The Paper | May/June/July Issue 3 Vol 3

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Everything you need to know about worship, connecting and serving at Faith Church.

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Content deadline is due the 7th of each month for the next issue. Submit to: [email protected]

Who are The Kowalisyn’s?

Reach Project Update

A Time For Everything


Café Mercy

Are You One?

Faith Santo Domingo Update


Cedar Lake




















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Whether you’ve been attending Faith Church for a long time or you are a first time visitor, THE PAPER is here to help! Being a part of this church family is a partnership in growth, so we encourage you to be involved in 3 ways:




Gather with others to listen to a message from God’s Word, sing, pray and lift up the name of Jesus. Attend a service at one of our campuses. Faith Kids (infants-5th grade) is a safe place where kids can worship Jesus at their level. Don’t miss the opportunity to gather with others and worship each week. Invite a friend.

Being a follower of Jesus was never meant to be done alone. Sole-ranger Christianity usually means discouragement and failure. God has provided a better way- Biblical community. Community keeps us encouraged, helps us build meaningful friendships, and most importantly, helps us grow as Christians. This can be through a Mini-Church, Bible Study or Serving Team. No matter what your age, God does not intend for you to walk through life alone. Be real. Be known.

Join a weekend Serving Team at one of our campuses, serve in your neighborhood or around the world! God has gifted each of us to do something special. Discover the joy of serving.

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Amelia & Joseph Kowalisyn


Valparaiso, Indiana


I have seen God bring so many connections through our church – especially in our lives. We have seen such strength and support through the friendships we have been blessed with through our campus. We hold each other up, we pray together, and we are there for each other. It truly is a family at Faith Valpo. We have also seen God strengthen our faith in a way we had never imagined. From the first day we walked through those doors, we felt moved and, even through our grief, God’s Word has brought so much comfort and hope toour lives.


We always enjoy Pastor Brad’s teachings, which is what drew us in initially. His words have always spoken to our hearts on such a deep level. The music is also such a big part of our connection to the Word of God and what we love so much about Faith Church.


My husband is part of a men’s group; I am part of a women’s prayer group. We serve on an outreach advisory committee for our church, and I also serve through bringing mothers in our church and community together for weekly playdates at our Valpo campus.


We truly feel as though we have gained a family through Faith Valpo. The love and support they have shown us has been incredible. We have made such wonderful friendships that we treasure and are so grateful to have in our lives.


I have seen God help mend our hearts, we have seen Him mend our relationship after the impact that losing a child takes on a marriage, and we have seen God bring us hope, love, and support from our church family that we could have never imagined was possible.


We are very thankful for what Faith Church has brought to our lives and especially for Pastor Brad. He is very dedicated to his congregation and showed us such love and support during our darkest hours. Pastor Brad didn’t know us when we called him after our twins were born and in the NICU, yet he came straight to the hospital, prayed with us and over our children. He drove to Indianapolis and baptized our daughter, and he supported us when we were lost. He was the person who performed our daughter’s funeral and later welcomed us into the church with open arms as members the day our son was baptized. To us, he is family and will always hold a special place in our hearts. We are also so thankful for the guidance and encouragement we have received from our Faith family. They are our biggest cheerleaders when it comes to our non-profit, Emma’s Footprints. They have helped guide us as we grow our faith. We look forward to every Sunday when we get to worship with our Faith Family.

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For those among us who are gardeners, we are itching to get our hands in the ground. It’s almost time to plant the seeds which will yield beautiful flowers and abundant veggies in just a few months. We plant, then we wait.

By investing in the REACH project, you’ve planted and waited, and now those sprouts are beginning to show themselves. Because of your faithfulness, God is showing us some very good fruit.Among other projects, the REACH project provided for the completion of an upgrade to the Dyer Worship Center and a new Cedar Lake campus - which is exploding in growth.

In Dyer, an expanded stage allows more people to serve out of their musical gifts each week. Old carpeting and chairs were replaced, providing needed chairs for the Cedar Lake and Hammond campuses. The old standard definition system was replaced with a new high definition system that serves the Dyer Worship Center, Atrium, Multisite video systems and the live web stream.

The Cedar Lake campus finally has a home after eight different locations in eight years, developing a “mobile and agile congregation.” Before moving into the new building at 6729 West 133rd Avenue, the average attendance was about 350. Since the late February opening, they are averaging 700 on Sundays – with 800 on Easter. Numbers of kids have doubled and an active Reflectors ministry has begun. Parking is already an issue with serving teams parking at welcoming local businesses.

While Campus Pastor Dave Weemhoff is thankful for the new facility and the end of weekly set up and tear down, he says, “It’s not about the building. The building is more like an airport – a place to refuel for our destinations outside the church walls.”

Thank you for your investment in the REACH project. God is transforming lives one at a time through the various ministries of Faith Church. And He gets all the glory for His amazing work!



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Register at Faithchurchonline.org /calendar of events(Registration opens 2-weeks prior to this event)

Any questions contact Beth at [email protected]

Tuesday, August 96:30 - 8:30 pm in Faithful Grounds at Faith Dyer

Artist: Jan Krediet | Cost: $25(includes coffee, snacks & supplies for a finished product)








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How will you embrace your grander vision?














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Lisa Harper

Register at faithchurchonline.org /calendar of eventsAny questions contact Beth at [email protected]

Sat, May 149-11 am in Faithful Grounds at Faith Dyer

Artist: Jessica Smit

Cost: $15(includes cocoa, snacks and supplies for a

finished product)

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“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance” - Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4

As recent as 1994, this tension came to a head when an airplane carrying the President of Rwanda was shot down sparking widespread violence. The mass slaughter of Tutsis and moderate Hutus, ensued by the Hutu majority, left a nation broken. An estimated 800,000 people were murdered in 100 days leaving countless children orphaned. The Rwandan genocide is said to be one of the heaviest moments of our time.

Consequently, World Vision, one of the largest Christian humanitarian organizations, stepped in to help restore Rwanda. Though a small country, there was much work to do. With Jesus Christ as their model, World Vison cares for the poor and oppressed and protects children, widows and orphans. They also listen and work with the indigenous people to help them help themselves. The goal for Rwanda: water, healthcare, education, microfinancing, grief counseling, bringing the Good News of forgiveness and restoration through Jesus and making the church strong…one county at a time.

STEP INTO AFRICA Fast forward to 2007… World Vision asked Faith Church to host Step Into Africa. The Dyer atrium was transformed into an exhibit that enabled people to walk through a day in the life of an African child. This was a monumental turning point for Faith Church. Hearts were broken and eyes were opened. We were faced with the burden of what to do with the information we learned from the experience. The need was great, and the circumstances overwhelming- no water, no education, the AIDS epidemic, child-headed households, no source of income, little to eat and no medical care. How could Faith Church be part of the solution to bring the physical and spiritual needs together to help the people of Africa?

Our journey to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the people of Africa, and particularly in Rwanda, began when World Vision then asked us to consider a partnership commitment with them to help the people of Karaba, a community in Rwanda. Shortly thereafter, Team World Vision asked us to partner with them as well to run for clean water in Africa, a perfect avenue for Faith Church to make a difference. This, along with child sponsorships, has led our involvement, and there is no denying that our partnership with World Vision has made an impact.

A TIME TO LAUGH, A TIME TO DANCE Child sponsorship is the center of community transformation. World Vision’s decades of experience have proven that the most effective way to help a child is to strengthen the child’s entire community. Thus, every child registered, sponsored or not, benefits from this program. Sponsorship funds for children in the same community are combined and distributed to all children and families within that community to provide water, food, healthcare, education and clothing. To date, Faith Church has sponsored 727 children (not all from Rwanda) and 95 children in crisis (mostly refugees) totaling 822 children.Since 2007, through our partnership with World Vision & Team World Vision, Faith Church has also:

• Raised over $568,000 for clean water by running in half and full marathons

• Raised over $21,000 through Kid Team Rwanda, our kids’ version of Team World Vision

• Promoted child sponsorship and raised approximately $300,000 via Pastor Bob’s Hood to Coast team run in Oregon and his run in Rwanda

• Hosted the walk-through experiences, Kisango Trek at the Valpo campus and the World Vision Experience at the Dyer campus, to raise awareness of countries in crisis

• Provided over 100 people an education in entrepreneurship, 200 people training in child rights and protection, training for over 70 in trauma, grief and forgiveness counseling

• Provided housing, skills and training for child-headed households

• Donated $1,550 to provide solar lights so children can do their homework at night after completing their chores

• Raised over $17,500 through the sale of Rwandan baskets, jewelry and purses to support microfinancing

• Supported the distribution of thousands of Bibles

We have also supported the initiation of Community HIV/AIDS Education programs that provide training for individuals caring for those with HIV/AIDS. And we have assembled many caregiver kits! This is an amazing ministry. Individuals caring for those with HIV/AIDS receive supplies provided by the kits and walk for miles to visit their patients, many who are alone with no one to care for them. Patients are washed, fed, teeth brushed, hair combed and made as comfortable as possible. Once the physical needs are met, the caregiver ministers and prays with them. Faith Church has assembled and provided caregivers with 4,776 supply kits, including a note of encouragement, and caregivers often tuck these notes into their clothing as a reminder that someone is praying for them.

WE HAVE SO MUCH TO CELEBRATE! As I review how much you, Faith Church, have invested in Karaba, I have to pause and say thank you. I am in awe and truly humbled to be part of this endeavor and in all we do, to God be the Glory. I believe that God is with the poor, the oppressed, the widows and orphans, and we are blessed to be able to be a part of this. Thank you, Faith Church, for being all in!


Our partnership with World Vision does not end with Karaba. The goal for all ADPs (area development programs) is to assist community leaders to become self-sufficient and empowered to thrive. After a number of years, World Vision may transition out, and as Karaba has met all the benchmarks set before them, now is the time. Over the course of the next year, Faith Church, along with World Vision, will start the exit plan. This is truly a time of celebration, but the post-genocide work in Rwanda is not complete.

As we prepare to leave Karaba, we look to Simbi, another county in Rwanda that is impoverished. Again, there is much to do there. I would like to invite those who did not have the opportunity to join us in the Karaba transformation to please join us in prayer and in action as we move to Simbi. Let your heart be broken. Let God move you. You will be blessed.

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Child Sponsor Meeting, May 21/22 following services. If you sponsor a child in Karaba, Rwanda with World Vision, plan to join us for a brief gathering immediately after services to hear more about how the World Vision transitionout of Karaba will affect our sponsorships!


Join us to pack the World Vision Promise Packs, Sunday May 22 at 2:30 in the Atrium at Faith Dyer, all ages welcome!


Join Faith Church in running for clean water in Simbi! Sign up today for the ½ marathon or full marathon. Register at www.faithchurchonline.org

• Chicago Half Marathon – September 25, 2016 • Chicago Marathon – October 9, 2016


Pray for the team from Faith Church serving at Joni and Friends Family Camp June 12-17! Each of the volunteers from Faith Church will be paired up with someone with special needs for the week to serve, worship, and have fun together! Pray for their relationships, for energy, and for God to reveal himself in new ways, to our team and to those attending the camp!


Interested in serving internationally? Consider joining us for one of our upcoming global serving opportunities in Haiti! God’s Littlest Angels is an orphanage just outside Port a Prince, Haiti which cares for around 100 children ranging from newborn to 10 years old. GLA employs nannies who handle the basic care of all the children, but there is still great need for one on one individual care for the children. This is where volunteers can help. This could be a life-changing week for you as we meet, serve, and love our brothers and sisters in Haiti!

Details & Sign up at: www.faithchurchonline.org


• August 1-8, 2016 • September 19-26, 2016 • October 31 – November 7, 2016

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At the end of February, through Faith Church I had the opportunity to travel to Macedonia to help with the refugee crisis that is happening throughout Eastern Europe. Although I had seen things on the news and read newspaper articles about this crisis, I was not sure of what to expect. When Tony Burrell, the director of The Welcome Network, and I arrived we met with Jeff Lee who started Café Mercy. Jeff helped to set the stage for what to expect. Café Mercy is where volunteers pass out hot tea, fruit, and clothing to refugees that are passing through Tabanovce on the northern boarder of Macedonia into Serbia. The refugees are fleeing from their hometowns where I heard stories of rebel forces and ISIS taking over homes and forcing whole families to leave at gunpoint. Many families that were traveling set their sights on Germany who has offered refugee status to people from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The journeys are long and filled with many dangers, from sailing on rough winter waters of the Aegean Sea from Turkey to Greece in small and cramped boats, to figuring out which trains to ride and who to trust. The work at the refugee camp was a rewarding challenge. We acted as a welcoming team, helping people to get a little warmth and feel a little dignity as they traveled on their journey towards a better future. We served hot tea and fruit and passed out the hats and scarves. Other organizations provide medical attention, hot meals, and counseling for women and children. After serving the people, we had chances to walk around and talk with the refugees. Many of their stories were heart breaking to hear. Yet, when I asked if I could pray with them, they were very glad to have me do that! They know and understand the power of prayer. God is doing a mighty work! Many people have been praying that the Gospel would reach the Middle East. God, has answered our prayers, by bringing these refugees to places where they will be much more likely to hear the Gospel, even through their journeys pacing through refugee camps where Christians volunteer and offer a cool glass of water. This was an incredible experience and a chance to help out with the worst refugee crisis since WWII. I was honored to be able to go on this trip and even more honored to have the chance to help plant the seeds of the Gospel in these sojourners hearts.


By Michael Hooker

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You are “one” individual with dreams and disappointments. No one else on the planet – for eternity past or future – is just like the “one” you are.

If you attended Faith Church for a 2016 Easter service, you were “one” of more than 6,000 “ones” who came.

Where are we today?

If you know the story of Faith Church, you know the 1990s brought an awakening from the Lord. That’s when the gathering of about 275 “ones” decided to be more than another church on another corner with little differentiation. They decided to “reach the disconnected and grow the connected.”

With that mission guiding decisions large and small, God answered prayer. The church experienced a turnaround, or a U-Turn, and the church moved into full-fledged growth mode. Today, Faith Church serves seven locations around Northwest Indiana and the South Chicago area, plus one in the Dominican Republic.

Two decades have passed since that amazing U-Turn, and it was time to re-evaluate. “We brought in some friends to help, and we soon realized there was more work to be done than simply updating our look,” says Senior Pastor Bob Bouwer. Some of The REACH project provided funds allowed for this important work.What began as an update, may end up as a second U-Turn in the Faith Church story.

“We soon realized there was more work to be done than

simply updating our look and logo.”

Senior Pastor Bob Bouwer

The group wrestled with hard questions about how God is leading our Faith Church community. It was good work - it was hard work.

The result? Our mission remains clear – to reach the disconnected and grow the connected. But our focus needed to be refined. We needed a clear path for this next chapter in the life of Faith Church.

A fresh focus “Restoring the world, one relationship at a time” reflects our core of valuing each “one.” It’s exciting to hear that more than 6,000 attended a 2016 Easter service. But isn’t it even more exciting for us to invest in, care for and see God’s work in each of those 6,000 “ones?”

There are people in your life who don’t know Jesus – and you may be the only link to Him. Are you ready to accept the challenge of letting God work through you to “restore the world, one relationship at a time?”

What would it look like if each of us viewed the people in our neighborhoods and places of work or school - our worlds - as God sees them? What if we were committed to loving each one and caring for each “one”?

God uses us, His people, to reach the world. Faith Church will continue to provide tools to help us grow as evangelists and disciple-makers. But Faith Church as a whole cannot reach your family, friends and neighbors. God has chosen to use you for this important work.

Are you willing to become part of this God-sized vision? Restoring the world, one relationship at a time.

Be sure to watch for changes in the website, our signage and logo (new items like mugs and shirts will be available at The Vine). But even more, let’s watch for changes in ourselves as God works out this new focus in each of our lives.


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MAYBook Club - May 23 @ 6:30 pm - $10Water from My Heart by Charles MartinFor more information contact the Vine bookstore [email protected]

Stop by the Vine or visit our Facebook page for upcoming summer sales and events.

Our hours are: Tuesday: 9am-3pm, 6-8pm Wednesday: 9am-3pm Thursday: 9am-3pm Saturday: 5:30-7:30pm Sunday: 8:30am-12:30pm

(The Vine will be closed June 27-July 1)








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Summer Worship Schedule:Infant through completed Kindergarten(1st - 5th graders should join worship in big church)

May 28/29 - holiday weekend June 4/5 June 11/12 June 18/19 June 25/26 July 2/3 – holiday weekend July 9/10 July 16/17 July 23/24 July 30/31 Aug 6/7 Aug 13/14 Aug 20/21 Aug 27/28 Sep 3/4 - holiday weekend

For holiday weekends, check your campus web page for Faith Kids Nursery only

(infant-2 yrs) availability

Attention All Students! Join us as a Counselor-in-Training (CIT) with SpringHill Day Camp & impact the lives of kids for a week this summer. Build relationships and learn the ropes of being a Camp Counselor!

(Minimum age requirement is 14 years old)

For additional information, contact your Faith Students Leader or check out the information packet at:faithchurchstudents.com

Summer Serve OpportunityJoin the fun in Faith Kids & experience Jesus through a child’s eyes this summer!

Who: Anyone from 6th grade to 106 years oldWhen: You pick the Summer Weekend ServiceWhere: you pick the Campus & specific age groupHow: Sign up to serve at [faithchurchkids.org].

*Age Groups: • infants through 2 years old • 3 year olds through completed Kindergarten

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FAITH SANTO DOMINGO UPDATEMy wife, Ylva, and I along with a group of passionate servant-leaders continue to serve with joy in a myriad of ways in the Santo Domingo area. We continue to engage in mission work with children and youth at a community center, through our weekly radio program and outreach events. More and more people are connecting with us through social media, and many have also visited us for worship and have expressed great interest in joining a small group.

On February 27, we began serving boys ages 10-17 in the El Claret community, and we are now engaged on a weekly basis there, sharing the love of Christ and attempting to address their physical needs as well. We are serving about 40 boys and girls in this community. Just recently we have been granted permission to enter a local school and engage with 5th and 6th graders on a weekly basis; part of our efforts here will be starting an arts program with the assistance of talented individuals.

Besides engaging in street evangelism, we also hold ‘house services’ for newcomers to our church; we average 3 home services per month. As of April 16, Ylva and I host 9 couples from the church on a bi-monthly basis as a means for not only casting vision and engaging them to lead a small group on their own but also to bless their marriages. I also continue to disciple 2-3 men every week in small group gatherings. We are building the capacity level to launch at least 3 additional small groups by May, and about a dozen people are currently learning and being equipped for ministry opportunities.

We are eager to “reach the disconnected, and grow the connected” so please pray for the peace of this city, for more people to join our community of faith, and for a greater number of servant-leaders to help us engage in mission, serve in various capacities but especially to lead small groups.

We thank God for FC’s generosity, Kingdom-mindedness & partnership in the Gospel!

Pastor David Mojica

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BEECHERWORSHIP201 E. Church RoadBeecher, IL 60401


Service Times: Sun, 9 & 11 am

*Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: [email protected]

Faith Kids Worship(Infant-5th Grade) Sun, 9 & 11 am

The Vine bookstore is open after all weekend services.

Want to serve? Want to be connected? Have prayer needs? Need more information about Faith-Beecher or any classes/events? Complete the tear-off portion of the weekend program and submit it to the Welcome & Hospitality Center.


Women’s Bible Study Wednesdays, 7pmContact Leanne at [email protected] Book of Ruth - Final meeting is May 11Will resume this fall - watch for details MOPs Mothers of Preschoolers(Infant through Kindergarten)Thursdays, 9-11amContact Katie or Rachel at [email protected] meeting is May 12 Will resume this fall - watch for details

Stitchin’ SistersTuesdays, 9:30amContact Marietta Koster at 708.258.6450Final meeting is May 3.Will resume this fall - watch for details.

● MEN Men’s Bible Study (Plug/Hofstra)Thursdays, 7pm - May 5 & 19 Contact John at [email protected] Peter – “Survival in Today’s World”Note: The 1st & 3rd Thurs datesUpcoming Group Event: Overnight trip in August – See The Ark, latest addition to the Creation MuseumContact Bob at 708.257.7772

Outdoorsmen Mini-ChurchSundays, 5pm – Meet at ChurchMay 1 & July 10 Contact John at [email protected] or Jeff at bro_ [email protected] Group Event:Saturday, June 4 - Fishing derby and picnic


Mini-ChurchesContact Anne at [email protected], Grow and ConnectReaching out to join a Mini Church is a great way to connect with others. Connecting with others growing in your walk with Jesus is God’s plan. Start your journey to Community by simply visiting the Faith Church website at: www.Faithchurchonline.org/connect/mini-churches/join.

Marriage Ministry Groups Contact Gina [email protected] Marriage Ministry is available for you to get connected as a couple! “Preparing for Marriage” classes are available twice per year. Check out Faithchurchonline.org for more information. Marriage Enrichment will resume this fall - watch for details. ● STUDENTS

Faith Beecher Students(6th-12th grade)Fridays, 6-8:30pmContact Heidi at [email protected] meeting for the season – May 20Current 5th graders are encouraged to join us! Will resume in the fall-watch for details.

Faith Students Volume NightFriday, July 15, 6-9pm - Faith DyerVOLUME NIGHT is an event for stu-dents entering 7th- 12th grade from every campus of Faith Church. It’ll be an opportunity to have a lot of fun, hang out with old friends, connect with some new ones, and experience what it’s like to worship Jesus along-side hundreds of your fellow teenag-ers. This is a FREE EVENT.


Faith Family Market Thursdays, 6-7 pm(No appointment needed)Contact Stephanie at

[email protected] Specific FFM donations needed are located by the shopping cart in theentryway. Contact Stephanie if you are interested in being a part of the FFM team. Open 1st & 3rd Thursday


Discover Faith/Partner with FaithContact Leanne at [email protected] you interested in learning more about Faith or becoming a member? Sign up for the following classes:

Discover Faith (Class #1 - Inquirer’s Class) Will be offered again in September

Partner with Faith class*(Class #2 – Membership Class) Wednesday, May 18, 7-9:30pm

*Note: Both classes are required for membership; Discover Faith is a pre-requisite for attending this class.

SpringHill Day CampMonday-Friday, July 11-15 (9am-4pm Daily)Location: Beecher Junior High SchoolAges: Completed Kdg – 4th gradeCost: $189, scholarships & sibling discounts available.Five fun-filled days of camp include small group Bible teachings and exciting large group activities. SpringHill’s trained counselors encourage children to grow emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Additional information can be found at faithchurchkids.org. Registration closes July 3.

SpringHill Day Camp Volunteers and Sponsors NeededAs we once again partner with Spring-Hill to offer a week-long unforgettable camp experience for local children, we need help from our Faith-Beecher fami-ly. Please pray about sponsoring a child or volunteering in some way: • Medical Volunteers• Host Homes• Monday Morning Registration Help• Activity Help• Teen CIT (Counselor-in-Training)

If you are willing to volunteer, contact us at [email protected] or Diane Carson at: [email protected]

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CEDAR LAKEWORSHIP6729 W. 133rd AveCedar Lake, IN 46303


Office Hours:Tuesday & Thursday: 8:30 am – 4:00 pmFriday: 8:30 am - Noon Service Times: Sun, 9 & 11 am

*Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: [email protected]

Faith Kids Worship(Infant-5th Grade) Sun, 9 & 11 am

Reflectors Worship (Disability Ministry) Sun, 11 am


Bible/Book Study – Armor of God by Priscila ShirerTuesdays through June 28, 7pmContact Karla at [email protected] enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you. If you’re tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesday

Moms in the Middle(Moms with school-aged children)Thursdays, 6:30 pm Contact Angela at [email protected] Meets 2nd & 4th ThursdayFinal meeting May 12Will resume in the fall watch for details


Bible Study Saturdays, 6:30-8:30 am Contact Greg at [email protected] weekly

Bible/Book Study -When Life Gets Hard by James MacDonaldWednesdays, 6:30 pm Contact Matt [email protected] 2nd & 4th Wednesday ● ADULTS (MEN & WOMEN)

Mini-ChurchesContact Anne at [email protected], Grow and ConnectReaching out to join a Mini Church is a great way to connect with others. Connecting with others growing in your walk with Jesus is God’s plan. Start your journey to Community by simply visiting the Faith Church website at: www.faithchurchonline.org/connect/mini-churches/join.

Marriage Ministry Groups Contact Gina [email protected] Marriage Ministry is available for you to get connected as a couple! “Preparing for Marriage” classes are available twice per year. Check out Faithchurchonline.org for more information. Marriage Enrichment will resume on Wednedays in the fall.


Faith Cedar Lake Students (6th-12th grade)Wednesdays, 6:30-8 pm Contact Jason at [email protected] weekly

For information on Faith Students-Cedar Lake summer activities, visit us on the web, Facebook, Instagram:

Stay connected with us via: Faithchurchstudents.comFacebook.com/studentsCLInstagram: @FaithStudentsCLFor text updates, send the message @fclyouth to 81010

Faith Students VOLUME NIGHTFriday, July 15, 6-9pm - Faith DyerVolume Night is an event for students entering 7th- 12th grade from every campus of Faith Church. It’ll be an opportunity to have a lot of fun, hang out with old friends, connect with

some new ones, and experience what it’s like to worship Jesus alongside hundreds of your fellow teenagers.


Faith Family Market, Mondays, 10 am-noon (closed the 5th Monday)Contact Beckie at [email protected] you’re looking for a great place to serve the community and you’re available on Monday mornings, the Family Market team is a great place to start. We are looking for some extra hands to love the community.

Reflectors MinistrySundays, 11 am Contact Ronda at [email protected] ministry exists to help people with any disability grow in their relationship with Jesus at their own level and to be enfolded into the church community. Kids Worship buddies and prayer partners are available to help make church more accessible to them and their caregivers. Please contact us if you know of anyone who could be blessed by this ministry or if you have an interest in serving in this capacity.


Discover Faith/Partner with FaithContact Sue at [email protected] you interested in learning more about Faith or becoming a member? Sign up for the following classes:

Discover Faith (Class #1 - Inquirer’s Class) Watch for next class date in the fall

Partner with Faith class*(Class #2 – Membership Class) Tuesday, May 17, 7-9:30pm

*Note: Both classes are required for membership; Discover Faith is a pre-requisite for attending this class.

SERVEGIVE ‘EM A BREAK! Our Faith Kids volunteers work diligently all year, serving in our Kid’s Ministry. We are looking for parents to help support Faith Kids by doing a one-time serve

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during the summer months. This will allow our “regulars” to have a much deserved break so they can return refreshed in the fall. Please contact Ronda at [email protected] you can help!

Free LunchA free lunch is served in the Lower Level Community Center on the last Saturday of the month. If your mini-church or group of friends is interested in helping, contact Dawn Wester at [email protected]

Bless Our Community Get ready to impact the Cedar Lake community for Christ! Men of Faith is looking for MEN AND WOMEN to help meet the needs and serve those in our community. Can you help with small repair work, painting, deep cleaning, etc.? Meet on the last Saturday of each month from 8:30am – noon. Contact Greg at [email protected] with any questions.

There are many ways to get involved at Faith Cedar Lake! Contact the following ministry leaders for more information or if you’d like to serve on one of these teams!

•Summer Faith Kids

(infant-completed Kdg): [email protected]

•Faith Students (6th – 12th grade): [email protected]

•Mom’s Nation (MOPs/Moms in the Middle): [email protected]

•Frontline team (includes greeters, welcome center, golf cart, coffee service & The Vine): [email protected]

•Prayer Team: [email protected]

•Technical Arts or Worship Team: [email protected]

•Faith Family Market: [email protected]

•Security: [email protected]

•Card Ministry: [email protected]

•Saturday Lunch: [email protected]

BEECHER: morning MOPS group available and Moms in the Middle launching this fall (morning/evening TBD)

CEDAR LAKE: Moms in the Middle group available and MOPS re-launching this fall (morning/evening TBD)

DYER: morning MOPS, evening MOPS, morning Moms in the Middle, and evening Moms of Empty Nests groups available

HIGHLAND: morning MOPS group available

VALPO: morning “moms” group launching this fall

(Visit momsnation.org for more info or to pre-register.)


Make the MOST of your MomsNation participation! Develop lasting rela-

tionships, serve the Lord, and sharpen your spiritual giftings. We want YOU

on a serving team! Need more information before committing?

Visit momsnation.org for descriptions of all available serving positions or complete an application to serve

(upper right hand corner of momsnation.org webpage).

Page 24: The Paper | May/June/July Issue 3 Vol 3

WORSHIP100 81st Avenue | Dyer, IN 46311


Service TimesSat, 6 pm & Sun, 9 & 11 am

*Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request:[email protected]

Faith Kids Worship(Infant-5th Grade) Sat, 6 pm & Sun, 9 & 11 am

Reflectors Worship (Disability Ministry) Sun, 11 am

The Vine bookstore and Faithful Grounds Coffee Shop are open before and after all weekend services.


Women’s Bible Studies

Love God Greatly Monday, 9 am - Rm 144 Contact Liz at [email protected] Final meeting is May 16Will resume this fall - watch for details

Believing Jesus by Lisa HarperThursday, 7 pm - Rm 144Contact Rose [email protected] meeting is May 5

Card Connection Thursday, 6:30 pm - Rm 141Contact [email protected] the last Thursday of the monthto make cards for the Faith Church family.

Courageous Love Monday, 7 pm - Garage Prayer RmContact Karyn at [email protected] confidential ministry provides love, encouragement, support and hope to moms of LGBT children.Final meeting was April 18. Will resume this fall - watch for details

Faith Stitchers Thursday, 1-4 pm - Room 140/141Contact Carol at 708.367.0283We knit & crochet for those in need.All are welcome.Final meeting is May 12. Will resume this fall - watch for details


MOPS Mothers of Preschoolers (Infant-Kindergarten)

*Visit Faithchurchonline.org/con-nect/adult/momsnation for exact dates for each group.

Thursday Morning MOPS9 am - AtriumContact Lauren at [email protected] twice per monthFinal meeting May 5Will resume this fall - watch for details Friday Morning MOPS9 am - AtriumContact Lauren [email protected] twice per monthFinal meeting May 6Will resume this fall - watch for details

Evening MOPS6:30 pm - Room 144/145Contact Cherilyn [email protected] twice per monthFinal meeting May 19Will resume this fall - watch for details

Moms in the Middle (MITM) (Moms with 1st-12th graders) Tuesdays, 9:30 am - Room 144/145Contact Christy [email protected] twice per monthFinal meeting May 10Will resume this fall - watch for details

Moms of Empty Nests (Moms with late high school to adult children)Mondays, 6:30 pm - Room 144/145Contact Debbie [email protected] twice per monthFinal meeting May 2Will resume this fall - watch for details


Prayer GroupWednesdays, 8 am - Prayer RoomThis Men’s Prayer Group meets weekly to fellowship and pray for the cares and concerns of the Faith family.

Men’s Bible StudySaturdays, 6:30 am - The Garage Contact Dante at [email protected] 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Saturday

● ADULTS (Men & Women)

ChoirContact Jen [email protected] resume this fall - watch for details Young Adults (18-30 something)Contact Jenise at [email protected] love being in community! Keep up with everything we are doing togeth-er: facebook.com/catalystfaithInterested in being connected in a mini-church for 18-30 somethings? Contact Jenise at email above.

NWI Singles of Faith Thursdays, 7-9 pm West AtriumContact Sandy Reitsma [email protected]

Marriage Ministry Groups Contact Gina [email protected] Marriage ministry is available for you to get connected as a couple! “Preparing for Marriage” classes are available twice per year. In need of Repair? Check out faithchurchonline.org for more information. Marriage En-richment will resume on Wednesdays in the fall. Watch for details.

Mini-ChurchesContact Anne at [email protected], Grow and ConnectReaching out to join a Mini Church is a great way to connect with others. Connecting with others growing in your walk with Jesus is God’s plan. Start your journey to Community by simply visiting


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Divorce CareTuesdays, 7 pm - Clubhouse RoomContact Charlie at 219.374.6041Meets weeklyFinal meeting is June 15Will resume this fall - watch for details Faith Family MarketSundays, 8:45 am-12 noonRoom 128Contact Kelly at [email protected] Market provides assistance to those who have grocery needs. We ask that you shop & receive care before the 11 am service. You may stop and pick up your groceries after the service. Market closes at noon.Open the 2nd & 4th Sunday

ReflectorsSundays, 11 am-12 noonRooms 140-146These classrooms function similar to a Special Education Classroom. Typ-ical elements include: modified Bible lessons, crafts, games, singing, and other interactive activities.Contact Vinnie at [email protected] Room 140/141 Children ages 3-12

Room 142-144 & 146 Teens/Adults (ages 13 & up)

Room 145 - Quiet Family Space is available during weekend services at Dyer. The service is streamed live through a television in a secluded living room available for families with special needs members that need a quiet, private space to worship.

Reflectors Respite Program Friday, May 13, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pmSaturday, Jun 11, 9 am - 12 noonFriday, Jul 8, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pmThis is a 3-hour program of fun activ-ities for individuals with special needs of all ages (and their siblings). RSVP online at reflectorsministry.org

Reflectors Parent Support GroupSaturday, Jun 11, 9:15 am - 10:30 amSpeaker will be June Hoops, the Transitions Specialist at Elim Christian School. RSVP online at reflectorsministry.org

“Reflectors Got Talent”Friday, May 6, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmFor our 2nd social night of the year, we will be hosting a talent show for individuals with special needs at Faith Dyer. Pizza at 6:30, promptly followed by the talent show at 7pm. To partic-

ipate (and/or attend), please sign-up online at reflectorsministry.org or call Luanne at (219) 864-0300 ext 187.

Mission Trip / Serving OpportunityJoni & Friends Family RetreatJune 12-17 / Cost is $470Contact Vinnie at [email protected] or (219)864-0300 ext 197.For the 4th summer in a row in the middle of June, Faith Church will be sending a team to Muskegon, MI to serve families affected by disability at Joni & Friends Family Retreat. It’s a remarkable week of retreat and com-munity for the families that attend, and it’s an amazing experience for all who are part of it!

Fresh HopeWednesdays, 7-8:30 pmMeets at the Highland CampusFresh Hope is our Mental Health Support Group. This group is both for individuals who have a mental health challenge AND their loved ones (fam-ily members, close friends). For more information, visit: Faithchurchonline.org/connect/ care-ministry/mental-health or email [email protected]


12.1 Running ClubSaturdays, 7amErie Lackawanna Trail, Highland, INOn Kennedy, under Ridge RoadContact Louie & Mary [email protected] Weekly

Pass It On HockeySundays, 6:50 am atHomewood-Flossmoor Ice ArenaContact Carl [email protected] of all ages welcome. Meets weeklyWill resume this fall - watch for details


Discover Faith | Partner with FaithContact Bonnie [email protected] have been made to the membership pathway. Both classes are required for membership. The following classes will be held at Faith Dyer in the coming months:

Discover Faith (Class #1 - Inquirer’s class)Will be offered again in September

the Faith Church website at: www.faithchurchonline.org/connect/mini-churches/join.


Middle School (6th-8th grade)Wednesdays, 6:30 pm - The GarageContact John at [email protected] weeklyFinal meeting is May 18Will resume this fall - watch for details High School (9th-12th grade) Sundays, 6-8:30 pm - The Garage Contact Tory [email protected] weeklyNo meeting on May 8 (Mother’s Day) Final meeting is June 12Will resume this fall on August 21

Faith Students Volume NightFriday, July 15, 6-9pm - Faith DyerVOLUME NIGHT is an event for students entering 7th- 12th grade from every campus of Faith Church. It’ll be an opportunity to have a lot of fun, hang out with old friends, connect with some new ones, and experience what it’s like to worship Jesus alongside hundreds of your fellow teenagers.


Our HopeTuesdays, 7-9 pm - Prayer RoomContact Jeri at [email protected] support group for womenMeets 1st & 3rd Tuesday Celebrate RecoveryTuesdays, 7-9 pm - The GarageContact Jim at [email protected] Recovery is open to everyone on Tuesday nights as a place of rescue, restoration, safety, and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Meets weekly

Celebration StationTuesdays, 6:45-9 pmFarm/Jungle RoomContact Beckie at [email protected] Station is designed for kids 5 to 13 years old whose parents attend one of the Tuesday care groups. We hope to make Jesus the foundation of their lives, break cycles of dysfunction, and join their parents in forgiveness and healing.

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Partner with Faith (Class#2 - Membership class)Sun, May 15, 3-5:30 pm

Baptism ClassSunday, Jun 5, 9 am - Room 146/147Baptism Services July 16/17Contact Valerie at [email protected]/child baptism is for parents requesting baptism for their child(ren). We require the parent(s) to attend the Baptism Class so they understand the commitment they are making in Bap-tism. At least one parent must be a member of Faith Church to have their child baptized. Register atfaithchurchonline.org.

SERVEKids Hope USAWould you like to help change a child’s life? Kids Hope USA is in need of men-tors for kids. Children are paired with a caring church member who serves as their mentor. The mentor and child meet for one hour a week, each week of the school year. Mentors spend time read-ing, playing games and being a “friend” to a child who needs one. The Dyer

Campus serves the children of Bibich Elementary School. If you are interested or want to know more contact Jennifer at [email protected]. Elim Hope Packs is a school supply drive that will help provide school supplies to our partners with Chicago-land Prision Outreach, and also mean-ingful assembly work for adults at Elim Christian services. Consider bringing in supplies from the supply list by July 23/24! Supply list can be found at faithchurchonline.org.

Fish Tank Team is seeking additional help to clean the Dyer Faith Kids’ fish tank glass downstairs. Contact Phil, Kim V or Nicky at 219.864.0300 [email protected].

Musicians wanted! If you are an instrumentalist or vocalist interested in serving, we would love to get to know you! At the moment, we are especially looking for string players - those who play violin, viola, cello, and bass - but all are welcome. For more information, please contact Tammy in the worship office at [email protected].


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We seek to serve adults who are single, widowed or divorced who are looking for

like-minded Christians to share their beliefs, values and to grow in Christ.

TIME: Thursday 7-9pmLOCATION: Faith Church Dyer | 100-81st Ave, Dyer, IN

CONTACT: [email protected]

ELIM HOPE PACKSprovide school supplies to our partners with Chicagoland Prision Outreach,

and also meaningful assembly work for adults at Elim Christian services.

Supplies are due back by the weekend of July 23/24! Supply list can be found at faithchurchonline.org.

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WORSHIPHammond Arts Center (HAC)5832 Hohman AvenueHammond, IN 46320

FaithChurchHammond Service Time: Sunday, 9 & 11 am

*Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request:[email protected]

Faith Kids Worship(Infant-5th Grade) Sunday, 11 am

Discipleship & Prayer1st & 3rd Thursdays, 6:30-8 pm


Faith StitchersThursday, 1 pm Contact Ginni at [email protected] Stitchers gathers to crochet & knit baby blankets for PASS pregnan-cy care centers and scarves for Chil-dren’s Hunger Fund while we make new friends and share our lives with one another. Meets the 4th Thursday


Bible StudySaturdays, 7-8:30 am Contact Bob at [email protected] the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sat

● ADULTS (Men & Women)

Mini-ChurchesContact Anne at [email protected], Grow and ConnectReaching out to join a Mini Church is a great way to connect with others. Connecting with others growing in your walk with Jesus is God’s plan. Start your journey to Community by simply visiting the Faith Church website at: www.faithchurchonline.org/connect/mini-churches/join.

Mini-ChurchSundays, 5-7 pm Contact Mike [email protected] and Alida Hooker have start-ed a new mini-church in their home (11233 S St Lawrence Ave, Chicago, IL 60628). The group will go deeper into the sermon and discuss how we can apply it to our lives.Meets 1st & 3rd Sunday

Marriage Ministry Groups Contact Gina [email protected] Marriage ministry is available for you to get connected as a couple! “Preparing for Marriage” classes are available twice per year. In need of Repair? Check out faithchurchonline.org for more information. Marriage Enrichment will resume on Wednes-days in the fall. Watch for details.


Prayer MinistrySundays, before & after serviceContact Bob at [email protected] you have needs, concerns, worries or praises? Stop in the Prayer Room for prayer and support.

Faith Family MarketSundays, 11:30 am-1 pm Contact Lisa or Bob at [email protected] Market provides assistance to those in need of groceries and basic necessities.Open the 1st & 3rd Sunday

Celebrate RecoveryFridays, 7-9 pm Contact Jim at [email protected] Celebrate Recovery (CR) is based on the original 12 steps of recovery and the Beatitudes-the actual words of Jesus. CR is open to everyone as a place of rescue, restoration, safety, and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Meets weekly


Discover Faith/Partner with Faith Contact Pam [email protected] have been made to the mem-bership pathway. Both classes are required for membership. The following classes will be held at the HAC in the coming months:

Discover Faith (Class #1 - Inquirer’s class)Will be offered again in the fall

Partner with Faith (Class #2 - Membership class)Sun, May 15, 3-5:30 pm

Community Art ClassesBeginning in JuneFor class information and registration, go to hammondartscenter.og

Annual Downtown Hammond Art WalkSaturday, Jun 11, 11am-3pmThe Hammond Arts Center is proud to exhibit the work of Phillip Herrold as part of this community event.

Service & Grill in the ParkSunday, Jun 12, 11 am - Harrison ParkFun, outdoor worship experience followed by grilling & picnicNote: There will be no 9am service this Sunday.

Annual Back to School JamSaturday, August 6, 11 am-2 pmHarrison ParkFree community event with live music, kids’ games, crafts, food & more! We will also distribute backpacks* filled with school supplies.*Parents and children must both be present, while supplies last.

SERVEFaith KidsContact Bethany at [email protected] time you invest in a child’s life mat-ters. Join us as we build relationships and have an eternal impact in the lives of God’s children. Sign ups and more infor-mation at faithchurchkids.org.


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WORSHIP8910 Grace Street | Highland, IN 46322


Service TimesSunday, 9 & 11 am | 5 pm

* Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request:[email protected]

Faith Kids Worship(Infant-5th Grade) Sun, 9 & 11 am


MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Tuesdays, 9-11:30 am – Great Room Contact Larissa at 219-314-8704/ [email protected] is a group where moms of infants to kindergartners come to connect and grow with other moms in the same stage.Meets 1st & 3rd TuesdayFinal meeting is May 3Will resume in the fall ● ADULTS (Men & Women)

Mini-ChurchesContact Anne at [email protected], Grow and ConnectReaching out to join a Mini Church is a great way to connect with others. Connecting with others growing in your walk with Jesus is God’s plan. Start your journey to Community by simply visiting the Faith Church website at: www.faithchurchonline.org/connect/mini-churches/join.

Marriage Ministry Groups Contact Gina [email protected] Marriage ministry is available for you to get connected as a couple! “Preparing for Marriage” classes are available twice per year. In need of Repair? Check out faithchurchonline.org for more information. Marriage En-richment will resume on Wednesdays in the fall.

Highland Mini-ChurchSundays, 5 pm - Room 104Contact Rich Krooswyk at [email protected]

Follow-up discussion on the topic of the morning message.Meets 2nd & 4th Sunday


Junior High (6th-8th grade) Sundays, 6-8pm – Great RoomContact Larissa at [email protected] meets twice per month for food, fun, and learning on Sunday nights plus once a month for a large group fun activity. Final meeting is May 15Will resume in the fall

Upcoming Schedule:Friday, May 6 - SkyZone Jump Night SkyZone in Schererville, 7-9pm

Sunday, May 15 - regular meeting Faith Highland, 6-8pm

High School (9th-12th grade) Sundays, 6-8pmYouth House by Faith HighlandContact Deanne at [email protected] the 1st & 3rd Sunday Final meeting is May 15Will resume in the fall

Coffee HouseTuesdays, 7-9pm – Panera in ScherervilleInformal gathering for high school studentsMeets 2nd & 4th Tuesday

Faith Students Volume NightFriday, July 15, 6-9pm - Faith DyerVOLUME NIGHT is an event for stu-dents entering 7th- 12th grade from every campus of Faith Church. It’ll be an opportunity to have a lot of fun, hang out with old friends, connect with some new ones, and experience what it’s like to worship Jesus along-side hundreds of your fellow teenag-ers. This is a FREE EVENT.


Discover Faith/Partner with Faith Contact Lori [email protected] have been made to the membership pathway. Both classes are required for membership. The following classes will be held at Faith Highland in the coming months:

Discover Faith(Class #1 - Inquirer’s class)Will be offered again in September

Partner with Faith(Class #2- Membership class)Sunday, May 15, 12:30-3 pm

SpringHill Day CampTuesday-Friday, July 5-8 (9am-4pm daily)For any child that has completed Kin-dergarten through 4th grade (as of June 2016). Scholarships may be available. More information and registration at faithchurchkids.org. Contact Lori with additional questions at [email protected] closes June 26.


FriendshipTuesdays, 7 pm – Great RoomContact Vinnie at [email protected] or 219-864-0300 x197.Friendship Ministry is a place where adults with special needs can gather to learn from God’s Word, sing songs, play games, eat snacks, and enjoy a great time of fellowship. All are invited to come join the community! Final meeting May 3. Will resume in the fall.

NA-The Grace Street Recovery Meeting of Narcotics AnonymousThursdays, 7-8:30 pm - Room 201Contact Rob Pettit at 219.381.6768This is an open meeting where all are wel-come, but only members are encouraged to speak.

OA-Overeaters AnonymousFridays, 10-11 am - Room 101Contact Barb Russo at 219.742.3397Steps and Traditions study style with guest speakers every week.Meets weekly

Fresh HopeWednesdays, 7 pmThis group is both for individuals who have a mental health challenge AND their loved ones (family members, close friends). For more information, visit faith-churchonline.org/connect/care-ministry/mental-health or email [email protected]


Faith & Fitness ClassMon, Wed & Fri, 9-10 amMeets in the Great Room Contact Karen at 219.616.0187Weight training for 50+. Bring your own weights. $3 per session

Aerobic Class Mon, Wed & Fri, 10:15-11am Meet in the Great RoomContact Karen at 219.616.0187


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WORSHIPThe Gym at Campagna Academy7403 Cline AvenueSchererville, IN 46375


Service TimesSunday, 9 & 11 am

* Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request:[email protected]

Faith Kids Worship(Infant-5th Grade) Sunday, 9 & 11 am

Chapel open every Wednesday for prayer from 6-7 pm. Join us in the Community Cafe after each service for coffee and refreshments.


Mini-ChurchesContact Michael [email protected] you are interested in connecting deeply in 2016 at Faith Schererville, check out a Mini-Church by contact-ing Michael at the email above.

Marriage Ministry Groups Contact Gina [email protected] Marriage ministry is available for you to get connected as a couple! “Preparing for Marriage” classes are available twice per year. In need of Repair? Check out Faithchurchonline.org for more information. Marriage Enrichment will resume on Wednes-days in the fall. Watch for details.

Women’s BreakfastSaturday, May 21 from 8 – 9:30 am. Calling all Faith-Schererville Women for breakfast at The Pancake Club located at 2257 U.S. 41 in Schererville. The cost is $10 per person which in-cludes a $2 tip.Register at the Welcome Center.


Faith Students - Meets at Dyer Campus

Middle School (6th-8th grade)Wednesdays, 6:30 pm - The GarageContact John at [email protected] weeklyFinal meeting is May 18Will resume this fall - watch for details High School (9th-12th grade) Sundays, 6-8:30 pm - The Garage Contact Tory [email protected] weeklyNo meeting on May 8 (Mother’s Day) Final meeting is June 12Will resume this fall on August 21

Faith Students Volume NightFriday, July 15, 6-9pm - Faith DyerVOLUME NIGHT is an event for stu-dents entering 7th- 12th grade from every campus of Faith Church. It’ll be an opportunity to have a lot of fun, hang out with old friends, connect with some new ones, and experience what it’s like to worship Jesus along-side hundreds of your fellow teenag-ers. This is a FREE EVENT.


Prayer MinistryContact Jan Krediet at [email protected] before and after each Sunday service in the Prayer Room located in the Worship Center.

Celebrate RecoveryTuesdays, 7 pmMeets in the Garage at Faith Dyer Fridays, 7 pmMeets at the Hammond Arts Center(5832 Hohman, Hammond, IN 46324)Meets weekly


Discover Faith/Partner with Faith Contact Elizabeth [email protected]

Changes have been made to the membership pathway. Both classes are required for membership. The following classes will be held at Faith Schererville:

Discover Faith (Class #1 - Inquirer’s class)Wednesday, May 4, 6:30-9 pm

Partner with Faith (Class #2 - Membership class)Wednesday, May 18, 6:30-9 pm

SERVETechnical Arts & Worship TeamLooking for a place to serve?We need you to help set up the gym at 4 pm on Saturdays. You’d serve once a month, giving an hour of your time on a Saturday night. We also need help tearing down after the 11 am service. This is a great way to make a difference! Our Worship team is also looking for instrumentalists and vocalists.To connect, contact Dee at [email protected] Faith KidsThe time you invest in a child’s life matters. Join us as we build relation-ships and have an eternal impact in the lives of God’s children this year.Sign ups and more information at faithchurchkids.org or contact Selena at [email protected].


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WORSHIP1155 S. Sturdy RoadValparaiso, IN 46383


Pre-Worship Prayer Huddle Everyone is invited to join us in the Prayer Room on Sundays at 9:30am to lift up our worship service, leaders, campus & region.

Service Time: Sunday, 10 am

*Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request:[email protected]

Faith Kids Worship(Infant-5th Grade) Sunday, 10 am

The Vine bookstore and Community Café are open before (9:30-10 am) and after the worship service.


Women’s Bible StudyTuesdays, 7 pmContact Jana at [email protected] 1st & 3rd Tuesday MOPs Mothers of Preschoolers (Infant through Kindergarten)Thursday, 6-8 pmContact Kim at [email protected] twice a monthFinal meeting May 5Will resume in the fall


Men of Faith - Saturdays, 7 am - Upstairs Adult ClassroomContact Bob at [email protected] where men can come together to pray, read God’s Word, and journey through life’s strug-gles and celebrations together. Meets weekly

● ADULTS (Men & Women)

Mini-ChurchesContact Anne at [email protected], Grow and ConnectReaching out to join a Mini Church is a great way to connect with others. Connecting with others growing in your walk with Jesus is God’s plan. Start your journey to Community by simply visiting the Faith Church website at: www.faithchurchonline.org/connect/mini-churches/join.

Marriage Ministry Groups Contact Gina [email protected] Marriage ministry is available for you to get connected as a couple! “Preparing for Marriage” classes are available twice per year. In need of Repair? Check out Faithchurchonline.org for more information. Marriage Enrichment will resume on Wednes-days in the fall.


Contact Eric at [email protected] the weekend program for upcoming events.

Faith Students Volume NightFriday, July 15, 6-9pm - Faith DyerVOLUME NIGHT is an event for stu-dents entering 7th- 12th grade from every campus of Faith Church. It’ll be an opportunity to have a lot of fun, hang out with old friends, connect with some new ones, and experience what it’s like to worship Jesus along-side hundreds of your fellow teenag-ers. This is a FREE EVENT.


Reflectors Ministry Sundays, 10 amContact Brent at [email protected] Worship buddies and prayer partners are available to help make church more accessible to those with special needs and their caregivers. Please contact us if you know of anyone who could be blessed by this ministry or if you have an interest in serving in this capacity. Meets 2nd & 4th Sunday

Friendship Groups Thursdays, 6:30-8pmContact Brent at [email protected] Ministry is a place where adults with special needs can gather to learn from God’s Word, sing songs, play games, eat snacks and enjoy a great time of fellowship. All are invited to come join the community!Meets 1st & 3rd Thursday Final meeting is May 5 will resume this fall


First Sunday Lunch – Downstairs, fol-lowing the worship service. Join us on these dates: •Sunday, May 1•Sunday, June 5•Sunday, July 3

Discover Faith/Partner with Faith Contact Leanne [email protected] have been made to the membership pathway. Both classes are required for membership. The following classes will be held at Faith Valpo in the coming months:

Discover Faith (Class #1 - Inquirer’s class)Will be offered again in September

Partner with Faith (Class #2 - membership class) Sun, May 15, 3-5:30 pm

SERVEFaith Kids – Church + Home = Better Together Be a part of a larger influence on the next generation than you can imagine. Join us as we build relationships, share the love of Jesus and partner with par-ents to have an eternal impact in the lives of God’s children. More information at faithchurchkids.org or contact Jaime at [email protected] or Ami at [email protected].

Other serving teams looking for addi-tional help include:

Technical Arts | Frontline Prayer Team | The Vine bookstore

If interested in serving in any of these areas, go to the Welcome Center for more information or contact Pastor Brad at [email protected].


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