THE PARISH OF ST JAMES THE GREAT, HAYDOCK May 2018 20p ... when the Holy Spirit has come upon you you shall be my witnesses ... Acts 1 v 8 Registered Charity Number 1153937 Visit our website at <www.stjamesthegreat.org.uk>

THE PARISH OF ST JAMES THE REAT · PDF fileOn Holy Days as announced in the church magazine Confessions: Holy Communion: Holy ... It is through his Passion that we have the Christian

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... when the Holy Spirit has come upon you

you shall be my witnesses ... Acts 1 v 8

Registered Charity Number 1153937 Visit our website at <www.stjamesthegreat.org.uk>



Non-Stipendiary Curate:

The Vicarage, 169 Church Road, Haydock, WA11 ONJ. t: 01942 727956 - to leave a message at the Vicarage

Fr Ian Wynne m: 07 885 823786 e: [email protected]

Reader: Dr David Martlew, t: 01744 24159 e: [email protected]

Churchwardens: Mr Philip Peplow, t: 01744 614937 Mrs Nancy Holloway, t: 01942 712328 Vestry Hour - each Tuesday at 6.30pm in the Parish Room

Organist: Mr Gordon Gerrard

Sunday Worship: 8.00am Said Eucharist (1st Sunday BCP) 10.00am Sung Eucharist (1st Sunday - Family Eucharist and Baptisms) 11.45am Said Eucharist 6.00pm Evensong (1st Sunday with Benediction)

Weekday Worship: Each day Morning and Evening Prayer are said in St Alban's chapel at the times displayed each week on the small notice board outside the main door of the church. If you would like to attend any of these brief acts of worship you are most welcome to do so.

Rosary Group: 6.50pm Thursday

The Holy Eucharist: 7.30pm Tuesday 9.30am Wednesday 9.05am Friday - School Eucharist during term time (in church during school holidays) On Holy Days as announced in the church magazine

Confessions: Holy Communion:

Holy Baptism:

Holy Matrimony: Funerals:

By appointment. to those who are sick or housebound - on request Baptisms usually take place at the Family Eucharist on the first Sunday of the month. To arrange, please leave a message at the Vicarage or via the church website. Initial enquiries to the Vicarage or via the church website The Funeral Director will usually make all the arrangements


Tuesday 1st May: ST PHILIP AND ST JAMES, APOSTLES 6.30pm - Vestry Hour in the Parish Room 7.30pm - Holy Eucharist - Mothers' Union

Wednesday 2nd: 9.30am - Holy Eucharist Thursday 3rd: 2.15pm - Women's Guild; 6.50pm - Rosary

Friday 4th: 9.05pm - Holy Eucharist in School 1.30pm - Collating the Church Magazine

Saturday 5th: 12 noon - May Devotion Mass 1.00pm - Lunch; 2.00pm - Talk + Rosary + Benediction

Sunday 6th: SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 8.00am & 11.45am - Holy Eucharist (said) 10.00am - Sung Eucharist; 6.00pm - Evensong

Monday 7th: 1.00pm - Monday Afternoon Ladies' Group Tuesday 8th: 6.30pm - Vestry Hour in the Parish Room

7.30pm - Holy Eucharist Wednesday 9th: 9.30am - Holy Eucharist Thursday 10th: ASCENSION DAY

9.05am - Holy Eucharist; 2.15pm - Women's Guild Eucharist; 6.50pm - Rosary; 7.30pm - Holy Eucharist

Friday 11th: 9.05am - Holy Eucharist in School Saturday 12th: 11.30am - Lunches served in the Parish Centre Sunday 13th: SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER -

the Sunday After Ascension Day 8.00am & 11.45am - Holy Eucharist (said) 10.00am - Sung Eucharist; 6.00pm - Evensong

Monday 14th: 1.00pm - Monday Afternoon Ladies' Group Tuesday 15th: 6.30pm - Vestry Hour in the Parish Room

7.30pm - Holy Eucharist - Walsingham Cell Wednesday 16th: 9.30am - Holy Eucharist

Thursday 17th: 2.15pm - Women's Guild; 6.50pm - Rosary Group Friday 18th: 9.05am - Holy Eucharist in School

Sunday 20th: PENTECOST - WHIT SUNDAY 8.00am & 11.45am - Holy Eucharist (said) 10.00am - Sung Eucharist; 6.00pm - Solemn Evensong

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Monday 21st: 1.00pm - Monday Afternoon Ladies' Group Tuesday 22nd: 6.30pm - Vestry Hour in the Parish Room

7.30pm - Holy Eucharist Wednesday 23rd: 9.30am - Holy Eucharist

Thursday 24th: 2.15pm - Women's Guild; 6.50pm - Rosary Group Friday 25th: 9.05am - Holy Eucharist in School

7.30pm - Walsingham Cell Race Night Sunday 27th: TRINITY SUNDAY

8.00am & 11.45am - Holy Eucharist (said) 10.00am - Sung Eucharist; 6.00pm - Solemn Evensong + Benediction deadline for magazine contributions

Monday 28th: 1.00pm - Monday Afternoon Ladies' Group Tuesday 29th: 6.30pm - Vestry Hour in the Parish Room

7.30pm - Holy Eucharist + Guild of St Raphael Wednesday 30th: 9.30am - Holy Eucharist

Thursday 31st: CORPUS CHRISTI 2.15pm - Women's Guild; 6.50pm - Rosary 7.30pm - Holy Eucharist

Friday 1st June: VISITATION OF THE BVM TO ELIZABETH (TRANSFERRED) 9.05am - Holy Eucharist; 1.00pm Magazine Collating

Saturday 2nd : Ladyewell Pilgrimage - Coach departs at 10.00am Sunday 3rd: FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY

8.00am & 11.45am - Holy Eucharist (said) 10.00am - Sung Eucharist; 3.00pm - INDUCTION OF FR ANDREW

Monday 4th: 1.00pm - Monday Afternoon Ladies' Group Tuesday 5th: 6.30pm - Vestry Hour in the Parish Room

7.30pm - Holy Eucharist - Mothers' Union Wednesday 6th: 9.30am - Holy Eucharist

Thursday 7th: 2.15pm - Women's Guild; 6.50pm - Rosary Friday 8th: 9.05pm - Holy Eucharist

Sunday 10th: SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.00am & 11.45am - Holy Eucharist (said) 10.00am - Sung Eucharist; 6.00pm - Evensong

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From the Curate: Dear Friends Alleluia, Christ is risen! May is one of the months of the year dedicated to Mary, the mother of Jesus. From the earliest times Mary has been given the title “Mother of God” to acknowledge that it was through her consent that Jesus was born as a human baby on that first Christmas Day. It was through her that God was enabled to be born as one of us, to share our humanity. Jesus was a real person who lived on this earth at a particular time in history as one of us. This month we conclude the great fifty days of celebrating his victory over death at Easter with the Feast of Pentecost, often known in England as Whit Sunday. This is the time when we celebrate God’s gift of the Holy Spirit, poured out upon the early Church; a gift God continues to give today to his people. This gift of the Holy Spirit for all God’s people was also celebrated recently at the Confirmation, when Bishop Glyn confirmed a dozen of our young people, saying to them “Be sealed with the Spirit, the gift of the Father.” The gift of the Spirit fulfils Christ’s promise to be with us always, as our guide through life. He acts with our conscience, gently leading us and strengthening us. Talking of celebrations, I am very pleased that the Interregnum is drawing to its conclusion and plans are afoot for the Licensing of Fr Andrew on the afternoon of first Sunday in June. I hope that as many people as possible will come to St James’ on that afternoon to welcome him into our community. My thanks to all who have worked so hard for the Parish during this past fifteen months and I pray that you will all continue to support Fr Andrew as he moves into the Parish as the next Vicar. God bless you all.

Fr Ian

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News from the School from Head Teacher Jan Holmes

Children and staff had a super end to the Spring term as we celebrated Easter and all the good things that come with Spring and new life. Year 6 children have been working hard towards the statutory assessments due in May and a lot even gave up some of their holiday time to come into school for extra sessions and breakfast! We are so proud of all their hard work and know they will do the best that they can. They took a short break to help with the tree

planting project during the two sunny days before Easter. Using trees donated to school from the Woodland trust, pupils, parents and staff had great fun improving the school environment. We are looking forward to watching them grow.

Reception class are becoming very green fingered and quite the experts in all things growing after visiting the allotments to visit the hens. While there we were offered a plot for our school and the children are now busy planning what to grow and planting seeds. If there are any green fingered parishioners out there willing to support school with

this then please let us know as all help would be gratefully accepted.

Lots of other exciting activities also took place over the final weeks of term with Year 4 and 6 attending an Easter experience at St James Church which was wonderful and year 5 attending the Easter Experience at St John’s Church.

The summer term began with a wonderful Service of Confirmation which saw a number of our children celebrating and growing in their relationship with God and sharing it with the community of St James'.

We are all now looking forward to enjoying the rest of the summer term and hopefully some sunshine. Please continue to keep our children in your prayers.

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A Meditation on The Angelus

The traditional mediaeval prayer of the Angelus is set around the events of the Annunciation, as recorded in St Luke's Gospel chapter 1, verses 26 to 38. It originated in monastic tradition in the 11th century, but the first written documentation stems from Italian Franciscan monk Sinigardi di Arezzo, who died in 1282. The current form of the Angelus prayer is included in a Venetian Catechism from 1560, but curiously the custom of saying the Angelus three times a day spread across England before it was widely adopted in Europe. Here at St James' the Angelus is still used to begin our weekday Morning and Evening Prayers. Here is a short meditation on the words of the Angelus, which may help enrich our private use of this historic prayer.

The Angel of the Lord brought tidings to Mary And she conceived by the Holy Ghost

As God once chose Mary and invited her to become the Mother of His Son through the message of an angel, so may He choose me this day, and invite me to seek and do His will at this moment in my life.

Behold the handmaid of the Lord Be it unto me according to thy Word

Mary's response to her invitation opened her heart to God’s grace and all things became possible. Let my "yes" today take away fear as I embrace God’s Will and like Mary "ponder these things in my heart."

And the Word became flesh And dwelt amongst us

At a moment in history, Mary's faith-filled "yes" led to the birth of our Saviour. As I accept Him in my heart, Lord enable me to recognise my role in bringing Christ to my brothers and sisters today.

Pray for us O holy Mother of God That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ

O Holy Mother of God, pray for us, and assist us as we dedicate ourselves this day. Your "yes" at the Annunciation brought our Saviour Jesus into the world, and you invite us to contemplate the great mystery of the incarnation. May our "yes" this day open our hearts to serve our brothers and sisters, that they too may share our joy in the Good News that God walks among us. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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A Big Thank You!

I think it’s time to thank publicly all those wonderful members of our church who have kept the show on the road during the interregnum.! We are truly blessed by the range of talents and sheer hard work that have been given so generously by so many people over the past year. It’s a privilege to be part of the St James’ family.

All the various teams have dug deep and ensured life went on here in the usual way. In some ways the life of the church has even grown. So thank you – all of you, but especially our clergy team, the churchwardens, both working tirelessly behind the scenes, all the various groups, societies and organisations and those working individually in their own quiet ways – THANK YOU!

As we approach our new vicar’s installation, let me just say a very big WELL DONE to all of you – you’ve been fantastic!

Jackie Cutler

Walsingham Cell

The Walsingham Cell is especially remembered every third Tuesday of the month at the 7.30pm Eucharist - this month that is Tuesday 15th May. Please come and join us in that Act of Worship.

Friday 25th May will see a return of our much-loved Race Night. Not a gamblers' paradise, but honest family entertainment.

The race track will be laid out in the Parish Centre, and everyone is welcome to join in the fun! An evening like no other - you'd enjoy this for sure!

250 Club Winning Numbers for April:

: 1st 102 : 2nd 273 : 3rd 136 : 4th 262 : 5th 77 : 6th 53 :

The next draw is to take place on Sunday 20th May.

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Guild of St Raphael

The next meeting will be Tuesday 29th May

when at 7.30pm the Ministry of Healing offered by Val Lock and Kath Bromilow.

Would members please note that Subscriptions were due in January - please see Edna.

Trip to Shrewsbury and Telford

Friday 31st August - Saturday 1st September The cost for the trip is £60 per person, inclusive of

Coach fare, Bed, Breakfast and Evening Meal

Trip to Chester - Saturday 29th September £8 per person

Women's Guild

We meet on Thursdays at 2.15pm, usually in the Parish Room except for the second Thursday in the month when we are in Church.

May Programme: Thursday 3rd - Social and Hot Pot Tea Thursday 10th - Ascension Day - Holy Eucharist in Church Thursday 17th - Bring and Buy Stall Thursday 24th - "A Trip to Australia" Thursday 31st - Domino Drive

Thank You

Scarlett Rowe would like to thank all the kind people who gave her cards and gifts, hugs and kisses when she was Confirmed. Thank you.

Love, Scarlett

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The Churchyard

Much has been written over the years about the upkeep of the Churchyard, and I would once again like to thank the many volunteers, who over decades have cared for the ever-growing area we now have. However, the purpose of this article is to take a little look behind the scenes as it were.

Every burial, be that a full burial in a grave or the burial of cremated remains must be recorded in a register. Some years ago, I understand that Mr Alan Smith undertook the huge task of listing every grave and who was in it, on behalf of a local history group. All graves have a number, and the Churchyard is divided into section from A to the current newest section I. This excludes the original Garden of Remembrance and the New Garden of Remembrance.

More recently, our own Brian Griffin has undertaken the mammoth task of not only recording all the graves, correcting where possible any errors from Mr Smith’s listings, but also creating plans for the whole of the Churchyard. This was a huge labour of love undertaken by Brian, which has, and indeed continues to benefit the parish enormously.

Nowadays the listings are very straightforward and provided to us by our grave-digger, Nigel Hughes, another gentleman to whom we owe a great deal. The current section ‘I’ runs from I1 to the newest grave I33. Historically things were not so well-ordered, as Brian soon found out. There were some graves in section A, the oldest section, with possible duplicate numbers. There were also less straightforward listings. For example, instead of having say A1 to A100, there are such complex numbers as A2a:099X. Brian must be congratulated on doing his best to make sense of all these, and as noted above, providing us with workable plans. We may never know the exact details of the earliest section, but I would like to offer my thanks, and I hope the thanks of the Parish for all that Brian has achieved.

At the start of the Interregnum, there were separate lists for each section of the Churchyard, and my son, Matthew, put all those listings into a workable and searchable database. My thanks also to Matthew. Over the past 12 months, I have been keeping the database up to date, and I am

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now part way through adding details from our two Gardens of Remembrance. Hopefully, this can all be passed to Fr Andrew once he takes over.

One advantage of a searchable database is that it is very easy to draw out specific information, some of which I would like to share with you.

There are currently over 5,000 souls buried [including cremated remains] in the Churchyard.

The oldest recorded burial is dated 14th March 1867 for Alice Owens aged 3 years. There is another interesting fact about this and subsequent burials. When the Church was first consecrated in 1866, it was of course our present-day Lady Chapel. This grave, and indeed all the early graves are on the south-side of the current church [geographical west-side] but appear to have been started to the right-hand side of the main path into the Churchyard. Why were they so far away from the original church? The present Church was only started some 20 years later. This begs the question, were there always plans for a larger building? There is also the possibility that the graves were nearer to the present Lady Chapel and the bodies therein were exhumed and reburied away from the foundations of the ‘new’ church. That is something we may never know.

As stated above, all the details of the Gardens of Remembrance have yet to be added to the database, but on the information to hand, there is just one centenarian buried in the Churchyard, Ethel Smith who was buried in March 2012 aged 101 years.

Possibly one of the most startling facts I have so far come across is that there are 844 children buried in the Churchyard who died under the age of 2 years old, of which 10 were born sleeping. That’s not far short of 20% of the total number of souls buried therein.

364 ladies have the name Ann, Anne or Annie.

347 gentlemen have the name John.

262 ladies have the name Mary.

Personally, I am fascinated by the many facts that keep emerging. For example, my Aunty Gladys Makinson, also Godmother to me and to

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Billy Corless, who died at the age of 95 years, is in the top 20 of oldest souls buried in our Churchyard.

I could go on and on. If there is sufficient interest, maybe I will write another article in the future. In closing, I would like to thank once again, all those who have helped with Churchyard in whatever way. Your hard-work is truly valued.

Fr Norman

From the Registers:

Holy Baptism: 19th April - Leighton Fallon Lily Howlett Chloe Twiss 6th May - Oliver James Naylor-Cairns Blake Thomas Naylor-Cairns

Holy Confirmation: 19th April - James Abbott Olivia Allsopp Leighton Fallon Lily Howlett Leah Hudson Megan Loren Lewis Pickering Kamile Reklyte Scarlett Rowe Chloe Twiss Niamh Worswick Gemma Wright

Funerals: 27th April - Andrew Francis Martz - age 55 3rd May - James Young - age 89 4th May - Winifred Bridge - age 82

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The Churchwardens gratefully acknowledge the following donations to Church funds:

General Fund

£100 - In Memory of David Wiswell, Gladys Wiswell, Bill Wiswell Snr, Mary Wiswell and Sheila Marsh - from Bill Wiswell

£10 - In Memory of Ken - from Edna £20 - In Loving Memory of Barry Barnett - from Maureen, Joanne

and David £10 - In Loving Memory of George Eric Lowe - from Sarah Bond £30 - In Loving Memory of George Eric Lowe - from Linda and

Nick Barker £20 - In Loving Memory of George Eric Lowe - from Brian and

Hilda Rigby £20 - In Loving Memory of George Eric Lowe - from Annie Plant £20 - In Loving Memory of George Eric Lowe - from Anon £10 - In Loving Memory of George Eric Lowe - from Joyce

Richardson £10 - In Loving Memory of George Eric Lowe - from Rob and

Joan Berry

Parish Centre Fund: £10 - Birthday Memories of Bill Burrows - from Eileen, Brian

and Susan

Walsingham Cell £30 - from the sale of bags - from Eileen Wiswell £10 - anonymous donation

Graveyard Fund

£10 - from May Greenall

Flower Fund: £10 - from Rose Tither

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General Synod reflections

These reflections on the General Synod Sessions held at Church House in February 2018 seek to explore the threads which we, the Lay Representatives, feel are most relevant to our day to day work in our local churches here in the Diocese of Liverpool. Presidential Address

Basing his address on Deuteronomy 12, Archbishop Justin underlined two major concepts: The people of God faced the need to adapt to new circumstances, but had to hold fast to their traditional faith. He explored the outworking of this in the Old Testament and the New, and in subsequent church history. Today the church must face change but remember God. Currently the use of social media means that the church can no longer continue in silos - we need stronger links between our local churches and stronger links with other parts of the Anglican Communion. We need deep study of the Biblical text to enable faithful improvisation. We must reimagine the church in each and every generation - are we listening to the voice of the Spirit? Anglicanism is both catholic and reformed - within a tradition, but flexible. We need "traditioned innovation" - faithful innovation, faithful improvisation, listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit. In Liverpool diocese many churches operate in isolation as though in silos. How can we make use of the Deanery organisation to improve our cooperation and mutual support? In Liverpool diocese we have a wide spectrum of churchmanship: how can we use the Five Guiding Principles to strengthen collaboration without compromising our several integrities? In Liverpool diocese we have at local church level a poor track record of using digital media as vehicles of outreach: how can we resource local congregations to move into Digital Evangelism?

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Food Wastage and Food Poverty This item called for church action to encourage the elimination of food waste. 71% of food waste occurs in the home, often as a result of "buy one get one free" supermarket offers. This motion is about asking our nation to do something about this waste - the government would welcome this motion. From the floor several speakers pointed out that "best before" dates on the products were a major factor in food waste and should be removed. Others cited initiatives in which supermarket waste food is being diverted to food banks to help those in food poverty. In Liverpool diocese many churches are already involved in food banks - what action can we take to increase this involvement and combat food wastage at every level?

Pilgrimage to Ladyewell Saturday 2nd June 2018

As a church we support the annual pilgrimage to the Shrine at Ladyewell, organised jointly by the Society of Mary and Forward in Faith. We have booked a minibus for this, and there is a list at the back of church to sign if you would like to come. Bring your own picnic lunch - hot drinks will be available at the Shrine. The cost of transport will be £11 per passenger - a deposit of £5 will secure your place

Programme: 10.00am Depart St James’ by Minibus 11.15am Arrive at the Shrine of Our Lady at Ladyewell 12 noon Rosary Procession, followed by Solemn Mass 1.30pm or thereabouts - picnic lunch 2.30pm or thereabouts - Sprinkling at the Well, followed by Benediction 4.00pm or thereabouts - depart for home

Everybody is welcome - first come first served

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INTERCESSIONS FOR MAY 2018 Date Day or Observance

and Intention The Anglican Communion and our Parish

Tue 01 St Philip & St James, Apostles The Peace of the World

Gloucester, England North Street

Wed 02 Athanasius, Bp of Alexandria, 373 The Leaders of the Nations

Gombe, Nigeria Oak Avenue

Thu 03 Thursday Servers, Sacristans and Eucharistic Ministers

Grafton, Australia Oakthorn Grove

Fri 04 English Saints and Martyrs Faithfulness to our own Baptismal Promises

Jamaica & the Cayman Islands Old Boston

Sat 05 Saturday All who do not yet know Christ

Jebba, Nigeria Peach Grove

Sun 06 Sixth Sunday of Easter May we be strengthened in the life of prayer

Johannesburg, South Africa Penny Lane

Mon 07 Monday The Bishops of the Church of England

Juba, Sudan Piele Road

Tue 08 Julian of Norwich, Spiritual Writer, 1417 The Women’s Guild

Kabba, Nigeria Pimblett Road

Wed 09 Wednesday Retirement and Nursing Homes serving our area

Kano, Nigeria Pine Close

Thu 10 Ascension Day May we not be obsessed with material possessions

Kansas, USA Plane Tree Grove

Fri 11 Friday Churchwardens, Sidesmen and Sideswomen

Kanyakumari, South India Poplar Grove

Sat 12 Gregory Dix, Priest & Scholar Churches in Communion with the See of Rome

Karachi, Pakistan Poplar Road

Sun 13 Seventh Sunday of Easter Churches of the Eastern Orthodox tradition

Karamoja, Uganda Primrose Grove

Mon 14 Matthias the Apostle Coptic and Orthodox Churches

Karimnagar, South India Princess Avenue

Tue 15 Tuesday Churches of the Reformed tradition

Karnatkaka, South India Quayle Close

Wed 16 Caroline Chisholm, Social Reformer, 1877 The Anglican Communion and linked Churches

Katakwa, Kenya Queens Road

Thu 17 Thursday All independent ministries and church communities

Katanga, Congo Rampit Close

Fri 18 Friday All our fellow Christians within the Parish

Katsina, Nigeria Rose Avenue

Sat 19 Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, 988 The Unity of All Christians

Kebbi, Nigeria Saunderton Close

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Sun 20 Day of Pentecost For the gifts of the Holy Spirit in our lives

Keewatin, Canada Shaftway Close

Mon 21 Helena, Protector of Holy Places, 330 May we have the grace to be the people God calls us to be and do his will in all things

Kentucky, USA Shaw Street

Tue 22 Tuesday Those in positions of responsibility in Churches

Khartoum, Sudan Sherlock Avenue

Wed 23 Wednesday All who care for others at home

Kibongo, Rwanda Southward Road

Thu 24 John & Charles Wesley Courage in sharing our faith

Kigeme, Rwanda St Albans Close

Fri 25 The Venerable Bede, 735 Willingness to study our Faith

Kigezi, Uganda Stanton Close

Sat 26 Augustine, First Archbishop of Canterbury 605 Relationships between Church and State

Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh, Ireland Station Road

Sun 27 Trinity Sunday All whose lives are closely linked with ours

Kimberley & Kuruman, South Africa Taylor Road

Mon 28 Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1089 All bishops, priests and deacons

Kindu, Congo The Fairways

Tue 29 Tuesday All involved in medical research

Kinsangani, Congo The Hedgerows

Wed 30 Josephine Butler, Social Reformer, 1906 Individuals and families affected by unemployment

Kinshasa, Congo The Ridings

Thu 31 Corpus Christi, Visitation of BVM Thanksgiving for the Eucharist

Kinziki, Uganda Tulip Road

Fri 01 Justin, Martyr at Rome, 165 All Missionary Societies

Kirinyaga, Kenya Vista Road

Sat 02 Saturday Finding the way of holiness in everyday life

Kita Kanto, Japan Wareham Close

Sun 03 First Sunday after Trinity The Royal School of Church Music and its work

Micronesia, Pacific Ocean Wendover Close

Mon 04 Petroc, Abbot of Padstow, 6th century Those being baptized, their families and friends

Niagara, Canada Wesley Avenue

Tue 05 Boniface, Bishop & Martyr May we worship the Lord with dignity and holiness

Niassa, South Africa Westminster Drive

Wed 06 Ini Kopuria, Melanesian Brotherhood, founder Walsingham and all places of pilgrimage

North Kigezi, Uganda Wycliffe Road

Thu 07 Thursday Vocations to the Ordained Ministry

Papua, New Guinea Zara Court

Fri 08 Thomas Ken, Hymn Writer, 1711 Bishops’ Advisory Panel, helping with vocations

Scottish Episcopal Church Abbey Road

Sat 09 Columba, Abbot of Iona, 597 Those currently in training for all forms of Ministry

Sodor and Man Albury Close

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