F i r s t C h r i s t i a n C h u r c h o f T a c o m a July 2014 1 July 2014 Contents Letter from our Senior Pastor Pg 1 5HÁHFWLRQ RQ WKH -RXUQH\ Pg 3 Bites & Bytes for Mission & Ministry Pg 4 Commissioning Campers Pg 4 Great Joy for Graduates Pg 4 Sermon Planning Pg 5 &KDSPDQ 8QLYHUVLW\ Pg 6 3RGFDVWV Pg 6 2SSRUWXQLWLHV WR 6HUYH Pg 7 &DOHQGDU 3LFWXUHV Insert The Pathfinder A Letter from our Senior Pastor... Thank you, thank you, thank you all for a glorious weekend and for the privilege of serving as your pastor. 7+( 587+ 67(// )81(5$/ Thank you for all who gathered to pay your respects and comfort Harley and the family. Thank you to John Unterreiner for doing such a marvelous job remembering Ruth. • Thank you to Mary Johnson and her team for a lovely reception amidst a very busy weekend. $ 63(&,$/ 681'$< 0251,1* • Thank you to Katherine Blaisdell for traveling here to preach. I am a proud and grateful mother! • Thank you to Chuck Blaisdell for traveling here to be with me and to participate in worship. Thank you to Becky Metcalf and Rich Eltrich for receiving me into membership. Thank you to the choir for coming back from your summer vacation to lead us in singing! 7KDQN \RX WR 0RQLFD DQG -HͿUH\ 6WHHOH IRU WKHLU PXVLFDO gifts and assistance during service. NEXT PAGE....

The Pathfinder July 2014

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The Pathfinder for July 2014 . . .

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Page 1: The Pathfinder July 2014




ian Church of T


July 2014 1

July 2014


Letter from our Senior PastorPg 1


Bites & Bytes for Mission & Ministry Pg 4

Commissioning Campers Pg 4

Great Joy for GraduatesPg 4

Sermon Planning Pg 5





The Pathfinder

A Letter from our Senior Pastor...Thank you, thank you, thank you all for a glorious weekend and for the privilege of serving as your pastor.


• Thank you for all who gathered to pay your respects and comfort Harley and the family.

• Thank you to John Unterreiner for doing such a marvelous job remembering Ruth.

• Thank you to Mary Johnson and her team for a lovely reception amidst a very busy weekend.


• Thank you to Katherine Blaisdell for traveling here to preach. I am a proud and grateful mother!

• Thank you to Chuck Blaisdell for traveling here to be with me and to participate in worship.

• Thank you to Becky Metcalf and Rich Eltrich for receiving me into membership.

• Thank you to the choir for coming back from your summer vacation to lead us in singing!

• 7KDQN�\RX�WR�0RQLFD�DQG�-HͿUH\�6WHHOH�IRU�WKHLU�PXVLFDO�gifts and assistance during service.


Page 2: The Pathfinder July 2014

2 July 2014


• Thank you to all who bought tables and tickets and attended the event. All of you made it a huge success.

• Thank you to the amazing Riley team (which included many, many beyond the Riley family but of course was headed by Pat) for their willingness to share their time and talent for all of us to taste! My daughter, Katherine said that we had by a huge magnitude the best church EXͿHW� HYHU³ZRUWK\� RI�*RG·V� WDEOH� LQ�the Kingdom!

• Thank you to Joe Mills for putting WRJHWKHU�WKH�WHDP�WKDW�SXOOHG�LW�RͿ�DQG�for so ably interpreting the reason for the need!

• Thank you to Cassie Tripp and the Hickok family (Heidi, Mike and Tatiana) for VSHQGLQJ�VR�PXFK�RI�6DWXUGD\�DIWHUQRRQ�decorating!

• Thank you to all who helped clean up and get ready for the next events of the day!

• Thank you to Lisa Reese and her team for taking care of the front end of the event as well as transforming the multipurpose room into the next event.

• Thank you to Todd Zimmer for assisting with the extra setup as well as being there to lend a hand.


• Thank you to the choir for singing one of my favorite spirituals!


my pastor for preaching.

• Thank you to Marvin Eckfeldt for ably LQWHUSUHWLQJ�WKH�UHDVRQ�IRU�RXU�RͿHULQJ�and giving us all an opportunity to be generous.

• Thank you to the search committee for participating and making it all possible LQ�WKH�ÀUVW�SODFH�

• Thank you again to Mary Johnson and her team for the lovely, lovely reception!

• And my new stole is breathtaking! Thank you to the search committee for commissioning it. And thank you, thank you, thank you to Joyce Tober and Maggie Olson for all the gorgeous work! Those are my colors!!

My heart is filled with gratitude and H[FLWHPHQW�IRU�DOO�WKDW�*RG�ZLOO�GR�ZLWK�XV�and for us as we serve our neighborhood DQG�ZRUOG�IRU�-HVXV·�VDNH�

Page 3: The Pathfinder July 2014

July 2014 3

´5()/(&7,21�21�7+(�-2851(<µ%\��6DQG\�0HVVLFN��5HJLRQDO�0LQLVWHUA recent survey among Disciples of Christ pastors had some eye opening results about the LPSDFW�RI�FDPS�RQ�RQH·V�FDOO�WR�PLQLVWU\��,Q�WKLV�survey of 410 pastors, 75% said that camp had a “big impact” on their call to ministry and 20% said that without camp, they would probably EH�ZRUNLQJ�LQ�D�GLͿHUHQW�ÀHOG�

&OHDUO\�� FDPS� PDWWHUV�� �DQG� ZH·YH� FUHDWHG�D� YLGHR� WR� WKDW� HͿHFW� WKDW� \RX� FDQ� XVH� LQ�your congregation. You can view it here and see what our current and former campers have to say: https://www.youtube.com/ZDWFK"Y 6&�L�E�X;�4�

Last weekend I gathered at Camp Roganunda with our directors and counselors who are JHDULQJ� XS� IRU� WKLV� \HDU·V� FDPSLQJ� VHDVRQ��What a wonderful and dedicated group of Christians who are willing to give of their time, talents, and energy in service to the children and youth of our region. As we shared together in conversation there were stories and ideas, questions and suggestions, and overall an enthusiasm for the sacred moment that is church camp. I give thanks for each of them and for each of the young people who will come and KRSHIXOO\��H[SHULHQFH�WKH�SUHVHQFH�RI�*RG�LQ�community and in nature as we learn together WKH�VWRU\�RI�-HVXV�DQG�*RG·V�ZRUN�LQ�WKH�ZRUOG�

%XW�WKH�FDPSLQJ�VHDVRQ�GRHVQ·W�EHORQJ�WR�MXVW�a few of us. Providing church camp for our children and youth is an important part of our regional ministry and as I have said so often, 5HJLRQ�LV�8V��6R�KRZ�FDQ�\RX�KHOS�ZLWK�FKXUFK�camp this season? Here are some suggestions:

• Pray: Pray for the directors, counselors and FDPS�VWDͿ��$QG�PRVW�LPSRUWDQWO\��SUD\�IRU�WKH�FDPSHUV��7KH\�FRPH�IURP�PDQ\�GLͿHUHQW�home situations and carry with them a wide array of stories, life experiences, joys and sorrows. Hold them in your prayers during

our camp weeks.

• Collect basic craft supplies that are always QHHGHG�� 6FLVVRUV�� SODLQ� JOXH�� FUDIW� DQG�construction paper colors, crayons, markers, poster paint and water colors, all types of tape, safety pins, beads, and embroidery thread are just some ideas. You can direct FROOHFWHG� LWHPV� WR� WKH�5HJLRQDO�2FH�32�Box or send them to camp with one of the \RXWK�IURP�\RXU�FKXUFK��*LYH�XV�D�FDOO�LI�\RX�QHHG�KHOS�ÀQGLQJ�D�ZD\�WR�JHW�WKHP�WR�XV�

• Consider being a counselor or director, if not this year, then in a future year. OR…

• Encourage your pastor to participate in FDPS�E\�SURYLGLQJ�WLPH�RͿ�IRU� WKH�FDPS�ZHHN�WKDW�GRHVQ·W�FRXQW�DV�YDFDWLRQ�WLPH��DQG� E\� DUUDQJLQJ� IRU� VRPHRQH� WR� ÀOO� WKH�SXOSLW�RQ� WKH�6XQGD\�DIWHU�FDPS�VR�\RXU�pastor can be replenished after the week of serving.

• 7DNH�DQ�RͿHULQJ�IRU�FDPS�VFKRODUVKLSV��,I�you have campers from your congregation you can use those scholarships to help WKHP� SD\� WKH� FRVW� RI� FDPS�� ,I� \RX� GRQ·W�have campers in your congregation, take an RͿHULQJ�DQ\ZD\�DQG�VHQG�LW�WR�WKH�5HJLRQDO�2FH� GHVLJQDWHG� IRU� FDPS� VFKRODUVKLSV��:H�DOZD\V�KDYH�PRUH�UHTXHVWV�IRU�ÀQDQFLDO�KHOS�WKDQ�ZH�FDQ�IXOÀOO�

• Encourage your young people to attend FDPS�� 6KRZ� WKHP� WKH� YLGHR� KLJKOLJKWHG�above, or share your own stories if you have WKHP�DERXW�ZK\�FDPS�PDWWHUV��2ͿHU�WR�KHOS�provide transportation to and from camp to ease the burden on working parents.

For more information on church camp in the Northwest Region this summer see the article elsewhere in this Passage, or visit www.GLVFLSOHVQZ�RUJ�DQG�FOLFN�RQ�6XPPHU�&DPSV�



Page 4: The Pathfinder July 2014

4 July 2014

Bits and Bytes for Mission and Ministry raised RYHU� ���������� WKLV� SDVW� 6XQGD\� ZLWK� D� VLW�down, gourmet salmon and chicken dinner attended by 90 First Church members and friends. In addition to ticket sales of $905, 14 table sponsorships were donated to the cause.

The goal of the event was to hold a festive, gourmet dinner to raise funds for new WHFKQRORJ\�WR�EHQHÀW�)LUVW�&KXUFK��LWV�PHPEHUV�DQG�IULHQGV��WKH�FRPPXQLW\��DQG�*RG·V�JUHDWHU�ZRUOG����

7KH�FKXUFK·V�WHFKQRORJ\�SODQ�FRQVLVWV�RI�IRXU�parts: To upgrade our internet to higher speed VHUYLFH���WR�SXUFKDVH�D�XVHU�IULHQGO\�YRLFH�RYHU�IP telephone system; to develop a church FDPSXV�ZLGH�ZLUHOHVV�V\VWHP��DQG��WR�LQYHVW�LQ� LPSURYHG�ÀOH� VWRUDJH�� GDWD� VKDULQJ�� GDWD�backup, and data protection.

6RPH�IXQGV�IRU�WKHVH�LPSURYHPHQWV�DUH�DOUHDG\�available and the proceeds from “Bites and Bytes” will increase the money available to purchase equipment and services. Additional IXQG�UDLVLQJ�HYHQWV�ZLOO�EH�KHOG�GXULQJ�WKH�\HDU�

A team of more than twenty volunteers worked to make “Bites and Bytes” a success. 6SHFLDO�UHFRJQLWLRQ�JRHV�WR�´&KHIµ�3DW�5LOH\�who planned the menu and led a team of gastronomic enthusiasts.

%,7(6�$1'�%<7(6�)25�0,66,21�$1'�0,1,675<By: Joe Mills

23(1�*$7+(5,1*�)$0,/<�&$03�From: Northwest Passage

)ULGD\�� $XJXVW� ���6XQGD\�� $XJXVW� ��� DW�*ZLQZRRG�&DPS��5HWUHDW�&HQWHU�LQ�/DFH\�WA. This camp experience is for any family that has a child with special needs in school (< 21). We will gather together with a low stress schedule, with many possible activities including canoeing and swimming. Friday, people can arrive as early as noon or as late as you need. 0HDOV�LQFOXGHG�DUH�6DWXUGD\�EUHDNIDVW�WKURXJK�6XQGD\�OXQFK��7KH�FRVW�LV������IRU�WZR�SHRSOH�and $25 per each additional in a family. If you are interested please contact Rev. J.C. Mitchell -&#RSHQJDWKHULQJ�RUJ� RU� ������������� IRU�more information.

Pat and Jan Riley are pleased to announce that three close family members have graduated from the University of Washington this June. 6RQV�,DQ�DQG�6KDQH�DQG�,DQ·V�ZLIH�0HJDQ�5LOH\��DOO�JUDGXDWHG�ZLWK�����JUDGH�DYHUDJH�RU�DERYH��7KH\�KDG�SURXG�JUDQGPRWKHU�%HUWKD�6DNVKDXJ�DQG�$XQW�6XH�6LPSVRQ�DQG�EURWKHU�-RKQ�DQG�QHSKHZ�*UHJRU\�EHVLGHV�EHDPLQJ�SDUHQWV�DQG�family there to witness the celebration!

Additional shout outs go to our other graduates: Amber Anton, Robbie Rhoads, Kailey Reese, DQG�6DUDK�6FKURHGHU��



2Q� -XO\� ��� GXULQJ� VHUYLFH�� ZH� ZLOO� EH�commissioning our campers as they prepare for this years summer camp that is provided through the regions. Please join us as we help our campers prepare.

Page 5: The Pathfinder July 2014

July 2014 5



(In observance Independence Day)

*HQHVLV����������(Essau, Isaac and a Mess of Pottage)

“A Mess of Pottage: An Independence Day 5HÁHFWLRQµ


*HQHVLV������������5RPDQV���������(Isaac digging new wells)



*HQHVLV������������-DFRE·V�ODGGHU���“Bargaining and Blessing”


*HQHVLV����������-DFRE�UHFRQFLOHV�ZLWK�Esau and wrestles with Angel) ´5HFRQFLOLQJ��:UHVWOLQJµ


(5 Sundays of August)

Aug 30DWWKHZ�������


Aug 100DWWKHZ�������


Aug 170DWWKHZ������������$V�:H�«

Aug 240DWWKHZ�����


Aug 310DWWKHZ�����E



Sept 70DUN�������������


Sept 140DWWKHZ����������


Sept 210DWWKHZ���������


Sept 28/XNH��������������


Page 6: The Pathfinder July 2014

6 July 2014

During the month of June one of our own, Rev. Roger Davidson, delivered a wonderful VHUYLFH�DQG�RXU�1HZ�6HQLRU�3DVWRU��5HY��%DUEDUD�%ODLVGHOO���VWDUWHG�D�QHZ�6HUPRQ�6HULHV����7R�OLVWHQ�to these wonderful sermons again, as well as a wonderful service, please use the URL below or visit our Facebook page for direct links:


´'85,1*�7+(�0217+�2)�-81(«�µBy: Cassandra “Cassie” Tripp

Chapman University, Orange, CA is coming to a church near you! Chapman is related to our founding denomination, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and as of 2010 is also RFLDOO\�UHODWHG�WR�WKH�8QLWHG�&KXUFK�RI�&KULVW�

An excellent university with programs in liberal DUWV��VFLHQFHV��HGXFDWLRQ��WKH�DUWV��EXVLQHVV��ÀOP�and digital arts, Chapman has a special program for Disciples and UCC students. Disciples RQ� &DPSXV� RͿHUV� ZHHNO\� ZRUVKLS�� VHUYLFH�and fun events and a retreat each semester to build community. Each participating student receives $2,000 a year. Additionally, half tuition scholarships are given to students who are:

• Children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews of Disciples or UCC clergy

• 6HUYLQJ�WKHLU�5HJLRQ��'LVFLSOHV��RU�&RQIHUHQFH�(UCC) in a youth leadership council

Nancy Brink, Director of Church Relations, will be participating in the opening day of the 8&&�:HVWHUQ�5HJLRQDO�<RXWK�(YHQW�LQ�6HDWWOH�DQG�WKHQ�ZLOO�KROG���IUHH�GLQQHU�PHHWLQJV�WR�meet prospective UCC and Disciples students and/or parents who want to learn more about Chapman and all of our church related colleges.

• 0RQGD\��-XQH����������SP�DW�)LUVW�&KULVWLDQ�&KXUFK��.HQW��������6(����WK�6W��.HQW��:$�������

• 7XHVGD\��-XO\���������SP�DW�)LUVW�&KULVWLDQ�&KXUFK�� .HQQHZLFN� ������ 6� 2O\PSLD� 6W��.HQQHZLFN��:$�������

• :HGQHVGD\��-XO\����������SP�DW�)LUVW�&KULVWLDQ�&KXUFK��7DFRPD������1�2UFKDUG�6W��7DFRPD��:$�������

Please help our church hosts plan the meal by 5693·LQJ�WR�1DQF\�%ULQN��EULQN#FKDSPDQ�HGX�

´&+$30$1�81,9(56,7<��25$1*(��&$�,6�&20,1*������µBy: Rev. Nancy E. Brink


For more info on Chapman, go to https://chapman.edu and http://www.chapman.edu/aERXW�FKXUFK�UHODWLRQV�GLVFLSOHV�FDPSXV�index.aspx

Rev. Nancy E. Brink Director of Church Relations Chapman University [email protected]

Page 7: The Pathfinder July 2014

July 2014 7

Hungry children cannot thrive, and 40% of the SHRSOH�),6+�)RRG�%DQNV�VHUYH�DUH�XQGHU�WKH�DJH�RI������7KHUH·V�QR�VXPPHU�YDFDWLRQ�DW�WKH�)RRG�%DQN��EXW�LW·V�KDUGHU�WR�NHHS�WKH�VKHOYHV�ÀOOHG���<RXU�GRQDWLRQV�RI�QRQ�SHULVKDEOH�IRRGV�and your dollars will help. For every dollar donated, the Food Bank can provide a meal for a family of four. Place your donation in the collection plate marked “Food Bank”, and your donation will be sent to the Northwest Tacoma Food Bank.

Do you have extra produce from your garden? Or fruit falling from your trees?

Donate it to the nearest Food Bank.

The next dates for FCC volunteers to donate WLPH�DW�WKH�)RRG�%DQN�DUH�-XO\����DQG�-XO\��������For information on volunteering or how to donate fresh fruit and produce, contact Norma &DURO\Q��DW��������������


:5,7,1*�)25�)$0,/<��)81&ODVVHV�VWDUWHG�DJDLQ�RQ�)ULGD\��-XQH�����������WR�noon, at FCC in the educational building. All are welcome any time. Come, learn and share the VWRULHV�DERXW�DQG�IRU�\RXU�IDPLO\���4XHVWLRQV"�&RQWDFW�WKH�IDFLOLWDWRU��0\UD�*RUPOH\��DW��������������RU�YLD�H�PDLO�DW�P\UDYJRUPOH\#JPDLO�com. Note there will be no class on July 4 as we will be observing Independence Day.


Thursday morning the Yard Crew comes WRJHWKHU� DURXQG� ����� $0� DQG� DQ\� DQG�all are invited to join this group. We have weeding, trimming with the string trimmer around the areas where the mower cannot reach. Edge the sidewalks on both Orchard DQG��WK�$YH��

Come and join this group and enjoy the fellowship. If you have any questions, call Jim Treece, Chair of Resources.



During this day and age we try our best to help our environment by limiting the amount of paper that is being used. All newsletters are printed on recycle paper, but is that really enough? To help out Mother Earth we are asking if you would like to receive an electronic version of the newsletter? If so, please contact Cassie at:FDVVLH#IFFWDFRPD�RUJ� ZLWK� VXEMHFW� ´/HW·V�6DYH� 0RWKHU� (DUWKµ� DQG� SOHDVH� OHW� PH�QRZ�WKH�EHVW�H�PDLO�DGGUHVV�WR��VHQG�\RXU�HOHFWURQLF�QHZVOHWWHU���7KDQN�\RX�IRU�́ *RLQJ�*UHHQµ


,I�\RX�ZHUH�DEOH�WR�DWWHQG�WKH�%LWV��%LWHV�IXQG�UDLVHU�IRU�WHFKQRORJ\��ZH�ZDQW�WR�KHDU�from you. Was there something about the event you liked or would like to see again?6HQG�\RXU�TXHVWLRQV��FRPPHQWV�DQG�feedback to [email protected], or you can drop us letter in the mail. Thanks!

Page 8: The Pathfinder July 2014
Page 9: The Pathfinder July 2014

July 2014Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

29Lay: Lois TreeceAssist: Harriet WrightPrayer: Arthur Reese11:00 AM Worship

307:00 PM Gamblers Anonymous Mtg - Chapel

17:00 AM Clergy Grp - Library10:00 AM Staff Meeting - Ed Wing6:30 PM North Tacoma Sml Grp - Off Site6:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous (Women) Meeting - Chapel

2Gig Harbor Sml Grp6:00 PM Youth Meeting with Chap-men University Rep - Free Dinner

38:30 AM Yard Crew

4Independence DayBuilding Closed


6Prayer: David QuiringAssist: Jan RileyLay: Rachael Haney11:00 AM Worship

75:15 PM Elders Meeting - Parlor6:00 PM Trustees Meeting - Ed Wing7:00 PM Gamblers Anonymous Mtg - Chapel

87:00 AM Clergy Grp - Library10:00 AM Staff Meeting - Ed Wing6:30 PM North Tacoma Sml Grp - Off Site6:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous (Women) Meeting - Chapel

9Gig Harbor Sml Grp

108:30 AM Yard Crew

11Building Closed10:30 AM Writing for Fun & Family Class - Ed Wing


13Assist: Steve JohnsonLay: Norma CarolynPrayer: Harriet Wright11:00 AM Worship

145:00 PM Finance Mtg -Ed Wing7:00 PM Gamblers Anonymous Mtg - Chapel

157:00 AM Clergy Grp - Library10:00 AM Staff Meeting - Ed Wing6:30 PM North Tacoma Sml Grp - Off Site6:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous (Women) Meeting - Chapel

16Gig Harbor Sml Grp6:15 PM Board Meeting

178:30 AM Yard Crew

18Building Closed10:30 AM Writing for Fun & Family Class - Ed Wing


20Lay: Keith WoodcockPrayer: Pat RileyAssist: Betty Jones11:00 AM Worship

217:00 PM Gamblers Anonymous Mtg - Chapel

227:00 AM Clergy Grp - Library10:00 AM Staff Meeting - Ed Wing6:30 PM North Tacoma Sml Grp - Off Site6:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous (Women) Meeting - Chapel

23Gig Harbor Sml Grp

248:30 AM Yard Crew

25Building Closed10:30 AM Writing for Fun & Family Class - Ed Wing


27Prayer: Jo RollerLay: Esther WoodcockAssist: Vicky Carlson11:00 AM Worship

287:00 PM Gamblers Anonymous Mtg - Chapel

297:00 AM Clergy Grp - Library10:00 AM Staff Meeting - Ed Wing6:30 PM North Tacoma Sml Grp - Off Site6:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous (Women) Meeting - Chapel

30Gig Harbor Sml Grp

318:30 AM Yard Crew

1Building Closed10:30 AM Writing for Fun & Family Class - Ed Wing


29Lay: Lois TreeceAssist: Harriet WrightPrayer: Arthur Reese11:00 AM Worship

307:00 PM Gamblers Anonymous Mtg - Chapel

17:00 AM Clergy Grp - Library10:00 AM Staff Meeting - Ed Wing6:30 PM North Tacoma Sml Grp - Off Site6:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous (Women) Meeting - Chapel

2Gig Harbor Sml Grp6:00 PM Youth Meeting with Chap-men University Rep - Free Dinner

38:30 AM Yard Crew

4Independence DayBuilding Closed


6Prayer: David QuiringAssist: Jan RileyLay: Rachael Haney11:00 AM Worship

75:15 PM Elders Meeting - Parlor6:00 PM Trustees Meeting - Ed Wing7:00 PM Gamblers Anonymous Mtg - Chapel

87:00 AM Clergy Grp - Library10:00 AM Staff Meeting - Ed Wing6:30 PM North Tacoma Sml Grp - Off Site6:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous (Women) Meeting - Chapel

9Gig Harbor Sml Grp

108:30 AM Yard Crew

11Building Closed10:30 AM Writing for Fun & Family Class - Ed Wing


13Assist: Steve JohnsonLay: Norma CarolynPrayer: Harriet Wright11:00 AM Worship

145:00 PM Finance Mtg -Ed Wing7:00 PM Gamblers Anonymous Mtg - Chapel

157:00 AM Clergy Grp - Library10:00 AM Staff Meeting - Ed Wing6:30 PM North Tacoma Sml Grp - Off Site6:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous (Women) Meeting - Chapel

16Gig Harbor Sml Grp6:15 PM Board Meeting

178:30 AM Yard Crew

18Building Closed10:30 AM Writing for Fun & Family Class - Ed Wing


20Lay: Keith WoodcockPrayer: Pat RileyAssist: Betty Jones11:00 AM Worship

217:00 PM Gamblers Anonymous Mtg - Chapel

227:00 AM Clergy Grp - Library10:00 AM Staff Meeting - Ed Wing6:30 PM North Tacoma Sml Grp - Off Site6:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous (Women) Meeting - Chapel

23Gig Harbor Sml Grp

248:30 AM Yard Crew

25Building Closed10:30 AM Writing for Fun & Family Class - Ed Wing


27Prayer: Jo RollerLay: Esther WoodcockAssist: Vicky Carlson11:00 AM Worship

287:00 PM Gamblers Anonymous Mtg - Chapel

297:00 AM Clergy Grp - Library10:00 AM Staff Meeting - Ed Wing6:30 PM North Tacoma Sml Grp - Off Site6:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous (Women) Meeting - Chapel

30Gig Harbor Sml Grp

318:30 AM Yard Crew

1Building Closed10:30 AM Writing for Fun & Family Class - Ed Wing


29Lay: Lois TreeceAssist: Harriet WrightPrayer: Arthur Reese11:00 AM Worship

307:00 PM Gamblers Anonymous Mtg - Chapel

17:00 AM Clergy Grp - Library10:00 AM Staff Meeting - Ed Wing6:30 PM North Tacoma Sml Grp - Off Site6:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous (Women) Meeting - Chapel

2Gig Harbor Sml Grp6:00 PM Youth Meeting with Chap-men University Rep - Free Dinner

38:30 AM Yard Crew

4Independence DayBuilding Closed


6Prayer: David QuiringAssist: Jan RileyLay: Rachael Haney11:00 AM Worship

75:15 PM Elders Meeting - Parlor6:00 PM Trustees Meeting - Ed Wing7:00 PM Gamblers Anonymous Mtg - Chapel

87:00 AM Clergy Grp - Library10:00 AM Staff Meeting - Ed Wing6:30 PM North Tacoma Sml Grp - Off Site6:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous (Women) Meeting - Chapel

9Gig Harbor Sml Grp

108:30 AM Yard Crew

11Building Closed10:30 AM Writing for Fun & Family Class - Ed Wing


13Assist: Steve JohnsonLay: Norma CarolynPrayer: Harriet Wright11:00 AM Worship

145:00 PM Finance Mtg -Ed Wing7:00 PM Gamblers Anonymous Mtg - Chapel

157:00 AM Clergy Grp - Library10:00 AM Staff Meeting - Ed Wing6:30 PM North Tacoma Sml Grp - Off Site6:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous (Women) Meeting - Chapel

16Gig Harbor Sml Grp6:15 PM Board Meeting

178:30 AM Yard Crew

18Building Closed10:30 AM Writing for Fun & Family Class - Ed Wing


20Lay: Keith WoodcockPrayer: Pat RileyAssist: Betty Jones11:00 AM Worship

217:00 PM Gamblers Anonymous Mtg - Chapel

227:00 AM Clergy Grp - Library10:00 AM Staff Meeting - Ed Wing6:30 PM North Tacoma Sml Grp - Off Site6:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous (Women) Meeting - Chapel

23Gig Harbor Sml Grp

248:30 AM Yard Crew

25Building Closed10:30 AM Writing for Fun & Family Class - Ed Wing


27Prayer: Jo RollerLay: Esther WoodcockAssist: Vicky Carlson11:00 AM Worship

287:00 PM Gamblers Anonymous Mtg - Chapel

297:00 AM Clergy Grp - Library10:00 AM Staff Meeting - Ed Wing6:30 PM North Tacoma Sml Grp - Off Site6:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous (Women) Meeting - Chapel

30Gig Harbor Sml Grp

318:30 AM Yard Crew

1Building Closed10:30 AM Writing for Fun & Family Class - Ed Wing


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Page 10: The Pathfinder July 2014

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