MEi:.BOURNE BUsHWALKER$ Edition329 THE NEWS OF THE MELBOURNE BUS.HWALKERS APRIL, 1977 Registered at G.P.O. for transmission by post as a periodical - Category B. DONT BE A PAY YOU·R SUBS this donkey has d RED NOSE this is Your last copy oF ''NEWS'' COMPLETE THE SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL FORM NOW - TO LASf PAGE. CLUBROOMS CLEAN-UP It is Melbourne Bushwalkers' turn to clean the clubrooms in May - it only happens every 3 and it is a fairly affair. We need YOU to do t hours work - even the university scademics can manage, e.g. sweeping floors and stairs? washing floors and benches, etc. Only ! hours work for each person if enough come - and bring old clothes. See you at the 14 Hosier on THURSDAY, 12TH MAY between 5-15 and 6-15 p.m. Janet White/George Telehin. Price 3t

THE NEWS - Melbourne Bushwalkers · 2012. 7. 26. · THE NEWS April, 1977 --- All correspondence should be addressed to~- The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalkers, Box 1751Q, GoPoOo~

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Page 1: THE NEWS - Melbourne Bushwalkers · 2012. 7. 26. · THE NEWS April, 1977 --- All correspondence should be addressed to~- The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalkers, Box 1751Q, GoPoOo~




APRIL, 1977 Registered at G.P.O. for transmission by post as a periodical - Category B.



I~ this donkey has d

RED NOSE this is Your last copy

oF ''NEWS''




It is Melbourne Bushwalkers' turn to clean the clubrooms in May -it only happens every 3 month~ and it is a fairly p~inles~ affair. We need YOU to do t hours work - even the university scademics can manage, e.g. sweeping floors and stairs? washing floors and benches, etc. Only ! hours work for each person if enough come - and bring old clothes.

See you at the clubro6ms~ 14 Hosier L~ne, on THURSDAY, 12TH MAY between 5-15 and 6-15 p.m.

Janet White/George Telehin.

Price 3t

Page 2: THE NEWS - Melbourne Bushwalkers · 2012. 7. 26. · THE NEWS April, 1977 --- All correspondence should be addressed to~- The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalkers, Box 1751Q, GoPoOo~

THE NEWS April, 1977 ---All correspondence should be addressed to~-

The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalkers, Box 1751Q, GoPoOo~


Pa e 2

-Meetings are held in the clubrooms 9 14 Hosier Lane, at the rear of the Forum Theatre, every Wednesday night at 7-30 p.m. Visitors are always welcome.

Day Walks

~1ay 7

May 15



LEADER: Elizabeth McKenzie TRANSPORT: Van from Batman Ave. 8.30 a.m.

Walk preview not received.


LEAD~R~ Boo Dougl2s TRANSPORT~ Van from Batman Ave. 9-15 a.m. EXPECTED ti~E OF ~E~URN: 6-30 p.m. f•l A P f=; EF ERE 1\1 C E g - S L! n bury l u ::::: l m i 1 e APPROXIMATE DISTANCE: 8 miles


Fare $2


f-are $2

I have not been , abl e to preview this yet but will be doing so before the walk. "Walk" 173 contains a good d~scription of the walk. I think the medium standard is a .bit severe and ~ his ~ay change after the preview. This ~rea is very close -to Melbourne (it appe2rs in Melway's 7th Edition) so the expected time of r~turn shown above ~s probably at the latest. The highlights of the walk are bluffs 2nd ca\;es alonQ th8 f'iariby_rnong River, the site of one of · the oldest homesteads in Vi ctoria and t he Orgao Pipes geological formation.


LEADER: Cave Ha~rison tRANSPORT: Van ftom Batman Ave. 9-15 a.m. EXPECTED TIME OF RETURN~ 8-00 p.m~ MAP REFERENCE~ Daylesford? r,PPROXlMI~ TE DIST ii NCE: 8 - 10 miles


Fare $2

The walk generally will take us through open forest with little · undergrowth. Gradients will be gentle except for a short scramble up Mt. Franklin. Although no spectacular views it should prove a pleasant beginners' or bludgers' walk. Water will probably be nGedod for lunch.


LEAQ~R~ Charles Knight TR~·,NsPORT~ Van from Batman Av;eo 9-15 a.m .. EXP~CTED TIME OF RETURN: 8-00 p.m. MAP REFERENCE: McMahons Creek Thornton APPROXIMATE DISTANCE g 9 miles

Talbot Drive Climb Mt. Margaret - 1500 ft~ Descend via a 4 wheol drive track to Mt. Margaret Rd.

Weekend Walks


LEADER: Otto Christiansen TRANSPORT~ Van from Batman ~ ve. 2 00 s t - p.mo a • EXPECTED TIME OF RETURN: 8-00 p.m. Sunday M ~~ P R E F E R EN C E : V o M o T o C ~ C t h d 1 R 2 " 1 a e ra ange = mile APPROXIMATE DIST~NCE~ 8 mil as


Fare $2


Fare $4

(Cont. page 4)

Page 3: THE NEWS - Melbourne Bushwalkers · 2012. 7. 26. · THE NEWS April, 1977 --- All correspondence should be addressed to~- The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalkers, Box 1751Q, GoPoOo~

Page 3 ··

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tfOG lMJ ~ ~tf @& ~ 0

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Page 4: THE NEWS - Melbourne Bushwalkers · 2012. 7. 26. · THE NEWS April, 1977 --- All correspondence should be addressed to~- The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalkers, Box 1751Q, GoPoOo~

THE __ NEWS April, 1977 Page 4

(Cont. from page t) Please note that the van will leav8 Batman Ave. at 2 p.m. on Saturday because we will camp somewhere along Little River on Saturday night. This will enable us to make ~n early start .9n Sunday morning. The walk will start with a quick climb to Chap-el· :Hill !iind The C"Elthedral followed by a walk along Cathedral Range to Stlgarloaf. Aft-e~r d.escendin§ th·is spectacular peak we will amble along road to the van at Keppel's Creek. glthough :the total walk distance is only 8 miles you will need to be reasonably fit and~ more importantly, sure-footed.

May 6 - 8 !GRAMPJfiNS - MT o ·STAPYL TON -- MT o ZERO

'LEADER~ Graham Wills-Johnson TRANSPORT: Van from Batman Ave. 6-30 p.m. EXPECTED TIME OF RETURN~ ? MAP REFERENCE: Horsham 1;100 9 000

"100 !.Walks in Victoria" by T. T. Thomas APPROXIMATE DIST~NCEg 12 miles



The Goons brought you Mt. Everest from the : In~ide. . Now with the r~elbourne Bushwalkers you can do The Grampi~ns the sams-~ay! Turn, ~ . Faithfu1 Brethren~ to the writings of that red-hot, best-selling Prophet, TTT, and on page 88 you will find, not Walk Noo lol, nor Walk No. 102, nor even yet Walk No. 103, but Walk No. 64. Th?t, 0 Best Beloved, is the walk we hope to pursue. But the words of The Prophet::-are· not. straight forward·, . nor his meanings come by easily. If you would leatn_ tMe . tru~b in all its majesty, then you must turn back to page 44 9 beginning: at vers.e- 2. Aerein · wil.l be read: ".... (on) Hollow Mountain •••• you must cifmb the m~Untain ~ through its inside to emerge near the top". The distances to be covered on the walk are not great, and I do wonder if the official grading of Medium is actually a bit of an over-estimate.



or Grampi-ans. 1·~100,00.0 Horsham 1:100,000 F CV ; Gr-ampi.ans·o

Easy/Med. (?)


Before some peopl~ g~t the~r bopes up I · should first point out that we are not going to the Fertility -La:ve {as on the prc;>gramme). I'm not sure, but 'i" think we' 11 oe elimbing Brigg 1 s Bluff 9 traversing . so'uth over Mt. Difficult and eventually around Lake Wartook. The walk shouldn't be too hard (supposedly Easy-Medium) 9 but there could be some scrubby rock scrambling in parts. It should be a ~enwine un previewed walk; (actually, I have been there before but I couldn~t-see a thing in all the fog · ~~ it doesn't really count). Views should be spectacular.

May 20 -22


LEADERg Peter Bullard TRANSPORT~ Van from B~tman Ava. EXPECTED TIME OF RETURN: ?

6-30 p •. m.

MAP REFERENCE~ Castlemaine Oaylesford



I have not been able to get the maps yet bUt I shall before the wa;Lk. For further information please see the Leader.




Page 5: THE NEWS - Melbourne Bushwalkers · 2012. 7. 26. · THE NEWS April, 1977 --- All correspondence should be addressed to~- The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalkers, Box 1751Q, GoPoOo~

THE NEWS April, 1977 Page 5

There are quite a lot of people in the club - many of wh6m we don't see as often as we could perhaps wish - without whose apparently tireless efforts in capacities which carry neither forme.l names nor .· formal election, we would be in quite 9n . awkwa+d 'posi tToh. ·In a . club as large and as complex as ours has becqme p~rhaps ' ther~ ~s . nobodj who knows · completely How It Works {though I suppose it is my job to at least make the attempt to know)oooooSO I run some risk of overlooking some of the quieter workers, for which my apologies. Our

_thanks to Barry and Gwenda and ·their small army of helpers who take care of the - printi~g ~nd . distribution of Ne~s each month. Ken's machinations in the obscu~e realms of hardw~t~ and ·software do much to ease not only the labour ·of mailing nut News, but also that of keeping track of our membership. Peter is lending Sylvia a hand at this time of the year when you are busily {I hope) renewing your subscriptions. (Please check your donkey's nose on the front page of this issue. I can't explain green noses - but red ones are very significant, and if you can't make it into the club you will find a handy mail-in form in this month's News). Athol has been doing a marvellous job with our reference library - in p~rticular binding loose material such as newsletters from other clubs which would otherwise become lost and incomplete, and preparing a catalogue of what we have. This material is freely available for consultation in the club­rooms, but not for loan (we'd rather lend you a key if you can't get all your researches done on Wednesday nights). Grateful recognition to the Gronows drivers - Dennis is of course one of our Life Members, but we have rarely if ever . bee~ let down by any of the others either - somehow the van always se~ms to be waiting there at the end of the walk, and, particularly in the case of the weekend walks, the driver must be bored stiff by the time we finally emerge from the undergrowth. At . least a third of our new members seem to come to us through o~r telephone listi~g. Geoff and Jenny have been manfully (and womanfully, I guess) answering the phone for us for years. Rex and Sue are to take over from them in the new directory {although Geoff and Jenny remain on our Contacts list - but this par is devoted to jobs without formal names), Withtiut a constant stream of new recruits, the club would run a grave risk of

-straying into that Vicious cycle of getting set in its ways and suffering a ~eclining ~nd increasingly less-active membership. The efforts of b~th Darrell and John in theit respective rival commercial establishments in pointing novices in our direction cannot, I think, · be overrated if you are trying to explain t~e club'~ growth and {I hope continuing) vitality.

--~-----------·-W-J •


Prior to be~ng News Convener I found the "News", in my opinion, to be attractively presented with generally ·an interesting content. It is therefore my intentions to continue publication, I hope~ in the same ~anner.

Si~ce the first copy of · whi6h I'm responsible, has been published, several Objections h~ve been rai~ed. These objections are noted and will be mutually amendedo It is better to air your views now befo~e the next and future copies are printed~ so this is an invitatioh, for any member, to write- to the News Convener. if you haV~ ~ny criticism (heaVen help me) of the recent previous issues of "News" on presentation and content.

Perhaps you have been satisfied, but you may wish to, sugg.est or write articles on subjects relevant to bushwalkers that.have noti as yet, been printed in our newsletter. Considering the Printer and his helpers, we do not wish to succeed the number of pages to which we have been accustomed.

Remember it is your "News" and you shouldhElve ~n active say in it's production.

News Convener.

Page 6: THE NEWS - Melbourne Bushwalkers · 2012. 7. 26. · THE NEWS April, 1977 --- All correspondence should be addressed to~- The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalkers, Box 1751Q, GoPoOo~

THE NLWS Arp.ril? 19.1.? ·. . .P.ag_e .6.

' ··ii/!l:,i;l'/!·1,/li~ii~';~ f'i,:!:~:/1·11'-.·,/111,,11;

~~ . . .

~-1.€;7;. . -~~



The walk preview boaste~ a base camp and who ~ould . have t~ough~ when the Mascas Mob rode out to Buffalo with the Arizon~ Kid, her gang, Minnie Ha Ha - an~ the ethnic groups, .that base 9 only . for the lack of enthusiasm for Greek food, would .have developed into a base hospital whe~ late Saturday night the Buff~lo plague struck.

Pict~re the scene. The Te Pee ward was full and other patients were isolated in other tent~ around the · ~amping ground for the ·next two days. Neve~

the less, the walk pressed on. The combination of perfect weather, day walks throug~ spectacular scenery which included rock tlimbers in full regalia studied from afar through our binnoculars 9 and charter flight pilots recog­nizing us as p~rt of the ~cehery ' during a .fly past the hump, was super. The ranger, yet another Yank ·7 no doubt charmed by the leader, turned on a Sunday night at the flicks for our edification too.

Graham's glow worms : guaranteed, speleology trip on Monday mo~ning while Marijke playe.d ~' -MatrGn" at the . base camp ·· put us all in the frame of mind to appreciat~ the Moomba fire works display should we get back in time. Alas, · the only explosion was our own. ·rhe late arri0al down Swanston St~eet to ~ind Batman Avenue barrackaded off~ combined with the kihd permission of PC99, saw the complete disintergration of t:he M • .8 oW. in ten seconds flat, in full view of the homeward bound Moomba crowds.

Ask around and you will find the homework was done in more ways than

Well done Marijke" Cherry-Rhubarb o_


Not knowing whether to call this a daykend trip or a weekay (not weakey) trip · I think that Lopez' dest:ri 'ption of a scheduled (there have been un­scheduled 6nes) ove~night day walk probably suits the purpose.

A 2 o'clock Saturday efternoo~ st~~t eriabled quite a few members with commitments other than that of . pla~sing ~n~self to have a more leis~rely weekend on a club trip than usual~

We joined the tourists for n look at the Snobs Creek Falls which obliged with an impressive volume of water and s6me mosquitoes. C~mp was made before dark and there were leisurely meais and conversa tion under the blue gums and wattles.

Next morning we loaded packs into the van for Dennis to do all the heavy work and we set off with light hearts and ~ight lunches for a full day in the bush - none of this lunchtime-start dsy walking for us.

It was a satisfying day l~ith a good mileage and some interesting scrub to negotiate. Bui the scrub ga ve way to the aptly named Park 9 a ridge of open grass~ dotted with large treos 9 and later we entered tho snow gums and granite boulders of Mt. Torbreck itself and it was good to be above the world in the alpine atmosphere.

Unfortunately the atmosphere was a little"too close and it blotted out the views of Lake Eildon. We descended rapidly to the Barnewall Plains feasting on ripe native raspberries as we wento (Cont.)

Page 7: THE NEWS - Melbourne Bushwalkers · 2012. 7. 26. · THE NEWS April, 1977 --- All correspondence should be addressed to~- The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalkers, Box 1751Q, GoPoOo~

THE NEWS Ayril, 1977 Page 7


A short rood bnsh brought us to Dennis who had laboured all day to bring 20 or so packs down the road and thus save us the trouble.

Most of us thought this type of walk was A GOOD IDEA. Sub-Committee 9 for sbme enterprising thought in the program. you will keep up this idea.

Thank you, Walks Some of us hope


Our new Walks Secretary hasn't wasted any time when it comes to now ideas. One of the more striking of those should attract a lot of interest from the hard-core weekend walkers~ and those onergetic members still on the right side of 2S who can never find quite a big enough challonge. Between tho beginning of October _and Easter next year it is proposed to complote the entiro Alpine Walking Track from Walhalla to Tom Grqggin in eight stages. Anybody sho survives the eight walks will have tho satisfaction of having been on the whole of the Victorian section of the track. On the other hand, some of the most picturesque sections, such as that from The Knobs to Mt. Speculation, ought to bring out about half the club.Do• there's soms really splendid country along the route of the A.W.T. Apart from the satisfaction of carrying a definite plan through to its concl8sion 1 there will be the incidental benefits in the project of gaining a rather comprehensive view of what sort of general shape some of our bush­walking resources are in •••• how much of the real back-country has been logged; how severo the incursion is of tracks and mechanical recreation etc. It seems likely that if the project is to bo successfully completed there will be some scope f~r those not necessarily actually walking a given stage· to help out in matters of transport etc •••• some members who were interested in the progress of the project, and in spending the odd weekend in the remoter parts of the alps, but were precluded ~rom actually covering the ground by family commitments or lack of fitness or inclination, might nevortheless find useful and satisfying opportunities for slightly less-direct participation which would certainly be appreciated by the walkers. Details will naturally appear in the Walks programs in due course, but those who are interested in participating in one capacity or another should discuss the matter with Graham Mascas 7 and watch the board for those green booking sheets - or did I hear he was going to get some special ones in heliotrope with deckle edges (!)

G. W-J.


It's time to start thinking about ski-ing again. All those wishing to use Wilky in winter please see me before the end of April. It is advisable to have winter supplies in before the end of May or tho first snow may beat you. Groups storing food in the lockers or in separate trunks will be charged the usu~l ~ $4 on top of lodge fees. Winter parties must also provide briquettes to su~pl~ment the wood supply - at least 8 packets per week. Winter parties should also s~pply their own toilet paper and detergent.

Those still occupying lockers from last ye2r must clear them out if net using them again this winter or the contents will become general property.

Your friendly lodge manager,

Rod Mattingley.

Page 8: THE NEWS - Melbourne Bushwalkers · 2012. 7. 26. · THE NEWS April, 1977 --- All correspondence should be addressed to~- The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalkers, Box 1751Q, GoPoOo~

THE NEUJS April, 1977 Page 8


I like th~owing frisbees. It's c very enjoyable pastime and usually can bo indulged in several tiines during a weekend walk. When there are only two players, life is eosy. _ You simply spin the frisbee beck and forth between each other. No hassles, Soon, -however, other enthusiasts join in, effectively making two teams of players. How do you get a turn with the frisbee now? You can try waiting until it comes your way, but usuolly someone else energetically stops it en route. You can take it in turns to throw it. Or you can fight for it, like a football scrimmage. Tho .. mor_e ugile, energetic and determiner? yow are~ the more afton you win the frisbee. A touch of aggression may help, and the "game" escalates into. sbmethinJ resembling a brawl.

I usually retire before tho brau1ling stage, but not always. I 1 m quite capable of getting my share of the frisbee, ~o a bit of competition often pays off for m~. Most of the people who now play frisbee ~re successful in competin~ for it~ ' an~ indeed one begins to think that the aggressive competition ia more enjoye1ble for them than the actual throwir1g 9 which is a solitary activity.

So far, so good. Nobody h~s beeh hurt and it's all good clean fun. Yet, how many more walkers would join in if frisb~e - throwing were less competitive? If you could be sure that you would have a turn ·without the risk of severe bruising, wouldn't you perhaps be tempted to join in? At the moment, we've successfully weeded you out~ it's not very rewarding unless you can actually get hold of the .frisbee, and that takes~ bit of aggressive effort. More sensible to stay on the sidelines.

The frisbee is a useful example 1 employed to ask a question that has con­cerned me for a long time, ltlh2.t sort of club is this, anyway? We -have walkers who disregard leaderst directions and frisbee players who effectively cq~~er the market. We have indivi~uals in a group who core much more about themselves than about the group.

Ok. Irm not saying that ~elfishness is a terr~bie thing~ I'm Selfish and I certainly like doing what I want to do. But I did join a club, and it seems tn me thaf by so doing I should accept some -responsibility towa~tha other people

. who C?nst~tute that clGb~ My ~ttitu~e c~n be com~e~itive, co-operative, or some­where in between. Perhaps s~lfish is a better word than comp~titive ~ I can choose to care cnly about mys·e'l f, or I can temper my actions out . of a degree of consideration for others. That · goe~ as - much frir fiishee throwing as it does for thiri~s like gettirig out in f~ont of the leader tir neglecting to tell someone when you leave the party, or even just pushing in f~ont of someone else. Someone must suffer/lose/go tuithout/':Je upset/get annoyed each time.

_ Th9t 1s . the point uJhich concerns me most of all. Too high a degree of selfish or competitive behavimJr must result in losers ns well as winners. It 1 s good to be a winner, b~t if the loser is in the same club as we are, doesn't it reflect on all of us ultimately? That intangible entity "group spirit" is important. It is eroded 7 often subtly 9 by too much selfishness. Vague feelings of being left outy. d_i.sregarded 9 unabl·e to do tuell enough, unimportant. Can we afford to ignote ~hese feelings in our fellow members?

A walking club ~s a brilliant social institution. Anyone can -participate and find a degree of acceptance and fulfillment. Individual personalities vary widely and a high degree of tolerance is usually found. Important skills are learnt and much enjoyment is available. Theoretically 9 we could ~11 be. frea~ee throwers 7 if we wished, just as we could all tackle more-adventur6us walks, or make a f 'ew _more friends. It ~ depend on that club spirit - selfish and devisivo, or rio-operative and encouraging. Whicih do we want?

Michael Griffin.

Page 9: THE NEWS - Melbourne Bushwalkers · 2012. 7. 26. · THE NEWS April, 1977 --- All correspondence should be addressed to~- The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalkers, Box 1751Q, GoPoOo~

~EWS April 9 1977 Poge 9


Full minutes will be posted in due course in the Committee room. Some points which came up~

TREASURER: B~lance at 31MAR77 $6579-58. Bills passed for payment by the m~ee:ting totalled $28 ,03~03. Bill from Gronows pending~ approx. $1,000.

WALKS SECRETARYg (I} Club Project 1977-78. (2) Arrangements will be made for spl:i:t day-walks (two parties using one van). Day walks setting out Sat pril

.with Sat night camp will be continued. Sat am start weekend-walks are planned. Train transport will be re-introduced occasionally 9 in spite of higher cost and inflexibility. (3) Visitors' Fees (by-law 5) are amended to $1-00 ALL walks. Leaders are asked to check if visitors are complying with the requirement that they are ineli~ible to participate in more than 3 qualifying walks unless they have submitted an application to join the club (Constitution, 5(f). (The meeting was tCJld of some rather cynical calculations by one or two "visitorsn of long standing). (4) Mountain Leadership T.A.B. is anxious to recruit more assessors from among experienced club members for their courses. (5) Refunds of deposits cannot be made after the Wednesday prior to a walk 9 except in extreme and unusual circumstances. No claim for a refund under ~ circumstances can be sustained after the Wednesday immediately following the walk.

MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY~ Only 96 members are currently financial. Some have paid at the old ratese ~lease pay the balance if this epplies to you.


Emu Bottom Homestead has been booked for the Annual

COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT: Our turn to clean the clubrooms THUR12MAY. Help is needed. UlrJALK" EDITOR: No articles have been received.

No photographs have been received. · No slides for the front cover have been received~ "Walk" goes. to press at the end of next month

Business Managerg (if anything is received!)

Bob Douglas. Advertising Manager: Arthur Francis.

FEDERATION: AGM TUE3MAY, Bpm, 364 Albert St., East Melbourne. Please see Shirley ALLOTT or Bob Douglas if you are attending: they need to know numbers for a bunfight to be held before the meeting!

S.T.A .. V.~ Loch Wilson has agreed to continue as delegate.

DONATION gratefully received: "Handbook for Chairmen & Secretaries" by C.FoBentley, from Dave Oldfield.


Meeting held 4APR77o Next meeting 2MAY77, 7pmi 14 Hosier Lane. Visitors welcome.

All articles and walk previews to be printed in the next "News" should be sent to the 'News Convener, C/- 3/67 Kingwilliam St., Reservoir, 3073 to reach there not later than Wednesday, 4th May, 1977 or given to Alwyn on Wednesday, 4th May, in the clubrooms.

Thank you, to all wh~ contributed articles to last month's and this month's "News 1'. The response was a little overwhelming so articles not printed this month will probably be published next month.

Thanks to Bob Steel for kindly agreeing to .assist in delivering the "News" stencils to Barry Short for printing each month and finally also too to Barry for his fine work in brightening the "News" with his sketches, cartoons, etc. Perhaps others, like myself, did not know .who was responsible for this.

News Convener.

Page 10: THE NEWS - Melbourne Bushwalkers · 2012. 7. 26. · THE NEWS April, 1977 --- All correspondence should be addressed to~- The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalkers, Box 1751Q, GoPoOo~

THE NEWS April, 1977

1 rH tt\H'\ , cA~ G.ET THEM 01/T THIS < WA'i!

L 0 P E Z

Pa_g_~ 10

f'£RSONAL.LY I'M IRYIN.G TO GiVE IHEr-1 uP ... Bl:S I DeS. - I T3 E){ PENS: lV E · ON W -ATER &-OT'fLE~

On his. first day walk fo~ many years, and only his second or t~ird in living memory 9 GWJ was heard to be muttering in his beard that "Day walkers are a breed apart:" 9 and to . illustrate his point one visitof c~ried a ' walking stick. Graham's views were strenthened at lunchtime when the sound of a mandolin broke the silence of the Werribee Gorge 9 and a startled wallaby scrambled 150m up the side of the gorge in about 5 minutes. "Gee 9 I wish I could climb like th9t", said Rob.

Later that day the Easy walkers were passed by the Medium-Hards, who provided entertainment by climbing the cliff directly opposite the afternoon tea spot on the sandy beach of the river. When confronted with the prospects of such a climb one of the Medium-Hards joined the Easys on the beach. On the way back to the van the Easys attempted a river crossing. After a few had crossed, Harold went across and upon reaching the other bank did a U-turn and sprinted a~ross the water yelling out "SNA-A-A-AKE! SNA-A-A-AKE! 9 frightening the wits out of everyone on the same bank as the snake. The lim Tiger Snake was then chased apross the river towards the slowcoaches, and they )then hurried across. There's nothing like having a snake beside you to make you move quickly! After their stroll the Easys spent an hour in Bacchus Marsh eating tea while Dennis retrieved the Medium-Hards.

Dverhe~rd in the Bist~o befo~e his trip to Central Australia~ Mick to Grahamg "You certainly have long hair for an old bloke~.

At the moment Mick is rumoured to be on a bus with 22 girls and only 6 blokes. We discbvered how Mick get~ so much energy for talking when we observed Stewart winding him up. · -

There's one benefit from being a superfit bushwalker with somnambulistic tendencies~ at least you get _plenty of sleep during tha rest stops. Spencer sure made the most of them on the Horsehill-Crinoline trip when at every opportunity he was huddled up in his poncho and dozing off to sleep. With the stop-start nature of the walk he spent about i the time walking and i the time sleeping, including a long nap in the luggage rack of the Gronows Van on the way. up -nnd back.

Chris Murphy had an unfortunate experience with his dehyde apricots on the above trip - he decided that to improve their eatability he would soak them all day in his waterbottle. The only problem occurred when he tried to extract said apricots from said waterbottl·e. Unfortunately he\ forgot that th·ey SJ•ell' to about twice their original size and had to resort to highly scientific mean's to depressurize his waterbottle and pop them out one by one.

Would you believe that Cynthia -actually beat Peter back to the van on a wei3kend walk? Well' she did 9 after Peter decided to take the longer less perilous descent to the van on George's Crinoline trip.

We now have a Happy nwanderer" ·amongst the Club's newlyweds! Malda and John have just info:rmed me that they are expec,ting a baby in August. Now we may have a new "Steptoe and So:n" on our hands. A pair of old hands at the marr.iage gam~e, Margaret: and, David are also expecting. Bets are now being taken on the surname that the new baby will adopt - Grogan or Warrington.

Please note there is a general meeting on the last Wednesday of this month.

Social -Secretary announces that there will be a slide night on S.W. Tasmania by Peter Bullard and Gerald Young on 4/5/77 8 p.m.


Page 11: THE NEWS - Melbourne Bushwalkers · 2012. 7. 26. · THE NEWS April, 1977 --- All correspondence should be addressed to~- The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalkers, Box 1751Q, GoPoOo~

THE NEWS March? 1977

WELCOME TO THE FOLLOWING NEW MEMBERS c COLE, Avril- 7/31 Dorrit St.~ Carlton, 3053. (B) 347-l233o JOYCE~ Raymond- 17 Maidstono St.y Ringwood, _3134o (P) 870~7305 (B) 609-2864o MURPHY~ Christop~er- 15 Urguhart St., Hawthorn, 3122o (P) 81-5091 (B) 609-2332o ROSENBERG, Lee- 13 Grattan St., Hawthorn, 3122o (P) 81-2939 (B) 24-750lo TILLEY, Yvonne- 216 Highfield Rd.~ Camberwell~ 3124o (P) 29-6362o

_WALKER, Jenifer- 2 Carey Court, Blackburn~ 3130o (P) 877-318lo WATTERS~ Krystyna- P.O. Box 248 9 Eo Melbourne~ 3002o (B) 329-5888o WEEKtS, Eleanor - 6/510 Glenferrie Road~ H8wthorn 9 3122o (B) 347-5522 x202.

-WELCOME BACK FROM OVERSE~\_§_o ~ILLIS~ Verna- Unit 3, 155 Lower Heidelberg Rd., E. Ivanhoe, 3079. (P) 49-5128

CHANGES OF ADDRESSo ANDREWS, Dave- 10/83 Albert St., E. Melb ourno, 3002.- (P) 379-30l5o


At the lowest prices in Melbourne -

Mountain Mule-Packs

Super Expedition Standard Expedition Featherlite Super Featherlite Standard

$59-30 $56-60 $54-00 $54-50

And Quality, Down, Box-walled Sleeping Bags - with full length 2 way nylon zipso


Contact Bill Jessup on 874-5329 or Howard Allingham on 543-2307, ~fte~ 6 p.m. weeknights, for further information.





MELBOURNE 67- 8428-&9










Page 12: THE NEWS - Melbourne Bushwalkers · 2012. 7. 26. · THE NEWS April, 1977 --- All correspondence should be addressed to~- The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalkers, Box 1751Q, GoPoOo~



Increased rates for this year are as foil6ws:

. :Member ( ove·r 21) ~8 "News" Subscriber ;j3 St'udent or Junior Member · (16-20) $4 ·. · Visitor, one· day . 50 .

01 . Husband and Wife ~) 12 Visit or, two days or longer


Please complete and post to gembership Secretary, Helbourne Bushwalk~r.s, P.O. Box l751Q, G~r.o., Melbourneo Vic., 3000.

OR Complete and give to ·Hembership Secretary, Sylvia Withall or Peter Bullard, in club rooms, 14 Hosier Lane, Nelbourne.

Enclosed please find cheque/money order/ cash for $ .......... o •••

(Member/Student or Junior Member/Husband and Wife/"News" Subscriber) for m~our renewal of membership to The Melbourne Bushwalkers.

Nr• NAI~ in full : Mrs . . ....... .......... · ..... ·. . . -.-........ -·· ...... ..... · .... ·. (:Block letters )Miss (Surname) (Given name)


ADDRESS: . . .................................................... . . . . · .................................... . Post Code: ... • •

TELEPHONE: (Private) •. o ~ ••••••••• o ••• (Business) •...••.. ~ o • • o •••••

SIGNATU.RE: •••.•...•••.•.•••••..•.••.•••. •

DATE: •••••oeeeoee••••••••eeeoe•••••


NAHE in :full: Nr. (Bl0ck . lett.ers)

••••••o•••••••••••••o• ·• (Given name) ................ ., ....... .

(Surname) ·Hrs. . ......... - ~ ........ -· ... .

( G,i ven · name)

ADDRESS: • • • • • 0 - 0 • 0 • • • • • • 0 0 . • • . . • • . • 0 • • • • • 0 • • 0 • • . • • • ·. • • . • • • IJ: • • • • ... • .. • • ~ . •• •

- · • • • • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • o • o • • • • • • • • • o •• o •••• Post C ode : .....

. ( P r iva t e )- • • o • • • o • • • • • • ·• • • (Bus in e s s) (1'1 r.) • • . . . • . . . • . • •

( t--1 r s • ) • • . • • . . .... ....... ~ .•

SIGNATURE: eoeeooooooo••••••••••••c.•••••

(Hu.sband or Wife)

BATE: - ~ · ·- ·· · ····~ ..................... .