The Open Door Publisher: Immanuel Lutheran Church Volume No.41 Issue No. 1 January 2017 Living Water - Sundays at 5:00PM Living Water is Immanuel's new worship service, Sundays at 5:00 pm. We gather for prayer, scripture and song in a casual, relaxed atmosphere. We celebrate communion the first and third Sundays of the month, with Dinner Church on the first Sunday where we celebrate around a meal. We will not have Living Water on Christmas or New Year's Day. Anything Goes Night of Entertainment The date has been set Saturday - January 21. Dinner at 5pm followed by all the talent! We are looking for folks to showcase their talents”! If you aended last year you already know how much fun it is. If you missed last year then join us for the fesve evening of entertainment! There will be a sign up sheet in the lower hallway. Please sign up for dinner and let us know if you have something to share. It could be a performance or a display of something that you enjoy. There is no limit! A freewill offering will be taken. Save the Date—January 29, 2017 Join us on January 29, 2017 at 12:30pm for Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Churchs 2017 Annual Congregational meeting, following the 11:00 oclock worship service. Light snacks will be provided by Church Council Members. Your attendance is very important to the Immanuel s mission Celebrate – Grow – Serve”. Red Cross Blood Drive Immanuel will host a Blood Drive on Thursday, January 3, 2017, from 1:00-6:30 pm. We will carpool from Immanuel, leaving at 7:00PM. If you would like to attend, please contact Dave Ekimoff at [email protected], 585/872-5180 or see him on Sunday. EROI Concert On Saturday, January 28, at 3:00pm, our Director of Music, Amanda Mole, will perform at Immanuel in an organ concert of several Eastman organ students. The concert is given to help raise funds for the Eastman- Rochester Organ Initiative (EROI)- an organization which brings excellent organs and world-class organists to Rochester to give recitals and masterclasses at the Eastman School of Music. Please join us for a fantastic afternoon of organ music and help support Amanda, the organ students at Eastman, and their education.

The Open Door - Immanuel Lutheran Churchimmanuelwebster.org/.../2010/01/The-Open-Door-1.17.pdf · 2017-02-06 · The Open Door Publisher: Immanuel ... brings excellent organs and

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The Open Door

Publisher: Immanuel Lutheran Church Volume No.41 Issue No. 1 January 2017

Living Water - Sundays at 5:00PM

Living Water is Immanuel's new worship service, Sundays at 5:00 pm. We gather for prayer, scripture and song in a casual, relaxed

atmosphere. We celebrate communion the first and third Sundays of the month, with Dinner Church on the first Sunday where we celebrate around a meal.

We will not have Living Water on Christmas or New Year's Day.

Anything Goes Night of Entertainment

The date has been set Saturday - January 21. Dinner at 5pm followed by all the talent! We are looking for folks to showcase their “talents”! If you attended last year you already know how much fun it is. If you missed last year then join us for the festive evening of entertainment! There will be a sign up sheet in the lower hallway. Please sign up for dinner and let us know if you have something to share. It could be a performance or a display of something that you enjoy. There is no limit! A freewill offering will be taken.

Save the Date—January 29, 2017

Join us on January 29, 2017 at 12:30pm for Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church’s 2017 Annual Congregational

meeting, following the 11:00 o’clock worship service. Light snacks will be provided by Church Council Members. Your attendance is very important to the Immanuel’s mission “Celebrate – Grow – Serve”.

Red Cross Blood Drive

Immanuel will host a Blood Drive on Thursday, January 3, 2017, from 1:00-6:30 pm.

We will carpool from Immanuel, leaving at 7:00PM. If you would like to attend, please contact Dave Ekimoff at [email protected], 585/872-5180 or see him on Sunday.

EROI Concert

On Saturday, January 28, at 3:00pm, our Director of Music, Amanda Mole, will perform at Immanuel in an organ concert of several Eastman organ students. The concert is given to help raise funds for the Eastman-Rochester Organ Initiative (EROI)- an organization which brings excellent organs and world-class organists to Rochester to give recitals and masterclasses at the Eastman School of Music. Please join us for a fantastic afternoon of organ music and help support Amanda, the organ students at Eastman, and their education.

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Dear Friends,

Just a few doors remain on our Advent calendars. Our wreaths are now burning brightly. We've

waited with hope and expectation. We've prepared our hearts and have decked our homes with garlands and lights and are ready to meet the Savior, the long-awaited Messiah, the child wrapped in bands of cloth lying in a manger. All the world is holding its breath, ready to sing joy into the world, and bid the faithful to come and adore him.

Yet with all the Advent hope we have shared, with all the images of streams and flowers brimming over in deserts, swords and weapons transformed into tools for cultivating and growing, promises of light breaking into the darkness, the world in many ways still feels like a dark place.

Since the day after Halloween, we've been barraged by glossy magazines and television ads depicting happy families and friends laughing together around beautifully set tables brimming with the finest foods. We see countless trees, bedazzled by sparkling ornaments and surrounded by mountains of artfully wrapped packages. Before we even walk through the doors of stores, we are tempted by all the ways we can make the holidays bright by buying that perfect gift for that special person. Since early fall, we have been bombarded with the idea that to celebrate Christmas is to give the image of perfection, of unbridled happiness filled with smiles and abandon.

What we don't see, however, is what lies just under the surface of these glossy images. We don't see the pain of broken relationships. We don't see the dread of that doctor's visit and the news we fear hearing. We don't see the poverty that is so real for so many. We don't see the pain of violence that exists in our communities and throughout the world. We don't see the tears that threaten to fall as many grieve those they've lost. Instead, we try to hide those things, those thoughts, disappointments and fears, because we believe that Christmas is all feeling happy, about perfection and completeness. Perhaps that's why so many of us are tempted each year to overspend budgets decorating and buying gifts and setting sumptuous feasts on our holiday tables. We try to mask that there is still brokenness and pain and suffering in the world, even in our own lives. Yet Christmas is about God breaking into our pain and

brokenness with the reality of hope and love.

Long ago, Jesus was born into a world that knew poverty, oppression, pain and loss. The reality of Roman dictatorship and a corrupt Temple system sought to strangle the people who struggled each day to survive. The rich lorded over those who had little. Most people had no voice, no value, and therefore had little hope. Yet it was exactly into this reality that God's Son was born - not in a sumptuous palace, but to a peasant couple from a far-off place, as far away from the power centers of the world as one could imagine. The reality of Immanuel, "God with us," is that God truly came to live intimately with those who knew the deepest need, those who had lost hope. Jesus' coming was not to mask the disappointments, the hopelessness, the pain and the grief. Jesus came to confront it, to offer an alternative of hope and grace and promise.

Christmas is about the "already but not yet." God has brought us the hope of light in our darkness. God's own Son has already come to us to bring us promise of new life. But we still live in the "not yet." We still know disappointment, pain and grief. We still know death. The difference for us, however, is that we now have that hope, that promise, that grace. We now know that God's hand guides us and God's love surrounds us. We know that in Christ's incarnation, we face the world not alone, but with God's presence surrounding us. And we can face the world knowing that God's future is one of joy, of peace, of life, because we have a God who keeps promises. From the birth of creation, God's love has surrounded humanity as God has never stopped giving, not even stopping at giving his own Son.

Maybe this is why for many of us, the most powerful image of Christmas is not one of loud trumpets blaring, of brightness and glaring floodlights, but instead of soft candlelight, of singing quietly of a silent night in a warm, soft, quiet stable in far-away Bethlehem.

This Christmas, as we light the last candle on our wreaths and open those final doors on our Advent calendars, may we know the quietness, the peace, the soft light of Christ dispelling the darkness from our lives. May we know the quiet joy of Immanuel, God with us, in all that we encounter today and always.

Blessing and joy in this season of peace-filled wonder,

Pastor Joanne

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Pastor Joanne’s Contact Information

In case of an emergency, you can reach Pastor Joanne at her home, 585-377-6802.

Pastor Joanne’s office hours will be Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 9am to noon.

Bible Study

Bible Study will continue in February on the first and third Monday and Thursday as we look at Paul's letter to

the Galatians. Then later in spring, as we celebrate this year of the Reformation's 500th anniversary, we will look at Martin Luther's work and legacy. Watch for more details soon.

Lifetree Café Schedule,

Thursdays 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Lifetree Café is an hour-long experience packed with interesting stories, fascinating people, and lively conversation that will feed your soul. The main entrée at Lifetree Café is food for thought. Come enjoy a comfortable, safe place. A place to meet old friends and make new ones. To share your thoughts about compelling topics and hear the thoughts of others. Come see what everyone’s talking about. For more details, go to: www.facebook.com/LifetreeCafeWebsterNY

Jan. 5 Be Yourself, Everyone else is taken Jan. 12 Playing God, Is science going to far? Jan. 19 Losing a Loved One to Alzheimer’s, A daughter’s dilemma Jan. 26 “Why Did I Survive?” Questions from natural disasters and other scrapes with death Feb. 2 - No Lifetree, Immanuel Vision Meeting

Would you like to be a host at Lifetree Café ? Contact Tom Lombardo through the church office at 872-5180. Presentation is easy with scripted materials to go with the video.


What is your vision for Immanuel? Where should Immanuel be in 2 years? 5 years? 10 years? These are questions that we will be addressing in the upcoming year. We will begin this visioning process by getting together in January and February to start a conversation about who we are and where we would like to be going. The discussion sessions are scheduled for January 14th from 12:00-3:00PM, February 2nd from 6:00-9:00PM and February 12th from 2:00-5:00PM. Each session will consist of Bible study to ground our thinking in God’s word, small group discussion to share our ideas with each other and, of course, a meal. The discussion will be similar in each session so you only have to attend the session that best suits your schedule.

So why should you attend any of these conversations? As a member of Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, you are part of a community of God’s people that is called to do God’s work. We know that God’s work is infinite in scope while our resources are finite. Therefore, it is important that we work together to discern where God is calling us and, as good stewards, decide on how we can best use our resources to answer that call. We need everyone to contribute to Immanuel’s vision to make it a complete description of who we are.

Please determine which of these dates will work best

for you and sign up in the lower hallway. Plan on

contributing to setting the direction for Immanuel as we

live into God’s call for us.

Souper Bowl of Caring

February 5th, millions of people will tune in to the Super Bowl football game. There will be parties with abundant food, friendship and fellowship. At the same time, there will be people worrying about staying warm, finding shelter and a meal. Please join young people around the United States as they demonstrate God’s love by loving their neighbors through the Souper Bowl of Caring. It’s a simple yet significant act of caring for others. Drop $1 in the soup pot and donate a can soup as you worship on Sunday, February 5th.

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The Shortz Scholarship Committee would like to thank everyone who helped make the Just Desserts fundraiser, held on November 12, a huge success. Because of the efforts of those who organized, those who baked, and those who came, tasted and bought or donated we raised $1000 for the Shortz Scholarship. This will help deserving high school seniors continue their education when scholarships are awarded in the spring.

Barb Mittak, Secretary, Shortz Scholarship Dear Friends of Veterans Outreach Center, We recently received your generous donation of 25 quilts. We want to thank you on behalf of our dedicated staff and the thousands of veterans who walk through out doors each year. We appreciate your willingness to help us succeed and hope you’ll stop in to visit our Center and see the difference your gift is making. Sincerely, Todd K. Baxter Executive Director

Thank you for all the beautiful hats mittens and scarfs that were donated during the Christmas season. These were given to Bridge House. Hope House and Open Door Mission. These gifts are a light in the darkness for people in our community and give warmth during the cold weather. From Social Ministry Dear Member of Immanuel, Thank you so much for my care package! It means so much to me that you are thinking of me while I am at school, especially around finals week! The snacks will really come in handy! :) Best, Sarah Geckle

High School Class, Thank you so much for the wonderful care package! You have no idea how much it means to me to know I have such a loving support system at home. College is tons of fun (you’ll all enjoy it) but classes are hard - haha- so do your homework! God has helped me a lot. Keep Him in your mind and He will get you through everything. I miss you all and hope things are going well. I’ll see you soon! Lauren Bovenzi HI! Today I got out of my hour and a half math class, went to the mailroom, and picked up a package I had been notified about, but had not been expecting. I can't even BEGIN to describe how incredibly happy that box made me!!!!! To have a community back at home who is thinking about me while I'm away is so touching and sweet, and it genuinely made my day. AND THERE WAS SO MUCH FOOD OH MY GOODNESS I just kept digging stuff out thinking it would be the last one but THERE WAS STILL MORE! I probably looked like a little kid despite being an 18 year old in college because I had the biggest smile on my face with every item of food I pulled out of that magical box. I've already eaten like two packs of goldfish and an embarrassing amount of the candy. This completely made my entire week and I can't thank you all enough.

MUCH love, Jess Hewlett

Thank you to Carol and Earl Dittberner for the beautiful Christmas tree in our sanctuary. Thanks also to the Property committee, Jim Guderian, Earl Dittberner, Dave Reville, Warren Jensen, and Dave Ekimoff for their placing the tree and decorating it. Thank you to all the people who supported the Alternative Christmas Gifts this year. These token gifts raised money to support Webster Comfort Care, Veteran’s Outreach and Lutheran World Relief. From Social Ministry

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The January book club selection is….

The Residence offers an intimate account of the service staff of the White House, from the Kennedys to the Obamas.

America’s First Families are unknowable in many ways. No one has insight into their true character like the people who serve their meals and make their beds every day. Full of stories and details by turns dramatic, humorous, and heartwarming, The Residence reveals daily life in the White House as it is really lived through the voices of the maids, butlers, cooks, florists, doormen, engineers, and others who tend to the needs of the President and First Family.

Join us on Thursday the 19th to discuss the surprising and moving details that illuminate day-to-day life at the White House. Our hostess will be Barb Stam.

Save canceled postage stamps from Christmas cards and put them in the box on top of the hat rack in the lower hallway. Thanks!

Men’s Breakfast Men’s Breakfast will meet the second & fourth Wednesday of the month at 8:00 AM at the Nutcracker Restaurant

(Empire Blvd.).

Not your Mother’s Church Retreat

Save the date - Immanuel will be hosting a women’s retreat March 24-25 st the Watson Homestead near Painted Post, NY. Pastor Joanne will be leading discussion on the "Bad Girls of the Bible" This will be a weekend of fellowship and learning in a tranquil setting in downstate NY. We welcome anyone who would like to join us! Details will follow soon but do check your calendars and make a plan to attend! If you have any questions please contact Debbie Huehn 738-4840 or Kris Lombardo 406-4651!

WELLNESS ON WEDNESDAYS – WOW! Join us for Wellness on Wednesdays at 10:00 AM! Come and enjoy fun, food and friendship, with a program, chair exercise, blood pressure check and delicious lunch. The program schedule:

Jan. 4 - 'The Last Civil War Hero in Rochester: James Hard' - Learn about this interesting Civil War soldier as Dave Crumb discusses this historical figure.

Jan. 11 - 'World War II Tunes' - Enjoy the old songs from the war era as played on both the accordion and piano by musician Henry Boessl.

Jan. 18 - 'History of Sea Breeze Amusement Park' - Patricia Wayne, Irondequoit Historian, will provide the sequence of events as this popular Rochester area amusement park evolved.

Jan. 25 - 'Veterans' Outreach' - Representative Nina Siverd will explain exactly what their organization does to help veterans in the Rochester area.

Come and join the fun – and bring a friend to share it with! Transportation is available by calling the church office (872-5180) by Tuesday at 10:00AM. A $2 donation for lunch is requested. We look forward to seeing you!

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Backpack Food Ministry

The Backpack Food Ministry has been ongoing since March 2011! This year we continue to provide food in backpacks each week to students at State Rd, DeWitt Rd, Klem North, and Schlegel Rd Schools. We will fill about 50 to 60 bags per week. This food is meant to supplement the needs of the child for the weekend. We are collecting a different food item each week to help fill the back packs. Please consider bringing a food item to help. If it is easier you can bring several different items in one week. There is a blue box in the lower level entry of the church to collect the food. The items are stored together at church to be grouped together for distribution on a weekly basis. If you wish to support the program with a check please make it to Immanuel with backpack program in the memo. Money given is used to purchase items to supplement the weekly food donation. We try to do something special around holidays or school breaks like a box of cereal or complete pancake mix with syrup. These items are easier to purchase rather than collect to make sure we have the same for all. Thank you to all who participate in this ministry, you are making a difference in the lives of others. January 1 can of tuna fish January 8 can of fruit January 15 plastic jar of jam or jelly January 22 fruit or pudding cup Feb 5 granola bars Feb 12 mac and cheese (box) Feb 19 pasta sauce (plastic jar or can) Feb 26 peanut butter in plastic jar March 5 plastic jar of jelly or jam March 12 SpaghettiOs or ravioli March 19 fruit rollups March 26 mac and cheese (box) April 2 granola bars


Poinsettia plants are WARM climate plants and cannot tolerate cold temperatures. On Christmas Eve, following the services, when you pick up your plant, it needs to be wrapped in several plastic bags or placed in two paper grocery bags with the top closed. It would be advisable to bring them with you to services in order to prevent the plants from freezing once they are exposed to the cold night air. If the plants are not protected, then plant damage is exhibited on the flowers very quickly due to freezing.

CARE OF POINSETTIA PLANTS AT HOME Once you have your plant at home, poke holes in the bottom of the foil, which will allow the plant to drain upon watering thereby preventing the roots from drowning.

LIGHT- Place the plant (or any other flowering plant) near a sunny window, where it will get the most available sunlight. A south, east or west-facing window is the best. Avoid a north-facing window and do not let any part of the Poinsettia touch a cold windowpane, as this will damage it. Also, please do not put the plant behind a drawn window curtain, as this will freeze the plant causing the flowers, which ARE the leaves, to drop.

TEMPERATURE-To maintain the plant in bloom, a temperature of 65 to 70 degrees F. is ideal during the day, in the evening, you can place it in a cooler spot. Since root rot damage is more prevalent with temperatures below 60, it is wise not to place the plant in areas cooler than this or leaf drop will result.

WATER- Examine the soil in the pot daily, and when it feels dry to the touch, water the plant until the water runs out of the bottom drainage hole of the pot. If you use a jardinière to cover the pot, remove the water that collects init. Avoid leaving the plant stand in water as this will cause root damage. A wilted plant may drop its flowers prematurely, so try to keep it watered.

REFLOWERING-I often receive questions about how to re-flower the Poinsettia. This is a real challenge and a headache! Our local florists can supply your plant needs yearly at a modest price-why not let them do the growing.

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Christmas Memorials were received in

loving memory of:

Bill and Marie Naukam by Marcia Naukam

Bill and Hazel Busch by Marcia Naukam

Walt Pappert

by Marcia Naukam

A gift to the Endowment Fund was received in loving memory of:

Robert Geiwitz by Edna Geiwitz

Bill and Hazel Busch

by Shirley Pappert and Family

Bill and Hazel Busch by Richard T. Busch

Friday Quilters Friday Morning Quilters meet at 9:00am. It takes little concentration to tie the quilt tops/batting/and backing together so we have plenty of time for talking as we work! And we also have the option of setting up a second quilt to tie if we use the upstairs conference room so there is plenty of space for lots of people! Do come and be a Friday Morning Quilter!!

Save the Date!

March 3-5 is Winter Weekend and is open to all youth in grades 6-12. Look for more information coming soon.

Dieter Fritzsch

by US Army Corps of Engineers

Barbara Fornalik Margot Vucicevic

Gwendolyn J. Bigelow Janis Kornafel Arlene Figler

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Painton Mr. Mrs. Carl Santo

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Peters Mr. & Mrs. John Boyden

Marge Cario Margaret Kitz

Mr. & Mrs. David Pierson Mr. & Mrs. Dave Swanson Mr. & Mrs. David Sandman

Mary Pantas Pat Fritzsch

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Marchant

Gene Kulp by

Bruce and Chris Kulp

Doris and Leo Dugan by

Ed and Patricia Pero

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~ January 2017 ~

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 New Year's Day Articles for The Open Door are due 9:30a Worship with Holy Communion

2 Office Closed 7p Finance Committee Meeting 8p AA, Al-Anon, Alateen

3 11:30a Red Cross Blood Drive 6:30p ImmanuBells Rehearsal

4 10a Wellness on Wednesdays 10:30a Director of Music Office Hours 7p Senior Choir Rehearsal

5 7p Lifetree Café 7p Worship and Music Meeting

6 9a Quilting group 7p LYO Minute to Win It Night


8 8:15a & 11:00 Worship with Holy Communion 9:30a Sunday School 5p Living Water Service

9 8p AA, Al-Anon, Alateen

10 6p Confirmation Dinner and Class 6:30p ImmanuBells Rehearsal

11 8a Men of Immanuel Breakfast 10a Wellness on Wednesdays 10:30a Director of Music Office Hours 7p Senior Choir Rehearsal

12 11:15a MS Group 7p Lifetree Café 7p Toastmaster's

13 9a Collating the Annual Report 9a Quilting group

14 12p Visioning Discussion

15 7:30a Gathering Choir Rehearsal 8:15a & 11:00 Worship with Holy Communion 9:30a Sunday School 5p Living Water Service

16 Martin Luther King Office Closed 8p AA, Al-Anon, Alateen

17 6:30p ImmanuBells Rehearsal

18 10a Wellness on Wednesdays 10:30a Director of Music Office Hours 6:30p Stewardship Meeting 7p Senior Choir Rehearsal

19 10:30a MS Support Group 7p Book Club 7p Lifetree Café

20 Inauguration Day 9a Quilting group

21 5p Dinner and Anything Goes

22 8:15a & 11:00 Worship with Holy Communion 9:30a Sunday School 5p Living Water Service

23 6p Church Council Dinner and Meeting 7p Christian Education Meeting 8p AA, Al-Anon, Alateen

24 6p Confirmation Dinner and Class 6:30p ImmanuBells Rehearsal

25 8a Men of Immanuel Breakfast 10a Wellness on Wednesdays 10:30a Director of Music Office Hours 7p Senior Choir Rehearsal

26 11:15a MS Group 7p Lifetree Café 7p Toastmaster's

27 9a Folding The Open Door 9a Quilting group

28 3p EROI Concert

29 8:15a & 11:00 Worship with Holy Communion 9:30a Sunday School 12:15p Congregational Meeting 5p Living Water Service

30 7p Social Ministry Meeting 8p AA, Al-Anon, Alateen

31 6:30p ImmanuBells Rehearsal


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Alex Bonacci 1/1 Marcia McNair 1/1 Kristin Maier 1/3 Nancy Haelen 1/4 Stephen Price 1/4 Virginia Zaso 1/4 Sarah Keymel 1/5 Bruce Kulp 1/5 Lisa Wicks 1/6 Marie DeFrees 1/7 Karen Dey 1/9 Charles Klauck 1/9 Carol Burnett 1/10 Ronald Nohe 1/11 Charles Price 1/11 Barbara Stam 1/13 Gail Weaver 1/14 Joshua Hill 1/15 Erica Jonas 1/15 Alaine O’Connor 1/15 Janet Tuohy 1/15 Lorie Kelly 1/16 Nolan Stephany 1/17 Zachary Opett 1/18 Jourdan Plaisted 1/20 Carol Dittberner 1/21 Sarah Geckle 1/21 Martha Styles 1/23 Cameron Hubbard 1/24 Maggie Thorpe 1/24 Elaine Kasiske 1/25 James Guderian 1/28 Paul Schutt 1/28 Scott Bartholomew 1/30 Thomas Toal 1/30 Jesse Gabriel 1/31 Colin Smith 1/31

Date Years Bill & Helen Ruoff 1/16 57 Christen & Wayne Lukash 1/18 20 Ian & Marina Russell 1/21 1 Susan & Douglas Hughes 1/20 38 Dick & Sandy Washburn 1/21 51 Michael Ball & Janet Tuohy 1/30 14 Is the Open Door missing your anniversary or birthday? If so, please contact Barb at the office (872-5180). Thanks!

William Dey 228 Gasberry Lane

Webster, NY 14580-2622

If you have moved, changed your phone number or email address, please contact the office at 872-5180 or email [email protected]. We would also like email address changes. Thanks!

SANCTUARY FLOWERS Flowers are a lovely way to remember someone or mark a special occasion. There are dates available for the month. If you

would like to offer sanctuary flowers for our Sunday morning services, please sign up on the sheet next to the choir room. Contact Sheri Williams (585-770-3733) if you have any questions! God's peace to you all.

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For homebound members of Immanuel who do not have access to Webster Cable television we can provide you with a DVD copy of the service. Please contact the Church

Office (872-5180) and arrangements will be made so you receive them on a regular basis.

The Shepherd of the month is: Cheryl Davies

Please give her a call at 315/524-8545 if you know of someone in our church family who has had a baby, recently been hospitalized or ill, surgery, death in the family, or could just use a helping hand. The shepherd can provide a simple meal, a warm thought, or locate a volunteer to help.

Articles for the February issue of

The Open Door are due on January 2nd

Open Door folding is Friday, January 27th at 9:00 AM.


Prayer is a central part of Christian life. Through prayer we connect with God and raise up joys and celebrations, concerns and sorrows. As Christians we pray not only for ourselves, we also pray for others and for the mission of the church. We all know the comfort that comes when we know someone has lifted us in prayer. When we lift up others, it brings us closer to each other and to God. At Immanuel we have an email prayer chain. If you would like to be a part of Immanuel Prays, please contact the church office with either your email address or telephone number. We will add you to the prayer chain. If you have a need or a joy to share, you can email the church ([email protected]) or call 585-872-5180 and this will be shared with those on the prayer chain.


Pastor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joanne Groman-Stewart Assoc. for Congregational Ministries. Dave Ekimoff Pastor Emeritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John F. Beeg Administrative Associate . . . . . . . . . .Barb Rafferty Director of Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amanda Mole Deacons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ed Huehn, Dave Reville Sexton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warren Jensen

Church Council Officers *Council Members

President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bruce Kulp* Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bonnie Webster* Recording Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rachel Collins* Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Darla Lacey* Financial Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles Klauck*

Chairpersons~ and Council Liaisons*

Learning: Christian Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rachel Collins~* . . . . . . . Bonnie Webster*

Service: Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Karen Holroyd~* Social Ministry . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Deb Huehn~ . Kath Gottschalk*, Deb Pitts* and Susan Hughes* Parish Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leslie Schwartz

Support: Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ron Nohe~, Barb Stam* Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Eric Baller~ A. Memorial . . . . . . Dave Derleth~*, Barb Stam* B. Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marj Bovenzi~

Witness: Outreach/Evangelism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Dugan* Stewardship . . . . . . . . Mike Herrman~, Joan Frank~* . . . . . Tom Lombardo*

Worship: Worship and Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dave Reville~ . . . . . Toni Baller* A. Altar Guild & Flowers. . . . Sheri Williams B. Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John Fedkew

Church Council Members: Class of 2017 - Jim Dugan, Joan Frank, Karen Holroyd, Bruce Kulp; Class of 2018 - Toni Baller, Barb Stam, Bonnie Webster, Brianna Christensen, Tom Lombardo; Class of 2019-Rachel Collins, Dave Derleth, Susan Hughes, Debby Pitts, Kath Gottschalk, Jacob Baller, Jason Webster. Elected Officers - Darla Lacey and Charles Klauck.

Page 12: The Open Door - Immanuel Lutheran Churchimmanuelwebster.org/.../2010/01/The-Open-Door-1.17.pdf · 2017-02-06 · The Open Door Publisher: Immanuel ... brings excellent organs and


Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church 131 W. Main Street Webster, New York 14580


Mailed on December 16, 2016

Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church 131 West Main Street Webster, N.Y. 14580

Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.-Noon Office Phone: (585) 872-5180

Pastor Joanne Groman-Stewart

Pastor’s E-mail: [email protected] Associate for Congregational Ministries E-mail:

[email protected] Office E-mail: [email protected]


Worship Services:

Sundays, 8:15AM & 11:00AM

Sunday Church School for All Ages 9:30AM

The Mission of Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church

Celebrate the excitement of God’s influence in life by being visible witnesses of Christ; and,

Minister to the spiritual and physical needs of our community and the world,

through our God given talents.

The Upstate New York Synod: We are a resurrection people who

Pray First, Walk Together, and Change Lives. www.upstatenysynod.org

Mission Statement of the E.L.C.A.: Marked with the cross of Christ forever,

we are claimed, gathered and sent for the sake of the world.



P A I D Webster, New York

Permit No. 54