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The nuclear envelope in higher plant mitosis and meiosis · Mitosis and meiosis in higher plants involve significant reconfiguration of the nuclear envelope and the proteins that

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Page 1: The nuclear envelope in higher plant mitosis and meiosis · Mitosis and meiosis in higher plants involve significant reconfiguration of the nuclear envelope and the proteins that

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ISSN: 1949-1034 (Print) 1949-1042 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/kncl20

The nuclear envelope in higher plant mitosis andmeiosis

Monica Pradillo, David Evans & Katja Graumann

To cite this article: Monica Pradillo, David Evans & Katja Graumann (2019): The nuclear envelopein higher plant mitosis and meiosis, Nucleus, DOI: 10.1080/19491034.2019.1587277

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/19491034.2019.1587277

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Published online: 17 Mar 2019.

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Page 2: The nuclear envelope in higher plant mitosis and meiosis · Mitosis and meiosis in higher plants involve significant reconfiguration of the nuclear envelope and the proteins that


The nuclear envelope in higher plant mitosis and meiosisMonica Pradillo a, David Evans b, and Katja Graumann b

aDepartamento de Genética, Fisiología y Microbiología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain;bDepartment of Biological and Medical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK

ABSTRACTMitosis and meiosis in higher plants involve significant reconfiguration of the nuclear envelopeand the proteins that interact with it. The dynamic series of events involves a range of interac-tions, movement, breakdown, and reformation of this complex system. Recently, progress hasbeen made in identifying and characterizing the protein and membrane interactome that per-forms these complex tasks, including constituents of the nuclear envelope, the cytoskeleton,nucleoskeleton, and chromatin. This review will present the current understanding of theseinteractions and advances in knowledge of the processes for the breakdown and reformation ofthe nuclear envelope during cell divisions in plants.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 17 November 2018Revised 15 February 2019Accepted 20 February 2019

KEYWORDSNucleus; mitosis; meiosis;higher plant; cell division;cell cycle; nuclear envelope;nuclear pores; phragmoplast


Higher plants undergo an open cell division inwhich the nuclear envelope (NE) breaks down toallow the mitotic spindle to connect with the chro-mosomes, exposing the genetic material to thecytoplasm. In common with animal cells, thismeans that completion of a successful cell divisionrequires the breakdown and reformation of thenuclear envelope. Timing and positioning are cru-cial – and the proteins of nucleoplasm and cyto-plasm which interact with the envelope are centralto its completion. This review will focus on thecurrent state of knowledge of these proteins, whichare significantly different from those of animals,and their interactions during the processes ofmitosis and meiosis, where relevant comparingthem to those of other higher organisms.

The linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton(LINC) complex is central to protein interaction atthe NE and greatest progress has been made inunderstanding this structure (reviewed by [1]. TheLINC complex comprises SAD/UNC homology(SUN) domain proteins in the inner NE thatbind with Klarsich Anc Syne Homology (KASH)domain proteins in the outer NE. Associated withthese are proteins that connect with the nucleos-keleton and chromatin through interaction with

the SUN domain proteins and with the cytoskele-ton through connection with KASH domain pro-teins. The γ-tubulin complex (γ-TUC) also playsan important role in connecting the NE to thecytoskeleton [2], while the nuclear pore complexes(NPCs) interact with the nucleoskeleton as well asbeing anchored in the NE [3].

The plant LINC complex

The higher plant LINC complex has recently beenextensively reviewed [1,4] and therefore a brief sum-mary will be presented here. Arabidopsis thalianacontains two SUN domain proteins in which thedomain is C-terminal (C-SUNs) allowing SUNdomain:KASH domain interaction, and three mid-SUNs (inmost species [5]; in which the SUN domainis at a central position). All appear to be functionalwithin the plant LINC complex, though mid-SUNsare also ER localized [1]. There is some evidencefrom expression patterns that some members of theSUN domain family, the mid SUNs AtSUN53 andZmSUN3, might have specialized functions in meio-sis [6,7] in addition to the C-ter SUNs which havea role in telomere anchorage [8].

In common with other multicellular organisms,while SUN domain proteins are structurally similar,much greater diversity is shown in the KASH

CONTACT David Evans [email protected] Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Oxford BrookesUniversity, Headington Campus, Oxford OX3 0BP, UK


© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricteduse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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domain proteins of the Outer NM (ONM); in ani-mal systems, this provides for a diversity of interac-tion with different elements of the cytoskeleton [9]linked to the range of functions of the system.Identification of plant KASH proteins began withWIPs (for WPP domain interacting proteins) thatwere first described anchoring the Ran GTPase acti-vating protein (RanGAP) to the NE [10], a functionperformed in non-plant systems by SUMOylationanchorage to the NPC [1]. WIPs (and the otherplant KASHs) have a classical KASH structure inthat they have a cytoplasmic coiled-coil domain,a transmembrane domain, and a short SUN-domain interacting sequence, in this case, the threeamino acids VPT [1,10,11].

The entire complex required to anchor RanGAPhas been shown to involve SUN and two WIPs(WIP1 and WIP2), two further proteins, the WPPdomain-interacting tail-anchored proteins, WIT1and WIT2 and may include further WPP proteins[10,12]. The next major group of plant KASHdomain proteins described is termed SINEs (forSUN-interacting NE proteins). All five members ofthe family have VPT as the C-terminal sequence incommon with the WIPs [13]. SINE 1 and 2 havecytoplasmic domains resembling armadillorepeats, while SINEs 3–5 have short, unique cyto-plasmic domains [5]. Finally, an additional KASHdomain protein, Toll Interleukin Receptor domainKASH protein, AtTIK, which appears to be uniqueto Arabidopsis, has been described during studieson interaction with the mid-SUN proteins [6,14].AtTIK has a KASH domain more similar to non-plant systems with a characteristic PPPS motif asthe final four amino acids [14]. A detailed phylo-genetic analysis [5] suggests that all currently iden-tified plant KASH proteins fall into the threegroupings: SINEs, WIPs, and TIK and thata minimal plant LINC complex would comprisetwo mid-SUNs, one C-ter SUN, one SINE, andone WIP [5,13]. Recently, Gumber et al. [15],have provided a detailed description of LINC com-ponents in Zea mays L. including two additionalKASH genes, MLKG1 and MLKG2 specific tograsses.

The higher plant nuclear lamina

One key area of difference between animal andhigher plant nuclei is in the structure of thenuclear lamina, classically described in animalcells as a layer of filamentous material made upof type V intermediate filaments, known as lamins[16]. These are multifunctional and bind to SUNdomain proteins [17]. They play a key role in theonset of NE breakdown (NEBD) in cell division[18–20] where the release of the lamina from theenvelope is a key event. Lamin homologues are notrepresented in the plant genome, though electronmicroscopy reveals a meshwork of fibers, initiallycalled plamina, underlying and connected to theNE and interconnecting with the NPCs [3,21]. It isnow widely accepted that the CRWN (forCRoWded Nucleus) family proteins [22] aremajor constituents of this meshwork and themain candidates to assume the functions of thelamins in plants since they are essential for main-taining nuclear size and shape [23–25]. They werefirst described as Nuclear Matrix ConstituentProteins, NMCP, in pioneering work in Masuda’slaboratory in carrots and Allium [26,27], and laterin Arabidopsis they were first termed LINC forLittle Nuclei [25], and then, to avoid confusionwith the LINC complex described in the previoussection, renamed CRWN because of the highnuclear DNA density displayed by the correspond-ing mutants [1,22]. Members of the family werepresent in a study by Sakamoto and Tagaki [28], inwhich mass spectrometry was used to identifymore than 600 putative lamina components.

CRWNs have a long central coiled coil domain; inArabidopsis. CRWN1 and CRWN4 were mainly loca-lized to the nuclear periphery, whereas CRWN2 wasin the nucleoplasm and CRWN3was detected in bothregions [25,28]. Interaction of CRWNs with the C-terSUNs, SUN1 and SUN2 has been demonstrated [29].In common with animal lamins, where mutants showsmall, deformed nuclei, crwn1 and crwn4 mutantshave small and spherical nuclei [22,28] a propertynot seen for crwn2 or crwn3. Plants with a crwn1mutation combined with crwn2, crwn3, or crwn4have even smaller nuclei [22].


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Other NE components involved in celldivision

Recently other proteins have been identified whichmay provide additional linkages between the NE andchromatin in higher plants. The Nuclear EnvelopeAssociated Protein (NEAP) family is conserved inangiosperms and gymnosperms [5] and has fourmembers in Arabidopsis thaliana, one of which(AtNEAP4) appears to be a pseudogene [14]. NEAPstructure consists of extensive coiled-coil domains,followed by a nuclear localization signal anda transmembrane domain predicted near theC-terminus. NEAPs interact with themselves andwith both C-ter and mid-SUNs, while overexpressioncauses relocation of CRWN1 from the nuclear per-iphery to the nucleoplasm. NEAP interaction witha basic leucine zipper transcription factor AtbZIP18has been observed [14].

A further putative component of the plant laminais KAKU4, discovered in a mutant screen, where themutants have smaller and more spherical nuclei.Overexpression results in NE overgrowth; the effectis more extreme when KAKU4 and CRWN1 are co-expressed [30]. Its role in the lamina has yet to befully explored. Analysis suggests that the minimalfunctional angiosperm nucleoskeleton comprisesone CRWN and one NEAP; KAKU4 is absent fromsome monocots and the primitive basal angiospermAmborella trichopoda [5].

The higher plant cytoskeleton: evidence forNE linkage

Interactions of the NE with the cytoskeleton arealso of great importance during cell division,where the position of the nucleus as well as thebreakdown and reformation of the NE arerequired in addition to the anchorage of chroma-tin and nucleoplasmic components. The KASHdomain proteins described above interact with ele-ments of the cytoskeleton. A mutant screen [31]revealed KAKU1, mysosin XI-i, one of the plant-specific myosin XI family, is associated with theNE. kaku1 mutants have spherical nuclei. Thisprotein binds to WIT1 and WIT2 and is believedto connect the plant LINC complex componentsWIP1/2/3 to the actin cytoskeleton [12]. As men-tioned above, SINE1 directly interacts with actin

via its ARM domain. These nucleus–actin interac-tions are essential in anchoring and moving thenucleus in various developmental processes[32,33].

Perhaps best described of the ONM compo-nents are the proteins of the γ-Tubulin complex.These take the place of centrosomes, which areabsent in plants, provide anchorage points formicrotubules (MTs) and are recruited to the NEas components of the mitotic spindle [34]. Thecomplex comprises core subunits which bind to α-helical GCP-associated proteins. Mutation ofGCP3-interacting protein 1 (GIP1) and GIP2,which bind to the core γ-tubulin complex protein3 (GCP3), results in enlarged deformed nuclei andincreased ploidy with redistribution of AtSUN1 inthe INE and failure to form a functional mitoticspindle [2,35].

The plant cell division cycle differs from thatin other organisms with an open mitosis

The plant cell division cycle shows many featuresin common with other organisms; however, thepresence of a cell wall and occurrence of endore-duplication (in which genome duplication occurswithout division) means plant mechanisms arerequired to ensure the correct localization of theplane of division as well as its timing and conclu-sion. The presence of the cell wall prevents themitotic swelling common in animal cells and inplace of an actin-myosin driven constriction of theplasma membrane in cytokinesis, plant cells grownew plasma membranes and cell wall ina centripetal fashion to join the existing cell wallat a closely regulated location [36,37].

Higher plants also show interesting nuances in theuse of the Ran system in cell division. Ran isa ubiquitous signal for the presence of chromatin(see [38] for a review) with high levels of RanGTP inthe nucleoplasm and of RanGDP in the cytoplasm.The Ran guanine nucleotide exchange factor,RanGEF RCC1 remains active in mitosis and theRanGTP generated and associated with chromatinprovides a spatial signal for the location of the mito-tic spindle and reassembly of the NE [38]. RanGTPactivating protein 1 (RanGAP1) is associated withthe nucleoporin NUP358 (Ran-binding protein 2)through a SUMOylation mechanism throughout


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mitosis [39]. In higher plants, no equivalent of theSUMOylation/Nup binding mechanism appears toexist as RanGAP binding to the NE has been shownto involve SUN andKASH proteins (WIPs) as well asWPP domain-interacting tail-anchored proteins,WITs (see [40] and above). Plant RanGAP isinvolved in localizing the plane of division [41] andis a component of the membrane structure whichforms the new dividing cell wall [42]. Thus, a role forcomponents of the LINC complex in associating thiskey marker of chromatin in plants may be suggested.

Many of the other protein constituents of the NEinvolved in linking the NE and nucleoskeleton arenot present in plants [1,4,43]. The lamin B receptorwhich is an inner NE membrane-intrinsic proteinthat binds to B-type lamins is absent as are proteinsof the LEM domain family (LAP2, Emerin, Man1)that bind to chromatin through association withBarrier to Autointegration Factor (BAF). Breakageof these associations is by a phosphorylationmechanism; that between chromatin and LEM isthe result of the action of protein kinase VRK1 (see[44]). It is likely, however, that the same underlyingmechanism of phosphorylation to initiate mem-brane breakdown occurs in plants, and furtherresearch is needed to identify the protein interactorsinvolved.

From initiation of division to nuclearenvelope breakdown

Overall control of division, in common with otherorganisms, lies in the control of the G1-S-G2-M cycle.Key regulators are conserved with cyclin-dependentkinases (CDKs) having a primary control of cycleprogression [45]. Plant CDKA is closely related toCDK1 in animals and to Cdc28 in Saccharomycescerevisiae and Cdc2 in Schizosaccharomyces pombeand is expressed throughout the cycle. A secondtype of CDK, designated CDKB1 and CDKB2 areunique to plants [46,47] and active fromS to M phase [48]. It is likely this unique plant featurecontrols whether the cell divides or enters reduplica-tion without division; the presence of CDKB2 initiatescytokinesis, while in its absence endoreduplicationtakes place.

Phosphorylation of a plant homolog of themammalian retinoblastoma protein initiates pro-gression from G1 to S due to negative regulation of

the E2F transcription factor family [49]. This isbefore DNA synthesis occurs. In S phase, the NEenlarges and the NPCs are replicated. These newlyformed NPCs are inserted into the NE beforeNEBD. In yeast, three transmembrane proteins(Pom34, Pom152, and Ndc1) assemble first at thepore, followed by Nups59/53 and Nup170 [47,50].While the assembly of the protein constituents ofthe pore has not been studied in plants, EMimages of tobacco BY-2 cells revealing the devel-opment of the structure of NPCs show strikingsimilarity to that in Xenopus [3]. Description ofthe process of NPC formation in plants is animportant area for further exploration.

In M-phase, a unique plant structure, the pre-prophase band (PPB) made up of microtubulesand F-actin, is formed as a ring predicting theplane of cell division [41]. This is in contrast tothe actomyosin cortex surrounding the cytoplasmin dividing animal cells (see [51], for a review). Inturn, its location has been preceded by a ring ofRanGAP [41] at the plasma membrane.Microtubules, which in interphase had been sur-rounding the nuclear surface and radiating out tothe cell cortex [52,53] based on the NE asa MTOC [54] and attached by the γ - tubulincomplex [2], come together to form the PPB.Subsequently, the bipolar spindle is formed invol-ving the formation of polar caps of MTs andassociated with the γ-tubulin complex (seeabove). In Arabidopsis, the correct location ofthe spindle and phragmoplast microtubules dur-ing cell division involves GCP2, GCP4, and GCP-WD [55–58].

Nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD) is key toopen mitosis and involves the removal and relocationof the structures and components of the NE. NEBD inplants occurs earlier than in animals in late prophase[59]. The events resulting in NEBD are well describedin animal systems (see [51] for a review). Briefly, rapiddisintegration of the NPCs, with hyperphosphoryla-tion of NUP98 results in permeabilization of the porefollowed by the release of other pore components.Kinases influx during prophase, the NE dissociatesfrom the lamins and chromatin resulting in the releaseof A-type lamins into the cytoplasm, while B-typelamins migrate to the endoplasmic reticulum. TheLINC complex is directly involved in the dissociationof the NE from chromatin. SUN1 is phosphorylated


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on two sites by Cdk1 (serine 48 and 333) while Plk1phosphorylates serine 138. SUN1 then loses interac-tion with partners binding to its N-terminal domainincluding the lamins, Emerin, and short nesprins.Thus, mitotic phosphorylation of SUN1 releasesnucleoplasmic binding partners and permits disas-sembly of the lamina [60]. The interaction of theONE with the cytoskeleton by the LINC complexhas a second role, as the NE is disrupted by dynein-driven microtubule forces which act on the NE in thevicinity of centrosomes. Nuclear pore-based attach-ments to the cytoskeleton through RanBP2 and NUP133 are also important in this process, with dyneindriving tearing in pro-metaphase through LINC com-plex attachments (see [51]). The result of this is themigration of NE to join the pool of ER and exclusionof ER from mitotic chromatin. The ER is thenenriched around the spindle poles, possibly forminga cap, either as sheets or tubules, the proportionvarying within and between cell types [51], whileNPCs migrate into stable subcomplexes and are notpresent as individual polypeptides [61,62]; some beingdegraded in a proteasome-dependent manner, per-haps to regulate pore numbers.

In higher plants, some similar events have beendescribed (Figure 1). The pore basket component,NUA, relocates to the spindle in prometaphase[63]. Tobacco Rae1 co-localises with the prepro-phase band, mitotic spindle, and phragmoplast(newly forming cell plate) while deletion or down-regulation of Rae1 results in a deformed spindleand mis-aligned chromatin [64]. Less is knownabout the behavior of the plant lamina compo-nents, though CRWN1 and CRWN2 disassembleafter the onset of mitosis. Kimura et al. [65]showed that NMCP1 (CRWN1 family) migratesto the spindle and NMCP2 (CRWN4 family) tothe cytoplasm in Apium graveolens. Association ofthe plant ONM with the cytoskeleton and a role inNEBD is suggested as NE tearing occurs where thenucleus is adjacent to the PPB and before the PPBbreaks down [43,66-68].

Fluorescently labeled plant C-terminal SUNproteins AtSUN1 and AtSUN2 have been used bytwo laboratories to follow AtSUN1 and AtSUN2 insynchronized tobacco BY-2 cells [42,69]. Froma uniform interphase NE distribution, AtSUN1-YFP and AtSUN2-YFP fluorescence decreasesand then increases in intensity at the likely the

sites of spindle pole formation and in the ER[42]. The NE can then be observed through thefluorescent labeling of AtSUN1 YFP. As NEBDbegins in prometaphase, the NE is penetrated byspindle microtubules and then fragments [69]. Bymetaphase, NE is no longer visible and AtSUN1locates to ER membranes around the spindle butnot to obvious structures, such as spindle polebodies (as described in [70]). Membranes contain-ing AtSUN1-YFP appear as tubule-like structureswith fluorescence around condensing chromatin;fluorescence was observed in anaphase surround-ing segregated chromosomes [70]. Later, as thesister chromatids separate and migrate to the spin-dle poles, both AtSUN1-YFP and AtSUN2-YFPlocate with decondensing chromatin facing thespindle poles, with some in tubule-like structurestraversing the plane of division [42].The nucleo-porin NUP88 (MOS7) is located at the NE ininterphase in Arabidopsis and migrates to the spin-dle. It binds Rae1 and NUP98 (DRACULA). Amos7 mutant shows failed spindle formation,defective cell-plate, and phragmoplast; as well asabortion of ovule and pollen [71,72].

Reforming the nuclear envelope

In animal cells, the reformation of the NE begins withthe surface of chromatin acting to recruit FG-richnucleoporins (see [73] for a detailed review). Theprocess involves a nucleosome template rich in DNA-histone. The Ran guanine exchange factor RCC1causes an accumulation of RanGTP on the surfacewhich likely results in attraction of cargo for the grow-ing NE. In a reverse of the processes of nuclear envel-ope breakdown, histone is dephosphorylated byphosphatases and BAF is dephosphorylated allowingreassociation with LEM domain proteins. ER mem-brane containing NE proteins is therefore attracted tothe surface of chromatin by the NE proteins within it,and the new daughter NE begins to form. Duringanaphase, as theNEbegins to formaround chromatin,NPCs begin to form with NUP133 and NUP153 firstrecruiting additional NPC components. Pre-assembled NPCs may also join the growing NEthrough the recruitment of membrane sheets to thegrowing NE [74].

Growth of the new NE is spatially regulated.Chromatin forms a disc-like structure perpendicular


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to the plane of division and can be divided intoa peripheral ‘non core’, surrounding an inner corefacing the division plane and an outer core facingaway from it [73]. LBR, B-type lamins and SUN1

locate to the non-core outer region, where rapidNPC assembly also occurs, while LEM domain pro-teins, SUN2, and A-type lamins locate to the coreregions. The envelope is then closed by membrane

Figure 1. Subcellular localization of SUN domain proteins in synchronized, dividing BY-2 cells. Stable transformed BY-2 cells co-expressing either AtSUN1-YFP (green) and chromatin marker histone H2B-CFP (magenta) or AtSUN2-YFP (green) and H2B-CFP. Thecells were synchronized using aphidicolin and living cells imaged by confocal microscopy. The two SUN proteins are present in theNE around chromatin in interphase and prophase. Upon NEBD, they distribute to mitotic ER and spindle membranes includingtubules traversing the division zone. As the sister chromatids are separated, AtSUN1-YFP and AtSUN2-YFP accumulate in thereforming NE around chromatin first facing the spindle pole and finally proximal to the cell plate, to which they also localize. Scalebar = 10 μm. This figure was originally published in Graumann and Evans [42].


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remodeling proteins which include a microtubulesevering factor, spastin. Once the membrane is closed,additional NPCs form in the core region [75]

While evidence in plants is limited, two stu-dies have shown that plant NE re-formation isspatially organized. The C-ter SUNs, AtSUN1,and AtSUN2 are first located to the surface ofchromatin facing the spindle pole (i.e the outercore), then at the peripheral ‘non core’ andfinally facing the cell plate (the division planein plants) and therefore the inner core [42,69].This organization was also observed for CRWNmembers NMCP1 and NMCP2 in Apium grave-olens (celery). NMCP1 was first located on thechromatin surface facing the spindle (inner core)in late anaphase and then completely sur-rounded the chromatin at telophase [26].Protein mobility assays showed that AtSUN2remained strongly anchored to membranesthroughout interphase and mitosis [42].

In contrast to animal cells, the dividing cellsform a new cell wall to complete their separation.The presence of the wall prevents the swelling thatoccurs in animal cell division and the plane of thedivision has to be coordinated as the wall makeslater correction impossible. As a result, largeamounts of the membrane are involved not onlyin creating the two plasma membranes, but also invesicle traffic to provide materials for the new wall.The initial structure, termed the cell plate, formsby centripetal expansion, growing outwards tomeet the plasma membrane at the point initiallypredicted by the location of RanGAP and later bythe pre-prophase band of microtubules. The cellplate and phragmoplast – the developing wall andmembranes associated with it – contains AtSUN1and AtSUN2 as well as the nuclear pore compo-nent Rae1, Ran, RanGAP, WITs, and WIPs[13,76,77]. The function (if any) of these isunknown; it may be simply a result of the verylarge activity of membrane growth and recoverytaking place as the cell wall forms. However,a SUN2-YFP construct has a significant immobilefraction at the cell plate, suggesting that bindinginteractions are taking place [42] and mutantsdeficient for NUP88 (MOS7), a nucleoporinwhich binds Rae1 and NUP98, show disruptionof the cell-plate and phragmoplast [71,72].

Nuclear envelope proteins in meiosis

Interaction of chromosomes with the NE is essen-tial during meiosis, the specialized cell divisionrequired for sexual reproduction. Meiosis involvesa single S phase followed by two rounds of celldivision that results in a halving of the chromosomenumber. The first meiotic stage, prophase I, isa relatively long period during which each chromo-some must find its homologous partner within thenucleus, a process that involves large-scale chromo-some movements, especially in organisms withlarge and complex genomes. These movements aredriven by cytoplasmic forces, transmitted to chro-mosome ends by NE-associated proteins.

In interphase cells from big plant genomes (withC values above 4,000 Mbp, e.g. wheat, rye, barley,and oats) telomeres and centromeres cluster atopposite sides of the nucleus, facing previous divi-sion plane between the daughter cells. This isknown as the Rabl organization (Rabl, 1885).This chromosome organization, however, is notpresent in plant genomes under 1,000 Mbp (e.g.sorghum, rice, Arabidopsis). In the specific case ofArabidopsis, there is a persistent telomere cluster-ing at the nucleolus and no clustering of centro-meres [78,79]. At the onset of meiosis, theseconfigurations are lost, and during meiotic pro-phase (until pachynema) the telomeres are tightlyclustered in the bouquet, in which chromosomeends are attached to the nuclear periphery [80–83].Rabl organization involves the centromeres andthe telomeres, whereas the bouquet seems to relysolely on the telomeres [84]. However, the size ofthe genome is not be the only factor determiningthe presence of Rabl conformation. Other plantspecies, such as maize (2,300 Mbp), despite pre-senting a large genome, are not known to exhibitRabl organization at all [85].

Pairing and synapsis are fundamental processesunique to meiotic chromosome dynamics. Pairingis mediated by recombinational interactions takingplace in the context of chromosome structural axesand requires homology, whereas synapsis corre-sponds to installation of the synaptonemal complex(SC) between the chromosome axes, all along theirlengths, and does not require homology [86]. Thetelomere bouquet precedes both pairing and synap-sis and may facilitate these processes by positioning


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the subtelomeric regions of homologous chromo-somes in close proximity and coalignment, throughapparently both homology-dependent and homol-ogy-independent interactions [81,83]. In this con-text, SUN proteins have provided functional insightinto telomere NE attachment during early meioticprophase I. In mammals, SUN domain proteinsinteract with KASH5, a protein essential for bou-quet formation, attached in turn to the microtubuledynein-dynactin complex in the cytoplasm [87,88].Plant chromosome attachment to the NE alsoinvolves association with cytoskeletal elementstubulin and actin [89]. In common with animals,plant C-ter SUNs are involved in anchoring [7,8].Varas et al. [8] were able to show that AtSUN1 andAtSUN2 localize to the NE in pollen mother cells(PMCs) in prophase I, in a pattern resemblingtelomere location (Figure 2) [90]. AtSUN2 wasconnected to the NE by a thread that resembledmeiotic structures in yeast [90]. In an Atsun1Atsun2 double mutant the normally polarized

location of telomeres to the NE in leptonema doesnot take place, prophase I is delayed, with incom-plete synapsis and unresolved interlocks, there areunivalents at metaphase I and missegregations atanaphase I that lead to the formation of aneuploidgametes [8]. Further evidence for a role for SUNs intelomere attachment in plants comes from maize,where ZmSUN2 forms a belt surrounding themeiotic cytoplasm that becomes a half-belt asso-ciated with the zygotene bouquet telomere structure[7] and meiotic mutants exhibit disruption of thisbelt. This strongly suggests that plant meiosisinvolves SUN domain telomere anchorage to theNE. A role for mid SUNs is also suggested in plants.In maize, ZmSUN3 has been proposed to playa role in meiotic divisions due to high levels ofexpression in pollen [91]. AtSUN5 is also expressedin pollen, although its meiotic function has not yetbeen demonstrated [6].

The LINC complex function in the attachmentand repositioning of meiotic telomeres within the

Figure 2. Chromosome dynamics during early prophase I. At leptonema, telomeres are attached to the nuclear periphery whilehomologous chromosomes align (pairing). At zygonema, the synaptonemal complex (SC) is assembled (synapsis). At this stage, thetelomeres cluster in a limited region and form the bouquet. This configuration persists until pachynema when synapsis is complete.LINC complexes formed by SUN and KASH proteins are responsible for the attachment of telomeres to the NE and contribute tochromosome movements that facilitate homology searching and interlock resolution (arrow). In the middle of the figure, there isa zygotene meiocyte in which ASY1 (an axial element-associated protein, green) and SUN1 (red) are detected. The nucleolus appearsto the right of the cell.


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NE is widely conserved [92]. However, the possibleinvolvement of other NE-associated proteins incoordinating the telomere-led chromosomalmovements required to bring together the rightchromosome pairs and to avoid wrong partnersduring prophase I remains obscure. Significantsigns of progress in this issue are required toidentify meiosis-specific factors and/or modifica-tions involved in chromosome dynamics. Forexample, in C. elegans meiosis-specific phosphor-ylation of SUN-1 is essential for the efficientmovement of meiotic telomeres [93,94], and thesubsequent dephosphorylation is needed forfurther meiotic progression after pachytene [95].In plants, the molecular mechanisms involved inthe regulation of meiotic LINC complex functionmay be different. Furthermore, how telomeres areconnected to the LINC complexes during plantmeiosis is entirely unclear, because meiosis-specific adaptor proteins or factors that interactwith SUN proteins in a meiosis-dependent mannerhave not been further identified [96]. In addition,many of the essential proteins involved in telomereorganization do not have orthologous genes in theplant kingdom. On the other hand, it is stillunknown whether CRWN proteins play a role inthe association between telomeres and SUN pro-teins. Therefore, especially in plant meiosis, manyquestions regarding meiotic telomere attachmentand movement still remain to be answered.


Mitosis and meiosis in plants and animals achievethe same end results but show significant differencesin mechanism and occur with different constraintsand using different proteomes. The presence of thecell wall and the need to grow a new dividing wall toseparate daughter cells require additional features.The LINC complex appears to have wider-rangingfunctions, especially in the localization of theRanGAP and the maintenance of the RanGTP con-centrations needed to signal the location of chroma-tin and drive aspects of NE assembly.

It is evident that considerable further explorationof the plant system is needed to fully understand theprocesses of cell division, including the cell cyclecontrol of the division, the breakdown and reforma-tion of the NE, and the complex chromosome

movements during meiosis. However, the identifica-tion of key component proteins, development andanalysis of mutants and the use of live cell imaginghave permitted significant progress and have highpromise for future studies. What is clear from thesestudies is that although the composition of the NEacross kingdoms is surprisingly diverse, the role ofLINC complexes in plant cell division appears verysimilar to that observed in animals.


DE and KG wish to acknowledge the support of theLeverhulme Trust and Oxford Brookes University for theiroriginal work described in this review. MP acknowledges thesupport of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness ofSpain (AGL2015-67349-P) and of the European Union(Marie Curie ITN, COMREC 606956 and MEICOM765212). All the authors are part of the International PlantNucleus Consortium (IPNC, https://radar.brookes.ac.uk) andCOST Action n° CA 16212 ‘In Depth’ http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ca/CA16212

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


This work was supported by the Horizon 2020 Programme(Marie-Curie ITN MEICOM network FP7 [ITN-765212];Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness[AGL2015-67349-P]; European Cooperation in Science andTechnology (COST) Action [CA 16212 Impact of NuclearDomains On Gene Expression and Plant Traits].


Monica Pradillo http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6625-6015David Evans http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6248-1899Katja Graumann http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1529-8255


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