The Paper September, Issue 8 Vol. 2

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Everything you need to know about worship, connecting and serving at Faith Church.

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Content deadline is due the 7th of each month for the next issue. Submit to: [email protected]

Faith Financial Times

5 Who Is John Benson?

9 Faith Students

11 Mini-churches

15 Beecher

16 Cedar Lake

18 Dyer

20 Hammond

21 Highland

22 Schererville

23 Valparaiso

THE BIG 3Whether you’ve been attending Faith Church for a long time or you are a first time

visitor, THE PAPER is here to help! Being a part of this church family is a partnership in growth, so we encourage you to

be involved in 3 ways:

WORSHIP ON THE WEEKENDSGather with others to listen to a message from God’s Word, sing, pray and lift up

the name of Jesus. Attend a service at one of our campuses. Faith Kids (infant-5th grade) is a safe place where kids can worship Jesus at their level. Don’t miss the

opportunity to gather with others and worship each week. Invite a friend.


Being a follower of Jesus was never meant to be done alone. Sole-ranger Christianity usually means discouragement and failure. God has provided a

better way- Biblical community. Community keeps us encouraged, helps us build meaningful friendships, and most importantly, helps us grow as Christians. This

may be through a Mini-Church, Bible study or Serving Team. No matter what your age, God does not intend for you to walk through life alone. Be real. Be known.

SERVE OTHERSJoin a weekend Serving Team at one of our campuses, serve in your neighborhood or around the world! God has gifted each of us to do something special. Discover

the joy of serving.

Note from Pastor Bob Bouwer, Senior PastorOur recent weekend hosting Richard Stearns and the World Vision Experience truck revealed a lot about the heart of Faith Church. There was a tremendous response to the plight of the poor, orphaned, hungry and child refugees of the “Fragile States.” Your response proved once again that the heart of Faith Church is generous-thank you. As we cross the midway mark of 2015, as a church, we are working diligently to meet our ministry financial needs. We are working hard behind the scenes to tighten up budgets without cutting back ministry, mission or personnel. May God grant us the heart to finish well in 2015. Thank you in advance for your generosity, service, participation and prayers. Most of all, may God receive the glory and praise for all He has done.

Ministry Highlights:Reflectors (Special Needs/Disability Ministry)On May 1, the Reflectors Ministry hosted a “Great Banquet” for teenagers and adults with special needs. The Dyer Campus atrium was packed with nearly 300 people dressed in their finest and enjoying a delicious 3-course meal, getting to know new and old friends, snapping take-home pictures in a photo booth, and dancing the night away to music provided by DJ John LeRose. It was a beautiful night that led to new relationships and partnerships for the kingdom.

Schererville Campus Sean Rhea, a man we started praying for during our Easter outreach, was baptized on July 26. Sean used to drop his 5th grader off to attend Faith Kids and picked him up after church (never staying for the service). God had been ministering to Sean and over the last months, he started attending every week- “it really is a miracle” (his own words) …the love, forgiveness, and direction Jesus has given to this man is evident. We excitedly welcome him as a new member!

Beecher CampusThe parking lot project is well under way, funded through the Reach Project. The footprint of our parking lot has been expanded, the gravel has been compacted and now we wait for the asphalt to be contracted! We are also in process of planning a storage building that will help alleviate room in our Worship Center and various other places of our ministry space.

Highland CampusFaith-Highland is celebrating the 12 adults who joined Faith Church and 7 children who were baptized in our recent new members’ service. From people making a first time commitment to Jesus to those coming back to Him to those committing to walk out the next leg of their journey here, it was a great day! We are excited to use REACH funds to renovate the Women’s Restroom this fall and to create a Vine Bookstore in our current Information Hub space so that resources will be available for our people.

Financial Update through July 26:Received to date - $4,050,000Expenses to date - $3,084,520Budget total goal for 2015: $7,020,000

The Stewardship Team and the Leadership of Faith Church provide this quarterly financial newsletter to communicate the financial status and ministry updates of the church. Please visit the “Give” section of our website for additional information including an audited financial report and the current annual budget. Our website address is:www.faithchurchonline.org

Here’s a QR code link to the “Give” section of the website:


Fall is the perfect time to get back into a regular routine. Start your day in the Word of God and

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the congregation in song and teaching. They welcome the congregations into their lives and are not afraid to admit that they are flawed and sinful individuals just like any other person. This authenticity brings the Gospel to life and supports the fact that everyone has a need for God in their life.

Where do you serve at Faith Church?I currently serve in several different outlets at Faith Church. At the Dyer campus, I serve in Catalyst as a small group leader, a member of the management team, and a member of the teaching team. I also serve within the 12.1 running ministry. Though I have not been able to run regularly due to injuries, I have been able to encourage fellow runners through writing weekly devotionals. At the Cedar Lake campus, I am an apprentice to Pastor Dave Weemhoff, and I have been able to help with welcoming and hosting during the Sunday services. I have also served in CL180 (Cedar Lake Student Ministries) during the week.

How do you connect with others at your campus?I connect with others at my campus by being available. I have been attending the Cedar Lake campus for about nine months now and was quickly noticed and welcomed. It has been great to hang around after a service and be able to meet new people and connect with those that I know. I have also built relationships through helping out at CL180. Despite my short time at the CL campus, I quickly felt like I

What is your name?John S. Benson III

Where are you from?I grew up in Calumet City, Illinois, and then I moved and have lived in Saint John, Indiana, for the past 20 years.

How did you first get connected to Faith Church?I first got connected to Faith Church through a personal invitation. My friend, Doug, invited me to attend Catalyst in January 2011. Once I began attending Catalyst on a regular basis, it was a snowball effect. I began attending weekend services, received mentorship from several leaders, and became a member.

What do you enjoy about the worship service?I enjoy the authenticity of the worship services the most. The worship leaders and pastors are transparent in leading

Thursday, Oct 86:30 - 8:30pm in Faithful

Grounds Coffee Shop

Artist: Jan Krediet | Cost: $25(includes coffee, snacks & supplies for a

finished product)

Registration begins on September 24 at faithchurchonline.org /calendar of events

Any questions contact Beth [email protected]

was part of the community- supported and cared for.

What have you seen God do in your life?I have seen God’s sovereignty and guidance in my life. There was a long period in my life where I was living in rebellion to God and His statutes. He protected me through that time and from consequences that could have ended my life or made it much more difficult to live. Since then, God has made my calling very evident. Every moment has drawn me closer to Him. He has placed mentors, friends, and opportunities in my life that mean more to me than I could have ever imagined. The most recent opportunity being a 3 week trip to Israel. This trip has changed my life and the way I view the Scriptures. When I read certain passages, I can picture those places, such as where the battle between David and Goliath took place, or where Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount, and where the transfiguration took place. Israel and its people are absolutely amazing, and it’s a small piece of a larger ministry that God has placed upon my heart.

Anything else you want to share?This fall, I will begin my third year of seminary. I am nearly through the five year Masters of Divinity online program at Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, MN. The classes, knowledge, and friendships I have gained has gone far beyond anything I could have ever imagined. It is something I never planned on or expected to do in my lifetime. My undergraduate degrees are in French and Accounting. I thought I would work for the FBI or CIA as a special agent. However, as soon as I graduated, God intervened and took me in the direction of seminary. I have not looked back since!

I will also begin ministry work at Faith as the Dyer Students Middle School Pastor this fall. This is an exciting time for me and a blessing to be able to learn from, and partner with, friends and leaders that I greatly respect and admire. I have the blessing to influence upcoming generations within the church. This is a ministry where I do not have much experience, but I believe God has equipped me to do well, bring glory to His name, and share the Gospel, grace and mercy that He so graciously shared with me. I’m excited for this season of being challenged, growing, learning, and submitting to God and those around me that will guide and encourage me through this time.

BLOOD DRIVESunday, October 11, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Sign up online from the home page of the website

Coach bus in the parking lot | ID required | Must be at least 16 years of age

BIBLE DISCOVERY TOURwith Pastors Dave Weemhoff & Keith Doornbos | April 10 -22, 2016

Sign up or for more information, contact faithchurchonline.org or www.gtitours.org

How to Love Your Muslim Neighbor | Sep 8, 7 PMSpeakers: Pastor Andy Nearpass & Reverend Raouf Boulos

recommended readingavailable in the vine bookstore

Hosted by the Vine bookstore & Faithful Grounds

Fall/Winter Dates

Is It Biblical for Christians to Get Tattoos? | Nov 10, 7 PM

God Breathed: God into Man. | Dec 15, 7 PM

Everything in life has a bottom line. Whether it is profit in the business world, exposure for a musician, or

gospel-drenched life transformation in a church, we’re all aiming for something. If you asked a group of youth pastors “what is the bottom line in your ministry?,” you would end up with something in the vein of “students growing into fully-devoted followers of Christ.” This is a great stated bottom line, but youth ministry can easily get lost in the process of reaching this goal. Youth ministry is more than free pizza, exhausting lock-ins, 15-passenger vans filled with un-showered teenage boys, and awkward youth pastor facial hair. There is a lot that goes into youth ministry, and before long, the functional bottom line looks a lot like how many students showed up to your acoustic bonfire night or if there was a mini-social media buzz after winter retreat. What does all this mean for Faith Church Student Ministries? It means we need to live into the tension created by being one church in multiple locations. To do this we are moving forward with a core team to oversee the heavy programming with the hopes that this will free up leaders at each location to focus on driving everything back to our bottom line- cultivating relationships. We won’t stop having large and small scale events, gobs of fun activities, and boatloads of trips, retreats, and serving opportunities. But we will continue to ask ourselves if what we’re doing fosters authentic relationships, with each other and God. This needs to happen in a partnership with families and the wider church body. It can’t happen in isolation. In the spirit of focusing on what really matters, we’re unifying and streamlining our ministry name and resources. Every ministry from all campuses will be under the banner, “Faith Students”, starting in September. We’ll work through the same topics throughout the school year as we grow in our relationship with Jesus, not letting peripheral things take the spotlight away from what He wants to do through us.

This isn’t a quick fix to bringing unity. Like building an authentic relationship, it is going to take time, energy, conversation, and accountability for Faith Students to produce fruit, but the Faith Students Team is looking forward to continuing this journey together with you.




A FUN FACT: Over 400 people serve in FaithKids at all of our campuses per weekend. Thank You!




4 YEAR BIBLE READINGOver 1250 people have signed up and are committed to reading through the Bible in 4 years. You can still be part of this...sign up at faithchurchonline.org






When we speak of Mini-Churches, we want to first remember the Mission of Faith Church:

“Reaching the Disconnected & Growing the Connected”

Mini-Churches beautifully align with this mission through our Vision of C.A.R.S:

• Community and Care • Applying God’s Word • Reproducing through Apprenticeship • Serving inside and outside Faith Church Taking the Mission and Vision into account, Mini-Churches are truly discipleship-making groups. The sky is the limit as to how the Lord will use each individual to make His Son Jesus known to the world. The beautiful thing is, Faith Church Mini-Churches are using their individual gifts and God-inspired ideas and coupling them with the Mission of Faith Church and the Vision of Mini-Churches and turning the Gospel into a living reality in the NWI region. God is on the move, and He is using His people to make His Son Jesus known! Read on and be a witness to His greatness!

The Horne Mini-Church – Hammond“On June 3, the Conspiracy of Kindness Mini-Church gathered on the corner of Hohman and Sibley in Hammond to bless people with a free bottle of ice cold water during the evening rush hour. Hundreds of cars passed by. We gave out more than 400 bottles of water and prayed for individuals walking by as they gave us their prayer request. Our love for the community was so contagious that a driver slowed down to give away a case of water she had in her trunk. Many, if not all, of the drivers were shocked and left in amazement. When people asked who we were and why we were doing this, here’s what we said: “We just want to show you God’s love

in a practical way.” No strings attached, absolutely free! For many, that was enough. But some weren’t satisfied with that answer and wanted more information. God used this loving experience to touch their hearts and seek more. They asked about our church, the location, what we believed and when our services took place. More than 400 people experienced God’s tangible love on that day, and one individual decided that she wanted more. The following Sunday, a woman we met and prayed with showed up for church. Since then, she’s been consistently attending Faith-Hammond. To God be the glory. Love works!” -Garrette Horne, Mini-Church Leader The Bribiesca Mini-Church – ScherervilleOur Mini-Church is having an outreach service project on September 26 where we are hosting a “FREE GARAGE SALE.” Single parents will be welcomed to shop for FREE from 8 am-10 am, and then it will be opened to the community from 10 am -1 pm. This will allow us to evangelize, show God’s love and serve our Schererville community. We are looking forward to all the Lord has in store. Stay tuned!

The Mast Mini-Church – Beecher“It has been our joy to Apprentice those that participate in our Mini-Church. Just recently, Pastor Nathan was very intentional in his desires to see more Mini-Churches at the Beecher Campus; he partnered with the Mini-Church Department to host a Mini-Church information day at Beecher. A couple from our group have been growing and deepening their walk through participating in our Mini-Church. After Pastor Nathan shared his heart to have the Lord raise up more leaders at the Beecher Campus, our Apprenticed couple said they felt the tug of the Lord to step out and lead. We loved hearing their desire to take the good of all they have been learning and growing and start their own group! Praise God for the beautiful


process of Discipleship through Apprenticeship.”

The Hayes’ Mini-Church – Cedar Lake“We are leaders that led a Mini-Church in the past, but because of life circumstances, we took a break for a season. We are so happy to be stepping back into leadership and have relied on the Lord to put those in our path that desire to be in our Mini-Church. We have personally invited 5 couples that were disconnected at the Cedar Lake Campus, and we are so excited to see all the Lord will do in and through our group. Personal invitation truly works!”

The Kampmeier Mini-Church – Dyer Campus“Our Mini-Church gathers on Friday evenings, and it is for the sole purpose of us coaching all our Young Adult Mini-Church Leaders from all the Faith Church Campuses. We gather together to worship, pray for one another and spend time together in community. We are so blown away at how the Lord is blessing our group. Leaders are being discipled and in turn are leading their own Mini-Churches and discipling others. It’s a beautiful thing.”

The Krooswyk, Clark & Eriks Mini-Church – Highland“Our Highland Sunday evening Mini-Church prepared and delivered a meal and other needed supplies to Haven House in Hammond on a Sunday evening this summer. Haven House is a shelter for abused women and their children. It was a beautiful act of serving those in need.”The Stasi Mini-Church – Valparaiso“Our Mini-Church is a group of women who are striving to be Christ-like. We trust one another and know that we are in each other’s thoughts and prayers. We may only be connected through our bi-monthly meetings, but we have a spiritual connection. God brought us together, and we worship God and get to know Him better through His Word. Our Mini-Church creates a more personal relationship and allows us to explore personal questions and interests.”

In closing, these are just a few examples of how our Mini-Churches are living out the Mission and Vision of Faith Church and the Mini-Church Ministry. We encourage you to get connected with a Mini-Church and see what the Lord will do in your life! Get connected atwww.faithchurchonline.org or [email protected].






MomsNation is dedicated to supporting, encouraging, and equipping moms at all stages.

Motherhood is a journey full of joys and challenges. No matter where you are on your journey, Faith Church has a group to

suit your needs.

Group meetings kick-off in September!

Register NOW at momsnation.org




BEECHERWORSHIP201 E. Church RoadBeecher, IL 60401


Service TimesSunday, 9 & 11 am

*Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: [email protected]

Faith Kids Worship(Infant-5th Grade) Resumes Sunday, Sep 13, 9 & 11 am

The Vine bookstore is open after all weekend services.

Want to serve? Want to be connected? Have prayer needs? Need more information about Faith-Beecher or any classes/events? Complete the tear-offportion of the weekend program and submit it to the Welcome & Hospitality Center.


Women’s Bible StudyWednesdays, 7 pmBegins Sep 9Contact Leanne at [email protected]’ll be studying You’re Already Amazing by Holley Gerth. (Books will be available in the Vine bookstore.)Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesday

MOPS Mothers of Preschoolers(Infant through Kindergarten) Thursdays, 9-11 amBegins Sep 17Contact Katie or Rachel at [email protected] Meets every other Thursday

Stitchin’ SistersTuesdays, 9:30 amBegins Sep 1Contact Marietta Koster at 708.258.6450Meets 1st Tuesday

● MEN Men’s Bible/Book StudyThursdays, 7 pmBegins Sep 10Contact John at [email protected] Watch weekend program for topics and other updates.Meets 2nd & 4th Thursday


Mini-ChurchesContact Anne at [email protected] you are looking to get connected at Faith Church, a Mini-Church is a great place to start. Stop by the Welcome Center and pick up a list of groups that are gathering or check out our Group Finder on the Faith Church website at: faithchurchonline.org/connect/mini-churches/join.

One Marriage - Dyer CampusOne Night | One Clear Path [email protected] Marriage will be taking a break in September and will resume on Wednesday nights in October. Look for details on the Faith Church web-site and in future announcements.


Faith Beecher Students (6th-12th grade)Kick-Off Friday, Sep 18, 6-8:30 pmBring your friends!Meets 1st & 3rd Friday


Faith Family Market Thursdays, 6-7 pm(No appointment needed)Contact Stephanie at [email protected] Specific FFM donations needed are located by the shopping cart in the entryway. Contact Stephanie if you are interested in being a part of the FFM team. Open 1st & 3rd Thursday


Discovery Experience: Begin-ning Sunday evening, September 27, Faith Beecher will pilot a new

MiniChurch experience that will combine the ‘community’ of a small group along with the opportunity to get to know what we believe, why we believe it and how you can connect within the Faith Beecher family. We encourage you to join us at our Beecher church location for this 4-week Discovery Experience. Watch weekend programs for time and sign-up details. Contact Leanne ([email protected]) with any questions.

Preparing for Marriage Class(For engaged and seriously dating couples) Wednesdays, 7-9 pm - Dyer Campus (Sep 23 - Nov 11)Contact Gina at [email protected] at faithchurchonline.org/preparing-marriageCost is $50/couple (covers the cost of materials)

SERVEThere are many ways for you to get involved at Faith-Beecher. Contact the following team leaders for more information if you’d like to serve on one of these teams or you would like more information:

Faith Kids - Contact Leah at [email protected] or Rachel at [email protected]

Frontline Team – Contact Frank at [email protected]

Frontline Connector Team – Contact Beth at [email protected]

The Vine Bookstore – Contact Patti at [email protected]

Prayer Team – Contact Bob at [email protected]

Technical Arts or Worship Team – Contact Craig at [email protected]

Coffee Service – Contact John at [email protected]

Faith Family Market – Contact Stephanie at [email protected]

Care & Share team – Contact Marietta at [email protected]

CEDAR LAKEWORSHIPCedar Lake Ministries13701 Lauerman StreetCedar Lake, IN 46303

Community Arts Center (CAC)13300 Lincoln PlazaCedar Lake, IN 46303


Service TimesSunday, 9 & 10:30 am

Special Summer Sunday in the Hanover Auditorium:Sep 6 – One service at 10 am, no Faith Kids (any age) *Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request:[email protected]

Faith Kids Worship(Infant-5th Grade) Resumes Sunday, Sep 13, 9 &10:30 am


Book Study - Seamless Tuesdays, 7 pm - CACBegins Sep 22Contact Karla [email protected] 2nd & 4th Tuesday

Book Study - Captivating Wednesdays, 9 am - CACBegins Oct 7Contact Cindy [email protected] study will guide us through the adventure of rediscovering the ro-mance, the adventure & beauty God as set within every woman’s heart.Meets weekly

Sermon on the Mount Thursdays, 9 am - CACBegins Sep 17 Contact Debbie at

[email protected] weekly

Moms in the Middle(Moms with school-aged children)Thursdays, 6:30 pm - CACBegins Sep 10 Contact Angela at [email protected] Meets 2nd & 4th Thursday


Bible StudySaturdays, 6:30-8:30 am – CACContact Greg at [email protected] the 1st & 3rd Saturday

Men’s Bible/Book Study Wednesdays, 6:30 pm - Space next to the CACContact Matt [email protected] 2nd & 4th Wednesday


Mini-ChurchesContact Anne at [email protected] you are looking to get connected at Faith Church, a Mini-Church is a great place to start. Stop by the Welcome Center and pick up a list of groups that are gathering or check out our Group Finder on the Faith Church website at: faithchurchonline.org/connect/mini-churches/join.

One Marriage - Dyer CampusOne Night | One Clear Path [email protected] Marriage will be taking a break in September and will resume on Wednesday nights in October. Look for details on the Faith Church web-site and future announcements. ● STUDENTS

Faith Students (6th-12th grade)Wednesdays, 6:30-8 pm - CACContact Jason at [email protected]

Meets weekly ● Kick-off, Sep 9● Small group kick-off, Sep 23● Save the date: Youth Summit SundayOct 18, 2-9 pmCost: $25 (includes dinner and t-shirt) (high school students only)

Stay connected with us via:Facebook.com/CL180Instagram: @CL180For text updates: send the message: @c11 to the number: 81010


Faith Family MarketMondays, 10 am-noon - CAC(closed the 5th Monday)Contact Beckie at [email protected] you’re looking for a great place to serve the community and you’re available on Monday mornings, the Family Market team is a great place to start.

Immediate needs for the CL Faith Family Market: Cleaning supplies, laundry soap, rice, cereal, mayo, salad dressings, juice

Reflectors MinistrySundays, 9 & 10:30 am Contact Samantha at [email protected] ministry exists to help people with any disability grow in their relationship with Jesus at their own level and to be enfolded into the church community. Kids Worship buddies and prayer partners are available to help make church more accessible to them and their caregivers. Please contact us if you know of anyone who could be blessed by this ministry or if you have an interest in serving in this capacity.

Preparing for Marriage Class(For engaged and seriously dating couples) Wednesdays, 7-9 pm - Dyer Campus (Sep 23 - Nov 11)Contact Gina at [email protected] at faithchurchonline.org/preparing-marriageCost is $50/couple (covers the cost of materials)

SERVEKids Hope USA: Would you like to help change a child’s life? Kids Hope USA is in need of mentors for kids. Children are paired with a caring church mentor who serves as their mentor. The mentor and child meet for one hour a week, each week of the school year. Mentors spend time reading, playing games and being a “friend” to a child who needs one. The Cedar Lake Cam-pus serves the children of MacArthur Elementary School. If you are inter-ested or want to know more contact Jennifer at [email protected].

Free Lunch: We serve a free lunch at the CAC on the last Saturday of the month. If your mini-church or group of friends would be interested in helping, contact May at [email protected].

Frontline: Our Frontline ministry is looking for friendly people who will welcome and greet those who come on a weekend. We are also look-ing for volunteers for our Welcome

• Date: Tue, Sep 15, 2015 • Time: 9 am Shotgun Start (8 am check-in and breakfast); 2 pm Lunch & Awards • Location: White Hawk Country Club (1001 White Hawk Drive, Crown Point, IN 46307)• Cost: $80 per person (4 player scramble) • Registration Deadline: Tue, Sep 8

Christian Aid supports those who are experiencing financial crisis situations. The Golf Classic is the only event that Faith offers to raise funds for this important ministry.

Please consider joining us with your colleagues and friends to make a real difference for a family in need.

Center to help people get connect-ed. If you have a heart for people, we would love to have you join our team. Contact Karla at [email protected] for details.

Other ways to get involved at Faith-CL!

Faith Kids (infant-5th grade)Ronda at [email protected]

Faith Students (6th – 12th grade): Jason at [email protected]

MomsNation (MOPS/Moms inthe Middle): Angela at [email protected]

Frontline team (includes greeters,welcome center, golf cart, coffeeservice & The Vine): Karla [email protected]

Prayer Team: Jerry [email protected]

TAG or Worship Team: Jason [email protected]

Faith Family Market: Beckie [email protected]

Security: Nick at [email protected]

Card Ministry: Marcy [email protected]

Saturday Lunch: Dawn at [email protected]


Card Care Ministry! This ministry is now available to bless, encour-age and congratulate our congre-gation. What a great way to send Faith-CL love to our congregation! If you would like to be a part of this ministry or know of someone who could use a card, email the team at [email protected].

DYERWORSHIP100 81st AvenueDyer, IN 46311


Service TimesSaturday, 6 pmSunday, 9 & 11 am

*Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request:[email protected]

Faith Kids Worship(Infant-5th Grade) Resumes Saturday, Sep 12, 6 pm and Sunday, Sep 13, 9 & 11 am

Reflectors Worship (Disability Ministry)Sunday, 11 am

The Vine bookstore and Faithful Grounds Coffee Shop are open before and after all weekend services.


Women’s Bible Study - Galatians Mondays, 9 am - Rm 144begins Sep 14 Contact Liz at [email protected] Meets weekly

Card Connection Thursday, Sep 3, 6:30 pm - Rm 141Contact [email protected] the 1st Thursday to make cards for the Faith Church family.

Courageous Love Mondays, 7 pm - Garage Prayer RmResumes Sep 21Contact Karyn at [email protected] are excited to begin our 2nd year of this confidential ministry which provides love, encouragement, support and hope to moms of LGBT children.Meets the 3rd Monday

Faith Stitchers Thursdays, 1-4 pm - Room140/141Resumes Sep 10Contact Carol at 708.367.0283We knit & crochet for those in need.All are welcome.Meets the 2nd Thursday (Sep-May)


MOPS Mothers of Preschoolers (Infant-Kindergarten)

*Visit faithchurchonline.org/con-nect/adult/momsnation for exact dates for each group.

Thursday Morning MOPS9 am - AtriumContact Lauren at [email protected]

Friday Morning MOPS9 am - AtriumContact Lauren [email protected]

Evening MOPS6:30 pm - Room 144/145Contact Cherilyn [email protected]

Moms in the Middle (MITM) (Moms with 1st-12th graders) Tuesday, 9:30 am - Room 144/145Contact Christy [email protected] twice a month

Moms of Empty Nests (Moms with late high school to adult children)Monday, 6:30 pm - Room 144/145Contact Debbie [email protected] twice a month


Prayer GroupWednesdays, 8 am - Room 127This Men’s Prayer Group meets weekly to fellowship and pray for the cares and concerns of the Faith family.

Men’s Bible StudySaturdays, 6:30 am - The GarageContact Dante at

[email protected] 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Saturday

Husbands of FaithSaturdays, 8:30 am - Room 127Contact Tom at [email protected] weekly

● ADULTS (Men & Women)

Young Adults18-30 somethingContact Ben at [email protected] love being in community! Keep up with everything we are doing to-gether: facebook.com/catalystfaithInterested in being connected in a mini-church for 18-30 somethings? Contact Ben at email above.

NWI Singles of Faith Tuesdays, 7-9 pm Meets at Faith Highland - Room 201Contact Sandy Reitsma [email protected]

One Marriage One Night | One Clear Path [email protected] Marriage will be taking a break in September and will resume on Wednesday nights in October. Look for details on the Faith Church web-site and in future announcements.

Mini-ChurchesContact Anne at [email protected] you are looking to get connected at Faith Church, a Mini-Church is a great place to start. Stop by the Welcome Center and pick up a list of groups that are gathering or check out our Group Finder on the Faith Church website at: faithchurchonline.org/connect/mini-churches/join.


Our HopeTuesdays, 7-9 pm - Prayer RoomContact Jeri at [email protected] support group for womenMeets 1st & 3rd Tuesday

Celebrate RecoveryTuesdays, 7-9 pm - The GarageContact Jim at [email protected] Recovery is open to everyone on Tuesday nights as a place of rescue, restoration, safety, and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Meets weekly

Celebration StationTuesdays, 6:45-9 pmFarm/Jungle RoomCelebration Station is designed for kids 5 to 13 years old whose par-ents attend one of the Tuesday care groups. We hope to make Jesus the foundation of their lives, break cycles of dysfunction, and join their parents in forgiveness and healing.

Divorce CareTuesdays, 7 pm - ClubhouseBegins Sep 15Contact Charlie at 219.374.6041Meets weekly

Faith Family MarketSundays, 8:30 am-12 noon-Room 128Contact Kelly at [email protected] Market provides assistance to those who have grocery needs. Open the 2nd & 4th Sunday

ReflectorsSundays, 11 am-12 noon-Rooms 140-144These classrooms function similar to a Special Education Classroom. Typical elements include: modified Bible lessons, crafts, games, sing-ing, and other interactive activities.Contact Vinnie at [email protected] Room 140/141 Children ages 3-12

Room 142-144 Teens/Adults (ages 13 & up)

Room 145 - Quiet Family Space is available during weekend services at Dyer. The service is streamed live through a television in a seclude living room avail- able for families with specia needs members that need a qui- et, private space to worship.

Reflectors Respite Program Friday, Sep 11, 5:30-8:30 pm This is a 3-hour program of fun activi-ties for individuals with special needs of all ages (and their siblings). Dinner is included. RSVP online at reflector-sministry.org.

Reflectors Super Hero PartyFriday, Sep 25, 6-9 pm This is a big outreach event for children with special needs and their families, including games, prizes, limo rides, fire trucks, police cars, bounce houses, food, and more! RSVP online - reflectorsministry.org.

Fresh HopeWednesdays, 7-8:30 pmMeets at the Highland CampusFresh Hope is our Mental Health Support Group. This group is both for individuals who have a men-tal health challenge AND their loved ones (family members, close friends). For more information, visit: faithchurchonline.org/connect/ care-ministry/mental-health or email [email protected].


Faithfully FitMonday, Wednesday & Friday, 5:15-6:15 am - AtriumContact Ray at [email protected] class for men and women (aerobic interval training)

12.1 Running ClubSaturdays, 6:30 am - Erie Lacka-wanna Trail, HighlandChgo Half Marathon-Sep 27Contact Louie & Mary at [email protected] weekly

Pass It On HockeySundays, 6:50 am atHomewood Flossmoor Ice ArenaContact Carl [email protected] of all ages welcome. Meets weekly


Discovery Class Sunday, Sep 27, 3-6 pmContact Bonnie [email protected] Discovery class is our member-ship/inquirer class. This is an ex-cellent way to learn about our core values, our church structure, and the Christian principles on which we are founded. Sign up and download the pre-class booklet from the home page of Faith’s website. Join date is Nov 14/15.

Preparing for Marriage Class(For engaged and seriously dating couples) Wednesday, 7-9 pm - Room 127Sep 23 - Nov 11Contact Gina at [email protected] at faithchurchonline.org/preparing-marriage.Cost is $50/couple (covers cost of materials)

Mini-Church New Leader TrainingAre you interested in the Mini-Church Ministry? Is the Lord nudg-ing you to lead? Please join us for New Leader Training on September 30 in Room 127 at the Dyer Campus 5:30-6:45 pm. To register online, please visit: www.faithchurchonline.org/connect/mini-churches/want-to-lead Or email: [email protected] hope to see you there!

SERVEFaith KidsThe time you invest in a child’s life matters. Join us as we build relation-ships and have an eternal impact in the lives of God’s children this year.Sign ups and more information at faithchurchkids.org.

Kids Hope USAWould you like to help change a child’s life? Kids Hope USA is in need of mentors for kids. Children are paired with a caring church mem-ber who serves as their mentor. The mentor and child meet for one hour a week, each week of the school year. Mentors spend time reading, playing games and being a “friend” to a child who needs one. The Dyer Campus serves the children of Bibich Elemen-tary School. If you are interested or want to know more, contact Jennifer at [email protected].

MOPSChildcare workers are needed for MOPS Thursday & Friday mornings. Contact [email protected] if inter-ested.

Honduras Mission Trip 2016Serve trip to Hogar Nazareth or-phanage in Comayagua, Honduras will take place January 16-23, 2016. Registration deadline is November 1. Please contact Dyan Lagestee for more information and trip details at [email protected] (708) 426-4731.

HammondWORSHIPHammond Academy of Science and Technology (H.A.S.T.)33 Muenich Ct. Hammond, IN 46320

Hammond Arts Center (HAC)5832 Hohman AvenueHammond, IN 46320


Service Time: Sunday, 10 am

*Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request:[email protected]

Faith Kids Worship(Infant-5th Grade) Resumes Sunday, Sep 13 at 10 am


Faith StitchersThursday, 1 pm – HACContact Ginni at [email protected] Stitchers gathers to crochet & knit baby blankets for PASS preg-nancy care centers and scarves for Children’s Hunger Fund while we make new friends and share our lives with one another. Meets the 4th Thursday

Moms in the Middle(Moms with school-aged children)Friday, Sep 11, 9-11 am - [email protected] twice a month


Bible StudySaturdays, 7-8:30 am - HACContact Bob at [email protected] the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sat

● ADULTS (Men & Women)

Mini-ChurchesContact Anne at [email protected] you are looking to get connected

at Faith Church, a Mini-Church is a great place to start. Stop by the Welcome Center and pick up a list of groups that are gathering or check out our Group Finder on the Faith Church website at: faithchurchonline.org/connect/mini-churches/join.

Marriage Mini-ChurchSundays, 6-8 pm - HACContact Charles or Breanne at [email protected] Mini-Church for married couplesChildcare providedMeets 2nd & 4th Sunday

Mini-Church – HACTuesdays, 7 pm | Contact Randy [email protected] Everyone welcome!Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday

Mini-ChurchConspiracy of KindnessWednesdays, 7-9 pm - HACContact Garrett [email protected] is seeking to enter the heart of every person on this planet. Yet, for those who are not gifted evangelists, the task of communicating the Gos-pel can seem daunting. What if there was another way? There is, and it’s called the conspiracy of kindness. In this group, we’ll learn about evan-gelism and actually do evangelism. We’ll explore the cultural diversity of Hammond and use practical acts of service to engage our community and demonstrate God’s love.

One Marriage One Night | One Clear Path [email protected] Marriage will be taking a break in September and will resume on Wednesday nights in October. Look for details on the Faith Church web-site and in future announcements.


Prayer MinistrySundays, before and after serviceContact Bob at [email protected] you have needs, concerns, wor-ries or praises? Stop in the Prayer Room for prayer and support.

Faith Family MarketSundays, 11:30 am-1 pm - HAC

Contact Lisa or Bob at [email protected] Market provides assistance to those in need of groceries and basic necessities.Open the 1st & 3rd Sunday

Celebrate RecoveryFridays, 7-9 pm - HACContact Jim at [email protected] Celebrate Recovery (CR) is based on the original 12 steps of recovery and the Beatitudes-the actual words of Jesus. CR is open to everyone as a place of rescue, restoration, safety, and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Meets weekly


Preparing for Marriage Class(For engaged and seriously dating couples) Wednesdays, 7-9 pm - Dyer Campus (Sep 23 - Nov 11)Contact Gina at [email protected] at faithchurchonline.org/preparing-marriageCost is $50/couple (covers the cost of materials)

SERVEFaith Kids: Contact Bethany at [email protected] time you invest in a child’s life matters. Join us as we build relation-ships and have an eternal impact in the lives of God’s children this year.Sign ups and more information at faithchurchkids.org.

Set Up/Tear Down: Contact Sarah at [email protected] joining the team that helps make it all happen on Sunday mornings by literally setting up the Worship Center and tearing it down following the service.

Kids Hope USAWould you like to help change a child’s life? Kids Hope USA is in need of mentors for kids. Children are paired with a caring church men-tor who serves as their mentor. The mentor and child meet for one hour a week, each week of the school year. Mentors spend time reading, play-ing games and being a “friend” to a child who needs one. The Ham-mond Campus serves the children of Kenwood Elementary School. If you are interested or want to know more contact Jennifer LeRose [email protected]

highlandWORSHIP8910 Grace StreetHighland, IN 46322


Service TimesSunday, 9 & 11 am

New evening service launching Sep 13 at 5 pm!

* Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request:[email protected]

Faith Kids Worship(Infant-5th Grade) Resumes Sunday, Sep 13, 9 & 11 am


Women’s Bible Study - I SamuelThursdays, 9:30 am - Rm 101Begins Oct 1Leader: Judy NearpassMeets 1st & 3rd Thursday

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Tuesdays, 9-11:30 am – Great Room Contact Larissa at 219-314-8704/ [email protected] is a group where moms of infants to kindergartners come to connect and grow with other moms in the same stage.Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday Upcoming MOPs Dates:Open House: Tuesday, Sep 8, 9-11:30 am

First Meeting: Tuesday, Sep 22, 9-11:30am

October-May: Meetings are 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month

● ADULTS (Men & Women)

NWI Singles of FaithTuesdays, 7-8:30 pm - Room 201Contact Sandy Reitsma [email protected] ministry welcomes single and

single again Christian adults. We seek to serve adults who are sin-gle, widowed or divorced who are looking for like-minded Christians to share their beliefs and values, growing in Christ. Meets weekly

Mini-ChurchesContact Anne at [email protected] you are looking to get connected at Faith Church, a Mini-Church is a great place to start. Stop by the Welcome Center and pick up a list of groups that are gathering or check out our Group Finder on the Faith Church website at: faithchurchonline.org/connect/mini-churches/join.

Highland Mini-ChurchSundays, 5 pmContact Rich Krooswyk at [email protected] discussion on the topic of the morning message.

One Marriage - Dyer CampusOne Night | One Clear Path [email protected] Marriage will be taking a break in September and will resume on Wednesday nights in October. Look for details on the Faith Church web-site and in future announcements.


Faith Students Jr. High 6th-8th grade (formerly Vida)Sundays, 6-8 pm Contact Larissa VanderPol at [email protected] us for food, fun, and learning plus once a month for a fun large group activity. Meets 2nd & 4th SundayFirst Meeting: TBA

Faith Students High School9th-12th Grade (formerly Encounter)Sundays, 6-8 pm-Youth House by Faith Highland. Contact Deanne at [email protected] activities, discussion and food. Meets 1st and 3rd SundayFirst Meeting: TBA


FriendshipTuesdays, 7 pm – Great RoomFriendship Ministry is a place where adults with special needs can gather to learn from God’s Word, sing songs, play games, eat snacks, and enjoy a great time of fellowship. All are invited to come join the community! Contact Vinnie at [email protected] or 219-864-0300 x197.

NA-The Grace Street Recovery Meeting of Narcotics AnonymousThursdays, 7-8:30 pm - Room 201Contact Rob Pettit at 219.381.6768This is an open meeting where all are welcome, but only members are encouraged to speak.

OA-Overeaters AnonymousFridays, 10-11:30 am - Room 101Contact Barb Russo at 219.742.3397Steps and Traditions study style with guest speakers every week.Meets weekly

Fresh HopeWednesdays, 7 pm This group is both for individuals who have a mental health challenge AND their loved ones (family mem-bers, close friends). For more infor-mation, visit: faithchurchonline.org/connect/care-ministry/mental-health or email [email protected].


Faith & Fitness ClassMon, Wed & Fri, 9-10 am-Great Room Contact Patty Oelberg at 312.699.7844Weight training for 50+Bring your own weights.$3 per session

Aerobic Class Mon, Wed & Fri, 10:15-11am- Meet in the Great RoomContact Karen at 219-616-0187


Preparing for Marriage Class(For engaged and seriously dating couples) Wednesdays, 7-9 pm - Dyer Campus (Sep 23 - Nov 11)Contact Gina at [email protected] at faithchurchonline.org/preparing-marriageCost is $50/couple (covers the cost of materials)

SCHERERVILLEWORSHIPThe Gym at Campagna Academy7403 Cline AvenueSchererville, IN 46375


Service TimeSunday, 10 am (through Sep 6)Sunday, 9&11 am beginning Sep 13

* Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request:[email protected]

Faith Kids Worship(Infant-5th Grade) Resumes Sunday, Sep 13, 9 & 11 am

Join us in the Community Cafe after each service for coffee and refreshments.

CONNECT● Adults (Men & Women)

Mini-ChurchesContact Anne at [email protected] you are looking to get connected at Faith Church, a Mini-Church is a great place to start. Stop by the Welcome Center and pick up a list of groups that are gathering or check out our Group Finder on the Faith Church website at: faithchurchonline.org/connect/mini-churches/join. One Marriage - Dyer CampusOne Night | One Clear Path [email protected] Marriage will be taking a break in September and will resume on Wednesday nights in October. Look for details on the Faith Church web-site and in future announcements.


Prayer MinistryContact Jan Krediet at [email protected] before and after each Sunday service in the Prayer Room located in the Worship Center.

Celebrate RecoveryTuesdays, 7 pmMeets in the Garage at Faith Dyer Fridays, 7 pmMeets at the Hammond Arts Center(5832 Hohman, Hammond, IN 46324)Meets weekly


1 year Anniversary Celebration!Sunday, Sep 13 after the 11 am service

Discovery Class Wednesday, Oct 21, 6-9 pmContact Bonnie [email protected] Discovery class is our mem-bership/inquirer class. This is an excellent way to learn about our core values, our church structure, and the Christian principles on which we are founded. Sign up and download the pre-class booklet from the home page of Faith’s website. Join date is Nov 15.

Preparing for Marriage Class(For engaged and seriously dating couples) Wednesdays, 7-9 pm - Dyer Campus (Sep 23 - Nov 11)Contact Gina at [email protected] at faithchurchonline.org/preparing-marriageCost is $50/couple (covers the cost of materials)

SERVETechnical Arts & Worship TeamLooking for a place to serve?We need you to help set up the gym at 4 pm on Saturdays. You’d serve once a month, giving an hour of your time on a Saturday night. We also need help tearing down after the 11 am service. This is a great way to make a difference! Our Worship team is also looking for instrumentalists and vocalists.To connect, contact Dee at [email protected] Faith KidsThe time you invest in a child’s life matters. Join us as we build relation-ships and have an eternal impact in the lives of God’s children this year.Sign ups and more information at faithchurchkids.org.

Free Garage SaleSaturday, Sep 26, 8 am-1 pmAs an outreach to single parents, Faith Schererville is sponsoring a free garage sale for single parents and the community. This will be a major outreach event into our com-munity as well as a way of helping those who need free clothing, toys, etc. Single parents will be allowed to shop from 8-10 am and open to the community from 10 am-1 pm. Over 100 volunteers are needed between Sep 23-26 for this event. Please call Pat at (219) 923-5001 if you are able to help.

VALPARAISOWORSHIP1155 S. Sturdy RoadValparaiso, IN 46383


Pre-Worship Prayer Huddle Everyone is invited to join us in the Prayer Room on Sundays at 9:30am to lift up our worship service, lead-ers, campus & region.

Service TimeSunday, 10 am

*Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request:[email protected]

Faith Kids Worship(Infant-5th Grade) Resumes Sunday, Sep 13 at 10 am

The Vine bookstore and Community Café are open before (9:30-10 am) and after the worship service.


Women’s Bible StudyTuesdays, 7 pm Contact Jana at [email protected] 1st & 3rd Tuesday MOPs Mothers of Preschoolers (Infant through Kindergarten)Thursday, Sep 24, 6-8 pmContact Kim at [email protected] twice a month


Men of FaithSaturdays, 7 am - Upstairs Adult ClassroomContact Bob at [email protected] where men can come together to pray, read God’s Word, and journey through life’s struggles and celebrations together. Meets weekly

● ADULTS (Men & Women)

Mini-ChurchesContact Anne at [email protected] you are looking to get connected at Faith Church, a Mini-Church is a great place to start. Stop by the Welcome Center and pick up a list of groups that are gathering or check out our Group Finder on the Faith Church website at: faithchurchonline.org/connect/mini-churches/join.

One Marriage - Dyer CampusOne Night | One Clear Path [email protected] Marriage will be taking a break in September and will resume on Wednesday nights in October. Look for details on the Faith Church web-site and in future announcements.


Contact Eric at [email protected] the weekend program for upcoming events.


Reflectors Ministry Sundays, 10 amContact Brent at [email protected] Worship buddies and prayer partners are available to help make church more accessible to those with special needs and their caregivers. Please contact us if you know of anyone who could be bless-ed by this ministry or if you have an interest in serving in this capacity. Meets 2nd & 4th Sunday

Friendship Groups Thursdays, 6:30-8 pmContact Brent Bowgren [email protected] will resume in late Septem-ber. Watch the weekend program for details. You can also check the Faith’s website at faithchurchonline.org/connect/adult/special needs. When a new schedule is available, it will be posted here.


First Sunday Lunch - Watch the weekend program for specific details regarding the September date.

Mark Your Calendar for next month: First Sunday Lunch will be on Sun-day, Oct 4 downstairs following the worship service. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

Discovery ClassOur next Discovery Class will be Sunday, Sep 27, 7-9 pm. Join date will be Nov 15. Details to come.

SERVEFaith Kids The time you invest in a child’s life matters. Join us as we build relation-ships and have an eternal impact in the lives of God’s children this year. Sign ups & more information at faithchurchkids.org, at the Welcome Center, or contact Jaime at [email protected] or Ami [email protected].

Open Arms Women’s ShelterVolunteers are needed for the winter months on Wednesday evenings. See Pastor Brad for shift times and additional information or visit openarmsvalpo.org.

Other serving teams looking for ad-ditional help include:

Technical Arts Frontline Prayer Team The Vine bookstore

If interested in serving in any of these areas, go to the Welcome Center for more information or contact Pastor Brad at [email protected].

www.faithchurchonline.org | 219-864-0300

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Watch live each sunday morning at 9 am or watch previous worship services any time.

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