THE PLATTSBURGH REPUBLICAN. UTIUn- H T.» OnatMt Q—4 mt tat* Or««U«t Im»»«."-BEITHiM VOL. 97. NO. 4. PLATTSBURGH, CLINTON CO., N. Y., SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27,1000. WHOLE NO 4'.»<»'.». THE REPUBLICAN. SA.TTKJ>AT MOKKISG. JAN. ST. IXKL Ttui: fl.00 * y e w . subscribers; or f l.KO a ad vance. in adTaooe, to all year II nol paid in BWV*'Jft»terw<f at re<xn,g-£laKC matter at £*« Awl Met. in Piattrlmrffk.. Clinton Vrmnty. A r . T, MATTERS AND THINGS. THE Mark* Brother* Dramatic Go., is at the theatre all next week. THE Maccabees are to hold a fair at Court Street Theatre beginning Monday, February 5 lb, WK Mir in a newspaper the other day that the ettflening necessary lor everyday lite is not wiehbone, bat backbone. THE pale-eyed prophet, who it always looking lor trouble, has remembered that an abnormally warm winter preceded the cold summer of 1S16, "ibe year without a sum- mer." MIKCE-MEAT makers should take warning. A. Brooklyn baker baa been su*d lor 9500 because a man lound a wire nail in hit pie, and io chewing the aame lacerated hie throat. State, wbicb are col strenuous in tbe matter. Prof. Bradley, of Wrslevan University, who made the (xsmination, purchased keroesee in various part* of the city, and found it all highly explosive, his opinion beirg that tbe "flash poict" had been lowered by adultera- tions need to decrease tbe coat of prodoction Any oil having a flash point, the degree of heal at wbicb it gives ufl explosive gaa, lew than 110 Fahrenheit, H dangerous, and all of that tested by Prof. Bradley waa found to have a flash point o' ieae than 87. Biabop Doane O n H i s D o g . I WD quite sore he thinks that, I am God— Since tie is God on whom each on« depend* For life, and aii thing* tbal tie bounty sends; M r dear old dog. moat, oonBtar.t of all friends; » 6 l quick to mtnd, but quicker far than I To Him wbom CJnd I kttuw and own: Ms era. Deep brown and liquid, watcbe* for my nod; He is more patient underneath the rod. Than t. wben God Hie wise corrections sends. He looks Jove at me, deep as words e'er spake; And fromroenever crumb nor anp will take I; at be wags thanks with his moat vocal tail; And wben some ir«ahing noiae wakea ail hi* fear. Be ie oontent and quiet If 1 am near. Secure that, my protection will prevail; bo. faithful, mindful, thankful, trustful, aw Telle me what I unto mr God should be. PERSONAL. A. FREIGHT car waa broken into at Mor- rison vale one night last week and a qa&o. Uty of uquor stolen. The authorities have not ae yet been able to locate those templi- cated in tbe tnefu HEKEY P. GnxiuiXD, of Plattebnrgb, has been appointed United States Commissioner tor the Northern District of New Tork, io succeed E. C. Everest, who resigned to ac- cept the tffice oi City Judge ol Plaltsburgb. "PorURT HUSBANDRY" is ibe name of an attractive new monthly published at Water- viile K. X. As the name indicates it is de- voted to business, bat beside the special aims of the journal, there is much of general interest. Mas. HKSRT S. DAT, of Chateaugay, who was visiting relatives in the west, waa tilled by tne cars at Waateegan, 111., last wees. Sbe was seventy-ooe years of age, and was * sister of'James H. Smith, and aunt of M. rV. Smith ot this chy. '•No," SAID an old resident the other day, '•1 never saw anything like this winter m this part of tne country. I did see a man break up green-sod the first of January once, out that was in the titties, and intae hasn't oeen anything lite it since." A CUMITTEE ol citizens o* Plaltsburgb met on tV'.Uaj with Superintendent Draper, ot toe Department ol Public laBti'ocaon al Aloany to cooler in regara to the etnploy- meut of mejioers of the order of Gre} JJiius in tne school system ol Plaltsburgb. COME ol our exchangee report that robinB bast (t^zn seen n their neighborhood lor tne past, few aays. Ii is stated that rooius slave oeec seen iu the vicinity of the garrison All winter, and last Sunday morning one was Men near the corner ol Cornelia and Mar- garet streets. E. N. DEMEBJUTT, who receoily retirea from tbe lirui ol Bromlej <fc Demeritt, has purchasea a one-tbird interest in the De- menti & Palmer Packing Co., of Waterbury, Yt. Tins is Mr. Dementi's old home, and it is tifceiy mat be will move his family there as soon ae SOJtable quarters can be obtained for them. JLxvEsrujATiox by tbe Post Office Depart- cnent concerning lha brtttlecese of the cur- rent posu^e stamps has been made, and it u todai tail tne ifoable resHlted from the hara gam used in summer to prerent slick- loess. Hfocelorth, both winter and sum- mer gumi wtl: be provided, and new sump su rr .aed ax* tjf.ng sent out. fjfc. ROMEO £. BYDE, Mayor of the cily, and Ron. John H. Booth nave presented to the Ladie*' Auxiliary of the Piatuburgh G.-J iljapJtai usaiisome prizes to oe odered »t tne laQiee' card pla>ing contest whicn will Of p»f t ot the social to be given lor tne ben- efi. of t i e hospital fund. Major Side's gilt ir, a live oraoch silver candelabra and eir t- arrogate BoolB's a c m glass **iad bowl. U*t ol the oujeos suggested lor the ac- uvit, ol tne Jiacdonougn Cjob u to aid in Lne fett-ieu oemg mad^> to secure a loonu- cient on Crao island to the dead of Ihe bill.e o! Piattsourgb who were buried there. Raviug parucipated m tha original move- met.1 for the national park anu the mono- ni5-ut, as well as io Baoseqaent efiorts in the same direction, the ksj-fBLiCAX hopes the Micdonougb Ctao rm join heartily in co- operauog tor the debireu result. AWJTBEP. enrtjus thing about Chiaa is LUat J»ere a man'e word is better than his txjiii Tnai is. a CtiiDamac had so much ra'.ber paj ms de'jie lhaD not, that as long 63 be nae reoources he will do so, and OD- viour.; J he has L-oLbing his paper is worth- ing. ID tnaD> cases loreign houses d o n o l rr^.rr Caiuese merchanu to sign orders for atijiE at all, a practice which probably does not prevail with anj other country iu toe wor.d. Ttt panorami of the week haB turned to view two uleotfcd bens. One is a freak bird thai uvea at Derby. Connecticut, and has the icad ol a ben and the body and waddle ol a duca- It has a duck's tail and legs, minus ti.e webs, drinks loordinsitBly, out has never WHO, and its voice is a cross between a <iaat.k ana a cackle. Tne other fowl is the eircuuve ben oi Wilts, England, that laid at .•£4 weighing iwelra oocces, which egg «v_en ojjcnea dibciosed auoiher {jetlect egg IUEB.1. is a new grievance agaiual auto^ o.ooiles- The gypsy and browu-iaii moths bave taken to riQing in them, and are cover- lag toe state 01 Maseachuseiia in fine s t j le. l.ili ci.iiare mile* are already occupied, and accjrding to this report of the cuperinten- dcL,ttortheir soppreasion. ihe little mons- ters are moat peeuferoue in the vicinity of u>use places where aatomobllists are in tbe haon oi stopping lor ineaia and supplies. fci.E»EBS will be intereated in a contriv- ance wuereoy tne uwer end of a feuce-post is sappori^d clear of the ground and the rot-1 uo£ ot u prevented. Tne baae ut formed ao itcju be uada aajvuere on the tarm and then piaotou waar«r«r dmnittxi, and it pro- viaea a Arm ba*e lor the support ol the >.vv- poeia. Puata and their loot-piece* may i~> at ted from tbe bate and shifted from point to point. Maaoa are provided for hoiolog tne lower edge of tbe taocing material cloae to the ground. Th* inventor ot thia device ia J. £. Tyler, Uoxobal. U. C. t-r. Aoxas, the patronea* ot aoow, moat have baeu having soma vary conoM dreama thia year oo the Light ah* ia •appoaad to be poking winter up to the cooaiMaet exerdae ot bia duty. The vara wave of last Satar- day and Saaday not ocly wiped oat ail reeocda, oat it tipped the weather twrwau on Its aaae and taraad the map wrong aide ap. Al Kiagan FaUa Ue thermometer ragiatarcd M, a e d a l Palm I n c h . Fuarida, 81; ia Mew York atoy a*. a»d hkwthwm V a m o - t «. Mrs. U. P. Le F. Grabau. wife ot the Rec- tor of Trinity Church, Piattaburgh, baa been appointed manager of the second division of the Archdeaconry of Troy, in tbe Woman's t Auxiliary for mission work in tbe diocese. Mrs. Grabau has taken up the duties of her office with energy and enthusiasm, and has already established a new branch ot the Aux- iliary at Aoeabte Porta. Miss Frances Wbeeier of Cioveraook Basra Cbezy, contributes to tne first and January number of Poultry Husbandry," a charming paper or '-Bow a Woman Found Health and lodependacce Raising Poultry." The out- line history of Miss Wheelers' development ot ber bee, duck and fruit farm is well known, and the story as she tells it reveals much ot tbe personality which has made her enter- prise so signal a success. Tbe "war paint" used by the Navy Depart- ment was chosen in response to an idea ad- vanced by Commodore Johu White Moore, D. S. N. retired, grand son of General Ben- jamin Mooers of Pittsburgh. It was dur- ing the Civil War, Farraguts' Seet was on the Mississippi and Commodore Moore, then Chief EDgineerof the "Richmond," suggested c iveriog tbe ships with paint made from tbe river mud to screen them from view. Tbe p an was adopted, aDd by general order ol the Navy Department paint of that color has ever since oeen cboseti for warships. Com- modore Moore also suggested protecting the 9 des of ships with their chain cables, and tie idea was put ia prac ice in the fight of tbe ' EC-arsarge" with tbe "Alabama." In ^.aj 1897 Commodore Moore had reached tue aue obligatory tor retirement and was ordered bome to Plattsburgh to be retired witb tbe rank ot Commodore. Bat at the outbreak of the Spanish war be asked for re- employmeut, and was ordered to tbe Kew Tork Navy yard, where he remainei until tne close ot hostilities, where be settled in B ookljn tor a part ot tbe >ea'j his summer bjme being at Lake George. I'atrvna' F t r e R e l i e f AwMactatloa C.UNTOH oowrr. f Pollowfm? is the report read by the aeoref arr Of tbe aaaoctotioo. Mr. 3. W. H arkoaaa, at tha meetlnc held In Platteburftt.] Brother Patron*: I tlhink we bats the right to congratulate oorselves aad each other upon the continued soccess of ocr associatioB. When it was organussJ three years ago we all bopedl that by i'a we eosld obtain inevraooe at we could In tae old companies, bat I hardly thick that even tbe most sanguine lmastbed that the cost would he less than ope-aalt of the old companies' rata*. Bat many of as have now beta insured nearly three years and have paid in premium and assessment only I S 60 per thousand of insoranoe, whl'a tbe agents of 'be old companies would have collected from us in advance just Ove tiwws to at amount- We have met with several losses, tally as many as oould be expected with oar present number ot risks, but we have be' n a^le to pay them promptly and shall hava arter paying all of our Expenses tor 1905 a la-gar sum in the treasury with which to be- gin tbe payments for 190G than we have had at tbe commencement of any previous year. Among the 119 co-operative insurance companies and associations that reported to The S u i t e B t a M i e r a Aa>« •lone- Mr. A. P. Deuio of Cbssy, well known to tbe 6 A. • orserirakms throughout Clinton County, has luturuea from a trip wbletj inclcdad a vWt to the Haw Tork State Soldiers' Home, and his obsrrvatioos of tbe Institution are recorded by Mr. i. Fletcher t Gilbert, our Goaty cornavoudeot, as follows: The Home Is situated In the beautiful valley of tbe Cohoctoo river, Steut** County, about two miles north-wastof Bath, aad is surrounded by bl'w. cracefully ascend- ing to tbe height of several hundred feet. Tbe grounds are picture*que, and arii»iically mid out, aad are brilliantly illuminated by elec- tric light. Tbe estate onsaptisea 365 *tnm of fertile lands. Tbe portions not used for parks ar4 buildings are devoted to rawing vegetables tor the table, and grain for tbe stock. The r>ulidin«a are substantial and band one. and clus terud jaioend Bisdqiart- are with Old Glory flying and veterans moving iu ev«ry direction a fuselnaUng picture is pre- sented ; aad doubly so whan oae calls to mind that it is the bome of more than MM Move In Blue, who answered the call and assisted in tbe prassrvatiou of the Union. The make-up of the Bome M about the •SUM as a town of a like number of inhabitants, torn soldiers and sailors representing alt pro- fessions and trades, and many of them bav- ins; distincsrabed themselves In both civil and military life. The averace cost tor the maintenance of tha Bome is from f 2S5.M0 to f Zl 0M par annum, ueiustve of the in- tae central organisation a year ago tberu come from tbe farm aad gardes. Tb> total Bailor* T&» dirsc'ora of the Bsooioctou T M C.A are to invest *17,»t» in tbe building to be erected for the association al that place, and for which $26 000 has been raised. Rutland's epidemic of measles, which has existed for several months, siiil continues, auklug havoc with the public frhool*. Io one school bait ot the »50 pupils were absent last week. Mrs. Mary B»wker ot Btrtooeville bat a lemon tree and on it one lemon which meas- ured twelve inches in circumference one wsv and thirteen tbe other. Th«Te is difference of oo'nlou betwesn the the Ru'laod Board of Elocattan and the 1906 gradaatinc cas«, which is to sive a play to raise money for the trip to Washing- tin. D , C , uhich it has elected to have in- stead of commencement exercises. The btmrd disapproves of rivice up tbe exer- cises, and the presentation of the play is in direct violation of the rule made last Vfar artoHebinc school entertainments at which admission is chanced. There has been no sleighing in Benning- ton so far thia winter. Last Friday Mrs. John O'Brien of Walling- ford picked a hardsome bocqnet of pernios wbirh had erown out of doors Tbe leaves Irossn stiff. \with all details ©f th% machinery rhe worked as a factory bind for a y#«r. She has ic- iroduced all the newest improvements and appliaiices, snd not satisfied with msterini success, »hw looka after the welfare of neT employes, has ra'abUfhed a ctabroom sod library, provide* lectures and entertain- ments, and sees that the people are cared tor wben sick or in any sort of trouble. BOOKS A>D THE MAKERS OF THEM. A. G o o d M o v e b y t b e Macdonougti Club. Communities are much like individuals in some respects. And on$ ot these is that tbej get verj little it they dop't go after it. That good old adage, "Everything comes to him wbo waits," might have been all very well in limes gone by, but the modern idea is that tbey come much more quickiy i t y o u hustle while you wait. This opinion is endorseu uy me Maclon- ough Club of Plattsburgh, which, while purely a social organization, does not hesi- tate to take up matters of an entirely differ- ent nature from l.ug avowed purpose of exist- ence where the progress of {.h* city is to be considered. When realize that some ol our most active business and professional men are enrolled.in its membersbip.it is very clear wbal an important factor this club might be in stimulating the activity ot our citiz-jnE—bow it might incite us to take a proper pride in oar city and to do our mite toward placing it in the rank to which it belongs and ip whjcb its natural advantages entitle it. A special meeting of this dub was beld on Friday evening of last week to cooii.er the best means by which the commercial intei- ests ot Plaltsburgb could be advanced. W hiit ns definite action was tjiken the matter wts thoroughly discussed. A rery proper en- thusiasm was display ed, showing that SEJ leaaible plans for the commercial betterment ot the community will receive the hearty co- operation ot the organisation. The combination ot social features witb some of the more serious interests in lite is an attraction which should excite tbe inter- est of many bright minds, and the exchange of ideas could not bat be bentficial to those wbo are tortunate enouga to parti :ipate U. be gatherings. A committee consisting of Bon. R. E. B^aley, Hon. i, B. Mi81 , Joseph Pajette, Rjward D. Badley, T. F. Mannix and Prof. George K. Hawkins. President of the cluo. *as appointed to submit plane at a future meeting. Much good may be expected from tfceir tilorts and already a cumber oi names Lave been added to ibe list, and it is expected that every representative business than will soon be connected witb the move- ment. only seven that had increased tbe amount of insurance is Ions during UM yesr 1904 us much as ours bad, aad of tb«a saven only four bad lncrsssarl their iusoracos as much in 1M4 at own ass ia 10M. Bat waeo we Lnveatigate still farther w a t a d t mt ike terrttartal Haafss at ewers a a a o f those seven asaoctatioas contained from twice to three and one-half times the num- ber of subordinate granges, and from twice to eight times tbe number of patrons that there were in Clinton and Essex counties at that time. Taking those facta into consider- ation it will be SUM that in proportion to oar nambersour association has increased the number of its policies and tbe amount of its risks as much as any aatosiation in tbe State. I shall make no prediction for tha future bat will say that we may have •2.000.000 ot insurance in force a year from today, but I do not think tbal we shell unless more granges are organized. There is plenty of room for more. Essex county has only six for its 18 towns and Clinton only 10 tor ite 14 towns. If 12 more could be organised is Essex and four more in Clinton there would then be only as many as there are towns, but the present number would be doubled and ibis association might in time become th-* strongest ol any in the Empire Stale. Tnere it a wide raose in tbe amount ot in- earauce taken by our different granges. Tt is is partly owing to the difference in size of the granges, but the fact that one grange has ei^bt or ten times as msny members as an- other does not fully explain the reason why i s mem ber* have taken thirty-seven times as much lnsurarxe as tbe members ot the auiu'lrr grange, {think be true reason why some granges hare taken so little is because tbeir members are Still pnjudiced aeaipst assessment insuraioa. Tosy bad rather pay $1 75 or f.2 00 lor three yeats'' insurance upon ei-cli f 100 tban to pay only 15 cents : t Qrs and. promise to pay aasessments if a; y a*e tonud necessary. We have only fonxd it necessary to make one assessment aid that on.} 10 cents per 9100 in ibe past three ye ire, but ot course there is a possibility that there will be more-and larger ones. Faimers have bad reason to regret hevjott b >ec insured upon lbs assessment plan, bgt tbey should consider that there is a wide dttlerence between a company organised to make profits from the insured and one or. gatized lor saving expense to tbe insured. Oar assessment plan gives our members in- surance at actual cost of losses and labor, but the one payment plan collects in ad- v* ce a sum si.m lent so pay all possible 1 j-<»es, extravagant expenses, and put large p-oQuin tbecofters of the organizes end g-.ockboldera. But tb.it essay is ajrpady Ufi long, so i will proceed! to give you tbe tact* an 1 figures of our business for 1905: Tbe uumber of policies in force Dec. 31, 19(14 was 297; the number of policies iesu-d since has been 339; the cumber of policies canceled since has been 7; tbe number of policies in torce DrC. 311, 1905, 629. Amount of iusuraccei in foice D.c. 31, 1SJ4, r r - » 667,925 imount ot insurance takaa cost for maintaining each •eteras is tilt, rations per capita loartees cents, dotting »ll,». Persons untitled to admission t o t s a Home are disabled Union vet areas aad sailors of the Civil War, who base so other means ot support, aad save bass residents ot tsa Bute of Mao Turk lar• s,assy -as i lists is admlastua, or who served is a IsewTork reciment during tbe Civil War. loose re- ceiving a pension ot more than $11 per month are not admitted unless there are special reasons therefor, a a d i s each eases the excess above f II is retained by tbe Bome. Members are entitled to draw six dollors a month of their pension while in the Bome, aad the whole aasoant wbep taking a three months' furlough or discharge. Tbe Bome has ite own poser bones for the tunply of electricity, and tbe buildings are provided wtth all the modern appliances tor use and convenience. The hospital is under tbe management of an »mci»nt audi- <1 stall and trained nurses. T h e fl m l a a d landscape department is in charge of Beery Drummer, who bus fllled tbe position for eighteen years. Ttoosead* of plants are propagated in grefoaouses in winter for tranaulaotiac in spring. The Home has a Bus brass band which gives an open air con- cert every aJtersoon during the summer. Tbe income to tbe veterans from the ap- pointments of the Bome is indeed most iit> ersl s n d u credit to our Btate and Nation. Tbe Commandant of the Bome Is Col James E Ewvll, wbo has fllled tbe position since 1903 Comrade. Denlo feels under great oMi- geiiin* to the < facials of ibe instiutlon for tbe very courteous icceptioc extended to h.<n. Among the it mates of bis srqusictaccs were Comrades B . II McCreedy and C sa- ins Bugby, both ot Cbasy, who were pleased to greet our comrade, treating him right tm ally, and speaking of tbe ttome and its effl tats in terms of the highest respect and cobOdeoce Among the most importsnt buildings com- prisiuic tbe Botie are headquarters,, emo?e meet bail, seating capaciu 1200. chapel and rectory, barracks A B and C , botpial, band stand, Co. Q. and library, mess hall and dinine room, power hou"e, laundry god ba>h bog>e andq'iartennaeteHsdepanment, all flue bgiIdiots of nope, wood and hrick. Y. B t . C . A . Notes. At the Sonday afternoon meeti for boys Mr. Bckersley will give the Short Talks" oo tbe lifeot ot Bince Dec. 31, 1904, fii5,*67 Total insurance during 1905, f 1.183,192 Amount ot insurance canceled and reduced duiiog 1905 13,345 Mauufacture ol Cement Blocks iu FlttttMburuh. The possibilities for the advantageous use of cement in tbe building trade bss a ver> forcible example in tbe new Macdoc- ougb Sbin Factorj in course of conauoction on Mai ion Street in this city. Operations on this building are being keenly watched by a large number of people, many of wbom at tbe start seemed to be somewhat skepti- c a as to tbe merits of this comparatively D-.W material for building. However as tbey gee it rauidly taking tbape before tbeir evee, aud occasionally see a man bard at work with a chisel and mallet trying to chip out a block here and there tbey begin io realize that there is a quality there that even t'.one doee col posse**. The blocks used in ibis building are tt e first output of tbe new plant recently estab- lished at Plaltsburgb ot the Miracle palest cement block. visit te tbe manufactory, •biib is located al the loot ot Bridge siren in ihe old gas building, revealed that tte operation while appearing extremely stapis U extremely effective. First, tsa diy cement aud sand are thoroughly mixed, three parts of saod u> one ot PorUaed ce- ment. Then enough water is throws Is to make it easily bandied aad the moulds are tilled. These lest ere Bade is ssctkats waicb damp together asd any etas or of a Uock ess toe Bade. Tsu aixtare is thoroughly isiepert into amooisad cf. Then a piece of hoard s utile larger teas the block Is laid a s t e e a s d t h e mould a auKkli tsrsad toe board U os ise botioa. The osvsr a sarelsUf lifted a t , l a s M a s s s d damped a s d a Aticuut of insurance in lores Dec. 31, 1905, - - - fl,l|j>9.$(4f wbicb is about $34 000, more tbau twice as much as there was a year ago. RECEIPTS. In treasury D.c. 31, l£u4, * 499 90 Premiums coin cied aiuce, 1.521.13 Total receipts, - - - §2,021 OS DISBURSEMENTS. Paid for losses by die aud lightning, * ?00.00 Paid tills of c(fleers and di- rectors, . . . . $56 00 Paid for rebate on policies can* celed, . . . . 11.35 Paid lor printing and ?,uee to Central Organization, - * 36 25 BA ance in treasury, - - 916.93 Total of payments and balance, |2,021.0> A Stubborn Fire. At about 8 30 o'clock on Wednesday eve- uiog tbe tire detriment was cslled out. to igbt one of the isost str/oborc tires »sen to Plattsburgh tor seas tlwe. Tbe building is at 3 o'clock, second of Lis David. Tbe 4 o'docit meeting for men will b e a Praise Service, conducted by tbe secretary, fpd an earnest invitation ft extended to members apd ngu'members. Tne monthly socjil for member* of the B->ys' Department will be held on Wedoee? day nest, tbe 31st inst, sod all aemoers are asked to be present. THE WEEK. VICINITY NEWS. Plans are being drawn for a lane addition to the City Boepital at Qgdeneburgb. A paper mill at Crtroga, New ?rrk. was burned to the vround with a loss of f 10.000, and no insurance. 4 hundred people are left without employment. Canes of the fire unknown. George Gardner, un Adirondack guide, w in custody at Glovetsviile, suspected ot hav- ing murdered Anna Burke, whose dead body was found in a barn near that town. J. Pierpont Morean has offered §10,000 tp tbe Stony Wold Sanitarium Corporation, it it will raise tbe balance ot $33,000 a three years' deficit, and $16,000 to meat bonds maturing March 1. Tuis Adirondack aaui- ta'ium was started five years ago, witb only $500, to provide treatment for working women aad girls who hava incipient tuber- culosis. Saranac Like is to bare free delivery of mail on Mar h let. 4 1 l b s outset there will be three carriers' with one substitute, twen- ty-two letter boxes and flvs boxes. The R. J Rotters Lumber Co. of Geneva, is to start a large box factory at Whitehall Mr. aud Mrs. John Mastine of O^denS- burg started outlast P.iday evening Jo a sleigb to visit epme friends. Tbey brought their infant child along, wrapping it 6I(liHAL R1VI. Biebteen negroes were killed and 50 in- jured in a panic caused by an alarm ot fire in S'. Paul's Baptist Church in Philadelphia. , The fire was not eerioue and was put out be- j fore the Oreaen arrived. I Sepbsa Bease ot Wichita, Kan., and William Daantng ot Richmond, Iod , are on t»>eir way to asrlio to help celebrate the Kaisers silver; wsddiag. They wste menu bars ot the r-gioeotof utwradiers of which be wee coameoder at tbe time of h a sarrtege, and he decided that ss many ssjrere Ijvlag tag th* Imperial seal the letters contained steamship passages, and having prospered in this «o*_r; both men took their families with them. Tbe Bnz'lian warship Aqaidabeu was blown up by the explosion of a powder mag* as re. Two hundred and twelve were killed and 36 irjured, including nearly all the of- ficers. Mioety?eignl of loops On board were saved. I Quarrels between Austria and Servla may result in tbe resignation of King Peter. | Count Witt* has presented to the May- flower a silver punch bowl in reoognitioo of the hospitality extended to him and the other Russian delegates at the Portsmouth ponferecce. B isadier General Joseph Wbeeier. fj. S. A-, re' ired, known ae "Figbticr Joe," died at the bome of bis sitter, Mrs. g erling Smith, in B'Ooklyo, Jan 26 He was the hero of three wars and one ot tbe beet known mili- tary men in the United State*. Mrs. John Maclsaaos. who caused the ar- rest of tier husband io R-ookiyn, Jan. 26, on a charge of assault, declared tp the police ti;at tbe man was an accomplice in tbe mur» det: of Mabel Page at Weston, Mass, English election returns to Jan. 24 show s ministerial majority of 304 Liberals 312. La* boriies 48, Nationalists gl, Unionist* 137. Two Chinamen were killed snd two injured on Wednesday, Chinese New Y-?ar In N*w York cily, in a battle between rival parties in a gambling feud. The United Chemists' Company has been ircrpnreted in New Jersey with a capital of $10 000.000, to control tbe retail trade of Mew Tork, Chicago and Puilsdelpbis. its Charter limi'iug it to cities ot 1,000,000 or more population. Cnaries Tucker, convicted of the murder pf Mabel Page at Weston, Mass , has been denied a new trial. 4 military festive,! is to be held in Color, ado next tali to commemorate the lOOtb an. piveraary of 'be Z <bulon Pike expedition. Philip Robins of South Cairo, N. Y , at- temp'ej to kill R-.v. H. I. Boaic, pastor of tbe MetbooUt church of Leeds. Toe m a was scfl-ring from religious mania, and thought G >d had commanded him to mur- der the minister. Tbe estate of tbe late Marshall Field n estimated al $100,000,000 to $I£0 000 0(M) (.be bulk of whicfi uoee to bis three g/aod- prjldre'n, $8 pop.Ogp is given to the Field, Colombian Museum at Qbtcago. The aleemer Valencia from S%n Praccirco, witb 94 paeseneeraand crew of 60 was wreck- ed < d Vancouver island Jan. 22. The ship went asbor* against a b&h cliB at midnight In a thick tug and 100 people were drowsed. Hostilities in Transcansia between Armen- ians snd Mobsmmedclans continue and tear- ful atrocities have been committed. i W. J. Davis, aeseger ot the Ircqiois theatre in Chicago ia to stand trial for in- voluntary manslaughter on indictments that hold bim criminally responsible for loss ot life o n D e c 3 0 1003.. By purchase ot $10,000 000 of stock K B . Htrriman secured control of tbe Pacific Coast Company and terminal fsctlities at Ssatile, outwitting J. J. Bill and a' q iring equal footing with him and the Great North- ern. I Tbe Windermere Hotel in Chicago waa partly wrecked by a boiler explosion that killed the engineer of tbe heating plant and icjured one ol tbe women guests. A build- in* in tbe rear of tbe hotel was ajso partly wrecked, and four famines narrowly escaped, it |ury from c e iris blown through the win- [ dows. Rev. Sidney S'mag of the Second Con- I gregaiionul Church in Oak Park, Ciiceno, in : hi* pulpit save a scathing denunciation of the manners and costumes displayed at tbe Kinases given in that city under the patron- age ot Mrs. Potter Palmer, Mrs. J. O Aer- I annx, Mrs. S'snl^y Field and other promi- ! sent women ot society. RaLEGIOCS. The Southern Aovocate, a religione jour- nal of tb* Method««t E)-i•'copal Cbuich, pob- liebed at New O leans, La., has started a subscription among its patrons for ihe pur- chase of a motor boat to be us*d in Liberia by Bishop Scott, the representative of the missionary soe'ety of tbe church i D Liberia. Tbe boat it intended to facili'ate com- munication between tbe ccact stations. In the ve*»it»nle of the First Congregational Church of Holy eke. Mass.. on Sunday there | was posted the following tigniticact notice: ktssixo, —Last Sunday, same fami ies from church. STOLEN- —Several hrurs from Lord't Day by a cumber cf people of different ages dressed in tbeir Sunday clothe*. STRAYED—Half a score of lambs, believed to have «ooe in the akrection of "No Sunday Scbf ol " MisLAio—A quantity of silver and copper coins on tbe counter of a public bouse, ihe owner being in a stste of great excitement at the time. WASTED—Several young people; wben last seen were walkmc in pairs up Sabbath- breaking Lane, wbicb leads to the City "No Good" LOST—A led carefully reared, not Ion; from home and tor time very promising. Eepposed 10 have gone with one or two older companions to Prodigal Town, Husk Lane. ^ .._.'...-- — •• Any person aeawt|cgin the recovery of tbe shove shall in no wise lose bis reward. The eeventy-sixtb meeting ot the Arch desconry ol Albany held a two days' session at St. Peter's Church, Albany, this week. Tbs Right R?v. William B. Q'ConneU, Bishop of Portland, Me., has performed bis mission ss special envoy to the Emperor of Japan from 'he Pope, wbo esys thai if ell ambaatadoff djd their work ae well, it would be a great satisfaction to those they repre- sented. Ao international Gregorian Congress is to be held at Cincinnati the week following tbe.May musical festival. Among those to be present will be the Very R-v. Dom Moc- fiuereeu, leading authority on the Gregorian chant. The moeic will be sung oy a m,ala cbojr of 400 voices. T*--e t r a n s l a t i o n of Ohampialn's ' Toyaje«" ny Prof, and Mrs. E. « Boorn?, fttlited by John Bach McMaster, it to appear in a few weeks. Sienkiewicz has a new novel, the scenes of which sre in Poland during the reign of King John Robtwki, before tbe Turkish in- vasion of 16S3-S4. The title is "On the Field of Glory." Miss B'rtha Rankle, author or f o e Ssrmet of Navtrre has a new novel called "Tbe Truth about Tolna," which is to be published in February. It is the story of a Metio- po'itao Opera Hou*e sineer, and the scenes and characters are all of New Tork. Mies Ellen Glasgow's "Wheel of Life" is one of the first books of 1906, snd it is praised for a more vivid portrayal of char- acter even than ber preceding novels. The story is of life in New Tork cily. Meredith Nicholson, author of "The House of a Thousand Candles," has put a great deal of activity into his life of thirty-five or six years. His education he acquired in the public schools of Indianapolis, leaving the high school oader inauspicious circumstances in the hrst year of tbe course. He then worked three years at job printing, learned etenocraphy, and read law tor two years is ss eetoe woes be bad plenty o t H a s t o read poetry aieo. At eighteen he wrote a short sfory which won a prise offered by tbe Chicago Tribune. Then he studied lan- guages wi'b a tutor and was tar twelve years io the newspaper business, beginnine as police reporter and working up to editorial Writer and book reviewer. At tweoty-twa he published a book ot poems. Baside the House of a Thousand Candles he has written two other novels and a history of Indiana. CURBBHT rU*. Richard Bardiog Davis has a new farce which was brought out in New York this week with Raymond Hitchcock In the title Character of "The Galloper." Tbe story ia j of the successful war correspondent wbo first reaches the wire. Tbatl. f fruited T a tblth oaU . . But (be prmtertb. I jrnet*. Tham Vbmito of fruited TTTX tbela* JJthpe^ Pardon tblth oatbe of verbotnitv, javfe thwtped every etc. Which eooouatfa for thfth thad tbrenuothity. Policeman—I want your case and ad- dreee. Tramti—Ob, yer do, do ye:? Well, me name is John Smith, an' me address is Num- ber Oje, tbe open sir. It yer call o n m e don't trouble to knock, but jast walk in. The Promoter—I want you to take a couple ot hundred shares in this new life in- surance company. Ills tbe best thing on market. F iend—Who's your representative in the Senate? See what I s o i cried Bobby, a city-bred boy, as be came running from a chicken- coop, boldlog in bis hand a china eirg. Oh, go put it back! exclaimed Mabel, bis six-year-old sister. That's the egg the hen measures by. Be said be would lay tbe earth at my feet, said the sentimental eirl. Yes, answered Miss Cayenne. It sounds good, but it is not practical You already have tbe earth at yoar feet. Waal you wapt is a three or tour story house over your head; 4 little eity urchin was being entertained in tbe country lor tre flrst t i m e : LooV op, look np, Jimmv! See the pretty bird* fl-inc through the air, said bis host ess, Jimmy looked up q ickly. Poor little feller ! be exdaimed, pityingly. They ain't got no cages, have they? I am monarch ot all I survey! cried Robin- eon Crusoe. Trying to get bim off his fcigb perch we |-ked bim if he bad eeen Mr. Roosevelt any. where about. bome folks, said Uncle Eten, Bods fan'.* so much dat wben dey triee to say a com' pliment deir trieuds think dey is sarsastic an gits mad j V de same. j George Wetiinebouse Jr., only son if tbe , Inventor and manntacturer, is working io ; the shops of tbe Wealit gnoose Air B^ake plant at Pittsburg as an apprentice, carrying Wife—Which is the quickest w s v t o send a message? Te'ephone or telegraph? Busband—Tell a womnn. '*-,- r . ,±~ To a Clam. (Dam taoent clamant) loclorio-s trie dl moat oor.fi/leot I am Thy life ia one of very little ease; Albeit men mock tbee with heir similes , And prate • 1 being "h*ppjas acl«ml" What tboorh thy ahelt protects thy fraetle head prom the sharp bailiffs of the briny aet I •by valves are. a re.no safety-valves to thee. While rakes are free to de.-eerate thy bed, Aud bear thee off.—as foemen >aVe tbeir «poll,— Far from thy friends and family to roam; . Voroed. like a He-sian. from thy native home. To tn^et destruction in a foreifo broil 1 Though thon art tender, yet thy bumb'.e bard Sdolarea, O clam! thy case is shocks c bard! John Qodfr y Sage. Another new play of tbe week le "The B^qse of gilcnoe" by Herman K. Vie!e, author of the 'Inn of the Silver Moon," "Tbe Last of the Knickerbockers," etc. The late Henry Harland had the distinc- tion of achieving success in three lines of literary work. Be began by writing atoms of Jewish life under the name of "Sidney Laska,"aod so excellent were they that it was thought no one but a Jew could have done them. But he was an American, born in Russia and educated at Rome, Paris, and Harvard University, from 1883 to 1880 be held a position in tbe surrogated office in New York. Then he went to Eaglaod, be- came editor of tbe Yellow Book and wrote critical essays on contemporary literature, aigoing himself tbe Yellow Dwarf. Taese essays made his second fame and the third was gained from "The Cardinal's Snuff Box,'' that popular idyl of Italian life. During most of tbe time he lived in London bnt kept a residence in Norwich, Conn. 1 "A Collection of Letters Written to Coll. dred by Famous Men and Women," has re- cently been compiled, and among them ia one from Sydney Smith: London, July 22, 1835. Licy. Lucy, my dear child, don't tear your frock; tearing frocks is not in itself a proof of genius; but write as your mother writes, act as your mother acts; be frank, loyal, affectionate, simple, honest, and the integrity or laceration of frock is of little import. And. Lucy, dear child, mind your arithmetic. You know in the* fl,rst sum of yours I ever saw there was a mistake. You had carried two, <a< a cab ia licensed to do.) aud you ouitht, dear Lucy, to have carried but one. Is this a trill ? What would life be without arithmetic but a scene ot horrors? You are eoing to B>ulo*oe, tbe city of debts, peopled bv men who never under- stood arithmetic; by tbe time you return 1 shall probably bare received my first par- alytic stroke, and shall have tost all recol- lection of you; therefore \ cow eive you my parting advice. D00H marry anv one who has dot a tolerable understanding and a thousand a year, and Gxl bieae you. dear child. SIDNEY SMITH. Trying (Jonves 5* "m FlattsborgJi havtre treatment from Dr. 8ilv# r . Rev. Victor Moore of Sooth Pi«H*hnryh erobaoeed with R°v. Mr Bradford last Sab- hath and fi>!ed his pulpit In Mormotmlle verr acceptably. Mrs. Sanborn ha* been itek a we»k hot « rewveriug, I The yonos people grave Mis* Mildred R»ed a sarpri** oarty last Saturday evening, it being her 17tn birthday. There were baptigmal services at tho Baptist Church last Sabbath ev>cine » D( i three were baptized- t) C. B CHAXPI-Anr. The D D L met with Mrs, P*»al W e d n e s - day evening and enjoyed the meeting se they always do at her home. Mr and Mr* J H. Crook have returned I from N»w York c jij v where tbey have been spending a few day*. I Mrs. B. F. Paine is amending a week wt*h ber parents io Malone. * Th» dancing class bel 1 in Grange Hall it well attended and all are etjoying their weekly haps. Tbe Fsnoie Mendelssohn Club a m at the music stndio Wednesday afternoon. Tbe subject was Mo*»rt, rollowe! by ibe game Of Triads. ' C. C. Deal is at bome having an enforced vacation to • .« accompaniment of threaten- ed pneumotia. Be is rapidly gaining, how- ever. Cbsrteu Dickinson ha* departed for Spo- kane, WaeJS., where h* has a position with one of the great western railway companies. Mr. end Mrs. W. H. Dooliltle have return- ed trom tbeir visR to the metropolis. CHA1T. Tbs aVMtfsg drcie aet with the Missis •axe Wsdueeday sfieroooo. Regents exam ins; ions are being beld ia the sesooi building ia charge of Mies Ash- llue, principal. Tbe C. E Siciety will have a social in tbe parlors of the Presbyterian Church Friday evening, Feb 3. Refreshments will be eetved and games enjoyed. The Roy. Margette cave his people a very strong and helpful sermon last Sunday morn- ing—"Suggestions for the Mew Tear." We understand the Leggeti brothers have purchased tbe wood lot owned by H race Sheldon, aud will soon have wood in the market. Miss Garrett and mother attended the funeral ot Mrs. Elkins at West Cbsiy last week Friday. J. F Gilbert has returned to Rouses Point to finish his canvass there add at Cham- plain. Edmond Seymour and daughters spent last week at Sboreaeras, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Mrs. J. W. Huabell has gome to New York and will spend several weeks with ber children there and in Brooklyn. Mrs. Dari3 has been visiting her siat»r, Mrs. Boosing*', anti.-has now gone to visit her daughter Ruby at West Cbssy. -We understand that Mr. Miner has bought a wood lot owned by the North brothers. J. The Kidneys Wlhen they aro weak, tor- pid, or stagnant., the whole system sutTers. Don't, nog- lect# them at. this time, hut h«H the warning of the aching back. Lhe bloated face, the sallow complexion, t*he urinary disorder, and begin treatment at once with Hood'sSarsaparilla which contains the best and •afest cairative sub»taSivces. rer testlaaonials of rewasrkahJe cores ts»4 for Book on Kidneys, No. ft. C L Hood Co, Lowes.. Ms >r»nk T. Kiwli. » prominent h0»:a<»*s man of Hardwict. w»« caa?ht between Um elevetor and top 11 x>r of hi* fliwer • >i an»l ifsUtaly killed Jan. 23 U« was 39 veers of w ard survived by ft »ife. WAITED—in men ..*-•! *ts\te to travel, post Signs, advertise -\nd e«v« *ample« nf our good*. Salary «75 00 r- r m.--«h »3.00 p e r a».\v lor oxfwogee. KO\ A.L ^, ft i V CO. Dept. W„ Atlas Biock. O-^casro E.H. HEATH Dealer In MARBLE AND GRANITE 3C Brinkerholf Srreet Piattshureb jjew y.^rk sWBSPIHGS. A dog winna yowl if ye fell bim wi* a bane. Scatter with one band, gather with two. Woe to tbe mule that sees not ber master. Clear conscience, a sure card. L 3 a v e t>§ as iaug as tbe play is good. Gossips and fr»#e drink and talk. Q >od woitis C'tt no more than bad. COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE. KBIIVOBU. STARS IX JANOABY. To star-gas ws these nights are marvels ot glory. Probably sot agaio in ones lifetime can such a heavens be seen. Three planets are now racing with each other among tbe stars. Mars, Jupiter end Saturn. MJTS acd Saturn have been in vtew for months. Th- y are now quite low io the west by sev< u o'clock in tbe evening. Mara baa jast ct m- pleted one of his fsmous loops and is Hying eastward. About three weak* sgo be passed Saturn. It waa a pretty eight to see him overtake and pass bia rival. Oo the 18th of May be will overtake and pass Jupiter, wbicb WlU b e a. stilt more imposiog tignt. On that day tbeir night ascensions Will differ by less than 2$ seconds of time, and their decli- nations by about one degree; Mars will pass to the north. Tbey will be low in the west at that tins. Jupiter is nearly overhead now near the Pleiades or tha littie dipper, race the west, sold your right band opes, above and a foot from your eyes, over your index Qnger you wid see Man red and at ill Under your little anger JOB will saa Sattm abou tbe same else but leas red. Near Jupiter at present is lb* beautiful red Aldeberan in the constellation of tbs bull, or Taurus in the Almanacs. A little farther northwest ie tbe still redder Capella. A little south ot Jupitor is Orion the most con- spicuous constellation in the sky. Lower down is Sirius the brightest star io tbe tkv. Some distance east and higher is the little dog-star as much higher astbe twine, Casto and Pollux, Gemini io tbe almanac;. In the northwest as low down as Sirius and opposite (9 it is tbe bright, first magnitute white Yo- ga in Lyra. A little enterprise and a good eye will ilnd all these in bslf tbe time it taxes to write this. About 7 o'clock in the evening is tbe time it is written for. A good eye can see seven tiers in the little dipper and one or two moons of Jupiter. D. P. BARRV. their iBiant CDUO aiong, wrapping 11 up ^ di r 4 . t| ^ ^i, l 0 K eiact |, warmly. *ben the umber no wrapped the ! • £ ^ ^ ^ T ^ iBe ,*„„ el nployes' CURIOCB PACTS. '( child sbe waa horrified to find that it had been smothered or choked to death. L C. Msid's droe store and Perry » saloon at Tapper Like were burglar:? Hi last week. About f SO in money and a qiautity of wines and liqiors were stolen. Prof. Rdward Everett Bale, Jr. ol Union Coliere addressed a large meeting of the Vounf M-n'a Christian Association at Troy, telling tbe etory of bi<< c o n v e r s i o n at the re- vival meetinss beld recent ly at scbeoeataJy by Evangelist Dawson of Rnglsnd. At Troy pobi- school children nuaber 0 900, Albany Il.tOS, a s d s i Schenectady 6.80s. Tbe Pe£era>:i3!> si C/hurcbea of Bs'letos nown as the Collins block, and is occupied J ^ ^ , 7 , 'Sifede agaiast aU forms of >y the proprietor, who bus s market o n ?.be drat fljor, Peter Bruley's saloon is also on tbe first floor with reeidence above. The other occupant ie M. Goldstein, who has a ailorirg shop over tbe market Tbs firs was flrst noticed in Fred Bruley's room, on the ttird floor, and its cause is unknown. It gradually worked under the roof and kept the department busy four hours before it saa under control. Assistant Chief U ting fell on the icy atsira in .i sprsioed bis back. He was taken to hie ncae, and while badly shaken s p bia burs ire not considered eerioue. Tbe loss o s t s a bui.diug ssd eesteste le •ottmated at something over Sjs.StS, covered ay inearsnes Business «Jhaas;es at Oleas Palls The drstb ol George R. FMsh of Gees ?allewill it is expected bs telle wad of s OMtiuuaUoa of the large b> Finch, Prays s s d C o . a s pais -•arufaeturere a s d 1st Mr. Finch atsdsi a will i s s d a s died, just beture s s a s a p a t s a I ug taoie for the reassess o f t s a it la nsswntawi that is eesds for sweststs ssrtlalsaraw a t t b s saa'jlinr s o d t s a open ssloos 00 Bandav, aud pu> liabed on Saiarday in the papers of tbe town a page Advertisement quoiwc the I quor tax law in: retard to Sunday asUisg acd in retatwa to gaabliag. Tbe series cf meetings for parenta of pub- lic school ehlldrer, srrmoged by Buperin- teodeet Bay ward of Coboes, will include s Bssical progrtaae of wbl* part will be cborssea by u s school children. The Rsaaplaiu Valley Treettoo Coapany hw bees organised by aaen living si Pair Haras sod vicinity. At s aseetlog held at Middleoary, R. B M«Hiea of Paaloo was aaads presMeat, s o d 8 . « . Baith of Addisoa, secretary. It a otasDSd to tsg s road froa Pair Haves Vergessea ssd poaalbly as to TtBstOKT. After havias: assst Sl.sM.oM Is irylsg to develop the copper Sssdaat •erasure, Gaorgs WeMhsgsouss, the wealthy mice owsar of Piusbwiga. bee abandoDed his searek aaiSlimj. boilers asd furnaces are bJssm so w t t h a f a a a a i sod u»Jd tor Be was graduated from Yale last vear. Tbe Nova Scotiao schooner Kipling, from L/verpool, after being twice driven back to port by gales, wi s at ber taird trial wrecked )o midosean. The captain and crew of six were rescued by the li«ar Maine, tbe flrst ctC er and boats' crew of lour taking them from the swsmpicg schooner at tbe peril of their lives and only after repeated struggles witb tbe waves. lMger P. Baceon President of tbe^Matri- ola Company of Chicago, and formerly Mayor of Belfast, Maine, has been sentenced to a year in tbe Penitentiary and to pay a flue ot $5,000 Bis offence was seodiog ot j<ct- iorabie literature ad veri inner his concern through the Uuiied States aaiL A. W. Carson, one of the oldest newepaper aseo ot Missouri, left $10,000 for tbs die- eeminatioo, among tbe Y. M. C. A. aseocta- Uoos of ibe North, of Mark Twain's " fl?w to b e a Gentleman.'' He also left fS.OOO as S fund lor disabled printers wbo msy have to go to a hospital. Mark Twain denies tbe authorship at tbe work mentioned. Tbe Y car of Solgrere. in deuiei ot the re- port that the stone eecstcbeoo bud been stows Iroa tbe Washington ancestral boas at Sulgreve by an 4mericen relic hunter, atateethat nothing baa bean rsaovsd trogi the old Mano louse. AteEU Sot rin, editor of the Rues, has been aeoteticed a t S . Petersburg to s year, imprtsoameot lor publiabiog the asauifeato ot_iss. WorksMss CssccIL T B S c a s e ot seves other editors era etui pending. Sou. forls rspTCStitad *44 paper ii the Peace SMiferer C4 at Portsmooth. R. K L"wia, TO years old, s wealthy banker asd termer of-West Paiaoupon, Oslo, was brniaily aardsred s t M s home. when ss lived alone with s aaa aarvanu Tsa sriaae is supposed to save bees cuin- aaltied by a debtor. The two brother, of Mr. Lewis hats dead ayatsriosslf withis The birth rate of Massachusetts is lower tban that of anv European country except France, being 95 per cent to tbe tatter's s«, and the man i age rate is higher than iu any European country evcept Raseia. Tbe Prussian minister of public works has ordered that in future engineers and Bremen on tbe elate railways must be total abstain- ers. The jute industry of Great Britain centres in Dan lee, Scotland, wbere the manufact- ures were started io a small way in 1840. NJW 40.000 bands are employed in the mi Is in and about tha city, and iu spinning the flire alone tbe city employe a capital of f 25- 000.000, held by private firms, uotjiint-stock companies. In 1901 Great Britain imported $11,000,000 worth ol raw j.ite, usi"g about one-fl tn the normal crop of India, wbu-b ia a great jute-fiber raiser, and wbicb in the last twenty-five years bss become a formidable rival in the asoufeciure ot jute mateiials. A green carnation, one of the things hitherto looked upon us unattainable, has be* n cultivsted by s florist of Far Rockawty. It ha? been n-imed tbe E nerald. A record was made in New York at the Bishop sale when io one afternoon Cbioese porcelains brought 911?, 925. Oae vase sold t-J!T 9 1 0 , 1 0 0 . , j Tbe Docker portable bouses, maoofactur-' < ad in Brooklyn, can be put together without s nail or a screw snd by inexperienced j sands. Tha idea came to Mr. Docker tweu-' ty years aco whan he saw in a newspaper , that the gaprtta Augusta bad oaT«r*d ej priu for a portable geld boepital. Sbe wee , , lsteteeted in B*d Cross work and a C3B- peUtive exhibitios wee to be held s t A c t - werp under tbs auspicee of that society. Be west at. obos to work, bis bouse wee sent to tbe exhibition ead took tbe medal among seventy eoapetitore. Bia dceiJP was bought by the Gsraaaa Gavernaent, a n d a InUe later tha Begush Government bought a pa* est for porta Tie barraeka. Mr. Docker bee now patents is assriyevety country in teewerid. Tsenrnt Bisdutsasis s s tsM eosiiusst was dedicated ibe ether day staaa Fren- Satco, by Bwaai TrlgaoaUta. Tee osasjre- g s u o n u s a b ' H fltty. The temple was erect- ad by esstribaUossof daairssa who have adopted tbs Bleda reUgisa. Over the aoora •awy Uas Ahailsti Miaas All." At Asfsea, Prtsas. reeestly sssowarof escte Ml for asearal ksssab qsaaililaa sa to caoae the hsfs t o b s ssasaiitfl s p b y BABKKESS, E A. Siguor of this place and Albert Arnold of Hillock Bill are sick with the measles. Gsorge Arnold has been very sick for several weeks and does not seem to im- prove. Mrs. Sophia Beardsley has sold ber house and lot and also her wood lot to Wiltard Baker and on Thursday, the 18lb, removed with ber soos to Blienburgb. •, J. W. Harkness was invited by telephone to go tn Lower Jay last Tuesday evening, wbeie R. W Rfgieeton, the Essex county - deputy wes to organize a new graoge. Be went and saw Wnitetace Grange well started upon its road to success with 43 charter members and a*w>m f80 in its treasury. On Wednesday Mr. E^gleston came bome with Mr. H irk Dees and took tbe train Thursday moriiiug for bia bome near Wadhams Mills. Oi Tuesday ot this week J. W Barkneaa went to Syracuse where 00 Wednesday be attended a meeting of tbe Central Organisa- tion ot Co-operative Fire Insurance of the Suteof N?w York. T.ie farmers' Institute beld in Peru this week waa well attended by our people. Mrs. Rose A. Martin bad tbe misfortune to fall upoo ice last week and received severe injury tbat made it necessary for her Oaugh- 1 ter, wbo it attending tbe Adirondack Com- ' merciai School st Auseble Porks, to come home and care lor ber. NASAL CATARRH, an ktUmmalion ol tbe delicate membrane licing the air passa- ges, is not cured by any mixtures taken into the stomach. DmV, waste time on them. Take E y's Cream Bilm through the nostrils, so that the levered,, swollen tissues are reach- ed at once. N-ver mind bow long you have suffered nor how oftei, you have been disap- pointed, we know lv>'a Cream Balm will cure you as it bes cured others by the thou- and. AH druggists 50. Mailed by El) B.-03., 5G Warren Street, New York. Vj'KW TORK SCPRKKW C W R T - TIM B«- US'$i a 'S?- i^F\ UWne. Martha UFrenia and Frank LaFrenU twr husband, Julia LaFrseia an''JotephLaFrenia ber husband 0»orr-L«KiD9 ™5., Att, , , ". L " Wm * bis *"•• Anmlfwt UaV»rBw»y and.Uiui* LaVaraway ber hn«band. Addle (Jeronx and Georre Ueroux tier butband, foiu-tan t Thoo- dore, Kmma Treodore. wife of John Theodore, .fane rx* J .hn Doe. Ricbar.1 Ro« and Jane R.w. said l«t four namts belnit fiotlttouti. nod am hi tended to represent tbe anknowti hc«r» »t taw. i""2 rHr»r«M)ntatlve» and next «.f kin t-t Martha 1-aRlne Theodore, late of the Cltj of flaUshnrgb. Clinton County, New York, deoeBS d. Defend- ant. To the above named "Defentesi • ^ Ji°!J •* e L h ," rebj '. ••""•moned W huiww the comtj plaint in thia action and to «erv«/a < >ry of your answer on-plaintlff's attorney wlthlu l~«">ty JlRyitT alter the service of this summons, eat I.i»t\-e of tee day of aervloe: and In oaee of your failure t«i appear or answer, jadnment will be taken ajraitss vou by default for the relief deaaanded in Oie! ootnplaint. Dat.d January 9th, lSoti , FRANK C. AONIW, ]| ^_ J Attorney for Wainttffi Offlee and TV** CMHoe addraaa. So. 4 Cllntoat Street. Plattaburich. N. Y. f|To Joseph LaRine, Nashua, New Hampshire! Frank UFrenla. No 10 South Main 8 .. Bratt e' boro. A*U; Martat l*Fra«ia,J< -. 18 South Mais St. Braitleboro. Vt -, Joseph XaFtenia. ttuhb« ril Cats Oouuty. MlnnaaoU; Julia LaFrenia, T! u bb, rtl Cam County, Minnesota- \9eor*e LaKIs^ Aetna Oourt, Nashua. New Hampshire; Attlla LaKIne.' Aetna Court. Naahna. Ne»,> II-niiwhirf, Addle. Geroux, Aetna Court. Naabuit. New Bampahire. The forearoin* aummona I* aervad upon jou by publication pursuant to an otder of Hon. Henry I'. Kelloce. a Juatloe of tbe Supreme Court ot tba State of New York, dated the 13-h day of Jan- uary. 19CQ. and filed with Uw coaopWint la tho ' tnoe ot the <1erk of the Ouniy of Clinton, la aald State, on January IT, 1H03. The object of tale actio-1 ia t o make partition aooordinc to the reepec' tve rishta of the p Arties. aud If it appear that paitition cannot be had without treat prejudice to tbe owners, tneo for a aale of the following described property : All that certain city lot lu the city of Piatt .«- burch, Clinton County. New York, marked and des(«nalad on a map or plot of tha Bailey Tract, by D. B Johnson. Jr.. Surveyor, as Lot No. 14. oa tte west side ot Platt Street, beinx thirty-, tbree (S3) rest front on Platt Streuu and extei>4~' in* bava with parallel lines one hun^rsd ;i£>) fees, to tbe fast bouiida of the Murgan Lot, so-called* (in l(*Mj more or leaa. Datod January 17th, 1900. VKANK C. AONKW. ^ Attorncu for Piatntlff Offioe and Post OSIDB attdrcavi. No. I Clinton Street. PlaUsbunrh, N. Y. 3*7 1 N OTtCM.—By order of Hon. David II. A«new. Surrocate of Clinton County. N. Y.. aotios ia sereby givaaacoordlns to law. to all panoaa hav- iuc claims agsiaat Israel Jerry, late of Cnaay, iu aald ooaaty. neneaaad. that tawy are ra- quired to axalbtt the same with the vouchers thereof t) taw eubsorlDer at her reeldatice at West Cbazy.N. T..oa or before the ilat day of July 1906 Daaau.Jan? tata,net ADELINE JKKRY. Admlniat atrlx. FRANK C. AONEW, , AU'ytorAdinr'A. Pla'tabur«h.N Y. 3-6 Notice to Taxpiyers. Bavins received the AMwment Roil of tbe City of Pl»tt.s»<urirb for the yaar 1806, notice is Derebv siren that tbe underaifned will attend at ais offloe at the ?irst N»tional Bank, oorner of Vantaret and BrinkerhoB* streets, with said roll, tor thirty days from tbe date hereof Sundays and legal holidays excepted, from 9.-00 o'clock in tbe forenoon until 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon, and from 7:00 until nine o'clock on Tueaday and Saturday eveninca of anch 30 days, to receive taxes so aaooaaod. without tea. peroenlairj) or in- terest thereon. On all taxes unpaid after the expiration of such thirty days two per cent fees will he collected. On all taxes remaining uopiid after sixty days from tbe date hereof, five per oent fees and in- terest at the rale of one per cent mouth from tbe expiration of s ild sixty d-»ys wi'l be collected. Dated PlattsburKb. Jan 13. vlx. JOSEPH L, NASH City Chamberlain. Dated, Jan 15 1906. NoticetoTaxpayers. Having received the Water Assessment for the City of Plattsbunrb for tbe quarter ending Dtjc. 31,1905. notice is hereby jf'iveu that the undersign- ed will attend at his offioe at the First National Bauk, 1 or. of Margaret and Brinkerboff SU., with said roll for 30 days from the date hereof. Sundays' ind le?al holidays excepted, from S o'clock in tt e fore toon until 3 o'clock in tbe afternoon, at d from 7 until 9 o'clock on Tuesdny and Saturday evenings of such 30 days, to receive rent* so as- sessed, without fee, percentage or interna there- on. On all rents remaining unpaid after sixty -lays from tbe date hereof, live per cent, foes anu In- terest at the rate of one per cenu per nionib fr.im the expiration of said sixty days will lw«jlte< t >d. Dated, Piattaburgh. N. Y., Jan M « t . BIRTH8. ' v4 JOSKPH L. NASH. City Chamber ala At Platttbuntb. Ian. :9. 19tt>, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jett. At Piatuburgh. Jan 30,1900, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Irving Durkee. At Morrisonville, Jan. 17 1906, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Stuart ostrander. Ac Pla'tsburgh. Jan 0 1906, a son to Mr. acd Mrs, Wtn. Coakley. At Plattsburgh. Jan 21, 1S06. a danehter iliet- tiia Mat) to Mr. and Mrs. Fred King, Jr. At Plattaburdb. Jan. £5. J906. a son (Thomas Daniel) to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jabaut. At Valoour, Jan. 31,1906. a daughter (.Bletnor C.) to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ford. MARRIAGES. AtMorrteonrllle. Monday. Jan. ia. lOtC, in St. AUjxar.der's Churob. Mr, Alfred Newt 11 snd Mtes Orfia Corabo. At Morrisonville J a n . 21 1106. hy Kev. S. C Dare. Mr. Joseph Olger aad Mist Cora Stacy, both of Cadyvllle. DEATHS. laarmlagly aadaow about sly. third at !•> Ike oatiaa. aad the rant •LLMNBDMO CBMTBB. Mrs. He^rjr Votburg. wbo baa been quite seriously ill, is improving slowly. Mrs. A. M. Sargent end Mrs. Homer Scuuitof the Corners called on ft lends at the Center Thursday. Tbe annual aeetioe of tbe stockholders of South E.ieuburgb Dairy Association was beld at their factory io E lanburgb Saturday, Jan. M, where the lot .owing officers were elected for tbe ensuing year: President. Terry Garlirk; general manager; salesman, O. W. Soper; secretary, Chat ies Vosburg; treasaier, T. W. A'kioa; dirwetea, J-Jhn Villiaaaaoa, Jamea Gregory, Peter Patnode. 1 MUtoa aUker. Ootdwia Aroo, Jaaea More- At Piatuburgh. Jan. 26.1906. at tbe home of her sister, Mrs. J. B. Keanor, Miss Bertha Conk- 11 n. At PlatUbursh. Jan 84. 1806. Mrs Lonifa B. Stafford, widow of f e lateCoraeliu* V SUffotd. iu the 8t4i year of borage. War Ovwr Slaty Years. •Ba. WINSLOW'S SooraiMtt SykL'i' has been used by millions of mothers for tbeir children while teething. If disturbed at night acd broken of four reet by a sick child suffering acd crying with jain of Cutting Teeth, send at once and get a oottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sjrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon it. mothers, there Is no mistake about it. It cures DUrrkiea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels. Cures Wind Colic, softens tbe Gum*, red aces Iuria.mrcnt;. ,n *nd gives tone and energy to tne whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children, teething is pleasant to the taste and Is the pre- scription of one of the oldest and best female ohyalclacs and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five eentt a bottle. Sold by all trucgista throughout the world. Be sure and ask for "Maa. WUMUK'I SooTBive Sranr." m rLAliatJUiTUa a m « m m m , *i » a IA 40 DIUt?D CTDPDT •<* m m m m a PLATTSBURGH STEAM LAUNDRY 40-42 RIVER STREET. The largest p'aat In this in >st a iitsfaetory wori. seiiuou. and Tel-ptiMce fewla urfcag la taw yaavMeraa ta w a l e d Usaf take a largw pseee . autitabUs and put u Iw tt \ 1 a awBw. awaaaai aaasat sr . . wild aatUe aaaat aad aavaral sawi IkwAw^^Lwal A>»a^aaassi at^saassa *rf ; ^**. 2Sa i -f l.k IS^^^^^^A^^SA^M BJLa^aawa^aVwaaaSwaW-awM ataaaaawL ^ f.a'aaisi m^ •BjaBau.aawaaBsT wvawaawa, - ^aa^vaaget. trlta* i- "—i with t^'awlgec recently la 1 » a > M er tuf or-asuat peat \. ,£'(»• brick tr Ha %>o. «ar ehsapeuiuy t< adiatf. IK . --vii _ the quattty ,af bticv. . ^ui waasaii*. mart ter ,>DJ aroduotd iar^H a a d ( w a s n> rrack Vjeberg visited Mooers Tuesday. M vT. McGaulley is send ng the asperated alia b o a t a e Gamier factor; to Pan nam oca to be aesd la tha prisoa. Wbo caa ask greater eceaoay ot tbe State priaou ctHdala? aaksaa It b»la efclm bath sloes. Tbeaeidea weddiogof Mr end Mrs. Al- beit Goeyea of Churubeaeo held al ibe Oskbrtar Oautrh. wee si tended by aaay blaade aad iwauvee af Bllaawargh. Mr. and Mrs. B.vle Uoceiauwr desire to eaarves taaaks to tbeir Irteode wbo ao kind- le aaaaNed taea daring the illaasi aad burial of Ibetr batovad HaiM. aaBau^owwixus. We are t. u w eajoylajg a Jeaaery thaw. Minn. Adcoek aad LebdeH have latavB* •d troes ibsir chart trip te Maameal aatasa«t Ayere baa anew aariajat asaaa aad a taJUag iaasoaa of Maa Webb ol Pksua- $1000 REWARD Is offered as a »uarante« tliat neither Or. Pierce's Favorite l»r*ecriptiosi KOR Dr. Pierce's OoMew Mawlcal DUcovery contains alcohol, opium, or any harmful drug. Any one publishing false sute- menu concerning their ingredients will be prosecuted. Doctor Pierce"* riimily Remedies are compounds of medicinal principle*, scientifically extracted from native roots that cure the diseases for which thev are recommended. '1 hey are medicines which have enjoyed the public confidence for over a third of a century. Thev are awsaUclaca aa* awveraawa, made to satisfy a craving for" boow." "Golden Medical Discovery" regulates and invigorates stomach, liver and bowels, and cures dyspepsia, purifies the blood and tone* up the system generally. -Favorite Prescription" cures female weak lie**, irregularities, exhausting drains, painful periods and kindred ali- ments peculiar to women. Aeeept no substitute for these medicines, each of which baa a record of marvelous eurea. Substitution means selfishness on the •art of tbe dealer who is 'ookiug- for the greater profit 011 au inferior arUcli-. Free Collection and Delivery AUDREW F. WILLIABS Proprietor. 3 •mmmmmmmmmtsmmti********** K JANUARY '»KM|. i.tae frmeei ba> tatee&iifiaj taa liior tha wricks, the coat. Ta»,,tiisc»»arf aas T a e y t a n g penpk> of tha •eMiat Charca aaocla: at m e rseidaooaaf Mr. WiilUm hast F- lay evewitig, tbe ltth. The teBsaalsr s*v*Biy aiaesu - aeeeslaUedaad t, ;,aasab'uuL uveaias etj»ed. Tae aait. aaaaablu w l i b e aft Rev. ft. E. Pub. i. A goclly aaw,b<« ,«| aV» a a c y Mr. aad kUe.asenr}«aavf gate ih pcaaaatiyaBTaesayret Aa»wta«Maf aaaavt .. _ -r«r _ - c - - . ^ ^ '*S3*%* mmm SraS HH&. MlewT'«We~dlS ao aad Uw" sou advised its to set <be Ouj«i Beutc*' IMseuvery' also. Ibe took fo«r bottiaa -1 Ike * Praacriutk.il' and thrw. ui UM> O o l d . u Kdtcel Dlit-overy. and you ue\«i »»* aucb a chauaw l" a person. Ukw aaid ait* did not ael Hie be s a m e i w w o . she wa» about asvautswi y«arauld at the time. lwUlaladiy ssetMaW d Pr. Pierce'* u.udicinv. te every SiTT^dvlae parf u wk* hava youiuj - tars who SL¥«. i**» aerwous uouhlws Tr! Pisixea PavorUe^iywIvtlou at laausari. 11 willav*lp theiu." l a l w i u wfWCM A W A V , la coaMas of UtPiJ w^pH^-.CoiBWMiBwuas _ Advtawr, a bask iaat aaW » t a e **• 'af sasjtc c^mass a few -^ » aaw. at ai^aipar eepr we aavw away f ibeas kcvalua- ^ w •« Y I T does from our holiday stock. not pay to carry ov-*r tco^da left We want tha room aud we want to get rid of tbein and boy in their stead new sprmg goods. There- fore, th«t is a reason tor ibis January Maik- dowu Sale. E Vl 1 try m*g% 'CRY article on our bar* BTitiu tabic m bargain. The p r i c e s tell their own story, a tal« of much value at little coat. When they are snapped up your chance is gone. There are no dupli- cates. Act quick. Thing* you need to>day and every day. You waul them*" We don't. Come and take thctu. Gilbert's Drug Store CaetTi Mama aeaare. Opo. rMat Ottoe rLA*raat>aau. M V. rURMALJa. eftsli a »V« vtwa af

THE PLATTSBURGH REPUBLICAN. - NYS Historic …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1906-01-27/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · THE PLATTSBURGH REPUBLICAN. ... heal at wbicb it gives ufl explosive

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Page 1: THE PLATTSBURGH REPUBLICAN. - NYS Historic …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1906-01-27/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · THE PLATTSBURGH REPUBLICAN. ... heal at wbicb it gives ufl explosive

THE PLATTSBURGH REPUBLICAN. U T I U n - H T . » O n a t M t Q—4 mt tat* O r « « U « t I m » » « . " - B E I T H i M



T t u i : f l . 0 0 * y e w .

s u b s c r i b e r s ; o r f l.KO a

ad v a n c e .

i n adTaooe , t o all

y e a r II n o l pa id in

BWV*'Jft»terw<f at re<xn,g-£laKC matter at £*« Awl Met. in Piattrlmrffk.. Clinton Vrmnty. Ar. T,


T H E Mark* Brother* Dramatic Go., is a t

the theatre all n e x t w e e k .

T H E Maccabees are to hold a fair a t Court

S tree t Theatre beg inn ing Monday, February

5 lb,

W K M i r in a n e w s p a p e r the o ther day

that the ettflening necessary lor everyday lite

i s not wiehbone, b a t b a c k b o n e .

T H E pa le - eyed prophet, who it a lways

l ook ing lor trouble, has remembered that an

abnormal ly warm winter preceded the co ld

s u m m e r of 1S16, " i b e year without a s u m ­

m e r . "

M I K C E - M E A T makers should take warning.

A. Brooklyn baker baa been su*d lor 9 5 0 0

because a man lound a wire nail in hit p ie ,

and io c h e w i n g the aame lacerated hie

throat .

S ta te , wbicb are c o l s trenuous in tbe matter .

Prof. Bradley, of Wrslevan University , w h o

m a d e the (xsmination, purchased keroesee

in various part* of the city, and found it all

highly exp los ive , his opinion b e i r g that tbe

"flash po ic t" had been lowered by adultera­

t ions need to decrease tbe coat of prodoction

Any oil h a v i n g a flash point, the d e g r e e of

hea l at wbicb it g i v e s ufl explos ive gaa, l e w

than 110 Fahrenheit , H dangerous, and all

of that tested by Prof. Bradley waa found to

have a flash point o' ieae than 87.

B i a b o p D o a n e O n H i s D o g .

I WD quite sore he thinks that, I am God— Since tie is God on whom each on« depend* For life, and aii thing* tbal t ie bounty sends; M r dear old dog. moat, oonBtar.t of all friends; » 6 l quick to mtnd, but quicker far than I To Him wbom CJnd I kttuw and own: Ms era. Deep brown and liquid, watcbe* for my nod; He is more patient underneath the rod. Than t . wben God Hie wise corrections sends. He looks Jove at me, deep as words e'er spake; And from roe never crumb nor anp will take I; at be wags thanks with his moat vocal tail; And wben some ir«ahing noiae wakea ail hi* fear. Be ie oontent and quiet If 1 am near. Secure that, my protection will prevail; bo. faithful, mindful, thankful, trustful, aw Telle me what I unto mr God should be.

P E R S O N A L .

A. F R E I G H T car waa broken into a t Mor­

rison va le o n e night last week and a q a & o .

Uty of uquor s to len . The authori t ies h a v e

n o t ae y e t been able to locate those templ i -

ca ted in tbe tnefu

H E K E Y P . G n x i u i X D , of Plattebnrgb, has

b e e n appointed United States Commiss ioner

tor the Northern District of N e w Tork, i o

succeed E . C. Everes t , who res igned to ac­

c e p t the tffice oi City J u d g e ol P la l t sburgb.

" P o r U R T H U S B A N D R Y " is ibe name of an

attractive new monthly published at Water-

v i i le K. X . A s the n a m e indicates i t is de­

voted to business , bat bes ide the special

a i m s of the journal, there is much of general

interest .

Mas. HKSRT S. D A T , of Chateaugay, who

w a s vis i t ing relatives in the west , waa t i l l ed

b y tne cars at W a a t e e g a n , 111., last w e e s .

S b e was s e v e n t y - o o e years of age , and was

* sister o f 'James H. Smith, and aunt of M.

rV. Smith ot this chy.

' •No ," S A I D an o ld resident the other day,

'•1 never saw anything like this winter m

this part of tne country. I did s e e a man

break up green-sod the first of January

once , out that was in the titties, and intae

hasn't o e e n anyth ing l i t e i t s ince."

A C U M I T T E E ol citizens o* Plaltsburgb

m e t on tV'.Uaj with Superintendent Draper,

ot toe Department ol Publ ic laBti'ocaon a l

Aloany to cooler in regara to the etnploy-

m e u t of m e j i o e r s of the order of Gre}

JJiius in tne school sys tem o l P la l t sburgb.

COME ol our exchangee report that robinB

b a s t (t^zn seen n their ne ighborhood lor

tne past, few a a y s . I i is s ta ted that roo ius

s lave o e e c seen iu the vicinity of the garrison

All winter, and last Sunday morning one was

M e n near the corner o l Cornelia and Mar­

g a r e t s t r e e t s .

E . N. DEMEBJUTT, who receo i ly retirea

from tbe lirui ol B r o m l e j <fc Demeritt , has

purchasea a one-tbird interest in the D e ­

m e n t i & Pa lmer P a c k i n g Co . , of Waterbury,

Yt . Tins is Mr. D e m e n t i ' s o ld h o m e , and it

is tifceiy m a t be will m o v e his family there

a s soon ae SOJtable quarters can be o b t a i n e d

for them.

JLxvEsrujATiox by tbe P o s t Office Depart-

cnent concerning lha brtt t lecese of the cur­

rent p o s u ^ e s tamps has been made , and it

u t o d a i t a i l tne i f o a b l e resHlted from the

hara gam used in s u m m e r to prerent s l ick-

loess . Hfoce lorth , both winter and s u m ­

mer g u m i wtl: be prov ided , a n d new s u m p

su r r .aed ax* tjf.ng s e n t out .

fjfc. ROMEO £ . B Y D E , Mayor of the c i ly ,

and Ron. John H. Booth nave presented to

the Ladie*' Auxi l iary of the P i a t u b u r g h

G.-J i l japJtai u s a i i s o m e prizes to o e odered

» t tne laQiee' card pla>ing contes t whicn will

Of p»f t ot the social to be g i v e n lor tne ben-

ef i . of t i e hosp i ta l fund. Major S i d e ' s g i l t

ir, a l ive oraoch s i lver candelabra and e i r

t- arrogate BoolB's a c m g las s **iad bowl.

U * t ol the o u j e o s s u g g e s t e d lor the ac -

u v i t , ol tne J iacdonougn Cjob u to aid in

Lne fett-ieu o e m g mad^> to secure a loonu-

c ient on Crao i s land to the dead of Ihe

b i l l . e o! Piat tsourgb who were buried there .

R a v i u g parucipated m tha original m o v e -

met.1 for the national park anu the m o n o -

ni5-ut, as wel l as io Baoseqaent efiorts in the

s a m e direction, the ksj-fBLiCAX hopes the

M i c d o n o u g b Ctao r m join heartily in c o -

o p e r a u o g tor the debireu result.

A W J T B E P . enrtjus thing a b o u t Chiaa is

LUat J»ere a man'e word is better than his

t x j i i i Tnai is. a CtiiDamac had so much

ra'.ber paj ms de'jie lhaD not, that as long

63 be nae reoources he will do so , and O D -

viour.; J he has L-oLbing his paper is worth­

i n g . ID tnaD> cases loreign houses do n o l

r r ^ . r r Caiuese m e r c h a n u to sign orders

for atijiE at all, a practice which probably

does not prevail with a n j other country iu

t o e wor.d.

T t t p a n o r a m i of t h e w e e k haB turned to

view two uleotfcd bens. One is a freak bird

thai uvea at Derby. Connect icut , and has the

i c a d ol a ben and the body and waddle ol a

duca- It has a duck's tail and l e g s , minus

ti.e webs, drinks loordinsitBly, out has never

W H O , and its vo ice is a cross be tween a

<iaat.k ana a cack le . T n e other fowl is the

e i r c u u v e ben oi Wilts, England, that laid a t

.•£4 weighing i w e l r a o o c c e s , which e g g

«v_en ojjcnea dibciosed auo iher {jetlect e g g

IUEB.1. is a new gr i evance aga iua l auto^

o .ooi les- The gypsy and browu-iai i moths

bave taken to riQing in them, and are cover-

l a g toe s t a t e 01 Maseachusei ia in fine s t j le .

l.ili ci.iiare mile* are already occupied, and

acc jrd ing to this report of the cuper inten-

dcL,t tor their soppreas ion. ihe little mons­

ters are moat peeuferoue in the vicinity of

u>use places where aa tomobl l i s t s are in tbe

h a o n oi s topping lor ineaia and suppl ies .

fci.E»EBS will be intereated in a contriv­

ance wuereoy tne u w e r end of a feuce-post

is sappori^d clear of the ground and the rot-1

u o £ ot u prevented . T n e baae ut formed ao

i t c j u be u a d a a a j v u e r e on the tarm and

then piaotou waar«r«r dmnittxi, and i t pro-

viaea a Arm ba*e lor the support ol the >.vv-

poeia. Puata and their loot-piece* may i~>

a t ted from tbe b a t e and shifted from point

to point. Maaoa are provided for hoio log

tne lower e d g e of tbe taoc ing material cloae

to the ground. Th* inventor ot thia dev ice ia

J . £ . Tyler, Uoxobal . U. C.

t-r. A o x a s , the patronea* ot aoow, moat

h a v e baeu hav ing s o m a vary c o n o M dreama

thia year o o the Light ah* ia •appoaad t o b e

p o k i n g winter up t o the cooaiMaet e x e r d a e

o t bia duty. T h e v a r a w a v e of last Satar-

day and Saaday no t o c l y wiped o a t a i l

reeocda, o a t it t ipped the w e a t h e r twrwau o n

Its aaae and taraad the m a p wrong aide a p .

A l K i a g a n FaUa U e thermometer ragiatarcd

M , a e d a l P a l m I n c h . Fuarida, 8 1 ; i a Mew

York atoy a*. a » d hkwthwm V a m o - t « .

Mrs. U . P . L e F. Grabau. wi fe ot the R e c ­

tor of Trinity Church, Piattaburgh, baa been

appointed m a n a g e r of the s e c o n d divis ion of

the Archdeaconry of Troy, in tbe Woman's

t Auxi l iary for miss ion work in tbe d iocese .

Mrs. Grabau has taken up the duties of her

office with energy and enthus iasm, and has

already establ i shed a n e w branch o t the A u x ­

iliary a t Aoeabte Porta .

Miss Frances Wbeeier of Cioveraook B a s r a

Cbezy, contr ibutes to tne first and January

number of Poultry Husbandry," a charming

paper or ' -Bow a Woman Found Heal th and

l o d e p e n d a c c e Rais ing Poultry." The out­

line history of Miss Wheelers ' d e v e l o p m e n t

ot ber bee, duck and fruit farm is well known,

and the story as s h e tel ls it reveals much o t

tbe personality which has m a d e her enter­

prise so s ignal a success .

Tbe "war paint" used by the N a v y Depart­

ment was chosen in response to a n idea a d ­

vanced by C o m m o d o r e Johu White Moore,

D. S. N. retired, grand son of General B e n ­

jamin Mooers of P i t t s b u r g h . I t w a s dur­

i n g the Civil War, Farraguts ' S e e t w a s on

the Mississippi and C o m m o d o r e Moore, then

Chief EDgineerof the "Richmond," s u g g e s t e d

c iveriog tbe ships with paint m a d e from tbe

river mud to screen them from v iew. Tbe

p an was adopted, aDd by general order ol

the Navy Department paint of that color has

ever s ince o e e n cboseti for warships. Com­

modore Moore also sugges t ed protecting the

9 des of ships with their chain cables , and

t i e idea was put ia prac ice in the fight of

tbe ' EC-arsarge" with tbe "Alabama." In

^.aj 1897 Commodore Moore had reached

tue aue obl igatory tor retirement and was

ordered bome to Plattsburgh to be retired

witb tbe rank ot Commodore . Bat at the

outbreak of the Spanish war be asked for re-

employmeut , and was ordered to tbe Kew

Tork Navy yard, where he r e m a i n e i until

tne c lose ot hosti l it ies, where be set t led in

B ook l jn tor a part ot tbe >ea'j his summer

b j m e being at Lake George .

I ' a t r v n a ' F t r e R e l i e f A w M a c t a t l o a

C.UNTOH o o w r r .

f Pollowfm? is the report read by the aeoref arr Of tbe aaaoctotioo. Mr. 3. W. H arkoaaa, at tha meetlnc held In Platteburftt.]

Brother Patron*: I tlhink w e b a t s the

r ight to congratulate oorse lves aad each

other upon the cont inued soccess of o c r

associat ioB. When it w a s organussJ three

years a g o w e all bopedl that by i'a

w e e o s l d obta in inevraooe at

w e could In t a e old companies , b a t I hardly

th ick that e v e n tbe most sangu ine l m a s t b e d

that the cos t would he less than ope-aa l t of

the old companies ' rata*. B a t m a n y of a s

have now b e t a insured nearly three years

and have paid in premium and asses sment

only I S 60 per thousand of insoranoe, whl'a

tbe agents of ' b e old companies would have

col lected from us in a d v a n c e jus t Ove tiwws

to at amount- We have m e t with several losses ,

tally a s m a n y as oould b e expec ted with oar

present number ot risks, but w e have be' n

a^le to pay them promptly and shall hava

arter paying all of our Expenses tor 1905 a

la-gar sum in the treasury with which to be­

g i n tbe p a y m e n t s for 190G than w e have had

at t b e c o m m e n c e m e n t of any previous year .

A m o n g the 119 co-operat ive insurance

c o m p a n i e s and associat ions that reported to

T h e S u i t e B t a M i e r a A a > « • l o n e -

Mr. A. P . Deuio of C b s s y , well k n o w n to

tbe 6 A. • o r s e r i r a k m s throughout

Clinton County, has lu turuea from a trip

wbletj inclcdad a v W t t o the Haw Tork Sta te

Soldiers' Home , and his obsrrvat ioos of tbe

Institution are recorded by Mr. i . Fletcher t

Gilbert, our Goaty c o r n a v o u d e o t , a s fo l lows: T h e H o m e Is s i tuated In the beautiful

val ley of tbe Cohoctoo river, S t e u t * * County, about t w o mi les north-wastof Bath,

a a d is surrounded by bl'w. cracefully ascend­ing to tbe height of several hundred feet. Tbe grounds are picture*que, and arii»iically mid out, a a d are brilliantly i l luminated by e lec­tric l ight. Tbe es tate onsaptisea 365 *tnm of fertile lands. T b e portions not used for parks a r 4 bui ldings are devoted to rawing vege tab le s tor the table , and grain for tbe stock. T h e r>ulidin«a a r e substantial and band o n e . and clus terud jaioend B i s d q i a r t -are with Old Glory flying and veterans m o v i n g iu ev«ry direction a fuselnaUng picture is pre­sented ; aad doubly s o whan o a e calls to mind that it is the b o m e of more than M M Move In Blue, who answered the call and assisted in tbe prassrvatiou of the Union.

T h e make-up of the B o m e M about the • S U M a s a town of a l ike number of inhabitants, torn soldiers and sai lors represent ing alt pro­fessions and trades, and m a n y of t h e m bav­ins; distincsrabed themse lves In both civil and military life. T h e a v e r a c e cost tor the maintenance of tha B o m e i s from f 2S5.M0 to f Zl 0 M par annum, u e i u s t v e of the in­

t a e central organisat ion a year a g o tberu c o m e from tbe farm a a d g a r d e s . Tb> total

B a i l o r * T&» dirsc'ora of the B s o o i o c t o u T M C.A are to invest * 1 7 , » t » in tbe building t o b e erected for the association a l that place, and for which $ 2 6 000 has been raised.

Rutland's ep idemic of meas les , which has ex i s t ed for several months , s i i i l continues, a u k l u g havoc with the public frhool*. Io o n e school bait o t the »50 pupils were absent las t week.

Mrs. Mary B»wker ot Btrtooevi l le bat a lemon tree and on it one lemon which m e a s ­ured t w e l v e inches in circumference one w s v and thirteen tbe other.

Th«Te is difference of oo'nlou be twesn the the Ru'laod Board of E l o c a t t a n and the 1906 gradaat inc c a s « , which is to s i v e a p lay to raise money for the trip to Washing-t i n . D , C , uhich it has e lected to have in­stead of c o m m e n c e m e n t exerc i ses . T h e btmrd disapproves of r i v i c e up tbe exer ­cises , and the presentation of the play is in direct violation of the rule m a d e last Vfar artoHebinc school enterta inments a t which admission is chanced.

There has been n o s le ighing in Benning­ton s o far thia winter.

Last Friday Mrs. John O'Brien of Wall ing-ford picked a h a r d s o m e bocqnet of pernios wbirh had e r o w n o u t of d o o r s T b e leaves

Irossn stiff.

\with all details ©f th% machinery rhe worked a s a factory b i n d for a y#«r. She has i c -iroduced al l the newes t improvements and appliai ices, s n d not satisfied with msterini success , »hw looka after the welfare of neT employes , has ra'abUfhed a ctabroom s o d library, provide* lectures and entertain­ments , and sees that the people are cared tor wben sick or in any sort of trouble.

B O O K S A > D T H E M A K E R S

O F T H E M .

A . G o o d M o v e b y t b e M a c d o n o u g t i C l u b .

Communi t i e s are much like individuals in

s o m e respects . A n d on$ ot these is that

tbej g e t ver j little it they dop't g o after it.

That g o o d old adage , "Everything c o m e s to

him wbo wai ts ," might have been all very

well in l imes g o n e by, but the modern idea

is that tbey c o m e much more quickiy it y o u

hustle while you wait.

This opinion is endorseu uy m e M a c l o n -

ough Club of Plat tsburgh, which, while

purely a social organizat ion, d o e s not hesi­

tate to take up matters of an entirely differ­

ent nature from l.ug avowed purpose of ex i s t ­

ence where the progress of {.h* city is to be

considered. When * « realize that s o m e ol

our mos t act ive business and professional

m e n are e n r o l l e d . i n its m e m b e r s b i p . i t i s

very clear wbal an important factor this c lub

m i g h t be in st imulat ing the activity ot our

citiz-jnE—bow it might incite us to take a

proper pride in oar city and to do our mite

toward placing it in the rank to which it

belongs and ip whjcb its natural advantages

ent i t le it .

A special meet ing of this d u b was beld on

Friday e v e n i n g of last week to c o o i i . e r the

best means by which the commercial inte i -

es ts ot Pla l t sburgb could be advanced. W hiit

n s definite act ion w a s tjiken the matter w t s

thoroughly discussed. A rery proper en­

thusiasm w a s display ed , showing that S E J

leaaible plans for the commercial bet terment

ot the communi ty will rece ive the hearty co ­

operation ot the organisat ion .

The combinat ion ot social features witb

s o m e of the more ser ious interests in lite is

an attraction which should exc i t e tbe inter­

est of many bright minds , and the e x c h a n g e

of ideas could not bat be bentficial to those

wbo are tortunate e n o u g a to parti :ipate U.

be gather ings .

A commit tee consis t ing of B o n . R. E .

B^aley, Hon. i, B . Mi81 , Joseph P a j e t t e ,

R j w a r d D. Badley , T. F. Mannix and Prof.

George K. Hawkins . President of the c luo.

*as appointed to submit plane at a future

meet ing . Much g o o d may be expected

from tfceir t i lorts and already a c u m b e r oi

names Lave been added to ibe list, and it is

e x p e c t e d that every representat ive business

than will soon be connected witb the move­

ment .

only s even that had increased tbe

a m o u n t of insurance i s I o n s during U M y e s r

1904 us much a s o u r s bad, a a d of t b « a

saven only four bad lncrsssarl their iusoracos

a s much in 1 M 4 a t o w n a s s ia 10M. B a t

w a e o w e Lnveatigate stil l farther w a t a d

t mt i k e terrttartal Haafss a t ewers a a a of

those s e v e n asaoctatioas conta ined from

twice to three and one-half t imes the num­

ber of subordinate g r a n g e s , and from t w i c e

to e ight t imes tbe number of patrons that

there were in Clinton and E s s e x count i e s a t

that t ime . Tak ing those facta into consider­

at ion it will b e S U M that in proportion to oar

n a m b e r s o u r associat ion has increased the

number of i ts po l ic ies and tbe amount of i ts

r isks a s much a s any aatosiat ion in t b e

State .

I shal l m a k e no predict ion for tha future

bat will say that w e may have • 2 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 ot

insurance in force a year from today, but I

d o not think tbal w e shel l unless more

g r a n g e s are organized. There is plenty of

room for more . E s s e x county has only s i x

for its 18 towns and Clinton only 10 tor ite

14 towns. If 12 more could b e organised i s

E s s e x and four more in Clinton there would

then be only a s many as there are towns ,

but the present number would b e doubled

and ibis associat ion might in t ime b e c o m e

th-* s t ronges t o l any in the Empire Sta le .

Tnere it a wide r a o s e in tbe amount ot in-

earauce taken by our different g r a n g e s . Tt i s

is partly owing to the difference in s ize of

the granges , but the fact that one g r a n g e has

e i^bt or ten t imes a s m s n y m e m b e r s a s a n ­

other does not fully explain the reason why

i s m e m ber* h a v e taken thirty-seven t i m e s

as much lnsurarxe a s tbe members ot the

auiu'lrr grange , { t h i n k b e true reason why

some g r a n g e s h a r e taken so little is because

tbeir m e m b e r s are Still p n j u d i c e d aea ips t

assessment insura ioa . T o s y bad rather pay

$1 75 or f.2 00 lor three yeats'' insurance

upon ei-cli f 100 tban t o pay only 15 cents : t

Qrs and. promise to pay aasessments if a; y

a*e tonud necessary. We have only fonxd

it necessary to m a k e one assessment a i d

that on.} 10 cents per 9100 in ibe past three

ye ire, but ot course there is a possibil ity

that there will be more-and larger ones .

Fa imers have bad reason to regret hevjott

b >ec insured upon l b s assessment p lan , bgt

tbey should consider that there is a w i d e

dttlerence between a company organi sed t o

make profits from the insured and o n e o r .

g a t i z e d lor sav ing e x p e n s e to tbe insured.

Oar assessment plan g i v e s our m e m b e r s in­

surance at actual cost of losses and labor,

but the o n e payment plan col lects in a d -

v* ce a sum si .m lent so pay all poss ib le

1 j-<»es, ex travagant e x p e n s e s , a n d put large

p - o Q u i n tbecof ters of the o r g a n i z e s e n d

g-.ockboldera. But tb.it essay is ajrpady Ufi

long, so i will proceed! to g i v e you tbe tact*

an 1 figures of our business for 1905:

Tbe uumber of pol ic ies in force Dec. 31 ,

19(14 was 297; the number of policies iesu-d

s ince has been 339 ; the c u m b e r of pol ic ies

canceled s ince has been 7 ; tbe number of

policies in torce DrC. 311, 1905, 629.

Amount of iusuraccei in fo ice D .c . 31, 1SJ4, r r - » 667,925

i m o u n t ot insurance takaa

cost for maintaining each • e t e r a s is t i l t , rations per capita l o a r t e e s c e n t s , d o t t i n g » l l , » .

Persons untit led t o admission t o t s a H o m e are disabled Union vet areas a a d sailors of t h e Civil War, w h o b a s e s o other m e a n s o t support, a a d s a v e b a s s residents o t t s a B u t e o f M a o T u r k lar• s , a s s y -as i l i s t s i s • admlastua, or w h o served i s a I s e w T o r k rec iment during tbe Civil War. l o o s e re­ce iv ing a pension ot more than $ 1 1 per month are not admit ted unless there are specia l reasons therefor, a a d i s each e a s e s the e x c e s s a b o v e f I I i s retained by tbe B o m e . Members a r e ent i t led t o draw s i x dol lors a month of their pension while in the B o m e , a a d the who le aasoant w b e p tak ing a three months' furlough or discharge.

T b e B o m e h a s ite o w n p o s e r bones for the tunply of electricity, and tbe bui ldings are provided wtth all the modern appl iances tor use and convenience . The hospital is under tbe m a n a g e m e n t of an »mci»nt a u d i -• <1 stall and trained nurses. T h e fl m l a a d landscape department is in charge of B e e r y Drummer, w h o bus fllled tbe posit ion for e ighteen years . T t o o s e a d * of p lants are propagated in g r e f o a o u s e s in winter for tranaulaot iac in spring. T h e H o m e has a Bus brass band which g i v e s a n o p e n air c o n ­cert every aJtersoon during the summer .

Tbe income t o tbe ve terans from the ap­pointments of the B o m e is indeed most iit> ers l s n d u credit to our Btate and Nat ion . Tbe Commandant of the B o m e Is Col J a m e s E Ewvll, w b o has fllled tbe position s ince 1903

Comrade. Denlo feels under great oMi-g e i i i n * to the < facials of ibe i n s t i u t l o n for tbe very courteous i ccept ioc e x t e n d e d to h.<n.

A m o n g the it mate s of bis s r q u s i c t a c c s were Comrades B . II McCreedy and C s a ­ins Bugby, both ot Cbasy, who were pleased t o gree t our comrade, treating him right tm ally, and speaking of tbe t t o m e and its effl tats in terms of the highest respect and cobOdeoce

A m o n g the most importsnt buildings c o m -prisiuic tbe B o t i e are headquarters, , e m o ? e m e e t bail, seat ing c a p a c i u 1200. chapel and rectory, barracks A B and C , b o t p i a l , band s tand, Co. Q. and library, m e s s hall and dinine room, power hou"e, laundry g o d ba>h bog>e a n d q ' i a r t e n n a e t e H s d e p a n m e n t , all flue bg i Id io t s of n o p e , wood and hrick.

Y. B t . C . A . N o t e s .

A t the Sonday afternoon meet i for boys Mr. Bckersley will g i v e the

Short Ta lks" o o tbe l i f e o t

ot Bince Dec. 31, 1904, fii5,*67

Total insurance during 1905, f 1.183,192 Amount ot insurance canceled

and reduced d u i i o g 1905 • 13,345

Mauufacture ol Cement Blocks i u F l t t t t M b u r u h .

The poss ibi l i t ies for the a d v a n t a g e o u s

use of c e m e n t in tbe building trade b s s a

ver> forcible e x a m p l e in tbe new Macdoc -

ougb S b i n Factorj in course of conauoct ion

on Mai ion Street in this city. Operations

on this building are be ing keenly watched

by a large number of p e o p l e , many of w b o m

at tbe start s e e m e d to be s o m e w h a t skept i -

c a as to tbe merits of this comparat ive ly

D-.W material for bui lding. H o w e v e r a s

tbey gee it rauidly taking t b a p e before tbeir

evee , aud occas ional ly s e e a m a n bard a t

work with a chisel and mal le t trying to chip

out a block here a n d there tbey b e g i n i o

realize that there is a quality there that e v e n

t'.one doee c o l posse**.

The b locks used in i b i s bui ld ing are tt e

first output of tbe new plant recently es tab­

lished a t P la l t sburgb ot the Miracle p a l e s t

c e m e n t block. • visit t e tbe manufactory,

• b i i b is l oca ted a l the l o o t ot Br idge s i r e n

in ihe old g a s building, revea led that t t e

operation whi le appearing ex treme ly s t a p i s

U ex tremely effective. First, t s a d iy

c e m e n t aud sand are thoroughly mixed ,

three parts of s a o d u> o n e ot P o r U a e d c e ­

ment . T h e n e n o u g h water i s t h r o w s I s t o

m a k e i t eas i ly bandied a a d t h e m o u l d s a r e

tilled. T h e s e les t e re B a d e i s ssc tkats

wa icb d a m p together a s d any etas or

of a U o c k e s s toe B a d e . T s u a i x t a r e i s

thoroughly is iepert in to

a m o o i s a d c f . Then a p i e c e of hoard s ut i l e

larger t e a s t h e block Is laid a s t e e a s d the

mould a a u K k l i t s r s a d

toe board U os ise botioa. The osvsr a s a r e l s U f l i f ted a t , l a s Mas s s d

d a m p e d a s d a

A t i c u u t of insurance in lores Dec. 31, 1905, - - - fl,l|j>9.$(4f

wbicb is about $ 3 4 000, more tbau twice a s much as there was a year a g o .


In treasury D . c . 31 , l£u4, • * 499 90 Premiums coin c i ed aiuce, 1.521.13

Total receipts, - - - §2 ,021 OS


Paid for losses by d i e aud l ightning, * ?00.00

Paid t i l l s of c(fleers and di­rectors, . . . . $56 00

Paid for rebate on policies can* celed, . . . . 11.35

Paid lor printing and ?,uee to Central Organization, - * 36 25

B A ance in treasury, - - 916.93

Total of payments and balance , | 2 , 0 2 1 . 0 >

A S t u b b o r n F i r e .

A t about 8 30 o'clock on Wednesday e v e -

uiog tbe tire d e t r i m e n t was cs l l ed out. to

igbt one of the i s o s t str/oborc tires »sen to

Plattsburgh tor s e a s t l w e . T b e building is

a t 3 o'clock, second of Lis David.

Tbe 4 o'docit meet ing for men will b e a Praise Service, conducted by tbe secretary, fpd an earnest invitation ft e x t e n d e d to members apd ngu 'members .

Tne monthly socj i l for member* of the B->ys' Department will b e held on Wedoee? day n e s t , tbe 31st inst, s o d all a e m o e r s are a s k e d t o b e present.


Plans are b e i n g drawn for a l a n e addit ion to the City Boepi ta l a t Qgdeneburgb.

A paper mill at Crtroga, N e w ? r r k . w a s burned to the vround with a loss of f 10.000, and no insurance. 4 hundred people are left without employment . Canes of the fire unknown.

George Gardner, un Adirondack gu ide , w in custody at Glovetsv i i l e , suspected ot hav­ing murdered A n n a Burke, w h o s e d e a d body was found in a barn near that town.

J. Pierpont Morean has offered §10 ,000 tp tbe Stony Wold Sanitarium Corporation, it it will raise tbe balance ot $33 ,000 a three years' deficit, and $16 ,000 to meat bonds maturing March 1. Tuis Adirondack aaui-ta ' ium was started five years a g o , witb only $500 , to provide treatment for working w o m e n a a d girls who hava incipient tuber­culosis .

Saranac L i k e is t o b a r e free delivery of mail on Mar h l e t . 4 1 l b s outset there will be three carriers' with o n e substitute, twen­ty - two letter b o x e s and flvs boxes .

The R. J Rotters Lumber Co. of Geneva , i s t o start a large b o x factory a t Whitehal l

Mr. aud Mrs. John Mastine of O^denS-burg started o u t l a s t P . iday e v e n i n g Jo a sle igb to vis i t epme friends. Tbey brought their infant child a long, wrapping i t

6I ( l iHAL R 1 V I . B i e b t e e n negroes were killed and 50 in­

jured in a panic caused by an alarm ot fire in S' . Paul 's Baptist Church in Philadelphia.

, T h e fire w a s not eerioue and w a s put ou t b e -j fore the O r e a e n arrived.

I S e p b s a B e a s e ot Wichita, Kan . , and Will iam Daantng ot Richmond, Iod , are on t»>eir way t o asr l io to help ce lebrate the K a i s e r s s i lver; w s d d i a g . They w s t e m e n u bars ot the r - g i o e o t o f utwradiers of which b e wee c o a m e o d e r a t tbe t i m e of h a s a r r t e g e , and h e dec ided that s s many s s j r e r e Ijvlag

t a g t h * Imperial sea l the le t ters contained s teamship passages , and having prospered in this « o * _ r ; both m e n took their famil ies with them.

T b e B n z ' l i a n warship Aqa idabeu w a s blown up by the exp los ion of a powder mag* a s r e . T w o hundred and twe lve were kil led and 36 irjured, inc luding nearly all the of­ficers. Mioety?eignl of loops On board were s a v e d .

I Quarrels be tween Austria and Servla m a y result in tbe resignation of K i n g Peter. |

Count Witt* has presented t o t h e May­flower a silver punch bowl in reoognit ioo of t h e hospitality ex tended t o him and the other Russian de l ega te s a t the Portsmouth ponferecce.

B i sadier General Joseph Wbeeier. f j . S. A-, re' ired, known ae " F i g b t i c r J o e , " died a t the bome of bis s i t ter , Mrs. g erling Smith , in B'Ooklyo, J a n 26 H e was the hero of three wars and one ot tbe beet known mili­tary men in the United State*.

Mrs. John Maclsaaos. who caused the ar­rest of tier husband io R-ookiyn, Jan. 26, on a charge of assault, declared tp the police ti;at tbe man was an accomplice in tbe mur» det: of Mabel P a g e a t Weston, Mass,

Engl ish elect ion returns to Jan. 24 show s ministerial majority of 304 Liberals 312. La* bori ies 48, Nationalists g l , Unionist* 137.

T w o Chinamen were killed snd two injured on Wednesday, Chinese N e w Y-?ar In N*w York ci ly, in a batt le be tween rival part ies in a gambl ing feud.

The United Chemists ' Company has been i r c r p n r e t e d in N e w Jersey with a capital of $ 1 0 000.000, t o control tbe retail trade of Mew Tork, Chicago and Pui l sde lpbis . i ts Charter l imi ' iug i t t o ci t ies ot 1,000,000 or more population.

Cnaries Tucker, convicted of the murder pf Mabel P a g e a t Weston, Mass , has been denied a n e w trial.

4 military festive,! is to be held in Color, a d o next tali to c o m m e m o r a t e the lOOtb a n . piveraary of 'be Z <bulon P ike expedi t ion .

Phi l ip Robins of South Cairo, N. Y , at-t e m p ' e j to kill R-.v. H. I. Boaic, pastor of tbe MetbooUt church of Leeds . T o e m a w a s scf l -r ing from religious mania, and thought G >d had c o m m a n d e d him to mur­der the minister.

Tbe es tate of tbe late Marshall Field n est imated a l $100,000,000 to $ I £ 0 000 0(M) (.be bulk of whicfi uoee to bis three g / a o d -prjldre'n, $ 8 pop.Ogp is g iven to the Field, Colombian Museum at Qbtcago.

T h e a leemer Valencia from S%n Praccirco, witb 94 paeseneeraand crew of 60 was wreck­e d < d Vancouver is land Jan . 22. The ship went asbor* against a b&h cliB at midnight In a thick tug and 100 people were d r o w s e d .

Hosti l i t ies in Transcansia be tween Armen­ians s n d Mobsmmedclans cont inue and tear-ful atrocit ies have been commit ted .

i W. J . Davis , a e s e g e r o t the I r c q i o i s theatre in Chicago ia to stand trial for in­voluntary manslaughter on indictments that hold bim criminally responsible for loss ot life o n D e c 30 1003..

By purchase ot $10 ,000 000 of stock K B . Htrr iman secured control of tbe Pacific Coast Company and terminal fsctlities a t Ssat i le , outwitt ing J . J. Bi l l and a' q iring equal footing with him and the Great North­ern.

I T b e Windermere Hotel in Chicago waa partly wrecked by a boiler exp los ion that ki l led the engineer of tbe heat ing plant and icjured one ol tbe women guests . A build-i n * in tbe rear of tbe hotel was ajso partly wrecked, and four famines narrowly escaped, it |ury from c e iris b lown through the win-

[ dows .

Rev . Sidney S ' m a g of the S e c o n d C o n -I gregai ionul Church in Oak Park, C i i c e n o , in : hi* pulpit s a v e a scath ing denunciation of

the manners and cos tumes displayed at tbe K i n a s e s g i v e n in that city under the patron­a g e ot Mrs. Potter Palmer, Mrs. J . O Aer-

I a n n x , Mrs. S'snl^y Field and other promi-! s e n t women ot society.

RaLEGIOCS. T h e Southern Aovocate , a religione jour­

nal of tb* Method««t E)-i•'copal Cbuich, pob-liebed a t New O leans, La., has s tarted a subscription a m o n g its patrons for ihe pur­chase of a motor boat to be us*d in Liberia by Bishop Scott , the representat ive of the missionary soe'ety of tbe church i D Liberia. T b e boat i t intended to facili'ate com­munication between tbe ccact stations.

In the ve*»it»nle of the First Congregational Church of Holy eke . Mass.. on Sunday there | was posted the following t ign i t i cac t not ice:

ktss ixo , — L a s t Sunday, s a m e fami ies from church.

STOLEN- —Several hrurs from Lord't Day by a c u m b e r cf people of different a g e s dressed in tbeir Sunday clothe*.

S T R A Y E D — H a l f a score of lambs , be l ieved t o have « o o e in the akrection of " N o Sunday Scbf ol "

MisLAio—A quantity of si lver and copper co ins on tbe counter of a public bouse, ihe owner being in a s t s t e of great exc i t ement a t the t ime.

W A S T E D — S e v e r a l y o u n g people ; wben last s een were wa lkmc in pairs u p Sabbath-breaking Lane , wbicb leads to the City " N o G o o d "

L O S T — A led carefully reared, not I o n ; from h o m e and tor • t ime very promising. Eepposed 10 have g o n e with o n e or t w o

older c o m p a n i o n s t o Prodigal Town, Husk Lane . ^ . . _ . ' . . . - - — ••

A n y person a e a w t | c g i n the recovery o f t b e s h o v e shall in no wise lose bis reward.

The eeventy-s ixtb m e e t i n g ot the Arch desconry ol Albany held a two days' sess ion a t St . Peter's Church, A l b a n y , this week.

T b s Right R?v. William B . Q'ConneU, Bishop of Portland, Me., has performed bis miss ion s s special envoy to the Emperor of Japan from 'he Pope, w b o e s y s t h a i if ell ambaatadoff djd their work ae well, it would b e a great satisfaction to those they repre­sented .

A o international Gregorian Congress is t o b e held at Cincinnati the week fol lowing tbe.May musical festival. A m o n g those t o b e present will b e the Very R-v . Dom Moc-fiuereeu, leading authority on the Gregorian chant. T h e moeic will be s u n g oy a m,ala cbojr of 400 voices .

T*--e translation of Ohampialn's ' T o y a j e « "

ny Prof, and Mrs. E. « Boorn?, fttlited by

John Bach McMaster, it to appear in a few


S ienkiewicz has a new novel, the scenes of

which sre in Poland during the reign of

King John Robtwki, before tbe Turkish i n ­

vasion of 16S3-S4. The title is "On the

Field of Glory."

Miss B 'r tha Rankle, author or f o e S s r m e t

of Navtrre has a new novel called "Tbe

Truth about To lna ," which is to b e published

in February. It is the story of a Metio-

po'itao Opera Hou*e s ineer, and the scenes

and characters are all of New Tork.

Mies Ellen Glasgow's "Wheel of Life" i s

one of the first books of 1906, snd it is

praised for a more v iv id portrayal of char­

acter even than ber preceding novels . The

story is of life in New Tork ci ly .

Meredith Nicholson, author of "The House

of a Thousand Candles ," has put a g r e a t

deal of activity into his life of thirty-five or

s ix years. H i s education he acquired in the

public schools of Indianapolis , l eaving the

high school oader inauspicious c ircumstances

in the hrst year of tbe course. H e then

worked three years a t j o b printing, learned

etenocraphy, and read law tor t w o years i s

s s e e t o e w o e s b e bad plenty o t H a s t o read

poetry aieo. A t e ighteen he wrote a short

sfory which won a prise offered by tbe

Chicago Tribune. Then he studied lan­

g u a g e s wi'b a tutor and w a s tar t w e l v e years

io the newspaper business , beg inn ine a s

pol ice reporter and work ing u p to editorial

Writer and book reviewer. A t tweoty - twa

h e published a book o t p o e m s . Baside t h e

House of a Thousand Candles he has written

two other nove l s and a history of Indiana.


Richard B a r d i o g Davis has a n e w farce

which w a s brought ou t in N e w York this

week with Raymond Hitchcock In the t it le

Character of "The Gal loper." T b e story ia

j of the successful war correspondent w b o

first reaches the wire.

T b a t l . f fruited T a tblth oaU . .

But (be prmtertb. I jrnet*.

Tham Vbmito of fruited TTTX tbela* J J t h p e ^ Pardon tblth oatbe of verbotnitv,

javfe thwtped every e tc . Which eooouatfa for thfth thad tbrenuothity.

Po l iceman—I w a n t your c a s e and a d -dreee.

Tramti—Ob, y e r do, d o ye:? Well, m e n a m e is John Smith , an' m e address is N u m ­ber O j e , tbe o p e n s ir . I t yer call on m e don't trouble to knock, but j a s t walk in.

T h e Promoter—I want you t o t a k e a couple ot hundred shares in this n e w life in ­surance company. I l l s tbe best thing on market.

F iend—Who's your representat ive in the Senate?

S e e what I s o i cried Bobby, a city-bred boy, a s be c a m e running from a chicken-coop, boldlog in bis hand a china eirg.

Oh, g o put it back! exc la imed Mabel, bis s ix-year-old sister. That's the e g g the hen measures by.

B e said be would lay tbe earth a t m y feet, sa id the sent imental eirl.

Yes , answered Miss Cayenne. It sounds g o o d , but it i s not practical You already have tbe earth at yoar feet. W a a l you wapt i s a three or tour story house over your head;

4 l i t t le e i ty urchin w a s b e i n g enterta ined in tbe country lor t r e flrst t i m e :

LooV op , look np, J i m m v ! S e e the pretty bird* fl-inc through the air, said bis host es s ,

J i m m y looked u p q ickly. Poor little feller ! be e x d a i m e d , pityingly. They ain't g o t n o c a g e s , have they?

I a m monarch o t al l I survey! cried Robin-eon Crusoe.

Trying t o g e t bim off h is fcigb perch w e | - k e d bim if he bad eeen Mr. Rooseve l t a n y . where about .

b o m e folks, said Unc le E t e n , Bods fan'.* s o much dat wben dey triee t o say a c o m ' pliment deir trieuds think dey i s sarsastic a n g i t s mad j V d e same .

j G e o r g e W e t i i n e b o u s e Jr . , only son i f tbe , Inventor and manntacturer, is working io ; the shops of tbe Wealit g n o o s e Air B^ake

plant a t Pittsburg a s an apprentice, carrying

Wife—Which is the quickest w s v t o send a message? Te'ephone or telegraph?

Busband—Tel l a womnn. '*-,-r. ,±~

To a Clam. (Dam taoent c lamant)

loclorio-s trie dl moat oor.fi/leot I am Thy life ia one of very little ease; Albeit men mock tbee with heir similes ,

And prate • 1 being "h*ppjas acl«ml" What tboorh thy ahelt protects thy fraetle head

prom the sharp bailiffs of the briny aet I • b y valves are. a re .no safety-valves to thee.

While rakes are free to de.-eerate thy bed, Aud bear thee off.—as foemen >aVe tbeir «poll,—

Far from thy friends and family to roam; . Voroed. like a He-sian. from thy native home. To tn^et destruction in a foreifo broil 1

Though thon art tender, yet thy bumb'.e bard Sdolarea, O clam! thy case is shocks c bard!

John Qodfr y Sage.

Another n e w play of tbe w e e k le " T h e

B^qse of g i l cnoe" by Herman K. Vie !e ,

author of the ' I n n of the Si lver Moon,"

"Tbe Last of the Knickerbockers ," e tc .

The late Henry Harland had the distinc­

t ion of ach iev ing success in three l ines of

literary work. B e b e g a n by writ ing a t o m s

of Jewish life under the n a m e of "Sidney

L a s k a , " a o d s o exce l l en t were they that i t

was thought n o o n e but a J e w could have

done them. But h e w a s a n American, born

in Russia and educated at Rome, Paris, and

Harvard University, f r o m 1883 to 1880 b e

held a posit ion in tbe surrogated office in

N e w York. Then he went to E a g l a o d , b e ­

c a m e editor of tbe Y e l l o w Book and w r o t e

critical e s says on contemporary literature,

a igoing himself tbe Y e l l o w Dwarf. T a e s e

e s says m a d e his second fame and the third

w a s ga ined from "The Cardinal's Snuff Box, ' '

that popular idyl of Ital ian life. During

m o s t of tbe t ime he l ived in London bnt

k e p t a res idence in Norwich, Conn. 1

" A Collection of Letters Written t o Col l .

dred by Famous Men and W o m e n , " has re­

cently been compi led , and a m o n g t h e m ia

o n e from Sydney S m i t h :

London, July 22 , 1835.

L i c y . Lucy, m y dear child, don't tear your frock; tearing frocks is not in itself a proof of g e n i u s ; b u t write a s your mother writes, a c t a s your mother a c t s ; b e frank, loyal, affectionate, s imple , honest , and t h e integrity or laceration of frock i s of little import. A n d . Lucy, dear child, mind your arithmetic. Y o u know in the* fl,rst s u m of yours I e v e r s a w there w a s a mistake. Y o u had carried two , <a< a c a b ia l icensed t o d o . ) aud you ouitht, dear Lucy, to have carried but one. I s this a trill ? What would life be without arithmetic but a s c e n e ot horrors?

Y o u are e o i n g to B>u lo*oe , tbe ci ty o f debts , peopled bv m e n w h o never under­s tood arithmetic; by tbe t ime y o u return 1 shall probably bare received my first par­alytic stroke, and shall have tost all recol­lection of y o u ; therefore \ c o w e i v e you m y part ing advice. D00H marry anv o n e w h o has dot a tolerable understanding and a thousand a year, and G x l bieae you. dear child. S I D N E Y SMITH.

Trying (Jonves 5* "m FlattsborgJi havtre treatment from Dr. 8 i lv# r .

Rev. Victor Moore of Sooth Pi«H*hnryh e r o b a o e e d with R°v. Mr Bradford last Sab-hath and fi>!ed his pulpit In M o r m o t m l l e verr acceptably.

Mrs. Sanborn ha* been itek a we»k hot « r e w v e r i u g ,

I The y o n o s people grave Mis* Mildred R»ed a sarpri** oarty last Saturday even ing , it being her 17tn birthday.

There were baptigmal services a t tho Baptist Church last Sabbath e v > c i n e »D ( i three were baptized- t ) C. B

C H A X P I - A n r .

The D D L m e t with Mrs, P*»al Wednes ­d a y even ing and enjoyed the m e e t i n g s e they always do at her home.

Mr and Mr* J H. Crook h a v e returned I from N»w York c j i j v where tbey have been spending a few day*. I

Mrs. B. F. Paine is amending a week wt*h ber parents i o Malone.

* Th» dancing class bel 1 in Grange Hall i t we l l at tended and all are e t j o y i n g their weekly haps .

T b e F s n o i e Mendelssohn Club a m at the mus ic stndio Wednesday afternoon. Tbe subject w a s Mo*»rt, ro l lowe! by ibe g a m e Of Triads.

' C. C. Deal i s at b o m e having an enforced vacat ion to • .« accompaniment of threaten­ed p n e u m o t i a . B e is rapidly gaining, how­ever.

Cbsrteu Dickinson ha* departed for Spo­kane, WaeJS., where h* h a s a position with one of the great western railway companies .

Mr. e n d Mrs. W. H. Dool i l t l e have return­ed trom tbeir visR t o the metropol is .

C H A 1 T .

T b s aVMtfsg d r c i e a e t with the Miss i s • a x e Wsdueeday s f i eroooo .

Regent s e x a m ins; ions are be ing beld ia the s e s o o i bui ld ing ia c h a r g e of Mies A s h -llue, principal.

T b e C. E S i c i e t y will h a v e a social in tbe parlors of the Presbyterian Church Friday even ing , F e b 3 . Refreshments wil l b e eetved and g a m e s enjoyed.

T h e Roy. Margette c a v e his people a very s trong and helpful sermon last Sunday morn­i n g — " S u g g e s t i o n s for the Mew T e a r . "

We understand the L e g g e t i brothers have purchased tbe wood lot o w n e d by H race Sheldon, aud will soon h a v e wood in the market.

Miss Garrett and mother at tended the funeral ot Mrs. E lk ins at Wes t C b s i y last week Friday.

J . F Gilbert has returned to R o u s e s Po int t o finish his canvass there add at Cham-plain.

E d m o n d Seymour and daughters spent last week a t Sboreaeras, g u e s t s of Mr. and Mrs. J o n e s .

Mrs. J . W. Huabel l has g o m e to N e w York and will spend several weeks with ber children there and in Brooklyn.

Mrs. Dar i3 has been vis i t ing her siat»r, Mrs. B o o s i n g * ' , anti.-has now g o n e to vis i t her daughter Ruby a t West C b s s y .

-We understand that Mr. Miner has bought a w o o d lo t o w n e d by the North brothers.

J .

The Kidneys Wlhen they aro weak, tor-pid, or stagnant., the whole system sutTers. Don't, nog-lect# them at. this time, hut h«H the warning of the aching back. Lhe bloated face, the sallow complexion, t*he urinary disorder, and begin treatment at once with

Hood'sSarsaparilla which contains t h e best and •afest cairative sub»taSivces.

r e r t e s t l a a o n i a l s of rewasrkahJe c o r e s t s » 4 f o r B o o k o n K i d n e y s , N o . ft.

C L H o o d C o , L o w e s . . M s

>r»nk T. K i w l i . » prominent h0»:a<»*s man of Hardwic t . w»« caa?ht be tween Um elevetor and top 11 x>r of hi* f l iwer • >i an»l i f s U t a l y killed Jan. 23 U « w a s 3 9 veers of w a r d survived by ft » i fe .

W A I T E D — i n m e n . . * - • ! *ts\te to travel, post Signs, advertise -\nd e«v« *ample« nf our good* . Salary «75 00 r- r m.--«h » 3 . 0 0 per a».\v lor oxfwogee. K O \ A.L ^ , f t i V CO. Dept. W„ At las Biock. O-^casro

E.H. HEATH Dealer In

MARBLE AND GRANITE 3C Brinkerholf Srreet

Piattshureb — jjew y.^rk

sWBSPIHGS. A d o g winna yowl if y e fell b im wi* a


Scatter with o n e band, g a t h e r wi th t w o .

Woe t o tbe mule that s e e s not ber master.

Clear consc ience , a sure card.

L 3 a v e t>§ a s iaug as tbe play is g o o d .

Goss ips and fr»#e drink and talk.

Q >od woit is C'tt no more than bad.



T o s tar-gas w s these n ights are marve l s o t

glory. Probably s o t a g a i o in o n e s l i fet ime

c a n such a h e a v e n s b e s e e n . Three planets

are now racing with each other a m o n g tbe

stars . Mars, Jupiter e n d Saturn. M J T S a c d

Saturn have been in vtew for months . Th- y

are now qui te low i o the west by sev< u

o'clock in tbe e v e n i n g . Mara baa j a s t ct m-

pleted o n e of his f smous loops and is Hying

eas tward . A b o u t three weak* s g o b e passed

Saturn. I t waa a pretty e ight to s e e him

over take a n d pass bia rival. Oo the 18th of

May be will over take and pas s Jupiter, wbicb

WlU b e a. stilt more i m p o s i o g t i g n t . On

that day tbeir night ascens ions Will differ by

less than 2$ seconds of t i m e , and their decli­

nat ions by about o n e d e g r e e ; Mars will pass

t o the north. Tbey will b e low in the w e s t

a t that t i n s . Jupi ter i s nearly o v e r h e a d n o w

near t h e Ple iades or tha l i t t ie dipper, r a c e

t h e wes t , s o l d your right band o p e s , a b o v e

and a foot from your e y e s , o v e r your index

Qnger y o u w i d s e e M a n r e d and at ill Under

y o u r l i tt le a n g e r J O B wi l l s a a S a t t m a b o u

tbe s a m e e l se but leas red.

N e a r Jupi ter a t present i s l b * beautiful red

Aldeberan in the conste l lat ion of t b s bull,

or Taurus in the A l m a n a c s . A l i tt le farther

northwest ie tbe still redder Capella. A

little south ot Jupitor is Orion the mos t con­

sp icuous conste l la t ion in t h e s k y . Lower

d o w n is Sirius the brightest star io tbe t k v .

S o m e dis tance e a s t a n d higher i s t h e l itt le

dog-star a s much higher a s tbe twine, Cas to

and Pol lux, Gemini i o tbe a lmanac; . In the

northwest a s low down as Sirius and oppos i te

( 9 i t is tbe bright, first magni tute white Y o ­

g a in Lyra. A l i tt le enterprise and a g o o d

e y e will ilnd al l these in bslf tbe t ime it

t a x e s to write this. A b o u t 7 o'clock in the

e v e n i n g is tbe t ime it is wri t ten for. A good

e y e can s e e seven t i er s in the l itt le dipper

and o n e or t w o m o o n s of Jupiter .

D. P. B A R R V .

their iBiant CDUO aiong, wrapping 11 up ^ d i r 4 . t | ^ „ ^ i , l 0 K e i a c t | , warmly. * b e n the u m b e r no wrapped the ! • £ ^ ^ ^ T ^ i B e , * „ „ e l n p l o y e s '



child s b e waa horrified to find that i t had been smothered or choked to death.

L C. Msid's d r o e s tore and Perry » saloon at Tapper L i k e were burglar:? Hi last week. About f SO in money and a q i a u t i t y of wines and l iq iors were s to len.

Prof. Rdward Everet t B a l e , Jr. ol Union Col iere addressed a large m e e t i n g of the V o u n f M-n'a Christian Associat ion at Troy, te l l ing tbe etory of bi<< conversion a t the re­vival m e e t i n s s beld recent ly at s c b e o e a t a J y by Evangel is t Dawson of Rnglsnd.

At Troy p o b i - school children n u a b e r 0 900, Albany I l . tOS, a s d s i Schenectady 6 .80s .

Tbe Pe£era>:i3!> s i C/hurcbea of Bs ' l e tos nown as the Coll ins block, and is occupied J ^ , 7 , ' S i f e d e aga ias t aU forms of

>y the proprietor, w h o bus s market o n ?.be

drat fljor, Pe ter Bruley's sa loon is a l so on

tbe first floor with reeidence a b o v e . T h e

other occupant ie M. Goldste in , w h o has a

ai lor irg shop over tbe m a r k e t T b s firs

was flrst not iced in Fred Bruley's room, o n

the t t ird floor, and i t s cause is unknown. It

gradually worked under the roof a n d kept

the depar tment busy four hours before it

s a a under control .

Ass i s tant Chief U t ing fell on the icy atsira

i n .i s p r s i o e d bis back. H e w a s taken t o hie

n c a e , and whi le badly shaken s p bia b u r s

ire not cons idered eerioue.

T b e loss o s t s a bui .d iug s s d e e s t e s t e le

•ottmated a t s o m e t h i n g over Sjs.StS, covered

ay inearsnes

B u s i n e s s « J h a a s ; e s a t O l e a s P a l l s

T h e d r s t b o l G e o r g e R. FMsh of G e e s

?a l l ewi l l i t i s e x p e c t e d b s te l le wad o f s

OMtiuuaUoa of the large

b> Finch, P r a y s s s d Co. a s p a i s

- •arufaeturere a s d 1st

Mr. Finch atsdsi a will i s s d a s

died, jus t beture s s a s a p a t s a I

ug tao ie for the reassess of t s a

it la n s s w n t a w i that i s e e s d s

for s w e s t s t s s s r t l a l s a r a w a t t b s

s a a ' j l i n r s o d t s a o p e n s s l o o s 0 0 Bandav, aud pu> liabed on Saiarday in the papers of tbe town a p a g e Advertisement q u o i w c the I quor tax law in: re tard t o Sunday asUisg a c d in retatwa t o g a a b l i a g .

T b e series c f m e e t i n g s for parenta of pub­l ic school ehl ldrer , srrmoged b y Buperin-t e o d e e t B a y ward of Coboes , will include s B s s i c a l p r o g r t a a e of w b l * part will b e cborssea by u s school children.

T h e R s a a p l a i u V a l l e y Treet too C o a p a n y h w b e e s organised by aaen l iving s i Pair H a r a s s o d vicinity. A t s aseet log held a t Middleoary, R. B M«Hiea of P a a l o o w a s aaads presMeat , s o d 8 . « . B a i t h of Addisoa , secretary. I t a otasDSd t o t s g s road f r o a Pair H a v e s u» V e r g e s s e a s s d poaalbly a s

t o

TtBstOKT. After havias: a s s s t S l . s M . o M I s i r y l s g t o

develop the copper Sssdaat • erasure , G a o r g s WeMhsgsouss , the wealthy m i c e o w s a r o f P i u s b w i g a . b e e abandoDed his searek a a i S l i m j . boi lers a s d furnaces a r e bJssm s o wtth a f a a a a i s o d u»Jd tor

B e w a s graduated from Y a l e las t vear.

T b e N o v a Scot iao schooner Kipling, from L/verpool, after be ing twice driven back t o port by ga les , wi s at ber taird trial wrecked )o midosean . T h e captain and crew of s i x were rescued by the li«ar Maine, tbe flrst ctC er and boats' crew of lour taking them from the s w s m p i c g schooner at tbe peril of their l ives and only after repeated s t rugg le s witb tbe waves .

l M g e r P. B a c e o n Pres ident of tbe^Matri-o la Company of Chicago, and formerly Mayor of Belfast, Maine, has been sentenced t o a year in tbe Penitentiary and to pay a flue ot $5 ,000 B i s offence was s e o d i o g ot j<ct-i o r a b i e literature ad veri inner h i s concern through the Uui i ed S ta te s a a i L

A . W. Carson, o n e of t h e o ldes t newepaper aseo ot Missouri, left $10 ,000 for t b s die-eeminat ioo , a m o n g tbe Y . M. C. A . aseocta-Uoos of i b e North, of Mark Twain's " fl?w t o b e a Gent leman. ' ' H e a l so left fS.OOO a s S fund lor disabled printers wbo m s y have t o g o to a hospital. Mark Twain den ie s tbe authorship at tbe work ment ioned .

T b e Y car of S o l g r e r e . in deuiei ot the re­port that the s t o n e e e c s t c b e o o bud been s t o w s I r o a tbe Washington ancestral b o a s at Su lgreve by an 4 m e r i c e n relic hunter, a tateethat nothing baa bean r s a o v s d trogi the old Mano l o u s e .

AteEU S o t rin, editor of t h e Rues, h a s been aeoteticed a t S . Petersburg t o s y e a r , imprtsoameot lor publiabiog the asauifeato o t _ i s s . W o r k s M s s C s s c c I L T B S c a s e o t s e v e s other editors era etui pending. S o u . f o r l s rspTCStitad *44 paper i i t h e P e a c e SMiferer C4 a t Portsmooth .

R. K L"wia, TO y e a r s o ld , s wealthy banker a s d termer o f - W e s t P a i a o u p o n , O s l o , w a s brniaily a a r d s r e d s t Ms h o m e . w h e n s s l ived a lone with s a a a aarvanu T s a sriaae i s supposed t o s a v e b e e s cuin-aaltied by a debtor. The t w o brother , of Mr. Lewi s h a t s dead a y a t s r i o s s l f w i t h i s

T h e birth rate of Massachusetts i s lower tban that of anv European country e x c e p t France , be ing 95 per cen t to tbe tatter's s« , and the m a n i a g e rate is higher than iu any European country evcept Raseia.

T b e Prussian min i s ter of public works has ordered that in future engineers and Bremen o n tbe e l a t e rai lways m u s t be total abstain­ers .

T h e ju te industry of Great Britain centres in Dan lee , Scotland, wbere the manufact­ures were started io a small way in 1840. N J W 40.000 bands are employed in the mi Is in and about tha city, and iu spinning the flire a lone tbe city employe a capital of f 25-000.000, held by private firms, u o t j i i n t - s t o c k companies . In 1901 Great Britain imported $11 ,000 ,000 worth o l raw j . i te , us i"g about one-fl tn the normal crop of India, wbu-b ia a great jute-fiber raiser, and wbicb in the last twenty-f ive years b s s b e c o m e a formidable rival in the a s o u f e c i u r e ot jute mate i ia l s .

A green carnation, o n e of the th ings hitherto looked upon us unattainable , has be* n cu l t ivs ted by s florist of Far R o c k a w t y . I t ha? been n-imed tbe E nerald.

A record w a s m a d e in N e w York a t t h e Bishop sa le when io one afternoon Cbioese porcelains brought 911? , 925 . O a e v a s e so ld t-J!T 910 ,100 . ,

j T b e Docker portable bouses , m a o o f a c t u r - ' < a d in Brooklyn, c a n b e put together without

s nail or a screw s n d by inexperienced j s a n d s . Tha idea c a m e to Mr. Docker t w e u - ' ty years a c o whan h e s a w in a newspaper , t h a t the g a p r t t a A u g u s t a bad oaT«r*d e j p r i u for a portable ge ld boepital. S b e wee ,

, l s t e t e e t e d in B*d Cross work a n d a C3B-peUtive e x h i b i t i o s wee t o b e held s t A c t -w e r p under t b s auspicee of that soc iety . B e w e s t at. o b o s t o work, bis bouse w e e sent t o tbe exhibi t ion e a d took tbe medal a m o n g seventy eoape t i tore . B ia d c e i J P w a s bought by the Gsraaaa G a v e r n a e n t , a n d a InUe later tha B e g u s h G o v e r n m e n t bought a pa* e s t for porta Tie barraeka. Mr. Docker bee n o w patents i s a s s r i y e v e t y country i n t e e w e r i d .

T s e n r n t B i s d u t s a s i s s s tsM e o s i i u s s t w a s dedicated ibe e t h e r day s t a a a Fren-Satco, by B w a a i TrlgaoaUta. T e e osasjre-g s u o n u s a b ' H fltty. T h e t e m p l e w a s erect-a d by e s s t r i b a U o s s o f d a a i r s s a w h o h a v e adopted t b s B l e d a reUgisa . Over the aoora

•awy Uas A h a i l s t i Miaas Al l ." A t A s f s e a , P r t s a s . reees t ly s s s o w a r o f

e s c t e M l for asearal k s s s a b qsaai l i laa s a t o c a o a e the

h s f s t o b s s sasa i i t f l s p by

B A B K K E S S , E A. Siguor of th i s p lace and A l b e r t

Arnold of Hi l lock Bi l l are s ick with the meas les .

G s o r g e Arnold has been very sick for several w e e k s a n d d o e s not s e e m to i m ­prove.

Mrs. Sophia Beardsley has sold ber h o u s e and lot and also her wood lot to Wiltard Baker and on Thursday, the 18lb, r e m o v e d with ber s o o s to Bl ienburgb. •,

J. W. Harkness w a s invited by te lephone to g o tn Lower Jay last Tuesday e v e n i n g , w b e i e R. W R f g i e e t o n , the E s s e x county -deputy wes to organize a new g r a o g e . B e went and saw Wnitetace Grange well s tarted upon its road to success with 43 charter m e m b e r s and a*w>m f 8 0 in i ts treasury. On Wednesday Mr. E^gleston c a m e b o m e with Mr. H irk Dees and took tbe train Thursday morii iug for bia b o m e near W a d h a m s Mills.

O i Tuesday ot this week J . W Barkneaa w e n t to Syracuse where 0 0 Wednesday b e attended a meet ing of tbe Central O r g a n i s a ­t ion ot Co-operative Fire Insurance of the S u t e o f N?w York.

T.ie farmers ' Inst i tute beld in Peru th i s week waa well at tended by our people .

Mrs. Rose A. Martin bad tbe misfortune t o fall upoo ice last week and rece ived s e v e r e injury tbat m a d e i t necessary for her Oaugh-

1 ter, wbo i t a t tending tbe Adirondack C o m -' merciai School s t A u s e b l e P o r k s , to c o m e

h o m e and care lor ber.

N A S A L C A T A R R H , an k t U m m a l i o n ol tbe del icate membrane l ic ing the air passa­g e s , is not cured by any mixtures taken into the s tomach. DmV, waste t ime on them. Take E y's Cream B i l m through the nostrils, s o that the levered,, swol len t issues are reach­e d a t once. N-ver mind bow long y o u h a v e suffered nor how oftei, you have been disap­pointed, w e know lv>'a Cream Ba lm will cure you as it bes cured others by the t h o u -and. AH d r u g g i s t s 50. Mailed by El) B.-03., 5G Warren Street, N e w York.


US'$ia'S?- i ^ F \ U W n e . Martha U F r e n i a and Frank LaFrenU twr husband, Julia LaFrseia an''JotephLaFrenia ber husband 0»orr-L«KiD9 ™5. , A t t , , , " . L " W m * b i s * " • • Anmlfwt UaV»rBw»y and.Uiui* LaVaraway ber hn«band. Addle (Jeronx and Georre Ueroux tier butband, foiu-tan t Thoo-dore, Kmma Treodore. wife of John Theodore, .fane r x * J .hn Doe. Ricbar.1 Ro« and Jane R.w. said l « t four namts belnit fiotlttouti. nod am hi tended to represent tbe anknowti hc«r» »t taw. i""2 rHr»r«M)ntatlve» and next «.f kin t-t Martha 1-aRlne Theodore, late of the Cltj of f laUshnrgb. Clinton County, N e w York, deoeBS d. Defend­a n t .

To the above named "Defentes i • ^ Ji°!J •*e

Lh,"rebj'. ••""•moned W h u i w w the comtj

plaint in thia action and to «erv«/a < >ry of your answer on-plaintlff's attorney wlthlu l~«">ty JlRyitT alter the service of this summons, eat I.i»t\-e o f tee day of aervloe: and In oaee of your failure t«i appear or answer, jadnment will be taken ajraitss vou by default for the relief deaaanded in Oie! ootnplaint.

Dat .d January 9th, lSoti , FRANK C. A O N I W , ] |

^ _ J Attorney for Wainttffi Offlee and TV** CMHoe addraaa. So. 4 Cllntoat

Street. Plattaburich. N. Y. f |To Joseph LaRine, Nashua, N e w Hampshire! Frank UFrenla . No 10 South Main 8 . . Bratt e' boro. A*U; Martat l*Fra«ia,J< -. 18 South Mais St. Braitleboro. Vt -, Joseph XaFtenia. ttuhb« r i l Cats Oouuty. MlnnaaoU; Julia LaFrenia, T! u bb, r t l Cam County, Minnesota- \9eor*e LaKIs^ Aetna Oourt, Nashua. New Hampshire; Attlla LaKIne.' Aetna Court. Naahna. Ne»,> II-niiwhirf, Addle. Geroux, Aetna Court. Naabuit. New Bampahire.

The forearoin* aummona I* aervad upon j o u by publication pursuant to an otder of Hon. Henry I'. Kelloce. a Juatloe of tbe Supreme Court ot tba State of New York, dated the 13-h day of Jan­uary. 19CQ. and filed with Uw coaopWint la tho ' tnoe ot the <1erk of the O u n i y of Clinton, l a aald State, on January IT, 1H03.

The object of tale actio-1 ia t o make partition aooordinc to the reepec' tve rishta of the p Arties. aud If it appear that paitition cannot be had without treat prejudice to tbe owners, tneo for a aale of the following described property :

All that certain city lot lu the city of Piatt .«-burch, Clinton County. N e w York, marked and des(«nalad on a map or plot of tha Bailey Tract, by D. B Johnson. Jr.. Surveyor, as Lot N o . 14. o a t t e west side ot Platt Street, beinx thirty-, tbree (S3) rest front on Platt Streuu and extei>4~' in* bava with parallel lines one hun^rsd ;i£>) fees, to tbe fast bouiida of the Murgan Lot, so-called* (in l(*Mj more or leaa.

Datod January 17th, 1900. VKANK C. AONKW.

^ Attorncu for Piatntlff Offioe and Post OSIDB attdrcavi. No. I Clinton

Street. PlaUsbunrh, N. Y. 3 * 7 1

NOTtCM.—By order of Hon. David II. A«new. Surrocate of Clinton County. N . Y.. aot ios ia

sereby givaaacoordlns to law. to all panoaa hav-iuc claims agsiaat Israel Jerry, late of Cnaay, iu aald ooaaty. neneaaad. that tawy are ra-quired t o axalbtt the same with the vouchers thereof t ) taw eubsorlDer at her reeldatice a t West Cbazy.N. T . . o a or before the i la t day of July 1906

Daaau.Jan? t a t a , n e t ADELINE JKKRY.

Admlniat atrlx. FRANK C. AONEW, ,

AU'ytorAdinr'A. Pla'tabur«h.N Y. 3-6

Notice to Taxpiyers. Bav ins received the A M w m e n t Roil of tbe

City of Pl»tt.s»<urirb for the yaar 1806, notice is Derebv s iren that tbe underaifned will attend at ais offloe at the ?irst N»tional Bank, oorner of Vantaret and BrinkerhoB* streets, with said roll, tor thirty days from tbe date hereof Sundays and legal holidays excepted, from 9.-00 o'clock in tbe forenoon until 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon, and from 7:00 until nine o'clock on Tueaday and Saturday eveninca of anch 30 days, to receive taxes so aaooaaod. without tea. peroenlairj) or in­terest thereon.

On all taxes unpaid after the expiration of such thirty days two per cent fees will he collected.

On all taxes remaining uopiid after sixty days from tbe date hereof, five per oent fees and in ­terest at the rale of one per cent mouth from tbe expiration of s ild sixty d-»ys wi'l be collected.

Dated PlattsburKb. Jan 13. vlx. JOSEPH L, NASH

City Chamberlain. Dated, Jan 15 1906.

Notice to Taxpayers. Having received the Water Assessment for the

City of Plattsbunrb for tbe quarter ending Dtjc. 31,1905. notice is hereby jf'iveu that the undersign­ed will attend at his offioe at the First National Bauk, 1 or. of Margaret and Brinkerboff SU., with said roll for 30 days from the date hereof. Sundays' ind le?al holidays excepted, from S o'clock in t t e fore toon until 3 o'clock in tbe afternoon, at d from 7 until 9 o'clock on Tuesdny and Saturday evenings of such 30 days, to receive rent* so as­sessed, without fee, percentage or interna there­on.

On all rents remaining unpaid after sixty -lays from tbe date hereof, live per cent, foes anu In­terest at the rate of one per cenu per nionib fr.im the expiration of said sixty days will lw«jlte< t >d.

Dated, Piattaburgh. N. Y., Jan M « t .

B I R T H 8 .


City Chamber ala

At Platttbuntb. Ian. :9. 19tt>, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jett .

At Piatuburgh. Jan 30,1900, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Irving Durkee.

At Morrisonville, Jan. 17 1906, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Stuart ostrander.

Ac Pla'tsburgh. Jan 0 1906, a son to Mr. acd Mrs, Wtn. Coakley.

At Plattsburgh. Jan 21, 1S06. a danehter iliet-tiia Mat) to Mr. and Mrs. Fred King, Jr.

At Plattaburdb. Jan. £5. J906. a son (Thomas Daniel) to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jabaut.

At Valoour, Jan. 31,1906. a daughter (.Bletnor C.) to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ford.

M A R R I A G E S .

AtMorrteonrllle. Monday. Jan. ia. lOtC, in St. AUjxar.der's Churob. Mr, Alfred Newt 11 snd Mtes Orfia Corabo.

At Morrisonville J a n . 21 1106. hy Kev. S. C Dare. Mr. Joseph Olger aad Mist Cora Stacy, both of Cadyvllle.

D E A T H S .

laarmlagly a a d a o w a b o u t s ly. • third a t

!•> I k e o a t i a a . a a d t h e rant

• L L M N B D M O C B M T B B .

Mrs. He^rjr V o t b u r g . w b o baa b e e n qu i te seriously ill, is improving s l o w l y .

Mrs. A . M. S a r g e n t e n d Mrs. H o m e r S c u u i t o f the Corners cal led o n ft l ends a t t h e Center Thursday.

T b e annual a e e t i o e of tbe s tockholders of South E. ieuburgb Dairy Associat ion w a s beld a t their factory io E lanburgb Saturday, J a n . M , where t h e lot .owing officers were e lected for tbe ensu ing year : President. Terry Garl irk; general manager ; sa l e sman , O. W. S o p e r ; secretary, Chat i e s V o s b u r g ; treasaier , T. W. A ' k i o a ; d irwetea , J-Jhn Villiaaaaoa, Jamea Gregory , Peter Patnode . 1 MUtoa aUker. Ootdwia Aroo, Jaaea More-

At Piatuburgh. Jan. 26.1906. at tbe home of her sister, Mrs. J. B. Keanor, Miss Bertha Conk-11 n.

At PlatUbursh. Jan 84. 1806. Mrs Lonifa B. Stafford, widow of f e lateCoraeliu* V SUffotd. iu the 8t4i year of borage.

War Ovwr S la ty Years.

•Ba. WINSLOW'S SooraiMtt SykL'i' has been used by millions of mothers for tbeir children while teething. If disturbed at night acd broken of four reet by a sick child suffering acd crying with jain of Cutting Teeth, send at once and get a oottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sjrup" for Children Teething. I t will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon it. mothers, there Is no mistake about it. It cures DUrrkiea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels. Cures Wind Colic, softens tbe Gum*, red aces Iuria.mrcnt;. ,n *nd gives tone and energy to tne whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children, teething is pleasant to the taste and Is the pre­scription of one of the oldest and best female ohyalclacs and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five eentt a bottle. Sold by all trucgista throughout the world. Be sure and ask for "Maa. W U M U K ' I SooTBive Sranr ."

m rLAliatJUiTUa a

m « m m m , * i » a IA 4 0 DIUt?D CTDPDT •<*

m m m m a



The largest p'aat In this in >st a iitsfaetory wori .

seiiuou. and Tel-ptiMce

fewla urfcag la taw yaavMeraa

ta w a l e d Usaf t a k e a largw pseee . a u t i t a b U s a n d p u t u

Iw tt \ 1 a awBw. • awaaaai aaasat sr . . wild aatUe aaaat a a d aavaral

sawi IkwAw^^Lwal A>»a^aaassi at^saassa *rf; ^**. 2 S a i -f l .k I S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A ^ ^ S A ^ M BJLa aawa aVwaaaSwaW-awM ataaaaawL ^ f.a'aaisi m^

•BjaBau.aawaaBsT wvawaawa, - ^aa^vaaget.

tr l ta* i- "—i with t ^ ' a w l g e c

recently l a 1 » a > M e r t u f

or-asuat peat \. , £ ' ( » • brick tr H a %>o. «ar e h s a p e u i u y t< adiatf. IK . • --vii _ the quattty ,af bt icv . . ^ui waasaii*. m a r t t er , > D J aroduotd iar^H a a d (was n>

r r a c k V j e b e r g vis i ted Mooers Tuesday.

M vT. McGaulley i s s e n d n g the asperated a l i a b o a t a e Gamier factor; t o P a n nam oca t o b e a e s d l a tha prisoa. Wbo c a a ask greater e c e a o a y o t tbe Sta te priaou ctHdala? aaksaa It b » l a efclm bath s l o e s .

T b e a e i d e a w e d d i o g o f Mr end Mrs. Al­b e i t G o e y e a o f Churubeaeo held a l i b e Oskbrtar Oautrh. wee s i tended by a a a y b l a a d e a a d i w a u v e e af Bllaawargh.

Mr. and Mrs. B .v le Uoceiauwr desire t o eaarves t a a a k s t o tbeir Irteode wbo ao kind­le aaaaNed t a e a dar ing the i l laas i a a d burial of Ibetr batovad H a i M .

a a B a u ^ o w w i x u s .

W e a r e t .uw eajoylajg a J e a a e r y thaw.

M i n n . Adcoek a a d LebdeH h a v e latavB* • d troes ibs ir chart trip t e Maameal

aatasa«t Ayere baa anew aariajat asaaa aad a taJUag iaasoaa of Maa Webb ol Pksua-

$1000 REWARD I s offered a s a » u a r a n t e « t l ia t ne i ther

Or. P i e r c e ' s Favor i t e l»r*ecriptiosi

KOR Dr . P i e r c e ' s OoMew Mawlcal D U c o v e r y

c o n t a i n s a lcohol , o p i u m , or a n y harmfu l d r u g . A n y o n e pub l i sh ing fa lse s u t e -m e n u c o n c e r n i n g the ir i n g r e d i e n t s wil l b e prosecuted . D o c t o r Pierce"* r i i m i l y R e m e d i e s a r e c o m p o u n d s of medic ina l principle*, sc ient i f i ca l ly e x t r a c t e d from n a t i v e roots t h a t c u r e t h e d i s e a s e s for w h i c h t h e v a r e r e c o m m e n d e d . '1 h e y are m e d i c i n e s w h i c h h a v e e n j o y e d t h e publ i c conf idence for over a third of a c e n t u r y . T h e v a r e awsaUclaca aa* awveraawa, m a d e t o sa t i s fy a c r a v i n g f o r " boow."

"Golden Medica l D i s c o v e r y " r e g u l a t e s a n d i n v i g o r a t e s s t o m a c h , l iver a n d bowe l s , a n d c u r e s d y s p e p s i a , purifies t h e blood a n d tone* u p t h e s y s t e m genera l l y .

- F a v o r i t e P r e s c r i p t i o n " cures f e m a l e w e a k lie**, i rregular i t i e s , e x h a u s t i n g d r a i n s , pa infu l per iods a n d k indred a l i ­m e n t s pecu l iar t o w o m e n . A e e e p t no s u b s t i t u t e for t h e s e med ic ines , e a c h of w h i c h baa a record of m a r v e l o u s eurea. S u b s t i t u t i o n m e a n s se l f i shness on t h e • a r t of t b e d e a l e r w h o is 'ookiug- for t h e g r e a t e r profit 011 a u inferior arUcli-.

F r e e C o l l e c t i o n a n d D e l i v e r y


3 •mmmmmmmmmtsmmti**********


'»KM|. i .tae f rmee i ba> tatee&iifiaj t a a

liior tha wricks,

the coat. Ta»,,tiisc»»arf aas

T a e y t a n g penpk> of tha • e M i a t Charca a a o c l a : at m e r se idaooaaf Mr. Wi i lUm

hast F- l a y evewitig, t b e l t t h . T h e t e B s a a l s r s*v*Biy a i a e s u - a e e e s l a U e d a a d t,;,aasab'uuL u v e a i a s e t j » e d . T a e a a i t . aaaaablu w l i b e aft Rev . ft. E . Pub. i.

A g o c l l y aaw,b<« , « | aV» a a c y Mr. a a d kUe .asenr}«aavf g a t e ih p c a a a a t i y a B T a e s a y r e t

A a » w t a « M a f a a a a v t . . _ - r « r _ - c - - . ^ ^

' *S3*%* mmm

S r a S HH&. MlewT'«We~dlS ao aad Uw" s o u advised its to se t <be O u j « i Beutc*' IMseuvery' also. I b e took fo«r bottiaa -1 Ike * Praacriutk.il' and thrw. ui UM> Oold .u K d t c e l Dlit-overy. and you u e \ « i »»* aucb a chauaw l" a person. Ukw aaid ait* did not a e l H i e be same i w w o . s h e wa» about asvautswi y«arauld at the time. l w U l a l a d i y ssetMaW d Pr . Pierce'* u.udicinv. t e every S i T T ^ d v l a e parf u wk* hava youiuj

- tars who S L ¥ « . i**» aerwous uouhlws T r ! P i s i x e a P a v o r U e ^ i y w I v t l o u at laausar i . 11 willav*lp theiu."

l a l w i u wfWCM AWAV, l a coaMas of U t P i J w ^ p H ^ - . C o i B W M i B w u a s

_ Advtawr, a bask i a a t aaW » t a e * * • 'af sas j t c c^mass a few - ^ » aaw. a t a i^aipar e e p r

we aavw away f ibeas kcvalua-

^ w •«

Y IT d o e s

from our holiday stock.

no t pay to carry ov-*r tco^da left

We want tha

room aud we want to g e t rid of tbein and

boy in their s tead n e w sprmg goods . There­

fore, th«t is a reason tor ibis January Maik-

dowu Sale.





'CRY article on our bar* BTitiu tabic i» m bargain.

The p r i c e s tell their o w n story, a tal« of much value a t little coat. When they are snapped up your chance is gone. There are no dupli­cates . Act quick. Thing* you need to>day and every day. You w a u l them*" We don't. Come and take thctu.

Gilbert's Drug Store C a e t T i Mama aeaare. Opo. rMat Ottoe

rLA*raat>aau. M V.

r U R M A L J a .

eftsli a »V« v t w a af