The Old South by Akhmad Alfan Rahadi 2

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  • 8/12/2019 The Old South by Akhmad Alfan Rahadi 2



    The Old South

    A Presentation for American Studies Akhmad Alfan Rahadi 125110107111017

  • 8/12/2019 The Old South by Akhmad Alfan Rahadi 2



    Modern Day South

  • 8/12/2019 The Old South by Akhmad Alfan Rahadi 2



    The Old South

  • 8/12/2019 The Old South by Akhmad Alfan Rahadi 2



    South Uniqueness

    Consists of Appalachian Mountain Range, Mississippi Riverand Swamp

    Rural and Agricultural nature, and its One Crop System,(only plants cotton or tobacco)

    Pre-bourgeois/pre modern society and Widespread Use ofSlave Labor

    There are four presidents from Virginia: Washington,Jefferson, Madison and Monroe.

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    Early South (18th century)

    The Predominant Culture Started by the migration of early britishcolonist in 17th century. In Virginia, Maryland, Carolinas andGeorgia

    Populated by British, Irish and Scottish Immigrants. The majoritywere indentured servants, who gained freedom after enough work topay off their passage to America.

    The wealthier immigrants, paid their way received land grantsknown as headrights, to encourage settlement.

    African slaves were brought to work in plantation agriculture

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    Old South (Antebellum south) (19th century)

    It means Pre(ante) War(bellum), pre civil war era.

    Also Means either the slave states that existed in 1776 (Virginia,

    Delaware, Maryland, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina), orall the slave states before 1860 (Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama,

    Florida, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas.)

    Populated by aristocratic, chivalrous planters and elegant womenfolk.

    The rest are african slaves and native americans.

    Central for agricultural industry of Cotton and Tobacco.

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    Slavery in United States of America

    Both South And North were practicing slavery inthe 19th century. The difference is that the northpracticed wage slavery and the south practicedchattel slavery (people literally become the

    property of others).

    In the development, the modern northernersstarted to leave slavery, and move to wage labour.

    They then condemn slavery. They became theabolitionist.

    The historian James M. McPherson defines an

    abolitionist "as one who before the Civil War had

  • 8/12/2019 The Old South by Akhmad Alfan Rahadi 2



    South And Slavery

    Cotton became dominant in the lower Southafter 1800. After the invention of the cotton gin,short staple cotton could be grown more widely.

    This led to an explosion of cotton cultivation,especially in the frontier uplands of Georgia,Alabama and other parts of the Deep South, as

    well as riverfront areas of the Mississippi Delta.

    Slavery in america began in the early 17th Century and continued to be practiced for the next 250years by the colonies and states .

    As an industrial central for cotton and tobacco slaves were considered as practical solution forlabor demand

    In the 1860 presidential election, Republicans, led by Abraham Lincoln, opposed the expansion of'

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    Civil war:

    Started from April 12, 1861 May 10, 1865

    (by declaration)


    States' rights


    Territorial crisis National elections

    Lincoln Elections

  • 8/12/2019 The Old South by Akhmad Alfan Rahadi 2



    Sectionalism in the South Sectionalism in 1800s America refers to the different life styles, social

    structures, customs, and political values of the North, South and West. It meansloyalty to the interests of one's own region or section of the country, ratherthan to the country as a whole. It is often a precursor to separatism

    It increased steadily in 18001850 as the North, industrialized, urbanized andbuilt prosperous factories, while the South concentrated on plantationagriculture based on slave labor, together with subsistence farming for thepoor whites.

    Southerners defended slavery by claiming that Northern factory workerstoiled under worse conditions and were not cared for by their employers.Defenders of slavery referred to factory workers as the white slaves of the


    It also because of the argument over the interpretation of the Constitutionfrom 1789 to 1801.

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    End Of the Old South

    The last Confederate surrender occurred on

    November 6, 1865, when the Confederate warship

    CSS Shenandoah surrendered at Liverpool,


    President Andrew Johnson formally declared the

    end of the war on August 20, 1866, thus ended the

    story of the Old South or Slave South.

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