A Gentleman Definnd. SS^ar.l ;. "What is a gentleman?" aska't\u interested exchange; As wo gra*" living arid tiioVibg banian bein- hangs out at hotels, . tlml hoso and fci'-' .uar» cardinal sport" nfltrio show them, r.* dlmlnuLlvo Cane, bridges his nasal ucncön-with .eye glasses hitched to a string, ogles pretty girls on the street or at the theater, bores editors and other jjwenk livercd dyspeptics, smokes the clear quid,, kinickkiniek filler, with tissue paper wrapper, plays billiards muchly, swears elegantly, waltzes the ^Racket" divinely, talks slicker than boiled grease, knows the ropes, intimate with the kitchen me¬ chanic's, owes everybody, pays noth- irig, not even' atlenlion, and l'requent: ly wrestles with thb existence Of a mu»i.acjhe./.Tbp thorough bred always, belongs to some club, lie is on or- uament to Himself. Learn to be Short. Long visits, long stories, long ex¬ hortations, long prayers, and long editorials, adlrlom profit those Who have to do with them. Life is shorv. Time "Irs short. 'Moments lire precious. Lqath to condense, nb) idgc and inten¬ sify. We can endure many an ache and ill if.il is soon over while oven pleasure.' grow insipid and pain incur¬ able, if they arc protracted beyond <!ic ltmiteofreusori and convenience. Lfarii to be short. Lop of branches ; stick to the main facts in your case. If yon speak tellyonr message and hold your peace ; boil down two woid into one, t and three into two. Always learn to1 he short. ' .' 1 It is the man with only one suit ol cloths ami a small salary, my son. who has to be polite and agreeable, and a rigid, faultless observer of the Hit idlest points and forms of cliqu'.'tlc, The man worth SöO,OOo may trau p on your corns, walk across yocr wife's train and eat pie with a knife, and ii is all right; his standing in society isu't affected by it. But you.don't you, on your present salary, attempt to drink soup out of the side of your plate, if you want to marry an heir¬ ess. You can't allotd to act that way- just yet. I would announce to the congrega¬ tion that, piolmbly by mistake, there was left at the meeting-house this morning a small cotton umbrella, much damaged by time ami wear, and of an exceedingly pale blue color ; in tlic place whereof was taken a very large bleck silk umbrella of great beauty. Blunders of this sort, my brethren, are getting a little too com¬ mon." -~**rr-.*.-*»-*.. t Akoulw J, Gillen, w ho shot and killed Miss Singersou, a lady who re¬ fused to receive his attentions, in New York a few days ago. \%as arres¬ ted on Frjday :.ul Cedar Kr,\k, F < He immediately shot himself and died in a few hours calling upon "Ma¬ ry" with'his lost breath, He was a lawyer und seem lo have no other f tult.lbun being insanely iu love. A visit to Korljohn's ( heap Cash Store at this time is really instruc¬ tive and remunerative. One has no Idea how many bargains are to be had until they go and sec fur them¬ selves. One pleasing feature in this establishment is that they are not pulfed up by their success, but every¬ one is willing nud anxious to show you around and cell you low down foi cash.for you must remember thai Vie secret of Km ij din's success ha* been the cash trade. He iimkis no exceptions. Keeps no. slate. NY memoiamlums lu/cash 'drawer, but gives sledge htuijfäer bargains, in ex¬ change for-Uie/A jner can dollar, \V it alert, experienced buyer* i.f. fan judgment, p.tick, uiidiiei' v and adili ty, having fruliiniu-d command ol thut one thing' that will buy tin world, they me 'able to wutc.ii land take advatdf^^ j of these [f fäeßdio chances and oftur. io thcit om-tiurn i - who arc hot alrnitl of the insane ir\ of auction goods, jobs, leaders am! specialties well calculated Ui-iiusvllh the bmin of the buyer on lin'ie at li.t». per cent, on goods'interest add-'!. It injures no fabric todiivc ii i.hmygl the giant engine of H. S, Marshal ate assignee, the Sherill ami ilhi t-liui mart of the city. It pul i mu the price I'roJH si very liuh lo a Vi low figure. The luck .ol ihivstoh has been largely replenished dtirin the week and they are now ptvpmc« to meet tho demands of their* inanv friends. In addition to the !..-... stock they are jiow' opening tim foi 1 »wing, which persons in the «.i,uy Wjuld do well to notice: S Ivor plat e>t table an I ten hpuons, k dvc^ and lo k«, window shades, l.-.dien (In $.<¦ gi OiK, b i sln-cs, glaSsM urn. u ><l . usi-nd O.'icr ...i;gs. Give him a C * COWFP' -vTIONER AND CANDY MANUFACTURER, OFFERS FOR SALE TUE LAUGEST ASSORTMENT|OF FINE Fine Candies, wholesale^ and retail, at but to inj prices. FiXXJITS ^VlNr>: JNTJT«i>f nil descriptions always on hand] ThcZonlv place where von can always fret?1 FRKSlIgKAISlNS, CURPANTS, CITRONS, DATES. FIGS. CRACKERS AND (JAKES, DESSICATED COCONUt'Slantl FANCY GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. SPECIALTIES IN SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Largest assortment of such goods in town., Also. Ceke Ctikt Call Oi FINE CIGARS, TO I s ornamented for Weddings in the most exquisite style. Steep.es and Ornaments made to order.1 and examine before buying elsewhere at BRIG OMAN'S OLD STAND.* tingeburg, S. C., Sept. :i-tf P..G. CANNON G an arid. Locksmith, ! and dealer in ( ruii#«"\T,is?tol« and.?Öeixöi'*al Ilaixhvnro, i»R^NGERüRG. S. C. I/"EE PS constantly on hand a !";.;! and complete slock of Guns and Pistols n IC »;v ry description, Pocke! Knives. Table Knives and Forks. Spoons. Scissors, und in fact almost nuy^lhiiig^in tins Hardware lino. I make a specialty of Carpen- lcr»' Tobly. Fanning Implements-. Cooking Utensils. Fi.-hitig Tackle, Sporismcns' Goods, s-uch a- Shot. Powder, Cm: wad*, etc., etc.; also f i , lit ''THE LIGHT RUNNING REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE, The l.esl and cheapest Machine manufactured. The public are eordinllv Invited to examine my slock before purchasing as I am determined not to be undersold. Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and ilipatch. P. C. CANNON. Orangebiirg. S. C, .Inn. 30. isso.lv WHY THE LICHT-RUNNINC ''DOMESTIC" !S THE MOST Popular Machine in Market. This great popularity is due to its plan of construction and a superiority in ils material and workmanship. The result, of those advantages Is a UNI- FORMLYSIKK KSSFUL PERFORM¬ ANCE in Hewing.,the value of which cannot lie Lilly appreciated except by experts in mechanism. It possesses, however, numerous oth¬ er peculiarities that cannot fail to at¬ tract the notice and excite the admira¬ tion of all who investigate its merits. Prominent 11111011«; them is the absence of I'rietion. making It the LIGHTEST RUNNING MACHINE in the world, ami saving the strength and often the health id* the operator. Its wonderful simplicity renders its (rare the most : tri lie ot labor; while its great size give.-. ; it a capacity for the largest garments. 1 us well as for the smallest"article. 11> , strength will resist any strain to which f it can be subjected, and withstand the roughest ol usage, or the most con¬ tinuous wear without any repair*. Recent in proveiumits have greatly en! aticcd its qualities, and its success in the past is but Jin indication of Iis future. Ai d now made, with its Adjustable Conical Healings. the Combi nation Fly-Wheel, the Self-Threading Shuttle, the Improved Tension and Take-Up, the Ei largpd Dobbin, the Self-Setting Needle, anil the beau¬ tiful and durable built-up and bent-wood Cabinet Work it has a distinction and rank far above thcordinarv Sewing machine of the dap. 'THE ¦.DOMESTIC" IS W A It It ANTED To he made of the best material and in the nm-t thorough milliner; to do any and all kinds of work that can be done on any machine : to be complete in every re- rtpect. and to be perfect In every part. fcsf" Sixteen years in use ami not a single one can hi: found that is worn enough to unlli it tor use. Forsaieby THEODORE KOHN. VEGETABLE -Ml A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For Iniornal and External Oaa, Ii a SURE CURE for all the Diseases for which It Is rocommonded, and 1$ ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE In tli3 handi of ever; the ir.cst Inexperienced persons. It is ft niirr nnil «juleli remedy feir «'OT'IJIIM, SOUK TIIKOAT, < IMiM.S, ami hllnilnr trnilldca: ftffortkl intUmt relir/ ei ikr mott malignant jur-m of Dli'TITIIKKIA, an.I i- the best known remedy for RHEUMATISM and NBURAIXilA. THE OLDEST, BEST, AND MOST WIDELY KNOWN FAMILY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. It ImM bom lifted \rllti *nrh -yronderful NncecM) In all pirtt of ihr vorU for CRAMPS. C1IOI.KKA, DIAKUIHKA, l>YHKNTRRV, ami nil IIOWEL COMPLAINTS, th.it a it fontUttrtd an unfailing cum fur Ihrna <ff«f<nr». HAS STOOD THE TEST OF 40 YEARS' CONSTANT USE IN ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. It 1b It EL'OM M ENDEO by PhyHlcInnn, MlMM'onnrleii, IlIliilHterri, RlnnnavrN of IMnnlntlou», Woi-k-shopn, and FnctortCA, Nurm-H III IIcw»i»tt»l».to eliort, by Everybody everywhere, who hau < v«-r riv< 11 it » trial. IT IS WITHOUT a RiVAL AS A LINIMENT. It pltmdd alwayH l*>.it*od for Pain the llnck und Side, and Mnyi uMieila ami yrmanrnt rriuf In nil cased of llruim-H, Curs, viornliiwi Kevero ItiiriiH, Scald*., etc. NO FAMILY < AN SAFELY BE WITHOUT IT. It wUI :. Ily rive many tiiiten Us cost in doctors' litlift, and its prtco ; it-., it wtHdn tin- rracli of all. n 1h Hold at 25c. 50o. and 81.00 :i '. oitlo.Mid can ba itbtniucd ft\t:i nil drn^-ditta. perry S0$3, Providence, r. B, Proiirlerors. Vi.lpvnev rind C'oi.m.sell«»!' .7/ /.^/r. i>'.:.\\bKill ':.'<.. ?. ''. <Jlli.-f coviii r < ¦..!.!.; !;. ;. !. f> piarc,;«jw.« (jliiirdi smod. !'!¦<. Ktinu lid«i y <.mih-<! and occiijded In Win. M. ilutoon, Kt>'q. Jim . li.l «sn- 11 Notico ol DitstiuiMHitl* On l.V.li N »voudH'V »<«xl ! will lilt- mv :it,... Uli IM OtMl-diuil <i| K| y:i' I?.' \. ( \ > ii I'.«.!»..:.. Jim!« < f « i- ...i C .aiiM , iiltd liVli .. U .; ii. n . I). i.. UI.OVKU, (.'.».I Iii lllltil diuu. 'W. B. THOMPSON,] ( nor of liiis.ifl! SJnici null IJ-illru-ul Avi'imo, I Mii i .. !... piiUiit! a »Y< ü -. Ii i:U:(j frtot-k bi . DUV l ;< >.¦ ii >.:. »I, iii\s, IL\l»i>,W Ali-K,. -.^ UWOI KI.'IKS. * Sic &v. Iii1 g iarantc< > -iUi>l.ic!ion lo all wliol wi. I l'a\ or Ii im \\ tili a call. W. E. THOMPSON, OI'ANCSKÜÜÜG, 0, .lui.c 11, isso.tf is agent for the sale of the celebrated BALD MOUNTAIN CORN WHISKEY, Hie purest brand in'the known world] CALL! CALL! l.CALL!! 1 and sample for once hfyour lives a pure MOUNTAIN WHISKEY. It haspio equal. Also on band the cheap¬ est brands of.i SMOKINGJ nnd;CHEWlNG TOBACCO In the market. A full liuc'of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, Cheaper than the. Cheapest. Give mcj'a call and be convinced that this advertisement is no humbug. JAMES VAN TASSEL, At Midler's Old Stand. How Watches are Made, IT will ho apparent to any one who will examine a boi.il> Gold Watch, that aside from the necessary thickness for engraving and polishing, a large propor¬ tion of the precious metallised, is need¬ ed only to stillen and hold the engraved portions in place, and supply the neces¬ sary solidity and strength. The surplus gold is actually needless so far as utili¬ ty and beaut v are concerned. In JAM KS ROSS' PATEN rCOLD WATCH CASES this waste of precious metal is overcome, and tho samk 80mdity and stkkxgtii produced at. from one-third to one-halt of the usual cost of solid eases. The pro¬ cess is of the mo.itlslmple nature, as fol¬ lows: a plate of ulcklc composition met¬ al, specially adapted to the purpose, has two plates of soi.ii> gold soldered uni¬ on each side. The three are then passed between polished steel rollers, anil the result is a strip of heavy plated composi¬ tion, from which the eases, hacks, cen¬ tres, bezels. &0.. are cut ami shaped by suitable dies anil formers. The gold in these eases is sufficiently thick to admit of nil kinds of chasing, engraving and enamelling; the engraved cases have been carried until worn perfectly smooth by time and use without remov¬ ing i he gold. THIS IS THE ONLY CASE MADE WITH TWO PLATES OF SOLID GOLD AND WARRANTED BY SPECIAL CERTIFICATE. For sale by all Jewelers. Ask for Il¬ lustrated Catalogue, and to see warrant. March 12. 18S0.ly Cotton Gins I Presses E still have the Agency for the Old Reliable Wmship Gin, Which we are prepared to furnish, either with or without the Sell-Feeder and Con¬ denser, Also the Winship Patent Cotton Press all of which arc THE REST IN THE MARKET and need no recommendation from us. We are selling them under the guarantee of the manufacturers, and at their prices and terms; parties in need of Gins or Presses will IIml it to their interest to call and sec us. or send for Our Circular and prices before placing their orders else- w here. BULL & SGOVILL, ORÄNGEHUHG, S. C. June 25th, 1880.(Jin TAKE A i ERT1F1CATE in the Mutual Endowment Assess¬ ment Association OF IS A L T I M OR E. rJ"MllS scheme of Lifo Insurance is got- J. ten up by the best business men of fJidtimorc as a mutual protection nmonj its members. It is based upon purely business principles him' is perfectly relia¬ ble, affording the safest anil cheapest plan nil which lite rlsk« can he taken. Mr. J. s. Alborgnttl represents tie- company for this county and will Issue certificates Ho invites examination and will h. pleased (ogive- all information needed.! April 2nd. 18S0 .Ilm J eunrnntee REiniSf F.fl'S ikdian vEitMirrcae to destroy nod expel Wurms from the human body, whero they exist, it used according to the Ulrce. tlons. It in a nnfo and re- lirtblc remedy. FOR SAtE BY Att DRUGGISTS AND STORE KEEPERS. David E, Foutz, Prop. IIALTDIUKK, MD. For sale by Dlt. J. G. WaNXAMAKKU. Dec 10.lyr NEW STORE! NEW STOCK ! Having erected anew and coinmoril- oils Store oil the site of our Old Stand, our facilities- for conducting the Foreign and Domestic Fruit trade are now unsurpassed in the Southern Couii- l.iy. The atteiitloii of our friedds, and dealers generally, is called lo this fact, and also .to our Irish supplies arriving In- tiny, 100 liairels Norlhern Apples, äu boxes M es dun l.eiimi s .J*) barrels mid half hat reis Pears l.*> pkgs Delaware and Concord Grapes ji.ii hurivl* E. I Jose Potatoes ..'"> bai reis Onions 100 bairels Northern Cabbages. Peaches and Grapes fresh every morn* ug by Express. C. HART & CO., 5ö.*f>7 and 51) Market-street, Sept 21. linos Charleston, S. SHERIDAN'S . CLASSIOALKSCHOOL FOP. BOYS AND GIRLS. This School opens on the First Monday in September annually and continues uninterruptedly until the laut Friday in June. TEKMS PER MONTH. First Grade, advanced English.$:i 00 Second Grade. Grammar pupils. 'i.fiO Third Grade, beginners. 2.00 Latin and Greek, each extra. Go Students may enter at any time during the term, and are charged only troin date of entrance. Assistance will be employ¬ ed if necessary. Itoard may bo had with the Principal at twelve dollars per month, including lights and washing; or at eight dollars when the student rocs home on Friday and returns on Monday of each week. Other good families will taks boarders on same terms. Students are prepared for the Sopho¬ more class of any college. No intercourse allowed between hays and girls. This is positive, HUGO G.ISHEUIDAN. Principal. 11EMOVAL. JAMES CANNON, TAILOR, Respectfully informs thc'public that he has removed his Tailor Shop from the Public Square to Mlddletoh Street oppo¬ site Mr. Strauss' residence, where all work in his line will be neatly and promp¬ tly executed as heretofore. All new ..'nrk guaranteed. 3mo. DO you suffer with headache? O you feel dull and languid? Does your appetite fail you? Is your Liver out of order? Have you a metalic taste in 3'our mouth? Have you dyspepsia or indigestion? If so, take OK. LIVER CURE, And get immediate relief. It never fails. as hundreds will testily w ho have used it and have been henefuted. It is entirely vegetable, certain in its effects, and abso¬ lutely harmless. One trial will convince you." DOWIE & MOISK, Sole Proprietors. Charleston, S. C. For Sale by Dr. J. O. Wunnaturkcr, Oraiigeblirg S. C. April 2.1.ti.; is. A NEW STORE. F. A. SCHIFFLEY, RUSSELL STREET, (One door above Dr. Patrick's.) .81 J HEREBY INFORM MY FRIENDS that I have on my own account, com¬ menced a Grocery Business.will keep only the best goods, and sell cheap for Cash, and an}* patronage bestowed will be appreciated. Respectfully, F, A. SCHIFFLEY, OHANGFiUURG, S. C. May 14, 1880 3m. VIRGINIA HOUSE, (Formerly McDowell House) HEN DERSON VILLE, N. C, HAVING purchased the McDowell House, the undersigned begs leave to inform the traveling public that he hat furnished it throughout in modern style, anil will endeavor to keep a tirst class house. The proprietor will give bis per¬ sonal attention to Hie bouse, and do all in his power to make quests comfortable. The table will be supplied with the best the market affords. Pohle and attentive servants. Terms moderate. A. J. DODAMEAD. Proprietor. (Formerly of the Virginia House, Colum¬ bia. S. c. .1. P. T'lACKAM, Clerk. (Lille of the Columbia Hotel. Colum¬ bia. S. C. April 2d.J8.S0 SAMUEL DIBBLE, 'Attorney and Counsellor at Lav; (Cor. Church & St. Paul's Street.) ORANGEBURG, S. C. Dee 13-tf POUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS W 111 carts or proven: ni»en*e. No Itonrj, will rile of Chi.ici.Hotb or Lcno Fh- V-n.lf KoiiO.*« Powder* nru lucd In time. Kotitz-« Powder* wlllcnre unit prevent Itoo choi.kra Fouu'b Powder* will prevent Oai-k» im Fowls. Fouo.'k Powder* win Increase the quantity of milk and cream twenty per cent., and make too butter firm and Hwoet. FoutiV Powders will euro or prevent almost ktbby DlbKAHf to Whielt llOISOa and Cattle lire Fiibject. Fovtä's Powoacfl WILL atVI rUriarACTio:*. Bold everywhere. DAVID 5. ?OSSK, eroprietor. BAX.TIMOBB. KD, Forsale by Du. J. G. Wann a si arm,. Dee 10.lyr SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Passenger Depaipiment. On and after Nov lOtli. 1880, Pasam- ger Trains on this rend will run us fol¬ lows: (till further orders.) GREENVILLE EXPRESS TRAIN. going east. Leave Columbia.*C 10 p ru Arrive at. Camden.9 50 p ui Leave Orangcburg .8 29 p m Arrive at Charleston.*11 25 pin uoing west. Leave Charleston at.C 00 a m Leave Oroiigeburg at.8 51 n ai Leave Camden at.7 00am Arrive at Columbia.11 10 a in ?Daily except Sundays. Way Freight and Passenger Trains. going east. Leave Columbia.5 10 s ni Arrive at Camden.1 09 p in Leave Orengeburg.10 05 am Arrive at Charleston.2 00 p in " Augusta.3 45 put going west. * Leave Charleston .5) 00 a in Leave Augusta.7 55 a in Leave Orangeburg.1 38 p iu Arrive at Columbia.0 25 p m * Passengers leaving Columbia or Charleston on these trains have to change cars at Brnnchville to reach Charleston at 2 00 p m or Columbia at G 25 p in. ^ Night Express Train. Going east. Leave Columbia.0 3d p iu Leave Orangeburg. 1 15 * ül Arrive at Augusta.8 .10 a in Arrive at Charleston.7 30 a in GOING west. Leave Charleston.fl 00 p in Leave Augusta.G00 p tn Leave Orangeburg.2 37 a tn Arrive at Columbia..>.G 11 a iu The Night£)Exprcss will run dally. Greenville Express and all other trains run daily except Sundays. Sleeping Cars are attached to Night Express. Berths only 81 50 to Charleston or Au¬ gusta. These trains make connection* at Charleston with New York and Balti¬ more Steamers on Wednesday* and Ski* nrdays. also with Florida Steamers on Tuesdays and Saturdays. The Night Express makes connections with 7 a in train on S & C Railroad fnrSavumih and Florida points. Connections made by other trains at Augusta with trains from and to that point, also with ull train* from and to Charleston. On Saturday und Sundays, round trip tickets arc sold to and from all stations at one tirsl-class fare for the round trip good till Monday noon to return. D. C. ALLEN, Gen. Pass, ami T. Agt. John B. Peck. Gen. Supr. .1. G. PoSTEl.l., Agt Orangeburg. J. DEE, ANDREWS VW'OULD respectfully inform ijie cit-'- T T /.ens of Orangeburg that tie bas i l charge the slock mid fixtures,«f Z. J. King, at Wallace Camion's old stun I, Main street, where he will he glad to net vo his friends ami the public witli anyth« ig in his line of trade. Everything fr eh and pure and guaranteed to give sali- ac- tlOU. A lull line of goods kept COnM; otly on hand.. Born ami raised in Orn ige- burg. I hope to teceive a liberal almraof the patronage of my fellow citizen-. .J. DEK ANDREWS. BLACK liKltBY BRANDY at n'allard Cannon's old stand. Pure CORN and RYE Wl« »kien 1 »r. sale at Wallace Cannon's old .and. For pure Chiiiupaiguc Layer Beer go to Wallace Cannon's old »tu id. Pain! ies supplied by the dozen.go-als delivered free of charge. Seltzer Water, for dis: i rnn/r-mei t of the bowels and kidneys, for sale l»W at Wallace Cannon's old stai J. The "Cotton Boll," the dliest f t teem Cigar in town, for sale al Wallas Cii»>» nun's old stand. Don't foi ret it. Soda Water, fresh, by t ie bottl \, at Wallace Cannon's old stanu. May ÜS, 1SS0.ly FLAGONS IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PADt Nkvsr Gxts Hahd. Cam hb Madb AX1 Stuknotu Desman. faMV Twice as Long. Ciieuss WreA witiont Drcgslsg Iba ßjstsa» CUBES Chiita and Vcvcr, Liver Complaint, DjipeBUft, Nearaljrla, leniinw» Bhenmatuav Coftheato, fessle Yeaho* Sick 4 lerross Thtae Pad* Oaro all Diseases by Absorption. No Nozlnuc Pill». Oils, or Poisonous Medicines are taken Into Uie Stomach. Tho Pads are worn over the Pll of tlio Stomach, covering the Great Nerve Centres, al*o the Llrcr and 8tomach. A gentle Vegetable Tonic is absorbed intothccirculntionof the Woodanq T lrer.purtfjingUielMcod. stimulating the I.lvcrand Kldo'-ys to healthy acüon. and strengthening tho Stomach to digest food. Pnicn or Pads 61 and W bach. 8old st all I>«ugcisis, or sent by Mall or Expreu. Manufactured at 80 k 41 No&Tll Libkety St* Valtiscobb. Mo. Fi r Sale by 8. A. REEVES. Jan. 30,18S0.ly BTJYCK&CO. DEALERS IN PLANTATION GOODS, DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, St. Matthews S. 0. We respectfully call the attention of the farmers to our general stock of GOODS anil solicit a call wheuevsi hey visit St.Mattlm.v-j, A full and fresh stock constantly in score._ Wanted ÖAA f\f\f\k pounds of SEED OUU ,UUU t OTI'ON. for which 1 will pay one third of the market vuluo of lint col ton and return seed. Aug 27 GEO. IL CORNELSON.

The Orangeburg democrat.(Orangeburg, S.C.) 1880-12 …historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067822/1880-12-17/ed...to astring, ogles pretty girls on the streetor at the theater, bores

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A Gentleman Definnd. SS^ar.l;. "What is a gentleman?" aska't\uinterested exchange; As wo gra*"

living arid tiioVibg banian bein-hangs out at hotels, . tlmlhoso and fci'-' .uar» cardinalsport" nfltrio show them,

r.* dlmlnuLlvo Cane, bridges hisnasal ucncön-with .eye glasses hitchedto a string, ogles pretty girls on thestreet or at the theater, bores editorsand other jjwenk livercd dyspeptics,smokes the clear quid,, kinickkiniekfiller, with tissue paper wrapper, playsbilliards muchly, swears elegantly,waltzes the ^Racket" divinely, talksslicker than boiled grease, knows theropes, intimate with the kitchen me¬

chanic's, owes everybody, pays noth-irig, not even' atlenlion, and l'requent:ly wrestles with thb existence Of a

mu»i.acjhe./.Tbp thorough bred always,belongs to some club, lie is on or-uament to Himself.

Learn to be Short.Long visits, long stories, long ex¬

hortations, long prayers, and longeditorials, adlrlom profit those Whohave to do with them. Life is shorv.Time "Irs short. 'Moments lire precious.Lqath to condense, nb) idgc and inten¬sify. We can endure many an acheand ill if.il is soon over while oven

pleasure.' grow insipid and pain incur¬able, if they arc protracted beyond <!ic

ltmiteofreusori and convenience. Lfariito be short. Lop of branches ; stick tothe main facts in your case. If yonspeak tellyonr message and holdyour peace ; boil down two woid intoone, t

and three into two. Alwayslearn to1 he short. ' .' 1

It is the man with only one suit olcloths ami a small salary, my son.

who has to be polite and agreeable,and a rigid, faultless observer of theHit idlest points and forms ofcliqu'.'tlc,The man worth SöO,OOo may trau pon your corns, walk across yocr wife'strain and eat pie with a knife, and iiis all right; his standing in societyisu't affected by it. But you.don'tyou, on your present salary, attemptto drink soup out of the side of yourplate, if you want to marry an heir¬ess. You can't allotd to act that way-just yet.

I would announce to the congrega¬tion that, piolmbly by mistake, therewas left at the meeting-house this

morning a small cotton umbrella,much damaged by time ami wear, andof an exceedingly pale blue color ; intlic place whereof was taken a verylarge bleck silk umbrella of greatbeauty. Blunders of this sort, mybrethren, are getting a little too com¬mon."

-~**rr-.*.-*»-*.. tAkoulw J, Gillen, w ho shot and

killed Miss Singersou, a lady who re¬fused to receive his attentions, inNew York a few days ago. \%as arres¬ted on Frjday :.ul Cedar Kr,\k, F <

He immediately shot himself anddied in a few hours calling upon "Ma¬ry" with'his lost breath, He was a

lawyer und seem lo have no otherf tult.lbun being insanely iu love.

A visit to Korljohn's ( heap CashStore at this time is really instruc¬tive and remunerative. One has noIdea how many bargains are to behad until they go and sec fur them¬selves. One pleasing feature in thisestablishment is that they are notpulfed up by their success, but every¬one is willing nud anxious to showyou around and cell you low down foicash.for you must remember thaiVie secret of Km ij din's success ha*been the cash trade. He iimkis noexceptions. Keeps no. slate. NYmemoiamlums lu/cash 'drawer, butgives sledge htuijfäer bargains, in ex¬change for-Uie/A jner can dollar, \V italert, experienced buyer* i.f. fanjudgment, p.tick, uiidiiei' v and adility, having fruliiniu-d command olthut one thing' that will buy tinworld, they me 'able to wutc.ii landtake advatdf^^ j of these [f fäeßdiochances and oftur. io thcit om-tiurn i -

who arc hot alrnitl of the insane ir\of auction goods, jobs, leaders am!specialties well calculated Ui-iiusvllhthe bmin of the buyer on lin'ie at li.t».per cent, on goods'interest add-'!.It injures no fabric todiivc ii i.hmyglthe giant engine of H. S, Marshal ate

assignee, the Sherill ami ilhi t-liuimart of the city. It pul i muthe price I'roJH si very liuh lo a Vilow figure. The luck .ol ihivstohhas been largely replenished dtirinthe week and they are now ptvpmc«to meet tho demands of their* inanvfriends. In addition to the !..-...stock they are jiow' opening tim foi1 »wing, which persons in the «.i,uyWjuld do well to notice: S Ivor plate>t table an I ten hpuons, k dvc^ andlo k«, window shades, l.-.dien (In $.<¦

gi OiK, b i sln-cs, glaSsM urn. u ><l .

usi-nd O.'icr ...i;gs. Give him aC *



Fine Candies, wholesale^ and retail,at but to inj prices.

FiXXJITS ^VlNr>: JNTJT«i>f nil descriptions always on hand]ThcZonlv place where von can always fret?1



Largest assortment of such goods in town.,Also.


FINE CIGARS, TO Is ornamented for Weddings in the most exquisite style.Steep.es and Ornaments made to order.1and examine before buying elsewhere at BRIGOMAN'S OLD STAND.*tingeburg, S. C., Sept. :i-tf

P..G. CANNONG an arid. Locksmith,

! and dealer in

( ruii#«"\T,is?tol« and.?Öeixöi'*al Ilaixhvnro,i»R^NGERüRG. S. C.

I/"EEPS constantly on hand a !";.;! and complete slock of Guns and Pistols nIC »;v ry description, Pocke! Knives. Table Knives and Forks. Spoons. Scissors,und in fact almost nuy^lhiiig^in tins Hardware lino. I make a specialty of Carpen-lcr»' Tobly. Fanning Implements-. Cooking Utensils. Fi.-hitig Tackle, Sporismcns'Goods, s-uch a- Shot. Powder, Cm: wad*, etc., etc.; alsof i , lit

''THE LIGHT RUNNING REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE,The l.esl and cheapest Machine manufactured.

The public are eordinllv Invited to examine my slock before purchasing as I amdetermined not to be undersold. Repairing of all kinds done with neatness andilipatch. P. C. CANNON.Orangebiirg. S. C, .Inn. 30. isso.lv


Popular Machine in Market.This great popularity is due to its

plan of construction and a superiorityin ils material and workmanship. Theresult, of those advantages Is a UNI-FORMLYSIKK KSSFUL PERFORM¬ANCE in Hewing.,the value of whichcannot lie Lilly appreciated except byexperts in mechanism.

It possesses, however, numerous oth¬er peculiarities that cannot fail to at¬tract the notice and excite the admira¬tion of all who investigate its merits.Prominent 11111011«; them is the absenceof I'rietion. making It the LIGHTESTRUNNING MACHINE in the world,ami saving the strength and often thehealth id* the operator. Its wonderfulsimplicity renders its (rare the most

: trilie ot labor; while its great size give.-.; it a capacity for the largest garments.1 us well as for the smallest"article. 11>, strength will resist any strain to whichf it can be subjected, and withstand theroughest ol usage, or the most con¬tinuous wear without any repair*.

Recent in proveiumits have greatly en! aticcd its qualities, and its success in thepast is but Jin indication of Iis future. Ai d now made, with its Adjustable ConicalHealings. the Combination Fly-Wheel, the Self-Threading Shuttle, the ImprovedTension and Take-Up, the Ei largpd Dobbin, the Self-Setting Needle, anil the beau¬tiful and durable built-up and bent-wood Cabinet Work it has a distinction andrank far above thcordinarv Sewing machine of the dap.

'THE ¦.DOMESTIC" IS W A It It ANTEDTo he made of the best material and in the nm-t thorough milliner; to do any and

all kinds of work that can be done on any machine : to be complete in every re-rtpect. and to be perfect In every part.

fcsf" Sixteen years in use ami not a single one can hi: found that is worn enoughto unlli it tor use. Forsaieby THEODORE KOHN.



A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDYFor Iniornal and External Oaa,

Ii a SURE CURE for all the Diseases for which It Is rocommonded,and 1$ ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE In tli3 handi of

ever; the ir.cst Inexperienced persons.It is ft niirr nnil «juleli remedy feir «'OT'IJIIM, SOUK

TIIKOAT, < IMiM.S, ami hllnilnr trnilldca: ftffortkl intUmt relir/ei ikr mott malignant jur-m of Dli'TITIIKKIA, an.I i- the bestknown remedy for RHEUMATISM and NBURAIXilA.


It ImM bom lifted \rllti *nrh -yronderful NncecM) In allpirtt of ihr vorU for CRAMPS. C1IOI.KKA, DIAKUIHKA,l>YHKNTRRV, ami nil IIOWEL COMPLAINTS, th.it a itfontUttrtd an unfailing cum fur Ihrna <ff«f<nr».


It 1b ItEL'OMMENDEO by PhyHlcInnn, MlMM'onnrleii,IlIliilHterri, RlnnnavrN of IMnnlntlou», Woi-k-shopn, andFnctortCA, Nurm-H III IIcw»i»tt»l».to eliort, by Everybodyeverywhere, who hau < v«-r riv< 11 it » trial.

IT IS WITHOUT a RiVAL AS A LINIMENT.It pltmdd alwayH l*>.it*od for Pain 1» the llnck und Side,

and Mnyi uMieila ami yrmanrnt rriuf In nil cased of llruim-H,Curs, viornliiwi Kevero ItiiriiH, Scald*., etc.NO FAMILY < AN SAFELY BE WITHOUT IT. It wUI:. Ily rive many tiiiten Us cost in doctors' litlift, and its prtco

; it-., it wtHdn tin- rracli of all. n 1h Hold at 25c. 50o. and 81.00:i '. oitlo.Mid can ba itbtniucd ft\t:i nil drn^-ditta.

perry S0$3, Providence, r. B,Proiirlerors.

Vi.lpvnev rind C'oi.m.sell«»!'

.7/ /.^/r.

i>'.:.\\bKill ':.'<.. ?. ''.

<Jlli.-f coviii r < ¦..!.!.; !;. ;. !. f> piarc,;«jw.«(jliiirdi smod. !'!¦<. Ktinu lid«i y <.mih-<!and occiijded In Win. M. ilutoon, Kt>'q.Jim . li.l «sn- 11

Notico ol DitstiuiMHitl*On l.V.li N »voudH'V »<«xl ! will lilt- mv

:it,... Uli IM OtMl-diuil <i| K| y:i' I?.'\. ( \ > ii I'.«.!»..:.. Jim!« .¦ < f « i-

...i C .aiiM , iiltd liVli .. i« U.; ii. n . I). i.. UI.OVKU,(.'.».I Iii lllltil diuu.

'W. B. THOMPSON,]( nor of

liiis.ifl! SJnici null IJ-illru-ul Avi'imo,I Mii i .. !... piiUiit! a »Y< ü -. Ii i:U:(j frtot-k

bi .DUV l ;< >.¦ ii >.:.

»I, iii\s,IL\l»i>,W Ali-K,. -.^

UWOI KI.'IKS.* Sic &v.

Iii1 g iarantc< > -iUi>l.ic!ion lo all wliolwi. I l'a\ or Ii im \\ tili a call.


.lui.c 11, isso.tf

is agent for the sale of the celebrated

BALD MOUNTAIN CORN WHISKEY,Hie purest brand in'the known world]

CALL! CALL! l.CALL!! 1and sample for once hfyour lives a pure


It haspio equal. Also on band the cheap¬est brands of.i


In the market.

A full liuc'of Staple and Fancy

GROCERIES,Cheaper than the. Cheapest.

Give mcj'a call and be convinced that

this advertisement is no humbug.JAMES VAN TASSEL,

At Midler's Old Stand.

How Watches are Made,IT will ho apparent to any one who will

examine a boi.il> Gold Watch, thataside from the necessary thickness forengraving and polishing, a large propor¬tion of the precious metallised, is need¬ed only to stillen and hold the engravedportions in place, and supply the neces¬sary solidity and strength. The surplusgold is actually needless so far as utili¬ty and beaut v are concerned. In JAM KSROSS' PATEN rCOLD WATCH CASESthis waste of precious metal is overcome,and tho samk 80mdity and stkkxgtiiproduced at. from one-third to one-haltof the usual cost of solid eases. The pro¬cess is of the mo.itlslmple nature, as fol¬lows: a plate of ulcklc composition met¬al, specially adapted to the purpose, hastwo plates of soi.ii> gold soldered uni¬on each side. The three are then passedbetween polished steel rollers, anil theresult is a strip of heavy plated composi¬tion, from which the eases, hacks, cen¬tres, bezels. &0.. are cut ami shaped bysuitable dies anil formers. The gold inthese eases is sufficiently thick to admitof nil kinds of chasing, engraving andenamelling; the engraved cases havebeen carried until worn perfectlysmooth by time and use without remov¬ing i he gold.THIS IS THE ONLY CASE MADE


lustrated Catalogue, and to see warrant.March 12. 18S0.ly

Cotton Gins I PressesE still have the Agency for the

Old Reliable Wmship Gin,Which we are prepared to furnish, eitherwith or without the Sell-Feeder and Con¬denser,

Also the

Winship Patent Cotton Pressall of which arc

THE REST IN THE MARKETand need no recommendation from us.We are selling them under the guaranteeof the manufacturers, and at their pricesand terms; parties in need of Gins orPresses will IIml it to their interest to calland sec us. or send for Our Circular andprices before placing their orders else-w here.


June 25th, 1880.(JinTAKE A i ERT1F1CATE

in the

Mutual Endowment Assess¬ment AssociationOF IS A L T I M OR E.

rJ"MllS scheme of Lifo Insurance is got-J. ten up by the best business men offJidtimorc as a mutual protection nmonjits members. It is based upon purelybusiness principles him' is perfectly relia¬ble, affording the safest anil cheapest plannil which lite rlsk« can he taken. Mr. J.s. Alborgnttl represents tie- company forthis county and will Issue certificatesHo invites examination and will h.pleased (ogive- all information needed.!

April 2nd. 18S0 .Ilm

J eunrnntee REiniSfF.fl'Sikdian vEitMirrcae todestroy nod expel Wurmsfrom the human body,whero they exist, it usedaccording to the Ulrce.tlons. It in a nnfo and re-lirtblc remedy.FOR SAtE BY Att DRUGGISTS


David E, Foutz, Prop.IIALTDIUKK, MD.

For sale by Dlt. J. G. WaNXAMAKKU.Dec 10.lyrNEW STORE! NEW STOCK !

Having erected anew and coinmoril-oils Store oil the site of our Old

Stand, our facilities- for conducting theForeign and Domestic Fruit trade arenow unsurpassed in the Southern Couii-l.iy. The atteiitloii of our friedds, anddealers generally, is called lo this fact,and also .to our Irish supplies arrivingIn- tiny,100 liairels Norlhern Apples,äu boxes Mesdun l.eiimi s.J*) barrels mid half hat reis Pearsl.*> pkgs Delaware and Concord Grapes

ji.ii hurivl* E. IJose Potatoes..'"> bai reis Onions100 bairels Northern Cabbages.Peaches and Grapes fresh every morn*ug by Express. C. HART & CO.,5ö.*f>7 and 51) Market-street,Sept 21. linos Charleston, S.



This School opens on the First Mondayin September annually and continuesuninterruptedly until the laut Friday inJune.

TEKMS PER MONTH.First Grade, advanced English.$:i 00Second Grade. Grammar pupils. 'i.fiOThird Grade, beginners. 2.00Latin and Greek, each extra. GoStudents may enter at any time during

the term, and are charged only troin dateof entrance. Assistance will be employ¬ed if necessary.

Itoard may bo had with the Principalat twelve dollars per month, includinglights and washing; or at eight dollarswhen the student rocs home on Fridayand returns on Monday of each week.Other good families will taks boarders

on same terms.Students are prepared for the Sopho¬

more class of any college.No intercourse allowed between haysand girls. This is positive,HUGO G.ISHEUIDAN. Principal.



Respectfully informs thc'public that hehas removed his Tailor Shop from thePublic Square to Mlddletoh Street oppo¬site Mr. Strauss' residence, where all

work in his line will be neatly and promp¬

tly executed as heretofore. All new

..'nrk guaranteed. 3mo.

DO you suffer with headache?O you feel dull and languid?

Does your appetite fail you?Is your Liver out of order?Have you a metalic taste in 3'our

mouth?Have you dyspepsia or indigestion?If so, take

OK. LIVER CURE,And get immediate relief. It never fails.as hundreds will testily w ho have used itand have been henefuted. It is entirelyvegetable, certain in its effects, and abso¬lutely harmless. One trial will convinceyou." DOWIE & MOISK,

Sole Proprietors.Charleston, S. C.

For Sale by Dr. J. O. Wunnaturkcr,Oraiigeblirg S. C. April 2.1.ti.; is.



(One door above Dr. Patrick's.)



that I have on my own account, com¬

menced a Grocery Business.will keep

only the best goods, and sell cheap for

Cash, and an}* patronage bestowed will

be appreciated. Respectfully,


May 14, 1880 3m.

VIRGINIA HOUSE,(Formerly McDowell House)


HAVING purchased the McDowellHouse, the undersigned begs leave

to inform the traveling public that he hatfurnished it throughout in modern style,anil will endeavor to keep a tirst classhouse. The proprietor will give bis per¬sonal attention to Hie bouse, and do allin his power to make quests comfortable.The table will be supplied with the bestthe market affords. Pohle and attentiveservants. Terms moderate.A. J. DODAMEAD. Proprietor.(Formerly of the Virginia House, Colum¬

bia. S. c..1. P. T'lACKAM, Clerk.(Lille of the Columbia Hotel. Colum¬

bia. S. C. April 2d.J8.S0

SAMUEL DIBBLE,'Attorney and Counsellor at Lav;

(Cor. Church & St. Paul's Street.)

ORANGEBURG, S. C.Dee 13-tf


W111carts or proven: ni»en*e.No Itonrj, will rile of Chi.ici.Hotb or Lcno Fh-

V-n.lf KoiiO.*« Powder* nru lucd In time.Kotitz-« Powder* wlllcnre unit prevent Itoo choi.kraFouu'b Powder* will prevent Oai-k» im Fowls.Fouo.'k Powder* win Increase the quantity of milk

and cream twenty per cent., and make too butter firmand Hwoet.FoutiV Powders will euro or prevent almost ktbby

DlbKAHf to Whielt llOISOa and Cattle lire Fiibject.Fovtä's Powoacfl WILLatVI rUriarACTio:*.Bold everywhere.

DAVID 5. ?OSSK, eroprietor.BAX.TIMOBB. KD,

Forsale by Du. J. G. Wann a si arm,.Dee 10.lyr

SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD.Passenger Depaipiment.

On and after Nov lOtli. 1880, Pasam-ger Trains on this rend will run us fol¬lows: (till further orders.)GREENVILLE EXPRESS TRAIN.

going east.Leave Columbia.*C 10 p ruArrive at. Camden.9 50 p uiLeave Orangcburg .8 29 p mArrive at Charleston.*11 25 pin

uoing west.Leave Charleston at.C 00 a mLeave Oroiigeburg at.8 51 n aiLeave Camdenat.7 00amArrive at Columbia.11 10 a in

?Daily except Sundays.Way Freight and Passenger Trains.

going east.Leave Columbia.5 10 s ni

Arrive at Camden.1 09 p inLeave Orengeburg.10 05 amArrive at Charleston.2 00 p in

" Augusta.3 45 putgoing west.

* Leave Charleston .5) 00 a inLeave Augusta.7 55 a inLeave Orangeburg.1 38 p iuArrive at Columbia.0 25 p m

* Passengers leaving Columbia orCharleston on these trains have to changecars at Brnnchville to reach Charlestonat 2 00 p m or Columbia at G 25 p in.

^ Night Express Train.Going east.

Leave Columbia.0 3d p iuLeave Orangeburg. 1 15 * ülArrive at Augusta.8 .10 a inArrive at Charleston.7 30 a in

GOING west.Leave Charleston.fl 00 p inLeave Augusta.G00 p tnLeave Orangeburg.2 37 a tnArrive at Columbia..>.G 11 a iuThe Night£)Exprcss will run dally.Greenville Express and all other trains

run daily except Sundays. SleepingCars are attached to Night Express.Berths only 81 50 to Charleston or Au¬gusta. These trains make connection*at Charleston with New York and Balti¬more Steamers on Wednesday* and Ski*nrdays. also with Florida Steamers onTuesdays and Saturdays. The NightExpress makes connections with 7 a intrain on S & C Railroad fnrSavumih andFlorida points. Connections made byother trains at Augusta with trains fromand to that point, also with ull train*from and to Charleston.On Saturday und Sundays, round triptickets arc sold to and from all stations

at one tirsl-class fare for the round tripgood till Monday noon to return.D. C. ALLEN,

Gen. Pass, ami T. Agt.John B. Peck. Gen. Supr..1. G. PoSTEl.l., Agt Orangeburg.

J. DEE, ANDREWSVW'OULD respectfully inform ijie cit-'-T T /.ens of Orangeburg that tie bas i l

charge the slock mid fixtures,«f Z. J.King, at Wallace Camion's old stun I,Main street, where he will he glad to net vohis friends ami the public witli anyth« igin his line of trade. Everything fr ehand pure and guaranteed to give sali- ac-tlOU. A lull line ofgoods kept COnM; otlyon hand.. Born ami raised in Orn ige-burg. I hope to teceive a liberal almraofthe patronage of my fellow citizen-.


BLACK liKltBY BRANDY at n'allardCannon's old stand.

Pure CORN and RYE Wl« »kien 1 »r.sale at Wallace Cannon's old .and.

For pure Chiiiupaiguc Layer Beer goto Wallace Cannon's old »tu id. Pain! iessupplied by the dozen.go-als deliveredfree of charge.

Seltzer Water, for dis: i rnn/r-mei t ofthe bowels and kidneys, for sale l»W atWallace Cannon's old stai J.

The "Cotton Boll," the dliest f t teemCigar in town, for sale al Wallas Cii»>»nun's old stand. Don't foi ret it.

Soda Water, fresh, by t ie bottl \, atWallace Cannon's old stanu.May ÜS, 1SS0.ly


Nkvsr Gxts Hahd.Cam hb Madb AX1 Stuknotu Desman. faMVTwice as Long.

Ciieuss WreA witiont Drcgslsg Iba ßjstsa»CUBES

Chiita and Vcvcr,Liver Complaint,DjipeBUft,




Sick 4 lerross

Thtae Pad* Oaro all Diseases by Absorption. NoNozlnuc Pill». Oils, or Poisonous Medicines are takenInto Uie Stomach. Tho Pads are worn over the Pllof tlio Stomach, covering the Great Nerve Centres,al*o the Llrcr and 8tomach. A gentle VegetableTonic is absorbed intothccirculntionof the WoodanqT lrer.purtfjingUielMcod. stimulating the I.lvcrandKldo'-ys to healthy acüon. and strengthening thoStomach to digest food. Pnicn or Pads 61 and Wbach. 8old st all I>«ugcisis, or sent by Mallor Expreu.Manufactured at 80 k 41 No&Tll Libkety St*Valtiscobb. Mo.

Fi r Sale by8. A. REEVES.

Jan. 30,18S0.ly



St. Matthews S. 0.We respectfully call the attention of

the farmers to our general stockof GOODS anil solicit a call wheuevsihey visit St.Mattlm.v-j, A full andfresh stock constantly in score._

WantedÖAA f\f\f\k pounds of SEEDOUU,UUU t OTI'ON. for which1 will pay one third of the market vuluoof lint col ton and return seed.Aug 27 GEO. IL CORNELSON.