THE LINK SEPTEMBER 2016 The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St Catherine and Holy Trinity Ventnor and St Boniface Bonchurch

The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St Catherine Holy ...btckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site822/sept LINK 2016.pdfAs manpower doth permit The candlewax we soften That on the

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The Parish Magazine for the parishes of

St Catherine and Holy Trinity Ventnor and St Boniface Bonchurch

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Sunday Services Please see inside Link for details of Sunday Services

Midweek Services St Catherine’s - Wednesday - 10.30am Holy Communion

Holy Trinity - Thursday - 10.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

The Ministry Team

Rev’d Hugh Wright 01983 853729

Email: [email protected]

Gill Chaloner Reader 854659

Hilary Davis Reader 855797

Jenny Hopkins Holder Reader 852575

Gill Smith Reader 856134

David Tamcken Reader 506693

Morning Prayer Tuesday - Bonchurch Old Church - 8am

Wednesday - St Catherine's Church and Thursday Holy Trinity Church - 9am

Friday - Bonchurch Parish Church - 8.30am

All Welcome

Ventnor & Bonchurch Parish website address

www.ventnorcofe2.btck.co.uk Email: [email protected]


St Catherine’s John Holder 8525755852575

Steve Northern 856953

Holy Trinity Jo Nicholson

Tony Morrish 840570

St Boniface Jonny Fitzgerald Bond 854824

Lyn Ridler-Lee 404508

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I write during the first week of the Olympic Games in Rio de

Janeiro, and I still have in my mind the pictures of the Opening

ceremony, as competitors from all over the world marched

around the arena with banners held high. And I confess to a

twinge of pride at the sight of Andy Murray, looking even taller

than he does on a tennis court, as he strode forward at the head

of OUR team.

But the first Olympics, as I’m sure you know, go back to centuries before Christ,

about 776 B.C., when the different city-states of what is now Greece met together

for different contests…. boxing, running, wrestling and others……and all for the

reward of a wreath of olive-leaves for the winner. The games were held in Olympia,

a valley near the ancient city of Elis, and people from all over the Greek world came

to watch. These city-states were often at war, which made it difficult to travel, so

messengers were sent out to declare a Sacred Truce, which started a month before

the Games, so spectators could travel in peace.

The following story comes from that time, and although it dates from well before

Jesus was born, I believe it has a message for us as Christians today.

When the different members of the city-states arrived, they sat in their own

sections of the arena. In one section sat the Athenians, a polished and cultured

people, accustomed to debate, to fine speeches, to law-giving, and devoted to

beautiful statues and temples. In another section nearby sat the Spartans, as

different from Athenians as chalk from cheese! Spartans were rough and warlike,

the boys taken from their mothers at an early age to train in military camps. They

were notoriously taciturn (the word “laconic” meaning terse, comes from them)

and they seldom spoke unless necessary. Fierce and tough, no-one regarded them

as a civilised people.

On the first day of the Games, an old man approached the arena. Dirty and rather

smelly, ragged and leaning on his stick, he wavered in front of the Athenians,

looking for a space to sit. They shouted at him to get out of the way, mocked him

and pushed him contemptuously along the row. One of the Spartans nearby stood

up, beckoned, and said curtly, “Sit here, old man.”

As he thankfully sat down, the old man looked towards the Athenians and said

loudly, “All the Greeks KNOW what is right, but only the Spartans DO it!”

Surely this story is relevant for us today. Because we are Christians, most of us DO

know what is right. We have plans and ideas to make our churches here in Ventnor

and Bonchurch relevant to our week-by-week congregations, and also to reach out

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to those in our community. There are many who are accustomed to the church

BEING there, but perhaps only for weddings, baptisms, funerals or various shows

and concerts. We also need, as churches in this area, to take the church OUT to

those who might not want to enter but who need help in either spiritual or material

ways for themselves and for their children. It’s very easy in the bustle of everyday

church “Housekeeping” to forget Archbishop William Temple’s words that “The

Church is the only organisation that exists for the benefit of non-members.”

If we have ideas and thoughts to spread the love of God to our neighbours and in

our town, then we need to be able to say




From Silly Season to Sensible September

Here in Ventnor it’s the height of the Silly Season of August! The town is

(thankfully!) full of visitors and by an interesting juxtaposition of events, we

have Cowes Week, Ventnor Carnival and Ventnor Fringe all happening at the

same time! The weather is, to say the least, variable, and everything feels a bit

unplanned and ad hoc. People decide to visit, both strangers and old friends

crop up in our services, and congregations swell and diminish according to

who’s COME on holiday and who’s GONE on holiday! There’s an element of

surprise, of unexpectedness, in the most ordinary of situations.

September’s usually rather different. School begins again, groups and societies

resume their meetings. There’s a sense of getting “back to normal” and for the

first time since the beginning of July, the Link is back in its usual slot.

Which way do we like it? Do we enjoy the Silly Season with its one-off treats

and “Holiday Specials”, with visits from family and friends, or do we prefer to

know exactly where we are , with the chance of working through jobs in a

competent and satisfying way, without the interruption of the unexpected?

Which approach do we enjoy…”let it all hang out” or “everything sewn up”?

Our Christian lives are like this, too. Sometimes the Holy Spirit leads us into a

sort of Spiritual Silly Season, where we end up in all sorts of situations we

never envisaged. We might launch forth on a scheme which could lead to glory

or disaster!

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Or should we stick with Sensible September, where everything in our Christian

lives is carefully planned, relying on God to let us know if our ideas are wrong or

our plans are not according to his will?

I suspect that we need a bit of both August AND September in our makeup. It can

be good to be open and flexible, to have sudden inspiration and act upon it. At

other times we have to concentrate on the routine and hum-drum tasks that

characterise so many of us as we seek to be closer to God. The two are not

mutually exclusive.

So, as we move into September, let’s retain a little of the Silly Season in our souls.

We carry on with our normal planning, our social events, our P.C.C. meetings and

the ordinary life of our churches, but let’s leave ourselves open too to the sudden

inspiration of the Holy Spirit to ginger us up and keep us on our toes!


THANK YOU to all those who turned up at Holy Trinity on July 30th and 31st (and

some people after that!) to tackle a variety of tasks that needed doing. At one stage,

nearly half the Electoral Roll was there! Floors were Henryed and washed, carpets

ironed (yes, really!) brass cleaned, doors freed to act as fire exits, vestries sorted

and reorganised, linen washed and ironed, hall and kitchen cleaned and tidied,

hassocks wiped, woodwork polished, garden cleared and mown and the Calvary

renovated. The miraculous properties of “Liquid Gold” on woodwork were disco

vered…the roodscreen now GLOWS! I’m not going to mention anyone by name,

because I’ll forget someone, but THANK YOU to everyone!

And while we’re talking about Church Cleaning, here is the VERY FIRST poem I

ever wrote for the Link on exactly that subject, so I’ll resurrect it for this edition.

It appeared originally TEN years ago. (So YES, I have been doing this TOO



We are the Holy Dusters,

Who clean the church each week.

We feel that nothing’s fussed us

As we our frontals tweak!

We’ve muscles like coal-heavers

From lifting high and low.

Don’t let our members leave us

Or we’ll become too slow.

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It takes us every minute

To hoover and to clean

The whole church and what’s in it.

It’s no-one’s wildest dream!

We kneel beside the altar

But not in prayer, I fear.

It’s so we do not falter

In moving dust from here!

We bring sweet-smelling polish

To kill the scent of damp

And happ’ly would abolish

The brass, it gives us cramp!

Right up there in the rafters

The spiders hide and play,

We don’t know who’ll come after us

To sweep the webs away!

We do the brass as often

As manpower doth permit

The candlewax we soften

That on the carpet dript.

We try to clean it smartly

As human care can do.

And if it’s only partly,

Well then it’s up to YOU

To find some other people

Prepared to join the throng.

Advertise on the steeple?

Why not? It can’t go wrong!


Mick and Nava Young’s daughter Anita has returned from her long visit to

Ghana and there is information in St Catherine’s Church about how she

got on there. I continue to write to our friends in Tamale, Wa and

Techiman. As there were no Links in August, I sent note-cards of our

beautiful Island instead.

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September Saturday, 4th Evensong at Mottistone Church 6.30p.m.

Tuesday, 6th, Prayer Course starts at Holy Trinity, 7.30 to 9.30p.m.

(Coffee at 7 p.m.)

Saturday, 10th Reader Service at Portsmouth Cathedral 11.00a.m.

Holy Trinity open for Ride and Stride.

Thursday, 15th Social Committee, Rew Close 7.00p.m.

Tuesday, 20th Prayer Course.

Wednesday, 21st Holy Trinity P.C.C. - Hall 7.30p.m.

Sunday, 25th Holy Trinity Harvest Festival

Tuesday 27th Lay Pastoral Assistants’ Licensing, St John the Baptist, Niton

7.00p.m. Congratulations to Mary and Jo.

Wednesday, 28th Joint P.C.C. at St Catherine’s 7.30p.m.

Thursday, 29th Deanery Synod.

Tuesday, Oct 4th Prayer Course


SATURDAY, October 29th


Street Pastors On Sunday September 4th we will have the Street Pastors' Co-ordinator,

Andrew Gardner, with us at St Catherine's for the Service of the Word.

Street Pastors are recruiting at the moment; they are finding it difficult to

fill the teams at weekends. Please come and listen to Andrew; perhaps it

may be something that God may lead you to.

Nava, Mick and Hugh are Street Pastors from our church, working mainly

in Ventnor on occasions like the Carnival and New Year's Eve. They join

teams in other towns sometimes, and are involved in Cowes Week.

Shirley' T

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"I love to hear the story which Angel voices tell,

How once the King of glory came down on earth to dwell".

These words by Emily Miller in 1833 are the first two lines of One of our most

beautiful hymns.

I do indeed love to hear that story over and over again from the Birth of Jesus at

Christmas until His awful suffering and death upon the cross at Calvary.......He lived

and died for for us all and We must always remember that fact.

How much do we really know about pain?

Pain can be defined in many ways: The pain of the death of a loved one, especially a

child. Pain caused by an injury. Pain inflicted by another person, to mention just a

few. However, one thing is certain: all pain is connected to our nerves, the system

installed in our bodies at birth.

We all have to endure pain at some time in our lives, some people seem to

suffer more pain than others.

Our dear Lord Jesus suffered unimaginable pain of being betrayed by people of his

own race, publicly humiliated and nailed to a cross............ can you imagine

that? And a sword thrust into his side, being jeered and mocked by the crowd as

he hung there in unspeakable agony as he uttered the words:

" FATHER FORGIVE THEM " and then he died. He had done no wrong.

He suffered and died for us all. That our sins might be forgiven.

And so dear reader, in answer to OUR plea of: WHY ME? There it is.

Let us not feel bitter about our pain: It is nothing.

All this was soon followed by the wonderful resurrection and Jesus

Eventual elevation into heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father

In glory. Yes, I love to hear that story and many others from the Holy



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St Catherine’s Church The HUB Coffee Shop

10.30am - 12.30pm Monday - Saturday


September is a lovely month, Autumn fills the air,

The seasons are delightful, show God we really care,

Show God that we are thankful for the harvest He has given

By looking ever forward as He looks down from heaven.

Cherub Billy is here to help us, he will always be our guide,

To keep us close to Jesus, who is also by our side.

Religion is not stuffy there are lots of things to do,

Use your sense of humour it is really up to you.

God our Heavenly Father is our mainstay ever sure,

Remember to be close to Him and you will feel secure.

Cherub Billy, a child messenger from the heavenly realms above,

will ensure that God is with us to enhance us with His love.

Jesus helps us through our sorrows, He will ease, our aches and


Praise Him in His glory' He will make us whole again.

He likes us to be happy relax and have some fun,

God gave this world for us to live enjoy it every one.

Cherub Billy is our lifeline he keeps abreast of trends,

He is always happy to know we are his friends,

He talks with Jesus every day earnestly in prayer,

He likes to know we do as well and that we really care.

My cherub is so precious, I know he is there to guide,

To know that Jesus and His love are always by my side.

It is such a comfort to know the love of God,

To tread the very path on earth where Jesus really trod.

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The ministry of the building...

At St Catherine's we are blessed with a fine building, flexible in its use,

acoustically excellent, and set at the heart of our community.

One week recently brought this home quite powerfully. The Ventnor

Carnival arrived in church for their 'judging day'' and the Ventnor Fringe

came with four productions within their programme. Around 400

people came through the doors for these occasions, and we were able to

offer a Christian welcome and support for those who came to perform,

and those who enjoyed their performances.

A further highlight came on the evening of the Carnival procession, when

a team opened the church for coffee during the period between the

procession and the fireworks. Close to 100 people came in, enjoyed the

welcome, and were thankful for the coffee, and for 'a place to be' during

the wait.

The above activities raised £200 from refreshment donations, but more

important was the opportunity to share a welcome, and show care and

concern in God's name.

David T

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HOME GROUPS Monday Evening 7.45pm

Contact Jenny Holder 852575 -

Tuesday Evening 8.00pm - At Mick and Nava Young’s -

St Andrews, Belgrave Road. 852680

Thursday Afternoon 4.30pm

28 North Street. Contact Hilary Davis 855797

During SEPTEMBER the Home Groups will restart.

Please phone to find out when they will restart.

Carisbrooke Priory Open Door Speakers for September 2016

– Open Door Meeting every Thursday at 12 Noon

1st September James Cook (Communion)

8th September Charles J Andrew

15th September Hugh Wright

22nd September Robert Wynford Harris

29th September Russ Parker

A light lunch is served after the service

There is also a Bible Study meeting after lunch (2.30 p.m.) on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd

and 5th Thursdays when we study and discuss the reading(s) given during the service

Activities @ The Priory

9th September Poetry Appreciation with Anne Linington

20th September Creative Writing with Lynn New

28th September Walking with Maggie

All enquiries to Carisbrooke Priory Trust Phone: 01983 523354

Prayer Ministry available by arrangement – Please ring 01983 523354

for appointment Email: [email protected]

Website: www.carisbrookepriory.org.uk

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The Diocese of Portsmouth New Discipleship Course.

A new 7 week Autumn course exploring

Christian Spirituality and Prayer.

No prior knowledge or background reading necessary

This is an introductory course to the major themes of Christian prayer and

spirituality. This module engages with what we think about God, and what we think

about ourselves and our own journey of prayer. Different personality types will be

considered in relation to prayer preferences, as well as prayer styles such as Ignatian

and monastic prayer.

Each module engages with our idea of God, building on our own relationship with

prayer to discover the gift of deeper spiritual awareness and personal growth. It is

The Way, the way forward. Anyone can take the first step.

The Course is to be held in fortnightly modules at Holy Trinity Church.

From Tuesday 6th September - concluding 29th November 2016.

7.30 pm -9.30 pm, every other Tuesday

(7 pm tea & coffee introduction)

The church is warm and is easily adaptable for the comfort of small groups.

Modules incorporate:

· Exploring ourselves and God.

· The Long and Winding Road.

· Different types of spirituality.

· Jesus at Prayer.

· Monastic Prayer.

· Desiring God; prayers and feelings

· Struggling to Grow.

Participants may sign on for individual modules at £5 an evening or if wishing to

attend the full course to gain the most benefit a discount will be made: full course

of 7 modules £30.00. You can give this to Hugh beforehand or bring it to the first



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RIDE and STRIDE 2016 This year's sponsored Ride and Stride in aid Hampshire & Isle of Wight historic

churches is on Saturday 10th September, 10am to 6pm. Please take part

weather on foot, by bike, bus, horseback or even car and help raise funds towards

the upkeep of the region's 900 historic and beautiful church buildings. Half the money

you raise goes to the church of your choice. The other 50%, plus Gift Aid, will enable

Hampshire & the Island Historic Trust (HIHCT) to allocate much-need grants and

loans to churches of all denominations.

On Ride and Stride day itself there are various ways you can help and join in: Cycle,

walk, run, drive - or even use your bus pass - to visit a many churches as you can:

invite family, friends, and colleagues to sponsor you (or your dog). Be a "meter and

greeter" in your church for part of the day or provide cakes and refreshments for the

Riders and Striders Sponsor friends or family taking part.

HIHCT is run entirely by volunteers. www.hihct.org.uk

Church BBQ

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A few of the photos of the Church BBQ

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Holiday Club


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St Boniface and Bonchurch

Monthly Coffee Mornings.

Every Tuesday 10am – noon

RSCM workshop held at Holy Trinity

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Ventnor Townswomen's Guild

September 21st. Mike Crow:

Shanklin Theatre

Meetings held on 3rd Wednesday of the Month

2.15pm - In the Common Room at Knights Court,


Volunteers urgently needed for the Hub Coffee Shop.

Due to time commitments and holidays we are short

of people to run the Coffee Shop on Saturdays.

Do you have time to volunteer one Saturday

morning a month?

Contact Ann Radcliffe for more information.

Summer Homegrown Concert

September 16th - 7pm

Holy Trinity Church

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Thanks to Mike Wood for our weather information.


St Albans the Martyr Church


Rainfall of 109.3mm (4.30ins) was 267% of the June average of 41.0mm (1.62ins).

This was the second wettest June on record, 2012 was the wettest with 129.0mm

( 5.08ins )the wettest days were the 22nd with 21.9mm (0.86ins ) and the 19th

with 20.4mm (0.80ins). Both of these days were the wettest since August 23rd

2015. The first 10 days had only 1.1mm! (0.043ins)

The mean temperature of 15.1C (59F) was just above the average of 14.9C (59F).

The hottest day was the 7th with 22.2C (72F). Only 4days (all in the first 11days)

had more than 20C (68F). The coldest night was the 3rd with 9.4C (49F).


Rainfall of only 3.0mm (0.12ins) was only 14% of the average of 43.37mm

(1.71ins). This was the driest July for at least 42years. Drier than 1975 and 1976!

Rain fell on 6 days with the wettest day the 10th with only 0.7mm (0.03ins).

The mean temperature of 16.9C (62F) was just above the average of 16.8C. The

hottest day was the 19th with 24.2C (76F). 11 days had more than 20C (68F).

Coolest night was the 1st with 15.8C (60F).

Saturday 10th September -10am onward.. Church Open for "Ride and Stride"

(Hampshire & the Island Historic Churches Trust)

Sunday 11th September - 9:30am. Solemn Sung Mass followed by

HERITAGE OPEN DAYS - CHURCH remains open from 10:30 am - 3:30pm.

Saturday 17th September - 7:30pm . Inaugural Piano Recital by Christopher

Pickett of Arreton. Free admission. Light refreshments available.

Retiring donation for St Alban's appreciated.

Sunday 25th September - 9:30am. Special Harvest Eucharist.

www.stalbans.org.uk www.facebook.com/stalbansventnor

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M.I.S. (Men In Sheds) A place where retired seniors can come and shave a drink and a chat. Alternatively,

if you wish to do a repair job, help is at hand! We are a company of men who, at

one time, had their own "man caves", finding themselves downsized, with no room

for tools, sawdust, shavings and empty mugs. If you fancy a chat and a cuppa, putting

the world to rights as well as fixing things, this is the place to be!

Dave Dawson.

If you would like to find out more, please get in touch with Lois at Age UK IOW

on 525282 or use the 'contact' page to email on www.iowsheds.weebly.com

Facebook page Men In Sheds Ventnor.


The Ventnor Shed started after some local men came together to watch Utility

Film's 'Better Shed Than Dead'. The group meets every Tuesday morning, 10am to

about 1pm and every Wednesday 6pm to 8pm. The 'Shed' is located at Ventnor

Central (The former Youth and Community Centre in Victoria Street) Although this

will be changing. The Ventnor Shed has its own Facebook page. The Ventnor Shed is

supported by Ventnor Town Council.

The men of Ventnor have been busy designing, building and painting their pirate ship

for the Cowes Cardboard Boat Race. The boat was powered by the 'Skeleton

Crew' and had a pirate flag. (I have to be perfectly honest here and show surprise

and joy at that the boat got out of the shed at all!) The event included the race (not

surprisingly) as well as a water fight off with the other participants. Ventnor Sheds

came fourth overall, a fantastic result.

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The Hub Shop Please support your shop by buying or ordering from the

catalogues or enquiring whether we can obtain

anything you want or need.

Come and have a coffee and a browse.

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Messy Church 24th SEPTEMBER 3pm - 5pm

St Francis School - Upper Ventnor

“Come and share a meal with us”

Children must be accompanied by a parent/

guardian or carer. Do please tell any

families you know about this event.

Now Happening. After boldly entering the Isle of Wight Music,

Drama and Dance Festival Competition and surprising ourselves,

we thought to share what we had learned; knowing that many

had been unable to support us on the night.

So the idea of a concert formed, and then it grew; looking at the

many talents within the parishes until a Summer Home grown

Concert was formed.

We have had to reschedule to accommodate other events but it

is now happening on September 16th, at Holy Trinity Church.

We will start at 7pm with a varied programme

and there will be delectable refreshments as an encore!

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The Ventnor Horticultural Show

3rd SEPTEMBER - 2pm

St Catherine’s Church

Prizes for winning entries.

Children can enter exhibits for free.

Show schedules are available at Crave Ice Cream

in Spring Hill, Ventnor and at St Catherine's Church.

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All requests for the Prayer Chain

should be first directed to Kizzie Baker on 853779

BEREAVEMENT GROUP….Can we help you?

We are aware that there are a number of

people who have been bereaved and might

like someone to talk to.

If this is YOU or someone you know, please contact any of the

Bereavement Group from St Catherine’s, Holy Trinity and

St Boniface, by telephoning 857795 (outside Hub hours you can

leave a message) or visit the Hub at St Catherine’s any morning

between 10.30 and 12.30. If you’d rather leave a note, there’s a

box in the Coffee Shop. Anything you wish to discuss will be

treated with absolute confidentiality.

Is something worrying you?

Want someone to listen to you? Why don't you book an appointment

at The Living Room

82-83 High Street, Newport PO30 1BH

On the 1st & 3rd Monday of the month 11am - 2pm.

We have trained Acorn Christian Listeners

you can talk to.

Contact Nava Young for an appointment on

01983 852680 or [email protected]

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We pray for those

recently married.

And we pray for those in hospital.

We remember with love and affection those

who have died recently, especially we pray

for their families.

We pray for those who live on their own.

Page 26: The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St Catherine Holy ...btckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site822/sept LINK 2016.pdfAs manpower doth permit The candlewax we soften That on the


Bible Readings for SEPTEMBER

September 4th The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

Jeremiah 18: 1-11

Philemon 1-21

St Luke 14:25-33

September 11th The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-25

1 Timothy 1:12-17

St Luke 15:1-10

September 18th The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

Jeremiah 8:18-9:1

1 Timothy:2:1-7

St Luke 16:1-13

September 25th The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

Ordinary Readings: Jeremiah 32;1-3a, 6-15

1 Timothy 6:6-19

St Luke 16:19-end

Harvest Readings Deuteronomy 26:1-11

Philippians 4:4-9

St John 6:25-35

Page 27: The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St Catherine Holy ...btckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site822/sept LINK 2016.pdfAs manpower doth permit The candlewax we soften That on the


Worship for SEPTEMBER

September 4th The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Morning Worship, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

6.30p.m. Sung Evensong at Sts Peter and Paul, Mottistone

8.00p.m. Holy Communion, Bonchurch Old Church.

September 11th The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

9.30a.m. Morning Worship, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

6.30p.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

September 18th The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Morning Worship, St Boniface Church

September 25th The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church (Harvest Festival)

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Catherine’s Church (Harvest Festival)

10.45a.m. Morning Worship, St Boniface Church

Thursday, September 29th

6.30p.m. Bonchurch Old Church, Holy Communion.

Page 28: The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St Catherine Holy ...btckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site822/sept LINK 2016.pdfAs manpower doth permit The candlewax we soften That on the


Articles for the OCTOBER Magazine should be handed in by

SEPTEMBER 12th please.

You can hand it in at the Hub or email it to Joan Garlick

at [email protected]

Size format for Link pages A5 - GILL Sans MT - font size 11

Hand written reports/articles are accepted

if you do not have access to a computer.

The Julian Group Meet at The Hub

in St Catherine’s Church 2nd Friday of the month -

2pm Encouraging people to practise contemplative

prayer in their daily lives.

For further information contact:

Hilary Davis - 855797.

All welcome. No meeting in August

Editorial Team:-

Holy Trinity Church - Gill St Catherine's Church - Steve

St Boniface Church - Sally

The production cost of The LINK is subsidised by The HUB. Please give it your support.

Don’t forget to pick up your free copy of

The Pompey Chimes
