Registration For Spring Term lnaeased To 532 A On.al died< of the .econd 532 atodet. co.rolled. Of u....:zae ... .,. oopbomares. two are ucD. ton Ctnrolled wllhoot cndltl, &Dd one la o spedaJ llU.dei!L n.e co.rollmc1 brub cio- occcnll.ft6 lo cvn1cuJo u '"'" tow. ..toc:alloa. W; bedldor of art&. ballDaa •clmWo- tntloa. 85; tea'dari&I IClenet, 211: b.... ,. ecooomJa. It; - pro/-.loaal '-med. ta1. •te), 2.5; ». indutri&I arta. J3 becbdor of ocicJice, 31, lore11r7. 2.5, bull. ._ educaUoo, 4. ••lo med>- anlcl. 21 ; vectroo tco. 31, •1'd· ltlnC, 2, tPed&J. ODe All major c:untnilu matUd .,, u.-- 111 - tbe Orwu for tbe rprl"' Mmeotu of lut year except enclnffrlnc an.cl tbe buoin- cou...,. I.alt year 61 lltUdcoll reclat4red tn cnglneerfn1 for tbe rpnns aemuw. u com- pared lo tbll year . A lolOI ol 711 IU!cknll rel!lltettd 111 buoln- currkulu dur1n1 the -nd aemeatu lut tut. u compued wttb 85 tbla Jeer. Other ttsuru In the major fieldo for tbe oecond aemuter lut year wtre P<'l'1'f'O'featon- al, 22, eduaUon, 132, eleetn>o. lco, 18; lndwtrial iuu. 21 . oulo mecbolllca, JI: !Ottlltry, 14; becbelor of aeleace, 2.5; home economla, 13, becbelcr or art&. 34 'Ml• aecond ebedt or reP,.. cnUon n111reo revlaed the eo. rollllttJlt from u reported in tbe Jut lasue of tbe llevlCY Tblo moka 105 lncttue OYU 1eu •so. ll.lld on ll'ICl"UM of 177 o•er !bot of two yean •IO Deon Also Director Of Student Affcirs In order to lmplem•nl tbe Union monaa•m•nt contnct wllb the Donnllol'1 llou•lna Commluloc ll.lld to ordlnote oU 1tudtnt rllvttlu, lll e NUC Doan! or Trultc•• ot their Fcbnwy mfftlns ett•ted thpoaltloc ol Director of Student ActMUeL Mr Cbrt. tlan.lon wu oppolnted to tbot poaltlon ond II cllredly ,.. rponalblc to the prellldont of tbe colleio. Since the ll(udcnt union buildina WU built pnmarii) to aervo tho n...U ol tbe atude11t body, It wtll be the polley ol Ibo admlnlltnUoc to re.er- It uclUJlffl1 for 1tudent OJ>d for ocboo)..ft)oted octJ\'\Ueo Tb• ocbedullns al ume for atudtn1 e"Dll Ill tbe bulld\ftl will be done tbrouab tbJ olfke ol Ibo Dlnctor ol Sludenl ArtlvtUoa. It la fell !bot the ltud.nl unloa lhould nevu be openi.d U1 CO-bllon with Mtabllabtd flll.<fll'U& H. EC CLUB SLATES ST. PATRICK DANCE IN S. U. MARCH 17 Tb• atudent unloo wUJ be lb• -"• for lb• Rom.o aub'• SL Patrtck'• Day ci ..... on :.Sareb 17. •L 1.30 c..... , deconlU°"' wtU Ottl U.. dJD<'l'r& •b«.n tbt'> &rn\ .... All coll•ratudco11 are .... vtl.<d, ""' or dolt, and oil fac- ulty melllben wUJ be wd· come Sludut ortiuty are reqlllred JJ>d oo ono .. 1u be adnuu<d without lhowtni his <&tdl ezcepl l\IUI dJtea of coll•s• atud< ntL lhou.Jd drew In Ottn and wear &ehool cloc.h01 for tblJ Informal occuloo. The "'l'bltc Plua One" band wlU provtd.t tbo mu.Uc:. Refrelh· menll wt1I be dunoa lbe evnlna. VOl.UME XVI. NO. 11 ·- ., ......... " "' the ..-... - , .,, . S•ate Unl..nfty .. f"L The ...... ,.. ..,... Mftlod "" _,.,,.of - - - •t ""- 1 .. t H-Mfl"ltfy. Tl\e -··69'1 NIJC •tudefth.. foculty and ..,.,n with .,,. ef the ktf U:wfftltl'" ef the te:hoN ye.er. SlvdenlL l'ac:ullJ' md ...... of NlJC bad lllcir monW11 of M.arcb 2 11"11.med deJl&hlfull)' by I.be Montono Stal.< Uni_.. QI)' JabUeen. Tbls O'OCll> of tee me.a and ten women P"e a - Procram al cllora1 JJ>d doace IUllDbcD and the w!tb lhelr voaca md dlldplined ...rt. -- Volleyball Popular A t Mi x er Tiie boul-loq coocerl ..... dlredod by E. Saul.la ll.lld lhe muter al ceremonlm wu Cedric Colnaa. who II alJo -1Jl.ant dittdor The Jobl- 1.,.,, _,.. occomp&Dled by lhe \Oleot<d Robena hrl>os on lbe piano Cb.... _.pb.y WU clone by Louis Carclo &Dd JO&llDI l.nUr (Klla KonWla). Numben wue "Set DoWD Servaot" (0 IJlln- luaJ), "Bbdt II !be Color al My 'hue Lo"'• 8&lt'", • dud from Madame BcntntlJ. a med- ICJ of IOQP !Tom tbe Rraad. ., ., hll BripdooD (lDclacliJlC a dJnce bJ , .... ,.,. Lellcr>. a duel by "'1a Leottt md Brott BuclWiclWD larn.nser oDd e.,.,.. .,.,. ,.,, ,, .. the Nefflf NC:•"""-•ne•fw mlx•f' . ,.. ahown .,i.y,.,. ..Cfoyball ln the .,.,.... 1 .... u. uy moo• .i the ,,_ _., -- fw the IKulty_.... ml•tt ..... HIJoyed . .. ,. lety., - ........... _ .... __ _ <0mpoar fer tbe -pl s. .. ,,,,,, c.11.,. c;,.,.,, Juat In "Scof' Pio" Hero Ito's Sereaadt". and ""CiDcttn Rdl«uons of Ltanard Beni- ateln'a 'W"" Side StorJ' •. .....,.ec1 by 8"'c:e Biadll.e.&twn. The Jabilttn P"'" a deti&IU· ful -llUbOD ol Bap- p 1'" u Bdatt I.be prOCnm was o• w. tbe lttmed w!Qr O'OOP luts recie:.....S sud: W\dc llCdalm. CORRECTION MADE ON DEAN'S LIST A few names wa-e J.J>ACtra1, ctl7 left otl Ibo De.ul .• Lilt In tbe hi>. 211 -- _,.. Carol Bapel1. Joamie JllCI» - Slaoper, &lid - Zleclcr. oil ot wbom hod betla' then s.o for tbe Ont aemesttt AJ>otber 1Wck111, MunlJ Davis, should ba•'e beo.o listed .,th u.- •h- srade point a""'"° wett OV<'T 3.5 ntber tbu with tbe 10 to u croup. STAFF '-EE.SHELP Htlp Is nttdod In p"'parlna tbc )t•uboolt. Voluo. tttn may ton1act 1o.;y member ot lbo P"P<'r •tall. Dr !Oldow luts t!w two collcp edl&oUOtl or p.IUDUoca tr\11 bold mretlllp b...,. lD tM ,_ The Richer CAm•l 111 00 ol !!le "ortb•eot "--d&tlon ol :.ec: ODdar) and WO- Sdloola will mttt llL"t J"1y S Mid 4. n.. :'>ortb.... Oollep P\ob- bt RdoUOGS Aaul pl.uia to bold a a::eebJlt bat In or li'"1' lloU1 """"' WINS TIU .. TO WASHINGTON QJde Wdler , tr.bmaJ> el. - boJ .--..UJ - a'IPU'ded a _.., 1::1r "' tl:t Nauoa..J •H Con!""'Jl<!I •' Wub.mcloa.. D.C .. whlcb Is to :IL Ai. onpue- UIC ltwknt. ClJde '"" Mier!..-<! on tbe bull of alk!'OW1d •H Th1o t.. w.u.... : ltb yeu of wort. CORRECTION ?hr dJIA! of f'reneb Club bll.llQ<.ttl "'111 be lol.ardJ 2.• not :.lan:b 31 u P"'lou11¥ atJted A.nyo"" wW.Jnr tlclt•ll should !ff Dave Ltwta. KILDOW LEAVES FOR MEETl-.GS 11; BOISE Dr It.id<.• left to41 ""' •httt i.. w111 au.nd a mtttlni of the MY!oory Coau:lttee oe Voc:oUoNI U... C11Uoa Supervlll<'c on Mard> 1e. a.. la ch. .rmJJl or the .... ID he will abo •• "'"""' of r an ldabo <ollecc<. .. relurned from J.. AJ Dt-n,·u. nominJUnc 1&UocW oftlttn Aaan or '""' !!c paal prftl· f• d .1tttnded I mttt• S.. Ore. o! tbe 1r011 C •It• Publle Jlo. :ot A. aod llU1'<d u a pan 1 'I\ dullDC vltb tbe ull)' ro:• ln pubbc rel• I•<> k< llO 1Ucnded a lllffllnl ol the lnl<'rtm Comm11tee on Education df the Wubln11on M.tle Lo0'1•ture In VOMC>u..,,. Ht had bwn Invited 10 oppear &1 a dlot:lwloa ot Ill Junior coll•i:• problcmo ond leslsl•· uon al tho nut letloJal.lve ..,. uon In WuhlQJton A rea Seniors Her e To day For An nual Gui dance Day °""' 400 hlP acbool .. a1on from 1even Khools lD tbe uea are on campus l.odll1 for U.. OJ>Dual CuJd&nce Cocference T!iJs cbJ"t octivltiOI c:oatinue a prosram wllleb bepn In UK7 111d which bu become • tnlcb· llon •t NlJC caeb spr!nc. u II rponsored jo\.nlly by NlJC. Ibo Coeur d'Alene Khrallll Club and tbe Coeur d'Alen• Cbaft>. ber o! Commcrtt. u II boa b<en Jn tbe JJUL D. R. Mooer, cbalml&n or lb• coUeee l!Uidance <Omm.lttee and also ebalrnwl of lbe Kl· wanls Club IJUldance commll· le<, lb• ot tbe con!aenco u l'oll OWI; '1'o .. u to tbe •U. tnUoo of eaeb hllh ICbool Rnlor tbc impor- tonoe of lona·ranc• plo.o.nl.Jli 111 eboooine • career and tbt fut lbo1 wiser dedllocs are mode conttnilna his career wbeJI be la fullJ lnlorm<d reprdlnc hll h.ealtb, oebolutk aeblevemeot. abillUes. i.nternu, ap(jtuda JJ>d <areer oppommilla.. - GIW\ftl tbe ad4reso to Ibo Rolon wtJJ be Jobn E. f'rtan, employmenl 111d tninlna moo. oger or tbe Boeloa ComPll.llJ In S..ltle O.aii OlrUliamon wUJ pruide •• u.. - bepa- ninl OI 11:30 and th• i.n..,.. Uoo will be oflued by W C. Piper. putor ot I.he P'int Cbriltilln Churdl. Special p-ttbnp wtll be meodtd by Orvlll• Klrt!nR, president of th• KJW1111s Club: Hlrdln Yollftl, ebalnna.n of tbe Cl>om· bcr <ducatlon committee; and Bill Tllrb1n, NlJC student bodJ presjcknL The colleie cborus and baJ>d will ofter musical RltcUons. A report on the U. S. FOl'Ul Stn>l<t! work scboWUll"I w!U be given by Robert Jll.llllfn o( tbt USF'S. Afttr tbe prvpm. lunrb<!On will be tttVtd by the college home ec depart· mtnl tbroueh tbe courtesy ol lh< Clwnber of Oommeroe. !ti· wanis Club members OJ>d tbc Chomber boud or directors will be apecul IU11Cbeoo 111u11 TuUJ>i trill bellll al 00011. wttb Mr WcF'arlll.lld and loc- ulty members in Alier th< lesUnC. cuJded toun o( Ille coU•se will be oU•red by SNEA members. t1aherull will be In cM.r1e of the NtJC C.... c1Jn1I Servtce Club &Dd tbe Cir· do K Club. Sebol.trslul"I on IUt ,...,Jiu wUJ be mode avallobl• by Wuhtnclon Wotu Power Co Home Dt'monslntloo Council. Coeur d'Alene Klwao. la Club, £a,:ta MemorW. Elita Lodp. ldobo First National Bank, Mn. D. W Golsu, LaUaey uuon Co ·A. B. Lal!ertJ J4'em- onal, llot&r7 Club. &lid Coeur d'Alene uundl'J Co.·Paul s.hro<dcr Memoriol. Sebol&rsbl!» or fll'allll DOC bued on ,_ n'IUl.11 will be oUered by A.C.P .&O.. Coeur d'Alene Business 111d Prob tlo1141 Women. Coeur d'Alene Preu. Cridley'a Wan'• &ore, Beta Sl&m• Phi. JJ>d &DODY· Include Coeur d'Alene. UUL Aced· 011\1. KooteDAI, Plummer, Poot Nls, 111d

The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (11) Mar 14, 1962

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Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College

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Fin~ Registration For Spring Term lnaeased To 532

A On.al died< of the .econd

-~Oil~ 532 atodet. co.rolled. Of u....:zae ... ~. 243 .,. oopbomares. two are • ucD. ton Ctnrolled wllhoot cndltl, &Dd one la o spedaJ llU.dei!L

n.e co.rollmc1 brub cio-occcnll.ft6 lo cvn1cuJo u '"'" tow. ..toc:alloa. W ; bedldor of art&. ~ ballDaa •clmWo­tntloa. 85; tea'dari&I IClenet, 211: b....,. ecooomJa. It; -pro/-.loaal '-med. ~ ta1. •te), 2.5; ·~A&. ». indutri&I arta. J3 becbdor of ocicJice, 31, lore11r7. 2.5, bull. ._ educaUoo, 4. ••lo med>­anlcl. 21 ; vectrootco. 31, •1'd· ltlnC, 2, tPed&J. ODe

All major c:untnilu matUd .,, u.-- 111 co.rollm~t -tbe Orwu for tbe rprl"' Mmeotu of lut year except enclnffrlnc an.cl tbe buoin­cou...,. I.alt year 61 lltUdcoll reclat4red tn cnglneerfn1 for tbe rpnns aemuw. u com­pared lo ~ tbll year. A lolOI ol 711 IU!cknll rel!lltettd 111 buoln- currkulu dur1n1 the -nd aemeatu lut tut. u compued wttb 85 tbla Jeer.

Other ttsuru In the major fieldo for tbe oecond aemuter lut year wtre P<'l'1'f'O'featon­al, 22, eduaUon, 132, eleetn>o. lco, 18; lndwtrial iuu. 21 . oulo mecbolllca, JI : !Ottlltry, 14; becbelor of aeleace, 2.5; home economla, 13, becbelcr or art&. 34

'Ml• aecond ebedt or reP,.. cnUon n111reo revlaed the eo. rollllttJlt from ~. u reported in tbe Jut lasue of tbe llevlCY Tblo moka • 105 lncttue OYU

• 1eu •so. ll.lld on ll'ICl"UM of 177 o•er !bot of two yean •IO

Deon Also Director Of Student Affcirs

In order to lmplem•nl tbe ~ud•nt Union monaa•m•nt contnct wllb the Donnllol'1 llou•lna Commluloc ll.lld to ~ ordlnote oU 1tudtnt • rllvttlu, llle NUC Doan! or Trultc•• ot their Fcbnwy mfftlns ett•ted th• poaltloc ol Director of Student ActMUeL Mr Cbrt. tlan.lon wu oppolnted to tbot poaltlon ond II cllredly ,.. rponalblc to the prellldont of tbe colleio.

Since the ll(udcnt union buildina WU built pnmarii) to aervo tho n...U ol tbe atude11t body, It wtll be the polley ol Ibo admlnlltnUoc to re.er- • It uclUJlffl1 for 1tudent OJ>d for ocboo)..ft)oted octJ\'\Ueo Tb• ocbedullns al ume for atudtn1 e"Dll Ill tbe bulld\ftl will be done tbrouab tbJ olfke ol Ibo Dlnctor ol Sludenl ArtlvtUoa. It la fell !bot the ltud.nl unloa lhould nevu be openi.d U1

CO-bllon with Mtabllabtd ~ flll.<fll'U&


Tb• atudent unloo wUJ be lb• -"• for lb• Rom.o ~ aub'• SL Patrtck'• Day ci..... on :.Sareb 17. •L 1.30 c....., deconlU°"' wtU Ottl U.. dJD<'l'r& •b«.n tbt'> &rn\ ....

All coll•r• atudco11 are .... vtl.<d, ""' or dolt, and oil fac­ulty melllben wUJ be wd· come Sludut ortiuty ~ are reqlllred JJ>d oo ono .. 1u be adnuu<d without lhowtni his <&tdl ezcepl l\IUI dJtea of coll•s• atud< ntL ~uden11 lhou.Jd drew In

Ottn and wear &ehool cloc.h01 for tblJ Informal occuloo. The "'l'bltc Plua One" band wlU provtd.t tbo mu.Uc:. Refrelh· menll wt1I be ~ dunoa lbe evnlna.


~ · - . , ......... " "' the ..-... -, .,,. S•ate Unl..nfty J~U .. f"L The ......,.. ..,...

Mftlod "" hovr~ _,.,,.of - - -~n •t ""- 1 .. t H-Mfl"ltfy. Tl\e ~ -··69'1 NIJC •tudefth.. foculty and ..,.,n with .,,. ef the ktf U:wfftltl'" ef the te:hoN ye.er.

SlvdenlL l'ac:ullJ' md ...... of NlJC bad lllcir monW11 of M.arcb 2 11"11.med deJl&hlfull)' by I.be Montono Stal.< Uni_.. QI)' JabUeen. Tbls O'OCll> of tee me.a and ten women P"e a - Procram al cllora1 JJ>d doace IUllDbcD and ~ the audJ~ w!tb lhelr voaca md dlldplined ...rt.

-- Volleyball Popular At Mixer

Tiie boul-loq coocerl ..... dlredod by ~ll)'U'd E. Saul.la ll.lld lhe muter al ceremonlm wu Cedric Colnaa. who II alJo -1Jl.ant dittdor The Jobl-1.,.,, _,.. occomp&Dled by lhe \Oleot<d Robena hrl>os on lbe piano Cb...._.pb.y WU clone ~ by Louis Carclo &Dd JO&llDI l.nUr (Klla KonWla).

Numben p~IU<d wue "Set DoWD Servaot" (0 IJlln­luaJ), "Bbdt II !be Color al My 'hue Lo"'• 8&lt'", • dud from Madame BcntntlJ. a med­ICJ of IOQP !Tom tbe Rraad. .,., hll BripdooD (lDclacliJlC a dJnce bJ ,....,.,. Lellcr>. a duel by "'1a Leottt md Brott BuclWiclWD larn.nser oDd

e.,.,.. .,.,.,.,,,, .. the Nefflf NC:•"""-•ne•fw mlx•f' . ,.. ahown .,i.y,.,. ..Cfoyball ln the .,.,.... 1 .... u. uy moo• .i the ,,_ _., -- fw the IKulty_.... ml•tt ..... HIJoyed . .. ,. lety., - ........... _ .... __ _

<0mpoar fer tbe -pl s. .. ,,,,,, c.11.,. c;,.,.,, "Y~'re Juat In ~·-. "Scof' Pio" '°"""~"••• Hero Ito's Sereaadt". and ""CiDcttn Rdl«uons of Ltanard Beni­ateln'a 'W"" Side StorJ' •. ~ .....,.ec1 by 8"'c:e Biadll.e.&twn.

The Jabilttn P"'" a deti&IU· ful -llUbOD ol ~ Bap­p1'" u ao~

Bdatt I.be prOCnm was o•w. tbe aud1~ lttmed w!Qr tb~ O'OOP luts recie:.....S sud: W\dc llCdalm.


A few names wa-e J.J>ACtra1, ctl7 left otl Ibo De.ul .• Lilt In tbe hi>. 211 --~ _,.. Carol Bapel1. Joamie JllCI» - ~ Slaoper, &lid ~ - Zleclcr. oil ot wbom hod betla' then s.o a~ea for tbe Ont aemesttt

AJ>otber 1Wck111, MunlJ Davis, should ba•'e beo.o listed .,th u.- •h- srade point a""'"° wett OV<'T 3.5 ntber tbu with tbe 10 to u croup.

STAFF '-EE.SHELP Htlp Is nttdod In p"'parlna

tbc coll~• )t•uboolt. Voluo. tttn may ton1act 1o.;y member ot lbo P"P<'r •tall.

Dr !Oldow luts ·~ t!w two collcp edl&oUOtl or p.IUDUoca tr\11 bold mretlllp b...,. lD tM ~n ,_ The Richer CAm•l11100 ol !!le "ortb•eot "--d&tlon ol :.ec: ODdar) and WO- Sdloola will mttt llL"t J"1y S Mid 4.

n.. :'>ortb.... Oollep P\ob­bt RdoUOGS Aaul pl.uia to bold a a::eebJlt bat In ~ or li'"1' lloU1 """"'

WINS TIU .. TO WASHINGTON QJde Wdler, tr.bmaJ> el. -~I. boJ .--..UJ -a'IPU'ded a _.., 1::1r "' tl:t Nauoa..J •H Con!""'Jl<!I •' Wub.mcloa.. D.C .. whlcb Is to ~ ~ :IL Ai. onpue­UIC ltwknt. ClJde '"" Mier!..-<! on tbe bull of alk!'OW1d •H -~· Th1o t.. w.u.... : ltb yeu of ~ wort.

CORRECTION ?hr dJIA! of ~ f'reneb Club

bll.llQ<.ttl "'111 be lol.ardJ 2.• not :.lan:b 31 u P"'lou11¥ atJted A.nyo"" wW.Jnr tlclt•ll should !ff Dave Ltwta.


Dr It.id<.• left to41 ""' ~ •httt i.. w111 au.nd a mtttlni of the ~·e MY!oory Coau:lttee oe Voc:oUoNI U... C11Uoa Supervlll<'c on Mard> I~ 1e. a.. la ch. .rmJJl or the .-mil~ .... ID Bo~. he will abo • • • "'"""' of ~iii.. r an ldabo <ollecc<. H~ .. relurned from

J.. AJ Dt-n,·u. ~. nominJUnc 1&UocW oftlttn

• Aaan or '""' !!c • paal prftl·

f• d .1tttnded I mttt• S.. Ore. o! tbe

1r011 C •It• Publle Jlo. :ot A. aod llU1'<d u a pan 1 'I\ ~ dullDC vltb tbe • ull)' • ro:• ln pubbc rel• I•<>

k< llO 1Ucnded a lllffllnl ol the lnl<'rtm Comm11tee on Education df the Wubln11on M.tle Lo0'1•ture In VOMC>u..,,. Ht had bwn Invited 10 oppear &1 a dlot:lwloa ot Ill Junior coll•i:• problcmo ond leslsl•· uon al tho nut letloJal.lve ..,. uon In WuhlQJton

Area Seniors Here Today For Annual Guidance Day °""' 400 hlP acbool .. a1on

from 1even Khools lD tbe uea are on campus l.odll1 for U.. OJ>Dual CuJd&nce Cocference T!iJs cbJ"t octivltiOI c:oatinue a prosram wllleb bepn In UK7 111d which bu become • tnlcb· llon •t NlJC caeb spr!nc. u II rponsored jo\.nlly by NlJC. Ibo Coeur d'Alene Khrallll Club and tbe Coeur d'Alen• Cbaft>. ber o! Commcrtt. u II boa b<en Jn tbe JJUL

D. R. Mooer, cbalml&n or lb• coUeee l!Uidance <Omm.lttee and also ebalrnwl of lbe Kl· wanls Club IJUldance commll· le<, ~ lb• p~ ot tbe con!aenco u l'ollOWI; '1'o .. u to tbe •U.tnUoo of eaeb hllh ICbool Rnlor tbc impor­tonoe of lona·ranc• plo.o.nl.Jli 111 eboooine • career and tbt fut lbo1 wiser dedllocs are mode conttnilna his career wbeJI be la fullJ lnlorm<d reprdlnc hll h.ealtb, oebolutk aeblevemeot. abillUes. i.nternu, ap(jtuda JJ>d <areer oppommilla.. -

GIW\ftl tbe ad4reso to Ibo Rolon wtJJ be Jobn E. f'rtan, employmenl 111d tninlna moo. oger or tbe Boeloa ComPll.llJ In S..ltle O.aii OlrUliamon wUJ pruide •• u.. - bepa­ninl OI 11:30 and th• i.n..,.. Uoo will be oflued by W C. Piper. putor ot I.he P'int Cbriltilln Churdl. Special p-ttbnp wtll be meodtd by Orvlll• Klrt!nR, president of th• KJW1111s Club: Hlrdln Yollftl, ebalnna.n of tbe Cl>om· bcr <ducatlon committee; and Bill Tllrb1n, NlJC student bodJ presjcknL The colleie cborus and baJ>d will ofter musical RltcUons.

A report on the U. S. FOl'Ul Stn>l<t! work scboWUll"I w!U be given by Robert Jll.llllfn o( tbt USF'S. Afttr tbe prvpm. • lunrb<!On will be tttVtd by the college home ec depart· mtnl tbroueh tbe courtesy ol lh< Clwnber of Oommeroe. !ti· wanis Club members OJ>d tbc Chomber boud or directors will be apecul IU11Cbeoo 111u11 TuUJ>i trill bellll al 00011. wttb Mr WcF'arlll.lld and loc­ulty members in ~. Alier th< lesUnC. cuJded toun o( Ille coU•se will be oU•red by SNEA members. t1aherull will be In cM.r1e of the NtJC C.... c1Jn1I Servtce Club &Dd tbe Cir· do K Club.

Sebol.trslul"I ~d on IUt ,...,Jiu wUJ be mode avallobl• by Wuhtnclon Wotu Power Co • Home Dt'monslntloo Council. Coeur d'Alene Klwao. la Club, £a,:ta ~ur MemorW. Elita Lodp. ldobo First National Bank, Mn. D. W Golsu, LaUaey ~ uuon Co ·A. B. Lal!ertJ J4'em­onal, llot&r7 Club. &lid Coeur d'Alene uundl'J Co.·Paul s.hro<dcr Memoriol.

Sebol&rsbl!» or fll'allll DOC bued on ,_ n'IUl.11 will be oUered by A.C.P .&O.. Coeur d'Alene Business 111d Prob tlo1141 Women. Coeur d'Alene Preu. Cridley'a Wan'• &ore, Beta Sl&m• Phi. JJ>d &DODY·

m~.:~"':rtic1potl.n1 Include Coeur d'Alene. UUL Aced· 011\1. KooteDAI, Plummer, Poot Nls, lAl<~d. 111d Worl~

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW ............... s-;.Moolloly 0...-. .... c.11.t• y.., " ,,_._ -- ... ...


Editor _ _ - --- -- Jim Monn!,. Auod• te EdllW _ __ --- Marilyn W ahon """-•phen Genld S.CV.. Poul w.,.,... BwiMU MaN- It"'-' -Clrcvlotlon Ma,...... - - - John Camie REPORTERS: Joonne J-..n. Ron Geory, °""""'Y Bol--. """" Mule &...,... Ann BerNrd, 0 1.,.. 0 1....,. Ji"' O'Connell, Gery PINomeu, Kothy OU....n, Joann Piebr­• I. Teny - In. L.eo Hnrltl.,.. Jvfty Anda,_,

Editorial .. . HUllllAH FOR THE BOWLING Tl.AMI

S..Vttlll week& qo, 1 bowUn1 team from !'.'UC enttted 111

1.ote=IJ•il•tc bowllni tournun•nt at Pullm.IJI uid - two _,, f!no b"opbles.

Al wu ata~ iJI 1 neww artlclo In !be l.ul - of Iha ~ view, tho NUC team wu compell.ol 1,.i- IChoola 1n1b mocb larter enrollmuta. Amons the 17 coU•a- md wilYWSitla t'D­tered In the tournam•nl were the UDl"1'111J' ot Wlllwllloa. !he Unlvuslt.r of Call!ornl1 at Berlutley, WMblollOD &Lite U!Wer­al1:1, md the UDlvenlty ol Ottcoo, Ju.Ill to mention a !e. wblch 1ut teams to Pullm.an.

1n addlUoa LO the fact I.hat the NUC I.nm - <omlMlllnC lPiJ1lt much larger school&. I.be team membttt a1JO CCOllll1'nd the P1Ycbolodcal hmdlap or be.Ins tttaled u It tbcJ' '"" "nobodles'' on Rveral occasion-. However, Judtl.o1 ~ tbe f1Dot lhowln1 ol tbe twn. It _,,,. tb1t tbq didD't let I.tie. handlClps bother them.

The performance or th• NUC bowUac tum ll PWlmaD _.. talnlY wu one that 1U NUC studCDll can 1oolr. upon wttb pridoO. Perb4ps at next year's ~onal bowUq toW'1WllCJlt the ocher ldlools will I.alt• th• "ciant ldllera" from NUC a llUle mare M!riously.-JM

LET'S BE THANKFUL FOR OUR FREEDOM! Alltt I.he F•b. 14 ... cmbly 11 which Mr. McGlade portrared

We In llusda with .Udes aod penonal erperient'eS, perluipo qult.e a rew or us at NlJC suddenly ru1btd bow ,.-onderful Lrttdom ls. I know I did. Clll you lmAgine a land w!Lh no God. with tcbools which "order" atudenta Into carccra, with llfteta hare ol cars, with one or every !IO or your friends • seert!t aaut? U >"" can, then you din also pktUtt life In Ruasl1.

Whenever you step Into I.he privacy or your bome, lhlnl< o! R1U1l1. where two or tbn!e ramlllcs sbatt a IW<H'OOm opartmCllL When you pay "that terrible" doetor blll. rcmombc.r Russia. wbere all doad bodlca ll1'C dlsected to add to blood. bone, &1dn. etc., blnb: where 11rd.l11uy !nfcctlOUJ dlse&RI take a cre11 toll of UCe: where obortion la legal. And whenc\-er you uw the church or your choice. keep ID mind the r1e1 that there ll1'C oo ch~ In IWssll, ind that plctura ol Lenin. not God. adorn th• bulldinp.

MOii or us would rathor 111 back and IUl rather than try our minds with the "old, Ured tali" ot communlam and war Yel. it you're not worried about world peme, wby not wwry about ynunell and your 1'1unl1¥1 nilnk about UCe la Russia and wbcLher you want audl 1 way ol file. Thm perhaps you11 come 10 the 11me condusloa that olhen ~I it's Ume to •ct and be thankful (or our fttedom.-MW


Dr. Fctt'a American covern· mcnt class6 have been bold­!nc • mock Coniress In order to lamlllarUe the <1udcats with conansslonal pn>cedUl'C$. Th• 10:15 closi acts as I.he Bouse or R<>~ntatives. The 1:30 c1us uts as the Scwc.

All tbc students represe11t som~ it.ate and an?. on some congroa1onal com.mlttce. The students attempt 10 get hills and resoluUons ~ In the some way the mombcn oC the real Ool\P'MS do.

Jobngtonne MutlUora bu beca elected Spc.ila!r of the Roiue, ond Jun O'Coone.1.1 wu dloacn President Pro Tcmporc of I.be Senate.

Dr. Fca plans to tako some mo\"lcs ol the mod< Consreu ID action.

for Tiie fin.st In Oelry Pro4'1cu Uu Comotion

CARNA TlON COMPANY H. 206 T!-1..! MO 4-7728



MISSOURI LUNCH 210 S....fm.t.n A••· • C..IU' cl"Al•M


ApplicatlOOI tor the April 17 odmlniatntion ot tbc Collogc Qulllltlcatlon Test ll1'C now a"llilable at Selodlve SerTlce System local boards. EJJclhle student& wb.o Int.end to take this test lhould •Pl'lr at once 10 the nearest local board for on appllaUon and lnConna­tlon.

AppUcaUom should be filled out a.ad malled tmm..dJatdy 10 the New J~ ol1ice. since midnight lLudJ 27 la the dead­line tor oppUcatlou

Test resnlts will be nported to the studcnn local sclec:ti•e service board Cor we In c:on­sidcnnC bis ddermut u • studenL


On March 7, the Circle K Club had • luncheon meotlnl with th<> local !Uwanb Club The O'OU'.PS beard a call< by Art Olson. ID 1dlnln.lstratl\"C affic:W from the Coeur d'Alene Homes. who spoke on tbc ad· mlnlllnUon. finance. and ran .. Uon or bomes Cor older people. He c.mpbWzed the nocd !or such bomca.


Leader Printing Co. 116 N. F'-rih St •• MOl.evl 4-1109

C•p•s Cl•6s "'Don ---?be NUC band b coaipooed

ol students wbo en.joy mnsk and can pi., 1 mlllical lnatru­muL A1 preant there an obout 30 memi..a wbo earn one credit per aemcltU by II• lCDdinJ rebcarsala twice ...,u. ly

l1lcre II also a brua and -pbone 9DRmble made o.p

Don Pfost

of IDll1lld&ns tram the COnca1 band.. n.... mall 0"'01'9 llft iDWsled lndlt1duab opj>Clr· tunl1la {O< ~ anwcal tn:IDlJll and ~nee. ~ hand Is Ulld.or the able

d.irocbon al Mr Bums. wbo {eels that tbe band llhoctld pro­vide Cwi a.ad reluaUoa llO(

only Cor LIS memben. but Cor the cnUre ICbool.

In addition LO the perform· - llYeJ! al the coll.,,., the i.nd Yls:alS aelebbarlne lchools and pracD1I • mocb.aJ>Pred­ated procnm.

Band ot&en an: president and IWdenl ~. Don Pfc:st; - JIA!lldet Dtllllil Newton; MCn'l&rY. Loil Fitz. Slmmou: lihrulana. Dawa Gwinld.IOD and Pal 11.beama.

ll.Ulic 11 DOW bcUlc prrparod (or the lpriftl concert IDd a tour 10 aftnl bleh ldloob In the area. Plam an ~ mode (or 1 banquet LO be bold near I.be cl.- ot the term.

SOUVENIR RECORDS "/Cu p A Rec,,,.J 0( It"

,,,_ Moi.-1 ~'1

tU sa.r-o A..,,



P-40•C frilDMAw " "".C5t&

tOO H..''" St•cn C:ocu• 0°ALl:NC.. lOAHO







Aho Orders To Go

N.l.J.C. lllVll!W, C- d'A-. ltloho, Wed.. Marc1o l4,, t"2 46

Politim Science Cloo Pl111S Dinner In Student Union

On April 17 at 8:30 p.m., the PoliUcal ~ Club will bold • huquet In ~ student un­ion.. Dinner COit will be SUO per peaon. A fil>C Q>Cl]<B will be ix--nt and there will also be cater1alnm<!aL

A1 lhdr M&rch 8 meeuni. J~ liluthlora IPOI<• on Alrlc:an culturo. Some or the lnt&nlStine lblnp he =nUon cd about Africa ano Tbe trtb­aJ ll'Slcma att dead because of imcnurrlaccs 111d case or mo\~t from one •~• to mother There 1tt no true Juniln In ltcayL 11Jere 11R DOI rcal17 800 dl!fcrtnt ... cents. Tiie cluRa In Africa do not run •<eordinC to I.be at:abll· 11:1 ol the 1amlb

Muthlar• •lao uld that there b I conlll<t betwftn Ml ...... la Atri"" beca...., they try to Imitate Western culture whUt 1171111 to retain Uwlr own. The people mo.y pnctlce plural mun...-. 011 two coodmou: w C1nt wl.te must approYe or mother marri.IJe and the So•· cmmtnt m1111 detormlno U I.he man can wppon mott tbon ODO wife.

Tbt wfldllCe o! AfrlCll b plenU!oJ. nol depleted as 11111\)'

~ The Alricana kill only for (ood. aot (Or ploUUn!

The JOUDSU people haYe their own SO<Jety. A bo7 can't coun mor.i than one ttlrl at a time. lwiltlllC la not ollo-.d 11 takca two ycan 10 court a prl. and a boy doan't t11ht wull a Cirl (because of bia blah rupcct tor women) A younr person can dnnlt 11 18 U he bas 1 pernu t 1ifned by bia par­ent.I, and alter 25 Uie.re arc no restrtctiona Al 10 o'doclt the :rounc people must be oU I.he street.I. ,,,...., b 1 ¥V7 low dclJnquea.cy nle becau.a< par­eni. •re beld rapoa.tlblc ror Ill! crimca committed by thlld­n!D under 18. 'Ibo parent.I arc suprmie and clilldrco obey them without qUUUOn.

Woodcock's Drug Store Condi01 - Sundrie>


IU N. Fo.rilt St. - c...., .r Al ...


AEHT - SALES· REPAIR O,.ftlot & Typlnt S...rfles

IKTCRSTATt TYPCWRITDI Co, 4'7 SIMll!N• A•.. .. rH.e 4.)411

!f"al.hor Roderldl CanwJ, CS\R. I• a naUve IOll ot Iba uh Qty Re attended UUL Andom)' cnde .0001 In Coeur d' Alen• and then R~ R...Sttm•r P"'P .. 11oo1 ind col· I~ In Olklancl. CallConla.

Ro also ottended lmmlculote ConccpUon Seminary In Ocon­omown. Wis.. •ad Kt. St. \lobonsuo, Pino City, Wll.

Falhor Carwy bu taulbt 11 1101'· R~ttmtr Colltp lo Oil· land 01><'• Rish Sthool In s. alllo 1111d I.ht ll<>demplorlal

boyo' 11Chool In WhllUtr, Cal· l(ornl• ti~ wu ch1pl1ln Cor tl\e O..partm•nt or Youth \ulhortty or camornla.

Father Carvey I• now all· Uon•d a.t St Thom11 Catholic Church In Coeur d'Alene 8"' slilea 1111 pril'Jtb dulles. ha ln­•trucll • lostc elua 11 NUC a.nd Ill the cb1pl1ln or tbe col­lcce Newman Club He also find• time to be 1cUve. with the l<ena1t<r1 O( the pariah.


Co.k • °'9uea • founcl.tiOM Sportswear

206 N. Fo.rih St. - C- d' Al.-



OPEN 9:00 A. IA, TO S;JO r. IA.

Pepsi - for those woo think young


Service Club Officers

"lc1vrecl .,.,.. .,.. offlcen of the C.nfln•I Ser.rice Cl\rb, tho only t lrla' wrvlu club on «"'!>U&. l..tt to rl9ht, ,...., .,.., Mn. i...nve. - loor; A1199la Thomp>Ofl, pretl.i.m; Patty R..-..rver. ...,...i. Int - rotary; Suwn J..._, corr-d!r19 M<reltry: •nd Sholl• Jol\n.on .. treaw,..,.. Min.Int from tt.e pidu,.. wu Jvtfy Aftd.n~ YI.,. p,..ldent

DrPepper ORIN~ IT f~OITT


OR. PEPPER n.. Ft1•~d.y

P•PP• '·Upp.t"

PTK Plans Banquet N.t.J.c. REVIEW. c-.... er"*-....... wo.t.. - 14, 1"2 c

To Initiate Pledges Sludenta tappt"d rttently ror

Phi Thell !Uppa _,.., I.Old 11 ILi March e mttuni about the club'• futuro ac:uvtuu. MJs9 Dwirugan. •d•"Uor ror the or­pnwitJon. WU tntrocNced.

ComJ.DI events Include the 1D1U>UOD and banquet !or new m•mben lnlttauoa will be held )larch 21 ll I ~ U­Kmbl)" ind the banquet will be bcld March !!Z 10 tht SW~ ent Ullion. Da.llu Ator W\11 bt cuest 11>take

Plana to send a del•Pk LO tb~ nauon~ coovenUon iD Bil· •. Ml' ~ •. on. MUL. were d.Lscul:sed and plsas to n.1.14' !uads ~ db­~ A nunm&(e Ille will be held ror that purpooe.

El.woo or nnr o!lleers .. scheduled ror tomorrow and all cew oUicen wtU be ~· mea members.

SoJI• Howkins Done• Tbe Aslociltcd Womcc Stud·

ecll ""'' ?dan:h !I to ducuss pl&m rar I ruturo Sadie Ha..-k· Ins Dance. Tbe aU11r will be held either March 31 or Apnl 8. Ju is tndJtlocal tor such cbnca, ~Is will ha~ the boo· or or u.viuni th• boys.

Some of our best friends are raccoons

lo our job of exploring and drilling for oil we come across all kinds of small rurry animals like these.

M a "visitor" in the rort$1. Standard bu a rcspo11S11>ility to protect wild· life and ltcep the wilderness fresh and green. And we accomplish this in seven.I ways, working closely with fish and game and wildlife officials.

Water wells, essential 10 our drilling operations, nourish ihirsty plants and animals ... and nesting and breeding pond$ are built for wild fowl.

When wells arc in, we assure new growth by reseeding grassland and by planting new = in lhe work area.

Exploring tcaw in hcliooptcn keep sharp watch for tires, and on the giound our men with bulldoun and water trucks stand ready to help when 6re strikes.

Good conservation includes thou· aaods or ou·produciDg areas that are also used for recreation, outdoor •pons, f1lmling and gtazing.

Multlple use of the land :Ulows more people to enjoy our hui'tagc and the beauty or the great outdool'3. At the same time, our DJltuntl resources are developed to serve the nation.

pf11nnlnt1 11head lo serve you b11tt11r



SNEA Delegates

........ , ..... nld ( left) - ............. - _., -• SNllA . .... ._,. 1M ldahe ......._ ~ -lnW... T1'e~ wlll __ ._......,.T,_

~·..., .. .... ··-.. •i..otL IOUQUETS. C0~6ES ' GIFTS


EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP .,_ o .. 1ay • ..i s. .. ia ..

PhOI'• MOhew\ 4-ll~S ot +.M7' 21> Sh•f"t'M• "'"· • eo ... , d'-"'•"'•


Del Gitt.I


la Mofe Fun At

.. ... SNEA bu an-...ced the

el«tloD of Je&11 lloua!wi IJld Joann Pietanld u ~ to the ldalao Edllallon Am>. «>n~tlon.. llllclred TtemblaJ wUJ - u altttnaa.

The <011~tlon will be bdd In 8obe on Mardi »3L

The deler•ta bave al.o beeJI asked to atleJMI a spcda1 meet· 11111 Mardi 10 al Coeur d'Alelle J111llor HJP. At lllia meednf. bclll& held for all dde~ta Ill lllia ~ u.. toplcl o( .u. CUll!on at Bobe will be ,... viewed.

A home bake ale ...,.. bWI at AJbuUoD'I 111perm.ukct OD M&n:b 10 to .- I'll.Deis to Mad the tkleptes.

Crinols Bow To Hot-Shooting JV's Of Colurmio Basin

On Mardi 3, the NUC Carcll­nala ftft defeated "1 I.be red­bot Columbia 8&sio Collep

' Jwilor Van:lt;)'. C.S. 1be pme, plaJed at Puco, .... u.. tlnal ooe for t.be Cards this

~..., ~ ,. ':t.. ~ ,,....._

1\la •••It•• 8owhng Gu.•• of H_.r Clyde Ne ller

p,.•• nt e4 for ftt• gome thlt ...,.\.



-n.e Cards led »211 at bait· tintt, but iD I.be aecoi:id ball their •bootin& -..1 cold while CBC poured Ill 53 palllU.

1A7mu o< CBC led all 11:«· era wlt.b 18 points. Other CBC plqera wbo ocor'ld well ~ Scbttdt with 13 polllll, IJld Bed!otd and Jeter with 1l! each.

In' Dwt ud Lero7 VI.ell• led the NlJC offt111e with IS polllta each. TUm captab1 Doll& Pei.rs 1dcled 12. Other Cardi wbo ocor'ld were Jabll PWer. a. Pat Seal.e, s: ud Archie eu-ll. 2.

RESPIRATORY AIDS ARE N.U.c. HV'lmw, c- , ._,-. w..._-.... w. tta •



At lllll wntlac, foorr .­-. II.ad NKlled u.. ~ l!.Dala o( t.be "'UC plas ..... --.n.~ .... ... 0-,., ._ Rwl. Doa Arlllv, ....s Bill Plomb. ,,,.

.... ellmluUaa --­- ~ Koadli7. llcdt u. Pbial .-ha will be ......

ried "' the - 1- "' t.be ....... Sin.a pi.,.. .... on,.

IDalt1 ml.Ired "' tlae ~ coaru-. After • .......- o( Camib, deb& pLann IDl4nd t.be -..Dd rowid ol plq. 'JbfJ ~ Roe Geary, Did: ltllaJ>I>, IUdwd Yowsa. Brellt HUI. Don Anllllr, Joho PWer. Jim Balr, ud llW PIOll&e.


NGnlWl Qloullo, 1 tr.11.maa ~....,1.11-Uoa

1111 - t.o .was - 1liDd ol I .......i .-'II for willdow breU.1q. la t.be abort time be bu t..111 ll NlJC. Narm&n bu dWlid up two wt..doww.

'!be flnt Lall7 came trom puobiJI& 1 tr1.tnd ud, for var­letY, be let 1111 blk.t lwldltben fall t.broush anotber

Scbool otrlclall .... <ODii~-"" '-""du>c Nonuo't bike I! be It ln'Olftd "' &II)' mott acddenll with IL

For a lifetime of

PLEAS URE learn to

BOWL While You Are Young

Laite Oty lanfS, Inc. 2414 N. - SI.. c..w ~"'-'

._..,. - ef lhe IOJC •°""F Molr.-11 .............. --~- ...... fw ..Ul • - 0..IM-lo ~ 0....-.. ......... - Vel...W. '1.,_.• ,., ...... ....... - ...... - ._.... ......... ,.... .., hlo -

ATTDtD MmmTING DvotJu Jloltoa. JOlllMUI ~ ud Pat ... ttp­,_,,ted tloa collep Youq Dutoc:nla lut -.ltnd It tbe ciu-bip ci.rtJil ff- ID .. _


WHIRLING INOIAN • II sa...- ,__ . MOi.-\ M211



LAUNDRY Coeur d'Alene Lau.dry

& Dry Cleaaers "- Plclup and Oelvwy

>07 ""' • MOi....t '-11"



221 si. .......

Pr .. cr/plio~ Sp•cio/lsls • Gills A Speclo/ty

1207 N faunli