The Night’s Dark Stranger The play opens on the inside of a rural, New England home. Most of the interior is white and what we can see of the house is a worn couch [stage right] opposite an obviously aged radio set [stage left.] (a  pair of antennae are sticking o ut the roof of the radio and are bent in a hackneye d fashion). [Back center stage] is a fireplace that has a few scraps of burnt firewood. OSCAR(a man as aged and tattered as the couch he is sleeping on) is snoring languidly on the couch, opposite a radio that is humming lowly on a static frequency. The static can be heard softly before the  play begins, but increases in volu me as the lights gradually illumina te the entire stage. Play begins. (Static increases and then stops, revealing a patchy news-broadcast that cuts in and out. It is o bvious that this is some kind of distress signal by t he frantic voice of the reporter, but no words can c learly be made out.) (Enter ESTHER [stage right], a younger woman who is dressed in outlandish, ritualistic attire. A notable piece of wardrobe is her multi-colored headband.) ESTHER: (yelling) Oscar? (She scans the room before noticing OSCAR sleeping on the couch, mouth hanging slackly) Oscar! (OSCAR wakes with a start ) There you are! I thought I’d lost you again. Always running off on me, aren’t you? (OSCAR sits up straight, dazed and c onfused) OSCAR: Running off on you? This is my  home. ESTHER: (perky) That it is, but who’s the best resident caretaker and spiritual medium you know? I have every right to call this my home as you do. (OSCAR rolls his eyes and groans audibly) OSCAR: Yeah, (turns and points off-stage right) everythin g across that line is yours and you can decorate it with all your freaky Woo-Woo shit. But this side, dear, is mine. I thought I made that clear? ESTHER: (pauses, leaning over the edge of the couch) I think you underestimate the power of the spirits, Oscar. A line drawn by mortals is like chalk on a sidewalk to them. OSCAR: (breaks into a cocky g rin and chuckles) Yeah? Well I think the spirits underestimate the powe r of me. This is, after all, my room. ESTHER: You’ve made that very clear, sir.

The Night's Dark Stranger

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The Night’s Dark Stranger 

The play opens on the inside of a rural, New England home. Most of the interior is white and what we

can see of the house is a worn couch [stage right] opposite an obviously aged radio set [stage left.] (a

 pair of antennae are sticking out the roof of the radio and are bent in a hackneyed fashion). [Back center 

stage] is a fireplace that has a few scraps of burnt firewood.

OSCAR(a man as aged and tattered as the couch he is sleeping on) is snoring languidly on the couch,

opposite a radio that is humming lowly on a static frequency. The static can be heard softly before the

 play begins, but increases in volume as the lights gradually illuminate the entire stage. Play begins.

(Static increases and then stops, revealing a patchy news-broadcast that cuts in and out. It is obvious

that this is some kind of distress signal by the frantic voice of the reporter, but no words can clearly be

made out.)

(Enter ESTHER [stage right], a younger woman who is dressed in outlandish, ritualistic attire. A notable

piece of wardrobe is her multi-colored headband.)

ESTHER: (yelling) Oscar?

(She scans the room before noticing OSCAR sleeping on the couch, mouth hanging slackly)

Oscar! (OSCAR wakes with a start) There you are! I thought I’d lost you again. Always running off on me,

aren’t you? 

(OSCAR sits up straight, dazed and confused)

OSCAR: Running off on you? This is my home.

ESTHER: (perky) That it is, but who’s the best resident caretaker and spiritual medium you know? I have

every right to call this my home as you do.

(OSCAR rolls his eyes and groans audibly)

OSCAR: Yeah, (turns and points off-stage right) everything across that line is yours and you can decorate

it with all your freaky Woo-Woo shit. But this side, dear, is mine. I thought I made that clear?

ESTHER: (pauses, leaning over the edge of the couch) I think you underestimate the power of the spirits,

Oscar. A line drawn by mortals is like chalk on a sidewalk to them.

OSCAR: (breaks into a cocky grin and chuckles) Yeah? Well I think the spirits underestimate the power of 

me. This is, after all, my room.

ESTHER: You’ve made that very clear, sir.

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OSCAR: And I’m glad I have. Which reminds me, the only time I said you could ever enter my room is

either when your rent’s due or when dinner’s ready. And since you haven’t had a customer all week, I

take it that it’s chow time?

ESTHER: (Smiling, bouncing up and offering OSCAR her hand) Right you are! (He takes her hand and

painstakingly rises.) Rabbit’s on the menu tonight. 

(We see that OSCAR’S is wearing a jacket from a set of army fatigues. Although the coat looks obviously

faded, it is in prime condition.)

OSCAR: (grumbling) Rabbit’s always on the menu… 

(OSCAR stops and takes a glance at the radio before adjusting the coat on himself and sluggishly

following ESTHER off stage right.)

(Lights fade out, drawing attention to the radio as the static noise rises. It sits just long enough to be

eerie, before the broadcast flickers back on.)

NEWSCASTER: ...Advising all residents to stay indoors… …unlike anything… ever seen… a strange… evil


(Suddenly, we are aware of a stooping figure in the background at [stage left]. It emerges from behind a

shelf; a deep, black figure that stands out in its blackness amidst its dark surroundings, moving in a

careful gait behind the radio and unplugging it with a sharp *bzzzzt* noise. STRANGER stalks off [stage


Scene 2

(Lights fade in on ESTHER’s r oom. It is completely bedecked in occultist imagery and bears the remnants

of what seems like a kitchen underneath a surprisingly organized clutter mystical shrouds and curtains.

[Forward Stage right] is a dinner table with a pair of chairs and an ornate, rich purple cloth that bears a

crystal ball in its center. A stove is [stage right], wrapped in some mystical shawl and bearing several odd 

shaped and eerie trinkets. An ankh is among them and most noticeable. There is a large pot on the stove

that has a single ankh hand-drawn on its face.)

(Enter ESTHER and OSCAR stage right. ESTHER moves to the stove and pulls a few plates off a nearby 

rack as OSCAR sits down at the table, tying a nearby napkin into a bib.)

OSCAR: (bitterly) You know, I actually give you money to get food from the store. I’d like somethingother than rabbit every once in a while.

ESTHER: Well why buy what you can catch for yourself? It’s one of Mother Nature’s greatest gifts to us.

(OSCAR is eyeing the crystal ball at the center of the table with scorn. ESTHER moves over to the pot

with a couple plates and assorted silverware.)

OSCAR: Yeah, but (mockingly) “Mother Nature” has also given us grocery stores and packaged goods.

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(ESTHER screams, dropping the plates, shattering them as the silverware clatters noisily to the floor.

OSCAR jumps to his feet.)

OSCAR: (curtly and reverting back to his militaristic instinct) What?

ESTHER: The rabbit’s gone! It’s (stuttering) a fuku!

(OSCAR eyes her strangely)

OSCAR: A what?

ESTHER: (frantic) A curse! A rabbit is one of the most docile, harmless creatures in the animal kingdom!

To see it vanish is-

OSCAR: Does this mean I’m not getting fed!? 

ESTHER: Sir, I believe we have other things to worry about-

OSCAR: I don’t care! I pay you good money from my retirement fund to cook for me, and this is what I


ESTHER: Oscar-

OSCAR: I don’t even know if you BUY the0 food we eat! Yet whenever I walk in here, all I see is rabbit for

dinner (anger peaks) and more of this voodoo shit! (he gestures wildly around himself, impressive for a

man his age)

(STRANGER slowly enters from stage left behind OSCAR in a carefully casted shadow. Once again, he is a

black figure contrasted against a dark background.)

(ESTHER’S eyes go wide as she notices the dark figure in the background and steps back into the stove.)

ESTHER: Oscar-

OSCAR: I’m still struggling pay off this house! And this is the thanks I receive!?

ESTHER: Behind you! (pointing at STRANGER)

(OSCAR turns and comes face to face with STRANGER. OSCAR retreats a few steps in shock, his eyes

widening. STRANGER steps into the light, dressed in a full black spandex suit that covers its entire body.

The only noticeable part of his wardrobe is a white and oriental demon mask that covers his head.)

(OSCAR recovers himself and tries to punch STRANGER, but STRANGER effortlessly sidesteps OSCAR’s

slow punch. OSCAR’s punch follows through and leaves him reeling. STRANGER moves over to the crystal 

ball on the table and picks it up, rolling it over in his hand. ESTHER is in panic.)

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ESTHER: (in fright) Zafa! Zafa!

(OSCAR stands, clutching his right arm in minor pain and turns to STRANGER)

STRANGER: (turns to OSCAR) ( in a haunting, asexual, monotonous tone) I apologize for eating your hare.

I had just returned from the nearby town and I was quite hungry.


STRANGER: I was attracted here by the great spiritualistic force emanating from this room. While most

of your trinkets may be… gaudy… I was hoping that perhaps I could find shelter here for the coming


(STRANGER pauses, looking back and forth between a frightened ESTHER and an enraged, yet confused


STRANGER: But I suppose I was wrong… 

(ESTHER moves towards the stove, untying a handful of her charms and holding them close to her


OSCAR: (pauses in angered disbelief) What the hell are you?

(STRANGER moves closer to OSCAR, still clutching the crystal ball.)

STRANGER: I am what’s called an ONI, a malevolent spirit often referred to as a demon. (omnisciently,

almost addressing the audience) However, I no longer seek to bear that title, I-

OSCAR: You ate my dinner!

STRANGER: (turns to OSCAR) Err… yes, I did.

(OSCAR’S gaze accusingly shifts to ESTHER)

OSCAR: (pointing, angry) you summoned this thing on me! You wanted me to leave so you could have

this whole house to your demon worshipping, rabbit eating self!


OSCAR: But I’ve actually tricked you! I have the deed to the house and haven’t put a penny down on the

mortgage! If I leave for whatever reason, that debt falls on (dark, hauntingly) YOU.

ONI: (sighs, melancholic): Please, I can solve all of this.

(ONI moves over to a cabinet[upper stage center], opens it, and produces a large bag of money, still 

holding the crystal ball in his off-hand. He moves [center stage] and displays them both as Lady Justice

would bear her scales. Crystal ball in right hand  , bag o’ cash in left.) 

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ONI: I stole this from a bank in the nearest town with the intent to give it to the first destitute house I

came across. I feel that it would be better served with you two than sitting in their coffers. (Once again,

almost addressing the audience) This is my first attempt to redeem-

OSCAR: (his face splits into a wicked grin that is the fate of all honest men lured into greed) That’s right,

it would be better served! Just give it here… 

(OSCAR makes advances towards the bag)

ESTHER: (sensing her chance) Hold on, he stashed this bag in my room, behind my line, meaning that

this money belongs to me.

OSCAR: But this is my house!

ESTHER: Which I pay rent for!

OSCAR: Which you haven’t paid in months! 

ESTHER: Well now I can!

ONI: Stop this, this is absurd! Can’t you handle this like the civilized people that you are? I’m a demon,

and here I am telling you to make peace! A moment, please, I will make the decision.

(ONI looks at OSCAR, who is practically seething with greed, losing all semblance of humanity) (ONI

recoils slightly)

(ONI immediately turns to ESTHER and hands her the bag o’ cash.) 

ONI: You are (hesitates) …arguably the wisest and most sensible amongst you two. I trust that you at

least have the heart to bring happiness to the world with this money.

(ESTHER smiles as she takes the bag. ONI turns to OSCAR, who is completely livid. ONI glides

weightlessly towards OSCAR, extending the crystal ball to take it into OSCAR’S hand.) (ESTHER exits

stage right)

ONI: But do not worry, I still have a gift for you. Tell me, what do you see here?

OSCAR: (without looking at the crystal ball and mad-dogging ONI) (said through gritted teeth) Nothing.

(ESTHER looks frightened, hastily leaves [stage right])

ONI: No, really, look.

OSCAR: (composes himself a little and looks down at the crystal ball resting between his hands.) I told

you, I see nothing.

ONI: (matter-of-factly) And that’s all you’ve ever seen. 

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(Cut to black immediately. ONI immediately exits [stage left]. A plate of meat is placed upon the table.

Resume to light.)

(OSCAR looks up and is shocked by ONI’s disappearance, looking around confusedly. Pause. ESTHER

enters, elated and holding her bag o’ cash.)

ESTHER: Look, look Oscar! Look what I found out behind the house! It’s a miracle! I can finally get my

own shop with this!

(OSCAR begins to blurt out something terse about the ONI giving her that money, but notices the plate

of food upon the table and recoils slightly, looking at it quizically.)


ESTHER: Oh, I’m sorry, I completely forgot! Is there anything I can get you with your dinner?

(OSCAR eyes his dinner oddly as he sits down, carefully replacing the crystal ball back onto its post

before straightening his bib.)

OSCAR: (Taken aback, smiling faintly, ghostly) No... this ...this is alright, thank you.

(ESTHER reaches into her bag and produces a couple stacks of money onto the table next to OSCAR.)

ESTHER: (smiling) This is my rent for the past couple months. (puts down another stack) Plus extra.

(pauses excitedly, brimming with it) Oh, I have to go call my family! (ESTHER moves to exit stage left,

OSCAR stands up and faces her.)

OSCAR: Esther..


(OSCAR pauses, searching for words)

OSCAR: Thank you.

ESTHER (rolling the words over in her mind): You’re welcome.(ESTHER exits stage left.)

(OSCAR cuts and takes his first bite of the rabbit, his face lifting.)

OSCAR: (to himself) Y’know, this isn’t too bad. 

(Everything fades to black except for a single light which illuminates the wall, upper center stage. ONI’s

mask is the only thing that is illuminated on stage. Pause. Fade to black.)

The end. Fin. Hasta la vista. You get the picture.

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