NO USE! MARS CAN'T HEAR A WORD WE SAY LEANS LATEST STAR The 150,000 club "Leans" are of- fering big money Tor information on lean ball players. They have secured some of the greatest freaks on earth in the long, lank and slender line. The latest ac- quisition is a champion?for "lean" hut if he can play ball or not isn't necessary. He is Yolen Y. Wil- liams, of Phoenix, B. C, who Is known as the longest man on earth. Y. Y. W. is 7 feet tall If an inch, weighs 133 pounds and has a waist measurement of 215. He has a face like a baby and he likes highballs. He Is 1 of tbe best known mining experts on earth aud Is in the em- ploy of the Jay P. Graves peoplo. WO bed ever manufactured fits Yolen. He litis an awful time at hotels and usually hires a suite of rooms, with a bed In each, pulls the beds together at the door and sleeps all over them both. The "Fats" and "Leans" will be marred under the personal direc- tion of Fred H. Gaston, secretary, «r rather "sign maker," for the Enakops. The date for the game is not set. GUS KLOPF FIRED There hasn't been any particular demonstration in the red ft re line ?Inee tbe announcement yesterday <? the release of Umpire Gus Klopf nt there is a general feeling of satisfaction about it because Gus, good enough fellow at almost all times .doesn't get along in a ball game and is worse than poor on pome of his decisions. It is stated that GUI nas been get- ting fat so raptdTy that his eyes almost closed and be couldn't see. "Red" Khret, who is said to have straightened up, was resigned. President, W. H. Lucas disciplined "Red" a while back for trying to umpire with a souse on. SPORTING SNAP SHOTS It is whispered that Connie Mack and Rube Waddell have reached a final rupturo and that the uncertain southpaw will be traded to the New York Americans. Tommy Burns is kept as busy as a bu/.7. saw these days answer- ing challenges. Miss May Sutton, champion ten- nis player of Great Britain, and JVltss Sears, American champion, may meet during August iv the trl- State tourney at Cincinnati, i A critic observes that when Vsgulara are maimed the White Sox play Just, as fast ball with sub- stitutes. This Is why they are world's champions. A team of English cricketers will visit the United States In Sep- tember. Artie Brouthers, formerly of the Athlstles, is said to be playing In the Western association under the name of Sisters. Artie might don skirts if he wants to make the dis- guise complete. Those 3 Freemens ?John, Jerry «nd James, members of the Mln- Cieapolis team, are causing scorers ots of trouble. Few fans know that Sammy Strang served his apprenticeship with Undo Sam as a second lieu- tenant in the war with Spain. Rogers Breunahun has rejoined. \u25a0 the Giants. Sir Thomas Llpton Is consider- ing again trying for the American cup. The latest bit of good news Is Manager Eddie Qutun has signed Clafiin, who ope MM Usjsjt pitching season with Tacoma. where he did good work, then went to Seattle and turned out punk. With the Steady support the Spo- kane bunch gives their pitchers. Clafiln should make gooil and Sirove a valuable addition, etc. He b a good pitcher with the proper environment. Little Ulck Hyland Is angry at Clarence English. Dick and Geo. Decker were to fight at Omaha on the fourth but because the $500 guarantee was not in the house, Dick wouldn't don the nilts. He lays the blame for the small at- tendance on English, who. he says, knocked the match so thoroughly and consistently that he practically ?polled It. Hyland and "Red- headed" MeCllntlc are in Chicago. Tlv Keeling, who has always bossed Jimmy Brltt's camps, is at It again, getting the Native Son Into shape to lick the Dane. Krel- tug now claims to have his man de- veloping a block that will with- stand all the Battler's wallops. Jimmy and the Dane are due to do battle on July 31. Willie Britt, the "cigar sign," Is already talking about matching his brother Immy with Joe Gans ?if Jimmy beats Battling Nelson. Jimmy might, and then again, he mightn't. Louie Long will leave today for Calgary, B. C., with his manager, Dem Gay. Louie has taken a long rest and is now In the best of shape of his life, not counting the times he was whipping Greasers. Louie anticipates battles with Kid Sealer, Billy Louder, "Ihe Scot," and Barney Mullin, at Cal- gary. All those fighters are there now. Sealer and Louder are matched to tight the latter part, of this month. Louder has been over from Great Britain only a year. He Is said to be very clever. He didn't land in New York the first thing and get licked by some of the youngsters in the east, but travel- ed west to loam something about the American style fl l- st About tbe third match he had he won a 15-roUnd decision over Barney Mullin. Harney, by the way, is big as a house. Calgary is now the sporting cen- ter of the northwest. They fight, box, race and in fact any sort of MISS FLORENCE SCHENCK. NEW YOHK, July 10.?"Forgive I me, father; forgive me!" shrieked, beautiful Florence Schenck, daugh- > tor of Or. Powhatan S. Schenck, a former surgeon In the United States navy, and granddaughter of a form- er governor of Virginia; and tho haughty father, wno iv a moment of anger and outraged pride had cast his daughter aside and dis- owned her, clasped the fair girl In his arms and whispered to her the words which made glad her tur- bulent heart. For a tragedy had come into the life of Florence Schenck, once the belle of Norfolk, and she was moan- ing upon her bed Iv anguish. She bad Just returned from Eu- rope, whither she bad gone, as she firmly believed, she declares, as the wife of ('has. 11. Wilton, the high- salaried trainer and manager of young Alfred Gwynne Vandei bllt's show horses. After their return from abroad Wilson scornfully cast her aside, saying that bis true and only wife awaited him at Oratige. N. J. Hut what did Wilson csre fey the future of this beautiful young wom- an, hardly out of her teens, who ac- cusses him of the basest deception? "Well," he said, after the news of their affair became public, "I supposes this means the end of my $20,000 job." His Job ?that was his first and only thought. His Job ?not the young woman?was "all the world" to him. Hut the aged father, stern and Will we ever speak to the peo- ple of Mars? Prof. Chas. S. Howe, of Case School of Applied Science, Cleve- land, and a common sense scientist, says emphatically "Never." He drew two eclipses on paper, one to show" the path of the earth and the other that of Mars. "Now this year we are as near to Mars as we ever get. 38,000,000 miles, and we must wait 15 years before we get this close again," he said. "The most powerful telescopes we have magnify 2,500 times. That is equivalent to seeing over 15,000 miles with the naked eye or, in a practical illustration, a city the si/.e of London on Mars would look as big as a pin point at arm's length. "Is Mars inhabited? So far as climatic conditions are concerned it might be, but astronomers have not yet proved that it is. "We know for a certainty that Mars has the same seasons we have, but her year is almost twice as long, consisting of 687 days that are practically the same length as our day. athletic game may be pulled off If it appears to be on the square. They don't fake quite so fast in Canada as they do in this country ?the country is newer. But they fake a little, just the same. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Philadelphia 0, Chicago 1; Brook- lyn 1, Pittsburg 4; Boston 0-4, St. Louis 1-2. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago 15, New York O;St. Louis 2, Boston 5. BEVERIDGE'S WEDDING DAY BERLIN, July 16.?The marriage of United States Senator Beve- ridge, of Indiana, and Miss Cathe- rine Eddy, of Chicago, will occur at the American legation here Au- gust 7. It was originally planned for the wedding to take place in America. THEY ATE 'EM ALIVE Watson's Guaranteed Anodyne AAn IIA to remove corn MIIUIIL a,lCorns- curf iiMnniri B«"'° n ». 25 Cents UUIIIIU Callouses WATSON DRUG CO 233 Riverside Aye., Spokane SADDER THAN DORA THORNE'S IS THE LIFE STORY OF FLORENCE SCHENCK STOCKHOLDERS' NOTICE proud though ho was, aud as deeply as he grieved for the unintentional disgrace which his charming daugh- ter had brought iv ills fond heart, folded the beautiful girl to his breast, and immediately planned to take her back to the home which she had deserted in a moment of misguided sentiment. It was last October that Florence Schenck first met Chas. H. Wilson. He was in charge of the Vanderbilt horses then. She was an enthusias- tic equestrienne herself, and their friendship developed rapidly. October 19, 1906, she declares, they were married. Later they went to Kit rope. Wilson denies the mar- riage but will say nothing more. Miss Schenck declares that on 1 occasion, when they were dining with the Vanderbilts, Mr. Vander- bilt read aloud from a newspaper an announcement of her engage- ment to Lieut en lit Aahton, of the United States army, and that Wil- sou became so excited he dropped a plate onto the floor. Later, she declares, Wilson demanded that she cancel her engagement to Lieu- tenant Asbton, and that she did so, becoming the "wife" of Wilson soon after the close of tho Norfolk horse show. "My life is wrecked," moans beautiful Florence Schenck; but she is going back lo Norfolk, se- cure in the love of her proud fath- er, to face whatever embarrass- ment may confront her snd what- ever criticism there may be from the frlonds over whom ah* once reigned as queen. SPOKANE PRESS, JULY 16, 19D7 PROF. CHAS. S. HOWE IN DIAGRAM SHOWING HOW CANALS OF MARS APPEAR THROUGH MIGHTY TELESCOPE I "Astronomer Perclval Lowell, at I his observatory in Flagstaff, Ariz., has shown by his maps that the mountain peaks are snow-capped in the winter, and in the spring the water flows down the valleys into canals that are 50 miles wide, and then vegetation springs up. He calls these streams canals, not because they are artificial, but be- cause the Martian waterways run in a straight line to the oceans in- stead of meandering, as ours do. "Until our telescopes are In- creased in power many fold, our determination of the physical geo- graphy of Mars are at a standstill, but with the spectroscope much valuable information is being ga- thered concerning her composition. "If Mars is Inhabited, and we of the earth should want to communi- cate with her, It would be done with flashes of light, but this would be unintelligent because of want of a code, and the impossi- bility of arranging one. "No, we will never talk with Mars, even though we find she is inhabited. Remember, 38,000,000 miles is a long way off." The Columbia Theater team went out to Natatorium park this morning figuring they would play ball some with the lngersoll team. It was merely a delusion. The park champions accumulated 19 runs while the Columbia aggregation were organizing 1. And the champs say it wasn't a very good day for baseball either. THREE STEAMERS TO BT. JOE For delightful outing on lake and river take electric trains leav- ing Spokane Terminal 6:30 and 8 a. m., or 1:10 p. m., connecting with steamers going through to St. Joe on beautiful shadowy St. Joe river. 200 mile round trip, made in one day. ?17 *** NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Ophir Gold & Copper Mining Co. will be held at the office of the company. No. 5 S. Howard st., Spokane, Washing- ton, on the 27th day of July, 1907, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., for the pur- pose of ratifying and confirraing the sale, exchange, leasing, bonding and mortgaging for the consideration of ninety thousand ($90,000) dollars, to be paid therefor within eighteen (18) months, and for ten per cent of tbe capital stock of a company to be organized, to Henry H. Arm- stead jr.. made on the 15th day of June, 1907. at a meeting of the stockholders and trustees, of all of the following described property, theretofore belonging to said com- pany, and situated in Ophlr Mining District, Powell county, Montana, to-wit: The Ophlr lode mining claim, sur- vey No. 7501. The Ophir No. 2 lode mining claim, survey No. 7502. The Spokane lode mining claim, survey No. 7503. The Sunrise lode mining claim, survey No. 7504. The Katie Allen lode mining claim, survey No. 7507. And also to authorize the sale, conveyance, leasing, bonding and mortgaging to aud by him of all the following described property be- longing to said company, and sit- uated in said mining district, county and state, and which was intended to be transferred to him by said stockholders and trustees meeting, In the resolutions passed thereat, and by the deed given for the before-mentioned property to him, to-wit: The Ophir No. 3, and the Tiger quartz lode claim, and all leases, bonds, deeds and agree- ments with reference thereto, and also all of the rights of said com- pany in and to any property or property rights, situated in said Ophir Mining District, and You are hereby notified that the foregoing comprises all of the min- ing property and mining rights of said corporation, and especially all of the same situated in said county and state; And you are further notified that said meeting will he held for the purpose of transacting any and all other business which may come be- fore the same, and authorizing the sale, conveyance, leasing, bonding and disposing of, for money or stock In other corporations, any and all of the property of the com- pany, and the ratification and con- fti-matlou of all and every act done by the stockholders meeting, or the trustees with reference to the sale, transfer, conveyance, exchange or disposal of any and all of the prop- erty of the corporation for money or stock in another corporation, or in a corporation to be orgauUed, and the transferring, leasing, bond- ing or mortgaging of the same. Dated this 25th day of Juno. 1907. j w. f. McCarthy. v ' Secretary. Columbia Theatre Geo. M. Dreher, Mgr. Tel. 311. "Sookane's CooK<t Theater" TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK, MATINEE SATURDAY Special Summer Engagement CURTISS COMEDY CO. ?IN? THEMANOFHER CHOICE Change of play weekly. Prices?loc, 20c, 30c. Seats now selling. Next week ?"Beware of Men." WASHINGTON THEATER Geo. C. Blakealee, Manager HIGH CLASB VAUDEVILLE WEEK COMMENCING JULY 14 ALICE MORTLOCK CO. FLEXIBLE FREDRICK. BRADLEY & DAVIS. CAROL SISTERS. WILBER HELD. » .J- Matinee every day. Two per- formances every evening Prices ?15 and 25 cents. THE AUDITORIUM a C. Hayward. Mgr. Tel M. 1141 JESSIE SHIRLEY CO. PRESENTING SUNDAY and all the week, with Saturday matinee THE WOMAN WHO CAME BETWEEN Prices ?Reserved, evening: 60c, 40c and 25c. Matinees ?Adults, 25c; children, 10c. CARLSON'S ' FURNITURE, HARDWARE New and second hand. We buy and sell new arid second band goods. Highest cash prices paid. 1119 First Aye. Phone 3925 BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS J. F. STACK 10 RIVERSIDE AYE. TELEPHONE MAIN 2203 Inland Junk and Hide Co. Office, 1012-14 East Main Ay*. 1 FOR GLASSES AND TREAT- MENTS WHICH WILL CORRECI ALL EYE DEFECTB CALL ON DR. MEANS Jig/a MAIN AYE. Phone 611S J'he Spokane Press delivered 25 ts per month. NATATORIUM PARK A MODERN FAIRYLAND DIRECTION INGERSOLL AMUSEMENT CO. Audley lngersoll, Director General SPOKANE'S g CONEY ISLAND Amusements Open Dally From 1 to 11 P. M SBCENIC RAILWAY GALVESTON FLOOD YE OLD MILL HOUSE OF TROUBLE JAPANESE BALL GAMES DARKNESS AND DAWN CHILDREN'S PONY TRACK FOOLISH HOUSE (WALE'S TOUR of the WORLD CIRCLE SWING FERRIS WHEEL SHOOTING GALLERIES LARGEST DANCING PAVILION ON THE COAST. LARGE SWIMMING POOL ALWAYS OPEN. BAND CONCERTS EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. BALLOON ASCEN- M BION EVERY AFTERNOON AT 5 P. M. NEW NOVELTIES EVERY WEEK The Pfister A FAMILY RESORT FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN SPEND THESE HOT EVENINGB AT THE PFISTER. IT'S COOL THERE. FINEST MUSIC IN THE CITY BY THE The Metropolitan Orchestra Return of the Real Favorite MISS BESSIE TANNEHILL Singing Witmark's latest songs "The Door of Hope" and "Thats What the Rose Said to Me" ADMISSION FREE. CONCERTS EVERY EVENING 8 TO 12. The Pfhter Palm Garden, 815 Sprague Avenue DELICIOUSLY TEMPTING This hot weather, you will find our complete assortment of cold drinks. We have them all from the de- licious, foamy, fizzy ice cream soda to the wholesome lemon and lime concoctions. We consider it our duty and pleasure to make these hot. sweltering days more bearable for you, and If you'll just step in we'll let you be the judge of how well we have succeeded. Don't forget our line of swell hand- made candies when you want some- thing sweet. THE FERN 322-324 RIVERSIDE Phone 3197 WILL TRADE California fruit lands and Los An- geles city lots for Spokane prop- erty. Lots Lots $10 down and $10 a month, with water In front; graded achoola, tele- phones and electric Ug-hta; price $160 each. We can save jroa money on city property of any description. Beauchamp ft Wolklng Phone 48. 418 BmMISI AT. $3200 Brand naw 6 room modern cottage, full attic and basement, piped for furnace and gas, best of curley fir finish, Heath's ad- dition. $500 cash, balance to suit. $3500 6 room modern house, Cannon Hill, best off location. Terms to suit purchaser. The Exchange Furniture House HOUSEHOLD GOODS. BOUGHT AND 80LD 922-24-26 Sprague Ay. Tel. 2189. Babcock ® Moss 829 Riverside Spokane FINE PICTURE FRAMING OUR SPECIALTY G. M. Ross ART STORE Successor of C. J. Gandy Telephone 1040. 1023 Sprague. W LEARN SOMETHING tT ORTH WHILE Day and Night Classes. Knowledge of music not uecessary. Western School of Pisno Tuning and Repairing 222/2 DIVISION BTREET 2 room house; corner lot; woodshed, cellar; snap; $500, easy terms. 6 room modern house to trade for farm. Lot in Manito park. This, is a bargain. $300. Grocery and meat market doing good business. Owner has other business. Must sell or trade. Al kinds of trades. Baseball Suits See VARNEY HE MAKES 'EM 175 So. Howard St. Phone 2496. UNION JEWELRY ft LOAN CO. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY 7 WASHINGTON STREET W. E. Webster & Co. 412 Mohawk PHONE 9277 GREAT DISPLAY OF GRAND PIANOS IN The House of Quality" SHERMAN CLAY ft CO. 810 SPRAGUE AVENUE. Sam Crow CAMPING OUTFITS, Tents, Street Covers, Camp Stoves, Tinware, and everything that goes to complete the home of tho man or woman who wishes to live In the open during the com- ing hot season. We rent tents. 227-29 Riverside Ay. Phone 2494 Classified Advertisements Real Estate Inducements I FOR SALS. CrOR SALE?LOT ON TWENTY- sixth ay., Manito park, close to Grand; terms. Address 01328 At- lantic. ?20 Will sell you choice lots In Ltd- gerwood; reasonable, small pay- ment, perfect title, or will help you build a home. Some fine lots In Manito on term*. A good home In Union Park; 1658; ©any terms. Choice lota Cannon Hill; close in: part cash, balance lons time; 8 per cent interest. GRAY * McCUNB, First Avenue and Wall Street PERSONAL AMATEUR MUSICIANS, BOTH sexes, to form club. Address Z. care The Press. HELP WANTED?MALB. WANTED ? BRIGHT BOY TO carry papers on South side. See Marshall at Press office. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY?AbIe bodied unmarried men between the ages of 21 and 35; cttlsena of United States, of good character and tem- perate habits, who can apeak, read and write English. For Informa- tion, apply to Recruiting Officer, Itt 1-2 Howard st., Spokane. WE WANT TO UPHOLSTER, polish or repair your furniture. Prices reasonable Standard Up- holstering and Cabinet Works, 402 Fast Front. $15 REWARD PAID FOR RETURN of balloon lost last Friday from Natatorium Park. A. lngersoll. CAST OFF CLOTHING. Positively highest prices paid for east off clothing. Nttl Stevens. M> 17M. HORSESHOEING. Charles Staley. Paeiflo avenue ant Bernard street. US-14 PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. ~~ Freight, furniture, baggage and parcel delivery. Tel 399. 2204 COAL AND WOOD. PHONE 3391. The Press Is the only penny pa- per in the Inland Empire. Pioneer Employment Company Late Peerlesa Emp. Co. HEADQUARTERS COOKS AND WAITRESSES Cooke, waitresses, dishwashers, Kitchen Helpers, Chaimbermalds, wanted all the time. 512 GRANITE BLDG. Phone 119*. The Mason & Hamlin. Ivers 4 Pond Kurtzmann, Gaoler, Kroager, Starck, t'apen and other good pianos; all strictly high grade, at reasonable prices and terms to suit. BPOKANE PIANO HOUSE D. L. Bowers. Manager. Heath Block, 23 Monroe Street See us for bargains In vacant or Improved property. We have snaps. CARR BROS. & CO. GALENA BLOCK PHONE 1783 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, BOC TO $1.00 HOTEL MONICA OPPOSITE CITY HALL Corner Howard and Front PHONE 9062 Don't take "Busy" for an an- swer when you want 469 for we have two phones of the same number. INDEPENDENT MESSENGERS We carry a full line of trusses and elastic bandages. Perfect fit guaranteed. f;350 Soda Fountain for sale for $100. Good as new; only used one season. CLUB PHARMACY Special Attention to Prescriptions 302 Riverside Aye., cor. Bernard New Dessert Bldg. Phone 794. Spokane, Wash. You Can Build a Home that will be of ever increasing value, one that will mean an income for life, by making the first payment on an irrigated m tract at East Greenacres The first payment la all you need worry about ?the land will do the rest; the finest investment in the Spokane valley is awaiting the man who grasps opportunities. Your first pay« ment is a small amount, the future payments the land will earn. It is the best investment tor your money today. Let us prove It to you. BecHer & Thompson 110 Stevens Street. Phone ISM.

The Pfister $3200 - Chronicling America · NO USE! MARS CAN'T HEAR A WORD WE SAY LEANS LATEST STAR The 150,000 club "Leans" are of- fering big money Tor information on lean ball players

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LEANS LATEST STARThe 150,000 club "Leans" are of-

fering big money Tor informationon lean ball players. They havesecured some of the greatestfreaks on earth in the long, lankand slender line. The latest ac-quisition is a champion?for "lean"hut if he can play ball or not isn'tnecessary. He is Yolen Y. Wil-liams, of Phoenix, B. C, who Isknown as the longest man on earth.

Y. Y. W. is 7 feet tall If an inch,weighs 133 pounds and has a waistmeasurement of 215. He has a facelike a baby and he likes highballs.He Is 1 of tbe best known miningexperts on earth aud Is in the em-ploy of the Jay P. Graves peoplo.

WO bed ever manufactured fitsYolen. He litis an awful time athotels and usually hires a suite ofrooms, with a bed In each, pulls thebeds together at the door andsleeps all over them both.

The "Fats" and "Leans" will bemarred under the personal direc-tion of Fred H. Gaston, secretary,«r rather "sign maker," for theEnakops. The date for the gameis not set.


There hasn't been any particulardemonstration in the red ftre line?Inee tbe announcement yesterday

<? the release of Umpire Gus Klopfnt there is a general feeling of

satisfaction about it because Gus,good enough fellow at almost alltimes .doesn't get along in a ballgame and is worse than poor onpome of his decisions.

It is stated that GUI nas been get-ting fat so raptdTy that his eyesalmost closed and be couldn't see."Red" Khret, who is said to havestraightened up, was resigned.President, W. H. Lucas disciplined"Red" a while back for trying toumpire with a souse on.

SPORTING SNAP SHOTSIt is whispered that Connie

Mack and Rube Waddell havereached a final rupturo and thatthe uncertain southpaw will betraded to the New York Americans.

Tommy Burns is kept as busyas a bu/.7. saw these days answer-ing challenges.

Miss May Sutton, champion ten-nis player of Great Britain, andJVltss Sears, American champion,may meet during August iv the trl-State tourney at Cincinnati,

i A critic observes that whenVsgulara are maimed the White

Sox play Just, as fast ball with sub-stitutes. This Is why they areworld's champions.

A team of English cricketerswill visit the United States In Sep-tember.

Artie Brouthers, formerly of theAthlstles, is said to be playing Inthe Western association under thename of Sisters. Artie might donskirts if he wants to make the dis-guise complete.

Those 3 Freemens ?John, Jerry«nd James, members of the Mln-

Cieapolis team, are causing scorersots of trouble.

Few fans know that SammyStrang served his apprenticeshipwith Undo Sam as a second lieu-tenant in the war with Spain.

Rogers Breunahun has rejoined.\u25a0 the Giants.

Sir Thomas Llpton Is consider-ing again trying for the Americancup.

The latest bit of good news IsManager Eddie Qutun has

signed Clafiin, who ope MM Usjsjtpitching season with Tacoma.where he did good work, then wentto Seattle and turned out punk.With the Steady support the Spo-kane bunch gives their pitchers.Clafiln should make gooil and

Sirove a valuable addition, etc. Heb a good pitcher with the proper

environment.Little Ulck Hyland Is angry at

Clarence English. Dick and Geo.Decker were to fight at Omaha onthe fourth but because the $500guarantee was not in the house,Dick wouldn't don the nilts. Helays the blame for the small at-tendance on English, who. he says,knocked the match so thoroughlyand consistently that he practically?polled It. Hyland and "Red-headed" MeCllntlc are in Chicago.

Tlv Keeling, who has alwaysbossed Jimmy Brltt's camps, is atIt again, getting the Native SonInto shape to lick the Dane. Krel-tug now claims to have his man de-

veloping a block that will with-stand all the Battler's wallops.Jimmy and the Dane are due to

do battle on July 31.Willie Britt, the "cigar sign," Is

already talking about matching hisbrother Immy with Joe Gans ?ifJimmy beats Battling Nelson.Jimmy might, and then again, hemightn't.

Louie Long will leave today forCalgary, B. C., with his manager,Dem Gay. Louie has taken a longrest and is now In the best ofshape of his life, not counting thetimes he was whipping Greasers.Louie anticipates battles withKid Sealer, Billy Louder, "IheScot," and Barney Mullin, at Cal-gary. All those fighters are therenow.

Sealer and Louder are matchedto tight the latter part, of thismonth. Louder has been overfrom Great Britain only a year. HeIs said to be very clever. He didn'tland in New York the first thingand get licked by some of theyoungsters in the east, but travel-ed west to loam something aboutthe American style fll-st Abouttbe third match he had he won a15-roUnd decision over BarneyMullin. Harney, by the way, isbig as a house.

Calgary is now the sporting cen-ter of the northwest. They fight,box, race and in fact any sort of


me, father; forgive me!" shrieked,beautiful Florence Schenck, daugh- >tor of Or. Powhatan S. Schenck, aformer surgeon In the United Statesnavy, and granddaughter of a form-er governor of Virginia; and thohaughty father, wno iv a momentof anger and outraged pride hadcast his daughter aside and dis-owned her, clasped the fair girl Inhis arms and whispered to her thewords which made glad her tur-bulent heart.

For a tragedy had come into thelife of Florence Schenck, once thebelle of Norfolk, and she was moan-ing upon her bed Iv anguish.

She bad Just returned from Eu-rope, whither she bad gone, as shefirmly believed, she declares, as thewife of ('has. 11. Wilton, the high-salaried trainer and manager ofyoung Alfred Gwynne Vandei bllt'sshow horses.

After their return from abroadWilson scornfully cast her aside,saying that bis true and only wifeawaited him at Oratige. N. J.

Hut what did Wilson csre fey thefuture of this beautiful young wom-an, hardly out of her teens, who ac-cusses him of the basest deception?

"Well," he said, after the newsof their affair became public, "Isupposes this means the end of my$20,000 job."

His Job?that was his first andonly thought. His Job ?not theyoung woman?was "all the world"to him.

Hut the aged father, stern and

Will we ever speak to the peo-ple of Mars?

Prof. Chas. S. Howe, of CaseSchool of Applied Science, Cleve-land, and a common sense scientist,says emphatically "Never."

He drew two eclipses on paper,one to show" the path of the earthand the other that of Mars.

"Now this year we are as near toMars as we ever get. 38,000,000miles, and we must wait 15 yearsbefore we get this close again," hesaid.

"The most powerful telescopeswe have magnify 2,500 times. Thatis equivalent to seeing over 15,000miles with the naked eye or, in apractical illustration, a city thesi/.e of London on Mars wouldlook as big as a pin point atarm's length.

"Is Mars inhabited? So far asclimatic conditions are concernedit might be, but astronomers havenot yet proved that it is.

"We know for a certainty thatMars has the same seasons wehave, but her year is almost twiceas long, consisting of 687 days thatare practically the same length asour day.

athletic game may be pulled off Ifit appears to be on the square.They don't fake quite so fast inCanada as they do in this country?the country is newer. But theyfake a little, just the same.


Philadelphia 0, Chicago 1; Brook-lyn 1, Pittsburg 4; Boston 0-4, St.Louis 1-2.


Chicago 15, New York O;St.Louis 2, Boston 5.


BERLIN, July 16.?The marriageof United States Senator Beve-ridge, of Indiana, and Miss Cathe-rine Eddy, of Chicago, will occurat the American legation here Au-gust 7. It was originally plannedfor the wedding to take place inAmerica.


Watson's GuaranteedAnodyne AAn IIAto removecorn MIIUIILa,lCorns-curf iiMnniri B«"'°n ».




proud though ho was, aud as deeplyas he grieved for the unintentionaldisgrace which his charming daugh-ter had brought iv ills fond heart,folded the beautiful girl to hisbreast, and immediately planned totake her back to the home whichshe had deserted in a moment ofmisguided sentiment.

It was last October that FlorenceSchenck first met Chas. H. Wilson.He was in charge of the Vanderbilthorses then. She was an enthusias-tic equestrienne herself, and theirfriendship developed rapidly.

October 19, 1906, she declares,they were married. Later they wentto Kit rope. Wilson denies the mar-riage but will say nothing more.Miss Schenck declares that on 1occasion, when they were diningwith the Vanderbilts, Mr. Vander-bilt read aloud from a newspaperan announcement of her engage-ment to Lieut en lit Aahton, of theUnited States army, and that Wil-sou became so excited he droppeda plate onto the floor. Later, shedeclares, Wilson demanded thatshe cancel her engagement to Lieu-tenant Asbton, and that she did so,becoming the "wife" of Wilsonsoon after the close of tho Norfolkhorse show.

"My life is wrecked," moansbeautiful Florence Schenck; butshe is going back lo Norfolk, se-cure in the love of her proud fath-er, to face whatever embarrass-ment may confront her snd what-ever criticism there may be fromthe frlonds over whom ah* oncereigned as queen.



I "Astronomer Perclval Lowell, at

I his observatory in Flagstaff, Ariz.,has shown by his maps that themountain peaks are snow-capped

in the winter, and in the spring

the water flows down the valleys

into canals that are 50 miles wide,and then vegetation springs up.He calls these streams canals, notbecause they are artificial, but be-cause the Martian waterways runin a straight line to the oceans in-stead of meandering, as ours do.

"Until our telescopes are In-creased in power many fold, ourdetermination of the physical geo-graphy of Mars are at a standstill,

but with the spectroscope muchvaluable information is being ga-

thered concerning her composition.

"If Mars is Inhabited, and we ofthe earth should want to communi-cate with her, It would be donewith flashes of light, but thiswould be unintelligent because ofwant of a code, and the impossi-bility of arranging one.

"No, we will never talk withMars, even though we find she isinhabited. Remember, 38,000,000miles is a long way off."

The Columbia Theater teamwent out to Natatorium park thismorning figuring they would playball some with the lngersoll team.It was merely a delusion. The parkchampions accumulated 19 runswhile the Columbia aggregationwere organizing 1. And the champssay it wasn't a very good day forbaseball either.

THREE STEAMERS TO BT. JOEFor delightful outing on lake

and river take electric trains leav-ing Spokane Terminal 6:30 and8 a. m., or 1:10 p. m., connectingwith steamers going through to St.Joe on beautiful shadowy St.Joe river. 200 mile round trip,made in one day. ?17 ***

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat a special meeting of the

stockholders of the Ophir Gold &

Copper Mining Co. will be held atthe office of the company. No. 5S. Howard st., Spokane, Washing-ton, on the 27th day of July, 1907,at 7:30 o'clock P. M., for the pur-pose of ratifying and confirraing thesale, exchange, leasing, bonding andmortgaging for the consideration ofninety thousand ($90,000) dollars,to be paid therefor within eighteen(18) months, and for ten per centof tbe capital stock of a companyto be organized, to Henry H. Arm-stead jr.. made on the 15th day ofJune, 1907. at a meeting of thestockholders and trustees, of all ofthe following described property,theretofore belonging to said com-pany, and situated in Ophlr MiningDistrict, Powell county, Montana,to-wit:

The Ophlr lode mining claim, sur-vey No. 7501.

The Ophir No. 2 lode miningclaim, survey No. 7502.

The Spokane lode mining claim,survey No. 7503.

The Sunrise lode mining claim,survey No. 7504.

The Katie Allen lode miningclaim, survey No. 7507.

And also to authorize the sale,conveyance, leasing, bonding andmortgaging to aud by him of allthe following described property be-longing to said company, and sit-uated in said mining district,county and state, and which wasintended to be transferred to himby said stockholders and trusteesmeeting, In the resolutions passedthereat, and by the deed given forthe before-mentioned property tohim, to-wit: The Ophir No. 3, andthe Tiger quartz lode claim, andall leases, bonds, deeds and agree-ments with reference thereto, andalso all of the rights of said com-pany in and to any property orproperty rights, situated in saidOphir Mining District, and

You are hereby notified that theforegoing comprises all of the min-ing property and mining rights ofsaid corporation, and especially allof the same situated in said countyand state;

And you are further notified thatsaid meeting will he held for thepurpose of transacting any and allother business which may come be-fore the same, and authorizing thesale, conveyance, leasing, bondingand disposing of, for money orstock In other corporations, anyand all of the property of the com-pany, and the ratification and con-fti-matlou of all and every act doneby the stockholders meeting, or thetrustees with reference to the sale,transfer, conveyance, exchange ordisposal of any and all of the prop-erty of the corporation for moneyor stock in another corporation, orin a corporation to be orgauUed,and the transferring, leasing, bond-ing or mortgaging of the same.

Dated this 25th day of Juno.1907.

j w. f. McCarthy.v ' Secretary.

Columbia TheatreGeo. M. Dreher, Mgr. Tel. 311.

"Sookane's CooK<t Theater"TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT


Special Summer Engagement


THEMANOFHER CHOICEChange of play weekly.Prices?loc, 20c, 30c. Seats now

selling.Next week ?"Beware of Men."

WASHINGTON THEATERGeo. C. Blakealee, Manager



» .J-Matinee every day. Two per-

formances every eveningPrices ?15 and 25 cents.

THE AUDITORIUMa C. Hayward. Mgr. Tel M. 1141


and all the week, with Saturdaymatinee


Prices ?Reserved, evening: 60c,40c and 25c.

Matinees ?Adults, 25c; children,10c.


New and second hand. Webuy and sell new arid secondband goods. Highest cash pricespaid. 1119 First Aye. Phone 3925




Inland Junk andHide Co.

Office, 1012-14 East Main Ay*.1


DR. MEANSJig/a MAIN AYE. Phone 611S

J'he Spokane Press delivered 25ts per month.


DIRECTION INGERSOLL AMUSEMENT CO.Audley lngersoll, Director General


Amusements Open Dally From 1 to 11 P. M







The Metropolitan OrchestraReturn of the Real Favorite

MISS BESSIE TANNEHILLSinging Witmark's latest songs "The Door of Hope" and

"Thats What the Rose Said to Me"


The Pfhter Palm Garden, 815 Sprague Avenue

DELICIOUSLY TEMPTINGThis hot weather, you will find ourcomplete assortment of cold drinks.We have them all from the de-licious, foamy, fizzy ice creamsoda to the wholesome lemon andlime concoctions. We consider itour duty and pleasure to makethese hot. sweltering days morebearable for you, and If you'll juststep in we'll let you be the judgeof how well we have succeeded.Don't forget our line of swell hand-made candies when you want some-thing sweet.

THE FERN322-324 RIVERSIDE Phone 3197

WILL TRADECalifornia fruit lands and Los An-

geles city lots for Spokane prop-


Lots Lots$10 down and $10 a month, with

water In front; graded achoola, tele-

phones and electric Ug-hta; price $160


We can save jroa money on city

property of any description.

Beauchamp ft WolklngPhone 48. 418 BmMISI AT.

$3200Brand naw 6 room

modern cottage, fullattic and basement,piped for furnace andgas, best of curleyfir finish, Heath's ad-dition. $500 cash,balance to suit.

$35006 room modern house,Cannon Hill, best offlocation. Terms tosuit purchaser.

The Exchange FurnitureHouse


922-24-26 Sprague Ay. Tel. 2189. Babcock® Moss

829 RiversideSpokane



Successor of C. J. GandyTelephone 1040. 1023 Sprague.


ORTH WHILEDay and Night Classes.

Knowledge of music not uecessary.Western School of Pisno Tuning

and Repairing222/2 DIVISION BTREET

2 room house; corner lot;woodshed, cellar; snap; $500,easy terms.

6 room modern house totrade for farm.

Lot in Manito park. This,is a bargain. $300.

Grocery and meat marketdoing good business. Ownerhas other business. Mustsell or trade.

Al kinds of trades.

Baseball SuitsSee VARNEY

HE MAKES 'EM175 So. Howard St. Phone 2496.




W. E. Webster & Co.412 Mohawk

PHONE 9277


The House of Quality"



CAMPING OUTFITS, Tents,Street Covers, Camp Stoves,Tinware, and everything thatgoes to complete the home of thoman or woman who wishes tolive In the open during the com-ing hot season. We rent tents.

227-29 Riverside Ay. Phone 2494

Classified AdvertisementsReal Estate Inducements


CrOR SALE?LOT ON TWENTY-sixth ay., Manito park, close to

Grand; terms. Address 01328 At-lantic. ?20

Will sell you choice lots In Ltd-gerwood; reasonable, small pay-ment, perfect title, or will help youbuild a home.

Some fine lots In Manito on term*.A good home In Union Park; 1658;

©any terms.Choice lota Cannon Hill; close in:

part cash, balance lons time; 8 percent interest.

GRAY * McCUNB,First Avenue and Wall Street


AMATEUR MUSICIANS, BOTHsexes, to form club. Address Z.

care The Press.


WANTED ? BRIGHT BOY TOcarry papers on South side. See

Marshall at Press office.

WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY?AbIebodied unmarried men between theages of 21 and 35; cttlsena of United

States, of good character and tem-perate habits, who can apeak, readand write English. For Informa-tion, apply to Recruiting Officer,Itt 1-2 Howard st., Spokane.

WE WANT TO UPHOLSTER,polish or repair your furniture.

Prices reasonable Standard Up-holstering and Cabinet Works, 402Fast Front.

$15 REWARD PAID FOR RETURNof balloon lost last Friday from

Natatorium Park. A. lngersoll.


Positively highest prices paid foreast off clothing. Nttl Stevens. M>17M.


Charles Staley. Paeiflo avenue antBernard street. US-14


Freight, furniture, baggage andparcel delivery. Tel 399. 2204


The Press Is the only penny pa-per in the Inland Empire.

Pioneer EmploymentCompany

Late Peerlesa Emp. Co.


Cooke, waitresses, dishwashers,Kitchen Helpers, Chaimbermalds,wanted all the time.512 GRANITE BLDG. Phone 119*.

The Mason & Hamlin. Ivers 4 PondKurtzmann, Gaoler, Kroager, Starck,

t'apen and other good pianos; allstrictly high grade, at reasonableprices and terms to suit.


Heath Block, 23 Monroe Street

See us for bargains In vacant orImproved property. We have snaps.





Corner Howard and Front

PHONE 9062

Don't take "Busy" for an an-swer when you want

469for we have two phones of thesame number.INDEPENDENT MESSENGERS

We carry a full line of trussesand elastic bandages. Perfect fitguaranteed.

f;350 Soda Fountain for salefor $100. Good as new; only

used one season.

CLUB PHARMACYSpecial Attention to


302 Riverside Aye., cor. BernardNew Dessert Bldg. Phone 794.

Spokane, Wash.

You Can Build a Homethat will be of ever increasing value, one that will mean anincome for life, by making the first payment on an irrigatedm tract at

East GreenacresThe first payment la all you need worry about ?the land will

do the rest; the finest investment in the Spokane valley isawaiting the man who grasps opportunities. Your first pay«ment is a small amount, the future payments the land will earn.It is the best investment tor your money today. Let us prove

It to you.

BecHer & Thompson110 Stevens Street. Phone ISM.