The Origins of the Cold War Chapter 22 Section 1

The Origins of the Cold War Chapter 22 Section 1

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Page 1: The Origins of the Cold War Chapter 22 Section 1

The Origins of the Cold War

Chapter 22 Section 1

Page 2: The Origins of the Cold War Chapter 22 Section 1

The Yalta Conference

• With WW2 ending in Europe in 1944, Franklyn Roosevelt (USA), Winston Churchill (UK) and Joseph Stalin (USSR) met in Yalta, a resort city in the Soviet Union to discuss plans for Post-War Europe.

• Poland was the first issue discussed.

-USA & UK wanted the Government that was in place prior to Hitler’s aggression, to return to their former positions.

-USSR placed a communist government in charge once they drove out the Nazis. USSR wanted to keep Poland Communist.

* a compromise was reached, the communist officials would stay in place and some members of the former government returned to some positions. Free elections would follow A.S.A.P.

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Yalta ConferenceLeft to Right- Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin.

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Liberated Europe

• A decision was reached by the 3 leaders to allow the nations of Europe to

“choose the form of government under which they’ll live.”

Temporary governments would be installed that represented all democratic elements, until free elections could be established. The results of the election would then determine which style of government would be implemented.

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Dividing Germany

Germany would be divided into 4 zones.

American Zone

British Zone

French Zone

Soviet Zone

* Berlin-Germany’s capital was also divided into 4 zones, even though the city was in the soviet sector.

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Dividing Germany

• Reparations – Stalin wanted Germany to pay reparations to the USSR for starting the war. Stalin believed that since the Germans were responsible for the damage caused by the war that they should also be responsible for fixing the damage.

A compromise was reached between the 3 leaders to have Germany pay reparations in trade goods and products instead of $$$. The payments would made based on Germany’s ability to pay.

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Tensions Rise

• After coming to multiple agreements over who to handle post war Europe during the Yalta conference, issue would arise between the West and the Soviets as soon as 2 weeks after the conference.

• Poland- Although an agreement was made to allow some members of Poland’s former government to return to their positions, the Soviets created only 3 non-communist positions.

• Romania- Although a monarchy, Soviets pressure the King of Romania to appoint a communist government. This goes against the ideas of countries “choosing their own style of government”

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Truman Takes Control

• 11 days after Roosevelt confronts the Soviets about Poland he dies of a cerebral hemerage.

• Harry S. Truman the vice president would assume the responsibilities of President of the United States. He would be re-elected in 1949.

• Truman was strongly anti-communist, he believed WW2 started because UK tried to appease Hitler after annexing parts of Czechoslovakia. He would not allow Stalin to do the same.

“ We must stand up to the Russians”

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Potsdam Conferance

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Tensions rising even more

• In July 1945 Churchill, Stalin, and Truman would meet outside Berlin to discuss some issues that arose after having come to agreements over Europe in the Yalta Conference.

• Stalin, Still concerned over reparations wanted more from the Germans. They stripped their sector of industrial goods and sent them back to Moscow. They now wanted Industrial goods from the US, UK, And French Zone.

-Truman gives Stalin some industrial equipment from the other sectors, but only in exchange for food shipments from the Soviet Zone. Truman then hints to Stalin that the US has just created a great weapon……

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The Iron Curtain Descends

•“ Whoever occupies a territory also imposes his own social system…It cannot be otherwise.”

-Joseph Stalin

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The Iron Curtain Descends

• During Potsdam Stalin lets it be known that the USSR would no longer uphold the declaration of liberated Europe. The Soviet Union’s army’s position in Eastern Europe insured that Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia would install pro-Soviet governments. These countries would be known as Satellite Nations because they were controlled by the Soviets.

• When the Communist took over the Governments of Eastern Europe, Churchill declared that an Iron Curtain was dropped on Eastern Europe. Essentially dividing Communist Eastern Europe from Capitalist Western Europe.

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The Iron Curtain