\ [-.T I n THE PAY COMMISSION REPORT VOL. | : Recommendations on Pay Structure

THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

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Page 1: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of


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THE PAY COMMISSION REPORTVOL. | : Recommendations on Pay Structure

Page 2: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of



Names Designation

Shri G. S. Kang (lA5) Chairman

Shri Rahul singh (lAS) Member Secretary

Shri Vinay Kumar (lAS) Member

Shri Murlidhar Prasad Singh Rtd. Section Officer

Shri Shashi Bhushan Kumar Sinha Rtd. Section Officer

Shri Kamakhva Naravan Srivastava Section Officer

Shri Navendu Narayan Data Entrv Ooerator-Grade'C'

ShriSanjay Kumar Assistant

Shri Dilip Kumar Pathak Excise Inspector

Shri Neshat Ahmad Principal Private Secretary, lT

Shri Santosh Kumar Pandev Stenographer

shri Shashi Ranjan Kumar Data Entry Operator

Shri Amanullah Khan Assistant

Shri surendar Thakur Office Attendant

Shri Vimal Prasad Office Attendant

Page 3: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of
Page 4: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of


Page 5: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

ForewordAt the outset, I must admit that I was a bit apprehensive as to whether the Commissionwould be able to submit its report in the time allowed to it. This was all the more sobecause none of the pay bodies constituted earlier have been able to submit theirreports within 3 months. Therefore, we started work in right earnest atmost from theword go! The pay Commission was deluged with representations demandingupgradatlon in the pay structure. Commission decided to provide hearing to all thepetitioners and tried to resolve the said anomalies through a reasoned methodology. Iam proud to say that the Commission is ready with its report within 4 months of its firstmeeting. Never before has a pay body been able to submit its recommendations withinsuch a short time as this Commission. I feel that this report will prove to be a milestonein resolving the long standing anomalies in different cadres. Adoption of this report intotality by the State Government will definitely improve administratrve efficacy anddiffuse resentment. The 7th SpC has tried to mitigate the possibility of inadvertenterrors or any element of arbitrariness. The recommended pay Level Matrix will resolveissues pertaining to entry pay, existing pay structure and common treatment of likecadres.

The contribution provided by shri Kamakhya Narayan shrivastava, section officer,Finance Department and Shri Navendu Narayan, Data Entry Operator Grade ,C,, FinanceDepartment has been immense in accomplishing the task of the Commission and Irecord my great appreciation for their unfailing contribution to this Commission. I alsorecord my appreciation for the useful assistance provided by Shri Neshat Ahmad,Principal Private Secretary, Shri Murlidhar prasad Singh, Section ofticer, Shri ShashiBhushan Kumar Sinha, Shri Dilip Kumar pathak, Excise lnspector, Shri Sanjay Kumar,Assistant, Shri Santosh Kumar pandey, Stenographer, Shri Shashi RanJan Kumar, DataEntry Operator, and Shri Amanullah Khan, Assistant, who have very ably assisted me inperforming my duties. I am deeply impressed by their devotion and the confidentialitywith which they have assisted me in discharging my duties. lalso record my apprecrationfor my driver Shri Umesh Kumar prasad who served me with great dedication. I alsorecord my appreciation for Shri Surendra Thakur, Office Attendant and Shri VimalPrasad, Office Attendant in aiding us towards accomplishing the task of the Commissionsuccessfully. r record my gratitude for all of them. They have assisted thrs commissionfaithfully and devoted their time usefully in completing the task of this Commrssaon.

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Finally, I express my heartfelt appreciation for the useful cooperation provided by

Member secretary shri Rahul singh and Member shri Vinay Kumar' shri Singh's

experience in these matters was an asset to the Commission and helped in solving

intricate problems of Pay determrnation lshall be failing in my duty if ldo not record hjs

useful contribution in accom plishing the task of Commission in recordtime l am equally

grateful to Shri Vinay Kumar, who provided useful inputs to the completion of this task'-n"

i, "

u"ry amiable and cheerful person Shri Singh and Shri Kumar were always

available on time for the Commisslon'

Last but not the least, I apprectare the timely logistical and administrative support bV

the Finance Department. I render my gratefulness to the Hon'ble Chief Minister and the

State Government for providing me a platform to render my services for the welfare of

the state, with Whom I have been |ong associated and for the peop|e of which I have the

highest regard.


Page 7: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

Chapter 1. Introduction

Employee compensation is an important element of government functioning. Everystate tries to provide a pay structure which is competitive yet affordable, attractive yetacceptable, forward looking yet adaptable, simple yet rational, and one which matcheswith the current socio-economic and political conditions as well as the changingperception of the overall administrative machinery and the public governance sysrem.This Pay Commission was set up vide Resolution No. 9701 dated 22/12/2076 of theFinance Department. The terms of reference of this Commission were as follows: _

To recommend a revised pay structure for the employees under the StateGovernment on the lines of the recommendations made bv the Seventh CentralPay Commission for the revised pay structure for employees under the CentralGovernment;

To recommend revised allowances for the employees under the StateGovernment on the lines of the recommendations made bv the Seventh CentralPay Commission for the revised allowances sanctioned for employees under theCentral GovernmenU

To make recommendations regarding matters in which any orders of the Hon,bleHigh Court/Supreme Court and State government have been issued;

The Commission was required to take the economic condition, state of availability ofresources, financial capability and other committed expenditure of the State intoconsideration while making recommendations with respect to the above

The Commission had Shri G. 5. Kang, Former Chief Secretary, Gow. of Bihar, as itsChairman; Shri Rahul 5ingh, Secretary, Expenditure, Department of Finance, as Member-Secretary; and Shri Vinay Kumar, Secretary, Rural Works Department, as Member.Member-secretary, Shri Rahul Singh, and Member, Shri Vinay Kumar, were required toperform their functions in the Pay Commission in addition to their original duties.

Alongside the constitution of the Commission, it was provided office space in the Vikas

Bhawan and staff was provided to it in the form of three Section Officers, one Principal

Private Secretary, one Excise Inspector, two Assistants, two Data Entry Operators, one

Stenographer and two Office Attendants.

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This Commission started work in right earnest in the month of January itself State Pay

Commission in order to make relevant recommendations reached out to all

stakeholders. Commission wrote to various ministries/departments seeking information

regarding all state level posts, pay and allowances with respective cadre rules including

educational qualifications.

Various Associations were also asked to submit any representation regarding their

cadre rules, pay disparity and educational qualifications etc. Newspaper advertisements

were placed inviting demands/ representations from Employees'/ Officers' Associations/

Federations as well as individual employees/ officers. In all,349 representations were

received. Once the representations were received, dates were fixed for hearings on the

memoranda and notices issued to the representationists to appear and put forth their

case. Hearings on the representations commenced on O2/O2|2OU and went on till

O3/O3/2o17. During that period, all the memoranda received from the various Service

Associations were heard individually. Most representations of individuals were heard

along with the Associations. Of the rest, those who were able to attend the hearing of

the Commission, were heard individually. In any event, all the received representations

were considered while finalizing the recommendations.

The Commission was required to make its recommendations in the light of the report of

the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of pay

determination and other recommendations which have guided this Commission are

being summarized below.

The efforts of the 7th central Pav Commission have been to devise a simple pay

structure with rules of fixation that are easy to understand and apply. This would take

away the possibility of either inadvertent errors or any element of arbitrariness. 7th

Central Pay Commission has, therefore replaced Pay Bands and Grade Pays by a Pay

Level Matrix for the purpose of pay fixation.

Apart from providing a transparent pay structure, Pay Levels Matrix also addresses

issues such as common entry pay, rationalization of the existing pay structure and

common treatment of like cadres. subsuming the grade pay, the rationalized matrix

presents the whole universe of pay levels in one simple chart. The levels have been

rationalized too, displaying a logical pay progression. Employees would be able to see

their pay level, where they fit in and how they are likely to progress over their career

span.. The new pay structure will bring out clearly what the total emoluments will be at

Page 9: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

a given point in time during one's career span' The

stated upfront for existing as well as new entrants'

rate of pay progression will also be

The commission while analyzing the important question of whether wages were

sufficient to attract and retain qualified staff, observed that at lower levels salaries are

much|owerintheprivatesectorascomparedtogovernmentjobs.Atthehighestechelons of governance, nowever, the compensation in' government is nowhere

comparable to their counterparts in the private/ public sector' In light of this

observation, the 7,h central Pay commission has accorded slightly higher index of

rationalization at the level of Senior Administration Grade and above'

The 7th cPc has adopted an innovative design to make the remuneration structure

attractive. lt has adopted the need based minimum wage formula for designing the pay

matrix. The rationalization of pay levels has been done keeping this minimum pay as the

base for all calculations. lt has recommended that the minimum pay at each level will be

the entry pay for direct recrurts for those levels Each level has been placed

equidistantly. The various stages within a level move upwards at the rate of 3 percent

perannum.owingtothisrationaIization,thequantumofincreaseinpayonpromotion,either on regular basis or through the MACP, is likely to be substantial This design will

make the existing remuneration pattern in the government more attractive'

To emphasize on the culture of performance, the commission has recommended that

all the non-performers in the system should be phased out after 20 years The

commissionhasrecommendedthatPerformanceRe|atedPayshou|dbeintroducedinthe government and that all Bonus payments should necessarily be linked with


As emphasized by the 7th Central Pay Commission, this commission also endorses that

the framework in the emoluments structure is required to be linked with the need to

attract the most suitable talent to state services, promote efficiency, accountability and

responsibility in the work culture, and foster excellence in the public governance

svstem. Recommendations have to be made keeping in view the economic conditions in

state and need for fiscal prudence as also the need to ensure that adequate resources

are available for developmental expenditures and welfare measures'


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The Report is organized in the following manner: -

. In Chapter 2, the principles of pay determination and the methodology appliedhave been enunciated;

. Chapter 3 contains post wise recommendations where changes have beenrecommended;

. Chapter 4 contains recommendations on matters referred to the commission bvthe Finance Department:

. Chapter 5 bears the summary of post wise recommendations on pay Structure;and

' Finally, chapter 6 contains the commission,s observations regarding the financialimpact of the recommendations.

The Commission has noted the multiplicity of same or similar posts across variousDepartments. An effort has been made to deal with all such posts which exist in morethan one Department in the discussion on Common Categories.

It would be desirable that the public at large have access to the contents of this Re'ortin the interest of transparency and convenience. Therefore, the Finance Department isrequested to put the Report in downloadable format on the State Government Websiteas and when it is decided to make the Report public.

Note: In the following, wherever cpc is mentioned, it wourd mean a reference to centralPay Commission.


Page 11: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

chapter 2. Principres of pay Determination and Generar RecommendationsHistorically, the pay Structures of the Central Government employees and theState Government emproyees have been divergent, This was mainry due to thedifference in names of posts performing the same tu*tionr,

", also differenthierarchies and relativities which themselves resulted from different tunctionalrequirements as well as different qualifications prevailing. The very concept of Centralequivalence arose following an agreement between the state Government and thevarious Employee Associations that Central pay would be granted.

This gave rise to the first exercise of this nature in the State, when the Fitmentcommittee was set up foflowing the Fifth cpc. rts mandate was to determine whichCentral post would correspond to each of the State posts and, then recommeno tne payscale.for that post. The methodology adopted by the fitment Committee was, briefly, asIOllows: -

First, a corresponding central post was identified against each State post,lf such a post could be located, then. -

. lf the qualification prescribed in both the governments were thesame, as were their functions, then the posts were held equivalenr,and, same pay scales recommended;

. lf qualifications were lower in the State Government, then lowerpay scales were generally recommended with the recommendationthat higher pay scales would be available once the recruitmenrqualifications were enhanced;

. In certain cases, lower pay scales were recommended forpromotional posts as the cadre rules were different. Here, too, rrwas recommended that higher pay scales would be available oncethe cadre rules were rewritten so as to be similar to central cadrestructure;

. In certain cases, lower pay scales were recommended because ofexisting parities in the State Services and the State Cadres.

lf a central post could not be identified, then general principles of paydetermination as recommended by the Fifth Central pay Commissionwere applied, and pay scales recommended;Finally, if these principles, too, could not be made applicable, thenreplacement pay scales were recommended.


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The Government accepted the recommendations of the Fitment Committee ano

notified the pay scales. lt also set a Fitment Appellate Committee up to receive

representations against the recommendations of the Fitment Committee with the

mlndate to recommend changes in case the original recommendations were not in Iine

with the mandate of the Fitment committee That Committee submitted its report and

th" Gou"rnt"nt accepted those of its recommended changes as were found to be in

line with its mandate.

Subsequently, the Government took certain decisions' especially 2005 onwards'

whereby it upgraded the pay scales of a few cadres and posts A few of these decisions

were outcomes of the Fitment Committee's recommendations having been acted upon;

Whi|e others Were entire|y new decisions. |n certain cases, orders of the Hon,b|e High

Court led to revision of pay scales for certain posts A State Pay committee was set up in

2009. When the Pay commrttee was deliberating upon its methodology for-r"*trn"naing

the pay structure following the Sixth central Pay Commission' it was

conscious that the relativity which had settled after the Fitment committee had been

.irng"a au" to these decisions. That committee decided to accept the changes which

n"a o"..urr"O in the pay structure beyond central equivalence or beyond the framework

suggested by the Fitment Committee The Report was subsequently adopted and the

revised oav structure sanctioned.

The main observatlons regarding the pay structure following the

recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission arethefollowing -

lntroduction of o of Pav Bonds ond

of runnina pov scales: This being an unfamiliar concept, numerous

crept in fixation of pay. Additionally, Finance Department, too,

several clarifications one after the other whi(h were, quite


the s merror5issued


ition of Gtod ov scoles AII CM s were de lllot /eost: This has led to a situation where there are

requirements, yet the cost structure is now pegged very high;

MACP in ploce of ACP: ln the ACP Scheme, time bound upgradations were

provided in the promotional levels, while in the Modified AcP Scheme,

these were granted in the next hiSher grade pay. This has created a

situation where those emplovees who were lucky to obtain the ACP

benefits before the cut-off date, have higher levels of pay as compared to

others of the same cadre who got upgraded after the cut-off date,'

A pav fixqtion formulo which resulted in an anomalous situotion wherebv

pov of emplovees oppointed ofter 01.07.2006 wos, in quite a few coses.

hiohet thon thot of emplovees oppointed prior to that date: Even though

there exists a mechanism for stepping up the pay of the senior in case of



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q'lch an anomaly, the process ls too cumbersome' This has led to

,"s"ntm"nt amonctji!: :TIII:"-?"; voitind prierJqlls!.leIlLsJgelI of 184tII9!9

nothet level of arode

rhoush the 7,n cpc has,i:::*T:: :l :n,'j."[ :ff::iT:?,:l#'":::

fi::H"Jl"i ilJ 'ilili?Lil''"1il'fi ;;;;i;;o'"ssins the number or pav revers

any further.

The recommendations of the Fitment committee were made when the numDer

I.fiL:L"j'#Hnt*ln'*"*:-'""':"::'":*'':':"i"J::'""ffi :'.*:

**fr*rT#J5*ii*ffi 'fl ::"J1T"'i"i'."xliiJJ-"":"'l';Tru:*Hl

H ni','"""ffi [tl1,'fi {f.ffi rfi t* *..;lr'[l"i,"f, 1#

ZO-OS, tt"t 6 levels now This has necessttare-u-'llll r-"i'. ^", "et

been extended to

lrui:rifl:***'l:"':m*ll;1T,ffi li;lT#l'1il'n"'"oto""

which were ettner In d "''"'"''-: f,itr","*es earlier' In addition' there

there had existed historical level I

were other issues, which are dtscussed in detail in the following'

2.1. Principles of Pay Determination

The starting point for determination of pay would have to be the recommendations of

;;;;;;; ioimitt"" as modified by the accepted recommendations of the Fitment

ilil;; ;;;;i;" " *"tt "' uv.'uliequ"nt eou"rnm"nt decisions or decisions or the

Hon'ble courts. In certain cases' *;;;;;* might need a relook if these decisions have

the number o


Page 14: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

ffiT:,.r'l'i:ll:T Ll::lrq'l'J]lliltativirroE 0{ course, suLr cases wourd be

;;;1;'"';";"."';#:ilil'ii:;:'31";1i",^1"11Jii,fl *:J..,1::rum,;:1il

^ Now, for each of those postr-which do not-constitute part of a cadre, subsequent;:fi:HTll.Ji:fi:[1';::;:r'' decisions, ir anv,,r,"rri"

"""rv."o arons with the,, *'"", ."'.*,o,iJil ;T?ff]"j: H: :;JH',',T J:;il:::"":3;il,#,_"1."::

For posts which constjtute,levels in an organized cadre, entry pay rn the cadrewoutd be decided first. First, the n"y corrittee{ ;;;;;";,1*,"* woutd be;#:t'"T,il::,-jil,, *::: ::l :^"::'rr1 "; I ;,;;": :;i;J# o.

"s bv co u rts

determ ned ."0;; l;i;;il;";ffT[ff:"i,J]il,:r: T: i:.;,;# ff:ia i;corresponding cadres at the Centrla view to determin ing: -

e Then' the cadre structure would be examined with

a) Whether the number of leveis desirable in te*,

"r rn" o,lt-ll-1110-''ite'

less than adequate or more than whatb) rne pay structur;;; ; #::::::''ns

in the roresoin$ and

rhe terms of examination *or,,t'"t". *'tn

""th level ln the cadre.

feasibirity in 1",.', ;;,#-1,'?"H:, central , equiva rence, and, secondty,

recommendations *o,ro o",.1"1",,i1'"r.";, #i;rl.J" r.."i",lJfii,,iil,. i"1Ll;rnan enumeration of the promotilw-ourd ease q,,.r", .",0i"i".1iH":ff ff:: "T:i, :i,T"

r:l jf,il,jr.*ii:certain cases, the recommendations about promotion;; ,;;.;';";;;:':"nd.tionat uponthe number of levels being raised or reduced. n r"',r,.iJ.", rr,,irri""lro o","*"n ro,detailed discussion as to their functionatity

"no r."comm"ii"ilniil",o"'"..oratngfy.

2.2. Pay Fixation


Page 15: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

Chapter 3. Posts Where Changes are Recommended3.1. Posts having pay structure of Gp Rs. lgOO or below

Before the 6.'CpC, there were various class lV posts below the then pre-revisedpay scale of 2750-4400. In the State covernment, there were three levels of which thelowest level was for the Orderly peon, while the higher levels were for posts belo\rMatriculation level but requiring some degree of expertise. The 6th cpc recommendeddoing away with Class IV posts totally and fitment of these levels along with theincumbents in the then pre-revised scale of 2750_4400 in the pay structure of pB1+GpRs 1800. The incumbents at the levels below the pay scale of 2750_4400 were initiallyplaced in a sub scale and they were to be granted the prescribed pay structure ofPB1+GP Rs 18OO after completion of training prescribed by the cadre controllingauthority in consultation with the General Adminjstration Department.

For the orderry peons, which were at the rowest rever, detaired insrructrons wererssued and training programs organized, folowing which a| of them were granted arevrsed pay structure of pBl+Gp Rs L8OO. Most of the posts which were placed higherthan "orderry peons", for exampre, Gardeners, cooks etc,, which are distributed acrossseverar departments continue to be in the pay structure of -1S+Gp Rs 1650 simDlvbecause their cadre controlling authorities have not been able to devtse a tratningprogram in consultation with the General Administration department. lt will beappreciated that the incumbents on these posts were performing higher duties thanthat of orderly Peons, but were placed at levels below them for which no rever has beenprescribed by the 7'" CpC. This presents the Commission with a quandarV.


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3.2.Clerks and Accounts Clerks

There is a plethora of posts in the State Government having broadly similar or

identica| functions' ln non-work departments, these posts may carry the post name of

clerks, store clerks, accountants erc ln works departments' there is a division between

clerks and accounts clerks. The post of correspondence clerk in these departments has

parity with the posts of clerks in other departments There are also posts of store

keepers in works departments'

There are 2 broad systems of pay scales for these posts: -

. For the clerks/ correspondence clerksi and

. For the accounts clerks.

Store keepers fall in a separate category The storekeepers appointed prior to 1981

enjoy parity with accounts clerrs and those appointed after those dates are similar to

clerks. Originally, the recrultment qualification for the post of clerk was Matriculation

while the recruitment qualification for the post of junior accounts clerk was

Matriculation with Mathematics as a subject while that for direct recruitment to the

oost of senior accounts clerk was Intermediate with Mathematics as a subject lt is to be

borne in mind that, originally, Mathematics was not an essential subiect in

Matricu|ation. coming to the functions of these two categories, the function of the

Accounts Clerks in works departments is essentially to verify arithmetical calculations on

Bi||sofQuantitiesandonMeasurementBooks.withtheexpansionofworkbeingexecuted in non.Works departments, the c|erks there, too, are performing simi|ar

functions of arithmetical calculations, maintenance of complicated accounts etc'

Historically, the posts of clerks and accounts clerks have enioyed different pay

scales. This has led to problems of cadre management and, of course, of heartburn

amongst those who may be getting lower pay scales This has also led to other

problems, especially, that of fixation of pay of employees appointed on compassionate

basis on higher posts than they should have been to, according to Government

instructions in this regard.





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a the functions being performed by the horders of these posrs are nowbroadly s jmilar; andb. Mathematics itself is now a compulsory subject in [,4atriculation.

In addition, the clerical cadre is facrng cenatn genuine difficulties:-i. Ihe demerger of the posts into LDCS and UDCS: Even though the GAD has issuedcadre rules for the Muffassil clerical cadre of the district .i,,".ar"* tevel, mostcadre controlling authorities have not been

"bt" to u"rrark o|. demarcate thetotal posts into those of LDCS or UDCS. This has led to stagnatron of theincumbents at the level of LDC;

ii. Promotionar avenues: Thus, at the first rever, promotion to the lever of uDcs isstalled, and, at a second rever, p.omotion to the rever of Head cr;rks is stared;iii. Promotional avenues of accounts clerk: presently, they have no promottonalavenue beyond that of senior accounts clerk. lt must be noted, though, that,recenfly, a promotional avenue in the shape of Divisional Accountant rn the gradepay of Rs 4200/- has been creared;

iv. Pay structure for compassionate ground appointees: As these appointments hadto be at the lowest level in Class lll, therefore, they should have been appointedto the post of LDC, or, if they are appointed to some other post carrying higherpay, they should have been allowed only the pay of LDC. The foregorng has beenthe consistent stand of the State. However, this stand has come under strainrecently owing to certain judgments of the Hon,bre High court. Be that as it may,it may be concluded that the matter of pay scale of appointees on compassronateground to posts other than those of LDC5 has created an additional comolication.

The pay structure for clerks and accounts clerks, at present, is as follows:_

This Commission feels that these divisionsespecially so because:_

may no longer be necessary. This is

Basic Grade

1'r promotional Ievel

Accounts Clerks

GP Rs 1900/- GP Rs 2400/-

GP Rs 2800/-

GP Rs 4200/-

GP Rs 2400/-

2"" promotional level I cp Rs 42OOl_

3 " promotional level GP Rs 4600/- Not Available


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It is manifest that these two cadres are slightly different in terms of their career

prospects. Thus, though Clerl(s would now start at a lower level' Vet the final

promotional level for them is higher than that of Accounts Clerks Therefore' an outright

merger might not be totally practtcable because of issues of inter-se senioritv which

would arise especially at the levels of GP Rs 2400/- and at GP 42OOl- Thus' while

reducing the multiplicity of cadres performing similar functions is an.objective' a more

nuanced approach might need to be adopted One mechanism which the Commission


The following recommendations would address most of the grievances raised in

the representations received by the commission The demand for paritY with Assistants

ofthesecretariat,however,cannotbemetbecausethejobresponsibi|itiesandtherecruitment qualifications have been historically different and are still divergent



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ittr" trrh ord"rr. Roth"r. if th"rq ,""*.JEtio-*-ffiirow *ith th"Go""^"nt th"n th" ittuorr. 9f thot Gou"-^liiiilourd ,ufri"" fo,- e.bt"*on"" of th"r" bn

"n"_ "odr" "ontrolliro orthli-==:

"t ,O"n ,ro, oro-ortono, ororo"rO. TO" ,o,r" ,uooiiffi"r"O u,r. ,Or-UDC. Heqd Clerk ond Office Suoerintendent. tf the iifiimotionot oostsor" O,rf"r"r, tn orn "rro',,rO."rt. ,0. ,oa", *or,O Ou & ,o ,or" U"",

t: tl"k trtt th" .-^,

", promoted to the posts of UDCs. tt is nrimarilv becouse lire contro inoagthorities hove not been able to bifurcote the oosts beiiil-ronks of HeadClerks into those for LDCs or lJDCs. One solution wouldEiix the rotio ofposts of LDC to UDC os 60:40 and to recommend that t;iccept-qnce or thesetecommendotions shall be token qs Government oporovol of the sdme withoutthe need tor onv seoqrote orders hovina to be issued. This siion- however.mov not work simplv becouse it hos not wo*ed for the last l;eo6 or more.

of LDcs be qiven o oromotion to the oost of tJDCs if thev;;;;oteted 6 vears

orders bv the resoective codre controllino quthoritv qrei;;;: Further. theCo^-istion -orld ,ecom-end thot "o"h "odr"

cortrollina o-iiritv issre o,order of bifurcation of the oosts in the oool of LD(l qnd uDl;;ie rotio OO:40

the meroer of these two levels into the sinale level of Clerk.?, fir"ilr. rn"r rrt^*

be considered if combined exoerience meets the ,,Kqtavqdhi,, crite d. This is

dnd UDCS dte the some.


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rccommended st edch level'

3,3,Secretariat Assistants and Supervisors

Supervisors are appointed through a common examination and constitute the

feedercadreforclassl|postsandservicesinsevera|departments,thoughsometlmesthey may be isolated posts with no promotional avenues The pay structure for the

entry level posts are fixed one levei below that of Class ll posts Normallv' these cadres

wou|dnothavebeentakenupforconsiderationtogether,but,duetoreasonsofhistorical parities having been disturbed subsequent to the acceptance of the

recommendations of the 5th cPc' " '"io"n '""t' to be required Prior to the 5th cPc'

Supervisors enjoyed pay tevets higher than those allowed to.Assistants of the

,"ir","rO,. witn ine ss cPc recommendations being accepted by the State' Assistants

were granted the pay scale of Rs 5500-9OOO while Supervisors were granted Rs 5000-

80oo with the exception "f " f"* ;;;; the situation remained the same after the 6th

cPc too. Thus, although the Assistants were initially granted the pay structure of PB2 +

GPRs42oo/'bythe6.''cPc,theyweresubsequentlygrantedthepaystructureofPB2+GP Rs 4600/- The Supervisors, however' remained at PB2 + GP Rs 4200/-'

The main grouse of the Supervisors is that they can't be given pay structure

inferior to that of Assistants In vlew of the historical relativity which had alwavs existed'

The 7'h CPC has deliberated upon the paY structure of Assistants and has made a

categorical averment that they cannot be given a pay level higher than that of PB2 + GP

Rs 4200/-. However, the Central Government has not accepted this recommendation of

downgrading the pay structure and has granted replacement pay level 7 to Assistants of

the Central Secretarlat.

one consistent demand of secretariat Assistants had been that they be granted

parity with Assistants of the Central Secretariat both in terms of promotional avenues as

well with regard to pay structure The Fitment Committee' however' did not accept thls

totally. Rather, while granttng the equivalent entry pay scale of Rs 5500-9000 to

Assistants, it said that the entlre structure would need to be organized similarly to the

central Secretariat Service for the entire set of benefits to be extended to this cadre'

However,withoutthatexercisehavingbeencompleted,higherpayscaIeswereextended to the Assistants of the Secretariat The cadre rules of 2005 also do not serve


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to make the structure of the State Secretariat Service similar to that of the centrat

ili,Xilril;;;:-revised srade pav or Rs 4200/-'

Secretariat Service

In Chapter 7'l'' the 7th CPc has discussed the posts of the Central Secretariat

**..,i"?ii,. *, '""1i 1:1i":X;:nru".lil ii ll.,1"ill"ll"'ill,1ii

or the Assistants was raised bv """;ffi;";; ,* :t i: Ltjlr..:"Ji:::f:l:exampre while *" t' :t: ::,:'^;"""r, ,-",*o n. ,rade pay of Rs. z

Government accepted it, but subrequEx" ln"lorr""*, be given level 6 in the matrix

has made a very clear recommenl -' n-



As has been noted earlier' themai:::::H"i:["".!il:[

::::T:'."","":TTi!:fi :":.1Tm:t jll*:::;T":i;

Government, then rePlacement Pa\

should redress their grievance'

is that their PaY

should not have

accepted bY the

of the PaY matrtx

Assistsnt codrc os well'

3.5. Electronic Data Processing Staff Cadre

Various posts at different levels with varying educational qualifications have been

created in various departments for these functions The pay structure sanctioned to

these posts range from GP Rs 24oo ;o GP Rs 6600 However' these posts are isolated

and have not yet been formally encadred either within departments or within groups of

departments. The Fitment Committee had made certain recommendations which could

not be acted upon because that would have required a high degree of coordination

amongst various dePartments'

3.4. Personal Assistant Cadre in the secretariat


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".,""1:: :il:11:'l j;":":::'the importance or this cadre wrt\ increase,51tth

n:,ri";;r*l;:*:l#i:ili:i.:nfl ^:i::fl :1 j,:::**;,7meetrng this requirement ,nrou"in^]lllout

oepa-rtments Presently, Government isto* oo*rnr"i, r;;"r,#;i:"

outsourcins of this function throush BELTR9N, anot an extremery opr,r", ,"" lro. "oo"ars

to the commission that the.s., Resistration Department, o,. *'^'11'ry'nln: ",-ut';;;,;';;:.:;Js

arrantement is

etc. In general, Government n"r r.1u^il1-lo""tt't"' " r', ."tt"r.;:iiil:"tTJr"j:estabrishment. ' -- -rnctroned very few such posts under the permanent

The Commission would comrthis catesory

" ,"u,i",# ;.,j;:::L:,",:,:ast

the runctions beins perrormed bythe clerical cadre or the s".ru,*r-'l - available through outsourcing, withpoint out to the ,"d*,r"oinu

"i""'-l.Aststant.cadre The commission would like to

hlvinc no 0""-"' or",n",,"ln'"t"'"t:::t- tl*" t"nctions performed by outsourced staff

ortenure. Goins ror*",r,;:;;;;;ilf;ff:Tffi::,... rons period without security

a. Continue with outsourcing fothese levels be merged *irt ri^Tttl

below class 2 levels Existing personner atmay be. Further, ,n" ,.".rr,rr]l,tl"'ical

cadre or the Assistant cadre, as the case

be raised to '";";r;.;" ;;::t

qualification for clerks as well as for Assistants

Graduation ** o"ri o*r"il one-year Diploma in computer Application or

Needless to add, thu ,.".rrit.n"1D Ploma in computer Application respectively.

, ::j"T:'I"";:::":jtff TJ{,,#*:JIlTilt"iff: ;:m:;:o"pa.tm"nt

'' ",";;il;1"j;:T T:'::::,,f1il::J::: :ff'J**constder reducing the reliancestrength of employees uno",

on outto"ted staff and increase the sanctioned

promottonal avenuesare availal permanent establishment so that sufficient

in- criticar areas or s""",""".". J;:,:,n",f ;':::"J,"#::Ji,T l:;i;,"1*of the heightened reliance on I

50;50 for the permanent staff aiutsourced staff at present' a minimum ratio of

vrsuatised. ]o outsourced staff in each establishment may be



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:"T,H ili5.i"lti,lff :1 i- il:."",i*ffi

monitorinS and coordinatron- ar

,:" ;";i;-, b odd. onc" ddto ,





option "b"

degree of



3'6'state servi'es "^+^ c6^'i'ec and state cadres

Here,theentrypav":::::l::Hl"T;:T:,,;^"*;tXfr*k::;f :

i;T:['"'.'$:lfl Hj"'i1"#i:::'i*^*:*::iilru;:::il:l;

*l'"t, j,#i:ilit;l-'"'#'i.t",ffi

1*l,r,nut tnt'" the entry PaY stl

:"J#J:: "::l 6:: y . "'::i::g;il I *:k*::i :f ;lRs 54oo/- after 4 Years of servrce'

ti il;::,:: :::l',Hl,ll'.iri#$l1-,t-,t#xjfi :"'J,'ffi *1;il

ITlil,ilili"l;llff '.llii*:ilf :Xi:it:",*l:Hi:ff I:':i"'i:led to demoralization amongsr uot'""'- "',-^-.|."- t"" l" siven the upgraded pay

;::,';;;';;;;' bv arl other state services that' too' be srven

It has further been observed by the commission that' under the cover of

formulation of new cadre rules, several new levels have been :'":t"t]l:"11""::t:::t""-;."t:' ; .nil;'*" o'n"'"*" between state services and the state cadres has


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::..:"::.Jl::".'"*'v brurred with most cadre ru\es now pr0daiming that thg\ an a


Pre-revised paystructure

Recommended level inpay matrix

Easic Grade P82+Gp48OO

PB2+Gp5400rn srtu upgradation to

PB3 + GP 54OO1" p.omotiona|IGPB3+Gp660a

z promotional level PB3+Gp7600Levet 123'" promotionii teG PB4+Gpf700_--Levet 13+" promotionit iEv-J PB4+Gp89ba

5'' promotionai t&J PB4+Gp10!00--(if applicabte)

3.7, Bihar Engineering Service

r ne pay structure for members of Bil)ar Engineering Service is as follows:

DesitnationUnrevised pay Scale

Assistant Engineer PB2+GpS4OOExecutive Engineer

Superintending Engineer PB4+GP8700Chief Engineer PB4+Gp8900

Engineer-in-Chief PB4+GP10O0O


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One long standing demand of the service associations has been that they shouldbe given entry pay in Class j. scale in line with the Central Engineering Services. Thisdemand has not been accededGovernment or by the state Gov",":"il,""iJ::;:T;I:ililJ:" 1 ;:". :n::The general view has been that State Services have parity wjth the Bihar AdmjnistrativeService, which itself ls a Class 2 entry level service owing to its parity wrth DAN|CS. Thevrew has, therefore, been that State Services shall be at Class 2 level at the entrv level.

Another demand of this service is to create a level between Executtve Engineerand Superintendent Engineer which shall be eligible for pay structure of pB 3 + cp7600/-. ln the Government of lndia, there are two levels of Executive Engineers, onecarryrng the pay structure of Gp Rs. 6600/_ and the other carrying the pay structure ofGP Rs. 7600/-. The Government may consider creation of this rever in the variousengineering cadres because there ls stagnation at the Ievel of Executive Engineer in theState Government at the level of Gp Rs 6600. The Government may opt for either:

. A fixed percentage of posts being earmarked for this level;. Or it may consider granting in situ upgradation to that level aftercompletion of a fixed number of years in the Gp Rs. 6600.

level ds Seniot Executive Enoineer,


A further demand has been made for enhancing the pay structure for ChiefEngineer and Engineer-in-Chief under the State Government. These posrs are currenflyenjoying the pay structures of pB 4 + Gp 89OO/_ and pB 4 + Gp 10000/_ respectively. Thedemand is to raise them to levels of pB 4 + Gp IOOOO/_ and Rs. 80000/_ fixed


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3.8. Bihar Health service

There are several demands made by the members of this service association'

These, however, can be summarized as being at three levelsl




entry pay equivalent to Group 'A' entrv pay;

grant of fixed pay of Rs. 80OOo (unrevised) to Director-in-Chief;

recommendation that any changes made in service conditions or promotlons

avenues under DAcP scheme should be suo motto applicable in the statej and

grant of Non-Practicing Allowance'



Now let's take the other demands up for consideration At the outset' it must be

clarified that this Commission is of a very firm view that the health sector in the state is

in Oir" n""O of a revamp The 2nd Pay commission for the state' in its time had

recommended higher pay scales for doctors than granted in the neighboring states of

Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal Decause the commission felt that unless higher pay was

granted, phYsicians won't be attracted to work in a comparatively more backward state

tite ginar. The commission is cognizant of the huge number of vacancies subsisting in

the cadre of both General Physiclans as well as that of Specialists lt is also aware that

these vacancies are subsisting despite efforts to fill them lt appears that well qualified

doctors are not willing to work in the rural areas of the state due to various factors'

While other factors are not germane to the present discussion' the Commission does

feel that pay structure ts one malor factor keeping Doctors away from Government The

commission, however, is not in favour of increasing the pay at the entry leve| in view of

the historical parities at that level between the various State Services'

As regards grant of Non-Practicing Allowance' the Commission is aware that In

the past there were several instances where doctors were drawing Non-Practicing

Allowance while found to be indulging in private practice as well This was the maior

reason for withdrawal of this facility in the past The commission is also aware of the

rampant absenteeism being reponed from the health establishments especially in PHcs

etc.5o, the Commission would not like to recommend enhanced pay structure in the


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shape of Non-Practicing Allowance. However, it would like topromotional prospects for doctors.

recommend improved

aService os well.

3.9, Bihar lail Service

The pay structure at present is as follows:

The reason for granting 10000-15200 to the superintendent, centrar Jair has beendiscussed in the Fitment Committee Report at paragraph g.12,14. The Fitmentcommittee found that the posts of superintendent of centrar iair are manned bv thepersonnel of Delhi & Andaman Nicobar Officers (DANICS) of the Selectron grade. Sincethe selection grade for DANICS is 1O0OO_15200 accordingly the Fitment Committeerecommended pay structure of 10000_15200 for thjs post. The pay Committee, too,based its recommendations on the same understanding. The Commission feels that thismight have been a bit harsh on the members of this service.

It is to be noted that the hierarchy of Superintendent of Jails woutd follow thehierarchy of Prisons which is Sub Jail, District Jail and Central Jail. Further, Bihar JailService being the long-established State Service should be entitled to the same paystructure as that of other State Services. Beyond the post of Superintendent of CentralJail, a functional level of Assistant Inspector General, prison is posed and above that apost of Deputy lnspector General has been visualized although the post of DeputyInspector General doesn,t seem to be In extstence.

Present Pay ScaleBasic Grade (Deputy

Superintendent)PB2 + cP Rs 4800/-

Superintendent, District jail PB2 + GP Rs 5400/-Superintendent Central

Jail/Assistant Inspector General

PB3 + GP Rs 6500/-


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Recommended level in

PaY matrixPre-revised PaY


As for other State

ServicesPB2+GP4800Basic Grade

Level 11PB3+GP66001" promotional level

2nd promotional level PB3+GP7600

PB4+GP87003'd promotional level

Level 13APB4+GP89004'h promotional level (if

the post is sanctioned)

3.10. Bihar Administrative service


Committee recommendations. Essentially, the sanctioned cadre strength has been

reduced and new promotional levels added or the number of posts in promotional

levels augmented. The character of the service too has changed from being essentially

the prime mover of administration at the field level below the level of the lAs to a

secretariat oriented service The superfluous strength of the cadre is being utilized for

various other functions of the State Government in the period that either that function

is taken over by the specialized cadre created for that function or till the actual cadre

strength reaches the sanctioned cadre strength levels'

The Commission would like to discuss the 6-tiered cadre structure as is prevailing

in the BAs now. As noted in chapter 2, compression in the number of pay levels should

lead to reduction in levels in each cadre while in the case of the BAs' it has resulted in

an increase! Thus, We have a s|tuation where a BAS officer, on promotion to the |A5, is

entitled to a pay structure which is inferior to the one he would be entitled to if he were

not promoted to the IAS either because of non-fulfillment of eligibility norms or because

of having crossed the age limit for consideration The number of BAs officers getting the

oav structure of GP Rs 10000/- on promotion to the lAs is far lesser than the number of


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those officers of thedifferent in the Biharof Rs 8700/-.

BAS as could not get thatPolice Servlce where there

elevation into theare now no posts

lAS. The situation is

above the Grade pay

3.11. Eihar Industrial Training Service

There are two cadres, The first is that of Instructors and the second is that of VicePrincipals of lTls. Although the cadre of Instructors is not a State Service, jt is beingtaken up here for better appreciation of the cadre. rn the cadre of rnstructors, there arethree levels, viz Instructor, Head Instructor/Technical Assistant and AssistantSuperintendent, owing to compression in the number of pay scales, all the three havecome to lie in the same pay level of pB2 + cp 42OO/_.

Now the apex level in the cadre of lnstructors constitutes the feeder level forpromotion to the rank of Vice principal, lll which post presently has a pay structure ofPB 2 + GP 4600. tt is obvious that any change in the pay structure of this cadre wouldrmpact the pay structure for the cadre of Vice principals as well. There are rwo possiblesolutions:-

(a) retaining the three_tiered structure of the Instructor cadre and granting itupgraded pay levels while also upgrading the pay level of Vice principal, tTlto Gp Rs. 4900/_ and simultaneously recommending removal of theprovision of the promotjon from the cadre of Instructor to the BiharIndustrial Training Service; or

(b) reducing the number of functional levels in the cadre of Instructors fromthree to two while raising the pay level appropriately for the firstpromotional level of this cadre whjch is that of Vice principal, tTts.

The Commission, after due deliberation and consideration of the representattonsreceived on this regard, feels that removal of provision of upgradatton to a highercadre might lead to loss of employee morale.


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level 6 andlbc romotional level ot level 7:


3.12. Bihar Excise Service

The structure of not only the Bihar Excise Service but the entire Excise

Enforcement machinery is being taken up for better appreciation and claritv under the


Post name Mode of


Grade PaYSl. No.

Direct 2000I Constable





2800Direct and


Direct and



Direct and



Promotlon 48005

5400Promotlon6 A<sistant CommissionerPromotion 7600

7 Dehutv CommlsslonerPromotion 8700

8 Joint Commlssloner

It will be readily manifest that the above structure would make for an extremely

inefficient cadre managemem sYsrem The Commission feels that the number of levels

at which direct recruitments oe made should be limited The commission is also


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cognizant of the anomaly in the pay strucrureInspector and Ass jstant Commissioner.

especially at the level of Sub Inspector,

recommendotions mqde qbove: ond

Bihar Agriculture Service is vertically divided into various silos, which are called"Categories". Movement from onequarirications ror recruitmentto "J::,t"]":;::tj,:ji,::T:.:f,1";: #::11:j:cadre is the category 1 (Agronomy) cadre. The other cadres are category 2 (AgricultureEngineering), category 3 (Chemistry), category 7 (Horticulture) etc. Cjre rutes for thesefour aforementioned cadres have been framed in the year 2014. Each vrsualizes a four_tjered cadre of Assistant Director/Deputy Director/oint Director/Additional Director. ltappears that the post of Additional Director is available only to members of category 1



riculture Service


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and that the

not yet even

other posts of Additional

been sanctioned.

Director mentioned in the said cadre rules have

s o n cti o14!-l9L!h9!E9SE:

Pay Level Recommended

Assistant Director

Deputy Director

Joint Director

Additional Director

(only for categorY 1-AgronomY)

3.13. Bihar Industry Service

According to the cadre rules of 1987' Bihar Industries Service is a six-tiered cadre

The pay structure sanctioned, however' is five tiered with the apex post of Director'

Technical being granted the pay structure of PB 4 + GP Rs 8900 and the posts of

Additional Director and Joint Director both lying at PB 4+ GP Rs 8700 The demand is for

raising the pay structure for Additional Director to PB 4 + GP Rs 8900 and for Director'

Technical to PB 4 + GP Rs 10000 The Fitment Committee had recommended a five

tiered structure and accordingly pay scales up to Rs 16,400-20'ooo were sanctioned The

Fitment Committee had recommended Functional Managers and Deputy Directors to be

at the same level. The Fitment Appellate committee upgraded the pay scale for Depuiy

Director to Rs 12,000-16,500 and that of Joint Director at Rs 14'300-18'300 As a

result, Joint Director and Additional Directors lie at the same level lt is to be noted that

the Fitment committee has already found that Deputy Directors in the state are already

getting more than their Central counterparts'

(a) The cqdre rules be rcviewed to mske d five tiercd'


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3.14. Minority Welfare Service

than other State Services. The Commission, accordinalv, recommends their

Thjs is a new service constituted in the year 2011. The relevant cadre rules arethe "Bihar Minority Welfare Officer Cadre Rules, 2013,,. The basic grade ot the cadre ismade up of District Minority Welfare Officers. They were placed in pB2 + Gp Rs 5400/_.This was the level allowed only to the 6 so called ,,premier,,

Services. As regardsfunctions, the functions are no doubt important, but are decidedly a notch below thefunctions attached to the post of members of the BAs and the other so caired ,.premier,,services. The grant of elevated pay structure to this service has led to resentment inother services. The Commission is of view that they cannot be placed at any level higher

3.15. Bihar Cooperative Service

The cadre rule of Bihar Cooperative Service was constituted in year 2011. In chaoter llpara 7 of the Cadre Rules it is mentioned that ,,unless there is any provisron repugnant,the related provision for direct recruitment in the Bihar Administrative Service shallremain effective for direct recruitment in this service too.,,The Committee recommendsrepealing of this para by the Controlling department. However. the Commission

3.15. Bihar Child D€velopment Service

It appears that cadre rules have been framed in the year 2015 after the previousPay committee submitted its recommendations, The requests are for recognluon as astate service and, accordingly, grant in situ upgradation to pB3+Gp Rs 54OO after 4 years

of service as well as recommendation of pay structure for the promotional posts in thiscadre.

Stdte Seryices,

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Replacement PaY scale

Entry Level same as other State Services

First promotional level

second promotional level

Third promotional level

above the basic grade

3.u. Bihar child Protection Service

No posts are sanctioned a

tlt vesent. IEtrEglgL-the

3.18, Other State Services

No change is recommended for the other State Services'

3.19. Laboratory Staff

The eligibility criterion for Laboratory Technician is l.Sc and DMLT. At present

the pay scale granted under 6th PaY Committee for Grade ll Technicians is PB 1+ GP

2800 and for Grade I Technicians is PB 2 + GP 4200 respectively. Laboratory Technicians

have sought parity with their Central Government counterparts who have been granted

higher pay scale under 6th cPC i.e. PB 1+ GP 4200 for Grade ll Technicians and PB 2 + GP

4200 for Grade I Technicians respectively. Both the Fitment Committee as well as the

Pay Committee have dealt with the matter of Laboratory staff. The Pay Committee had

recommended that Laboratory Attendant, Laboratory Boy and Laboratory Khalasi and all

other similar posts which do not have any specific recruitment qualification attached to


Replacement PaY scale

same as other state

ServicesEntry Level

ilst orornotional level (once sanctioned)

second promotional level (once sanctioned)

ft'irO pro.otionat tevel (Once Sanctioned)


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them, be placed in level 1. This Commission further recommends thot these posts nolonger carry the present post ndmes. Rdther they should be brcught in the generolpool ol the erstwhile Class lV stoff in line with the rccommendqtions being mode lorthis category of personnel in in poro 3.7 ol this chopter.

As regards those posts which have some technical qualification attached to them,in accordance with the recommendations of the Fitment Committee, the paV srrucrureof PB2 + GP Rs 4200/- was granted to those posts where the recruitment qualificationwas B.Sc. with DMLT. In certain cases, pay structure of pB 2 + Gp Rs 2g0O was granted ifthe recruitment qualification was LSC./B.SC./DMLT. In other cases, the pay structuregranted was the replacement paV structure.

In the Health Department, the department, jn the meantime has drafted cadrerules for the Laboratory Technician Cadre, where the recruitment qualification has beenprescribed as l.Sc. + DMLT. Now the demand is that all incumbents to be given the pay

structure of corresponding to PB 2 + Gp Rs 4200. lt is to be noted that, under theGovernment of India the pay scale of 4200 is applicable onlv if the recrurtmentqualification is B.Sc. with DMLT.

pov motnx.

3.20. OtherTechnical Posts in the Health Department


1. O.T. Assistqnt

2. Lqborotory Technicion (Dentol)


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3. X-Rdy Mechqnic

4. x-Roy fechniciqn

5. E.C.G. fechniciqn

6. Phormdcists

7. Lob Technicion

8. Medidn Mon (Ldb. Assistdnt)

9. Medicol Record Technician

70.Others, if dny.

mqke it functiondllv rcdlistic.

3.21. Filaria Control Programme, Health Department

The Superior Field Worker and the Insect Collector under the Filaria control

Programme were granted PB 1 + GP Rs 18OO by the Pay Committee. The Superior Field

Worker and the Insect Collector have claimed that they are class lll employees and theY

have to qualify Hindi (Noting & Drafting) Examination along with Computer Proficiency

Test. Their basic contention is that after the pay scale upgradation of trained class lV

emolovees to PB 1+ GP Rs 1800, the anomaly in pay scale needs to be rectified lt has

been pointed out in this regard that relevant cadre rules have been drafted for them in

which recruitment qualifications have been prescribed as Intermediate The said cadre

rules also provision creation of 3-tiered structures for the 2 cadres separately'

At the outset, it must be noted that there exists no rationale for a blanket

upgradation of the pay structure of the basic posts in both these cadres However, in

view of historical relativities having been disturbed, the commission feels that upgraded

oav structure should be made available at the higher levels.

Accordinalv, the Commission recommends thoti


reolacement pov level of level 7 Ptovided;


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3.22. Dresser/Dresser-cum-Compounder

Dresser/Dresser-cum_Compounder are working under different departments vjz.Health department, Home Department, Science & Technology Deparrment, AnimalHusbandry Department etc, The eligibility criterion for Dresser/Dresser_cum_Compounder is Matriculation along with certlficate course from a recognrzed institute.Their nature of work is of primary aid, The sanctioned scare for this post rs p8l+Gp Rs1650 which has now become redundant. Now the scale sanctioned for the Matriculationlevel post is pB1+Gp Rs 1gO0 and Dresser/Dresser-cum_Compounder have an additionalqualificatlon. The cadre rules have been notified for the Dresser/Dresser-cum_Compounder whjch provides a four-tiered hierarchy. While the Commission is agreeableto raising the pay for the basic level, but is of the opinion that a 4_tiered cadre hierarchyis not required for this post.

3.23, Dresser-cum-Compounder in Health Department (lndigenous)

Incumbents on the posts of Dresser-cum,Compounder in Heatth Department(lndigenous Treatment) have been selected on the basis of Intermediate (Biology) with50% marks and five years'experience in Government Hospjtar. The sanctioned scale forDresser-cum-Compounder with the mentioned qualiflcation is pBl+Gp Rs 1900. Theyhave demanded a pay scale of pB2+ Gp Rs 2800 as like pharmacists_

3.24. Civil Court Cterical and Stenographer Cadre

Civil Court Clerical and Stenographer Cadre have demanded Graduate level paystructure in light of the judgment delivered in CWJC No._5456/j.994. By anotherJudgment, the minimum recruitment qualification for the appointment of Clerks in CivilCourt had been raised to Graduation. Vide the said judgment, the State Governmentwas required to form a view about the pay structure to be granted to these employees.It is not very clear as to how the judgment of 1997 is being pressed before this


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commission. No reference of the Government has been made before the commlsslon as

vet. As such, no separate view as praYed for in the representations can be taken'

As regards independent examination of

category of employees had always enjoyed

Collectorate. Therefore, recommendation of

the demands, it is to be noted that this

parity with the Clericai cadre of the

a different pay structure than that for

coflectorate clerical cadres is extremely dillicrlt The commission recommends

to it bv the concemed Administrotive Deoqrtment'

3.25, 1423 Agriculture Inspector and 587 Block Agriculture Officers

It is to be first of all categorically pointed out that there is and never was

existence of any category of posts in the Agriculture Department with the nomenclature

of 1423 Agriculture lnspectors The question then naturally arises as to whv these posts

are finding a mention in this report While it is true that no posts of this name have ever

existed, there has been a history of litigation over the past roughly 27 Years' which iS

why these are being mentioned here too ln addition' a representation has been

received from Bihar Agriculture Graduate Service Association' raising preciselV the same

points which have been cate8orically denied by the Fitment Committee' the Fitment

Appellate Committee, the Pay committee' the Agriculture Department as well as bv the

State Government.

In brief, Block Agriculture officers man blocks as the name would readily suggest'

Then, there are various posts in the Agriculture Department akin to Supervisory level

posts of other departments These are manned by Agriculture Graduates and do not

constitute a feeder cadre for the Bihar Agricutture Service This is precisely the group of

employees which has classified itself as 1423 Agriculture Graduates and has demanded

class 2 pay scales. Each of the posts that are held by these employees already has a pay

structure of PB2+GP Rs 4200/- attached to it Therefore' no separate consideration is

being made on the representation of this service association The general

recommendation for Supervisors made elsewhere in this chapter shall apply'


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3.26. Bihar Revenue Service, Bihar Rural Development Service and Bihar UrbanService

The first two are newly created services. The Rural Development Service is meantto man post from the level of Rural Development Officers onwards to BlockDevelopment Officers. The basic grade post of Bihar Revenue Service is Circle Inspector.The cadre rules of Bihar Revenue Service and Bihar Rural Development Service werenotified in the year 2010. The pay structure for the basic grade for both the services isP82+GP Rs 42OO/-. They have contended that they have technical problems inadministering the office due to the pay structure being similar to the Supervisory cadre.

The claim raised is that their pay structure can also be upgraded simjlar to otherposts whose pay structure has been enhanced after the recommendations of the pavcommittee From perusar of the cadre Rures of these two services, it is apparent thatthe basic grade for these servjces has been consciously kept at a level equivalent to thatof Supervisors while the posts of Block Development Officer and Circle Officer, whichwould constitute the first promotional level for these cadres, are already placed at alevel equal to that of entry level for the class I state services. No chonae is therefore

The Bihar Urban Service Cadre Rules have not been formulated. The pay scale forthe basic grade post of this cadre is pB 2 + Rs 4600/_. They have sought parity with BiharAdministrative Service as they have been selected through the same examination andneed to perform same duties as performed earller by the members of the BiharAdministrative Service. Their main demand is recommendation of a Cadre hierarchyalongside upgradation of the entry pay structure. cadre review shourd be carried out bythe administrative department concerned and suitable pay structure notified by theFinance Department. The present stage is pre-mature for the Commission to take anvview on the proposed structure.

3,27, +2 Vocational Teachers and Laboratory Assistants

The present pay scale of +2 Vocational Teachers and Laboratory Assistants isPB2+GP Rs 4200. The +2 Vocational Teachers and Laboratory Assistants were recruitedby the State Government under the ,,plan Head,, in the unrevised pav scale of Rs 15OO_2750 in the year 1993. The recruitment qualification for these +2 vocational Teachers isMaster Degree/Engineering/Technical Degree in Medical or post Graduate Daproma inthe concerned trade. At present these incumbents are getting pay in the pav structure


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of pB2+Gp Rs 4200. They have demanded reasonable pay scale from the date of joining

in accordance with the judgment passed in cWJc No 1054U2009 The administrative

deoartment had recommended the pay scale of PB 2+GP 48oo/- for these +2 Vocational

Teachersfrom0l.0l.2006.LaboratoryAssistantshassimi|ar|ysoughtparitywith+2Vocational Teachers on the ground that they perform the same functions as Vocational


It appears that the incumbents were first appointed against posts under the

"PIan category" and subsequently brought under regular "Non-Plan" establishment in

the vear 2005. Initially, they were getting fixed pay at the initial stage of the pay scale

notified in the recruitment advertisement. subsequent to the High court ruling in cwJc

No..10541/2009, it has been ordered that they be granted regu|ar pay sca|es With

regular increments in the prescribed pay scales since ihe date of appointment The

Hon'ble High Court had ordered on 08.10.2010, that, "the respondents will take steps

for fixation of the pay scales of the petitioners, revised pay scales and increments

treating the said corrections to have been made in the appointment letters from the

date of their issue itself."

According to the appointment letters, Instructors have been appointed at the

initial stage of the then pay scale of 1'500-2750 while Laboratory Assistants had been

aDDointment at the fixed initial stage of 1400 in the then prevalent pay scale of 1400-

2600.TheseWererevisedandbroughttothe|eve|of5000-8000inthepayStructureeffective from 01.01.1996 and further to PB2+GP Rs 4200 from 01 01'2006 When the

file for compliance of the Hon'ble High order was marked to the Finance Department'

the Finance department riShtlY noted that the pay structure has been alreadv

prescribed and it was noted that if the incumbents have anY grievance' they may

approach the next Pay Revision body. Now, the administrative department as well as

the incumbents have respectively recommended and demanded the pays structure of

6500-10500 from 01.01 1996, PB2+GP Rs 48OO from 01 01 2006 and placement in level

8 of the Dav matrix from 01.01 2016. The grounds adduced in the favour of this

recommendation/demand are that they are equivalent to +2 teachers and therefore'

they should be given a paY structure equal to that of the +2 teachers

The commission has discussed the posts of Instructors in the lTls elsewhere in

this chapter and has recommended placement in level 6 for the Instructors of lTls The

Commission is of very strong view that, in terms of their recruitment qualification' the

incumbents can't claim superiority over instructors of lTls This is all the more so


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oecause the Instructors in lTls were appornted"Non-Plan" head while these incumbenrs were

against the permanent posts under theappointed on the temporarV posts underthe "Plan" head.


3.28. PBX Operator of coverno/s Secretariat

The pay scale for pBX Operator of Governor,s Secretariat is presently pB1+cp Rs1900. PBX operators in other departments of the state Government have beensanctioned the pay scale of pB1+Gp Rs 2400 and an unrevised pay scale of Rs 40OO_5000. on the basis of equivarence and the recommendation made bv Governor,sSecretariat, !tSecretdiat.

3.29. Mender cum Book Binder GrouD ,C,

The Mender cum Book Binder,s cadre rule has been notified in year 2014. Therecruttment qualification for the Mender cum Book Binder,s is Intermediate and twoyears' experience of book binding in any institution or short period training in recordpreservation from National Archives. The pay scale sanctioned for thjs post ts pBl.+GpRs 1900. The Mender cum Book Binders have contended that their post is higher thanRecord Keeper who are placed at pB1+cp Rs 2000, accordingly their pay scate should berevised. The Commission feels that Mender cum Book Binder,s should have someadvantage and they should be sanctioned higher pay scale. Accordinolv, theCommission recommenrt< lcvat t f^, rh- 'c.

Assistant Engineers of pwD are posted and Research Assistants of the ResearchWing are promoted to the post of Assistant Director. presently, the pay scale ofAssistant Director, Research wing is 6500-10500 in the unrevised scale and pB2+Gp Rs4600 in the revised pay structure. They have demanded parity in pav scate withAssistant Engineer.

3.30. Assistant Director, Research Win& public Works Department


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3.31. Librarian/Library Assistants of different departments

Posts of Librarian/Library Assistant are to be found in various departments A

very strong case is made out for upgradation of the pay structure of the incumbents

holding these posts based upon their recruitment qualification in the representations

receivedinthisbehalf.TheFitmentcommitteeinparalT.8Vo|||hadprovidedreplacement scales in the interregnum till the State Government decided upon a

uniform system of deciding upon recruitment qualifications for the various posts taking

into account the size of libraries, the specialization of the books of the library and the

clientele they cater to. This exercise has not yet been carried out by the State

Government. Z!!

3.32. MalarialnsPector

TheHea|thdepartmenthasframedtheBiharMa|arialnspectorcadreRu|ein2015 whereby it has created a four-tiered structure The representation received in this

regard has requested for recommendation of pay structure for the promotional posts in

view of the fact that earlier it was a flat structure having only one layer' placed at PB2

GPRs42oo'Thecomm.ssionlsnotinfavourofcreatingpromotiona|leve|sjustforbenefitting the members in the cadre when functional levels cannot be defined for

reasons of administrative efficiencies. This seems to be exactly a matter which illustrates

the above. The levels proposed are of Malaria Inspector, senior Malaria Inspector'

Malaria Inspector Supervisor and Senior Malaria Inspector Supervisor' Obviously' these

are not functional levels, but created just for grant of promotional benefits to these


Accordindlv, we rccommend thot:

a. The cadre be reviewed to make it at best a two-tiered codre'

b. subiect to the obove exercise beino corried out' the Dav structure tor



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3.33. Bihar Audit Service Rules

The Finance Department has, on 20.02.2017 has notified the cadre rules for BiharAudit Service. This visualizes a seven_tiered cadre with 100% direct recruttment at thefirst tier and 50% direct recruitment at the third tier. All other tiers and the balance 50%at the third tier are to be filled up by promotions only. prior to this the posts were notin the form of a service spanning several levels. Rather, there were posts, some of whichwere filled up directly and some through promotion from subordinate posts which weregoverned by circulars. The cadre rules have been framed with a view to strengtheningthe audit machinery in the state in vjew of the increased responsibility being conferredupon the Audit wing in the shape of local bodies, audit.

Post Name Pay Level Recommended

w.e.f. 20.03.2017

Senior AuditorAssistant Audit Officer

Audit OfficerSenior Audit Officer/Assistant Director

Deputy Director

Joint Director

3.34. Urdu Translators, Raibhasha Department

The Assistant Urdu Translators of Rajbhasha directorate are recrujted on thebasis of educational qualification of Intermediate (+2)/equivalent with at least 100marks in Urdu subject from any recognized university/Board. The minimum educationalqualification required for direct recruitment to the post of urdu Translator is Graduationor equivalent with Urdu subject from any recognized University. The pay scalesanctioned for the post of Assistant Urdu Translators of Rajbhasha directorate rs p82+GpRs 2400 and of Urdu Translator is pB2+Gp Rs 2g00. The cadre rules tor the UrduTranslators has been notified in the year 2016 through which two additional promotion


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Dosts named "senior Urdu Translator" and "Translation officer (Urdu)" has been


The demands of the Urdu Translators and the commission's opinion about the

demands are as follows:-

a) That they should be treated at par with Translators of Law Department ano

the replacement pay level in the new structure should be sanctioned

accordingly lt is instructive to note thot the Tronsldtors of Roibhosha

deportmenthovethesomeeducotionalqualificotionandsomepoystructureos Assistont Tronslator of the Low Deportment; and

b) That the upgradatrons under the ACP Scheme are inferior to those enjoyed by

Urdu/Hindi Typists under the same Directorate Again' ACP upgrodotions qnd

the anomolies ar|'ng out of these ore the moin reoson why the 6th cPc

discontinued the AcP scheme ond fromed the MA'P scheme

Pay Level

RecommendedPost Name

Assistant Urdu


Urdu Translators

Senior Urdu Translator

Urdu Translation



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Chapter 4. Matte.s referred to the Gommission by the Finance Department

4.1. Personnel under the State Archives, Department of Cabinet Secretariat

The posts in the State Archives and the pay structure available to them is just twotiered at present. The post of Director of Archives is in pB 3 + Gp Rs 7600 while all otherposts are in pB 2 + Gp Rs 4200. The Department had, in 2072, notitied a set of Cadrerules in which it introduced further two layers while prescrjbing the pay scates for thesetwo layers at pB 2 + cp Rs 4600 and pB 3 + Gp Rs 6600 respectively. As rhese pay scaleswere not agreed to by the Finance Department and in view of demand for upgradationin the pay structure for the Director, Archives, the file had been referred to thisCommission. The matter of pay scales has been agitating these employees for long. TheFitment Committee had discussed these posts in para 1.2.1 to 1.2.5. The FitmentCommittee didn,t recommend pay scales equal to that prevailing in the NationalArchives for three reasons :-

{a) The functions of the State Archives can,t be compared with those ofNational Archives because of the higher duties and responsibilities inthe National Archives of India.

(b) The National Archives of lndia has been declared as the nodal agencyfor implementation of the public Record Act which is not the case inthe state.

(c) The National Archives of lndia imparts training which not the case withthe state is.

Further, the Fitment Commjttee found that training in archtves keeping orconservation is not an essential recruitment qualification in the state. Rather, it is only adesirable qualification. lt very clearly recommended that, ,,recruitment

rures wi need tobe suitably amended and desired candidates recrulfed (emphasis ours) before theArchivists can be in the scale of Rs 6500-10500,,. lt further found that the Director ofstate Archives who was in the then pre revised scare of 3ooo_4500 wourd at best begrven the upgraded pay scale of 12000_16500 only because of the importance of thework and that he was performing while equating his post with that of Deputy Director inthe NationalArchives_

The Fitment Appellate Committ(and had recommendud

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Now, the department has notified recruitment rules by which it has raised the

recruitment qualifications to the same level as that in the National Archives and it hOS

now been declared essentia| rather than a desirable qualification A|so, the state has

notified Public Record Act. The claim of elevated scale is based on these lt may be

recalled that the Fitment commrttee has explicitly prescribed that till people with

enhanced qualification are reffulted, grant of equivalence cannot be granted Now it is

notthecaseofthedepartmenlthatthepeop|ewithenhancedqua|ificationhaveactually been recruited. Therefore, the commission finds it extremelv difficult to

recommend the pay scales as demanded in the representations or in the writ

aoolications filed before the Hon'ble High Court because of the following undisputed


(a) Substantial presence of incumbents who

qualification; and

(b)The undeniably lower level of functions at the

National Archives.

fh recommends as followsr

were recruited without the requisite

state level as compared to the

Thus, grant of equity with central Archives is not possible However' the efforts of

the department in enhancing the functions being performed by the State Archives and

also its intent towards Setting In people with requisite qualification to work on these

posts also must be borne in mind'

the State Archives Dov level 73 is beina recommended'

erefar9-!h9-99gnE i9!

Replacement PaY

levelGrade PayPay Scale

PB 2 (9300-34800)Archivist

PB 2 (9300-34800)Assistant Director of


O"p"tv O*.t", "t PB 2 (9300-34800)



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incumbents sre recruited occordino to enhonced duolificotion qs Drcscribed

in the cadre rules of 2072 in lines with the rccommenddtions of the Fitment


4.2. Bihar Co-ooerative Audit Service

District Audit Officer is the feeder post for the Bihar Co-operative Audit Service.

The promotional posts in the hierarchy are Deputy chief Auditor and Joint Registrar,

Audit. The pay scales sanctioned for the post of District Audit Officer (basic grade) is P82

r GP Rs 48OO/- and in situ upgradation in PB 3 + GP Rs 5400 after 4 years. For the post of

Deputy Chief Auditor, the pay scale sanctioned is PB 3 + GP Rs 5400. lt is evident that

the pav scale sanctioned for the post of District Audit Officer and the promotional post

of Deoutv Chief Auditor is same which needs to be reclified- The Commission

post of toint Reaistror, Audit.

4.3. Bihar Drug Control Cadre

Drug Inspector is the basic grade post in the Bihar Drug Control Cadre. The

promotional posts in the cadre are Assistant Drug Controller, Deputy Drug Controller

and State Drug Controller. The pay scale granted for the Drug Inspector was PB2 + GP Rs

4600, PB2 + GP Rs 4800/- for Assistant Drug Controller, PB3 + GP Rs 6600 for Deputy

Drug controller and PB4 + GP Rs 8700 for State Drug controller in accordance with the

scheme prevailing at the center. Subsequently, the pay scale of Drug Inspector was

upgraded to PB2 + GP Rs 4800/- at the Centre. Drug Inspectors in the state are

demanding parity with their central counterparts as well as enlistment as a state cadre

along with identical pay sftucture.

The Commission has noted that the Fitment committee had not recommended

pay structure similar to that of State Services in absence of mention of promotional

posts in the cadre rules of 1989. lt had, also, very specifically declined to compare the

State Drug controller with the Drug Controller of India and had, instead, found it to have

parity with the post of Professor of Medical College. The State Government has, in 2014,


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issued the Bihar Drug Control Cadre Rules, which prescribes a four-tiered cadrehierarchy. lt is to be noted that, as far as recruitment qualifications were concerned,there is no difference between the Centre and the State. With the Central Governmentupgrading the pay structure for Drug lnspectors, a revision is called for.

Accordinalv, the Commission recommends thqt the four-tiercd structure beorunted in the rcvised pov stlttcture in pdy levels g, 71. 12 dnd 73 rcsoectivelv. No

4,4, Posts under the Fisheries Directorate

The present hierarchy of posts under the Fisheries Directorate along with thesource of recruitment and the pav structure for each is as in the table below :-

Representation received in this regard seeks some rationalization of the pay

structures for the post mentioned in the Sl. No. 1, 2, 3 above. lt appears that the pay

structure of the post of Fisheries Extension 5upervisor which was sanctioned at


No.Name of Post Pay Structure Source of Recruitment

I Fisheries Extension Supervisor PB2+GP Rs 4200 Direct

2 Fisheries Inspector PB2+GP Rs 4200100% promotion from Sl.

No. 1

I Fisheries Extension Officer P82+cP Rs 4200

1. Direct

2. Promotion from Sl.


4 District Fisheries Off icer PB2+GP Rs 4800100% promotion from Sl.


Deputy Director PB3+GP Rs 5400100% promotion from Sl.


6 Joint Director, Fisheries P83+GP Rs 7600100% promotion from Sl.


7 Director, Fisheries P831GP Rs 8700100% promotion from Sl.

No.68 Assistant Engineer, Fisheries P82+GP Rs 4600 Direct

9 Executive Engineer, Fisheries PB2+GP Rs 6600100% promotion from Sl.



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4500'7000, revised to PB1+GP Rs 28OO w e.f. 01 01 2006 was granted upgraded pay

structure of PB2+GP Rs 42OO following a judgment of the Hon'ble High Court in CWJC

No. 19935/2010 dated L8.07.2013. Thus, that post and its promotional post have come

to lie at the same level. A further claim is that the Pay Committee wrongly considered

the post of District Fisheries Officer as the entry level of Bihar Fisheries service and the

service rules bear out that the Fisheries Extension Officer is the entry level post of the

Bihar Fisheries service. The third claim made is for grant of upgraded pay structure to

Deputy Director, Fisheries in line with the recommendations of the Pay Committee' The

final claim is that Assistant Engineers should be provided the same pay structure as is

prevailing for the same post in the works departments'

Firstly, the Commission reaffirms the finding of the Fitment Committee that the

Fisheries Service is not a state service lt can at most be considered to be a state cadre

The Commission would also seek to reaffirm the recommendation of the Fitment

committee that the Assistant Engineer under the Fisheries Directorate shall have parity

with the gost of District Fisheries Officer. The Commission further reaffirms the finding

of the Fitment Committee that the posts in the Fisheries discipline even in the Centre

are in the lower paY scales than technical posts in the disciplines of Agriculture or

Animal Husbandrv.

With the qbove beino established. the Commission makes the followino


ond rcdefininq the fundionol rcouirements.




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4.5. Teachers in nationalized schools

The pay structure for teachers in nationalized schools needs no change and nosuch recommendation has been received in this regard. However, representations havebeen received regarding an apparent dichotomy with regard to admissibility and grantof benefits under the ACp scheme. Ihe generalized scheme of time bounq promotronsavailable to other state government employees since 01.04.19g1 was not avairabre tothis class of government employees. Rather, ACp scheme, whereby, an in situupgradation after 12 years of service to all teachers and a second in situ upgradation to20% teachers on completion of minimum 24 years of service was prescribed for thisclass of Government employees. Since 09.0g.1999, all other state governmentemproyees are getting unconditional upgradations of 12 and 24 years of service, whirethis category of government employees continued in their scheme unique to them.Thus, while all other government employees including teachers of government schools,would get a second financlal upgradation automatically, once they complete 24 years ofservice, in the case of teachers of nationalized schools, it would be based on .,vacancv,,

and only 20% of the teachers at the first upgraded level would be eligible for the secondupgradation.

The representations received have harped upon this seeming discnmination andthey have averred that the state government has recognized this and has agreed tounconditional grant of second financial upgradation from 04.03.2014. The request madeis that the Commission recommend that it be made applicable from 09.08.1999, as isthe case with all other government employees as well as their peers in tne governmentschools.

72.07.2070. Thercfore. onlv dfter occeotdnce of the conditions of MAC\, should theseteocheE be ollowed the rccommended benefits.


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4.6. Photo Expert under Home Department

Government Examiner of photographs working under the Crime Investigationdepartment of the State police has raised a grievance that they be treated similarly toState Examiner of euestioned Documents and Government Examiner of Fingerprintsbecause of historical parities as well as similar education qualifications.

It appears that the aforesaid two posts were initially granted the pay structure ofRs 6500-10500 and PB2+Gp Rs 4600 from 01.01.1996 and 0j..01.2006 respectively. TheFitment Committee has explicitly brought forth that they could at best have parity withAssistant Central Intelligence Officer and that they cannot be compared with thesuperior posts in the Central Government under the establishment of GovernmentExaminer of Questioned Documents at Shimla, Kolkata and Hyderabad. The Fitmentcommittee had further noted that the recruitment qualifications were lower in the statethan even the post of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer,

However, subsequent to the revision of cadre rules for these posts in the year2014 Government in the Finance department reviewed the pav structure and chose togrant the pay structure available as entry pay structure for state services to this post inslight departure from the recommendations made by the Fitment Committee.

This Commission strongly feels that the upgradation granted to these two posts

was not entirely well founded in terms of the recommendations made by the FitmentCommittee. However, it would not like to recommend a downgrade to Gp Rs 4600 butthe possibility of in situ upgradatjon to PB3+GP Rs 5400 after 4 years of service is not atall well founded and therefore subject to review. Finally, the Commission is of the view

that the Government Examiner of Photographs cannot be granted the upgraded pay

structure because the recruitment qualifications for the same have not been upgraded.

ln sum. theteforc, the Commission would recommend repldcement oov level I for thepost of Government Finqerp nt Examiner qnd Stote Examiner of Auestioned

Documents alondside rcplqcement pov level 7 for Govenment Exdminer ofPhotodtdphs.

4.7. Bihar sports and Youth service

A file has been referred to the Finance department for the consideration of the

pav structure for the various levels under the aforesaid service. lt appears that a Bihar

Sports and Youth service rule has been framed in the year 2014. Originally, the posts


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enumerated under these rules were manned by members of the Bihar Education Service

with the subordinate levels being manned by members of the Bihar Subordinate Service

while the class 2 posts manned by Bihar Education Service Class 2 With the creation of

a new department, these isolated posts are sought to be grouped together and

encadred into a separate service. lt might be instructive to look into the

recommendationsoftheFitmentcommitteeWithregardtotheseposts.TheFitmentcommittee has discussed these posts in chapter 17 of its report and doesn't appear to

have recommended pav scales of above entry levels for District Sports Officer and pre-

revised 10000-15200 for Deputy Directors and the same pay structure was envisaged for

Stadium Manager as well. The cadre hierarchy proposed by the department is four

tiered and the department desires that the pay structure should commence at the entry

level for Class 2. This cannot be granted. However, the Commission would recommend a

careful relook at the cadre hierarchy such that the posts of District Sports Officer is at a

first promotional level and then granted a pay structure of PB2 GP Rs 4800'

The com mi ssi on rc co m me nds :'


recommendotions mode bv the Fitment Committee'

The posts identified should be such thdt a Dromotionol hierorchv is

mqintoined without compromisinq on odministrqtive efficiencv,

fhe followino pqv strudure is recommended :-

Sl. No. Level Pay Level

I Entry Level 6

2 First Promotional Level 8

3 Second Promotional Level 1,L

Third Promotional Level 12

4.8. Bihar Archaeology and Museum Service

A file has been referred to the Finance department for the consideration of thepay structure for the various levels under the aforesaid service. lt appears that a BiharArchaeology and Museum Service rule has been framed in the year 2014. Originally, theposts enumerated under these rules were manned bv members of the Bihar Education


Page 53: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

service with the subordinate Ievers being manned by members of the Bihar subordinateService while the Class 2 posts manned by Bihar Education S"rui." i,"rr 2. With thecreation of a new department, the:and encadred into a separate s;e

rsolated posts are sought to be grouped together

recommendations of the Fitment €rvrce. tt might be instructive to look into the

committeehasdiscussed.ilr:;",TJ.'rT,lJ'ir:,'i',t,jlff ;#:::#:rtJ:T:il

|;:: r:::i::ilpay scales of above entry revers. No speciar recommendations havebeen made for the Gazetted Cadre "".o.r ,"_^ _-^-j.,^_ ,'rvr'rrrrElrudtrons


commission raeom^on.t. +L^ .^t,-.1." "lt"ot those mentioned in patas 17.6.3. Ikg

Entry Level

First Promotional Level

Second promotional GG

4.9. Registrar cum Accounts Officer in Government polytechnic and GovernmentEngineering colleges

It appears that thls post of Regrstrar cum Accounts Officer exists in each of theseinstitutions under the Science and Technology Department. The depanment hasbrought these posts together into a three-tiered cadre and has prescribed that allIncumbents working on the posts of Assistant Registrars shall be deemed to be nowworking on the posts of Registrars Suo moto. Accordingly, pay structure for thepromotional posts has been asked for. The Commission recommends the followinsstructure: -

Entry Level

First Promotional Level

Second Promotional Level


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4.10. Grant of in situ upgradation to PB 3 GP Rs 5400 to members of Bihar Statistical


A reference has been received for adiudication upon a claim made by this

.rr"goryof uaptoyees for grant of in situ upgradation to PB 3 GP Rs 5400 after 4 years

inPB2GPRs4So0.TheSroundc|aimedi5thatthisfaci|ityisavai|ab|etothestateservices and because, they have now got themselves declared a state service'

therefore, they should be granted this facilitv'

On the face of it, this claim seems irrefutable However' as we have noted In

chapter3therehasbeenanlncreasingtendencyamongstVariouscadrestodec|arethemselves as a state servlce ro obtainlhis benefit This commission has proposed to

do awaY with the facility of in-situ upgradations Therefore' the commission is not

making any recommendation at present Replacement pay structure shall prevail

4.11. Pay Structure for Ass'stant Professor' Physiotherapy' in Bihar College of

Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy


structure to be granted to Assistant Professor in the Bihar college of Physiotherapy and

OccupationalTherapy At the ourset' it will be worthwhile to note that the recoBnltron

of degree or diploma courses In Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy falls under

the purview of the State Government' while the same function is carried out by the

Rehabilitation Council of Indra for specialists in other forms of disabilities This

commissionhastriedveryhardtoobtainthelistofrecognizeddegreesinthesedisciplines. lt appears that the certificate awarded by the Bihar College of

Physiotherapy and occupatronal Therapy shall be considered equivalent to a degree

However, no document related to recognition of any other degree course in these two

disciDlines is available or has been made available before this commission Thus' all

personnel working on these posts are diploma holders either with or without post

qualification work experience before been appointed'

Secondly, it must be considered that Physiotherapists and Occupational

Therapists, either degree holders or diploma holders have been agitating or

representing before the central Government as well as the State Government for grant



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rejection of such claims by the Expert pay Bodies at both the levels. The FitmentCommittee recommended thefollowrng:_

"The 5th poy Commission wos of the view thot educotionol qualificotionsand nature of duties of the physiotherapists ond Occupational Theraprsts arenot comporable to those of MBBS and BDS (Dentot Surgeons). tn Bihar, the non_diplomq horder physiotherapist and the occupationqr Therapists ore n the scoreof 1400-2j00 while the Diplomo Holder physiotherapist is in the scate of Rs1640-2900. We recommend thot in future no physiotherdpist without a degreeor diplomo should be recruited. The present incumbents will only get thereptacement scale of Rs 4SOO7O00. For the diploma hotder physiotherop', werecommend the revised scqle of Rs, 5SOO g0O0 ond Lecturerc or those n the payscole of Rs 2OOO-j800, will be in the revised scqle of Rs 6500_10500. tf there orefunctionar and duty posts of senior physiotherapist or occupotionor Theropist ino scale higher thon Rs 2OOO-3^OO and are in q qrade above Lecturers then theywill be entitled to the revised scale of Rs 8000-13500."

Thus, it is readily seen that physiotherapists were grantedpersonnet working under the Health department. Similarlv,Commission, too, has recommended the followine:_

parity with Technical

the 7'" Central pay

llMA Report reflects that the salory ot' physiotheropists in the Governmentand the CPSUS ore comporoble. tn the private sector, however, the solqrvstructure is very low. llMA Report olso points thot retention is not o mo\orconcern for this job role in the privdte sector. The Commission has exomined thedemqnd of physiotherqpists. Takinq note of the sdlory structure ofPhysiotheropists in the private sector, the Commission recommendsre plqceme nt poy levels for physiothe ro p i sts."

' The existing structure ofthe physiotherqpists is as followsi

Grade Pay

Senior Physiotherapists


s400 (PB-3)


Page 56: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

Chapter 5. Summary of Post-Wise Recommendations

5.1. All Post Except Class ll Entry Level State Services

X ;!i:i*6""", fiJ**-rwo*<soeexiveo

' A.o.' a.lCLfl_L '4 5ro?lee@'' 5b€'eepe

""";;';;"-". '"""."."""tehvd oepe o' eonr e' G?d'o"r d

;,r;;'",'"i;d;",.,h",'"",".,prc\oc ''!erao'-'o1i nqau,hoi,

lot€ (a) Alroth6r posls ordl€rcarnaru

Srade Pays orRs. 1900/ Rs 24ool' I

per lhe above labe The 'ncumoenG


For Det:ils KLndlY reler Chapler 4

Not€ (b) Alolher posis n No^ Wo*s€dre Nowever lh6lncumbents In$r!.frer the posts sla^d vacaled ow ng ro

Depadmenlsorsinlanalure bul nGradePavsofRs 2ooo/_ or Rs 2Sool 3hallbemercedwlhcleical

J* *", Ju"""r**. "pl-"m€nl

pav slructure and posls would be mersed wlli theclei€lcadre onlv

dealh/ rcsiqnar on/ d'.missaLr r€t r


3 loil@sup6 nlendenl 4600

ro lsddA@stscrP'*lolera):Alotherposlsofcler€ nalure belhevrno{n:s"Accounlanl Accounlanlcum_cerk"'slo6Keepe' "siorekg€per om Le'( erc

'ade'dfolFt.oooP.l4oo.'o.a200"''..'''i,i."'':"""'gi., rhe above rabr€ rhe ncumbe",". "r",,""."".""," "" "J"nh;snqre ds;a .adrc al rhe ere orrh€,6speci ve ca'r,e coirorrno Authorrv

,o, D"tu, "

Kind,y ,"f"" anrp,", o , , , , ,,r, ,ra=arar::: i: ;;: : ;;i: ; ;;;i ;;; ;i iF;; ;;G i;ii ;;;;;i{ote lbJ: Th€ €dreofAcoounts c,J^iil, o*,t *" *" -, o ". 's.

/ rer rcmenl or the incumbenr For delal s k'ndrv see chaprer 4

,,',,:_aFlA!€araBrlsHMeNr :i loh.e AlLendanl and6qu'va ent

r6bphon€ AtendanvTe ephone

cperalod Telex op€raldr, Rtrept oiCum Tel€phone OPeEto, T€ eP nt€r

Oporabr/ Re@ption sl dum'Telephon€


Page 57: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of




13Grcduale(Trained Feadfr aste. in

-€durero0+2 sdhoo, PGT)



Musrdcraffictralkha/oEw ngfi abta/DarceR* n9/SericurrurcAle6vnq/can€s/Scen

These posrs a@ known bydiflere.tnam€sin ditlbrenl d6padmeirs A unifomnom€nclalu.e s ndiered. The pay

srucrur€ r@mmeded is rep acementpay

20 lL,braranr Ass L braran


c.mpounder (Non phamaDisl)


srafiNorse Grade .aYGrade 1


(.RayTechn ciana Equ vaenl As p€r recommendalions in Chapter 3


skrred Arr$n (srerwood/ sericuftore/Spinn nOr Sheet Melat/ Backsmirh/Iechncai)/tvlaste. Anisa j (Wood Toys)/

Hrqher ski En Anisan (sler/ wed)

Pholo Cop er.um PrnrerOperaror


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35 Sleno TyPEUSreno Cred Crade lll

36 lreno TyPLs!5teno C|ed GEde ll

sieno Typisllsteno c ed G6de I

,und Slalistical SuP6Msor

Labou' Inp€.br/ Labourwelra€ orf (6r

,,".Gren PanchaYal SuPeto6or

:mperatv. Enenslon Orfi er

SsLor Slal'stical Assislanl


u/mn Deeropm€nlOm6f

Enonslon orficer ( ndusBe commerce)ORADA

\gr culture InspecLr& Equvalenl

:1,.:.;,\tt;,Try". tqaro't*"* sry _I :- t .



2300 5


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-lF;lGrepoy c.@enrer


1900s.pov ord€rry


Rectutmenl qualiti€tion has b€en

Rerull1h6nt qlalin€[on has been



106 lRes€toosub nspedor

R€seM Sub tnspe.ro.Amour


sEno. assrsranl Su!rnspocror Pa-1


L rerare constabre ( ope€ro. GBde )

'ierareconsiabre (op€krorcrade t)

121 llileGr€consrabte(Tehnie)

assn subrnsp€clor(opeEtorcrade [)5

Assn sub-hspedor (operaror Grade )

124 A$tt Sub-tnsp€cror(Techn catcrade [)

125 Asslt. S ub,tn spector cr€chnica c rade 05

tt€ ess Sultnspecio, crade I

Sub lnsperor Technic.t cEde tl

Sub hsp€cror Tec h nrcal crade l




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P€enal SecGlarv io Cove'^o/s Seqekrv6

Prlvale secGlarv !o Govemor


'1-F "ot'r l



h6G a€ seveGl isolat€d posrs ln th€se

6tablishments.'tis €@mmend€driar

E* Posls b€ brought into 4labl shed

adres so lhat mannins ol ih6s poss rs

nadesmpleras*l6ction/ecruitme tor

$Laled posls is diffioull Ev6npres€nrv

hee aGbe'nqmanned oi depuralon

leedless to sav. depubtDn'sts shall €rvh6 oav sltuclure in lhoir pa'eni cadre lo th(






lec€tadal lnfomaf on onrcr


3PB.r | 19oo

PB I I re0093

PB r I l9oo

>B.t I 1900


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tudqdOnicerdum-Accounts Or@r

n6no Sub hspector (w rhoul 6ny shodh;


trP5raronom.4 IPB 2


DB 2 | rooo\ssn D'v sional Fire otf cer


Gov{ Examine, orFinoer,F ;G7aEG-Eramin€rorOu*rionnane Dodum€nr:ovl Eram n€r or Phorooraphs

*"& c'-o "*aorsp-uq.for.r,p "pr.e

same as aiharPori@subjoc( tolhe6nd'tion lhat lher .€ouihent quat t€tion

s ratsod to Inl6hediale. Erse r€ret2.3.4


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PB | | 1900

133 2


,,,noFardJobb€, IPB I


LadyAssislanl sup€rin(endenr


aaaenter Maste(Bo6ta school)


243 TaiLor Master (806l.l school)

Seniorsupetoisor{Boretalsdh )


House Mastercum cl€d((Remand Bome)


Page 63: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

Head Teach$ (Bo6rat sch ooD

,-,- uuli vdse. cun crelk (Remand

20a CBfr Instruclor (Borstat Sch )

rtrnror House Masrer (Borslat sch)

home D€panfrent hayrakea hot stic viewor rh€ pons c'o.hd n the Renand hom€s


oepury supe i nronde ni(Rema nd r-tome )

212 He€d Teacher(Bo6ta schoo/)


reacher (other lhan Rehand Hom€)

6\ss, ToacherlJatH gh S.hor)zrs l,r"d ru,.nu,r:, rf,qr, s.hooD

217 Senior Hous€ Nrasrer €;;;Schoo /prob Houser'!osteti



seperinleid6nt.specar sch@tBig arorhe,

superintendont S€n or Remand Home

Plann/nO dum Staristi€t Oilcer221 suoeintendenr (Borerat sch@ )222






232 12D r&ror Fo.ens cscien@Laboralory


,.:Educa on offier ( nsp6ctorHom€ cu.d) rosl Name lnspecror Home cuard


Page 64: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

)epulYconttoler (DePUtY @r ec@ B2236

assn D Gdod lunLor siatl orl.er I

I!0 lo -


i;ldcr wellaG olii@r (Adhoc F D Lel


DFtctSoderAssn Oftcer

cFMs A€PAF!i4E 'If''L"..^tt ono a"r"ru,ts-erteIl pa *tn sate sen ce.

ndqsecy & Equivallenl Posi

oeputy seor€larv a Equiv: enl Posl

ro'msdrelarYa Equ'va eni PDsr

.s.dstti€tet nogf.dEr Ssl€250

FB 3 I 6600251



1P 2i. secretary to Lokavukra

256 T



ch. man istenoqrapher cadre)


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lsi t, :{

266 lRarBhashaa*rad cEde IR.j BhashaAssistanl TBnstatorGEde tl

3269 Depuly Drccror. Rajbhasha

\ss slani hslructor Typing

272 Asstr Raj Bhasha Insrrucror2300

273o visiondr Raj BhasMtn-i;a7F;--qlasha hsiructor

Secion Offe. Sabdawatl6

Ex€d.6 posl evet12 b€ingre@mmended ifr€cru(ment is madeon lhs9osr erse d€putar onists wiu erry his p.y


6oroof 6.der cun pubticalion Assistanr


faxF PAF6/EYi" I . -- :






i,,: l-' ',TT,


4200 6247



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c --: -___^i^4te ==.;:-,-^*;-._ l' i


Asstt. Public Relalion Om@r


' '-1::_:_____-_

294 Naliona Sav'nqs Execuuve ofilc€r

Lad y ofticer (N alional savLng )


Revised pay ev€l lo b6 ava lab € aft€r

ed€ rule notilcalion cat€d 20 02 20r7

Olhefr Fe €PLa@menl PaY revel


]l Aud(omer/a$t Dieclof


ffi!@garqog"ecnt*rr4,rolFr'- YryY{1::.,.:ra€lare' (c,v'rlr'Assfi carebrer lPB

'zffiaiNqs€cnoi.l ' :


;up€fr isor(BoBlal schooL)6






315 Assft. Slamp Pr r ing OpeEtor2

n6chin6lly BoY and lnkfran pB I | 1900

pB.l I 1900


Page 67: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

321 llypeCastingOpe6lo.122 llun'orBoor ahd€r

r2r lvan Drver rum m{han,c 2

124 lAssh cene..lm..han. 2







335 22000


fu."'iih"'"' D "u' "azr;;="'

Pr.bman lpa r2re,arMore' lpe I

Aook Bindets€n oraook B nder

\ssn sbndino Fom Keoper2

compositor Incharge (Raj Bhawan pr€ss)3

3oor 8'nder tsete.l on crads) 2000at49

350 -ompureE. sstect on Grade Dned.rot


Ma.hine Jamada' (Nisht sh fi )

\ssrr Incharq€, Dtsriburonand Typestore

)ress.nd Machine Jahadar


Page 68: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

Papsr lssuer cum Store K@P€r


A$t. Store Keeper cum D.sPatcher


369 MachLn. Mlid$ (Heavl l'rachine lollery

LLnoM.chantr IPB I

stD@ K@pe. com Despatcher

Asst Cameraman cum Platemaker

331 llnslruclototAPP€nlEe2300


noG Keepercum oespatcher 2300


s;;€,al Fo,eman aid hcharse G€neral

333 Vachine and Binding Foreman

301 :am€Edan cum Plale maker




390 \ssn olary machine Op€ralor 1900



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Nuhbennq Machrne Opeator

\utomatic Tlcker Pr nting Machine opoBlor 2AA03

qulomaUc machin€ OpeGror2lyllnderirachine OperarorlIruck Dnv€r dum Mech.nic






3.anr*ncred rBsp) lpel2

rress ramad6, lpe iMachinoJamadar lps r





SIo€keperdum Desparcher


5oJmin cum Acmunrs ofltcer6




Page 70: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

:omposilor cum Rubbd slamp

ienior Typew ler [,lechanro



{ead Typewnrdmechanic

5Assh In.narqe(Bool D€Podl

\dm n Cum Acmunls officer11



rciaftmainrenanGEns n.erM G ess lpB,



{ddf chcl PilovDepuly ch €l anc6n 12

SenorAdd bnal Ch'erP ol

Addl ChelAnc€frEngneer6900


cum ch'ercovr P ot


)eputy chief a rcbn Ens neer12



Page 71: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

J@p Orivercofr JunjorMechan,c






lrh€ P annins D.parhenr has 2bbadladres s€fricnsd, viz lhe pranninqsetuice

land thesralislcatc6drc tt has seveE/

lwrnqs orwhom lhe mosl mpdiGnt srhe

p.nnrngb@fd tiapp*rs thar ils wtngs acetrhor und€Btatrod or uns(afl€i ftwoutd b.qule in prae that rhe d€panmeniund€rlake a thorough r€view olh€ vadoussolat€3 rcsrs 6nd irs s€verat w nss wrlh a

v/ew to racitlare beller funcr oiai ly as re Ias*r€rprogrcssion to ils emproyees

lfvErr f ---- .-


Res€ar.h Asstt. (Fom6rty Srarist ca ,sslr )

Research assrl (Form;,1-a;;iE;S;-stat sri€tassh )

6,osrffinol\Ep FoFsrFEisnir.tw*rc-r.6[tlq

M3A (M6srer or susiness Adhrnisi€hve)

IRe$archcuh Techn'carotr@f

)rcf - , - . l-





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510 12

511 12

515 r-l I4200

Peenat Assn lo MemFrwrerarv

'1519 2




s25i-ior slarisli@r Asst /Block slet st €l Sade as oth6r Sup6ru'sory €dr's


524 a2


6E-n P|annins Dra:nsman, Arch toctuEl


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itis reommendedthallhe depanm€nlarc ook [email protected] arecad(tu s aier s! lable reslrucruing f requ r€n

lrrrhatlimo repecemenrpaysrtucrtrre sha

iralisra Ass,1 1T@n3 PeEoa Phnnq

\ssfl Panner(Arch ecrura/Ens /S@k)

runor rown Ptanner (Archd€.lu.at Eng/11

Assciateplanner(ArchirecllE En!/

539Town Planner (ArchitdctuEt . EnO/S@io

:recul ve of,ier (Biha Nasarseva)

a,rigtMrD m{Ertr' '3lock Dev€lopment Oflicer and Equiva en-

\ssisianr 0 sindDevetopmenl Orflaor a^d

Disrrict oevoropnenr oriier iidEautai6i11

D'vrsonal oeve opment Of cer ahd

Ar Eqt €Ll€tsddr{r ."


Secrotary lo supei^rendnq E^s neersec@iary to Chler Enqi^e€r (Nm





2000 3

2S€cond rnsituclor/Thid r^strucror



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565 Depury Dtredo, pan.hayal Ral11


srar slicar rnvest galor DF|AOA

571Dnedbr AeounlsAdmln skalion 3nd 12

\sslslail Prqecl Offier Ctedil

B odr Pan.haj€i Raj Officer

Ledurer, o slicl PanchayatRaj rra'nngInslituio/Mukhiya-saQanchTra'ning

)rstrici Panchayat Raj Officer

Pnnc pal Z aPanchayatl RalTmin n0

]lirc'p; (Mukhia andSaQanchTra nmq



;ffiit,"""@ *"o-i"otoi* a -

SriDrer4l|ea '

nslruclof (reavnq/ s€wing7 cotlaqe









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vi^lBc€rthF, riairtAAi/A2

qqlq c6r(q B^$,!.r l



ienrorlnstu.or(se r weav,ns centr€l

;*"."**,{a;;fr F "t"** (F..eErsn )

593 1900

nstrucloLcum-Poof Reader B1

a-1 2300

L.dy S@ial Wdtu€ Orcaniz€r

spec'al Orfi cer, Pehaia Wella€




:.: :.:::..,goatJaFrE8- :,

nspectoGorwomens lndusrri€|Sch@l


Page 76: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

Joint Di€clor Admin slralion

619 rnspecror ol T€chn €l Educalion


G'.phicAd sr'@m Pholoq€pher

Sraphic !6sist nl/ Laamho Modra

Pholocopi€ropeGior/oup i€tnsMachine Operalor / Docu m€ nl a indlng



)redto(adminisrmt on) cum Deputy 11

Sp€c al Otr@'.um Depury S{rerary


reg srrat - cum ' ac@unls on'@r/

vde norilicarion no 2321dated 05-09-


No*shop super nlendenls of th€ Enqg

ryqR ryq.qvpq ry519Nq4rq coerrcE



W@dWo* ng MachineOpemlor


Assft Mochanc/Radio Mechanic/ Jun orMechani.r' Mehadd lnstrum6nt M€chan.

1900 2


Page 77: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of




vdeFD erro.no 5700 021072014

/de FD lefte. no. 5700 02107/2014

Ere.rr. supp yslpetu ror

671 6

\srn Wod shop Supemrendent

Jun o. h{ru or Seoor nsrtudor / de FD )ener ^o

5100.02107 2014




631 5

632 5


635 6

&i$tirr.,ireidru orrrcrivi. } ,:: ':


Page 78: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

636 1!00 2



La^ouaqe & Human ly Inslructor



n*'"-o"o "oiooL

a4N{EN srOUSrffA SCf|oOLS




;talisl ca Assfi (Prov siona )

lpec al Offier cum oeputyReqislmr

Secy LoCaneConmiss'oner

!4,F 66dLbA,Eiin eecnoN


Page 79: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of



724 5


seno'srar iicalA*ri (P/ousotur)


\srculture Ofiicer (S scane)

\sst Di. OrAgnculurerSCane)

creparr.a:ryr ir rur.rs a qo-oar . rrr r .r, _

v!$l€a O,REqrcnArE

M nes hspectof (prcvisonall 6

slal'sl ca Ass( (Provis ona )

s enio r slalist'ca A$t (P rovFion ar)

Lega A\sn (La{ Graduarp)

Minera Econom st(Oeoraq6r) IDqECrcR|IE* OeOL9'6f


Non Technida Personlt Assistanl

;ralisrcar Assn (P@visionaD



Page 80: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of


Sc enlifi c Ofh@r/ Chedisl (Gaalled)

qrtgrppaFrMg'llrEL-DgsT &Usi[,ta^]r


aoupaOv.6€€r, F6l ng Ove6€r 2



772 Mach'neman MachneFier

Alt st Phoiographerand Museum cu€lor


i:\|lagt9aPARt En|...r . , . ,:

oTH*r POSrr

rubowel operalor/Pump ope€ior


Page 81: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of


r. -'.-:., .,.... ..'. . .:::...,,'ir-.'ir.l





Gauge Re^dffcum Sitana Yst

F.ld Asst Cum LabAssn







Page 82: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

)ressAssn cum nlelp@ler

\sst Pub Roraron orcer


ll Ls a dyrnq establlshmenland posts shab€ abo Ehed astheytarlvacantRepla.emenr pay srtucrur€ sha I beavarab6t a tb€empoyeesslit workinqaqainsr rhese posrs Posr wse.eommendauons are n01 beins made

, ,:. ::.^qoo"^t""r,io r"".r'"rro.,



P A to Spl L.ndAcquislion Omcer

Assfl. Lia en orficer Biahagar

PGssAsltrum lnsp€clor

nd Aeslr lo Spi LandA.qu6ion

qtts qAa-sr+id'd2






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370 \sslh Embankmenr nspocror 1900



379 6


)y super nlend€nt, WalerWod(s 6



393 Sup€nnlendenl. wa(erWorks

1900 2



Page 84: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

sJsNg qPatn/Er,rsEr sliar Assft . / slalisl cian

r- Fqia&l'1r,qfr

TaperRe6.drng OpeEtor


909 2





\sstt SIale Transpod commiss on€r

,o ntTraispod coddiss oner


\ddl Transpod commlsrioner

Entor@menl Sub Inspectof


!.!!1:-':":l:"-:rrGinf ̂8e|-



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' i:;2

lanery Chalg nq Terhnrr:n





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NaikluP Naik(l'rodamnd. t


935 \s3n Pub c Re alionsOllic€r6

e37 lPressAso.€reiocftl

rldu lEnslaro'/urdu Ass'sranlrH nd I\sEtlanl/H nd'r,.nslaror.ufr Prmr lPB 2

IPB 2 6

Addl O sr PubricRearon om.€r


c*istanl Electronic Ensine€r

Pholo Anim.loFcum Graph cadisl5




Page 87: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

fransraiorcumP6orpeador lpa 2

*AFT EAtroFTltu{srv - -_---t--

:iiemanope€ror lpB-j


lPB l2

Guid€Leclurer IPB_I

\ssn roudsr rnrormarion ofr€r lpq2Phoroqrapher lpB 2

rou, tm Inrornairon officer lp]2Manaaer r.rrsr aunqarow lpB 2


lPa 2

lPB 'z

6Pubrk ryorlcer lpB,E,h'b'L,on ojfi.er lpB-2

6supennr€ndeni Aerr Ropeway Ralqtr lpB 2


1423 Dy Dtr Tmve TEde/PubuclylTounsh

qs SrltstcarSuperusof






ady socia weltare lnspe.lor

)br rft*.ttbt i..,*E 9i9ViePhncipal/Dy S0pernrendent



Page 88: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

rhe dopanmenl 's

ab e to conduct a cldr€

Pinc pa (se Gf.)/Resona n3p6clonone.(hen 6v€ s 3. 11 12and13shal rre


Jo nt Direclor & Equiva eni

rrrffi,qaAr oANt€Er.l

re @ver.lr i. ]:

Asslt. manaler sec.€ta atcanteen

manager s€c€taiet canloen

Ass Accounls Oflicer (Pomoted frofr

uuFr"sgL esraBJsr$r€xl



-abour Enrorcement On.er

ntE [.rsiEc-roFATE or rncrcrglEa

r065 llr srarisl(a Assil

10b6 ls, slal's(.a !sstt

1o6e IPA bch,€l l^spe(rorFadonos

i07l lr, sralsi calsuPetu sor

r072 lJr slatstcalAssrl 6

1073 lhvesrisdo,cumAnaryi

1076 lAdmnEtratveOrcer

,.,? lEmp o\nenrLaLson officr.um Addl'-' lDrc.tor LE C.drc)


Page 89: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

1073'B-2 4200

4200 6t030



1045 24lA

l.slructor lTr (Ofie€nt TEdes)[email protected]. tui th. d6p6rtnent lorndensko €d€ rdiew lo tEmrm lh. 6

1047 ,1600 7

a1091 \$lslant District Supply Off6r1092 1l

laUoning Of ic€r/Addltronal C.lleior,tupply/Dop{ty onedoi. F@d & civit supp\ 11


D€€lopment off@r (waqD

1@7 l€.d libEian dw6ie cenoEtoft@ 7

-i&aian (Advo€16 Gere€l Olii@)


PS,3 12

1102 13




Page 90: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

1104 2000 3

1106 rp€Elion Rdm Asstt (Maiic) 2

4240 6

ffim6 ''.

rdy h€allh Visitor (Non l\ratric)






Senio. Publ c Heallh Nurce

1124Supedntgnd€nl Lady heallh vis lors

'1125 si:te NuGing Supednr€nden(

Phys o Theraoisr, Non D poma forder

PhysD Tho6pisl. Diploma tsorder

hyeoThe€p el DegreeHo der


1130 -eciur€r/ sen'orocdupal onal Therap rl


5en6rhysromerap wlen or uccupauonnrhe€pst above Leclure. inPhysiorhe€py/o.dp.l onal Th66py(if

1133 11

lpech Palhooqistcum AudiologLsl

1135 laldio TheEp c Surgeon DMcH

F.6cit' ' -- ' t- - ;


Page 91: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

PhFi@ Train/^q Inspector


1140 D elid.n (l'red €r cot ege Hospbr) 6

1142iard'ographer Indna Gandh lnsl uteof


'Arsar FqiibN i4EocAr PEFloinE!


Slalistician cum 6ctu€r PSM D€ph

AdminOfficerS K Med €l Col 6qe

1152:hi.racounrs oficer & A o orMedica

Phama(euL(archem sr tNon med ral

1155 crrn €r Psy.hoosisr (rNon Medicar)

BicPhysic sl(Non Medi.al)

Financ€ Offcerin S K MelicarCorrese.

R.sislm(Mm n)s K Medrca cnrrese

Jui'or Occupat onal Trrer.p'sr

sen or occupalion. Iheraprsr

sen d risttucior Ere.rroprat nq

lctfqrfq!!!9lr:4q''' -" -',,..,.. ; :. :i.

Mechan c (Phamacy nstlule Paina)

rHE frArl Fal4!.Y ,4d-F./ I-2


Page 92: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of


Famrly P anning Wod(er (datnc) 2

11t5 2


rmscum HnobE.pn€rmcuo ng v An

{€a rh Educator, Famiywerfare

Photos€pher(Pr@ss cameraman)

\ss{ suponnt€ndonr (sror€)

1142 l6arrh Eduaror (rnsp.do 6

l6arih Educror Sup€N sor

SenorHeath Edu€iorSup.rulsor


srar stician (in Dslicr FamiryWerfa6


1193 oy. l\rass Edumrlon aM rnfomatu^ ofi cel


Page 93: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

Slaristician n RegtonrtTrainins cenlrc

bn Mass Edlcafon and infomation



Demonslhror/Pub icityOfficer


1206Leclue(Haar0r Edu€l on and Farnly

1247 Leclur€(oehography and statistcs)

Disft mass Edu. & htomalionOff@r

) slnd Exrens on and nedra Ofcer


1211Dy Direror massEducatonand


,rArl,{ EHAdc n(N46RA|raE , 1

1214 2440






tuperlnrendenr cum Accounianl






ry!8449tfrp!rFeqs{,4& fr1224


Page 94: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

3ibd,tory Asstl (T.chni-rAssn /Lab 2000


1232Assll Fi ana contb officer/astt.




ffibv ooqryr- eoreiuE

1212 spec ar vaGinator Insp€clor


+alth Edu€lion Insnlctdr ($ JL Roy&


rui@cpvrFqi"ioc l/Mg _____


3cG rem Lead€r(rrained )


1257 chief LaboEIoryTechn cian



1262 medi€l olli€( Non Gaatled )


Page 95: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

1263 42AA

tn€F roqoryFE-b es, iG|.F4r{ ' ' I

1267 19oO


i27A 2













5 ifruri riog quam€r on or phamacsr ir

Lab.6(oryrechnLo?n (Dentar) 5


2300 5

1,293 Raeptonis|N M Co rese


Ch ef Laboratory T.chnici8n 5


Page 96: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

1307 2


-ady superinlendenl ol HGtel

Chiel OpeElor (Govl vadd nalbn

:ameramancum P are Maker

Laundry Mechanic Ensine Dr ver


Socia Wofter(FoTJLNMCH. ahaga pur

ProFction st (s K M cor€0e)

1316Tecrinican B ood Bank (SadarHospital



1J22 fdhnralconLolManage.


Psycholoqisl cum Soc al woAer

Depury Direclor lransporl

Anatomy monuary operalor (Magadh

1324 An $ cum Mod er (Nl\rCH)

H_EA9gUreIE& €Sr4s-6fS/CNr

JuniorS(atst€lAss( I Provrsion: )

sen or stalisl ca Asst (pbvis ona )

A$ft onedor ot Heallr sery ce (Addn)

1335 Nead C edcumAccounlanl

|frf4dt i!@a4$F.qt9rlK;\daroiAniA , Lr. .'

ski led anesian (untz ned) 2

tenior Instuctor (E ecld€l)


Page 97: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

J€rn F.ni ssrs.irla Adrryrre €\f- hchiii, Ebdn :.,.:.'.'.i.1 :


NOTBA CiANOf { tNSTltutEOF CCFDTOLOOY '. .....................--..--



rEAdirNo FrM rFaMNcFr) '



. lEacl,lNc |!ici-g aF^€,ri

Subord'nale €du€ron s€rui@ (Bas.

Inslruclr€ss/ nslructorindf€€ntd scip ines

JiAQSSA |lr MoF+MSrrL I{JOA ra rN./i


E{r!€ igro€rfrr4c}rFc+


1355 2300


Page 98: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

[email protected] 6


SupeN sor (Stat sli6 and Evaluaton) 6

ffiilsve- '


"r o *Lct*of


1363 1S00

rE o#s FAr.ra.€ ooLr. €Gf2

PubrlcalionAsset dum salesManager


IAJ/II Lrr.rD M riAwraF




Page 99: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of


dll{ual,rA P|F€H 5copyHoidor(rasht6bh.sa Paisad)


)R@roRATE q Y6urx sFofrrslAiloNAL FrnGss ooFi'S l

Crassiricarion Index Worker



'*'glcAl eduoATroNPhyEdu InslruclorinT€acherc traini^g

)hrs GlTra n nq Insku.ror)hys €l nsiruclorin G.d aoys High

Physelnsruciorin Govl ctrrs NQh

Phys'@rrnslruclorinodGo!,t Grrs vid

Phys'€ Edu€lion Inslructorin Govt frioh

Phy Educ .stfuclor,n Heahh A Phys ft

SlaleCoaches (upper D'vsian oflhe S E.S)

FfryEdu Inslruclo. n Nealh and Ptrys cal

6L€.lu..r m covl HealihandPhy Edu

ady supenolendent. Phys €r Eduarion6


Page 100: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

Supenntendent Phys€l Educatun lc ass


1422Loclu€r. Govl H€a th and €nucalioi. Pat

d€set onecbr ol Edu Youlhseto'€

nncipa Govt Health and Edu colege

1425)y Di€ctof of Edu You$Seryc€ (class I

LE BtArLl{|j"lanager(BiharEdu€tion seryice c]ass lll



nslruolor, Pro Vocauona TGining Centre

trl]saFtE6 :


Asth Lb'anan(LNM PsR)

Laboralory Ass6 (Paha Mtrseuml 2000

Sen6r Phorog€pher Paina Museufr




ten'or Photog.aph€r{o r4lorale ol


Page 101: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

1454 Seiior Modellor (Mus€un and Ai.haeotosy

6:/poraronandTechnc Asser





Rese3rchand Pubtcalion Ofice, Ass slanl

Res onaloepury Onedor & Equiva enr11

\ddlonal Oiredor& Equvarent12

D .eolo. ol A,chaeo ogy & lL/ls€um


D srricl spods ofii@r & equ Gtent

rhep' 5 \ denrfied thoutd besu.h rhataPnncipa Gov{ Healr & phyEdn Cotleje&

rep!ry otraclor He.dquaner sradlum@mpromsmq on adminrstralive €ilid ency

As*tAE9qrqy A\6MusE!{,i.: | '\ssr onector & Equivatenr

Oeputy Otreroi reg ona Drector

rdd, D,€.r.r 4(haeot!,!y

orsLridAn & c! ere oRtler

Ass,siani Lr r..rof Cullure/Ad3

Dcpury 0 re!iorAd & C, r!rp 3 equNatent11

J. nl Directof Aar & culrure&equiva ent

Purrrkalronasrr .um.sat€s Manager

1 0'1

Page 102: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of


meCrqere or tr-CC

Ship Model lnslruclor (Ex-€drel

1492 nstructor NalionalD6clpl naryscheme

krcmoder hqru( tor (E, caLrr)

\ssfi Adm nistralive Oflicer

rnstuctor (on resu arbasis)

:ec*rrhr,qr Esrpers.nag.n


trTDLETTIES DEPAFTMEM ',.1 ' ':'-1.:. "1505 ndusf arE^enson Off.er


TechnicalAsslt (D€s.eeor D pora 'nEnginerns.r slalstcs)rT6chnl€l ofiicer

Super nlendenr. Mod€l u/orkshop

lhem sr sarpererRerneryM.hs (M s. r lPg 2

1512 Plannnq.umstarsi.alofiFr lP6,Adm n'slralveotf.er IPB ,

P lor Pqed omr€r lser culiurc ) lPB2)ubt'cnyorfier lPs 2 4200

s€norResearch orfider IPB 2

rp€n.Lendentra*'sansrhan lPB,

supernrend€nr sIInsi ure Bhasalpur lP82

1519 sup€nnr€^denr And Bas. seedsupplv IFE 2

NSrFwr4aInslructo6(Basiccrafrs) lP3-1

1521 tFB I

Weavins rnslruclo r IFB-r


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1526 lenor nstructo.{sercurur€)

1527 renor rnstiuctor 0^/eaMnq)

senior Inslructor (comm cr"ft s)

Senor nsrruclortpaper Machin€ crans)

seniorrdsrucror(€recparno) lpta-::=;::d:-

T- ,"* 5

:tsintci rr"uJgrn'es oEMrF€s =--



1537 Marhinar lpB I







2Masier Adrsan (W@d roy)

2aaounls-cun Headcrert


Page 104: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of






lae M llekum.Wood c uii6r

HiSherSk lledAnisan (sl6el)

1565 'I sher skil €! ad6an (wood)

Foreman ( Model wodchop)



l+r6E scHEi/tES







salesman..um D€spa clrer

)wfsr(i1)(R€cruihenladm s bLe wh€n






Page 105: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

15q7 ls€i.u,,ur€ Ma,,e. -------lF;


2400slperyisor(promol€n ftohskite.Artsan)

Lady conductor(sanch6 ik6r

a;;;;;;; ""',"''''""""^,



qs9ir PrcdtrdonManager



1626 5


1631 iupdsq(W.r.c )1632

PB2 420A6

Pho o0raphe. lcomm€rc ar Ad6ll


Page 106: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of



.ocrurcr (R€ 'n9

a^d spnni^s)

- car, IPB I

Pnncipal, Tasar Sangsthan

;-fDes,qn€'(w',l.oeq€e d o'P om-)


i'':':i':,.:"Fe{;,-,'**"..;tni +b;.r'rNqltqt2

1653B2 €


*"""s*"^*' lPB l

roso lso,L",op","to'.u' s'P"*'t-

r665 sup€Msor (shLP Bufl er Yojnz)

|.Wc4tr{rEaa{AsePcqad- I b a0 I


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)p6€ior(P P s.h€me)Itr)2





1634 Fed ErpermsnrAssn lPB.12

F erd rnlen€ai/onAstr iMihaprr lpB.l 2lpa r



2Pesis And Disease Repor€r

6read Mislry (Equipment Mtrhan c). on[,idihli DeodhaiTMri




'eed le.hnoan lForAgr cradualer

Sed T€chnic:n (FoI C{he6)


Page 108: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of


:aEenl€rcum Pattern Maker3



1716 robaco Fierd ass( (Gr.duale)

New R€cfuils shall be Ln L6vel 3


Commod y G€ding Inspector

Mad€t nre li9en6 ope€tor


P anl Prote.lion Supeflisor

FruilP€serualion nspeclor

Agdculture hsP€clor(Otherthan Graduare)

Junio.Res6archr€stt (P P scheme) PB2

Planl Prcbctron lnsP€.tor (Non_


ieniof sialislEal Ass( (Hon)

r vis onal ad6unls rnsp*lor (Fam)


Page 109: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

Oisn Agf.Ma dinq tnspeolor

Ma'retuo s*Erary (G.ade B)

Disfl.Agr ftlarkeling tnsp€cror(Rese6Eh)

osil As. Ma.relno nsped;n;;;;Z-

Pranr Protecrion tnsp€cror (Asro)


4240rr Rosearch Assn. Seed tnspeclor

nsp€clor olw6rghls & Measu€s

soniorAnis, Phoroqrapher


Assn Tobacd Enn Oncer

\ssn seed c€nfiabotrcer\ssft seed Poduclion ofi@f

un'or Hodicult!re Exrn Ofiicer


son,orr€ernqAss,i lpe )Mechai.arTennsAssn. lpB-2



;s.,enhfc ofti@r lcenkdr L6b )

-*",. ****-Eraf;; \ '

::rm PressAss[ tAqr Inro Seru)



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1795 Head Press OPe EtoFcu m M€chan'c

61301 lnslrudior n Animal Husbandry


Specia Oriicer (conndent al)

S.cy To O teclorof Asrl.ultu€

cnst(aqnouru,er lPBtassn Dn of Asr (Evauaiion)

Dy Oir ofAcr. (Adm nisl€ton)

Asstt D r. OlAqr (Plannrng)

Accounb offce..um Aesn secv

ludset & A@unls ofic€rcum under

1311 O r. Admin'am-OePuty secrcrarY12

h el A@ounls offi@Fcum Joint S€Glarv

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Page 111: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

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Page 112: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of


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Page 113: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of




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Page 114: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of


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Page 115: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

1962 Technrcian, Froz€n Somen Bank




qlii"''"'P"**'""' 0"""'p*^;odderDev€opmenrAssn


6IPB 2

6csrculrurc Ov€c€r. Halwar Fam

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Page 116: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

2003 :'shed€sMa'reriA om.er

Jr. Fishd es Research Ofii€r


irAt-EstArqg$+Nr '


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6:- -,____----r!! EsrABl

2412 I20l3 lcrc€ nsp€dora r:nunso

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Page 117: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

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*...:'r'For-{sn1:lsEr5:BIHAFOC1SE gEFVICE




==- *iill(}'i5 1 tr(rw{w.Ms!I l4'4,



A$n campcommandantilRepla@front lev6ls lo be prov'ded lor



Page 119: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

5.2. Class ll Entry Level State Services

Asdscussed m-Chaprer 4. lhe entry tever ot Claurs r!trowrng nrs y the conmon pay structureniimber of tevets in lhe service arc hr


_%;s rr enky ievet State Servces shal be riyFd ],h*. "",,""i ," rr" i"oi".li; il";a; i.."j,:..l:oln'y

dr Levd e rn

:n,,oned a,orewtrn setu,ce ,,"";; ,;;##;,"'"'1ie;:e and ,'e

Exisiing I"TFil Recomhended Lev€t


2 PB.2 4800/5400

3 6600PB-3 7600

5 _ -:i::_:::-::j:t et

' ' dlyr8700 13

13,A6 PB,5 8900


PB.6 r0000

Sl. No.


incruding Basic

Subject to Recommendarionsmade in Chaptef 4




""r!++*i@5 56 6

Aihar HeaIh6

6 6

Bihar r,tedical Education Service

5b Bihar Denrat Seryice


7 Biha. Prcsecution Service nome oepadment tefler No._603 dated 12.03.2014.

91011 n'-i;:;;:;# 5


13 Bihar Architecl Service nesotution lro.-7276-iiiE11.07.2014 of Buildingc;onstruclion Deparlment14 Brhe Labour Se;ice


16 3 3

17 2 2


Page 120: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

iiG- eoucatlon

Department Resolurcn

No. - 698 dated

12.02.2014.Bihar Educanon Servke18

519 Bihar Inousl@

,lvide MrnoriiY Wellare Depanmenl

Resoluiion No -408 daleol

08.02 2017 A discussion has beenl

made about the entry level PaYl

structure for this service Inl

lchapler 3 4 No cadre save rnall

lol Enaineers, Doclorc and nel

lBihar Admrn,slrattve Serv|ces nas

la 6-liered structure

lComm'ssron is ol lhe oPinion lnar

Ittris caor. "an al best be a 4-

hierea in view ol

lresponsibilities enjoined uPon Lr'


nar [rlinority Welfare Selv]ce21Bi


3 3 @solution No _508

dated-12.03.201022 Bihar SC/ST Welfare SeNice

23 Bihar Co operative Serurce

3 32425 tsrhar law o-s-..:__ :: I I I a26 grhar Agrc!trurE oELw!

Bihar Legislative Wo*s SeNlce

ihe stfuclure rruurrEu ",lepartmenl is not accoding

rcftns fo. state servrc

fherefore, rccommendatons

hat lhe strLrcturc be made sin'

to olher state seruices


5 52A urhar Mrnes )H:Lq

:*+#*#F29 3 330


Vide notillcaijon No -r rca u44l27.10 2016, the 3'ti6red caorcl

structure has been translormedl

rnlo a tlered one ReferrrnS tol

[he qene'al recommendalions olItn" i..'""o" made in chaprerl

12, Lt rs recommended thal thel

ldepa(menl underta\e a caore

lreliew to make rhe cadre a 4

lrereo one ontY In lhat condlon

lwill these recommendations be

laoolicable. OtheMise onry

lreptacement oav structute snatt ue



Page 121: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

caore rures mikE6iiEitEEe Ine 5" bvel is to be

ppricabte onty if that post is8inff Orug Conrrois;;i;


Page 122: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

Chapter 6. Financial Impact Assessment

Whi|emakingrecommendat|onsonpay-revision,thePaycommissionhastokeepinview the limited resources and State's commitments for development programs'

statutory and regularity functions 'nO-O"Ut '"tit"

obligations Recommendations of

the Commission also have to be evaluated in light of the impact they are going to have

on annual targets provided bY the '''""1

*"'po*iUitity and Budget Management (FRBM)

Act,2006. The FRBM Act sets rargets for progressive reduction in outstanding liabilities'

revenue deficit and fiscal deficit of the state government To begin with' macro-

economic highlights of current ano previous financial years as reported by Department

of Finance in Budget Summary 2017-1-8' are following-

(a) The total plan ano non-plan expenditure of the State in 2015-16 was

Rs 112328'03 crores; in 2016-17' as per revised estimates' the expenditure was

Rs 154327 46 crore; and targeted expenditure in 2017-18 is Rs 159709 6 crores

The increase in 2076'77 *'^l " '"*

and expected to rise by 3 5 % in financial

Year 2018-19'

(b) As per budget estrmates 2017-18' total non-plan expenditure of the State rs

expected to tise by 2'g% in 2017-18' from Rs 76504 8 crores in 2016-17 to

Rs 78818.6 crores in 2017-18'

(c) The total outlay on the State Plan has been pegged at Rs 80891 crores in 2017-

18, an increase of 4 07% over the previous year (Rs 76771 66crores)

The State spent Rs 118504 crores in 2015-16 on pension This figure was

Rs 16285.6 crores in 2016-17 and expected to rise to Rs 1987-7 6 crores in this

vear (2017-18), a rce ot 22j]% wrthout considering the effect of State Pay

Commissions' recommendations

The Committed Expenditure of the State on Interest payments and loan

,"Oart"* t", respectively Rs 7097 7 crores and 4124 9 crores in 2015-15 The

""p".,"0 figur", tor 2016-17 and 2017'!8 arc Rs 8488 2 crores and Rs 9591 4

crores in respect of interest payments and Rs 4267 '8 crores and Rs 4797 '3

crores for loan rePaYments'




Page 123: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of


I % charye

-r--.-I roTA! PraI| % Cha.8e

d c. Ptan, (Rs, In crores)css+cPS SIATE PIAN TOTA!

2008-2009 (Actual) 2336/.57 13813.74 1,478.62 12335.92009-2010 lActuat) 26601.85 13_8%37181.25

16194 19 17,2% 2196-142010 2011 (Actuar) 29793.9a13998,04 42796.A4 75.1%1,2.0% 20910.54 29.7% 24U.O5

2011-2012 (Actual) 37171.55

18426_51 50704.52 78.5%

24.8% 23007.8a 70.o%


26a5.1320321.76 60181.43 18,/%2012.20r3 (Actuei) 40425.47 9A% 28381.16 2722.57 25658.59 69206.572013-2014 (Aduat) 4672/.61 \4.5% 75.O%

336t7.57 74./% 2970.292014-2015 (Actual) s07s8.9530707.27 80405_la 76.2%4.6% 43939.09 30.5% 7.48 43931.61 94698.04201s,2016 { Aduat) 54595.a3 t7 a%75.4% 53732,2 22.3% 247.23 s348-4.97 7182A.032016-171Re. Estimate) 76604.a 18.6%34.7% 17122.66 44.6% 95120t 18 (Budcet Estimate) 78818,6

-t6771_66754327.46 37.4%2.9% 80891 4.1%159709.6 3,49%

Table 6.2: Committed I.XDehditrrra rlh o. .-^---lj zoos.zoro

| {actual)| ,r,,"lactuat)

f"*| (Actual) l'"*| (actuarl

T--I 201s_r6

II GctuaD



2014-15 20t6-tr



{8E)965a.8 10549.7 12185.0 13567.4 14049.9 14603.89.2%

t4829.2 19039.8 18656.9Lt.5% 11,.3% 3.6% 3.9%

4i78.7 6743.91,5% 2a.4% -2.016

7808.s 4363,5 9481.7 71344-5 16285.6 BA77.642.3% 27.1% 7.1% L3.4% 79.6%

3585.5 4379.2

4.5% 37.4% 22.1%43A3.7 442A.3 5459.0 6128.8 7097.7 44a8,2 9591.4

I983,0 2190.0 2922.5 3070.0 3119.6 3609.0 4124.9 4267.A 4 797.3

35686,019645.9 23202.8 27219.6 29429.2 12110.2 31902,7 480a13 32923,2


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-t"bl" 6.3, Tr"nd of Revenue Receipt r lln R!i. Crores)


2015- |"I(A.tuar) I












7A411.5 96123.1 !27537 -4 137158,4

35526.8 44532.3 51320 2 59566,7329AO.1

2254% 32.64% 7.54%

25.35% 15.24% a6.o1% ls.796 !1.14%7.12%

8089.725449.2 21896.7 32001.1

9869 9 L26l2.l 16253.1 19960.7 20750.2

State's Own Tax Revenue 6772.1


2185.5 23U.4 2875.O

985.5 889.9 l1l5 l 1544.81153,3

22308.2 276?4.4 30241.1 3/1875.1

10a55.4 135oz.o | 1t38a 4 21505.5

Total State s Revenue ,a26,1 9760.1

56109.3 584a8.3 97256.1 fi2242.3

25r65.7 3a576.9 37818.2 42A7a,3 4741X.125654.5

36963,1 48922.7 58880.62397A,4 27935.2 31900.4 34829,1

r7692.5 18202.6

3A375.J 36956.09883.0 ro?7-1.9 12584.0 19145.3 19565.6

7962.L 7564,2 9694.6

(f) Gross revenue resources of the state fall into three categories: tax revenue of

the State, non-tax revenue of the State and transfers from the Centre The

State's own tax revenue has gone up from Rs 25449 2:'-"j: l"::,t^"-it

t *

27896.7 crores in 2016-17 and expected to go up to Rs 32001 1croresjn 2017-

18. Non tax revenue of the State was only Rs 2384 4 crores in 20L6-17 and

l*p".,"a ,o go up to Rs 2875 0 crores in2017-2078'


Page 125: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

Figure 6.1 : State's Revenue trend in last ten financialyears (ln Rupees Crorel






19960.68 20750.22r5,54





2@&rD 200910 2qlG11 2 -r ra r-, ,, a_r-ro r^i*_ro* ,u ,or, ,, ,or, ,(RE) (BE)

- a - State's Olw| Non Tax Revenuc rtsSht€,s Own Iax Revenue

Figure 6.2 : Tax Revenue of Bihar as % of GSDP




{g) Tax revenue of state as a percent of State,s GDp has increased from 434% in2008-09 to 5.80 % in 2013_14. Siras shown n the f isure,.r.,n" ;: J;:;:;;::::Tff n:ff 1:: Til:,:Tthe tax effort of the State to incrG D p ratio is ta rsete o

"r r. rn,, rilll r; Tilfl I ffi : :,"#"tl"ll1ll" jilJll llof 5'2% in 2016-17 This impries that groMh in co|ection of ,"r". ,, ,rn oexpected to be lower than economic growth that is expected tobe.l,7%.




















I':- I-=---


201112 2012_13

4_97 4.85t


tl2@910 2010-11





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Figure 6.3 : YoY growth rate comparision of Tax Revenue and SGDP



tzN i ztx

.v201G2011 20112012 2012'2013 2gI3 m14 ?O1+20I5 2gl'm!6 2015 20L7 2011'2A1a

- it- GrowthRate (TaxReverue) +- Growth Rate (GSDP)



State's own tax revenue as a percent of State's total revenue has increased from

84.3% in 2oo9-09 to 93 s%in 2012-13 and has stabilized around 92% sincethen'

Whi|ethelargeincreaseindevo|ution-from32to42percentoftheNetDivisib|ePool has resulted in all states receiving an average increase in tax assignment of

about 47 percent. ln 2015-16 compareJto th" preuious year, Bihar had received an

increase of around 32 percent Thereafter' transfer of share from the Centre displaYs

a consistent increasing trend in light of increasing common divisive pool fueled bv a

i"*0",, robust economic growth, As displayed in Figure 6.4 transfers have grown

much faster in 14n Finance Commtssion period with a CAGR of 114% as compared

to a CAGR of 15 5% during 13'h Finance Commission perloo


Page 127: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

Figure 6.4 : Trend for Share in Central Taxes :

and 14th Fc (2015_2Ol8l13th Fc (20r0_rs)









I 36,963



23,97A t!I

, -t ,2017 7A


17,693 1, -

2@8 09 2009 10 2O!O-11 201712 2012 73 2013 74 20\+15 201t16 2016-17(RE)

6.1.Increased Salary Expenditure due to pay Revision

The core focus of this Commissiorru,y revenue expen;;,,;;. ;;;;,;H,:lii;,lllilLl.;.i"i1#::ff J:il.: :Tl,:- GDP ratio increase will first be dithere is no fiscar space


to reduce the revenue deficit, it follows thatother than,r,",

"iro,.ouu- o]i'#;:T:; tTr";i"r::j[j":]

jff :1]ir ff:,lexpenditure approximation is provided, in Table 6.4

""0- ii

-ru*".,,u"ty. Salaryexpenditure and pension expenditure, in light of the commission,s recommendations isestimated to increase by Rs. 3,776.

:.j:1.: :, zs.q./. ana- rs.;vl',"s;".,,"J"j"::i;ll.il.l"ijilllli:,:::j:J.JT::2015-16. Both salary and pension ejoverarl increase of 2 z.sv.tro^ v."rlZlnditure

h estimated to increase by Rs. 6,006; an



Page 128: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

2OU-18 (After PaY




Dearness Allowance1,I53.61

TransPortation Allowance

Medical Allowance

Other Allowances

Festival Advances

2017-18 (After PaY



Provisional Penslon

FamilV Pen5ion1,5s8.87

GratuitY 693.37Commutation Value

r,077.6rLeave Encashment


Page 129: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

Figure 6,5Expected Distribution of Salary kpenditure (ln Cr. )

73.15_ 30.30


r Salary


r MedicalAllowance

Figure 6.6

kpected Distribotion of Pension Expenditure (ln Cr.)



r Dearness Allovnace, Transportation Allowance

. OtherAllowances

I Family Pension, Commutation Value

! Pensionr G ratu ityr Leave Encashment

This estimated increase in pAp expenditure shall impact key macro-economic indicatorssuch as Revenue Deficit, Fiscal Deficit for the 2017-18. A revenue deficit implies that thegovernment needs to borrow in order to finance its expenses which do not createcapital assets. However, the budget estimates a revenue surplus of Rs 14,556 crore (or


Page 130: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

2.3 % of GSDP) tn 2O17-7a. Even after Adjusting for PAP targeted revenue surplus

remain Rs 8,554 crore (7.35'/0 ot GSDP). The estimate indicates that the state shall

continue meeting the target of eliminating revenue deficit, as prescribed by the 14th

Finance commission and FRBM Act.

Fiscal Deficit i.e, excess of total expenditure over total receipts, requires borrowings by

the government, and leads to an increase in total liabilities of the government A high

fiscal deficit may implY a higher repayment obligation for the state in the future ln

2017-1.8, fiscal deficit is estimated to be Rs 18,112 crore, which is 2.9% of the GSDP ThiS

is within the limit prescribed by the 14th Finance commission and FRBIVI Act However,

when adjusted for PAP, targeted Fiscal Deficit rises up to 3.81%, well above the desired

3.0% limit. However, there is every reason to expect that, Bihar with its current level of

structural fiscal prudence should be able to cope with the consequences of increases 'n

pay allowance and pension (PAP) in coming years

6.2. Recommendation on Fiscal Prudence

The Commission is conscious of the fact that the recommendations made by the

Commission shall have extra financial implications. In this context, the Commission

recommends the following points for action with twin objectives of improving resource

position of the State Government along with improved administration which is more

effective -

a.) Direct revenue earning departments should become more efficient in improving

tax collection and plugging loopholes to prevent tax evasion and mop up

additional revenue to partially meet the funds needed on account of pay revision'

b.) Better methods be attempted for collection of user charges like water, electricity

bills etc.

c.) Productivity of Tax collecting machinery be increased by introducing total

computerization, paperless offices, and use of technology wherever feasible

d.) Speedy completion be ensured in respect of all time bound programs/schemes to

avoid cost overruns.

e.) The Government may set up a review committee for right-sizing all the

departments. All posts which have lost their functional utiiity should be

abolished and terminal scales may be given to the present incumbents' Surplus


Page 131: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

manpower may be retrained and redeployed in other departments if required'

This rationalization of manpower may be taken up in a time bound manner'

f.) Existing employees of Class lll may be retrained and made multi-skilled and

multif unctional to increase their productivity'


Page 132: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

Chapter 7. AcknowledgementThe Commission would like to acknowledge the contributions of the followrng personnelwho worked tirelessly and enthusiastically towards submission of this report within thestipulated timeframe:

1. Shri Murlidhar prasad Singh2. Shri Shashi Bhushan Kumar Sinha3. Shri Kamakhya Narayan Srivastava4. Shri Navendu Narayan5. ShriSanjay Kumar6. Shri Diljp Kumar pathak

7. Shri Neshat Ahmad8. ShriSantosh Kumar pandey

9. ShriShashi Ranjan Kumar10. Shri Amanullah Khan11. Shri Surendar Thakur12. Shri Vimal prasad

The acknowledgement part will remain incomplete without expressrngacknowledgement to the following members of the KPMG team who were anpart of every stage of report preparatlon and compilation:

1.. Shri Rananjay pratap2. Shri Rajeev Singh


The Committee also wishes to express its gratitude to the Finance Department for thelogistic support and assistance provided to the committee. Acknowledgements are alsodue to all representatives of the various Service Associations who toox time out toapprase the Committee with their points of view as also valuable information which wassometimes not forthcoming from the covernment Departments. The Committee js alsograteful to other officials of the Government who made information available and whoshared their views with this Committee.

(Vinay Kumar)MemberPay Committee1s.05.2017


Member-secretaryPay Committee1s.05.2017

{G. s. Kang)

ChairmanPay Committee15.05.2017


Page 133: THE PAY COMMISSION - Finance Departmentfinance.bih.nic.in/.../Pay-Commission...2017-Vol-I.pdf · the 7th central Pay Commission. Key observations regarding underlying principles of

Chapter 8. Appendices

8.1. Notification of the constitution of the Commission,

8.1.a. Notification of the constitution of the Commission.

',..j'.: .:''' . . t ::.t I : -,.; I, i :': .: t: .: lil

, Y.'ii, fflF!'; 224212016

frvc:- qE-d dq +r{ 4rdtr a "capt d .crst- ilidt itH a1 qlfi, rfq sntul vi +trr/{d {{{frfm fi t( {q *tn qrct't + F.{ * {<-E ill

rls 6 r6Fr.tt/$t1EF|rc[ 6l iF<rC rFltlCr{qtr'|tfi(qt Fr imn

... g{!Er,&i&; * 51tsq iq,{s.qFt'r girrar imr vm *,' ' ' frrqfi q.c f€ ysR +n:-

- . i) *, *" sr: {i'r, - !*n .Il gq qf€, kr{.- 9:."- "-':.

2 I ll (fi ltt. qr"eotro - q<{q {icc' . - qF l?a), i+{ frqllr'

r) .lt.:ivq trn,. qr"l"to - s<R. - , . q&q, qrdlr S f|qt. ], i,. . .

' 2. ,rqr + tqi io'r@qrd F1 tury.Fd.r il bqr :ns"r' , q-<s. €f{./6.cs qcY iin't3, fid * aftRtu *d{ rrdn 5r 6r{--

.ltri l... , .. . 3. d.uq +f,{ !irq}'r * .&q . ksrt * lq (te'rns. of

Reference) fFfrtui fi-' {q)- -ix .qron er{| H' i6n*i * :Rrq . *F +d1./f{r{'

q$q * ryisr.(E) *-{ r'!ir. EI{r 4dq +Fftd {i .Trr ftc qri * F<-i t

ltt t FF nr{ qvir, <|6 qrdFF q T*t rEFFlr i6 €-<q q{fdgl,

(n) q{ qtq€ f6+i qq-4 q crn|rq rs.k sEl aF|r(rc 6I -il$" df* slcn tm cwei i' @tft + RF{ f : , :.:

_. :,11,. .:1,,1.:. i.*rr. - . l.i._..:,.,.

.-!:-,;d*-: '-


. *, :-:: ill


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Bqr.t !n$,![*{



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8.1.b. Notification Extending the Tenure of the Commission

.tc:h- 3q-2-io!o-0e/2o!6-257rlffo'

fiER YtTn. fr! ftqrr

d{eTtrr, f{i:q:-o7lo/2ol 7

fsi{r- rra{ *.fq i-dr rirqt{ * {irl{t i ardr Idr .4t{c} d! c!fri, Tq Effd ri i-m/*r{f {{ilildfi *i t.{ rftd lrq +i-{ qr+'r sI anfkffii6-3i/osl201? nrF ffi{ *q ot1 * qK-q dt

ffi ?qrria 6F i@l-g/ol ?4i+-rill:/Nl. + lritdl d. rr' elq ci erqro I rtdi #c idr ttft! * qJdst +4RiE, f fis 6i*ct d drd. {F cFhl ql ft{^rd ct {t*{I ti it{q irn qrclq :E|

'E'r t*{ 'rqr ir :qrd{ a} qqr' nft*al di ar *Nfd,* q${it fid ti

t. *-{ €(in ri dfo !i6hl * ri?, f(q !d * rrtrld dqS fr;E nds d ftq qr wt tr qq*c6! i|q 6fff* * €<d n |.!*qqntd d {ft q f{c. qrt + diq n {S{Br 6!i| *'{c E] ir qfr

ftcftlw*fi 4rqlqd{dfrffiffid qtslTfir qiqa 61 sr

ra al:- !Et: anr.q ft-{rd.ltrd nlq &H tqi! 6r 1;r{6T{

trd{:11/b5h0lt !* nlRlfrq ffrq rnt ttrNrt$:- :trtr Rq s.l t fo 5s t4f, * tfi tt"4 nfi {dlT t

nsFI/ {€t {ifi I g<R I Tqlro * tfi qf<,'5gti?i rilqE| sfkq / {rq {{FF * q* frqrvsql ft{rrFlqq/ft{sF,sr! 3*r qEr.filg&q, filR fist1 q\r.nf!!, fil|t ftrJn

!ftr{t$ !cts#{ qrtFv{A ft{itl EftFr0/qfl!n'sr|{, tnr'w{ / {S 'i* {i Tq.id * alE qf{qt $t q{dd !dqtqls srfr t{ ilid +1 cEt

tdrr G$ qn t f* g *oa rr $Fr{|{ d{rqK{ allrfire ttr' lqn rt I qnqnor tr6 t f{qr q[{l

frtr. Ilrqrd * qri{r d




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8.2. Comparative List of pay Levels

5'h cPc 6'h cPc 7'n cPc


1800 Level 12610-3540



3050-4590 1900 Level23200-4900 2000 Level 3

4000-6000 2400 Level 4

4500 7000 2800 Level55000-8000

4200 Level 65500-9000

6500-105004600 Level 77450-rr500

7500-12000 4800 Levet a

8000-13500 5400 Level910000 1s200 6600 Level 11

12000-16500 7600 Level 12

14300-18300 8700 Level 13

16400,20000 8900 Level 13A

1.8400-22400 10000 Level 14

Note : From 5'" CPC to 7th CpC the number of pay levels have come down from 19 to 14.


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8.3. Pay Fixation Formula

Thefitmentofeachemp|oyeeinthenewpaymatrixisproposedtobedonebymultiplying his/her basic pay on the date of implementation by a lactot of 2'57 '

The figure so arrived at, is to be located in the new pay matrix as given in section 8 4' in

the level that corresponds to the employee's grade pay on the date of implementation'

except in cases where the commission has recommended a change in the existing grade

pay. lf the identical figure is not available in the given level' the next higher figure

closest to it would be the new pay of the concerned employee

The pay in the new pay matrix is to be fixed in the following manner:

step 1: ldentify Basic Pay (Pay in the pay band plus Grade Pay) drawn by an employee as

on the date of implementation. This figure is 'P''

step 2: Multiply 'P' with 2 57, round-off to the nearest rupee' and obtain result 'C['

Step 3: The figure so arrived at, i.e., 'Q or the next higher figure closest to it in the Level

assigned to his/her grade pay, will be the new pay in the new pay matrix' In case the

va|ue of .Q is |ess than the starting pay of the Leve|, then the pay wi|| be equa| to the

starting pay of that level.


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:l; 3 3 3 8

r I r E I

:i I t 8 3




8 8 8 I iFtq 3

I 8 8E




Fti8 8

t 3 I 3 I

8 8E3

8 8 3

li 3 I 8 I c

I c 33


3 3 3

Fa I 3 8 g E 8 I

+a 3

I' 3 8 3 313 8 8 3+

s :tg


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8 3 8



; 3c

8 8

'1t 8 8

3 3 3

! 3 I


E' 3s

3 3a


8 I

E3 8 3


3 g

ilrflt a

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8.5. List of Representations

so€o I cTq

l * aes gr{R qntq, .:re+tT, R6R €f+qrdq {gf+flq +ffi {iqsqter qqrJ aiqn. cd {f+er qqR qqr+. +q qd r,ne{6. qfnsroqT{qFrq, q-{r

tFn 1I.{, e+qerl+a|4 tqR ftj€, --kBP qi+qt-q qreiqfiq a.iqrft {iq

qff'r tqR .:rqer, Rarr eh+p6q 6qu6 EFffi €ql-rna rta, rqrF 'rq -,TT{qiat q{qm qartiq tBq.h ,rar;rR*ia arq'. q6rCf . kffr qhE q-qq1flq q;dern-dE-''Id€ sr. qPflr+. grire qar rrq .)pr. +ETq .fi.qnrffi.trr:---:.agfer arqt,

- qd|qfuE, . 6R try dr+ €Rprq efqqa,r Aq.FT +trqftt qq

Irn gq|{ gr,qqrc q6|qFq, k6R 1rq ga6fi harr.r Effi Ei:l











:ft irqq Erd, eq6{, k6R {.rfufi c'{ofro€lo --

,fl tq{'q {q. 'rr4?{. A-r- 'rq +riqrrt qeRq.

---3!| EE d|{. qt+4, h.rJ7rq qeT Br{{ iiqiq traiFT T{qt {iqqeX qfd eBrt'. sr4rr. i+-rJ qE-qr+q FCq{ftq Ffu+ ,js:ff gqfr gqR, €Qyq6 qs-srqj-qtr{q, qrFrq or hqnrElo srdfq 3t-irq Er f:qeT. k*rr rrq FlRd fu qrqfi qq{ lhd'F WR +*rft, fre6, q{eriffi::n 'rq 'raq1, Ftiq+, .++err qtqr-q{1q14q,4raBr'_

., qE.=T1 .Fq|', 3nslFllq{, "++aft qfqrcIq- qer+++ir 3]r+ "qqF FqE,

er g+5r irq Fqrqa, q{Br' -qFn(p1. ?qB

LjI.r Tr|'_j{:! rsrFFh. q{BF -qTqTrq, 3{.,.l'qTair

-1,:-l>l {qfr,Iqqqr- FIFFF. q46r{ qrqrda Et|dzt -'pn4 ,lltt, t-tg+. c.FrEF qfq-q. qt4r{dfqI IqInF qq|. F+. hft+. "++rn <q6q. qqga,ft F+E q"Tr-qqi.Bngfdfu+,

-qcr6|{ qrc|qq, i.rqrf,ri-ul














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26 ef1 qrfq :6qp, q€Ft€, qq€R qrqroq, lrei<r

27 ,Jt Firq qqR, liR6, q{aR qrq6q, q$srrq28 qt lrgd EqR, s€r{4, q?r€R qrqRfc, 5qw{5t29 :fi 'E q+rer, hft-6. q€r'.qrq6q, Eniqr30 4 grn rrg s€Fr.F, q{er qrqr<rq, }idqt

4 sTrFd+ srEq< eiqrtl, sdFr€, qitrdr qrqrsq, qrdEr

* qfu{ q{rer, idF$, q{6R =qrqr+q, qr{q:it Hrq EqR, Rlto, q+arr qrqroq, +c+Eqniq

34 3il eqrsaq lqr, fufu+, q+cr< qrqrqq, qrR-qr

"Jl qn"{ qte{, Ffqs, qd6F qrqrlq, qFfu36 ""1 xF-d fifum, q{6r. qrqnq, qcFFEtt

37 {t qirq gqr{ Rir, T6r'iil, eq< *gqfufi"_"f*t qq._r-rTf

384 .rqqfi sr, kqr q*, fudr c{t, kar< rrq efi|qqf{d sfft{6Riq, qll{{l

39 4t .]*q{l EqR, T6Fi*, t{6r{ {.q eTIqIRFs,/e{aI-d{ €s, q.qr

40 4t Eirq uqn frq$, TdFitrr, kan qc am.nqBd 6ffi {iq

414t tT{< gqR fu€r, {6rqi{4, fian rrq €mfi|m qfireiqr ri{enq6ffi €q

42 fr q&-<. tr{q ctr{s. RAF rr{qtrlq ,f+qrn qrrqE (nnr Xe)43 4t FqqErer R€, {{Fii, f{6R RE-€r qrii qc sRpa sfqrtl {iq44

:ft Efiqq qqrE RqE, Ir6r'i*, f{€R {rq qgqa=T Fqnr, errrqqf+o6ff1 {iq

45f Tg.iq gnn, raruB+, f{arq rrq cgcrf,{ f4qt.I, .:r{tt+qF{ ({ig-.R)4+qift €q, irq tF

46sll qq rrRrqq fqq, q€irq*, ia-an rq qc+rifi hr{Fr, :fft-dsr{€fuffq q;ffI {iq

47 4l orqq oqn k€r, Fiflr qjl, R-6R

4a * -;rqr* qqp FtE, dfu+, qlalF+ rqpP4 h<, "{iql49 4 fl.q wrr, Frq+,ffq fdii-+, q6rclsI(

50 rii qFft-€ el|q<, Rft-m, n$q s-q qq qqsf,, qGTsc

51 * lq-{c , RfizF, {..{ Gl{{rdrd,

eft q+4R aqt, Frq4,flq ftiR-6, Tfi qqRq,I

"r6+-q qrqq. Tqq+q iifum, t+P|{Ii'n

:fi Hrq qqrr, Firq{ftq trR-+, tr{4 rar'l +-,7 AFcreft €rR qrtrqqr, eTrqfd RF+, qrq q'ti sqqrfrr €reT.r FqFr

56 S qqq [qF, hiq+. qslqr+c FfreTr+q


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57 4' q*sT qqn, e{-elfrR-m

58 S gis+t wt-q, qepiA,

59 {l qfrq{ tqR sr, f-fi-s60 :il efii{< Uqrr, G{eqer

4i rrqqq FtB, Tarq-i62 +ft lqrq-crel eRUr eilsr<r4

63 "i q*s{r graq', q"IFFF

64 :ft +.q tqR sr65 zt nt-r.1 ?5ti t+16, c.rch

S {q fue'iR qi€rE fs€r, q€irq*

S lrqfs {q{ q+nc, RFI+, fu€R T6 {eTr qrGt't

68 eir Fisr Tqr iTq. i+T+.llq hfu+, nf+ql69 efi 'qlel qrc, rq+,ff-q fqfoa. fusr+rya

10 rft ga ryn sr. qsrrf+q, l{erl'rq .tR Fffi qq71 S Hrs qq;l erq?. hfu+. q1qft-a qseq +<, +'s'72 S e{rq< qiq<,

'rar4{1, i{6R t'4 snfq'€ g.rFrrgq q€rRqefq

73 eft erv+ gnn eld, ftei ereqeT, k6R gRe €ry€ffi 6ffi €q14 3tl q+rar tqq, irqrc|d sE-,is|{q|d, fusr qre rl<e{"r r+r€, .:rm75 4ft ?rfde qqrrl 4il q6rq .AqF. iifu6. qa.rsrT,

4f i'ro qE{ q;qr, Rifu+, sd'r.r Fftnrsq, qrqr77 fr gr< q+n tqB. trR-+. ff-drg' FR qer'. q.{r78 'n q+r.{qir Fi:.E. frfu+. rrlvr+a Fiinr++. ve+19 eft Tfiq EqR, RrR{, Tqs{T{80 $t ir.r< qen RiE, q6r{{t, i+an qtqtrdtq {ffi {is (+qi.lfu)81 dl rF-;i .EqF, tifu+, qrh+t rq l+er+q. irirEl

a24l gqrq aEr, fudr .i*, fii-fl ri{t, i+art nq e{{rqqiid sfflT€T{TET

83 $ g*q q{{|E, qrllRfus, sirq l4qnr84 4 gie4{ cr.t.q, Tsrq*, iq6r{ {rq s{o(tofro 6fui {iq85 * q#Tn qqrr sr, Ffq+, qqo+o rq hqr{q. +fegr86 * er{k< trm, er4rr, ksR tq gR h{ {6r+6 {iqa7 sft tqrTq FSB, qdrCi88 * fir+qq eRsr

"Ff{rRE89 $ Rrqr qrd€, €qrs{, f*an lrq sr.Mas f}rer6 sffr {iq90 S ffaq {qR qr, q-qrr Rfuo, u-qcr c'ti s-{ €qd R"rFr91 ,n :rfuq qrTrr F+8, e6d, rfflqT T;q q]qlqq q'lqJrq


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* rrq a*r,]---q{r< REr, qEt-iil, f{6rr Tq ftren er5€tr|q 6ffi1qEt

96 'ii @E|.] rl9ie,9qg!{q, i

"lq* Eten qqrtl, qrrqnq enftfts f*filsr, eqrq gr{ E-{r Fr+-d{'

gi .ar+i aleffi, n"F" qq-edfq qt'4sr, teffi jT. qz-{{ l

"il '"r erq' gf{'rq dlqr n{+e rnfuorr-r }fr|rFl I

* +.re fet fR ?R"r, i{fl|{ qE9. irqaelre ?r4-ru








sl.l finer 6qR. sr@ .FeI 'r-r44, iroqqorio(rqo. 'i-a t

=To eita Fie, saTF qriqtrra,

F{6R Efu€r €q

qa qEIl1<t.9crr I

*.-+r-- r+ret qFr{FITaI, g€FFE qrrlFm, qel|ar-jil h3{rrr, {iiqr EE-€r

,n irFar , fdfqm, qoqro, 3{{R{ |

4 +{crer f€6, cqr{ Rfu+, qtr Rqi"r FEI'I,

R+n, qrnqr, qqEr+rff t

qife, .'q+.iq hRs, qr4f"l zF4 ti'T{q.- ri--dd I

, srqteq qMt, tr-dr triq{ tqr qli{4|{' <si-n l



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119* q*4 {Fr, Tt€Frs trqr q<rff+rfi, FRerrdq Rqtqq qA qftte.l"T,f:rQrqq !ffi{. qeqr I

r20 9g qoqro Rr6, r€ri4{ qrqTq, qr|{r heqfuqrf,q, qeqr r

efl rqsr qqrr FiB, Et.ar" f* Eis. q-qr IL21

1-22"E r1 t€r c'ndl fae,iq+. fuT hqrr|. ftep, qsq I

123 "{T q<sTqr B]r, TiTa qolgro, qoFo. qlkqq{. ffi r

724 3lt4?1, ltlFf. qI+C +q qgrFqeFt, k6r{ +q qfui raqr r

z'.Lq gqFl ,il riTq qqrr. qiRa|dt hR6 q,zi jf,q I

gfl IFI9T ][FIr{, AiJlq 6ffiI1"26

L27 efi lgq-rq riqFl ftl , qnq ffii-.5 qEf o Eirl Fsri qaFrsTrdr q- r

1-28 8n i'l-rFT qqrr, iqfq|q, T.rr f++t€ 'tri 3]Idt{T ha{rq fotsTz ,r-nrl

1293lT rl]as sRT, qitGErfr {irror$, {rqiilc gq r6raqr{r f+tla+F, fuAn :rqriqlqc hqFr, q.qrrsi rner gqp sqi. effic q{rf!r4rn. ff+6 qE,.r nRsT|iq. FtdRqe{lsro {id Ri€, q-qrlalr ETeFiFT qqtl, qf+q.

k--r.- qTytFr#_ ilrc{s qe. qFrqg.




133 8ll tl-I FFQIR 1|{a, t+6R {rq €I{|qqBd {fft {6rda- lTeqr734 qI gqfq qqr. fq"J, q€rs srTEfh,,€fiq{qtfr d6.no[ q€rEr6rft q-irl

4t t+fiq rrq, q-{rejl Faq drd 4rarwE,fueR rrq sa+rtr Erc{

T6rri*,qFI q]FFF {iq, q-ill

73-l ,{ 'rr{q|r qfi, l{a[ql-, hqiq rfi qfuqrsq erqrrrR - qe:rrl

138qr srFtFT tqR Rr€, q€FFF +tsl.rR qdqqtft, ef+s,Tq +rsFrR, RtEn{q-tl, qd:IrlgTo Fg< RT6. q-{r139

140 4{r qr-I slql, qBrrill. qs|{J Sqfqqeri q< e{{q. qetl74! sro €rEq tqR, q6|qlqq, crdo qqo go Grdrr, vc+rr42 .e'IT qaFrqq qt6+, +rErl+{d, kerf {fq €{{rqqB-d 6fft qrr.iE uzir

743sro fro+offo RiE, {6rqEa,ffqr tqi+qr q-+rfffi i-qr -iq, 11fl1

L44 11 9rcq tqn rs€, qogloqqo, i]tlrkgd, r.{r8n 3rqq tqF kfl, qoriocq., t"li" qr+145

746 siFI qiFTeI qtrit. qqrl {Erqf+q, trEr, 'ra +qElrfl TBFiq


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@, Dr{rq FRrr+ orqleqqrrq h:, stmt

er{I {gr 3r(fr-', foq hqrrl, BaF, q-fl|

stE"t q< fte.{, 'iErqs. }rqr ir-{d Foro }+ +qt

*r f"A- "s", sol$o:oq"frqo +eag'' gA qqjrfr=FTto qaw 1sT d/frRaaT t1rr/ €$rd qqR *'8ffi, +t-q ffissrq+, frls E-flr rEFITIroT @r qrqr

:ft {rt'daq sRT, {6rq€, Fkqr+, fue Aflt 'r*lA-q{ fuq{, Riqr{ qiF6 qris€

* s<q qiqr, to iqo qRTrqI, c<IFrdri'Lq-rr-g-q-qrqrdqS

-Enr< ,sfq Re, q=rq*, mtn -lqea*r+

+ffr ?iq. (i-qidd)'

"fr qim qqra Rte, od sr+n, qfdd qrtrq r RfYot f+eqFqmc,

+o e-<t *4, fiodtoqwo 3itrad{ Tqq€- qfuqTdq. fq11* nfq|-qqn -aq-. nqq'ftq ftfr-6. @ jl{rq

- sTr€n }Fqi

"ft Aler qqr{ RE, Aen rrq ar-+ qRe4 erf*i{ur frqFr offi €s'

* fllsr , irqr fdtusftq 6qq1, a6.n4qfr iET 66, qrq *F{+r, q€s slq@. gfqTt-art-6,- q-{I!

4 "n-ff€

qqR, sn* {4, R-6R Efu-ffi ('ri q{Rr€q 6ffi {iq'

* Eqlqq gqR Ri€, RF4,cq qti=" qqdg{-qd sqr'e+{ R6rt lrq qer \'?i qff{ Frqrol frr{Fr

"n ffiq qqrt qrsqtr. {sret {lr 3Ti+--r }sq trfir -}rqFflr '

Ao ffi iEqri e{dtq, sqr!a!r, {rqslrfi q{-qft {iq' R-rc

+drFlqr ri'fd+ 4ii-i. 5rry-* *ce wn, so q<to, {roeo q@-qqdq-dffi. q-{Rrl

4 qren€ +\rqEql€r R€, sq s{qtq Ficer€, i{6rt {rq e{\iIqFrR

Ffrsnirq, nFlqFTrr q+c, Fr]{t qrR qqreT, tr-6R, qr*'r tr4rq tqt IS.g


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770v{6{ }aTr, s€r{€ f*h{r, EEr q!']rq €€q, {sdqQd sq qlo Eqqeql

L-71 -a Eq q*o. lrErqf+q, REr{ qenqftfi Vqr qq, c- l

772 sro tqr{< trqrE FlE, q-6rqfuq, R€r{ rrq rrqcFd qqrfydrtr €q., q-qT773 * n*rr gqr< M, r-eruFq, k6R irqr k{ €E, qcrTt74 { qRq fuAI. yqrrn. Tgrqfua, R-da 'rq lr{q k{r riq, qc-{r

$ Eq tqR, ,rre4q, Ren rrq ss|E {qrfw {6Riq176 * r{otq qre{ sr, €ka, R6R fuiqq ft-qr €sl

* rirq qqr. qitq, q6r'i{r. Iq-.r' {s ka riq, .r.qrr777

778 €o Ster qrd, n{.d t-{ft, R€rr sii\qnr kqr {iq, q--{r

{ :n< tiqrt qersaq, R-€ri Rren t-qrlqan€R-{) {i.r, r-rT* rR qiot *crt, q6|qFq, R-€R aFil{r tqT €s,

"r,K €fqq



181 { ksnt etrq, Torsfuq, fu6rr {.R +qr {iq, tr-{r4l sTgFr EIL dq. q.cr742

183* sfiq gqR, k€r, fr$+d R€R micRd i€+qa qH( qdrfucatq,\Ie;III

184 {o dt gtq qqp. erqqer. fusrr s{fu+ }qr (isfrdr) qq, q"nT185 qqfl 'T{r trC-lEq, c}R-d st-f, E-flq nqr185 :ft qiraa{ qr<q, qarsfuq, k6R Fq$qd trfi,r, ver-q €qq gqn, q-ereEq, k6R s-stfudr gi+etq-kar {iq, T-{rr87

188 :ff cReifi Ri€, €fuq, k€R Er€fuE +sr €q, T-rT189 * enRr+ {q{, qo$o, frofio{o, ,rqr

190tro lrqrcq a+, +q [email protected]

191 sl ffiq{ qqF q+qrm. ?TT{ tr1l cn-qE-{ T{Iftrsfrt q-{792 :ff rqi+e-q gqR, sq qlqr4, $atFrs qRtr.r {iem .idqq, c=lr193

194 4 ers"r gqR +qrwa, +Nrq!T, q6rr qq nsT lqrqrq) {q, qzrr* €Rr{rq qr, rrqqFd qErk+lt €q, RER I€ lilT qlG*, qzrT

196 {l rr*er €qx gF, erwr, k6R Cfdq sHq qafrRqeTq, {-rT797 {r {iqq qqrr, gfuq jq1effe1a, qsql198

199 4 *qr tqrc Rie, sarqm FRer€, hlq iq-dF qqFTen<T k€Tr, c-{r200 4 trq'qer +frq ffiq sarqs, Ftr RFr{ enpTalldl RER, q.iT


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@ €rr/Eqqq gqR/ gi-{ tqR,

, :r*ter+ :rr"el dfrq +r'r. Yst, rr+

"lca gR€ ffiar+, erq{r€r e{gliqn Fqrr, {rq frr q]i F€r<'

ffi qfier+ s€ e'qr{l FRar+' Ta frqFr

S 'fit tqn sfi, qdrq*,

ksn rrq 4eTrsr q{I|fsrtl ris, F{€R, q-{r

cTo sF=.. dliqE, 3rqqF4 'rq qq4.,aFg-{{- }fg-r{-qfitrq:Ilqo {"rdfd gqR, qdmFs,

k6R €R?a t-ar {iqgro srfrflq, q6|qlq{, srr{osqoig-"1tr{r qciT

gro srF-d gq|{ Rr6, {6|qFrq,

Fr6R e-c nB€d R€{ <€ft<rrt, rr<rero rqlerr tqR Ri€, {d|qFq,i{6R }R-{.( €ffitq qftRcsr{'qrll

=To AFrq qqTE c=(, .q"4er, tr€r{ {tq arfralifqo Ef+-er qqrftmrit

sro {iqq gwi gffi, t:i{4,t{€R 3dd t-qqr effifl sRlftcarr, qgro qti< FlE, qq|r {5rqFaiq6r qel RB-€r €q, ftrqrcR qFi qEIgTo 6qt", q{lq RE, {rffi c{ryr ilEr{_r:lEfu-€r-{iq,-g

=ro dsqr{ {arq6,-"r5fi cq wgo w+erid oqrr trqnirq

RR;er trqfemrt €s, i{€r{' q-{rt

ffi r<r ft€, qElsEs, A"n @sro !qrr<

_-qtrq i€8, qEr{'*;

-tr€R {Gq €rrd4Fd cq T{r{t rsfu€r

qo rio{ +6r, Efuet qqfemft,

qo Sles{ Ri€, qsrq*,

sfud qr'ft'q r]Id.E trirqd E@ Iq

qo erArE cRrq'r eTqt

sro ilirq di-e, qrcr

ETo iria Eqr' *l*-"el hfretr qarfY+rff ariq FEgFF +rq|+q'


qr{ur h{, Et|{rl


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qrdr gqrft, €rm.d fto iik{I m$ iftEe "fis-}te-st{ €iitq,

iro rTn }fiqqq, Efrqd jtTtodlo3n{ocqocqo, c"rTqrEq, sRrq tsrqc qfter6, f6R, tr-{rl

"itjq@ qrq fqB, {FrqEq. A-er. eerqm-q +qT-Trqst :rqtel rq{ fu€r, €fuqmq, qETqs, qqql ffi EErq, qzrr8fr +TR g.i|q FJE, di'rrrfi, €issrdq q-6;fi qq. qdrT

* r<q ei6{, to Ro ranor qslm, qzrr sq elqTqctir qaft qs|E Fqt, Tdrq*. RE|' {rq 3t'rqcBi 4{qrt q€Iqq, qzqr4 *fl €qr Bi-. n-.r' trq A-+rfr ++qrt q-ur.iEt q-e-{r

* , f{6R sr€o Eo ttw r{q, qcclS hfrq tfi ctFis,srcr iifr tr{q), Rqnr, qrc{4 fsq , (crcr qF stra.{tft rrqq qr€ R-+seft, {€i*,

qqsr qdrRmrfi +iq, qs{S Sa< cqrE Rie, eiqei,

@_'rq +q< *r*@ a{f*sr qRrRrtqrq,:ft ra< grt, srua,kan rrq d+t|s {is,* eRi{< gen, +niee 'i*,R6rr {6+lLdr qqR rrclfqfitt {iq:fr ffid tqR sr, rr6rq*,

4 €{{F< qrw.r, +rqlqrc+ fuiq+,

* Fr{-d grR erd, .rrqsT,

k6R qqmd t-qr r{q, qcn4 5*r err"r. orwv,R-6R {rq Gr+{ sArIr er*q qsl|q€rt {iq,{t as}r6 tqr<, srel 3T+q-4. qqa

"ner:ft srrdr.F gqR Fs€r,

4 Tqrgq mi, q-dFi*, fu6r' {q qaFqr frAet6 qq, qerrS g+m 5eR qd, {€Fi*,fuarr rr;q rgrr qalMr riq, q-qr


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247 4 'ffi-d qqR 6r{', F; srq €?eT'r q?Ed, qglsir,

248* 3rfrdrq tqR, qqoffoerr{o q-{z {Arq tqR Ri€, cqoffoerdo,q-

2494 b{{q tqR k€r, {6|€fuq,kerr rrq cM.fir+ clQlftI"r €er5q 6ffi {q, q-'n

250 rreier+, q&eg 1e, 'r+r, Paswan.

2514 {trtrqs ERr, (6Frr,Ficam R-m Rrnq, ken, qrqrt

252 S qfl< owr kq. +iean

2534 r-ftq gqR on4,qr4s Fsrq q{rftffift, E]RI

2544 q6q tqR, qRqrqrr qffffi qc+t, qqR-sd-qleGr"I +< sft<Ct,R-4rr4 Rgd gqR, qGis Fstv T<Rr+ft, qug{ erru z$ sff"r Sqn ftqqds Fqr"l qflRmrt,([E-TT

256 * erqq {qR qqi, T6r,t*, k€R {q el+eTsr qflfBqtrt €s, q-{r257 S s+yr fr qeqq, frtrrr rRT ttrdr {iTeir 3{M ds, qd-cr

258 aft q+e+t qRFFT, lnis tR qqRrort, @, i1g{q259 S et|lr rsR, fu6R qrftr, i{+r€ t-sr {q, qe-cl

260* erfud t5R/cli +o {66Is {qr€r{, 4ftq ffis {6r{.F, Rfq R-d|c,qQnreTr€r. R6R. q-.n

4 qrqr qqrc Ri€, n{.n ti,rft sT{{ srfqqdr {iq, k6R* {iiw gqR €Tlqq {roqosmlqrd€, q<lffi,qrqsr

263 4 rrqqt arq{. toRo rroqo iurqfqTtttr, q<tE6rt, q.trqr

2644 €T{-d gqR R{e, sarco dwrrrrt,

+rqrm, ffi qqiT, .reil

265zt + Erl3(q,.tEt+t>tlkar< rrq qqr{d t-{€ ds, {re-jn

266* Ra< gqR, {€i*,kan rrq qqr{d €k4 {q, q-cr3ffi €rR gqrt, Trq tFsr,q{qe +rqlqq, ilF{|cl

264*Fdl fi-dr qia. qrq tR-6r.q{4e +rql-dq, gcsrt eftq, q-{r


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2694 arfil qqr, q6|fffua,

fu6R €iffi i-q r{q, qrqt

270{t rr$e-q srq,qarq+, FRqr+, fum Eqrr

277 $c< gqrt gtTr$,

fudr €iM q-{rfffi, qrqqt

2724 .rqn {rc, Fror eiffi qffffi,qEs

2734t *q cqrEzs}tq trmrar tqrt, sdrr Fs{ , Ffrrrqq, sArr Rqr.r,


274 *q sr6q{, ramfuq, l+En t-a rrqqq ${ Totqfrq XF-q{, TcrieTo Ero ffis{ TEqrq erdiq, sqrEqeT, {rqr{qr zrfurtt {is, Tq.FFg{

276 4 ercqrq cr@rc, T6rqks, +r4r{dq, frF5sd d€€, Tc-{r

2774 el|er a69r, {rT€ "{" rigr qa-gw+ Eiq k€r{ {rq eftAqrqnFieqrtrq, q-rr


4 qrsaTra inuqqnrac Ri€,

sc arRts FiEsrd, R6R troq erfqirqrrlR FRnrrrq erfttqFm qEq,q-Tr

279qro T{ q]clq, {-rilF{r g€Fr€,

€ s{ FReTroq, qFqsd qFqmq BqFr,

2804t rrge-q qq|E, qr&ft{r qr+ qfreTI clsfh'r +q {€€ dfuq ci{s{,q.qr FeqF{afilrq qdcrt


S qrrc Tqqr, T{ri*,Rer< rrq €rr6mc ++qrft {iq,qsTI

2824 efiicqr tqt sn, tt"q sqTqrl, \:r+{ fi k+r €q, rreq{t qE+t,qrql

283{I qirq f\q, SRc.sreceT, Toriry€r, +rqi6{q 6rqieq, s@ qFflcel,q-TI

244S qefl.r cRrsrq, gt6sreqeT e{gqYd qft wq-vttet ci*ftr"r +{ qRrdq|{rqqr faeqf€rdq, {{qrn

285 4 Rftq R6rtt r.fc, {€r4{1, R€R IIq g.sdl ?Fffi riq, qrqt

246S arT ai6{ oqrsrFr, elqer, R6R trcq 3rr{odoeoqqo {ftqr $ffi{iq, q-ql

247 4t qsc R|sr{i, to RId cGis E-*re q{rRr{rtl, i|6dRT

2884 ,:rr<o *o k€r, T€rri*, Ars FId'r Eqr.r srg{iqF qa|{{ €q,

'| 50

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289fudr .i*, R-sr< rrq Rffi Aqr.r sfft {iq-{, hor nr<r gffqqnur, qrR-6rtt

290 S nfiq EqR qBq, Rr+ qreq qiFs qrisd, Tqcslg{29L 4 t-+ qrer qt{, qe:{r

292 :fl E.gr Frgrft Rt, il€€-d riqr6d, Eq<r

293 qarqfuq. R6r< ld'-e nf+w, a-rtr

294(-J.Dl 3.llil, tllqq,Fan qRqR'+r €q R6R, frogqofroqqo, q-lr

295(€or tqR k€r, {6rqfuq,eeR S.q €R{4 qpreTqr €q,, q.-{r

296F{q r€rq, €fu{, (qaFraTrdr qAErd) sn-( !|Bqr \Frd dniaft?fffr€ cftRrtan, fu6R {.6r€, qdrT

297 1+* t* k€r, k6r rq EB.trr v6Fru €q, gfrq ff, !rc{r


qrq gqR, d.r-q q*,(sffi rtq ffqr Efu-€oq)B.E.S.I.S rr rr€s e"fdriq XF-{r, q-{r

299{id tqR Ri€, {6Fi*Rrq orqlR*a, F6R, cfrq srskfliT, qz;

300qo g€oqo q55q, {6|qfuq,iemd €fisqmR-s €q, T-{r

301 df-q tqrr RqE, qRqrq6. fuarr rrq qRrnrd qRsrq€ G.*rt) €q, qrcr

302 Sist SqR,F6R Frqlfu€ ncr+-qr cftREsrt (BPWA), e-<r


sietm gqR, *rq 'i*,k6R Rtri€r q?i q{qreq qffi {is qerTr trEe|q si cfhlFr +q,qd;TI

304qqrfi qr€;+, T€irq*.kan rrq trt Efr-qr q{rqqF{ {is, {rir+tc €+EHF{ da-q, T-qr

305EqFTrel Ri€, qarq* (qRertq+)

k6rr fufu-€r qzi qjrgrcea +dqrt, qr<r

306tFI|{q +trfr, €'Arq-{,iem€ qk6 t-ceT qdFi€kart tq gor{, q-rcr

307qqqrqr qtril, {6Fi*RER Rfu-€r {-q .rq €Rlq sffi {iq (ns le), rrtr


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qd t+ Rie, oreaw

h-"n Aeer q,?i qq sRrq sffi €q, qqr c-Eeir si cierer"r +-<,(f-nt-- hE r6rqd'l. Rd|{ EFffl (,ti qq €rre4 +fft r{e. q-{r

6qr.r 6ron f.rdrr4- qRtflR-6. tr<iq{ qRq?, q-{r

iad- .6crt ..5-irq larieffit €r qogqogqo qd, fi-drr.6r

fu;rq 6qn sr. fitTlq+. q{ogqoqloqrqo, q-cl

ijt< 6qr{. iTRts{. iner qeqt S-e, T6rcrq|e

lTq 6r€1, qtrqq uXo1, 6adr< er*eqr Rrs grrt sn$ds 'r6rfdtr€q'qr tq. i<{

gfro <tr {rqKrq, Rq+(cRferd) c.alq|trc E-qr(rq, {€{,








fr< gqr< f€8, €4qeT,

fuan rrq q-qlqm \'q qtrqrq4 .'iq, q-fleFs aR-r tr€T<, q€Fi{i, B€|{ 1fq TFl gqR s{sft €q.3alrfr377

318rrin g'rn, -4rtrdqr, eiqq erffq,qTa+{€l, qRftgffi tr-ot terdc flqt-dq, 1g+ff

319f+qq tqr-{ erqi, {6|€fqa,kon rrq g.tr g.TR 6ffi iiq, qel.

320qq frq'ln trq|{, rr6rq*, Ran rrq T-qrc q4 c€rqs-sa qfft €q(nrq fe), q Frar< crgqtrlq 4ff1 <q ({('@.' q-qt-

32rar€T cPr fl, fqqr €qri{4, tr-qn rrq fr'cr< qcror+rt €s, q-nr

?rqr;ifd qqiTq f,aqq qrd. q€|€fuq, td-{R {F{ qqt-cF5 €q, qd-;TI

kdTq {qrr trr. q-6rq=ft. FIEF ,Iq Tr iT{6 ]iq. BI-q_324 aq.r EEqT, tre. dltn d'er.r tr-ffero. tR trqrl325 ssr b-r"r, dle{ ri{epr ffia-+, arffgr t*rdt326 3I€'T , qBr+ff, fudrr sraq trq €s, qEqr

327 s{{Fr +tl{i, q€Fi*, kdR {rET qllfi qtraer€ €q, q.{r

324€qq Eq|{ {6|qEq,Bran rrq dqfft €q, M k4r€ FqA* k6R rrr+fi dtq' q-{r

329{rq eFcl Ef€, {€lq{l,kart nsq c-aFr{ €€rqm {iq, @

330{FI q6FT RiE CKE, gTEqQT

R-ert rrq qelqq q&elzr {iq, qdql


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.tuid€en^tqlt, qTG effi-Rrfti4,aqrq gF{ trqT h*,aq, qpraq_r

T*a.rz ne,G-#-ffi,rrrdrra

. qdr{q5 Rrer+. zrg-{ +jS-t';m-ffif}lftlsl-j"1H\-q_rfr.t_rq_ Eqq.;. m*r

S"nn"_g*-ffit-ffer sqG;,fi#3q€13rqE1F{r Er-i.n

-t S-ff. t"o 6rr*-*=r"_qqglks |r)efl, T.qr

-rq#q goqohq-GffHwJ#trFSr hqq gqpfr-ffimi*:i \-c-fiql, ftfr€|it

+E-S4q-6C q-6rffi,

ljh * is", i$er+, "q,ri-heriq,fl' lqt{._lh-{ qgh-+ frrer+E. GI fre E* -"ait,rq, G '

Eqq_!_qt'qr{_ Fq Bsr+q, {sqr,r_-edn, qt",q .rit ft*,, € G-sqrr lq,fut*, n-*











't 54

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qqr q-6'f*'^


-EriEr aesfl ?6fqfi qqFr6rr ,r"r_L]t_: _-=---

= ffi+€, +4r +re qqt{qiEq, ffd qI{6'

aa rerq6 tu. rr+

-ffii@ riq' q{ 'Fr{ (ir


ffi;o-.tapl ei6r qiYq ffi=-irrqq-qq'ry


ryffi--ggg tr='-gryffi*. m", t* q4 cRtr-d Rret4'

*ffi.-n*", 4 g5ftF<

R€, eftElrq-Fqrdq- qfir

S Ftqgl'-R-dr, ,"1-6rR4 3rtq'P]-6

sq qrtqtr-6 tr|qrrq. Crfiq.Iq


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377gfid tqR RiE, T6rq*, k6R qidtc{to rqo So {dd 91T{qfirq qqr< d, erqe{ k6R@el+d tqrr ffi, q6r'i* qd {i€rfi 6{qt q;er.T €q

-qC,iaft Ri€, q6r-{fuq, R€R {qm




381ot-go ottr, R-dr qtrdq, R-dR srtrqqFd sqqft, qEft (aqtd- gt€rmq{crcsrrq fu, hor qqtl RER@.|c), BrdlTr


383sqt eFE{ qsFI, Tdr€lqq .{gpr Rq€, sTr4q karr rrq sT{rqqfdd;rffi q€Riq, q-ir (Mt ge)ffiv gqR +q{t, q-€rqfq, ffis,ffi {iE, qeqr

s-ffi{ri a{dl €r6Tq, {6|qBq, fu€I-q {rq qq \'ii rr+q Frqior BqFT++qrfr eFzrq (nM W), T-{rqqrrr TFA1. TBrq*,

Errr qhftq. Rw eF&erq fffi {iq, qrqt tnI'I ,Ictqirq gqR, €5fi sfus, Ban n-q R@ Rqrrr, s{qrfr q{iqqirqrrfr, qdqr

Ti]-a tqrr 4qt, qfuq. +reft ff{.rc. dreft T# qftRt rr, 6Fsr'






389 q<r+Er fqB. 3{qe{ qg {iqF|{ 6ffr fsr'r qs, qfilfuw< grn R=6r, q€TqEqmTe) q.{rJrq r+rer \rqr, Tarqfus,fu6rr {rq q.ffi T6Riq, qeqr

trq gqn, qitq, qsRqd-g-<[email protected] .9rr rqb, q;iqt, ffi-erel|s tqR Ri€, ftfgt{, €r{ T6{ qCsd, q,i-i{






395 n-qq WR Rte, :isnqrq F:tofr rE{ crisd qi-d396 *Rt oia argr, n-ft qiq{, Rd qif{ cqsi{ A-rq{

397al|er Tryr WR, tqr Rfu61\ g+{ Rr6, qrn q+ar trs fro ffo elro qrcr

398sTreh€ gq|{ R€, +d sc+n srR.i-'r Rr{Fr, eRd qRTc"r RftqTFqqkqwq, a{lirn



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elqEer tqR flid, Fiq{.fu RR-4,

@3r/fu< qqrr. q{rqrr hffi6. qel si{d'€-



402 .*. .=. nt-. Frqditq ftIfu6. rTrars{ qti erF{dtrJr qqqq .5t-E|{

--t" -r- aqo.te ftfu6. sfd -mqq'r

qq q{ Rsrq c'igd {diqi403

404 =*- nu= *ri 6rq-{ Aq-qrli qiFs qq=a, qrFq+l qrrr qo qEI|{UI

405srrqfr gqR, irq rqrq+ q€ funrq cqsf,-2 q<r €{Iqq rqqrrr'

tt-lt*ltqtq. vc-rl

406 E?-'rE?r a:Fr rd q:{|{r qqFI-TIET.FF {lo gEI qel cErttl, Tqffi{g'

407gffd gqr, sc{r< Rfrs, €6r+6 e{rgffi, ser{ 'Frel<F{ €qr6{s[aFl'rfe-

408 Etr.i EFrr rerd* fuer rdft'e bg SqFrrfq ql-fi rltrqr{qr{' qeil

409 EEiia ?Fqrr FiB ]ft,{re{- fu6rt cRq qfiRtqrrr 2 iFFI {rs qeql

4rog${ qqr{ fiie, creqtr k6R Cfu€ c$rR}el-{' Fr6R Brti{qTrq q-qr,

qlql9r. 9c-ll

411cEr< qsret Ri€, {6IC-if tr-6R i-< riq sRRqsTT 4-dlc rFRr, qs{,


412f{< tqR 4.q, {6Fi{l fudR Ctrq rie cftRmarr TqF 3rr{efi s-q'qdql

413we.lr+ gqsq Rq6,

R€R, {.{rir<q qr qfus.

{qNfd fu€R gRr€ }s sRRqeIq aTlqt-sfiiafiq €qI,

tu6R qf=ds (trdq)' q-{r4!4475 rnfu< oqrr, .or;rq+. 3lSer6 +Lqq qqrt q-4lq:_l : r-qT-

+. -orq"r +garr- qffiq €qiqer. k€r< 'ta tsTr qlfidt, q-{r4t6€fiq .iil{ qerc erfqo RiR-m }c-1zfrsa. qr6d s*qeT- k6rt tle{ sdtrq R{qrA rdRis


419 :rgq 6qr'. rd' fffer+. 3rffer+. Tsrq 4iqt{q 9rq5{r'

*-]ii- -"tT qerq+- ertilr+ Tr{r q'A {sR ffi, R-an, qr+420

42r a'q rR|qsr &gqR, qris$q sqiEEr, R6R T€ {e qrfedi' qc-T

€$-q {q{ Ti{r< s{qo RR-6 }g-1tt\eEr qr<q, stqeT, fu6r< {q sflrq RIqrA r€R-iq

Grosr i6qr{- stdr frtrerfi, :reinr+. rgrE qrqtfq irqqq '-.'".ffi

* {r$-q t{r qqt, 'r€rq*,

R'ar< rrq €iffi 4ffi {s, q-{r






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