiiii.~~-~:;;::;;; ~~ .-:. : ~ ~

. 8 the ~ow . Something ~ l\t l:J

NEW at laUttfU . "OLD TIME" {litJuM I W.C. Fields in The Great Chase

The Lil' Rascals in Canned Fish

The Lil' Rascals in Spooky Hooky I Thursday, Sept. 20


Ll·30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. ~ ~ ~ · +z

Nightfy at 7;09 and 9iOI p.m. - ---- ~ L._--f._:=!..::.::="-'-'--'-----' . ~ l

The Po\nten, now w!.n le• In two •tart.II , wi ll face a third 1tn.i1nt road p me 11 touJh St. Norbert Collellfl or DePere ne xt S1turday at ; :30 P.M.

Harriers Prepare

For Meet The Pointer crou country

team is preparina: Cor another aeuon under the direction or Coach Bob Bowen. Headed by !our lettermen 19 men are wor k.in11 out dally in preparation for the openln1 meet on Sept.

"· The Pointen are ml.King lheir two bli point-i:e tten rrcim Jut year. Dale Roe ttan,rerred lo LaCroue and Paul LaMere ued uphi,eligibility.

Thia year Coach Bowen i1 pinning his championahip hope. o n Te rr y Amunaon, John Peten.on, Bob Ferry and Wendell Krue1e-r, all returning lettermen.

Bowen al&o 1tated that P1ul Hau1, Don Hetzel, Danell H•wley , Jim Newman and Jim H111 are his mou promising freshmen. ·

Other 1qu1d memben working out for a place on the team include Muk Welch, Bruce Lathrop, Lury Hetzel, Charle, Upthagrow, Dick Fuvour, John J euon, John Gehln, John 0.hleky, Joe Gehin and Peter Ka1ent. .

The Pointen open the wuon on Tuesday at Milwaukee in 1 t riangular meet with Marquette and the Univenlty or Wi15C0111ln -Milwaukee.

On Sept . 28, the team 1oe1 to Olhko5h to face the Titan1 and Whitcwatl'r .

for 20 hours of work

Write Box 567 Stevens Point, Wis.



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