JL_ THE PENNSYDv-XNIAN VOLUME XXXIV—No. 3 PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1918 PRICE, THREE CENTS OFFICIAL ORDERS FOR NAVAL TRAINING UNIT Emitted Men in Naval Training Unit to Report To-day for Mutter at Houston Hall. THREE MONTHS TERM FOR NAVY Many quarto havo been received rea irdlng the exact status of men on- rolled In the Naval I'nlt. The moat recent Information yet received' on this subject Riven in correated cir- cular letter vent by Admiral Palmar, of the Hurenu of Navigation. I'pon these general orders Captain nispbam is building up the unit. A notice from the Commandant Naval Cult orders all men enlisted in the Naval t'nit to re- port in the rear of Houston Hall at :i o'clock today for the first ml! call and muster. Admiral Palmer 1 ! letter reads la part: "Students subject to draft de- siring to enroll in the United Itatai Nival lull or Naval Section of the S. A T. C at i on.on peetfM institu- tion! which have been assigned aa N ivaj Quotas shall make application to the Navy Department'! repreaei i tive at the Institution tor entranoi into the NUVJ "Application! shall be oonaldered in the order iu which tiled, and appli- cants shall, i,pon satisfactorily meet- ing the physical requirement! for en- terlng the Navy, be admitted Into Uu Naval Reserve force as apprentice sea men on October 1 " \n onrolliirg officer of the Navy will be at the institution prior to Oc- tober i, to perfect arrangements toe enrollment in accordance with the regulation agi d upon by the PFai IVpartment and the Navy Depart ntent. The number accepted from any Institution shall not exceed the quota assigned to that institution without permission or the War Department. "The curriculum of the I'nited States Naval Cnitg shall be based upon a term of three months, similar to that followed by the 8. A. T. C. There shall be a prefactory course for line officers and basic engineering courses to meet the engineering re- quirements of the Navy. Instructions as to tbe courses will be Issued by the Navy Department from time to time. "Commandants of the United States Naval units shall. In conjunction with college authorities, arrange courses subject to approval of the Navy De- partment. "Members of the United States Naval Cults and the Naval sections of the S. A. T. C. will, after a certain period, be selected according to their performance and assigned to Naval duty In l training camp." In January, or at the end of the Drat term, II li estimated thai about 26 per cent will be sent oat and i i to wissai ii kiiu Barracks or Other training camps for more prac- tical training. Those sent at this time win be selected from the men who are 20 years of sga i r over Assignments after January will be made In accord nnce with rales adopted by tfic Navy Department, USUAL CHAPEL EXERCISES START TO-DAY IN HOUSTON Daily Chapel services, which have always been a feature of undergradu- ate life at the University, will start to- day, in recent years the exerol I have been conducted by the Christian 1 Delation, under the direct super- vision of the i'rovost, who is con- cerned ill having students lorm (In- habit of attending Chapel, U ret it is not known hour the s. A. T. c. regulations win effect the Chapel exercises, it is expected that an Important place will bo given lo these religious exercises In tbe mili- tary program. The tervil S today will be held at the regular hour, 11.06 to LSJa P, M., In the Houston Hall auditorium, for Students of all departments Chapel will COBSlSl of simple devotional exer- cises and announcements conducted by tbe I'rovost and Rev, John It Han. -ecretan of the Chapel section of the Christian Association. CAMPUS DAILY ISSUES ANNUAL CALL FOR HEELERS Prof. Harbeson to Attend Camp. Professor William P. Harbeson for- merly of the English Department of the College, has be-n accepted In the Artillery Ollicers' Training Corps at Camp Zaciiaiy Taylor, Louisville, Ky. He expect! to be called within two weeks. Professor Harbeson has b isn connected wiih the Bngllah Depart- ment for six ,\ears. and was well liked bv all who studied under him. Plattsburq Men Now Instructor!. Many of the Dnlvenlty men who went i" Plattaburg last rear were given commission! in the Army, as were also many Phflsdelphlens freei other local colleges, other Pennsyl- vania's who did not remain, for the secceid camp have been drilling clvil- i-.i.- at the Manhelm 'Ticket club of G intown. preparing 'hem for the > ! tvfjen they receive their call to c col >rs. War Simplifies Competition and Lightens Work on Only Remain- ing Publication. Owing" i,, Hi.- fact that The I'.-im sylvanlan is now the official publics tlon o: the B A T C aad the Naval Cult, a great opportunity is open to eandldates im- Hie board llolh edi- torial Bnd bllsill-SS "heelers" are i led badly, as only a few of la.-i year's editors have returned to the i ni\• rait] Competition this year wOJ last only two months, whereas In format ii lasted seven months, Men o a me out now will therefore !>• eligi- ble for election to the board about the first of December. The work of the editorial "heelers" conalstl of gathering news around the campus and writing ii up for the paper, while the time of the business "heelers" is engaged chiefly with get- ting subscriptions and solictlng adver- tisements and general clerical work around the office. Those who have had any previous experience In either business or editorial work on prepara- tory school magazines are especially urged to come out. However, experi- ence is not necessary, and anyone who comes OUt and shows the ability to do Hi- work assigned will be elected. Candidates report at the office twice dally: at lt.M and !> o'clock Assign meats are given out at noon. Husl nei's "heelers" are asked 'o report at 7 o'clock 'his evening. MUSEUM EXTENDS ACTIVITIES. Art'sts Will Explain Collec'iong to V sitors—New Curator Here. Bv rj day, In ginnini October l. a profei lonal artist will be at the Uni varsity Museum to assist those who ci ma to seek Information regarding its arcs .v new i orator «in ssslal visitors In the Mesopotamia!!, (ireclan. Italian ami Egyptian collections. An Information desk win be placed near the entrance for further aid. The management considers thai the time baa come when the Museum should become a bigger factor in the commercial as well ns artistic life of the community, especially "ince our nation, by its Inventive genlna, will replace in a way the art treasure! which are being destroyed In the aid world. CAMPUS VOLUNTEERS WILL RAISE $50,000 Each Dorm, to Be Canvrned an Hour in Fourth Liberty Loan Di ive. » *— COMMITTEE TO REPORT TO-DAV. Plftj thousand doll ITS has been I ai I he goal ol be I aivi i iltj' V i i teer Committee In the oampm or the Fourth Ubert] Loan. Barrack . daSSH in and campus will be can- - 'i ' the laal Individual to ml i i lie amount. The plan of campaign T,> p.- followed by the eommlttee, i blob la oompt I of noil members of ilie military units, was outlined last night ay ii. M Juiti, Jr., chairman of Ilie I'nivcrsity Coin mittee. The military aut km II Dated a certain hour lor BSi b 'lorm barraeka to be canvaaaed i < t lug this b> in- ill occupants Of thai term, «iii be ordered to remain In quarten and two i is ibers ol tl a co n i u ill Intel t lav each man. in Ii ixpected evei the s \ T. C and Mas il i 1 a reached, and thot •• not In n ml*i a in be cant aased cm the i ai lid 'ii ' bars ol the null a have a I , i. "iitii. .inci ,i me remnladt udenta are doing n i military w rk •- axpm ti i '!.,o aearlj ei try man ! ill.' | ilie. Definite and aatli ai tory an i 'ni I h.ive been made a hereby !i Sill be possible for each Individn ! ids ft r pay D II I No I isli will lie en JJ the i am r . ! ibers » ill be taken c are Ol h\ own batiks in three waj < i can paj Immi dlately. (t) The) ui i ij by the month, (S) Thej i an pa) by the weak, A button will be lain i iinmedintely. All volunteers who repor ad tl Bat- urday's meeting and all additional men who wish to offer their servo M will report at 12.30 sharp today on tlie second floor of Houston Hall At this time red. white and blue volun teer badges and plenty of subscription blanks will be given out. Each man will select the most satisfactory hour to canvaas the dorm, and the week's drive will be on. The co-eds. under Miss Kannle llaum, have planned to place booths in all Important highways on Hie cam pus, and In tills way will reman many who do not live near the campus. MASS-MEETING TO AROUSE SPIRIT FOR FOURTH LOAN To arouse In , ., nong residents and students ol the W.-t Philadelphia Liberty Loan dlstrii t, n msti r i UOe Ing has been planned for lo-night. E* Ii in! i] in ii 11 note rill >aki the affair a iui i s, The patriot! M will gather I - i U , in the a idlfc rlt .a ol the weal i i ii id l| il. High Si hot I, at Forty- n and Walnui itn Bouaa'i Oraai Lukes Bandi which w n favor on Ihe campus laal j ar, win be on hand to furnish patri i muilc, Pannie Hunt, the well-known ». Itiir oi penful short it irfee, and William klather Lawia, preeldenl of ihe Allied Patriotic Society, arc ng tile speakers. Mrs. l-'arritigton Smith is the vocal soloist for the oc- casion. O,tic-is who will help make Hi" occasion well worth attending an William .\ Shaffer, prer'.dent ol the Pennsylvania Bar association and Lieutenant Angus l-'lelc lic-r. of '..• Royal Hots,- Artillery, The purpose' eeting is Intended to arouse pi -i' ne i . , ha . I Bin portion o, the I bert) Loan. FIRST SCKIIMAGg OF YEAR SHOWS GOOD PROSPECTS S. A. T. C. INDUCTION WILL BEGIN AT CNCE Me:i Must Occupy Rooms in D- iiito- rle! as Soon as Cots and Bed- d ng A.c Issued. Ligh'.'g Return Greatly Strengthen! Varnt/ Sackfie d—Folwell Lack» Punter. I i - lecta tor a winning Penns) I ill pi uved yes ti rd i> wben "Hob y" Light, tai hall bad, ... Tl . arrived la i V> illl Light*! return the bat i 'i . aatly itrengthened. Polwell put tin- men through the scrimmage Saturday, whan hs gave tiieni a forty in a minute gai For so early in the year, the aaplranti showed unusual form, and the i billtles of developing a new line scetn very good. Approximately sixty men have now reported for football practice, and some very good material has shown up. With the shorter time allowed for practice. Coach Folwell expects to get more out of the men than previously. Formerly the candidates were never all out for practice at the same time, but when military discipline Is mixed In. the co-operation of the men will be complete. Track Coach Lewson Rob- ertson will continue to give Ihe men the dally calesthenlc drill, and It Is expected that this will improve the | -tile l.-ncy of the practice lo a large extent It took the 'Varsity twenty niinu'es to score tl,e only touchdown of the Red Croas Expects Many D cenrded game, which Speaks well for the de- CAMPAIGN FOR OLD CLOTHES. TRAINING FOR MEN UNDER 18. Final ai i |,,<.. tlon 11 the tudenl i- dents' An y Training l Idly bel | leted th and the It! IT Of I ! !, \ ,, '• ci ic ih" i Diversity I . y. The iweai " - win begin io- morrou and will continue until Octo* ber 16, Che : aal date tor Indu tlon. As soon l | ' II le | tl r II '.: Ion the men will be In ted tht Ir ei ulax men! and pis unitary ord The men an iupi i led to occui Ir quarter! from I i ol their indue- ;.•,!, tmt they -i until , , an "A , , : be Issued tit first, i.ui ,.- . ex- i . er reti I i, The ara pern anei si i U i uigel 'ill ' ' I ' . ' c-d)l on i o>t. Quarters will be assigned afl the i ". I I ' ' I" cl ';.;'' - .'. ,:,.||. nlte nrovh Ion i ,r III" ' M ' ed vic# r an Within a ah irt tit--- Major t: iintbi " ; 'i I I moti enl i-rn> it'*: tl i will be al MS Sd ' ' Is s ; inf. other nelni - i f eiii.i , |so In doubt and the < :- : - tan urges the nun to ex ; \t llttlaH patience nnt i of* den an- publli I i Students under IS will be ' ued to take Mllitin Training. l»u they will be obliged to furrlsh ' o»g Uniforms and make arrangemeits for their own accommodations outside of the dormitories. Definite inforr.'ailosj; concerning the training to be given these men will be issued as soon as tlie regular S. A. T. ('. members have been Inducted and equipped. LATE DR. LEARNED HONORED. Garments from S. W. T. C. Men. In view of the fact that many of the fraternity tunjaa i an no' I i Ing a l*i ler il cleaning, pranar ttorj I ing tbe housei oi er to the fenetva work of the Scrubs. Pried-J man i and and Armstrong al guard' showed good work In breaking up the an I '••' oi ase Bupplee, Parmakl i, j Ron i ikj : :i«t Ni \ m, v. ho i re play- Ing on tht "Varair* i en the b -.. „., the Christ! B latl n ha. '''"''" *• * rtHngllne arranged a 1th the Red c nd the Emergent y Aid to - oil I anj i I wiih ii the rraternll let maj be to give to the Belgians. Tl a date a i i| Provost Vielts Daily Office. ijist night The Penneylvanlan was honored by n visit from Provost Smith. The i'rovost examined the rooms and equipment of the daily and expressed eatlafat tlon after the inspec- tion. Dr. Bi ittl " a Inti sted ho Ihe working! or the linotype machine as explained 6y P HTarry Mack, thd ran ann campus llnotyplst. and cat Ned away his name u;, n a b-aden slug. lectio,, ha i ft Tw. l "'I'" 1 "" ' . . I Illl I I ..I , I At preaenl the only big thing 11 Ing to mi ke a inning team I - a puntor, Ray Miller, broth "Heinle" , Miller, see i ho ilie only possibility Mils week. Purther particulars In gani to the nrataraity bouaa collection -viii be given In to-morrow moral I'eiinsylv inian. Purthermon, since Penn IJ hn ola itudenta are toon t i don aiue or khako, the Christian I tlon, i th the aid of the Red Cross and the E gency Aid, havi anp< a!< ii to the u dents to give Ihelr "c ii-'' Clothe 10 this worthy caUBO, I rOO > ' ill be held al the - . , >i > me dal i to be ai w u II The recent order forbidding any overalghl tripe 'luring the month of October may causa the cancellation of the Plttsb 'i-gii game, which Ii schi I nled for the Nth, The game with Pmnklln and Marshall, BUCgnell and Bwarthmore arc , srtalni las, BO 1 Portrait Will Be Presented by Former Friend! ind Student!. At the opening exercises of the Graduate School of Ihe t'niverslly, next Thursday morning in tlie audltO- rluiu of Houston Hall, a portrait or Dr. Marion D, Learned, late Profeaeor of Qermanlc Lai gusgea and Literature, win be prnsented to the L'nlvervity \y his former itudeni 11 I friend i poi trail wai x<' ut< d by 1 I Nltzst' D. B, Bhuma tbe > committee, wl tlon i i Ii i i 8 lite and a le tui bj Lfgh D i Wltmer,! Pr te - lor of ] tn ii torn ' i ceptlon to the new indents by Hie Fi.uiiy College of ' Howi and tho atudent body will follow. S. A. T. C. IN MEDICAL SCHOOL. Students Will Have Two Yes of Work, with No Vie.-.tion. Freshman Regulation! Off since Hn- usual classification il tn denis (Freahman, B n I o e, J»i lor and Senior) has be, n il ' bed ' government, the Pri regul Ion are automatic ill] ah No! is the first year student i ipell id I i Wharton potters Ready Today ' fi r B, \. T. c. student ' e \ ol will be read] ! ' 0 at Room 1SB, Lo- gau HalL Dt in Hi Chilian urge W ' ' . .tit, got their roatera ..i once, in order to facilitate 5 class- room cirR.'ni' i;ion. S. A. T. C. Equipment Arr' % ) Detplte the unsettled eondilIon f the luiversily. the detail of so urlng eiitil|inieni for Ihe students la going on wtthoul Infdrruptmal Saturday l.#00 wear a skull enp rthejnei uniforms arrived This sbipi Sophomcret nd a'l I ith i ' IdtMon to th Ipmenl r,,r„.e.'v enforced by i ye»r on ly received], promisee the s, i odents. . ••'!,: mi trainini Medical School students Will bo automatically ln<] icted 9 A. T. ('., and will lu.v i all pa'l and reci ive the v iy of a private •". c Army. This is the latest! i i i the ofllce of D tan wi e . wl n iserl * I his i ullng » II pt double the aumbsr of gradnatea of the Medical School. The pre-medtcal students* nitn'ber* Ing about 400. will ' n- Blsting of tour ty ve eeka each. They - 111 hi re > Vac lion prior 'n entering thi lical I -'loci next fail, it ic thou hi bj t! Is i nngement Btud m< In tl I Depart'''cut may be Bbla to re :l- 1 al IBM thai will .' ' . ' y.

THE PENNSYDv-XNIAN - library.upenn.edu · regulation agi ownd upon by the PFai IVpartment and the ... Itiir oi penful short it irfee, and William ... unusual form, and the i of developing

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Emitted Men in Naval Training Unit

to Report To-day for Mutter

at Houston Hall.


Many quarto havo been received rea irdlng the exact status of men on- rolled In the Naval I'nlt. The moat recent Information yet received' on this subject i» Riven in ■ correated cir- cular letter vent by Admiral Palmar, of the Hurenu of Navigation. I'pon these general orders Captain nispbam is building up the unit. A notice from the Commandant Naval Cult orders all men enlisted in the Naval t'nit to re- port in the rear of Houston Hall at :i o'clock today for the first ml! call and muster.

Admiral Palmer1! letter reads la part: "Students subject to draft de- siring to enroll in the United Itatai Nival lull or Naval Section of the S. A T. C at i on.on ■peetfM institu- tion! which have been assigned aa N ivaj Quotas shall make application to the Navy Department'! repreaei i tive at the Institution tor entranoi into the NUVJ

"Application! shall be oonaldered in the order iu which tiled, and appli- cants shall, i,pon satisfactorily meet- ing the physical requirement! for en- terlng the Navy, be admitted Into Uu Naval Reserve force as apprentice sea men on October 1

" \n onrolliirg officer of the Navy will be at the institution prior to Oc- tober i, to perfect arrangements toe enrollment in accordance with the regulation agi d upon by the PFai IVpartment and the Navy Depart ntent. The number accepted from any Institution shall not exceed the quota assigned to that institution without permission or the War Department.

"The curriculum of the I'nited States Naval Cnitg shall be based upon a term of three months, similar to that followed by the 8. A. T. C. There shall be a prefactory course for line officers and basic engineering courses to meet the engineering re- quirements of the Navy. Instructions as to tbe courses will be Issued by the Navy Department from time to time.

"Commandants of the United States Naval units shall. In conjunction with college authorities, arrange courses subject to approval of the Navy De- partment.

"Members of the United States Naval Cults and the Naval sections of the S. A. T. C. will, after a certain period, be selected according to their performance and assigned to Naval duty In l training camp."

In January, or at the end of the Drat term, II li estimated thai about 26 per cent will be sent oat and i

i to wissai ii kiiu Barracks or Other training camps for more prac- tical training. Those sent at this time win be selected from the men who are 20 years of sga i r over Assignments after January will be made In accord nnce with rales adopted by tfic Navy Department,



Daily Chapel services, which have always been a feature of undergradu- ate life at the University, will start to- day, in recent years the exerol I have been conducted by the Christian

1 Delation, under the direct super- vision of the i'rovost, who is con- cerned ill having students lorm (In- habit of attending Chapel,

U ret it is not known hour the s. A. T. c. regulations win effect the Chapel exercises, it is expected that an Important place will bo given lo these religious exercises In tbe mili- tary program.

The tervil S today will be held at the regular hour, 11.06 to LSJa P, M., In the Houston Hall auditorium, for Students of all departments Chapel will COBSlSl of simple devotional exer- cises and announcements conducted by tbe I'rovost and Rev, John It Han. -ecretan of the Chapel section of the Christian Association.


Prof. Harbeson to Attend Camp.

Professor William P. Harbeson for- merly of the English Department of the College, has be-n accepted In the Artillery Ollicers' Training Corps at Camp Zaciiaiy Taylor, Louisville, Ky. He expect! to be called within two weeks. Professor Harbeson has b isn connected wiih the Bngllah Depart- ment for six ,\ears. and was well liked bv all who studied under him.

Plattsburq Men Now Instructor!.

Many of the Dnlvenlty men who went i" Plattaburg last rear were given commission! in the Army, as were also many Phflsdelphlens freei other local colleges, other Pennsyl- vania's who did not remain, for the

■ secceid camp have been drilling clvil- i-.i.- at the Manhelm 'Ticket club of G intown. preparing 'hem for the >! • tvfjen they receive their call to c col >rs.

War Simplifies Competition and

Lightens Work on Only Remain-

ing Publication.

Owing" i,, Hi.- fact that The I'.-im sylvanlan is now the official publics tlon o: the B A T C aad the Naval Cult, a great opportunity is open to eandldates im- Hie board llolh edi- torial Bnd bllsill-SS "heelers" are i led badly, as only a few of la.-i year's editors have returned to the i ni\• rait]

Competition this year wOJ last only two months, whereas In format ii lasted seven months, Men ■ o a me out now will therefore !>•■ eligi- ble for election to the board about the first of December.

The work of the editorial "heelers" conalstl of gathering news around the campus and writing ii up for the paper, while the time of the business "heelers" is engaged chiefly with get- ting subscriptions and solictlng adver- tisements and general clerical work around the office. Those who have had any previous experience In either business or editorial work on prepara- tory school magazines are especially urged to come out. However, experi- ence is not necessary, and anyone who comes OUt and shows the ability to do Hi- work assigned will be elected.

Candidates report at the office twice dally: at lt.M and !> o'clock Assign meats are given out at noon. Husl nei's "heelers" are asked 'o report at 7 o'clock 'his evening.


Art'sts Will Explain Collec'iong to

V sitors—New Curator Here.

Bv rj day, In ginnini October l. a profei lonal artist will be at the Uni varsity Museum to assist those who ci ma to seek Information regarding its

arcs .v new i orator «in ssslal visitors In the Mesopotamia!!, (ireclan. Italian ami Egyptian collections. An Information desk win be placed near the entrance for further aid.

The management considers thai the time baa come when the Museum should become a bigger factor in the commercial as well ns artistic life of the community, especially "ince our nation, by its Inventive genlna, will replace in a way the art treasure! which are being destroyed In the aid world.


Each Dorm, to Be Canvrned an Hour

in Fourth Liberty Loan

Di ive.


Plftj thousand doll ITS has been ■ I ai I he goal ol • be I aivi i iltj' V i i teer Committee In the oampm or the Fourth Ubert] Loan. Barrack . daSSH in and campus will be can-

• - ■ 'i ' the laal Individual to ml i i lie amount.

The plan of campaign T,> p.- followed by the eommlttee, i blob la oompt I of noil members of ilie military units, was outlined last night ay ii. M Juiti, Jr., chairman of Ilie I'nivcrsity Coin mittee. The military aut km II

Dated a certain hour lor BSi b 'lorm barraeka to be canvaaaed i <■ t lug this b> in- ill occupants Of thai term, «iii be ordered to remain In quarten and two i is ibers ol tl a co n

■ i u ill Intel t lav each man. in Ii ixpected evei

the s \ T. C and Mas il i 1 a reached, and thot •• not In n • ml*i a in be cant aased cm the i ai lid 'ii '

bars ol the null a have a I , i.

"iitii. .inci ,i me remnladt udenta are doing n i military w rk •- axpm ti i '!.,o aearlj ei try man

! ill.' | ilie.

Definite and aatli ai tory an i 'ni I h.ive been made a hereby !i Sill be possible for each Individn !

ids ft r pay D II I No I isli will lie en JJ the i am ■ r

. ! ibers » ill be taken c are Ol h\ own batiks in three waj ■ < i ■ can paj Immi dlately. (t) The) • ui i ij by the month, (S) Thej i an pa) by the weak, A button will be lain i iinmedintely.

All volunteers who repor ad tl Bat- urday's meeting and all additional men who wish to offer their servo M will report at 12.30 sharp today on tlie second floor of Houston Hall At this time red. white and blue volun teer badges and plenty of subscription blanks will be given out. Each man will select the most satisfactory hour to canvaas the dorm, and the week's drive will be on.

The co-eds. under Miss Kannle llaum, have planned to place booths in all Important highways on Hie cam pus, and In tills way will reman many who do not live near the campus.



To arouse In , ., nong residents and students ol the W.-t Philadelphia Liberty Loan dlstrii t, ■ n msti r i UOe Ing has been planned for lo-night. E* ■ Ii in! i] in ii 11 note rill >aki the affair a iui i s, The patriot! M will gather I - i U , in the a idlfc rlt .a ol the weal i i ii id l| il. High Si hot I, at Forty-

n and Walnui itn Bouaa'i Oraai Lukes Bandi which

w n favor on Ihe campus laal j ar, win be on hand to furnish patri i muilc, Pannie Hunt, the well-known ». Itiir oi penful short it irfee, and William klather Lawia, preeldenl of ihe Allied Patriotic Society, arc

ng tile speakers. Mrs. l-'arritigton Smith is the vocal soloist for the oc- casion. O,tic-is who will help make Hi" occasion well worth attending an William .\ Shaffer, prer'.dent ol the Pennsylvania Bar association and Lieutenant Angus l-'lelc lic-r. of '..•■ Royal Hots,- Artillery, The purpose'

eeting is Intended to arouse pi -i' ne i . , ■ ha

. I Bin portion o, the I bert) Loan.



Me:i Must Occupy Rooms in D- iiito-

rle! as Soon as Cots and Bed-

d ng A.c Issued.

Ligh'.'g Return Greatly Strengthen! Varnt/ Sackfie d—Folwell

Lack» Punter.

I i - lecta tor a winning Penns) I ill pi uved yes

ti rd i> wben "Hob y" Light, tai hall bad, ... Tl. arrived la

i V> illl Light*! return the bat i ■ 'i . aatly itrengthened. Polwell put tin- men through the

scrimmage Saturday, whan hs gave tiieni a forty in a minute gai For so early in the year, the aaplranti showed unusual form, and the i billtles of developing a new line scetn very good.

Approximately sixty men have now reported for football practice, and some very good material has shown up. With the shorter time allowed for practice. Coach Folwell expects to get more out of the men than previously. Formerly the candidates were never all out for practice at the same time, but when military discipline Is mixed In. the co-operation of the men will be complete. Track Coach Lewson Rob- ertson will continue to give Ihe men the dally calesthenlc drill, and It Is expected that this will improve the

| -tile l.-ncy of the practice lo a large extent

It took the 'Varsity twenty niinu'es to score tl,e only touchdown of the

Red Croas Expects Many D cenrded game, which Speaks well for the de-



Final ai ■ i |,,<.. tlon 11 the tudenl i- dents' An y Training l Idly bel | leted th and the It! IT Of I • ! !, \ ,,

'•■ci ic ih" i Diversity I • . y. The iweai " - win begin io- morrou and will continue until Octo* ber 16, Che : aal date tor Indu tlon.

As soon l | ' II le | tl r II '.: Ion the men will be In ted tht Ir ei ulax men! and pis unitary ord The men an iupi i led to occui Ir quarter! from I i ol their indue- ■ ;.•,!, tmt they -i until , , an

"A , , : • be Issued tit first, i.ui ,.-■. ■■ ex- i . er reti I i,

The ■ ara pern anei si i U i uigel 'ill ' ' I '■ . ' c-d)l

• ■■ on i o>t. Quarters will be assigned afl

the i ". ■ I I ' '■ I" cl ';.;'' • ■ - .'. ,:,.||.

nlte nrovh Ion ■ i ,r III" ' M ' ed vic# r an

Within a ah irt tit--- Major t: iintbi " ;'i I I moti ■ enl ■ i-rn> it'*: tl i will be al MS Sd ' ' Is s ■; inf. other nelni - i f eiii.i , |so In doubt and the < :-■:■- tan urges the nun to ex ; \t llttlaH patience nnt i of* den an- publli I • i

Students under IS will be ' ued to take Mllitin Training. l»u they will be obliged to furrlsh ' o»g Uniforms and make arrangemeits for their own accommodations outside of the dormitories. Definite inforr.'ailosj; concerning the training to be given these men will be issued as soon as tlie regular S. A. T. ('. members have been Inducted and equipped.


Garments from S. W. T. C. Men.

In view of the fact that many of the fraternity tunjaa i an no' I i Ing a l*i ler il cleaning, pranar ttorj I ing tbe housei oi er to the

fenetva work of the Scrubs. Pried-J man i and and Armstrong al guard' showed good work In breaking up the ▼an I '••' oi ase Bupplee, Parmakl i, j Ron i ikj :■:i«t Ni \ m, v. ho i re play- Ing on tht "Varair* i en the b

-..■„., the Christ! B ■ latl n ha. '''"''" *• *™ rtHngllne arranged a 1th the Red c nd the Emergent y Aid to - oil I anj i I wiih ii the rraternll let maj be to give to the Belgians. Tl a date a i i|

Provost Vielts Daily Office.

ijist night The Penneylvanlan was honored by n visit from Provost Smith. The i'rovost examined the rooms and equipment of the daily and expressed eatlafat tlon after the inspec- tion. Dr. Bi ittl " a Inti sted ho Ihe working! or the linotype machine as explained 6y P HTarry Mack, thd ran ann campus llnotyplst. and cat Ned away his name u;, n a b-aden slug.

lectio,, ha i ft Tw. l "'I'"1"" ' . . I Illl I I ..I ,■I •

At preaenl the only big thing 11 Ing to mi ke ■ a inning team I - a puntor, Ray Miller, broth "Heinle" , Miller, see ■ i ho ilie only possibility

Mils week. Purther particulars In gani to the nrataraity bouaa collection -viii be given In to-morrow moral I'eiinsylv inian.

Purthermon, since Penn IJ hn ola itudenta are toon t i don aiue or khako, the Christian I tlon, i th the aid of the Red Cross and the E gency Aid, havi anp< a!< ii to the u dents to give Ihelr "c ii-'' Clothe 10 this worthy caUBO, I rOO

> ' ill be held al the - . , >i > me dal i to be ai w u II

The recent order forbidding any overalghl tripe 'luring the month of October may causa the cancellation of the Plttsb 'i-gii game, which Ii schi I nled for the Nth, The game with Pmnklln and Marshall, BUCgnell and Bwarthmore arc , srtalni las, BO


Portrait Will Be Presented by Former

Friend! ind Student!.

At the opening exercises of the Graduate School of Ihe t'niverslly, next Thursday morning in tlie audltO- rluiu of Houston Hall, a portrait or Dr. Marion D, Learned, late Profeaeor of Qermanlc Lai gusgea and Literature, win be prnsented to the L'nlvervity \y his former itudeni 11 I friend i poi trail wai ■ x<' ut< d by 1 I Nltzst'

D. B, Bhuma tbe > committee, wl tlon i i

Ii i i 8 lite and a le tui bj Lfgh D i Wltmer,! Pr te - lor of ] tn ii torn ' i • ceptlon to the new indents by Hie Fi.uiiy College of '■ Howi and tho atudent body will follow.


Students Will Have Two Yes of Work, with No Vie.-.tion.

Freshman Regulation! Off

since Hn- usual classification il tn denis (Freahman, B n I o e, J»i lor and Senior) has be, n il ' bed ' government, the Pri regul Ion are automatic ill] ah No! is the first year student i ipell id I i

Wharton potters Ready Today ' fi r B, \. T. c. student

■' e \ ol will be read] !■•■■ • ' 0 at Room 1SB, Lo-

gau HalL Dt in Hi Chilian urge W ' ' . • .tit, got their roatera ..i once, in order to facilitate5 class- room cirR.'ni' i;ion.

S. A. T. C. Equipment Arr' ■%■) Detplte the unsettled eondilIon ■ f

the luiversily. the detail of so urlng eiitil|inieni for Ihe students la going on wtthoul Infdrruptmal Saturday l.#00

wear a skull enp • rthejnei uniforms arrived This sbipi Sophomcret nd a'l I ith i ' • IdtMon to th Ipmenl r,,r„.e.'v enforced by i ye»r on ly received], promisee the s, i odents. . ••'!,: mi trainini

Medical School students Will bo automatically ln<] icted 9 A. T. ('., and will lu.v i all pa'l and reci ive the v iy of a private •". c • Army. This is the latest! i i i the ofllce of D tan wi e . wl n ■ iserl * I his i ullng » II pt double the aumbsr of gradnatea of the Medical School.

The pre-medtcal students* nitn'ber* Ing about 400. will ' n- Blsting of tour ty ve ■ eeka each. They - 111 hi re > Vac lion prior 'n entering thi lical I -'loci next fail, it ic thou hi bj t! Is i nngement Btud m< In tl I Depart'''cut may be Bbla to re :l- 1 al IBM thai will

■ .' ' . ■' y.

ir ION



THE PENN5YIX3VNIAN r»M »hfd In tha Intaraat of tha Calaa*altj>

•I hum) Iv.ma dally, aioapt Suua.». durlns tha Unlvaralty y.ax.



NKWS KIU'IDK !.•■! is i! .si', mill

BDIT4MM ■J, W. Stevanaon. l'J H M Juatl. 'JO Q. B. >j:.ly. '30 V K Sl.iilh..f-.. .'■'

ANgOtlATK I IM in K- t. v Lovitt, 'i!o ■ t B.I. uaatm "-•

B. Q. HarrlK... '| 8. V. lTuni, 'It D Uh..«.i». 10 A Btarn, '90 H E. Calva. 'It O B. Albracht. II

MliHT Hili.Ui- t T. M Knddlng. '•!

It M. ll.h.l. .1 K. S Oarll. SO s. K.i; I.m. tj I., i r'lau.i. si

KIHTOKM IN SKKVK'B A. 0. Mccarty. 1» E. B. Cunningham. "It D »Bluu. 1» K. D. M'anford. 1» r R. M. Miller. 10 A W. Klngabury. 'It p. C Miner. It A B. Br«hman '» ■. II H..ii» .:,. Jr.. '11 H s. Aldan. 'It 41. m irk '■ k K..».. -•'

. E. Newton. 20





ASMHTANT BOaUOaM MANAUEBS F c. Haak. 'II L. M. Blaloakr. 'It C 1' I- JerTrieM.Jd. SI T r" rlchiiei-lar. 'Jl



The P.nnaylvanlan Invitaa communlcatlona an all aubjacta of L'nn-erelty Intaraat. Lat- t»i. -..-I Be -i«"-.l.. Nji •Ifnat.uraa will b« 5rftH» jf-f-.lr.d.

Ofllca. 14S1 Woodland Avanua

Tha Pannaylvanlan la antrrad at tha Phila- delphia Koaloat' « ■« aaaoad claai mattar.

Bub.cnptlona, 11 on per year oafora Nov. II; 13.50 therenfiar; II 00 by mall.



Hiialne* U 3.> t.

Munaier'a (Ultra Hnura: i, : to T io P M. Dally

to evidence a lack of organliatlon, the

main purpose was attained, as the

army of a million and three-quarters

men over-seas now amply testifies.

The great shipbuilding program of

the I'nlted States was another mam-

moth undertaking which had to puss

through 'he trial of lire before It be-

BaVO to produce results and winning the

favor of the public. It is the same

with all the great movements and It

will lie the same in the case of the

S A T. C.

Plans for the Student Army Train-

ing (' rps have In reality been finished

ill a remarkably short time. As fast

as completed ihey have been divulged

to the I'nlverslty authorities and mill

tary commandants. Alums! tha entire

system has been devised during the

lust month.

As in the case of the selective draft,

however, certain Inconvenience., are

bound lo oecur during t!" Hrst weeks

lhat the S. A. T. ('. Is put Into opera-

tion Obstacles of all kinds will <Ma*

lalnly arise Ihiring this lime the stu-

ifrenl who helps most will grumble

least. Our hardships In the aggregate

will amount to very little, and we are

here to become soldiers and sailors of

the United States preparing for a stern

war, not whimpering, disgruntled

knockers, wanting to be coddled.


F'araonnal of Faculty Altered by En- listments and Resignation*.


Night Ed tort of This ittue


To morrow noon the 5,000 students

who have been enrolled In the Univer-

sity of Pennsylvania S. A. T. ('. Unit

will be inducted into the military ser-

vice of the United States. By the end

of the week Philadelphia's West Point

will he an established feature and the

last step In the transforming of the

University from an educational Insti-

tution into a military camp will have

been completed.

Tliis great movement which the gov-

ernment has undertaken simultaneous-

ly In many colleges and universities

throughout the country Is one which

ranks in point of Importance and mag-

nitude with any other undertaking of

the government since Mie Inception of

the war. It Is estimated that at least

200,000 youths between the ages of

18 and 21 will be In various Student

Army Training Corps of the country.

In view of the magnitude of this

great movement, It Is Impossible that

It should be accomplished without a

certain amount of necessary friction,

commotion and disturbance. Major

Charles T. Griffith pointed out this fact

In an article which he gave to the

press on Saturday morning.

When the United States sent the

first quotas of drafted men to the can-

tonments, early last fall, the new sol-

diers had to endure many hardships.

In many places the barracks were not

yet finished nor the needed equipment

ready. Yet the demand for trained

men was so groat that it was neces-

sary to send the men to the canton-

■lontj a; quickly as possible But de-

Bite these hardships, which seemed

On Salurd iy ' Hob" l-'olwell put the

football squad through a fort j live

minute scrimmage after only two

days of preliminary drill. This bleaks

all records d r early season football

scrimmages, anil should convince Ihe

most skeptical tli.it "Bob" Is out to

li-vrlop an S. A. T. (' team which will

compare with the Pennsylvania teams

of former years. The presence of a

large number of students In th«> stands

during practice is sure to be an Incen-

tive to the coacli and the candidates

for the team. The presence of the

same students on the field, crowding

around the players, will be a decided

detriment both to the coach and the


Many changes will be noticed In the faculty this year. Among others, there are Dean John Krazer, of the Knglneer- ing School, who is a captain in Prance; Dr. Edgar Marburg, Professor of Civil Knglneerlng, who died during the sum- mer.

11. A. Owen has been appointed In- structor ID Civil Engineering; G. A. Anderson. Instructor in An liltecture; J. Cralg Janney anil J. P. Huberts, as- sistants In Architecture; Drs. T. P. .Mct'utcheon, H. S. Lukens and H. S. Harned. assistant professor of Chem- istry, are away on government service, (lust.ive P Wittig, assistant professor of Electrical Engineering, has re- signed to go to » ale University. In- structor W. C. I)u Vail has been pro- moted to an assistant professorship. The departments of English and Mod- ern languages in tile College were for a while practically disrupted be- cause, many professors and assistant professors entered I lie -erviie

Wooden Barracks at Colleges. While Pennsylvania has large roomy

dormitories and fraternity houses to fall back upon as barracks, other uni- versities and colleges are having a hard time finding suitable quarters for their student corps. At the Univer- sity of Pittsburgh, which is siuated In the center of the club and Iheatre dis- trict In Pittsburgh, many of Pitts burgh's finest dubs have been taken over by the government. It has been necessary for both Carnegie Tech and Massachusettes Institute of Technol- ogy to go to the expense of building temporary wooden barracks Many of the four hundred schools taken ever bv the government find themselves In the same situation

Athletics are to be encouraged at

the University by the military authori-

ties as long as it does not Interfere

with war training. This fact has been

established by a statement from Major

(iriftith Sports, when they are clean

and healthy, are the best kind of phys-

ical preparation for the strain of mili-

tary life. The War Department rec-

ognizes tills or It would not expend

money for athletics at Ihe canton-

ments and posts all over the country.

Nearly all the camps offer the men

some chance for sports, and It seems

only reasonable to suppose that here

at Pennsylvania, where there are such

excellent facilities for athletics, there

will be some means provided for the

physlca' recreation of the several

thousand student soldiers.

But the old ante-bellum system of

athletics, by which the majority of

the students watched the rest perform.

Is unsulted to war times. It would

be as ridiculous as taking one squad

out of a company, training it to top-

noich efficiency and then proudly drill-

ing It before the untrained "rookies."

If sports are to be a success this year

everybody must take part. It Is to

be hoped that a general system will

be evolved by the authorities and the

entire lt-;dcnt body enter Into it with

0 Bill,

Haverford Declines S. A. T. C. Ilaverfcnl Inllege will continue Its

ItM Mir as a private Institution, ile -pile the fact that more than three hundred colleges in the country have I" n taken ovei by ihe government for Student Army Training Corps The Haverford authorities declined the government offer (>n the ground of maintaining Its old Quaker standard Haverford was founded by the So- ciety of Prlends and has existed aB a Quiker school since Its Inception.

Provoit's Home Completed. Plnishing touches were added to the

Provost's home, between Portleth and Porty-first street, on Pine street, dur- ing the summer. The house Is now prarllcally ready for furnishings and its distinguished resident. The Pro- vost does not know at what date he will occupy his new home. The prop- erty and house was acquired by alumni subscription, and cost In the neighbor- hood of $40,000.

Penn State's Prospects Bright. The return to the State College of

former students enlisted in the Naval Reserve, together with the return of Charles Way, the quarterback, has brightened the football prospects of the up-state Institution. Coach Hezdek will have a hard road ahead of him. in whipping a team into shape from Inex- perienced material, but predicts a suc- cessful season.


Penntylvanhan.—All editorial heel- ers report at The Pennsylvanian office at 12.30 to-day.

Naval Unit.—All men In Naval Unit report In rear of Houston Club at 3 P. M. to-day, for first roll-call and muster.

Liberty Loan Committee.—Follow ing act as tomporary captains and re- port at 12.30 *.o second doer of Hous- ton Hall: K. Day, E. B. Wllford, D. A. Steele.

Civilian Students holding subscrip- tion Nos 82, 218, 464, 466, 624 and 646 call at office within next few days or they will not receive their papers. Of- fice hours, 12.30 to 1 and 7 to 7.30.

Christian Association. — Following ni' n meet at Christian Association of- fice ti.day at 12.46: Harrell, Parlln, M. Pollard, Owen, Cnmpbell, Fenner, Itudislll, Tyler, Osmar, Van Vliet nnd BOPS.

WANTED—A mechanical drawing sot. Address C. G. C. 3722 Locust.




THE NEW No. 3647 Woodland Avc., today

is a cross between a Fifth A.venue Toggery Shop and a IL S. Quarter- master's Office.

We have ready for you "Hun- killers," a peace or war-time outfit— from socks up.


EIGHT STORES 103S Market St. 1305 Market St. 1518 Market St. 2436 North Front St.

1430 Chestnut St 1416 South Penn Sq.

Broad and Qirard Ave. 3647 Woodland Ava.


Laboratory Supplies





Home-Made Pastry Help Yourself

R. E. MANUELL, Prop. 3449 Woodland ATf. PHiladelpt.




Dancing and War Talka Are Features of Fata* to New Student*.



Receptions lo entering students at the nearby churches Saturday night were much enjoyed. At the Taber- nacle Presbyterian Church Dr. Ral- guel, the lecturer, who has Ju»t re- turned from France, spoke on "Wur Conditions." At St. Mary's P. E. t'lumh an entertainment was followed by a dance. The rector. Mr. Richard son, also gave a short talk.

Similar entertainments were held at other churches, and future get-to- gethers and good times are planned for the near future. In nearly all in- stances the entertainments were con- ducted by the Y. P. C. K. societies of the respective churches. At St. Mary's Kpiscopal Church a supper will be served next Saturday evening for the Kpiscopn! students ut Pennsylvania from 6 to 8 o'clock.

McKenzle Completea Statue. Dr. 11. Tait McKenzle. Director of

Physical Kducaticn, has recently com- pleted the George Whltetleld statue, upon which he has labored more than a year. Whltetleld was the famous evangelist who played an important part in Henjamln Franklin's life. His statue is to be presented to the I'ni- verxlty by the Methodist members of the alumni, and will be placed In the Triangle.




Chinese Win for Red and Blue. In the sixteenth annual Chinese

Students' Conference, held at Syra- cuse I'nlverslty, the lied and lllue del- egates captured the championship of the annual track and held meet, de- feating the delegates from the Univer- sity of Virginia by one point. The winning team was composed of both graduates and undergraduates.

Emergency Aid Again Active. Owing to the scarcity of proper ma-

terial for manufacturing gas masks, the Kniergenc-y Aid is having barrels placed around frequented parts of the city In which substitutes such as peai h stones and nut shells may be placed to offset this emergency. They will soon make their appearance on various parts of the campus.




Philo. Meets in Wee Sma' Hour*. Faced with the necessity of holding

an early meeting, but determined not to Interfere with the Freshman recep- tion Friday night, the Phllomathean Society held their first meeting Satur- day morning at 1 A M. Much Import- ant business was gone over and the meeting adjourned about 3 o'clock.

Fewer Graduate Students. Attendance at the Graduate School

Is considerably decreased this year". Dr. Ames, Dean of the Graduate School announced that his faculty will assist in teaching war subjects, and otherwise help in the training of the S. A. T. C. and Naval Training Unit men.




More Subscribers Wanted. More subscriptions are still needed

for The Pennsylvania!) If the publica- tion Is to be a success. New students are urged to subscribe for this Import- ant dally, and their attention is called to the fact that this is the officlul S. A. T. C. organ. In which all announce- ments will be published.

Mail Still Accumulating. The post-office at the Houston Club

reports that the pile of unclaimed mail Is growing larger at every mall. Much of the unclaimed matter consists of questlonaires and other documents of Importance, and the proper parties are urged to call for their property im- mediately.

25 Pru, IHKBS ft BlBBIBRl












Complete delivery—One week or less.


Uniform Makers, 1115 Walnut St.









Drawing Sets for Civil Engineers, Mechani- cal Engineers, and Supplies for Electrical Engineers, all put up in a convenient carrying case. Loose-leaf Note Books and note book paper fillers.

Memorandum and note books. Complete assortment of small stationery



Bartels Wins at Hog Island. "Johnny" Bartels. former Pennsyl-

vania athlete and winner of the 1918 pentathlon, showed excellent form Saturday. Representing HOST Island, he scored three firsts in the first an- nual track meet of the Hog Island Ath- letic Association.

Professors Publish Books.

During the summer a number of pro- fessors of the University have pub- lished books. They consists mostly of text boc ks, hut several biographies were also published. Further infor- mation will be Mrnished later, includ- ing a detnlled list.


The Victoria Lunch 3713 Sprtic« St. (opp. Dorms)

UB«"^««S«-«.s "Quality First" I B. F. Keith's Theatre


The Brightest and Best Bills the

World Can Give.



3337 Woodland Avenue.


Subscribe for the Pennsylvanian Today !

y-j--, s i .'•.• '■. f»» ' .. .•" ■j >..


PENN TAILORS 1 CLEANERS 3605 Market St. Phone—Preston 3713

4077 Lancaster Ave. 'Phone—Baring 303


SUITS—French Dry Cleaned - SUITS Steamed and Pressed Ladies' Suils—French Dry Cleaned Ladies' Suits Steamed and Pressed

$1.00 .25

1.25 .35

" ,(\udWu weve earned our degree.

Jacob jggg Sens Clothiers

Rabcrduhon Hatters


0 i O \ Ti Re. .

Arnold M >skovitz MARKET ST.

WATCHMAKER AND JEWELIR. Spec a' Ra •) to SAT C. i Naval Men

What >our 1*00 Bond Will Do. ' \ ii hi- • •' :>ond of tin- Kuiirlh

, i yciu are lending the ,\ Bta •■■ i i i nl enough

BJ '.i h I ■ -.i!..i ii in 11 ince .i II more i m seven mentha. Or j II :i.i \ ■ ed enough mono) to

\. 11i i-. ,i com] le " outfit ol winter Dd iaitamar clothing, laoludlag shoes

■ h i, Ahii I'II mgli lefl OTH ivn hill With u gnoil revolver. Vou

lone Ihai utui i. to baal back the ii al i ?■""' inure ta arm bin

with :i rifle with n b ■: nel on It, ami \ on i II .i locond J"'11 bond j*ou fur-

■i him (Ills n"i' ami l.on'i i-uri ridge* i ii. .mil there «iii ba enough o(

j our money lefl to purchase .■ got >i i bomb i«i throw In ■ dngont, at

: i ••! i ' lui.iiu' KUII, togetherwith . Huns (aerating It.

Morgan Coaching Jertey Amateurs. Charles B. Morgan, direct! r of man)

.. .: id U l| H. ' irl "II"' ' I

nosl .. ■ low i •'•' i"'' ol sollagi in" i now dlrei ting ■ beaefli

P " Women s Land .'in ty if Hiir 1 i rou J. W rgan d rw tad

. Mask and WU I number of ■ . ind II •■ as v mi his ";«- * i» thai

ri ii i i'ii which ■

1918 Record May Appear. Baoanaa of the fad thai the man-

of laal year's Class Record led school early In i!i«' spring anal bare IKII returned this tall, ths ivlfl pubU

Ion has imi \ i'i appear* ii on the campus, it is hoped, however, thai

rrs U ' mi BI ' an be ■ ad to have it biased, and efforts are being made in thai direction, n is doubtful whi that theirs will be any 1811 it rd in view of the fm< thai BOON of the pi -"Mi board win be in the Unlver ■It) in June.

Our Motto RfM. *M ftlCAN r'PE'SING Clothet 'in . n M /.. ;i Promltt I


201 South -7t:i atrcet, Phlla. PHOKI . BAMIMU B3 I?

g suits sponged ind pn ied $1.IX) CONTRACT WORK

1 rail ink 11 00 ■ suits a wit-k 6.00 lauiu .1 week sm>

SHCial Ri-es INN :O Fialarn-t.es. Mutts Have y< -ur i-lui11- nn --i-d the sanitary way

withi nt burning i>r leorehing Prompt Service

R. W. JACKSON, Proprietor

ant *dJ-c a*ed. rlb'd

i i! to 11; i ■ iddre"

hey i

■ ■ .... in |n.

i i ral I

... nf pa 'i



Prep. School Enrollment Heavy. One of the effects at the «■> h i

i i the Increased anrollmeni al thi many preparatory military training SI'IIIIDIH. Nearby military ariideinies repori thai the registration thi* fear "\ ."(Is last year's hy ut least M |M"


White House Cafe (OPP. DORMS.)

Eating Headquarters


«V. of P. students








<l.Special attcntlor paid i«i Su!i nts L. i:mi>

C.We also carry a line ol Stationery, Cigars untl Candies, etc.

University Lai re'rj 3607 WOODLAND AVE.

iseccting 'n«lrum<-iils. BOOKS (Medical. Dnctal. Biological)


.^BORA'OH' BU»9LlSfl


I )fV»lof) n« m ii I'nnling

F HJV1 -\i N t>E.VS. 91.OO and up

OT-I'OCHS ittparale leaf and olhrn

i -al' I I rd il \ giffe

\ \


PENN TAILORS 1 CLEANERS 3605 Market St. Phone—Preston 3713

4077 Lancaster Ave. 'Phone-Baring 303


SUITS-French Dry Cleaned - SUITS Steamed and Pressed Ladies' Suits—French Dry Cleaned Ladies' Suits Steamed and Pressed

$1.00 .25

1.25 .35

IMSta tua*f*ir.s we've earned our degree, •for i{5n ah \y o 7

JtcobRcwls Sens •Clothiers- Haberdashers •Hottara

•Ot MJeOVjinulSt. Philadelphia

B i O > TIME Re. t

Afn< I I M >-: ovitz J4:c MARKIT ST.

WATCHMAKER AND JEW LER. Spec1*1 Ra'ci to SAT C. .i Naval Men

Our Motto Rf4L AM RICA* PRESSING Clothti Given H i.,;i Promiati


231 South -7th Street, Phlla. h ,. . . s , ;r

SauKasponged ■ I p* -'"I $1.<X) CONTRACT WORK

leuit a »■■ . M-00 Bauitaa «nk 8.00 iauita a week UN

Special u:e: Gnee le Fialernitlis. Muses Have your riot I aepreaaed theaanitary way

wiil.> MI burning or aoorehing Prompt Sfrt'ice

R. W. JACKSON, Proprietor

Whal Veur | 00 oa.id Will Do. If you b i ■ ■• * MI ni tbfl Fourth

i.'i. i... i • on ire landtag tha , , . ,1 Bta'en ii"V rn i D1 enough

n, I r ia< ■• .i II BIOI ' ran i'lonihu. Or : a iiavi' in:,:: ,i mono] to

\ ,n ; B oul Hi o( winter :M| rammer clothing, haoludiag ahoea

to. .^iii^t-. with .'ii mgb lefl orat . ;•.: i * in a good ii'viviT. You ; lone thai mui h "i beal back Hie i

i '.,i ftSG iii- »!-•■ "> in II bin with :i rifle with D bayenei Oh i\ and

i, i.u' II second 1100 bond .MUI iiir i iiiin Mils rifla mui 1,090 oartrl

i ii .iini there will b • enough <>r your money left in |un«-- .1 ■■ ,1 goi il

1 bomb in throw In ■ dugont, or dnm UMII a machine RUU, together with lie Hum Bfjerattag It.

Morgan Coaching Jeriey Amateun. Chai I B Morgan, director or man)

id Wig II- ■•-' . ad .HI" - 1 lie moal 01 ol eollege pro

1 now ! re Ing a 1 Boefli r • 1 \''., 1.1. r 1 i.-ii'i An i il Bur

.1 •: .1 Morgan directed 1 M.i. k and WIj tor 1 numb 1 1

■ ia with 1 p thai , b 1 I d tha 1 •in• aiI in ablch

• it »dd-c .' n'ed. ■ : 1

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1918 Record May Appear. lie iii.-e Of Hie fuel thai the man

agora of kul year's Chvaa Record bad ■ohool early In tha ipring and have inn returned this tall, the 1911 publl- Oal ion lias mil yel appear il OS the ommfMU, 11 is hoped, bowerer, thai 1 arraagwneni 1 an i"' p ad hare II issue.1. and efforts an being made in that direction. 11 la doubtful whi iiier there will beanj 1911 Record, In view 11I ill.' lad thai none of the

■ at board »iii ii- in tha Unlver -11 \ in June.

Prep. School Enrollment Heavy. One of the efl'i'its ol Mi" war 11 I

liei'ii 111" im ion-eil "inolliiii 111 al III' ninny preparatory military training -IIIOIIH. Nearby military academies report that the ivslHtratioii thia year IS , ..Is lasi year's hy at least 50 per


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C.We also carry ;i line of Stationery, Cigars ami Candies, etc.

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OT"l'OCH!i ittparatelearand otheri

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and L/«i+m uyurvuHi tmUrif/

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PENN TAILORS 1 CLEANERS 3605 Market St. Phone—Preston 3713

4077 Lancaster Ave. 'Phone—Baring 303


SUITS—French Dry Cleaned - - $1.00 SUITS Steamed and Pressed - - .25 Ladies' Suils—French Dry Cleaned - 1.25 Ladies' Suits Steamed and Pressed - . .35

f t£k What Nour |!00 Bond Will Do. '918 Record May Appear. you buy a II W bond ol tha fourth Ba uua ol ttaa Bad thai tha man-

i : jot ara landtai tha tg«n ol laal vm - ''hi-- ftacord lad Uuvcruui liuough, whool i>:irly in llu1 cprliiK and hive Ml7.TITr! A T. TYRNTTAT,

tSSUE- i

-sT y^/S4W^

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