·The NebJ Zealander Home News for New Zealanders , Edited bJ on Active Service Ouy ff. Scholefield No. 49. ttbt Zealanber. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY. for New Zealand so1diers on actwe sel'Vlce. Honorary Joint Manager: I. W. Raymond. Hon«"ary Editor : G, H. Scholefield. F.t:ono.rary Cable Correspondent: W. H. Atack. All communications should be addressed to: THE EDITOR, " THE NEW ZEAUANDER," 85_ , FLEET-STREET, LONDON, E.C.4. Telepho.ne: City 8986. Teleg;rama: .Assoprezk London. T!IJ! NEw .ZBALANDER is free to ol tbe N.Z.E.F. and to New Zealanders serving In the British Army or Navy. ,All unita of the N.Z.E.F. receive sup- plies of the paper. If y 0 u cannot get it mqu!.re of your officers. S.oldiers in hos1»ta.l should inquire of the visitors of the N.Z. Red Cross. New Zea.la.nders serving m the British Army and Navy are invited to send their full addresses to 85, fleet-street, E.0.4. r.ondon Directory, N.Z. Headquarters: 31, Bloomsbury-sq., W.C.1. N.Z. Staff Paymaster: 30, Bloomsbury-sq., W.0.1. N.Z. Military Record Office: 8, Southampton-row, W.0.1. N.Z. Base Post Office: MoUILt Pleasant, J!l.0.1. High Commissioner for N.Z.: 413, Strand, W.0.2. N.Z. War Contingent Association: 125, High Hol- born a.nd 11, South.ampton-row, W.0.1. N.Z. Red Cross: 125, High Holborn, W.C.1. N.Z. Soldiers' Hostel: 17, 18, and 23, Ruseell- squa.re, W.C.1. · N.Z. Prisoners' of War Dept.: 415, Ska.nd, W.C.2. Bank of New• Zeala.nd: 1, Queen Victoria-street, E.C.4. National Bank of N.z:: 17, Moorgate-street, E.C.2. Ba.nk of N.S.W.: 28-29, Threaidneedle-st., E.C.2. Union Bank of Australia: 71, Cornhill, E.0.3. Bank of Australasia: 4, Threadneedle-st., E.C.3. Y.M .C.A : Shakespeare Hut, KeppeJ-street, W.C.1. Peel House: Regency-street, S.W.1. N.Z. and A.I.F. Club: 3, Gra.nville-pla.ce, M.arble Arch, W.l. Tel. Mayfair 2461. R.N . .Z. Officers' Club: 35, Hill-<>treet, W.1. Anz. ao Club : 94, Victoria-street, S.W.1. Victoria. Lea!l"ue Clubs: la, Dover-street, W., and 82, Cha.ring Cross-rood, W.C.2 NEW ZEALAND RED CROSS. Commissioner and Chairm<11'-COLONP!L THE HON. R. HEATON Rl!ODES. Hon. Sec.- F. WALDEGRAVE. Hon. Treasurer-J. H. B. COATES. HoS"pitat Comforla Committee :-Ohairman-R. M. MACDONAI.D. Hon. Secretary-MRS. 0. F. WILSON, C B.E. The N.Z. Red Cross thQ ca.re of Slcl!: and Woundeii N.Z,_ Soldiers ln the United .1<.lngdom and In France. All communications should be addressed to the Cha.irman. Offices and Depot : 125, High Holborn, a.nd 11, Southampton Row, W .C. l. Telegmma and Gables : Zeadequate. Telephone: Museum 3131 (3 lines). STATE COAL MINES. NEW WORK IN WAIKATO. (Tu£ NEW ZEALANDER Special Cable.) WELLINGTON, October 10. A new S.tate coal mine is about to be opened near Pukemiro, W,..a.iklJ,to. Experts of the Mines Department believe tbt the &eam of coal there ill of first-cla.ss qu.ality. LONDON. ALLEGED RITUALISM. ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH, ChCh, CHARGES AGAINST REV. C. E. PERRY (THE NEW ZEALANDER Special Cable.) WELLINGTON, October 10. Bishop Julius, in his judgment on the charges against the Rev. C. E. Perry, of St. Michael's, Ch.ch., condemns the prosecution on the ground that it was common knowledge that Mr. Perry had been .a.Cfmonished and had agreed to the Bisho. p's ruling. __ In regard to 'the c1iarges of frregu a.rity in the celebration of the Sacrament, the Bishop ruled that of the practices complained of authorised, but he forhade others, a.bout which there was some doubt. The Rev. C. E. Perry, vica.r of St. Michael's, made no a.nswer to the charges laid in the Bishop's Court by Archdeacon Gos.set. It only remamed for Bishop Julius t-0 hear argument hy counsel before coming to his decision. Mr. H. D. AcJ.and a.ppea.red for Archdeacon Gosset and Mr. . J. H. Upham for Mir. Perry. The charges were fourteen in number, each one alleging an offence or breach of ecclesiastical duty. · It wa.s stated that Mr. Per . ry lia.d reserved unconsumed portions of the consecrated bread and wine from the Sacra.ment and had ca.used them to be kept in a sped.al italbernacle, where he habitually genu.1ected or himself, and caused others to do the same; that he advised a special invqcation of the Blessed Virgin at noon and six o'clo<:k; that he encouraged the idolatrous adoration or worship of the consecrated bread :;tnd wine; that he celebrated a Requiem Mass fo1· a dead person, a.nd enooUJI·.aged kneeling a.nd prostration during the Nicene Creed. Other related to the use of illegal ornaments and light<!. Mr. Upham contended that Mr. Perry was endeavouring, perhaps under a misapprehension, to co!ltinue practices which he had found in Oiooel'IV.anoe when he succeeded Canon H. D. Burton. He was quite wi}ling to discontinue a num6er if the pilctices whe he "BisHop st!rn1- fied his displeasure, _and ,he wo.1:1Id loyally obey MLy rwles his Loa'l:l&h1p mtght fay down. THE SUPER-SCOUT. V.C. FOR SGT. TRAVIS. THE TARANAKI SEAT. THE CANDIDATES. (TnE NEW Zv.ALANDER Special Cable.) W]]LLINGTON, October 10. '!\he for the vacancy in Taran1a.Id caused by the death of Mr. H. J. H. Okey, M.P., are: J. S. Connett (Bell Block), Government. S. J. Smith, Labour. THE GERMAN BELLS. MELTElD FO · E'X:FOR . By order af the Government the three belill whicll unW reoen.tly formed the peal in the mMl Chm·ch in Ch.oh., were b1xike.n up at Prrce and Sons' foundry, and reduced to ingots. The bells were over by the Government Sec. 79 of the Enemy Reserves Dispcsal Act oil' 1917, as pa.rt of the old Ge:rma.n now hel<l· in trust by the to be d.ItS- rosed of as it thinks fit. The Public '11rtwtee (Mr. T. D. Kennedy) an<l the French Oo· nsul (Mr. G. Humphr.eys) witTueSsed the ceremony of clean'ing and &tripping t'he bells cxf their to.ngues a.nd fitti: mgs a.nd smashing the..rn with a 25-lb. hammer. A proposal had been made th.at the bells should be returned to Fmnce intact, oo tha.t oome French town mig'ht boast of a. pea! of bells that had been taken from Fra.noo haJ£ a oonbury ago, and then restored. BRITISH EMPIRE ORDER. A NEW ZEALAND LIST. Th.e following appointments to the Empire Order h,ave been made for war seTV1ces in or for NEYW Zealand: Knight Grand Cross.-Earl of Liverpool, Governor-Genenad. CommandNs.-Col. R. A. Ohafl'ey, O.C. Oanter- bury; Hon. G. Fowlds, Auckland; Countess of Hardwicke N.Z. W<ar Collltingent Asroc.; Lt.- Col. T. A: H1mter, D. Dent. Serv.; Miss Helen M.oi;c enz1e, N:Z. ar n.tin.geht Asooc. ; Col. J. d. Nichols, 0.C., Otago. . Officers.-Mrs. Bean, Oh.oh.; Mrs. W. E. Bid· will, Featherston; Ml'IS. A. G. Buckleto•n, Auck]ia-nd; Miss Etta Clooe, London; Mr. G. Elliott, Auckland; Mrs. Walter Empoon, N.Z. War Contingerut As.'IOc.; Mr. J. A. Fleshe.r, N.Z. Red Cros.s Ch.ch. ; Mr. George Harper, Citizens Defonce 00'rp6, QJi.ch.; Lt.-Col. A. S. Herbert, T4o late Sergeant R. 0. Travis, D.C.M., M.IM., N.Z.M.0., Rotorua; Mrs. Eliza.beth A. Hill, 9/523, Otago Regt., was prohaibly the moot re· N.Z.R.C:.t Oommissione:r H. C. Hodder, Sa.lva,t.ion markahle of the six New Zea1anders who hav!.l Anny, we1'1ington; Rev. V. G. Bry.an Kin,g, won the V.C. while serving in the N.Z.E.F. N.Z.R.C.; Mrs. Ripeka · W. Love, Maori E.F, Trav·is's exploita are too well known in the Funds. Marlborough; Mrs. Edibb. M. IMiaofarlane; divisiOJl to require recounting. It is stated fuat Mr. A. H. Wei!Jin.gton, Mulllitions ia.nd he went to N.Z. from Axizona,, au.cl he enlisted Supplies Board; Mrs. Jessie M. Moorhouse, in the Otago Mounted Rilles wWh i:lhie Main Body N.Z.R.C., Welliitgton; Mrn. Ra.hera M. Mu.bu, and served on Ga11ipoli. In 1916 he won his Moori E.F. Funds, Kaia.poi; Mrs. GOO<rge Rlhodes, M.M., oo.rly this yoor the Belgian Oroix de Ch.oh,; Misa Franw.i C. Rattray, N.Z.R.C., Guerre, and in May the D.0.M. I.femet 1 hJs death Dunedin; Mrs. L. 0. H. Tripp, Wellington; -Mrs. near Roostgnol Wood a coupJ,e of molllths later. Gr.a,ce A. M. Wood, Women's N,a.tlonal Res. The "Ga. zette," describin.g the· achievement for Mernbers.-Mrs. Gonsbanoe - P. Ab.rnham, which Tora vis receives the posthrunous l!Lward, N.Z.R.C.; Mr. A. S. Bankart, Auckland; Mrs. sa.!.s: Thyra T. Bethell, Amuri, N.Z.R.C.; Mrs. Annie 'During 'surprise' operations it was necessary S. Boden, WeHin!!'ton; Mrs. L(}uisa Bollard, to destJ;"Oy an impassable wire Jil9ck. Sgt; Tr .a.vis, Au-0k1a;nd; Mrs. Eliza.l>eth OhHton, Lady Liver- re"'ardless of all person.al dang-er, vo!U11te<J11"ed for pool FundJ. Ch.chf; Mr. R. Oo'nn, N.Z.R.C., this duty. Before zero h-0ur in bro.ad daylighit, Dun. edin; .Mrs. Aiice M. Col"IIJ', I.ruiy Liverpool and in cloee pr.o·ximity to enemy posts, he I Fund, Ma,rl'boroug<h·; Mrs. Ja.ne D. Orooke, crawled out and successfully destroyeq tihe block N.Z.R.0., Ch.oh. ; Mrs. Ada M. DonaldS'-0111, with bombs, thus enaibling the attacking parties N.Z.R.C.; Mrs. Ellen K. Findlay, Lady Liver- t,> pass through. - j pool Fund, Wellington; Mrs. Marlon Galhr.aith, "A few minutes la.ter a bomlbing party on the N.Z.R.C., Ihinedin; Mr. W. H. H. Ge-0rge, right of the atta,ck wa,s held up by two el'!e<tnY Y.M.C.A., Wellington; Miss . Graham, ma.ohine guns, a. nd the success of tl\e who!@ . N.Z.R.C.; Mrs. Helen Grah1am, N.Z.R.C.; :M.rs. opera.ti0111 was in d·an.ge.r. Perceiving th.is, Sgt. Margaret I. Gr.imm.ond, N.Z.R.C., Ross; Mrs. Travis w1th gre.ait ga11arutry and utter disregard Jessie Hill and Mrs. Esther G. Lock, N.Z.R.0. of d.a{1ger, rus.hed 1Jh,e pooLtion, ldHed the crew and Lady LiveTpQ<>l Fu"J.a; Mrs. Ja.ne W. Lee, N. and captured the guns . An enemy officer and Ota.go; Miss Mabel J. MooGilbbon, N.Z.R.C.; three men immediately rushed at him from a Mrs. Is01belle M. A. M.ackay, N.Z.R.O.; Miss bend in the tren-0h an.d attemvted to retake the J C6Sie Mia.ckenzie, Masterton; M.rs. Emily H. gurus. These four he killed s1n,gle-'h.anded, thus M!ljuire, N.Z.R.O.; Mrs. Erina Mote, M<aeri allowing the lbo.rn.b1ng party, o.n which much E.11·. Fu:nids, Pakipa.ki, H.B.; Mi· ss Cecilia. M. depended, to ,advance. Morris, Lady Liverpool Fund; Mrs. HannaJh, "The success of the operatiO'll was alrnoot Murphy, Lady J..iverpool Fund; Miss SybiJ C. entirely d11e to the heJ"oic w01rk of tihia ga.Ilant Naitl-ian, N.Z.R.O., We1linigto.n; Mrs. Helen Y. N.C.O., .and to the vigour with whioh he made Pe,trie and Mrs. Mary Raymond, N.Z.R.C.; and used opportunities-for inflicting casualties on M1'S. Joa.n L. Reeve a.n<l Mim Ma.ggie the enemy. . Robin, Lady Liverpool Fund; Mr. R. W. "He was killed twenty-four hours later, when, Shal:lcrass, Wellington; Mr. Cha.rles B. Smith, und<>r an fote11se hombardr;ient pri.or to an N.Z.R.C., Dunedin; Mrs. Mary E. R. Smiith, Lad;r oounter-attack, 1he was gomg from p-Oet to poot Fuoo; Mr. George V. StewaTt, Ka.t1- en-00uraging the men." kati; Mrs. Riria. Thompso:n, Maori E.F. Fnnd; Mr. W. A. Tripe, Lady. Liverpool Fund, Welling- ton; Mrs. Charlo.tte S. Ward; Misa Violerl; H. Webster, N.Z.R.O.; Mr. H. K'.. Wilkinson, Y.M.C.A., Dunedin; Miss Helen L. Williams, N.Z.R.C., Dunedin. THE WAR LOANS. A WONDERFUL RECORD. (THE NEW ZEALANDER Special Cable.) WELLINGTON, October 10. SubscriptiO'lls to war loans in New Zealand now amount to £40 per head of the population. Subscriptions in Great Britain on the same basis wou]Q amount to £1,800,000,000. Mr. L. J. Berry, clrewJ,a.tion m1mager of the "Ch.oh. Press," has resi.gn.ed aiter tw<0nty years'. servioe. M. And,re Siegfried, author of a fine volume, "La DeinooNLtie en Nouv·elle Zelaru:le," ll> exipooted in N.Z. as a member of a Ftrench economic mission. OCTOBER 11, 1918. WELLINGTON CENTRAL. A RED FED. SUCCESS. SURPRISING Vl'CTORY. (Tim N&w ZEALANDER Special Cable.) WELLINGTON, Octooor 10. Mr. P. Fraser was elected for Wd1ingtoai Ccn- tra.J in. the vaca.ncy ca.used by the death of Mr, R. Fletchar, M.P., by ·a maj-O>rity of 1,000 votes over the Indiepend<ent La.bo<Ur ca.ndiidate. The Government nominee, Mr. W. T. R1ldret:h, was a very ,po01r thlrd. The fig'llreS were : , P. Fraa er (Anti-Conscription) ...... - .... 2,665 M. J. Ma.ck (Independenit La1bou.r) ...... 1,044 W. T. Hildrebh (Government) ............ 784 The other three can.diiclla-tes only polled 223 amo. ngst them. Mir. F,rRSer is with "The Maoril.a.nd \Yorker" and was org.aniiser for Mr. H. E. HoHand, M.P., in the Wellington. No.rth bye- eloction, a.nd also wt Grey. Mr Mack is secretary o'f the .Amalga.mated Society oif Railway Serv· ants. According to " The 'l'<imes " Correspondent t.he Goverwrnent defeat a.ttril bUJted to the ()If their oandi.da.te and tho poor ma.n.arrement of the. election, in whie'h scanty inlie.rest was shown. Only f>?. per celllt. of the electors polled, as comp.a. red with 84 per coot. at the gene1'al eledion.. THE GALLIPOLI ST AR. --- ' WHERE ARE THE RIBBONS? Thoull"h the Gallipoli Star was finally a.pproved some tl.!ne a"'O and a quantity of ribb9n has a.ctU>ally bee1;' manufactured, its issue does not SB!)m to get any nearer. . Thia is playing into the ha.nds of the ties who have refused to give the decoration to British troops who served side by side with our men in Turkey. Pra.ctically a)l of A.I.F. and the N.Z.E.F. believe that thell' British comrades should share the honour with them. Tm! NEW believes that, in spite of the officials, they will eventually get it. Th;. beSt w;i.y to he;p - is for our men to put up their ribbons as soon na possible, and so etir up public l_n Eng- land to help their own men to get their rights. A STEAMER BURNED. S.S. DEFENDER IN At 11 a.m. one a fire was dirooveredJ. in the forehold of the coasta.1 s.s. Defender, wh.ich lyin.g at Ki.ng's Wharf, Wel'l:ingtorr, with. a cargo/ of produce fa·om .Lyttelto'll. As fue Ollil'!go m- c.Iud.ed 1,200 oaoe.s of benzine, Lt Wl(lS QO"nsidered wise to remove the vessel from the wha.nf, a;nJd she wrui to1wed oort info tho l1a11hour, a mass Q:f 6.ames M1<lJ smoke. Sihm,tly cfte;r no-OH she drifted on to the rocks at Somes Is.la.nd, wheioo she bu.med fo the w,a,ter's ed\ge, a.nd, after a big ex- plosion, sank. The harbour was strewn w&th fiooi!Ji.ng cases and tins} The Defend.er was a w-OOOen vessel of 1&5 tons, bu.ilt ait K;ncum• ber, N.S.W., iin 1901, for the Westlamd Sh1ppding_ Co. C.a,ptnirn C. G;reen re- cently took ce>mma.oo JQif her from Captain Vasta, who ha& tia.ken ove<r Para.oa.. The Comrt of Inquiry found that the firoe was due to the use of ;naked Jj,gh.ts in the stok.ehold, an.d O<pC:ll xi1vet holes an · the lmlkhead" DUTIES OF THE UNFIT. SUPREME COURT JUDGMENT. (TnE NEW Z"EALANDER Special Cable.) WELLINGTON, October 10. The Supreme Court has decided that men who are classified unfit for service abroad are not thereby released from liability to serve as Terrl- todals. Mr. J. B. Ba.i·thol-Omew, S.'M., decided that a reservi>St clasi>ed as C2 is not n,ecessarily un.ftt to render personal service, and is under obligation to s.erve in the Ter<ritorials. Some time ago Mr. S. E. McCarthy gave a contra.ry judgm.ent. W ANGANUI TRAMWAYS. A SERIOUS BREAKDOWN. (THE NEW ZEALANDER Spooial Cable.) WELLINGTON, October 11. A serious accid!.lnt to ihe main pzywer engine tn the Wang.a.nui tramways power-house has resulted in the breakdown of the The engine has been overloaded sin.ce tihe begi.nr ning of the w.ar. New pl.a.nt h.ad been <>rde;ed just before the out 1bre.a.k, but owmg to war diffi- culties it w.as not s.h.ipped. The Wanganni Borough Council is appealing to i;ho Governmell't to use it:.s inlluence to obtain permission for . the pl. ant t(} be 61hipped.

·The NebJ Zealander

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·The NebJ Zealander Home News for New Zealanders , Edited bJ

on Active Service Ouy ff. Scholefield

No. 49.

ttbt ~e\u Zealanber. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY.

~ news~aper for New Zealand so1diers on actwe sel'Vlce.

Honorary Joint Manager: I. W. Raymond. Hon«"ary Editor : G, H. Scholefield. F.t:ono.rary Cable Correspondent: W. H. Atack.

All communications should be addressed to: THE EDITOR,


LONDON, E.C.4. Telepho.ne: City 8986. Teleg;rama: .Assoprezk London.

T!IJ! NEw .ZBALANDER is free to m~bers ol tbe N.Z.E.F. and to New Zealanders serving In the British Army or Navy.

,All unita of the N.Z.E.F. receive re~la.r sup­plies of the paper. If y0u cannot get it mqu!.re of your officers. S.oldiers in hos1»ta.l should inquire of the visitors of the N.Z. Red Cross.

New Zea.la.nders serving m the British Army and Navy are invited to send their full addresses to 85, fleet-street, E.0.4.

r.ondon Directory, N.Z. Headquarters: 31, Bloomsbury-sq., W.C.1. N.Z. Staff Paymaster: 30, Bloomsbury-sq., W.0.1. N.Z. Military Record Office: 8, Southampton-row,

W.0.1. N.Z. Base Post Office: MoUILt Pleasant, J!l.0.1. High Commissioner for N.Z.: 413, Strand, W.0.2. N.Z. War Contingent Association: 125, High Hol-

born a.nd 11, South.ampton-row, W.0.1. N.Z. Red Cross: 125, High Holborn, W.C.1. N.Z. Soldiers' Hostel: 17, 18, and 23, Ruseell-

squa.re, W.C.1. · N.Z. Prisoners' of War Dept.: 415, Ska.nd, W.C.2. Bank of New • Zeala.nd: 1, Queen Victoria-street,

E.C.4. National Bank of N.z:: 17, Moorgate-street,

E.C.2. Ba.nk of N.S.W.: 28-29, Threaidneedle-st., E.C.2. Union Bank of Australia: 71, Cornhill, E.0.3. Bank of Australasia: 4, Threadneedle-st., E.C.3. Y.M .C.A : Shakespeare Hut, KeppeJ-street,

W.C.1. Peel House: Regency-street, S.W.1. N.Z. and A.I.F. Club: 3, Gra.nville-pla.ce, M.arble

Arch, W.l. Tel. Mayfair 2461. R.N . .Z. Officers' Club: 35, Hill-<>treet, W.1. Anz.ao Club : 94, Victoria-street, S.W.1. Victoria. Lea!l"ue Clubs: la, Dover-street, W., and

82, Cha.ring Cross-rood, W.C.2

NEW ZEALAND RED CROSS. Commissioner and Chairm<11'-COLONP!L THE

HON. R. HEATON Rl!ODES. Hon. Sec.­F. WALDEGRAVE. Hon. Treasurer-J. H. B. COATES.

HoS"pitat Comforla Committee :-Ohairman-R. M. MACDONAI.D. Hon. Secretary-MRS. 0. F. WILSON, C B.E.

The N.Z. Red Cross undertake~ thQ ca.re of Slcl!: and Woundeii N.Z,_ Soldiers ln the United

.1<.lngdom and In France. All communications should be

addressed to the Cha.irman. Offices and Depot : 125, High Holborn, a.nd

11, Southampton Row, W .C. l. Telegmma and Gables : Zeadequate. Telephone: Museum 3131 (3 lines).



(Tu£ NEW ZEALANDER Special Cable.) WELLINGTON, October 10.

A new S.tate coal mine is about to be opened near Pukemiro, W,..a.iklJ,to. •

Experts of the Mines Department believe tbt the &eam of coal there ill of first-cla.ss qu.ality.





(THE NEW ZEALANDER Special Cable.) WELLINGTON, October 10.

Bishop Julius, in his judgment on the charges against the Rev. C. E. Perry, of St. Michael's, Ch.ch., condemns the prosecution on the ground that it was common knowledge that Mr. Perry had been .a.Cfmonished and had agreed to the Bisho.p's ruling. _ _

In regard to 'the c1iarges of frregu a.rity in the celebration of the Sacrament, the Bishop ruled that som~ of the practices complained of w~re authorised, but he forhade others, a.bout which there was some doubt.

The Rev. C. E. Perry, vica.r of St. Michael's, made no a.nswer to the charges laid in the Bishop's Court by Archdeacon Gos.set. It only remamed for Bishop Julius t-0 hear argument hy counsel before coming to his decision. Mr. H. D. AcJ.and a.ppea.red for Archdeacon Gosset and Mr.

. J. H. Upham for Mir. Perry. The charges were fourteen in number, each one

alleging an offence or breach of ecclesiastical duty. · It wa.s stated that Mr. Per.ry lia.d reserved unconsumed portions of the consecrated bread and wine from the Sacra.ment and had ca.used them to be kept in a sped.al italbernacle, where he habitually genu.1ected or pro~trated himself, and caused others to do the same; that he advised a special invqcation of the Blessed Virgin at noon and six o'clo<:k; that he encouraged the idolatrous adoration or worship of the consecrated bread :;tnd wine; that he celebrated a Requiem Mass fo1· a dead person, a.nd enooUJI·.aged kneeling a.nd prostration during the Nicene Creed. Other oh~rges related to the use of illegal ornaments and light<!.

Mr. Upham contended that Mr. Perry was endeavouring, perhaps under a misapprehension, to co!ltinue practices which he had found in Oiooel'IV.anoe when he succeeded Canon H. D. Burton. He was quite wi}ling to discontinue a num6er if the pilctices whe he "BisHop st!rn1-fied his displeasure, _and ,he wo.1:1Id loyally obey MLy rwles his Loa'l:l&h1p mtght fay down.



(TnE NEW Zv.ALANDER Special Cable.) W]]LLINGTON, October 10.

'!\he n~:ninrut.io.ns for the vacancy in Taran1a.Id caused by the death of Mr. H. J. H. Okey, M.P., are:

J. S. Connett (Bell Block), Government. S. J. Smith, Labour.



By order af the Government the three b elill whicll unW reoen.tly formed the peal in the G~r­mMl Chm·ch in Ch.oh., were b1xike.n up at Prrce and Sons' foundry, and reduced to ingots.

The bells were tal~e.n over by the Government ru~der Sec. 79 of the Enemy Reserves Dispcsal Act oil' 1917, as pa.rt of the old Ge:rma.n Churc~, now hel<l· in trust by the Go~I'illmemt, to be d.ItS­rosed of as it thinks fit.

The Public '11rtwtee (Mr. T. D. Kennedy) an<l the French Oo·nsul (Mr. G. Humphr.eys) witTueSsed the ceremony of clean'ing and &tripping t'he bells cxf their to.ngues a.nd fitti:mgs a.nd smashing the..rn with a 25-lb. hammer. A proposal had been made th.at the bells should be returned to Fmnce intact, oo tha.t oome French town mig'ht boast of a. pea! of bells that had been taken from Fra.noo haJ£ a oonbury ago, and then restored.


Th.e following appointments to the Br.i~is.h Empire Order h,ave been made for war seTV1ces in or for NEYW Zealand:

Knight Grand Cross.-Earl of Liverpool, Governor-Genenad.

CommandNs.-Col. R. A. Ohafl'ey, O.C. Oanter­bury; Hon. G. Fowlds, Auckland; Countess of Hardwicke N.Z. W<ar Collltingent Asroc.; Lt.­Col. T. A: H1mter, D. Dent. Serv.; Miss Helen M.oi;c enz1e, N:Z. ar n.tin.geht Asooc. ; Col. J. d. Nichols, 0.C., Otago. .

Officers.-Mrs. Bean, Oh.oh.; Mrs. W. E. Bid· will, Featherston; Ml'IS. ~l!ioo A. G. Buckleto•n, Auck]ia-nd; Miss Etta Clooe, London; Mr. G. Elliott, Auckland; Mrs. Walter Empoon, N.Z. War Contingerut As.'IOc.; Mr. J. A. Fleshe.r, N.Z. Red Cros.s Ch.ch. ; Mr. George Harper, Citizens Defonce 00'rp6, QJi.ch.; Lt.-Col. A. S. Herbert,

T4o late Sergeant R. 0. Travis, D.C.M., M.IM., N.Z.M.0., Rotorua; Mrs. Eliza.beth A. Hill, 9/523, Otago Regt., was prohaibly the moot re· N.Z.R.C:.t Oommissione:r H. C. Hodder, Sa.lva,t.ion markahle of the six New Zea1anders who hav!.l Anny, we1'1ington; Rev. V. G. Bry.an Kin,g, won the V.C. while serving in the N.Z.E.F. N.Z.R.C.; Mrs. Ripeka · W. Love, Maori E.F,

Trav·is's exploita are too well known in the Funds. Marlborough; Mrs. Edibb. M. IMiaofarlane; divisiOJl to require recounting. It is stated fuat Mr. A. H. Mi~, Wei!Jin.gton, Mulllitions ia.nd he went to N.Z. from Axizona,, au.cl he enlisted Supplies Board; Mrs. Jessie M. Moorhouse, in the Otago Mounted Rilles wWh i:lhie Main Body N.Z.R.C., Welliitgton; Mrn. Ra.hera M. Mu.bu, and served on Ga11ipoli. In 1916 he won his Moori E.F. Funds, Kaia.poi; Mrs. GOO<rge Rlhodes, M.M., oo.rly this yoor the Belgian Oroix de Ch.oh,; Misa Franw.i C. Rattray, N.Z.R.C., Guerre, and in May the D.0.M. I.femet 1hJs death Dunedin; Mrs. L. 0. H. Tripp, Wellington;-Mrs. near Roostgnol Wood a coupJ,e of molllths later. Gr.a,ce A. M. Wood, Women's N,a.tlonal Res.

The "Ga.zette," describin.g the· achievement for Mernbers.-Mrs. Gonsbanoe - P. Ab.rnham, which Tora vis receives the posthrunous l!Lward, N.Z.R.C.; Mr. A. S. Bankart, Auckland; Mrs. sa.!.s: Thyra T. Bethell, Amuri, N.Z.R.C.; Mrs. Annie

'During 'surprise' operations it was necessary S. Boden, WeHin!!'ton; Mrs. L(}uisa Bollard, to destJ;"Oy an impassable wire Jil9ck. Sgt; Tr.a.vis, Au-0k1a;nd; Mrs. Eliza.l>eth OhHton, Lady Liver­re"'ardless of all person.al dang-er, vo!U11te<J11"ed for pool FundJ. Ch.chf; Mr. R. Oo'nn, N.Z.R.C., this duty. Before zero h-0ur in bro.ad daylighit, Dun.edin; .Mrs. Aiice M. Col"IIJ', I.ruiy Liverpool and in cloee pr.o·ximity to enemy posts, he I Fund, Ma,rl'boroug<h·; Mrs. Ja.ne D. Orooke, crawled out and successfully destroyeq tihe block N.Z.R.0., Ch.oh. ; Mrs. Ada M. DonaldS'-0111, with bombs, thus enaibling the attacking parties N.Z.R.C.; Mrs. Ellen K. Findlay, Lady Liver­t,> pass through. - j pool Fund, Wellington; Mrs. Marlon Galhr.aith,

"A few minutes la.ter a bomlbing party on the N.Z.R.C., Ihinedin; Mr. W. H. H. Ge-0rge, right of the atta,ck wa,s held up by two el'!e<tnY Y.M.C.A., Wellington; Miss . Hel~n Graham, ma.ohine guns, a.nd the success of tl\e who!@ .N.Z.R.C.; Mrs. Helen Grah1am, N.Z.R.C.; :M.rs. opera.ti0111 was in d·an.ge.r. Perceiving th.is, Sgt. Margaret I. Gr.imm.ond, N.Z.R.C., Ross; Mrs. Travis w1th gre.ait ga11arutry and utter disregard Jessie Hill and Mrs. Esther G. Lock, N.Z.R.0. of d.a{1ger, rus.hed 1Jh,e pooLtion, ldHed the crew and Lady LiveTpQ<>l Fu"J.a; Mrs. Ja.ne W. Lee, N. and captured the guns. An enemy officer and Ota.go; Miss Mabel J. MooGilbbon, N.Z.R.C.; three men immediately rushed at him from a Mrs. Is01belle M. A. M.ackay, N.Z.R.O.; Miss bend in the tren-0h an.d attemvted to retake the J C6Sie Mia.ckenzie, Masterton; M.rs. Emily H. gurus. These four he killed s1n,gle-'h.anded, thus M!ljuire, N.Z.R.O.; Mrs. Erina Mote, M<aeri allowing the lbo.rn.b1ng party, o.n which much E.11·. Fu:nids, Pakipa.ki, H.B.; Mi·ss Cecilia. M. depended, to ,advance. Morris, Lady Liverpool Fund; Mrs. HannaJh,

"The success of the operatiO'll was alrnoot Murphy, Lady J..iverpool Fund; Miss SybiJ C. entirely d11e to the heJ"oic w01rk of tihia ga.Ilant Naitl-ian, N.Z.R.O., We1linigto.n; Mrs. Helen Y. N.C.O., .and to the vigour with whioh he made Pe,trie and Mrs. Mary Raymond, N.Z.R.C.; and used opportunities- for inflicting casualties on M1'S. Joa.n L. Reeve a.n<l Mim Ma.ggie the enemy. . Robin, Lady Liverpool Fund; Mr. R. W.

"He was killed twenty-four hours later, when, Shal:lcrass, Wellington; Mr. Cha.rles B. Smith, und<>r an fote11se hombardr;ient pri.or to an en~y N.Z.R.C., Dunedin; Mrs. Mary E. R. Smiith, Lad;r oounter-attack, 1he was gomg from p-Oet to poot Liverp~ol Fuoo; Mr. George V. StewaTt, Ka.t1-en-00uraging the men." kati; Mrs. Riria. Thompso:n, Maori E.F. Fnnd;

Mr. W. A. Tripe, Lady. Liverpool Fund, Welling­ton; Mrs. Charlo.tte S. Ward; Misa Violerl; H. Webster, N.Z.R.O.; Mr. H. K'.. Wilkinson, Y.M.C.A., Dunedin; Miss Helen L. Williams, N.Z.R.C., Dunedin.


(THE NEW ZEALANDER Special Cable.) WELLINGTON, October 10.

SubscriptiO'lls to war loans in New Zealand now amount to £40 per head of the population.

Subscriptions in Great Britain on the same basis wou]Q amount to £1,800,000,000.

Mr. L. J. Berry, clrewJ,a.tion m1mager of the "Ch.oh. Press," has resi.gn.ed aiter tw<0nty years'. servioe.

M. And,re Siegfried, author of a fine volume, "La DeinooNLtie en Nouv·elle Zelaru:le," ll> exipooted in N.Z. as a member of a Ftrench economic mission.

OCTOBER 11, 1918.




(Tim N&w ZEALANDER Special Cable.) WELLINGTON, Octooor 10.

Mr. P. Fraser was elected for Wd1ingtoai Ccn­tra.J in. the vaca.ncy ca.used by the death of Mr, R. Fletchar, M.P., by ·a maj-O>rity of 1,000 votes over the Indiepend<ent La.bo<Ur ca.ndiidate. The Government nominee, Mr. W. T. R1ldret:h, was a very ,po01r thlrd.

The fig'llreS were : , P. Fraaer (Anti-Conscription) ......• - .... 2,665 M. J. Ma.ck (Independenit La1bou.r) .... .. 1,044 W. T. Hildrebh (Government) ...... ...... 784 The other three can.diiclla-tes only polled 223

amo.ngst them.

Mir. F,rRSer is oonnec~d with "The Maoril.a.nd \Yorker" and was org.aniiser for Mr. H. E. HoHand, M.P., in the Wellington. No.rth bye­eloction, a.nd also wt Grey.

Mr Mack is secretary o'f the .Amalga.mated Society oif Railway Serv·ants. According to " The 'l'<imes " Correspondent t.he Goverwrnent defeat i~ a.ttrilbUJted to the w~akn.e&> ()If their oandi.da.te and tho poor ma.n.arrement of the. election, in whie'h scanty inlie.rest was shown. Only f>?. per • celllt. of the electors polled, as comp.a.red with 84 per coot. at the gene1'al eledion..



Thoull"h the Gallipoli Star was finally a.pproved some tl.!ne a"'O and a quantity of ribb9n has a.ctU>ally bee1;' manufactured, its issue does not SB!)m to get any nearer. .

Thia is playing into the ha.nds of the a~t.hori-ties who have refused to give the decoration to British troops who served side by side with our men in Turkey. Pra.ctically a)l of ~J:e A.I.F. and the N.Z.E.F. believe that thell' British comrades should share the honour with them. Tm! NEW ZEALAND~& believes that, in spite of the officials, they will eventually get it. Th;. beSt w;i.y to he;p -is for our men to put up their ribbons as soon na possible, and so etir up public opi~n l_n Eng­land to help their own men to get their rights.


At 11 a.m. one morni~ a fire was dirooveredJ. in the forehold of the coasta.1 s.s. Defender, wh.ich Will~ lyin.g at Ki.ng's Wharf, Wel'l:ingtorr, with. a cargo/ of produce fa·om .Lyttelto'll. As fue Ollil'!go m­c.Iud.ed 1,200 oaoe.s of benzine, Lt Wl(lS QO"nsidered wise to remove the vessel from the wha.nf, a;nJd she wrui to1wed oort info tho l1a11hour, a mass Q:f 6.ames M1<lJ smoke. Sihm,tly cfte;r no-OH she drifted on to the rocks at Somes Is.la.nd, wheioo she bu.med fo the w,a,ter's ed\ge, a.nd, after a big ex­plosion, sank. The harbour was strewn w&th fiooi!Ji.ng cases and tins}

The Defend.er was a w-OOOen vessel of 1&5 tons, bu.ilt ait K;ncum•ber, N.S.W., iin 1901, for the Westlamd Sh1ppding_ Co. C.a,ptnirn C. G;reen re­cently took ce>mma.oo JQif her from Captain Vasta, who ha& tia.ken ove<r th~ Para.oa..

The Comrt of Inquiry found that the firoe was due to the use of ;naked Jj,gh.ts in the stok.ehold, an.d O<pC:ll xi1vet holes an ·the lmlkhead"



(TnE NEW Z"EALANDER Special Cable.) WELLINGTON, October 10.

The Supreme Court has decided that men who are classified unfit for service abroad are not thereby released from liability to serve as Terrl­todals.

Mr. J. B. Ba.i·thol-Omew, S.'M., decided that a reservi>St clasi>ed as C2 is not n,ecessarily un.ftt to render personal service, and is under obligation to s.erve in the Ter<ritorials. Some time ago Mr. S. E. McCarthy gave a contra.ry judgm.ent.


(THE NEW ZEALANDER Spooial Cable.) WELLINGTON, October 11.

A serious accid!.lnt to ihe main pzywer engine tn the Wang.a.nui tramways power-house has resulted in the breakdown of the ~ystem ~

The engine has been overloaded sin.ce tihe begi.nr ning of the w.ar. New pl.a.nt h.ad been <>rde;ed just before the out1bre.a.k, but owmg to war diffi­culties it w.as not s.h.ipped.

The Wanganni Borough Council is appealing to i;ho Governmell't to use it:.s inlluence to obtain permission for . the pl.ant t(} be 61hipped.

October 11, 1018.


Capt.a.in Hales, wha.rfinger at Greymoutb, hall boon transferred to Sydney.

Mr. 0. 0. R . .Anderso.11, Crawn Lands Office, Onntcrbucry, is transferred to Auckland.

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Righton (Oriental Bay, Welling-ton) .are in Amorica on a. bti;rlncss. mp_.

Mr. F. M. Collins, well known m sw11mmmg circles in Ca.nterlbury, ha.s recoverod from a serious operation.

Miss Gertrude Owen, general secretary ()If the Ch.ch. Y.W.C.A., hia.s been on a six months' holi­da) ·in Au;;tralia.

Mr. H. H. McCat'thy, clerk to true Taura.nga C.C., has been appointed secretary to the Hos­pital Bo.a.rd there.

Miss Edith Bour.'l, .a.ssistan.t to Mr. W. V. Sa.re­lius, masseur, Ch.ch., has been appotin.ted to a. Go,•ernment post in Dunedin.

The Rev. Fat.her PheJ.a.n (Masterton) has b een a-ppo.i.nited to succeed Father Duffy as Roman Cat.holic oh.aplain at Featherston.

M ... C. J. Tunks has il'l!signed fr-0m tihe Claims B<>aro of the Auckl.and Patriot!c Asoociation, and is succeeded by Mr. A. G. Lunn.

The Rev. T. V. Gilfillan, dhap1ai.n or the 0. of E. So1diers' Institute, Rotorua, has been o.rdered to re.port for duty iu Wellin.irton.

Capt. J. A. Algie, who 1s representing ~.he R.S.A. in Great Bri·tain, has been a·e-clected V1ce-president of Lbe Auckland R:S.A. .

Mr. Alfred W-0rsley is appomted organist and ch-0irmaster at St. Michael's, Cb.oh., in succes-sion to the late Mr. ChaTloo Begg. .

Miss W. B. Hors.field, honorary orgamst at High'brunk Canterbury, for six years, has been presented :b.Y it.he oo.n1g.regation with a gold wa.tch.

Mr. E. C. Banks has been elected chairman of the Audda.J!Jd Education Board h1 place of ]ifr. .T. D. McK0i11zie, who has been a member for eigli.1t years.

Mr. Charles Hudson, chairman.of the Auckland Choral Society was presentOO with a gold watch a.t the opening' of the society's new hall in Alex-a ndil'a-stree<t. . .

Miss Getller, well kmown in art . cucles m Dunedin, is r-0turn.ing Jrom Sou~.h A.fi;iqa to take up a p-0st in connection with the tmti-0n of re turned ooldiel'S.

Miss Ivy Gunn for f-0ur years instructor in

d,ressmaki,n,a millinery and needlework .at S-011!.h­lan.d Toobiti'cal C<>lleg~, is app-0in•t,ed chief in­structor at Ch.ch.

Mr. A. R. Jorda.n has been app-0int-Od assistant Deputy Publiic T.rustce at Auc!dn'1l>d, w.he:re he has been chief clerk for some time. & was edu­cated at Nelson College.

Mr. W. A. Ald!l"e(], Aucldand, was recently oont f.-0 TOO'la.a on behalf of tfue Impeniitl G<>vernment to liquidaite enemy businesses. He has returned to Auckland serfously ill. r

Mr. P. C. Froeth (Palmerston, N.) ha~ bee.ii eleoted to the Wan!:!'anui Educat.iun Iloarn m suc­Ct'Ssi-On fo Mr. F. Pirau~. who came to England as one of ibe Press dcJ.egatoo.

Nurse M. Thull (Ar1dmron's Ba.y, Dunedin), wbo gained the ,h.j,,,.he;;t marks jn the hospital examina­tion, has be~ appointed. sister ait Timani Ros pi1tal

1 w!-.ere sbr was .trMned..

Mr. F. G. Hall-.Tones, son -0f Si:r W. Rall­J-0nes has acquired the J.oga.I practice -Orf Rat­tray, 'A1'1'11>Steoo ancJ MurTay in Inverrorgill. He l'e\Ved ,~'.th the Mam Body, and was w-0unded at Gallip-0Li.

M:r. ~ R. F01w, (IJ('puty-Mayor of Hamilton, h~.s been unanimously elected to tJ1e mayora·1ty, m suoce•si-0n l-0 tbe late Mr. J. W. Ellis. Mr. Elh1 in hlis youn.ger d.ays was a groo-t friend of u K.irurr " Tawihiao. Me~ber.s of the Ngrupuhi tribe in camp

at Narrow Neck passed a resolution f&v~uxin.g the Aprm!l/tment otf Mr. A. P..upcne. of Rolcal11j'.a, fo tl1-0 Legislatjve C-0Ui110~1. M,-. Rupe.ne set ved in Fr.anoc wit.h the Maori Contingen•t.

The follawing N.Z. engineers passed the eJCaminati-011.S of the Jnsli<ttrte of C.E., J,Q111do11. Pre!. and Assoc.: P. Keller, Whan•;ramom-OTJa; J. R Maxks Alexandra. P.rel.: E. ·F. McKen,.;ie, ch.ch. A~oo.: A. G. Walk.er, Auckland. .

1 Mfas Comstnmce Cayley (Mrs. Louis &hatz) Wtl. proba.bly p!a.y the ''boy" fo .. the· ;>"e,ma.ind.er of 1,h.,, "Dick Whltitingboln " seas-0n in Austrnlfa. She was well knoW?lJ as .a member of the old P-0.l­la.rid Opera Ccnnpn.ny under tbe mime of Conme But tell. .

The Hon. W. Pember Reeves, formerly H1!!h Commissioner fOT N.Z. and now direct-Oil' of t.J\e Sc'hool of Economi0$ and ch11-i.rm•n of bhc National Bank of N.Z., Is npp-0<inted an expert a.dvis& undi0'1' the War Offioe scheme for Army Eel uoati>OOI. .

Mdss Juniper the n€/W supervisor of d>Qltl1est1c t.ra·Lnipig f-0r Auckland, ,graduated at Norfolk Trai.ning College, and left, England for Ca·ll'a<la fournt.oon yea.rs a.go. A college, with a,,oii<rultwo and home ooienoe .branches, has .been added to McGill U111iv()'l'sit.y.

M.r. E. P. Hay, soliclt-0r to the Public Trust. Offioe, has resigned to enter the Wellington le.gal firm of Barton and Ma.zerugarb. He w.as first amistan.t solidtor for eight, yea.ra, and WM ap­pointed chief when Mr. J. W. Macdonald became Assistant Public Trustee.

Dr. J. W. Mc~lraith, ~nspector of S()hooli> in Au<1klan<l, is p.ppomted principal of th~ Auckland Tirainii.nig College for the duraJtion and tJwe!ve rr.on.ths thereafteT. There w<Elre fivie ~pli00>nts. Mr. H. G. Cousins, ~:f.A., being the runner-up. ThE' vn.camcv is caused by tl]e death in actAon of the late pr-incipal, Lieut. Miln.es.

Mr. J. Mor-ay Smith, of the N.Z.J,. and M.A. C-0., Gh.ch., becomes insq:>C<Jtor at Welllngiton, in c<>nsequeooo -0f the prori:to!Aon <>of Mr. S. ClarkA John= to he r:re~ral man·a!l'er. Mr. R. W. Watorh-0nse, m3.11ag-E1r at Wellin.11tM1, goe.~ to Nnnie<r fo talrn chRrgr of thn H.B. •busin.-ssj in 1>11Ce<"ision to Mr. G. S'1an<l, who has gone ru\-0 c.amp.


ROLL OF HONOUR. Lt. Hector Steele, M.O., R.F.A. (Waikato), wwi

wounded at Bourlon Wood. Lt. Edwin L. Hall, A.I.F. (Ch.ch.), has been

wounded and gassed in France. Lt. Leslle G. Ring, :London Rgt., son of Mr.

James Ring, Greymouth, was killed in action on September 18, aged thit'ty. He got ihis commis­Fion early in 1916.

Lt. H. E. Hyde, R.A.F., reported missing, comes from Ti.mb.irn, Otago, and is the author of a book on a peace league, which attracted con­siderable attention

The Rev. Cecil A. Mallett, C.F. (0. of E.), attd. to the Base Depot in Fmn1Je, lost his life recently in the burning of a hut. He was thirty-seven years of .age a.nd was cumte at Morrinsville. He had been for a ye.a.r with the N.Z.E.F.

Lt. C. R. Nichols, E. Surr. Rgt. (attd. T.M.B.), who is reported killed in action, was son of Col. J. C. Nicholls, C.B.E., O.C. Otag-0 District, and an O.B. of 'Christ's College. He came to Cam­berley for a regular commission early in 1915. 1Ie was wounded in 1917.

Capt. H:. L. Murgatroyd, M.C., Leicester Rgt., at. ~. 1cs.. Fusu son of M~. and Mrs. J. Murgat­royd, HoroI'ata, died M WO\Ul<i:o on Sepheill!Det 27, a rred twenty-three. He got his oommi•sion from tl~e Inns of Court in 1914, and served in Gallipoli and Eaypt before going to the Western front.

The "death occurred at Indianapolis, U.S.A., whille fiying, of Capt. J-0soph J. Harn1mon.d, R.A.F., one -0f the earliest N.Z. aviators. He commenc<Jd fiying w'ith the Bristol Aeroplane Company, and took one of the machines to N.Z. in April, 1915. He was commanding a war station in Scotland last year.


WELLINGTON, O<:tober 10. The death is ann-0uiliCed -0f M.rs. Alice Franc~

Julius, wife of the Bishop -0f Christchurch. Mr. Hubert P. Barry, fo1·mc.rly superinten.dent

at the Waiih.i Mine, is dead.

Mrs. Julius W•as a daughtea- <Yf the late Col. M. J. Rowlaudson, and wa.s married in 1872. Mr. Barry's sOJU, Sgt. A. V. Ba.rry, has served thr-0n.gh-0ut the war in Kin.g Ellwa,rd's Horse. He was wounded in February.

Mies. Florence G. D. Cooncll, wife of Harvey Connell, Auckland; Mrs. G. C. CloLhier, 60, ma:ndelands, Waikato; A1'thur Tilly, 69, Auck­land; B. W. D. Cooke, 81, Onero.hl; Hen.ry C. H. Walker, 59, Aucktl.and (father <>f the 1ate C...pt. H , .J. I. :WelkcT", R. War. Rp., and JQf Maj. Alan Walker, R.B.); J. W . .llifl.i.s, 64, Mayor of Hamilton; Henry W. Smit.h, Ponoouby; W. IC CM<Ler, 95, Cam­br~d\l:'; Edwaro J. Waclrlell, libra:ria.n Woa·k:ing Me.n s Club, Auckland; Rev. S. J. Nei ll (formerly Olf Thames), at Point Loma, California; Jane M'.. Wood, Waihi; J-Ohin McKenzie, 68, Auckland; Aindrow W. Creamer, 5(J, Newton; Henil'y G<>l<ls­worthy, 68, formerly mine manager, Thames and Kuaotunu, Paeroa (suddenly), Samuel Blom­neld, 83, B.i:rk.en.head.

Mrs. Geo .. ,~e Cotterill, Napier; 'l'. P. Kemble, 52, Te Ranigatuman; John Merrick, 58, Napier; Samuel Alpc, S3, Weilhngton (won th-0 best fields­ma.n's prize against Lillywib.i!te's team at Ch.ch. in 1878); OhiarJ.es T. Jeffer&0n, Wang.anui; Edward Bree, Otaki; James Slattery, 48, Wel­lington South; James P. Hewitt, Wellingt-0n; J. P. Kelly, chief mecha.ruioo.l engiMer's office., N.Z.R., W-0lliingto.n (acciidentally, at Waipu­lmr.a.u) ; James B9nnebt, ·Ka.uw.ha.ta, . Rang:itikei; I<':rederick ~- HaTtley, ~ N~tional B.N.Z., St•·a.t­ford; Lew1S Oughiton, tH. M1r.amar; J. S. Welch, 87, Lan<ls ".nd S1irvey 'Dep t., Wellingt.-On; Z. Nimmo, 713, Palmerston N.; Mrs. Oharlott.e Miac­cu()nald, Wellington.

William Richardson, Ree.fton (a founder of the Roofton J.C.); :Michael F=er, 74, Kajapoi (foc­merly may-Ol' of Cromwell and chai.rma.n ()tn,go ElducaUcm Board); Hen.ry Smibh, 70, Little River; Mrurmaduke J. Dixon, 56, Rangi.ora; M.rs. Mar,y Ha<ldiow, 8£, Nelson; Mi-s. Lucy BatchelOll', 73, Nelson; Mrs. J-0hn Cameron, "~mate; Httgh Kerr, Fa;r!i-0; Mr<i. O'Gra<ly, 76, wife of Inspec­tor O'Grady, West Coast, Cb.ch.; Mrs. Elizabeth A. Bk-e, Su, Ashbu .. fon; Mrs. E. Griffin).,, raoo­course, Roofton; Mrs.• Vernon !rviJi,g, v.n.cb.; Alexa.nder. G. Ashby, 58, cle:rk S.M. 001urt, K.aiiapoi-Ran1giora.

John Brocklehurst, f<lil'merly N.Z. Railways (.at Palm-0rston N.); Mrs. H. Adam, Dllllled!n;. Davi<l H. Jonnin9s, 73, Oama.ru; Mrs. J, F. Woodihouse, Dunedin 1mother of .Major P. R. Woodhouse, M.C., R.A.M.C.); Wi1liam Oaldc.r, .em., 8t HJeddon B'llSh; W. V. !Robb, tioket i!15Pe<.for Inveroa.rgill Railways; Cap ta.in .T ohn Gibb, 70, formerly commodore U.S.S. Co. (in Sydney; Mrs. Susann.rull Howard, 98, Invercarglll.



After a most interesting a.nd •i.n.structive tour of the war a.ctJviti-O.S of Great Britai:n, including visiits to the Fleet and to the Eiront, five of t1b.e N.Z. Press delegates left for home Last week, n.amely, Mr. G. Fen.wick (" Otag-0 Dailly Tim-OS"), Hon. W. J. Geddis (" N.Z. Times"), Mr. R . M. Ha.oket (" N.Z. Herald"), Mr. M. L. Reading (" Lyttellon Times"), Mr. C. W. Ell!rle ("The Dominion").

Mr. F. Pir.a.ni (" Fci1di.ng St.ar ") will remafn in England f<>.- a. few weeks long&', and, Lt is un.derstood, will return home by a ta-aru;port.



The following have rooently received their deco.rations at Buckingham Palace: M.0.: Capt. Edgar Ra.re, D.C.L.I. (SouthJaii.d) ; Lieut. L. P. Lea.ry, R.F.A. (Palmerston, N.).

The IY.s.o. has i:>een a.warded to the Late Lt.­Col. Cecil F. G. Humphries, M.C., D.C.M., D.C.L.I. (Ch.ch.).

N.Z.E.F. AWARDS. The foll01wing n.ew <IJW·ards in the N.Z.E.F. are

a.nniounoed : Bar to D.S.O.: Maj. H. G. Wi1dtlng, N.Z.F.A. D.S.O.: Majs. J. Hangeat, M . .C., Oba.go R.; T.

Farr, N.Z.F.A.; O. H. McClella.nd aind W. C. Sin.el, A.I.R.; F. K. Turn.bull, W.I.R.

Bar to . M.C.: Lt.s. F. E. Ashby, Wgtn. R.; K. Soott, O.I.R.; 2nd Lts. R. V. H.ollis, W.I.iR.: J. A. McK. Roy, R.B.

M.·C.: Oll>pt. P. A. Ardagh, Med. 0,; Lt.s. H. .C. J. K111U1bley, E. H. Blomfield, an.cl 2'nd Lt. W. H. Yorke, Cyc. C.; 2nd Lt.s. R. E. Fyfe, Otago R.; A.H. Mmcr, N.Z.F.A.

D.C.M.: C.S.M. W. G. Muill1Il, N.Z.E.; Sgts. P. T. Moi!r, M.M., J. P. Kennett, a.nd T. Rielly (killed in action), Ota.go R.; Cpl. R. T. G<>rabie, R.B.; C.S.M. G. B. Balcer, M.M., Cyc. C.; Tpr. P. Weaver, O.M.R.; Pte. E. Lana.u.ze, Wgtn. Rt.

Bar to M.M.: Sjts. C. E. Dowsing a,nd L. Th:omas, a.nd Pte. J. T. Turley, Auck. R.; W. D. Timmi'llB, 1st R.B.; Sg-ts. A .. J. H. Wilma.n i•nd H. C. Rawe, Cpl. D. S. Brougibiton, L.-C. J. Goc­d.oin, Sii,g. C.; Sgt. F. W. Stevcnoon, Canit. R.; Rfm. C. A. Paipiworth, R.B.

M.M. : N.Z.F.A.: Sgts. J. A. Miackay a.Ilidi W. Hutohimgs, Cpl. W. 0. Perry, Gnrs. F. A. Dun­stan, A. E. B. Wilki.noon, L. J. Man.der, F. W. Johnson, Bmbdrs. A. Caidman 8l!ld J. 1. Y. Coch­ran, Dvr. K. O'Ne.ill. Fld-. Amb.: Sgt.s. M. C. Black and R. 0. Evans, L.-C. 0. W. Olemance, P:tes. D. D. Metge, P. R. Pye-Smiith, S. Ing.ram, W. I. L. Tohernegov111d., G. M. Ch-0ng, T. Heekin., and Dvr. W. R. Cousins. N.Z.R.B.: C.S.M. li. Kelk, Sgts. L. Nankivell, J. L. Dewar, W. Motion, J. P. GlentwioI'th, L.-Sgt. J. S. Brunton, Cpl. E. J. McID111es, L.-Opls. R. Milne, H. A. Maitheoon, Rfmn A. Dalzell, E. Ba.irley, R. N. Murray, J. S. Frag.er, C. W. W.a.l.les, l'. Low, ainid 0. W. Batty. Auck. Rgt.: O.S.M. W. SuVton, Sgt&. C. E. Turley, E. A. McGowan, W. E. Wil· li:•ms, H. M. Mo.rris, J. Welch, L. Th-0mas, K. K Cameroll>, W. C. Paddy, N. T. Brunton, J. P. Ba.rr, Op!. L. M. Dacre, L. 0. Mo.rgan, G. J. ROlper, J. F. Robertson, L. G. Northt P. R. MoMiaihon, J. S'.rni'lliie, L.-Cp.Is. E. M. Smith, E. R. Parker, R. H. F1a.vell, T. J. Leigh, Ptes. T. A. McLM.n, A. F. F. Ba.th, R. H. Hadliold, E. J. Hunter, F. M. Rol:rinoo·n, Jr. A. D-0n.ghi, L. Turn­hull.. B- · dmews, D. • CbuxC\h., Sh~n, A. St-Okes, J. F. RAooardson, J. Gunn, R. Camea-001, R. A. Guthrie, S. M. Coxhead, I. G. Land, S. Fairweaither, J. R. Dawson., W. J. Mclfay, L. C. Arthur, Whermlston. Wg.f:.n.. Rgt.: Sgl:s. H. H. Th-0maso11, P. D. Wil'kie, K. Mackenzie, H. J. &amdt, A. D. Mair, J. Millar, E. M. Fimtca.ne, Cpls. J. R. Blake, L. Crutchley, H. D. O'Don­Ili0ll, H. R. Hampt,on, H. G. Price, L.--Opls. C. J. Gord.on, W. H. May, W. ,E. Ball, W. J. Lewis, J. M. Hammersley, El. J. Lin:n, C. Th-0mson, F. M. H. Hanson, Pites. T. Riol)l3.Tds-0n , «. Oameron, W. E. Ilbon, S. A. Lamb, E. S. Brialey, W. H. Paynter, R. Caarmbell, G. J. Soot11crn, J. C. Niicbolls, F. A. Be1bin. A. Park, E. L. Black, N. H. La.w, 0. Bargh, G. C. Lord, A. G. T. Smith, S. J. E. Fowler;., R. W. E. Neilsi>n, S. R. Bu.ms, A Turnbull. vanit. Rg·t .: Sgts. W. Dagna.11, W. 0. Wbibtington, Cpls. R. D. Russell, W. A;rm­sLrong, H. P. Eyles, L.-Cpls. P. J. Gaffoey, W. Richail'ds, Ptes. R. AUey, H. H. A. Blomkvisl., J. J. Kearney, J. Kernick, :t:'· G. Brown, J. W ,T, MoLeely, P. Foley, G. J. Pitcher, R. T. M.,,lfoclt, T . Templeton, W . C. Adams, G. 0. D. Proud. O.M.R.: L.-C. D. D. McPherson a.nd Tpr. A. Pnt­chard. N.Z.E.: Sgit. A. Otto and nvr. A. J. McLe.an. Sig. S.: Spr. H. C. Ferra11<l. D.A.O.: D,>;1'8, G. H. Hansen. and D. W. Couborough.

Oapt. R. P. Harper, M . .c.1

D.C.M., N.Z.M.G.C., is me'Jlbion.ed iu Genera. Alleuby's Fa.Jestine Despaitch.

THE N.Z.E .. F. The followin.g h.ave ·been dischar.ged· fr.om t:.he

N.Z.E.F. for Imperfal commi..~lons: S.-S. J. H. CI'a.mbers, A.P.S., to R.A.F.; Rfm. W. Bell, 3rd R.B.; L,O. W. J. Jenm.ings, 1st W.I.R.; and 626p3 J'te. J. Smith, 2nd Entr. Batt., to R.N.V.R.

P.tes. J,. T. Wiloock 5el15, W. Berry 44686, an<l W. G. Lovie 5~234, a.ll of the Auck. Rgt., have been nominated for permianenit commi~ooo in the Indian Army, and will train a:t Newmarket. Mi~ Florence M. Gitte!llS, who qualified at

AMklanV, Hospitail, has joined tho N.Z.A.N.S. in ElnigLamd.

M:r. C. E. Chrubfleld has attested in Engl.an.di, am·i has gone to the N.Z.F.A. as a gunner.

Dischaa-ged, medically u.nlit: 37176 Spr. J. F. Clidig;an, N.4.E.; 12/26?3 Pte. J. H. Coope>r, A=k. Rt.; 40281 T. Birkett, Auck. F.t.; 19061 Rfm. W. W. Smith/ 3rd R.B.; 13130 Pt.e. R. J. Smith, 1st R.B.; 23 98 Pte. J. A. Oole, 2nd Cant.; 8/837 Pte. A. Mitchett, 2nd Cant.

Capt. E. J. Fa,wcett, M.C., Oimt. R.g-t., amd Lieut. C. F. F-0rs<lick, N.Z.M.Q-.0., who were re­oen.tly MvaTded s-0ldier ooholanhdpe a>ti Oamibddige and Oxfo<Ni respe.ctively, have been dlscli>ariged from the N.Z.E.F. medically unfit.

T.b,e Tau.maI'unui Hospital Board has been g.1'an.ted ia. ·Loan of £25,000 for the erecti-0n of a new h-0spi:tal.

<;['he M.arin-0 Depart.'llemt has h.ad g:rea.t difti­ct;l1ty ht filLinig vaca.ncles in the lig.bthour;e staff owi:ni to the enlistment <YI its employees.


Telephone: Museum 3131, 8132, 3133. Chairman-Sir THOMAS MACKENZIE, K.C.M.0.

(High Commissioner). Chairman of Executive Committee-Mr. I. W.


Hospitality Committee: Chairman-COUNTESS OF HARDWICKB. Hon. Sec.­


Clubs Committee: Chairman-Mr. R. D. DouGI,AS MCLEAN. Hon.

Sec.-Miss HELEN MACKENZIE. Hostel Committee:

Chairman-Mr. A. E. RUSSELL. Hoo. Sec.-Mr. R. H. NOLAN, C.B.E.

Soldiers' lllub, 17-23, Rus.sell-sq., W.0.1. Open at all hours for the accommodation of N.Z. soidlers. Billlards, r~a.dlng, n.nd writing ~ rooms. Beds tor 200. Canteen open day and nl~ht. Run by N.Z. la.dies. l)Jnner, ls.; bed, breakfast, and tea, &:!. each.

Club Room, 11, Southampton-row, W .C.l. Read­ing, writing, and refreshments; kits re­plenished. Theatre tickets, excursions, etc.


Mahutonga Club, Horru:hurcb. Mrs . STANDISH. Kia Ora Club, Brockenhurst. Miss HAMBRTON. Ao-Tea-Roa Club, Codtord. Miss JOllNSTON. Whareama Club, Ewshott. Mrs. REID. Kia Toa, Torquay. Miss Mooa.



At a recent sale at Westfield, Auckland, primA ex beef sold up to £2 J3s. per 100 lb.; oow aud he!ifer bee! 1.o £2 10s. ; steers from £11 10s. to £28; cows anid heifms from £6 10s. to £16 5s.

Some ftn,e bull-0cks died during the bad weather a.t La.dxiok's esl.aite an Banks Peninsula. .Lt IS

believed they had been ea bing the leaves of 1 ho nig:aio, which are very poi.so.n<>us when pwbiatly dr1ed.

At the annual meeiling of t'he N.Z. ~heep­owners' Fede.ra.ti.on, Mr. H. D. Acland (Ch.ch.) w.as elected president and Mr. A. D. McLeod vice­presidient. A levy of 2s. 6d. per 1,000 sheep is to be ma<le -011 affili-a.ted unions.

The N.Z. Shorthorn Cattle BreedeTs' Associa­tion reports that •there are 307 bulls a.nd 787 oows in the Hanl Book. Mr. R. E. Alexander (Lin­coln) is Mie n-0w presid.ent and Mtr. W. P. Archi­bald (Hawkes Bay) vice-president.

The method of fixing p;rofH.s on next season's w-0-01 has not beelt decided, but it is proposed that half the pi·.ofits of Australia and N.Z. com­bined should be divided pro rata. As N.Z. wool is almost entirely used for Army work, the Dominion should benefit.

'l'ho Minister of A@'iculLure has approved au advance of £9,00() towards the erection of a fruit and egg cool store in Ch.ch. A co-op. comp=y, wtith a capital of £10,000, is taking the ma.ttcr up. Tho stO'J:es should accommod>a.te 25 000 cas<.'s of frwit a.nd 4,600 of c.ggs. '

'l'ho N.Z. G-0vernm:mt liavours s tro.ngly a. iJCO­po.sa.l that the ImperLal Governmornt be asked •' extend the meat requ:iffiti<l'll until the expiry , f tbe wool oommandecr. The Hon. D. H. GuLhr'o says that if a period of financial striniimcv follows the war the .airrangemont will pr,•V>c't N.Z. producers. ·

A well-known Canterbury sheep farmer, writ­ing l-0 a fri011d i:o '.London, sta•los that tho 1-0Sses of l!'heep in the foothills -0f the province by the sLowsLorms aTe estinmted at abot1t 15 per cent. The mol"tali'Ly W'1S chiefly due to th-0 fact th.it Lho lam bi!Thg sea.son was close at ha.n<l a.n.d 1 he ewes ·were not in a fit state to undergo sucl1 hn.t'<lships.

'l'he manager of the N.Z. Shi-pping Compa11y at Ch.ch. ~mid t.hat ste..'Lme1'S to load in N_Z. during August, September, and October WO'Uld lift nearly a mUJi-0n freig•ht carcases -0f meat thmtgh some space might be allotted for butter and choese. T.his w-011ld take a.way mJQ<l'e than would be added to a.oci.tmulabi<>1•~ dur.in.g th.at period. Eleven fro-;;en meat stoil'.cs in we N.I. am;! nine in the S.I. were practically full.

At the Granid Natiooal &ale of fat stook .a.L Addinigiton there weoo entrlea from all part.a of the Dominion. Prices were on a much lower basis than during the past few years. Hende.-$001 Br-0s. (Balclulha) topped the marlret for hull-0eks with £4 7 .and £45, as a.gain.st £62 la.st yeaa- and £65 the year before. Mr. F. Bull"s Romn.ey­Shro\)&Wre and pure-bred Shropshire wethers were a.iradn at tlle top, the highest price being £8 1-0s., as a.gairult £12 10s. last ye.ar.


Mr. E. C. Levvey (WelLingiton), ~ b&e!l appoinited to a vacancy on the magisterial beruoh., and wi.Jl be stationed on the West OoMt.

Mr. J. W. Poynton, when ihe .. elinquishes M.8. Board duty, wiill take oha.rge of Auckland Btiburb.an dlistriet. Mr. Bage goes to Palmerston N., and Mr. Kenrick from P·aJmerston N. t~ Rotorua. •M,r. Dyer goes from Rotorua. to Napier, Mr. F. K. Hunt, Oh.ch., will take oha.rge cd Darga.ville and Pukekohe. Mr. J. E. WJ!ron wilJ be temporary second S.M. wt AuckLa.np, and, Mr. F. V. Fraser re.mains as second S.M. at We1ling­ton. Mr. S. E. McCarthy goes to Oh.ch.

Birth.-On Oct. 7, at Auckland, t-0 the wife ol Ma.j. Sir Robt. Walker, Coldstrea.m Gds., a SOil.


-N.Z. Y.M.C.A. ABROAD. Headquarters, 15, Gower-st. (opp. Shakespeare

Hut). Tel., J\luscum 746. Supervising Secretary: Georl!e W. W. B. Hughes

(Dunedin). Shakespeare Hut, Gower-stroot, behind the

British Museum. Accommodation for 400 men. Lounge, billiards, hot baths, corr.es­pondence rooms, concert hall (piano and pipe organ). Orchestra dally. Canteen open day and night. ·

Clubs for N.Z. Soldiers. France.-At the front and at base camp, etc. England.-Sling, Codford, Brockenhurst, Walton-

on-Tbames, Torquay, Brocton, Ews!lott, Bascombe, Hornchurch.

Egypt.-At the front, base camp, Ezbekleb Gardens, Cairo.

To See London. Parties leave Y .M.C.A. huts every morning

about 9.80. Conducted drives also arranged. Inquire at huts.

A word to soldier visitors: Never go wrong for want of asking. Any.Q,lle in uniform will direct you.


Founded by th~ Williams Family. Manageress-Mrs. CROFTS.


(THE NEW ZEALANDER Special Ca.bl<i.) WELLINGTON, O<:tober 10.



In oomnection \Vith the duty furlougih to New Zea.land for melil with three years' servioe, tbe conditions a,re much less liberal tlum !;hose in Australia.

Our men, on arrivi.u.g in N.Z., are given twenty-eight days leave on full pay and a return railway pa£S to their ihomes. In AlWtra.lia. the men return.in~ under similar conditions are given two months' leave on full pay, with a subsistence allowance o.f 3s. p<ir day, and they may draw a quarter of their deferred pay.



Isa.ac H. Curtis wru> fined £40 a.nd costs at Dunedin for keeping a common. gaming house.

'l'he Chief Jus-tice at WeHiiilgton gave a decla.ra.­to·ry judgment ordering the forfeiture of the feo­simpl<i of a parcel of la.nd h<ild by an un­naturalised G<'>rman.

W'h.en the quarlerly sessions of the Supr0me Court opened at P 0almersto;n N1011'f.h there were no criminal oas<lS, and Mr. JU&tice Chapman was ptese;nted with a pair of white gloves .

ba.pt, Alfred C. C. Stevens, N.Z.S.C., Group Commander at Milton, Wlll8 a.cquibtoo in th.e Supremti Cotu·t at Dlliiledin of a number of charg<13 of stealing Governmenit mo111e;r.

Miss Ma.ry Tha.n.W..IJ, a Ch.oh. wau..reos, vras awarded £638 damaues against tihe Tima.ru "Herald " Company for injuries sust.a.ined by an a,ccident to their mail car, in which she was tma.veUing.

Robert Abercrombie Brown, lately account=t to the Auolcla.nd Farmexs' Union Tr;ading Com­pany, pleaded guiJt,y to the bheft of moneys bel<mging to tlhe oollll!pany and was committed for sentence.

Willia.m Uren, on the peronanent staff of the James White of W<l1a.kia.ma.m, was seriously Ch.ch. Fire Brigade, pleaded iriaty to forgin·;;-

injured by a. motor-lorry running over his legs. and uttering a cheque and, ha.vmg several previ-

Mr. William Ward, a well-known stockma.n, was gored to death by a bull in the railway yard at Wellington.

Percy Pa.rker, aged 21, "<h,ile motor cycling in ous co;nyiotions, was sentenced t6 3 years' Oa.rterton, OO'lli<led with a train at Kenktreet imprisonment. cr-OSSin.,. a.nd died t:f injuries. The jury awarded £543 d'iw:nages to N. F.

A t;a.m'WllLy Lal'Sburer ,uamed John Patten, Morgan against Michael FJynn in coru1ection aged 55 Iivin.g in Grea:t North-road, Grey Lynn, with a. collision on tlhe Waimale-Forks wad. was k~ked down by a motor-car n.nd killed. Plaintiff, :whhl<i mofor-cycling at night, ran inito

A married m= named Houghton, of Agnew- defendant's unlighted gig. stree.t, South Dunedin, while fishing noo.r Cl8Jpe '.Dhe .S.M. a.t Dunedin considered Capt. Fiwser, Saunders lightJh,ouse, was washed off a rock and assistant superintendell't of Me1·ca.ntile Marine, at drowned. Port C\1a.Lmer3, a. "moot exciitrubLe pe1'50n," and

Garnet H. Trc.monning, a Lee Stream E>heep fined him £10 and costs for refusing to show lh.i.s farmer, was found lying dead _with a. gUruloot pa&s and obstructing an armed guard. wound in his h&ad caused, the Jnry believed, by A man named George Ya.te.s, accused at Wel-a.n acciden.t.al discharge. lington of the. thef·t of leather f~ the

A rnturlled soldier named Gordon Randall was Governnwnt, ~a.id ~he de<pa.rtmeuit d6Clined to usin« a. rifle as a walking-st.kk''at A1hu Ahn when noo:-pt hJS res1gnatio:n and lhe stolti the gooq~ it ~1as accidentally discharged. 'l'he bullet, . deliberatQy obta.m filB a1&11lange. fil was entering his face below the jaw, severely wou:.ded finMed £J5. t" "~~ • A kl n.d 'ud h' r. us tee vvuiper, av uc a , gave J g-

iro . ment for WiJli,a.m A. R;ookLa.nd, a motor inspector



(TBE NEw 'lEALANDER Special Cable.) WELLINGTON, October 10.

By an accidCJ1trul fire rut the Flying School of the Ca.ntei•bury Aviation Company, a,t Socklburn, one of the ma.chipes was destroyed.

in the tramw•ays, a.g.a.inst Lh& company. 'l1he priBciple involved WJas tJia.t a servant who was reinstated on appeal was <10,Liitled to rooover wages for the period ~f S'USpension.

A number of young Jugo-Sia.vs who struck work while engaged on na.tionail work a.t OkMiukura, were ordered to come up for sente.Dtie, the S.M. l:J,l)].ding that they would lbe hooter working than in gaol. Several of them sti-11 declined to report For duty and wer<i sentenced to <bhree months' lmprlsonment.

The full count gave judgment aga.iust $a.n111el E. Firagerald in the case iiil which ihe proceeded

A fire in the benzine store at Beach-road, Auck- against the members of a oo=tma.rlial which land, resulted in Lhe dooLmotion of ibeitween 7,000 sentenced bim as a dese!'lter. 'l1h,ou,gh M.a.jor Kirk a.nd 8,000 cases of spirit. It w;as burning for was deemed ineligible to act on cow'<ls:martial, some days. the senten.ce was 11ot a nu111ty and 110 a.otion

A two-storey sixteen-roomed dwelling, at J3J0 n, could lie. Costs were not allowoo. heim, owned by Mr. Norma;n Dodson, and ooou- The Red Cross Society lllt Ch.ch. fi.~t lea.rued pied by Mr. FN1-nk Dodson, was desLroyed by fire. th1l.t certain sllill1S of money had been emhezZ'led Insurances, £700. by a clerk n,a.nled Airthur R. Cole, when they

Damage estimated wt £500 was done by a fire I ~w :tib.emselves schedule4 as u:iise::~1red <\reditors in Lhe workroom of the Cre&eeillJI; M.a.nufacturi~ m h1S oota.te. He was simple ill his bab1~, E>ai?­Compa.n,y, Willshire-bu.ildings, Ci!L.ch. Mjss Culli- ~ls counsel (Mr. ALpers), and probably m his foro's studio on the floor a,bove was slighd:Jy mtelle.ct, toO'. '.J'he. moneys were co1leotlons made dama.ged by sev<:rai la.d1es m the south-west ward. Cole

· was committed for s>lnt~nce.




Too a,btitudie of the 1a,w t-OWa.r.ds soldfors ca.me up in an interesting ma.runer in the Sup.reme Cour't at Ch.ch. before Mr. Justioe -Herdman, when a ymmg man who had served rut the front was changed with hrea.king a.nd entering a.nd theft.

Mr. W. J. llunter, for the accused, suggested that the law would ha.V'S 'to cJ.ea,] gently with me'l who had passed through terrible scenes of blood a:nd agony and devilish cruelty cm th.e battle­fields of Firance. They must have consideration for hli<i severe shocks they had gOiile througih amd the consequenit weakness of their physical and menita.l faculities.

Mr. S. G. Raymond, · K.C., CrG1Wn Pro.se.culor, oontested this theory. If applied it would result in OIIlJ0 stand.a.rd of justiioe for retur:nOO soldiers who were 'lmtitled to every degree of credit, and another for the ordiiµa.ry citi,.,en.

Ria Honour a.greed th•a.t all were deeply sen­srnle of .llie great obligations th<>Y owed to their returned oold!iers for the splendiid h e1'oi..'ltll they had shown. Neverthel<iss, the men who had served at the front must obey the laws of the Gountry when. they returned. It woukl be a0bsurd for him to swggest that !because a ma.n ·~ been a. &o1dde.r '!.nd had borqe a good cha.racter he should be brought in not guilty.

'l1le jury acquitted the a.coused.

Mr. Justice Herdman severely reprima.nded at Oh.ch. Mr_ .and iMrs. WHhillllll G. Price, who were found guilty of sheLtering and assisting des.erters, one of them heing it.heir son. In sen,­tencing them to six monLhs' imprisonment w1thou,t ha.rd 1a.bour ili.<1 sa.i<l he oould not think wlh.wt foolish notions they bad got info their h&ads. Fort;1maitely the grea·t bulk of voo population of N.Z. were sendill{l" their sons to the war cheer­fully. Mrs. Price JS daughter of a prev1om mayor of Ch.oh.



(THE NEW ZEALANDER Special Cable.) WELLINGTON, October 10.

The officials of the Post a1'd 'J'elegraph Dept, are agitating for increased salaries owing to the extra cost of Ii ving.

The conferenoo to discW!S th<i tramway strike In Wellington has g·ra.nted the men ls. 4d. an hour and overtime at th<i old rates.

The tramways ha.ve resumed running their full services.

A civig rec~ption was given in Oh.oh. to Mr. Geol\';e Bell, M.P., of British Columbi·a., and Ml·. James Simpson, vioe-presiden·t of tihe Oa.naid:ia.n TTa.d-es a.nd Labolllr Ooruference, who, w:ith Prof. Bayley, of )YinnJ.peg Undversity, ST'& taking pant in the prol;cib1tk>li

1 QilApaign.


(TnE NEw ZEALANDER Special Cable.) WELLINGTON, October 10.

John Arnold, of Al:friston, after qua.Melling with his wife, is alleged to have attempted to murder ·her.

Lt is stated that he bound hill" to a bed and set fire to the house. Mrs. Arnold ma.naued to free herself and escaped with tJi.e six ohd"ld'ren.

Arnold then disappear<ld, but was afterwards a.nested and charged with the oJl'enoo. He is forty-two years of age.

Alfriston is eighteen miles from Auckland.



It is propQsed to form an association to further the interests of temporary N.Z. officers at present serving in the Roya.I Navy, R.N.R., and R.N.V.R.

Amongst the proposed obj erts a.re to provide a. common meeting place in London; to keep a. register of a.JI officers sel'-ving, with next-of-kin; to recora their war services, and, if possible, t·O have annual reunions. The association will, of course, continue in N.Z. af.ter the war.

All enquiri<lS should b<i addressed to the secre­taries, pro. tern., Lt. J. C. Hewson, R.N.V.R., and Lt. C. H. Palmer, R.N.V.R., c/o THE NEW ZEALAND ER.



(THE NEW Z1uLANDER Special Clllhle.) WELLINGTON, October 10.

As the outcome of enquiries made by the Government., it has been a.soorta.ined that the British scheme of compensation for marine losses during the war applies equally to vessels engaged in the N.Z. coastal Lrade.


The report of th<i National Eflioie.11cy Boa.rd on the J.iquor question in N .z. sihows that ~vidence \Vias sought from the most widely diverse interest.G. 'Ihe Boa.rd "did not permit its judgment to be influencM by ibhe moral aspect of the question."

"From a. national efficiency point o.f view," they say, " we a.re convinced th,a.t it would be benefici.al Lo Lhe nation and conducive to the well­betll.g ~ tit~ -people tl!J8;t the liquor traffic should be prohibiteq. 'l\b.is view .i.s suppcrted by re&ults o:btain6d in our own country under con­ditional prohibition, and co.nfirmed wherever pro­hibition ha.;; operated. The greatest efficiency would be att.ained roy a etate of complete pro­hib"tion, but hlie Boa.rd recognises th,a.t this is a peopJe's question, and should be detennined only by them."

As rngards th<i loss of public revenue, it is rema.rke,cJ that " the p~ople should be better able to provide the necessary amount of tax,atlon if the inalfioiency at presen.t created by the effoota of alcohol is removed. The in-creased national thrift which would follow the diversion to produotive trade channels of mon11y now spent on liquor wou1d morn than oountera.ot th<i loss of pttb!ic revenue. Tho money now sipent cin liquor would be spent or in.vested in svme other direc­ti001. ,,,..

• FOR IMMEQIATE DECISION. '11he Board. therefore, recoma:nended t.ba.t the

question of imrned1,a.te national prohibition, wit\1 co.mpensa.tion, should be submitted to '"' vote at the ea1:1iest poosi-Ole moment. Public sentiment was such that it would a.pprove of the oppor­tunity be'ing given. Any oompensa.tion would for the most pa.rt be invested in t.he Domin:on for produotion and trade. No comrpensatiooo would be required for individual cmploy€es, as they would be a,bsorbed elsowhere. '.Dhe parties to bti oompeUBa.ted would be the brewers, w'in41 manu­facturers, hop growers, and the wholesale and retail vendioo'S and the owners of licen~"d pro­perties. Compensation, .paid as suggested, and prefenahly in Govt. secunties, would be a sound investment for the State, and wo.uld be recouped by increased nat.ional efficiency.

'l'he Boo.rd states th.a.t while it approached the questiOIIl from the view-point od' war conditions, yet, as the enqui:ry pre-ceeded, it beoa.me appa­ren.t that the effioienoy of the State and of the individual both dllring too war .a.nd afterwards, was involved..

Mr. William Ferguson (Wellington) is ohak­llllMl.



(THE NEW ZF-ALAN:!JER Srecial C"l:Jle.) WEIA.i[NGTON, Ootober 1-0.

Since the beginning of the wa.r w.ages in ma.:ny oocupaitiOll13 in New Zea.land have increased by from 20 to "({1 per cent. The increases are lea.st in the noov-essentia.1 industrks

Aooordiing to officioa.l figures, the aerated water workers have rec>eived 4.3 per oent. exl:a"a, at ono encl of the scale, while the shea.rers, at the other end, have received 37.5 per cent. In =e Sbate ooa.J mine the increases are nearly 38 per ce:nt. Local bcdies have granted 15.3 per cent. to unr skilled labour and 31.3 ito skilled 1wbour.

It ls st.lllted tha.t the inoreaae in the oe&t of living is 39.36 Pill" cent.

October 11, HHS

ON SERVICE. Lt. W. H. C. Patrick, R.A.M.C., is promoted

captain. Lt. A. N. H. Whitc=ibe, R.F.A. (Ch.ch.) is

in Ru&lia. Payma.ster W. E. M. Guy, R.N.R. (late P.W.D.,

N<iw Plymo•wth) is at Dtmkirk. Lt. R. M. Watson, R.N.V.R. (Ch.ch.), is trans­

ferred f.rom a M.L. to a. patrol ship. Maj. M. E. Ma.kgill-Crichton-Maitland, D.S.O.,

Gren. Gds., is lt.-col. commanding a ba.ttaliQn. Maj. G. R. Pridham, D.S.O., R.E., formerly

C.R.E., N.Z.E.F., has 'been promoted Lt.-Ool. Lts. R. H. Ba.igent, R.N.R. (Nelson), and

H. H. D. Botha.mley, R.A.F., a.re on their way to N.Z. on leave.

Mr. Reg. Woods, the well-known Ch.ch. musician and m<imbcr of the Union Rowing Club, has gone into camp. .

Ca.pt. W. H. Johnston, R.A.M.C. (Wellington and Stratford), is on the ort,h,opredic staff at t·he Reading W ar llospita.J.

Lt.-Cdr. John Pearce, R.N.R. (Wellington), is opera.ting from a French base. He has been in the naval service s.inoo 1915.

Ca.pt. A. K. Maclachlan, R.A,M.C. (Doyleston.), J.s. stationed (Lt .,a ho&pit.a.l m Cambridige. He served in Gallipoli and Egypt.

Pte. B. W. H. Smart, who sexved with the · 2/0tago Batt. is in 1Joo 16th La.nce<rs, and has been nominated to train for a commission.

Lt. C . .A.. McLaren, United States Army, is the son of Mr. D. B. McLa.ren, of Ch.ch. He has been in busineS& in Sea.ttl<i for some time.

Mrs. MM<lon1ald, wifo of Lt.-Ool. W. Marshall Ma.cdon°ald, N.Z.M.C. (Dunedin), is again in Thance, atbached to Ft R,ed Crocs hosp~ta.l.

Ca.pt. Murdo M. McRae, R.A.M.C. (Te Kuiti), is on his w1a.y to N.Z. on a few months leave. He has seen mueb. service in Fra.noe and the Balkans.

Lt. Kirkby Wilson, R.E. (Auckland), is return­ing to Mesopotamia from furlough in N.Z. after having served in th<i East for almost three yea.rs.

Mr. G. E. Butler, the Wellington IJ-rtist, and Mr. Alfred Pearse have been appointed hon. cap­tains in the N.Z.E.F. for the purpose of doing war pictures

C.M.M. W. A. Thompson, R.N.V.R. (Auckland), who has been serving in a M.L. in the Mediter­ranean for some. time, is now stationed at a dock­yard iu Malta.

Mr: J . A. B. Rella.by (Auckland) is now with the Westin~house Company in Manchester. He relinquished his commission in the R.E. a yea.r a.go owing to ill-health.

Sister E. Cla.rn Jordan (Auckland), after three years' service with the Q.A.l.M.N.S., chiefly in France, has transferred to the N.Z.A.N.S. She wa& mentioned in despatches in 1916.

Asst.-Pa.yma.ster A. N. Fieldj R.N.V.R. (Well­in&ton late N.Z.E.F.), is the .,uthor of a useful gmde-book to the British Isles) for N .z. soldiers, which is publi~hed bv the N.Z. Y.M.O.~.

Eng.-Sub-Lt J. le C. Mor~an, R.N.R. (Wel­lingfon), ex-N.Z.F',A., transferred to tlt<i Na.vy in Ma.rch, 1917, has seen some service in. the Red Se.a in 0001li.ectrion with 1the Ara.b ope11atioi!lS.

The Rector of Bere Fexrers, S. Devon, has sent £5 to the N.Z. R;ed Oroes, the result of the oolloo­tion ta.ken at the dedicai1ion of the mll'IDOrial tablet to N.Z. soldiers who were kilJed there in a. ra.ilwia.y accident.

WEDDINGS. __ ... _ At Christ Oh.urch., CheJ:s,}a, on $eptembe<r 26,

Lieut. A. Tr.avers Black, R.N.V.R'.J.. of Sydooy, to Ch.arlotte, dnucrhtor oof tho late J:(,upert Steven­son, of Auoklmd.

On September 30, at St. Ma;ry's, Bubtsbu'.y, ~ex, Howard Spoon.er, E.A., R.N., Martin­borough, to M.argru'Ct W. B., iLa.ughteT of the laite R. H. Tonking, Greenwich, and M.rs. Ton­kine- . Lelan<l, Cornwall.

At St. Stephen's, Glouces·ter-road, oo Se.p· tember "26, "Lieut. H. Bruce Ma.ckenzi<i, N.Z.M.C., som. of Sir 'rhomas Ma.ckenzie, Hrig:h Comm.is­sioner and Lady Ma.ck(l.llzie, to Elyn Carol.jaw, daugh"ter of MX. G. J. Nich<:>J.ls, late Judge I.C.S. , and Mrs. NiC'):iolls, of Bidclord. Su,b­LiMJJt;. C. S. Cla.r~ R.N.V.R. (late N.Z.F.A.), was 1b<l8t man, and ua.non H. D. Burton, O.B.E., C.F., offic.iateil.

ElNGAG EMENTS. Li<lut. Robert 'rap.per~ DunccLin, to Doirothy,

dau,ghter of Mrs. S. W. l'.rotter, Oh.oh., forroorly of Jn.vercrurgill.

rte. Charles Heaphy, 8/3625, 2/ 04-go R.gt., •to Vera May, elder daughter of bhe late Sgt.­Maj. E. T. Handley, South S(;a.ffs. Rgt., o.nd Mrs. H!IJldley, of WoJverha.mptOIIl.



(THE NEW ZEALANDER Special Cable.) WELLINGTON, October 10.

The Governmen\ 0

ha.s promised to introduce legislation during he coming Sessloh with the o\,}ret of preventing lwdlords from selling the homes of men who are on a.ctiv<i service, or evict­ing their wives.



New Zealand Herald Evening Post Anc'kland Weekly News The Press Otago Daily Times Otago Witness

Weekly Press 85, FLEET S1'BEB'1'1 B,0,4.

October 11, 1918.

SPORTING. ('rHE Nzw ZEALANDER Special Cable.)

WELLINGTON, Ootober 10. The A.J.C. Derby, of £5,000 (l! m..) w.as won

b7 Mr. G. D. G.reenwood's lhiorse Gloaming (Wel­lrin-LigM).

In the Spl'ing Stakro, of £1,200 (l! m.), Desert Gold w'as beaiten a hOO-d by W. and F. A. Moses's Poitrel. The ra,oo waa run in reoord time.

Gloa.min"" is 4 years o1d. '11he Derby was won Last year by the sa.me awner's Bipla.ne, and tho year before by the N.Z. ho.me, Kilboy.

Poitrel, who defeated Desert Gold, la 3 yea.rs old, a.nd, therefore, her junior by three yea.rs. He ill by St. Alwyne-Poin11i1-<l. The Spring Stakes w.as won la.st year by Wallace Isingl,ass, and the year before by S!lllanof.


Mir. W. El. Bidiwill ha.s oold AsoocirutiOO to go to Syd.ney.

Mr. E. ·S. Luttrell has decided not to perse·vere with .Kilboy, wh-0 has b.Qen ·thrown out of work for good.

Percy Mason had charge of Mr. G. D. Gre<'m­wood's horses while hi.s father waa In Australia. He has been cJ.assed C2.

Nola.n Bros. (Okuru) have pTuI'Chaood the sba.llion Obsono from Mr. J. McBride (Qooenstown) for sLu<l pu:rposca in S. Westland.

Maori Mat who won the V.A.T.C. Debutant Stakes for J.fr. E. J. Watt in 1915, is now run­ning on pony courses in Sydney.

Mr. John Dooley, who fifty years ago was one of the bi.,..,.est owners in S.C. -and N.O., when he was ho~t of the Waimate Hotel, is dead, aged 76.

The followina Nol.'lth Island jockeys are ba,i· loted : H. Gray:L. H. Hew1tt, H. Young, 0. P.rioo, W. Price, A. Lww:rence. The Trel'.lltha.m tra.mer, H. Telifol'd, is also indudied.

Mr. J. B. Reid ha.s sold the impo•·ted w.are Simper to a North Isla.nd ~uyer, as ":ell al! a filly by Kilbroney-Grey Lmnet, an 1wp0rt<.d mare by 'rhrush-Marie le Graye, an,1 scme others.

At a sale of trotting stock belon&'ing to Mr. M.ax Friedlander, Ashburto1!; the lughest price was 43 gns., paid by Mr. u. Nordqmst, for a three-year-old bay filly by El Carbme-Woorl-nymph. . .

When she won the Brisbane Ou!p, Irish Prmce.>-d (King Rufus-Allannah}, who was bred· by Mr. G. M. Currie at Koa.tanui, equalled l'rm~e l'.ar­dolph'a Australian record of 3 min. 24i eec. for 2 miles. - .

Mr. Dona.Id M.tDo=ld, aged 46, ~'el.J kn'!~Vll m racing and polo lircles at Wanganu1, 11as QleJ of heart f·ailure. A fine cross-country ndcr, he :was a member of · the polo team wllfch vmied Australia. · h'

'rhe laLc Mr. Thomas Redwood was, m ts youbh, rr;.garded as the horseman of the .celebr~ted Marlborough family. He ~as a. handier weight than his brothers, but he did not race on such an extensive se&)e. . .

Quincey King, an aged N.Z. geldmg (Qumcey -Sir Woodiburn} put up a tra.ck record a.t the N.S.W. Trotting Club on June 12, when he won the Club Ha.ndica.p, 1 mile 120 yards, unhoppled, in 3 min. 41t sec.

The oomplica.ted oaoo in which John Ma= sued Jesse Ta.nner for £580 as da.ma,ges for the wroog­lu\ ·seizure of the :ria.cehorses Mystified and Gold­bear.;w and other stock, ended in the jury &w.a.rdlng plairrtiff £100.

The Sydney "Referee" thinks thwt if Waimai oou:ld win the G.N. Steepleohase a.t Auoklian.d with 12gt. up whloh he di.d, N.Z. jumpers can scarcely be up' to stiandard, sinoe he could not win at Ra.n.d>wtick k-t spring with 11.St. 7lb. in a Ul<}de1""00 field.

Mr. R. J. MaJ.well is urging the O.J.C. to alter the rules of the N.Z. Cup in order to give the better horses a chanoe of winning. Re sug­goots a minimum of 7st. 4>b. for four-yeax--OJ.ds and 7st. lOlb. for five-year-aids. The matter w~ brought forw,a.rd four years ago, but v,·toed owing to t;he war.

'The following weights were apportioned to N .Z. horses In Australia:


Desert ·Gold ............. .. Estland ................. .. Flnmark ................. . Killlinn .................... . Killowen ................. . Kilmll.fue ............... ..

Cup. st lb 9 8 8 13 7 . 9 7 7 7 1 6 7

Melbourne Cup. et lb

. 9 6 9 0 7 7 7 3 6 13 6 7



(THE NEW ZEALANnRR Special Cable.) WEL'.LINGTON, Ootober 10.

Following -Oill the recent con.cession of higher wages to the miners, a.n lncreue of tiwo shillings per ton in the price of cool to consumers is lllllli0'111lCed.



(THE NEw ZEALANDER Special Cable.) WELLINGTON, Oatober 10.

Mrs. Ma.ry Jane Moody (Dunedin) has been committed for trial on. a charge of attempting to murder her husband, from whom she had been •epi:i-rated.

114.r. Moody was ahot in the arm, an artery being severed.



~ teaaus in the inter-provincils.! m11.tcb. m which Oa.nterbury de:fea.ted Ota.go by 11 pomts to 8 were:

Oanterbury : - Full•ba.ck : P. O'Laugil:ilin. (Marists) ; toh.ree-quarters: A. McLeod (Ch.<Jh), R. E. Boa.g (Old Boys), C. ?4nunerman (Old Boys); five-eighths: J. Hirst (Linwood), J. O. Mu!lioo (Marisi,s); half-baick: A. D. 'l'enoh (Old Boys) ; wing-forward: I. Gray (Old Boys) ; far­war<ls: A. Herury (Merivale), 'l'. Ga.l:liv= (Albionl, C. R. Murriay (Ch.oh.), E. Oumani.ngs (LLnwood , W. Cummings (Linwood), 0. Rega.Tty (Merivale, and E. Empson (Linwood}.

Otago :-l!'ull-back: Bond (.U.ngari) ; three-quarters: Wills (Zingari·Rich.mond), Vlll.ientine (University), Churchill (Pi.rrutes); five-eighths: MacDonald (Ca.pt.) (Pil'ate.o), J ell's (Pira.tes); ha.If-back: M.a.thieson (P·iJ:abes); f.onv111ll'ds: Ba.in, Mitchell, Irvine, Dunca.n (Southern), Patric£ (Zingari), Fai.J.·1IIJ8,id a.nd Hutchison (University), Glengarry (Pt. Chalmers). .

The tea.100 in too match Auck1ana v. Thrun.es, won by the formea.· by 20 points to 10, were :­Auckland: Full,ba.ck: Kelly (Ponsonby); three­qua.rters: ilt:c.tl -.and Laxon (College Rifles), Nixon (Grafton); five-eighths: ..n ... TSden-(Grafu­mar O.B.), Wrighton (Po.nsonby}; ha.if: Poloon (Ponsonby); forwar!;!s: G~pa.rich (Univ.), Ham­mond (Gra.fton}, Molloy (Univ.), M_oo·re (Grafoton}, Lock (PQllSonby), 'rhomaa (Univ.). Towero (Un.iv.), Ha.nscb (Grafton). Emergen­cies: Burns, Paul, Prentice, Lusk, Payne, Ail.ken. Th.amm :-l<'ull-ba.ck: J. Winder; three-quarters: McLeod, Rae, Miller; five-eighths: Clark, . Pn1s­sing; ha.If: McRae; forwards: Flem.ming, Smith, Cha.llis, Walsh, Molloy, Wilton, l\kCollu.m, Brownlee. Emergencies: Fa.llon, Fisher.

The Auckl.a'l11 ';ea.m ch0<>0n to pl.a.y against WellingtOoU was: Prussing, 'Wilson, Laxon, Nixon, Marsden, Righten, Polron, Gasparioh, Ha.mmond, Moll<>y, Lock, 'l'homas, Moor;i, McL€.an, llMC>ch, Towers, Payne, K!;lly, ,StJll.nloy, Brinsden, J. Mol­loy, Pooley, Longville, Gall<11her, Delgro!lS-0, Munro, Coglan, Grierson.

Auckla.nd defeated Lower Waikato by 11 poi.J.1ts to 7.

Waitaki B.H.S. defeated Christchurch B.H.S., at O.i.nuw:u, by 14 points to 3. The Ch.ch. tea.m was: T. I. LaGCelles, J. M. Willough1by, E. J. Bowes, R. S. Walke-r, W. Graham, S. R. Carle­ton, W. Da.lley, L. D. Pa.ge, D. W. Reese, J. A. Frawr (capta.in}, D. Gunn, D. Dickson, T. J. B. Donnelly, J. 0. Forsybh, J. L. Whlte. Emerige.n­cies :A. C. Allen, F. W. Petrie. Douglas, Lnkson, McPhail, 111.nd Torlesse scored for Wa.itaki, Ohis­na.11 converting. Allen kicked a. pen.a.lty goal for Ch.oh .

'Jlhe annual ma:tch between Christ's Col1ege ·a.nd Ota.go B.H.S. was aba.ndoned on account of rain.



The Royal Hwma:ne Society of N.Z. is pre­cluded by the rules from carrying out its desire to a.ward l.he g{)!d medal t,o the ilia.te Arthur H. Ambury for attempting t.o ~cscue his companion, W. E . Gourlay, from <lea.th in the Mt. Egmo11t fata.lity.

The following a.wal'ds have been madt1 :-Silver Merl.al : Rudolphu.s Ri.:ha.rdson, Gisborne. Bronze Medal: Norman Ba.tohelor, of Christ's College, New Brighton; Thomas Heeney and Eric D. Robinson, Gisborne. Framed Cerhlficates: Glen­wyn B. Ensor, ~ed 12, Che.Ltenil'.t,a.m Bea.ch. Certifica.tes: Emily Towers, Thames; Alfred T. Oleverly, Wellingwn; Constable E. F. Jones, P.a.lmerston N.; Ernest C. Cross (since kiJled in aoti.on), Sumner; Thomas Lngham, Lilh.a.n Whitely, and Eric Ellery, Gisbor110, .a.nd John Camerooi, Oa.maru. Letters of oomm.e.ndatiOn: Violet Metoalf, aged 14, Oamaru; William F. Murphy, '.!.'en-Mile Cr-eek.


Foor German prisoners on Somes Isla.pd put to sea after Jl>ight£all-it wias mid-winWr-<>n .a. raft, hoping Lo make their escape. '.I1he raft drifted towards Petone, and ,.;a,s wrl;)Cked beeide the Hutt railway. Three of. tlhe fugitives were discovered 11.n hour or two Later and ta.ken into Wellington, and the foUJrth died of exposure on the roodside.

Deceased wa.s Karl A. H. Kosel, a la.bourer, twenty-nine years of a.ge, wh.o ;had been suffering from asthma. The obh,ere were: Willia.m McKnaib (formerly a pa.inter, of Ch.ch.), Ka.rl W. Mei·tin, sea.m.a.n, formerly of Te Awamutu, and Alfred Kraut, seama.n, -OJf Dunedin~ •

The :Nllft was made of three boxes and five oil druffil!. It w.as propelled by two paddles and two spades, but 'began to sink 1,000 yai·ds f.rom Somes Isla.nd. Deceased, immediately on landing, said! "I a.m going to the first house I get to ruid no further." One of the survivors swam from Somes Tuland to Peto11e with a oomparuon in 1915, and w.as met on thA beach by an un­romantic consta.bl!'

A week or two Lruter four other Germ.ans were mis.sing from the internmen.t crump, but two da.ys later they were found ehivering a.nd !half~tarved in a ca.refully·screened dug-out w~~hin the enclosure.

After 53 years of useful service the W a~anm YolUlllteer Fire Brlga-Oe bias gone out of existence, and a fire 'board is being estaib!Jehed.

The Pr(lSiden·t of the Board of Trade, Mir. W. G. MoDon·ald, stales that importatioos of petrol into N.Z. dwrin\: the war have exceeded pre-wrur figures by millions. of gallons anniua.lly. The alleged shortage h.a.s been ·brought aJbout by pa.nic buy~ and boa.rd.mg.



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TH£ NATIONAL BANK OF NEW ZEALAND, Ltd,, Authorised Capital £3,000,000. Paid-up Capital £750,000 Subscribed Capital £2,250,000. Reserve Fund £730,000

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IO, TEMP.LE A VENUE, LONDON, E.C.4. Telegrams-' ' Glgantean, London."


N.Z. men who formed part of the Alda.rshot Command XV. which d!.'fea.ted R.M.C. Sa.ndhurst by 23 points (1 goal o,nd 6 tries) to 6 (1 penalty goa.1 and 1 try) were: Sgt. Holmes, Gunners Wal­ley, BoswelJ, Cruner~n·, Wittner, Hay, Dalton, McOa.rlie (N.Z.F.A.)! Cpl. Stohr1 and Pte. Sykes (N.Z.M.C.). A fine oout of passing was witnessed between Stohr, Sykes, and Holmee, ena.b1ing the laitter to get in. Oomma.nd led a.t 'half-time by 11 to 6. Afterwairds the winners dO'lilinated the play, Sykes quiclcly scoring two tries, Walley gotti.ng the ba.ll from Sykes, com.pleted a. fine run by crossing the Sandb.urst Ii.no. Just before the fioiis11 Holines put on another try for the Com­marul

At H oll'nohurch, N.Z. Convalescent Oamp bea.t N.Z. Headquar&ers by 2 tries to 1. The teams were: N.Z.C.C.: Cpl. Spilla.ne I Pte. Hud­son, Pte. Miles, Cpl. Sail; Sgt. Uly, Gnr. Drinkwa.ter; Pte. Amodes; Sgit. ALtk.in, Sgt. Sheehan, Sift. Outram, Sgt. Cook, Cpl. Green, Opl. Tate, Pte. Cleal, Pte. Worsf.o·ld. N .Z.H.Q.: Spr. Forester; Cpl. Fowler, Sgt. Mil­len,,. Pte. Lamsdy; p,te. Henry, Op!. O'Brien; $.-;::;. Courteny; Cpl. Anderson, S.pr. Dennehy, Spr. Keenan, Cpl. Patterson, Pte. Dryden, Lt. Byme, Opl. Philipson, S.-S. Wilson. Referee: Lt. E. Booth.

HOCKEY. '!loo Aucli:1a.nd cha.mpionsh.ip was won by

UnivoTs~ty, wihioh, in the play--0ff, defeated Mount Eden by 2 goals to 0.

In a 7-a.side tournament, Eden<J.¥e defooted North Shore; Training College ~ef08/ted Areta in the first round. In the second, Trainill{l' 0>1-lege defeated Edendale, llLlld St. Luke's defeated Mount Eden. In the final, TraiJt.ing O>llege defoa.ted St. Luke's by 2 points to 1.

Canterbury beat Ota.go by 6 goals to 1. For Canterbury Smith (3), Bell (2), 8:Th4 Holland scored, and for Ota.go Hogi: sewed m the la.st minute.



Telephone- Central 9438 - Ho.born 11



Pte. D. C. Hadfield (N.Z.C.D.) defeated A.-M. W. D. Kinnear (lt.A.l<'.), the Oiy)npic oham.pion <>f 1912, on the 'l'lul'ues, un<ler the au.spices of the Thames R.C. lfa<lfield has been va.ry success­ful this season, but here he ltad the adv.antage of ten yea.rs in a.ge over Kinn-0ar. who, mcreover, h.as been s.uffcring from lumbago.

The Junior Fours was won by 1:Jhe N.Z.E.F.R.C., J. La.ing (bow}, F. Bush, A. J. Moore, H. Springer (&tr.), A. •rrusse!l (cox), v.hioh defeated A.S.C. in heat 2, and S'wis of the Th.a.mes in the fin.a.1--a fine race well won.

N.Z.M.T. (Wa.lton-on-'.lli!Ja.mes) won the Junior Eights (Op!. Herrick (bow) Kendrick, Marsha.LI, Lem.as, Curtis, Engla.nd, Ada.ms, 0. Perry (s~r.), Davidson (cox), beatrng R.A.F. in heat 1, and N.Z. Headquarijers in t:he firnal. N.Z.H.Q.: E. C. Day (bow), W. P'l.tterson, A. Vosper, F. Bush, A. J. Moore, T. Wright, J. Laing, H. Springer (sbr.), A. Trussell (=), rower over, R.A.F. (Chelsea) absent in Heat 2.

Senior Fours, Heat 1: N.Z.E.F.R.C., A cre.w: D. C. Ha,d.field (bow), W. G. Coombes, C. R. Moore, C. A. Healey (str .), G. Wilson (cox), 1; Pticney Munitioners 2. N.Z.E.F.R.C.: B crew: R. F-0rrester, T. Goudie, W. Keenan, R. Fitzer, A. TrUSS(l!I, 0; Sons of t.he Th.a.mes, 0; w-0n by a oanvas.

At a regatta for blind soldiers 11>t Putney, Johnstone (N.Z.) oame second to G:uLhrie (Oa.nada) . in the final of_ Singile Sculls (maiden heavy-weights). The senior ihea.vy-weights final resu!Ced: Hairdy (N.Z.), l; Thompson (R.F.), 2; MoP·hee (N.Z.), 3; Lond'°'n Aµstralia.us, 4. Pa.iT­oar-Od. nace (maiden light-weights) final:. Hughes (Australia) and MacGowan (N.Z.), 1, boo.ting by 2! lengths Morgan and Robinson (British Army).

Special four--0ared : Anza.os (Hardy a.nd MoPhee (N.Z.), Simes and Fro.nkhouser (Aus­tralia), won by 11 1englihs froau a British four.

Q.M.S. J. N. Crawford, N.Z.E.F., was fol'merly a. well-known Surrel cricketer, a.n<l his arrival at Plymouth recently ts sa.id to ha.ve been a surprise to his own family.

To m.ark the completion of fifteen yea.rs of office as president of the Auckla.ru:! R.C., the Hon.

Mr. J. J. Boyd reBigned the ma)'l>ralty of One- E. Mitohelson was pres=ted with a life-size p.a.int­hunga folllowing the a.bandonmellft of his a.ppea.1 ing of himself in oils, by Mr. R. Proctor, He in -tho Zoo case. first took office as a steward in 1881.

Aft.er ia. heated scene ·in the Ooun<ill, :Mr. J. Oue of the moot promising of Auckland's young Stoupe, the Deputy-Ma)'or, w~ elec~ lfayor. swimmers, Tui Kronfeld, died recently at the Two Councillors (Dillca.r and W. J. Brewin) re- a.ge of fourteen. He wias champion of th~ sig·ned "owing to the m.an.ner in W1bdch the 1 Norma.I school, and of the loJWer school at Auck­CouncH's business is conducted ~ the wishes of I land G11a.mmar School, and as one of the finest the eleol:iw's being ignored." exoponents of the crawl in Auckland.

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Printed !or tbe Proprietou by tbu A11aus l'RIN'rlNa Co., LTD., 10, 1'elllple-avenue, London, 1'.C.4