THE PHOENIX ARCHITECTURE A New Approach to Student Satellite Software Riley Pack University of Colorado at Boulder

THE PHOENIX ARCHITECTURE A New Approach to Student Satellite Software Riley Pack University of Colorado…

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Introduction Common Approach to Student Satellite Software Write all software from the ground up New architecture design for each mission Spend a significantly longer amount of time on bus software than payload software Complex interfaces and dependencies between software components Pack 3

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A New Approach to Student Satellite Software

Riley PackUniversity of Colorado at Boulder

Pack 2

Introduction• What Makes Student Satellite Software Difficult?• Custom hardware for each mission• Limited time and resources• Software must support bus and payload operation

Pack 3

Introduction• Common Approach to Student Satellite Software• Write all software from the ground up

• New architecture design for each mission

• Spend a significantly longer amount of time on bus software than payload software

• Complex interfaces and dependencies between software components

Pack 4

What is Phoenix?• Software Architecture for Student Satellite Projects• Object-oriented software system• Built with modularity and reuse in mind• Shifts focus from bus software to payload software

Pack 5

The Phoenix Approach• Write Software Only Once

• If functionality already exists, why reinvent the wheel?

• Focus only on new functionality• This is the interesting part of the software and the


• Allow software to be reused from one project to the next

Pack 6

The Phoenix Approach• Decouple Software from the Hardware

• Provide a Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) to interface with the satellite hardware

• Allows software to be shared between many projects

• Will hopefully lead to a large repository of software modules

Pack 7

The Phoenix Approach• Decouple Dependencies Between Software Modules• Remove hard dependencies between any two systems in the software• Allows modules to be added or removed from the


• Allow all modules to communicate through a standardized interface

Pack 8

Attacking the Essences• Four Major Essential Difficulties of Software Development

• Phoenix Aims to Attack Three Essences• Complexity, Conformity, Changeability• Invisibility not addressed directly by Phoenix

• Essences are the Root of Development Snags and Difficulties

Pack 9

Attacking the Essences: Complexity• Phoenix Decouples Dependencies Between Systems• Uses standardized commands to communicate between modules

• Developers only need to focus on one small subsystem

• Removing one module does not directly break another

Pack 10

Attacking the Essences: Conformity• Standardized Commands Remove the Need to Conform to Numerous Interfaces• All modules interact in the exact same way• Subsystem do not need to design the interface method

• Instead, provide commands to perform an action

Pack 11

Attacking the Essences: Changeability

• Architecture Built with Change in Mind• Modules can be added/removed at any time• No hard dependencies between modules• Interface extensible through addition of commands

Pack 12

Development Process• Following Agile Development Methods

• Iterative Design• Test-Driven Development• Constant Customer Feedback• Object-Oriented Design

• Written in C++

Pack 13

Development Process• Allows for Rapid Response to Functionality Changes• Requirements expected to change• Software “grown” instead of built• Always have a working system

Pack 14

Architecture Design

Pack 15

Architecture Components• Phoenix Core

• Provides basic services to servers

• Hardware Abstraction Layer• Allows software to run on multiple hardware configurations

• Phoenix Servers• Implement specific functionality• Communicate with each other through the core

Pack 16

Phoenix Core• Heart of the Software System• Required for All Systems• Major Components

• Message Routing System (Dispatcher)• File System• Logging Mechanism

Pack 17

Dispatcher• Allows Servers to Send Messages to Each Other• Commands, Data Requests, Errors, etc.

• Standardized Interface for All Servers• Send Message: Dispatcher::Dispatch()• Receive/Handle Message: Dispatcher::Listen()

Pack 18

Dispatcher: Usage


Dispatcher::Listen() MessageHandler::Handle()


From Sending Server

To Sending Server

Sending Server Receiving Server Utility Task

Pack 19

Hardware Abstraction Layer• Decouples Software from Hardware

• No direct dependencies on hardware by Phoenix Core or other modules

• Standardized Hardware Interactions• Allows for Testing of All High-Level Software on a PC

Pack 20

Phoenix Servers• Encapsulate a Specific Functionality for the System• Examples: Communication Server, Payload

Control Server, Flight Mode Server

• Must Communicate with Other Servers Through Dispatcher• Ensures no hard dependencies between servers

• Allows Each Mission to Add Functionality to System as Needed

Pack 21

First Application of Phoenix• ALL-STAR Project at CU-Boulder

• 3U CubeSat designed to accommodate a wide variety of space-borne payloads

• Requires a large amount of software customization from mission to mission

Pack 22

ALL-STAR Flight Software DiagramLegend

Communication Server

Payload Control Server



d Se


Flight Mode Server

Power Control Server

Attitude Determination


Attitude Control Server




Authentication Server

GPS Server

Propulsion Control Server

Thermal Control Server

Error Handling Server

Hardware Abstraction Layer




e Se


Dispatcher (Shown for Internal Servers Only)

FSW Internal Server

Subsystem Server

Core System

Dispatcher MessageFile System CallHAL Call


or S



Pack 23

Project Status• In the Process of Implementing the Core and the HAL• Dispatcher written and tested• HAL and file system in progress

• Test Servers to Demonstrate Functionality in Development

• Initial Server Development to Begin this Summer

Pack 24


Pack 25

References• [1] Frederik P. Brooks, "No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering," IEEE Computing, vol. 20, pp. 10-19, 1987.

• [2] FreeRTOS. [Online]. http://www.freertos.org• [3] Raj Srinivasan. (1995, August) RFC1832 - XDR: External Data Representation Standard.

• [4] Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, Design Patterns. Westford, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1995.