In the Name of God Ketabe Arshad Series For MA & PhD Candidates of English Literature The Norton Anthology of English Literature: A Survey First Edition By: Mona Rahimpour, Sohrab Assa 2017

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In the Name of God

Ketabe Arshad Series

For MA & PhD Candidates of English Literature

The Norton Anthology of English Literature: A Survey

First Edition

By: Mona Rahimpour, Sohrab Assa


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– 1362مونا، پور، رحیم: سرشناسه Rahimipour, Mona .The Norton anthology of English literature: a survey/by Mona Rahimipour, Sohrab Assa : پدیدآورنام عنوان و .م 2017= 1395: تهران: پوران پژوهش، مشخصات نشر ص. 398: مشخصات ظاهري : کتاب ارشد فروست 3-568-184-964-978: ابکش انگلیسی.: یادداشت : نورتون ... آوانویسی عنوان تاریخ و نقد --: ادبیات انگلیسی موضوع English literature -- History and criticism: موضوع راهنماي آموزشی (عالی) --: ادبیات انگلیسی موضوع Enlgish literature – Study and teaching (Higher): موضوع – 1362: آسا، سهراب، شناسه افزوده Assa, Sohrab: شناسه افزوده 83PRر/3ن9 1395: بندي کنگره رده 9/820: بندي دیویی رده 4604913: شماره کتابشناسی ملی

انتشارات پوران پژوهش

یات انگلیسیبخش اول: سیري بر ادب – زبان تخصصی ادبیات انگلیسی نام کتاب:

، سهراب آساپور رحیم مونا تألیف:

پوران پژوهش ناشر:

پوران پژوهش حروفچینی:

ولیعصر -داالهو چاپ و صحافی:

نسخه 200 شمارگان:

1396 بهار – اول نوبت چاپ:

تومان 23000 قیمت :

978-964-184-568-3 شابک:

ISBN: 978-964-184-568-3

66927040تلفن: 5و4واحد – 9پالك –کوچه مهدیزاده –ابتداي کارگر جنوبی –قالب دفتر مرکزي: میدان ان

است، هر کس تمام یا قسمتی از این 1348این اثر، مشمول قانون حمایت مؤلفان و مصنفان و هنرمندان مصوب

د گرفت.اثر را بدون اجازه مؤلف و ناشر، نشر یا پخش یا عرضه کند مورد پیگرد قانونی قرار خواه

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دی� ق�م را آ�� ید� ی� �م ��ھا ���

گفتار انتشارات پیش

ها درخواست تحصیل در دهد که در این سال نگاهی به شمار داوطلبان آزمون کارشناسی ارشد نشان می

ها افزایش چشمگیري داشته است. دشواري پیش روي بیشتر داوطلبان، هاي تحصیالت تکمیلی دانشگاه دوره

هـاي مناسـب بـراي تمـرین و فهـم چنین نمونه آزمـون نی منابع درسی و نبود دسترسی به آنها و همگوناگو

تر مفاهیم درسی است. بیش

با بـیش آقاي دکتر احمد هژبر و همسرشان بانو افسانه عبدي پژوهش، مدیریت بنیاد انتشاراتی پوران

هـاي ارزنـده بـا بهـایی یاست کلیِ چـاپ کتـاب سازي نیازداوطلبان، با س سال کوشش در راستاي برآورده 20از

را در دستور کار قرار داده است.هاي گوناگون انگیزهي گوناگون با سازي و گردآوري چهار مجموعه درخور، آماده

رنگ) که تاکنون به دست داوطلبان رسیده، با پذیرش (با جلد آبی کتاب ارشدي نخست با نام مجموعه

هـاي در هر عنوان کتاب ارشد، پس از شرح کامل درس در هر فصـل، پرسـش چشمگیري همراه بوده است.

هاي تشـریحی آورده شـده اسـت. شـرح هاي سراسري و آزاد چند سال گذشته با پاسخ اي آزمون چهارگزینه

تر سودمند است و نیز هاي پایین اي است که براي دانشجویان سال درس در هر کتاب از این مجموعه به گونه

باشد. کتاب ارشد نخستین بار در مهرمـاه ها می رسی مناسب براي دانشجویان و استادان دانشگاهیک منبع د

گیرد. عنوان را دربرمی 300اینک بیش از در قالب پانزده عنوان به داوطلبان شناسانده شد و هم 1380سال

اي گردآوري شـده هرنگ) به گون (با جلد سیاههاي جامع ارشد و دکتري آزموني دوم با نام مجموعه

هـاي گذشـته را بـا سـال کارشناسـی ارشـد و دکتـري هـاي سراسـري هاي آزمون است که دانشجو دفترچه

هاي تشریحی در یک کتاب خواهد داشت. پاسخ

پایه و تخصصیِ هر رشته، یک (با جلد نارنجی رنگ) در دروس بانک تست ارشدي سوم با نام مجموعه

هـاي تشـریحی آورده شـده شده به همراه پاسـخ بندي هاي طبقه در آن پرسشرود که کتاب کار به شمار می

ها را به دست آورد. گویی به آزمون ها توانایی بایسته براي پاسخ با حل و بررسی آن است تا دانشجو

ها آموخته هاي مرجع در دانشگاه اي رنگ عرضه شده و به عنوان کتاب ي چهارم که با جلد قهوه مجموعه

بهـاي مؤلفـان بـزرگ ها شامل تألیفات اساتید برجسته کشور و همچنین ترجمه آثار گران این کتاب شود. می

باشد. خارج از کشور می

شود پیشنهادات و انتقادات خود را به پست الکترونیکی انتشارات در پایان از خوانندگان محترم تقاضا می

ارسال فرمایند. [email protected]پوران پژوهش

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In the Name of God


This book was motivated by the desire to maximize the understanding of the great

range and vitality of English literary and historical periods, as covered in the eminent

Norton Anthology of English Literature, by providing a classified and thus more

approachable version of the book. Grown out of the authors’ own personal preparatory

notes, the book at hand serves a number of goals. The first goal is to aid the

undergraduate and postgraduate candidates of English literature in their comprehensive

and detailed study of one of the major sources of Iranian universities’ entrance

examination via facilitating their access to the vast bulk of information in The Norton

Anthology. Secondly, the authors hope to provide students of English literature in

general with a handy reference guide before they tackle the complexities of The Norton

Anthology itself. Last but not the least, a more hopeful goal is to expose all lovers of

English Literature to the intellectually rich foundations of the field and to expand their

horizon of appreciation.

The book models The Norton Anthology in its division into seven chapters, each

covering a significant literary period. The major entries in each chapter fall into two

major categories: those dealing with the significant characteristics of each period and

those dealing with major individual writers and their achievements. The appearance of

bold face titles in the course of the book indicates that the subject has been given a

separate treatment due to its importance. Headings for authors and their major works

appear in bold face while titles of books appear in Italics. While The Norton Anthology,

6th edition has been the focus of this book; supplementary information has been

included from the 8th edition where needed. Each chapter concludes with the questions

specific to that period from M.A and P.H.D entrance examinations, followed by

comprehensive answers. All answers are provided using the sources cited in the

Reference section of the book.

M. Rahimpour, S. Assa

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1. The Middle Age: 450-1485 ............................................................... 1

Chapter 2. The Sixteenth Century: 1485-1603 ................................................. 35

Chapter 3. The Seventeenth Century: 1603-1660 ............................................ 87

Chapter 4. The Restoration and Eighteenth Century: 1660-1798 .................. 125

Chapter 5. The Romantic Period: 1798-1832 ................................................. 201

Chapter 6. The Victorian Age: 1832-1901 ..................................................... 259

Chapter 7. The Twentieth Century: 1890 to the Present ................................ 323

References ....................................................................................................... 397

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Page 7: The Norton Anthology of English Literature: A Surveypouran.net/storage/app/media/pdf-books/Zaban Adabiat.pdf · Norton Anthology of English Literature, by providing a classified and

The Middle Age 450-1485

Introduction The Middle Age is a term generally used, to refer to a period of time, which

roughly begins with the collapse of the Roman Empire in 6th century and leads to the Renaissance and Reformation in 15th. The adjective “medieval”, coined from Latin medium (Middle) and aevum (age), refers to whatever was made, written, or thought during the Middle Ages. The works covered in this section encompass a period of more than eight hundred years, from Casdmon's Hymn at the end of the seventh century to Everyman at the beginning of the sixteenth. The Middle age is often divided into two periods: 1- Old English: 450 -1066 2- Middle English: 1066- 1485

[The old English Period: Anglo Saxon Period (450-1066)] General Background 1- The old English period extends from the invasion of Celtic England by

Germanic tribes (Anglo, Saxons, Jutes) in 450 to the Norman Conquest in 1066.

2- Conversion to Christianity in 6th century (597) Written literature was developed only after the conversion. Literature before 7th century was oral. Poems were not written down

but recited aloud. The first written specimen of Old English was the code of laws by the

first English Christian king, king Ethelbert of Kent.It is the indicative of relationship between Christianity and writing.

High level of learning and culture was soon achieved. The vast balk of old English poetry is Christian, devoted to religious


Chapter 1

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2 The Norton Anthology of English Literature: A Survey

3- Language Old English (Vernacular Anglo-Saxon)

o A language spoken by Anglo-Saxon invaders o Many affinities with Germanic language o The ancestor of contemporary English

Latin: o standard language of international scholarship o Bede and Alcuin were major scholars who wrote in Latin.

Society and literature 1- A coherent union of Englishmen was not achieved before the Norman

Conquest. Long after the Anglo-Saxon had become settled in Britain, the island

was still broken up into a great number of kingdoms, some of them very short- lived and constantly at war with one another.

2- Strong role of religion Christianity was a powerful driving force behind much of everything

that was produced and written down in Old English period. 3- The influence of King Alfred

An enthusiastic patron of literature, king Alfred had the greatest impetus on English literature.

Under his supervision, many books were translated from Latin into old English.

Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of English People (731) o The History tells about the Anglo-Saxon conquest and the problems

of the petty kingdoms that comprised Anglo-Saxon England. o Bede's main theme is the spread of Christianity and the growth of

the English church. Boethius’s Consolation of Philosophy was translated by King Alfred

himself. Anglo-Saxon chronicle began.

o It is an invaluable witness for the changes taking place in the English language and allows us to see Norman rule from an English point of view.

By making copies of famous works such as Beowulf in the west-Saxon dialect, King Alfred helped to preserve them.

Major Characteristics of Old English Poetry 1- Written in alliterative meter 2- Formal and elevated language

Distinct from the everyday language of Anglo-Saxon people

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3 Chapter 1. The Middle Age 450-1485

3- Heroic The chief spiritual force behind the civilization of the time: Heroic ideal

or the ideal of kingly behavior Much of the literature produced reflected the ideals of a heroic life The Anglo-Saxons brought the genius for heroic poetry to England. Bard: the poet of heroic life Epic: the poetic form evolved for the heroic narratives.

o Style: solemn dignity of tone / elevation of style o Epics were not written down but recited aloud from memory and

thus, most of them have been lost. Major surviving epics:

o Iliad and Odyssey by Homer (in Greek) o Beowulf (in Old English)

4- Christian: devoted to religious subjects Literacy was mainly restricted to servants of the church, and so, the vast

bulk of Old English literature deals with religious subjects. Since Christian ideals and heroic ideals were in many cases

antipathetic, poets adapted Christianity to their own heroic ideals. o Moses, Christ and God share the attributes of Beowulf. o In Cadmon’s Hymn, the creation of the world is seen as a mighty

and heroic deed. o In Dream of the Rood, the cross speaks of Christ as“a young hero,

strong and stouthearted.” 5- Lack of humor

Depicting harsh reality of life with subtlety and spiritual intensity The dark world of old English poetry was the result of the violence of

life in Middle age with the frequent occurrences of events such as wars, diseases and etc…

6- Absence of romantic love 7- Elegiac mood

Emphasis on the transience of all earthly things 8- Poetic measures

Organizing device: alliteration Rhyme: not used Verse unit: single line Stressed syllable: each line four stressed syllables

9- Common figures of speech: Irony/ synecdoche/ metonymy

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4 The Norton Anthology of English Literature: A Survey

10- Frequent use of kenning, a compound of two words in place of another as when sea becomes “whale-road” or body is called “life-house”

11- Use of parallel and appositive expressions known as variation to lend the poem a musical quality

12- Frequent use of ironic understatement called litotes

Major Old English works

Christian lyric Laments Wanderer: It laments the separation from one’s lord and kinsmen and

the transience of all earthly treasures.



The Wife's Lament: about love between men and women as disrupted

by exile, separation and malice of kinsmen

Battle of Maldon

The last of Middle English heroic poems It memorates a Viking victory in which the Christian English invoke

the ancient code of honor that obliges a warrior to avenge his slain lord or to die beside him.

It shows how the heroic ideal held its value down to the end of the period.

Dream of the Rood: the cross speaks of Christ as a young hero

The Battle of Brunaburh: It celebrates an English victory over the


Hymn by Cadmon (658-80)

The earliest poem recorded in English Beowulf

The greatest of Germanic epic poems Written in Vernacular Anglo-Saxon in 8th century Much of Beowulf is surely pre- Christian in composition (Although

the author of one particular form of the poem that has come down to us was surely Christian who refers to the events of the Old, and not of the New Testament.)

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5 Chapter 1. The Middle Age 450-1485

It is now widely believed that Beowulf is the work of a single poet who was a Christian and that his poem reflects well-established Christian tradition.

In 1731, before any modern transcript of the text had been made, the manuscript was seriously damaged in a fire.

Plot summary: King Hrothgar of Denmark, has built a great mead-hall, called Heorot, where his warriors celebrates their victories and have their feasts.But the jubilant noise from Heorot angers Grendel, a horrible demon who lives in the swamplands of Hrothgar’s kingdom. Grendel terrorizes the Danes every night, killing them and defeating their efforts to fight back. The Danes suffer many years of fearand death at the hands of Grendel. Eventually, however, a young Geatish warrior named Beowulf hears of Hrothgar’s plight and sails to Denmark with a small company of men, determined to defeat Grendel. One night in a fight, Beowulf fights Grendel unarmed and tears the monster’s arm off. Mortally wounded, Grendel slinks back into the swamp to die. But another threat is approaching. Grendel’s mother, a swamp-hag who lives in a desolate lake, comes to Heorot seeking revenge for her son’s death. She murders Aeschere, one of Hrothgar’s most trusted advisers, before slinking away. To avenge Aeschere’s death, the company travels to the murky swamp, where Beowulf dives into the water and fights Grendel’s mother in her underwater lair. He kills her with a sword forged for a giant, then, finding Grendel’s corpse, decapitates it and brings the head as a prize to Hrothgar. Upon his return, Beowulf ascends to the throne of the Geats. He rules wisely for fifty years, bringing prosperity to Geatland. When Beowulf is an old man, however, a thief disturbs a barrow, or mound, where a great dragon lies guarding a horde of treasure. Enraged, the dragon emerges from the barrow and begins unleashing fiery destruction upon the Geats. Sensing his own death approaching, Beowulf goes to fight the dragon. He succeeds in killing the beast, but at a heavy cost. The dragon bites Beowulf in the neck, and its fiery venom kills him moments after their encounter.

[Middle English Period 1066-1485]

General Background It includes the period between Norman Conquest in 1066, which resulted in

radical changes in the life, language, and culture of England to 1485, when

Henry VTI acceded to the British throne and the Tudor dynasty began.Middle

English Period is often divided into two periods:

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6 The Norton Anthology of English Literature: A Survey

1- 1100-1350: Anglo- Norman period 2- 1350-1500: Middle English period

[The Anglo – Norman Period (1100-1350)]

General Background 1- The Normans, who took possession of England after the decisive Battle of

Hastings (1066), were, like the Anglo-Saxons, descendants of Germanic adventurers who at the beginning of the tenth century had seized a wide part of northern France. They had adopted the French language.

2- The ascendancy of a French-speaking ruling class had the effect of adding a vast number of French loan words to the English vocabulary.

3- The non-Latin literature of the time was mainly written in Anglo-Norman, a dialect of French spoken by the invaders. However, men of education who continued to produce literary works

wrote either in Latin or in Anglo-Norman a dialect of French that was spoken by the new rulers of England but the literature in Anglo-Norman was not very distinguished because Normans were not really occupied with culture.

From 1066-1200, very little English Literature has survived. 4- Anglo-Norman fascination with Celtic legends and myth resulted in the re-

emergence of a legendary hero named Arthur who makes his earliest appearances in Celtic literature.

Major works written in Anglo-Norman The Play of Adam

The first medieval drama with stage directions in Latin

Lais by Marie de France (1180)

Roman de La Rose by Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun (1225?-


Erect et Enide by Chretien de Troyes

The first example of Arthurian romance Yvain (1177-81)

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7 Chapter 1. The Middle Age 450-1485

[Middle English Period (1350-1500)]

General Background 1- The Middle English language came into being.

The native vernacular descended from Anglo-Saxon with extensive lexical and syntactic elements from Anglo-Norman

At first, it was mainly the vehicle for religious writing. 2- Middle English period is not only a chronological and linguistic division,

but implies a new sense of English as a literary medium that could compete with French and Latin in elegance and seriousness.

3- Commercial book-making enterprise came into being under the patronage of wealthy officials. (Early fourteenth century)

4- The introduction of printing technology by William Caxton in 1476, extended literacy and made books more easily accessible to new classes of readers.

5- The significant appearance of secular literatures: the second half of 14th century.

6- By the 1460s the linguistic, political, and cultural climate had been prepared for the flowering of Middle English literature in the writings of Chaucer, Langland, and the Gawain poet.

Middle English Literature

Middle English Literature flourished through 3 poets (in the last quarter of 14th

century). 1- The author of Sir Gwain and the Green Knight

He produced the best romance of the entire period He wrote some of the best religious poems of the period

o Cleanness and Patience: Two biblical narratives in alliterative verse o Pearl: A moving dream vision about a father who visits his dead

child in heaven. 2- William Langland

Piers Plowman is a great achievement in both literature and history. Unlike the mainstream of medieval authors, he attacked the corruption

of life in 14th century. In Piers Plowman, he presents the most clear-sighted vision of social

and religious issues in the England of his day. Langland weaved together all sorts of genres of religious writing from

sermons to lyrics in Piers Plowman.