yoL. 21. OCALA, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1915 NO. 275 THE STAR IS THE ONLY NEWSPAPER IN MARION COUNTY TAKING TELEGRAPH SERVICE up S SlLSlilsl Li J 1 11 1 I I I i C3 I- i m t m.1 If H M I I H If II II U FLORIDA HAS 921,569 PEOPLE, All INCREASE ' 30617 ICE 1905 All May Yet Be Able to Prevent Serbia From Be-i- n Wiped Off the Map ; Our Material is Engaged for Europe UNLESS STEEL PLANTS GIVE THEIR OWN COUNTRY THE PRE- FERENCE, CONGRESS MAY HAVE TO INTERFERE (Associated Tallahassee, Nov. 19 The complete tabulation of the state . census of Florida shows a population of 921,569 against 614,902 in 1905 and 751,139 of the federal census in 1910. ' The population of Jacksonville is 66,850; Tampa, 55,978; Pensacola, 23,347. . W. D. CROWELL Mr. W. D. Crowell, aged eighty-si- x, died at the hospital this morning, after an illness of about three weeks. He has lived at Orange Springs for the past four years, until" a few weeks ago, when he-wa- s brought in to the hospital for treatment for a form of hardening of the arteries, which resulted .in partial paralysis some days ago. The funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrowj forenoon from Mclver & MacKay's chapel, and inter- ment will be made at Greenwood cem- etery. The local lodge of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows will have charge of the services at the grave, deceased having been a mem- ber of the order for many years in another state. Mr. Crowell leaves! a son whose home is in Palatka, and who will ar- rive on tonight's A. C. L. train frvom that city.- - NOTICE, I. 6. F. All members of Tulula lodge, I." O. O. F., and visiting' brothers in - the city are requested to meet at the hall at 9:30 Saturday morning to attend the funeral of our departed Brother W. D. Crowell. M. M. Little, N. G. Save auto troubles buy Diamond tires and tubes from the - Marion Hardware Company. 11-1- 6 No. 8 Report of the OF Press) ALLIES ASK CIA TO GOME Hi INTEND TO TRY TO PRESERVE PEACE IN THE FAR EAST (Associated Press) Washington, D. C, Nov. 19. Great Britain, France and Russia have united in an effort to add China to the entente alliance. This is done to pre- vent possible friction in future be- tween Japan and China and thus pre- serve peace in the far east. If China agrees to the plan, military partici- pation in the present war isn't ex- pected. The negotiations are in the conversational stage and no indica- tion has been given of China's atti- tude. The United States is being kept informed. ALIVE TO THEIR INTERESTS The sensational turn offar eastern affairs, on the eve of the proposed change by China from a republic to a monarchy, has been the subject of confidential messages between the Allies for a week. Japan, so far as is known, hasn't yet been consulted. The Allies considered this move nec- essary to safeguard their interests. s - On Saturday ' and Monday, 16 uounds of sugar for $1, with one dol-'ar- 's worth of other groceries, "for ash. Smith Grocery Co. Phone 434. tf Call and see the new electric globes at the Marion Hardware Co. 11-1- 6 Condition of Liabilities Capital stock paid in $25,000.00 Individual deposits subject to check 8,738.60 Cashier's checks outstand- ing.. .... ............ 38.00 Savings - deposits .. .... 13,880.15 Notes and bills rediscount- - ed . 11,000.00 Total .$58,656.75 ; '" above-name- d bank, do solemnly swear the best of my knowledge and belief. F. P,-Gads- Cashier. this 18th day of November, 1915. Pearl E. Anderson, Notary Public. Correct Attest: J. S. LaROCHE, R. RECHE WILLIAMS, GEO. GILES, Directors. GOING or esT urn M n VH hi v H !i ti J ' P. Press) ELECTION OF OFFICERS BY THE STATE FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS IN SES- SION AT DELAND (Special to the Star) DeLand, Nov., 19. Officers of the federation elected today are as fol- lows: x xcsiueiifc, jixit,. w.-- o. Jennings. Vice president at large, Mrs. T. V. Moore. Vice president first section, Mrs. V. F. Miller. Vice president second section, Mrs. D. Randall. Vice president third section, Mrs. ' Charles A. Gay. Vice president fourth section, Miss Katharine Thorp. Vice president fifth section, Mrs. Edgar Lewis. Recording secretary, Mrs. John W. Dickins. ' Corresponding secretary, Mrs. H. Minimum.'.'.' Treasurer, Miss Kate V. Jackson. Auditor, Mrs. Bessie Williams. State secretary to the general fed- eration, Mrs. William Hocker. Delegates to the bi-enni- al: Mrs. Kirk Munroe, Mrs. W. E. O'Neill, Mrs. W. R. Stephens, 0 Mrs. . Edgar Lewis, Miss Martha Brotherton, Mrs. II. MoteMrs. J. D. Randall; alter- nates, Mrs. J. W. JDickins, Mrs. E. M. Dimick, Mrs. Geo. M. Wright, Mrs. H. Barnett, Miss Ruth Rich, Mrs. Henry Mitchell. MANY HUNTING PARTIES Most of the men folks of the city who are fond of hunting, will be c tomorrow for quail, deer or turkey. Many of the parties who are going some distance left today and will be gone several days. The weather seems made especially for the hun ters, the heavy rain and turning cold afterwards. All kind of game is plentiful in Marion county this year. Game Warden Joseph Bell has been, with the hearty of the sheriff's office, faithfully endeavoring enforce the game laws. WINES AP APPLES We have just received 10 barrels of choice winesap apples, the best eat- ing apple grown. While they last 60 cents per peck. Cam-Thom- as Co. 19-- 2t Mr. Jos. W. Dodge is home from a summoned zi a witness in the circuit visit to Jacksonville, wheer he was court, ' Messrs. J. D. Robertson, A. T. Thomas, George Easterling and Cave had a narrow escape yesterday after- noon. They were coming into town on the Dunnellon road, inMr. Robert- son's car, and when near Waldo cave calf suddenly ran into the road. Mr. Robertson, who was driving, tried to avoid running over the calf and be- fore he could stop the car it struck a tree. All were thrown out and the car considerably dented. All the gen- tlemen were bruised more or less, but they were able to report at the din- ner tables today. Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Duval and little daughter returned home today. Mrs. Duval and daughter have been spending the past six months with friends in Long .Grove, Ky., and Mr. Duval went to Atlanta week before last to visit relatives there while awaiting the arrival of his wife and daughter. Two of H. A. Waterman's clerks will be treated to delicious Coco-Col- a in Bottles, if they will call on T. Mon-so- ur in the Harrington Hall block and present this notfee. The Ocala ' Coca-Col- a Bottling Works. It i INDICATIONS Of GREECE THE ALLIES (Associated Press) AUSTRIA'S AIRMEN ARE NOT IDLE SHOWER BOMBS EVERY DAY ON SOME ITALIAN CITY (Associated Press) Vienna, Nov. 19. Venice has again been bombarded by Austrian aero- planes. An official statement says an aerial squadron yesterday bom- barded the military establishments of the city. TAKEN BY TEUTONS Berlin, Nov. 19. The capture of five thousand Serbians . is announced by the .war office. GOT TWO BRITISH GUNBOATS Berlin, Nov. . 19. The admiralty announced today that two British gunboats had been sunk by a sub- marine in the Mediterranean. Hot drinks of all kinds clam and tomato bouillon and chocolate, at the Court Pharmacy. 18-- 6t Hot clam and tomato bouillon at the Court Pharmacy. Try them. 6t Try one cf those frosted pints of cV.bst Blue Ribbon at Johnny's. tf . Fresh Rape seed just received at the Ocala Seed Store. 9-- tf Galvin's Orange Cocoanut creams, 40 cents a pound at Gerig's Drug store. - tf Get a JBarler oil heater and keep your room cozy and warm. Marion Hardware Company. 11-1- 6 RHEUMATISM AND ALLIED PAINS THEY MUST GO! The congestion of the blood in its ow causes pain. Sloan's Liniment pen- etrates to the congestion and starts the blood, to ow freely. The body's warmth is renewed; the pain is gone. The "man or woman who has rheu matism, neuralgia or other pain and fails to keep Slorn's, Liniment in their home is like a drowning man refus- ing a rope." Why suffer. Get a bottle of Sloan's. 25c. and 50c. $1 bottle holds six times as much as 25 cent size. No. 3. J -- ,: The Book Shop is the agency for the best engraving house in the South. Prompt deliveries given on visiting cards, invitations and em- bossed stationery. 3t COLDS DO NOT LEAVE WILLINGLY Because a cold is stubborn is no reason why you should be. Instead of "wearing" it cut.- - get sure relief by taking Dr. King's New Discovery. Dangerous bronchial and lung ail- ments often follow a cold which has been neglected at the . beginning. As your body faithfully battles those cold germs, no better aid can be given than the use of this remedy. Its merit has been tested by old and young. Get a Lottie today. 50c and $1. No. 3 On Saturday and Monday, 16 pounds of sugar for $1, with one dol-'ir- 's worth of other groceries, for -- asb. Smith Grocery Co. Phone 4JU. tf PINE WHOOPING COUGH REMEDY ; Mothers, Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Hon- ey is just the remedy for your children's ! GOING INTO THE WAR AGAINST ' HILLSTflOM GOT HIS MEMBER OF j. W. W. EXECUTED AT SALT LAKE CITY THIS MORNING (Associated Press Salt Lake City, Nov. 19. Joseph Hillstrom, a native of Sweden and a member of the Industrial Workers of the World, was executed at the state prison this morning by a firing squad. Death was instantaneous. Hillstrom was convicted of the murder 5 of a grocer named Harrison. He claimed he was innocent to the last. DIDN'T WANT TO DIE Hillstrom fought the guards when they came to take him away. He used a broom handle which he wrested from an attendant. Finally, a moment before the rifles cracked, he shouted, "Fire; let her go." - " - - Lake Weir was represented in town today by the following, coming up on a shopping tour: Mr. and Mrs. John C. Spurlin, Mrs. J. G. Spurlin, Miss Kate Scott, Mrs. II. W. Henry Sr., Mrs. II. 'W. Henry Jr., Miss Helen Plate, little Misses ' Ruth and Mertie Louise and Master Clements Spurlin. The crowd came up in an auto and report the roads in a bad condition from the lake to Belleview. TIRES AND TUBES VULCANIZED Do not wait; bring your tires and tubes to me NOW and have them properly vulcanized as soon as the need appears. We do the work right and GUARANTEE results. Davies, the Tire Man. 4-- tf DISTRESS IN THE STOMACH There are many people who have a distress in the stomach after meals. It is due to indigestion and easily remedied by taking one of Chamber- lain's Tablets after meals. Mrs. Henry Padghan, Victor, N. Y., writes: "For some time I was trou- bled with headache and distress in my stomach after eating, also with con- stipation. About six months ago I began taking Chamberlain's Tablets. They regulated the action of my bowels and the headache and other annoyances ceased in a short time." Obtainable everywhere. Adv. Yearly ' subscriptions for all mag- azines taken at The Book Shop. We also give club rates' on every mag- azine that clubs. 3t Don't shiver in the cold. Buy a stove from the Marion Hardware Co. and keep warm. 11-1- 6 NOTICE it?io state ana county tax dookh are now open. 2 per cent discount for November payments., and one per cent discount for December payments. Be sure and bring or send a correct description of your property when you inquire about your taxes and when you pay them, thus reducing the possibilit yof an error to the minimum. Respectfully, : r W. L. Colbert, 11-1-l- m Tax Collector. McKinley and Century editions of 10c music at The Book Snop. 3t HOW TO PREVENT CROUP It may be a surprise to you to icaiu nieib in luauv uisco tiuuu u iro prevented. Mrs. H. M. Johns, Elida, Ohio, relates her experience as fol- - METROPOLITAN SAVINGS BANK OF OCALA At Ocala, in the State of Florida, at the Close of Business Nov. 10, 1915 ATHENS REPORTS THERE ARE London, Nov. 19. The fate of Mon-ast- ir i3 not yet definitely known but there is little hope here that it will escape the Bulgarians. There is a possibility, however, that the invad- ers won't dare make such extensions of their line with the French appar- ently established solidly on their flank. The public is left in the dark regarding the actual progress of the Allies' campaign in the - near east. The British people can only hope they will soon have such strong forces there that the Serbians will be able to make a decided stand to preserve a small portion of their country.! Some substance is given for this hope by the report that Angio-Frenc- h forces are becoming formidable as well as by hints that Italy is on the verge of actual participation in the Balkan campaign The Serbian retreat toward Al- bania is causing increased uneasiness at Athens. The developments, how- ever, aro interpreted as not unfavor- able to the Allies.- - KEEPING THEIR COUNSEL The British war council returned from Paris without giving any inti- mation of what was done at the con- ference with the French officials. STRUGGLE ON THE STYR On the eastern front, according to reports, German attacks were repuls- ed and the Teutonic attempts to cross the Styr have been resumed. . FLORIDA GAME LAW IS CONSTITUTIONAL Provision as to Length of Residence, However, is Knocked Out , (Associated Press) " Tallahassee. Nov. 19. In its de- - cision handed down today the preme court held that the state game law is constitutional relating to the issuance of licenses. The "court held, however, that the provision requiring a certain length of residence in the county was unconstitutional. BLITCHTON Blitchton, Nov.' 17. Miss Inez Pe terson of Morriston was the week-en- d guest of Miss Legie Blitch. Mr. J. W. Coulter and Mr. George Borlander visited Ocala Tuesday aft- ernoon -' ' The many friends of Mr. . Loonis Blitch are rejoicing over his speedy recovery. Dr. Blitch returned home Saturday night and will remain home until aft- er the fair. Messrs. James and Raymond San- ders spent Friday and Saturday at Evinston. ' We received a shower Monday, much to the joy of the farmers who are grinding cane. VEGE'IABLES, MILK AND EGGS from our own farm daily. Open night and day. Merchants Cafe. tf Carter's Delicious Cake Buy it for the children's sake. It is so light, pure and fine, Give it to them all th,e time, tf Carter's Bakery. Auto tires, tubes and spark plugs. Marion Hardware Co. 11-1- 6 N - ... J, as grown folks demand substantial things toeat I Jax Biscuits ' There is something cx- - tra good in Jax Graham Crackers, in either 5 or s io cent packages j Jacksonville Cracker Works jjj (Associated Washington, Nov, 19. As a result of the disclosure neither of the new battleships can be laid down until next. summer, because of a lack of steel, ongress may be asked to place a temporary embargo on ex- ports of structural steel to European belligerents. Secretary Daniels hints that unless the steel plants can be induced to in- sure preference for government or- ders, Congess may be asked to act. 1 IT SEVERE DRIVE OF WIND AND RAIN FROM GULF DID LITTLE DAMAGE J (Associated Press) Atlanta, Nov. 19. Wire communi- cation with points in Georgia, South Carolina and Florida was interrupt- ed yesterday, but are gradually being restored. Heavy property damage is reported. Apalachicola reports that the tug Britannia had to abandon the bark Alfredo in the storm during the B week. McINTOSH Mcintosh; Nov. 18.- - Ladies of the Methodist church have an entertain- ment advertised for Saturday evening at five or six o'clock at the Town Park. They will have some good E. things to eet and a good time is in store for those who attend as well as an opportunity to give something to a R. worthy cause. Town Marshall E. J. Turner is keep-th- e peace of the town under the strong arm of the law most admir- ably. He just recently entered on - his new duties in this capacity and has not as yet had occasion to make a single arrest. His motto is to keep people doing the right thing and try to avoid doing wrong. The Gist Company has a most beau- tiful display window in their mercan- tile department of-arm- s and amuni- - er tion. The display is a credit to any town in the state. Mcintosh has some good business establishments anyway.' - Some good work is being done on to the streets under councilman S. H. Walkup's supervision. Many new and attractive signs have recently been made for display at the Dixie Highway street crossing as well as otherwheres. Among them is some speed limit sign3, some Board of Trade signs, North Marion De- velopment signs, and business signs of various commercial interests. One of the prettiest pleasure trips in the state is that from Mcintosh via motorboat through Cross creek to Lochloosa lake. The country, is just simply grand and marvelously beautiful all the route, "changing in rapid succession from one panorama view of water, trees, islands, land- scapes, praries, birds, ducks, squir- rels, a etc. While in Florida tourists should by all means take this trip. Nearly all our enthusiastic sports- men have their appetites screwed up to nothing but turkey for next Sun day dinner. Saturday being the first day of the hunting season, they pro- pose to bag one then. Of course, some may make it duck, or even quail. However, there will be a great feast of wild game Sunday. Mr. Savage of Mississippi, who re- cently located with Mr. C. E. Cork here as share cropper, has sent back to Mississippi for his family. They will arrive in a few days and Mr. Savage will be a permanent fixture among us. WT. L. ilartin of the North Marion Development Company, spent Sunday with his family at Pine. Marion county should have a good Thanksgiving. There are plenty of turkeys in the county. Resources Loans on real estate. . , . .$ 9,041.18 Loans on collateral security other than real estate. .. 14,668.91 All other loans ,and dis- counts. ... ........... . 6,763.51 Banking house, furniture and fixtures . . , . ........ 19,698.25 Claims and other resources 2,2577 Due from incorpora ted banks.. .. ... 4,133.16 Checks and exchanges for clearing ..... 964.46 Other cash items ......... 189.71 Cash on hand 940.30 Total ... . . . . . .... $58,656.75 State of Florida, County of Marion. ss. I, F. P. Gadson, cashier of .the that the above statement is true to Subscribed and sworn to before me - WHEN See That Your Ticket Reads VIA-- - ATUnwi cold ailments. The fact is that pine is lows: "My little boy is subject to a quick enemy of cold conditions. Its croup. During the past winter I kept qualities loosen the mucous in the 'a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough throat, soothe the lungs and open up j Remedy in the house, and when he be-t- he air passages. The combination of gan having that croupy cough I honey,' soothing and pleasant, with the ; would give him one or two doses of loosening pine auality makes this an ! it and it would break the attack. I ideal cough remedy for children, i life it better for children than any Each passing year brings for it, new S other cough medicine because chil-frien- ds. A family of growing children dren take it willingly, and it is safe cannot afford to be without it. 25c and reliable." Obtainable every-- a bottle. No. 3. where. . Adv. - STANDARD R.ILR(AD OF THE SOUTH M. R. WILLIAMS, J. G. KIRKLAND, . Ticket Agent, Ocala, Fla. D. P. A Tampa, Fla.

The Ocala evening star. (Ocala, Fla.) 1915-11-19 [p …...cV.bst Blue Ribbon at Johnny's. tf. Fresh Rape seed just received at the Ocala Seed Store. 9--tf Galvin's Orange Cocoanut

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Page 1: The Ocala evening star. (Ocala, Fla.) 1915-11-19 [p …...cV.bst Blue Ribbon at Johnny's. tf. Fresh Rape seed just received at the Ocala Seed Store. 9--tf Galvin's Orange Cocoanut

yoL. 21. OCALA, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1915 NO. 275


upS SlLSlilsl

Li J1 11 1I II i

C3 I- i m t m.1



'30617 ICE 1905 AllMay Yet Be Able to Prevent Serbia From Be-i- n

Wiped Off the Map ;

Our Material is Engagedfor Europe




Tallahassee, Nov. 19 The completetabulation of the state . census ofFlorida shows a population of 921,569against 614,902 in 1905 and 751,139 ofthe federal census in 1910. '

The population of Jacksonville is66,850; Tampa, 55,978; Pensacola,23,347. .


Mr. W. D. Crowell, aged eighty-si- x,

died at the hospital this morning,after an illness of about three weeks.

He has lived at Orange Springsfor the past four years, until" a fewweeks ago, when he-wa- s brought into the hospital for treatment for aform of hardening of the arteries,which resulted .in partial paralysissome days ago.

The funeral services will be held at10 o'clock tomorrowj forenoon fromMclver & MacKay's chapel, and inter-ment will be made at Greenwood cem-etery. The local lodge of the Inde-pendent Order of Odd Fellows willhave charge of the services at thegrave, deceased having been a mem-ber of the order for many years inanother state.

Mr. Crowell leaves! a son whosehome is in Palatka, and who will ar-rive on tonight's A. C. L. train frvom

that city.- -

NOTICE, I. 6. F.

All members of Tulula lodge, I." O.O. F., and visiting' brothers in - thecity are requested to meet at the hallat 9:30 Saturday morning to attendthe funeral of our departed BrotherW. D. Crowell. M. M. Little, N. G.

Save auto troubles buy Diamondtires and tubes from the - MarionHardware Company. 11-1- 6

No. 8 Report of the





(Associated Press)

Washington, D. C, Nov. 19. GreatBritain, France and Russia haveunited in an effort to add China to theentente alliance. This is done to pre-vent possible friction in future be-

tween Japan and China and thus pre-serve peace in the far east. If Chinaagrees to the plan, military partici-pation in the present war isn't ex-

pected. The negotiations are in theconversational stage and no indica-tion has been given of China's atti-tude. The United States is beingkept informed.


The sensational turn offar easternaffairs, on the eve of the proposedchange by China from a republic toa monarchy, has been the subject ofconfidential messages between theAllies for a week. Japan, so far asis known, hasn't yet been consulted.The Allies considered this move nec-

essary to safeguard their interests. s -

On Saturday ' and Monday, 16uounds of sugar for $1, with one dol-'ar- 's

worth of other groceries, "forash. Smith Grocery Co. Phone 434. tf

Call and see the new electric globesat the Marion Hardware Co. 11-1- 6

Condition of

LiabilitiesCapital stock paid in $25,000.00Individual deposits subject

to check 8,738.60Cashier's checks outstand-

ing.. .... ............ 38.00Savings - deposits . . .... 13,880.15Notes and bills rediscount- -

ed . 11,000.00

Total .$58,656.75


above-name- d bank, do solemnly swearthe best of my knowledge and belief.

F. P,-Gads- Cashier.this 18th day of November, 1915.

Pearl E. Anderson,Notary Public.

Correct Attest:J. S. LaROCHE,R. RECHE WILLIAMS,GEO. GILES, Directors.



esT urn

M n V H hi vH !i ti J ' P.





(Special to the Star)DeLand, Nov., 19. Officers of the

federation elected today are as fol-lows:

x xcsiueiifc, jixit,. w.-- o. Jennings.Vice president at large, Mrs. T. V.

Moore.Vice president first section, Mrs.

V. F. Miller.Vice president second section, Mrs.D. Randall.Vice president third section, Mrs. '

Charles A. Gay.Vice president fourth section, Miss

Katharine Thorp.Vice president fifth section, Mrs.

Edgar Lewis.Recording secretary, Mrs. John W.

Dickins. '

Corresponding secretary, Mrs. H.Minimum.'.'.'

Treasurer, Miss Kate V. Jackson.Auditor, Mrs. Bessie Williams.State secretary to the general fed-

eration, Mrs. William Hocker.Delegates to the bi-enni- al: Mrs.

Kirk Munroe, Mrs. W. E. O'Neill,Mrs. W. R. Stephens,

0Mrs. . Edgar

Lewis, Miss Martha Brotherton, Mrs.II. MoteMrs. J. D. Randall; alter-

nates, Mrs. J. W. JDickins, Mrs. E. M.Dimick, Mrs. Geo. M. Wright, Mrs.

H. Barnett, Miss Ruth Rich, Mrs.Henry Mitchell.

MANY HUNTING PARTIESMost of the men folks of the city

who are fond of hunting, will be ctomorrow for quail, deer or turkey.Many of the parties who are goingsome distance left today and will begone several days. The weatherseems made especially for the hunters, the heavy rain and turning cold

afterwards. All kind of game isplentiful in Marion county this year.Game Warden Joseph Bell has been,with the hearty of thesheriff's office, faithfully endeavoring

enforce the game laws.

WINES AP APPLESWe have just received 10 barrels of

choice winesap apples, the best eat-ing apple grown. While they last 60cents per peck. Cam-Thom- as Co. 19-- 2t

Mr. Jos. W. Dodge is home from asummoned zi a witness in the circuitvisit to Jacksonville, wheer he wascourt, '

Messrs. J. D. Robertson, A. T.Thomas, George Easterling and Cavehad a narrow escape yesterday after-noon. They were coming into townon the Dunnellon road, inMr. Robert-son's car, and when near Waldo cave

calf suddenly ran into the road. Mr.Robertson, who was driving, tried toavoid running over the calf and be-

fore he could stop the car it struck atree. All were thrown out and thecar considerably dented. All the gen-

tlemen were bruised more or less, butthey were able to report at the din-

ner tables today.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Duval andlittle daughter returned home today.Mrs. Duval and daughter have beenspending the past six months withfriends in Long .Grove, Ky., and Mr.Duval went to Atlanta week beforelast to visit relatives there whileawaiting the arrival of his wife anddaughter.

Two of H. A. Waterman's clerkswill be treated to delicious Coco-Col- a

in Bottles, if they will call on T. Mon-so- ur

in the Harrington Hall blockand present this notfee. The Ocala

'Coca-Col- a Bottling Works. It



(Associated Press)





(Associated Press)

Vienna, Nov. 19. Venice has againbeen bombarded by Austrian aero-planes. An official statement saysan aerial squadron yesterday bom-

barded the military establishments ofthe city.


Berlin, Nov. 19. The capture offive thousand Serbians . is announcedby the .war office.


Berlin, Nov. . 19. The admiraltyannounced today that two Britishgunboats had been sunk by a sub-

marine in the Mediterranean.

Hot drinks of all kinds clam andtomato bouillon and chocolate, at theCourt Pharmacy. 18-- 6t

Hot clam and tomato bouillon atthe Court Pharmacy. Try them. 6t

Try one cf those frosted pints ofcV.bst Blue Ribbon at Johnny's. tf .

Fresh Rape seed just received atthe Ocala Seed Store. 9-- tf

Galvin's Orange Cocoanut creams,40 cents a pound at Gerig's Drugstore. - tf

Get a JBarler oil heater and keepyour room cozy and warm. MarionHardware Company. 11-1- 6


The congestion of the blood in itsow causes pain. Sloan's Liniment pen-etrates to the congestion and startsthe blood, to ow freely. The body'swarmth is renewed; the pain is gone.The "man or woman who has rheumatism, neuralgia or other pain andfails to keep Slorn's, Liniment in theirhome is like a drowning man refus-ing a rope." Why suffer. Get a bottleof Sloan's. 25c. and 50c. $1 bottleholds six times as much as 25 centsize. No. 3.

J -- ,:The Book Shop is the agency for

the best engraving house in theSouth. Prompt deliveries given onvisiting cards, invitations and em-bossed stationery. 3t


Because a cold is stubborn is noreason why you should be. Instead of"wearing" it cut.- - get sure relief bytaking Dr. King's New Discovery.Dangerous bronchial and lung ail-ments often follow a cold which hasbeen neglected at the . beginning. Asyour body faithfully battles thosecold germs, no better aid can be giventhan the use of this remedy. Its merithas been tested by old and young.Get a Lottie today. 50c and $1. No. 3

On Saturday and Monday, 16pounds of sugar for $1, with one dol-'ir- 's

worth of other groceries, for--asb. Smith Grocery Co. Phone 4JU. tf


Mothers, Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Hon- ey

is just the remedy for your children's !






(Associated Press

Salt Lake City, Nov. 19. JosephHillstrom, a native of Sweden and amember of the Industrial Workers ofthe World, was executed at the stateprison this morning by a firing squad.Death was instantaneous. Hillstromwas convicted of the murder 5 of agrocer named Harrison. He claimedhe was innocent to the last.


Hillstrom fought the guards whenthey came to take him away. He useda broom handle which he wrestedfrom an attendant. Finally, a momentbefore the rifles cracked, he shouted,"Fire; let her go." - " - -

Lake Weir was represented in towntoday by the following, coming up ona shopping tour: Mr. and Mrs. JohnC. Spurlin, Mrs. J. G. Spurlin, MissKate Scott, Mrs. II. W. Henry Sr.,Mrs. II. 'W. Henry Jr., Miss HelenPlate, little Misses ' Ruth and MertieLouise and Master Clements Spurlin.The crowd came up in an auto andreport the roads in a bad conditionfrom the lake to Belleview.


Do not wait; bring your tires andtubes to me NOW and have themproperly vulcanized as soon as theneed appears. We do the work rightand GUARANTEE results. Davies,the Tire Man. 4-- tf


There are many people who have adistress in the stomach after meals.It is due to indigestion and easilyremedied by taking one of Chamber-lain's Tablets after meals. Mrs.Henry Padghan, Victor, N. Y.,writes: "For some time I was trou-bled with headache and distress in mystomach after eating, also with con-stipation. About six months ago Ibegan taking Chamberlain's Tablets.They regulated the action of mybowels and the headache and otherannoyances ceased in a short time."Obtainable everywhere. Adv.

Yearly ' subscriptions for all mag-azines taken at The Book Shop. Wealso give club rates' on every mag-azine that clubs. 3t

Don't shiver in the cold. Buy astove from the Marion Hardware Co.and keep warm. 11-1- 6

NOTICEit?io state ana county tax dookh

are now open.2 per cent discount for November

payments., and one per cent discountfor December payments.

Be sure and bring or send a correctdescription of your property whenyou inquire about your taxes andwhen you pay them, thus reducingthe possibilit yof an error to theminimum. Respectfully, : r

W. L. Colbert,11-1-l- m Tax Collector.

McKinley and Century editions of10c music atThe Book Snop. 3t

HOW TO PREVENT CROUPIt may be a surprise to you to

icaiu nieib in luauv uisco tiuuu u iroprevented. Mrs. H. M. Johns, Elida,Ohio, relates her experience as fol--

METROPOLITAN SAVINGS BANK OF OCALAAt Ocala, in the State of Florida, at the Close of Business Nov. 10, 1915


London, Nov. 19. The fate of Mon-ast- ir

i3 not yet definitely known butthere is little hope here that it willescape the Bulgarians. There is apossibility, however, that the invad-ers won't dare make such extensionsof their line with the French appar-ently established solidly on theirflank. The public is left in the darkregarding the actual progress of theAllies' campaign in the - near east.The British people can only hope theywill soon have such strong forcesthere that the Serbians will be ableto make a decided stand to preservea small portion of their country.!Some substance is given for this hopeby the report that Angio-Frenc-h

forces are becoming formidable aswell as by hints that Italy is on theverge of actual participation in theBalkan campaign

The Serbian retreat toward Al-

bania is causing increased uneasinessat Athens. The developments, how-

ever, aro interpreted as not unfavor-able to the Allies.- -


The British war council returnedfrom Paris without giving any inti-

mation of what was done at the con-

ference with the French officials.


On the eastern front, according toreports, German attacks were repuls-ed and the Teutonic attempts to crossthe Styr have been resumed. .


Provision as to Length of Residence,However, is Knocked Out ,

(Associated Press) "

Tallahassee. Nov. 19. In its de- -

cision handed down today thepreme court held that the state gamelaw is constitutional relating to theissuance of licenses. The "court held,however, that the provision requiringa certain length of residence in thecounty was unconstitutional.

BLITCHTONBlitchton, Nov.' 17. Miss Inez Pe

terson of Morriston was the week-en- d

guest of Miss Legie Blitch.Mr. J. W. Coulter and Mr. George

Borlander visited Ocala Tuesday aft-ernoon -'

' The many friends of Mr. . LoonisBlitch are rejoicing over his speedyrecovery.

Dr. Blitch returned home Saturdaynight and will remain home until aft-er the fair.

Messrs. James and Raymond San-

ders spent Friday and Saturday atEvinston. '

We received a shower Monday,much to the joy of the farmers whoare grinding cane.

VEGE'IABLES, MILK AND EGGSfrom our own farm daily. Open nightand day. Merchants Cafe. tf

Carter's Delicious CakeBuy it for the children's sake.It is so light, pure and fine,Give it to them all th,e time,

tf Carter's Bakery.

Auto tires, tubes and spark plugs.Marion Hardware Co. 11-1- 6

N - ... J,

as grown folks demandsubstantial things toeat

I Jax Biscuits '

There is something cx--tra good in Jax GrahamCrackers, in either 5 or

s io cent packagesj Jacksonville Cracker Works jjj


Washington, Nov, 19. As a resultof the disclosure neither of the newbattleships can be laid down untilnext. summer, because of a lack ofsteel, ongress may be asked toplace a temporary embargo on ex-

ports of structural steel to Europeanbelligerents.

Secretary Daniels hints that unlessthe steel plants can be induced to in-

sure preference for government or-

ders, Congess may be asked to act.



(Associated Press)

Atlanta, Nov. 19. Wire communi-cation with points in Georgia, SouthCarolina and Florida was interrupt-ed yesterday, but are gradually beingrestored. Heavy property damage isreported. Apalachicola reports thatthe tug Britannia had to abandon thebark Alfredo in the storm during the B


McINTOSHMcintosh; Nov. 18.- - Ladies of the

Methodist church have an entertain-ment advertised for Saturday eveningat five or six o'clock at the TownPark. They will have some good

E.things to eet and a good time is instore for those who attend as well asan opportunity to give something to a

R.worthy cause.Town Marshall E. J. Turner is keep-th- e

peace of the town under thestrong arm of the law most admir-ably. He just recently entered on -

his new duties in this capacity andhas not as yet had occasion to makea single arrest. His motto is tokeep people doing the right thing andtry to avoid doing wrong.

The Gist Company has a most beau-tiful display window in their mercan-tile department of-arm- s and amuni- - er

tion. The display is a credit to anytown in the state. Mcintosh hassome good business establishmentsanyway.' -

Some good work is being done on to

the streets under councilman S. H.Walkup's supervision.

Many new and attractive signs haverecently been made for display at theDixie Highway street crossing aswell as otherwheres. Among them issome speed limit sign3, some Boardof Trade signs, North Marion De-

velopment signs, and business signsof various commercial interests.

One of the prettiest pleasure tripsin the state is that from Mcintoshvia motorboat through Cross creekto Lochloosa lake. The country, isjust simply grand and marvelouslybeautiful all the route, "changing inrapid succession from one panoramaview of water, trees, islands, land-scapes, praries, birds, ducks, squir-rels,

aetc. While in Florida tourists

should by all means take this trip.Nearly all our enthusiastic sports-

men have their appetites screwed upto nothing but turkey for next Sunday dinner. Saturday being the firstday of the hunting season, they pro-

pose to bag one then. Of course,some may make it duck, or even quail.However, there will be a great feastof wild game Sunday.

Mr. Savage of Mississippi, who re-

cently located with Mr. C. E. Corkhere as share cropper, has sent backto Mississippi for his family. Theywill arrive in a few days and Mr.Savage will be a permanent fixtureamong us.

WT. L. ilartin of the North MarionDevelopment Company, spent Sundaywith his family at Pine.

Marion county should have a goodThanksgiving. There are plenty ofturkeys in the county.


Loans on real estate. . , . .$ 9,041.18Loans on collateral security

other than real estate. .. 14,668.91All other loans ,and dis-

counts. ... ........... . 6,763.51Banking house, furniture

and fixtures . . , . ........ 19,698.25Claims and other resources 2,2577Due from incorpora ted

banks.. .. ... 4,133.16Checks and exchanges for

clearing ..... 964.46Other cash items ......... 189.71Cash on hand 940.30

Total ... . . . . . .... $58,656.75

State of Florida,County of Marion. ss.

I, F. P. Gadson, cashier of .thethat the above statement is true to

Subscribed and sworn to before me



See That Your Ticket ReadsVIA-- -

ATUnwicold ailments. The fact is that pine is lows: "My little boy is subject toa quick enemy of cold conditions. Its croup. During the past winter I keptqualities loosen the mucous in the 'a bottle of Chamberlain's Coughthroat, soothe the lungs and open up j Remedy in the house, and when he be-t- he

air passages. The combination of gan having that croupy cough Ihoney,' soothing and pleasant, with the ; would give him one or two doses ofloosening pine auality makes this an ! it and it would break the attack. Iideal cough remedy for children, i life it better for children than anyEach passing year brings for it, new S other cough medicine because chil-frien- ds.

A family of growing children dren take it willingly, and it is safecannot afford to be without it. 25c and reliable." Obtainable every-- a

bottle. No. 3. where. . Adv. -


M. R. WILLIAMS, J. G. KIRKLAND,. Ticket Agent, Ocala, Fla. D. P. A Tampa, Fla.